Volume 28 Issue 4 Article 12


The analytical and biomedical applications of carbon dots and their future theranostic potential: A review

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Recommended Citation Ross, Sukunya; Wu, Ren-Siang; Wei, Shih-Chun; Ross, Gareth M.; and Chang, Huan-Tsung (2020) "The analytical and biomedical applications of carbon dots and their future theranostic potential: A review," Journal of Food and Drug Analysis: Vol. 28 : Iss. 4 , Article 12. Available at: https://doi.org/10.38212/2224-6614.1154

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This review article is available in Journal of Food and Drug Analysis: https://www.jfda-online.com/journal/vol28/iss4/ 12 The analytical and biomedical applications of carbon

dots and their future theranostic potential: A review REVIEW ARTICLE

Sukunya Ross a, Ren-Siang Wu b, Shih-Chun Wei b, Gareth M. Ross a,*, Huan-Tsung Chang b,c,** a Department of Chemistry, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, 65000, Thailand b Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 10617, Taiwan c Department of Chemistry, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taoyuan City, 32023, Taiwan


In recent years, carbon dots (C-dots) have gained appreciable interest owing to their unique optical properties, including tunable fluorescence, stability against photobleaching and photoblinking, and strong fluorescence. Simple and low-cost hydrothermal and electrochemical approaches have been widely used in the preparation of biocompatible and high-quality C-dots. Various C-dots have been used for the quantitation of small analytes, mostly based on analyte induced fluorescence quenching. Depending on the nature of precursors, synthetic conditions (such as reaction tem- perature and time), and surface conjugation, multi-function C-dots can be prepared and used in diagnostics and ther- apeutics. Their strong fluorescence and photostability, enables use in cell imaging. Their biological activity from the surface residues and capability of generating reactive oxygen species, have allowed many C-dots to become candidates as antibacterial and anticancer reagents. After suitable conjugation, biocompatible and fluorescent C-dots can be used for diagnostics and therapeutics, thus, showing their great potential in the area of theranostics.

Keywords: Carbon dots, Analytical, Diagnostic, Therapeutic, Theranostics

1. Introduction synthesis, much work has been done in areas such as optical sensing [5, 6], bioimaging [7], arbon dots (C-dots; CDs) recently emerged photocatalysis [8-11] and electrocatalysis [12-14]. C as a new type of zero-dimensional fluores- Interestingly, imaging agents have played an cent carbon . C-dots were discov- essential role as a platform for real-time multi- ered by Xu et al. during purification of single- modal imaging-associated cancer therapy [15-17]. walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) using gel These important features make them an excep- electrophoresis in 2004 [1]. Owing to their unique tional vehicle for fluorescence labeling and im- and exceptional properties, C-dots have attracted aging and thus make them a solid base for appreciable research interest [2, 3]. These prop- diagnostics. Imaging modalities enable visualiza- erties arise from their inherent structural features tion of different in vivo phenomena like bio- such as low toxicity, biocompatibility and distribution of therapeutic systems. In terms of permeability, weak interactions with proteins, therapeutics, there are significant factors affecting resistance to swelling and photobleaching, easy the design of targeted drug delivery systems, clearance from the body, low cost, and immune including the efficient means of delivery, conser- system evasion [4]. To exploit the unique prop- vation of drug bioactivity, uptake of drug delivery erties of C-dots and their low cost and ease of systems within cells, release of therapeutic

Received 30 May 2020; Revised 7 September 2020; Accepted 18 September 2020. Available online 1 December 2020

* Corresponding author at: Department of Chemistry, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, 65000, Thailand.

** Corresponding author at: Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 10617, Taiwan. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (G.M. Ross), [email protected] (H.-T. Chang). https://doi.org/10.38212/2224-6614.1154 2224-6614/© 2020 Taiwan Food and Drug Administration. This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). 678 JOURNAL OF FOOD AND DRUG ANALYSIS 2020;28:677e695 EIWARTICLE REVIEW

