Ruach 6800 35th Ave NE Congregation Beth Shalom Seattle, WA 98115 206.524.0075 Celebrating our 50th Anniversary!

January 2019 • Tevet-Shevat 5779 Volume 51, Issue 5 Message from Rabbi Rose

In my community growing up, Purim was a pretty big 5. It’s a ritual that Megillat Esther offers to help us ex- deal. Unlike at Beth Shalom, there were no LeMaariv press joy and gratitude for our blessings, both past productions, and megillah reading took place with relatively and present. little fanfare (albeit with some great costumes). So what 6. It’s a beautiful way to spread the joy of Purim was the big deal? The mitzvah of mishloach manot, of throughout our entire community. sending each other gifts of food. 7. If enough people participate, it will function as a way to support Beth Shalom. Our shul did a communal mishloach manot exchange, and 8. It’s a great opportunity to show love and apprecia- I’m incredibly excited that Beth Shalom will be hosting a tion for others in our community. similar project this year. Here’s how it works: Members will 9. It builds anticipation and excitement for cele- pay CBS to prepare mishloach manot on their behalf (we will brating Purim, because you can sign up start- charge a fee of $5 to assemble a gift basket to fellow CBS ing January 15 (and no later than March 12)! members or $360 to send one to every member of the 10. It’s fun! shul). Each member household will receive one basket, with a list of names of those who chose to send them the My earliest and fondest Purim memories are connected to treats. The mishloach manot will be available for pickup at this kind of communal mishloach manot project. Every Beth Shalom on or before Purim. year, in the months before Purim, my parents would receive a long list of all of the members of the congregation in the What’s so special about fulfilling the mitzvah of mishloach mail, and we would scan down the list and check off all of manot this way? our friends, neighbors, and teachers (fortunately, we can 1. If you’re like me, and not a fan of working hard in now do this on the internet; stay tuned for a link through the kitchen, this is a really low-effort and no-mess Closer to Purim, we would gather for a way to send gifts of food to friends. mishloach-manot-packing-party, and would create an as- 2. Our mishloach manot packages will be filled with fun sembly line to get the treats into bags for each family in our surprise goodies, including treats that are connected community. Finally, on Purim, we would receive our family’s to this year’s LeMaariv Production! mishloach manot basket, and we were always excited to see 3. It ensures that every single member will receive the list of people whom it was from, and, of course, to eat mishloach manot and be nourished by our the snacks inside. When my family moved out of state, community. these rituals were among the things that we all missed 4. It creates the opportunity to join us for a mishloach most. manot packing party! (Stay tuned for dates/times)

(Continued on page 2)

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Updates 1-5 Hebrew Word of the Month Scholar in Residence 6

The CBS Israel Committee would like to present for all Pleasure of Your Company 7 members a new feature in the Ruach. It is the Word of the Shomrei Atid 8-9 Month. Each month, a modern Hebrew word or expression Tu B’Shvat Art Event 10 will be presented, along with an English transliteration, and Youth Updates and B’nai Mitzvah 11 a translation or description. This is an easy and simple way to broaden our linguistic horizons. PURIM! 12-13 Here is the Hebrew word of the month: Welcome to the Next 50 Years! 14

Adult Education 15 המ !עמשנ המ Transliteration: Ma nishma! Anniversaries and Birthdays 16 Translation: Literally, this means “What do we hear?”, but Events in Members Lives 17 it is a casual colloquial expression that is close to “What’s up?” Contributions 18-19 Service Schedules / Yasher Koach / Calendar 20-22 Tzedakah Form 23 Updates

(Continued from page 1)

This communal mishloach manot project is what taught me about the joyful and loving mitzvah of mishloach manot as a child, and I hope that you’ll join me in participating and sharing the Purim fun throughout the Beth Shalom community this year!

Guest Darshanit: Rabbi Lisa L. Goldstein - January 19, 2019 Rabbi Goldstein will give the d’var Torah during services on Shabbat morning.

Rabbi Lisa L. Goldstein has served as the Executive Director of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality since 2011. Having previously been a participant in IJS's programs for rabbis and for meditation teachers, she is proud to lead an organization known for its integrity, depth and creativity.

A native of Los Angeles, Rabbi Goldstein studied history at Brown University. She was ordained as a rabbi at Hebrew Union College, where she also received a Masters in Jewish Education. Prior to her work at IJS, she served as the Assistant Rabbi at Congregation Shaare Emeth in St. Louis and as the Executive Director of Hillel of San Diego.

Rabbi Goldstein has taught Jewish spiritual practices and led Jewish meditation circles in a variety of contexts for over 15 years. She co-led nine service learning trips in Central America, Southeast Asia and Africa for college and rabbinical students through the American Jewish World Service. In 2009-2010 she received a fellowship through the Mandel Leadership Institute in Jerusalem where she developed a methodology for engaging in local justice work within a framework of Jewish contemplative practice.

Rabbi Goldstein was recognized as being an Exemplar of Excellence by Hillel’s International Center, the highest honor for Hillel professionals. She was also honored for Staff Excellence in Service to Students at UCSD. Rabbi Goldstein’s other interests include hiking, writing and international travel. She currently lives in New York City with her husband, Igal Harmelin Moria and their foster son, Seydou.

CBS 2018-2019 Board of Directors President Vice-President Religious School Committee Andrew Cohen Norbert Sorg Harry Goldman Chair Marc Cohen Mike Grodin Keith Eaton President Elect Treasurer Deirdre Gabbay Nancy Simon Mark Stiefel Members at Large: Stacy Globerman Broch Bender Beth Hartell Past President Secretary Aviad Benzikry Jeff Ross Michael Madwed Debra Gussin Paige Chapel Matt Saunders Craig Chosiad

Deadlines: Rabbi Jill Borodin Marjie Cogan Emma Shusterman [email protected] Communications Coordinator Bookkeeper

[email protected] [email protected] Articles / Announcements Rabbi Paula Rose [email protected] Heidi Piel Louis Friedkin are due in synagogue office Lifecycle Coordinator Comptroller

by the 10th of each month Carol Benedick [email protected] Tamara Fernandez Executive Director for the following month’s Asst to the Director of the ECC [email protected] newsletter. Shira Orzech Rachel Wachtel B’nai Mitzvah Coordinator Noam Rinat Shinshinit Education & Youth Director [email protected]

206-524-0075 CBS phone [email protected] Rimma Lobas Lauren Fellows 206-525-5095 CBS fax Service Assistant Leah Lemchen Front Office Coordinator [email protected] Director of Early Childhood Center [email protected] Carlos DelCid [email protected] Building Maintenance Susan Monas/Francie Ringold Sarah Greenberg Rosh Kitchen Luis Martinez Community & Membership Engagement [email protected] Maekele Gebremeskel Director Custodial Attendants [email protected]

Synagogue office address: 6800 - 35th Ave NE • Seattle, WA 98115 • website:

