April 21, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E587 Cuban Committee for Human Rights. He is an Despite the hardships and trauma caused Under the Annan plan, for the first 19 years independent journalist who has contributed to by the ongoing Turkish occupation, Cyprus or until Turkey’s accession to the EU, the CubaPress, Cuba Free Press and Nueva has registered remarkable economic growth, number of Greek Cypriots who wish to perma- Prensa, all publications who seek to expose and the people living in the Government-con- nently live in the Turkish Cypriot Constituent the nightmarish reality imposed by the totali- trolled areas enjoy one of the world’s highest State (TCCS) will not be able to exceed 18 tarian regime. standards of living. Sadly, the people living in percent of its total population. After that time, Because Mr. Argu¨elles Mora¨n fought to ex- the occupied area continue to be mired in pov- their number will be permanently restricted to pose the truth about the ruthless dictator’s pol- erty. not more than 33.3 percent of the total popu- itics of fear and repression, he has been con- Last month, 46 members of the Hellenic lation. Because the Greek Cypriots who will be stantly harassed by Castro’s thugs since 1997. Caucus joined in a letter to Secretary of State permanently living in the TCCS will have its in- According to Amnesty International, the har- Colin Powell and UN Secretary General Kofi ternal citizenship status, they will not have the assment Mr. Argu¨elles Mora´n has endured in- Annan to express their hope that any agree- right to participate in the elections for its 24 cludes threats, warnings, and detentions in the ment to reunify Cyprus would explicitly recog- representatives in the federal Senate. There- totalitarian gulag. On January 15, 1999 he nize, among other provisions, property rights, fore, the plan establishes a system based on was summoned to appear before a chief of the demilitarization of Cyprus, the establish- permanent ethnic division, while denying fun- the so-called Revolutionary National Police ment of the legal obligations of the guarantor damental democratic rights to a segment of where Mr. Argu¨elles Mora´n was found to be a powers (Turkey, Greece and the United King- the population. ‘‘danger’’ because he didn’t work for a state dom), and the presence of United Nations Finally, according to the Annan plan, the enterprise. On January 27, 1999 he was troops throughout a transitional period. one third of the compensation to legal owners locked up for two days to prevent him from I also led a delegation of members of the (Greek Cypriot refugees), who will be losing covering the birthday celebrations of Jose Hellenic Caucus to meet with Secretary Gen- their properties, shall be guaranteed by the Marti on January 28. eral Kofi Annan to discuss the negotiations re- Federal State. Because the Federal State’s On March 20, 2003, as part of the totali- garding the reunification of Cyprus before it sources will derive from Greek Cypriots by tarian regime’s ruthless crackdown on pro- enters the European Union on May 1st. nine tenths and only by one tenth from Turkish democracy activists, Mr. Argu¨elles Mora´n was expressed our support for the Secretary Gen- Cypriots, the Greek Cypriots will be compen- arrested and, after a sham trial, sentenced to eral’s leadership in bringing the parties to the sating their own loss of property. Therefore, 20 years in the totalitarian gulag. According to bargaining table, but expressed concerns re- instead of Turkey, they will be paying for the CubaNet, Mr. Argu¨elles Mora´n has been con- garding some of the issues that remained results of the Turkish invasion of 1974. fined in a security cell with inmates held for open: property rights, governance, free move- It is clear that divisions among people cre- common crimes who are mistreating him. He ment between Greek and Turkish areas of the ate harmful, destructive environments. I am also reportedly has kidney problems. Let there island, and the pace of demilitarization of the disappointed that more progress was not be no doubt, Mr. Argu¨elles Mora´n has been island. made on these issues prior to the completion ‘‘sentenced’’ to 20 years in Castro’s violent, in- We stressed the importance of having a of the final plan. No matter what the Greek humane totalitarian gulag because he believes central government that has the ability to Cypriots decide on April 24, I will continue to in, and wrote about, freedom, democracy, and make decisions, and we expressed concern support them in every way possible. about limitations on the ability of Cypriots to human rights for the people of Cuba. f Mr. Speaker, Mr. Argu¨elles Mora´n is lan- travel unimpeded to all areas of the island. guishing in the deplorable, inhuman conditions Unfortunately, the negotiators were unable COMMENDING LOPEZ LOBOS, of Castro’s totalitarian gulag, simply because to reach a consensus, and Secretary General TEXAS CLASS 4A STATE SOCCER he wrote the truth about the tyrant’s repressive Annan was forced to step in to fill in the re- CHAMPIONS regime. My Colleagues, we must demand the maining gaps in the settlement. This final plan immediate release of Pedro Argu¨elles Mora´n will now be voted on in two separate HON. SOLOMON P. ORTIZ and every prisoner of conscience in totalitarian referenda by both the Greek Cypriots and the OF TEXAS Cuba. Turkish Cypriots on Saturday, April 24. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Greek Cypriots, who have worked con- f Wednesday, April 21, 2004 tinuously to end the forcible division of the is- REGARDING THE PROPOSED PLAN land through a viable and lasting settlement, Mr. ORTIZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to TO REUNIFY CYPRUS have several valid and important concerns commend the Brownsville, Texas, Lopez High with this final plan, which may lead them to re- School Lobos for their victory last weekend at HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY ject it. the Class 4A State soccer championship, win- OF NEW YORK First, the Annan plan allows the indefinite ning the game 2–1 and finishing their season IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES presence of Turkish troops in Cyprus with a at 25–4–1. gradual decrease to 650 troops over a period No team is greater than the student body Wednesday, April 21, 2004 of 14 years. The presence of these troops will and parents who support them, and that was Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, as co-chair of prevent the full and genuine independence of Lopez’ not-so-secret weapon. Over two-thirds the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues, Cyprus. of the crowd was there to support the Lobos, I rise to express my deep concerns with the Next, while the plan allows the guarantor and their chants of ‘‘Si se puede’’ (we can do final Annan plan to reunify Cyprus which will powers (Turkey, Greece, UK) to intervene uni- it) inspired this victory. be voted on by both the Greek Cypriots and laterally to preserve the ‘‘constitutional order’’ Lopez High School brought home to the Turkish Cypriots on Saturday. of the United Cyprus Republic and its con- Brownsville the first championship title in UIL I am very fortunate and privileged to rep- stituent states, it neglects to clarify that the soccer. To find Brownsville teams that won resent Astoria, Queens—one of the largest Treaty of Guarantee does not empower mili- State titles, you have to go back to 1985 and and most vibrant communities of Greek and tary intervention. This omission is troubling es- 1967 (both were cross country champion- Cypriot Americans in this country. It is truly pecially because Turkey believes that it still ships). one of my greatest pleasures as a Member of has the right to intervene militarily in Cyprus. Lopez won seven playoff games for the right Congress to participate in the life of this com- Previous UN Security Council resolutions to compete for the State championship. Awful munity, and the wonderful Cypriot friends that called for the withdrawal of all settlers from weather even played a part in the tournament. I have come to know are one of its greatest Cyprus that were brought from Turkey after The title match was originally scheduled for rewards. 1974, since the colonization of occupied terri- the week before, but heavy rain and lightning Along with these friends, I have been moni- tories is a crime under international law. The postponed the championship game to another toring the negotiations to reunify Cyprus very final plan provides that 45,000 of the settlers site and another time. closely during the past few months. On July will automatically become citizens of the As any athlete can tell you, the rhythm of 20, 1974, Turkey invaded Cyprus, and to this United Cyprus Republic. It also allows a large your game is a large part of the overall effort, day continues to maintain an estimated 35,000 number of additional settlers to remain in Cy- and being mentally prepared for a game on a heavily armed troops. Nearly 200,000 Greek prus as permanent residents and after four certain date—then having to postpone the Cypriots, who fell victim to a policy of ethnic years to apply for Cypriot citizenship. As a re- game—can play havoc on your rhythm. But cleansing, were forcibly evicted from their sult, the vast majority of approximately not for these young athletes; for them it did homes and became refugees in their own 115,000 Turkish settlers, who are now illegally not matter that their shot at the title was post- country. in Cyprus, could stay in Cyprus. poned for a week. They redoubled their efforts