payloads from the system in target tissue/area 2. General information of carbon dots fi and monitoring of therapeutic ef cacy [18, 19]. 2.1. Synthesis of C-dots Over the last few years, biomedical research has gradually become more focused on the trans- C-dots are predominantly synthesized using two formation of conventional treatment procedures major approaches: Top-down and bottom-up into a more personalized treatment modality. One (Fig. 2). Under the umbrella of these two approaches of the areas of focus is the combined therapeutic there are a variety of synthetic routes and methods and diagnostic platforms in the form of theranostic prepared from various carbon precursors. These agents. The theranostic approach of integrating methods aim to fabricate C-dots with the advan- diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in one entity tages of being low cost, simple, and from the choice has and continues to receive considerable attention of numerous precursors, a summary of the advan- as a promising alternative to invasive and non- fi tages and disadvantages of different C-dot synthesis speci c treatments, for example in cancer treatment methods is presented in Table 1. It is well accepted [20, 21]. The objectives of theranostic approaches is that the formation of C-dots from precursors occurs to achieve faster, highly sensitive and precise diag- through four steps; dehydration, polymerization, nostic and therapeutic systems [22, 23]. Theranostics carbonization, and [28]. Most of the is a treatment that amalgamates multiple disciplines studies pursue facile, cost-effective, size-control- such as pharmacogenomics, imaging, therapy and lable and large-scale methods to synthesize C-dots targeting. Theranostics makes the monitoring of fi that possess advanced functions with different therapeutic ef cacy possible and helps to improve compositions and structures [29]. After the synthesis therapeutic outcomes thus helping avoid undesir- stage, in addition to C-dots, usually unreacted pre- able side effects [24]. Theranostic systems can be a fi cursors, side products, and large carbon particles bene cial aid to physicians to make well informed are present. Thus, several cycles of centrifugation/ decisions regarding medicine dose adjustment, washing are required to remove remaining large augmentation of delivery routes or discontinuation carbon particles, as well as undesired products [30- of treatment paving way for the development of 33]. The supernatant can be further purified by personalized medicine as per patient response [25]. dialysis to obtain high-purity C-dots. A huge stimulus to the theranostics field has been the increase of nanotechnology in biomedical ap- 2.1.1. Top-down methods plications. Several breakthrough and innovations Generally, in the synthesis of C-dots, the top- have continued to attract the attention of re- down approach refers to the breaking down or searchers worldwide [26]. Nanotechnology has cleavage of larger carbon structures by chemical, tremendous potential to provide theranostic tools electrochemical, or physical routes. These larger which enable diagnosis and therapy of various dis- carbon precursors include power [34], eases. It offers versatility wherein properties of carbon rods [35], carbon fibers [36], carbon nano- nanocarriers such as composition, size, shape and tubes [37, 38], carbon black [39], and even carbon surface properties can be tuned to suit the intended soot [40]. The top-down cutting (cleaving) routes application. C-dots are one of the most promising include electro-chemistry [41, 42], [43], nanocarriers, as they may be tagged along with an arc discharge [44], and hydrothermal/solvothermal/ imaging moiety and a therapeutic agent to enable special (chemical) oxidation [45, 46]. However, this simultaneous monitoring of drug release and ther- fi approach has several drawbacks, which include the apeutic ef cacy [27]. use of expensive materials, harsh reaction condi- The aim of this review paper is to highlight the tions, and long reaction times [47]. main applications of C-dots that are related to the theranostic area of research. This review does not 2.1.2. Bottom-up methods aim to provide an exhaustive review of all research The second major approach for fabricating C-dots in the area of theranostics but provide examples of refers to bottom-up methods which are the con- relevant applications. The review will also focus on version of smaller carbon structures into C-dots [48]. C-dots future potential as theranostic agents There are a greater number of techniques for this including any areas that require further develop- approach that allow for more possibilities in using ment (Fig. 1). JOURNAL OF FOOD AND DRUG ANALYSIS 2020;28:677e695 679 REVIEW ARTICLE

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of therapeutics, diagnostics, and theranostics of C-dots. intricately designed precursors and preparation dots matrix, they can modulate the band structure of processes. Thus, C-dots can be tailored with C-dots. Thus, they can expand their uses in appli- particular attention to samples with well-defined cations such as fluorescent bioimaging [63]. As an molecular weight and size, shape and properties. As example, Bourlinos et al. [64] demonstrated that C- well as, greater control the bottom-up methods are dots doped with boron can significantly enhance the usually low-cost and efficient for producing fluo- non-linear optical response when compared to un- rescent C-dots on a large-scale, a prerequisite for doped C-dots. While, Gong et al. [65] introduced practical applications of these novel C-dots [49]. gadolinium during the synthesis of C-dots and the There are many approaches for carrying out the resultant products could be used as fluorescent la- dehydration and carbonization processes, such as bels and magnetic resonance imaging contrast hydrothermal [50], microwave [51], and combustion agents. Apart from hetrodoping, the co-doping C- [52] methods, pyrolysis in concentrated acid [53], dots is another simple method to enhance their carbonization in a microreactor [54], enhanced hy- properties. Li et al. [66] prepared sulfur and nitro- drothermal microwave-hydrothermal [55] plasma- gen co-doped C-dots through a one-step micro- hydrothermal [56] methods, and many others [57]. wave-mediated synthesis using citric acid and thiourea as the precursors, which presented signif- 2.1.3. Post synthesis modification icantly higher PL quantum yields compared to C- C-dots can be modified either in the core structure dots doped with nitrogen only. by partial substitution of carbon with other elements C-dots possess various functional groups, which or by surface functionalization referred to as provide the possibility to be passivated by inorganic, passivation. Most C-dots have relatively low fluo- polymeric and organic materials. Passivation or rescence efficiency compared to the conventional functionalization of C-dots surfaces is essential to semiconductor quantum dots (QDs). The quantum enhance the fluorescence quantum yield [67]. Dur- yield of C-dots has been continually improved along ing the passivation process, reactive sites, such as; the way, with the highest of ~80% in aqueous so- hydroxyl, amine and carboxyl groups, are intro- lutions reached by blue fluorescent C-dots after ni- duced on the C-dots surface for functional modifi- trogen doping [58]. However, the quantum yield of cation purposes [68]. Through these reactive groups, other color fluorescent C-dots is mostly less than different specific inorganic, organic, polymeric, or 20%, much lower than traditional semiconductor biological materials can be linked to the C-dots QDs and organic dyes. surfaces via either covalent bonds, electrostatic in- Various surface passivation methods are needed teractions, or hydrogen bonds, which can then serve to improve the electronic and optical properties of as platforms for specific sensing, drug delivery and C-dots. Doping of heteroatoms, including nitrogen, other specific tasks [69-71]. sulfur, boron, phosphorous and silicon, is consid- Passivation agents containing nitrogen acting as ered as a most promising passivation method [59, auxochromes can dramatically improve the PL of C- 60, 61, 62]. Heteroatom doping not only improves dots [72, 73]. A good example of this, is the use of photoluminescence (PL) properties of C-dots but polyethyleneimine (PEI), which is a cationic poly- also imparts further functionality to the doped C- mer with a high density of amino groups that fa- dots. It is found that by doping heteroatoms into C- cilitates attachment of functional moieties onto the 680 JOURNAL OF FOOD AND DRUG ANALYSIS 2020;28:677e695 EIWARTICLE REVIEW

Fig. 2. Top-down and bottom-up approaches for the synthesis of C-dots.

