AGENDA City Council Special Meeting 6:30 PM - Monday, February 29, 2016 Board Room, Issaquah School District Administration Bldg. 565 NW Holly Street, Issaquah WA

Page Purpose

A joint meeting between the Issaquah City Council and the Issaquah School Board to discuss items of mutual interest. No final action will occur at this meeting.

-- Dinner @ 6:15 PM --

1. CALL TO ORDER 6:30 - 6:50

a) Introductions & Introductory Comments  Ron Thiele, School Superintendent  Fred Butler, Mayor

2. COUNCIL - BOARD LINKAGE 6:50 - 7:30

a) City/School District Priorities  City Council  School Board

b) Growth & Changing Demographics  Keith Niven, Economic Development Director  Ron Thiele, School Superintendent  School District Executive Staff

c) Sharing Recreational & Community Facilities  City Council

d) Sports Medicine IPZ (<3 minutes)  Jen Davis Hayes, Economic Development

e) Transportation (<3 minutes)  Emily Moon, Deputy City Administrator

f) Social/Emotional Health  Ron Thiele, School Superintendent  School District Executive Staff

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3. PANEL DISCUSSION 7:30 - 8:45

Moderator:  Bob Wheeler, Triangle Associates Panelists:  Cynthia Berne, Long Bay Enterprises  Mark Huppert, Point B  Lorne McConachie, Bassetti Architects

a) Introductions b) Geography c) Challenges d) Opportunities

3 - 13 Bios / Resumes

4. PUBLIC COMMENT 8:45 - 9:00


Page 2 of 13 Robert PANELWheeler, DISCUSSION P.E.

Senior Associate

Bob Wheeler has more than 35 years of Selected Project Experience experience in project management, meeting facilitation, and public outreach. He has National Park Overflight Advisory Group Facilitation, 2008 – developed creative and innovative Ongoing: Initially selected to design and facilitate a strategic planning approaches to meet the needs of clients and session for the National Park Overflight Advisory Committee communities throughout State (NPOAG), Bob’s work was extended to facilitate all NPOAG live and and elsewhere, and has an excellent track conference call meetings. The Advisory Group was established through record of facilitating the resolution of the Air Tour Management Act of 2000 and is co-chaired by the difficult issues and building consensus with National Park Service and the Federal Aviation Administration. Its durable solutions. purpose is to advise the agencies on air tour management plans over National Parks. Members represent air, environmental, and Tribal An engineer by training, Bob combines a interests. Bob’s facilitation has enabled the Advisory Committee to broad understanding of the policy and agree on goals and objectives and to develop a work plan – all of which technical aspects of complex problems with are “firsts” for the Advisory Group in its eight years of existence. Bob extraordinary people skills and an unusual now facilitates the group as they provide advice and input to the NPS ability to communicate effectively with and FAA on park air tour overflights. policy-makers and the public.

Facilitation of the Federal Advisory Committee on Detection

and Quantitation Approaches and Uses in Clean Water Act PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Programs, 2005 – 2008: Bob served as lead facilitator for this US Institute for Environmental Conflict consensus-based stakeholder process involving states, industry,

Resolution public utilities, environmental laboratories, the environmental Water Environment Federation Member community and EPA. The Committee was tasked with making American Water Works Association recommendations to EPA on the determination of a procedure for American Water Resources Association detection and quantitation in analytical environmental laboratory Association for Conflict Resolution testing and the uses of such a procedure. Bob was responsible for coordinating these multi-stakeholder interest group meetings using in –person, teleconference, and real time online review techniques. Bob EDUCATION AND TRAINING facilitated ten multi-day Committee meetings in Washington, DC as M.S., Civil Engineering, 1977, University well as three full Committee teleconference meetings. Additionally, of New Hampshire Bob facilitated over 120 teleconference meetings of technical and

policy work groups. Bob facilitated preparation of the Committee’s B.S., Civil Engineering, 1974, University of final report, which was submitted to the EPA Administrator in

New Hampshire December 2007.

