Wednesday 20th May


We continue to extend our comprehension through a range of activities. Today you will finish your book!

Dino FC Out of the Depths Millions When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit Skim and scan Read Ch 32 – end Read Ch18 - end Read Ch22 - end text as needed (P165-202) (P231 – 250) (P224-252)

Over the past few weeks, you should have completed all tasks below. If you have not, please try to complete these . For those who have completed all, you are going to reflect on and review your novel. YOU WILL FIND THIS REVIEW AND REFLECTION TASK AT THE END OF THE NEXT PAGE.

REVIEW AND REFLECT ON WHOLE NOVEL Use the questions below to reflect and review the novel. Write this as a few paragraphs or under headings. • Did you enjoy the novel? Why/why not? • What was it about? Summarise. • What was your favourite/least favourite part? • Who was your favourite character? Describe some characters from the novel. • Where was the novel set? Describe this. • Would you recommend this novel? Who to? How many stars would you give it? • CHALLENGE • What were the themes of the novel? • Did you enjoy the author’s style and structure of novel? Formal, informal, diary layout, short/long charters, first person, third person, use of techniques etc.

Wednesday 20th May – Numeracy Problems


Complete problems below with strategies such as using a bar model, drawing a picture, creating a table, working backwards and guessing, checking and improving.




Wednesday 20th May – Numeracy Problems


Complete problems below with strategies such as using a bar model, drawing a picture, creating a table, working backwards and guessing, checking and improving.






Wednesday 20th May – Numeracy Problems


Complete problems below with strategies such as using a bar model, drawing a picture, creating a table, working backwards and guessing, checking and improving.







Topic – Wednesday 20th May

Popular Asian Sport


Very little is known of the exact origins of karate before it appeared in Okinawa, but one popular theory states that it came from India over a thousand years ago, brought to China by a Buddhist monk called Bodhidarma (“daruma” in Japanese). As legend describes it, Bodhidarma arrived in Shaolinsi and began teaching Zen Buddhism as well, a style of temple boxing based on exercises designed to strengthen the mind and body. The historical accuracy of this legend is still a hot issue of debate today, but Karate has evolved into a popular and beloved sport.

Have a go at learning some basic karate techniques by following Sensei James on the video below. Safety note: do not try your moves out on anybody else!! You are not trained in karate and could injure yourselves or someone else.


Originating from Europe, the popularity of cricket has spread the world over. The game is particularly popular in Asia. International teams in Asia, having the highest Test Status in the world of cricket – belong to Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. The Asia Cricket Council was set up in 1983 in order to promote this game in the continent. The organisation holds the Asia Cup every two years. Cricket teams from different Asian countries participate in the event which promotes goodwill among them apart from popularising the game.

One major tournament within cricket is the Cricket World Cup which occurs once every 4 years. The last tournament was won by England who are current champions. The next Cricket World Cup will be help in India in 2023.

Have a go at some of the skills needed for playing cricket, why not try and involve some family members too! Don’t worry if you don’t have the correct equipment – be resourceful and use what you have.

Batting Catching Running Throwing Bowling Teamwork


Football in Asia is growing, and it is the most popular sport in many Asian countries. According to FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association), the earliest form of football (soccer) was believed to have been played in China and it was dated back to more than 2000 years ago. The game was called cuju and it was played in the same way as football - without using hands or arms and a player had to kick the ball through two goal posts to score a goal. Football in Asia is enormously diversified. During the 21st century, football is emerging as a prominent sport in the Asian countries, with Qatar hosting the 2022 FIFA world cup, India introducing the Super League in 2013 and Qatar and the United Arab Emirates' making huge investments in clubs overseas. Only one Asian team (South Korea) has made it to the semifinals of the FIFA World cup since the tournament expanded to 32 teams in 1998. Other Asian teams like Saudi Arabia and North Korea have suffered huge defeats in the World cup in 2002 and 2010 respectively. If you have a ball, try and get outside and work on some of these football drills to refine your skills. A full explanation of the drills is available at the link below. • Wall Kicks • Toe Touches • Inside Touches • Juggling • Cone Dribbling Work • Trapping the Ball • Target Practice

Sumo Wrestling

Sumo (相撲, sumō) is a Japanese style of wrestling and Japan's national sport. It originated in ancient times as a performance to entertain the Shinto deities. Many rituals with religious background, such as the symbolic purification of the ring with salt, are still followed today. In line with tradition, only men practice the sport professionally in Japan. The rules are simple…the wrestler who first exits the ring or touches the ground with any part of his body besides the soles of his feet loses. A contest usually lasts only a few seconds but in rare cases can take a minute or more. There are no weight restrictions or classes in sumo meaning that wrestlers can easily find themselves matched off against someone many times their size.

Have a read at this CBBC report if you would like to find out more about sumo wrestling.