C-dots. This also provides adsorption possibilities of passivation increases the luminescence efficiency of anionic materials (such as folic acid) via non-cova- the C-dots [82]. lent adsorption [74]. C-dots are modified with PEI through electrostatic interactions between the posi- 2.2. Structure of C-dots tively charged amino groups of PEI and the carboxyl (-COOH) groups on C-dots surface [75-77]. Liu et al. Carbon materials, which include graphite, dia- demonstrated PL enhancement of C-dots by mond, , carbon nanotubes (CNTs), and passivating the surface with PEI, the nitrogen-rich graphene, have been well known for many years. PEI served both as a passivation agent and a poly- To make these materials fluorescent, their size and electrolyte to condense DNA for gene therapy [78]. surface chemical groups should be carefully Other examples of polymer modification are now a modulated [83]. C-dots always possess at least one more common occurrence. For example, Li et al. [79] dimension less than 10 nm in size and fluorescence investigated the effect of conjugating polyethylene as their intrinsic properties. C-dots are commonly glycol (PEG) chains, polyethylenimide-co-poly- described in terms of a carbogenic core consisting ethylene glycol-co-polyethylenimide copolymer, of amorphous and crystalline parts with surface and 4-armed PEG molecules. While, Su et al. re- functional groups. As-prepared fluorescent carbon ported surface passivated iodine doped C-dots with materialsalwaysconsistofsp2/sp3 carbon, oxygen/ diamine-terminated oligomeric poly-(ethylene gly- nitrogen-based groups, and post-modified chemi- col) [80] and Wang et al. reported the application of cal groups [84]. Nuclear magnetic resonance data (3-aminopropyl) trimethoxysilane as surface indicates that the inner part of C-dots mainly con- passivation agents to generate high PL quantum sists of sp2 hybridized carbon atoms, while outer yield [81]. The comparison of quantum yield of C- part is composed of sp3 hybridized carbon atoms dots before and after passivation verified that the [85].

Table 1. Summary of the advantages and disadvantages of different C-dot synthesis methods. Methods Advantages Disadvantages Top-down Electrochemical oxidation High purity, high yield, controllable size, good Complicated operation, especially when reproducibility, low cost doping with heteroatoms Laser ablation Simple experimental setup, can produce particles Low yield and high cost with different sizes and controllable morphology by changing experimental parameters Chemcial oxidation Inexpensive equipment and can produce c-dots Numerous tedious steps, usually requires are a large scale toxic reagents and strong acid/base. Non-uniform size distribution Ultrasonic synthesis Easy operation High energy cost and instrumental wastage Bottom-up Hydrothermal treatment Low cost, with simple control of key parameters Long synthesis duration and at a low yield such as temperature, time and pressure of the reaction vessel. The produced c-dots also have a high quantum efficiency and are non-toxic. Microwave synthesis Short reaction time and it is easy to control the High energy cost size of the particles with the c-dots produced being uniform in size distribution. Thermal decomposition Easy operation, solvent-free, low cost and can Low yield produce c-dots at a large scale JOURNAL OF FOOD AND DRUG ANALYSIS 2020;28:677e695 681

Both sp2-and sp3-hybridized carbon atoms can be C-dots usually share some similar optical properties found within the C-dot, which was proven by the in terms of absorption and fluorescence work of Qu et al. [86]. They prepared C-dots characteristics. through a one-step microwave synthesis route C-dots are an effective photon-harvester in the contained both types of hybridized carbon atoms. short-wavelength region due to light absorption by REVIEW ARTICLE The measurements from Raman spectra showed the conjugated electrons in a sp2 atomic framework. two broad bands at 1365 and 1575 cm 1 originating Typically, they show strong optical absorption in the from the D band (sp3-hybridization) and G band UV region (230e320 nm), with a tail extending into (sp2-hybridization), respectively. Both types of car- the visible region. The broad peak at ~230 nm can be bon hybridization are also observed in the 13C NMR ascribed to the p-p* transition of aromatic C]C data, where the signals between 30e45 ppm corre- bonds, whereas a shoulder at 300 nm is attributed to sponded to sp3-hybridized carbon atoms, while the the n-p* transition of C]O bonds or other con- signals at 90e185 ppm were associated with sp2- nected groups [93-95]. Moreover, the surface func- hybridized carbon atoms. The relative intensity of tional groups also play a role in determining the the spectrum bands can be used to evaluate the absorption wavelength of C-dots [96]. degree of graphitization and crystallization of the The origin of C-Dot photoluminescence has been core [87]. related to sp2 domain size and the abundance of The surface structure of C-dots depends not only oxidized surface defects. While, it is stated that the on the synthesis method and preparation proced- PL mechanism also depends on the solvent envi- ures, but also the on the selected precursors, such ronment and hydrogen bonding capability of the as; glycine, citric acid, urea and glucose [88-91]. C- solvent, highlighting that emission can originate dots are usually prepared in solution, and possess from surface defects to which energy migrates from numerous functional groups such as epoxy, the initially excited graphitic core [97, 98]. Also, carbonyl, hydroxyl, and carboxyl on their surfaces, graphitic domain size and surface oxidation can act which give rise to their high hydrophilicity and together to red-shift C-dot emission [99]. However, readiness for functionalization with various organic, this is often difficult to prove. Recent work by polymeric, or biological species. Nguyen et al. has aimed to unravel the PL mecha- nism of C-dots [100]. They investigated the emission 2.3. Special properties of C-dots wavelength and decay lifetime of solvothermally synthesized C-dots. They found that for sol- C-dots exhibit unique properties that enable them vothermal C-dots, it is surface-accessible spatially to be used in various applications such as sensors, localized oxidized defects that are most likely car- optronics and electrochemical luminescence. These boxylates and phenolic hydroxyls, which are properties can be tailored by controlling the size, responsible for the fluorescence properties. While shape, heteroatom doping or functionalization with models for fluorescence redshift in solvothermally biomolecules. When compared to organic dyes and prepared C-dots based on degrees of sp2-hybridi- traditional QDs, C-dots are advantageous in their zation of carbon surface domains exist, [101,102]. photostability against photobleaching and blinking. Nguyen et al. works data suggests that emission Photobleaching is a major set-back for many fluo- from oxygen-rich surface defects is the major rophores, in which the PL degrades over time with mechanism, due to direct imaging of localized or without continuous excitation, limiting the shelf- optically active defects and the sensitivity to pH of life of the fluorophores and long-term imaging ca- the C-dots. These observations support that it is the pacity [92]. C-dots also tend to have lower toxicity, energy transfer from the graphitic core to highly be chemically inert and have better biocompatibility localized surface defects that result in C-dot when compared to inorganic semiconductor quan- emission. tum dots. This allows for C-dots to be used as The surface functional groups can be determined effective carriers for drug delivery or bioimaging, using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy or X- and thus is key to their potential in the theranostics ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Typically, moieties area. such as CeO, C]O and CeOH can exist on the The optical properties of C-dots are perhaps their surface and are usually introduced from the pre- most important and most studied property. C-dots cursors during the synthesis process. The difference possess highly tunable photoluminescence (PL) in size, composition or structure of the hybridization from deep ultraviolet to near-infrared (NIR). derivatives such as the functional groups and sur- Despite the diverse structures of C-dots, prepared face passivation can also alter the absorption char- from different approaches with different precursors, acteristics of C-dots [103]. 682 JOURNAL OF FOOD AND DRUG ANALYSIS 2020;28:677e695 EIWARTICLE REVIEW