Bob presented a final process report to senior EPA policy staff. EPA PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS is presently moving forward into a rulemaking process using the “Multi- Party Online Dispute Resolution”, FACA Committee’s report and recommendations for what is International UN Forum on Online Dispute included in the new rule. At the end of the process, an EPA staffer Resolution, Victoria, B.C., Canada, June 18, who had been heavily involved throughout the process thanked 2008 Triangle “for making our 30 months of deliberations a pleasant,

productive, propitious and educational process not only on the topic “Observations on the State of WA of Detection & Quantitation Approaches and Uses, but also an upper Watershed Management Planning Process”, level course in conflict resolution best practices.” AWRA National Convention, , WA,

November 10, 2005. Facilitation of the Lake Ozette Sockeye Salmon Recovery Plan,

2006 – Ongoing: Bob provides strategic advice to NOAA Fisheries “Unique Triple-Waste Composting Facility on stakeholder involvement and facilitates Lake Ozette Steering Saves Money”, Public Works Journal, Committee and public meetings to get input on the Plan and its February 1995. implementation. He was responsible for the design and production of a

highly visual executive summary of the Draft Plan for the lay reader

that is seen as a model for the future.

Triangle Associates, Inc. | 811 First Avenue, Suite 255 | Seattle, WA 98104 [email protected] | 206-583- 0655 Page 3 of 13


Senior Associate

Selected Project Experience, continued

Facilitation of Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Management Plan Review, 2007 – 2009: Bob provided strategic advice and facilitation services for the beginning efforts of the Sanctuary’s first Management Plan Review (MPR) process. Initial tasks included the design and facilitation of meetings of the Intergovernmental Policy Council to enable the four treaty tribes on the Olympic Coast and the State of Washington to identify their priority topics for MPR. Bob helped design and completed the facilitation of a highly-successful two-day prioritization process involving the Sanctuary’s Advisory Council. The effort has been able to move forward without additional assistance based on the solid start.

Facilitation of EPA Tribal Water Quality Standards Project, 2007 – 2008: Bob co-facilitated a pilot process for EPA involving the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality and the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes to build a working relationship for water quality standards development as the Tribes proceeded through the application process for “Treatment in the Same Manner as a State” under the Clean Water Act. Through this process, the Tribes, State, and EPA were able to reach agreement on the basic water quality standards proposed by the Tribes and developed cooperation and communication protocols for future interactions.

EPA Aquifer Storage and Recovery – “Experts Meeting”, 2009: Bob was hired to facilitate a group of 45 experts from EPA, both from headquarters and the regions, other federal agencies, states, local governments, and other stakeholders in plenary discussions and breakout groups providing information and input to EPA on ASR projects and programs. The meeting represented both how projects are developed and regulated as well as what role EPA should play in ASR efforts. The results of this successful meeting are being used by EPA as they develop a program for more active EPA involvement in ASR efforts.

Watershed Plan Development, 2001 – 2008: Bob has designed the planning and decision making processes, and facilitated four watershed planning processes in Western Washington. He recently completed work with an Instream Flow Work Group on an Eastern Washington Watershed Plan in developing technical studies and an in-stream flow approach and recommendations for the watershed. Bob was responsible for organizing, facilitating, and developing strategies for reaching agreement on watershed approaches to water quantity, quality, habitat and in-stream flow. Stakeholders included tribes, city, county, state and federal governments, businesses, environmental perspectives, timber companies and private property interests.

Bob designed Facilitation of a Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Plan for the State of Oregon, 2004-2005: and facilitated a Stakeholder Advisory Committee that included a variety of business, resource user, local government, environmental, and other interests charged with providing policy direction on the creation of a state-wide wildlife conservation strategy. Bob’s facilitation of monthly meetings and frequent communication with individual stakeholders was instrumental in helping the Committee reach agreement on key recommendations to ODFW. The strategy was approved by the ODFW Commission and by the US Fish and Wildlife Service which complimented the strategy as one of the top two strategies among all 50 states.

Port Hadlock, 2005 – Ongoing: As part of the requirements for establishing an Urban Growth Area (UGA), Jefferson County is developing a Sewer Facility Plan that will define a preferred sewer system alternative, cost estim ate, and financing strategies. Bob and Triangle staff developed a public involvement plan and implemented that plan to help the County engage the public in the controversial sewer planning process. Bob developed the approach for and facilitated a stakeholders group that provided recommendations on treatment and disposal preferences, including the use of an infiltration system for treated effluent to augment low stream flows for a creek system that is used by endangered chum salmon.

