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annnlnnnBKnnwannlnnwMhn1iMnnxflMnBBfnnnnnnnB3nnnanB O JUJ hlM.TXWXXBt fwlMinlli x.Mrall Trw. in in a a. lit g.uuaiiana2dts . 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 rriiustiED nv tlUavliatVei .? m m M T 10 o&j 3Slii-n-nuw.milw' (OB; i H & ami Ml ( ROBERT CRIEVE CO. M law Nc., it M U a OMrHftf Oataaan UN IIWa Ilrrrj Wrflnri:i Moraiinc. nioJ atrCmttrmm rnili' te ae r ItatfrfCBlwmn ! TwTa4H Conmn SN MNi XHT. rVK IWLUKS PEH ANNUM ' W9S1 aaao-tm- On OaB UW PAYAr.Lh IX AlrjXCE, -- aIwMa Cra whan A e - . mohmi imb Uwm nttcfr4wafea aew ta whan naM a .aatT-- 4 6G.tl5 A tl stfmtl.MBvrata. Korrlfti Sn lrrl Imti lu laner. B. All foeeiia ademlaenwate " b avcinaal 1 !. k IcUdpMt&t;- -f wtth the tn. a na notiww Mfcwlakew Um. TaweatahaiarertTflntIaheare.t Eaatam itwnn1twOaetentni.-- tn rtnfttumlw MawnhblTlv;rtfarwtewewHaea Offloo new 1884. WHOLE No. 1006. irrfrtHmawiya d In Gazctto Enlldinc 25 and 27 XIX.--.N- o. 17.1 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23. fvatmaapaw Merchant Street. VOL. HONOLULU, Totitcs. Jnsurantt Oolites ADrenm of Death. Unsinrss Carts IJnshitss (Tarfts. ' iHtttjamtal Ccrtig. itluljanitat (nri5 Jnsnronre Last wlfihu dear me, I dreamed that yon were dead' w5uahs, rraosu & ca. 1 aaw your white hind folded on yoor bream n. AiiA.ii. ir. O. h.rTH. L.A.Tnrr.101. ED. C ROWE ! Bosun Hoard f rndenrriten unSMTnIurahce m Toot dear rioted, therr light Wcrrt lied, r. fta co?n"t Commission Mrrctaitj wionr heart Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, SMITH & THDRSTON. Hont and Slfin Palntr, Paper Hncr, CONFECTlONERifr GBXTS far tha llaialalakilat SAX Shipping and' l at rctt. tX. 9X1T C BBEWBKJt OC. OP PRAXC1ICO. wa Street, Ilotinlalu ly nonolaln. -- 1 I npon your face, o white Qnem ATTORN EYS AT LAW, , yly m 18 aUferaU 9lreet: na Frwhco-I- raed and told, JIT o. 3! llimolil.. n. I. i 2hXAJTlXI.3 fearefally beyond bit power to nadcrrUnd. ;o, Pi, c. tu :oi.r.MA?f. ae: Board of CndenrrlKrs I Llvecd yoor lip q th or iMLcxTsrttiJsrs' miladelphla dan rfd, i:i. uunciiiiAi:!i:itAMERCHANTS w O. L.A.THrsT.x 71TortSt.,aboTO Hotel St.t I claaped your hand. IMPORTERS AHD C0KKISSI05 Snrv. BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST 550. a nriT Air the nawa Un Iilaadii xsco&FOBZrsiriaos . jMEKCHANTS, OTS Ilonolala. Cteha.ll I ly XV. O. SMITH Sc CO. Horwe Shoe I ir. Carrlac Vorfc. A 17I C PREWKRACO COMMISSION And oh! the world with all held for kEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND it mt, Much to cry, At. CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS 11 Sow TorK. "rrwdarkatnlchtacdeverrhnpeaiwiticdfiiiil. HACKrEI.l) A. CO., Stock and Real Estate Brokers, Plantntloa beet Frencfc and riaaakor trTl. o Joy II. yra Shop on King StreeC next Cantle A Cooae'a If . aaaMartsentef Ue F. T3 Fwr Iho lalawtla. 1 oooa aoo . WatrcBOOO. ta all the earth my onl cooW a er. AGENTS, S yo.38MCTth..lSUllcilolBll.U.I. tf L. L'alliornU maanfactnred Itnwnlla JlaroeeoM-- caatl. T To. yon were dead GENERAL COMMISSION tro 1 NOTT. y AK?f14rnrnacnt9oardoC1TdrwrltflrtS W .' Queen fetrecU I1opo1bjb.11 ly CLARENCE W. ASKTORD, . iOltS OoxiJTec-tloiaex'- General Com'py. I thought th morning a nnlieht Ailed the ky; Stove, i Ajcnt of Vienna Board of Undctwrthm Insurance With early dew opening Dower LttoxTrLojr. bo., Importer and Dealer la Rant. tbe rfe wet. F. T. 1XNTHAN & Scallcltoir. FnraUhln-Goo- d. Crockery. GUm and Vhkh ke oflcTf for tala to lha tradr or at rtuit, CUImaatalnatlnanrneeCoBipanlrawtthta tho H.W. SEVEEA'NCEr., Bat all Munnl darlcnef a to my weary eyea ; OFFICE 13 Kuhnmam 3Ir.aU. IToom For Sen, Rlwer aad Inndtrnprt avnd Commiaaloa Merchants. Stn.t, China Ilonotala, II I of the tbor Doarda of Lnderwrltnwwtll haw My bid art. IWfi Ware.rraellcal lctanlct Iljwillin Ceualjad TIoboIbIb IIonelBln. II. I. tf jnXi to b certified to by the abore Acnt to maka then f DIUSTJCN. Vn Soaana btreet. It AT REDUCED PRICES! Talld. . rftty I trird to wake yon from that awfal aleep . 1IAUT1VEL1., TTAVING ESTABT.ISUTIO Ay MBRCri-Aljl- I roald that you wrrc flows , A-- ALI'llKD S. M. OAT & CO., SAILMAKERS, ALSO COMMI33IOH aot rrallie l A. SClIAr.rKR CO.. J. .1.1. Agency at Itonotala for the Hawaiian tala4s CaL. I tried ! TalBi year alatnberf were ico deep. LoltinA. Coola'a Sew Firfrrroof Balldlng, foot CIGIBS General M.. l.n.TnBelaeo. I Importers & Commission Merchants F. TOE BEST BKASDS OF CHOICE Insurance Notice. the nnderafrnrd Acnte anaothoilacdloUke wat alone. COUNSELLOR-AT-LA- W, of Naaann Mreet. aMoaX.4. At VTt Ilonolala, Hawaiian lUnd It V To be bad In the market 1 woLe the morning iky waa brtrht with daj Ilonolala, II. I. AOE.1T FOR THE ORITIftll Rlaka amitut tho Danger of Uw Seaa at ta The birda wire ringing fwewy overhead; i; . HITCHCOCK, ICE S0D1 WtTER C0RDI1LS TIIR XaHna Imiranca Company (Ltmlicd) ha & COf ornCE-OV- Ett BANK M of all dwerlptlona miJe and repaired THE BEST CRE1B, DR. JORDAN The tweet Jane roe ea blonmncd and gy. LAW, HAWAII. of niMior to, Fla2 i rcctlTed Inatrnctiona to Itcl"ee th of la Moat RoaaoBaUo Rata, aad on tho fmb ATT0RNZ7 AT HIL0, i tn lhItt and Ton were not dead vn HowolBla. H. 1 3m trcALi.ASDTnyTiirji.-st- f aranco between Ilonolnla and Porta raclflc or rftoBtesorc 9M Bill promptly collected J PIONEER STEAM 7 vn em W now prepared to lata Policle at the lowtat rate. Moat FaToraol Tama. RHUKD.rrrrasof Pari.. ri.llHow.of a And ben we net yon did not andervtand i with a aprctal on per ateamrra . OMOtte4 M. HATCH, Candy Manufactory and Bakcrv redncUoa frrttat F A CHAEFER ol An.... uW rf That yoq were dearer to me, ten tlmea o'er: FRANCIS WM. TUEO II PATIKM, lu .tiee. irSur all rranehojv That troer. wanner, reemed your Httl hand n-- X-- 3P. XEOItKT W ly Agent Brit. For. Mar rna.Ctx. Limited . ten It Actat for the Hawaiian latanda U.. Than e'er before oy t ATTOHWHT .T IiAW, Practical Confectioner, Paltry Cook ini Baker, MASawn. 9U1.NAI. Attorn OFFICE. No. KAAIICMANC STBEET. S ly wAii. 537 11 KaahamaaB Street lyr. II 71 llotelatreeUhetireen Naaana and Fort. - IIIEF..niLt iissA!MarTUK 3or can yoa erer know how math I prix No lUKi Ilonolala. II. I. fit IIAniUTRGII- 502THBJITISH ASD XXBCX5TXLX ik wd ia The pjrelona Jewel trotted to my care piousrtar in ..Nor my year rye S.B.DOIX. J. EMMELTTTH & CO.. ITEi: INSTJEANCE COMPANY. that heaven li la leader A. ROSA. Oompnixy BlKR 5TOS CHTOf And lasny hair Connaellor at Lw avnd Notary Publlc. No. 5 Saoann Streei. Znaurnnoolostpov I w Ml Ho JTTOMIET T'UW HID HOTIRT PUBUC, or a.id tDnninun. VI an'i-syr- Ofllce at the corner of Fort and Merchant Streata. mm. rDcxuii(j!rKD matiso nccx ip. tf That dream waa An angel difgale. a and Plumb ra. Dealers In Store JL. pointed Atenta of the abortr Company, aro nrc n bat in Tinsmith m That filled my mat w i th bitterm-a- a dlatrraa nolaln OJHet A.lonui Ctntntl. Jlffdnl ' Ran-e- t, Tin, JPhtet and Copper Ware, keep tiiffxTra In art ri.ka -- flr on II and Rrlck. Ettabllahed 1809. lit OalTan- - int lane Ior TJa by inn we rsally learn to prlre nnt avn DTI VCPOK. 1KB irn.oll; It. 1. ly mantlr on hand a fall ajportment of Tinware, hmidlmgi, and en M erctaamltne ttorrd therein, on. ! What we poaaeaa txed Iron and Lead Pip. Idf a Robber Hone, .te., c ue dmi. UTorame terms, rot psmrniar" appT " enrirAL Jt 2,rMW,noo, Attorney and Coiuuellor at Iw, ItW ly offle of VJUtr T X.SCIIAEFEKACO. AeramaUtew Fand Fisheries - U.1IAI.1.A; aadlaveated l.0t7.3l 'Tlerrr the- Iil Irewmi arenot learned sKaahBmanabtreeOlnolalr VZ i;. HO. U do not know the blewlng n hlch e own. It UillTEIi. W. R. UkWRENCE, HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C tfae lia ' prrpeifM Mrwttm Until, bereft, blredirc heart yearned HA1DWAEE "xa. AI1KXTH Tor Linda (' O'er flown "W- - K-- CASTLE, IUJOSTEES AND BEAI13S IS fr .a. o nnntnlnl th 9andleh It angrli o o ir n COMPANY. on FanfraHe Bottom Tlowf , Oil. od Gractal VmbandU., Farntahcd fort Worii of Coa riEE INSURANCE andareaaihortaedtalnanreafainatflre ATTORIVHT A.T Taint.. riaaa AndEatlmatrt Terma. IN; Cernrr Fort ndl'KlngSll. op riAMDinxc. SOTPLT TEE HAWAHA5 I3LAST3 PbMIc Attends an the Conrt nf the I. llinctlon. tf-l- Rlka Ukrw is part of the laUndan 9wa sndoUry aj Ueee A.O. CT.I.IS. Englhoorlngand Surveying D. LANE'S MEBaLUiDUE. ruujri- - anCVo1enBil41nsi.a4Mrthairtr1atwt wna tux , . Miicellaneoas. Civil J. lcii.i?t.n.TCRE and ilachlnery Ininrcd on lo: Dwdlln? Ilnm and rirnltnret,Tlitt, OoaK - STREET, to aralntt Jlre tit ShlpalnbarlwrwuhmwtthowtnrsowSeTnwdfrreparr, OFFICE on KACWILA U iTOT.Dir irrme Tennyson's income about a II. i:.JIcITVKKA.KOTIIi:it. Stools. BrolLorl M nt is 20,000 jcar. Ideman'a Urict arehone. nt X.nOFFSCHLAEUEn A Hlrjhost (trade Cotton ett'B5, f QE0CEEY. ST0EE and BAKEEY BIT n KKLL 1'I.ASTAIltlX MARBLE WORKS, . JAEGER, for the Hawaiian lelanda. t'0 of Tbe Trorld a comedy to those who thiol--- . IEED ttocl.nond,andoUirr Markftabl. HTirf.li-. ow p o nor loi iy, ya'ly IM Armt for the Hawaiian latanda is Cornft Kloc .nil Fort Sttwu. Ilonololn at Market aln lot Cart OFFICE WIT11E UOrOKTNTltF.e.T, EAItllTEI.IIT. UtD JfADI ITTO tragedy to those who feci. Mi ly ADASI. Anttionorr Yillr WILLIAM TURNER, GREAT WESTERN THE PACIFIC MUTUAL Freezing politeness frequently consists in wii.ii:u & cu.. WILLIAM AUED, Practical Watch & Clock Maker mandfacthrer'Tf monuments' Nets and Seines to Order, cirinj; a man the cold shoulder , lionol.lo, to Con- - INSURANCE COMPANY. CototrprtBaCntnitlnn Ac.nt to tko Acfamwlodcmont. Jeweler, Headstones, Tomo LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Tho Home Jovrnril thinks the schools of Piinti, Oill, Htill. Silt 4 Balldiis tracta forZbor and Office, SO WaOl St, Now t orerlnf remr epeM ofwTth. large .ndaaaU. Umier, Offlce Head York. uftnoroellaOeMn Uoston are nearly to death. - In thr PUtflf t of Kona, llandof Oahn.al tho of ;;o 8i King street. Ilonolala. II. I., (opposite the Tablets, Marble Minteli, v sniervised aalr MitrUIiorTcrT"'i- WatfrW'otkF. footof ouano Mrfft Carriage Factory) TheaboTe Company havlnseatablUhrd an Asency at nr iLiron.il i. th. Honolnlo iy I'lonrcr Washstand Topi, and It is easier for a woman to defend her virtue UOLI.ISTER & CO 373 Honolnln for the Hawaiian lalanda. tbo nnderiT'roed la Deelre to call the partlcilar attention nf eTerDrarjr, Cotton is Ugb.tcr.tlua Hcmpvnora Svnolt Iiland orders attended to with promptae. and Black and Marble. anthoriaed to accept and write Marine lUtka on against men than reputation against n. IT" Tiling in White aad Imi ZxpouiTB, her Druggists It. Tobacconists, A. W. PEIRCE & CO. G.xwlr. packed rarefnlty for tranIU 9 i o. and Hall, TO THEIR wnoLESALE AND 11ETA1L. SHIP CHAKDLEES C0B1HS5I0K MEBCHAHTS at enrrenl ratea. J S. WALKER. t As iviRY DESCRIPTIOfi M! Iy Agent foo tha Hawaiian Ulanda oood Umlto4 Tbe New Karen PaUathnm remarks that aolKT. run LYCAK CO.. MARBLE WORK OF I Tnirorullj la ta State.. WrOBTEES HaiLERS I"l Tontine Investment Policies Iho one redeeming feature of Monnomsm Brand'. Cn and Bomb Line. , MADE TO ORDER accmji MKS. A. M. MELLIS, Ferry DaTle Fain Klllpr, S " ' throw tho of the General Musical Merchandlae, Palntlne trwiow Wnlca eenUln the IaditraUU. CUut. American Not and Solno Co. to be that it dM not harden and Clonk Maker. 10 queen .Honolnln ly om RATES. FuUaimU. Drat r No bt Eueravlngi. Cbxomoa, &&, &o. AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE Fire and Marine Insurance Company No Jleetrictlm on Travel or Ilr.lqVM., m ly Borto. of husband on one woman. 11 I btipltort a 101 Fort .tuft, Honolulu, Rny vn ly The Cheapest place to K1V Pre. from Dantve of Fnrfdtm. Yu will observe this, the devil never of- and llrftfUtoiie tlcnnc.1 ami OF ZEtLAXD. BROWNE'S CHLORDOTiiL ALL KINDS OF FURKITURE 111 HOIOLULU. Moanmeiih DB.J.CQLUS fers to oHilo partnership with a bizzyrnan, W. AtTSTLN WHII0C, Commission iltrtliant and General Veahr : : ntTCRE FRAMES of all Mndi IIcl. CAPITAL : : tio.ooo.ooo Till UHlMtVl. .ml UXM I.t but jru will often see him otter to jtitethe lazy Attorney and Counsellor In Dry .oda.Jirocrle(. Hard. are, Mallonery made to order Ordera from tho other promptly attended to. The Drpo.il Endowment roller and thr t ferfwnery.and AdTtce InTtUtda r ro and furnish all tho capital besides B. Acent to take Ackno ledjeiaent. of InBtrnmrnta fo I'atrntMCdlctn' l.T.inLIllIEIl AX AUESCYat to lh ta abUlB taJi .J. tbe Iland of Oabn . olaeware K4 107 Tori hU. Honolnln. HAtl.U for the Hawaiian lalanda. tbo Mntnat InTratmrnt rotlrj. fr frtMn brndarbr rrlUlfrntm J aa4 Girls should be careful how they are vac- two A I L are. prepared to accept rtrka flro In aaawiah. -- l and thi wrary aniiln of 977 B Kaahnmann btrcet. Honolnln l)r W CKL'. Miri LACK, cinated with vims taken front a foyer's arm. No. HONOTiULU IRON W0EKH CO. MRS. THOMAS dwdtlnin'.atoree,wartbone. andtnetthandla on fa aetnctrt dlM laiitmwiDc nrrro BodlA. and QRINBAUM & CO TOrableterm. rafnhue thr rircnlatlttf ajalcma t ih bwJy, yw,wtn One sittiDg .11. 31. I I S. M. S. , Tnla It one of (he mott rell.Vr.tomn.nor.nuat' at St. Faul has taken to swearing, lVlllTAI'.V. !.. STKAJl No. 19 Tort SU Honolulu. 3f nrlnc It la It v on frrtj;hl( bottomry proflta baa no aaperfor, few eo.ala. I eoTlde ronraelr wtta iNai nuulaaa iwaiecy tfiaeweer J on Street, .fM ntJIE4, SLARIILL etM. all lalnr. J .iMi Wat), lo ud smoking a brier root pipe. Dental Sootna Fort tnronrxlui or iiXlUii Uollera,Coolr . Iron, Dra aad Lead Caallafa and commlaalon tw promptij, acta noneatl.andal falrlr bja-- odbytlt BivntAnfMtdkaJ Block, rorner Ilotel and Fort ,tr u l which h the um at CULUE(fDnTIUa-- whWh o Office In lWwer. Commlaalon Mer-- Every Description IMPORTER and DEALER prorMptty niUnttrtl nnil pMynblo hrrr. tlT Foe fnrtkrr Information, writ. la. M call vm U ky t b taw wowdrrfe. humility is perfect and proportioned but UN) Entrance. Hotel Mnrl . General Menhn4iwntt Machinery of a4aatitl in profraolaB nwl ly - JJTlr J H WACKER. B, rrntedj dlacoivred. that which makes us hate ourselves as cor- n H. I. ly ?- Made to Order. S W. LlI.tE. and ralnabla etrr v.o ekanta. Honolnln. 1'Wl Ueoeral tor lalaaj. ia rupt, but respect ourselves as immortal, the iioi.i.i:s Jc ParUeoUr attention paid to Ship BUekimttMnf Jjenl tai lu.allin CHLOROOTX the hrn mnody kl.nm toe Cm t ha. M. S. GRINBAUM CO. 873 TJondon In- Conaamptiow. Bronrhltlt, Aathnaa. humility that kneels in the dust, but gazes on Ship CltandleraandComnuiiienaTerccanti WOBKaaecatMoa Ihaihorteatnotlct. if Sowing Machlnos, and ConiIno The City of Fire Importer, and Dealer. In General Merchandire (ineen tHLORu5T(K athatjiln WBTjW.a4 the skies. 1 Commission Merchants, Oil iStntnil ClbrtrtiatiiunU. ta apt t holera and Butler. M . Honolnln. H N.r.HURGESS, Parts, Attachments, surance Co., Limited. tn only tie in Dyawry Cal e Mttwh The narratit e of the pilgrimage of Sir Rich- a. Co.. No. 124 California St. San Franciaco. CiVILII3IVTXlIt. 4 X3XJIXXEIIl? and Accessories. l ULORitDTNK raVwlly cau aMet all of .v. . oiJi:uiioit.' (w? ly) Shop on Street, opposite Rore'f. Bpilrp.j Hj.urla, lIHtUa, ad ftnaatt. ard Torkington to Jerusalem, 151? tho Kins : in is IMrOBTEBJ aXD IEALra It rc- - CAPITAL, 85,000,000 XK i EMERSON. Eftlmateaglrenonatl kindu of bnlldlngs. When Aoxmrr aroat. rruH 1 t IlLOROUt the only naillartt hilfennlria, oldest diary of English travel extant. There Dr. N. B. qnirrd. OUlcf and Morra fitted up In the latent Eat Bhnmalini Hoot i Tonthachr Menrsfltta, - Urit-it- OonornlMororiancUB deacTlption done in White, Ifew Home, are two copies of tbo original MS. tn the h Qneen and Kaahoraano blxeeta ly wiiVbiciAN .urn bUiiGi:ox. ernctyle. .Repairing or errry LftTAIlLimif U A'H AT VA Carnee Conrolutlon Itoomi and Heeldenc.No 2 Knknl beet liblo manner, and at reasonable rate UAtHU for the Hawaiian Itlanda.Alll'Tthe Frani A Ca . Ptumarmtkai at Xrdl Museum, and from these has been ed X tbe Davis, Crown, Hone, and tinn wtf. Mret,comiTof Fort W8 ly la prrpare.1 to accept ri'ka atralnrtflreon Baifd-ln- cal Hall inla Jaanary V 10. T J TJ)nvnpart aud published the first edition. JOII.A II. l'ATl, p laaj . n (treat Knaawll 'trrrl, Bli ajii ijafy. printfd of HEEDS m.I'StoU'l Florence Machines, Fnrnltare, Machinery, on the moat t4on, K0IAET PUBLIC and C01QIISSI0NIB m TelepboneNo W ly a: wii.i-iA.tis- . favorable terms thrwr Hir W rnihrnen ahta mi tncraUla twenty-tbre- It9. i:. SAMUEL Dr. Henry liemictt, for o years California and New York. Offle. at NOTT, ! jon npoai ih wWpttJ wpataitnft Foe lb. frtatc. of UAKUFACTCBER TJPBOUTEBFS Howard's Machine I'm lla it a physician Men tone, where there is Itanfc of p A Co .Honolnln VK ly IKfORTEE. Needles Lottc rrompllj Adjusted and jalilcllcrr Mtoanied mawkloe. Dr J liiUUIlmiiCUe)fb.fa,j1 at Italy, tbe M. Illb, SARAH E. PI3RCE. D. unt only tn AND DEALEX IN C ta raravd for IlhadvaU. bnlall no other sewerage than cesspools v entitled . all kinds & sizes; O. ItEUUEU, the a rrnwdy for gn-r- aJ tttlly, we aanrt A CO LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S PHYSICIAN, QF EVERT DESCRIPTION, Plumbiiyg, am Eal tbe roof, says that in all that time thcro i.ai.i; FURNITURE ItMlly Atntforlho Hawaiian la lamb natation nhathrr a Iw.terla imirorWd tatelecanatr, at MERCHANTS at Corticalli Silk, glad has been no epidemic the place, no typhoid COMMISSION Office and Kecldence Xo 3 Pchool Mrect, Furniture No. W Fort t Work Shop and we'hall be u henrni Italmlten nptacnlB in And ImiKOIera of and Ucaimre in Hay Oralo and fort and Emma. ths old ftacd on Ilotel Mrect every hoaa TW nthrr hranda. ar" not been imported, and but three ITodnce Honolnln. H.l. ly in all colors; orrto-- n am new irlaawlwd t e nit- - baamra and, that has IihC Oeneral 10 W to 11 30 a r the other promptly attended to The London anil Provincial Gas Fitting, it OlTK E I10UKS Orderi from IIandi Jntfci-- g from thvtvant w fawerthe-i- mitmrm tkwtw cases of diphtheria. w u i 1 Via iy CLira arBcdttL. JS3 reTELEPHONE 26 3 CI.USKV .1I1LK K.l,M.CHI.i: COTTOV wIlTbahnt 'tuiKrit Wauwlti nalUW nmam wiw nf th rum! Inary Oattla The Duke nf Albany was tho literary mem- WM. 4.. A til., ! W fairfNtf fit Ir IKll GEORGE L. BABCOCK. PHOTOGRAPHS AC est mi: Tiivsbhtii & IloorEii, nvowne LnioTnayni in intriMi nn Jfrwairrj. ber of the Koyal Family, but, like his brothers, and Commiasiou igent. Hpnan Cramp Socar Factors , (late or Oakland, Cal) KJAIX nilllTLD OIt TUT. 3ladam. Demoreit'a nellaMe Taper l'atlerne. 5nraJtavibtmliatiirifay ho had also a talent for music, and we hear ...... ,r. .. Ot.i HAIIMJ photography, I am now tnt ! and ax a grnrral ncJilr iht kv otfairti iKtirramf lIDUUI.IIfc of altcndlns lo and rnbllcatUme Dealer In INSUEANCE COMPANY prrannnl during tn that ho was the comjtoscr of a waits, entitled Tonclior onPiano .ToirtOi to go lo any part of the Group, to nuke icwe, onfrntiM ma) kamral HASSINGER, Adiiri-F- Ljcnn & Co , lort Mrect kind of work belonging; to btaerhwa. and rvra in the irrtlMojr formaW Cm. "Fontainblcau," said by Mho JNO. A. ortrait. or any IUfl bpnTtiB dotala, (Xalzrkltocl,) r w jryetatnaly ! Inch is those DudollV. Heretan I btrecl. IOO produCtlona will be made. e. l'if loll, tinu!, and era tar have wltnraard rsn take. Aduiowlodcnenta, io Con Iidenr.Mre Only Vt n fntoj have accn and heard it to bo above the aver Acent to hnt. Towder Cape X Sleullc Lartrldea nt powrr ha1 nrver l any thr tf. thia tntxta for Labor. D. HITCHCOCK. 9M " medicine than ( oil. Browaw - njwfn a trm tnvttln) age merits of amateur compositions U. Ilonolala. March ath. lb Sirbcribeil CAPITAL 85,000,000 t I 71 Interior Office. ly that It Irrl Mr tl!r hal an ilMlrnat M daty is Attorney Law and Notary Public. i i rj "Take feroci6as at r on' ih , rofrion an trk on hoc aa ww at A rat tamer Bays. HOUSE, Hae pruned an 03.ee In Illto, where Ic will prompfJ D. KEROSENE STOVES! 1,000,000.) npinlon hr nlwtitnlrHi .f Mltf EMPIRE him SIMPSON, ilix hj thaCUI rat, throw it into a pail of wtcr and leave it attend to all linftncv entrusted to NO 89 HOTEL DTREET. la all !izea Hrnw'ir i PKLiaaaATi ItKRacn T wn Tai J OLDS, iToiiritior. WiHattcndalllheTermaof the Circuit Court, and BVTheaboTB Cnmnanv hare now rptabllahrd an rmiana there until becomes exhausted and is about 333 peenred efrrlce a t Gaa rnr r tun iianc rr rnkiarninan rtmrt it Oll.M.lt Sl'tAM;AMIHITi:i. jstkii-- i v in a Ico attend the Local Circuit Courts In Kan. TELEF110XE V. M rterllarin the of here, and ar prrparrd to take Hlakson Prop- - rr A wad- and Lnrkrniith and thoronsh Jlechanle, I am now Arencr luai nr Mf MHawllr jmr to. to drown. Then take it out; roll it io CJ iTJKVEING DOXE PltOMPTtY ly tToi eTCTT accnpii"n wnmn intwti Mrmb. r f Hi. Fnana 'oeli-- f Uttl), BW ' AND LIQUORS PLUMBER AND CASFITTER todo work la that line, with promplneat? and WATEItllUHE.iidisJn., rri ding and put a u arm place. When tho CHOICE ALES, WTNES ordera enllcUfd. Iwnl J.T. Arnt. BitfilfiirT thr InWtntafa ijp S. LEVEY & CO DEALER IS dUpalcb Inland rat comes to it will evince tho deepest grati- J. rage Wnant r.KAWAINUI. hanrcllor, Ni V tude. It will lick your hands and follow you J. Grocers, Store, and RAnge Tin. Sheet Iron and lia Itnrwn' wa, ia.i4nty. thr Agent to take AcltnowIedcmeiiU to Labor Wholesale and Retail Copper Wore. Invrnlur tii-- that thr tof) of th4a!fea about the house like a dog, and can be taught aTUEET. Honolnln. II. I. joniro.cia FOKT Conptantly on band a Superior Alfrnrttnent at TIEOIHIBoTDfiD dant Fr. in uar.n bath, ha a numler of tricks Eee? tin! t ti -- The For l he t Kona Oflice Mtrcbfnl Mm t. Prorleloni or all kinds on band tT tr Tha. Plrtrict y Frebh GroctrlcB.and Vtl Tin Vare.fialTantged Irnn and lead pipe lj Jnly II tn Mrs. Farragut, tbe widow of Admiral orpwlt Mllon Home . and rccetTed irsnlarly from Enrope and American biwett market ritce. (old ii ' hi M . 1 lit rcccUcs in money $5,000 a OBTf which will be told at the wl pension W WOBTO ' Gnid dcllTerrd to all part of the city free of chaw rnrh Not i - ilfni th. ward IMJ.tnf; ' William B. McAllister Ha Brwwni year. There are tn cuty-ni- cases where aOUTO A. flJW'Ja order solicited, and prompt alteation 'he jntrflmealalaniyA, t:. '. rclftandtw the ly aJ n 17 Mumpnai4 nach tbe widows of Generals receive vSO a month, mom t.roTrKanchrianUt.on Dralrrf in Choice Oro- will civrn to iime. and twenty widows of uaval officers are so re- eerie and lTonsionp ana uenerai imuuuit E. H. THACHER, iTlttji sr; ly DR. LOCATED IN HO.OLULl warded also. Some of tho widows receive as XD232NTTIST- - I'ERMAXETLY r tNi I oj, (ireat high as 8100 a moutb, whilo others arc given 1 IlICKI'.niO.'N. So HUii Fort mrect. (next dour abore 1 DIcLeotTa ItlCIIAItO I'hoto-ap- NSURAN CE' CO M PAtTf S'l OVES, Gallery i OFFILE-Cor- It. 8 41 $30 only. Tho rate allowed by tbe general law ATTOEJfET AKD COUKSELOJl AT LAV Hotel and Fort Mrect. Tcr IfVria iuainrwqwwwawarjwar Clot L In More Entrance on Ilotel M. jj is $30, and the one hundred cases where pen- Will attend the Terms of Crrnrta op the Satisfaction tarantced In Prices and Treloan'a s y civTJwoONiewsukHa Money to lend on ilortciffra of 1 reehvld i'?"?! Quality of Work. KINO ASD IOI1T STKEETS 1 sioners are paid more are covered by special &UnjnTiwald AiUntlvit paldtoreetoratlon No Si Merchant bL, 2 dWi from Ir I'ure Mtrano Oxide Gas admlnlMercd for p&lnlct! f Particular android ItANGES, legislation. nan 5to ninna 9Xi extraction fo teeth. Gustavo Doro's last largo picture, tho "Vale iui.i.i.-x-iia- .v Rclline on Rood work al rcaeonablc charge caiti s,ooo,ooo. :o.. .M. pnunv CHARLES HAMMER a JA.1IKS MOiSAItlCAT, luc connuvnev wt iuc Agent foetb. llaw'n 1 of Tears," was intended to be rendering uf IMPOSTEKS AND DEALEKS IN HAEDWABE .lIATJtO i A. JAEGER. Lamps, Chamlulicrs, the verse, "Come unto Me, all ye tbat labor and OIli. and General Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Collerr, Dry Good, l'alsts .special altf ntlon pkid to the Qcpitlallon of Loan,") , CEO. S. HARRIS, Till: and arc heavy laden, and 1 will give you rest." erebandit. f y Cash, a htreuHonola.n ly i Conreyancln? and all matter appertaining to Iteat lloulit fur Large Stock LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE Tbe background represents a shadowy valley, Ka No ITlort lErtafe J SHIP AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. flanked by an tho cntranco tn iva'1'i:iciioi;?i:. Commiaaloncr OF enormous cisg,at iuii Notary Pnlillo and of Seeds 111'. INK AM) Oonorol t IK CIKEEAL For frta.fn of California and ewYork. IlltllMlK. ltd iiriw INSURANCE CO. wbich'Christ stands clothed in whi(e,be&jin a IMFOBTEE AKD DEALEE the SI n Work Uonldlnr DILI. I'lantn; knlTC0 cross, his hand raised aa ir invitation to tbe MERCHANDISE. rerOffice, No S3 Merchant St Honolnln. II I. Anchor and Antlls rrpalred t.ooeneck. Crank Axli-- a First-Cla- ss Harness Fittings'! Assets, $31,161,000 in 'WB on reaaonablc HOUSE FURNISHING Qaern Mrect. Ilonolala. II I Ij ly and asn Axles made for the trade the great uurabcr of sorrowful figures who fill l term T? A W x. 888,714,000 foreground, representing almost every class of r lur Tl tf. riii:o. ii. javii: Co.. Is now rnauied ID manufacture Claims Paid, Con- - Co Heavy Wagons for Traction Engines Corner Beale and Howard Sis., human sufferers the agod, sick, maimed halt Acont to take AcinowlfctlEmenU to Late Jasi?x. Units t HA'MZ EMTAnLlHIICD AX A!r.3rr IX ! IMF0ETEES-AN- C0MMISS10K nEECHA5IS, for tbe Hawallao lelandr, and Ibn 1IA11J&WAI613 and blind all looking toward Christ with the tracu ior ASH Tlao Boat J31a.irxxoaB are prepared to rite tt.ka ezalnal T" F ICTTA DocV, Esplanadeiwfi Honolnln II I spirit that animates tho faces in the fore- Office at)' M b AX1 AGIXTS roa EVEH ri;0Dl'CEII 1IEUE. .V . ami FIRG OX DlILDI.VtS, .UKUCIHMlbK V H. TATLOB. ftn-- ground of Raphael's 'Transfiguration." ARTESIAN WELL TOOLS CAMLUinLIYa XKW JIU)CK, J0SI7H KOOXt li, With all their Fittings, a tpeclalty DHKLU.NCS m According to tho Meilical Record asparagus Cheaper any House FORT STREET UppoIt- Wilder than Oo term. 1 ellllis-lll.l- ieelnllljr is a Btronir diuretic and forms narf of the cure Order Promptly Attended to, and Work favorable iC nr rnitT mn UftTH CTBrFT? -, HfUDLULU. Alt Detached and content. In, nrrd for a period BUILDERS bunnin.... ur rum nv imi C. BEEWEE & COMPANY. IN TOWS dwelllnse FUBoxSI 1'ani Or STE1M MACEIiEBI ifor rheumatism at such health resorts as Ibm and LlOBor cobUbU on hand (iwiranleed. The AIeV ly (LIMITED) $orrel is cooling. Carrots, HM bl Llwry Mahlea atltathrd to tbr Hotel CijUnade tn the or Mr tiro m A Commj.iioii rur "H0.VT 1'UItCIIASK, UNTIL in i it hka4 nxr Er as containing a quantity of sugar are avoided (irnrrol .Mcrcaiillle Sinl, aMtap iiniUK i m "" '" by some persons, while others complain of tl'OK. QCEEN S.TKEET, HONOLULU. II. I YOl' 1IAYK SEEN (iOOI)S." KiBBTOTiBFl)ITI Steamship,, Importer, Wholesale and fietail Dealer HIS Steamboat, Land them as indigestible; in Savoy tho peasants or ornCEBs HOTAIi in Uenerai mcrcaacuiae ut J. WILLIAMS & CD, Fine Mn-- and Double llarncae have recourse to an infusion of carrots as a C JONHS. jn andSIanacee Good .n the More, corner Kins r rrldent Concord and 31 ale llarntf ?, COMPANY ENGINES AND BOILERS specific for jaundice. Tho large sweet onion Aod China JO'.Krll II CAirTl.I. .. . .Treanrrrandtecretary XO. 102 TOUT STRISET. Eiprerp and Plantation Ilarnca, FIRE INSURANCE 99 IPU .1.U1I1HVM'" HKMtr JIAV Auditor is very rich in those alkaline elements which Orid If. Whlp,CnnT Comb", LIVERPOOL. ENGLATTD. 1iH.11 i Bmvua DIRECTOR!. Urnihee, ypnrs. IJrrf'ln';?, etc ei or Rr.Ki oxrt no counteract the poison of rheumatic gout', and E. S. CDNHA, Leading PHOTOGRAPHERS of Honolulu. iiot.ciiAS it mnior. not. ii A.r cAirrER. Capital 1 0.000,000 on being slowly stewed in weak broth and rig.aUklaw-Hilndwfcanenuiptrw-w1.- 7T7'ixo Donlor. ' "Wiy WOnK FIMMIED IS UHLIMITEO LIABILITY. eaten with aJittla Kepaul pepper it proves an IlotnllUNION SAJ.UUN, Saddles. .r I MoxlcanTHE BEST IS THE ISLANDS & Iinii '"nna ayMti for patients of stu- -- bnlldlnc TKT0K FACEHKOSS, Water.Colors. Crnjon, alt dcrfcriptlrmn will bo at WHITMAN WRIGHT, admirablo article of diet In rear othe Ha.alUnGaaette-' Fire Inanranceof OKDIYAKf fflLpnHr-- . .he--. lit tJF Repairing done fnthebc-- t manner, and at the moderate ratea of prrraiani.by the nndervlznHl rjJrxm .4.1, dious and sedentary habits.- - The stalks of No. Merchant Mrect India Ink, or Oil. ..Snrrror4 I 31. J. KOSEi. able VM Jt Lowe-- t Rate Only Flrf Clan Workmen hraplcjed S. W for tihad cauliflower have tho same sort of value. Let- Watchmaker and jeweller, Colored J. LKEK, Armt UinalUn Practical Photo. &c Itojal In ranee Company has the rVrlllH UU.ltIirA.awnwaaww7aaTaraA-w- - tuce also to be tRenUoncd in this connec- nitow'A. P. jo larte is ci:cii. AT LAW, net unrplnaol 'any Fire Company In t world ly tracri wiU rafnrtwee w th Ttadw hi whkh tion; the plant has a slight narcotic action of AIT0BKET ASD C0TJHSEIX0K No. Mrect, Honolnln. opposite The Only Complete Collection of bf NOTAET rCBLIC, rKnR CEO. LUCAS. nr to to msavvmI. Hnowal. t nw an4 draft, of value, and when properly cooked J.T Waterhonf. Maml Mens, GERMAN LLOYD watr jnaraatrrd is easy of digestion AudAccnl'or'aklt'l'"'r,ea2,,,"1,0"'""nre" ior rue iiunuvt w. Watcbei. of all Lindi KrimlirU In a halite lory rrrm, SlirlU, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER HlEn noiIoCILn. rarttevhw aUaaU--n tVra U St . Honolnln "ly Insurance Company of Berlin. Kvery physician and every scientist who u Campbell Illock. Merrbant. Manner and at Krafcnable rricrf I eland Order at CnrloIIIp", Ac. Marine the ritMiitT of Uw nMictial and wifTFa4U,in study of tho physical and mental Unded to wfih Promplnrn, and all work done by n has made a Wl niw irai irt rUff vfl nrndnrrd BO.T. """ (inaranlecd gire hallffacHon. JbIjclorratoal organization of man will tell htai that no man ." '" to aVl tff"OZxirso FORT UK" A NtUAnniUAAXD KUjR.niMUU MA. violate any of the laws of nature without i. i:vi: k.n a cooiii.. can . in lricxeox ALBERT & SMITH, jOmntuHc a it General lnsuranceCompany of Berlin. HLYCnr nflf tn mm ayiiwJ 1ur li.tii fttoducr. taking from himsclt something which he can LUSLBKE Honolulu I'laning Mills, Alan ill bwflet Iran Worn frronrld tierrntU. true of tho physical, IMP0ETEES& DEALERS IH Ooaxroyaxaxoox". blcam Carriage Manufacturers, never get back. Tins is OF LEGAL WICITIMiS carefully done ADtr. i.TsLiuxr. om.t?iir.; WATER rC-- Bo.W f a And .11 kind, of UolMloJ ALLIMlS Tun etabllahrd a General Agency b and th ri f t het trn .la. mental and moral man. No matter what a Honolnln KATJPAKTJEA PLANTATION IK e)nit.el- - Fort " 'J in elihrr English or Hawaiian; ai. Ksplanadc, Honolulu, I. nndcialgned. General Agrnta, are antborlaed to take made tr lathVtt man's religious belief may be, thcro are cer- AOir IN mitt for aalcln Wheelwrights mll-- 'mcttt COI'l IXO AND TUASMATIXI 10mfl ilic Dnnicrm ut thf Men; nt lh anwcanl d nnched foe ahlnnwnt. C.11I.ICK. nnaiitltleetoinltpnrebiten.bj of lllkn nsalnt ht tain rules of morals which, if he CII.VS. X. or C ArONO 31aonfacore.t all Jtlnflf Itntra, ihm a frwty In b rlr t4 th r I Land and Court Record ecarched for Titles to Land Kb ly Jlot Reawnnble nntlsn .in fraud the penalty for, and no matter what his a I'tTiTC. Flo-i- pj .m dataingattsatLair t rararable Term. ( IITDU.t UCBIVtrrinU. latWWwhaadVa. ideas ol pbysicallifo may be, thcro aro rulos ArenttotakeAekmrwledumentitoLahorContracU Mouldings. Brackets, 1ST Order left iiUhTlr T.O Thrum. and SSXer HAWAIIAN S0&P W0EKS! Window Framos, IMly F A bCHAEFElt J. CO. General Ageata Ir Ftp mutdm hj tM abaawam. itaaS4 Vf governing jusl as inflexible, tbe violation of chant Mrect, UI icccItc prompt attention. KM ly GENERAL JJLAChSMlTIlS, Ilrlrawac iBftiDc Ma4i-- r tin tonlHy wf wwh -- a A which brings a penally just as ccrtaiu. The upn nilQtkirRfi CENT. Blinds, Sashos, Doors PRUSSIAN NATIONAL hfhta; far to hind work - and Kaahnroano awfrinr indomitable ambition and the wonderful will Office In NaLoe- BlocV, corner Qaeea LYONS & LEVEY, And all lnl of Woodwork FlnUb. flplrcft, Xii!-uiiiio- c nOBIC. kt aatd Mann Canaua). Swam Napoleon impelled him to labor when ho MlTrt, iianomiu ' CREY & aVos. 75, 77, 7l and 81 Kln.St. llflr of AUCTIONEERS J. GEfTL COHKISSIOR BERC HANTS CO., Comp'jiy Wrneha. Air awl ' lev Ptnap. mad afa th have slept, aod he died young. w nrtcTMAN. MaunfactMrcra d Dcalera In Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing! Ol nTaTTTIV. 11 should An Peirw PJock, Qnccn ttrrct, Honolali. UOXOUVTsV, 1. aaawtaff-rt- HISDH Ol' unusually strong destitution may enable a Broker lpljmntBtr.u tALES OF FCKMTVKE, STOCK, KEAL EMATE AM. IBKTAIII.IBHBD X.O'ia. Wrwt rimo r r ltrTznrlwaor(y RMlE.tU.n -- and .el! and Jeawa OF SOAPS, letin.. man to eat or drink toonoch for rears, bat he i!!? n,,m. - ALL KINDS CnplUt I t Kefehvmnrkn V,U0,000. lkrnfc . . .i....".- - VUnlnm KmnlOT- and General HerchandUe properly attended to. Lcleo, Flanisg and Sawing, Water Work pitrpo--- hmi with hr r(iratw&arr pays the penalty in a shortened life and a ..!.. King Street. Ilonalaln. Tbe atnw Arm. bavlaw pnrchaawd frmw tmm Saecntor, nlr Aprnts for Anicrlcn and Enroprau and Gnat Tallow Vantrd Ordra left a Morticing ana flAVIXCS Tal Jfoivat. ioerurri"anioupnaav. old age. may drink so connected mib Href, Mutton ienanung. PIIK OTi:itSIOXKI the Stork and !h bawhwaa premature Amau oranchcM bn.lne.. Rollea Qneen tree.will meet with prompt att appointnl of tbe attorn Ctfrnaanr fnr latff M bar Wrtlilian;tM, -- ...... ltvU .MERCUypISE. to, ant of th J. BOSK, cowiatlnx of th Cttl fllM much beer a day and live to be 100 without It I N. B Lecal irocomenia r.., "'":;-- - tntioti, yn ly 0UDEKS PROMPTLT ATTENDED TO in Hawaiian itiaaoa ia prrpuri 10 accrpa ritaa 9 raapa. on Hvildln Fnrnllarr, 31 bandit, . tf he would have lived to be ISO . ajainit tin ' act rd laininKiiTOHiiit"' ... tr nisnop'dj oo.. nirrnoPOMTAti uKirr,' And Work tlunrntlteeil I'nidBce'.Sazar Mill, Ac on th mot fafrabla terma. Carriage Shop, The greatest living Italian sculptor is Mon-- 1 Honolala.il trrder. from tbentber letandf eollctled LOSSES PttQMPUT 40JUSTE0 ISO PJUHE HERE as BANKERS. Ilonolnla. May Wheelwright Shop, teverdi, wnosesiuaio m ctory, ICome. McCUXSMEY & SON I i t C.WALLER, Proprietor. tlflt II lilEMEXSCHNElOEK. M. W. IIOAOHLU. i IIAAV.lAaVlsLDf At Wilder a There is not an uninteresting piece of scnlpt" DE.U.E11& IN I'a4 Ijo to OlacksmlthltShop, EXCHANGE Kin 5 Stretl, Honolnln. whole big studio, not ono DR.tt ON nre in the that can Choicr-- t Meala from FlneM Urd. SPRINGFIELD Paint Shop, and not be studied with admiration. Tbe "Colum- Leather, Hides, & Tallow IKE fiMK OF CILIFORKIa, : - : : SU FRKISCO. Sl is figure ivn & SADDLE LEATHER. WILDER CO., Trimming Shop, bus in his Youth' a very sympatica. jisitoKAHTn AD TBI IB AIfT ri - SOLE Ilnnalnlti. llavtnlfjiii IInfila, itw He is sitting on a wa capstan, cOMumoian lork, Sheep Skins Gas Machines rral ,Krtl f thf Are now to reeiv eaWa for work or nut trial AUENTa FUJI lew Tanned Goat and sea with a thoughtful, OofloUf 1IA.U ASIHOK SllK fa any of thw Nrfe branch m ftlouckons'. Jlutnal Life Insurance look, as if in his he had an elusive .. . aa OompyrII 1 y from the wellknu-r- Coniw'y HotaIro imnwn8oni...fi iufwwhh-1l - MESSRS. U. ROTHSCHILD X SOIL: itDXDOI Family Carriages, vision of that grand America which he after- n 1'nrkfr, Trttp'r. Tbc-- Varbim- - jrt ih' llor and !jydiey7Loadon Waimni ratiiicrj. J. I. Iklrbrattd or.r. Tonit. wards sailed awajxto discover. His long, ;. Y CO., The Commercial IJanUns Co of Hilt Twtmcry. V. Ijmnn, PHavwtons, 31AMIlI.A- CcaTjil I. Ir.trletr. Larcost, Safest and Most TLe Commercial Bankln- - Sydney, Sydney A ff.CLEr.I10Kytt,OwAgenl abundabtwavy hair is crowned with a tiny IMPOKTXES ASD C0ISSI0K iUXCHANTS, MOIy Btto;e;Ient The Iraat or'NewZeaUnd.AncLland,and it illosl.i.(!viioiiiic.iliiils(' ? cap, and he is clad, in the Ffftmith century 11 ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO lLannnnnnFBnw!nW.nnnnnnnnwl " HEAVE in Chrif Ichnrah, Danedia and Welllnjton. Expresses, Genoese costume, shoes with long, pointed Uonolula-I- l I liVche torFort.ad'O.BefMitMreeti. Tliti lUnt of rritlth Colombia, rortland. n. ! OmnibtiMa. toes and knit woolen hose. It is an admira- AOCITll Ff "Worked Automatically. The Aaore and Jladrlra Iflandi. Arrived Bcin I different is Just Breaks. ble figure. A very face tbat of The Ulafcow ana iionoima ""lv " - iTV Mockbolra, wedec. Liverpool. Cash Assets. ovorS90,000,000 London I'acUU per"Paaeof iliercorD," form on In "Franklin Cbaining the Lightning " a copy of John Hay Co'a Urerpool and And transact a General Panting titv.ncf. gri ly They are well latmdnrrd Ibcc twins lontnany.and Trucks, ' ' MTallspa TUaUtion For larormatlon ronrernins tha rQ sMfqg. mH J -- The r- - at tr !iicl, appropriately holding a lightning rod Tha nenerr riantatlm, llllo. IKn.HA3 I1KOM.. I frr Katet of Itrfaranc apviy 11 n .kvz.n svv, I building. AKI3 ITOB. KAIE pAlace. I lan'l Aerrmtii or MHkIWaCon. d TBhlnMi II n iii3? eurmonls tho studio There is an U13KKAS. Jt W aton. sgar Machinery . MILE OF J expression of conweions victory, a triumphant 34lrrl.Tait W0 Importers of General Merchandise ONE HawoIJaji HoteL VQ tai svIlclUas AtnU. PlantAtlon.Waojons, 1 ne itihu cnirji ibutu miin Mnalc laugh on the face as hctightly grasps tbg in- mot ' Hall. I'orlalifc Hails, TIIA.19-ATI.A.XT- Male Crt.,Ox;Crtn. sulated wire iliat causes one to smile in sym- &iUeflS. Light Ilaihray il.l,E. A,OUl.tU.:f1 And a Number of IVirato I.nleiiccs FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, UandCarU, &c &c pathy- 10 lb, prr yard, and 31 Inch Kanxewlth At KoblnMm. Wnarf. USITED STATES, e- - AKANTCEIt. 3Iaow tm wfwnnaan-lt- k The ew car for the sacred whilo elephant corrre, TIFACTION t.t ' tir innninu. li ordr, th moat nuMncr at and Undi ol Building - II. CapiUl of tb Company AliarvE4tcnmar1lVfi,MO a awn n4lc. aw tfcw fwvnawbl tennra built at Bridgeport, Ct., by I T, Dtaleri in Limber til So. Qneen Mrect, Ilonolala. I, t a4 now being c prtrr Jtc, apply to " ineir jipigiuhic vwmpiiiiT mw-- eclipse anything In tbe car line Itateriali, Piinu, Otli, Haili, Ac.lc i AND LIGHT SUGAR CANE WAGONS Barnom, will 10 BLACKSMITHIN6 in all its Branches, I SnpcfrHlM? -- U oth r em Itflllfn, CO long, and, like Jum- ..Ear or rMooatn. MVaA.t JUtOS., ToUl Kelchanurk VXWVl everbnilt. It is feet IIALEAKALA. C. O. BERCER, 1 in the clear. Jumbo s is IS bo's car, feet KULAMANU WUOLKSA.LK GKOGEKS, TR-t- miv Agnt Hawaiian lland. NORTHCERMAN nECilSE IT SOKE construbted entirely for strength, the heavy , KEKACL10II1, N.IL Tnia Railway U anluble for Animal rower. ' tland213 Ca.lfomUStrctt, t'arrlarr Work, CeoaomlcaU of Tatnl, and iroiuslmply painted over, 31 KV ELLEN. INSURANCE COMPANY, Umbers, plant HA.1. T B AS ALbO FOU SALF IIRE and all attempts at adornment abandoned. VlaCO, SUfflANDERFELTING or iiAinritu. lltnr Work, Lmm I.UVU tm xylwU MccI IM. Io The sactod whito elephant's car; however, I articalaralleauon paid to fllllnc and ahtpptax Mrai;ht KaiLs II the Jrd Capital at the Company Reserve. .Scichamark IJfDJf) W tfiH nolnanranco Compaalea XHfiopm Kklp TTrk, Cavaltrrw Terauawpanrtetiam not only U being built with every attention to Honolnln, Hawaiian I, lande Ijland order. It For the wotklns fit Meffrrf John Fowler A Coa rail their X way and Incmaourea. tn nnderafened to elegance. It is simply bxtorrfrr Total.. . Brtebamark 4&SX OO ArteIaa ITell Work, strength, but also to . a.B CaaTU J..4TBtirTO It. tpreckeln, Etq of Sprecfcrltrille, where a Hat ! Covcriiij; Boilers, Slcam Pipes - - AND NO ! cxtcriof, mirrors 1'lIlCi;.1l. J. COST8 KORE palatial, the pure white tiiom. xxd HalrcTacTtiaxe nTW in Kttoiriiuvii Or ror-l- nj. stones, inrotcnxe castm: a oooki:. ETC. ETt tHtInrj mr Full aaailajnn and prnnia ens to fkjtw y bordered wills crystals and precious STATI02EB,irEWS AGEST, S00X.2I2TDEK AND SBirPIO AND COXXISSIOff atZECHAHTS For farther pariicalart. applj to M. of th aborn three ronpaniea for the Hawaiian - thick with bcatcc gold, marbles IM POUTERS A'D W L. ORBEX or are prepared to BalMies. Farnltnro. apfWii4M to heavy camnp TATEE ETJLEE. Savos 25 por Cent, of Fuel Itan4f. ier Horse-shoein- g fine as . O. W XACFAKLAXE Co.. XrrchaadlaaBdrrodace, Marblaery. ate, alM4zar a Specialty. relievo, and metal work as lo- W. E. Honeltttut. in alto Xercnant Campbell-- Block, Fort SU near Hotel. In Merchandise,' ArntaforJohs Fowler fe Co and We 31 Ilia, aad rewla In tbo harbor, axaravt - ROWELt. it. I Dealers General m TO BBL. the Assyrian, Egyptian or Grecian art can Honolnln, Oabn.iII. W King Mrect, Ilonolnla. II. I. PRICE REDUCED $7.50 or danase by .on the moat favorabi terma I Aant Hawaii tafaatta. So. tit II IIACXFKLD CO Tf. employ no, hot the mt ttatlf.! VerOoale. fashion, rueet the eye. Then within, the en- Alt mbllrter of Ibe Hawaiian Almanac and Annnal H. DAVIES & KPI i and I. Al. Hawaiian Directory and Calendar. e. THEO. Co.. tr IfttMUL raptured gaze is plunged upon the wealth of and AGISTS FOR ! n te Aenl. TheFortetrielMore'win B. Hal'tead, ocr.iUlaa OreW. otnee .olle M NOTICE. and coloring, enchance4 "by T Jleecla.UUeetStore onery. Tha.KohaU Snar Co. frm thr ffia.4. r".,.!fal, marreloas majpc ri.ibe deroted to Ucner.1 embrace T .. MM The llalka svir Co. rlanUtlon Steel Rails HTJDGKE SOUSE, Tbo irnderslg-uec- l oSTers to through the stained - Ko- - the quivering light sUss utlonery. r.knK uoot iwjm ,l "rj""" The Alexander H Bald- A. II MnlthACo- - KNOWLES' hlwom mi mm are groups of golden vessel Blndln; Utpart iToj.and Fancy ln riaatauone 1a Kiaal South Kona, Hawaii. 4. tn j windows. There X Alexander, Hallo, Sell or Ireaae llamakwa Plantation J IlKCtf TO lt - - and gods, the masterwork uf Siamese artisans The Hitchcock to. Man!. 18 Lbs. per Yard, with Fastening. STEAM AHD VACDDH PDMPS milK UXIIEItSIOKKIl Fl"a" . i il t pjrrbi- r. ' ntrat-- l t X Inform bt friend, sad to. p.WV loeroeral tkot fa fllawwhrr- - that surround the satxed while elephant C. C. STRAJEMEYER, liantauoo men. and rugs, together with Thi Cnloa lamianc Company cf !an Ftanclaco, HAVE ATTErlTION GIVER TO REPAIR WORK. THE I1ILQ Tapestries England Life laanranre Company. of Itovtoa JlsT oVraaitnatedzmllea from aalajr TAKHY i(a thumrs of a rail- - Just received perMazatlan THE iw Jtrnv Tomfr from I!oat"n a fa aa Ta. Hon Inland ku vu , aoftn tlie SeSew Co , of Boto Ttav 1 J0U P - Manofacioriar ortmrnt'f theae celebrated Il0pe whuhareffnuran- - al an vallim of atrMt aad oar AIDEE15 OKDEEB Tv o tOXM. OS TXXJO,- .- We anu v uv i Wcpton'aPatentCtjntTlfaral Machine -i addition ft pnre and J If BUWJUU road ride. To iron ic WJf teedlobechea-ran4ttt- .r or no- chamilns tn Paekrt taan aar tnner aiyie tit tttbeerer Friests. These The Xew York and llonolaJn Une or p.r W r. - h&. are feodoir for tho Buddha Ilonolnla and i rrairclec, pnaap Iwported. Wf call U luniwa nuiini mm vt iriapart- SIGN WHITER & GLASS EMBOSSES The Merehanta Line itenlarty taUrVMnwaa fwap i ! & rooms will equal thefinesiruUman car JtyaerASan'a CelbratM Medldnea. epll !i.tf'ai:eyu.viia wiiiTMAH weight. I Or lenr. MaBBfattnrlB-tempan- y. sa 1 ' ments, which are Oriental The car without Wikoxtjtbb',clriref ana :i3:a.clsjrel3. Co. xti; n.d.TOjii. mat EiKan. S..TW4,- '- r L. - ' Wheeler WiltPM Sewing Xachlner ly C!ie3i Abe gold or Jewels, will cost about 62,000. h- IUI or 10. 11 DIG ST 9J i - Jb. jak, - - year I . were sugar this -- JVflj gAvrtisemtnf$. &&lTtismtnt$ Swpreme Cowrt. the arnaller rooms in ukbuuui iw uo uj cStrtSoS'-Se- York baaia inrtea 1 o Slanils '8t recent importation of a million of dollars comroitteos of thu and other wati-- , (aa, re- bAis,, and agree to ship by Oceanic S. 8. truxra nUjontn. was uu Co, vs. E. P. Axtucs. purine the year tbere Iiavb been bela OTirjlEME COURT OF THE JIA- - Bn in silver coin ine mosi singmarij Tb Oirnrril. Teuthosi thirty-tw- resseis pay higher freight than! l (gazette, gular and two special meetings and per- and KJ wallas: lands la tne taatwr iaw o v suritEirK courtT gauraiiait thing which could well have The attention of JnJce Jndd and a forocn larr. year: tndthrhargcs at Honolnlu for cartage, it ivaie bank 1 tuk or fortunate sons bare been elected to membership. snp- - AKAI of lionaapo, Kas. Hawaii an Involuntary ixthe Hawallaa Klusdeaa. ITth infitl, the etc- also higher. Kcing a planter, I am bT the Orace of od of the Hawatlaa happened to the country. was oeccraad on the 16th and bj At tbe meeung m January oi "JU,J"7" - ari manr KAUtKAUA. IX - " peaed U- be rery liberal in sabiwnplipns ior itOlUels hereby rfrra tfcat a mrellBg of the tredltora T ICOtCI r.BU. to planters or tho bopreme Court, of the claim for dam- IJKlding harinc completed C - It is unjust blame trial in the building, objects, pwd or indifferent, for whicft money is wbo bavq proved deMf azaii.it tha above named etate T,. WILLIASf rARKE.CfOL. Xanhal of Ike "da- exchange against defendant, viz. to the firtihinr of the taxes, more will be held st tbe office dom, or Drpsty OaiaTTrsai ATOH. M. 1661. . banks forcharging high rates for aces male by the rMintil showing numbers: required, to say nothing of doctor - bills, totbcaantautef(l''3r hit . . WEDN'KSPAY, made the lr final report, in total and of the clerk of tboSopremeCosirt. la AlltloUal llile, Yew are nereoy nwawa ajtAbija. A. Co, (as Planter says) now joy claims ot defendant S3& as fullovs. school bilU. etc- ctt, for rortugnese laborers D tnu". Bishop PUintu? receipts, 'tLUjOSUS; disbursement, fawcjt Ifldoiwtioaeanylhingniorathinmy- noaolttlaa WEDKM tY the rth day of Mar A. winruiv nfrttaut la ease aha shall Sle wrlUea always follow chap- five cent exchange, which they sell dravn defendant in excess of leftTinga -- woicu hm families. JHSt. from o'clock a a ortbr parportof electing answer within twenty days after aerrlca hereof to bw Cmrraii II shonH per for For cash br oaiance oi u, y satisfied. Jaaa-ar- v mater-ia- work thlsrear, shall be er said SapremB Cowrt at netting them, pUlntlTs agent ... a inW the gthexal fund. Tbeae receipt were own hard I Aici-a- of said bankrap: rtuir, parvnant to the sad appear before the the W0 l)aTpJiailcliar''T at six, or fix and a fraction, new r Tern ibereof. to be heddra at Ue Court Room of the ter I. Dnring 18Slrc In ISKIin excess oi salary proceeds of a fair in . -- I'lantars For cash drawn ffK ucreaacd by the I1"1 .. . .. 11' Kill Honolulu, la the Island of Mon- we should say no profit at all charged defendant for room by ladies, to wboae efforts and labors ",M i.ll Court House. Oaa,a fTlw Uie eilolitioii, nnil 16S1 foes For commissions bj this the TwSr. """"Yi'lShT Smith: day, Tlh day or Jannary next, st eliwlt a, , IIKKOmrOw'W I"" " I Ji" have got to pay for the imports which they selling plaintiff's stock . 1X.O were indebted for the sum of about JX The Llnraxf Ue Joseph E. A K.lclil CT"im d we liivt st llepaiy Clrrfc. Saprrme Cwirt. losbewcaaae why tha claim of Vleeaaa SMnUf Jr. Ctit. the wcoihI cliajitCTplajontlioforecmr w Our committee bare been at work, and we Una Cimmnnlmte-I)- . anOUtU BO V uw - f use. xney are as a rnie largely iuikoi riAlBtlB ."nmi tas- .rrsl Otdrr Mhlm which matter Total ita bAve Accomplished good, but we feel more and .COUUT OF TIIK tenoeof bis annexed prtlliea. IV - 1"n pyrs witli a iwssiblc chapter III their agents, and their agent as a The Urns filed for tbe fair to be held for the Writ, wHk fall relarm .rrt appeared evidence that Mr. Admit acted more the need of general ajcrttary, who can give SVniKMK la Prohate la tbe matter r Aad have tM then tarrf this of course place such prices on tho exchange It in Is need library and Heading Nakswao.Xit. of year thereoa. ' will ln tptt nnplrasant. liotli for the jov as llonolula agent for tho Oriental Telephone hn wholo time to the work. 1 here absolute benefit of tbe Hanoluln the Etate of J KAAUA. la! of fala. ' t ..