2 President’s Message

As I am writing this I am sitting at my parents’ dining I sense a similar loss in Isaac’s response when Jacob table, long past midnight, suffering from jetlag. My presents himself in disguise as Esau. I’ve never leyned that parents’ health problems, including dementia, have story, but now I know how much feeling the leyner should brought me here. That made me reflect on how often we express in that short line of “the voice is the voice of Jews are called to remember, most prominently of course Jacob, but the hands are the hands of Esau”, followed by “remember Shabbat” and “a memory of the exodus from “are you really my son Esau?” On the surface there is the Egypt.” tension of a good story - will Jacob be able to pull it off or will Isaac catch him out? (Of course we’ve lost that sense Not only are we ordered to keep memories, curiously we of suspense because we already know how it will end. But are also ordered to destroy the memory of Amalek. In sometimes I try to listen to these stories with the ears of other words, “remember to forget”, or “don’t forget to someone who hears them for the first time.) Below that forget.” Anyone who’s read the Harry Potter books or lies Isaac’s sense of doubt - he still feels in his gut that watched the movies knows that the best way to forget a something is not right, but he can’t quite figure out what. name is to not mention it in the first place. I see the Below that lies Isaac’s sadness - he has lost the ability to purpose of bringing up Amalek each year as a reminder recognize even his own son. Below that lies his realization “there are others like Amalek that will rise up in each that now he is truly at the mercy of those around him. The generation.” We all stood at Mt. Sinai and received Torah, frailty of old age has grown into the indignity of being and we all experience an Amalek in nearly every dependent on others. generation. And yet, at the same time, depending on each other is an The other evening there were nine of us for dinner, and integral part of being Jewish. I can’t create my own someone brought up a scientific problem and said that I, minyan, I depend on nine others to join me, just as they as a physicist, would know best whether or not a scientific depend on me to be the tenth person. The beauty is that it claim was reasonable. And my mother looked at me has to be any ten people. We don’t need one cohen and quizzically and said with doubt in her voice “You’re a one levi, one of this and one of that. Just ten ordinary physicist?” This simple question was so fraught with people. We are told that all Israel are responsible for each emotions and with layer upon layer of loss that it will other. I depend on all others to behave ethically and I have remain with me for as long as my own memory will allow. to be a mensh not just for myself but as a representative It was an immensely tender moment. My brothers and I of the whole Jewish community. The congregants of Beth were the first in my family to go to university, and I was Shalom have depended on each other for over fifty years, the first to earn a doctorate, which used to be a source of and we will continue our tradition. great pride for my parents. And now that knowledge is gone. With it my mother lost the awareness of their own Very fondly, achievement of raising five sons on the income of a laborer and a cleaning lady and sending them all to university. I felt forcefully the pain of a parent losing the ability to recognize her son.

Norbert Sorg


Purchasing cemetery space during life - rather than waiting for an emergency - is a gift to yourself and your family.

For more information contact, Debra Jeffs-Grad (206) 522-6136 or [email protected]

3 Updates

Social Action Committee, contact: Gail Coskey Shimon bar Yochai taught that “if you are holding a sapling Or you could plant your own trees with family or friends, in your hand and someone says that the Messiah has then have a Tu B’shvat seder. drawn near, first plant the sapling, and then go and greet A number of Yasher Koachs are in order: the Messiah.” Yasher Koach to those who helped prepare and serve the ~Avot d’Rebbe Natan 31b meal at Teen Feed on December 31st. This was a "The time is always right to do what is right." MLK, Jr. nutritious way to start the (secular) New Year for youth facing food insecurity. The next TF, which CBS prepares In 2015, (Kirk) Douglas told The Hollywood Reporter that any 5th Monday in a month, will not be until April 29th. his commitment to charity began in his childhood. He To learn about volunteer opportunities with TF, contact watched his mother give away food to others in need even Joan Lite Miller ([email protected]). when the family didn't have enough for themselves. "My mother said to me, 'You must take care of other people.' To the volunteers who prepare meals for Lake City Meals That stayed with me." the 3rd Sunday of each month. To get involved with LCM, contact Julie Klein ([email protected]). This January 21st, there is a confluence of Tu B‘shvat and the observance of the Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday To the CBS members who donated blood on December holiday, so it seems appropriate to honor both events with 9th. Now that road construction has ended, for now, on a quote. 35th by CBS, we are hoping to get back to a more regular As for the short paragraph about Kirk Douglas (born Issur schedule for the Bloodmobile. Danielovitch), I came across an article about him on the To CBS members who continue to aid immigrants and occasion of his 102nd (!!) birthday on December 9th. asylum seekers in the area with donations of money, Over the last 15-20 years, he and his wife have given clothing, or room in your homes. away millions to various charities and organizations. So for all of us, millionaires or not! , it is important that we To members who continue to support the work of the SAC heed the words of his wise mother and remember it is our with their direct donations to the SAC Fund or to the daily Jewish duty to help take care of others. minyan Social Action tzedakah box.

Tu B’shvat activities: Todah Rabbah to all members of our community who do Beth Shalom's Annual Interfaith Tree Planting for Tu myriad acts of Tikun Olam we might not be aware of, but B'Shvat you truly help heal the world. Sunday, 1/27 from 2:00pm– location Magnuson Park Usually we plant trees at Magnuson Park - this will be the Our next Take Action with Social Action and SAC meeting fourth year. The event has grown. Reservations required in will be Sunday, January 27th, 10:30am-Noon at CBS. advance to Manny Jacobowitz at ([email protected]). If you would like more information about these or other SAC activities, or have an idea for a Social Action Project Also, Deirdre Gabbay will be teaching about Judaism and Climate Change in a Limmud workshop geared to youth or event, contact Gail Coskey or Deirdre Gabbay: and young adults the weekend of January 19th and 20th. [email protected].

Immigration and Sanctuary Group We are creating a new list to share advocacy and education opportunities related to Immigration and Sanctuary issues. If you are interested in joining this new list, please email Sarah Greenberg at [email protected].

Opportunities to help with Immigration and Sanctuary Committee If you can speak Spanish well, and would like to volunteer to serve people who have immigrated to Washington and have asked for help, please contact Dina Tanners at 206-963-4344 or [email protected] If you know of other Spanish speakers (from shul) who might be interested, please let them know about this opportunity too.

We are also starting an email distribution list for non-immigration attorneys interested in learning about opportunities to engage. While immigration attorneys are in high demand, there are opportunities for other attorneys to provide assistance. If you are an attorney interested in learning about such opportunities, Marla Zink will be organizing the list and you can reach her at [email protected].


Shir Chadash: Shabbat Hosting Challenge Kabbalat Shabbat with New Melodies This year, we’re challenging our community to get to Shabbat, 1/25 from 5:00pm in the Beit Midrash know each other better and enhance the joy of Shabbat by hosting each other for Shabbat meals. If you host or Join us as we welcome Shabbat with soulful song, attend a Shabbat meal with other CBS folks, please let us introducing new melodies and harmony on the 4th Friday know, either online ( night of the month. shabbat-hosting-challenge/) or by filling out a form in the For more details, please contact Rabbi Rose lobby. ([email protected]). Each week, our kindergarten religious school class will add pom-poms to the bucket display in the lobby: light blue if you hosted a meal, and dark blue if you attended a meal. We hope that you’ll participate and share your experiences with us, so that the entire community can share in the joy of watching the bucket fill up. Questions? Please contact Rabbi Rose ([email protected]).

The Seattle Limbe Sewing Circle at Assumption Church Tuesday, 1/8 from 6:00-9:00pm at 6220 32nd Ave NE, Seattle

The members of the church don’t want all the pressure on us, so we are joining them for January and February.

Help Girls Stay in School!

We are a multi-cultural, multi-faith community with a two-part goal: to create feminine hygiene kits (using a Days For Girls template) for girls in Cameroon, Africa and to build cross-cultural community here in Seattle.

Any questions, email the Beth Shalom office and we'll put you in touch with Wendy Katz, our project organizer.

Young Family Tefillah and Lunch 1/19 from 11:30am-12:30pm

Join Rabbi Rose for a fun service geared towards families with children ages 0-5, followed by a light lunch. For questions or to be added to our Young Families email list, please contact [email protected]. Future dates: 3/30, 5/4

Next JEBMISS Literary Club meeting Thursday, 1/31 from 10:00am in the Beit Midrash Leah Vetter will lead the discussion of The Weight of Ink, by Rachel Kadish. This Jewish National Book Award winner is very popular, and is available at both at the Seattle Public Library and King County Library Systems., on Kindle and Audio-books. Rabbi Rose recommended this book to our congregation just last summer!