As mentioned, one of the most interesting optical wavelength. This is particularly attractive for in vivo properties of C-dots is their tunable PL across the imaging due to the deep-tissue penetration ability of entire visible spectrum. Different colored C-dots long excitation wavelengths especially in the NIR have been synthesized with different approaches, region, and for molecular imaging with high spatial- ranging from ultraviolet to red or even NIR emis- resolution, low background interference, and low sion but most commonly blue and green [104, 105]. photon-induced toxicity because of the highly For example, Jiang et al. prepared C-dots with blue, localized nonlinear photon adsorption process. green, and red emission from distinctive phenyl- However, it should be pointed out that some of the enediamine isomers using 365 nm excitation. The apparent up-conversion fluorescence emissions of different precursors employed resulted in C-dots C-dots reported might be artefacts. Gan et al. [117] with different sizes and nitrogen contents, leading to revisited several publications that reported the up- differences in the PL emission [106]. Their tunable conversion PL in C-dots under excitation from a PL properties stem from the quantum confinement xenon lamp. Experiments have revealed that the PL effect and edge or surface effects of their large rigid was an artificial up-conversion emission, which was conjugated structure. The fluorescence spectra C- essentially excited by the second-order diffraction dots are usually broad due largely to the wide size light of wavelength (l/2) coexisting with the excita- distribution, and exhibition of large Stokes shifts tion light of wavelength (l) in the light source. due to the diverse electronic transition pathways. Therefore, it is of great importance to establish a Often, C-dots exhibit excitation-dependent PL, proper characterization system before one can where the PL bands red-shift with the increasing truthfully investigate the up-conversion PL proper- excitation wavelength. This is elegantly seen in the ties of C-dots. work of Pan et al. [107] who prepared C-dots from citric acid and formamide via a one-step microwave- 3. Analytical applications of C-dots assisted method. They increased the excitation (diagnostic) wavelength from 330 to 600 nm and the corre- sponding emission covered the entire visible spec- C-dots have been used for a variety of biomedical trum. However, C-dots have also been reported to applications due to their unique optical properties, fl show excitation-independent PL emission. The their large surface area and the exible ability for work of Zhang et al. [108] reported that C-dots hy- surface functionalization. Although, there are still drothermally synthesized with an emission wave- currently some biosafety concerns about the use of length of 418 nm, which remained unchanged with C-dots, up until now no acute toxicity or morpho- the increasing excitation wavelength. logical changes have been found from in vitro Interestingly, Li et al. [109] prepared C-dots from cytotoxicity studies of numerous series of cell lines citric acid and urea by a hydrothermal method. [118]. More recently, in vivo studies have also indi- These C-dots emissions could be tuned to be exci- cated the low toxicity and good biocompatibility of tation-dependent or excitation-independent by C-dots [119]. changing the synthesis temperature. They found that C-dots prepared at 160 C were excitation-in- 3.1. Imaging dependent due to suitable passivation of the surface traps on the C-dots, thus leading to a single transi- C-dots tend to be superior to the current organic tion mode. When the C-dots were synthesized at dyes and semiconductor QDs due to their distinc- 240 C, the surface was passivated with a much tive advantages marked by multicolor emission fi smaller number of amino groups, resulting in sur- pro le, small sizes, low cytotoxicity, good biocom- face traps with multiple energy levels, subsequently patibility, and excellent photostability, as C-dots do leading to excitation-dependent PL emission. not tend to photobleach unlike most of currently fl In addition to the conventional down-conversion used uorescence tracking dyes [120]. These quali- fluorescence emissions, certain C-dots are also ties make C-dots desirable alternatives to probe found to display two and multi-photon fluorescence biological systems both in vitro and in vivo [121]. C- emission [110-113], with up-conversion fluorescence dots prepared via a dry heating approach have also reported [114] (anti-Stokes shift PL), which is orders been used for elective labeling of E. coli and folate of magnitude higher in efficiency than conventional receptor positive cancer cells (Fig. 3)[122]. The fl fluorophores [115, 116]. uorescent-core C-dots were synthesized through Up-conversion fluorescence emission is an optical carbonization of ammonium citrate via dry heating. phenomenon wherein the fluorescence emission Then, the C-dots were heated with mannose and wavelength is shorter than the excitation folic acid to prepare mannose-functionalized C-dots JOURNAL OF FOOD AND DRUG ANALYSIS 2020;28:677e695 683 REVIEW ARTICLE