-- nmn)tjik'iw country will stand with the directing band, that thought and Approaching, and it deceased, (otelute before Mr. Jnit.ce u?.u rvivrtt prnment the leaders of the expedition. as thev think the Co- Limned, of Loudon, under an agreed jtartj for a firm and for Hoom Association, is raridly I I Chief ii. Onr 5uprtmeCowt Pt tfrTnw-- i anil - which me, taken up 9est of the Jtttkeof 1 !' financial Exchange cannot S.VOJ t rnental Co. ooroed a largo attention cannot be grcn by W 1 f A. D. several panic salary that a. All of this Institution OnVaJlat; Cewrt this 4h dsr of December. ChsW.r K..rr.rfc. TTm SpTiaI Commissioner to out a of or mercanue duties. Our build- is hoped that the fnends and Ilia Ihe petlllon aa4 ecalaf nve per rcu amount of stock in the lavaiian llell Telephone with profesiouAl re- UhitlBr;. adrninUtratet of Ihe ettaie or J wrtiu Toma, Clerk. rUce.trg I'M "" Polynesian Chieitaini. anJ Stales," go up to uie twenty 10 twenty j, Mr. as attractive, or tha welcome to will give it their hesrtT support. It bas been Aaotla . of the which Co and that the chief dntlea of Adams as ing has not been been created kaana. late of l'ala, Mafcawan, Xtnl. drcrai.-4- wkrrt Cr4Vrlr, creature which represents about the loss Interest, of tbe Oriental turangers as hearty as if we had such a person. peatedly said that as the Library has sod ctarcr Jilmseir IIitIbs made vrarch Tot the wlthla raratlew Kft.1T K Hrt".al ... Wn .ppnhttr ' i retnrnin a Tery lieilrahbled agent were to protect the And open to all clashes, ln be ak. to be allowed $I.W1. dlllat met whenever Hawaiian dollars that donng t8S3 and iMnce July we hare been in oommunication with to meet a public want it is with JtUrt;andapk that the aame may be examined ed Erne Ita Wiseman and 'as she caanet be foasit ta f tor CM nwrto t mileeJ A tlrnnVen delmnch at Levnla, must be Co, as regarded this stock; made it point to made of this kingdom I hereby return the suaimous not served rm ' .financial sobseauenUy arose in tbellawauan San Francisco and New York in regard to secur- tbe promoters of the fair hare and approved, and that a Sua! anier may be which mavsomeday are sent to the Coast, without a dissensions good persona And All classes of this community, and remainlas la bla banda (9le4) W. C. r.UlKK. an nnenvialile ircord. lleU Telephone Cow between Ur. Adams aiuigent ing one, and haTe now what wu consider all dittiibotUm of tbe properly . crash which would carry before it a largo soon. they still expect that every who cares for good to the peraona thereto blai Hartbal. be disclosed, at nndiflized Wands is wliat of the Itndon company, and the iianolahl of hATina one with ns y a. aocb HonolBlB, Dec. 1Mb. tsts. enterprises of t United SUtea he was books snd good readme will helpovnake a and his airetie from all farther 1 1 Hawaii in the proportion of the business culminating in tsBin the withdrawal of Captain tlraylef for the , lliwt.1.1. April can be set to the credit of if- this fair aro CrfMW l.r.rral true, as is credibly llonolula stock UoldoM audthe instructed to Ascertain conditions and privileges of - UifU of ail nature for WEDNESDAY, the dayVav. IIlWJtltAX HLA?DS, il.fj lit Southern Seas. A pretty renlt for a very tho country. If it be annmberoftbe and the promoters of the fair here- HIserurRd. that Sll ' Oaha. already by them of an opposition comniantaat of membership in the IcUnutional Association now soHnted, A, ISM. at lo A. SI . before tbe said HUadof lMt irportod, that the government has formation we now by make an earnest appeal to the public general- I. oelk Cowrt Ila-e- . at I hereby certify that tbe foeesoiae la a true ropy of extensive expedition. Mr. Adams claimed that he perfonus! eerwees for and to us. Thu be did and are Jn.ttre, at Chamber. In tba W exportation of United States with ly not only IhoHO who have kindly promised HonolBlii, be and the same hereby Is appelated a the tbe Mmatoaa In tht salt of J. E. laemaa v. Emrlta begun the the Oriental Company, in proUting their lnUrresta tht hndr. that a of tA Mars ha Pa retura roncioK ornci kotict. . to prepare articles but ttiose whom tbe committee ttme and pUco forTiearins Midsprtltloa and aeroaBU, Wlseanaa, foe Dlsorecaaa was recently cnt to as gold coin to pay for its own debts abroad, .i . w.tS thu llnnnlntn aUtek.holilrs. It is the experience of older soaeUes that to ap- and that the Court, oa the 12th day A oosiMTiicATios have failed lo meet, will as early as convenient and that all peraons Interested may then snd there thereon: - The first measurcwhich whicli entitled tlm to a creatcr tjmnenhation than, make an association oi wis aina raccessiui, h If anv they have, why the name of April .D.lsVI,eerrd the case coatlaurd to the UhOTTT. itltO correspondent, calling at nolimecanbelost- which name ng before tbe and of tbM month, send in their dona pear and show caie. ofthe Su pre Court, aad . as. lMua f tllf tmlnlETt from a rained to should be hu annnal Mlary ot fati And in 1W drew a draft must make a specialtr of that it rtioald not be granted and that, this order In July Term, A. D. 11. tie the Legislature ought enact, aabiaKAUry tbe helping of joungroea. This is being tKnstaMrs.J.McUrew, Hotel street. b-- pablWhed 1b that publication be made aa prescribed by tbe alatute to the fact rince 3Ir Ken ontneC)nrntAlCoinrny lor $mi nines, table Ihe KalUb and Hawaiian lancBr. wberof, f baveherTflatouet say tention that to relieve the national currency. .set3 hioh iIm iVimranf nannrirTrrivtGAtaA felt with ns And dnring the year the Chinese work, Articles of any kind suited for tbo fancy the Hawaii IJaarrrs and Kaokoa Is - Library bandimnand tbe of tVi ISupruase Court at as Attomey.Oeneral. now the sf.V)0, now Allow 1dm wTitrh liAil been conducted bT this socletT baa PAS- and also gifts of books. And music for the and pobllhed to llonolata, lor Ibrre sBcccie weeka IssaU m mann'e ippoutment All men of sense must see that to the eiccw ore r bnt they f5lO said hearing Honolulu, this liih day of April, A. D. l jra"'' to cu wuary; uoa. invv, wd by general consent into the hands of the will be ruost thankfally recxived. prevfon lo tbe lime therein appointee for N.I lr.lli..Ulrn.ll.1 !" department has continneil to engage sending away of gold coin cannot bo pre for the year in audition in Alolako occa- Dated at llonololn. II I , this lit day April A. D. 13M. WILLIAM rosTER, f. t S-- ' the acunc nnder instmctKHU from tho Hawaiian Hoard. The Organizing committee thu . piv, Clerk sHaprame Conrt. ll.mltT.li. r. IIIJito country with silver Mr. Adams Acknowledging gifts And encourage' LAW HENCE st i Wc vented by filling the Co- stock. And in .No W ith a building free from debt, and a person in sion of tba - .mlla .11 fro, any - ta ""TJMauner 'r.w - the hernres of prosecnUng counsel Onmul - tried to aril their ttet- Jnatlrcof Supreme .ort. ... hiarM currency which un- CAblf-n- un from capacity of General SecrctAry to superintend ment received from generous friends on tbo other 3t ;- Munrrn coin. It is the sdver remix? of that yeAT rrociTcd a the tbe llxsnr ami,Iepoty Clerk. i" rriin MAiltos !. v.i declined to take exception to this course, affairs, we feel that with tbe confidence And sup- Idands. OK w;2ps - avoidably compels, not only Chinese, but Comrany to aril tbe rtock for iSXlndoa Itenk tho THK SU1'RK3IK COUUT Mr. Atwordindy sold the itock port of this community we shall during tbe com- the fsir and Dro & of Sale. Hawaiian Klnedom. liecanvc we the opinion that tho gov inclningthegcrvernmentiLself, dntft; that Adams which will MorUjagee's Notice ofJoreclosTue IX hae all others, Campbell or JfaVWO, and ing year make this Association one of power in rrammes of the tntcrUinroenbt take KAIJlKAUA. By the Urace of Ued, of tha Hawaii a ","T.,;T2ilir to Mr. Jainea for IZtM. pub- onght to hare the services of a to what little gold there is. The mIrmmI nmoont fur wort, anu um placoonthi-it'CCaBio- will be subsequently WITH A 1WV- - Islands, Knit! ,...... " emment exiiort frouithat bis ooramisuoni iUnsuan io cij. WILLI M C by Marshal --. 11 I.I. rl7 hl..ir.tT.lw.l4-- I silver-coi- n chArce. for extra acnioea F. J. Ijowait, lished. JL er of ale contained la a certain mortraro mady To ' rREK.Eat ofthe Klsr law adviser, whose office next step,viz: exporting inpay the sale, exptnseft, and Trnslea of Colllna'ra-lat- dom, oe hi Deputy J Barnaul jtennanent 18 anKnnUn ta tSJJZXSX and remitted Itecording SecreUry. 1 l E.Z. AlapaltoChaaT t.allck, sh.rnat ment of debts, means Iter! donnc That invalid wife, mother, aiater or cbil can dated 1Mb day or orember, Imi, rerorded la YowaiherebyemmaurdedtosummaAtTlttRA.B. T.t.rl'Mi.'.' t. ' M.cm on the jwlitical changes OnentA. Co. the balance. $17,1700; Uiat tbe Hitters, the wrlttea an- ! shall not depend to the TBElrTAEa'a KtrOST. made tho picture of health with Hop Olr liber Ei,pa-- e 'J3T; aotlce la hereby rjven tbalsaW ELLIOTT Defendant. iacaseheabaltSle . rtrtl ' "M'" We doubt the possibility of doing the twenty days after hereof, tt be aad '"" affect the Cabinet, leaving the At Company clainied Uiat Air. AuamswaanoiEiiuueu report $ cub., ntftwstrf fuomtvl. mort-a-- intend to forrcloe aald mortcasr. or swer within arnica rttTrtr. which tlm circulating stock, tnuiAAc-- , RaUoci on babd from laitaaaaal .supreme Court at the January Term ...It-t- .r iineinMs nf mnntrT on a to commiiwions on tbe aale of as the dats . 162,1 broken, and npon said foreclosure will Mil at appear before the - - tornev-ticner- to attend more exclusively sVmnnBi rrtfii Wbrc aorn down and ready to take your bed, Adama la thereof, to be hotdea at Ihe Court Room of the Court ""II".tk medium of S400.000 cold coin All the wmrfffsiMil between the Coin nan?' Acent At Anntint rrtetretl from pled? and aabK-tlp- See public auction at the salesroom of E. P Tl.l"-rkiMrr.-'l-M.- ""' I. M.ssm of his department. Godfrey Brown, a tho iiatM Hon Hitters is what von need to reltero too. llonolula. on FKID.xV.the25th day of Apr". House. llonolula, in tbe Island of Oahu. en Monday, r".V--t I. IM. to the general interests be redeem San FrAnriMo, And actio W. day of aary next, Itr a. M.lfrf ciln sdver coin in the country must rtscelTrit AdTerilrtcmeui eisewneix. clock nooa of said day, the premlsra described la.' the aerenth Jan at olock lb pnrrt.tr.. T "" I. such an office shall lie created, the scent of James Campbell. Aiunntit froniectenalnmrnta Uo canse why Ihe claim of KIFOLA (w ) ..St If nliln treasnrv ad- received fMta rent of llCJil said moruar as below "pecltleJ to show h ctorgM fwt t the in United States coia evidence was cloised, lr. DoU Amount katl.. H- N. , fr. rrf Urtr IMHtr ...li nil la Ui preclude its incumlient from Alter the collection-..- . . rartbrrpanlcalararan be had of"" . - tattle. At Plaintiff, shonld not be awarded her pursuant to tbe -- onght gold defendant, followed by Mr. Amrmni rrceiTed from monthly Irani tM.rr) I. t.r...,rr ' lb fnmrwitc rT np to a fixed date, when by law coin dressed tbe jarr for JJotifes. torBeratrLaw. CIIAS. T. UCLICK, 3Iorleasv. tenor of her annexed petition. Cr.pr1. engaging in any but government practice pUmtuT, and Conrt charged the Amnnni rcceiTfd from bethel cnllertlon frj at yea then ther this writ, fall return should lie the only legal tender, above five Hartwell for the tnount rrtelTed from cootrihallcn box...... 7J1 Prrmtsea to be sold are- -S U' acre Ed Uad And hare , All ... ! rrj.l.tl.T bi Dnring the present term of the bnpreme jury in snbstAnce as t ollowrf rtom bainiing Mull I. N Kohala. Hawaii; beln; the rame premtM of proceedings thereon. . mdm i.rirw new law should be so drawn distncoltjes Atuaaat rrcnrm cMnmiuec In called to ihe property which U lobe itiTwsau. aBA!CCI JCDD. Chief . - " General has left all dollars. The fimiu-ir- m ttf tit Jwrw. One of tho Aaionnt recelted frora . It Thonm,blincot Attention doerlbed Iu Itoyal ftlent Nq.3tt.ta AUpal. Ptl St HO.. A. Ja.tke - iir.'i-- "".'7- "o Conrt, the Attorney n imr-or- t' Inft.'-T- be Oeal) of our Supremo Court, this 13th of i,s-lnd- 3 w on dar "V,ffl-tir."BM.- fie in the ntmortunitv of inHrtrat tu a .err tnaf is that intricate qaeationr hi fabrcrlptloa to bolhUng fnnd... Mid In Central the 2Hh ,!... '' the criminal prosecutions to lie conducted Mortgagee's Foreclosure &of Sale. October, A. P. im. silver, redemption in gold. of U re preented, upon which the Ctairt i House Lot abohnds with a great variety of Banana Notice of Deputy I'letk. VteMiaratlnrAni flaira counsel engaged liy the government. ing more for Total KeeelpU, fllTTJl Hsxar ?arm. llMnlala WapchV.l"t ,,Q by lielieve that there are now in circnla bonna to rxprei an tTMuiuu wimuut iJX(7LsaMUvu. and fruit tree.,, theltonre U large and one room tt accoudanci: avitii a i iiHimin tie liimself lieim? so enrrossed with other He Rot if tbr Conrt is wronc. exceptions may be t ikrn. , T"I f ailarnntiinnl in rfrtatB BnOte3re made ht Havlne made dlllcrnt search for the with to mentioned ?4tt)j000 treasury cortifi attetlnp jllh hclveistonnt'-r- Ac, and everything . XX)AW I "j tion about of and tbe Court U Always Rlad of an oprortnnity to .mount Ma.lt) iecTPUry Jaaitor $ Jrwe Ual-- lu Lat( and iisicd. uairo in eia mj Arthur A. D. Elliott,! return thu wlthla eot OOVZRKKXKT dnties us to lie nnable to attend to public a4 nrceary farkeepin;afiorc, there li an abandance pase-a'i- found, deposits It wonld be well hATe orontons renewed. Amonnt paid Y. N. A. pace of rivd WW March, is"", rrconlrt served as he Is not to be la lha Kinrdom. cates of silver lis U Intend to l. or i cases Court to take mrmbrr-Lit- p la tbe Interna- - of aster on the premUea, the rislern bavins eot to hereby clvea that atd mortsa;eo foredwr CMrncd) W. C PARKE, HrrArmti xt isam f in In a cane, the jury are boand the Amoant paid for e, if the treasury could recene on tieposiiaii mil V X,rt said for eondttlon broken, and npon said llonolula, Nor. M, ltoa. Aue St. uf the Court as to the law, flier are lionil Y. I. A bnlld abont The place l about 4 of a mile fmni at sales ltHJir. IJ the silver coin, (not including any that intrnctioa Uatoant paid sundry servant, a pr voocherg.. fs. fnr.sHn.arff will sell at tinbllc anetloit the Asn tli wtrtiw.n of plcnUsuwnei, that was jodcrs of tbe facta. t hat A contract nirana, the tall the oMhe Iter. J. D. larU.at.d la altoelhei noin f CI. .Umslnllswio'alu.on MoNDAT. the HAWAII .X ISLAM". mvrc cutlet! wren from tins date may be imported acta nndidpnted, is a qnastwa of law. Here bn Lot day of April, IS ni of satd day.thn nrrnil-te- I,. lit IW Ihr 1 in tb Iftud ot l71K. and tbe I btiiie detlrable a a or as a place ef Sth t1, si UhbM m l to construe the contract. Inev described In satd a below sjeclned. I hereby certify forerola; ! trur eowy f . t 4a mI t Ht snnvM vemn ot dertTta lnvan to come.' into the country.) which could con tbe Conrt is bound HaUtire 10 arwaerosnl.. o. I almort adjoins the hotiee lot, and i limtxrsnu laortsasr that Ue it ntcit tr ITie upcncY was AMnraed by Adams without Any rurtbrriartlctti'rs cao neuaii oi n iuipur,.u the lummtmi In the salt of KIpoIa w ) vs. Arthur A been her years of Tcnicntly 1 sent in liy the first f July grailDg land; it contains- M acrea and la inrroanded and of Marshal a Hawaii has enjoying exprew understanding as to compensation. Tbe """""'" It. Elliott, foe a Dirorct. tbe retain issuing therefor lbt Usual certificates All correspondence put byaltontZmlleaof (tone wall Lou S and 3 adjoin u K.CVSTLKH.O. Mil mil, thereon t aad that the Supreme Court, on thel3th,day since 167C and now in ltiSl it looks t,i,t. reTilt of the in Mortza-e- D. Continued (o plenty would not lecl Adams Agreed that each other, and contain about 0) acrea of good ga of AprlLA. 1VI. oedirrd lhecaie the were of deposit Holders of silver coin iu the cane is this that - Cmreacy. Ireml-r- - iu or sold areln nwalotlmu Honolulu, July Term, A. D. 1WI, . the Supreme Court, an-- lhat very much as if the years of dearth to treasury. his a&nnal aalary for regular arrricea shoald be land, and are abanl U"f mile from tbc EnslUh Lhnrch. and eonsM of nearly onr acre of --noil land, fenced and publication be made ot aald ai prescribed by , delay in tending their silver the I send yon the iinnmi April, 1364. to set in Unfortunately Ha frOJ, Imt it was mtopen unatiiiscorapensiiusja Editob Giictti As requested, There are S Chnrches.5 Hotels, and a Doctor In tbe harlnr a house thereon Tbe prrml.es are soluble for, the Matule. Uccntft Expirlns beginning if they know that uie time lor ouwiniug terrices. Adam ml will tnBL a err itlea.aat bometlead or dne lit for whereof I hats hereon lo set my hanil shonld be for extra and unusual following article for publication, not beciuse it near ridnitr, and the ancle ty I good. The climate of Is wrrvKs wail has not, as a nation, jiropared herself therefor certificates redeemable in gold. in tine letter, that he is willinc toacceit 1100 all derircd, a ehickrs or bos firm bavlif a rmd dry climate. siatl and Seal of thr !Bprenia Conrt at Hono - a., any original ideas, but with the hope that Kbna U that can be no trade wind, a day ApriL A. D. KITlll n 1m. to tbe end of June All per annum. In the letter of July 13, XsvO, where contains rCDtle sea breef e br day, acd a cool tnonntaln Weeie lalu.lhl of 11. Mil-- ra AH rtffc"! dearth, she has not stocked her in limitfsl lhWILLIAM tOSTXft, t rrt "!. for the Adams pats a mnrt b made in our aprre it may lead to some Action on a subject wnicn brnlsbt. most Commh-jIoner- Notice Wilts 1" tfA "" ttMnlw1 such certificates, issued up to that date. chance Ja0.iwla.tt ltlK H Clerk Supreme Coutt grainenes as Joseph did for the Egypt- ment,' this means a change in the acreement for people do not like to write about, tnough they have should be declared to lie redeemawo ai Berricea. Mennwhile R00MS-N- et androily For hav- - (iTArs V 1 !U) U--f llMilfi .pOO per annom lor regnlar ona FURNISHED ii:oim:i: l'"" KRiUnr say on views any man can aitlicatiox n KtaBik" ians, and thus enabled them to tide over coin, present Company If 1500. The much to it. The of niched Hoom can be bad early application A made to me naoersijnm. ij kartMaiMfr-- tmr in ITnitl States cold on be had drawn on the for bran at of ihe boundariesi.a.iof ILI TIIK SUlMtaSMi: COUUT OK hi $3)0 for have little weight only as they help to disclose the kit Vl for TX i nrr " '"' iiisu the evil day. she has fairlv wasted her sub- ation at tho treasury, and the ilinister of Company say they accept the draft as to (TK, NO 1AUDENLSE. if tin .! ktltWI. Hnd. In Maul All I. the Hawaiian Klncdotn. 1 V-r- salary, dox .rare we qowuuu w imtutt weak or 6trong points of the subject discussed, owners ot adjolnluz Und and ail persons miereieu K".LK..UA,byIh Urace pf Hawaiian ALiliivA lUmrtiuM i stance and sn-m- s apjiarentlv bent on wast Finance should lie required by law to ex laUrtheTsay T.l.ftJa LtlA ttiifn for future settlement corrent of public thought into one a"card, in tn .piiiprnprinit miii unanuir rf. mainii iiili, - and replace and to turn the of April, IK!, at iu o'clock a m in TnILLLlMC.rAIlKE.EMi.MarhaIortkKlne- t Ah Ami FtrH of financial jiort the silver coin deposits that they will leare the question to be MtlletUftrr iV,lbe2llbd ! ing it still more Instead being crysttlUing, as it were, the floating germs Iloxotru, Feby. J5th, Ifcl. In Lahaina, la the time and place for Uom.orhUDepnlyf-OaiiTix- ot T coin the ooncjnwi-u- channel. the Court Ibmse liMktM XJMtJlrtt them with United States gold at tbe rquity tun cere j compact L Yon are hereby commanded to .summon yaoM 1 ly sound, vie hnd ourselves after a season and combining them into a mass that MlSiAS JI llACKnUat Co . IIOtOLtXC, hearlnroald application. AIloLO. LOLI. Vim m kltc wurrrt would jiy concaiuion mt tuia.tuj uiu iu j I BUOWN Defendant. In ca she shall Ale . ty expense of the public treasury This iou iKn with the force And conviction which CotiiiBliisloner or Boundaries for the UILCE . of unjirecedented seriously em (.lama for nemcrs that were extra. The account carries it Dxaa iap. I hereby beg to lender my sincere ,.,4. of Man! Molnkal A Ijiwal t written answer within twenty day after terrier hereof wo Ehould say. than ?300,000. Com- - always possesses. l.r.n.U barrassisl. heavily m debt That is, we cost not less, of coats in the eqclty suit, fimx here by the truth tiianki for the Immediate liberal eUlcnicnt of (he lo t,i be and appear before the aprcm Conrt at the April loss Yicenuie currency oi tuo tmicu oui.cn uicawt 1 place thereof, to beholden at Ihe Court Room ef the A ' but it would cure the evil The first pany, aio conorma mis. niiruiuirwajuw iBktained ihrooih tbe dtausetloti br lire of mr Term IHlliftChan iiw have not only got 'through all the cash depreciated daring the civil war, and tbe people, 13th iionomin, m vanu. on tr l" to presented for allowance, I felt it was not proper to of bnflneia In Kohala dntln the rjhtof the Intt Sljipping. Conrt llonar. iae itiana t i ' kwf " is the best to make and the easiest long of high April, next, at D o'clock a. m , A KlBcrtFrH""" . that luu come into the Treasury, but we tlnw claim, no far as eipen- - incurred br tho after submitting to a continuance 1 consider It my duty to recommend the Insurance Monilar.theTtbdayof hi P twt tbe on gold,aougnt you are parties show cause why the claim nf R01.ERT DROWN. 1 tills prospects btiar Company, outside of onr Jurisdiction wcrecou-cerne- prices And losses from premiums Company fnrblch tha Asenta toalt to hat e drawn ujkiu our future a par taIuo, the first step taken waa deelrons of protect nj tbeit property by .Insurance PACIFIC MAIL STE&rilSHIP COMPANY 1'laintl.Tst.onldnot be awarded him to thr j is possible that the Honolulu sugar My rit-- 4s, that yon cannot coniddtr lhAt to restore it to j and those prospects are bv no means vej-- It gold reserve in the treasury equal to i am, iscai mi.. tenor of hi annexed petition. such a measure coarse .wuu in toai accouu, iur owuvts u, to provide a ULU And have von then there this Writ with fall retnra of bright: the bills will fall due and we agents would think that tbe oi any demand that might be made. The time was Wm (Msned.) KMlEIUflN Jet views may Mr. Adaois i concltuiTe npunst the Company, hot yiMir proeeedln; thereon, is unwise, and that their be set for the resumption of a gold standard, and on For San Francisco. FILINCW JUDD, Chief t n shall have to pay it is in eTiJence to show that they ibd retard ' BANKING NOTICCf tt rrws.Hov.A. Jttle -- ' affected by the fact that this wonld neces- andtbis that day there were in the national treasury over (Seal) of our Supreme Court, at Honolnlu, Ihl ! Ah- itr-i in'IP 'f' " w.Mn-,1- ,. The whole of the population of these .dams erricrs as worthsomelaincrxtiA before The anderslened have formed a day of an the profit on shown theTdid allow datns one hundred million dollars in gold, Imt the Tin: HPitj.bin Kill March, A. D, iwi. .fihl the sugar industry, sarily tako out of their hands is also br the fact that was confidence the under tho Irmnama of &. CO., for (SljTBcd) tturru. Deputy Clerk. Tl. A V1 "- - islands dejiend ujion JpXJ for INS. day arrived, so great tne of Sprockets llisar Kallhl exchange; but we know that some of the eitra In government to meet the iitintooeof on a (ienrral Danklns and Ex IS AktllKC let that industry suffer and every person you that you cannot pre Adams 8 lamp public tbe ability of the a search for within men- 1 Mmta-r- Icharce Honolulu and sneb other places In Having made illllseat thr A Krih i agents are far sighted, or public spirited t: any which might arise, that tnopremittra chance Holiness at iri in the group will feel thr pinch The sum of as salary, for that WsistiotUiencrce-men- crisis as may be deemed advisable tioned Lonlia (trace Urona and she not tn be found la fl0. on gold quietly disappeared, and paper money and the Hawaiian klndom I now suffering a severe de- enough to leave that ib?m of present emol but yon must consider what the extra ser ("troetj; pi nLv.Ai.k3, the kloplora.and do hereby retnra this ummont great staple is on ailrer bee ime of tbe aaino value ns gold. Tbo na i.i.tiWM tlie Nplemlltl s)lrstiiisihl and petition annexed without making any aerrlcr. KMr ii ! timent imt of their consideration. A sen rices were reasonably worth. Hall's teatimonv II. nnviN. iil H"p ""iKt, pression whether the pnee of sugar will is exactly relerant. as the circutn tloual currency had been redeemed from the grasp ' W. C PAKKE. Marshal. It, flit It""' rests those gentle this point not struggle was placed r low. Hunnlsln, March I9lb, ever again lie what it has Iieon is very ous rusiwnsibilitv njmn stances were not folly bronchi to his notice 1 on of speculators, and without a Honolulu. Jan aary Ilia. 11 14. L I'banr Manr. tjommcrcc, ami Mr. Adam on a solid gold basis, though speculators and AUSTEALIA(illl.sr. l3IlfA5IILR Kurujiean beet crop men. mion UieUnamoeroi hare heard the difficulties experienced HAWAII 9 rtfij problematical The A. predicted panic and financial ruin. Iteferrln: to Ihe above we be- - to Inform the business tX IiLANDi. m Ali.tfti the old and tried bank of Bishop as acent. lie wa doing his duty nnd defindiac croakers WILL LEAVE HONOLULU FOR SIN FRMCISCO Ulandof Oahn. iI,' La Tat nipla.Ea will in all prolwbllitt lieguod: the acreage bit of recent history should not be tost public we are prepared lo make Loans, Discount I l influence in the interests of bis spnncipals Hubbard should This that mp ('urehiaf Exchange t hereby certify that the forvToIne a true ropy of Kl.rAM.- -t I. lieet surguum cultivation inthe Co . to throw their personal thu odiara higbt of now when our currency la becoming every ii.ninsl iml at tbc bet On or about Monday may 12 the suit of Itobart Itmwn vs. Louisa under and more properly bare lrrn the object of I arrangements for Ihe innmhita H- a thorongh and immediate cur week more deranged. A few timid men predict an Current tales. Our elllus tx Drown for a Dlrorcr, and of tht Marshal tetnm I TH United States is greatly increasing; tho favor of of tbe Honolulu stockholders, rather than datns. on principal point" In the Lnltnl Males. (race 1 A impending while most people feel that some rbanze the FOR SYDNEY VIA AUCKLAND! thereon i and thtt the Supreme Conrt, on the day rency reform. In view of the common I do not refer to the ordinary work oi an agent, crisis, Europe, China. Japan, ancl Anstrilla are,, be In 5 made lth nitckft, Mkaa- - time may come when the United fetales effort should be ros.de to restore a gold basis, of of April, A. D.lsDI, ordered the case continued to thr rt, lJi who to arrest its conse such as adnsincastodiTlilniojt, expenditures. etc., and when perfected due notice will be flvcn We D. of the Hupueme Conrt, and VM.cTie ViatiBt will have a surplus of sugar, and instead danger, all desire agreement which we have in reality born deprived for several preiared to Deposits on opm ae. Ju&Trrm.A. 11, that 14 Kahwlal for this is coDClmuTely settled by the shall aliu be rrrelra riu: sri.i.vnliisruAMSiiir publication be made of said summons as prescribed by hr bo - period from when (.eneral llauk 1 fwttnorlft exjiorL All that juences will united .pOO- as to tlie other years, if we date this the time count, makCollectioiii. aad conduct Kw Rhalt of iniiKjrung. this means for a salary of the question is 1S7G a. wu theMatnie. 14 J4itj(r-ki- KlphM)H gauge of thtr ailTercertihcates and the currency law of ana txtuanse liosinrn on.(.v.iii.ii3 ! wrrs whereof I bar hereunto set my hand and upon which we leaned is work. Ion cannot tbe ralne extru VXD CJ1TY Is n the staff have combined to drive away our American gold coin. OF SYDNEY the I n pre me Conrt at Hooola-!- n tliK nrr. fUm Kela Mrncea. by the fees that wonld be paid to an dui.-UMiL- (iik th seal af wearing out. As w as said in these columns Till, present Jlmister for Foreign difficnlt to settle the value The fact that it costs merchants now at least n:iiiiiit.v this l.TJi day of April. A D.tVI. . fnr arrtrca. It is WILLI I'OSTEK. CMamLr rt, last week, we have put all our eggs into occasion. of fire per rent more to Bettle their bills for goods Tcm On or about May 17th, 1884, tM t Uons dubbisl himself on every of the aerrices. in the Absence direct testimony may 3bwiisrmrut.3. Hist Clerk Hnneenaa Court excel sucn are wonu. imported than it did A year Ago, and that it and Paasaae, api-l- lo tt liut one lutsket and thev stand an when as to wnat bcrnces before close of rear, for rrer.bi 1 t R NahtM llanLna kwtta Premier of the Kingdom, he came As regards ooiamiinuons it is for you to sav, if oust ttictu ten per cent the this ruir II IIAUKrhLIiaiO .ApiiU, sraurs I llmiMp lent clianee of lieing broken altogether siiould open our eyes to the granty of the situa- f Altt a of years ago The the sale which wns effected of .TV bharus, tlie hole (lootl or."tilineut periSteniiier rnu now COUTIT OK riKla of our inhabitants then into jioucr couple ho condition of things cannot long J TX TIIK ll" The attention plainUtTs stock, covered by the agenn If tion. 1 present tielHlornl, l hnr(je. In Ihe Klngdi-m- . of is consumer FORALE! free t A the Hawaiikn should lie to new industries We matter was ngarded merely as the silly extended the aale of them hhorea, continue without this result that the Unrrtioiise urnr lucnteniiier ltunrr. It I. Aht" N fctU turned the Agency to pro- KALAk.UA,by theUractof Uod, of tht Hawaiian t fcnlatl..-t- HaMVa AdAras is not entitled to commission If tho sale every man, be be rich or must bear his The Agents here are now prepared to IrUml. kisoi V should studj the question of thor man and for long con- Akftk-- kalrt-- HfUwl kaholMN Km ."ir lUTOance of a vain stock was fairly within the scope of h. portion of tbe burden, according to what be Well-Enow- To WILLI M V M1KK. or thr Klnr of tbe fire percent n and Issue riihrM to J.iii Krahclsco iiml Kcliini, r Es,3Irsbl BA flat k Ka! kMiar oughlt. in this might possiblt be our as agency, recover, CTcn althodgli tho sume. Virtually it will bo a tax of The dom, or his Deputy biiinxni llaawa ho was known to tho Honolulu public Adams cannot im- 1I0U.M) safely We, should encourage small far of the ngciifs hands or more on all the iwofle, a tai which were it F0K 81i.' THE THU. loa are hereby com mandril to Mammon A LIN A principal took the matter out (l'afce)IMeniljnt,lnraehehall file written answer Jtl.f All. l. planting, the l'rimato, the allusion being to his for was outside f the scope of theaceut'sda-ties- , posed by the Legialature, would result in a popular Old Established Kl mere: we should encourage vine but if it throughout tho Kingdom, such as bas within twenty day aftrrserrire hereof In be and ap- II lit Hup ktHa there are many path'it by which the indus position in tho Mormon Church Of and there was a special intrusting of this new uprising FOR EUROPEVIA NEW YORK pear before Ihr Unpreme Court at thr Jannary Term 25 home A iner business to Adams, then be may be tntitlid to neTer vet lieen witnessed here. hereof, to beholden at tbr Court Room of the Court M Ill't currency M Ja(l lljalri trious may raise thinsehes to coiniietence late the habit of calling him Premier has tbe contents of tb cible Thu, ttien, is tbe situation our is llon-- llonotnla.ln th Island of Oahu, on Monday, C MrHi ita cotuptnaation, odIm of Gallery n kll if not to fortune. Above all we should gram cnt him off. depreciated to the extent the premium Photograph the Tth day of Jannary, next at M o'clock im.to ibow insensibly all. and in the draft--- may Le. ISo matter the or MAR1AXAM0HAI tiiMi. grown ujion The Court most conilrne this cablegram It iu on gold whatever that eaure why claim ruinllff iiirtN practice economy, lwth public and private be a mil- ehonld not be awarded her par ant lo the tcnar of her f Tal M.LaiMU nniivo ho is constanUv alluded to dicates to tho agent here that terms bnTo betn what the cause, whether it the Judos of 1 W)Mtn kUItnltnNta We wofully extravagant and it paj;ieni silver, annexed petition. klc"'" have l.en Acreed between tho principal And lhir-ciiAiie- lion dollars m Kalakaua or the exportation Of A. A. Montana, you this lrtt Malta Ma)l 1 A niou gold And silver And bare then theru Writ with full return IRT will vera unpleasant to be:nn cuttinc afi the A'tAfMi i It is unfortunate that ( l"be Court reAdi tuo cablegram,) as of a million dollars in lately in S fmhro Knia, lUtawa h" up rate CUNARD LINE ef yourproeeedln! thereon. St w lie word J'rmier has lieen translated Kn "Sam Hubbard, San Fruicboa circulation, or a combination forcing tbe Cor. and King Streets, Honolulu ttrrxxs IIov.A.rilANClS JL'DD. Chief Jmtice Alt Mm A Ah for ri,taio Hlln ilown exjielisss, but ill havo to done the floors combined, Fort lloiiwlfihi Adams that on receipt of premium, or all these the fact remains Oeal) of onr nnptrme Court, at llonolula, thl 3d I HJX-- Infinrfrt ana the, sooner wc commence Uie liina Nui, for the latter is a title to which Write becoming Eatablishod 1040. Ah lUxa Maat iietter on eqmralent twenty thousand inconlruvcrtable lhat our currency is day of January. A. D 1MI. tW. distinct-power- s great are Iank draft Indon be (Vltjned) Depuly Clerk C katif Haw Ihtiai Mal and very jiowera dollars will tranafer our shart to purchaser depreciated, and the depreciation threatens to fpm; auovi: OAiaiiiiiiY j this llasav 9urrn, Honnhll We always to native mind: and in usurp niiud la as ludcnuiteiyliicruaHod, and acoouinanied withre-wtilt- s X L.Mt(JETln the Kingdom, and ha been In sue Two Sailings Every Week. UmrhtTii .. Hna, ale glad acknowledge the attached in the OnecbU. Theouly dilBcultrin inr to years all of After maklniT a diligent srareb for tha tsllhln men- ViilMt - Vat words "latiudon bank draft." llio cablegram which no ouo can foresee, Tbo newooinb cessful operation for The Iimtrnmentsare KlMffvlrt ltnnhil receipt of such criticism as that of our ing this title the Minister ol foreign At the nnhss much dread- modern make and in cod order roit i.niiurooi.i tioned ".llna(ch). heconld not be fonnd.st be Is ont (.t dictates the terms arrived at with the imrclascr biro and will remain here, the of the Kingdom aa per letter ! Atme, fltn Kat tries to appear to them, not merely China-na- fib thu KaUkaoA Ilini"lw1 s vt ell fairs agent mm4 not less than 0,000 from ed all And that dollars Fttnn iVec Yutk every Wetlneuhty, (Mined) W. U. 1'AIIKE, MarshaL I lUfrtwt and informed correspondent that the take f pure silver Nearly 5000 Paying Rcgsitercd Negatives. It iklkia,LatrtUtk. IJItba irrH llnnotvilv ns the head of the irot eminent, but as tbe purchaser. Mr Hartwrll objectH that the cab happen to contain one sixteenth more Frum Huston trrry iSiifuniiy Honotolu, Kebtnary 9th. 1I fnl writing from Maui, on the 17th insL. con & tluui tbe Mexican or trade ditlUrn, and taking a something far different, sort of vice King, legram dues not aar so. T Am led to thin tw Complete f'ets of Native Views frm all parts I How ooold tbo Coiuiuny. if fancy tuthciu. should gobble tbem all up just as of tht oath Kea Islands. mWAIUS IHL.IND1. cenuug our last weuksarticJo on there tho holder of a dignity which has only for other reasons. RATES OF PASSACEl Islaadnf Oabn, f,,i they agreed to bcII for $3$pM ectHrowu r I hereby f "1 A1- - Kial filled very highest of Hawaii's Tfloaery Kingdom where All good Complete Views of Volcano & Lava Flows. cetllfy that Iheforrxelnrl a true eiipy k. cent State trial m Norway lieen by tho CAntpbell any more. I cannot see how them off to tho he Kommon fn the suit of Maria J.amohal vs. Alias S lvT KM. kaaal biwy ho crematod. new com is sup (nbl ..IH, nnil Slt'O l.nlil Rllii lltmalttt (Jazetti. chiefs. He, a mrre Mormon adventurer, Adams auld have gone to the purchaser and said coins go, lo The (ch for a Divorce, and of lbe Marshal' retura thereon ltMii The witter of the article in "0. potcd only fill tho place of the American and According t Accommodation 2tB rttUpiml.Mr. Jtwhaia an ex buccaneer of tho Java seas to aspire ! must have a t on "Ixmdon for ? J),U lo and lhat tha Supreme tourt, on the 1tb day of April. iptistioii. folhiwisl verj closely the tele "jtnJ mr corauiiviiuna And exiwnara. In other utbor liver ontn formerly in circulation here, but HETLRN riCKETS OX KAOILIJLE TEILMH A It trHl.onleredlbecascontlou,llntba JuIyTrrtn to fill a position once held by Kaahumanu, raptdlydisippearing. onitortunlty embark In a A D isni of ihe. Jxtpreme Court, and that publication SrtmaM words, I tal.e.t that the words "JlankDran on ahicharo This rare lo tirnMiiroua ... iirrrnry t U'i graphic eomiuuincatious. and the editorial Keoni Ana and Vic Now what the remedr? With a unanimity busiuese would never Ire offered were It not on arcmnt Mrrrncf' Lr made of lalil Sammon as pretcrlhed by the Slalnte. lc1Ti Kinati. Kelauluohi. Indon," n asl mean tbe way in which the .noue is Itorxlccommoflallotis can always be secured on an. 1 enualled. intelligent r-- f'f the on net's (Mr MonUuo) falling him Is wrrvia whereof. have hereto set my hand and 1 should tuk mort that hurartlv been all in DIJI0XH A t'O , oT mjiiiuents thereon in the Jmit Tiiatt of toria Kamamalu. is to remitted, not that Annus American Ample sniiply ttif vralcr on the premise, excellent pllcallnto WILLIAMS (iaL) seal lha Suprrme Court, at Honflluln, cablegram authorized ftons Are rutisued that the importation of ban rranclsco, this daenfAprlLA.il 1SX. 1 To properly understand this matter it is than tbe most available, havo sky Hunt. Lease ttirin three years and a half, rent lth ebruarj 'Jlith He did not attempt to I believe Uio law to be this thai ulieroihtre it goldcuiqli tho one Soir moderate, wilt sell out tbe Nlnck, JAS AI ESAMlKH, WILLI Ml rwiTEIt, ka k kbal, aL necessary to the old constitution AJ correct me (ltU Hoiton, St Bprpwi the relationship to refer an agency, the whole service mut be performed UoDbts to ino extern mat u win eiu, and Chattels penrrally aud troo.1 .lll, fc SVTERJS. Wauteirtet, Wi tLlerh t'.mrt. TA ltarrh, khki. descrilie between the anil time required for H; bat all approve of , UKOW.N A CO , E T AiiM jnr- - Hii of 1S1Q. In that constitution we read as before the conijiens.it ion w dm IJut there are the sir .ipiiij on me lirrmisin 10 a. iiu.ii.iw,"! VEUMINU. it II"mI lwlors on the one hand and the Storthing mntinp the jffort. And the Government should oJ E Agent lnHm Dowlfnj Oreen, New York COUUT OF THK follows: cAflCS where an agent or broker ma recoter Mime WIsEMN.iiencrallInslnesa SUlMlKMi: or its constituted chambers tho Lagthing even Altbongb whole aervice has bethofirhttonioiu in tbe matter, by providing In rTobatr In the matter of proof xwrnpeiwatioa, tin or U 1LL1AM de- ! VImi KVJ"" ".Vnufffdfi f I'tvmiri f tUr ktmrdoi ( L,w tbo public treasurv, in some way or other, with a ORIENT l'ji.s New Zealand of tbr will MUKI tRTT.of Iionomin A ti and Odelsthing on thi otlnT, neither not l n performed. llie Court read from Nastln In noi.ru frntn Anlralla Vmi Tai is a(JcK.-iic- of gold meet all And to ceased Order appointing time for probata of will and "It shall be the dQtT of the KinKtoapiuint.'mie ell's Ltsd it cency. iagen lil. 41, and note) t and Honolulu The Cunant Line aflnrd mors than usual directing publication of notice of Ihe AB PI. there any expression of opinion as to M C pas-- s c earn. chief of rant ant ability, to be Lis particular bl find Adams had done all that wa satisfy the public mimi tuat it i uciermineuui ZiiaiurAiioo onipniiy futilities to ser from purport bo last will testa- It ttMif Afcifcat It yon that OF AltTTOUD, CONWECTICTIT. ludhi all A dornment nj; lo the and whether the veto piwer of the King of whose suau fce me effecting sale of the carry its measure. A gold sojTply of fpur hundred H jkvIs. the frnirteney of III sailings prrt losl. of W llllam Mnrt any deceased, having I ister, title rreraieroi luncaom. possible in the way of the , ment on the Ith HII.I.IUIV Rfl is nmple. T bis may neera a small nuiiy 01 ueiay in nrw ioik April, A.D. Norwav, is jilisolute or or Ills cifluie uuluaaiueMi shall be the flame that lock, although the Cunpany ctTectcd tho sale thousand dollars CASH ASSETS JaHUJIRf 1ST. 1114 : . 11,411,19441. aeeummdftl ions alwaya day of isol, berd presented to said ''rebate llj hIu lnrlln1 Himolklii suiiensorv. 11. amount, It is An average of fire dollars per cap- rT Good re.erted Court, aud a petition for the probate thereof, and fue M of Kaahanana 1, and Kaahnmana through Uronn, nnd thin took the matter bet of but VEUMlNH 1trrlBi-lr- ( at.hifili katt either according to the mestion at issue estimating onr on lllMIUNatlU the Issuance of letter to Amelia Mary TtxMnaA A W Acent's bands, the agent wonld a ill be entitled ita for each inhabitant, population Tsltri rlrks asalu.t nr Damas by Fire sjllowllnatireea. New York r llaaltlxt 1lnttM Kven in the time of Kamehameha I. life the United nruvided cold LsMarbluny aud lr I ucretla Mori arty, having been Bled by the paid Amelia w I JoTMr4f- ll4H. ltnuatol It certainly iipjiears justifiable to Use to commission. iiiMliDrL 'Ilia btatea a re Ilulldlnirs, Vercuaudtse. rurnUnreen tlat.ii death, condemnation and acquittal serve of one hundred millions Its treasury when favorable terms A. J MaryLocrellaMorlarty. , the term "constitutional qucsuons" whun and I think tlmt in thw caw the proper instruction in It hereby rnl. that WKDXEfcDAY. the Tth d roitii nittiiin, rwstort-- gold Uisis, wbich seems a very large ll'is Acent for HawalUn Islands li f tho of the Kigstet or "Sutuvme were in the hands of Kaahumanu. When is. that if you find lhat the wrrjcei aro Qrjt fiirlv u the "ciu mtivrrtisciiicnts. or May, A.D. at Id o'clock a.m. of said dar. at ti , Hli TaKi.lliln ll.aaH may sum, but this was only two dollars per capita for lL court, Vaft I Afi C Itrrlft, died, his will was- - "The within the BOopc of the agent's anlhonty.'yoa courtroom of said at Alllolant ltalr, la lloav aSVaW bn ktt(wii. Court finds the Minister guilty on three Kamehameha I so her population of fifty bullions. WASHINGTON I. Ka anil llsA bIsirsa 1. aaAvalsv aitiuilnlhl Ik. ,bm. T i Ah kal. ka consider that be is entitled to a coininuhiion for gold? J different counts in an indictment, each one Kinedom is Liholiho's and Kaahumanu is much of as valuable to tho p.aiotiS Hat how can the Government obtain tbe FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Corporation oticti. provlns aald will and hearlat said application, waf I)(UI. tbe service h currency, and where any n Interested may appear Con', lieing the fact of unconstitutional his Minister," "That important fnature of 1 he facts are for yon and the fact that Section rlgbtoi tne law to regniaie tne I abI i k UkrlA II ! invmc nnuuwl SnnL lSTtl which was desimed to cuaru Or BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, XTOTICK JIKKKJIY OIVKX test the said will, and the ejintlnjof letter iv by lias charged the commitwion dors not show that be v It Ittjlnn tlwwnhrtti advlco to Uie King, the lulvico being in the government, onginated Kameua of which A. that the heretofore exlsttnff under to it. against depreciation our currency, and Caih AueU January 1884 - $1,593,550 34 Arm name of Akol X Company, tons of AkoL further ordered, notice Ht III- U. each that the veto lie racha shall be perpetuated in the Ha in entitled repealed, roads: "And lit. the It if that tberrof be slven by tl used. mn'rd the. I As regards tbe claim that the I'reKtdent of tb baa never been ba it Jm Yet, han C'eeand fee lloptoy A. Company, ba publication, for three aucraaslv weeks, in tbe Ilawat 1 KiituMtna lltwatl waiian islands, but shall always lie in sub- touldbep.id enacted, that from and after the date of the Takes Jllrks against ftr Damage by Klre on been dl.sotved by mutual consent from lbe 4h day of i.MUaMKTTa, printed J I supreme Conn says on three dilleTeut ic - Ilawaitan JWl 'lelcpboneCoiopan and published la V AM, Haiti. lajl of Company, 1 think this rMMnrn nf thia Act. it shall bo tho dutv of tbo IJot.dinss, Merchandise, Machinery and. Furniture on April 111, all or the Mock lo trade, shops, lease and Honolulu, serviency to Uiojaw.- by tbe the fatnrable trrma. A. JALUKIt, at west corner I I Ml. 4FIMK. enjjuns should be paid if "Minister of Finance to require that all duties piod will of tbclr bofliice the of Dated llonolulti, H. .April 11th. A. I. . ollowing done of the Premier is quite right, if he at all but H A for Hawaiian Islands. NnnannandDerrlanla-lrerU- , In baa own KHkhMth. ur coiTespondent also takes'exceiiUon The f ale the d on imports a Vmtfd Stntr tfHl sent Honolulu L.tWIlESCE McCLLLT, tl kmi. Uih All with tbe snecill iatel you find that Adams look the presidency for the htt "' purchased by Chin Wo Company u howllt pay all debt Justice ttnpreme ff. Uahw sentence. dispi-ns- e liaunNti mnnretntl mu, vcrv Arrtrrt , af the Court li kna to the to with the dan tq Klhctl'mi, Klni; wishes to purpose qf favoring the special interests of tbe fW,or lis equivaienu' la ceruiioij Ifenr-ulci- bnciety. of lb firm of Akot Company, and who alone are Hivinv Bbtti-- puty Clerk. tyu of the vbich the merged clear, and noreovcr mandatory. Although this IfritMi t If luo enrolls sen ices of his Minister for the fa traasict, ttliall lie done br tbe l'remter nnder the Oriental Curopanr, then that is in his is authorised to collect all money due aald Jate Arm of Lattrtanr riii Agency; tbe of his being lresidcnt (Ipesrtiot law Is not as periect as it mignt be made, yet uau MKKTIXCs OF Till? AKot company. Rlnjrii tnre. it may be hoped that he (the King) authority of tbe hioc All documents and biuti fact hnrM iTnnntT thf4M ASI'KCrAF held at do with Inn it linan nirnial nnt iftlt TMfl be the IJoomt of Ihe Dated April 5lh.ltwfl""glAkQIX COMPANY COUUT Tlintl) tJUIII. I fijid ness ot the Kingdom exeonted bj the Premier shall Away acincy L'nfted Illtm-l- CLUU.on April Jlth.atT:)) will not it difficult to como to terms Adams is not entitled to compensation on any past, as a similar provision was in the l dal District, Hawaiian Islands. In Probate In - be considered as executed by the hlnc anthonty. n, m., to mike arrangements Mr the Ceieuratlnn or Ihe the matter of THOMAS B1,ECKIL with the Storthing'- If onr correspondent agrwraent salary of $1"0U, but entitled to OlAles, H WOOIU llslTO nruTikieu nil tuo t;uiu A SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL thaitateot Ja.. NOTES. All cOTemniclit prois-rt- shall tie repotted to him, fora u wants of trade And tbe Oorernmcut, qUKEVl.IirTllDT JA" KKM,Dk. of Hllo. Hawaii, a minor. will irlance his ttjta.TTE 14th ehei ahall tuake over to the a reasonable compensation tor nv ixira serrieei1 for the iW It r fecreiary On read and flltns tha prtltl&n of T. at of the inst (or her land he .or it rata exebance at A fair And moderate lor Mpencer, tbe Itrs .rrrrMKrcbLtUiMT "IJil. and if you find that the sale of the stock was a keot tha of FIHK AND 3IAIiI.Vi: IXSHIAXCE rnardlanof Thomaa hpencer. minor, of Hllo. Ha he wdl see that Uie passage is nn extract linc. figure, as it did in the United States, and mad? tbe Notice. Jra htm in bnmtiMii find iU rtrmwiVm aiJ tuftt ""Ine Prenucr shall be Uie Kmc roatur outside, he is entitled to retaip a to sell a certain tract nf anoUier t wiper as a -' currcnc) of Hawaii among the best of any COMPANIES OF land called llAakoa. In ttt lrom and is lnnrkcil in the ert-a-t business of the Kinrdom.