Triangle Associates, Inc. | 811 First Avenue, Suite 255 | Seattle, WA 98104 [email protected] | 206-583- 0655 Page 4 of 13

PANEL DISCUSSION Robert Wheeler, P.E. Senior Associate

Selected Project Experience, continued

Facilitation of King County’s Regional Infiltration/Inflow Control Program, 2000 – 2004: Bob designed and facilitated a collaborative process involving King County and 34 Local Agencies that discharge to the County’s treatment system to assess the extent of I/I in the system and to reach agreement on a cost- effective program to remove it. He also managed production of the Alternatives/Options paper that served as the basis for the I/I Control Program the County approved in 2005.

Thornton Creek Summit, 2008: Seattle Public Utilities selected Bob to design the agenda and facilitate a day-long meeting involving residents along Thornton Creek which had flooded in December 2007, causing property damage. In advance of the event, Bob provided strategic advice to the project team, developed ground rules for the event, and advised presenters on how to respond if they received hostile questions and

comments. Bob facilitated the meeting, moving smoothly between the major segments of the meeting and capturing public comments on flip charts. After the meeting, Bob also offered additional advice to the City on steps to consider as follow-up actions. Both participants and the City considered the meeting a successful event.

Previous Work Experience

Public Works Director, City of Port Townsend, WA, 1990 – 2000: . Administered and managed Public Works Department for Port Townsend, including supervision of a department of 40 employees.

. Responsible for watershed protection, water, wastewater, stormwater, transportation, parks, recreation,

equipment rental, solid waste, facilities, budget, financial studies and rate setting.

. Successfully facilitated, mediated, and negotiated planning, design and construction of watershed, wastewater, water, storm water, parks, and transportation facilities. . Responsible for public involvement of an active community on a wide range of capital projects that resulted in well-received projects with public support. . Led negotiations with regulatory agencies, including Washington Departments of Ecology, Health, DNR, and Transportation as well as with the National Forest Service and Tribal governments. . Obtained substantial grants and loans from numerous agencies for several planning, design, and construction projects, resulting in substantial cost savings for the community.

Assistant Director Public Works/Utilities, Boulder, CO, 1981 – 1990:

. Administered and managed Boulder’s watershed, water, wastewater, stormwater, and hydroelectric

utilities, and supervised 120 employees.

. Directed long-term planning for utilities and acted as prime interface with policy makers in determining policy direction. . Provided oversight on utility maintenance, capital improvements, and utility finance administration, including rate and fee setting. . Managed budget of over $8,000,000 and a capital program of up to $23,000,000. . Led or was part of team that negotiated wastewater discharge permits, electric franchise agreement, cogeneration power sale to electric utility, Superfund site settlement and water rights issues. . Worked with an active community in reaching consensus on many utility projects and programs, including facility location, design, and construction. Delivered presentations to City Council, numerous Triangle Associates, Inc. | 811 First Avenue, Suite 255 | Seattle, WA 98104 [email protected] | 206-583- boards, citizen groups, and professional conferences.0655 Page 5 of 13


Long Bay Enterprises, Inc.

Education Cynthia Berne, Principal and Broker of Record Extensive Experience in: Masters of Urban  Comprehensive project management of large scale multi-stakeholder Planning in projects  Market studies: retail, office, industrial Economics and  Real estate advisory services Social Behavior  Real property feasibility analysis  Economic feasibility analysis San Diego State  Creating public-private partnerships through negotiating unique real University estate transactions  Public hearing presentations to governing body councils and other quasi- governmental bodies BA in Public  Outreach, building stakeholder consensus on complex and controversial Administration projects  Facilitating interlocal agreements San Diego State  Public project financing University Unique Qualifications

 Concise and comprehensive verbal and written communication skills Licenses/  Ability to work with a diverse group of people to build consensus Affiliations:  Depth of knowledge of all aspects of real estate development and transactions  Exceptional diplomacy with politically sensitive projects  “There are no problems, only challenges" Licensed Real Cynthia has more than 30 years of experience in real estate development and 5 Estate Broker years specific to venture capital endeavors. The core of her work has been in State of Washington project management, commercial acquisitions and dispositions, economic and social analysis, facilities planning, feasibility studies, land use entitlements, and LEED Certification commercial mixed-use projects. She has worked on controversial projects that required a high level of diplomacy in order to facilitate the successful resolution of conflicting stakeholders' requirements. Cynthia has extensive experience with complex projects and relationship strategies that bring a positive outcome to the Lifetime California client's project. Her in-depth real estate development experience in both the Community College public and private sector gives her a broader perspective, increased knowledge Teaching and added value to clients' specific real estate goals and objectives. She has Credential extensive experience with complex multi-permit projects and successful relationship development with a wide range of permitting agencies. Cynthia is an Banking & Finance exceptional facilitator building consensus with small and large groups.