Fig. 3. Synthesis of (A) mannose-functionalized carbon quantum dots (ManeCQDs) and (B) folic acid-functionalized carbon quantum dots (FAeCQDs) for the selective labeling of (A) E. coli and (B) tumor cells. Reproduced from Ref. [122] with permission from Elsevier. and folic acid-functionalized C-dots through a et al. who reported the uptake of C-dots into the cell dehydration reaction in the solid state. nucleus [130]. The prepared C-dots entered the Other researchers have developed and tested C- nucleus due to their strong positive charge stem- dots for the imaging of the cervical cancer cell line ming from the quaternary ammonium (betaine) (HeLa). Pan et al. [123] and Hu et al [124] developed precursor combined with their small size. This C-dots from the thermal reduction of mono-layer charge effect was also witnessed in the work of Kang graphene oxide sheets with H2SO4 and HNO3 and et al. [131] who used dopamine, neutralization by hydrothermal treatment graphene oxide in the heat to produce biomolecule-mimicking nitrogen- presence of ammonia, respectively. These C-dots doped C-dots. Cell imaging with four kinds of did not show any significant toxicity to the cells and cancer cells proved the nucleus-staining efficiency were mostly situated in the cytoplasmic region. Ge of these C-dots. The cell lines included A549, et al. [125] prepared red-emissive C-dots with broad HepG2, rat pheochromocytoma cells (PC12), and absorption in the region from 400 to 750 nm from breast cancer cells (MD-MBA-231). polythiophene phenylpropionic acid. They intrave- Some interesting work from Hua et al [132] found nously injected the C-dots in HeLa-tumor bearing that the addition of varied metal ions during the mice and observed that the C-dots were mostly hydrothermal treatment of p-phenylenediamine accumulated inside the tumor. (pPDA) led to the formation of fluorescent C-dots As seen with the previous examples of cell imag- with emission wavelengths up to 700 nm, however, ing, most of the C-dots are localized only in the these C-dots remained metal free, with the metal cytoplasm and cell membrane. In general, the acting as a ‘catalyst’. In vitro and in vivo experi- incorporation of materials into cells is predomi- ments demonstrated that when Nickel was used nately dependent on the size and the charge of the with pPCDs, the resulting C-dots are highly material [126]. C-dots can be internalized into the biocompatible and can realize real-time, wash-free, cytoplasm quite easily thanks to their small size and high-resolution imaging of cell nuclei and high- (<10 nm) [127]. However, C-dots are mainly nega- contrast imaging of tumor-bearing mice and tively charged because of predominance of surface zebrafish. More work from this research group can carboxylate groups, and thus cannot easily enter the be seen within this area, with a number of publi- cell nucleus. However, the cell nucleus is critical to cations in the area of cancer cell imaging [133-136]. various important cellular events, including meta- C-dots have also been used in two-photon fluo- bolism, heredity and reproduction [128]. Therefore, rescence imaging. This technique allows for visual- nucleus staining is the first step in revealing more ization of living tissue at depths unachievable with information about the nucleus morphology and the conventional (one-photon) fluorescence or confocal nuclear function. Thus, having the fluorescence microscopy, as well as, a lower tissue auto- agent in the cell nucleus is a very desired function fluorescence background and less photodamage by [129]. This was achieved for the first time by Datta avoiding harmful UV or blue excitations. The work 684 JOURNAL OF FOOD AND DRUG ANALYSIS 2020;28:677e695 EIWARTICLE REVIEW