The Book Club welcomes new members. For more information, please contact Ulla Rychter at 206- 546-3053


Edwin & Marilyn Bierman Scholar in Residence: Rabbi Daniel Nevins

February 8-9, 2019

Scholar in Residence Schedule: All events take place at Congregation Beth Shalom. Lectures are open to the public and free of charge. Friday, February 8 5:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat 6:15 Catered Dinner (Pre-Registration and Payment Required) 8:00pm Learning: Is Clean Meat Kosher? Pareve? Connecting the Latest Food Technology to Jewish Ethics and Law.

Saturday, February 9 9:30am Shabbat Services 1:15pm After Lunch Learning: AI, Yai-Yai! The Nexus between Artificial Intelligence and Halakhah 7:30pm Musical Havdalah, Prayers and Program: Blessed Like the Sand of the Sea and the Stars of the Sky: The Natural Environment and Jewish Prayer.

Pre-Registration and Prepayment Required for Shabbat Dinner

Register at or by calling 206-524-0075 -$25/person, Children 3 years & under free -Support the Scholar-in-Residence program now and for the future: Be a Pillar-$180 Your contribution includes dinner and supports this year’s program and the Edwin & Marilyn Bierman Scholar in Residence Endowment Fund -Dinner prepared by Madison Park Catering

Rabbi Daniel Nevins is the Pearl Resnick Dean of the JTS Rabbinical School. He also serves as dean of the Division of Religious Leadership, which includes the H.L. Miller Cantorial School, the Center for Pastoral Education, and the Block-Kolker Center for Spiritual Arts. A graduate of JTS and of Harvard College, where he studied Middle Eastern History, he worked for 13 years as rabbi of Adat Shalom Synagogue in Farmington Hills, MI. A scholar of contemporary Jewish law, Rabbi Nevins serves on The Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, for which he has written responsa on topics of science, technology, bioethics, sexuality and disability. His writings can be found at Rabbi Nevins lives in NYC with his family.

Questions? Email [email protected]

6 Pleasure of Your Company Pleasure of Your Company Continues! Meet new people. Make new friends.

Sign up for delicious foods and desserts, learning and socializing! You will have a lovely experience and support Beth Shalom at the same time. All the food and wine will be contributed by the hosts.

Your reservation is a CBS contribution of $18 per person or more. Donors of $100 or more will be recognized as Pleasure of Your Company Patrons.

Everyone is welcome to attend POYC Events.

Please contact Carol Benedick ([email protected]) to request financial assistance.

You will be able to register and pay directly from the event page.

FEBRUARY New Babies Brunch Sunday, February 17, 10am-12pm Kandinsky & Spirituality in Art Hosts Lana Blank & Ayal Chen-Zion Sunday, February 3, 1 – 5pm Location: Central District/Leshi Host Terry Kalet This event is for parents and babies under 1 year Location: Kirkland old. Toddler siblings also welcome. Wine and nosh included. Limit 20 participants 5 participants. Appropriate for adults. (excluding babies & toddlers) The founder of abstract art, Wassily Kandinsky, believed Brunch is dairy/parve. Participants should notify the host in painting as a spiritual and sensual process, using all of if they have food allergies or special food needs. the senses. In this workshop we will use all of our senses Please bring your little ones for a gathering of CBS's to explore color, shape and movement in a creative youngest congregants. We will have a brunch buffet and process, learning a new way to see and experience the mimosa bar (for the parents) and discuss some of the visual world. opportunities and challenges to involving your newly art/?tickets_process=#buy-tickets growing family in Jewish life. -brunch/

MARCH 25 participants (kids + adults) Children's book author, Brianna Caplan Sayres, will use The Truck Stop Guide to Writing a Picture Book Sunday, March 31, 3-5pm trucks and truck language to show kids how she creates Hosts Brianna Sayres & Deb Glazer – Deb is providing her picture books, including her bestselling title, Where the space, Brianna is providing the programming. Do Diggers Sleep at Night? Participants will learn how Location: Wedgwood they can create books and stories of their own. Snacks served. For ages 6-11. picture-book

Buy Scrip/Gift Cards For CBS Come to the shul office and purchase gift cards for QFC/Fred Meyer, PCC, Safeway, Home Depot, & Starbucks. When you shop with these gift cards you provide a great benefit to the synagogue, and it costs you nothing extra! If you have any questions about the scrip program, please contact Kevin Coskey, [email protected], or the CBS office, 206-524-0075. · You can buy scrip online for Starbucks, Home Depot, Whole Foods and many other stores, including ITunes, Lands End, Barnes & Noble, and Bed, Bath & Beyond. · You can reload scrip online (not QFC), and Beth Shalom will still get a percentage of your purchase. · It’s easy to sign up for ShopWithScrip. Call the office for the Beth Shalom enrollment code.


Congregation Beth Shalom

As my parents planted for me before I was born, so do I plant for those who come after me. ~ Talmud

Shomrei Atid, Guardians of the Future, are Beth Shalom members like you who want to ensure that our exceptional community endures long into the future. Shomrei Atid are members who formalize their commit- ment to Beth Shalom through legacy giving and connect with each other in a common cause: to safeguard the long term vitality and stability of our congregation so that Beth Shalom will be here to support our community and instill our values into the Shomrei Atid many generations to come. Guardians of the Future

Join Shomrei Atid with a legacy gift or bequest and “plant trees” for the generations that follow us!

For more information on joining Shomrei Atid and Legacy giving, please contact Carol Benedick, 206.524.0075 ext 2502,

[email protected]

8 Shomrei Atid

A Gift of Life Insurance to CBS

We have been talking about planned giving and ways we may be able to benefit Congregation Beth Shalom in our estate plan.

Gifts of life insurance are a meaningful way to leave a lasting legacy to CBS. Essentially there are two choices. The donor may name CBS as the policy's beneficiary, and CBS will receive the proceeds at death. Another option is the donor may transfer ownership of the policy to the CBS during life. Naming CBS as a beneficiary provides flexibility. The donor can borrow against the policy and take cash withdrawals, if necessary, for example. You may also split the beneficiaries among two or more organizations if you wish.

Although we cannot provide legal advice, we are happy to speak with you and your advisers about some of the options available to make a legacy gift to CBS that is right for you and your family. Please let us know how we can help."

Cathy Mitchell, Shomrei Atid team member

Shomrei Atid, Guardians of the Future, are Beth Shalom members like you who want to ensure that our exceptional community endures long into the future. Shomrei Atid are members who formalize their commitment to Beth Shalom through legacy giving and connect with each other in a common cause: to safeguard the long term vitality and stability of our congregation so that Beth Shalom will be here to support our community and instill our values into the many generations to come. To join Shomrei Atid, please contact Carol Benedick at 206-524-0075, [email protected].

Shomrei Atid Guardians of the Future

Shomrei Atid Members Anonymous (10) Sharon Greenberg Joe Orzech & Carol Benedick Jacquie Bayley Janet Heineck Rochelle Roseman Jerry, z”l, & Dorothy Becker Werner, z”l, & Edith Horn Corey Salka & Lisa Orlick-Salka Mark & Judith Benjamin Mitchell Hymowitz Joani Diskin-Saran Karen Binder Mark Igra & Nancy Simon Ron & Diana Schneeweiss Rabbi Borodin & Cary Atlas Debra Jeffs-Grad Kathleen & Rob Spitzer Andrew Cohen Patti Kieval Amy Stephson & Brian Rapalee Jennifer Cohen Margot Kravette Ernest, z”l, & Doris Stiefel Jill Cohen, z”l Karin & Michael Madwed Mark & Sheryl Stiefel Scott Cohen & Lauren Kurland Marilyn Meyer Dave Tarshes & Debby Kerdeman Shelly Crocker & Sandy Kibort Joel Migdal Marianne Tatom Harry Goldman & Jettie Person Cathy Mitchell Kayla Weiner Lynn Gottlieb Isaac Morgensztern Sam Wineburg & Susan Monas Carol & Allen Gown Susan Morgensztern George, z”l & Barbara Grashin Neil Nathanson & Stephanie Allen

9 Updates Exploring Jewish Values and Paths Through Art with Israeli Artist David Moss

Join us for learning and a hands-on project with Jerusalem artist and Jewish educator David Moss. We will spend the first hour seeing firsthand some of David Moss’s many projects and works of art where he has transformed Jewish texts, ideas, and values into captivating artistic engagements with the text. The second hour will be spent making our own artistic map of our Jewish life journeys: past, present and future. The surprising syntheses of tradition with creative artistic expression have proven to be a delightful way to educate and inspire. This program is open to middle and high school students and adults, for both those who love art and those who don’t consider themselves artistic, and those who are familiar and unfamiliar with Jewish texts. Come join us!

