The World Bank Report No: ISR7892

Implementation Status & Results Afghanistan: Strengthening Higher Education Program (P089040)

Operation Name: Afghanistan: Strengthening Higher Education Program Project Stage: Implementation Seq.No: 14 Status: ARCHIVED Archive Date: 25-Oct-2012 (P089040)

Public Disclosure Authorized Country: Afghanistan Approval FY: 2005 Product Line:IBRD/IDA Region: SOUTH ASIA Lending Instrument: Emergency Recovery Loan Implementing Agency(ies): Ministry of Higher Education, Balkh Univeristy, University, , , Polytechnic, , Kabul Education University, Khost University, , Alberoni University, , Jawzjan University

Public Disclosure Copy Key Dates Board Approval Date 19-May-2005 Original Closing Date 30-Jun-2010 Planned Mid Term Review Date 12-Feb-2012 Last Archived ISR Date 01-Feb-2012 Effectiveness Date 14-Jul-2005 Revised Closing Date 30-Jun-2013 Actual Mid Term Review Date

Project Development Objectives Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The development objective of the program is to progressively restore basic operational performance at a group of core universities in Afghanistan, which will provide an institutional base for an agenda focusing on tertiary education development, capacity building and reform. Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project? Public Disclosure Authorized Yes No


Component Name Component Cost Program development and quality improvement in key higher education institutions 52.40 Higher education system development 7.60

Overall Ratings Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory

Public Disclosure Authorized Overall Risk Rating Moderate

Implementation Status Overview SHEP is the first major higher education investment in Afghanistan by the World Bank. SHEP commenced operation in June 2005 with a grant of USD 40 million. Originally the project supporting six universities (Kabul, Balkh, Herat, Kandahar, Nangrahar, and Kabul Polytechnic), mainly in the areas of staff development, curriculum development, Public Disclosure Copy development of physical infrastructure and the improvement of equipment. In June 2008 SHEP received a contribution of US$5 million from the ARTF to increase support for four universities (Nangrahar, Balkh, Kandahar and Kabul Polytechnic), chiefly to expand physical infrastructure and the provision of equipment. In June 2010, SHEP received additional financing of USD 20 million from the IDA Crisis Response Window(CRW) to expand activities and cover six additional universities: Bamyan, Khost, Takhar, Jawzjan, Al-Beroni and

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Kabul Education University. All project universities have developed strategic plans and 75 percent of these universities are using a management information system, with the additional support from the Bank.

The pace of project implementation under the Additional Financing of SHEP and the ARTF funded activities slowed down in 2010, due to a variety of reasons including the departure of staff from the Project Coordination Unit (PCU) at that time for alternative employment. The appointment of a new PCU helped speed up implementation in 2011-2012. However, a backlog of activities and undisbursed funds remain. There is considerable work to be done to utilize the remaining funds and to fully achieve the project development objectives.

Locations Country First Administrative Division Location Planned Actual Afghanistan Wilayat-e Nangarhar Wilayat-e Nangarhar

Afghanistan Wilayat-e Kandahar Kandahar Public Disclosure Copy

Afghanistan Kabul Kabul

Afghanistan Herat Herat

Afghanistan Wilayat-e Balkh Wilayat-e Balkh

Afghanistan Wilayat-e Balkh Balkh

Afghanistan Not Entered Islamic Republic of Afghanistan


Project Development Objective Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Percent of project faculties using revised and Text Value Curriculum is dated by at 63 Faculties out of 95 across 12 universities with revised updated curriculum least 30 years in most the 12 Universities have curriculum in selected faculties. revised and updated their Faculties. curricula. Date 01-Jun-2005 31-Aug-2012 30-Jun-2013 Comments 52 Faculties out of 95 in all 12 universities have updated their curricula. These are now being studied by the Ministry of Higher Education. Increased percentage of faculty members with Text Value 40% in Balkh, 18% in Herat, 46% in Balkh, 51% in Herat, 50% in Balkh, 30% in Herat, at least Master level degrees 41% in Kabul, 90% in Kabul 77% in Kabul, 92% in Kabul 60% in Kabul, 90% in Kabul Polytech, 41% in Nangrahar, Polytech, 53% in Nangarhar, Polytech, 50% in Nangarhar, 32% Kandahar. 36% Kandahar 40% Kandahar Public Disclosure Copy Date 01-Jun-2005 31-Jul-2012 30-Jun-2013

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Comments 164 Masters qualified staff have returned to universities are teaching. Another 89 are following their Masters courses. Percent of administrators at the university level Text Value None. 285 administrative staff have 40% administrative staff from and MOHE staff with management training. been trained. 12 universities and MoHE trained Date 01-Jun-2005 31-Aug-2012 30-Jun-2013 Comments The total number of administrative staff in the

Public Disclosure Copy universities is being calculated, as records were inadequate, to help establish thepercentage trained. Percent increase in efficient use of labs, Text Value Limited use of facilities. 51 percent increase in the use 60% increase in use of labs, libraries and other facilities in six universities. of labs, libraries and other teaching and learning facilities faculty facilities compared to in selected faculties of 12 the situation before the universities project. Date 01-Jun-2005 31-Jul-2012 30-Jun-2013 Comments 23 out of 45 targetted labs, libraries and other faculty facilities are currently in use.

Intermediate Results Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Simple strategic plan developed and made Text Value Plan already in existence in 11 out of 12 universities have 12 universities implementing operational by mid term. Kabul Univ. 5 other developed and are strategic plans in line with universities with no strategic implementing strategic plans. NHESP and Quality plans. Assurance Framework Date 10-Jun-2005 31-Aug-2012 30-Jun-2013 Comments The Ministry of Higher Education is currently studying the strategic plans of the universities. Management Information System developed Text Value Does not exist. 75 percent of universities New higher education and introduced by midterm. have an MIS governance bodies with management information

Public Disclosure Copy system developed and in place.

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Date 10-Jun-2005 31-Aug-2012 30-Jun-2013 Comments 9 our of 12 universities have an MIS

Data on Financial Performance (as of 24-Sep-2012)

Financial Agreement(s) Key Dates Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date P089040 IDA-H1620 Effective 19-May-2005 16-Jun-2005 14-Jul-2005 30-Jun-2010 30-Jun-2013 P089040 IDA-H5920 Effective 23-Jun-2010 27-Jun-2010 05-Aug-2010 30-Jun-2013 30-Jun-2013

Public Disclosure Copy P089040 TF-92544 Effective 05-Aug-2008 05-Aug-2008 05-Aug-2008 31-Dec-2012 31-Dec-2012

Disbursements (in Millions) Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed P089040 IDA-H1620 Effective USD 40.00 40.00 0.00 39.49 1.00 99.00 P089040 IDA-H5920 Effective USD 20.00 20.00 0.00 4.16 16.07 21.00 P089040 TF-92544 Effective USD 5.00 5.00 0.00 4.30 0.70 86.00

Disbursement Graph Public Disclosure Copy

Key Decisions Regarding Implementation

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SHEP is in its final year of implementation. The Government of Afghanistan has indicated that it wants the World Bank to provide further long-term support for the higher education sector. A Bank mission in September commenced discussions on options for future assistance. The mission stressed that progress on the current project will be important when deciding on future assistance.

Restructuring History There has been no restructuring to date.

Related Projects P121805-Strengthening Higher Education Additional Financing Public Disclosure Copy Public Disclosure Copy

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