of Sun et al [137] first demonstrated the potential of folic acid detection, Chen et al. [143] fabricated C- C-dots for cell imaging with two-photon lumines- dots from lactose and NaOH by simple heating. cence microscopy. They showed the two-photon They observed that their fluorescence of prepared absorption cross-section of C-dots passivated by an C-dots fluorescence was quenched upon binding imine polymer and then compared them to the best- with folic acid. For galactose, Yang et al. [144] re- performing core-shell quantum dots. This was ported the use of boronic acid functionalized C-dots. further witnessed by Tian's group who proposed C- The boronic acid moiety present on the C-dot sur- dots for use in living cells and tissues [138]. These face reacted with cis-diol units of galactose to give responsive pH variations used a receptor molecule cyclic boronate esters, which has the ability to covalently bound to the C-dot surface. As the acidity quench the fabricated C-dots. þ of the C-dot system decreased, the fluorescence The detection of biological iron (Fe3 ) is also signal became more intense. The excitation was at possible, for example Lan et al. [145] used hydroxyl 800 nm, while the emission was at 498 nm; excitation and carboxyl groups to passivate (C60) þ at 800 nm are preferable for tissue penetration and derived C-dots. These groups interact with Fe3 , this system was able to be used in living tissues at thereby quenching the fluorescence. depths of between 65e185 mm. 3.3. Metal ion detection 3.2. Sensing Apart from biological metal ions, C-dots can be C-dots have been employed by researchers as a used for direct chemical sensing of metal ions. bio- and chemical-sensing materials due to their These interactions with the C-dots surface func- unique properties like excitation-dependent emis- tional groups lead to the formation of new sion, higher photostability, low cytotoxicity and electronehole rearrangement, which result in the aqueous solubility [139]. This sensing usually occurs change of the fluorescence nature of the C-dots. by a change in their fluorescence properties that can This C-dot property can be utilized for sensing take place via different mechanisms, such as reso- different types of metal ions, this review paper will nance energy transfer, inner filter effect, and photo- mainly focus on C-dots used for mercury sensing as induced electron and charge transfer. C-dots can be example, however, there is a sizable body of used for sensing of several biological molecules and research in this area, with different meta ions, such þ þ þ intracellular metal ions, such as hydrogen peroxide as Hg2 [146-152], Ag [153-157], Cu2 [158], and 3þ 3þ (H2O2), Fe , glucose, vitamin B12, L-cysteine, and Fe [159-163]. galactose, etc. Several researchers have developed C-dots have been employed for the detection of the 2þ hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) sensing, Wu et al. [140] highly toxic heavy metal ion mercury (Hg )on used C-dots derived from L-glutamic acid for the several occasions. Zhou et al. demonstrated the use fi 2þ detection of H2O2. These C-dots possessed peroxi- of unmodi ed C-dots for the detection of Hg and dase-like activity, which could be used for H2O2 biothiols (glutathione, cysteine, and homocysteine) detection (LOD ¼ 20 mM) in the presence of 2, 2'- with higher selectivity and sensitivity. They observed þ azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid). that the addition of Hg2 to C-dots caused fluores- While, Qian et al. used hydroquinone, and SiCl4 cence quenching. However, subsequent addition of 3þ 2þ fl derived C-dots as the sensor for H2O2,Fe and biothiols to the Hg /C-dots recovered the uores- 2þ melamine. The detection of H2O2 was attained by an cence via the removal of Hg ions, which has a high electron transfer mechanism between Si-doped C- affinity towards the thiol (eSH) groups [164]. After dots and H2O2, while both electron and energy that Guo et al. synthesized C-dots from sodium cit- transfer mechanisms were utilized for detecting rate/citric acid via hydrothermal treatment for the 3þ 2þ Fe . Formation of a stable adduct between H2O2 selective and sensitive detection of Hg ions [165]. and melamine following melamine addition recov- C-dots prepared from histidine hydrochloride in the ered the fluorescence and thereby acted as a sensi- absence or presence of halides (Cl, Br, and I) through tive detector for melamine as well [141]. Finally, an electrochemical approach was used for quantita- þ Shan et al. used Boron-doped C-dots for selective tion of Cu2 [166]. The time-evolution UV-vis ab- detection of H2O2, and the detection limit was sorption and photoluminescence (PL) spectra were 8.0 mM. These C-dots could also be used for detec- recorded to investigate the formation of C-dots tion of glucose in the presence of glucose oxidase (Fig. 4). Halides (Cl, Br, and I) induced surface de- which produces H2O2 via oxidation of glucose [142]. fects and reaction rate were suggested. The C-dots Other biological molecules could be detected in were selective and sensitive (down to 0.22 mM) for the þ human urine such as folic acid and galactose. For detection of Cu2 based on analyte induced JOURNAL OF FOOD AND DRUG ANALYSIS 2020;28:677e695 685 REVIEW ARTICLE

Fig. 4. Schematic representation of preparation of C dots from histidine hydrochloride through an electrochemical route. Reproduced from Ref. [166] with permission from Royal Society of Chemistry.

fluorescence quenching. Practicality was validated by quenching of hydrophobic C-dots at 430 nm when the analyses of tap, lake, and sea water samples, with excited at 365 nm. negligible matrix effects. For diagnostic applications in infectious tissue, þ platinum ion (Pt4 )-capped fluorescent C-dots 3.4. Other recent diagnostics coupled with loop-mediated isothermal amplifica- tion (LAMP) were developed to detect dual MRSA Recently, C dots have been shown to be useful for (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) genes the quantitation of abused drugs. C-dots prepared (Fig. 6)[169]. The C-dots containing nitrogen and from L-arginine through a hydrothermal route have chloride residues were prepared from spermidine been used for quantitation of 4-chloroethcathinone trihydrochloride via a simple one-step dry heating [167]. The study found that p-conjugated keto or method. Co-doping of nitrogen and chloride coop- ester compounds can induce fluorescence quench- eratively mediated the coordination of C-dots with þ þ ing of C-dots through an electron transfer process. Pt4 . C-dots/Pt4 probe facilitated the double- At pH 11, the C-dot probe is selective for cathinones stranded DNA (dsDNA)-induced fluorescence and a fluorescence assay using C-dots in conjunc- quenching of C-dots with the detection of as few as tion with liquid-liquid extraction has been devel- 10 copies of the MRSA gene (mecA and femA). oped for screening illegal date rape drugs, such as nimetazepam, flunitrazepam, clonazepam, and 4. Biomedical applications of C-dots nitrazepam (Fig. 5)[168]. To detect these hydro- (therapeutic) phobic date rape drugs, hydrophobic C-dots were synthesized from D-phenylalanine Detection of the Drug delivery requires designing systems that are fi analyte was realized by observing the fluorescence capable of transporting the drug to a speci c target 686 JOURNAL OF FOOD AND DRUG ANALYSIS 2020;28:677e695 EIWARTICLE REVIEW

Fig. 5. Schematic representation of a rapid and simple hC-dot sensing system in conjunction with LLE for quantitation of nimetazepam. Reproduced from Ref. [168] with permission from Elsevier.

in the body and facilitating suitable interactions of 4.1. Cancer the drug with the target. Nano-structured materials conjugated with the drug(s) can improve the drug The inherent properties (fluorescence emission, delivery systems with respect to the drugs absorp- small size and resultant cell permeation, nontoxic, tion, distribution and elimination [170]. Application chemical inertness, aqueous solubility) of C-dots are of nanotechnology in drug delivery systems may often superior to conventional drug delivery sys- result in many drug targeting advantages such as tems. They also have relatively simple functionali- delivery to a specific cell or tissue, enhanced de- zation, thus, excellent drug loading potential. livery of drugs with low water solubility, delivery of Several researchers have employed C-dots in drug two or more drugs or therapeutic modality for delivery systems [173-176]. For instance, many re- different therapy simultaneously, transferring of searchers have delivered anticancer drugs with large macromolecule drugs, and monitoring of the doxorubicin (DOX) a popular choice. Tang et al. drug site using imaging agents on the drug carrier [112] developed a C-dots system which can effi- [171]. C-dots can not only act as smart drug delivery ciently deliver the loaded DOX at the desired point systems, but depending upon their starting mate- of interest. The high fluorescence resonance energy rial, they can also be used medicines. In this transfer (FRET) efficiency phenomenon between C- concern, Chang et al. [172] prepared C-dots from dots and DOX results in a decrease in fluorescence ginger which exhibited high efficiency to kill HepG2 intensity of the C-dots and an increase in DOX cells with lower toxicity towards normal mammary fluorescence. This FRET based two-photon imaging epithelial cells (MCF-10A) and normal liver cells C-dots-DOX system provides a real time monitoring (FL83B). of the drug release profile. When the DOX is

