i,. formerly of North fliififccfcy •Wiish-irtgkm, •' Maft1)ew Urown4. formerly of ivflRgAt^,. fht'rhany, Choriefer ). Joiner nnd Cnbinet-Mafier,' a;ir~--SeVtefV Snt! Grocer", ami' hifc-Joiner County Durham,.- p.nd .late oE; the sft-iu. pl^ce., susppTiiir4 and Cartwright, Publican, CJrocer, and Denier in Marina Choristerof said Callietlral. anjd Music Master, and Collector Stores. of the King's Taxes for said Parish. .Thomas Lockey, late itf Tat Geld, Durham, Tailor and Pub- John Forsyth, formerly of ,Ncw Alvin, in or i»ear Dnrbatn, lican. Innkeeper,.and late Slater and;.Tiler. '"Nicholas Cnvrtlirvrn, formerly of North Biddick, Durham, in Joseph Tln>nipson, formerly of. Wolsingham, Durham, Pul/licsa Partnership with Thomas Cawthorn, as Brick and Tile- and Drayman, and late of same .place, Drayman. Makers, then of New Stranton, Durham, and of North Bid- James Scotr, late of Morikwearmouth Shore,'DuVham, Jour- dick,, in Partnership with said Thomas Cawthorn, as Brick neyman Shipwright. _.- v and Tile-Makers, then of Middlelori, near Hartlepool, William Nicholson, formerly of. Hexham, Northuniberlanil, Brick-Maker, and lute- of Wolriston, Durham,. Tile- in-business with bis-late brother Thomas Nicholson,'of same Maker. place, deceased, as Joiners and House Builders, and Builder* Jnhn Gill Wrighty formerly of Hetton-le-Hole, Durham, of Houses on Speculation, afterwards a" Prisoner, for Debt Uruggist, Grocer,, and FJour-Dealer,- afterwards- Druggist, in Mnrpeth Gnol, afterwards of- Hexhani, out of b;ts'int?s,«, Grocer, Flour-Dealer, and Bookseller, and' -late out of and late of Winlaton, ne.tr Gatesliead, Durham, Journey- .. business- man Joiner. Andrew Reid, formerly, of Bishop Auckland,. Durham, Tra-' Ralph Scott, formerly of No. 41, Side, Newcastle-upoh-Tynp, veiling. Draper, afterwards out- of- business, then ot' same Chemist and Druggist,-and residing at Manpr-C-'haife, New- place,.Publiran, and Dealer in Cheese, Flour, anil Bacon,, castle aforesaid, afterwards of Tliornley, Druggist' and afterwards of Walsingham, all in Durham, out of business,, GrOcer, and late of Easington-Lane, Hougbtbn Ie Spring-, -nf late an. In -Patient- in- tb/e Infirmary Newcastle-upon- Durham, Druggist, Grocer, and Ironmonger, aud Dealer'in ' Tyne. Bacon and Cheese. Andrew Wat«on, formerly of West Rainton, Durham, Pub- Henry 'Weatherburn, formerly of Thornton and Longridge ftran. and Pitman, and late of High Moorsley, Durham, Toll-Bar, Parish of Nornam, Durham, Deputy. Toll Col- I'itman. lector, afterwards of same place, Toll Collector,- and .late -Thomas Cawthorn, formerly of-North Biddiclc, Durham, in lodging in Norliam, Durhamj Labourer. Partnership with Nicholas Cawthorn, as Brick and Tile- Isabella Ru