- NEW ZEALAND. InlheDIatilctorilllo, Island iltBrtntkm tipwt of f fWH,OW in of Adams to Widemann that he nations of tbe earth. If iu pro- rPin:uxii:usu;xKi)UAvi:Tiiic. or Hawaii, brlon-'l- to hi ward. TlMTt- nbcr quotation ill the usual way. It is taken " rue King shall not act without tbe knowledce Tbe statements JL day formed a partnership In II lo. Island of Ha I la a lrMiiti In Utt Iiw IIniitiD coramiswon, ctinclnsive. visions be now adopted and carried oat, or some CAPITAL It ordered that WEDNErDAT, the 1 lib day of fliuutcwrm, fntm the IjMdiw & newspaoer whicli of the fremier. nor shall the l'rrmier act without could not get any are not wail, the purpose of carrying on a general mrrcan $20,000,000 Mar, A D at ten a Tt&t tbeyouly abow that be had able ,to get new law of tbe saoie purport, but more definite tile fr under the name and stylo of lticbard.on o'rbxk m la the Court House well tbe knowledge of the Kmc. and tbe veto of tbe not1co. jiml nlfile, enacted, same re bulne. t'nlimlted Llabllll ol bharrhotdera. Issuing Joint at Hllo. 1mI',aad hereby la appointed a Ihe time and is gtnerally credited with a ft aff of Any. be doubtless tbe toan. C. E JtILIIAf.tMN.or Ullc, Pnllcv place for hearing aald petition, and aay ll Anrntif: "tetrrnnl ini jTnTrmrntA,' licnr that all June on tbe acts of the rremier shall arrest tbe be no U objection that vr nformwl writers, who are .. t l.n.inAa. tlifl An absence of over An hour re sult may be realized. Its enforcement can L IOA.N, IliTins an Arrne) at Honoluln, for may be offered why tbe same in this instance OtUUUC It lM..rfi,l UWV.UU" ...J M.W .M"fckinmlnn.. The jury after tbe should tot be rranted mlaHwi At to W At ".Uti ft rtl .UJ.MM. Allow- producers of domestio products, IMlo. Hawaii. April Ilih.PvM nrr. tt islands, ac- . 4lmttvTrdt lmxt vlitr-- Hit. Kim? chooses transact person, he turned with A verdict for plaintiff for 1.VW. hardship to the Hawaiian lha undrrsltraed Is prepared to F.H.LTMAS.CIicniWodj-t- f within direct telegraphic communicaUon to in every worth of sugar cept risk Klre on Merchandise, . April fur Uw IVmirr And ATIO i MHirw for till ing Mr. Adams fVW extra for his services in 1N5S. or to their agents, for dollar's yrainst Hslldlns. Hllo. Hawaii. 9. mxaa 7u with the field of action commented on raaj do ix tmt not withont the approbation of the domestic produce shipped rnrniinrcMacoinery. AC on me mosi laTorauieicrrna. lt, poUfagw. A irttfttctal wontrj wiU nrrrc Iw mt-- and s."nfH ooramtssiou on aale of stock. rice, bananas, or other gold, a proportion of REMEMBER THIS. LOSSES PftOMPTIT a D JUST ED FATABLE KEItL with iMJtu; i" pnr fur ocfa Onr article did not nttemlit to discuss A. .h. Hartwell Esq and W. Jt. Austin Eq. abroad, is paid in and fair a3 C1IIICI7IT COUUT TIIIItD .TUIJI- - ritfl 11. millions of exDorts should be returned C I). Hawaiian Islands. tniwrtHlfil UlrntK m tbr 1 trtuitr iin dio4Ayrd the "Norwegian Constitution in its details In Uio Constitution of 18o2 the name in behalf of tbe plaintiff, and S. Dole Esq. nnrrifht PEKOER In Probate. In appeared for the dcfendanL here in cold if the public necessities require it, as YOU SICK. 1"U Acent for Hawaiian Islands. mallrrof Ihe estate of lirnil TEN.XENT of Hllo, Ha- iqr Krinni; tor mnoute. in the AEE , diuod iuio nor did it pass an opinion on tl io result of Premier is dropped and tho style wnere oemg con- IF waii, deceased testa!-- a I Chambers before Hon. 8, U done in other countries, cold is Lyman r. the matters in ouesUon. xeent. in so far as English as well as the Hawaiian version stantly shipped back and forth wbenevertho wants If yon are sick, HOP RITTEIH will Mortgagee's Notice of Foreclosure &of Sale- - ' Um4 )iif--i Aril nnmt-c-r caiuc to On readlnt and lllnz th petition akd account a of C T'"t they AiiAwid A'tti of Uio Hawaiian Islands, or coromrrce uemanu iu . v. sorely aid Nature In making von weil ICCOIlDAXCi: "vVITII A I'OW- - u E K.hard-o- . taut mAiL rrnitnliia are already passed nMn. lij what lor is Y. M. C. A. when all else falls. TX Kzeraior or the U III tmd bj It nitn; pi?t ot and train X ee of safe contained In a certain mortrae made by of HushTennent. late of Hllo, Hawaii, where! a they want n term must mi and his tiUe in English is Highness ypnareromparatlvelyarll. but fee) W a( AtlKlm oi uetter cauist tlie rrgular meeting of the members of Excluuige. If Sin Mot, did 04 bnslnew aa Kwonz Hop al Company, aaklo be allowed , thetnselvr intrrt tbt rxtrlletit He is to have The jear.y the need of a grand and Ml mnlant, -, andtbanrcs with yrt lACtaTttqarl bnpnime Court of Uie Kingdom .tin A'lfli't in Hawaiian. to Kwonr Man Yarn Jt Company, dated the ICth day of and ask thtt lh same may b examined tnnrir, the ..M.CA. wa held on the-- evening of the Mb. Lditob There seems to be a good deal of nerrr rest eay till you are made a new Aujost, In Ilber73, paze JW, notice la hereby aad U'UMtra'a ' in Our will charge of tho (Jrcat Seal of tho Kingdom, approved, and that a final order maybe made n Iiotier hhirhrL bit root corrojiondent s that we did belnjrby neof ua ipri-c- - inst- -, in one of tbo rooms of tbe Association on mm pes about the price of exchange. I am a Circii vaia monsairn inicaua 10 aatu of the property rumalnlns In their hands to the art) brtfilit rtrt. 1 urr mania abort rttwtri not intend, nnd havx not done auv wrong nf the ltoval Standard and of tho National mortraTe. for condition broken, and. UDon said forr- - person thereto entitled, snd whlcAi brigfal mmmg street, President Jndd in tbe chair. Vfter sorry aay, have good deal divcharxin? them aud tu aud Hn aut; wfctally to his country or compatriots We have Flag, and in the altsence of the King, to Hotel planter, I am to and a HOP BITTERS. etoanre will sell at public auction al thi salesroom of ihelraurrtle front all farther responsibility seaucb the nut tie nwnUtMira "A l'alaiiKm Irmirt ' the dispatch of some preliminary business the less exchange to sell or my agent bas for me E 1'. Adams In Honolulu, wi FKIDAY, tho - th day executor. - of iryoasrecottlvQor djspepte,or are uf at 13 of said day, Ihe nre-- and tb "lKrtA- In Onltur?." 1 tw Utttr U rwillT to (haul him tor tho light his letter has presiae in mriin; vAiiiuuiiwi-iiuii- any the nnnu rona April, 11, o clock noon Ills ordered that WEDNESDAY, the llthday of election of officers for the ensuing term was pro I wish I had or than I expected to hare this sofferios from other of a- - Att lnltA& Icrwl, "Atinrrtua U duties incumbent on the King while than or la miea urscnoeii in aaia morizare ifiow specineu. Y,.-1'-- o'clqak a m, la the Conrt llonse fttvlnt lVr thrown on a somewhat xnuiihcato.l ones all the follows. Ircsid-nt- . Mr. diieate of the stomach bowels. It Fhttber part lew Ure can IT. ILCaMle, At J8ttlit ftnl tato, prtort-qH- y wH, isrriAl fxatf, ceeded with, nsulting as year, and that seems to be the case generally. My yonrowa you remain Ilk for hadaf atlllln, beaadbcTeby Islppolated aslhe time aad lit tion. and the relative merits of two tho Throne may bo vacant by Uie death of faclllf lorney-a- t Law KUOMJ MAN YLEN A CO. place far hearing aald -- 'A tUMvA-F- at Omrt, rmdiMi ita clrTMHh rttav the 1 C. Jones. Mr J T sugar was worth more a ton in HanFrancieoa tltln audaceMaf, aavd any sides, or parties to the "present stnfe" the June;, or otherwise, and during the tf!5 j Jtotsre objection tfcat may br why tbe same shoald not tr. Jr. ; SecrctAry. Mr. E. Jones . Treasurer. 1st of and then It was low , HOP BITT ' R3 ThectronertT lo be sold eouslsts of tbe lUet lanta beirranted. F. H. LTMAN, Circuit which minority of thu heir to Uio Throne. on the January last Has. fif 1MAr1HA, It L ainawli It ,ia1 .rt ran It a ..nOlfi.l.l 4 Ifllo, Jude. as he himself sayg is going on "V. members elect Executive remedy U all such Hawaii, A prill", IBM. mo Bt? difirrtnt vf Uw are in forrv in 11a lhGl the nresent .constitution was Mr. A. Kinney t to than it was on the 1st inst; a falling off of 13 per are a x)Tertl:u a large acreage of welt watried, lborouzfalycnliirited inere' m Norway. In 1 Yatia. tb llaTAnan cute, artptjini; to Committee, Messrs. 1. U. Uavies and G cent in three months. At tbe beginning of tbe wasting aaay with any form iitv in no, now pumni mi n iicir aau in i.nrvu;n urucr, nanxTi substituted for that of 1832. and Uie office If yon are all of the Leaara Ibcrewlib connected, in COUUT an tnotiun. tbe subjects for committee year the bank, paid 2pet cent premium for my Kidney IHeasN slop lent p. tux Death hat 2 looj OI' TIIK XW04W0 inbaUtauU of tfa kingdom, tbr Freurb A'kAjm Tbrorn. On it itTioi iu riD. soon annFr, IICF BlfOTS. U1UI, I lands. In rrobatr. la matter or Tiu. which Ae pubhsh of A'vi was abolished UrAIiBMUUUVW in; utt, umciruw this moment, and turn for a care to fFirrii Proof of k.KAAr.!of tud tn th ralittmntr atn1!1 Ml,3r tb work w ere decided to be tbe same am tbo last year, and consumersvsuij.of gro- borses.tools, Implement, and all of tbe paraphernalia tbeWIllof aiMOX llonol.'a K)kuv(Vk vt Wortborj; ay "H. M. W." The present constitution says: "The exception uf Hospital and Prison Work, percent The importer of a wcit equipped IUe I'januiion lQi'W It (rder appolailnr time for Probate of aoTtmxn Uft uf tb t from and T lanter,' on tilth the horses, cattle, clothing, lumber, silk, laces Will and directingiy1. 43X00); rrtopfttory cwle Kimr's Cabinet shall consist of Uie Minis which was into two committees. ceries, HOP BITTERS. publlcailon or notice or the same tbt of lh inndjUity of separated The nay A document, m- SajUOO; Um the subject of exchange will K lad wiUi and jewelry think it rery hard to hare to this purport - to br ihr lasttt IllaadTesia-mento- r BaytMta to AMtrUnoAUJiU ter of Foreign Affairs, Uie Alinistcr of the business meeting lieing ended, adjournment was Whan was building my If yon are sick with that terrible sick islmon K. deceased, . additional 2 per cent. I nesa ISerroavneea, von will Snd a "Da in HONOLULU kaal. havlns; en thr ta IfpT tbtiljDtiitati interrs-l- The former does not put Uie taken to tbe rnain hail where a largenumixr of beg carpenters And ma day of March,A.D.im,brca presented to sakl Pro- m Interior. Uie Minister of Finance and the works I had to almost for nseof Id a few 2X and flnallj Ibr Coborsi coil. friends of tbe Association were gathered together ana laUilcadlntbe bate Court, and a petition foe the probate thereof, and 100 casr too strongly "Tliepres-en- l of Uie Kingdom, and report-o- sons to work, as well as ior uma soraooioer ! Issuance or ta onll IcbAbiUntA. loiuAkoioAttrn in saying. Attorney General toli&ten to the reading of tbe f tba liicti And high ' FIRE DEPARTMENT for of Inter administration with tho Will material, and rerr wares prices. annexed to B. hsvfpr AtUl wane, lha difterriit Uiitriou f rum - and treasurer, addresses by Hon. kit y HOP BITTERS. Dole been lied by Drkt u u f to condition of things canculloiigcon- these shall bo His Majesty s &jieaal ad sccittary and whyf becattTsO mechanics and material want-b- K. Kaal, Hoi dtAnd.AAid lApaa Into one anoUirr in a tnupt A, F. Jndd, Kev. Oeorgii Wallace and Hev. Dr. If you fretjiet.trr.or a resident of widow of the deceased risers in the executive affairs of the King me wrre also wanted by others at the same area It hereby ordered FRIDAY, day tavhion, thr4r booedAri In tmne without this result that Uie con Merntt, conclusion of which rcfrtb-iseut- a aajBmalic district, barricade your sys- that tbe Z4h of marlimtd mm after tbe xime,anti were scarce hu imuunc", April, A D iu o'clock a.m offVald day. al ao aaarply drawn taM om half ot Vim." wros.rved Following are copies of the iu. luiuc, tem a jvinst tba tcour?e nf all cimutnes Ihe IU.n paid man, be ho rich mm. lwf.cAttIe- - and mutton sheen: all were in taBUi-al- , epidemic, bilious od Court Room of Court, at AHloUnl Hale, la booartKt ooe and tnc otlwr ADuthM samtT tivery or Isior, counter-sinne- reports prewntcd. later Honolulu, Island ve andr nndf All acts of the King arc to be demand and the supply was short. Did anybody mlttcfit fjjvers by tbc use of of Oaha.br. and tbe mr la. hereby must lioar his proportion of tho burden, stracTiisi's EETOCT. appnlotett the line for prarlac said Will and hearinr bv a Minister. baTingiaDor,maienai,suppiios,or mudaw w bui. (aid application, when aad where any person luMsitati alaont market once? Interested fulkwf of tbr according to what he consunw Virtually --Each Member of the King's Cabinet On April Hub, iN" tbe lait annual niitiiat: of eharinn? tba hirbest HOP BITTERS. may appear and contest th said tt 111. and thr was held Vestry of HtUu-- l I f they did not see thetn. Now I havo a little or letters of administration with 4aatraUau luu aervtml IbuoAAad mile of raanwaai sit. ill keen an' office at the seat of covern this society in tbe the didi ynu baTa pimply, or aallow, the Hill aanexed. !: it would lie a tax of five jut cent or more Cborcb, at which time Prof. A. I'ratl retired from exebance to sell, and I Oucld sell a Urge amount If rouh, It la further ordered, Uat aotku thereof Jw airen br wreath, and and xoMtractcd, and a enwt raatiT toon lnvwcbfj lue.it, and shall be accountable for the Hon was elected It isrrtvaWeinU.S. gfiidcoininliAn skin, bad pains arhes. publication for three succeseiv wreka, la the Hawa- - on all the jieoplc, a tax whicli if imposed . - , - tbe Presidency And A. F J add to if I had iu feci miserable generally IIOI'RITTEIP miAo M,000 ,' ,i- Francisco, And I am paid here for it in silver coin, ,u?H(l".ITT..,l,,,K,,k- -' printed and AbArt nile of tdrfAph tn iuttM. liy the coniiuct ni ins ucpuues amii.icierss. theiitutiju. will rive yon fair akin, ri'b blood thr published la Honolulu 'PIrs legislature would result in a pots members called which something like Ki cents to tha dollar in -- Tbeac owned and by tbcoTrrnmniU (the King's) Ministers aro One week later the wire togi thvr cot nertest breatb, health and rotnfwrt. Dated Honolnlu, II. L, March "th, A D 1991 an orratl uprising throughout ILts nisjion Tlie silver was Allowed to come In free ibn-- t, Ibey care ALL DUea-e- a of cxBHKt--, nlar the kingdom in special Mttsion to receive the rqiortAnd that city, Ib s 4I,iju. un aawjuTv km mj vunawerAwe -' only per cent to import. Htomacb, Itowils. Illuud, LIrcr. riunbin vwvr vxrwiiiMM such an has never lieen witnessed here.- siblcu of tbe new Hoard of Directors, of duty and cost about one the apreme c. aatvlaa aumaallr rarkinc and iv. exchange not say taxes gone crres Kidneys. c-- and Kira. deTt4oM wjl tiUes ot Onters and other togethtr with the announcement of ooumiUccs Somebody's to bas A lb ownUy tbfj crraiV a The remedy, tins wnter thirJs by gen "All Honor, good deal that coin, and so between . Deputy loud and rxtincttiftli tb debt f in fur the year, and at that time the work properly to pay for a of t ukiits caU1 end accord m Uie imnortation of Ameri distinctions emanate from the King." meeting low price of my produce And the payment for 500 ttAkftrtkcum. txnr ancami npnn tbe commenced. At this Captain Isaiah Ilray tbc paid for a case Ihey not cure -. crtwr! rr warrant is there under Uie present General scarca anu will be will COUUT OF TIIK HA- tame Tb total lorrkm inula vt tbeae can gold coin," 'and by tlic gtivemment What was invited to Act as Secntary temmran uiver,exttiangQis uiku; out t or help, or for anything Impure or a SUl'UKSIK la matter of EsUte ougnt to be or as the drcumstAnoea war- e the fh of trawmeottiw it aboot tVAVJlAWI anuvalii . and It Uie public txoasury in some constitution for uie suulx "lTcmier. ly and did ao until his departure for the Lulled high as it s found In ihem ANNUAL PARADE D. HREWEB.-l.t- of Honolulu, Oahn, deceased. rant. Why abonld I, a planter, stand ail tbe risks poor beariddt-B- . wife, At Chamber before M wtcadJI; Mvag. Tbr uract AtaarMMUi trade i wiUi does mean? Is it to be confined States in June That Iht1M Jasuce McCuIly wuy or other a snfticicucy of gold to What it evening of April 71st wan one to bo lun and lobses, ana not vaae ine gain w&icu i uto a sifter, mother or da usbtrr, can be made On rradla-- j and lllar Uc prtUloa and ateonuf of JMt crrat. Mt it It capMbte uf rapid npansttin " lie The n V C nn-e- t all demands. "A gold supply,-- ho to any particular Minister, or may it membered by the members and their fnends who titiraaie ri'rht to. Is exchAnce to be treated on the picture of health byafew bottles of Jonr,Jr.admlnfatratorof thtraUteof JnhaD. ftvoraUe oaoduiooa, luwnvtuitfncvivtoww Hop Hitters, bat a trifle Drewer. late of Honoluln, thot-ian- d was not Mr. Green's Assembled to witness dedici a different principal from money or anything elso cosllac MZVI.HAT. COMl'AXIK-- J Oahu, drcraaed, wherela he ncnabrd tbtoacu tba of CunctrM tu pto-j- Hiys, "of four hundred dollars, attached to eithcrt It in larce cumbers the 'Pill! OF aska to be tn.7f2-9- toaect l - in vsru ouuncyar suffer ? L the to allowed and charsra himself tor tbc funtinaAnci t U dim malt wmcr, Is ample.- titic, is it anybody's tide. Isitamere tion of thu boiiding. the exercises connectioi in iiuytuiuuj .uni uj uuvm "WiU yon let then Departuet.tarebert.byreiiesled asaemble with flin,3.oii. aad a that same nor with were exceedingly enjoyable. all in and sold, and but little sugar LT being ship InthrMH ARE opposite thr flail of Mechanic Enztae Ihr mar be 1 ranctaou. and prvMrnUj- jwun which V cxamiBcd aad approrrl, and lhat a final via Nut brfUure slesignation of lireccdenco which may be dtjdiCA-tio- 1 use some moneT in Cleanse, Purify and Enrich the Company o, 2, at If o c' cfc on the MOICf OF order tAirfi wituIlT U coluH vt New "1'lanler liroiioses no rexuedv, but Tbe first public riVctinc. ide from the should want to San !(J mar In mad of dlsirlbuU m of th properly remalataf ly 7liuid and Minister for Uio timo being 'ranclsco, U it not likely that will have to pay In his hand to tbe Kw Huath w Tbr JaUrr colony luu made It seems lothi: he is unjustly blamed for given to either was one of thanksgiving and praic. bcld on I Blood with peramis thereto entitled, isd dj A'- Srtb, more for a draft than I am getting for my drafts ebar-t- ur kin and hi sureties froai all farther re m cxwdiuoa ofa.trnwincthtBniaileuntrActtrnim harging all he can get for his excham-- e And is the style A'stais -i to be used as Sunday aftecrnoon, Apnl lvk Hop Bitters, 2d, 1884 Since that tune the IjcddingJiasbccrunyery now? And supposing that I cinnot get 4 draft at Friday, May s inch adrainll.itor, rar0yur U1 tbe failed Matra ahall "which Hawaiian equivalent of such a bastard fc Aad vow will have no slcknesa or aaffertn; or doctors'' It I ordered, that he says is scarce in consequence of the general use. The s burn optn oil, for I am told that not long since Hishcp Co. WED.1sDAT,te7tb dar Of Mar euntriUateontbirdoi)' IbetoUlrxpMita. If pro? Minister rffrnkxl nalL bitls to pay. A. ihrs.ljBaVk.; sugar ana imior-taUou- s IVemiership as now exists! The evening and while, aa auattexjif roarse. nlJnUltr ta jTini? ihat ther had al IN 1 b not made furtbbi irmc in the ptvauit mm iirincni ine rvceiu day and FULL UNIFORM Pk1!14.0.'!14 Jlouae. Hoaolnlu. be sad prece-slenc- largely, may be ready drawn for more than they had remitted, . aian. mutiLha notkv will be pren. and of silver coin. whom Uie King may name to take the attendance vanes still it said Bilhtbrir.CTt-ralspp.reto- for lb Ukis-pa- ri the same hereby I Appointed aa lime tbrac tbr May Mr. C wnat can IIOI.LI3TER CO . Hontrial! panHttrof place for the nd nflgawt will eeaar and doUctaioc on tbr 1Mb of Tho effect ot a serious fall the nrieo in maUers of ceremony, or to make to be in constant nsc Id 1. Jones, l rcmiu ua uawaiiaa butci, uwiwi I. IhfAXIMTAI. r.Ut.dlt.hlca ... postpnaej heariax said pritloa sad scroiatf.aaa that in started a class in .and tb-- would be rery heavy, because Uiat is not current frttin r.brmary 1WI.L Jl fall stirsilsiK, dc.lrrtL all perron laterestrvT wy thea aad there snd Novraibrf, l(t 1 dimt fact batr bn tally pns up Cabinet, might be called Mm, Jr, I. show caaar If any they La IVatunafttrr atknij of sugar niwsisarily affects tho tinancial a Ai who hare aratled tbemsetrea of this (pporlumty there an 4 its bullion value is not superior to that AtlruhiMrator' XotJrc. Pr. utdtr IIEMtT SMITH. why tbe aarne skoVld not tnfikril tu tba OrnmL and bo Will called wise II y p. evMeaew IirostRTtty which is built Ukm the sugar but not A'nAian A'm. What is there are now being shown tbe ruon lulrATioe! Magea of of Mexican dollars. I then be or ir.n. isy -- .flitr,,"d w."7 as laid before tbr 1m1 Coounhtem of bulb Hnura "mulT" baring sold n!.1!" l - - "hat taar pffice create.1 this very necessary qualification for a bosiness stupid a jait man or a for UKllKUalGXKllt IIAVIXCJ "S'1-- la of Cuasrraa. rfth a rfConuaendAtianof aomckind, rirodnction, ami dejiends npon success about such a position? The ?' 1 ryilK " "T'T-I pobllahed tho formed a cJam my drafts for lens than they were really worth A. been appointed administrator of the estate of IK. J la the llawatus wwen VQJOM and 12,OM originate in this was a yrrw life. Later our President fur in Wo want tho Public to under- newrpaper !.pr . sad pabllslrH llrt Iftlrn of that industry, iredsely as Cotton by Jvamenamena position, x Finance give me gold to Hermann bennevvr tale of Hanoltla, deecand, by la AtwtraU-J- a, the t tfrucUon in the Hawaiuu Unuage. and Mr. will the Minuter of ks prrrtows time oottntry BMmthly (or miixh are rarnrd chiefs. certin-a-a- order of Lblcf of Sapreme Conrt on the lathe and intended to lie filled by great mcchaaics way exenang silver ot treasury t tbe Justice tbe -- i ao a Uw cuotineUni; States of America once depended for their has been giving a series of ship in lor day March, A. D hereby to all stand that tho tbr7J",mpt7,tft-V?lr- tot " heartn. and dirtrfbalrd frrr, fat ' wilL I think a Ml find all ol ItL ctra netlre Dated a iece of presumption lor any Jiin in d drawing. On tbo first Sunday If be a market for persosa estate Hermann at Uoaolala. H. I nCday Xar XSJ. IBM. ant mvmmL If tbrtv be an.T aiDcrniT in wvJiAre unon tuat stanle. It lsliaiienoncu It is i ba'caLi f Ornish, not with tne, but with others. hsvlB;cllmazainlthe of ' LAWEESC tl ."wtrndinj: AueneAn ooaunertc,' this to aO isler of the viresent dar to use Uiat style afternoon aervices was Kev Mr. that hchrlerer decaased, to prruenl tbe sam duly autheutl. Union Peed Company, MeCrLLT. tbe ay of have the national eggs in oi 10 basket, a and tarnc-- addresa. He Atthctukrof being tedious, I will tfreyvuA cated to Ihe anderslrned within six front Atterl JUee of ihe tspreme Conrt. fthoud be taken vp. Vet vbat of an Aneri Mm Cruian pving short modal the Hisst onrnr, .paty Clerk. tor such is the case as long as orrr exports Shall we hear hidu Gibson, continued to uke charge of them, and wittr the lew items oi my cairiicuGc, auiHi tiiu buum date hereof or Ueywtii be fcrever barred, and all per f f Ueadr aad Willing to TarBUk all lb, I tun can fXMoxaertc aiuch is couc to be restricted to a Im- I are practic-Jl- v confined to sugar-- ; but Uie or something equallv absnrd. It he can asaistAnce which from vtbir chrgy w better nr tA I do take naks and stand toasei. sobs lodebied lo said ittatc are requested to make stnxlc Lin of ateaniera. willing of great lntvrest. Lot tin work Some of my cane will bAve paid taxes la ice, mediate payment to the nodetttsned OATS. BARLEY, BRAD. Xc Dissolution of usu- find men to tae the other position men, made them II HH. &.. oi eiienu uistress is id oeusiueu, was too eerexs for him in connection uh his once lAfci yCAX wncn it w toouk, ua acain wutva r ULAUL, a wry ne when and submit to Ins interference and dicta- year, to the Admr Esutr Hermann rpIIK PA11TXERSIIIP ITBItKTO- - Mr Janxt Canrbelt is erectinc the cf the countr v is such other dsUes, and ai the class which, we Lartjcalir it will be nearly ripe this in addition Dated Honolulu. April 1st, ina ... IT MAT S.EED L fore exlstln bctwet Aka and Tonr Tlar fchk, My buildings machinery, it nder DiAmood Head. It is Urge, Uie that when all our imported gooi Is cannot tion, and ctin persuade the King to appoint ly deAired to reach did not attend in Any cnuibcr, value of the land. and ndrr the irmnameaf rsorzIHar Covof Wis-la- a, full 1 1 l vrUt oonuniUM) a fine new of them, who can sav how much he may ar tueae meetings were dixxmunned and an alb r and everything moveable Are also taxed at 1VASTKW ! At THE LOWEST RATES. Und of Oahn. la ti Hotel TktaaUnz aad tooto$ Hty uid bo paid fur by onr exports, wpmi 1st export my which was dissolvedI fera. la front of tbr bonaa will be a terrace. how Uie noon prayar meeting is now held instead. cash value-- A part of cane taxed Aa we want to nukp room for a Larra EUUFn.lne...Uthlir by mttbsl tot-a- t. the at a loss, pay xr ue rogate to himself, or much other young crop failed want of ram, a The butlar win W contlaartt as nsuaL by win ruinous to l ine robac gatherings nave been held for awakening as a utterly for Mart beeooiDeleet tateaeAtlta. bcabFliM stock oa the way Aka. ficiency offices may bo degraded. Will the tiUe of cause, provide few were- - burned aceidenUy or purposely, under the MaarJrai sane of KwonsniaxdeCo. are CTOTrtoi; tl nr Tb interebt in the tern perance and for acres rmchand mutlc Bcfrence exchaaerd, Tb. tit in tht I'll had been rerianted at Urge ex W rAIloriertpr'BjpiJyaU'ndcd ta Goods delivered Tlie tiotuinal excess of our extc rjrta over .Majesty satis iy, or win ue warn ra auacn ing enbutainment for young men. Tha lull has rd tha rronnd - Addren X. Y.. allaka P X. TOStJ Uie propertr in sooJ I lobsJlusbeensitretDeljbish- B TIHO. erjr been often used for ccncerU and lectures, vbil pense, scoitof - wrarTelephono Nos 17D.-yr2- Wii alia, Oak, XinJ gst,U8L uc Bsn to b. t.riB( a ruoJ dal of vuradon,! our impoits has often been exphu bed. The A.i toitt iwaxa f JTL y3fmwc------tZ&F- - , , jJJfffrm&to?rimp& i i li 1

Judge charged jury very carefully; relative to la a hard word, of wide bearing, and nobody has An April Trw-Ji- Galra. Sales. 2mlvm Salt. COMMERCIAL. the a. tuition Indian ISLAND LOCALS. n-- seen any dangers ahead. There is not " ute taw points mvoivru. ni;uiwu--i- -' At 3 o'clock on Monday raomt-- . a slthtZreshet forty-fiv- e minute the jury returned aver-die- t In Europe, none whatever, which has inade - BOSOLVLV, JLTXIL 85, ABOCT TOBTC. tion for aVe came By I.TONS IXVET. Br E. P. ADAMS- B; r. F. ABAMI. lal. plaintiff in the sum of (1,771-5- j enormous progress in tbe hut 70 years as just down the Xurami stream ant throncboat Jk i r BrriXTii itfice UrtwittJn- - Haa remained ttatm for tie - t la The vacation of tbe ncbolut of tbe imblie Norway, Baring had peace witn the diythwtoia-inue- J to ri slowly. Thert 9uturabtiieticnl,it!cbttriidnicTlortUldHlier echoola ends next Monday, tbe 29th JnrL By urertisenient it will be noticed that 04 op- - fullieoeriw.justice dealt um brtos.'fcowrnt. aoiiMr In Hon of jnnil and foil freedom in the interior, vu but little rain in the neighborhood of the city, fjcqaio Day, - atten- mrtnnilv la now offered, to a rtUTchaser. to obtain inti.MtAnt. hich or low. Where are then. REGULAR trade- The financial qaenion It crctnpyin;. tbc Tfa Honolala will though evidently heavy rains were lalltnc In the tion of "but Ineaa men fenliT.lrut althongh many waya Stock Kichtny r00? the photograph gallery and paraphernalia, al the dangers spoken of? When a cotisutnlkwi has are prorwfd Unrirdt llctttcnln: tbc drprcMion on tranMCt bnsineu present owned by Mr. A. A. Montana. Ur.J.E. Stood for seventy years and proved to be an ex- mcmtains. ewmwrni - FURNITURE tlthMttcfexchutri- yet rte kud or lac can give any .desired information rel one, I the danger, will shrink to At 4 on Tnes-U- y the water had tion abovo SALE m iseman cellent FCnanrlat of tkowa so dUpoartlon Goreraor Domini has returned la townaiin sta-e- s bridge, SA attain many - tiH the ative to terms, etc nothing, mere are not a the yard on the cast side of the CASH -- rltl-xln tarj .. io aid or alrt. rla frotn'MaoitanJscemflto be en jrin entirely boast of having an nnaltered constitution for sev- and before 5 ajn, the whole of the rrnib)es at the V the boom si tcarlj rer. only anal, uavnti now concerns, ci . :m Tt health. Among the passengers arrived by the Jhmttla Wn.it the expressed "hope corner Ncuann and raooa were flooded. Tbe nwaUlnj tram Ike other Itlanda. . enty yes. cf j At Utr of n A rOTT. No. CH following are familiar to King will pursue tho same eoerae family were fairly flooded t9 feloee It I wrttlB.., it kniTBla ban breathe mall The usual Sanday afternoon Mrrtce u held at tbe the name of the is also vain; tbe occupants, a Portocoese Stroet, on account of 4ert-tt- 'im. Tj.ml.ndi. and Alameda both from tie eoaL residents generally: GeneraUW. Dimond. Par- as hitherto, and with right as I will try to eiphtui out, their furrutnr. and beddmc spoilt, the floor FRIDAY, APRIL 25th with late walla and the Utter with ltKHert and tbe rooms of tbe Y. M. C A. on tbc SOth ineU and ker X. Mak- e- and wife. tx. T. Alexander, Hubert of the dwellina house beinj: completely under wa- nrpi. ana the urn uora ..rnia wua iron was fairly attended. fctirtmg, Capt J.M.Sass, D. Lyons, Ministry 11 in cumber) is acctwedofthe ter. They state that they hare lost all their five On Wednesday,. Apiil 23 The 10 D.Spreckelswife.and or six dozen fowls, etc- -, their at a. a. at Aea Room, will be told at ancUoa, eoarlel of the 2ealand.a for the A Hansom cab La the latest nonJty among s and John following: a coat, and eipress Tbe'departarc Children King to veto against earrb-c- wrecked. At the sLream Al .'deck a a.wtrl ma- 1st. Coancilling the e is about t. fIJ. It. rJyim: for hire. Last Satorday it vas in the fundAnfital law, that tbe Ministers seems to have broken loose hither up and a per- DRY FURNITURE Followinz U Knin. TVHHaio, Uiraottd Co.' irtttT s Mr E. Thome gave a dinner party at the GOODS, CLOTHING, iling and qnite in demand. E. compelled to take a Seat In the ParliamenL fect torrent rushed down the Pawoa road, and T o br extract J row me an r circular 01 Mrtrn. Kiggs House Washington on April 6th- in honor be Enliro Household Fornituro, Milieu namUton X of !(cw York asd Rofton. Inland & N. Ox, - 2nd. the King not to allow uaything floated away some articles cf furniture which The stockholder in the Inter the John Mott Smith. Among vol- GROCERIES, FANCY GOODS. E-- of Honorable ArmVf a been on TJanana road, l.Mi Wilder'a Mcamshir Co, and Hall Co, were Dolph. Medical Direc- to be paid to support the "I'ecple in haa pat for safety out the week. those present Senator unteer party, and here he has only and laid the lawn between Capt Mist's house and r.ET ruLLowg. nt?" v Dr. B mb'-U- bt latt adrict wat dated Mar. tUh, per drev diTidends daring the rM tor J. M. l'rowne, CapUinC. E. Dotton, Meffirs. is 1L used his suspensory veto once. the road, under water. This however soon drained No. 1 & 2 SUGAR, U M. Ogden,J. M. Carson, J. J. allow tae Par- away. Lmialilo Lands ! MJQAK-Adri- a King cn from "New Turk conctrnln; nrar Theeecond sprias and a&ilsnmmer uUhnery Gtvanaugh, T. Crawford, Srd. Coancilling the not to HANDSOME PARLOR SUIT are thai the market codUbb- dnU and drprettcd, Thompson, Tbotoas C to elect the directors for tho hero In the Xanana stream itself the water was Up POTATOES & BRAN, openinj taken place and the balance of G. VY, Hooker, M. M. and DunnelL liament rhile recetpte are enntaally bcary for lhree-U- n Parker suspensory vote only once. pinfc over bridge where thia week at Chaa. FiattTa leadiDCtcUlinexy also, be ned bis tbe timber struts of the Wicker Ckalr. ttockrr. The difficulty of rffUa; aalea. except at a liberal J. Ad. 1. during many they on masonry The water space under Vlnar. 1thdiroBTarlBBdvicrfl from Lon- etore. at this port From time to time rest the toother On tbe arrival of H. M. S. C9ttt the Government or what U the same, the T!King, the bride being so narrow, tbe water rose within don and Cobm La re been the chit I caieea of the cmnd awaiting him of Prime Red Salmon tendency. The ball and chain which Kani, the natiro who on the 13th inst-- the Captain f proposed to the Parliament that the Ministers a few feet of the roadway on the lanoa side tbe B.W.3Iarble-to- p Bedroom Set London, ordering same, was always underneath, beini. London inirVe are bowrct tn tea-mi- E eacaped from the rnsmei Jruic, carriod with him, a telegram from the Admiralty, should have n seat in tbe but bridge and fell like a cataract ChineseMatti7g fear Allaa-- proceed toLsquimalt,.I. No When saw could not gain the several lower on Kwa side, where only Rolls T .. ..Tor-ti- thecoBBiBpUoavrrrrcatl7. Thuaatthe baa been foond and returned to the kefpine of the him to forthwith refused. he that he feet the it . TT" mm he ftri4 quarter none have mi-fa- r, i onapMe. MipU nedrooni SH, marblo tap, poruvUcfx melted or darinc Deputy mails for her were here, reached tbe eaae be withdrew his pzopoeaL Xrw.jss just touched tbe Umbers. ly 8 aum. the water Tbircr-kbr- of year, tona of taw aucar aeaiBiit ItarshaL wonder every one on paas Acd at It aoo, tke eoMplete, XauresAea, rtlhrw. Mowiiiu Neta. T vt ' 'iut tbe enrirM shin since January last, no cf mm mutnmmr in and so it came to bad fallen considerably, leaving behind it trace CowerleU. Vheeta, JExtenaioat lXlaTaht-- s I67JIM dnrlns the cflrrrfpoodlne quarter of, V& A7faK, according to tbo advertised Hy jester-do- y to havtt-- -, Ord.1 UJalttkiUaatXr Ik. LB(lk (alau. tool The steamer board was disappointed. the that the Parliament would', havo the Ministers of j; reached a height beyond any recorded CnESNCT MAU-- a Dtatar t'halra. Loans- 9 laser Stwlnar Vachin. Br .1 t an Increase of 11 twr cent. a large mail for tbe which King vetoed it, because he low bridge built by a former 8 L'ratrc Baca. lectins W per cant, are quotable al announcement, will be doe in port here, from amred CWf take seat in it, Tho hitherto. Tbe foot Rax. t Cralrifnral 2Ctb wiU have to be this time to Vancouver, would some guarantees, protecting the Crown superintendent of water works, for carryinc tbe SMfte. windward porta, on the early morning of tbe havo ikal StN at ratrfl. IkUm, TVK CAlt, BICE rorthepvt two week tha market has instant. tlirrbv auLlini another month to tbe delay. A frora being ovemin by a casual ma jonty, as right walerplpes across the stream in a line witbJudd fi Cook Stove and Fixtures at Sz, daye. specimen case of some one has blundered." todusolre the Parliament, and pensions for tLe street was earned away pip and alb Except tbe Romping Girl S w day and the article lake at the A on Itarber'a I'oint ta of tuero necessary, because V la ailed Ministers. This would be jut bridge, and the property of the unfortunate Table, Wardrobe, Verandah Chair, ft Cbeei, for Immediate want. The price I H donbtlet. ad. ante when stored the dark recesses Daring the high "trade wind1 which was we only House in Nora ay, and the Mm Itento tnos, but little liimace was done Foaled tn IfTS by " Lelnttct." fall pedlffreecsn Manp-wa- . Eastern ntility there than in have one .Meat 9th, Tin Can. 9tep Ladder, Mwf, tofte.r.ytbelhearri.'alof the two "Uoa In neighborhood. is be- be obtained on application to w, Ua thlpmenl the territories are free. oftheCnstoinlloaMi. Maybethcraacbincryuhtld blowing on last Sunday afternoon, native islers coaiequentiy not having any pf that The rortufiuesc, it Hoe, 9hovla, Axe. Whwlbar-r- to row A I t )i UHi.tment would lieved every possessed and the Cte, fbo.ee Carolina U orlflns tn ew I ork VmUj at f & for aUirage dnea? in the harbor in a boat. .(.. have lost thine they Hinting Lamp. Etc. "V succession of heavy stalls set the boat toward the agree to this, the King he would sanction the man Itento hurt him iclf badly in attempting to LTOSS Jt UCVBT. AartVs. you roar ooor, --a 'aiiaotn as 19 a n- mJ r. AIHKA. Jhaiotr. -tle ISWc 4 moat- -. Hmt, 'Ere are breakers wwwlu of the lighthouse, and despite the alteration in the f nndamental law. As it now is save aoma of bis household oods. The cottage - EXCHANGE-Lond- on WdpU SLITS, New YwV, oin, handihonly n bob a mile, llenjoy tberrin- - frantic efforts of the boys to evade the calamity, the King has no right to diuulve the Parliament, itself at MdMln corner or iicnanu and laoo.i IS eta prrtn.am. uuu www cm ON MGJiD njht ifCM 01 a lnnnon swell, ueren uu jwu bunt dnf ted toward the danger. Happily for and as it now it, the Ministers havo pensions, streets was moved from its position. 3tWTt.scmcnla. AY April 1 the New Vobk. where Lounon ia." the venturesome youths tbets critical position was which the majonty hereafter when theJaw was Conning along in its road carter, the wild tor- Lot Kaplolanl Park. F t toRTu' Ttmxtt. ceipU for the Week bavr dmccrned from the deck of the Frencji p altered, would not agree to, and that the King was rent of water devastated tbe banana plantations at been rexy larre. 33. CX ton, althuatrh 11.U War Mexican dollars atatsped ItWI, and fresh from JUrytfleH and a barge was lowered, polled to the afraid, would cause the casual majority to dispense that lined the bank on either side, uprooting trees R E ATE Imthaa pretiunt wefk, and coavlotlo; of at, rescued wncnever so cnooseu, auu uu several years growth, at branching GnTASHS tour; II M Indies, Wo', r.raall.i.Wl ton, the mint, arc in arculalion. Who imports them spot by eight stout oarsmen and tbe boys with the jitnisuy incy of until last iAK - why thought and many with that that out wider tream, floodwl the yards, drown- : Eaft Indiea, 4 Ubi, Ebto. IJM lou; 31anrlta. And if we haTe tnongh Aia- m L alvtr from the impending danger. and thinks, him, in a it On Monday, April : 28thTI 1. ut! ton- lletitenra hare alo ueenlarze.3i,61 ton. import more depreciated stall ? vrmt.l iln mnrn harm than rood, in canum an un ing out chickens and sweeping away duckis, of the bot ar wriggling I will Makehu cul- Tk. k tat at AfBIL. A. t at M e that otocks hare tncrraKd bat 13 tonv. The members of the Honolulu held a certainty in governinc the country, reaidenU in the vicinitr of Here the SATURDAY, APRIL 26 At It o'clock noota. at sialearoona, ll. ).("( urn lar-- cr than yrar Cowfomption by Mesxre. Alee nnd Goo Kim are now the ac- Tho independent or party as we call tivated taro patches and gardens were soon a wild lrt Jana-ar- C roectinxr at tbe Athletic Association ball last even- call it. hrft X. at fafaua-- Bi Adaail. which, weneaaibe net tneltioc of re&Dcr finer ignorant voters, when waste force renhet speed- wffrt that Lm Land oa Kaaalu thxk orcr la year, credited agents in this kingdom for the Empire of ing and, after receiving a report from a committee it, told the uneducated and of water, and the of tbo f I will at Buetton at .fir ln,i.h(noTrr )ptrcmt increare used his veto, that At IO a. m., at Salesroom. A kn-- an a Nt A. Kanahnla. adlMalnar n,in. Him first named rentleman as ComincrOaJ of members who had had an interview with His tho King repeatedly absolute ily carried away the foot bridge rint of Ikretania rente, Iot ailoUoni. . M power fences, flooding KapWanl Tark. and an ire of t agent and tbe other gentleman as Assistant. Majesty, decided that tbe work of organization he was trying to tako all tbe from the street bridge, also destroying the AT NOON- cnUltlac word which of lower houses acrehalnaafrontaMor3Ufeetota aaM avetaaw, nnd Importers nd Kronen slocks. be immediutcly yroceeded with. A com- and that .the liberty, that tbe stones ot the in the noimty and a depth of mm feet, dealrable Pteet of lWertjr .W3 M.ITJ should misused, was he occupants who quick- rkle Jao.lt , alrfrtvi- - W. Lincoln the well known contractor mittee to frame a constitution and was all is most in dinger, and that causing a panic amoncst the He directly onpoatU tha Iota betongtnc to Jlr. Vec.0 Imiwrted by Importers and Ite- - Messrs would Ihctn slaves, etc- and they oclieveu 11. ly set about moving their valuables to more safe I finerttoRarVhSTUi and boildcT Lai reocired orders from appointed by President Simmons and after a some- - miko - Family Carriage Horse Bitiwd and T. lieymaui. SUJOi fO,m work K null Ina ahaolntit veto the last time, he and ground. Tbe Trntteee of the Lanallht bare laid ami bprwktli J: Co to commence tbe on tbe ana cnmuBjasuc aujuutu-me- drier KUU wuaifengtny mcuuui, tbo legal faculty and that body said scene courso of tho river, in the arrnae, back ot thla W, ao Ik will haea a ta&n btulding proposed for tbe new bank. was had until Thursday evening the ?tth consulted The along the Kind and Ceatle, anotbtr Ibit ieiv unanimously, that be bad a right to use it, and early morning, was grand in tbo extreme, the beat front-- :; en Iwo MreeU Water can h obtained from Importers' and Ucnnt-r- rlvck . - inst--, at the same hoar and place. well, belowtiag ta Jaa. Campbell, 1'CA J Tim mrnlt nf th inMtini? of the Mutual Tale- consequently he did use it, Beaides be was en- view being obtained from the bchool street bridge, the aimceat artealas VALUABLE MarchlT...... for- only Eaq. Tltlo perfeelv . . LANDS phone Stockholders last week has been the Definite news bas at last been received relative couraged to do so by many of the voters, not from which point of vantage no less than three One Single deedsat eipenaoof pnrt aee. , 'NrtntelUBff,Jan IfttoXir.ST.. S3.3C lCJIf work on it new building for tbo offices tho party, but also by many of tbe tossed waterfalls were visible, Harness TeraC'aht warding of schooner tomr of Government roaring, foam spot saear, a the company. Sir George Lncus has tb work to tbe whereabouts of the JHa also Left, they tne umerenoo oeiwecn which with tho af tcrtlow or surging, heating wares E. I'. ADAUS. AkIY K.T. ADAMil.Aaeir. hales harrlDcreased for oSoins of the whereabouts gallant alter bad learncu from prodadnc coo Writs 4t present prices hare fallen tews regarding tho of tbe and suspensory veto, and he also saw buffeting bonks and bould-r- in frantia efforts lncuarge. secretary who log- the absolute tho s below the reqatrrnirnu if rrsnent. Mill the do Caplaln who commanded, tbe Mint tha Government nartv fast calned cround. to escape the bounds which connned tbe angry are 3 AUmfim tu port hereon the theV-JH- Thevea-se- l VALUABLE MortagtMiNSaltTiimlrrimrTrrorSalD Wrd trvdvocy eontlnaes and Jtrleee ft Ihe ii S. arrirod ged, and the crew who worked t, and I am convinced that they will be in the ma- waters, formed a moving panorama theVildpic-turesquene- er on taon cadet, but the eneptional transaction la 22d and hoars from San Francisco, went ashore on tbe 10th of January, on one of by election, in lSSi Wonder if which Jtracll Imprmrnnit In cost and freight instC dajs fl jority the next of chained the beholder in Containcil fn tht Mortcagf. at mail 15th Be- Ibe of the Gilbert group and became a 1 awe, -- llecenirifncal hare beet pUced al bringing news and dates to the inL itlindi tney Will punisn ine present uuia. uu., amazement and bin) cargo Almt4 bronghtM total wreck, insured for $10,000, crew and a few when will fall too. present with ESTATE Dy unlet of tie Tnt'tec? of the Lanattio Etlat. tbe lli-IC- . mnscorados Late sides tons of the lhsir ranse has fallen thev Happily tho loss at reported, the BEAL decline say ft for and expedition, F. of a ceflaia by r. At'. c A one car?" of Ittssengera. store saved. The botanizer of the and soon bo forgotten. Now, they havo openly exception of that sustained by Mr. Kuu,iseon-fiiie- d worliast mnrtfazenade J i fovndalottrlerclat3V- tr U. kULAUKAULA l'LAlNS. Mary A. Mem-e- n hU wife, dated the Mh Porto Ulcos bare sold ftj c f .. rros L. Clarke, well known Iwth in this city and on will Norway republic vege- Mrnwn and aar 3r will confessed it, tbey make a to sioall portions of biinana- - taro and October. A. I. 1 ohall oell aueUo fa caab M test. OBrrlnc from tnba at 10 Messrs. Adams A Ellis Mam, returned to this city per Mnmrtln on tbe Hst enough, Norway must first inconvenience I. t at wfisbiuranucand rrom JOco lhat is well but then table gardeus, although considerable for eon Jtiloo broken, at noon. cottunitMrraalL bnt are tncreilnj; rorto hold an auction sale, at the of II. inst, having deserted from his companions in bear all expenses of caused by flooding I I attract lew from E n TUUM A3. EMf. Indlas. nidenco ilrs. separate from Strtdeot then and discomfort has been tho of and some other wot A. Ikretania htreet, for the purpose of misery and meandered homewards b convey tbo foreign etc- alone, of lo& In offer It Public Anctloo. For Honse Lots, bhlpmeau from thr ThUlpplae 1 hare been Scott, on consuls, - residences, yards etc.; no of life adds a story On tho 28th Day pf April, 1884, from disposing of the entire Jot of boam.hoM fomitore news of the cruise to thd Foreign Office. His which expenses Sweden now pays unlooked occurrence, which Something cfasrked by their lab and small crop and efioats by to the fur is there are no than at time Un jrai. contained within that domicile. memory is very trvnehcrous, when questioned Norway too poor a country to do that. be AtlU-- sum. bridges on Al my falearoon la Honolulu, bow larrer ftnt and is to thankf al for. the On -- and prlres eoatlnne aborv tb ianty of oor market the oatsido world relative to the whereabouts of wnn It is tnen, eieany aeen mai it 11 oc.ior am it King, Smith and Nuuana streets, were visited by a Monday, April 28 rvm Ctba advices Indicate a curtallluc of the crop l'ott Geo. De Long, NV 4,", O. A. K- - htll a Commander Tripp and the crew, and the knowl- I. vhvnnt net Areordinclv? Tbo intellect, richt crowd or curious ones, and all were found to be in Following1 rroaiTaricmscansea.bctUlflfini esUmiteU edge U will not at present bo made At U at Saitrroont, tbc The Real Estate inthf-tcitr- on evening he possedof and truth on the side of the government, and good condition. 'I be roadways uppusito the Chi- o'clock noun, Iaademe IV oreMht-Ut- say am.u.t to &5. tona. meeting at their hall tbe is --- al percent public. am A L 'Ttaln Tlece or Land allaalo at - 8ugar?growing and Refined sojrar contlnncs to hare a downward tend of the 17th inst and among other bamntiw trans- the result will show that I ngbt. nese Theatre and at Makcla will lute to bo repair- was started a society In ed, bridges mentioned ill Hatnakaa,Mi the lalaadot Hawaii. wtthdwllW bein always rather ahead of the acted, provision was made for the appropriate A larra "isw.fiab" as it is Bailed on the coasts Ad. ". In 1W there as well as the as having kouae and irattroTenentt tkereew. An fc demajML, bat the fact that rrtlners can market their celebration of the coming Commemoration Day, Mexico, was captured a na- Norwav, called the CcnlraI Society for nsing been wasted away. RESIDENCE AND LOT 9. l an Indtcation of California and br production a ell as tbry do rather May 30th. fisherman Diamond Head. Arms, and Athletic exercise." Ithadinl8?J,W,CU) A telephone roeitaago received by tho MensrsJ. - Awefr. they may haredlfflcolly in snpplyinj the Increased tive onthelCthinstoff was sup- C.tntqi. lhat Tli A.it mnniler welched, when broucbt to sboTC. members ale. ping not counted and M. Oat Jr A Co, from Waimanalo conveyed tbe Owned by him and tltoatrdon Ui rornrr ot Kloaa demand, which shuold tome with rood prih; wrutbr Mr. Douglas Monserrat and Mr. Jacob llrown time by voluntary contnbntions. over 500 of cano were un Sf? lbs., was C H inches in length and had a ported for ft long information thai acres tnd nikoi Mreel, running throagtl to tURaliu SlrerL andtbeopenUsof tbefmlt season. feet in nfle shooting. raU TheiVNidenadilcesaretbemorst thlnz onr market are prodDCing some nice maps of the l'axk. The circumference of C feet- - The "lone fishermen The members practiced mostly der water in that locality and that a mile of Bfqoj--ii- vears has had subsidies from the gov wasnet away. Hopes Tbe Lnt 171 Klnaa Sllreet. fW feet on TUkol , fi There seem to be no bottom procesa they tue for reproduction is cheap and 01 ocean In later it way had been are entertained hasioeootendarainsi who captured this specimen prouaci, hTln- - an area of Lot's orcr there, and thr faar of exports tbl war betnr they offer lhews inais to the peblic at n reasonable so with a common k ernment. The Isft party then started a similar that no serious damage wilt result to the flooded StrerllVfeetniLnnalilo7Treet, Kapiolani Park d:( time; a states that be did crtr acrea , and can b rally nbtIlTl(Ird into- Leepa oar holders In anxiety all thr figure. Qiite a number hare been sold already. No. M nbnnttuo inches in lencth. attached to a society for tbe samo purpose in lb79, and called cane. 1. there would be a relief . and a rttmu 'Society people. The admin N. rbane treat rirr cotton fishing line. He also says that, on bringing tho for arming tbe At U.l.' a.tt, lh6 wind shifted to .the K, tbe Instotbesaar buclnesauere ery quickly was 10 10. EvrrtLodr who can snare the time should at onre up alongside 01 canoe, no xnaue up uu istration 01 tuts given a siugie man, auu rain clouds dispersed, and by - p.ni, tbe Nuuana Itrnners stock in ew ork eXtl ton, acalnrt the liu nis voted n contribution of about til torn last vcar. and aeSners stork In ttostoa I Tiuit the leading Millinery House of Chas. J. mind that he had made a mistake, and if the dis- the Parliament river was resuming its slugginh motiod. 