4þ Fig. 6. Schematic of (A) synthesis of CQDSPDs from spermidine, and complexation of Pt and (B) detection of the LAMP products of MRSA-infectious 4þ fl samples by Pt -capped CQDSPDs through DNA-induced uorescence quenching. Reproduced from Ref. [169] with permission from Royal Society of Chemistry. JOURNAL OF FOOD AND DRUG ANALYSIS 2020;28:677e695 687

detached from the C-dots, the FRET phenomenon conventional vector (Lipofectamine-2000) in weakens between the DOX and C-dot and subse- cancerous A549 cells. quently the fluorescence intensity increases. Yang et al. [177] produced C-dots passivated with poly- 4.3. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) and amine-containing organosilane molecules that con- photothermal therapy (PTT) REVIEW ARTICLE tained DOX. These C-dots had an extremely high drug loading capacity (62.8%), while the surface Apart from the utilization in the delivery of drugs hydroxyl groups still ensured good water-dis- and genetic materials, other modes of treatment persibility. These materials were internalized by have been employed to design theranostic C-dots human breast cancer cells (MCF-7), where, the DOX for photodynamic therapy (PDT) and photothermal could gradually detach from the surface of C-dots therapy (PTT) [182]. PTT and PDT are a new class of and enter into the cell nucleus, while the C-dots therapeutic strategy which involves laser light for themselves still resided in the cytoplasm. treatment of disease. In case of PTT, the photo- C-dots can also be used for magnetic resonance absorber should have a strong absorbance in the imaging (MRI) while having the benefit of drug NIR region to convert the absorbed energy into delivery and fluorescence imaging. The MRI com- heat. The generated local heat from photons leads to bined with fluorescence imaging would have the the thermal ablation of the target cells and subse- benefit of superior tissue penetration and spatial quent cell death. Compared with other traditional resolution of MRI and easy microscopic tissue ex- therapeutic approaches for cancer treatment, like amination of the fluorescent imaging. For example, aggressive surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, C-dots have been synthesized incorporated with PTT offers distinctive advantages; such as being þ þ þ Eu3 ,Mn2 , and Gd3 ions into the dots. Zou and non-invasive, highly specific and having precise þ co-workers developed Gd3 doped C-dots for MRI temporal selectivity [183]. In the last few years many guided radiotherapy of tumors. The Gd-doped C- research groups have been exploring the therapeu- dots demonstrated a relatively large circulation time tic efficacy of PTT for treatment of cancer. PTT can of 6 h, efficient in-vivo biodistribution and passive destroy cancer cells directly at the primary tumor tumor targeting. The primary results on in vivo site or local metastasis in nearby lymph nodes to tumor xenograft model showed that dose enhance- fight the initial stage of cancer metastasis. The ment of Gd-doped C-dots leads directly to efficient therapeutic effectiveness of PTT significantly de- tumor control by the radiosensitized radiotherapy pends on the conversion of light into heat in pres- [178]. ence of photothermal agents, especially nanodimensional agents. It is also believed that due 4.2. Gene therapy to the inherent C-dot structure, such as large number of p electrons, which result in strong elec- Although the delivery of small molecule drugs tron-electron interactions and weak electron- has been extensively studied using C-dots, there phonon interactions. This suggests that most of the are now reports of C-dots being used as gene car- absorbed light can be transformed into heat by riers. Gene therapy has seen several advancements various non-radiative pathways. as a therapeutic approach to cure many debilitating Along with PTT, C-dot based PDT has gained diseases. Until now, viral vectors are the most noteworthy attention. PDT involves three main efficient vector in delivery of genes and ~70% of components, which include a photosensitizer, a clinical gene therapy trials use viral vectors [179]. light source and a reactive oxygen spices (ROS). In However, there are major problems related to viral most of the cases the light source is a laser which vectors such as severe immunogenicity response, excites the photosensitizer and produces radicals or 1 random genomic integration, very limited capacity ROS. These species include O2,O2 , and OH, to accommodate long nucleic acids and high pro- which are highly cytotoxic to cells [184] and ulti- duction costs [180]. Yu et al. [181] designed a C-dot mately destroy the diseased tissue site. In this based multifunctional delivery system that can context, C-dots have been used extensively to deliver both drugs and genes. In the design of their deliver photosensitizer agents to the diseased tissue vector, they synthesized amphiphilic C-dots by site due to their ease of synthesis, surface func- attaching alkyl epoxide to the amino groups on the tionalization, good carrying capacity and excellent surface of PEI derived C-dots. They then used biocompatibility. An example of this is the work of green fluorescence protein (GFP) expression and He et al. [185] who prepared C-dots from chitosan flow cytometry data to confirm that the prepared C- and diketopyrrolopyrrole, that can generate singlet fi 1 dots had higher transfection ef cacy than a oxygen species ( O2) by single laser irradiation. 688 JOURNAL OF FOOD AND DRUG ANALYSIS 2020;28:677e695 EIWARTICLE REVIEW