Monday, January 21, 4-6 pm

Tu B’shvat snacks and schmoozing at 3:30pm

10 Youth Updates - Idkunim La’yeladim

Education and Youth Director, Rachel Wachtel

Hanukkah Shines Brightly in the Education and Youth Chaverim Youth Groups had their very own special Department Hanukkah Party complete with homemade sufganiot (jelly donuts). In the Education and Youth Department many different programs and age-groups celebrated Hanukkah in their Finally, USY (9th-12th grade youth group) had their very own way. We kicked of Hanukkah with a latke breakfast own Hanukkah Party at the home of the Igra Family. Thank prepared by amazing Religious School parents. The you Igra Family for hosting us! The party was full of celebrations continued when our kitah aleph (first grade) Hanukkah treats, candle lighting, a specially made class threw a Hanukkah party for the whole school. They “Jewpardy” game, dreidel, and our teen’s favorite game, invited each Religious School class to join them for Anomia. Hanukkah songs, candle lighting, cookie decorating, What a wonderful holiday to celebrate together. Thank you dreidel, and more! Way to go first graders! teachers, parents, volunteers, students, and everyone who In Torah and Tots, our weekly Shabbat morning program helped make our Hanukkah celebrations so special and full for families with kids under 5, Noam (CBS Shinshinit) led of light! the participants in making (and eating) their own edible Rachel Wachtel dreidels. Young Family Tefillah met for special Holiday CBS Education and Youth Director edition as well! [email protected] On the Tuesday of Hanukkah, the third night, we lit candles Now enrolling prek-12th graders for the 2018-2019 school and joined together in the blessings at Tuesday Religious year! School, Prozdor, and Teen Learning, and our Matanot and B’nai Mitzvah — Mazel Tov!

Teen Events in January

Youth Minyan Next Shabbat, 1/12 from 10am in the Beit Midrash 2018-2019 dates: 2/9, 3/16, 4/13, 5/11/19 (Graduation Shabbat), 6/8. Questions? Want to sign up to lead or read? Contact Jeremy Rose. If we get a double minyan we will have ice cream!

USY Into the Night January 26-27 Stay tuned for more information about signing up and participating in this special annual event.

Teen Volunteering- 8th-12th Graders Mark your calendars to join us on the 3rd Sunday of each month!


12 PURIM! NEW THIS YEAR Mishloach Manot

Fulfill the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot, spread the joy of Purim throughout our community, and support the shul!

How it works: · January 15: Order forms will be sent to your email address. You’ll be invited to send Mishloach Manot baskets filled with fun surprise goodies, including treats connected to this year’s Purim theme, Ima Mia!, to fellow CBS members. $5 to send one basket, $360 to send to the entire congregation. · March 12: Last chance to place your order! · Week of Purim (March 20): You’ll have the opportunity to pick up Mishloach Manot and see who sent you your basket! Each member household will receive one basket with a list of those who chose to send to you. Questions? Want to help pack baskets? Email [email protected]

13 Updates

2019 CBS Annual Party & Fundraiser - Welcome to the Next 50 Years

Name(s):______I/We would like to make a multi-year pledge** for the I/We would like to register for the Annual Party & Fundraiser: Annual Party & Fundraiser on Saturday, February 23, 2019: **tax deductible

$36*/adult x ______adults * $180 per year for 5 years * $1,000 per year for 5 years * Please apply my Beth Shalom Bucks for a $5/person discount $500 per year for 5 years $5,400 per year for 5 years *not tax deductible * * * $3,600 per year for 5 years * $10,000 per year for 5 years Name(s):______* $360 per year for 5 years * Contribute $_____ per year Address: ______for ____ years Phone: ______I/We * have included our payment with this form Email: ______* would like to be billed. ☐I/We wish to have our gift remain anonymous. Credit card - Visa/Mastercard Please divide my pledge into: Card # ______Verification #:______Expiration Date:______* quarterly * semi-annual payments Signature: ______Please make checks payable to: Congregation Beth Shalom


Winter Tuesday Classes

Responding to Challenging Times in Technology and Jewish Law Constructive Ways with Rabbi Rose with Beth Huppin Tuesday evenings, January 15- February Tuesday mornings, January 8- April 9, 5, 7:00-8:00pm (4 sessions) 9:30-10:45am, No class January 15, Feb- · Study responsa written by Rabbi ruary 19, or April 2 (11 sessions) Daniel Nevins, our Bierman Scholar-in OR -Residence this year Tuesday evenings, February 26-April 9, · Explore modern halakhic questions 7:00-8:00pm including: (7 sessions) Our tradition has a rich history of dealing * Is it ever permissible to use with challenging times. This text-based class will look at electricity on Shabbat? wisdom our tradition offers for responding constructively to * Is lab-grown meat kosher (and is it meat or communal and individual challenges. No prior knowledge is pareve)? necessary. * What does Jewish law have to say about GMOs? No charge. Everyone is welcome, including Drop-ins. How is the moment of death defined by Jewish Donations to CBS adult education are appreciated. law? No charge. Everyone is welcome, including Drop-ins. Donations to CBS adult education are appreciated. Learner’s Minyan

Learner’s Minyan takes place on Saturdays, 10:30- 11:30am, in the Beit Midrash or CBS Annex. No charge.

January 12 April 13 Amidah for Shacharit Ashrei & Musaf May 18 February 16 Ein Keloheinu and Aleinu Kedusha for Shacharit & June 15 Musaf Kaddish and Adon Olam Register now through Sarah Greenberg at March 9 206-524-0075, ext 2504 or Torah Service [email protected]

Winter Wednesday Class

The Letters are Flying!: An Introduction to the Joy of Hebrew Letters and Lettering with Rainer Adkins

Wednesday evenings, January 9-February 13, 8:00-9:00pm (6 sessions) $60/member, $90/non-member

K’tivah Tamah is Hebrew for ‘Calligraphy,’ and can be translated as ‘miraculous writing.’ Why? We’ll search for an answer via a succinct exploration of the origins and history of Hebrew letters and Jewish scribal arts, a few of the remarkable midrashic tales of the Alef-Beyt, and how to build and write a Sefardi-style script. A third of the class will be hands-on practice, and there is a $10.00 materials fee payable to the teacher.

Rainer Adkins is an artist, educator and activist who made the murals in the Beth Shalom sanctuary and lobby. He believes learning ‘art in context:’ through the integration of culture, history, folk and wisdom traditions, social structures, and ongoing work for a just and peaceful world.