6 BuildingLots use of which be should not tons, afalnst .M4 tons last year. Total stock In IrSshel, and there inspect the fine line of ladies tance had mt been so great, he would probably 'llJiNLandforthe V3Y.Z y tirrvMttl ' 1 be society aim said Fojrivn-- In all hands U IU7i. tons, acatost trimmed hats on exhibition and the balance have allowed tbe fish to take possession of the nor U rttMr Ejth of curat Ie, mar be aeeii by the plan liimalilo Estati btUSU year. need lOUcwt. jtowder and lead enough tons Uat erk ind tona last to this week. canoe, as he desired to swim to shore. Hundreds. that it would at tbe office ot Ina Aactlarer. blnch March . receipts at rout I tort hare amount 100 cwt. of lt the of town iMJonte cratified their curiosity, by a view to make tbo required of balls. been MJTT tons frwn Cuba. IM (oni from Jirittph From a private source U i learned lhat the Coin- - powder will exactly tharurecetTfd iartrnciUm lovffrtal and French West Indies. OK) tons from Chins, ,WW of the fish before tbe final cutting np. pnbllc aocttow. Lands is filling an - thtv advertised for provisions, etc. What THE HOUSE IS NEW at Makapala, Kohar tons from Korojn S.1I3 tons from Maori tin, mtona manderof the ill fated Jtltt encafiv- pnwder? Why Uvmesltc ToUl 109,41 tone, of which 61JK5 tontar-rire- ment with one of tbe booth Sea island government nso could they make of nil that PACIFIC WBBER PAINT provisions? No enemies Well bail- - and comfortable, and offers a arte nt'portiiu-Ii- 28th, to refiner. and4T,Bii tons to lmiortits. ate and will not be able to fill the vacancy kept open erect depots of threatened toprorareadrslrablo llnairrtradla a convrnH On Monday, April for same time 31,4 W lona, and toUl dell reries f Kanpo Maui, and vicinity, wns TisilcJ by a to invade our country. To what purpose was it prop- the ifl at the Oahn Jail, that is not for some years to come. lent acd riIlr acceasble localily, nbf re ny la, Hawaii : tons, which lncladea receipt to reflneri. Mocks bare lOlh and 11th insts, then? The old society had worked satisfactorily, Mixed Heady for Use. .ny erty ) dally Intreattftjr. In value AtUo'tI"cknoun. al SaleeeoeM. 57,113 tons since March severe Kot storm on tbe King .Increased lit. Some of the late appointment made br Mr Pre wind blowing a gale and the rain falling in tor why stirt a new one? I think tha was right 'CC M LlCBT'a UTCST ESTIBITE Uf TUE ItECT CBir Hoard of Education, have not raised filling thotreanissothatfrcsbets occurred. in vetoing that resolution. One Can Apply E. r.ADAM!. Aatl'r. sident of the rents, law pointed out It. 2 LOT and Taaiat Land on the weal atda af Tonr- IJ-- personnel of tbo school teachers of the conn-tr- d,3. In our fundamental is Those Valuable lots ij3 3 tbe elected MihttMlM the ralltwad. (ia adjotataf . . what oflicials are to bo by the Parliament, ttcraiatiy .. vd,i wtri and, ns a natural consequence, tbe respecta- Kaupo district have nearly AiiwVajf I UK". p-- l CH.1W hesuiverturtvin by Crown. Now Parliament would At Kapohnlou adjotnlne KapWtanl Part 4 rance .. M,i"1 ble teachers are much dissatisfied. completed and tbe tbe IBacilic RESIDENCE Use HANDSOME aerea- Anstrla and Hungary. tMJ" 4rwri their labors. elect two railway oflicials, nnd tho King vetoed it. the Nnnbcred I and , conUlalnt tosetVi U W - .tn SM.I officials of Nor- Uad oat aide ,iU)isiaana Manscex Faswtt of the Hawaiian HoUJ care a Tlnrinr tlin Tireralciice of the Jitntrt. iipcricnccd The Parliament elects bank t Rtnk I 7I25-.0- O Lot KmW and bilblde. tbo aaal af fltrlrlnm -- ..., lOO.UU (8.W! way etc, not tho power to elect railway On Ldt No. has Acres. Makapala, tha railiwwl and ad)olal . 33,W free dinner to a number of friends, at tbe hoitflnr on Maui during tbo 10th tnst, hundreds of trees but has Kulaokahua Plains. mi .Holland and eltraJirre ..V. t,U Tho King what be bad to -- 13-10- over Inch he presides, on the evening of tbo 17lh were washed down irom me mountains 10 mo son. officials. did just right BBiililier faint Lot No. 2 has 4 0 Acres. J .siflil.orM .1 1831 so 11, nnu will be a gain to do, in fact, he could not do otherwise without IIDoLE total .f... lost, wnicn, report nam tpr irt Tbe destruction to the forests I bate received fntruttin trim. S Mj, m the wHt was well breaking law; the fundamental law wouiu navo SI KM 1 K rXVR .ti7Lnd !l-t- V March S7ib at thr Ivor 1'orU. I reporters! attended. the natives who will find the wood scattered along the DURABLE, GLOSSY AND ECONOMICAL. Attorney for lo nflrr fr uk Makapala. adjoin. K. fortbeweek rndlns March 2Sn,d wesr tons. tho Imch, where it is thrown by the action of tho to be altered first. t public ant I ion. Th- -e Lot- - can bo waterrd ba two Art tola Wott of 5JlJvrt acrva. farther, not pt It, eaty bavins Mrrata out Inafaaakao. lhlt reries 19D ton Mork Increafed 3'l1M) tonr Charles Garrclt the lowest in tender fur the waves, and is gathered np for firewood. I will not divans this and trouble M.'UF.CTUHED ONLY BY Mr lam nnd,ara ot noea. Eires. slock oter last ytar iVSJb Uk. notation" . of t he building for the new l'ulice Station you any wore, alwot it, but I could nut help giving tSnka erection The contetnplate-- railway wtrl brine & ifc M ot woaUy Jars, No IV U. b.fc?od. Crntrlfuials, Wrt1. And form Ilonse on Merchant street has been Tho monnted force, at Wailuku, hare not my view 01 u. 1 remain, ucnroir, yours eic, On Monday, April 28 l t tor T tkl Fair 16s W 1 M. tulicc the Park wlthUarteen trrlnalfHf tb tcrta. a Kranln, R Bu, ft compelled to withdraw his tender and the contract made the people believe that they aro a O.H. wiiiiTiiiK, & Co. t'anr snmr weak, rpVcalator and refiners hold off jet vmmi At K o'clock, noon, at Jale?rooin, lown,anu lun.i nainraiiy in Deets drcllalns rapid) uaa uecu awnrueu ny iue jiiuisitr ui me inicrior although there is more of a disposi- portunlty la offered for a good lavaoUneaL. t to the next lowest bidder. E. 11. 'Ibonuui. shown to do something by the members of irai Marrh sellers. tion San Francisco, Cal. X T. AU.V3l!. Aact'r rmurnsK iind A remark- UnoUlions- extraUld. Manila. 111 1U.. f . o : that body, than by tbe local iwlicc fiii 3bufrti.rmri.-S- . Legislative Session P&l will be opened the (mimrtlDs ltoua of llonolain. tho 2. superior Manilla, 12 Iff f.o. l ; nprior llotlo.1.14 The of able capture by Captain Haley and bis squad is Fttr Silf bj l'nl At Upset Price of $5,500 V f o b ; superior Cebo, tlSIi f.o h. fable ail on the 3Uh tntsnt. Tbe after liten-in- promised, in the Dear future. op in 14 tb tin. 4 call fin, nd I 3 lb lint sice to March 9th. show 16JMI tons bail sailed for tbe speech, ad- ... kJ January against ton to His Majesty's will probably - TO-DA- ! ltlllotCIIALK.I'EEL,tCRAWL Itll MadO United Males since SlCl Monda on w hich they will HawAii. S- Y S5r for same llmelspt jear: n.61I ton arr now afloat journ until r. latter day oftho Bost.nd Purost Materials, Landa a president, secretary, sergeaut-at-arm- and KtUTstone to same date last car elect Tbe past wuk at U1I0 has been decidedly rainy, THE BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON Land at South Kona, e York. Mb April. I messenger. i'iunecr IVIiltn Oxide or Zinc, circus arrived at Hilo by the "Kinau, on being property owned by Vr Fyfeandat - , Mnce oar last rriHMl of the tth ultim sorar has The new residence of Mr. 1. C. Jones on Nuu- - Iho Ihe . ikal :. tarifaer in price. Unl rUj in the decline took Thursday, Apnl 17tb. LOOK OUT Pure l.iiiM'Cil Oil, Ceiiiiiiie Colors present occupied by Jnjje .Mcl'nlty. Hawaii. ann Avpnne mrere noarlr comuleted. It Bill be place when tbe pneeof beet rose in EnjlSBd K. rHorar Bd. an addition, to valley architecture. Mr. Jones has Comblnnl STRONO bOLCTIUSof I. ADAMS, Aucir trofn 6d. free o board for t polarisaiioii lo Iba. bridgo are at work making the nec .lib 1 -- KoM ' ' aa IS. g Tho builders I am laalrncled to offer at Public tnctlow. LHP ttwa patch a M boot kfcw rio Tnakevp f"raborU." After this, the price recedad gone 10 cou&iueruoio expun'w auu irouuio tu ioriu-in- YYaiakea IVaa4al4apl at Jtuaaaa ha flower-bed- un- essary repairs upon tbe bridgo over the Lo.p, aealntn'IT and when tbo plants once get Tho Best India Rubber. Guardian's Sale of Real Estate on Nuuanu St. aea--. with work, altboneb at A-pr- Im. V"wl M Aaoor refineries kept on tbut der way handsome results may bu expected. rivcr ililo. il (low oterpmdactlon C. tJStli rrflned swear found a rery sale, J. FISHEL'S OI.IJK-- - , --V. AEoiitlay, Mr. Un-J- io together with Mr. George Holmes . OT J. aHuato on the ea- bank matnereisarll be the rell and cranulated basal The band concert at Emma Square on the even WHITE LEAD! BY RHII IT, Eti-- , UaanlUn minor child rem 'anee l,4r and Kul Land ready fallen lo eta Tht rners, by force or circum- a to England. PIONEER At It o'ttock noon, al aleaeoom. of to tiu- wlMnlntapoaor ILtl'i knc. ' will leave Kohala shortly for visit H.Etlt.. and nnder tbe aninorlty ot the Muprrme Cnnrt ' stances, means posaihlc to press Ihc ing of the ?lsl insL, was fairly attended and the l.aaa. II . , , hare to urttery , Knltala issinle wish them a ulcasaut trip, and will WellnaratiteetlilKladlAhe A STRICTLY HJM 1 will oell at I'nbltaAialnn.oa SATCUO V,.May ITIh, jjofin art. valoe sf rawsBar dawa. In which they hare been contained in the programme, eight in nuiu-r- welcome when they ARTIULK. lCK!C.MtmiATKOFLKAI,Urotindln o'clock noon, at my that piece lar-- e and the de- give them a hearty return. at li ialeroni, rrtUln assisted by unusually confistinc of cnmptNUtion by Itntni, Verdu I'L'ltEKF.FlNEIlLlNSKKllOlIandH - otd of land on Nnaann Areaae, adjoin! the JUaervoIr That Certain Parcel Land 3 Kalo 2nd MXaAria,(o.;jhwtrt moralisation of the Onban and fcumptwn markrU o- Lr Coote, prp-rt- nriW- and ! imjIJ IWIlini, Donizetti, Waldteufcl and were to Chemical m and tbe Ul- Pipe ami illrwctly epponlia lh ot - wlfntheaea Cabas crntrifucsl- - oUriin; t Mr. Hrodie with Lin nsnal hospitality enter- Ttt lnd artMrtt into. at tvaJahikt. oulb Kwa. Hawaii. U craped by pwbHe road, acre hetsi tiolarisatlon well rendered. rrlet, belnsihe una prrmir toon part leal f de In t hire at cents, anil also ccntrilBil WHITE LEAD M.nnf.ct-rM . lint these tained a number of friends at hh residence at PIONEER wrlbed In Kojal I'atent lMTKnleana llclafia? af and inire particular In Iloyal Pjtnrt 387, L, (Suaranteed) at 1 cetts lo arrirr. al commenced heavily on OPENING Francl-c- can Eafn falling and steadily Kohala. Tuesday evening, and all pres- in San arrives here r'mh.aixl be fullowai I'. A want tt F to Kahohdkapo. ronlalnlnjc an area I Koni and XaJt taad on the wetter prices there are more sellers thrn purchaser" Hai, last - of promptly ami In wanted. K hootnaka ana ma ke klhl KomepUlana mo ke tor laatf of sugar t the rtimulated the eveniugof the 21st inst, and at about mid- house and grounds iinanlttlea at of 3 fi.H'l acre with all ihaapparlenaueaa and eaaf mv or waian u pnaiofetta. II The main point la rater ent hid a jolly time. Ibe It- - Economical, in that the Oil Inmhleh alarm I a me ka alna o Kaainhca MIo t ke la vousumptloB cau-- by ifaes low was down showed tho IrrnlinrasU inenla thftelo beloulnx. There are ree. Increase of night of that date, puanng in torrents. were beautifully decorated which It la smnml In not iniaked lnl the whk1 of the parka--e- a e holo ana Mem M9 lllk. panku e pill ana tbe course of last mouth ore r I'WWion (Jue conseqneuces was tb- hl- 1 prices. t la of the of the "heavy wet" is the host'a refined taste. Dancing held in a lanai ntt eonefiaenilT fnrtnatlan ofaklu1 li tne Kumnbea nake Aanpanl -l ke kihl lltn hare been delirtn-- In tblf country so far the larrrst many road morn. ana In that ciposure again cf the mistakes of tho built for the purpose and kept up till early Goods kcla atna.alalU AkaaUia lllk. pankne pill Jnantity Inonr month The incrra New Millinery vlIl.Thel'lONftEltWIUTK LEAD 13 TLItE WHITE, rnoko lloopaalaoo ke Anpnnla 3'btkl I ke klhl lllk. 3 the alna. la- moalhr-i- about supervisor. Buildings upon Property. M4 sarardarlnplh. ihrv 11 IIItOUMl any Mher In thi Market; Alan Kom. aw pankn a pill ana be supposed thai The rINKIt n o kelaaina, alalia ,!" tons, andallbnuh it is not to 8 Hilowaa not behind the times at Easter. 1'ltUl'EK-TIE- ke Anpnnl a hlkl alanat IrHrpaM will iwtikb would make The 1. M. S. Xmtttmdin am red in wrt litre at mekoL'mlnml b the Khi larf contiuut Foreign was most appropriately and beau- TO-DA- la ullhnnt an eqnat. aUlU llema 31 Koni. Z pankti e pill ana iw ka i--. a i a an rr i yrwn 4tll it fao brincing two rMOHengerK, Church Y ! rnd r r. in., 9i exresioraW,"tH - a. tu. on the ?lst inst., took S& WMb, 231 lb In a hlkl ana. X tli low nrlreoor purardrtic mi-a-r (glucose) tifully decorated, and a praise serried the S Ill iminpln'iJlh. Wibainl kie. llblnkealannl lhat jth- Mitts Duncan and Mr. Jlobert Uneve,toHonolqla, Hi ami Ib'lln pa'I. and In inall llna from 1 la an area of of an aero. and other snbvlituUr out of conctiioHion pUce of the aual meeting. The symbol of the lti A rtypWEW 27 passengers transit tbe colonies. 'lMaprnpcTtrl'rleaaantlyritaitcdon hill carrying in for cross through all Ibe Coral bouquets in lUlhirarti the Jat aaneu appeared A Kail i Kert In htock by the aborelhepeeond jrood location tot A i no vessel itgnin lor iiiec?ouiu m iu a. ui. which lilies, exnuiaito and Just Received ex Alameda srply Ilridand la same many vantties of Wboletale llousen in llnnulnln. to whom wecordlallj rraldrnee. HONOLULU. date. b'- led. Unon purclia-e- 8. PORT Or fragrant rnnnnnltAa were the altar recommend Intending bnjrra. J! an -- factored only by TEUUS CASH. -- Dt iU at eipense of fcudcr the patronage of II. 1L !L I'nnccus L3 dia, (Able stood an opnght crtu-- f of heluutrupes, with AjTlrvaL gerantumsimbedded tho Club gave a concert at the M aikiki tho Utters I ItS inoartet WHITTIER, FULLER & Co., Lands at Kapahulu, Island tern Dora Illnbm. Illubnt fmltTounnd "Mokae vines uroopeu Apr. elmrrh. tin tha fstniru? of the 17th inbL Ihe Pro in the purple flowers. Heautiiui Cormdcri of White Lead and Manufsciarera of Ml ltd 21 r.M Zealandla. Webbei, fnm an r'rsn from tbu pulpit and table, and baskets of flowers -- Howard, from ban grammed vocalizations were well rendered and I'afnta, Color. Varnlrlie. hit' Zinc, and Import- Fireworks! Fireworks! jOH Alameda. rran from tho imlpit cushion. A volun- Ula-- Vua.CTT3B3 IS the nndience uiguiy picaseu wnu uie hung iM.ndant er of r'rencb and lleljlan Window tary upon theorgnn, assisted by Sig. Crispin! on Uj; en Kranrlfco. California- - Ir of Oahu: Soiled. entcrtainmcuL an thorn chin r, luiColouie tlinviuiin. readins. Easter bvthe CLtll Apt. schooner Vifa arrived in jtort bero sung by the S. S. Children, a pleasing address H. MAY & Co tj. cctrette Kcrjrnrlen Joanncl, The ilomi choir, ntn French ABlor from for Tahiti on tho 17th inst, in distress, Lanai. hhe by iier. un, iuiuill, lonanaiciy preseu, uuiiuk A- -1 ! Ut i oc T Mir 2 Han bk kalakaaa Milln. for "an Fran had gone eusbore at Uinai, a bole was stove in tbo the ivtslor's absence made a very interesting or' West Timber, JUWEIiS.XiWiP'JUI.Yl by contact with tbe rocks and the rudder SAI-- iwrt side casion. III AtlKST FOR THE E or was earned away; temporary repairs were made, SCANTLING of all sizes; THE UNDEnslUNEB -r- ' tirtT4 Vessel in Port. nir"- -- - . : a 5Wrtact-a. Hrbkllirniah.AVIU and tbe vessel arnred safely in xrt here as above FoIIUm I i"raero. i ! ar - . u ,.. Norwegian .'i: Ul-iaa-iawen Am te filina. I'lake. stiUd. Co I bfii acre. Am tern I'liM lluieon. bpraic lv Boards, Battens. California Fireworks The vicinity of tbe Park k is beginning Mici, April 17, 18SI. Am tern Dora Dlubm. Jtlubm jRec'vd by WWrf, aw altute on tha - . Mariposa, Howard TL:- -In tho dated April by la Treparcd tuIUtiK Tbeaa nine M 0S to preoent a considerable degree of activity in tho EwTocGiZi OtzmE Just For Sal. 'beach at Ktalawal oaal of Dfatwowd Head, matter of preparation for the racts on Karucha ICth, you write about Norway, and the decision eood fto-- a llooolnla, W way . " & taaaa MEMORANDAi meba day, trainers, grooms, snull boys and horses Court coroo to. As I see that Lowers Cooko. Kaptolaa. Park rranrajr Wtweew and J the Supremo bas FIREWORKS REAL ESTATE aaa, and are Mltabta for (oanlry teat now the early morning en ORDERS m the being discernible in aro on a falac foundation tof '' w6rk fitted celebrnUng tbenesrap-pruAchin- yonr statements based oVmo with itwUMHttUi tea batklM. gaged to 240 CASES Rerwrt f II M b b Zealandia, Weblier, in Monday holiday and have mistakes originating from a lack baa Francleo pilot alS p to. on oartlr. ethyood, Rough and Of Eicry Kind, and at LOWEST .iViVoUniM--arWaJNr-'r-i tbe 14th inr-t-. and Honolulu pilot at a m country laws and Iho Mf reccted Kagarcamo into port from windward, by tbe of knowledge of that and iu reach of artMlaw watrr. M acre. ,ob Ihe riflt April, daring tbe passage experienced rar origin of tbo present strife going on there, I hopo Humes Salmon, Flag Brand PRICES. Wo can ruroi.h liable bead winds weather- pasted Sb City or CLEAK, wlthtm steamers Llttilt, A"Nrw, Itmlnmni Ktltteti Ifo, von will lurgive me in aaiug me huwij w k Sydney at 4:SJ p m. cm thflKth. and Sb Mariposa at in large quantities on tbo 1'Jth and 'JOth insts,a the B r MJT all 1'a.Ute and areata land near KaptrWaat T on the 1Mb ai II j. m on thr 31b lust you a short but truo representation of facts. Mottoes, llj iinlrr llrr Jlnjr.lr IJnfcn Hoimrr arteflaa water 21 J5am. Inn. total of 1500 packages being received. Of this so little known; it Of all kinds. Letters, Path, wllhln itach ot experienced thick tain weather am! bore ship to No wonder that my country is IOO Cnaoa tfHfiV acrea. afterward roceedias stow ly alt lot the LilrhU bronchi the banner carco. the kingdom, and deemed of little or no im- Kmni4 unit linn. Ilrrnlrf ntbt here, vtr: pack- is a small Local Designs, Mr. r.nhat largest ever brought to port asi portance in tbe "European concert." " For Sale bj- CadVneaR.aTilMl ages, or about KlOtons. will your atten- I lie iiB'lf"fIliriir'. IflTat MIT J Pa.taT. JnraW - -- . IMPORTS. Heforagoing into details, I draw TABLE FRUITS, STANDARD BRAND Or Pieces, hop, jfii 4 yon say: ""It is The Missionary brig Xfirj is now fully tion to a few points in your article; ' Lowors & Cooko. l"Ort Towuend.per Dora Btnbiu, prll la several years past, tho king ' rrom any Design Submitted. 'iiMfc f wFrom well known that for J,, .ttirllon at hi. Salr Sa).wrrfretrou;blumbet, 61.4Tt feet drensed lumber, due from the South Seas, and as she has mofit an attitude opposition to the arrival ts looked has maintained in mc Lalaloj;ne may be aeou at my office aod aaa4o toiwl near Kaplolant liai,tRQbln:les probably tonched at Jaluit, her repeated decisions of tho Storthing, or 1U. present Ill lionnllltlt, on I4r M more anxiously no as to obtain a true and nul- Cases riKini. Pafhl wltUa.rtaeli naftil l for the tive body, and that again and again .ban be to work Ash, Must be Given by May 15th PASSENGERS. "unvsmished tale relative tbe lified by veto the votes of the two Chambers, and Orders tl by tbe Hawaiian Commissioner during the constitutional questions, 3iipil-3ia'a- $3 I IlJb this on very important EASTERN PINE, K0A. Utt d lr lioihlk. til From liana and Molokal. per Lebna. April S vovage of the now wrecked Jmtnt. two great very important mis- JAMS AND JELLIES Oak, K E Jones. Akana koi. Now, here are and to insure Delivery in Time. K kupihea, J llanuna, takes. First we have only e Honse, not two. Fw Hamikni. ict C U DUhop, Airii 15 J A Car Hy tbe Zenltn4n news was received hat the fol- Oar representative body, Strothing. is indirectir Black Walnut, toc. I4rr lewd near Kaptolanl Part., within Ilalr.i of reach of IIW-- l acrea lowing vessels, from this port for San Francisco, elected, the electors electing a certain number StxxicL-ax-- ADAMS. art! witet. ForVauaitla Watanae.iMrJasMakee April IS 11 Strothing - E.JP, Monday, April 28 r out, viz.: v. !days; mgn w ho again elects tbo number of the 1 bj- A wife, J F had arrived '. Jrwv, fife XV Tor Sal. j,ra MacacJr.CaptJacksoB.LKahlbanmand IF. 11. 15 days: W.O. U'.vrliament, as I bhall hereafter call it). After Foreclose Head h Col burn. J Herapalh. t;Dupn. . of TUio, 8 days; l,m.m,l, ' Mortgagees' Notice of Intention to boadtanl nVf-- of all tho world. V days; Aoef 18 days; .1 lamtda, G days, IS the Parliament bas assembled, and declared itself hut Uraarii Lowers & Cooko. ytr From ban Francisco, per Zealand ta. April 21 Robert Inn, captains Ktitt both cwasUtnted, optned by the King or bu rep- C' sarvomircon. Paramo trawl; VTOTICK IS IIKUKUY CJIVKN m n hours. The of tbe Inn and duly IV In a ttrlrre. and S3 passeneer In leant It for Auckland and divides itself into two C talr1afik,a lard, 1, 5 and t pall. Li lbatpaiaaaBttoapmer of ale contained ... ,., exptnenced very boisterous weather J resentative, the Parliament , n port having mnrt-a- Anja-- 13th, made pjOBcy. rt OdeUtbing. Every Kit UheefcfirfliiuUlv; certain deed dated t 10, - an tw at m w J passage. Chambers, Lagthing and a IDA K. and wif Ealalla Ml a t ni uuring toe enure i California Urd. and Una: of Lest quality by John Mlva Nakllaa hit From Ministry from . fr KIHIL w proposition, whether from the or Bxi ImidcIcm foil Fltli,n"t-cb- (w). Julian Imnsalvea and Ann la Gnnaalvee hla wife of . MIXIX. '. Lagthing, (j ' THE Drtithcrtut.DrotfacTDernar(l,V 1'A Drew or, Messrs V.S. Kimball A Co tbe manufacturers any of the M. P. has first to pass the Kt3tmon Uellira and Mackerel Honolulu, Ilandof Oabn.l? AnMmloJ Lope ot Ihe ol otlln. family l'nt-- Galvanized or office of tho of Patxatf Uod makal A Ilarbcr. of "Vanity Fair" tobaccos and cigarrettes havo then tbe Odelathing and lastly the Parliament, so he I'nrk. S5.WA rath; Shingles am place recmt In the Kraltrar Jim iraph "tatlow. t acrea being laid beforo tbe King - kjn Corned Iteef, Sand aija each: CoaTryanceilnllberNl,oHP3;ei l. 113 1. K and From Man! and Hawaii per Likelike, April D-- forwarded to their agents in this city Messrs. that every law before hV times, tbe Ullt Edge nalUr,Ui-f- each. IIS, and for a breach t thecondlllona In tald 1 arret t. ana and maid. A Co- advertising cards of the firm, which for sanction, has to bo read three last in tfr Uwd if J - Odelsthing only Flooflja.s Case deed contained, thai all tind alnzalar the land, MlT m lbftofi--tl- a A 3U Ker design and excellence in color print- plenum. The Lagtling and the herdtument properly l aald ear m From Kaaai and Mitau enr Ualanl prill for beauty in We have, trna&U and br atm. Mt: andMrUHalBwrlbt. Kanoa.wlJe ing surpasses anything in the ndrertisiue lino that divi-- o the work to be done, that is all. Fresh Cal. ROLL BUTTER, In bj- morlsasederdoirtilalneda-H- deacrthed will ltrr Iho FOLLOWIXO Tlft IIIsExhv O Norway, never Tot Sal. l ac and child. I)r and Mrs Walters. Dr bhstdnn. Iter A has yet reached this city, hpeamens of the work 1 am glad to state, no gentry in and Itr tlruo Itnltml Hy law b aohl at public aacttraoa lAtT ho Kjoabnl tan l.bery. M U count ot tbe coadhiona hereinbefore Forbes, Mis Dole. Miss l'arli. lrrlne. J llahn. have been forwarded by Messrs Ho) lister A Co, to will hare as it is forbidden by law. 1ill tnclt or fii--ll Salt llcrrlnz- & of tbe breach bthreta. It F Rertlemana say, questions." Lowors Cooke. mentioned. this office (as also a bar of the famed cigarrettes! Second; you "constitutional HxspfS to DftSfl eacb; being it aa TramVrinalrdIVrts.tM-rKlnBa- . Antil Ex one question, which' Eitra line Japan Tea. in The property Ir tatd mortrwe detenbed and serve to adorn the walls of the sanctum. That is not ho. There is only China Tea. In llxa of 3 lo t-- , Oahn, more partkea Oltomlnls, Hon Wilder, Capl A It Harleys botjiuve failed. Kitrm line e(J nate at Wailele, lUod of 4ir J bU now they bat e tried to settle, "HntL'blnaTp. In CbrtU tJ3i pound each; larly decrtbel In ltojal No. Kaleana Heln f - - a n v.nasseis, .wiss u Aaapai, 11 uirmui, imn, on which tbe fair down yon write: whether the kinds, S L brrerrnce.Itllrown,JDrowti.c'ltdlte,CFlIarL The near approach of the date rorthcr of all 1711, alolantltnateat PltKiim aforeaMdertbla King's veto Is suspensory or absolute, whether he lEeyal i'talN.-37- ;, Koleana llrla 1TR. Mrs 1 1 Dowsett, C C KKhardson, wife aifd dsachlcr,'. of the funds of the Library, will open, May Pla'nfation Tea, in Chests of 36 lbs. each. Apanal U in aid -- Mum afisrrfald deferlbed In Jtoyal Talent AriupUaa 4 children, A nrnan-de- be- can really stop legislation or only delay it. alto land It Lands in the of Hon J lUchardroB.wlIe and lion I 6tli, causes the members of the organization to NAILS Builders' . Wailele, Maaea, aforesaid MIm A W K beal. W V ttot trhtlt mtt ormrhrlmi! (Jrsnnlalod in pkrs of --tl. P") and 0 ? ea: No.Clfi; alto land at J botowon. II lleea. stir themselves in order to have everything ready hi ft tvllh tl ajiar Minr, ILoyal 1M. land at Manna Mbhaw. Mlas M Kbhaw, Mis N Wllcvx. lli cowl prvft4io in orrros', declart Cabebnrar.lnpkcanf Sand Hln each: In falrnt No. aUo on the openins date Messrs. J. R btronc, Henry wttionti of afereaal'l I bed In lioyal Talent No. !. land Real Estate veto HARDWARE. drier alo Mlskapakahl. W. Hall. S. Ik Dole. M. Cuoke. that tinder the existing constitution, tbe is Man'M Talent No J C at afore aid lo Itnal 3W. For Kahalsl. per Kilanra Ilan. April Xl- -II Lona;.-- Kodgers have appointed as a mt suspensory only, but oteofale, their decision, Fine Powdered Sugar, in bxs. 30 lbs. ea; Kuleanallen71-- aleo land at Kahapapa.UaUnae. Walpoull, Islancf of, Mr W II Hailey. JUrle, and Dr. C T. been : Collm. J Thos Farrell. dec- though practically nhanimous, is of no avail bj- faland of Oahn. aforesaid defcrlbed In Iyll Intent . - committee to have charge of the hall and tbe r TorSal Walhlkl-waen- ."ITT" per SI Jones, veto, on T --131. land at For Maul and Molokat. Uhua, April E orations. against tho popular cry against absolute Oatmeal. Cricked Wheat, Corn Mcst, No. Kaleana HeU Ml: a!o Hob b K Kupihea. J b Cottcrrll election lias been fought for some Lowers & Cooke. In aald Island of Oahn, eonUnUtf 3 36 UU -- which lire Flour. Homlnf. fnrty head ot Cattle, 4KaTial:rV ABCklanu.per April two express wagons past-r- two kind of veto in Norway, acree, anl alao, one hundred and For brdaryand Zeaiandia il At noon on the 21st instant time f There are lrackheat rlonr. pair of Oien, 11 IUnhol.a.JMarrlBS.J FCan J Friski. above. We have as moot (10a. more or Wi; elfht otklnx tttytif onlnr it directions alonz Ktnc street. not one, as it appears ItaR) -- Wai-kik- i, in Constitution, or head of llortcf. area and eolta, mft Im. Situated at Honolulu, and near tbe corner of Ncnana street, collided, the countries have, wnat ve call our Lead, carti. yokea, rbaiflf , Ac, Ac c Mil law says that it can only Wliite I. Iut DIED- shick throwing both drivers from tueir wagons. fondamcnUl law. That Extra No. 1 Flour, Golden Gate Brand; llated IJnnorala, April . IV kKMUataaa. ImI i . Wtul aerr. LllA Tbe manner in which the wheel interlocked be altered, when the Parliament and King agree Zinc, Colors, Oils, ANTONIO J. LUPEZ. una. Laf .-- K arm. IM I - horses from boltinc. nlthocch stronc Consequently, tire Parliament alone cannot alter Faints, Cll Hrtf . Ally for moeljcaie. the who Extra So. 1 Flonr. The Crown Prand, l"L HllaaMa. iwl Lwt I-1- DAbTEL la this cllj. on the 3nh ten. GsB.xnaiar made by U their it, neither can tho King. Oar constituents Crand; Z efforts were both cuincs continue Knpcrflne 1ur. Elilorado Etc., Etc. OBFORTIBLE I U .liicr.. Lwt 11. native of Germany, aged jrats. thought and said that a IS Turpentine, ra w. t rll9l.tMatr routes. The --hails to one Af tbe wagons wtrc made that law in U, tJuhani nor. In 10 and 3J Bar --mam, Lot Ith at the residence broken, that being tbe only damage resoling. fundamental law is not a toy to be used as a casual llf of Oahu : of hlsslater.Mrs Kobert Lore, IIcai Joax.aced majority chooses, but is to be the solid base, upon For Sale by B OTTIGE ? Island SI years. -'- y and its Inhabitants canrtly. Follow-- P A correspondent of the JtTrerlttr writing from which the A Large Asst. ofthe Lowors & Cooko. Tina. ta anwwtk. Hal lararlaj. w aaw bTIKLINU AtAbford.kint, EnrUnd March A foundation law, which can be altered accordir-- . wr cierl'rwaa MlrMn-- Kohala, Hawaii. states: "Our Judge decides that . BtlkBWMr. rMnk MB f 2Mb, K. wlfecf the Jloa Jiobert majonty, is no funda- i'r fHwi m ka 14. Jst be punUhed being drunk and to tbo wishes of casual : Xicxrso Lot, I f.) M H U nindlaf tWsetyfi a man aranmA for would be then like of Goods faawi I r I a hla. Wack, proved what be got drunk mental law at all; tbo country ing Brands a.kHa Ik. ..4 disorderly until it can be or without a steady hand Ik. rait fflBw fluaa. .1 Ik. rwad. on. Truly a eersW Judge, and how proud the a ship without a rudder, Within 10 minute walk of Post Office Kouvd bold it, and It would consequently ineery re- ('ro?cA. Ubfkwfll, 1 .111. af Umo. ptaaalaca aMaw--d M Vart-- Mt A to Punchbowl HiU. vno appoi-M- a weacra to If oinciai U iiu tu uiuw spect suffer by tho wngclmg. which would be the ALL PAPERS c t hi II Mapa. ka wa a. Mwal. Hate. Mkw- -rt tk. Akaawaaof fM at this obnlhliftn nf lwral aenmen. How the A Assort- tm a . by tVr A Tcry Rood suggestion has been made that a In thic law, can,accordin to l.iMij,.Mc.rilKVU1ihj, Large and well Selected ATENT; - M - lac .Miialaaa fnraa. Ik. ad -tk 4aa Caaa. k.lw, fa.tar. aarff rejoice Judgo result. Alterations fet fm-r- rrf festive "(liiink. of Honolulu would if legal profession Unla atreet. name to Tons; ft. ta.Crawf; dr. - fwnattoyt JPH WHHf, shocjU op Punchbowl -- same, as a majority of the A. Mrat. J 4y: W. Ikal CA. ami Ifc. "road be constructed the hill, Hickerton wooid only concur in tms very wise or the IIIcIranNon HoMiin, ment Just Received of Styles aoH. thtelly aeaateil J. rlia. J in Norway say (see above) be vetoed by the King V water Uldon; Im gudtm tuUk thus adding another drive to the Tcry limited otherwise decision. alteration would do more Also. with frail tree. arfUm Wlkt. flu(nlr cat am if he thinks that tho J. T. .Morion, lor 1884. A newly built (within mvnthaftrooatedCartiatjr. aM.allka.ac. camber about Honolulu. The iipvn&e of "Our Mr. llobcrt Grieve has again returned to barm than good. He, standing above all parties, " , ! - ( irtmkl not be tery great, far less than than many, haodxtmcly paprrtnt ibroabmt. Trandah kwt and Honolulu from bis tnp to Uncle Sam's dominions. is supposed to see evertthlng dearer The.Itannrr Ilrand, fmnt. and reported addition to the Ministerial salanoV, - ,, ihs voters he knows or ourhttoknow. eaa dlrWed. and a cottage 4 tho Dnrim? hlsVisIk abroad he took occasion toin- - nf X' Ceiling Decorations, Tte Lot be ! eftal .1 11. 3 -- AP ! BMM --1 M TM---. MM MI . mdrantage to the publUt would be groat. will result tbe Cnltlnr Coinnanr. o- with frontaz to atrtet. crtiMAMu'lr. land tba gpect the latest Imtirovements in tho art rjrccrv-ativ- better than they what be the of put - the lot IliaaUkj. adhtabi: anailaa. of tn. ,el few, except the most active, care to climb the accordingly. Hy the King Ja; 91 Verr and has f01 warded, brought with him and said alteration and acts Dados, Window Shades. IMa ., kansx , an art. t hill'by uilh now used, but a road might l cut Councillors. Apa.-n- 4Kf & the rm presses, types and I mean the King and his Ministers or & ON TERMS men. tOt L.C.X. to react the has mttf a sdection of comes suspen- Herbs Spices, in great variety, FOB SAXE EASY 1". which would enable the most feeble printers' paraphernalia which will enable the 1lis is tbe absolute reto. Then the Plaster Centres. view be invigorated by the frctJi veto every common law -. top, ccjoy the and UitCTTEestablUhnent to cater to customers who sory veto, that Is he can - IIALf CASH. DALAM-- JIOKTUAOE.- wind. Tha ccspf the Punchbowl might be law passes the third time un- CimdlajrnU. injp-ca-l varieiy; Sal. by .1 . tfcal Uaat tl Kkw UA al IM trade new and improved styles; of job, book or two times, but If tha lTlsi.tnvTi-ilvarlet- Tor lbI Clatd out paths and the place' guxlfi attract- din no veto. The law In question must J lOUUfi iaa.as in tctt -. tun mu u- altered, he bas 1 freteit aad l Bfkrooma, ive indeed. Improvements of this kind. like the ocin(JUui- iuucucui su have passed nnaltered, three separate elections. vf tt Lowers i'Copko. fox proved machinery enables the work performed at Hortsagpe'i, Salx anilerpb ircr of Hals improvrmenu at Ksniolani I"rk are not alone lowest This is his vtto, In which rrrrybody of the this iUbhshment, to be at tbe market so J.W.'LUNINC. Uul Kk. l the wealthy, but add greatly to the comfort rates. agrees. Tho M. P. are elected for three years, .IU. Iratt .f Lal Kat.au.ui. and tbuHe moderate means. It is to be will pass, he tiaea tbo vetotnore Macaroni and Vermecilli Land Agent, IfaUlkl. CMUinlaf II 9nIOI a4a ', aWC Coriraln'HtTn pwt of that nine 3 ears if Houte and Apa SI r laM award. ttri'Morts-s- e. hoped that this movement will bu taken up in Even government band) organ cannot re- once, which very rarely bas happened. The A. rr 'V ' the thin Iu UJ:l IKG wl Merchant Stract. earnest. Punchbowl is sob-ti- dy to town that even acknowledged his absolute veto, r,ckrr. . ' frain, from having a word or two to say in refer Parliament haa H Ir those who hare to stay town until 5 o'clock, to be, several times from 1SII "Variety of W.lklkl. If .ad of IX lrta.Brlaacwf" a carta, aaort. in the incompetency of the police on the as I have slated it In Groat Notice. 3faal. saaa) bm 9 kw a might yet find opportunity to scamper op it, get a ecce to considering that, and also onto, AM' .. "Bta r. .anlwr kit. li. other islands. All tbe newspapers, the organ as to V&l. Can yon then, jute, into. UtHti"nmtatttttlm. raaf Ik. J.aa. AlTlWf ( UiO h fMCmdl-laa- iwhiff oC fresh air and be back In time for supper. "legals' came to, taken into con- VTOTICK IU IIKUKUY (1IVBS. X I award. awvk. well as the rest, are in unison in g tbe the deei 10a tbe & Qualities. Kww ft at wonder that the Ministers advised him Patterns XI MutY..rr..CIiaK.o..JCk t km infamooj neglect of duty of the heads of the sideration, tkU dj mteml l.to a capartacnUp for U. Tal r kr. - Tbe OsyositMJi has the following Tery pleasing allowing to do it when they found that the craved (cned New Zealand Potatoes arm K.'k U- at tfaahtltoaa. Vafalil. On 18841- police department In this city, in the country any good, bj- lazaati!Tl m.rtlMnd'la bn.lan., 9itt la. SO. .iA lit -l tho 28th DajjOAprll, notice of two of Hawaii's daughters who have been in office of the sheriffs, deputy sbenffs for) alteration, would not do the IV Fer Sale aaaif of ChlB WoComp.ar.aad taatbaTtarparffc.Ml cMiJaaala.nl. HfOalaaacrki Kaffir . ? 9t continuance a man to bo treated rttetta (tflhaUialmofAkri aM award. At satoronoi Hw rial.. Ik. taVmarlaf Laa ta studies police who connive to the free andnntn-m-nide- d at least not in that form? Is E Every Steamer, lb. bfl.l... .ad Cn. Mf I. cotpplettng ttnir in that Stale. Oor and where many the "leg- Lowers & Cooko. thry now Incalrtf al ! t MbM. ' haTe won golden evidently, passage of liquor lntotbeir,distncts. Hun- as a common malefactor, Mar. art ta. WMf t . - ysng ladies opmi.es as con- rsruot-d- d wnh for tainmeaL'&S d Itrmaala In la. Ta. .a!4 Inn 4. LftTI. DwaMl4ln Rwalk Xma. Uaw.il. ant Ik. Lqnors leave this port every al too agree with him and he acts his packi reii eirr (trt. UMt D and thiyll deserved to do so. The rtceoojiwtJi dreds of boxes of not. Has it brought arhya..amall.rtb. nauutwaal uv uu am tr ir"i "' a. UWu, M..I. mldriacaaf Krr J. rrl. wllk dwlllls says: Miaae Mane and Jwrtha Von Holt, who steamer for windward ports; surelj it is not thrown science tells him? I think Akol Crmpanr. and all d.bu da .!. a u.rraanaat .swiaraiaK Baa aa4ruiaiianaUthaitwa. tActw. debt? No. Has it Ustarbed the vid Ira Br, HMUIm of asr 77 ago romh the country into bcpaMtaaaldObla u, krIM aia, .f tM -- came here about a jear and entered M. overboard t powers? Not a bit. Has he Roast and Ground Coffee WCmMr4u ' r award. VUl 1. A u I U I in awatk aai to complete some of their advanced peace with the other COTTA vum Apm in. curxwoxSKrA-.- aa Uuk bu Uflen's Hall Brow vs. tbe Koloa Sugar Co.. advised King to do anythittg; against the law? kaww. ffil.t'a. left for their home in the Sandwich Is- The case of Vm. n the -- I'mriit todies, No. "What then, is his fault? He would not con- ec X-- il..j Al traded io - A plrt. ol llU by the steamer. Their departure was an action in which tbe plaintiff sued for the sum I'ipes, lliimiiejs, IOTX UaJ lit.iU I. oUt lands but loss sent to the ma jonty in the ParliamenL Labor on! NOTICE ! UtftUat Ik. .xprkra it kclatarl.flj.f. Dio. A Ira W Am a.bu. am occasion for rea-- and tears f rota their teach-air- s of (4D00, damages, from the defendant, TERRA partaam ajTd --.gjMmaa nands. to whom the young la by said plaintiff to have been I will come back to this. UHKWKII CO, LI3IITKII, AUkta. St ndef afH.U. Ca.ll.. lUorawr A, t claimed yon say " forced to dispense with Everything Guaranteed 1'ots, ice., f J: far (. dies greatly endeared thrmv-lve- durirg their by him on account of tbe refusal of defendants to Then ic. 81ock.baldr of tha aMTr C Dor aUoa arc sou tat a larufn at laa ittiat. la lw hats ? his Ministers fox the fu nmw - E AOASfS Aiarl. l.Uo.tkXwB-Ku1v-pt - rk. by saaiahility. Their happy amil-le- grind bis sugar cane, was tried before a jury- 00 the it'vrom' services if fedJ taal a dlrldnd of II 31 la da. aad pa.a- r M ra E.I- Ililii stay here, their that be will not find it diffi- ana . face will be forgotten by their f nends the 13th inst-- , the Chief Justice on the bench. turn It u to be Low. Tn Sal. bj ai at w aaco .1 aaamizarn. nertr with the Storthing. In what And Prices . BUfvriB co. who wish them a pleasant voyage and happy After evidence had been submitted and the argu- cult to come to terms t bex, respect has his Mm titers been Tcrc .? That luuio Lewors & Cooke. Hoaalo!., April U. UM. i ton yBfaIa. A aril lit, IMC I Ejecting with loved enss athome. ments of counsel had "yen heard the T JHWHHUiMiraHWTMii "' ''"" "

irtrtistntmlu. Hirtrtistmtnts. Gnurol cgjggmj clever tritks, notably marked cards. Ileaaja G?mtrol (5nuroI &rrrtisnncnts. r r t MT : mn. Analv H AIM that th oi irayeu cua. - v , Crnrrol Ufntrttsrmrnts. pmimiian oSazctfc. narty using such cards wear, gloves all the y his touch r i..v t i.;ni...... m-- v ihit.. . - , time,- ckt' liine 23. ISS1. t harinp cams MlliliS WEDNESDAY, APBIL i t...tiiHH, "Pioneer"Vi ISTDIA L"C ." RICE WILDER S CO. Will l'lsvt J avtv o trimmed rartlj rtrcriW " ,ide or ""' & Co., Swpren Comrt ml the Hawaiian IlanU BILLIMGHAM and Dealersin .. - - ileartintioa j-- Importers i ,.w with id - e ' XtOl (O CUU uib .:(i.iM - . - the Favorite on prominent com- - . v Received a Full Line of MsUrKAUIUKTAL T. IIlKAALsNI Tt AL. of a trick played one of oar .ss,W 'Save 1 . iiarfnrfnitiM beifl? IA- H6 ClllaCS.i A.. - - .IWI piiviw.., 's OriMos OX REASGOH2CT. company of some friends, the question ot I Breaking Plows LUMBEB skill with cards was discussed. Being 8 . ij-illiii- H Dillingham Of- - hfmJt.CJXtCmHfmm4AwUm.J.J. an adrpi inmseii, ite cancu o .-. MS I'mmrt rather CO IW f tt If A9Hmt. ! .Vill m.Vi- n- It cost several claim thai this ami .i.....t VjJK&es5e. Tll "M.I.1 Tlie ilaintiff's coonel now n' wine. Determined ! gel nt ofltetuttr IHLUM'"" l.aa no newer to entertain a mey ...- ! r.it a even, tl l cveing inuuuywi BUILDING filATEfilALS of the aw, lcame it h alresdy mJc .....t .i.tl-n- '. ... ,.( tl.n vreninir M final ccticloBitr, un- SSJSft-lSSL- O P ow of it, wliicli w arl ll niMtk llul he ra n FURROW PLB7Y5. ill. wuJch de- fai, mill lii! der Article, CP of the Cotiloti-rfi- -- JL. ..IT.I tar k,ut iti aclor. m ui.nMii of the Sopre i.i. clares that: "The decisions ice .... .f l...ffl... , il.ax. "- aitei (.ntiiuji " ,..v, ii.hihI llieta Court when made bj a majority cftheJos- - dudainfully miwto the quiet expert. The FROM LIVERPOOL. ana rather 0 KKCKIVKI) "liccs thercor, shall le coal conaimre . v- - JUST modest man insiatw uu iuv - 1 'npon all iartie." H kI.TMi -- ftnni The Ivc--- r- OWv! t proTidcs for carus i"-t..- "",-- P1" be Onc.n-- 1 MOUNL nV. TheCocititntionofNe Yil now.took them rather clumsily and II, CO. Ili.KS . .na.l,.r.0o.rnnp;n..br -: Court Appeals, former ILIIS jiiiiv iim-ii- th. " seren Jadces of the of its i..inj tlin l!.I in tliA renter of Til. H"."iimi. and prorides that fire !.. ittn hijbest conrt, aoj Uble. "Now, Mr. Actor,", said he, "I do ef Court ihal! form a qneram, the SALE & FREMOKTT STRlSET mcmlrs tie not know that I shall succeed tvery time; but OFFER FOR 107, 109 111 Cultivators, Horee Hoes, & Harrows, LATE ARRIVALS! "and concurrence of fonr be neces- - . tie hll 1 Dei ine wine uiat a JWUvV. 3F3?a.-nolfoo- Old Moline Plows, 'sary to a deanon. will cu iu.o ! Pattern , ace." Sna Plantation Tools, nil kinds These nroTisions are similar. It is net re ft : tm l .H. ...1 4ia fat It Wll From the Cargoes Blocks, render finil the JL Keceat . Diflcrcntial Policy quisite to say in order to .i "Look here," said Mr. Actor; "III KM. s.d .1th tb.tr Cpaeltr tlrratlr E.lai b, Court Gf an ace. or of Kic. XlUskiowa. rwTb.ro.rhi.CT. aad frrttrtloa .f Worhthrjrtaad warisalM. TJ.rjJ". Buckeye Mowers, Hydraulic Jacks. of a majority of the lii;bet a uo wwv the aT , I Barrows. AND folio s bet the supper jou cannot mate uie Cutters; & Canal final. That as a fodder Garden URGE covntrj, that it it again." matter ot coarse nnica oincrwise upresair MAIXSGATE MM1 light," said the quiet party; "but you BAEK S'i'..T.a. Oils must Beceiaarilj be binding open & Cleaning of Paddy. Oils, Turpentine, Kerosene stated. It let me ahufif." He shuffled rather clum- ....AMD Is lo largely Reduce the Rales for the Hulling Lubricating Dot to that roamfcet errors aod must enabled all rota saj ccnler of Uie table. The actor cut miiuies, what has the form of a final judg- sily in the - ia Another ace. HIT ment, cannot be corrected by the highest again. ( OtHer recent Vessels aom.t...:W go yoa an extra wjdb you i. u j a . Conrt its discretion, when seasonably "HI nu tiii: iolloviiu hay be " in 1ia rnr lmtW Tti mnWt man roiunvisu ia Jll, brousbt to its notice, is unreasonable, and the Vurk at thu Sin Francisco simply nodded, shuffled as before, tho actor f from "M.1P ""'Jt-- " might work great injustice. And whether the Kl OF ct)iiriuMu another ace. Rice oftcM cosaplstavd of la Ia. A CHOICE SELECTION cut again DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING lbjlelltr Xfrcbantable with tmrgn. application is seasonable or not must aiso rest 8 ttornl mtt Studying lor a moratni ioe cwi iciMiktu, of 3 ritr teat. ' Stb-- Tb aXiM 11 alwtja ewsv the highest tribnnal. 3rtl-Tl- AS0 tn the discreticn of and supper to pay for, S- l JtAirfofllamBsaBalCl.Bl Iladi.lunl.prttcaUrlrta OCX SIZES ana wo "I have all the wine rrint o( litest Btjlcc, colors ; Kffwafw tn Qoalitjor . utadi otfBr 77 T5tV1i SI It has been nailormly uins wiseij J . tit alinv m tintv (1M frict l ail flarkcta. aOU BOW .f v.i. ill muvn wu mv ...w - MThito Crojonft ShcctiiiR Latem Jit bo held ia the State of New York, and we JVU Bins Dsnims, done I will pay for all tho cigars the party Horrock's Lod; Clotlu.Broini Linen Drills shall so hold. 'Certainly," said the mod- - SCANTLING. Upon the question on its mer- smoke Waterproof Twtvit, Towels & Towelioes, CSl man. uown. at uio vaiuo. iio iwmi Towels, Tabic Cloths, ilo. Napkins, Consisting ot its we are constrained to beliere that too fiflv-lir- Glass Tl wam n TtiM tnraloKt mill OF PADDY SOLICITED. TIJIBEK. PLASK, BOABDS. upon ad- ra rare Linens, Shawls, Crcnailinw, CONSIGNMENTS much stress was laid the supposed bring; which was l&GC had a pack for tho waiter to -- mission Ev the deed taken in of the tills Embroideries, TEKCIXO AM. IJCI.J1S of the plaintiff. ail ngui uuk um kx u iuv iiuin iA.H., DRESS GOODS. WHITE 4 COLORD SILKS Wm. M. GEEEJNWOOD. jiacss, ho atmply changed packs while pretend- was ctiuczicc, wnicu ue wnn uciow and CommlsalMi M.Tolwat ad PTwpri.tor ol tli. iliere to be clumsy. Probable some ono was nut Gonoral Trimmings, Tidies, -- ll-fV3- held iuEcifDt, of adverse iKwsrssion for neii-- r ing Coloml Satins, Grass Cloths, INDIA BICE MILLS. Saj rrmntlaeo. CaJ. VI SO. OI angry rjxnan'j Artificial Flowers anJ Feathers, Ir ten Tears nn to the Ukinc of that deed. Handkerchiefs, , , ?Fans, Nihoa who Cotton lisndierctuels. Silk Satchels, A JJoit Coirplrte buck ol The plaintiff claims as the heir of Cat Itore. Woolen Table Covers, Culd battens 4 Cmrct ' j I was uAuruier oi juapai. uie oncioai t'licuicc FanCT. Mixture, ltlno aaJ Orny Flannels, Childrens' Dresses Bet she died in l&OO.and when the deed of The. origin of domestic cats is obscure, but Victoria Lawns, Brooks' Spoof Cotton, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF PAPER within T.- hlnn .nii white! Mil 1&C6 was taken, her heir the plaintilt had been Mmi br all accounts to fall somewhere - Pnrf.in. historic lihics. All the histories of ancient Cheek Lislailds. Fancy Dress OooJs, the real owner fr six years. Hauls, Shirts, Wool Shirts, OF l&CG seem to go back to a time when they Fancr liratta TO FEONT! T1 UA. The deed of ignores and denies Nihoa's natious THE A 1VKLL ASSORTED Whit, and Coloml Cotton bbirts. ALSO-- LUBE SHE claim be had cats. M. Lenormant says that a wild Coots, Capes and M right, and the grantors in the deed to to l'llot Ueercrs, India Knbber a. mtur.LL. KAILS. LOCKS the heirs of Alspai. Instead of admitting, cat was hunted and eaten by the Swiss Ivcccinps, Hose, directly plaintiffs ob- the age of stone; but Africa, Men's hite. Brown and Colored Half the deed denies the title in Beady Made nothing. BUTTS, HIKOES, tained through Nihvo. south of Egypt, appears to have been the cra- Indies' Hooe. Men's Fussy Men's llats. Bias and Gray Horse Blankets, Hats, Acts denying the title of Nihoa by tb dle of tho cat as a domesticated animal. Woolen Blankets, all colors, sizes A wei nhts. Beaver BOLTS. SCBi.WE.ltc middle-empi- Egyptian monu- grantee in the deed of 1&C6 had been dune, appears in the it may be, to show disseisin, but ments ia the character of a retriever seated in Velvet Carpets, Vchct Hugs Velvet Peathers and constituting a claim ot title as against her. ilia Ixvit of a wild fowl hunter, a circumstance General Commission and Purchasing Agents The deed was taken to be an acknowledgement indicating that those people had a strain that ami Tapestry Door Mats, M Flowers, DRY REDWOOD! of the title of Nihoa, but it in fact might be did hot have as unconquerable an avera ion to taken as a denial of it. the water as our cats; and there have been cats Uo. 104X Xoart Stroot We are also on farther thonzbt and research. even in modern times, that could bring them- ! bcanllui ; TUnk, surface aitd rouph cat, like . RECEIVED, inclined to bclieTe that ercn had the deed's selves up to diving after fish. The SADDLERY ..ir.w-I.VI-!