Their fabricated C-dots showed good hydrophilicity [188]. Using a simple dry heating method, curcumin and biocompatibility, both in vitro and in vivo. Their was converted to curcumin C-dots (Cur-CQDs), findings presented that the prepared C-dots were which possessed polymer-like curcumin and non-toxic to HepG2 cells at concentrations up to slightly degraded (pyrolytic) curcumin polymers or 200 mgmL 1, without laser irradiation, whereas with molecules on the surfaces. Cur-CQDs were effective laser irradiation at 540 nm, 100 mgml 1 was enough against EV71 infection in RD cells (human rhabdo- to kill 50% of the cells. Another example, is shown in myosarcoma). Cur-CQDs can block the attachment the work from Hua et al. who fabricated C-dots by a of the EV71 virus to the cell membrane of RD cells one-step hydrothermal treatment of chitosan, eth- (Fig. 8), and also inhibit the translation of EV71- and ylenediamine and mercaptosuccinic acid. These C- EV71-induced eIF4G cleavage and decrease the dots were conjugated with a photosensitizer rose expression of phosphorylated p38 kinase. In vivo bengal (RB) with the resultant C-dots achieving animal studies demonstrated that Cur-CQDs are an efficient cellular uptake and mitochondrial target- effective antiviral agent for protecting newborn mice ing/accumulation, allowing for mitochondria-tar- against EV71 infection. Another interesting area is geted photodynamic therapy [186]. the use of C-dots to differentiate and distinguish bacteria types [189]. This enables fast gram-type 4.4. Microorganisms identification and even selective inactivation of bacteria. Yang et al. [190] elegantly showed their C- Therapeutic application of C-dots in infectious dots were adsorbed onto gram-positive bacteria, disease has been demonstrated in the treatment of which ultimately led to its inactivation. More infor- bacterial keratitis (BK) [187]. Super-cationic C-dots mation on this area is covered in the review paper (CQDSpds) were synthesized via direct pyrolysis of from Lin et al. [191] who presents a detailed sum- spermidine trihydrochloride powder. The CQDSpds mary of the recent advancements of C-dots for were shown to effectively kill both gram-positive sensing and killing microorganisms, including bac- and gram-negative bacteria, as well as multidrug teria, fungi, and viruses. resistant bacteria, such as methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). Mechanism of antibacterial activity 5. Problematic areas in theranostics of CQD was attributed to highly positive charge Spds Although theranostic C-dot systems are prom- (z-potential ca. þ45 mV), which caused severe ising for management of a multitude of disorders, disruption of the bacterial membrane and bacterial for their successful clinical translation there are still death. In vivo antibacterial study in the treatment of multiple issues that need to be resolved. These C- BK in rabbit eyes demonstrated ocular administra- tion of CQD can induce the opening of the tight dot systems tend to not be as simple as conven- Spds tional drug delivery systems. This is partly due to junction of corneal epithelial cells and treat S. their multifunctional character and the associated aureus-induced eye infection (Fig. 7). complexities of their ultra-small size. The issue of In addition, the use of C-dots in combating viral how these can be accurately characterized and their infection has been demonstrated by Huang's group tissue interactions are of key importance. In order

fl Fig. 7. Schematic representation of one-step dry heating synthesis of uorescent carbon quantum dots (CQDSpds) from spermidine and their treatment for S. aureus-induced bacterial keratitis. Reproduced from Ref. [187] with permission from American Chemical Society. JOURNAL OF FOOD AND DRUG ANALYSIS 2020;28:677e695 689 REVIEW ARTICLE

Fig. 8. Schematic representation of (A) the one-step synthesis of Cur-CQDs and (B) their antiviral applications. Reproduced from Ref. [188] with permission from Wiley-VCH.

to shed light on the mechanisms of elimination, the 6. Conclusion and future theranostic potential complete journey of the theranostic agents must be Although discovered by accident, C-dots continue tracked from administration to elimination. Plus, to gather significant attention in multiple fields due the interactions at cellular and sub-cellular levels to their inherent properties. They have exceptional should be identified. The main aim of C-dot sys- photoluminescence and good water dispersibility. tems is to achieve enhanced efficacy and minimal They are widely used in cellular imaging, catalysis, toxicity through simple elimination by the body's electronics, biosensing, power, detection of small natural elimination mechanisms, such as excretion molecules, targeted drug delivery, and other through the kidneys. The targeting site of these biomedical applications. The field of nano- theranostic agents is vital and usually achieved by theranostics is growing at a rapid pace driven by the tethering molecules on the C-dot surface. The advances in material science, molecular biology, optimization and scale of these processes to pro- nanotechnology and formulation development. C- duce consistent and reproducible materials is a dot based theranostic agents have the ability to challenge with certain systems. For example, the dramatically transform the management of fabrication method should preserve both the diag- numerous conditions such as infections, inflamma- nostic or imaging agent as well as the drug or tion, neurodegenerative disorders, cardiovascular therapeutic component. This issue is extremely diseases, targeted treatment, and monitoring of pertinent with certain therapeutics such as genetic therapeutic effect. One of these areas where C-dot material and peptides. Most of these C-dot thera- theranostic systems have been extensively explored nostic systems are intended for parenteral admin- is in the field of oncology. However, C-dot thera- istration, and therefore, require sterilization. Thus, nostic systems still have a long way to go, the simple sterilization method should not have any undesir- combination of components such as imaging agents, able effects on the components. Gaining regulatory therapeutics and targeting ligands within C-dots is approval for such products is often difficult and not sufficient. One potential new carbon-based expensive owing to the complicated composition material that can provide multiple functions is and employment of the components. Lastly, utili- liposome-like C-dots [192,193]. The liposome-like zation of the multiple ingredients, intricate fabri- C-dots consisting of thousands of individual C-dots cation, and convoluted characterization may possess stronger fluorescence intensity when rapidly increase the cost of the system to such an compared to individual C-dots. Like traditional C- extent that the affordability of these systems is dots, they can be used to load drugs such as doxo- reduced. rubicin (anticancer drug) and efficiently penetrate 690 JOURNAL OF FOOD AND DRUG ANALYSIS 2020;28:677e695 EIWARTICLE REVIEW

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