Anniversaries Jane Golub Shira Pinker Robert & Trudy Antolin Yael Gordon Alex Pozin Lana Blank & Ayal Chen-Zion Orly Gorrin Daphne Raigrodski Craig Chosiad & Aliza Pressman Robert Gose Danielle Reiss Nancy Cooper & Rick Kustina Sharon Greenberg Kobi Reiter Neelz Gharavi & Greg Touchton Shelby Healy Jordan Richmond Doug & Deb Glazer William Hogan Merrill Ringold Benjamin & Karyn Levie Justin Hulvershorn Maya Sachter Newman Michael Lubow & Teddy Rothman Sonja Jacobsen Tamar Sachter Newman Ariel & Dana Raigrodski Talya Jeffries Max Saraf Ron & Lois Ralph Craig Judelman Douglas Saxton Vladimir & Olga Sheynkman Mohini Kaplan Matthew Sayres David Volk & Cindy Katz Ryan Katz Danielle Schneider Barry & Janet Zepel Leslie Katz Ani Schroeter Michael Kieval Leor Seal Birthdays Sheryl Kipnis Andrea Selig Leslie Aberman Ben Kohl Kaila Sheckter Cary Atlas Vladimir Korshin Yaniv Shier Aaron Azose Leslie Krivo-Kaufman Julianna Shusterman Isai Barajas Cicourel Devin Kronenberg Yuliana Shusterman Shelley Baumgarten Jonathan Kurland Nancy Simon Herschel Berg Liz Labadie Carol Slosberg Myron Berg Robert Lavitt Judy Soferman Sam Berg Deborah Lawson David Solovy John Bernhard Deborah Lawson Norbert Sorg Hannah Bobroff Rita Leshner Stan Sorscher Judy Borodin Tali Levin Greta Spear Richard Brodsky Elan Markowitz Ellen Spear Mindy Cohen Ellen Marx Philip Spitzer Rebecca Craemer Gabriel Medrash Denise Sterchi Maggie Elkon Jennifer Mitchell Marianne Tatom Jeremy Elkon Yuki Miyagiwa Aryeh tenBroek Brett Endres Alex Mohr Heidi tenBroek Joel Erlitz Sam Montsaroff Micah Tratt Eli Ezekiel Eugenia Montsaroff Deborah Wahl Sergey Feldman Ben Nurick Ken Weinberg Nicole Fox Hauala Osdoba Merle Weiss Leonie Freedman Loryn Paxton Elliott Weiss Emily Freedman Charles Paxton Lauren Widelitz Cutler Cynthia Gamel Annette Peizer Miriam Wynne Bradley Goldberg Shoshana Peizer For security purposes, your Hanah Goldov David Perlmutter anniversary dates and birth Angela Goldschmid Caitlyn Pernick dates are not included.

Shabbas Chefs

Part of what makes Beth Shalom such a great community is our amazing lunch every Shabbat. You can be part of the magic by becoming a Shabbas Chefs captain. No need to have culinary experience to be a Shabbas Chef captain. It’s fun, easy and there’s help available!

If you want to learn more about being a captain, email Wendy Friedman at [email protected] or Michelle Geller at [email protected].

We have open weeks coming up. Sign up now!


Refuah shlemah Cynthia Green-Alk Y Thursday Connections Volunteers: Susan CBS members ì Tzivia Rachel bat Malka, cousin of Cynthia Monas, Nancy Coomer, Liz Caldera, and Jettie ì Batsheva bat Sophia Green-Alk ì Frank Stein, brother-in-law of Cynthia Person, for making carrot cake for Shabbat ì Rachel bat Miriam (Rachel Jacobsen) Green-Alk Y Shabbas Chef, Ilya Goldberg, and his ì Rivka Sura bat Esther helpers, Cathy Wolkow and Chava ì Yosef Yisroel ben Rochel Leah v’Pinchas Friends of Members Monastersky ha’Levi ì Raisa bat Elka (Raisa Vilkevitch),friends Y Landscaping stars: Chair - Rob Snyder, of Emma Shusterman, Marina Kiselev, ì Yonah Lior ben Elisheva v’Ari Moshe Stan & Nancy Zeitz, Jon & Michelle Geller, (Jonah Gleicher) Svetlana Burke and Marina Nagel Kevin Coskey, Liz Labadie, Brian Rapalee, ì Daniel ben Shlomo, friend of the Orlick ì Moshe ben Mordechai (Marty Schnitzer Cindy Hirsch, David Volk & Cindy Katz, and Salka family ì Shprintza bat Lev v’Shoshanna Hanna and Nathan Volk ì John Lewis ben Julia, friend of Patti Kieval Y Doris Stiefel, for Sponsoring Kiddush lunch ì Yehudit bat Adell v’Yizchak ì Avery Rosen, friend of Kayla Weiner in honor of her 90th Birthday ì Tzvi Dov ben Fagela v’Yakov ì Jeff Rommel, friend of Sharon Greenberg Y Shabbas Chef, Ruth Stern, and her heroic ì Even Mordechai ben Natalie Hannah ì Laura Isenberg, friend of Amy Stephson helpers, Reuben Yolen and David McDonald ì Hanoch ben Miriam Zelda v’Balin Chunah ì KayNell Bates, friend of Nava Gazitt ì Havazelet bat Rivka v’Moshe Tzvi (Dr. Y Danielle Nacamuli, for all her hard work ì Shoshana bat Miryam v’Shmuel (Shoshi setting up the Night of Shabbat Dinners! Bilavsky) Havazelet Ronen), friend of Nava Gazitt ì Peter Huntsberger, friend of Sharon Y Thursday Connections: Debbie Gordon, ì Chaya Esther bat Sheina Leiba v’Mordechai Greenberg Janet Zepel, and Liz Caldera, for helping out ì Mary Fetterly, friend of Cynthia Green-Alk in the office and for brightening up our ì Shlomo Menachem ben Sarah (Solomon Michaels) building with Hanukkah decorations! MILESTONES Y ì Meira bat Esther Yenta v’Asher (Meira Howard & Sarah Shalinsky, for catering Shupack) SAY MAZEL TOV TO… Kiddush lunch, in honor of Ariana becoming ì Sara bat Leah v’Nachman Y Augie Goldberg and his family on him Bat Mitzvah Y ì Bezalel ben Miriam v’Avraham (Eugene becoming Bar Mitzvah Thursday Connections: Debbie Gordon, Huppin) Y Carolyn & Louis Friedkin, on the birth of their Janet Zepel, and Liz Caldera, for helping out ì Eleazar Aharon ben Miriam grandson, born to Aviva & Ronnie Kashri, on in the office Shabbat morning, November 10th Y ì Aviella Bara bat Shlomo v'Nechama Shabbas Chef, Carlos DelCid, and his Raisel (Susan Aylesworth) Y Cindy Garbell, for the editorial in USA by her helper, Kevin Coskey, for preparing Kiddush ì Orli bat Sofia daughter, Chelsea - “Hashtag advocacy won't lunch stop attacks. After Tree of Life attack, don't Y Thursday Connections: Debbie Gordon, for ì David Henached Shel Goldja (Elric helping in our office, and Susan Monas, Jettie Wolfsbruder McCurdy) tell Jews all hate crimes & bigoted attacks are the same” Person, Liz Caldera, and Gloria Goldstein, for ì Chizkiyahu Yitzchok Yehoshuah ben baking cookies for Kiddush lunch Rachel v’Eliezer opinion/voices/2018/11/08/jews-anti- semitism-shooting-pittsburgh-europe-hate- Y Everyone who donated blood, here are ì Ita bat Taube (Inna Lacker) crime-column/1890066002/ the stats from our last blood drive: Total

Y Registered Donors: 15 people; Relatives of Members Ariana Shalinsky and her family, on her We welcomed 1 first time donor; Units of ì Ira Weiner, cousin of Kayla Weiner becoming Bat Mitzvah ì Joan Siewart, aunt of Carrie Horwitch Y Talya Gillman & Max Stiles, on their Aufruf Blood Collected: 14 units; Lives saved: ì Janice Portney, cousin of Linda Portnoy and Chuppah The units that were collected will help save ì Jay Richards, step-father of Shelly Crocker Y Ari Gleicher & Liz Katcoff, and big sister the lives of up to 42 patients in our ì Ezra Zimmerman, nephew of Nadine Charlotte, on Jonah’s brit milah on Sunday community Cadesky-Zimmerman ì Eliyahu ben Yeitchak David haLevi (Dr. leading into the first night of Hanukkah Elliot Perlin), father of Sam Perlin ì Mariam bat Yetta, mother of Gail Coskey TODDAH RABAH A special thanks to all of our ì Miriam bat Lea v’Yosef (Myra Sherling), volunteers who generously devote mother of Marcy Gillman Y Brad & Michelle Goldberg, for Catering ì Leah Zlota bat Chana Richal, sister of Kiddush lunch in honor of Augie their time to the Shul consistently!!