- IlKFnKK TUV. 1'IIHLIC "WITH TIIK JUST iM'lvi'YT - recitals beea aa the Court suprosed, the effect everything else, hetber agreeable or horrible, "A Fnil Assortment of Gents', Ladies," Girls' W1, th attratlfxi of bliM ! Xmlet- roupli; lUtltnp, i.Ua4mMraalolh.Tt"h"tw.mdol!uUE.NEK.L CliLLELTIUN llallrURCHASISO ttoardi, Barfsced sml thereof was taken too strongly againat the de- was raised to the odor of sanctity in Egypt and and Bots' Baddies, i niIXK,s.d Latticf, JOCKfiY VUDLES, tiropof lomiseonr rTtTirftltCini lOiHPCiiiJ(cntt.t mii.nn;iiwnj ... Ticket, Rustic, ClpU.ard. fendant. See 3G Cal. 535 P. Cannon vs. Stock- became the emblem of the goddess Tasht, tht A few S ehareinftianableoBUiln, and r to Tnr liooa si Saddle Cloths, Chamois Skins, Vrrft!y fBtlat.TDrttciftto. OooO-!- Ujf Inspection at man; Sears, 10 John. 11. 43G, KgypUan Diana. M.Lenormantbelieves, how. Bndles. TIIELOWKSTC.11!! I'ltlCE. W Include all cUfWiof Orala and OcacTalstcrcbaadlM or ar Now Opened For Jacksens. til. article of Uuuvcboltl tprnllBrv And We have examined with care the argument eer, that this worship was comparatively Sugar K.UiS, 20x:tO; Coal 1I.U1S, of the plaintiff's counsel as to proof of the na- late, and finds no trace of the animal among ImIuucIm ture of the possession required to bo deemed the monuments of tho ancient empire. Under , XiX: TtcNitlenix ol" tlic Otlicr s, Pant and Whitewash Frus-hc- s adverse, la many of the United States there the earlier dynasties, Tosht was a Who maj b ia ntrd f any aflicl. howet small, or as to ths prices of any clas of Uooda A. M. MELLIS', sre special statutes denning what shall con and not. lilt the twelfth dynasty, and by ldrralns will lo rotni)llyfnnalhcd wlia tho &riary In format Ims. Press Bags, toilet, and aitrntton hope to srean the pstnraac of tho public. Ulre M1II1I. 1.11 stitute adverse possession in different cases. the conquest- in the land of Cosh, did the cat Filter e all cenrral btitnrn. br trict is ttrtil.icilru will End vti I'KUUIT and KILUONADLE. nuiTi.jiM'r. In New York there is such a statute. There come" to the front Wo may therefore regard aa 2c 86. Address all orders to 104 FORT STREET. I'AITWII. is none such in this country. Under the stat- the cat as a Cuahite animal, derived from the f" ute of New York we think the adverse posses- mantcutata, which was found wild fa up- SometliiiisXfW anil in (Ireat Deinaiid Evenings. sion would hardly be made but in this case. per Nubia and the Soodan. Tht Egyptians G. RIEDELL .Co., Open Saturday A OM.V aw No. H. L S. B.Store till 8P.E METALLIC AND OTHER PAINTS! Many of the decisions quoted cannot be carried their reverence for cats to what seems r'i: ItlJItl.MM.'. ij P. O. BOX 303. HUItOLtn.IT. ap- any of them vol- read, or be surely relied on as to us a ridiculous excess. If DAUS uisd. lo Fit Oil.'. 1'mtc. and stat- of tho sacred animals, he sir Class. plicable here without reading the special untarily slew one ate of Uie rts&l Ml. and proper texlsre Salt. utory law which applies to them. As has was punished with death; and Diodorus relates been said, the nature of the land in question is that a Roman soldier who had killed a cat RICE BAGS AND TWINE, yf Tf T M"wtBlnwawawawawawawawtlLr Firewood. such as to require the most meagre proof of could hardly escape the fury of tho people. acts of possession to ripen into title We are When a cat died in a house, the people shared GALVANIZED WtKI cwiiTiDoed that, as found by the Chief Coatice, their eyebrows; and dead cats were embalmed THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR DOORS SASH BUNDS there n as sufficient proof of title in the defen- and huried in the city of Dabaslis, which was COERUGATED ROOFING 1 dant by adverse possession. sacred to I'asht According to Lencrmanr, ALLMfl-- N Because of tho mistake to which we have the Egyptians still respect cats, and in Cairo laS, 7,9 Atfl letislh, f3lcasr), screws X labtr referred, we have concluded to reverse eur serve up a copious banquet every day to the Of Eastern and California Make. decision, and to affirm the judgment of the cats of each quarter, "id the court of the house GALVANIZED UIDC11.NO, " domes- r'OK IN TO MIT Cvurt below. of the cadi The late introduction of C. FISHEL'S MLK yllMITII Aoncaletl Fence Wire,Xos.,,rsCl7,anabtarlefl, J. A, JcnD, seem to Fbacis ticated cats among Semitic peoples (alr Iron llockets, all sizes; Bej. ii. ArsTu?. be proved by the absence of mention of them 01t Mash llasms, OsIt GarJcn ltonlenacs r. "v ni the Bible the Assyrians an4 Babylonians anJ NelliQxs, o raticu! The former opiuicn of the Court was bassd arc said to have been equally ignorant of the Tinnrti Iron Saucepan, all izes; Japan HUckio, on the fact that the deed taken in 1S6C was an animal. A lively discussion between Mr. A. Tea Kettles Ileal A.JSTD acknowledgement of title in other partus S. JIurray and Professor Mabafly a few years 2STEV SPLE3STDID Bat as it as not an acknowledgement of the ago, as to whether the Greeks had cats, seems IMVINC I11UCKS,(.AIUKN TILES H.HAGEFELD&GO title of plaintiffs ancestor, acd ma) beomsiiH to have resulted in an understanding that they ered an exclusion of such title, and etpccially had not. Their cat was a pole cat or some- Garden Hollers. Lawn Seats and Chairs, VFFZK FOh SALE as from the nominal consideration expressed, thing else, and the Byzantine writers of later Umbrella btanJs, Iron Scraper. dollars, may veil be considered a quit Hat Hooks anil ltails, LAM N '1 KN'NIS hl?lS, tno it days seera to have been the first who gave its Clothes Hasketn, Hand lkiskets. Work Itaskets INVOICES OF NEW GOODS claim, and to make more certain the right un- name to the modern cat. No Greek or J.oman STOCK- G4PO0S der which Kuheleloa bad been holding by the OF pjcture or representations of the nuiu or Alapai, the Crockery and Glassware, JCST UECEIVO TE11 Kanoka or verbal bequest of I sign mcvt cat" of tho Egyptians are known, ex- foregoing opinion. cept one that M. Longpcricr has fonnd on a At the Old Stand. No. 8 Kaahunianu Street, Fancy Glass Flower Stands, Fern Bakets. etc BARKS "KALE," AND Lawrlce McCvixt. Tsranttne coin struck shortly before the wars Honolulu, ApnH2lb, IS5I. of Fyrrhus, and on a lost tomb- rro i?i3K- - " MAZATLAN " the Vedic PORTLAND CEMENT & FIRE BRICKS AiiRivB A Pack of Cards. stone. Tho I of agt & IRON WORKER seem to have lived and died ignorant of cats. TIN, COPPER SHEET JEOM BEEMEN, The literature ol cards is very extensive The Sanskrit names of the animal mean "the Fire Claj, Whitxnc Chalk, bellow Ochre, LonvlfUn? in pan of ar follwi Many brilliant writers have not considered it animal of the bouse," "the house-wo- lf, "the beneath their dignity to treat minutely on this "the cneray of mice." Pic let subject. thinks none of the European names for 3BLooLcls Sliato's ; A Large Asst. of Dry Goods, that Lirrrpuol and ltock bait, PLUMBING, in all itscbranches Daniel Souter, a Flemish reverend, in a oik the cat belong to tho old Aryan tongue. The published in tho seventeenth century, holds Roman name, cattutt signifies sly, cunning, ZINCS, PAINTS AND BOILED OILS Drainis. Itrova ami Mutc Cottons that any one playing a game of cards breaks crafty, tut is traced by him back to the Syriac Artesian Well Pipe, all sizes: ItnlU Tirkinpt, Tuxkej ;d the whole Ten Commandments. goto and tho Arabic gitt, and thence back to Worcester Sance and Groceries. c In 1610 Wm. Fellow of Christ's Col- African words of which the Nubian Icodttka is Ames, nil, American A. Hawaiian Flags Merinos, black and colored, 4 qualities lege, preached against cards as being forbid- an example. This gives more evidence, such Endi den by tho Scripture. His sermon gave so as it is, of the African origiu of the animal. pfij-ch- 3, 5, and ? 3 arda lengths. R&N&ES Cobuarc. Alpacas iUlum Cloth, and much offense that he was obliged to withdaw Some of the names, such as the Persian al STOVES AND 111, ' from the university t avoid expulsion atd its vsneuts, appear related to oar tJS1" PartioTilars Next Weelc. '"SSif Vnd.ham MeMlrai. !.K4innd lirlir ''tso """-"- J ' '"V1-V- '""J ,..., Ht Dress Bishop Jeremy Taylor published a work on , and arc connected by M. Pictet with the TOPSAIL SHEET CHAINS play the middle of the seventeenth cen- Sanskrit pntchla, tail tho creature with the NirnM. and Mom. M1IIAS about Admiralty ? MO; Al..wls OaL. LundlT - X, and Srrtw. lewVU, hm. l1e. W !nrfickvl tury. He says- "But that cards arc them-- waving tail Our cat is supposed to be de- OalranUcdlr.maiidtiTi-tlloiUr.torli.-uii.-- i-. Gratm. Iron rr llstr and nam. f rBrf rriatsTwrntf-Fh- c , stjlr, elves lawful 1 see no reason to doubt-- And rived from tho wild-ca- t, aa animal w hich gave q means to make namo and a Coal Pipe, sizes." and laid on at I'nnkd SAttmis, rompadocr. llmds urthcr he says. Ue that the to the clan Chatlan, title to Powell Duffryn Steam Galvanized Iron "Water all his games lawful must not play for money, but Uie Duchess of Sutherland, which is said to Ginghams Victoria lwns, balin btni-cn- J3few Crood STATIONTJIY. IKON" BEDSTEADS, Late Arrivals Fancy LcUganrcs bo far nothing. mean Great Lady of tho Cat." Finally, hj Mriprd Grfmidmes for refreshments. "the Lowest Rates; Cast Iron and Lead Soil Pipe, Mliito bi'k Japanev, Twill. SjrcM. or almost nothing, and cards are innocent, and the Satmxtiy Tcrirrr, from which we derive EXOLII LATIIEI: BELTING, 3 to II, l'ophmi, Stln and Mmn, the game as innoccut as push pin." this expresses miration at the FROM SAN FRANCISCO, J tlack and Colored gossip, itsad Velnts Dr. Johnson regretted that ho had not learned sagacity with which the cat passes a double all kinds; FIKE SILKS, to play at cards, g ing as a reason "It is life 'a sleek domestic fai orite all day, a wild FLOOR OILCLOTHS NEW YORK & ENGLAND, . House Furnishing' Goods, useful in life; generates kindness and animal of unbridled impulse in the darkness JIUck Fancy. Colored fend Tery it GroHcnin. bUiped society." of night. Vopuhrr Seance. xanT ,ttj,&c-- , consolidates ufimEi: hum. au mz am glaib The opinions of such men as Luther, Calvin, 1'onip GalranUMl NwpI & Lift ami IVwc lv.rar. fin.ru Iron. Sr.t Cntf. Lmu TAILORS' GOODS: Lambert, Duncan, Peter Martyr, Balmford and STEEL BAILS, Received by Castle Cooke Uad Tin llaW, tt &W UoarU. MarUU (dabs Mid KjU Bnanxied asli ManU. tDnirro! 3torrtiscmtnts. I'll. others are very interesting, but too lengthy for U!b.Bdr3!b per Ttrd. Itackikins IHanaals Twcrds Curds WLLcactht. ALSO, TO ARRIVE BY VESSELS DUE FROM ABOVE PORTS, AND berewt, tnltis Docitkuis.CaMimerrsAc publication here. Among more modern opinions ol weight Fish Plates, Bolts and Nuts, might be given that of Uichard A. Froctor, A Splendid Asst. of Shirts, lt.tlIUO.ll Sl'IUt.S TO JltTCH Chandeliers, Lamps, Lanterns who says: "I cannot see the senso of playing To in: Som ATliOlVEST KATES t Woolen WUfJ, CaHro. HicLorr Drutm. Ac) for insignificant stakes. It is only when .the llUllliHO., ONE SIX IIORSE.POWER Mtnno and Cotton Cndemhirts slakes are large enough to be more than the GOODS White Xkmom hhirts 4c player can afford that any excitement can be Socks and btocklncs Handkerchiefs FonUrds Gloria, added to the pleasure which a good tame like PORTABLE ENGINE whist affords to tUelf." Suitable for Plantations.Country Stores A LAIUSE IXruiCKOPCLUTHJMS In regard to the origin of cards, the tact is ALSO, OXE THUEE NOTICE ofREMOVAL. as unsettled as ever. DRUGGISTS Drcitkopf asserts and proes cards to bo of UrFAHILIES. Onlcrs Filjcd at Shortest Xoticoand with Satis Fine JUack Cloth Frock Coats and rants, VERTIQAL ENGINE Itackskin Nwk I'snta and Soils Laslern origin and very ancient. P No. I 13 S I I5FORTSTREET lacllon to 1'iircliascrs. Attention is Called to Our Felt, Mohair, Prill. Flannel Nacka and rants Heinken proves them to be of German in- &a &c &c. &c. BROTHERS WILL REMOVE 1Vjs bhirta and Children's Jackets vention. DEruT lOU BOEIilCKE X JCIIEECKE'M 9X TIIEO. II. PAVIE3 LO MAN Monkey and Sailor Jackets. Some writers claim they arc of Umdostanic i 1. II. CbaU and Lrgcincs Cans Mtppers origin. Bat passing by round cards, wooden Improved JParis W 4lk and I. C. Umbrellas and laraaofs THE OSLT GENUINE PLOW, MADE OT roLISIIED CASTPLOHTErL, and Fancy card, sword's cups, leaves, acorns, auimals, T.RIS Usaraatetd and TraTrhncbhawU, hi , not than any Steel UreaktO!; Flow la Market. Cotton and Turkish Towels lucks containing from forty to 150, and other Eqaal.tr Uttcr. the Aioclacr makrsof Tlioii. ot 33usinoss Whit Fancy W. H. PAGE-- Place and Qnilts numerous changes they have undergone, the IIore H Il4ict Jr. tint Knlrrs. made of heat ateel to ronler; riaBtersTllces,0,I.2aBd 3; Scrth Ko ana Felt and Urasseli Caireting, pack of hfty-tw- o cards as introduced snauif. Axe rKKJiaiuKKH iica.iioc A9ir.iHi,Aicio4o handlist CaMwtn i red Caller, present IXMa.S to 12 lech, analltT. India Kabber Hope. If .taihrr. .1bntH1 - Ji. !. IS." lohes, : ia England about M70, and, although, a great RICKSECKER'S i.A lsHA..sd ' ABtla.Caaal Barrowi, liT rVlVKlSITsS deal of money bis been expended in trying to Samttftonm and Afbraloa ittcani rack In ?. Ict Flat India Rabbet Htram l'scklei. ULL Honolulu Carriage IsabbrtSfcul, lace Lratbcr and India Kabber Steam runsd and nqnare.lri HortlUankets 1 hits and Fncy i;Unkets to drawiog of court Laclnn. racklas. all sixes, To 58 Queen Street, on April 1st perfect it improve the the k$5 A'hetlos Boiler Ccrvtrisz and btean Hpe do Uachinerf Oil lard, castor aad cylinder; .Vests Foot Oil. Fancr Striped Wookii. two sues. cards, all has failed, and people a ant the card heaiiet. Uracjr, White Woolen,3anJ taints ay 400 DISSTOITS CELEBRATED SAWS AND riLES, ALL .lorauu, Apet xnsuc, scans that oar ancestors played with MANUFACTORY, sizes, Af years ago. "" 31 t . tMlk and YeJTtt Uibbons JMT1IE ppear A Jaclvton'a aad MnbVs Hie. Hammer for CarpoBletf, acblnl.ta. EtaKalUi A Itoreihoort. 'Neac-- ir-wln- cfc Co.) Uttttons for Shirts Coats I'ants Preves, Odd tales arc told of people at present in Nos. 128 and 130 Fort Street, Cat and U roaght alle. all sizes: Horse and Jlnl bfaov Nails, Ualr Nails, Cat pikes. Hone X al 81s Door to high veneration. Odd laws have been passed PEBFUMERT, FLORIDA WATER," to control COMMON SENSE rOpposlte the raatheoa Mablc gaming. Uimolnla. II. I Ot Latest Improvement in TnanMng public Liberal Genuine Eau Colocnet Lobin's Kxtrscts, Evelyn in his memoirs, 105, sajs. "I never Shelf Hardware for andprv-fancne- the their Pat Toilet Swaps lluloooue. Ilair Oii, Combs can forget the iaexpressiblo luxury Ilabbaea'aBLOIl.at Very Low lUUs , Habback Whlta and Itd Lead. Zia. Small Tatats U OH. Mirrors lioktnji GUahc. gaming and all dissoluteness, and as CAllltlAGi; MANUFACTUKV Make MaBBfartaxLttrLo's Steam tsed. Irrlnttaxaad Vaenom Pnmp, vvtstoa's I'atent Ccntrtacalst 1. 1L I'll, .Viirsiny Darted H Ire, rlsla FrBcln; Wire. Galtanlzed KocCn;, ronage during the past seventeen years, thev lUUs Uarnxaucas lOsnk Hooks of God being Jlotilc. Albums Gold Leaf, Jewelry, Watches, it were, a total forgetfulncss (il Sunday evening) which this day se'nigbu was AND do BENSON, & CXI. WHEELWRIGHT will their best to retain the same at their VIENNA F0RNIT0RE: witness of the king (James II) sitting toying SMITH X KLTe with his cvncnbincH. A French boy singing STAPLEDrn1a,(,en19i2. Tlchln- - ACA B and D Bleaehed and UnbleachedGOODSCoUms.RclaDlifr, UitcnMon Arm, Pininj; lloom and Parlor GENERAL BLACKSMITH. prills Mofqnlto Blue and new stand. &c Brown and Bleached Xlnrn Sheetlnir. lace Net, Scsii. FUaatl, Chairs Betters love songs ia that glorious gallery, while A Fine Assortment of VThtta Flaaclt Also, Kiddles Calfskins Girths Mirnip Leathers about twenty of tho great courtiers and other dissolute persons were at bassett aroad a B.EMOVAT.. THE JIAXIFACTOnr CONTAINS A CRATES OF ASSORTED CROCKERY GROCERIES, Golden Gale, Star J.T.Waterhouse, Beaver Saloon large tabic, a bank of at least 3,000 in gold STAPLE it Superfine Flour Containing Flatt. Cops Teapots about them." Complete Carriage Shop Eowls Ecani Alio. California aad Crntst,' Chambers Kloe Duhes aad llakers. In the sixteenth year of Charles II in Act A.. KKAFT, Columbia KItcc Salmon, Eaj. Line rortlaad n7irta,ic UenujohtuL BlacksmithSShop. ikiitis ixaruTio.x tn tiii: 3 and 5 calls ; Sample Dottles was passed, which, translated according to Vases and d Glssssre.MsnilsuidTarredKore, Chat to, reads-- Paint Shop-an- For Kerosene Oil We Offer THE PALACE, and Guarante h H. J. NC1TE, : Proprietor. Hemp and L U. raekins. Coal Baskets Following Goods Just 'Received "An act to legalize gaming, to prevent Trimming Shop, it cannot be beat for quality or price; also, THE Sugar cfe DBasrs eal tiiy pigeons being plucked by artful rooks, OPTICIAN, JEWELER and Beg mm m Itimm- - Rico to lU and the Of all tins and qualities and to discourage betting or playing for large 1 VULCAN, a good oil and above test: 1.X IJ.TE AKRtTAIAi paUlC t fMTll sums ou tick." Family Carriages Coal K&CS Gunnies, Twine. Uorlaps ruschasins Justus tells this story of iVpe WATCHMAKER, Woolpack Twilled Expresses, That he ha opened the aboTC Saloon and Sacking, Linen Hose, Leo X: His holiness once; while playing at a WOODWARD & BROWN'S CELEBRATED PIAKOS Block Yrencli Merinos, held And Dealer in Musical Instruments. Buggies, first-clas- s GROCERIES; game similar to pnmero, such cards as where Refreshments made impossible for him to lose, except fruui Sardines In half and quarter il Ilavtnr Kemovr4 to more cmmodioaf qiarttr Phaetons, The Cheapest (iooil Piano; Xcw JUren Organ Co.'n Parlor Organs. Lin twtiRc tik boxes, the circumstance of his being the last player, CsnpHeH't ew Clock, .Merchant Mrret, or swrvwd S W II. and 1 PiMmits. Salt IjteV mm .. will be fiasa a.ai utl f- Bdcttb in jars de- HUB Tmmlr Vmrm Castor Oil In Tins Meanne 4, & and G but ss his adversary, whose turn it was to Omnibuses, CteWMbn4 Candles HIS RECEIVED. PER LITE , UPORWIQAS, tsuMriiai Bf ewipiw r a r yrttmi ckfj Matches Cucoanct OiL Wash Iflae. clare first, proposed a heavy stake, he con- cl Habbock Ltnseed Faint Oil, U Whits cluded held as good cards as himself. Indies' & Gent's TJndcrwcax, THErUKST bKADEOF Ti that he Ltz Addltloa t KU former St ock mute rf.inc laicu Being reluctant to yield the game, be cried, Drays and Trucks & Tobaccos, LIQVORS: . G.ve me a Doinl and I will see Toa.' The ! Breaking Carts, Woolen Cotton Shirts, other, not suspecting that the Tope had such nrnsns GOODS De Laape 1 .IlllrlMBaLU'TB CO., Cigars, and llontellean Itraody, and and SCCII Plantation Wagons, J. Pipes and cat ttal,cards, readily assented consequently M ubce AfcvnRTJii.XT r vuiei orayut, t- Kcm, Gin, St. l'sal Beer, Ale and Torter, lose Hand Carts, Etc. No. 5 NUUANTJ STEEET, HONOLULU, . - Smoker's Sundries rurt Wtw. Sherry, Chine Wine, According to the Duchess of Orleans, the old 0" EI "V7T 'S', Eta, White Linen Shirts and Collars, Fin and Table Champacns IX COLD.ELH.bILVEK, Jte. Clarets Marshal Villerot, who bad known St. Francis IDE TO ORDER 01 HOST FIVOHIBLE TERIS G, H- A LITEST l AbUlM. s4 vUl W mm to frvm - Momra Co., Sparkiinc Hock, do Saks in his youth, would say, when Le kWlm Pry Ueideick, Mo&cpole, Ch. Farre, & ri-- AU " Agents 'Superior' Stove saint; GOLD SILVER WATCHES Ami Work Guarantee!! for the VTo) in- - AloHclIe, Ac, Ac heard him called "I am delighted to OlfW Hruwttfc A JBklk' learn that Monsicor do Sales a He - Th. sttesUtw to WO&K OF 15 it.. is saint. f th- make as4 SaUh. A Lare JUt- - ! dMeet clno BEralB StUHtS TwaAe, German and Havana Cigars mas food of eayiitg smutty things and nsed to Tt ALL KIXHS. L Cclcbrdted liilliaid listed Ware Spoons, Forks, Cnuts, Tea cheat at cards, in other respects lie was a Sm lUrlni; 1. bflSK.. on ta. IU.d. for . STOVES HMD RANGES Tables Sets Instruments, be. 1 Edgings and Insertions, perfect gentleman although he as a many;.' Musical .nmbeffor rtan. nntt tkfUral B,A. (.rlesntrdXaisfacUrerv Al 3IATE1UAL. I Ills also said of Tallejraod in a band trout tbr bchi SInaaak..alKla:oalT cal Also, Hr7 Description s( A HNEi.oroi UARDWAllE- - tat Strlctlf Maaraatrr all .rark lr.Tias&ij 3liaaTsctW7 atecarte he mleaUoaiUy exposed one Card, fc5- - CTJEI0S IH EKDLESS VAErETT.-iS- mc zll bcton ruchMl.; lM.brre. " Focket and Batcscr after putting up his last leu is d'or on bis band. SHEFMLTAtWAREONHWrl Anites Sowwrs tall aadcxsalseaisexteatiTt 5tnck, aad JOB win Ton't rorset th. Flan I 8COTCH TWEEOS, Sheep Shears Needles. Sroons. riles. The ruse was successful, fgr the opponent or ytea-w- M Malall IS Ytot it- (orposite Dodd Stiblr,). OXKaliJCTOOZDIE. Spora, GalTanixeU Basins Hoop Iron would not call, and he won with a worthless IS Hi IV - hec IilTets Hzmmers hand. !!! H. PACE, New Designed 'iPrints,: Steeltoe Tellow Metal and Nails, Take Notice Ralls j6o.Dg Said a gentleman to Sheridan. "I BabbtU Metal, t&rar Coolers - AS- D- 1" Proprietor. mi m ttmt Vinctf nf both PORTABLE OR PERMANENT Iron Tanks CUnsers Jtc Also, know a man who cheats. I do Dot like to ex- rrt,cosm.cTiD ros. pose Lim. What shall I du?" KEules ! fr Horses! English and Amenran GwjIs ! Cement, Bck him," was the reply. ' The Tourists' Retreat, WATER PIPtSFirriSGS. Portland Card! ... Railways lie was her at ! wis At Hoaoapo. Kan, Hawaii. M tatak. ! 14 Ftre Clay, Blacksmith CoaL Fire Bricks utl serer - taat rheatfaz' SolcAsUtalan. Itlsnlslortls IS ft. lengths; lbs. to the yard cap, s tih xratHor tp jiiarios. Tiles Empt Earn Oak Boats, Ac Tn auk atrtek- waeeeVr be Botli Native & California tOSB al - j Is Ac, Ac. n fee br hi pUa riTPinisr-.- tinicttH. - pr- f Abercwa nailer itetM IBS TuICSrtOxt Wi Aad ixtcxdixu- Jim wrTfd Isk' of eniieJcfice A ta Tltlt ritt4,aji Arrritn- Or4rr fren the etfcer ally case wv ar makr GOOD kkUiIom llnr--e Montague I 'rww L irjiK ltu4i canf Curpt fee be aaaj tare at take FAMILY H0BSES 9a4r 4c, it TUE KETBEAT Range. GROCERIES TM cUaut at niiap t Wt om ik IUa4a (or ,.. . Tfce ly rtiject ! Sit prayer lBTaHd ALL STDCS FA3in.Yt.KO- - a-jpr- ar 1 ( - M By STJiELES. Corner rf FnMbaW AassvtewUInilof tb 'nrrontUa Sceae-r- JlXZrtX .cES totocMcktaadatckcddawa rtalr lcl4J- - tb YaJraao. rtinm !! AFfUilDTEOK XXCTASULSE Cfc -- tkt t H.HACKFELD&CO. UouthV work on card sharps exposes I TIKi5 XODKKATE K3 M Fnlu, rtt V res A C sots IB nicsuu nxu h mvumi ff ooixeia ru-- i &Sitl Jao. rovler las " Copt. John C. Clunej. i 4. W SJIITniES, rurxixTcs TZLEFHOITEHo.lll.

ji&yave ItATBa 3a, JUStrgO: i , .& eHaeeMsarandln - - wmir SeesrMl Tyss. i w o Sa tD 4l FritLlSUED r Uass-il-wa. f I ,f ttfj IBS-- f it. ; Is t teMvl,k I sal a esi kek. ROBERT GRIEVE & CO. ituess tiacaM for a tec c li Ua(S-al- Mh Hi KB r tlcfvl t:vrr3 lVcrtnrlnj Mornliip, t Mker--4 reeidl tool eoO 13Ct il QnarurefColuitni . t IK 1 ItK si Third ofCetsna 1 OH ll Utl 3C 3l i nvB ..olmrs pkr annum Half f Colon. 13 08 TIM :st 3e: Colsna '3 00 3a a a tl PA YA M.Z IS Alt I'AXCK. OseColnnn IJ W SO 1 wl lest tattl I Cares wha errse Ar eeel Knrrlsn .NnlrrIIcr fetyi 1" Alliance, snowed edSseowal from these raits, weica are turn eJnatlieiesats. when .aarsed raarsrT? 1 , w. forrlca advsrUssnwaUmhr meaxkeaOl " ' a "" with the say wbea ordsre4 te, as Bf sece wUU I Ihem. ThsratMafahaistaarsc'vvetasa&wvl Offloo in new Gazette Buildinc. 25 and 27 XIX.--.N- o. 17 rtmrnaaees for Sastera iHcrtcae alvvr'sal VOL. 28, 1884. serlnllocK may be made by beak tars'. fsi I Merchant Street, HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, APRIL WHOLE SbIOW. arssuraps. .Iat A Dream of Dcnth. Business Carts. Business (Carts. illctljantral (Tarts. p.' iltttljanitttl Carts 3iisuroiut Notitts. Jnanrantt JTolitts. iornjn jUSwrtiseatrsir, List night d(ir one, I dreamrd that you vcm dead; I mw your Mte hand folded on yirar brcart. I'.. ADA7IS, W. O. Ssith. L.A.TnrraT0!l. Your d'r rrn clwnl, ihclr light forcrff fled, I. ED. C HOWE ! Boiton Board f Undfrwriters. UNION INSURANCE COMPANY WIXULHS, DIMOITD CO., lour heart at reft. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant. SMITH & THURSTON. Honse and Sign Fainter, Paper Hanger, So CONFJSCTlOKRr i MI Qnccn Street, llonolnln. ly X OKSTS for the Islaails, AJf Shipping and' CoaffiissfofV X upon your so EYS 930 ly XonrTKIng ; C BREWER Jt CO. OF PnA.ICHCO. 3i:c ztrvd face. white and cold. ATTORNyo. AT LAW. , StreeU nonolnla. ! jat, ir nlln rearciDiiy uryonu hit power to nndcrcUnd; v vo W? S3 Mwchsnt S-t- llonolnln. II. I. tf m 518 Califerala Street, 9aa Vrane'sea.1 I kleecd your jijib ai in uie day of old i:. nori'.sciii.Ai:i:it c. :. coiE.'iiA?r. x. aMLoXKrEszasrSsT Underwriters, clasped yoar hind. IMPOBTEBS ASS COMEISSION MEBCHAKTS W. o. Smn. L.A.TnrTO'c. ' Philadelphia Board ot BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST C17o. 71 Tort St, aoave Hotel St.v I WS Honolulu. Oahn. II. I. ly W. CO- . A GE7ITS for the Ilasrallsn islsmls. IirOOBPOBZTElf,,1805 . And oh I the world with all It held lor me, O. SMITH & - Horse hboeln. Carriage "Vork. . JTly V mi&WULKGlA ae night every KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND COIIMISSIOK JBBRCHAll iirtw dirk and hope eecmed ncd, II. IIACKrELl & CO., Stock and Real Estato Brokers, Plsntatlon SlnehlnerjTt Arc T & o Joy In all the earth my could . KO " King Cookt's. ly Ju An assortment of the French and CASTLE COOKE, AGENTS ll. Sal TttV. OENEEAL COMMISSION AGEKTS, 'o.SS Merchant llonolnln. M.I tf ya Shop on Street, next Castle i, bttt " 3T3 Chamber Nlreet. Foyoo vera dead. it t CallfornU suDnractnird For Islmnds. 1 1, Wattril 986 .' Qnccn Mrect, Honolulu. 11. 1. ly thIIwlln Rtfnrut-Cat- tle A Gooheawl X I tfanncht the mora In c fillrd the ely; CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, . OHN NOTT. AUKXl'arBremeskfloartlacVailsTn'rltcrs, AH ITS ennllrbt A.ftox-ao.oy. With rarly dew the opening flower m ere wet ; -- ctoo., Importer and Dealer In Stoves, Ranges, i Agent ot Board ot DndeMrriter.'. General Insurance Com'py. Hot F. T. LENXHAN & CO Solicitor, Qonlectlonery Tlenns all dartnrt to iny wwtry eye ; OFFICE-- IS Kuhnmann Metals, House lThlch he offers for asle to the trade, ot at retail. Claims My had tvU Importers and Commission Merchants, Street, sgslnst Inlursnce Compsaies vllhtn tho juris For Sea. Zrfuxdtrtuupart ran Mg China Ware, Practical Meccanlcs, llonolnln, II. I. diction of Rlrer and h.w: !W1 ?snnann btreet, llonolnln. nonolnln.II.1. tf Iliaily the abore Hoards of Underwriters ulil hare X tried to wake yon from that awful rleep ; AT REDUCED PRICES! to be certlled to by the abore Agent to make them of DRESDEN, Haw allsn Cotunl anil I TSlld. . 97 could not realize that yon were flown; &. ALI'KKD S. IIAKTWELL, M. & CO., SAILMAKERS, JJF ALSO It I tried In rain: yonrilombcrt were teodfep; r. a. sciiAr.rr.n c.. 3. OAT ESTABTjISlTErj AJT Importers & A. Cooke's cw Bulldlnr, fool HAVUTO Honolulu for the Hawaiian Islands, COMMISSIOHSSCHJ I was alone. Commission Merchants Loft In F. TUG BEST BRANDS OF CHOICE CIGAUS St., CiL 377 llonolnln. Hawaiian Ifllands. ly COUNSELLOR-AT-LA- W, of Xanann Street. Insurance Notice. the undersigned General Asects.areaathcTlseuVfotake IHCallferaia n,Tnnci JC5, 1 woke the morning tVy was brlphl with daj. . fl 'M To be had in tbe maiktU SW HoomXe.. , . The blrdf w ere inrtn- - urectly orcrhead; i: . Honolulu, n. I. AOE.tT FOR THE DRITIS1I Hitchcock. OFFICE-OV- ER, A & CORDIALS THE Risks against tie Sanger of tio Seas at the The ewret Jnne roeca bloomed trecfa and py ; ATTOBJTEY LAW, HIIO, HAWAII, BASK OF BISHOP CO, 23 Flags of all descriptions made and repaired.. THE BEST ICE CRUB, SODA WATER Marine Isisrsnce Company (Limited) has CiO Yon were not dead. AI ' receired instructions to R!nee the Rnffl) ot la- - Moat ReasonaUe Xtatea, and cm the DR. JORDAN & im mils promptly collected ly '.(' llonolnln. II. I. .3m U5 AXD TRY TJI FJI.-S- f acrance between llonolnln and Ports in lhfPacMlc, arrd PIONEER STEAM - rftOrjiy And when we met yon did not understand 41 arum is now prepared to Issue Policies st the- lowest rstej. Most FaToraola Terms. q.s) piths of That yon were dearer to me, ten limen o'er; FRANCIS M. HATCH, Wit. A: KINNEY. Candy Manufactory and Bakery with a special reduction on frelsht per steamers. . R1CUKO, of Parts. Frnwrttoai'i That tnrrrt warmer, reomed Httle band a-- 11. F A SCHAEFER A CO. snens or Aaalearf, Caa tie teeva jour Xa,T?iy. 3Eco:EsJxr THEO. DAVIKS. letter, oaee San yra Thau e'er before Baker, Ms ly Agent Brit. For. 21 it. lbs. Co LI silted . 931 lj Agent for the Hawaiian Islands 311 UeansL. Attornoy at OFFICE, So. 13 KAAIIUMASU STREET, Pr&ctical Confectioner, Paltry Cook and Calltsnla.oalhe KUWEfSUI 2Cor can yon ever know how No 11 Kaahnmann Street. lyr 971 71 3 ly M HOOD WtAK modi I prize 1U"T. llonolnln. II. I. ly Hotel street.between rinnsnn snd Fort. A.I SEAllNu The prrcloaf jewel trusted to my care. soETHBarnsE DlSEASKaOS'Tlir. SKI1 A5II Nor S.B.DOLE, asb hzscastik thai my heaven li In your tender cyc A. ROSA. J. EMMELTJTH & C-O- DISEASES or J13.T And hair. . T.n- FIEE INSUBAITCE COMPANY. tunny r!n.lln And Kotarv Pnlilic. 27o. 5 Xanana Street, y Oompiniy of Fort nd Mtrthint StrnU. Ho ATTORNEY aI'UW AND K0T1RT PUBLIC, i(j InnuronooLOXDO- J.EOOK SBrSTOSRKC corner attTl That dream wan but.ananrel in dlfffnlfe. OOce at tlit Plnmberj. TJ.tDCitniurr.n ap OF ASD EAIXDCSGn. 1 W my nolala. Tinsmiths and Dealers In Stores a. .fc. .viiatiso tieex. &. That filled tool with bltiernre distress; OJflee villi Hit Altornm Centra. JJiiWumi Hale Tt.nt.efl. Tin. Sheet Iron Conner Ware, keeo con The An.a i aajLSSTS. I'ot tls long wc really learn to prize snd psred to Insure risks sgslnst firs on r.....and raw bj EDWABD PRESTON, 1003 Honolulu, If. ly stantly on hand s full assortment of Tinware, Galvan , fltone Uriels Established 1809. AVhat we posted. J. . Itnlldliia-s- and on Merchandise stored therein, on. Counsellor at X,aw, ized Iron snd Lead Flpe. India llabbcr Hoe, ac iW the most .JC Attorney and 10P3 fsToraole terms. For particulars apply st the turrrkifl 3,000,000 ! T. rTcr thni: llfcVlcr-porit- i are not learned; i:. . IIAJ.I. A; SOIY. ly omce or yju 9 KMhMn'tnnStrtttIopolnlr. J73 ly F A. aCUAEl'KK CO. Accumulated and Invested Fund.. 1,0971 Fisberies Wc do not know the blrwlnpt n hlcb we own, ly LIMITED. LAWRENCE, Until, bereft, the bleeding heart ha? yearned W. R. HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C DEIlSlSj;BJ,AKKalnPrCItl Oer an jeU flown. W. R. CASTLE, IMPOETEES AND DEAIXES IK HA2DWAEE o.xi. . C.fDEn.niU.w-Q- itATE BEEX THE Sotton Trannript. ZaiVIV Flow , Oils General Merchandls e, coicrrn.va'j? appointed AOENTS for Ihe Sandwich Islands, , Faint snd Dans and Estimates Furnished for Works of Con FIRE INS17EANCE COMPANY, and are aathorlzed lo Insure against Are on Favorable the 3hC ly Corner Fort sn dTtlnz Stfi sndSotary I'nblir. Attends all tic Court of itrnctlon. OP IUMBCRO. Terms. STTPFLT lSl&S. im Klnedom. 'I Ef7 Rlaks taken, la sax part of the lalandsxm Stoae IBS HiWAIUS nlitcellaneous. , A. G. ELLIS, Civil Engineering and Surveying D. LANE'S MEBCnASDLtE, aiiwWoo.IroBnHtlngs. andMtrtliandlM'iiortil there. J. rCRTI. In: a- WITH THE - AtKKOTIir.lt.. KAUW1LA to TUBE and Machinery Insured against on Dwellt- Ileuses and FnrnltnreTlmber, Cosh, Tcnnjson's income is about $20,000 a year. II. K.aicIXTa'RE OFFICE on STREET, next Jin tie Ships harbor TfithCTWithout ITII.l.Stools.III1Y Oil Brolior!SELL PLANTATION Wideman'a Crick Warehouse. mot faTonble terras in cargoes ornnder repair, GROCERY. TEED STORE and BAKERY MARBLE WORKS, A. Agent The world is comedy to lliose who thinV-- a Stocks, Bonds, and other Marketable Securities JAEGER, for the Hawaiian Islands B.HOFFSCHLASaER A C0 nighcst Grade, of Cotton a sod Fort StrtcU. Honolulu. Tt u v m P. O. BOX 101. ly glOly Hi8 Agents Neil tragedy to those who feel. Corner Kins st Market Valce lor cash. OKF1CK W1TU 130 FOltTHTItKKT, SEAR IIIlTELST. for the Uswallan Istsnds Kl ly ADAMS. Auctioneer. 977 ly WITiT.TAM TURNER, ASD JIADI tSTO Freezing politeness frequently consists in CO., GREAT WESTERN-INSURANC- THE PACIFIC MUTUAL WII.l'UU A WILLIAM ATJLD, Practical Watch & Clock Maker MANDFACTDRER OF MONUMENTS giving a man the cold shoulder. , Corner of Fort snd Cncen fclcetf, llonolnln, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Con- COMPANY. Nets .and Seines to Ordj Tlie Home Journal thinks the schools or Lumber, Paints, OUi, Hails, Salt and Building tracts for Labor and Jeweler, Headstones, Tamos, LIFE INSURANCE COWPAHY every Office of Head Office, 5Q St. Now Corerlnt every "peeles eaWaa. lanre and sraal I Boston are nearly supervised to death. 915 ly Materiali of kind. In the District of Kona.IslandofOahn.at the Xo. 82 Kins Mrcet, Honolulu. II. I--, (opposite the Taolets, Marble Mantels, Wall York. the llonolnln Waterworks, foot of Xnuann Street. Factoryi) OF oi iae raeiae ueeaa. It is easier for a woman to defend her virtue HOLLISTER CO., ut; Pioneer Carriage Washstand Tops, and The sbose Company Darin: cstabllihed an Anncy at t lr Uonoluln for the Hawaiian Islands, the nndcrsigned Is against men than her reputation against wo- J3T" Island orders attended to with promptness and Desire to call the particular attention of everybody, Cotton is lighter.th.ia Hfap, aors Brl & Tobacconists, IP Tiling in Black and "White Marble. authorised to sccept snd write Marine Bisks on Druggists A. W. PEIRCE & Goods packed carefully for transit. PSrtfl. men. WHOLESALE AND KETA1L, & COMMISSION MIKCHAKTS Freights, Treasure. Commlailoos and Halls. and lea xpesUT. CHAHDLEBS at current rates. J a. WALKIH, TO THEIR The New Haven I'aUailmm remarks that S Xnnans Street, tor Fort i. Merchant Ma j aqents ran & CO., iviRY roo LYCAN WARBLE WORK QF DESCRIPTION J ly Asent the Hawaiian Islands ruted States I lho ono redeeming feature of Jlormonism Brand's Guns and Eomh Lances, - IMronTEES AND DEALE1M IS ! Cnirenally lit tie United seems MRS. A. M. MELLIS, Tain hlller, Tontine Investment Policies to be that doos not throw the burden of Ferry Darle" Paintings, t JIADE TO ORDER it the Fashionable Dress and Cloalr. Maker. ly General Musical Mercnandiaet Which contain Indisputable support of a husband on one woman. W2 Uo. 40 qnccn bt., llonolnln Encravinga, Chromos, &c AT THE I0WEST POSSIBLE RATES. tit Cklaie," American Not and Soine dl 101 Tort ttreet, llonolnln, II I. &c &c . Fire and Marine Insurance Company No Restriction on Travel or Residence, Cheapest place to Boy Wily Easts I Yu will obBcnc this, the 'devil never of- 'Ml ly .i. w. Ginyiw. The Free from Danger mid lleniWiniic Cleaned nml OF SEW ZEALAXD. of Forfeiture fers to go'into partnership with a bizzy man, AUSTIN WHITING, General Dealer ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE IN HONOLULU. slonnnieill DB.J.CQLUS BROWNE'S CHLCR09T1I W. Commission Mercltanl and JEcicli ALSO butyu will olten see him offer to jine lho lazy Attorney and Counsellor At-La- Hardware, Stationery riCTUIlE FRAMES of all Unit CAPITA! : : : : 10. 000,000 in Dry Goods. Groceries, made to order. Orders from the other Islands promptly sttended to. THE 0RIU1NL 'ml UN.! Gfi.NIISJt and furnish all tho capital besides D. to Ul.cAcl.noed-erflen- H of Instrnmenti for ratcnt Medicines, Perfumery, and . lutl The l)epolt Endowment Volicj and the .J. the Inland of Oabn . Glassware. SM X. 107 Tort M., llonolnln. l.STAIII.ISHF.n A?f AOF.SCVnl AdTtc to InTalld) --!f yarn w.a to ohta.a )Utt Girls should bo careful how thej' aro vac- HAVI.MI for the Hawaiian Ifltands. the Mntnal twsJai Street. llonolnln 1 yr KIO WAILTKU. aiATJl. Intetment l'ollcj. frelslitzlfVD. free from htdjicb. rcitaffram I cinated with virus taken from a lover's arm. ICo. Kaalrnmann HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. MRS. THOMAS LACK, ara prepared to accept rUks acalnst Ore In e.ngtt)Ia. to calm and uamac th wrvy MUax! dwellings, merchandise, l I- - & JO, stores, warchones. snd on DrolnctJ leltwAM. iHV.ironto the Bt'rTniisi7di-a.i- One at St. Paul has taken to sweariug, sittiDg I. 31. WIIITHEY. 31. I., I. S. M. S. GRINBAIJM terms. STJ-.A- This Is one the elreaUtlnt aliho boUr cross-legge- SUCiAn BULLS - at most reliable Cenpaalee sxtaal: rrslleta jitn d, and smoking a brier root pipe. Dental Eoomi on Fort Street, wromxRs or IJ.CI.E1. No. 10 Fort SU Honolnlu. Marine- ltlsks on carso, freights, bottomry, proflts provltte with that jo!! Uollera.CuoIerp.lron. Draft and Lead Castings and has no superior, and fewennals. Settles air Claims rovrtiir narr.la cennlv I Omeoln Brewer'f.rioct.eornerlloteland Fort ftriett commissions promptly; acts honestly and fairly by a!i. eolbjDr J CollU Browne (UUArav I Xo humility is perfect and proportioned but Commission Mer--M wbleK gave CliLOKODrSE, Mi ly Entrance. Hotel Street General Merchandise and Machinory of Evory Doscrlptlon IMPORTER and DEALER lVosse promptly ncljnileil nml pnynblc here. For information, be the aame of ind wSI which makes us hate cor- - HT fnrtter write to, or call on U idmltted by the to bvUtw wubdoji that oursclv es as chants.Honolnln.H.I. r S- - JIade to Order. !WT ly J s. WAEKBR. profnion mot rupt, but respect ourselves as immortal, the iioi.i.i:s ac ;o.. R. W. LA1.NE, and lftbl rcmei erer dlotwd. Particular attention paid .to Ship' Blackamlthing law general for - Ship Chandltn and Comnniiion Merchants. M. S. GRINBATJM & CO the Hawaiian Islands CTILORODTNS U the beM rnetli- kmnrn 1aCam I humility that kneels in the duBt, but gazes on gHlJ Sowing In- " Importers snd Desli r In Generil Merthsndlfe, (Jneen Machines, and Coni'ino The City of London Fire CostasipHnn, Broncblt1, Aetbma I the skies. Butler. )55 I. ly Commission Merchants, actio 1 St., Ilonolnln.il. N.F. BURGESS, Parts, Attachments, Oil Co., Central Utotrfiscnunts. CHLOUOUTNE like a tjiana la ftlatri'laav 1 Tho narrath c of the pilgrimage of Sir Rich- No. 124 California St- San Francisco. Col surance Limited. is iuti wist j tTjTmnc in sum Jjsai).CTx I A. . CLUGIIOUIt &. Co.. - I ard Torkingion to Jerusalem, in 1517 is tho (!7 ly) Shop on Kin Street, oppoelte Rof e'e. and Accessories. CHLORODYNE effeetaallv BU Hiott air sCUtkc ixroBTrns asd dealers in ! .pnvsy, uytferia. raipiuuett. and spaam a I oldest diary of English travel extant. There EMERSON. Eetimatcs clvcn on all binds or buildings. When re- AG1OTT POIl TII21 CAPITAL, 85,000,000 GroiioraljUoroliaiicUso, Dr. N.B. quired. Offices and Mores fitted np In the Kast :::::: CIILOHODTNK .thc only paniatlfe (nT:ri.r are two copies of original MS. in the Brit- latc't the 951 Corner Qnccn snd Ksshnrosnu Streetg. ly AND SU11GEOX. ern styles.. Keiialrln of erery description done In White, Mew Home, Hbeoaiattrtm. Uoat. i aorcr Tootbacbf SCeniaJtllr, a ish Museum, PlIVSICIAs and Residence 2so. 2 Knknl HAVIMJl'-STAIILlSlIK-D AX AliCXCY AT and from these has been pre- - the beet possible mauner. and at reasonable rates. nnder-Ijnc- btreet. comer of Forti MS Davis, Crown, Howe, and for the Hawaiian Islands, the From Hrme Co . PbariitlM. t V pared and published tho first printed edition. JOII.- II. I'ATV, ly Bulld-ln- s IIOURS-8- IJ tolO'Ja mjllitoj'., p. Is prepared to sccept riflts srsintt Bre on eai Hall, tmla, JaBoarr lttM To J T Uafmrw KOIART PUBLIC and COMMISSIOirEB ot DEEDS W3 Machines, IMcichsndlse, Furniture, Jlachlnerj. on the . 3B. Clreat Dr. Henry Bennett, for twenty-thre- o years m. Telephone yo.' HO. ly ;. Florence moit Km llaell Strvfi. IlMuiibc.rv. tttLs For the Ststcf of Calif ornls snd 'ew York. Office at i:. wii.i.iajin. favorable terms. Dear Sir, We etn ferae ;ble opportanltT of VK ly L crratal. a physician at Mcntone, Italy, where there is tlie Hank of Uibi.p Jt Co.. llonolnln. E. PEIRCE, M. D. IMFORTEE. MANDFACIUKEE UPHOLSTTEE Howard's Machine Needles, Loise I'romplly .IdjustciIanaVajalilclIcrr. NOTT, Ids oiQ tbe d repoUtlo tUla SARAH tattrmeil! bhHc!u. Dr I Collie Drowa, no other Boweraga than cesspools vcnfifelcd Ac AND DEALER IN tt'T.Tti i.aoj: CO., LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S PHYSICIAN, all kinds & sizes; C . KEKUEK, baa .'arned fbr ltwlf not only In nu,dotaa, bull at the roof, says that in all that time thcro FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, the As a remedy MERCHANTS Agent for the Hawaiian Islambi Plumbiitg, nnr Et for gvnfnl oti l"t we no epidemic COMMISSION s Hllj aoeetloa whether a better In tsnoorUd Inta ilTa emmnlT has been in tho place, no typhoid Hsy. Grain, snd Ofllce and Itcsidcnce, Ko. 3 Fcliuol Street, rnrnltnre No. M Fort.St. Work Shop at Corticalli Silk, And Imitortcrs of snd Dcalcarc In Fort and Emma, lhu old etacd on Hotel gtrcct. and we hall be glad tr bear of ttaasdlntt piMt that lias not been imported, and but thrco luiB Ucncral Frodncc. llonolnln. lin. ly every n IZbe OFFICE x. x.. 1:30 m in all colors; boa. othtr brantU cases of diphtheria. to3r. Orders Trora the other Itlaads promptly attended to. The bmlon and Provincial Gas eory to Nir, iranow rltfitd6at)iv waiK bass, nuaail sritECKits. " u inwis Wl ly Fitting, claci Its, 201.-- 3 CLANKS' 3I1LK :.1),3UCH1.E COTTtJX. jwwaina; rrow (svirrarT, weiaflrTiniir Decmuri1 The Duke nf Albany was the literary mem- W3i. . :o.. will be but otvaneirteol. V.coald nuiltinl'r jtntttam iitivir a GEORGE L. BABCOCK, ! tW etOcacy ber of the Koyal Family, but,liko his brothers, Copimission Agents PHOTOGRAPHS ron & HfftiHM of thi extraordinary of 1?t voiU Sugar Factors and (late Oakland. C'al.j n acest Tiitsmith Roofer, Browne Inlorodyno in Diarrbora antb Dyqetttrq ho had also a talent for music; and wc hear 9W vi iti:in-ri:- PIKE auai.v paea.e. CrimfM, Honolulu. II. I., ion1 the Madame Dcmoreet's liellable Cut Paper Patterns, Nenratxie. the YonUintfof lT?naar) ho tho composer Havi.mi of attending to riiototaphy, am now ! aa a general that was of a Waltz, entitled 3?lano 3tPorto. (J Views, and Publications. Dealer In INSURANCE COMPANY and v4atlT' that bavc oerujd eiaWon Voaclior onI,j can & Fort Street to go to any part of the roup, to make DeriNtnal kiMtvMl "Fontainbleau," winch is said by those who JNO. A. HASSINGER, Addrccs Co., 'ortralts, or any kind of work belonplnp to Photo- obmtloii dm ji manv hifl la U90 Ularrbera, end even m tAa toon terrible Cbo) Agent to take Adtnowlcdjnncntn. to Con- Residence. Mrs. DudoiiV. l!cretanla btreet. graphy. Only s productions will be made. Kiflrs, Pistols, (June, and bnortiug doods, fatmar4 have seen and heard it to bo abovo the a cr- (Hilmltod.) era itwlf we have wlinfil Itw enTprtilBat" control. tracts for Labor. ' ' bhot. Powder, Caps, A Metalic Cartridges. In power Wo have never any ape merits of amateur compositions. B. II. HITCHCOCK, Honolnlu. March 28th. 18ft!. d tier funa of tbt 971 Interior Office, Honulnln. ly X.aw Wn Sitb.crij)eil CAIITAL 85,000,000 medicine than 4'ollle Brow from a Ann . anvi. im A tamer feroci6us Attorney at and Notary PuMic, that It drcldety the and a tfttt; rat sajs: "Take U k bet, alwlom hum oi EMPIRE HOUSE, . Hneopciiedan 03Icc in IIllo, where be promptly D. KEROSENE STOVES! w owe to thr airofptuolon and th Wtbllc at w ato ec rat, throw it into a pail of water and leave it 3 OLDS, Frojirktor, attind lo all business entrneted to him. SIMPSON, 1,000,000.) opinion that tbeenbetttntlon any NO. 83 HOTEL STREET, In all Sizce. m of ether ihaniftHhl WilLattend all the Terma of the Circuit Court, and o I up w there until it becomes exhausted and is about jhua.miam)Iii)Ti:i. -- Bnwn i i DstuaaiuTB Basic k ritnt twtl (uk.m;ii :::::! sritr.irr.s. vill alto attend the Local Circuit Courts Id Kau. CtT TELEMOXE So. 333. So ceciirril the c nrlces Ir-- t Clas Gqn cceThe aboro Company hare now established an part vn to drown. Thcu take it out, roll it in wad- t"I!aTln o(ar Aseney here, and ars prepared to taLe ltlsks on 1'rop or tub cnavirr iiairBriaK 171 tSUllVEYINO DONE PKOMPTLY. ly and Lockfintiti and thorooph Mechanic. 1 am now iiiKi We are. Sir, lalUbfttKy your-- ra- -a JtiA.1 ding and put a warm place. When tho ALES, AND LIQUORS PLUMBER AND CASFITTER In ertr of erery description within lhee Inlands. it jp CHOICE WJNES to do wnrk that line, nith promptness and KS MemlH rn of the Phtrm .Hottfti of Grar tie: a, ItUl dispatch Inland ordera goHcllcd. 'jfci J.T WATEUIIOSE. Jr., Aeent v rat comes to it will evince tho deepest grati- S. J. LEVEY & CO., DEALER IX Bjl?ltli!jP nil HilBaeaH a c irncy ine iceroy , Bemitri U.KAWADJUI, . tude. It will lick hands and follow you J. and Retail Stoves and Ranges, Tin, Shoet Iron and ti rt(v ctda.f h...r-.i- as ty i. &bout the house like a dog, and can be taught Ascnt to take Acknowledgments to Lnbor Wholesale Grocers, Copper "Ware. Matrd that Dr J tollta BrowBd wta, al'Ir)t.v "!. Ike. I a number of Contracts FOitT STllEEX, Honolnlu. 1U I. Invrntor of (. hlofodyoe, that Ueitory ol w.ffa tricks." Kcry Constsntly on band a Superior Asssortmcnt of TUBBBoTOill rlaral sf peaamiaasaiSi sessad tlalfaMvetalm Ola I For the I)ltriet of Kons. Office Mcrclirnt street, Frcbk(jroccriec(aud i'roTielona of all kinds on band aal.. tkka. Mrs. Farraguf, the widow of Admiral Kar-rag- Sailors Home. 972 ly !WS Tin Ware. Galvanized Iron and lead pipe. ly itrrtteil to eay hid breo ewomlV-Ife- o Tar ' ofpoltc nnd received regularly from Eh rope and American j my Tiai, .1II u, inn. receives in pension money $5,000 a O. . SOnTON which be told at the lowed market rates. " W KOUTOX. v ' to parts city charge. Sold la botttea at I .. 9a. M . 4a. d ad V year. Thcro aro twenty-nin- e caBes where Hoods delivered all of the free of I. IV. A: CO'.S pr-l.an-d orders solicited, and prompt attention William B. McAllister nub. Soae..attttttMH!Ht.bewanU Dr J W. AOKXUA IU BrwrTB' Cblorodywe ' CCl the widows of Generals reccivo $50 a month, In Mill beciven totheeamc. W ly n ttko(lvrbmrnll tam I Store, Groc IUnch risntstlon. Denlere Cliolcc Overwhelmlbv aiedlral acW I and t cnty w idon s of naval officers aro so re- snd Provision snd General Merchandif c. DENTIST, miimuy aorootpanieel 974 ly DR. E. H. THACHEK, warded also. Some of tho widows receive as Be . PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN HONOLULU. i aut'mi l' f Mnrv and Iml tit. ,'--, high as $100 a while T mouth, others are given r. nivKiiu't-u- 'u lOPj TortDENTIST.Street, (next door above A. Dickeon'fl S.tl. Vin'i'iKtir T .WTCXr .T a.ftrfBl 530 only. Tho rato uiciiAitn umwiiiipii u)oin-- r - i nniion cm allowed by the general law ATTOBHEY AND COUHSELOE Photograph Oallcry.) OFFICE Corner Hotel and Fort Streets, mer U.S. COMPANY fl k is $30, and tho one hundred caeos where pen- Will attend tlie Ti rm of Courts on the otucr Ifland; Satisfaction tiaranteod in Prices nnd Trcxioan Clothing Store. Entrance on Hotel St. sioners aro paid more aro covered by special Money lo lend on Mort"a-e- a of Freeholds. Quality of Work. WtrlOtnlgLAria J V o '21 Merchant St., 2 doors from Dr. stan-e- n aid a. kino legislation. I'ure NI trans Oxide Gas administered for painlce rT Particular Attention paid to restoration and gold and roirr streets. I.CCajX'JliVri 'I lull 3m ulllnzs. KANGES, Gustavo Doro's fj: extraction fo teeth. last largo picture, tho "Vale A CO.. Relying on jrood work at reasonable charges to gain IHI.I.I.XillA?! JAMKS M. aMONSAHKAT, Vfl CHARLES HA3VTMER of Tears," was intended to be a rendering of DEALEBS IN HABDWABE the confidence of the public. 