VerDate mar 24 2004 04:43 Apr 22, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21AP8.052 E21PT1 E588 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 21, 2004 and practice . . . and played with purpose, In addition to being named the SEC Player Czechoslovakia and condemnation of the endurance and confidence. of the Year, Roberts is the first Associated crushing of ‘‘.’’ For their noble Lopez High School Principal Maggie Gutier- Press All-American First Team selection from efforts, they were arrested by the KGB, tried, rez summed up the lessons for the team to a Mississippi Division I school since fellow and convicted of ‘‘slander’’ against the Soviet learn in this sweet victory. ‘‘This team has a Bulldog Bailey Howell in 1958–59. In addition Union. Bogoraz was sentenced to 4 years of spirit of never giving up no matter what,’’ she to earning a slot on the gold standard of internal exile in the Irkutsk region of eastern said. ‘‘Lopez Lobos are born to succeed, and postseason teams, Roberts has also garnered Siberia, where she worked in a wood-proc- no one else will tell them any different.’’ These first-team all-America recognition this season essing factory. In a show of solidarity and re- athletes learned an important lesson in this by both the National Association of Basketball spect for her, Larisa’s dissident friends com- championship: They are absolutely capable of Coaches (NABC) and United States Basket- bined their resources and bought her a house doing great things; my prayer is that their ball Writers Association (USBWA). to live in while she served her exile term. imaginations will be their only limits in this He adds first-team national honors by the When she completed her sentence, she sold world. Sports Illustrated.com and College Insider.com the house and gave the proceeds to a fund for I offer my proud congratulations to each Web sites as well as by the Adolph F. Rupp political prisoners. member of the team, to the coaches and their Award committee. Roberts has also collected By 1976, she was back in actively assistants, to the parents who must endure second-team all-America accolades by the involved in the compilation of the ‘‘samizdat’’ the practices and the injuries, and to the prin- Basketball Times publication and ESPN.com. publication ‘‘Memory’’ dedicated to chronicling cipal and teachers who set the example of Roberts has been named a top five finalist the repressions of the Stalin era. combining education and athletics. Mostly, I for the 28th Annual John R. Wooden Award Meanwhile, personal tragedy struck. Lansa’s want these young people to understand that along with Stanford’s Josh Childress, Chris second husband, they won far more than the respect that Duhon of Duke, Jameer Nelson of Saint Jo- member and political prisoner Anatoly comes with a championship . . . they now seph’s, and Connecticut’s Emeka Okafor. Marchenko, died of a hunger strike in know that dreams can come true. Roberts becomes Mississippi State’s first-ever Chistopol Prison in December 1986. The Hel- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Wooden Award All-American, which dates sinki Commission, which I am proud to chair, in offering our best wishes to the Lopez High back to the 1976–77 hoops campaign. had raised the Marchenko case on several oc- School Lobos for their hard-fought and well- Bulldog fans will wait till mid-June to see casions, and the late Warren Christopher, our deserved victory at the Texas Class 4A State whether Roberts will return for his senior year head of delegation at the CSCE meeting in Vi- soccer championship. or enter the NBA draft. This young man has enna, led a moment of silence in memory of f time to make that decision and consider his Mr. Marchenko. The Soviet and East German opportunities, but fans in Mississippi will be delegations walked out in protest, but a few RECOGNITION OF LAWRENCE watching him either way, either on the colle- weeks later Dr. was released ROBERTS giate court or in the professional arena. from his Gorky exile, and in February 1987 f General Secretary Gorbachev initiated the HON. CHARLES W. ‘‘CHIP’’ PICKERING wholesale release of Soviet political prisoners. OF MISSISSIPPI THE PASSING OF LARISA After the fall of the , Larisa BOGORAZ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bogoraz continued her involvement in human Wednesday, April 21, 2004 rights activity, working with her colleagues HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH from days past as well as a new generation of Mr. PICKERING. Mr. Speaker, I would like