Buy Scrip/Gift Cards For CBS Come to the shul office and purchase gift cards for QFC/Fred Meyer, PCC, Safeway, Home Depot, & Starbucks. When you shop with these gift cards you provide a great benefit to the synagogue, and it costs you nothing extra! If you have any questions about the scrip program, please contact Kevin Coskey, [email protected], or the CBS office, 206-524-0075. · You can buy scrip online for Starbucks, Home Depot, Whole Foods and many other stores, including ITunes, Lands End, Barnes & Noble, and Bed, Bath & Beyond. · You can reload scrip online (not QFC), and Beth Shalom will still get a percentage of your purchase. · It’s easy to sign up for ShopWithScrip. Call the office for the Beth Shalom enrollment code.


50th Anniversary Early Childhood Center Fund Neil Nathanson & Stephanie Allen Andrew Cohen & James Packman Inger Brinck & Grace Park In memory of Sophia Manstein Allen & Carol Gown Svetlana & Michael Burke Nathanson, z"l Harold Bobroff & Yonah Karp Via Microsoft Match Robert Rosenberg Ilene Ruvinsky & Jeff Ross In memory of Jane Fein, z"l Ernest Stiefel Leadership Sheryl Kipnis & Stephen King Adult Education Fund Development Fund In honor of Alex Polyakovsky Dave Tarshes & Debby Kerdeman Barbara Grashin becoming a Bar Mitzvah In honor of Rabbi Borodin's class In honor of Doris Stiefel's birthday on Shabbat Debby Kerdeman & Dave Tarshes High Holiday Appeal Debora Teitelbaum-Rifkin & Ed Rifkin In honor of Doris Stiefel's birthday Steven Alter & Deborah Frockt In memory of Benjamin Edith Horn Don & Susan Aylesworth Teitelbaum, z"l In honor of Doris Stiefel's birthday Rose Marie Bensadon John & Paula Vornbrock David Bensadon General Fund In honor of Shira Orzech Mark & Jessica Bensadon Shachar & Batya Shamay Julie Lyss Stephen Brown Leonard Velick In gratitude to Beth Huppin Andrew Cohen & James Packman David & Carolyn Cohen Alvan & Gwen Diamond Carol Reynolds Neil Nathanson & Stephanie Allen Kathleen Fallon In memory of husband, Ken In gratitude to Beth Huppin Henry Boyar Reynolds, z"l, and father of Jesse Roz & Alan Bornstein & Laura-Lee Fineman Karp Reynolds and Miriam Rigby In appreciation of Trudy Antolin’s David Frum & Liz Labadie Debby Kerdeman & Dave Tarshes support Rabbi Jodie Futornick To Lisa Fein, in memory of Lilly Shelley Ackerman Michael & Deirdre Gabbay Thal Warnick, z"l In gratitude for Beth Huppin's Israel Geselowitz Diane & Denny Warshal Tuesday morning study sessions & Leslie Krivo-Kaufman In honor of Rochelle Roseman's Toni Ameslav Jeff & Marcy Gillman birthday In gratitude to Beth Huppin Ari Gleicher & Elizabeth Katcoff Dina Tanners Tamar Libicki & Sergey Feldman Kim & Nancy Goldov To Carol Benedick, in memory of In honor of Beth Huppin Allen & Carol Gown mother, Justine Benedick, z"l Solomon & Michelle Graf Annual Fundraiser Galit & Sol Ezekiel Sharon Greenberg Andrew Cohen & James Packman To David Bennett & Beth Huppin , Jordan & Debra Gussin Cindy Garbell in honor of Helen's wedding Robert Hovden & Ronald DeChene Robert Golden & Nona Phillips To Carol Benedick & Joe Orzech, in Emily & Alexa Kapor-Mater Robert Hovden & Ronald DeChene memory of mothers, Justine Harold Bobroff & Yonah Karp Rochelle Wynne Benedick, z"l, Mimi Orzech, z"l Henry Levy & Ronit Katz Henry & Olga Butler For Pleasure of Your Company Patti Kieval In honor of Doris Stiefel's birthday Daniel & Carolyn Bernhard Mitchel & Julie Klein Jacquie Bayley Marc Cohen & Karey Kessler Sarah Levy To Jason Kintzer & Jane Becker, in Rabbi Jodie Futornick Selig & Maureen Leyser honor of the birth of their new Edna Oberman Benjamin Lichtman & Emma Gossard granddaughter Diana Steeble & Karin Johnson Yaakov Medrash & Riva Zeff Kevin & Gail Coskey Orly Steinberg Marilyn Meyer & Stuart Lester In honor of Sarah Shalinsky Merle Weiss & Diane Pien Paul & Danielle Nacamuli Larry & Fortun Azose David Nidorf & Krisna Schumann Atid Fund To Rachelle Meyer, in memory of Yehudit Paley & Heidi Pred Andrew Cohen & James Packman Jim Meyer, z"l Linda Portnoy David & Cheryl McDonald Marilyn Meyer & Stuart Lester Jason & Rina Redrup Craig Saran & Joani Diskin Saran To Jason Kintzer & Jane Becker, in Kobi Reiter & David Montero Brad & Ellen Spear honor of the birth of granddaughter Alan Rodan & Alison Sands Double Chai Plus Chavurah and Ilana & David Kintzer's Michael Lubow & Stephanie Rothman Anthony Allison daughter Naomi Rubin & Nancy Fisher-Allison To Louis & Carolyn Friedkin, in Richard Salomon & Robin Dushman Allen & Carol Gown honor of the birth of grandson and Craig Saran & Joani Diskin Saran Terry Steele-Kalet Aviva & Ronnie Kashri's son Harris Schwartzreich & Julia Jay Jesse Kleinman To Rich Brodsky, in memory of Shachar & Batya Shamay Sam & Sharon Perlin Lynette Brodsky, z"l Peter Shapiro & Diane Aboulafia Brad & Ellen Spear Mary Signer Meikle Matt Wynne & Katie Dawson-Wynne In memory of David Signer, z"l (Continued on page 19)