3m the II4P0BTEBS AHD A. JAECEB, Agent for the Ilaw'n Is Lamps, verse, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor Cutlery. Dry Goods, l'slnta and Oils, and General Attorney and Counsellor at Law. .HAVJSO Chandeliers, and are heavy laden, and 1 will give you rest." Merchandise, fSpccIal attention paid to the negotiation of Loan,) , CEO. S. HAR IRIS, The background Jil Xo. 3" Fort Street, Honolulu. ly Coneyancinsr'and all matters appertaining to Iteal liouglil for Cash, a Large Stock YoNDOH AXI) represents a shadowy valley, lEftafc. J SHIP AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. LIVERPOOL and and GLOBE flanked by an enormous cisg.at the cntrance.tn JUII3 T WATEKIIOIIni:. Notary Pnlilic and Commlaaioner of Seeds or " which Christ stands clothed in whitc.bearing a IMPOBTEB AHD DEALEB IH OZlBAL r or the btatee or California and istvr iork, JlItintlK, IIOLNi; AND HEAVY INSURANCE CO. his hand raised SIIIIf Wort, iMouldIn? Diltf, I'lanln; Knlrt, cross, as if in invitation to tho MEECHANDISE. erOffice, No Merchant fct., IIonoIoIo.H. I. Anchor and Amits repaired Goosenrek, Crank Aili First-Cla- ss I 'W ly Harness Fittings'! Assets, $31,161,000 the great uurubcr of sorrowful figures who fill 9fcl Queen Street, llonolnln. II ly and Waon Axles made for the trade on reasonable HOUSE FURNISHING foreground, representing almost every class of A; term?. S. M. CARTER, XllliO. II. JlAVli: Co.. Is enabled to Claims Paid, $88,714,000 human sufferers the aged, sick, maimed halt Con- Late Jaxiox. Ghees & Co. noir manufacture Agont to take Acknowledgments to Heavy Wagons for Traction Engines r.STAnr.INlIF.Il AN AtJF..CY IN Corner Beale and Howard and blind all looking toward Christ with the IMPOETEES-AN- COMMISSION S Sis., tracts for Labor. MERCHANTS, AND ' HAVE for the Hawaiian Islands, and the un- A 11 spirit that animates tho faces in fore- DocJ Esplanade, Honolulu, II L OTio DBCazrxLoss dersigned are prepared to write against DW M S itL,s II the AXU ABE Office AOXNTB rOB Eost stl 990 EVEIi PP.OUUCED ground of Raphael's "Transfiguration." ly Lloyd's and the Llrerpool Underwriters. HEIiE, FIRE ON DDILDIXCS, 3IEUCIIASDISK & ' ARTESIAN WELL TOOLS W a. TATLOB, According to tho British and Foreign Marine Insurance Company, NK,V Pie.'i. J05WH XOOSX Ss Malical Record asparagus x.aisraxx3302ja" Andyorthcrn Assurance Company. ItoT I) With all their Fitting, a Specialty. DWELUXCS m C'AJalMJKLrS 1ILOCK, JAJ1I--S DUUD, 1'IEUritIl.AUlt,hotei, Cheaper any House is a strong diuretic aud forms part' of tho cure than On FORT STREET Opposite tt llder A C o OF UNO STREETS, HOHOLULU. All Orders V omptli Attended to, and Work favorable terms Iinrelllnrni'kinHprf Inltiy for rheumatism at such health COnNEB FORT HOTa C. BREWER & COMPANY. TOWS Detached dwellings resorts as constantly on hand. IS and contents insured for a period I'OBox.SM tun-1- . BUILDERS The liest Ales,. Wines and Liquors Guaranteed. of three two premlnms OF STBAM Sorrel is cooling. Carrots, 10 tuc (LIMITED) rears, for in advance fMise MACmiMI !! Hvcry Ullcs atiacu-- iiwu j &ShoponthcEsnlanadc.in the rear of Mr.Geo promptly mUnstcHl ami pnynble hers. as containing a quantity of sugar are avoided General Mercantile fc Commission Agents, "DON'T PURCHASE, UNTIL VX, Cm C. AI'OAG. Lucas PIsnlngMIH. 10113m HISMOrACO r; M.L ITS DIU3CHXS by some 'persons, while others jcomplain of QUEEN bTKEET, HONOLULU. II. I. DIB TO TAB them as indigestible; in Savoy tho peasants Importer, Wholesale and Eetail Dealer YOU HAVE SEEN' HIS GOODS." 185. . 1881 111 or Eto-x-jaLX- Steamboat, Steamship, Land havo recourse to an infusion of carrots as a in General Merchandise 7. ut omcEn. WILL8AMS & GO, HI Fltc-pio- P C. JONHb. jn President andManaser J. Pine Mnglc and Ilonblc llarneis. specific for jaundice. The large sweet onion And Cblua Goodf, In the itore, corner KIur Concord and Male Harness, and unanu totrcctf. ly JOSEPH O. CAUTEIi Treasurer snd Secretary XO, 102 TORT TREET. INSURANCE COMPANY ENGINES AND is very rich in thoso alkalino elements which yj HENRY .MAY Auditor Expresi and Plantation llarurs, FIRE BOILERS Drldles, Whip, Curry Combs, OF I.TVXRFOOL. ENGUVTTD. counteract the poison of rheumatic gout, and E. S. CIIIfHA, PIKECTOnS. Leading PHOTOGRAPHERS of Honolulu. Ilrnshes, Spura. Urestinc;, etc., etc. m Ilir.n PRKrilHOK(OMr i tL on being slowly stewed in weak broth and Hov.CHAS.H BISHOP. Hon. II. A. P. CARTER. m COrixiLO Xon.Xor, ovTly Capital - $10,000,000 with Kcpaul ' WORK FINISHED IS : eaten aJittle pepper it proves an IlotnllUNION SALOON, MoTflcan Saddles, UNLIMITED LIABILITY. ArAuy.vmEm.i-.isatrtirVintcouivMi- admirablo articlo of diet for patients of stu- VICTOR Hniis W".hi In tlie rear of the "Hawaiian Oaaettc" bulldlnj. PAGEHROSS, Watcr'Colors, Crayon, THE BEST IS THE ISLASDS. WHITMAN & of mftKl tyy "" dious and sedentary habits.- - The stalks of Fire Inflorsnce of all descriptions will be effected al WRIGHT, V03 .5.0. 23- Merchant Mrect. India Ink, or OH. ty" Repairing done in the be,t manner, and at the moderate rates of premium, by the nnderslgned OlIDIXAItT r.llilSrJfrSnp. tihis seVs cauliflower have tho same sort of val uc-- Let-tu- Itates. Only Pint Class orkmen Employed Sncccon to 3t. KOMID. Practical Watchmaker and 'Jeweller, Photo. Colored &c. lowest J. S. WALKER, Agent for Hawaiian I.lands J. able is also to be 'mentioned in (his connec- ji:cii. 9I Jinown. P. S. The Royal Insurance Company has the larg.te krjust LAU.MIIUH. aWfKswtiSteanTiaea-tfwte- a the plant has a slight narcotic action ATTORNEY AMD CODHSELIOE.AT LAW, net any Fire Company In world, tion; of No. Kng Mrect, Honolulu, opposite The Only Complete Collection of inrplosof the isv ly alia nfeteKr te Ihe Tnale tat they well-kno- OTAItr PUBLIC, et.h vatue, and when properly cooked J.T MaterhonteV. CEO. LUCAS, are ss he erapteTsd. Hpeed. toaaaee AndAceutforUkinffAcknowlcdsmentaof lnelrumcnte Isl.mil Tien, sad dssrt of is easy of digestion GEllMAN LLOYD water saaraatenl for the Island ol Oahu. Watcher or ill Mods Kcpnircd In a Satisfactory Torus, Slidls, Honolulu, & n Kvcry physician and every scientist whet W. Campbell lilock. Merchant. M.. 'ly Pricpf . at- CONTRACTOR BUILDER HIEAH rtOILEJt-H- . PartkaiM aiUaMa rt-r- Manner and at Kcasonable Island Ordera Curiositlpx, Ac. Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. la has made a study of tho physical and mental tended to with J'roraptace?, and at) work done by us Is the eaallty of la mterial sad werhnuuhla. anil BOLT. LEIE C.H. COTM. organization of man will tell liiai that no man Gnarantcod to pU batlf faction. oOfil rJSTOlanx'sos ModorAto.jfl w noes hnt tr.tlese week nrodecea. can violate auy1 of the laws of nature without i.i: vi:it!S &. coqki:, FOU TUN" A SCUtltJllLUAllI) atMB.)Ual.1ll bucceesore to Lkweks Jt Uickson, ALBERT C. SMITH, M. taking from himself something which he can QomcUit jfltodute. General lnsuranceCoinpany of Berlin. made after the meet IN LUMBER xroyvxxoor. flll.tEnT artroreit !iai never get back. This is true of tho physical, IMPORTERS & DEALERS Cou Honolulu Mean. Planing Mills, Also all Seller rraa Week eoaaeetea taemi! - of Msterls ALL KINDS OF LEGAL WHITIM-I- s earefolly done ABOVE I.thUKAXCE Carriage Manufacturers, mental and moral man. No matter what a And sll kinds Balldins oril'.t.lr.H WATKR of Boiler or aay Fort street. tul ly Honolulu. in titiicr English or Hawaiian; aisp. KAUPAKUEA PLANTATION lloiiolulii, allir, establiihed a General Agency here, and the rlt'E. aeet lion I t.ae man's religious belief may be, there arc cer- Ilsplnnarie, II. I. nndenigned, General Agents, sreanthotiaed to take made In aeltshle leajrtb. for coaneellag (OEftAef es COPYING AND TRANSLATING. filUVK )U C3HN(J IS mid tar mmIc In tain rules of morals which, if heniolatcs, he CIl-VS- . T. UIJLICK, aantltf e toenlt pnrchaserf , 1y Itlsk the Nessat Ihe Wheelwrights iheets rolleo. peached sad tacted to laipaselt and Court I.ccotd era or Mannfac'urcs all klnda of aKnlnstllieDniiaiersul pajs the penalty for, and no matter what his Laud relied for Titles to Land J 9Io4t neissonsible Itsites. null on Ihe A5n reedy lo he rlrrteit ea the (roend. JSrOTjaJEfS" 3?TJ3CsIO, data In Salts at Law. ideas ol nbrsicaUifo mav be. there aro rules Acknowleiuments to LacorContracU Mouldings, Brackets, 9Iot FMTorable Term. , Betler Worhaad Wa- Arenttoulte Order left wlth'Mr.T.G.Thram, 26 and 13 .Me- SOAP WOBKS ! IITllItAlUCUITini.XU. governing jnst as inflexible, the violation of ASD tT HAWAIIAN 903 ly FA. SC1IAEFEH A CO , General Agents les matt by iMe eslabasaaieat. rrfc& rchant Mrect, will retch e prompt attention, JD3 ly Window Frames, Tlf T wiucn unngs a penally jubt as Tho AGENT. Ilfdraoae Mwfclnty,Uret certain. GENERAL BUSINESS -: Blinds, Sashos. Doors GENERAL BLAGhSfllTUS, Bisrlrac oealllT f Vera indomitable ambition and tho wonderful will Office In Mskoc's Block, corner Queen nnd Kaakumanu PRUSSIAN NATIONAL befof far streerior ta head worh. Mreets. Honolulu "" 'T LYONS & IXVEY, And all .kinds of Woodwork Finish. of Nspoleon impelled him to labor when ho & Ship Steaaa, A COBIHISSIOR GREY QO., Hint; tlilP WOBK. aad firsia AUCTIONEERS GEN'L MERCHANTS Xiitxiiri'i.noe Oomp'iiy Xoi. 75, 77, 70 aud 81 St. - sistuu should havo slept, and he died young. An Wtaehea, Air ana rrjutse. aiaesefa-sti- e J. E. WISEMAN, ManufsctMrers and Dealers In Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing! Ol' MTETTI.T. clrceUtUe- unusually strong ctAstitution may enable a cfcEmplojrmentBnrean Beater Bloek, Queen btreet, Honolulu. ' IttfSOLVltV, II. I. mostsppresea pleas Real Estate Broker &ALES OF FURNITURE, STOCK, REAL ESTATE ALL. KINDS F (BBTAI1I,TBHX1D IDlO.j man to oat or drink toojnuch for years, but he Kent lloomt, Cottasres. llouaej, and eU and Jesses Direct Aetin ex Lnjploy-me- and properly attended ALL KINDS OF SOAPS, PCJIPrt. Pimps r.nlrrtjllioa H:y pays the penalty in a shortened life and a Heal Estsic In sll psrts of the Kincdom. General Merchandise to. J.cIeo, King Street. llonolnln. Planing and Sawing, Cnpltnl i Belchsmnrk) B,UO,000. found for those seeklnt! irork In sU the rarious Sole Agents for American and Enropedn Water Work pnrpoee. Sum with fhetelehraledDery premature old age. Arraau mav drink so business connected Kith these Islands. Decf, Mutton and Goat Tallow Vrantcd. Orders left a Morticing and Tenanting. TJNTJKUSrOXKD The above firm, bartae; Mrcaasstt frem the Bxeeater. Yelfe Mottea sopertortoaayotherimnn, branehesf & prompt HAVING lbs steek aed the weHAeewn bnainesa day and L- - B- - Bocuments Bills CollecUd, WW , 3IERCHANDISE. Bolles Co's. tucen btreet. will meet with att THE snpointnl much beer a live to be 100 without it S. Lesal dran, ant of the above Company for of the Uie M 1. KOSB, of the tor tTortHlnxtsn'S Daptex siaaasi Books snd Accounts kept, andcencralomccwork trans- tentloa. Wl It ORDEIIS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO the Hawaiian Islands is prepared to accept rlska eenststln; ttruU ho would havo lived to be 150 Oommlsslous moderate. on Merchandlss, ) t acted. I'atronarc solicited. OO.. Ami Work Mtinrniileeil. aain.l Hre llulldlns Furniture, raaM. ' The greatest living Italian sculptor is Mon-- Honolulu. II 1 ""' nircRoroMTAK ji.ntifirr.' lroduce. ?Miar 31111s, Ac on the moil farcrabls terms. Carriage Shop, 1 from solicited, wnose BANKERS, Per Orders the other Iilands PROMPTIT sDJUSTEO JMD P11A8LE HERE leverdi, studio is in Casa Story, Rome. llonolnln. May !!. 1878. OT Km laiilS M. W. McCHESNEY & SON' C.WALLER, Proprietor. II Wheelwright Shop, There is not an uninteresting piece of sculpt- HONOI.t'I.U HAWAIIAN I5LAISD3 KIEMEXSCHNElDEIt. DEALElto IS Z3a IK'ilJo At Wilder A Co . ure in the wholo big studio, not ono that can DRAW EXCHANGE OX King Klreet. llonolnln. BlacksmlthLShop, with Choicest Meats from Fine,! Herds. SPRINGFIELD not bo studied admiration. Tho "Colum- Leather, Hides, & Tallow IHE BANK OF CsUFODHIl, : - : : SU FRICISCO. Paint Shop, and i s bus in lus Youth," is a figure v cry --ASD- Sl pH sjoipafica. AKD TnEin AGE5TS IX SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER. WILDER CO., i on a wav llauolnlii. llaMallnu Islamic, Ucn Trimming Shop, Ho sitting capstan, gaz- COMMIHSIOW MBBOHAHTS evr York, far-an- AOEXTS FOIl Sheep Skins Machines .lecnM of Hi? and Gas frtl now receive ing on the sea with a thoughtful, Doston, Tanned Goat Ate prepared te erases fee wesk of suleriai MALE aay Ike abeee look, as if in his m be had an elusivo So-- OompY-r- : Hoiickons. OMIA.M) AMI FOIl la f etaltasi. HoyalXo. ttneen bu. Honolulu. H.I ly f J IrorAthencllknon Mutual LHb Insurance Gonip'y vision of that grand America which he after- t! MESSRS. N H. ROTHSCHILD I AVntmcn 1. I'rnp'r. yarbim-r- Itiett Family Carriages, wards sailod away-j- o discover. V Tnuiicri. J. l'nrker, Thce Cekbratid are the and 111' XEM TOIIIC. His long, . W. 3I.Vt:FAItI.A2i: CO.. Tttc Commerclsl Ranking Co. of SydnryvLoudon. lllltt Tniiurry, I'.N. Lyinnu. abundant wavy is crowned Sydney, lroirlesor. Phaetons, hair with a tiny IKPOKTEBS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, The Commercial Rankin; CVVI Sydney. ten ly A tr.CLEGIlOP.X A.COAcents. Largest, Safest and Most clad Rsnk of XcwZcaljnd, Auckland, aud Its cap, and he is in the Fifteenth century BEAVEU BLOCK. The illOsSt SCeononueni in Lhp Baggie, costume, shoes long, Iftauchcs In Chrfstchnrdi, Hdncdin and Wellington. ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO Genoese nith pointed Cor Fort anitHuccq Streets, : Honolulu, 11. 1. toes and knit woolen hose. is The Rank of British Columbia, Portland, Oregon. ! Exprcssci, It anadmira. aqests ron IN THE WORLD! Omnibases. ble figure. A very different faco is that of of Packets. The Asorc and Madeira Islands. Just Arrived Being Worked Automatically. Glasgow Honolulu Line The and Stockholm, Sweden. " Cash Assets, over S90,0OO,00O I Breaks, ; "Franklin Chaining the Lightning," a copy of John Hay & Co"e Liverpool and London rackita And transact s General Ranking Ronncss. 3JG ly per Dole of Abcrcom," form Llvtipool, The Walkann Plantation. They are well Introduced on these I)eais.'beiag in wlucli, appropriately noiaing a lightning-rod- ,' c For informstlon concernin? the Company, sad Trucks, The ?.peneer Plantation, IIIIo. 11Y.11A." Use st Ihe for Itates of Imursnci, spply to WlLDElt A Co . surmonta mo siuuio uuiiuing. mere is an llakalan Plantation, Hi. into.. Gen'l Agents, or KUafWagons. Mirrlces.Talt Watson, bujar Machinery. RoTal PAlace. expression of conscious victory, a triumphant Importers of General Merchandise . ONE MILE OF J E WIUEilAK. Tne ruuloa neept liancn company Hatraiian Hotel. Solleltlna; Agent. PlantationWagons, laugh on the face as uctightly grasps tho in- rnoji ' Music Hall. liOto wiro iliat causes cue to smile in sym-p&t- IfiA&ci sulated Light Portable Jtailway Kails, TllAlS-ATLA.ITI- C Hole Carta, ;Ox Carts. U IW FJiAXCE, ENGLAXD, GEllilA HY, AND And a N'nmJicr llciiilences , ai.ixs .tiitoinrv.so.ri ori'rirato FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, &c, tec tho sacred whito elephant At Robinson's Whsrf, 10 lb, per Jinl, and 31 Inch sane vlth Hand'Carts. Tho cow car for UNITED STATES, CW SATISFACTION OL'AKANTEEU. iiAnnL'Bu. ol Building in f Hade to ereer, hs the asott wetkniaa-llk- e manner at Bridgeport, Ct,, by Dcaieri in Lustbcr snd all kinds rteserve-lehsm- now being built at i. T. Xo. : Q.uecn Street, - Honolulu, U.I, Capital of the Compsny A CJHl,um short notice, aed on the meet ferorable terms anything In tho car lino Materials, Paints, Oils, Hails, &c., &c, Ac, 9$- - For circulsrs. prices. Ac applj to u their Companies WluOJUO Barnum, will eclipse AND 10 UGHT SUGAR CANE WAGONS Co long, and, like Jum- auekts or ecBooiicna HV.tIA. IIKOM., ever built. It is feet ToUI Reidumark 11T.60U.CU) BIACKSMITHING in all lis Branches, l mpreeilln? all oilier Araai Balletft Jumbo's HALEAKALA, ' O. BERGER, bo's car, H feet in the clear. is , KULAMANU : OAMB. C. WEOLESALE GROCERS, port KJrEm bole Agent lliwiUan IaUndu, BECAME SOBE construbtcd entirely for strength, the heavy KEKAULUOUI, th NORTH QERMAN iT IS ft . snd X13 Calllornla Street, S.B, This llailwar Is inluble for Animal Poncr. timbers, plank and irorusimply painted over, MUlYELLEN :16 ALSO FOU SALE FIEE INSTJBANCE COMPANY, Carrlaje lTork, EccmoralcaJ of rnel, and all attempts at adornment abandoned. PAUAHI, h A rHASOlSCO. SALAMANDER FELTING The sacred whito elephant's car; however, UILAMA. Straight 11 to of UAMnrcu. Honse lTork, JLes IJalle to BsplorTa. LEAH! X37 IarticulsrattentIonpald to filllns and shipping Steel Kails, lbs. the jard CapiUloftheCoopsnyASeserve..Rlchimark8I)A) to K , FOIi not only is being built with every attention !fc6 llonolnln. Hawaiian Islands. ly Island orders. Ij For the working of Mesers. John Fowler & Co.'s rail their R.lnsnrance Companies 33JU,rxo Ship Work, Zaalara Xxsurrpastattleai strength, but also to elegance. It is simply war and locomotlres. the nnderslgned beg lo refer to ;. S.S C1STU. J. . ATBIKTOX (Covering Steam Reldiiniarlc &J8DJJ0Q Artesian WeU Work, palatial, the pure white exterior, mirrors i;.ii. J. i). Sjprcckeli, Eq of Sprcckllfrille, where a line Is Boilers, Pipes Total COSTS thus.tSrOETIXO AiD HAMACTCfilXOrint A OOOlii:. now In Xulloperatfon. AND NOMOHl bordered wills crystals and precious stones, IJASTM. ETCM ETC Forgtn?- HEWS AQEHT, E SHIPPIKQ AND COMUISSIOH HEBCHaHTS For rurtherparUculsrs, applj la UXDItSlXCDviB7lt:n.IA(.C.'V'W Or Jlaebinerx - ralUeasrlpUooaaoprlesataa he aMahsca mar- STATIOKES, AHD TUBthe abore three eompenlee the Hawaiian KT tj heavy carvings thick with beater, gold, Fuel-PBIO- for TAPEB BULEB, ASD W. L. ORBEK. or Saves 25 percent, of Ifland.1, are prepared to laaoreBaltdlox, Faraltare, application to. bles in alto relievo, and metal work as fine as O. W. MACFAJ1LANE A Co. Ac , Merchant SU CsmnbelPs Block, & Fort bt. nesr Hotel, InCenoralMerchandise,'" ilrrchandlfeeadProdace, )Iacblnerr; alioSaar Horsersho'eing Specialty. W. ROWELf., Hanaiulv-a-n Assyrian, Kgyptun or Grecian art can Honolulu, Oshu, II. I. Dealers ni Agents for John Fowler & Co and IUce 3(iU. and tcimIi 1b the harbor, asainvt kwa a E. the So. 60 Kins Street, Honolulu, II. I. EEDUCED TO $7.50 BBL. Maadsv the eye. Then within, the en- Hawaiian Almanac snd Annusl ' or damage br fire ,on the moi t faTorabl tenni. taepmot Hktlfol aeieseatltKsliaa fashion, meet Also. Pnulisbeiof Ihe DMIy li. UACKFKLD at CO We era piej aoee bet Mechaatcs, raptured gaze is plunged upon tho wealth of snd llanllsn Directory snd Caleidar. 4c. . AOKSTS FOH THEO.H.. OAVIES t Co,, and oar lUrEIUAl, I, Al. Tli JlerchantstreetStore, Tie Fort strict StoreMllI ! WOlr ArenU. marvelous and magic coloring, enchanced by B. HaWesd, oiWslslna E trill be devoted to Gcncralicrabrace rice Statloneiy, TheIIsltur.uj;arCo. rianution. Steel Rails E1DG-- Orders froea the other Isiaaes resptetfiilry elicited. through Btainpd glass Materials. HOUSE, uiideralgTs eSfers the quivering light the swlmrrr. Blant Books. Books. Artit The Alexander Bald- - A. II. fcmlth C- o- The to golden auil Departmoyesnd Fancy t'oods. a KNOWLES' - ' vindos. There are groups of vessels News Blndin; y Plantations loa, Kauai. Soutli Kona, Hawaii. as- mo auruiu. tumnito. -- masterwork of Siamese artisans mcDts Hamal.ua PUnuUon J.M.AIexander,nalLn, niwn Sell or Xeaso and gods, tho The Hitchcock Co's Usui. 18 Lbs. per Yard, with Fastenings. STEAM AND VACDOH PUMPS UJTDiqnSIQNEIs UEOtJ TO the sacred white elephant. Flease xlve as e call before purckssls or contract. that surround C. C. STRAJEMEYER, Planutlon. inform his friends and the public la genera! that fax elsewhere together with satin-cush-- ;J Francisco. his HOUSE Is ready to receive Tapestries and rugs, The Union Insuxsnce Corapsny of San rlflltors, sala trolls, will soften the thumps of a rail Sew England Life Insnranco Company, of Boston received perMazatlan pilE HAVE Jl'ST . ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIR WORK. THE MM TmKSr PRACTICAL ?he Blake Manufacturing Co., or Boston. Just X retdred pet Amy Turner, from Boston. tail The HoUsVn situated 2 miles Inland from Eealajtekaa road ride. To the front and rear of tho car Wet tons Patent Centrifugal Machines, thece celeinited Pnmpn, which are puna Bay, at an sleratloa of about I.4UI feet and offers a O BOX SB. O EA0.tAKCJ5 Mama, BI. oa-- And for'sa'e J most channlns addttlcii to the ever pure and are bndoirs for lho Buddha Priests. These The Xcsr York snd Honolulu Packet Line. dt teed to be cheaper ludtrttrr than anj- other strle of rinr la & GLASS EMBOSSER The Merchants' Line. Honolulu and as Francises. pump Imported. We call tho attention of planters balmy air of the district, the delight of both tourist and Tot rsfticolars apply Mr rooms will equal manncsi-i-uunia- car apart- SIGN WRITER Medicines. wBlch U let CompU Invalid. Bath Houses connected with the establish- T Br. Jayner Sun's Celebrated ment, WHITMA1I & WEIGHT. $$! ments, which are Oriental. The car without Wilcox & Ulbb's, Slneer Maaufactarinr Company, and cfc cated and more aexricable than other pstspa. nespeetfullf. ,. Go. 10X1313 C BaEWHEA CO 2C4 ly H.tL J91tf) BUe, Harm. XoTA. - I - - SOT Wheeler Wlltosr Sewing Machines. 17 HaoXfeld. TSBB. Jibe gold or jewels, will cost about 62,000. sss BUB OF 0. Si HUG ST. i I HppjBmnaaaBniIW-t--'- - jv.-j--- u.. - j. ' . .Lity-- w Trn.-y- ji-- r --' ijluu.wi. iLiiiJ.uiuJi1Mj;i.r.i.im'niT'"i"J,..,!!y'1;' " III iiiniiii mimir i mi pjaaaas TV " "iiftffiiTiiiirffiBHP C"'TW. be . -- minmmmn$Hm4mmmPmPmm pwWKMtfWfcMJmirTB3MImwiBM':BWBBBIBHmmBBH1WW sfflBBWK2 " " - - iw BanavafacailnB' "JhI t .WWW'pMWBWMHi

ii i - i llll j ii Hi . i mmi M VYnrWJfeXsDMBiT .1 atmfam r.. ..' rooms were acmana use var- On selling my sugar thfe year I was obliged to recent importation of a milljon of dollars Supreme Court tho smaller in ior by gdctriistmtnf - BB 2lull)oritn ious committees of this and other societies. coulracton " New York basis" instead of " Manila &?" fry ,&, in silver coin was tho most singularly un Co. vs E. P. Anuu. year there held twelve re- basis," and agree to ship by Oceanic S. S. Co.'s jl Tin Okhstii. TEtrrnose During the have been fortunate thing which could well have The attention of Judgo Judd and a foreign jury, I gular and two special meetings and thirty-tw- o 'per- vessels and pay higher freight than I paid last COLTIT OF THE 1IA-wall- an been elected to membership. year; and the charges Honolulu for cartage, Iilaads In the Matter of the K'tate of C happened to tno country. was occupied on ICth by sons have at EST MODUS IX HT.BU5. the and lith insts, tho At the meeting in January ot this year, the etc, are also higher. Being a planter,. I am sup- AKAI ofllonnapo. Kau Hawaii an Involuntary bank It is unjust to blame planters or tho trial in tho Supreme Court, of the claim for dam- Building Committee,-hayin- completed instruc- posed to be very liberal in subscriptions for many exchange. ifotlce u hereby rl ren that s meeting of the creditors WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25. 1681. . banks for charging high raws for ages made by the plaintiff against defendant, viz. tion is regard to ,the finishing of tho building, objects, good or indifferent, for which money Is who harojproveit debts the above named estate pay made their final report, showing in total numbers: required, to say azilnat To WILLIAM C PARKK.ZoV.r.s-r.i- L Bishop i. Co, (as Planter says) now Plaintiff claims of defendant $2,700 as follows. nothing of doctor's bills, taxes, to the anounref JlMI ye more will be held at the office dom. of hi Depnty t receipts, '21,O06.43; disbursements, $20,8023. school hills, etc, for Fortngaese laborers and Conrt, Uiirnnt HAnxn sliould alwnys follow chap- nvo per cent exenange, uiey txu excess ot etc, nfthe clerk of theSnpreme la AIHlotanl Hale Ton are nereoy commanaea io nmmri vwirf II lor wnicu For cosh drawn by defendant in leaving a balance of $2GoJ7, which was turned families, if I do noUose anything mora than my Honolulu.on WEU.tE.SDAT the TTtS day of Mar A D WISEMAN. Defendant In .A.SrVtrl5hlA netting them, 18S!, as plaintiff's ngent ... BOO ta ih ter L Dnring 1883 we havo had chapter at six, or six and a fraction, hisalary in $ wtatbe general fund. These receipts were mater- own hard work thiajrear, I shall be satisfied . 1SSI. from 9 o clock a. m for the onrpoee of electing answer within twenty day after hertef ToS For cash drawn in 1SS3 in excess of salary . 1,000 Assignees of said bankrupt's -l- at'- pursuant to tho emita Ills Jfsjcsty the King h been plea.rd to appoint wo snonlti say no profit at all. Planters ially increased by the proceeds of a fair held in riiaTxa. and appear before the Mid SBpreme Conn at lit Jr I of tho Jnli'i oipodition, and 188i eevn For commissions charged by defendant for room by the ladies, to whose efforts and labors statute r ary Term thereof, to be holden at the Conrt Roeas tjt n of they this 1 of Honorable John A Cnmmlne. Kntcbt havo got to pay for tho imports which selling plaintiff's stock . . . 1,000 Dated nonolulu, April in A l",l"SI Conrt Hoaie. Itonololn, la the I land of the second chapter ontbeforo our we wcro indebted for the sum of about $750. Tho Library Fair. SMITH. 0ht,ea the Royal Order of KalaVaua playd use. They aro as a rule largely in debt to JIEN day , the Tib day of January next, at JO oNt4er arwm..in. Our committees have been at work, and wo trust lOUSSt Deputy Supreme ff.onrt. chiTa Jlarch IT, 18SI eyes, with a xrossiblo chapter which agents as a matter Total accomplished good, ( C m di mlcact). Her. to show cause trby ts qf Joteph E. WXremaa lB HI their agents, and their f2) havo but we feel more and Plaintiff honM aot be awarded htm pnrraaattau 111 pleased to appoint m evidence that Mr. Adams acted more the need of a general secretary, who can give The fixed be f Majety the King ha been will !o very unpleasant, both for the of course place such prices on tho exchange It appeared time far the fair to held for the SUPREMK-COUU- T Ol THE tenor of hi annexed petition. Pf Ueorge Trousseau, Knlgltl Companion tf tbr Itojal they think tho country will stand with- as the Honolulu agent for tho Oriental Telephone his whole time to the work. There is absolute need benefit of the Honolulu Library and Heading la .Probate In the dUttrr of And hare yon then there thl Writ wilh fall retsrn and the leaders of tho expedition. as Co., Limited, of Loudon, under an agreed yearly jTorafinndirecting hand, and for that thought and the Estate of J KAACA. late or Tit. MUttwiti.Marri, of yottr proceedings thereon Order of Kamehemeha I. "financial cannot lloom Association, is rapidly approaching, Mr 'ThtJ '"Special Commissioner to several out a panic. Exchange salary or 500; that the Oriental Co. owned a Ixrgc attention which cannot be given by me, taken up and it drcrajipd, lottZtate .At Chamber before Justice t jio:. a. e .!.- - wa flUis, March 17. I"M I lolanl ralace, IB twenty-fiv- o Bell Telephone-Co.- , is hoped that the MrCallj. f Seal of the Chief Jaatlce of Onr Hapreme Conrt of the, Polynesian Chieftains and States," go up to the twenty to per cent, amount of stock in the Hawaiian with profcfsional or mercantile duties. Our build- all friends of this Institution VS duties of Mr. Adams ns" not been welcome On trading and flllojr the petition atitl aeevanta of ) Snpreme Conrtf thtf Uh day. of December. A. D.ISK. . F Hossnax ha" been appointed Collector of represents about the loss which and that the chief ing has as attractive, or the to wilt give it their hearty support. It has been re- UhUlojT. of (Signed) is rctnrninjr a very bcdrnbbled crcatnTo which protect tho oa adrainlrtrattr of the etfate J Wtuxxx Foem. Clerk for toe Collector District r Hsllutu and agent were to the interests of Oriental strangers as hearty if we had such a person. peatedly said that as the Library has been created Kaana, late of 1'ala. Makawao. 31 aa., dreai"nd. Customs indeed. A drunken dobnnch at Lpvnln, must bo met whenever Hawaiian dollars during 1882 fMnce we Port of Jvahulul, Vaul, vice Mr tiro K Itoanlmsn, re- Co, as regarded this stock; that and July have been in communication with to meet n publio want and it is open to all classes, to be allowed tJBi.W asdrbaniea Jilmaelf Hrln; made dJHzent (earth for the within mentte-a-e- l timed W F ALLEN. nn uncnvinlile record, which may some doy aro sent to tho Coast, without aJinancial subsequently dissensions aroso m tho Hawaiian San rroncisco and New York in reinrd to secur the promoters of tho fair have made it a point to with $l,C",.rn.and aiki that the MBit may be examined Emelta Wltttnan and the cannot be fooad In Collector-tlenera- l Adams appro-red- of ' of Customs. be disclosed, at uncivilized Islands is what crash which would carry before it a largo lieU Telephone Co., between Mr. angaut ing one, nnd have now what we considergood pro- all persons and all classes of this community, and and and that float erder mj be made this Klncdon I hereby retam the wantons not sen-ed- Aprnnrti. J. M Karris Minister of Finance enterprises of of the London company, and tho Honolulu stock- spects of having one with us soon. they still expect that evcrr one who cares for rood dWtribation of the property rrmalnlns In bin bands v VF C. PABKX. CellettorGilieTll once. Honolulu, April 1st, Iff. can 1x3 Fot to the credit of Hawaii in the proportion of the bnsiness holders, culminating in lSS3in the withdrawal of Captain Bray left for the United States he was to the thereto entitled, and htm .Marsh! iion 4ii country. bo true, ns is credibly books and good reading will help loTmakc a suc- and his anretiefl from ail farther rrponlblHty as aath Ilonolalo, Dec 2Mb, 1381, Southern Seas. A pretty result for a very tho If it a number of the Honolulu stockholders and the instructed to ascertain conditions and privileges cess of it. Gifts of all nature for this fair are administrator expensive expedition. reported, that tho government has already formation bv tnem ol an oncnsttioncompanv:inat of membership Id the International Association now solicited, and the promoters of the fair here- It la ordered, that WEDNESDAY, the Slit darVar. tlVWUIAX WLANDS, i xotice. begun the exportation of United States Mr. Adams claimed that he performed seruces for and report to us. This bo did and we are now re- by make an earnest appeal to the public general- A 1) ISM. at 10 o'c!ak A. 31 . before Ihe fild Island of Oah, -' roREion orncE Comnany, their Interests In the i onrt IIoQte hereby certify Fent debts abroad, tho Oriental in protecting gularly connected with that body, ly that not only thoso who have kindly promised Jasllce, at Chamber. at f that the foresolntr Is a trw raw of A commcmcatiov frag recently to us gold coin tb pay for its own In iKa mntrats with the Honolulu stockhohle.nt. ' It is the experience of older societies that to to Honolulu, beandtJie turne hrrcbr In appointed at the the Sommon In the salt of J K. Iseraan SmeHa prepare articles bnt those whom the committee time and place and account-- Wiseman, t. For the admission nf Chinese Immigrant laborers Into from Talned correspondent, calling at- no time can bo lost Thofirstmcasnrowhich which entitled him to a greater compensation thanl make an association of this kind successful, it havo (ailed to meet, will early forbearlnc for aDtrorce.and of the Manual' man under the a as as convenient and that all personi Intercpted mar then and there ap- thereon" and thst the Mnpreae Conrt, oa the JSt day the Hawaiian Klnrdom, made and published tho Legislature ought to enact, should bo his annual salary of $500, and m vssi drew a draft must make a spccialtv of that which its namo before tho end of this send in dona- pear and any a of Ills Majesty In Cabinet Mr. 's 1500 sir month, their chow canae. If ther hare why the name of April ordered tho conUnaed the huthoritvof Resolution tention to the fact that since on the Oriental Company for as his salary nifies, the helping of joung men. This is being to Mrs. not be In D. passed on the thirteenth dsy of July.l'Wi. to relievo tho national currency. tions J. McGrew, Hotel street. thoold granted and that thl order Jaly Term, A. IWt, oflhe Sepreftie Conrt, and Council for 1882, which tho Company paid under prptcstas felt with ns and during the year the Chinese work, any the Ensll-s- and Hawaiian laoana-jc- , be pnblbhed In publication be made as prescribed by ... i Ma if., will be crrantcd to appointment as Attomey.Gcneral, of must thaCtho Articles of kind suited for the fancy table that the statet t .. nrml,lm, All men sense see now to the excess over $500, but they now allow him $500 which hod been conducted by this society has pas- nnd also gifts books, the Hawaiian UAurrrc and Kbo H WTTXXSd whrrof, t hare hefraata set vessels arrMngat the port of Honolulu to of and music for the Library and poblUhed In Ilonolotn, T Mllmol - the department has continued io engago sending away of gold coin cannot be pre- for the year in addition to his salary; that in 1883, sed by general consent into the hands of the will be most received. for three occM!ie week scAt hand and the Sent of Uw 9mpmam Conrt at land Chinese Immigrant laborers, not exceeding twen- thonkfallv preTIon the time therein appointed paid hearing ue Mr. Adams acting under instructions from tho Hawaiian Hoard. to for Honolnln. thl 13th day of Aprlf, A. D 14. trfiTe In all from any one vessel, tnat nnniDer to in the services prosecuting counsel "Wo vented by filling tho country with silver The Organizing committee alio take this occa- Dated llonololo, I! I April A D. ISM or any Chinese of Oriental Co.. tried to sell their stock, ondinKo-vemb- With a building free from debt, and a person in at ,thla latilv WILLIAM rtTER, addition to. and exclusive passengers coin. is tho silver currency which un- sion of acknowledging the gifts and encourage- LAUltE.NCE ItwB tt Clerk Saprsrae Conrt. 1 &hornay bold pas.ports at provided f.ir In declined to take oxecption to this course, It of that year received a cablegram from the tho capacity of General Secretary to superintend ment received from generous friends on the other Attest 4oatice of Snprtme Cnnrt. s. avoidably compels, not only Chinese, but Company to sell the stock for JG000, London Itank affairs, we feel that with tho confidence and sup- II Deputy !.o because we tho opinion that tho gov- Islands. OCT Sxrru. Clerk. 13i sTAnrs No 5, enabling their bolder to enter the hao that Mr. Adams accordingly sold the stock port ot this community wo shall during com- tbo-fai- all others, includingthogovcrnmcntitself, draft; the The precise day opening of r and the pro- THE SUPr.KMB porta oflhe Kingdom mar be from the Foreign to Mr. James Campbell for iaxjO, or $,000, and ing year make this Association one of power in grammes Mortgagee's Xotice otToreclosuro & Sale. IX COURT OF III Maertjr aConrnl-Oenera- l ernment ought to havo tho services of a to export what little gold there is. The of the Entertainments which will take of J. the UawatUn Rtnedosa. oaee, flooolulu orbj deducted from that amount his commissions for Christian work, and a necessity to this city. KALAKAUA. By of Uert. ftt silver-coi- inpay- filaco on this occasion will be subsequently tho Orate of lh rUwatlaa floncion" permanent law adviser, whoso office next step.viz: exporting the sale, expenses, and charges ior extra services F. J. Lowsxt, JXACCOKDACK VITIt A POAV- - lalands, Ecvo- - J TofiiyChlne-erroldent- P Inlhla Kingdom who may shall not depend on tho political changes ment of debts, means Itucil during 18S3, amounting to $2,823,20, and remitted ltecording Secretary. JL rr of Sale contained ia a certain mortraire made by To WILLIAM C FARKE. EaoViritlalofthaKlar-dora- . UeHre lO llPIl any lorricn inmirji biiu ictum Oriental Co. the balance, $17,17680; that the That invalid wife, mother, sister or chil 1 con be K.Z Alapai toChasT Oallck, Tnutee of Co! Una es- or bis Deputy 4.!nsrrut.r 5r "Wo donbt tho possibility of doing tho to the TRcjiacBca'a or NoYfmb-rr- . therefrora. wtnen allect the uauinet, leaving tuo At Company claimed that Mr. Adams was not entitled BtronT. made tho picture of health with. Hop Bitters. Ob- tate, dated the 18th day 13ft), recorded In Too arohereby commanded to summomAICt' II UKA.B. rclatlree, andtotbc bnsiness of tho country on circulating Balance en hand from llbcr 63, pae JS7 notice la hereby siren that taht LL1UTT Defendant, la case h shall wrttte an- l ! Tolhenlre orotber torney-l-cner- to more exclusively a to commissions on the sale of stock, as the transac- ast.aantu! rcport...... $ 5.tJ serve advertisement. tie i Tillte-- e now reftldlng In the Klncdcm, attend Amount received from dues 1G2.U) mortae Intend- to foreclose ald mortgage, for con- swer within twenty days anersenleahevror, to bound ) children of medium of $400,000 gold coin. All tho was effected between Company's or who mar be abool to emigrate to this country to the general interests of his dcpjirtmcnt. tion the agent at Amount received from pledrea and anbecrlp- - When worrf down and ready to take your bed, dition broken, and npon raid foreclonre will tell at appear before the Supreme Conrt at the JaR3a?y Tetwi under the prorlelona of Herniation o 1. silver coin in tho country must be redeem San Francisco, and Godfrey Brown, acting as tho tlon 31800 Hop Bitters tsj what yon need to relieve you. See bile auction at the ealefrootn of E P Adam In thereof, to be holden St the Court Room of the Cosnt If such an offico shall bo created, tho 1381, of One Itollar ahall tie charceil for each agent of James Campbell. Amount received from ectenainmenta 51L25 advertisement elsewhere. lonolnlo, on FRIDAY the th day of April at noue. Honolulu, in ine islaaa or (Mho. em Monday, I fee able at tho treasury in United States gold clo-e- o l leeued in pornance of the forrotnc regn law ought to preclude its incumbent from After tho evidence was Mr. Dole ad- Amount racetved from rent of hall.... . 197J0 li clock noon of caidday, thj premises described In the seventh day of January next, at 19 oloek a. m . Katporl up to a fixed date, when by law gold coin followed Mr. Amount rrccired from monthly collectlona fl IS Hid mortace ai below speclfleu to show cause why the claim of X1POLA w engaging any government "practice dressed the jury for defendant, by d in bnt Amount received from Bethel o.a.13 -- Farther particular can ofV R. At- Plaintiff, should not be awarded her pursuant 4 regulating Chi should tho only legal above five Uartwell for plamtiff, and the Court charged the collectlona gytiial Jofitcs. to the No. Mlordera and Inelroctlone During the present term of the Supreme bo tender, Amount rexelrcd from contribution box.. 7JU) torn t Law CI IAS. T. OLUtk, Mortgagee, tenor of her annexed petition. ne Immigration iothU eonnlry, beretofctre iMoed jury in substance as followsf SS3J17 Premise to be told are acres good land Court, Attorney-Genera- l all dollars. Tho new law should be so drawn Amount received from building committee..... at And have yon then then thl writ, with fall return from tblP tfflre, are herrlir ranrefled the has left Gentle Hinaf lite Jury One of tho difficulties Is 21 in II I, N Koliala Hawaii, being the came premUe your proreedlnjrs thereow. ' JI. as to preclude tho opportunity of import- Amonnt received from . B.Thorasa, balance nf Attention called to tho property which Is ta be of Hb WArtEB tillllON. tho criminal prosecutions to be conducted incident to a jury trial is that intricate question? Ida subscription to building fond 30 00 described In ICoyal PlUent So. 793, to Alapal lull St wrciiss, iion. a. jcdd. chief Mlalre sold la Central Kona. llanali, on the nuncis Mlnlaterof roreljn government, ing moro silver, for redemption in gold. of law are presented, upon which the Court is ISth lust: The (Seal) of our Supremo Conrt, this Hth jut.day of rorelgnOfllce Honolulu, March Hn bv counsel encaced by tho !Iou-- e Lot aDoQluIs'with great variety & &ll "V o beliovo that there aro now in circula bound to express on opinion without preparation. Total Iiccclpts .Si:K7.?l a of Bananas Mortgagee's Notice of Foreclosure of Sale. October, V.D. lata. ho himself licing so engrossed with other and fruit trees; the House Is and farm. Deputy let k. 400,000 Of treasury But if tho Court is wrong, exceptions may be taken. DtssrnsEwE'tva. larze one room is TXACCOIWANCE'WITIIA ?OV-- Ilairr t QOVXRKMENT LOAN! duties ns to bo nnablo to attend to public tion about certifi an sale and tuo uourt is always giaa oi opportunity to muunt nula secretary 6.1(1 CO nttedBP Jjfth shelter, t'otintrrj. Ac, and everything X erof contained in a certaiat mortgage made by nudodlll-entsenr- th cates of silver deposits. would be well and Janitor...... $ Jose 1 Itavlns for the wtthtn mentioned IlErAItTMl NT OF MNAM'E. cases in Court. It have its opinions reviewed. Amount nald Y. M. A. oayre of Friend necessary for keeptn; a store; there Is an abundance Dana to aetlr and Hatch, dated the 18th day tt trthurA B Elllott.1 return the within summons 1NU C March, 1T7, recorded In Liber 3 page-KJ- l Notice is aot llooi.tlx. Aug ath. ii the treasury could receive on deposit nil In n civil cose, the jury are bound to take the Amount paid for membership In the Interna 0 water on the premises, the cistern baring cost served as he Is aoe Us be found In thaXInednm. Votlce la hereby glren that application for any law, fhey V to hereby given that said mortgage intend to foreclose (Slewed) W the silver coin, (not including any that instruction!! uf the Court as to the are tlonal Y i! A suo build about . place Is said mortgage C PUJKi. Marshal portion of the NKtf l,U:HNMf.NT LOAN up to Akii tho seven )ears of plcnteousness, that was judges of the facts. What a contract mc.ins", the Amount paid sundry accounts, aa pr vouchers.. ca.it The aboot 'i of a mile from for condition broken, and npon said Honoluln. Soy SM. 1381. MIBViDOB will now be rerelred at the Trraeury. the in the land of Egypt, vere ended nnd the seven from this date may be imported the B. l'aris.Mid is altogether forrclosnre will sell at nubile auction at the sale facts being undisputed, is n question of law. Here J. moms of E P Ailuns In lUmoJnlo.on MONDY, the rate of intereat It Hied at ttl) Mr per cent per annum years of dearth began to come." 13S1.11 a , lUWAIUX ISLASD1. into tho which could con- to construe the contract. desirable a residence, or s place of business. Lot -- orAprir.l-wt- MM -. payable and the llonda are exempt from country.) the Court is bound Balance to new account.. . U1.S0 t Nth dsj at 1: taH of day. the premt Island I. Hawaii has been enjoying of The agency was assumed by Adams without any 0. jaimotndjo!nsthohouelot,ana Is tea urnnucu in ram laongagctas . Uu. n- nil borerntnent Tale wbaleoefer her years veniently bo sent in by the first of July tlftibersnd . I hereby certify that tho forejrot- . tm towy of express understanding as to compensation. The crazing land, lurinrr particulars can be nan nt w it. cat-tie- At tho summons In JNO 187G, now 1884 next, issuing therefor its usual certificates it surrounded torney at Law the salt of Klpola (w ) vs. Arthur A TA Minister of plenty since and in it looks legal result of all the correspondence put evi- by about 1 miles ft. Elliott, for a Divorce, and of return not in of stone wall Lou 3 and 3 adjoin W II 1 VSTLE i M HATCH, the SirshaTs of deposit Holders of sih er coin wonld case that Adams agreed -- ixo thereon and that tho Supremo Court, or the ah,day tery much as if the years of dearth were dence in the is this that Cuxx-enc- each other, and contain about 0) acres of good eras Mnrtgagees delay to tho treasury, salary regular services be of April, A D ordered tho case continvctt fas taw iiccmes in sending their silver his annual lor snooia land, and are PrrmicH fo be so'd are in AnwafoMmo Hooololu. July A. D.l!. Expiring in April, 1384. beginning to set Unfortunately Ha $.100, was left open compensation about '4 of mile from the Ensllshlhnrch. Term. last, of the Suprrmu Court, and that in. if they know that tho time for obtaining but it what his Editou Gizrrxx:--A- s requested, I send yon the , and consli of nearly one acre of good land, fenced and publication be made ot said summons aa prescribed by There arc s Churche,2 Hotel-- and a Doctor the non-- e merron , S ittrrt.i.-ooi- . wati has not, as a nation, prepared herself should bo for extra and unusual services. Adams following lu navinr a ine prrmi- are suuaoic tor, tho Statute i therefor certificates redeemable in gold, articlo for publication, not because it I very says, in one letter, that he is wiUing to accept 100 near vicinity, and the aociety good. The climate of and will make a pleat ant homestead or one fit for wrrtias wtwreof I hav. hereunto set say band M McIncrnT. rorrart&MmhfcntMrrrtfl. iiomiiuin for tho dearth, she has not stocked was to be limited to tho end of June. All of July IS, lbS3, where contains any original ideas, but with the hope that Kona Is an that Can be dpulrrd no tmitawtrinsvac a chicken or hog farm bar lug j eotd dry climate. It Co, uminn Mrrrl. her per annum. In the letter ren sea isbalj miu oeai oi ino suprem. 4,ovrx as iiouo Wine ttoTal Adams "a change must be made our agree- to some which tie breeze bj day. and a cool mountain breeze lain, this I Jth day of April. A. D. 1 lwik Moim.MnWlrrft grameries as Joseph Egypt- such certificates, issued up to that date, says in it may lead action on a subject bynlsbt. 11. did for tho ment," this means n change'in the agreement for itto 2t IsOitmlurr GonuniWonerN- WILLIAM. 1 l lUleM llMMla hw.UaiM.kti should bo declared to bo redeemable at people do not like to write about, though they have Notice 10QR fit C&jit Karl otit no Opin, l'ni XWUffi and thti1. enabled to tido $500 per annum for regular services. Meanwhile Clerh Supreme ians, them over ROOMS Neat and cosily IIAV-lngbe- cn 1 piesent-atio- n much to say on views any one man can FURNISHED Far APPLICATION UK Klilrr A Co tort tr"t llf.Dololn par in United States gold coin, on he had drawn on the Company for $1500. The it. The of noom-- , tho o she has sub- niched can be had by an early appllcitlon at nudt to the nadersigii-Hl- by LEW stair) t, Chonj: or Haiti .Vuun trrHc, da, fairly wasted her treasury, Minister of Company say they accept the draft as to $300 for have little weight only as they help to disclose the J - : at tho and tho IW2) KAI M V. for the eitlftumt of the boondarle of ILI t- Tin-- AVAllianiA. .uuil. Iluniulinma, UsiLlkl salary, but leave the question of farther compen- . 