Commercial Project Experience Brokers King County Facility Relocation/Surplus Property Sale, Maple Valley, WA Association Project Manager for the due diligence of site replacement and land use and property issues as they relate to relocation of a maintenance facility and the sale Member of the property owned by King County Roads. Worked directly with Council Staff and Council Members and prepared briefing papers for presentations to the King

County Council on the Purchase & Sale Agreement and Joint Plan Agreement. NAIOP Facilitated and negotiated a Joint Plan Agreement between King County and the City of Maple Valley. Reported to staff and Executive Leadership team. WA Chapter Member

Program Committee Co- Port of Seattle Fishermen's Terminal, Seattle, WA Chair Real Estate Advisor and Financial Analyst to the Port of Seattle for a property enhancement strategy at Fishermen's Terminal. The Port of Seattle manages the property near the Ballard Locks that has historically housed a large portion of the Years in Industry: fishing fleet based out of the Seattle area. Two phased analysis, first phase strategizing for improvements or redevelopment of the net shed buildings which 32 sit on approximately 7 acres of the 25 acres uplands property at Fishermen's Terminal. This phase included development of proforma financial analysis of various options to improve the site's net shed area. Second phase created site enhancement alternatives for redevelopment of the entire uplands property. This phase included strong market analysis for highest and best use of the given sensitivity of existing fishing fleet tenants and neighboring community. The market study included supply and demand analysis.

Kirkland Parkplace Mall Redevelopment Public Private Partnership, Kirkland, WA Real Estate Advisor to Touchstone Corporation for the redevelopment of an existing mall into 1.7 million sf of a state of the art mixed use project (retail/hotel/office) in the center of downtown Kirkland. Lead consultant to build consensus with the City of Kirkland to provide public participation in the redevelopment of the Parkplace Mall. Lead negotiator to identify key elements of the development agreement. Managed the creation of the Fiscal Impact Study to demonstrate the direct benefits to the City from the redevelopment. Negotiated for developer to obtain City investment in the redevelopment project. Created a work plan and strategy for negotiations of a development agreement with the City. Collaborated with City staff to estimate ongoing fiscal impacts of (1) police and fire, in order to estimate fiscal impact of meeting increased levels of service; (2) property taxes; (3) business taxes; and (4) business licenses. Collaborated with the County Tax Assessor to estimate changes in assessed value of the mall. Managed negotiations with various city officials, including the City Manager, Finance Director and Economic Development.

Financial Impact Statement for the Removal of the County Seat, Benton County, WA Co-Project Manager for the production of an objective financial analysis and performed public outreach for the relocation of the County Seat to Kennewick. Formed the public advisory group and managed a rigorous schedule to meet a very tight timeline for the findings of the analysis. Presented the analysis to the County Commissions at two public meetings. Participated in the creation of a final

Page 8 of 13 PANEL DISCUSSION brochure for the citizens of the County to aid their decision-making process.

Intercity Transit Facility Master Planning Efforts, Olympia, WA Developed permit matrix for all approvals required for the project including federal, state and local jurisdictions. Collaborated in the development of the final Master Plan with the prime consultant and six other subconsultants. Permitting Lead for the master planning of Intercity Transit's operations, maintenance and administration facilities. Tasks included assessment and forecasting of client's short and long term real estate needs and providing strategic input on Master Plan alternatives in workshop with client. Prepared market study which included researching sale's price trends, property ownership, zoning and overlay zones, and permitted land uses to assist client in determining most viable options for expansion of their transit facility.

Seattle Public Utilities Landsburg Facility Development, King County, WA An existing conditions study was conducted as a preliminary step to modernize the Landsburg water delivery facility and enhance the aesthetics of the site and adjacent park as a result of SPU's long term planning process. Led the legal and regulatory review for the design development. Reviewed and identified potential approval challenges. Researched and resolved ownership and title issues. Analyzed the comprehensive plan and current zoning to ensure design alternatives proposed were consistent with applicable land use requirements. Identified and analyzed existing grandfathered uses and possible special regulatory permits required relative to both existing uses and proposed alternatives. Identified highest and best use opportunities and constraints within existing zoning. Identified easements and use permits granted, rights of Indian tribes and rights of other third parties.