(Continued from page 18) In memory of Sandy Steinber To Roz Bornstein, in memory of Vivian Adatto, z"l Library Fund Jonathan Solovy & Stacey Fisher Isabella Chapman Nancy Morse Brad & Ellen Spear In memory of Nathan Chapman, z"l In honor of Rochelle Roseman's Cliff Spital & Greta Spear In memory of Harold Chapman, z"l birthday Robert Stern Jackie Schulze and Kim Schulze Doris Stiefel Marcy Migdal Endowment Fund In memory of Peter B. Schulze, z"l Daniel & Linda Strickman Joel Migdal & Peggy Brill Marta Kosaly Kayla Weiner To Rich Brodsky, in memory of In memory of Elza Gellert, z"l Ken Weinberg Lynette Brodsky, z"l Michelle Brot Jeremy & Alys Wylen Roz & Alan Bornstein In appreciation of Rabbi Borodin's Rochelle Wynne In honor of Doris Stiefel's birthday class Barry & Janet Zepel Shelley & Alan Baumgarten Ron & Lois Ralph Jay & Marla Zink To Carol Benedick & Joe Orzech, in In memory of Ruth Goodman, z"l memory of mother, Justine Rose Marie Bensadon Israel Travel Fund Benedick, z"l In memory of Leon Bensadon, z"l Debby Kerdeman & Dave Tarshes To Jason Kintzer & Jane Becker, in Pittsburgh Victim Donations Religious School Scholarship Fund honor of the birth of their new Daniel & Carolyn Bernhard Jeff Dossett & Jessica Shapiro granddaughter Michael Blum & Denise Sterchi Pedro & Rebecca Vasquez Wendy Friedman & Becky Blixt Matt Wynne & Katie Dawson-Wynne Jill Cohen & Rik Katz Hospitality Rabbi Jodie Futornick Dhaval Parmar Fund Lynn Gottlieb & Gwyneth Cunningham Parmar Debby Kerdeman & Dave Tarshes Susan & David Huntley To Rich Brodsky, in memory of Social Action Hyam Levitsky & Rhonda Zuckerman Lynette Brodsky, z"l Joanna & Lane Gerber Haim & Jody Mizrahi In memory of Yetta and Jake Joey Wes Children's Library Fund Linda Portnoy Strasberg, z"l Shelley & Alan Baumgarten Morris & Barbara Saunders To Roz & Alan Bornstein, in honor Matthew Saunders & Amanda Taylor Donations to Social Justice of the wedding of Rebecca Stephanie Saunders T-Shirts Bornstein & Michael Zieve Ron & Diana Schneeweiss Richard Brodsky Ed Osdoba & Robin Shelley Kevin & Gail Coskey Kiddush Fund Marianne Tatom Haim & Jody Mizrahi Lori & Allen Safer David Tarshes & Deborah Kerdeman In memory of Elaine Cohn, z"l Rabbi's Discretionary Fund Lucy & Mikhail Taskar David & Rita Wise Youth Scholarship Fund In memory of Fairish Taskar, z"l In honor of Doris Stiefel's birthday Orly Steinberg In memory of Moysey Moldaver, z"l Debby Seaman Etana Kunovsky In honor of Doris Stiefel's birthday In memory of Mark Dykan, z"l Kitchen Fund Dorothy Becker Anonymous In memory of Evelyn Becker To purchase kitchen supplies and Friedman, z"l maintenance expenses

Jettie Person & Harry Goldman

In memory of Waldemar Person, z"l Edith Horn Landscape Fund Etana Kunovsky

Lost & Found We now have a page of photos of possible lost & found items. Please check it out if you can. There are many items: glasses, keys, clothing, water bottles, etc.


Members of the Beth Shalom community lead worship services at CBS. If you have synagogue skills and wish to participate, call Heidi Piel, 206-524-0075. CBS DAILY MINYANS Please support the minyan by attending on a regular or even irregular basis one or more days a week. The minyan does not meet on Festival days. The minyan (Monday – Friday) starts at 7:00am on all American holidays except Thanksgiving, December 25th, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day when it will meet at 9:00am.

Monday through Friday mornings: 7:00-7:45am (Beit Hamidrash). Sunday mornings: 9:30-10:15am (Beit Hamidrash) Monday Evening Minyan: 7:30-8:00pm (Beit Hamidrash)


Ashrei Club: Idan Berkovitz Rave, Jaron Ezekiel, Alexander Polyakovsky, and Nadav and Zahav Shalinsky

Bimah Representatives: Sheryl Kipnis, Amy Stephson, Norbert Sorg, Stan Zeitz, Matt Saunders, Aviad Benzikry, Debbie Gordon, Deirdre Gabbay, and Dave Tarshes

Daveners (the prayer leaders): Hannah Saraf, Jeremy Rose, Augie Goldberg, Jason Kintzer, Debbie Gordon, Naomi Borodin, Carl Sayres, Sam Perlin, Lynn Katz, Alexandra Borodin, Ariana Shalinsky, Rabbi Emily Kapor-Mater, and Naomi Rubin

Leyners (the Torah readers): Augie Goldberg, Brad Goldberg, Shoshana Wineberg, Sam Wineberg, Michelle Goldberg, Rabbi Rose, Sloane Goldberg, Jesse Kleinman, Briana Sayres, Ruth Abers, Carl Sayres, Rabbi Jodie Futornick, Ariana Shalinsky, Sam Meisel, Howard Shalinsky, Yael Stein, Jordan Schmidt-Swartz, Yosef Stein, Alexa Kapor-Mater, and Amy Lanctot

Haftarah: Augie Goldberg, Betsy Maurer, Michele Yanow, Ariana Shalinsky, Marianne Tatom, and Sharon Greenberg

Gabbai Rishon & Sheni (gabbai rishon calls the aliyot to the Torah and the sheni monitors and corrects the Torah reading): Michael Madwed, Shoshana Wineberg, Sharon Greenberg, Teddy Rothman, Rabbi Emily Kapor-Mater, Rochelle Wynne, Nance Adler, and Annabelle Frockt

Guest Darshanim (guests who deliver the sermon, the teaching, the d’var Torah): Augie Goldberg, Ariana Shalinsky, and Rabbi Samuel Klein

Greeters (open the doors and invite everyone into services): Kevin Coskey, Stephen King, Brian Rapalee, Steve Adler, Debbie Gordon, Nava Gazitt, Claire Gonder, Kim Schulze, Meira Schupack, Sheryl Kipnis, and Robert Isgur

Gabbayim/Ushers: Jeff Ross, Laurie Blauner, Trudy Antolin, Amy Stephson, Jacquie Bayley, Dave Tarshes, Lyle Margulies, Alan Rodan, Alison Sands, and Carolyn Bernhard

Daily Minyan Shatzim & Leyners: Ellen Goldblatt, Kathy Andeway, Lori Safer, Robert Hovden, Nance Adler, Sharon Greenberg, Vanessa Edrich, Ruth Abers, and Linda-Jo Greenberg

Kabbalat Shabbat Shatzim (service and prayer leaders): Rabbi Samuel Klein, Michele Yanow, Cherie Hershman, and Rachel Wachtel

Kiddush Caterers & Sponsors (Caterers cater the Kiddush Lunch for the congregation & sponsors cover the cost of the Shabbas Chefs): Catered: Howard Shalinsky & Sarah Kaplan Shalinsky; Bradley & Michelle Goldberg Sponsored: Doris Stiefel Shabbas Chef: Ilya Goldberg, Ruth Stern, and Carlos DelCid And their helpers: Reuben Yolen, David McDonald, and Kevin Coskey

Are you shopping at Instead, start your shopping trip by going to You’ll have the option to donate .5% of your purchase to Congregation Beth Shalom (make sure you choose Seattle’s Congregation Beth Shalom). You can make all your usual purchases, and without spending extra, and you’ll be helping the shul.



The regular Kabbalat Shabbat services last approximately one hour. The service is spirited with the beautiful melodies of Kabbalat Shabbat including L’cha Dodi and Yedid Nefesh. After services, participants return home for Shabbat dinner. Shabbat hospitality will be available. Children are welcomed and treasured. If you wish to help lead services, to offer home hospitality after services, or simply to participate on a regular basis, please contact Kim Schulze at [email protected].