0.4 0AUDEX LINE. suntEME conrr S.i F Tt stance nnd seems apparently bent on wast Financo should bo required by law to ex- weak or strong points of tho subject discussed, KAIU and KAM IXI, lands In Lahalna. Maul A.I JL the Hawaiian Klncdom. of T KntT Ntnni.nitr open for future settlement: later they say owners ot adjoining lands and persons Ahlnn. aunn utrrrt. port tho silver coin deposits and replace sation and to turn tho current of public thought into one A CARD. ail interested KALAKAUA. by the Urate of Unjl, of the Hawaiian 3. oo Kim, nnnn rtrrri. ing it bhll more. Instead of being financial that they will leave the question to be settledafter In the settlement said boundaries thatoti THCItS 1IHDU1, c'rystalizing, D VY, the --Nth W m , Tim ly bound, we find them with United States gold coin at tho the equity suit herojs conclndcd. channel, as it were, the floating germs Fcby. J5ih, l&JI. da of prll. l&l. at o clock a in ToWILUAMC PAIUCE.Eso. Marshal of the King- tnon,r Kinsv uiutinircrl. ourselua after a season Huxnurtc, the Court House In Lahalna, Is the 4 Ifw Mnc. Alia. My conclusion that the Com p,iny did agree to pay ana combining lucm into a compact mass tnat time and place for dom, or his DepntytUaaEnaa of unprecedented prosperity senouslv em- expenso of tho public treasury This would is H.llACKrruiafc CoHoxotCLu, hearing said application L h J olie, Kott trrrt. Adams for services that were extra. The account carries with it the force and conviction which AIIOLO Ton are hrbr commanded to Summon LOC13V cost not wo 300,000; Deah be; Commissioner of Doandarle for the ) GRACE 11 HOW X Akrons A n UrrUiiil(t.flrrei barrassed, heavily in debt. That is, wo less, should say,than costs equity sent here by the Com- truth always possesses. iiw:I hereby to tender my sincere in u Defendant. In case she stuH file K rr of in the suit, " UUndiofMaal Mnlokal A Lanal i written answer within twenty day IHUllichatn A in. frx f.rr. not only got.lhrough all tho cash but it would cure tho evil Tho first loss pany, also confirms this. When this account was When tho currency of tho United States became thanks for the Immediate liberal settlement of the toss after hereef 1'hooz TonnpClionff nqaiiu i.rrrl hae I snatalocd thron-z- the distraction by Are of my place to be and appear before the npremo Conrt at the April ft tho easiest to presented for allowance, I felt was not proper to depreciated daring the civil war, and the people, thereof, Chat iltwnirr, enr mt KInjpirrtt, , that has come into tho Treasury, but wo is tho best to make and it of bnslnes In KohaU dnrln the njshtof the 13th Inst Term to be holden at the Conrt Room ef the 7 JnhnrU, Kliamanntrwl,i allow the claim, so far as expenses incurred by the after submitting to a long contwuanco of high I coDflder It my doty to recommend Sljipping. Court Honse. Honolnln. In the Island of Uah't. oa T ha o drawn bills upon our future prospects bear the Imnranee Monday, J Wlk, Kliiclrrr! Company, outside of our jurisdiction wero con- prices and losses from premiums on cold, sought Company for which you are the Agents to all partle the 7th day of tptll, next, at to o'clock a. m l is tho Honolulu sugar to show came why the claim of ROBERT lm tlnon fin, Ilrrrtmu itrrrt. and thoso prospects oro by no means ery It xossible that cerned. My view is, that 3 on cannot consider that to restore it to a par value, the first step taken was de Irons of protecting their property byjnsarance BROWN i PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COHPAllY nt 9 Kmi flnr, Nonnu Ptrtel, agents would think such a measure charge 200 in that account for services to provide a gold reserve in the treasury equal to I am. Dear Mrs, lEespcctruIIy Ttonrs, Plalntlffshouldsot be awarded htm to tlv 9. If Talama, bright: jet tho bills will fall due and wo that the of of his petition. Wons Ttrr. Mr. conclusivo Company, nny demand that might be made. The time was VJiZm (blgned.) UfcO S YNDEIIM X tenorof anneied J H IlffZ't. Brthfl Htvrt bhail ha o to pay is unwise, and that their views may bo Adams is against the but nd have yon then there this Writ with full reram of it is in evidence to show that they did regard sef or the resumption of a gold standard, and on proceeding thereon. I Ahahnl , Tho wholo affected by tho fact that this wonld neces- 1 For San Francisco. yar , Kao t'Iai.il-a- of the population of theso Adams services as worthsomethingextia: andlhis that day there were in tho national treasury over BANKING NOTICE rrti,Ilo-- A. riLlXCIS JCDD, thkf Jit Ike I!. A 1lTbt.linfin irrrl iblands depend upon tho sugar industry, sarily tako out of their hands tho profit on is also shown by the fact that they did allow Adams one hundred million dollars in gold, bat before the The nndcrslgncd have formed a THE HI'I.KMlin PtTlUMIHIP (Seal) pf our Supreme Court, at nonoTuta. thl It Ah nine. Kallhl, wo some of tho $500 extra for 1882. day arrived, so great was tno confidence of the under.thQ firm name pf &L for 15th day of March, a. D VL , IS A let that industry buffer and cory person exchango; but know that Sprockets Co., (Signed) Kraft, Mrthatit tttrrt 1 charge you that yon cannot giro Adams a lump public in the ability of the government to meet the purpose of carrying on a General Banking Haaar 8atru. Deputy Llerk ! H, TwtW"C Manna kra flrrrt in tho group will feel the pinch agents aro far sighted, or public spirited and Ex The sum of $1500, as salary, for that wasnotthcigrce-men- t: any crisis which might arise, that tho premium change Datlnea at Honolulu and such other places in 1 C Hoy. ounu tifffl enough to leave item present emol llailng made a diligent earth for the within, mea an Kwoi. Man Co great staple is now suffering a severe de- that of but you must consider what the extra ser on gold quietly disappeared, and paper money and the Hawaiian kingdom as may bo deemed adritiable Honed Louisa Grace Tii!. t iinantt lrcrl (blgned) . CLVUS Brown and she sot to be foaad ia tt. Mnt flop Mnet lloif I Mreri, pression, whether tho price of sugar will ument out of their consideration A seri- vices wore reasonably worth. Hall's testimony on silver bectmo of the somo value as gold. Tho na SPKLCKLLS. the Kingdom, and I do hereby return this summons LamJt I'o. Nmunv " currency redeemed grasp WM. II. IUWIN, Ami llic "iptruillil .Iten'iii.tiln and petition Si I hrn Tine what is ous responsibility rests upon thoso gentle- this point is not exactly relevant, as the circum- tioual had been from the y LOW. annexed without making any service. 3A. I Itanc, Wilib. Kna, eer ngain be it has been cry were not fully brought to You of speculators, and without a struggle was placed r (Signed) W. C PARSE, Marsha) hint men, Commerce, stances his notice. Honolulu, January 1 lib, 1881. riBr. AUktaalrftt, problematical. Tho European beet crop unon tho Chamber of and have heard tho difficulties Mr. Adamn experienced on a solid gold basis, though speculators and Honolnln. Monti 17th, t&U. W LftTal, WaIpto.Ea. upon & AUSTEALIAUlll-v- r. lOMMA.-JIIE- K will in all probability bo good: the acreage tho old and tried bank of Bishop as agent. He was doing his duty and defending croakers Dame and financial rain. Kef erring to the above we beg to Inform thVbasfness HAWVIIAX nr.rAii i. LEAVE HONOLULU FOR ISLANDS, I. . under beet and sorghum cultivation tho uo , to throw their personal mlluenco in the interests of his principals. Hubbard should Thisbit of recent history should not be lost public that wc are prepared to make Loans, Discount WILL SAN FRANCISCO Island of Oaha, 1 ii in f Tllllnbr!.. Kahnln. more properly have been the object of tho odium bight of now when our currency is becoming every Approrcd iotes and Parcha-y- Exchange at the best I hereby certify thn foregolnc Is a true copy 1 United fat or of a thorough and immediato cur On or about Monday May that of Ali. namaVoili States is greatly increasing, tho of tho Honolulu stockholders, rather than Adams. week moro deranged. A few timid men predict an Current Idles. Our arrangements for Selling Ex 12 the Summousln the suit of Robert Brown vs Lawsa HI1 1'.rkfj. Tata, MakiMan tiino may coino when tho United States rency reform In view of tho common I do not refer to the ordinary work of an agent, impending crisis, whilo most people feel that some change on the principal poluts in the United States, FOR SYDNEY VIA Grace Brown for a Divorce, aad ot the Marshal retam 9 ioontTohe, Mokannl, liana Europe, China, Japan, and .Australia are,belng made AUCKLAND! thereon and the Supreme t- will havo danger, all who desiro to arrest its conse- such as admingas to dividends, expenditures, etc., effort should be made to restore a gold basis, of that Conrt, on the Klh day M lss Mi- Kr. Kaliulnt a surplus of sugar, and instead and when perfected due notice will be given. We of April, A D.lSg-- ordered case Kalinin! this conclusively settled by the agreement which we have in reality been deprived for several - the continued to the HfffSlnKpf of importing, export. All this means that quences will bo united for is Shall ateo be prepared to receive Deposits on open ac- nn: vt'i.KNinn HrtAnsim- JctpTerra, A D. lSJI. of the Hopsrme Court, and that 14 John ttrnnwalil, RlpAhulu for a salary of $500: the question is as to tho other years, if we data this period from the timo when count, make Collection-- and con d net a General Bank publication be made of said summon as , tho btalT wo prescribed by U liana upon which hao leaned is work, lou cannot gauge tho value of the extra silver certihcatea and the currency law of 1876 ing and Exchange Bus I nee- -. SPJtEChELa CO 17 Rum, Latiitiia Cfaanc wearing out. As was said in theso columns services by the fees that would be paid to an at- combined to drive away our American gold coin. (0W) OF 1 whereof I have hereunto set my bandon-- 53 R (am Lay Makarao Tut present Minister for Foreign Kcla CITY SYDNEY!. wrrius Pal. week, torney for services. It is difficult to settle tho v.iluo The fact that it costs merchants now at least m:uiiuiix. Kijirj-t-viiLiE- (ir.iL the seal af the Supreme Court at f itirrAiio-itAU- last we hao put nil our eggs into tions dubbed himself on every occasion, of the services, in the absence of direct testimony five per cent more to settle their bills for goods this day of April. A D. mi. I Nahlnn, IIoolrnR, s Kona but one basket and they stand an excel imported year ago, may N"tu JliiDcrtisfmcuts. On or about Hay 17th, 1884, WILLIAM VOSTKR. t n as to what snch services are worth. than it did a and that it W6-B- 1 Premier of tho Kingdom, when ho canio - Clerk Supreme 1 Akal Ilnnuapn Kan lent chance of being broken altogether As regards commissions, it is for you to say, if cost them ten per cent before the close of this voar, vor and apply to Caart. 7 Aw ana. aukan lltlo The attention of our inhabitants into power a couplo of ago Tho the saIo which was effected of 505 sharos, tho whole should open our eyes to the gravity of the situa SMIlc II II ttKIKLDALO , Aleuts. tttMars 10 Hal Uplopioo ho llooktra llwokrna, h hmia then jears ! ('omli 17 N Knhitla bo 01 piainuu s BtocK, is covered oy me agency, it tion, ino present conaiuonoi tmngsconnotiong fur Shipment enu now I.Ahln. sliould turned to new industries Wo was as FOR SALE Flre-pro- ot matter regarded merely tho silly agency extended to salo these conttnuo without this the consumer bo Stored, free ol the suriuatK coirnT v 30 V.m llookaanal hnkailiaetr, HamaVu-- i the the of shares, resultthat lliothnrcr.ln X the llawalfhnthe SI Ababa! halfpao llrtanl K.htlnn, sliould study tho question of Jlnme thor- Adams 13 not entiUcd io commission. If tho sale every man, be he rich or poor, mast bear his pro- Ytnrchouso iienr Hteniner Vtlinrr, KALAK.VUA. U,mI . arrogance of a tain man and for long Agents are br the Urac. of of tu. tl.i-.- A fTnl K Kal Ilananairatia. hawatltar oughly, in this might possibly bo our of the stock was fairly within the scope of his portion of the harden, according to what he con- WeU-Know- n . Tht hire now prepared to Islands, Kno 5 Dhan Ian hrt, hattainnl Illlo bafety "VtV should encourago small far ho was known to tho Honolulu public as agency, Adams cannot recover, oven althodgh tho sumes. Virtually it will be n tax of five per cent The and Issue Tkhels to ban Frataclsco anil Ucliirn, ToWILLLVMC rBKK.KC! Marshal of the KIm KU l. took tho matter out of tho agent's hands: or more on all the poof le, a tax which were im dom, or his Itl.lAll. mere; we should tho Primate, tho allusion being to his for principal it 10U 8125 THE ItOUM) hereby 11 Ore Hop, Kralla encourago uno planting, was outsido scope theacent'sdu-ties- , posed by mo xicgiaiatnre, would a Tilll. too are commanded to Summon AL1NA but if it of the of result in popular Defendant. In case h SOnClinn-JLt'- o HaiiaM there are many jmUi's by which tho indus position tho Mormon Church Of and there was a special intrusting of this new annsinc throughout the Kingdom, snch as has Old Established (fake) shall Unwritten answer iner in within twenty day. after service hereof to b and ap- 54 Jan 31 ibon, lUnslel tnous may thmseh es to comjietenco business to Adams, then ho may be entitled fo never yet been witnessed here. FOR EUROPE VIA NEW YORK pear before tho Supreme 35 CMrrlir. hln raise lato tho habit of calling him Premier has Court at the January Tern if not to fortune. Aboe all we should compensation, unless the contents of tho cable- This, then, is tho situation our currency is be thereof, to be holden at the Conrt Room of the Loan Yicrt u.ni.. practice insensibly grown upon all, and in tho gram cut him off. coming depreciated to tho extent of tho premium Photograph Gallery llon.e. Honolulu, ia th. Island of Oaha, on Monday 1 llfrTal, MaUpala Koliala economy, both public and pmatc The Court must construo this cablegram. It in on gold drafts, whatever that may Le. No matter the Tth day of January, next at to o'clock a. m .to show 1 Wo (Jin Itonolulo Vu been wofnlly extravagant nativo xapcrs ho is constantly alluded to dicates to tho agent hero that terms bavo been what tho cause, whether it be the influx of a mil- cause why the claim of tURIAJtAMOliAI rUlnlll lfi, Maul hao and it ahontd be awarded 1RP Kaliookrlr, Itana, agreed upon between tho principal and tho pur- lion dollars in Kolakana stiver, or the exportation not her pursuant to the teaar of her X ftamhrn Knma Ilatawa, IS Kona will bo eiy unpleasant to begin cutting as tho JCttliina JVmi. is unfortunate Of A. A. annexed petition It that (The Conrt reads tho cablegmni,) as fol- of a million dollars gold nnd silver lately Montana. ft Ah Mna Jt Ah liar, Pithnnna. Illlo down expenses, but it will huo to bo done tho word Premier has been translated Ku chaser. in in CUNARD And have yoa then there this Wnt with fall return ft 71 J Nottf , t ort alrrrl, Itnnnlulll lows. "Sam Hubbard, San Francisco. 3ours circulation, or a combination forcing up tho rate Cor. LINE of your proceedings thereon twentv-sevent- Fort and King Streets, Honolulu a ft Ah ?ff. Ilatia, Maul and tho sooner we commence tho belter hina Nui, for tho latter is a tiOo to which Write Adams that on receipt of premium, orall these combined, the fact remains Wrr-ll.- Hot. A FHASCIS JCDD. thief Jnstko Chonr Mara laahalna. Manl distinct"powers and very great powers aro bank draft on London equivalent twenty thousand incontrovertible that our currency is becoming Established 1840. (Seal) orourSupiem. Court, at Honomla. this Tat Lam Chan;: Tin, Ilrrrtanla ptrcft. Ilonolnlo will our to depreciated, and tho depreciation be day of January A D 1MI. fa Vi'z ake always glad to acknowledge tho dollars transfer shares purchaser. threatens to rpiIK A1JOVK GAIiTiKItY IS TIIK Onnnr Ton. Mokrannl, liana. Man. attached in tho nativo mind: and in usurp only difficulty 13 indefinitely increased, nnd re- (Sl(ned) llsvar Surra. Deputy Clerk ! 1 Oriental." The in my mind as to accompanied with JL LAKOE9T in the Kingdom, and has been In 9 aTtnacti Klnt pirrft, Monolalu receipt of titlo tho Minister of Foreign '1 cablegram which no one foresee. new Tvo Sailings Every Week. 1 Akanj:, flana Man. such criticism as that of our ing this Af theword3 "London bank draft." ho sults cm Tho coin is operation for years. The Iiutrumentsare allot After makln a ssret, fee tt, hero will unless In good : dilt",t iit.t. H II Aktka A Co, Klnc trf M, Honoluln courteous and well informed correspondent fairs tries to appear to them, not merely dictates the terms arrived at with tho purchaser and remain here, the much dread- modern make and order. rim i.ii i:kimoi, tloned Allna (cb) he could not be found, sa h. Is out 1 rrank Lncrwrtko, LUiha lrrit. Ilnimlulu that tho agent must take not less than JO.OOO from ed Chinaman shall find that tho Kalakaua dollars jVet vi iu- - niasuum as pr leiier as tho head of the goternnient, bnt as Nearly Paying Frvm York evert HW'iesfirfy, " llf Ah Wonr, Nananu plirn, llonolnln writing from Maui, on tho lith inst, con tho purchaser. Mr Uartwell objects that the uab happen to contain one sixteenth more pure silror 5000 Regsitered Negatives. J"'ST" FARKE, .Marshal. 19 Apana, Knkniharlf. Ilamakna somothing far different, a sort of vico King, Mexican Huston ercry Honolulu. February Mh. legram does not say so. 1 am led to this view than the or trado dollars, and taking a eta Saturday 11. TtAhLnm Lahaitia, Maul corning our last weok'o articlo on tho re ditrnity How could Company, fauoy to them, should gobble them up just ns Complete of Native Views from all parts 3 Kapaa. tho holder of a which has onlv for other reasons. tho if all of the boa tli bea Aloan, Kanal agreed sell $20)000 expect Brown wonrebecomiu" accustomed to Island. UWAllN' IHL.SDH. I. Si Kapala Kanal cent State trial in Nonaj been filled by tho v ery highest of Hawaii's they to for or them, and send RATES OF PASSAGE: Island of Oahu. lc hn. Campbell to pay any more. I cannot seo how them off to tho rlowery Kingdom where all good off ('' y 32S'.Tf.n 9 McUraw, Ita.ailan Ilotrl. llmiolitln The Uie chiefs He, a mere Mormon adventurer, Complete Views Volcano & Lava Flows. I hereby certify that th foregolnr l a tree of Upannl, Kawlahar, Jvohala writer of Gazette articlo in Adams could havo gone to the purchaser and said, coins go, to bo cremated. The new com tssnp ti,tii, . .. . ii, Mn,i .mu i. 0, he Summons rn th suit of U.rt. K.w.k.i . Ha.. ?JR an ex buccaneer of tho seas to aspire must hank-dra- ?M,000, posed only to fill tho place of the American and Curios anrt Ancient bpeclmens pertaining (ch for s Mimhjl" Jggjfc 1. IIOI.IXI.IU question, followed closely tho tele- Jatn "I havca on "London for According Accommodation Divorce. snd of the retam thereon tery "and my and expenses." In other other Eilver coins formerly in circulation hero, but to these Islands to and that the Supreme Court, oa tho day April MiXVXne W oTal A Co, niiann 11 Ititu to fill a position onco held by Kaahiunanu, commissions lith of flrrrt graphic communication, and words, tho words "BankTJraft on which are rapidly tltsappcariug. ItLTLUN TICKETS ON FAOKABLE TERMS A D tSHI, orleredthecasecontlauwltotho July-Ter- llT II llnkTiM AJCi,rorV'",'n M- - the editorial Kinan, Kekauluohi, Keoni Ana and Vic- I'takeitthat Tills rare opportunity to embark in a prosperous D 1SSI of the Supreme Q , f"llit London," must mean way which tho money Now what tho remedy? With Hteerwge . Currrney t Court, and that publication ll J Lrpy, (iafn comments thereon tbe-"i.- the in is a unanimity business wonld never be offered were It not on acconnt .,2a oe maae or sard summons as prescribed ia Timet of toria Kainamalu. bo Adams more has rarely been equalled, intelligent per- Good ccommodatlnns can alwsya be srcnreil up. by the Statute JP is to remitted, not that should ask that all nf the owner (Mr Montano) falling him on It. wrrtess whereof, I have hereto set my hand tini 20th. cablegram sons are HaUsfied that importation American Ample supply tof water on theprcml-fca- pllcatlnto WILLIAMS DIMOSD CO . and hip K MoloVal Februarj He did not attempt to To xrorerly understand this matter it is than tho authorized. tho of excellent (sill) seal of tho Supreme Court, at Honolulu tf l Xaliil. w most skylight. Lease to three years half; San Francisco, HawiHl necessary to refer to tho old I believe the law to be this: that hero there is gold coin is the one available. Sorrs have nn and a rent this ltta day of April, A. D 1M. JTJ IIarrd?n,N hohaU. describe the lclationship constitution be1 moderate: will out the Stock, Goods JAS VLESANDBK. TX rAdamp. Vncrn Ptrwi. Honolulu between tho an agency, tho wholo scrvico must performed doubts o3 to the extent that it will correct the evil, Itxinres. WILLI M FOSTER. of 1840. In that constitution we read as and Chattels gen rood will. E8YrErtMS. yjaute street, Iloston, c letk Supremo 4. V- - electors on tho one hand and the Storthing uetoro tno compcnsjtton is uue. jsut mere are and tho timo required for it; but all approve of Wit t onrt Ait. ri;iini,hi. er Annlv on Hi premises to A A. JIONTANO, or VEItSOK II. DROWN CO . or its constituted chambers follows: cases where an agent or broker may recover some making the effort. And tho Government should loJ E WISLMAf. General Hnslness - o Char tho Lagthing lUblm , I Honlfni- Oreen, New York HA-Wall- i, S KliizOorn compensation, even although tho whole service has bo the first to movo in the matter, by providing COUltT OF THK an and Odelsthing on the "Ikttpfctmy thf Vifmtri of the Ktvrtlotn'' -- other, neither is performed, 's thn nnhlic trn.a.,rlrv. Rome w.av nr nther. citl, n Islands In Probate I n the matter of proof a King not been (fbe Court reads from in ORIENT aVV there any expression of opinion to "It shall be the duty of tho to appoint some s Agcncr. paces 151. note) sufiiciencv, of gold to payments, Xfttiec In from An.tnlia Nrw 7.tlnA of the will of WILLIAM MORI RTY of llonotura de- II WencAhChar as M Evan ljj. and meet all and to ceased Order appointing time whether chief of rank and ability, to be his particular If you find Adams dono was aud HondnluTheCunard Line allords more than nsual for Probate of will aad Itll.t.t the teto power of tho King of whoso title shall to Premier of the Kingdom. that had all that satisty tuo public mina tnat tt is determined to Xusuranoo Company directing publication of notice of the same. VIS. possible, the way of effecting the sale of tho carry its measure. A gold suni'lv of four hundred OF HARTFORD, CONNEQ-riUUT. A document 11 J ..Ur, p(rrl, Itormhtln Xorway, is jibsoluto or suspensory, or Iltt office nnd business shall be the same as that in ort", the frequency of itssalirnzi all posl. purporting to be the last will and testa- stock, although tho Company effected tho sale thousand dollars is ample. Thi3 may seemasmall illityordclaylnXe-rYoi- k ment of 1, llllam Mortarty deceased, having on I Ills It lrrdTumrr, Waliihlnu Kan either to of Knahuraanu and Eaahumanu CASH ASSETS HmUflT 1ST. 1884 , the 1 according tho question at I, II." turougn Jirown, ana tnas took, tno matter 01 nmount. but it is an average of five dollars ner can : : x .1,411,194 41. uccommiMlfitioiis day of April, A.D. ISI, beta presented to said ITonat St issue but Good always reserved KThomaAAW IlaaHlio, llotiukaa fir' Court, InaT a petition rS Jno WcUrt'w Hawaiian llott I, Honolulu It certain appears justifiable to use Even in tho timo of Kamchameha I, hfo tho agent's hands, the agent would still bo entitled lta fur each inhabitant, estimating our population Takes VERMIN II UKOUN O for tho probate thereof and for risks aaln.t Loss or Damage by Klrc on ly the lssnance of letters testamentary to Amelia Mar the term "constitutional and death, to commission. at 80,000. The United States provided a gold re Ilulldlncs. 31erchand!sc. Machinery and larnltureon Howling Green. New York roltll IllITlIlLR. questions" whon condemnation and acquittal serve ono Lucrrtla Moriarty, having b lied by tht said Amelia ftTlm tho I think that in this caso the proper instruction ot nunarou minions in its treasury wben favorable terms. A. JAEGEIt, Mary Lucrctla Moriarty. Tark.IIII... Umail decision of tho Higset or Supreme were in tho hands of Kaahiunanu When is. that yon find fairly restored tho cold b which seems a verr larce 11" A Arcnt fnr Hawaiian Islands 17 AhChrn.ktrrla, KooUnpoko Court finds the if that the services aro not it isis. iVtiu It la hereby ordered, that WEDSE8DAT, the Jth df 1W AhKal,l(onaaet, Kau Minister guilty on threo Kamchameha I dietL.his will was: "The within the scope of tho agent's authority .yoa may Bum, hut this was only two dollars per capita for of May, A.D. 18KI, at 10 o'clock a.m. of said day, at the fH different counts in an indictment, oachono Kingdom is LihoHho's and Kaahiunanu is consider that he is entitled to a commission for so tier popuinunn ui liny millions. WASHINGTON court room ol said court, at JMIlolanl Halo, InHonoli IJOAT. ssmo iff nereoy being tho fact of much of tho semco ns is valnablo to tho plaintiff. But how can the Government obtain tho cold? FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY ia, do. inuwD appolnteit the time far Ii Jack LnkrU. Honolulu gi ing unconstitutional his Minister," "That important feature of you: eight law to regulate Corporation Xotice. pin, iu .iu nn, auu ucmrinz saia application, whrs S3 I Dsjlon, Honolnln The facts are for and the fact that the agent Section of the the currency, and where any person advice to tho Jving, tho advico tho government, originated j,uuh;v- OF Interested may appear-- j being in byKameha has charged the commission docsnotshowthathe - ..vp.. iuiu, nuiui is UC3.KUCU iu gaani BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. IS IIKKK3IY tno 111 Kit Kit. each to against depreciation NOTICK OIVEX teat saiu win, ana tna granting of letters teMa- - that tho veto bo used, vanwed tho, meha I shall be perjietuated in the Ha- is entitled it. , of our currency, nnd which Cash heretofore exlstingnnder JKJnAunamano Ifanall ltfur--"th- Anetl January lit, 1881. . . $1,595,550 31. .LComna-t-i--- tl Hnnokaa Supreme Court As regards tho claim that tho President of the has never been repealed, reads: "And ba the firm name of Akol rotiiUttnTof Akal it Is further ordered, that notice eor be 30 Alrona, liana, Nan I, says on three different waiian islands, but shall always bo in sub- Lam Yet. Lhan L fee and See llnntnv .fc (Tom nan- - thtf given by Hawaiian Belt Telephone Company should bo paid enacted, that from and after the date of the Takes Jtleks against Loss or Damage by Fire on hn publication, for three ancresslve weeks, m the llawai serviency to tbeetock-holder- been dissolved by mutual consent from the th day of il - f run: Aitnin. thojaw." by s of tho Company, I think this passage 01 tuts .vet, It shall bo the duty of the Haddlnzs, Merchandise. Machinery on printed and pabnshed Its t,r1l an oi me siock iraue. snops, teases ana If 0"Ti, Krkahnna, Kona.Oahn ur correspondent also takes'exception following arc the duties of the Premier is quite right, if he should bo paid at all: but if 'Minister of finance to require that nil duties favorable terms. A. JAEGEIt, .liiiigtiud in Honolnln. 55 XNiln 'Ihe will of their business at the went corner of DateilHonolulu.il Kona, Uahu to tho All business connected with tho d inter- you find that Adams took tho presidency the 'paid on imports thall le pm( in United Agent for Hawaiian Islands. IN tAsrilllih. A.D lcl. scntenco "to dispenso with tho dan speci lor Slntet qM m' a nan a and Beretanla streets. In Honolnln has tmn McCDLLT. s Kingdom, which purpose special equivalent,' certainly - in.IMII.IM. gerous sen-ice- ests of the the King wishes to qf favoring tho interests of tho 'nii. orits This is verr purchased by Chin Wo Company whowlll pay all debts Arrisr- Justice the Supreme of his Minister for the fu- be Jsritinh lienevolcnt firm Jb af Conrt t LawrUnr, Klncrltm transact, shall done by the Premier nnder tho Oriental Company, then that is merged in his clear, and is moreover mandatory. Although this society. of the of Akol Company, and who alone are Iliiar Sarrn. Depnty Clerk. bsjb ture, it may be hoped that ho (tho King) nuthorit of tho King. All documents and busi agency; tho fact of his being President docshot law is not as perfect as it might be made, yet hod authorized to collect all moneys due said Jate firm of " MKETI2TG OF TIIK' Jt Company. will not find it (Uilicult to ncss of the Kingdom executed by tho Premier shall do away with his agency. it been carried oat here during theso eight years above tsociely be Akol como to terms will held at the Rooms of the Dated April 5th, 1MI flOtm aft) AKOl A. COMPANY NOTES. with the Storthing." If our correspondent be considered ns executed by the King's authority. Adams is not entitled to compensation on any past, 03 a similar provision was in the United imiTI.SU CLUB, on T1IUKSDAY, April .Illb.nt 7:-- l CIIICCIT COUllT THIltl) All government property shall bo reported to agreement for n salary of floOO, bnt to would havo provided all gold p. m , to mike arrangements for the Celebration of the Hawaiian Islands. In Probate In his, him, is entitled htates.it the re ., - will glance at G of the 14th iUE.e.rr; 11 JAS A KENNEDY. SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL t;'.m,-u;- THOMAS SFBSOEIt, Ja. Inz.Nnr r.it .Wrruf March 131U saya- "Dtal. ette inst (or her) nnd he ,or she) shall nuke it over to the a reasonable compensation fur any extra services, quired Ior tno wants 01 trade and tho Government, uiirniu of Illlo, Hawaii,,Kstatala minor. ho will eco that the passago King." you find salo slock was kept rate exchange Secretiry treas ia bastness fintSa its expresiiiun nnd ruoHt for is an extract and if that the of the a the of at a fiir and moderate On reading and Bling petition ofT pcneer. shall King's special coun- matter outside, ho to a reason- figure, as did in the United State3, FIKE A XI) jLUUNK th. the .UriB.trtion In from another paper and ismnrked as a rlho Premier be tho is entitled retain it nnd mads the IXSUltANCE guardian of 'fhomaa Spencer. Jr., a minor, of Illlo. Ha. the export of rl,rjOO in sellor in the great business of tho Kingdom." able cjmmission. - J . cnrrenc of Hawaii nmonir the best Notice. wajl, asking to bo empowersd to sell a CoM."o; There i nboTe f quotation in the usnalway. is ofnnvnnn. certain tract of lewon in the for JIamtitan It taken " Die Kine shall not act without the knowledge The statements of Adams to Widcmonn that be nations of the earth. If its pro "nun uis'TJKnsiGjrETJ COMPANIES OF MEW ZEAX AND . land called llukoa. In the District of Illlo Island S ilvvk uauiciera. from tho Timet, a nowspaner which of tho Premier, nor shall tho Premier act without could not get any commission, aro not conclusive; visions be now adopted ana carried out, or some tlav Cnrmd a n.rfner.liln In ITiln Talml thisnf tl. of Hawaii, belonging to his ward. wall, e CAPITAL It Is ordered is generally credited with a staff of well tho knowledge of tno King, and tho veto of the they only show that he had notf been, able to'get new law of the same purport, but moro definite for the pnrpo-- of carrying on a general mercan $20,000,000 that WEDNESDAY the lith day of AmouK "intern ilitniiroTemriUn,"'wehrartbnt nil VI tile buIness, nnder the name ami f Richardson MjJCl. 'V IW.st ten o clock In tho Court Uoose informed lung on the nets of the Premier shall arrest the any. 4 -l J and complete, bo enacted, doubtless tho same re- Unlimited LiaMlitv or Shareholders. ssuing Joint illlo, bo hereby writers, who in this in.3tance are ,t Coau. C. E JIIUIHIUISU.N. of Illlo. Poller at and U appointed aa tha time and salaries are to be "irnproTcJ,' at least $8,000 a business. All important business of tho Kingdom The jury after an absence of over an hour re sults may be realized. Its enforcement con be no L place for hearing said petition, and any objections within direct telegraphic O. COVX. Having an at that for the Premier and 7,000 communication which tho King chooses to transact in person, ho turned with n verdict for plaintiff for $1500, allow- hardship to the producers of domestic orodocts. HIIo. Hawaii. April 1 1SI esuousueii Agenej Hoaolul for the may be otTercd why the same should be granted. Jear f nonnui for hia Hh. Hawaiian Islands the nndenlf-ne,- ! Is nrenarMl fo e not jr with tho field of action may do but not without the ing Mr. Adams $500 extra 1883 or to agents, every ". colleague. A grateful country will ncrtr bo commented on. ix approbation of tho for his services In their for dollar's worth of sugar cept risks against onr ifulldlngs J? "MAS Cltenlt Judge Premier-- , and stock--. lire Merchandise Illlo Hawaii April 0 1881. with pajinR m pitifnl a pnee for gnch Our article did not attempt to discuss "' $500 commission on sale of rice, bananas, or otucr domestic produce shipped I urnltnre. Machinery 4c on the most favorable terms IUB.it tramctndent talenta ns haa A. fa. Uartwell Esq. and V. It. Austin Eq. 'ap- abroad, is paid in gold, and a fair proportion ot REMEMBER THIS. the l'remier dtaj layed the Norwe"ian Constitution in its ilofnitt. In tho Constitution of 18o2 tho name LOSSES PAOMPUT ADJUSTED HID PXMSIE HEBE. wi Kv.intK iuo uauuu iuio nmuuiea. peared in behalf of the plaintiff, and S. B. DolaEsq. our eignt minions 01 exports --snonid be returned piticurr couiit TirnrD ,ium. nor did it pass an opinion on tl io results Premier is dropped and tho sty loin tho appeared for the defendant. hero in gold if the public necessities require C tl. BEItGER clal District. Hawaiian Islands In Probate In ot it, as Usj1 Agent for Islands mailerJ of tho estate Ha" 4 done other where gold being con- IF YOU ARE SICK. Hawaiian of HCtlll TES.1ENT of HUo. Tbi OreWoorf MmiM, April number came uie mailers m ntipstion. nxront. in en fnr n. i.nglish as well as tho Hawaiian version in countries, is wall, deceased testali at J to stantly shipped back and forth whenever the wants Chambers before Hon S hand bj last mail. It contain- - many they aro already passed upon, Tiy what lor is Kuhina Sui of tho Hawaiian Islands, If yon are stcL, HOP I1ITTKIW will Mortgagee's Hotice of Foreclosure & of Sale. Lyman papers of Y. M. C. A. of commerce demand it. n. M.w. surely aid Nature In mating wed - want of a term must bo'called too ACCORDA2-TC- X - interest, bereral of- the nitidis contain excellent better tho and his titlo in English is Highness and again when all elac falls TX WITH A lOT-- .,''li-""1,- E Rlehardsoa. Kaceuturaofilu-Wil-l er of ralo contained In a certain mortva-- e or Infonn&tton, tersely, Supreme Court -- The regular yearly meeting tho 'KxrliftTice. If yon are comparatively well, but made by llngltTennent late of Kavrall. jet pictnrenqne!y told. of the Kingcloni. Uii Kiclie in Hawaiian. Ho is to have of members of feel Sin Mot, doing bnsiness Kwimg Illlo, wherein O Hears s "fioneer the need of a grand trnlcand stimulant, as Hop Wat Company ask to D alloyed -- . and charges wlli lketche" are oontinncd and Our thu Y. M. C A. was held on evening Ed-to- to Kwong Man tntmselve. correspondent will svo that wo did charge of tho Great Seal of tho Kingdom. the of the 31k. Tliere seems to bo a Rood deal of never re-- t easy till you arc made a new Yuen Company dated the tsth day of '. and ask that tho same may bo inerenre soma short stories August, lU,rec la liber n. page JM notice Is hereby examined and 7 utul """. not intend, and havo not done any wrong of tho Koyal Standard and of tho National inst,, in one of the rooms pf the Association on tUxi-- exchange. being by nue of approved, and that a nss,l order maybe made or dis- which an bright and pleasant; eapecially nmonc rumpus tho price of I am a given that said mortgage. Intends to foreclose said tribution of the property I'edar-ocii- e to his Hotel street, remaininln their hands to the these mnat be mentioned "A l'TimeTnl," courilrvor compatriots. AVo havo Flag, and in tho absence of tho King, to President Judd in tho chair. After planter, am sorry to say, anil have & mortgage, for condition broken and. upon said fore- thereto I Rood deal HOP closure will sell at public persons entitlod. and diKiarglnff them and and the "Doctor in Ordinary." 1 be latter really to thank him for tholiglithis let) the dispatch of some preliminary business tlie- - B1ITER3. - auction at tha salesroom of sureties from all responsibility is or has preside in tho Privy Council; to perform less of exchanr-- to )r my agent has for me E I- Adams In Honolnln on FR1D VY tho day farther excellent An Indian Lecend, "Moweraa LaW is thrown clection officers costive or dyppeptir, or are nth ex seniors as.h on a somewhat qncs all tho duties incumbenton tho King while of fprtho ensuing term was pro than I wish had or than I expected to have this suffering from any other of the nume rous of April, I3l, at 13 o clock noon of ssld day. the a ordered " Tt?1 P'ctorwqnely mu The benal Mory, I In Itla that WEDNESDAY, the llthdar uf --A !k; tion, nnd tho cecded with, resulting as follows: President, Mr. diseases of Is described said mortgage af below specified Shepherd at Court," reaches its eleventh chap- relative .merits of tho two tho Throne may bo vacant by tho death of year, and that seems to ba the caso generally. My thcstomachorboweN.lt TT. J la the Coart Honse your own fault If yon remain HI, for Vtlthrr particulars can bo bad ar R. Castle, At at Illlo, be and t5't1't Water-hous- Islppolnted ter. sides, or parties to tho "present, otherwise, P. C. Jones; Mr. J. T. e, torney-at-La- KUONO MAN YCEN as the time and strifo" tho King, or and during tho sagar was worth If IS mora a ton in San Franckco CO plies for bearing sad petition aud account, aad any which as ho himself minority to Jr. j Secretary, Mr. E. Jones ; Treasurer, BITT-R- 3 Mortgagee. objections that may be otrered why the same biTtx different codes of law are in force bas "is going on of tho heir tho Throne. on tho 1st of Janoary last and then It was low HOP The property to hi sold consists of the Wee Flants-tio- shonld not in Mr. W. A. Kinney ; members Executive i ireaiwndge, thero'rinjonvay. 18G4 the present constitution was elect to remedy; Ut of mortgagor at Kaneobe. Koolaupoko. comprlsln-- a tv Ii aamTt the llaTanan code, applylnrj to In than it was on tho 1st inst; a falling off of 13 per are a sovereign all such com large acreage ttlln: Hawaii. Inlin isst. loonu Committee, Messrs. 1. U. Davics and G. At tho liecnriiziQ; plilnte of well watered tborongbly cultivated 1U0.W0 InhabiUnU of the kincdom, substituted for that of 1852, and the office I. cent in threo months. of the rice land, now planted with rice aad In thorcugh the French TnE Thrum. On motion, the subjects year the banV paid per cent my If you are wasting away with any form otdcr r Vude In the i coinmunications which xmblish of KMna A"a was abolished. for committee 2K premium for DIeea-o- all of the Leases therewith connected, havfnz long jia-wall- an Palatinate applying to IHliVl, the Kidney stop tempting Death to-d- 'o draf ts and now pay five; a difference of only terms Io run good rrereien taws of the llishopne of WurabnrR to ay from "H.M."vY." The present constitution says: work were decided to be tho same as tho last voar, Sii this moment, and turn fur a cure to several houses rice Boors cattle, Islands In Probateof thkmatter of and 'Planter," on "Tho jlcrccnt The importers and consomers of gro horses tools Implement, andall of the paraphernalia Proof or the Will K. K.tiI?ot e ayx; J.ue rreropitory code of tp prinapality of with the exception of Hospital and Prison Work, ofawtllcinlppcrlluct of SIMON Honolnln. Bijiwita to 321M; tho subject of exchange will Ivins's- Cabinet shall consist of the Minis which was separated into two committees. ceries, Horses, cattle, cioming, lamuer, suss, laces Ijanutlon imsirl tt ml?l2?y!, time for Probate of the Austrian oxe (ltedwlu bo read with Tho jewelry HOP BITTERS. "rt';Ilatlnj;r .,.. ,...... Lpper Frsnoonial to L'.GOU: ter of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of the business meeting being ended, adjournment and think it very hard to hare to pay this .in Ihe&oUns sutntes was yon are rick with iick-ne- s 1 docnmciit. lllaadTrsta-tnea- S00; interest The former does not ;puttho additional 2K per cent. When I was Laildint; my If that terrible purporting to be the UstW t to as few aa and finally the Cobnrg code, tho Minister of token to the mam hall where n large number of INervoueneM, er Hlmcm K. b Interior, Financo and tho works I had to almost beg for carpenters and ma- Ton will Hod a "Balm HQIYQIjULTJ kaat. cfeerased. having on to only 100 Inhabitants. To cas too strongly in saying: Attorney-Gener- friends of the Association were gathered together y of March. .1. e make matters "Tho pres- of tho Kingdom, and sons to work, as well as for lime and some other luGllcad"lnthcneof D. lfstl, been presented toMldrro-it- still worse, the different districts are far fromie--E- to listen to the reading of the rcports-o- f the' re- Court, and a petition for the orohate thereof, and ent condition things con-tiau- o shall bo ad- material, and pay very high wages and high ! definedHind lapse Into one another in a roost of cannot long theso His Majesty's Special tiring secretary and treasurer, addresses byjlon. prices, FIRE DEPARTMENT fur issuance of letters nt ifw.lntfltMff.M. with ftm'tam why because want-b- y HOP BITTERS. annexed to B. oomrdicnUd fashion; their in- visers in the executive affairs of the King A. F. Judd. Itev. Gcorcd Wallace and ltav. T)r. and f mechanics and materials Sanford Dola havinj; been fled by OeU boundaries in some without this result --Oiat Uie con- I f you area frequenter, or a resident K Kaat. widow i stances twins so sharply drawn that one Merntt, after the conclusion of which refresh me were also wanted by others at the same of of the deceased half of dom." aafelaejnatic district, barricade your sys- It Is hereby one bocae is sumer every man, bo ho ments were served. Jrouowicg aro time, and were scarce. Jos: so with horses, moles, ordered that FRIDAY the day ef onier one and the other under anolhn rich or poor, copies of tho tem against the scourge of all countries April, A D imi. at ID o'clock, a. m , of Isaldah day, at .code. All acts of tho King aro to bo counter- reports presented. oxen, and mutton sheep: all wero in laaUllal, epidemic, bilious and the Court Hate, must bear his proportion Inter Room of said, Conrt ABloUnl la of iho burden, demand and tho supply was short. Did anybody mUZcflt fevers by the use of If rt. nl.t . ..I. . . & it . I. & . . lUinsTajtrr's signed by a Minister. secheiiet's czroirr. having labor, supplies, or seU, u.. lib, imnuui.J vib K.nai.liHnsn is. BTTVOy speaks as follows of thecoltoaas: according; to what ho consumcu. Virtually material, animals to ppoinirn. too time ror prsermx saiq s in ana aearioir 'Each Member of the King's Cabinet On April ltlth, 1883, tho last annual meeting of hesitate about charging the highest market pnesT said application, when and where any person Interested Anstralaaia lias BeTentl thousand miles of raatnxuL jr HOP BITTERS. it would Ikj a tax of fio per cent or moro sh.ill keep an' offico at the seat of govern- uiiaMiu-i- Hiuueiuwiuu veairr OI tuo UCU1CI If they didj did not see them. Now I have a little mar appear and contest th. said Will, and lavisnnttnz yfstnsrroctcq, and a xeat nnury more Church, at which time Prof. A. Pratt retired fmm exchango to bell, and I could sell a large amount If yon haTe rough, plmplynr sallow, of letters of administration with tho Will anneied. on all the people, n tax whicli ment, and shall be accountable for tho Is further ordered, notice thereof be sivew bv also boot!,000 miles' of telegraph uire iatxse. if imposed the Presidency and Hon A. F. Judd was elected to irpiadit. It is payable in U.8.gotd coin in San skin, bad breath, pains snd aches, and It that t by tho J w ould comluct of his deputies and clerks." the position. feel miserable generally HOPniTTEILS publication, for three successive weeks, la tha nava-lli- - . TbeM axe owned and operated by theKorernmenta .legislature result in a pop- Francisco, and I am paid here for it In silver coin, and Kuofcpa, aewspapeTs printed and (tho King's) Ministers One week later tho members wcro called together which cost something 85 cents will give you falrskln. ritliblood. the (lllrrra Ut the reapecUre colonies, nnd pay consideraUe ular uprising throughout tho kingdom ILis are respon like to the dollar in sweetest breath, health and comfort. published in Honolulu J in special session to receive the report and re- that city. The silver was allowed to come t, l A D tfRH. B LSnrplna. nnuillr enrer worklns expenses and such as has net or been witnessed here."' siblcu In free In sbo-- tbey care ALLDIsea-- of Dated Honolulu. II 'tarch ath. the develops commendations of the new Board of Directors, of duty and cost only about one per centtoimporL, the Stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver, A FRANCIS JIDD. As coantrj they wdl crtvUr n The armed y, this writer thirJwS, "All titles Orders Chief Justice ef the Supreme Court. fasnkws fund nnd cxtincntsh the capital is, by gen of Honor, and other together with tho announcement of comiuiltecs Somebody's exchange not to say taxes has gone Nerves. Kidneys, fee, and debt of oral ttccord importation Ior toe year, ana at mat time tno wors properly to pay for a good deal of that com. and so between VoonstrucUon, now secured npon the reve-cu- in "the of Ameri- distinctions emanate from tho King." Harm. IVputy Clerk, iim reneral commenced. At t his meeting Captain Isaiah the low price of my produce and 500 Hraar The ratal foreign AnRlo-isaxo- n can gold ilray tho payment for trade of these coin," "and by tlio government Ylint warrant is there under the present was to act will be paid for a case they will not cure .nomrfluniUeii about FAXjn00,OCa) , invited as General Secretary tciuporari silver, exenange is scarce and high; bat is it as COUKT OF TIIEILl. is annuallj and it "providing tho public treasury in somo constitution for tho suffix "Premier."' so or help, or for anything Impnre or Inu-rou- s SUI'KKMK lsrrtoaOaycrowtm;. The direct Atuanean ly and did until his departure fur tho United high its It ought to be or as the drcamstanceH war- In the matter f Jhe Estate of trade is wiiy or other with a sufficiency "What does meant to be States in June. rant. Why should I, planter, stand f oond In them JOHXD BREWER, ut-- .f Hoaolulo, Oaha, deceased. ereat, but it capable ar of gold to it Is it confined a all the risks ANNUALPARADE is of rapid expansiuu That poor Irarldden, invalid wife. y. , meet all The evening of April 21st was one to bo Ion,; re and lobses, and not take the gain which I hare A AtChambersbeforJust-:McColl- fsjrorable conditions. Its ery existence U now demands." "A gold supply," ho to any particular Minister, or may it bo sister, mother or daughter, can be made readlag-an- nctltloa anj acewtnta xnembered by the members and their friends who legitimate right to. Is exchange to be treated on picture health by a On illn; tie of JBienacedJlhlQUch the nrclect of Congress pro-rU-e says, the of few bottles of C to "of four hundred ihousanddollars, attached to either! It was notMr. Green's assembled in largo numbers to witness tho dedica- n different principal money Hop Ultters, costing a P Jones,lr. administrator f theeiuteef JnbnD. (or the cunDimsnce ut the direct from or anything else but trlHe. bKVT-.I- t Drewer Ute of Honolulu Oahu. deceased, wherein he mail semce, is ample." nor is anybody's title. Is amere tion of this building, tho exercises in Used by Ts OF ifranoacu, juatn-Uine- title, it it connection? in business? If and by when my crop is ? asks allowed ftolsLOii. aud charges himself via ban heretufore and presently S exceedingly Will yon 1st them suffer THKDepartmentare hereby renuested to assemble lobe wholly by the colonies of New Zealand "Planter" proposes no remedy, but designation of precedenco which may bo with which were enjoyable. ail in and sold, and but little sugar ia'beingahip In the vrlth lI10.sH.ai. and that tha same may ba I'r mid The first public inccting, aside from tho dedica- ped, I should want to uso some money Cleanse, Purify and' Enrich S'irAHE opposite the Hal! of Mechanic Engine: examined and apprpvei. fad that hew Sooth Wales. The latter colony lias made &ecms to think ho is unjustly blamed to either Minister for tho timo being? in San the Company J.O. g, at i Tio clock ja the MOK.tl.tO ay a anal order It for ghen tion, was one of thanksgiving and pratec, held on Francisco, is it not likely that I will havo to pay may f made of dlstrlhuJ n of tha property rtmalalnff it condition of renewtnc this mail contract tempo- barging all ho can gel for his exchange; And is tho stylo Kviina Aim to bo used as Sunday tccmoon, April 23th, 18S3. Blood with Io hU hands to tho persons thereto entitled, lnd dl5 rarily two years that the United af more for a draft than I am getttsg tat my draf ta and hil aurtUea from lur btates shall which ho says is scarce coiisequenco Hawaiian equivalent of such a bastard Since that time tho bnUding.hasbeenyinjery now? And supposing that cannot get Hop Bitters, charglag blm sll farther respon. contribute one third of the total expense. If protis-io- n in of the I a draft at Friday, May 2d, 1884 slbllityw such administrator. low prices general use. The reading room v has been '.open all, for I am told that not long since IJishop fc Co. And yoa will have no sickness or suffering or doctors la ordered, that WB3v2SDAT be not made for semce the present ses- of sugar and the recent impor- Premiership as now exists! Tho Minister It a thefthdaynf Jf.v thk in day and while, aa ataxIer-af- bills to pay A sion, three months' notice will be tations of and evening a course, absolutely refused to sell, saying ihat they had al- D MM,Jocleeh-- tbe .aljrhrtlrV' ciren, nnd silver coin. whom tho King may name to tako prece- tho attendance varies largely, still it may bo said ready drawn for more than they had IN FULL UNIFORM I at Chamber; In the C.rjrt Ilow Ilmolnji. will cose and determine on the l.".th remitted, er For Sale by same hereby of Tho effect of a serious fall denco matters of ceremony, or to make to be constant esc. Id May Mr. P. C. , Alth their several the Is appointed ItJ,. H2 Sorember, 1S5. These facts in the price in in Junes, what can I remit? On Uawaiian silver, the loss XSTal HOI.LISTER i. CO Honolulu apparatus forth, or ukini place for bearing said scecSnts Jinn been fully of Jr., started a class in would be very heavy, because In the AJJSCaL whicli postponed" and iod !h tii Uw lVetmaster-Uenern-l. sugar noeepsarily affects tho .financial "up a Cabinet might bo called Kvhmn Maa, and those that is not current r.RADB was all persona Interesterf nnd sBonhl be who have availed themselvcu'of this Opportunity there, and value trom Ftbrmiry A fnll attendance Is desired. 