OF NEW JERSEY activists from and the newly inde- to salute a student at Mississippi State Univer- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pendent countries of the former Soviet Union. sity who has demonstrated athletic excellence Wednesday, April 21, 2004 Mr. Speaker, in its eulogy to this dissident this year and distinguished himself in the heroine, the Ryazan Society writes, ranks of college basketball not only in my Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, on ‘‘. . . texts that were signed ‘L. Bogoraz still state, but across the country. April 6 of this year, one of the true giants of remain,’ and our children will learn from Mississippi State’s SEC Player of the Year, the Soviet and Russian human rights move- them.’’ Lawrence Roberts, is the first Bulldog player ments, Larisa Bogoraz, passed away. So might we all. since Rickey Brown (1979–80) to average a Born in eastern Ukraine, Larisa Iosifnova f double-double for an entire season. Roberts Bogoraz was by profession a linguist. In 1950, completed the 2003–04 campaign as the she married the writer who, to- TRIBUTE TO DR. JOHN S. BURD, SEC’s No. 7 scorer (16.9 points per game) gether with , was subse- PRESIDENT, BRENAU UNIVERSITY and second-leading rebounder (10.1 rebounds quently arrested by Soviet authorities in 1965 per game). Roberts also finished the year for publishing their stories abroad. This trial, HON. NATHAN DEAL ranked fifth in the league in field-goal percent- marking the first prosecution of Soviet writers OF GEORGIA age (51.9%). With an SEC-leading 16 double- for their literary activities since the time of Sta- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES doubles on the season, the 6-foot-9, 235- lin, gained international attention and laid the pound Roberts ranks fourth nationally among groundwork for the Soviet human rights move- Wednesday, April 21, 2004 active NCAA Division I players with 38 career ment. Mr. DEAL of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise double-doubles. The former University of Daniel and Sinyavsky were convicted by a today to address the House to honor a pio- Baylor transfer and Houston, Texas native has kangaroo court and sentenced to long terms in neer and friend within the higher education averaged 16.3 points (1,400 career points) a Soviet labor camp in the Mordovia region. arena of Georgia. It is with immense pride and and 9.5 rebounds (821 career rebounds) per Traveling to visit her incarcerated husband, a great honor that I pay tribute to a man that contest during his three-year, 86-game colle- Larisa Bogoraz met relatives of other political has made similar contributions to our region, giate career. prisoners. Soon she was deeply involved in but in the higher education arena. Please join This season, Roberts helped lead Associ- drafting and distributing petitions calling upon me recognizing a friend and a community ated Press SEC Coach of the Year Rick the Soviet Government to observe the basic servant, Dr. John S. Burd, as he retires as Stansbury’s eighth-ranked Bulldogs to a 26–4 civil liberties enumerated in the 1936 Soviet president of Brenau University in Gainesville, overall record and league-best 14–2 SEC constitution. GA. mark en route to claiming the school’s first In early 1968, Larisa Bogoraz joined Pavel Since donning the mantle of president of outright SEC regular-season championship Litvinov to produce a petition addressed to the what was then known as Brenau College in since 1962–63. This year’s State squad also international community and protesting the trial 1985, it could be argued that Dr. Burd has ac- made school history by appearing in a fourth of dissident Alexandr Ginzburg, who had com- complished more in under twenty years than consecutive postseason tournament and earn- piled the well-known ‘‘White Book’’ on the trial all previous presidents did in the first 107 ing a third straight NCAA Tournament berth. of Daniel and Sinyavsky. In August of that years of this fine institution’s history. Since he Roberts’ teamwork benefited the entire Bull- year, when, as Ludmilla Alexeyeva wrote so first assumed office, his vision of private liberal dogs squad. But his skill on the court distin- eloquently, ‘‘the Politburo decided to ‘strength- arts higher education, his dedication, hard guished him individually, and he has been rec- en peace’ by invading a sovereign country,’’ work, personal sacrifice, and love of the arts ognized for his achievements. The accolades Larisa and six other brave souls met on Red have transformed the college into a nationally continue to roll in. Square and unfurled banners in defense of recognized university and enhanced the lives

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