King County Disposition Strategy for Surplus Sites, King County, WA Real Estate Advisor to develop the disposition strategy of 21 surplus sites for the Roads Division of King County. Work with multiple stakeholders (Roads, Facilities Management Group, Executive Office, Parks and Recreation). Create financial feasibility development scenarios, research market data, identify highest and best use opportunities and constraints within existing zoning, and create a marketing plan including participating in the preparation of a RFQ for the sale. Role requires land use analysis of zoning and comprehensive plan, identification of potential bonus densities that are both feasible and add value and a clear understanding of the real estate market and prospective purchasers.

City of Sumner Market Study for East Pierce Sub-Area, Sumner, WA Provided market research study (draft & final report) to the City of Sumner to identify retail segments and employment categories not adequately served in the East Pierce sub-area. Study was used by the City to inform its request to the Pierce County Council to amend the County's comprehensive plan to expand the Sumner Urban Growth Area to include a 188-acre site referred to as Orton Junction. Analyzed retail segments to identify underserved segments in the East Pierce sub-area and quantified the loss of sales tax revenue based on underserved segments. Addressed job growth potential which could be generated by servicing these segments. Stakeholder interviews conducted

Page 9 of 13 PANEL DISCUSSION including city staff, key retail providers and a private developer. The written report addressed methodology used, key findings as a result of computer modeling and analysis, and the data sources utilized in the analysis. The addendum to the report researched all zoning designations within Pierce County and the suitable of each particular zone for a regional retail development. Zoning designations suitable for development were then analyzed for potential feasibility of vacant and redevelopable sites based on individual site characteristics such as size, access, infrastructure, competition, and known environmental constraints.

Feiro Marine Life Center / NOAA / City of Port Angeles Joint Facility Feasibility Study, Port Angeles, WA Real Estate Advisor for a joint shared facility for NOAA, City of Port Angeles and the Feiro Marine Life Center, a private, non-profit entity. Studied, analyzed, and prepared a needs assessment determination of key design elements and property requirements. Identified realistic partnering commitments and established criteria for evaluating scenarios. Provided real estate and financing assessment, including initial analysis of sites, action phase planning and options, analysis of financial options, Partnering and Financing Matrix, Criteria Matrix for evaluating scenarios, produced alternatives for partnering of a joint facility, P & L Proforma, and Shared Facility Feasibility Study.


Mark Huppert

Skills Summary Mark is a principal at Point B Property Development with over 25 years of experience building complex projects. He has led business lines and real estate projects as a developer and consultant, having touched over $2 billion in real estate across the United States. He provides creative vision, organizes capital, and leads complex programs to achieve ambitious goals for partners and clients.

He is an innovator in urban redevelopment and growth management issues. As a strategic advisor and partner to municipalities and institutions, his teams have helped turn around aging downtowns by reshaping policies and implementing catalytic projects that attract residents and businesses to neighborhoods in transition. His policy work has influenced the creation of thousands of urban homes and commercial spaces in Seattle and Los Angeles. As member of a port authority’s $500 million airport renovation program, he represented the port’s largest airline in resolving major operational and redevelopment challenges.

Mark has a passion for improving the built environment and has directed urban research and sustainability programs for the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the U.S. Department of Energy, as well as public and privately-held corporations.

Select Experience Prior to joining Point B, Mark was a senior director with the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Career highlights include:

Senior Director – National Trust for Historic Preservation (Washington, DC and Seattle, WA) • Provided executive oversight and program management for a national initiative to drive increased levels of investment into existing real estate assets in major U.S. cities. • Oversaw primary and secondary research in the fields of land use, transportation, energy and environmental policy; created, led and funded complex university, public sector and private partnerships that commercialized technology in demonstration projects. • Established finance, technology development and engineering, marketing and volunteer engagement functions in the start-up of complex, national research projects with the Federal government. • Directed the organization’s research and development department; nurtured foundation and client relationships to assure positive net revenue growth; led long-range strategic business planning to diversify and increase the department’s revenue base.

