“Ambassadors for


Join your Synod colleagues for this time of continuing education, worship, fellowship and renewal!

Registration will start at 12:30 on Monday the 14th

The Reverend Dr. Sammeli Juntunen is head pastor of the Lutheran Church in Savonlinna, Finland, which has over 31,000 members. He studied with Professor Tuomo Mannermaa and received his doctorate with highest distinction. He has served as a youth pastor and taught Ecumenics at Helsinki University. He was an official delegate of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland to the General Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation in Stuttgart in 2010, and is a member of the General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland.

The Reverend Dr. Paul R. Hinlicky is Tise Professor of Lutheran Studies at , a Docent of the Evanjelicka Bohoslovecka Fakulta in Bra- tislava, and Professor of Systematic Theology at the Institute of Lutheran Theology. He is author of Paths Not Taken , Luther and the Beloved Commu- nity , Divine Complexity, Rethinking Philosophy and Theology with Deleuze (co-authored with Brent Adkins) and forthcoming Before Auschwitz: What Christian Theology Must Lean from the Rise of Nazism . He earned his PhD from Union Theological Seminary, NY, in 1983, his MDiv from Christ Semi- nary-Seminex in 1978 and his BA from Concordia Senior College in 1974. He was ordained in a predecessor body of the ELCA in 1978.

“Ambassadors HRIST “ C

The Reverend Tobby Eleasar , president of the New Guinea Island Dis- trict of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Papua New Guinea.


Dr. Kathryn Kleinhans professor of Religion at Wartburg College, Iowa.

We will meet at the Quality Inn and Suites, Virginia Beach

Following the Gathering of the Ministerium there will be a PrePrePre-Pre ---RetirementRetirement Seminar on Thursday, October 17 from 9:00 am –––6:00–6:00 pm