Date Kabbalat Shabbat Candelighting Havdallah Special Events

January 4 5:00pm 4:14 pm 5:15 pm January 11 5:00pm 4:22 pm 5:23 pm January 18 5:00pm 4:32 pm 5:33 pm

January 25 5:00pm 4:42 pm 5:44 pm Shir Chadash

SHABBAT MORNING SERVICES: Main Sanctuary at 9:30am - 12:15pm

Shabbat Morning B’nai Mitzvah, Dates & Portion Concurrent Services Sermon Topics and Special Occasions January 5 9:30am—Babysitting Vaera 10am—Prozdor Exodus 8:16-9:35 10:45am—Kids Kehilla Haftarah: Ezekiel 28:25-29:21 11:30am—Torah & Tots 12:30pm—Shabbat Shel Ivrit 1:15pm—Board Games in the Social Hall

January 12 9:30am—Babysitting 10am—Prozdor Bo Exodus 12:29-13:16 10am—Youth Minyan Haftarah: Jeremiah 46:13-28 10:30am—Learners Minyan 10:45am—Kids Kehilla 11:30am—Torah & Tots 12:30pm—Shabbat Shel Ivrit 1:15pm—Critical Conversations with Rabbi Borodin

9:30am—Babysitting January 19 Beshalach 10am—Prozdor Exodus 14:26-17:16 10:45am—Kids Kehilla Guest Darshanit: Haftarah: Judges 4:4-5:31 11:30am—Young Family Tefillah & Lunch Rabbi Lisa L. Goldstein 12:30pm—Shabbat Shel Ivrit

January 26 9:30am—Babysitting Yitro 10am—Prozdor Bar Mitzvah of Jaron Ezekiel Exodus 18:1-20:23 10:45am—Kids Kehilla 11:30am—Torah & Tots Haftarah: Isaiah 6:1-7:6; 9:5-6 12:30pm—Shabbat Shel Ivrit USY—Into the Night 1:15pm—Learning with Sebnem Pura

21 January 2019

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 New Year’s Day 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 9:30 am-Shabbat Services (Office Closed) 7:00 pm-Yiddish Class 10:00 am-Thursday 5:00 pm-Kabbalat Shab- 9:30 am-Shabbat Babysitting 9:00 am-Morning Minyan Connections bat Service 10:00 am-Prozdor 4:00 pm-no teen 10:45 am-Kids Kehillah learning/RS/Prozdor 11:30 am-Torah & Tots 12:15 pm-Shabbat Shel Ivrit 1:00 pm-Board Games

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9:00 am-RS Breakfast 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 9:30 am-Shabbat Babysitting 9:30 am-Sunday Minyan 7:30 pm-Monday 9:30am—AE with Beth 7:00 pm-AAA Meeting 10:00 am-Thursday 5:00 pm-Kabbalat 9:30 am-Shabbat Services 9:30 am-Religious School Evening Minyan Huppin 7:00 pm-Yiddish Class Connections Shabbat Service 10:00 am-Youth Minyan 7:00 pm-Food and Friends 4:30 pm-Religious 8:00 pm—AE with Rabbi 7:00 pm-Shabbat Cha- 10:00 am-Prozdor (offsite) School and Prozdor Rose verim (offsite) 10:30 am-Learner's Minyan 6:00 pm-Sewing Sisters 10:45 am-Kids Kehillah (Offsite) 11:30 am-Torah & Tots 6:30 pm-Teen Learning 12:15 pm-Shabbat Shel Ivrit 7:00 pm-Adult Education 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9:30 am-Religious School 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:00 am-Morning Minyan Guest Darshanit: 9:30 am-Sunday Minyan 7:30 pm-Monday 4:30 pm-Religious 7:00 pm-Yiddish Class 10:00 am-Thursday 5:00 pm-Kabbalat Rabbi Lisa L. Goldstein 11:00 am-ADL Presention Evening Minyan School and Prozdor 8:00 pm—AE with Rabbi Connections Shabbat Service 9:30 am-Shabbat Services 22 1:00 pm-USY Board Meeting 6:30 pm-Teen Learning Rose 9:30 am-Shabbat Babysitting

7:00 pm-Adult Education 10:00 am-Prozdor 10:45 am-Kids Kehillah 11:30 am-young family tefillah 12:15 pm-Shabbat Shel Ivrit

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 9:30 am-Sunday Minyan Martin Luther King Jr. 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:00 am-Morning Minyan Bar Mitzvah of Jaron Ezekiel 9:30 am-Religious School Day (Office closed) 9:30am—AE with Beth 7:00 pm-Yiddish Class 10:00 am-Thursday 5:00 pm-Kabbalat USY Into the Night 12:00 pm-CBS Teen Tu Bishvat Huppin 8:00 pm—AE with Rabbi Connections Shabbat Service - Shir 9:30 am-Shabbat Babysitting Volunteering 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 4:30 pm-Religious Rose Chadash 9:30 am-Shabbat Services 12:00 pm-MLK youth 3:30pm—Schmoozing School and Prozdor 10:00 am-Prozdor advocacy workshop with prior to Art event 6:30 pm-Teen Learning 10:45 am-Kids Kehillah kids for peace 4:00 pm-Exploring 7:00 pm-Adult Education 11:30 am-Torah & Tots 5:30 pm-Lake City Meals Jewish Values and 12:15 pm-Shabbat Shel Ivrit (Offsite) Paths Through Art with David Moss 7:30 pm-Monday Evening Minyan 27 28 29 30 31 USY Into the Night 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 7:00 am-Morning Minyan 6:00 pm-Adult Ed 9:30am—AE with Beth 7:00 pm-Yiddish Class 10:00am—JEBMISS Book 9:30 am-Religious School Meeting Huppin 8:00 pm—AE with Rabbi Club 9:30 am-Sunday Minyan 7:30 pm-Monday 4:30 pm-Religious Rose 10:00 am-Thursday 2:00 pm-Tu B’Shvat Tree Evening Minyan School and Prozdor Connections Planting (Magnuson pk) 6:30 pm-Teen Learning 7:00 pm-Adult Education Congregation Beth Shalom Tzedakah Form Please return this form to Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98115 You may also donate by phone (206-524-0075), fax (206-525-5095) or email ([email protected]). Donor(s) name(s): ______We will mail an acknowledgement card to you, as well as the honoree or family of those memorialized. Donations are also listed in our monthly newsletter. We can mail additional acknowledgements if desired. Please send an acknowledgement to:

q My mailing address: The following recipient: ______At this address: q My email address: ______q I’ve added more recipients; see reverse q Do not send me an acknowledgement q Do not mention me as the donor

Gift information: My/our gift is (check one): q in honor q in memory q in gratitude q other (specify below) of______Please use my donation to support: q General Operating Fund q 50th Anniversary Fund All donations to the General Fund help us maintain a balanced budget.

A fund of my choice: q Adult Education Fund q Ernest Stiefel Leadership q Joshua Leadership Fund q Mitzvah Corps Fund q Atid Development Endowment q Kiddush Fund q Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund q Building Fund q Kitchen Fund Fund q Israel Travel Fund q Camp Scholarship Fund q Landscape Fund q Religious School Fund q Jill Cohen & Rik Katz q Cemetery Fund Hospitality Endowment Fund q Library Fund (adult) q Social Action Fund q ECC Fund q Joey Wes Library Fund q Marcy Migdal q Youth Scholarship Fund q Edwin & Marilyn Bierman SIR (children’s) Endowment Fund Endowment Fund

Payment Information: Enclosed is my gift of q$180 q$72 q$36 q$18 q other amount: $______via:

Credit card: qVisa qMastercard Card #: ______/______/______/______Exp. ______Card verification #:______Cardholder signature: ______Date:______

q Check (check #: ______) q I am a member of Beth Shalom; please bill my account.

Thank you for your support of Congregation Beth Shalom!

23 Congregation Non-Profit Org. Beth Shalom 6800 35th Ave NE U.S. Postage Seattle, WA 98115 tel 206.524.0075 PAID fax 206.525.5095 email: [email protected] Seattle, WA Permit #802 Celebrating our 50th Anniversary!