Technical Advisor – Independent Consultant (Various Locations) Public Transit Agency • Convened private-sector stakeholders for a federally funded research project to advise a county transportation team on policies and practices that better match parking supply to customer demand in transit-enabled locations. Solar Power Integrator • Developed a modular system to integrate solar charging with large-scale electric vehicle fleet purchases; created energy performance and financial models.

Point B Resume Mark Huppert Page 1


Experience Continued

Sustainable Building Program • Led a private consulting team that advised a county’s residential green building and low impact land development programs. Energy Company • Performed independent research and verification of technical assumptions for whole building energy metering; advised the president and board chairman on the feasibility of the technology and market development program.

Division President – Resort, Retail and Residential Development (Edmonds, WA) • Created a multi-year construction program to fully build out a planned community; established a design and construction management division to build company-owned projects on newly developed land. • Developed an innovative business model that infused investor capital into distressed projects and created a profitable new company; doubled annual sales each year through the trough of the real estate cycle; grew market share. • Established companywide sustainability initiatives at profitable margins, including a campaign to reduce residential energy use. • Recruited, mentored and coached an “A+” team of technical, sales and administrative staff; led external teams of designers, engineers and consultants. • Created detailed project financial forecasts and analysis. Provided regular reporting and narrative to the company’s leadership team and investors.

Managing Principal – Commercial Real Estate Development (Seattle, WA) • Provided executive-level consulting and advisory services to companies, municipalities, non-profit institutions, public housing authorities and private investors; represented owners, buyers and tenants. • Created project work plans for the entitlement, design and construction phases of public-private partnerships in urban-infill locations; led integrated design, construction and green certification teams.

Vice President of Development – Property Services and Management (Seattle, WA) • Controlled acquisition, construction and financing phases of projects as the program manager for public and institutional clients. • Achieved significant in tax-exempt bond financing for public and non-profit project partnerships. • Solicited and secured federal, state and local grant funding.

Education Master of Science, University of Washington Construction Management

Master of Business Administration, University of Washington Information Technology

Bachelor of Science, University of California at Los Angeles Mechanical Engineering

Point B Resume Mark Huppert Page 2 Page 12 of 13 PANEL DISCUSSION

Lorne McConachie FAIA - Principal Bassetti Architects

Lorne’s school designs focus on personalized, collaborative spaces that support differentiated learning, engaged communities, and sustainable connections to place. This shapes powerful educational opportunities supporting 21st century schools capable of adapting to evolving needs.

Lorne leads a collaborative design process, involving the design team, owner, community, students, and staff. The resulting design solutions encourage culturally responsive environments, safe and secure surroundings, and learning places that allow an empowering journey for every student and teacher. EDUCATION Bachelor of Architecture Lorne’s architecture, writing, speaking, and consulting have contributed to enhancing University of Oregon learning environments, inspiring students, and enriching communities. His work has been recognized with A4LE’s MacConnell Award for Lynnwood High School (2010 winner), Todd REGISTRATION Beamer High School (2004 finalist), and Edmonds-Woodway High School (1999 winner). Architect, WA 4209, OR 5891 Under his leadership, Bassetti has been recognized locally, regionally, and nationally with numerous awards for transformative educational designs that embrace strategies for changing curricula, enhancing communities, environmental stewardship, and technology integration.

RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Downtown Seattle School Study, Seattle, WA Lincoln High School, Seattle, WA* Denny Middle / Chief Sealth High School, Seattle, WA Roosevelt High School, Seattle, WA* Roosevelt High School, Portland, OR* High School, Seattle, WA* Franklin High School, Seattle, WA* The Center School, Seattle, WA St. Mary’s Academy, Portland, OR Stadium High School, Tacoma, WA* Lynnwood High School, Bothell, WA Todd Beamer High School, Federal Way, WA Shorewood High School / The Ronald School, Shoreline, WA* Villa Academy, Seattle, WA Bertschi School, Seattle, WA Madison Middle School, Seattle, WA* Lakota Middle School, Federal Way, WA Sequoyah Middle School, Federal Way, WA Stewart Middle School, Tacoma, WA* Rose Hill Middle School, Redmond, WA The Evergreen School, Shoreline, WA Arbor Heights School, Seattle, WA John Stanford International School, Seattle, WA* Los Angeles Unified School District, consulted on modernizations to 12 high schools throughout the District, Los Angeles, CA

*Historic School Page 13 of 13