7 hn and th ,re?r d laid before the Postal Committees of both luosperity which is upon "but Kuhxna Aui. "What is there great its bullion is not superior to that Ter lii.t Houses built tho sugar not are now being shown the more advanced stages of of Mexican dollars. Will I then ba called wise or Administrator's Xotice. Order nCNnv surrn. of Congress, with n recommendation of some kind. production, and depends npon tho success about such a position? Tho offico created this very necessary qnahficahou for a just liir, sto eey If V t. to 'Between lOrOoo a business stupid man or a "mnlT" for having sold entd the s.la'pr:rrV. "TSSS&SSl.'a and JJDO letters onjnuato in Ibis of that industry, life. Later our President fdrrnevL u class my drafts less were UKDEKSIGNED HAVING monthly Xor Australasia, hichnre precisely as tho Cotton by Kamchameha I was a frnraf xosition, for in for than they really worth? TIIK appointed administrator of the estate of the coantrj carried sTfuction Hawaiian language, Fur-nea- , Wo under- States of America onco depended their, to bo filled by great chiefs. in the and Mr. Will the Minister of Financo give me gold to Iltnaann Sciirtevcr late of HenOlcIu, deccat-id- by want tho Public to sad dirtributed tree, so far ai the contra dine for and intended t haa been giving mechanics a senes Tjf ship away in exchang for silver of treasury certifi- order of the Chief Ja-- Ice of the Supreme on the &&?&&?. Iu prtrlpiia tath. time are concerned. If there be any aincenty in welfare upon that staple. is bad enough is apiece of presumption for any Min free-han-d day March, 14&L stand that tho ywtlted for rUiu heirlig It It in drawing. Oa tho first Sunday cate I If be will, I think wll find a market fnr all 9th ot A. 0 hereby gives notice to alt ""?Dated at llonolnlo.il. tba cry cf Vitendtnc American commerce," this to hove all the national eggs in oi jster tho present day to uso that style afternoon bcrvices was inaugurated, IEev. Mr tha; herein farnish, sot wilA me, bnt perso-- having claims again it the estate of Hermann I JU,.tL slronlij be taken cp. Bat what of an Ameri io basket of wtthtrthers. Srchrlerer deceased, to preaent the same duly juthentl ' :W.4TaUr point such is not-soo- Ki&ie. Cruzan pving a short and earnest address. He AUuerisVof being tedious; I will givOvpaa "Union Feed Company, can commerce which is going to be restricted to a for tho case as long as or rr exports Shall wo hear ilea Gibson, cated to tbe undersigned within six motrlhs from the inlraofthBJtjpreiBCctrt. ; continued to tako charge oflhcm, and wittr Ihe few'ster-- bf my experience, which Msill show datetfereof be s Ready snd Willing to Furnish all tha g"TO-- C Clenr. t!5 itejsje line ol steamers. aro practically confined to sugar-- but tho or something equally absurd. If he can which he orlaeywlil fcrever barred ; andall per f w"..U"n 1ty assistance obtained from other clergy- whether or not I do take risks and stand losses. sons Indexed to said estate are requested to make 1m danger of general distress is in itensified, find men willing to tako the other position men, made them of great interest, but Some my cane will tho work of bars paid taxes twice, mediate payment to the undersigned. HAY, OATS, BARLEY, BRA.i, &o &c DisBolntion of Hz. James Campbell is erecting a Tery fine man-Hc- m when tho currency of the countr y is such and submit to his interference and dicta was too severe for him in connection wilii bis once List year when It was and atrain w Cu HP GLADE, Diamoud Iload. larpe, the other duties, and ai the clas3 wlnchwc particular- lt will bo naarly ripe this year, in addition to the j Adm'r Estate Hermann Schflerer HAT NEED at under It is that when all our imported gooi is cannot tion, and can persuade tho King to appoint Dated Honoluln. pri 1st, ISSL. jottj fit - . Tf rr ipiiisji WfW, mjdltwill command nfineTiewot ly desired to reach did not attend in any number, raiue ox tne iana. Aiy saj macninery, bo paid foxl)v our exDorls. Worm them, who can say how much ho may ar were - taVeea. ,Jta frost of tons house will be a terrace. lstexnort these meetings discontinued and an after- and. everything moveable are also taxed at fell I At THE LOWEST RATES. coin prayer meeting 13 now my WANTED at a Tuinousloss, topaylfjrthedo rogato to himself, or how much tho other noon held instead. cash value. A part of cane which was taxed tov been 131 A Aa w want mala room for a Lsrzt ficiency. offices may bo degraded. 'Will the title of Pontic gatherings have held for awakening as a young crop failed utterly for want of rain, a AUOVEIINIXS PRIVATE MUKt Stock on the way ItwtreaitinlheftrknroRrowirigwellup. The interest in the temperance cause, and for provide few acres were, burned acddently or purposely, I. teach the. English branches, Aaa, tratkr same French ll th. aa, 8f EIpVThJIS Col good Tho nominal excess our torts over Majesty satisfy, or will he want to attach and music. Retrace? exchanged. ex-A- orders promptly ira Park antbonties keep the property in order of exr? ing entertainment for young men. The Hall has and the ground bad been replanted at large ex- Address Walluka attended to. Goods delivered good -- tw X. T., PJf. MiemtobeltaTing a deal or work done. fltur imports lias often been cxplai tied. The Suite .it! been often used for concerts and lectures, whil pense. The cost oHoIW has been extrraelj high. tos tf Maul, ms-- Telephone l7S.-ijt8- m t No. WaWt3a.-aUrcll,H,l- TOS41S - - 1 -i-im mir COMMERCIAL. ISLANDLOCALS. Judge charged tho jury very carefully: relative to is a hard word, of wide bearing, and nobody' bos An April I reahot I the law points involved. After being in consulta- seen any dangers ahead. There is not a amgta tuition Salts. EOXOLULV. JMIL 23, IsSt. 1BOUT TOWS. tion for forty-fiv- e minutes the jury returned a ver- tqte In Europe, none whatever, which has made At 3 o'clock on Monday mornraraiughtIreshet ...... last trrltln has remained Jn aafn The Tactiion of the scbol.tn ol the fmblic dict for tlo plaintiff in the sum of $1,77L57, 8 j enormous orofiress in tho last 70 rears as inst came down tho Nuuanu stream and throughout By LTONS cfcliEVET, schools cnils next Monday, UioSStUiivt. By advertisement it will bo noticed that an Norway, having had peaeo with the other states, the day the water continued to rise slowly. There ana inn freedom in the interior, full justice aeau is now offered, to a purchaser, to ofctain every was but little rain in the neighborhood of the city, ywayi The Honolulu Stock Exchange will probably to inhabitant, high or low. Where are then, REGULAR fir transact business the photograph gallery and paraphernalia, at the dangers spoken of? When a constitution has though evidently heavy rains wero falling in tho J&Wt present owned by Mr. A. A Montana, Lof the Mr.J.E. stood for seventy years, and proved to be an ex- mountains. dUpofitlon Governor Dorm n is has returned to lownaain Wiseman can give any desired information rel- one, I will shrink to PfkHd taowiiio cellent think the dangers At Tuesday had above fkj of tte Unborn I ajn. on the water risen FURNITURE SALE Mrirln-J- n lax; quantities. ative to terms, etc ffiilTIldSrM!fU Snsmrli from Maui, and scemd to bo enjoying entirely re- nothing. There are not many states that can tbe yard on the cast side of tbe One-rai- bridge, CASH SAtiE having an sev- stored health. Among passengers by boast of unaltered constitution for and before S a.m. the whole of the premises at the the arrived the Alameda concerns, V . hi beer the mall enty years. What the expressed "hope" corner of Nuuanu and Pauoa wero flooded. The 8 "1 fja. Mntfit? SHta The nscal Sunday afternoon service was held at the the names of the following are familiar to King will pursue same coarse Alios BrsMtnte of XRS SCOTT. Ho. Bert. t UMtJdAUmrd. from the residents generally: is also Tain; the tho occupants, a Portuguese family were fairly flooded It .i l tm" cot the rooms Y. M. A. 20th in&L. and GeneralaW. Dimond. Par- as hitherto, and with right as I will try to explain floor tau)a Street, on account of departure. 4ift zS and the Utter with and of the C on the ker N. Makee and wife. S. T. Alexander, Itobert out their furniture and bedding spoilt the BIrbm picnrsIiunbcr from was fairly attended toyou. ' ot the dwelling bouse being completely under wa- FRIDAY, APRIL 25th Hi i" tern Ior Stirling, Capt. M. Sass, D. Lyons, C. E. Will-lam- s. J. The Ministry 11 in number) Is accused of the ter. They state they lost all five fh' "ZcabndU the A Hansom cab is the latest novelty Tthi- - A.Herbert, and JohaD.Specxelswiffland that have .their On Wednesday,, Apiil 23, Z JS35Sli MIrt ot tte for anions following: or six dozen fowls, a goat, etc, and their express at IU a. m. at Sales Koora, will be sold at auction, !' children., 1st. Councilling King Teto against thecal Jfc hicles plying for hire. Last Saturday tbo to carriage is wrecked. At about S20 the stream - CKoMolV l William. Dimond Co.V letter Al10o'ebckam$wUtS'otiS.tne Mwirt. and quite in demand. Mr E. E. Thorne garo a dinner party at the teration in tho fundamental law, that the Ministers seems to have broken loose higher up and a per DRY extract from the mujar circular of Mwsn. GOODS. CLOTHING, FURHITURt 1 . , , Biggs 6th- -, be compelled to take a Seat in the Parliament. road, 1 i Mlilrtt lUmilton A Co. of Sew ork and Boston. The stockholders in the Inter Island Si K. Co., House Washington on April in honor feet torrent rushed down the Pawoa and act of tho 2nd. Councilling the King not to allow anything ually Boated away some 6 furniture which Entin - Sax FjuyaaftAjiri!lStfc3L Wilder's Steamship Co. and Hall &. Co, Honorable John Mott Smith. Among articles e uouseiioia nurniture. E0. thofe present were Senator DoIphtMedical Direc- to be paid to support the "People In Arms," a vol- uaa oeen put xor safety out on tne nuuanu nraa, GROCERIES, FANCY GOODS. . -- Oar last advice was dtjedMar. 15th, per drew dividends during the past week. sharp-shoot- w Dkab bin tor J. M. Browne, Captain C. E.Dutton, Messrs. unteer party, and here he has only and laid the lawn between Capt Mist's house and In .'.s roLLOws. viz. conccrnlns C. M. Ogden, J. M, Carson, J. C. McBride, J. B. used his suspensory veto once. the road, under water. This however soon drained No. 1 & 2 STJGAB, lorfc anjar The second spring and and summer millinery Councilling King allow the Far are the market continue lnll and deprcti, Thompson. Thomas CiTanangh, T.C.Crawford, 3rd. the not to away. L'unalilo that opening takes place and the balance of 1 while rtrtlpta are nnneually heavy for thepcfclo. G. W. Hooker, M. M. Parker and Dunnell. lament to elect the directors Tor tho railroad, here in me auuanu stream iiseu tno water was lap- POTATOES & BBAN, HANDSOME PARtOR'SUIT con-c- week Tlie difficulty of rfTrctln; calcf. except t a liberal this atChas. J. Fishel's leading millinery also, he nsed his suspensory Tote only once. ping over the timber struts of the bridge where I from Lon- store. Ad. TU many years, Inn, together with diffouradns On the arrival of H. M. S. Constance at this port From time to time during they rest on the masonry Tho water space under meter Chair, Mirror. Kocker, don and Cubn hare been the chief caaf-- or the down- the Government or what the same, the King, who on 13th awaiting ii the bridge being so narrow, the water rose within ward tendency. The ball and chain which Kaui, the native the inst., tho Captain found him proposed to the Parliament that the Ministers a few feet the roadway on the Pauoa side ot the Frime Red Salmon London price are measnrin; escaped from the prison Rang, carried with him, a telegram from the Admiralty, London, ordering of B. Marble-to- p Bedroom .... Atlan- should have i seat in the same, but was always bridge and fell like a cataract underneath-- being W Set a-- ; the connrariUon rery Thus at the foar has been found and returned to the keeping of the him to proceed forthwith to Esquimalt, Y. I. No Rolls tic portivthcrcwaa melted up during the Ate! quarter refused. When ho saw that he could not gain tho several feet lower on tbo Ewa side, where it only Chinese Matting Deputy Marshal. mails for her were here, none have reached tho wiWan-titr,- et ?' orthrearrentyearf23J,uutoi,8 of raw case he withdrew bis proposal. Ttmjnnr just touched the timbers. By 8 a.m. the water CompWie; Mipl BcdrtHnii Set. mnbl top, . toar caint since wonder every one l'S n 167JIW dnrln-t- he corrcepondln; quarter vl 1SS3, shin January last, no on nan mntamur tn i7i7, and so came to pass And tt noon, the Tborosgnbrfrd complete; Mattrert, Mllowt, Mwn.to Met, mo- tons The steamer A7row, according to too advertised y it had fallen considerably, leaving behind it traces an increace of 41 rcr cent. board was disappointed. By the Alameda yester-do- that the Parliament would have the Ministers to ot beyond Sheets, Kxtenunn Dining TM. having reached a height any recorded H Sin-ft- r Dy Im-sllt- Cevtrlfn-al- ., tcsttn;. W p cent., arc qnotable at announcement, will be duo in port here, from arrived a large mail for the Contanee which because CI1E3SUT MAKE. Dining Cbitrt. LoTiDt, Sew.sjr aUenlne. Order of Hie ll take seat in it. Tho King vetoed it, he low bridge by a B windward 2Gth will Vancouver, hitherto. Tho foot built former llagx. i Centre Knt. 6M6c. ports, on the early morning of the have to be this time to would have some guarantees, protecting the Crown superintendent of water works, for carrying the T KICK For the part two weeks the market has tberby adding another month 'to the delay. A right days. from being overrun by a casual majority, as waterpipes across the stream in a lino with Judd - laall Sell at AotiJ-- TOK C AREl at 5c, Tiday specimen case of "some one has blundered." to dissolve pensions the Cook Sc W day Is ankrd and the artlcie Ukcn at tlie A lighthouse on Barbels Point is of more the Parliament, and for street was carried away pipes and alb Except the Romping- Girl Stove and Fixtures for Immediate wants. The price will donbtteee advance Ministers. This would be necessary, just because bridge, and the property of the unfortunate Port- utility there than when stored in the dark recesses Daring tho high "trade wind" which was Min- toftc. bythclheaniralof the Maripwa. Eastern we have only one Houso in Norway, and the uguese, Bento Loci, but little damage was done Foaled In Tjble, Wantreee, Verandah Chain. lee Chest, M Z2J4 of the Custom House May bo the machinery is held blowing tstB by Letmtcr." fall pedigree can Meat Sate, Cans. to the territories arc free. on last Sunday afternoon, two native, isters consequently not having any "Houso of in that neighborhood. The Portuguese, it is be- be obtained on application to Tin Step Udder, Lawn Jlonr, Choice Carolina Is Belling In "cw York at for storage dues? boys ventured out in the harbor in a row boat. A support tho Uorliament would Mot, Saovals, Axe. Whaelbarrow, Lords" to them. If lieved have lost every thing they possessed aud the UaairlRff Lamp. Etc, Ste. 'an-wi-n, succession of heavy sqalls set the boat toward the agree to this, King sxlU ho sanction the MOLAbtsHh-- 4 " 'l"re you are your 'onor, -- 'ansom as is a the wold man Bento hurt hinncjf badly in attempting to LTOSS LEVET. Aatfrs. - Ia doll, latt sale 12Wc month time, i breakers mania of the lighthouse, and despite the law. As it now is K. ADAM., EXCIIANGE-Lond- on TOdfpt, $1,375; New York, handftionly bob mile, lienjoy the privi- alteration in the fundamental save some ot his household goods. The cottage i r. Ane'tr. a a frantic efforts of the boys to evade the calamity, tho King has no right to dissolve the Parliament, uiaitl-- riglitl&cts premlom. leges swell, hcven you don't know itself at comer of Ncuanu and Pauoa 1. of a Lunnon hif the boat drifted toward the danger. Happily for and as now is, the Ministers havo pensions, ewYokk, April where Lunnon is.' it streets was moved from iU position. JTttu Hbotrtisrmtnts. ON MONDAI Week the venturesome youths theis critical position was which the majority hereafter when the law was Coursing along in its mad career, the wild tor- FtR roKT' 3lAUi.ro!. for the hare p tn 11,MJ0 discerned from the deck of the Frenoh war-shi- altered, would not agree to, and that the King was Lot Kapiolanl been very larcc, 33,OG tons, althoaph tons Mexican dollars, stamped 1831, and fresh from rent of water devastated the banana plantations at Park lesthaa prerionsireek.andcon8lftlag of Cuba, It.-4- 2 lUrfjitUn and a barge was lowered, pulled to the afraid, would cause tho casual majority to dispense that lined the bank on either side, uprooting trees It W Indies, S.3:C tons; ; the Who imports Uicm eight boys rescued . &ir '. tons: Ilnrll..lRl tonf mint, are in circulation. f spot by stoat oarsmen and the with the Ministry whcneverthcysochoosed,audhe of several years growth, until at last branching REGULARJiASHSALE jw Eat Indies. 4.t2 tuns; Eoropc, tons; And if we have enough Kttno tti Lhou silver why from the impending danger. thought and thinks, and many with him, that that out in a wider stream, flooded yards, drown- - tone, it the : l.tttton- l)clicrlet have alfobetnlare,3i,6-- import more depreciated stuff ? would do moro harm than good, in causing an un- ing out .chickens and sweeping nway ducks, of the On Monday, April : 28th? u mi that stocks have increased bat J.S23 ton p. bat r members will year. Consumption by The of tho "Honolulu Kiflea" held a certainty in governing tho country, wriggling I residents in tho vicinity of Makela. Here tho cul- day af A. D. 9 tfljwj tuns larger than latt Messrs. C Alee and Goo Kim are now the ac- SATURDAY, APRIL 26 At o'clock noofl, at Sale room, Trt Sl AtfUU Ul M which, em can the net melting of refiners since Jann-ar- meeting at tbo Athletic Association hall last even- call Tho independent or Jjeft party as wo call tivated tiro patches and gardens wero soon a wild tt agents in this kingdom for the Empire of it voters, when I 1ft, ho 'Jptr cent increase over year, credited ing and, after receiving a report from a committee it, told the uneducated aud ignorant waste ot water, and tho force of tho freshet speed- I will al Saleroom 5fr T Ataxia. Mjollone: otr ,. China, the first named gentleman an Commercial the King repeatedly used his absolute veto, that At 10 a. m., offer at asetMn that Lotnf Land on Kaaalna fj of members who had had an interview with His ily carried away the foot bridgo rim ot Berotania at Salosroom. No. 3, 1SSX Avenn. kmwn as Lot Kanahnrn. adtolnlnff i i ISM.' agent and the other gentleman as AssUtant. Majesty, decided that the work of organization he was trying to tako all tho power from the Par- street bridge, also destroying the fences, Hooding KaptoMnl Park, and containing an area of 4 UifoHoifjM lmportrra Ptockp. AT SOOS: " - nd Hefiurr should be immediutcly yroceeded with. A com- liament and that .the liberty, that word which of tbe lower stories ol the houses in tho vioinity and acre, ha? in? a frontage of 3M feel on MM avenue, and . t Jan. 1st , J.OTI m,4T3 - fTl3 Mr Geo. W. Lincoln the well known contractor mittee to frame a constitution and was all is most misused, was in danger, and that he causing a panic amongst tho occupantswhoquick-l- y a depth of KA feet This dlnrk- Ptece of Property ImiKwied by lioitortrrs and lie builder received orders from Messrs would etc., believed I He directly opposita tite Cecil finere to March 27th SUlftX ITSJOj and has appointed by President Simmons and after a some- mako them slaves, and they it. set about moving their valuables to moro safe totabeloncinfftoMr. Spreckels Jc Co to commence the work on the Before he used his absolute veto the last time, he Family Carriage Horse Brown and T. Heyman. - what lengthy and enthusiastic mcetinf, adjourn- and drier ground. of the LnnaHto 312,001 building proponed for tho new bank. consulted tho legal faculty and body said Tie Trnte9 Ktate oaT laid out lChll ment was had until Thursday evening the 2Uh that Tho scene along tho courso of the river, in the another arenoe, back of this lot. e It will havo. a Imiwjrtcrs and Jlellnert flock. unanimously, that ho bad a richt to use it. and early Kind and (irntle: fitl l(Ci9& Tele-pho- inst., at the same hour and place. morning, was grand in tho extreme, tho best auuv uh "RITIMH' wt .UMIIiVIl irOin 3ItrchS7 i8,lDJ The result of the meeting of the Mutual consequently he did use Besides ho was en Tiew being School adjacent mucin,. week has the for it obtained from the street bridge, the artesian well, bfienxtaxto Jas. Campbell, Stockholders last been Definite news has at last been received relative couraged to do so by many of tho voters, not only from which point of vantage no less than threo VftlUlBLE LAN Net meltings, Jan. 1st to Mar. ST.. JMKJ ICTW on new building the" offices . " warding of work n for of the Government party, but also by many of the roaring, were Tisible, One Single Harness Term Casn t deeds at expeaa of pnr&asc-f- hales have Increased for vpotPDgar, as the offerings of the company. Mr George Lucas has tho work to the whereabouts of the schooner Julia also tome foam tossed waterfalls Ltfl, after they had learned tho difference between which with tho afterfiow of surging, heaving waves E. ADAMS. Aocfr. ADAMS. from producing countries at present prices have fallen in charge. cews regarding the whereabouts of tho gallant suspensory veto, and also saw r. K.l. And r. below the requirements of refiners. Mill the down- Captain who commanded, the secretary who log- the absolute and he buffeting tho banks and boulders in frantio efforta trnflt-ne- v low O-- that the Government party fast gained ground, to escape which confined ward ami nricM Are ' Ihe S. S. Alameda arrived in port hereon the ged, and the crew who worked the Julia. The ves- the bounds the angry Snln-uiitlc- r transaction and I am convinced that they will be in tbe ma- formed moving VALUABLE Mortgagee's poiror of Sate er on raot gradel, but the exceptional in 22d insL, C days and 21 hours from San Francisco, sel went ashoro on tho 10th of January, on one of waters, a panorama thowild Ilraall at lmprocmmt. In cw t nd fretght jority by the next election, in 188. Wonder if of which chained the beholder in I 10c unnging news ana man qates to tno una msu the islands oi tin uiibert group ami became a Contained in Mortgage. revera! centrifagals have been placed at they will punish tho present leaders? I think not; amazement aud awe. the scrr.iBUt decJineay.310-10- c for '.G , and muscovados have ) tons ot cargo the Alameda brought 84 total wreck, insured for $10,000, crew and a few when their cause has fallen they will fall too, Happily tho loss at present reported, with the REAL Dr order ot the Trader, of the Eatate, tbo found a lower level at & f for one cargo of passengers. stores saved. The botanizer of the expedition, F. ESTATE Lnnalli. 3Ucc and soon bo forgotten. Now, they havo openly of that sustained by Mr. Enos, con- mortgat-fe- of a certain raortflfazo naile by J. P. A C. ugar. I'orto Ulcos have told Gj, 3?Bu, c. A fM gross L. Clarke, well known loth in this city and on exception is U.N KLLAOKAHLA 1'LAINS. To-d- &. confessed it, tney will roaso Norway a Sletn.cn ami Manr .V. sirmMn wire, dated the eight guarantee, and K3- teat. Oncrlngs from Cnua at 10 am., .Messrs. Adams Ellis will Maui, returned to this city per Alameda on the Zlst republic. fined to small portions of banana, taro and vege- hi. Ha i'orto JUcn That is well enough, but Norway must then first October. A. D.!!, 1 Khali tell atanctln.rorcaK conunnea small, but are Increasing from hold an auction sale, at the residence of Mrs. H. inst., having deserted from his companions in table gardens, although considerable inconvenience tor and omc West Indlas: , r, separate Sweden, then bear all expenses of I h4Tereccirrd from E II rondltlon broken, at noon. other A. Scott, purpose misery homewards to convey tho from and discomfort has been caused by tbo flooding of instruction THOMAS. EMJ. Ipmenta from the 1'hUlppinc Islands, hare been en Beretama street, for the of and meandered consuls, foreign minister-resident- etc., alone, of In offer at Public Auction. nouncuom news Foreign Office. residences, yards etc.; no loss of life adds a story For House cheeked by their late and email crop, and afloats from disposing oi tue enure lot oi iurnuure of the cruise to thd His which expenses Sweden now pays s, On tho 28th Day pf April, 1884' lots, time yeat. domicile. memory is very treacherous, when questioned by to inouniooKeu ior occurrence, wuicuissomeining there arc now no larger than at same lift contained within that and Norway is too poor a country to do that. my and prices continue above the parity of our market-hom- world relativo to be thankful for. At 10:10 a.m. tho bridges on At Salesroom ta Honolnlu, the outside to the whereabouts of men, seen is ucucr as On ,28 Cuba advices Indicate a curtailing of the crop Poet Geo. l)e Long, N'o. t.', G. A. IE., Commander knowl nucn it is cicany mat it it Kim:. Smith and Nuuanu streets, were visited bv n Monday, April held a Tripp and the crow,' and tho is, why not act accordingly? The; intellect, right crowd from various causes, uctHiseUIl gemrally edge no is posseu ox wm not at present ue mauo of carious ones, and all wero found to bo in The Following at 10 per ceul. over the list, say HW,tW to iS.tMl tons. meeting at their hall in thfs city on the evening and truth is on tbe sido of tbe government, and good condition. The roadways opposito the Chi At 12 o'clock noon, at Salrgroutu, the Jland-m- Real Estate tenden- trans- public g Ilcflncd sugar continues to have a downward of the 17th inst and among other business tbe result will show that I am right nese Theatre and at Makela will havo to bo repair A Certain Piece of Land situate at Naarak Sugar-grpwin- cy-the production being always rather ahead ot the provision was appropriate 1SG0 society , and. acted, made for the A large " as it is called on the coasts Ad. 2. In there was started a in ed, as well as tho bridges mentioned aa naving in Ujmakoa. on the Island of Hawaii, wtlh 4t demand, but the fact that refiners can market their celebration of the coming Commemoration Day, Norway, called Society do is rather an Indication of California and Mexico, was captured bv a na- the "Central for using been washed away. RESIDENCE AND LOT house ami improvnnentt tbereoii, SH'Arrrl J production a cllatbey May 30th. Arms, Ithadinl87l,18,0o3 that they may bavcdlQlcnlty In supplying the Increased tive fisherman on the 16th inst., off Diamond Head. tod Athleticcxercise." A telephone messago received by tho Messrs J. U members sleeping not counted and was sup- fc 1. AI)J1 Anrt'r. demand, which should come w ItU good tprlftg cuther Mr. Douglas Monserrat and Mr. Jacob Brown The scaly monster weighed, when brought to share, M. Oat Jr Co," from Waimanalo conveyed tho Owned by him and eltaatril on corner G H ported a long by voluntary contributions. thd of Klnaa and the opening of the fruit season. VS2 lbs., was feet inches in length and had a for time information that over 300 acres ot cano were un- and Pllkoi Street, running through, to LunalUo Street. llic London advices ore the vorst thins our market arc producing some nico maps of the Park. Tho circumference of C feet. The "lone fishermen" The members practiced mostly in water locality milo rail- to There perms to be no bottom use der in that and that a of has contend arainst process they for reproduction is cheap and who ocean product, In later years it has bad subsidies from the gov- way been away. Hopes ta 171 feeCVin U Piifco. over there, and the foar ol exjorte wiy belli; re- captured of had washvl aro cutortaincd The Lot KInan Street. reel on this they offer these maps to the peblic at a reasonable k Jjrfl party a similar hiiYln- keeps our anxiety time; a states that he did so with a common ernment Tho then started that no serious damage will result to tho flooded Street. 1W feet on JJtrcet, an area of Lots sumed, holders In all the figure. Quito a number have been sold already. society purpose 1879, called Kapiolani Park change there would be a great relief, and give a stimu- (No. &) about two inches in length, attached to a for the same in 'nnd cane. 0Tr lii acres, and can be easily Idcd into lus to the sugar business here very quickly. cotton fishing line. He also says that, on bringing tho "Society for arming the people." The admin- At iUii a.m, the wind shifted to .the N. E, the ltrfincrs stock In "ew York Is 8,311 tons, against Ev cry body who can spare the time should at once tho fish np alongside of his canoe, he made up his istration of this was civen to a siricle man. and rain clouds dispersed, and by 2 p.mt tho Nuuanu tons last year, and acfiners stock In Itoeton Is 5 visit the leading Millinery Houso of Chas. J. mind that ho had in ado a mistake, and if the dis- Lthe Parliament voted a contribution of about river was resuming its sluggish motiod. 6 ions, against ,W1 tons last year. Total stock In Fishel, and there inspect the line line of ladies would $11,000, nnd for the use of which he should not BuildingLots IUTVji, tance had not been so great, he probably Jr. Foar In all hands Is tons, against VTJ.VX trimmed hats on exhibition y and the balance possession arcomtl iiorbereeponniblt! The society also said last vcck.-in- a.ltpO tons last year. have allowed the fish to take of the Each of vUe, aa may by TaiBiialiE EstiiiG tons to this week. to that it would need lOOcwt. powder and lead enough cood be teen the pUn Much March lsU the receipts at Fourlkrts have canoe, as he desired to swim shore. Hundreds, Ntu) 5ttJtrti5ciiuiii5 at tbe office ot the Auctioneer. J 1. M,178 tons 13,Osl town people gratified curiosity, by a view to make tho required amount of balls. 100 cwt of been from Cuba. tons from Jlritlsh From a private source is that Com- of their and French West Indies, aw tons from China, C.ttiy it learned the of the fish before the final cutting up. powder will exactly makol,20,000cartridges, Be- I have fntruclions to offer at tons from iurote, 2,113 tona from Manrltius, otons mander of the ill fated Julia la filling an engage- sides they advertised for provisions, etc What THE HOUSE IS NEW public auction. Lands at Makapala, Kobil Domestic. Total luV,4M tons, of which C1,C25 tons ar- ment with one of tho Sooth Sea island government use could they mako of all that powder? Why PACIFIC RUBBER PAINT rived to refiners, and47,6i tons to importers, bales and will not be able to fill the vacancy kept open erect depots of provisions? No enemies threatened Well built and comfortable, and offers a Hue On for the came time ru,4 w tons, and total deliveries tt!.0t9 Kaupo was visilcd by to proeare a desirable Hometed In a canren-- f Monday, April 28th, Includes receipts to Mocks at the (Jahn Jail, that is not for someycars t come. Maui, and vicinity, a to invade our country. To what purpose was it torn, which refiners. hare society had worked satisfactorily, lent and easily acccssahle locality, there prop- Increased 7,4X3 tons tince March let. severe Aom storm ou the 10th and 11th insts, then? The old Mixed Ready for Use. ny erty Is daily Increasing In value. A1112 o'ctock noun, at my Salesroom, la, Hawaii r Some of tho late appointments made by Mr Pre- wind blowing a gale and tbe rain falling in tor- why start a new one? I think tho King was right M. LlcnT'8 XUTCST ESTIMATES OF TUE llEETCBOr. sident ot the Board of Education, have not raised rents, filling thOjBtrcama so that freshets occurred. in vetoing that resolution. 1WU- One Can Apply E.P.ADAMS, Aucl'r. Tons. -3 the personnel of tho school teachers of the coun- A.d. 3. in our fundamental law is pointed out It. Lots Ucrmauy ..VDJUW Those 2 Valuable tOT I(San awyfiiaura Lami on tkt aEtle I try, and, as a natural consequence, respecta- what officials are to bo elected by tho . the 1'ho survey party in Kaupo district have nearly Parliament ta;-:- x France ...... 43S,W) 423.191 ble teachers are much dissatisfied. aud by the Crown. Now the Parliament would .luiuianru tn. raimad. ac Austria and Hungary.... 473.U01 completed their labors. Use tine IBiiciiic HANDSOME At Kapahnlu. aJJolnlng Kapiolanl Tart p.r"'. .UossU and I'oland elect two railway officials, and tho King vetoed it RESIDENCE Numbered land 2, cunUlnluj lojetrvrll acre. uaiwi f ea,wi Manager Fassett of the Hawaiian Hotel gave a Dnring the prevalence of tho Aoa, experienced Tho Parliament elects bank officials Bank of Nor- frco to I 7125-10- 0 LOT -- KJit;rUaiim blll.ld.. on th ra.t.ld.l t llufiand and elsewhrrc . .... 40,lMJ dinner a number of friends, at the hostelry on Maui during tho 10th uist, hundreds of trees way) etc, but has not tho power to elect railway - On Kulaokahua Plains; Lot No. has Acres, over which he presides, ou tho evening of tbo 17tii ollicials. Tho King did just what ho had to Mlkaoala. Ilrar tk. tlllfwl.I. anil adlolnl I Tj wcro washed down from tho mountains to tho sea. right Mubbei- if 13-10- XI 2G0,tXi0 aiirt 0 Totat MidiSn inst, which, so report hath it, (pr Vret and Tho destruction to the forests will be a gain to do, in fact, he could not do othcrwiso without Lot No. 2 has' 4 Acres. .l.ttl 'aCaWttBM I bare received Instruction IrTCl h II DOLE. ES(). Lomkin, March Tth. Itecelpta at the Foar Forts..!,. AtirerttWr reporters) was well attended. tbe natives who will find the wood scattered along breaking the law; the fundamental law would bay? a Land oa K. the week endlnc March ud were 3UVW tons. DURABLE, GLOSSY AND ECONOMICAL. Attornej tor JtHS U K FYFE lo offer for sale LOT uaatKafaia idtalrrr ta. mi for tbo Ixnch, where it is thrown by the action ot tho to bo altered first public bvtLo Makapa.aJ Iteliverles lSSM tons. Stork Increased, 2,3W tons. at auction. Tbepe lita tan waternl Attcalan "TU of tuiiaiiSo" MUMtl . Charles Garrclt tbo loscst in tender for tho waves, 13 I will not discuss this further, and not trouble H ln3TAimkTS; acn-f- Exccsk tock Urtycar 4j,'JJ0 tona. OuoUtion: and gathered up for firewood. MAMUKAUTURED ONLY BY Mr t'amobell, an(l,are eaay of acfea. harln'atrrata )iw oxr erection of tho building for tho new Police Station you any moro atiout it' but I could not help giving ml Java, No. 15, U.S.. QtM.ud. CtnUlfurals, and Court Houso on Merchant street inrrc aiui . at W Fair Kcflnlng, 1C. W. feW0!.15. Cd. has been The mounted nolicc force, at Wailuku. havo not my view of it. I remain, Dear Sir, yours etc, On Monday, 28 The'contrmpUtM rallwar wllfbrine all Iho Iota lnl Lor man ka tmrtkm nf M.Kaaala. m.t I ft lret,ltr compelled April ' 4 Canr sugar weak, speculators and refiners hold off. to withdraw his tender and the contract yet made the peoplo believe that they are a necqs-sar- v O.H. FULLKK & Co, is Part within Qftera niliiutefillnr lb lit ianajpv. has been b Minister WIUTTIHK, town, thalr djrt - Brt. Beets declining rapidly. awarded the of the Interior adiunet. although there is more of a disposi At 12 o'clock noon, at Salesroom, anil mnal nalorallr incrraae valud; an to the next lowest bidder, E. 1, portantty la offeml for a teotl InTHtmcnt rmurnsE Island. March --ind. Sugar, sellers. Thomas. tion shown to do something'.by the members of San Francisco, Cal. Quotations: extra saiK-rio- Manila, 111 10s.. f. o. b that body, than by the local police. A remark- Xtm 3""i'""tistiiiciits. E. 1'. AU.U13. Aocit. 10s. The Legislative Session of 1831 will' bo opened sujcr1or Manilla, U f.o. b.; superior Jlollo. i'U able captnro by Captain Haley and his. squad is For Sale by the Importing llousea of Ilonolnln. 1'nt Price of o f o. b.; spperlor Ccbu, 112 15s. f. o. b. Cable ou tho instant. Tbe listen- promised, near Mtlio Upset $5,500 March Shh, show ICnW tons had sailed for the lth after in the future. np In 1!S lb tins, U call, cans anil J S lb tins. to ing to His Majesty's speech, probably ad- United Mates since January against 2131 tons will - TO-DA- -- not CHALK. or CRAWL. Is 1L journ until Monday, on which latter day they will AS- Y ! It uill It MotlO That certain Hecc or I'arcel of Land on for tame time last year; 2G11 tons are now afloat Hawaii. llerctanla Street, , 33,073 same year. elect a president, secretary, sergeaut-at-arm- s, Sr of tho Bostaixi Purest Materials, nlth against tons to date lost and The week at Uilo has been decidedly rainy, Lands atWalalua, Molol messenger. inst BUILDINGS ADD Koua, Nea Yokk, 5th April. 1S1. Wliitu Lead. Oxide or THE IMPROVEMENTS THEREON Laud at South re-- Zinc, Mnccour last reHrt of the Tth ultimo eugar has Tbo new residence of Mr. I1. C. Jones, ou Nuu-nu- u Tho circus arrived at llilo by tho "Kinau, on fnrtlier in price Unlj stay in the decline took April beinp; the property owneil by lira Fyfeandat :, Avcnuo is very nearly completed. will Thursday, 17th. LOOK OUT I'll re Liu.sccil Oil, liciiuino Colors occupied by "nuj:e 3IcCully. al place when the price of beetroot rugar rose In England It be Hawaii. free-o- bS polarisation lt&,6d. an addition to ralley architecture. Mr. 5rom l&s. Cd. board for to Jones has The bridgo builders aro at work making the nec- FOR- Combined with a STItOXO SOLUTION or E. I: ADAMS, Aucfr After price receded gonoto considerable expenso and troublo form- -- JtomaketipforJShorU. lhithe in I to offer Auction, --On, a lot flower-bed- plants essary repairs upon the bridgo over tho Waiakea ara Instructed at Ttibllc LUT I Kite Mkk lorlr known ing and when tho onco tret un LoImm; tflapatta I of Xaaaanna 111 As our rcfioeries kept ou with their work, although der way handsome results may bo expected. river at Uilo. Tho Bost India Rubber. Guardian's Sale o! Real Estate on Nuuanu St. ittnat. refined sugar found a very slow sale, overproduction C. 3. moa. ei".ib aifwar. necessarily 1e result, and granulated has al- Georgo Holmes FISHEL'S Vpril SSfcli mut the Tho concert Emma Squaro even- Mr. llrudie together with Mr. . oitDEit , or a. .r, iroiiday, . or band at on tho 3-- ready fallen to cts. The refiners, by force circum- will to England. PIONEER WHITE LEAD! minor IchllcIrcnNiner LOT anil Kola Land attnat. on the an to v. stances, have to ; try means poestblc to press the ing the 21st inst., was fairly attended and leave Kohala shortly for a visit At H noon, at Salesroom, of the KoIiaU people wish trip, and will S.KUir!, anu on tier the anlhotltr of the Hunreme Court o'tfoet or in, airnun aajAininsapaoaaor i i value of raw suar dova. In whidi they hare beeu contained in the programme, eight in tinni- them a pleasant Guarantee lh) Lead to bi A STRICTLY PURE assisted by unusually large importation and the de- compositions Verdi, givo them a hearty welcome when they return. AIETICLK. l'CH-- CARBONATE OP LKAD.lIronnd In H noon, at aler(iom. er, consisting of by llosiui, -- at o'clock mr that certain nine moralisation of the Oubau and hurnpcaii markets PURE REFINED LINSEED OIL. anil It Is eld tab-je- of land on Nnoann Avcnnr, the Certain Parcel -- KaloiiHl KS4ao&IUa(ialh. centrifugals V Itellini, Donizetti, Waldteufel and Coote, were That land lot's Cuban polarising haw been sold Mr. hospitality enter- to Chemical Analysis and the Blow pipe Tce(. ana uirwenj- cpponite mo- proptny or Mr n u ofrtf flSohlun with Iknil at 6? and also centrifugals yi iKilarit-atlo- well rendered. llrodiu with his usual unit KaHhikl. wHh Hawaii, .ItrHmlftll. ,ji hire rent, Frlel.belnjthc Mine more particularly Hitnatc at Kna, la croprl bj th. poblk road. IOT act (guaranteed) at 1 cetts to arrive, ltat at tuctc tained a number of friends at his residence at PIONEER WHITE LEAD is Mann facta ted Uojal 067 a ltatn commenced falling heavily aud steadily on OPENING In l'ntfnt 'n. ISt? Knlrana Hclit and more partlcnlar described Is lloral Tatent 3W7, L. prices there are more sellers thsn purchasers Kohala, Tuesday evening, and all pres- In San Francl-c- arrives here Vrcali.&ml can be ob- Ilawi, last followt: C. A want 9STI Y Kalwb-'lkap- The main point In favor of sugar is the tlimulatcd the eveniugtof tho -- 1st inst, and at about mid- tained promptly and In as (ranted. K hofimaLa Ue Koni e U containing an area KtH aad Kala Laa4 ltata mi hr ilrnl ' ent had a jolly time. The houso and grounds ana ma kihi ptU ana mc ke ttl-- large,1nereasc of cousuinpUon caused by tlics low ItuKrci-lincssi-s Economical, In that OH t of 3 aertM with all th appartenadcasi and case- Of n.HtRa aajvtniaui night of that date, was pouring down in torrents. were beautifully decorated which showed the the lu which alanui Knaanu a mc ka alna o Kamnbca Illn t ke behHJslDjf. tnr clces. i In the course of last month over I U ments thereto There ara raa. U PW.UOtons One of the consequences of the "heavy wet" is the refined taste. Dancing was held in a lanai It ground not ukcd Into the wood of the pack- a c holo ana Ilcma 4$9 Illk. 195 pankn p nil! ana tr" af ave been dcliren din this country, so far the Icrcest host's age, and consequent! the formation Is me Humane no ke llemio Inoue month The Incrcate In exposure again ot tho many mistakos of tho road built for the purpose and kept np till early morn. Aaannnla hlkllkekibl quantity .... that New Millinery Goods avoided. , kcla alna, alalia Akaauio Ink. 'ivi paaka e mil ana Land tha manka delivery of sugar during the three months lsaliout supervisor. PIONEER WHITE LEAD IS PURE WHITE. LOT 3 Kala aiiaaleln car' t lat The mcko lloopaniano ke Aupnnla hiu I kc klul Ilik. 3 Buildings upon tho Property. alna. "tKOtons, and although it is uot to be sapiocd that Hilo was not behind the times at Easter. The IS FINER OUOUNO thin any other In this Market; okela alna, alalia A Van 4S Kom. .Tirj paukn e pill ana lHWTcr. such a large lncrape will continue (which Mould make The 1. M. S. Zealamlitt arrived in port here at 8 HAS or COVERING PROPER Church beau- - me ko Urolnml nke Aapanl ahifcl Ike alannt ban- n eicessof 3HU,inWtoiis over last year) Mill it shows n. 21st inst., bringing two passengers, Foreign was'most appropriately and TO-DA- ! TIES, and i nltliontan ctjiuiI. ana alalia llema 31 o Kom. zv paukn e pill ana me ka 'jailMffll ajhfLftppe I low sugar in. ou the Y M , E. AI.Jt.S, Anc.'r., tw. t that Hit prices vt drive grape urar (gtucotc) Miss Duncan aud Mr. Itobert Grieve, to Honolulu, uiuuy uccoraicu, ituu n praise servicu louh iuu ii i pin up infill), iu. jiiuioanu 10 Kcga; in uniakeaianni uuanas !. ntmK aU: JilHi and oilier subttituKs out of consumption. -- Vi 1 ' 27 passengers in transit for tho colonies. place of the nsnal meeting. Tho symbol of the lb nnd 23 Ib'ttn paUt.aml In mall tins from to an area of UMUU of an ' carrying cross appeared throucb all the Coral bouquets in ID lbs each. TliUpropertTlsplcaiantlfltnateflon the bill Tho vessel sailed again for the South at 10 a. m. A Jot n r$Ck which many varieties of lilies, exquisito roses and Jyst Received ex Alameda Full Supply Is Kept In Stock by the above lite second llrlda and Is a Rood location for a PORT Of HONOLULU. same date. were Upon Wholesale llouec In Ilonolnln. to whom we cordially rcl'lenfe. .' fragrant magnolias blended. the altar recommend Intending buyers- - Manufactured only bj TERMS CASH. -- Deed) at expense or purchaser. 8 11. Lv tinder tho patronage of H. II. Princess dia, table stood an npright cross of belootropes, with . Arrived-Ap- r. i:. ADAlIH.Auc'-lr- tho 4Mokao Club' gavo a concert at tho Waikiki tho letters I II S in .scarlet geraniums,imbedded cr Tue Ladies nil) please call and examine. WHITTIER, FULLER & Co., ' I. 18 Am tern Dora Itlnhra, Pluhm, fm l't Town'nd ,. , I ...,!. ; , in ...... in tho purple Mowers, heautiful vines drooped (liMi It) Lands atKapahulu.lslat 21 FMhS Zealand la, Webber, from ban Fran euurciii ou me v.tiiufi ui luo ,ri.iiui tusk, im iuv (lowers Corrodcrs of, White Lead and Manufacturers of Mixed 23 OSS Alameda, Howard, from ban Fran graramed vocalizations were well rendered and from tho iralnit and table, and baskets of pulpit cushion. A volun- - Paints, colon, arnftiies. hue zinc, and import- the auuicncc scemeu nigniy pleased wnu tno even- bung pendant from the ers of French and Ilelzlan Window Ola- -, Fireworks! Fireworks! EJ ivsaubou uu VALinABL Sailed. ing's entertainment inry uiiuu luu oriiu, uj oik wnapmi 37 San Francisco, California. ly Apr. ZcalaudU. YVeblur, for Colonies the violin, response reading, Easter anthem by tho -tli ofOahu: Jl ItilSb -- UPS fcj French corvette Kcrgntlen, Aguior Fouruier, Tho schooner Mile ilorris arrived in port hero choir, song by the S. H. Children, a pleasing address H. MAY & Co 1 ItU for Tahiti ' on tho 17th inst, in distress, from Lanai. She by Mr. Tuthill, fortunately present during gje ltev. ' '22 Haw bk Kalakaua, Miller, Tor was B- i -- ' ban Fran had gone ashore at Itinni, a nolo stove in too tho pastor's absence made a very interesting oc- West Timber, Lor Oa LM -l HU.ire t:,l port Bide by contact with the rocks and the rudder casion. t j.UKEt(JULYl HJUatK. - Vessels In Port, was carried away; temporary repairs were made, have SALE OF . ar . SCANTLING of all sizes; THE CSDEHSHl.VED .GKST FOR THE llr bk ltittns.li, Witt vessel arrived safely in port here as above .. 0,5-si- ri' fs'T-- and the Politics- Lot - til i V Am bgtue Pel in a, lllakc. staUd. Norwegian Lv 9--1 l acta Uttt-- Am tern Chas lloiison. bpraguc. Boar.ds, Battens. Co I aim. Lrt -M arrra race-trac- k tW. Am tern Dora llluura, ltluhm Tho vicinity of tho l'ark is beginning Mini, April 17, 18SI. California Fireworks . Or--S Mariposa, Howard EurroE In Oizecte dated April to present a considerable degree of activity in tho Uizette: tho lee'vd W For Salo by Is Prepared to Ttraa at Iota narked bjr MM are illnalo i tbe matter of preparation for the races on Kamcha. ICtb, you writo about Norway, and tho decision 'beacli at Kaahwal eaat of Diamond llcac MEMORANDA!. day, trainers, grooms, small boys andborses (rantlsx on a mad ffron Honolala r wa of fiTF mcha come. to. As seo Lowers & I the Supremo Court has I that Cooko. b beim? now discernible in tho carlv mornine: en RapMaal Park rsonlni btwceahen , yonr statements aro based on a false foundation ORDERS m FIREWORKS REAL ESTATE tko wa, and an iltw for conntrr Report r It Jl S S Zcalandia, "Webber, Com'dr. gaged in work fitted to celebrating thoncarap-- 240 'CASES liMa with wMMtracltltiaa for era bath.at llltcharged San p m, on Monday pruacuiu;; uuuuay partly, and haio mistakes originating from, a lack 14th ediyood, the inst, and received llouolulo pilot at (:XI a m knowlodgo country and its laws and tbo Rough, and Or Every Kind, anil at LOWEST .on the 21st Anril: dnrln? the cznerieneed rar- - Sugar came into port from windward, by the of of that ' af3V'l'arateUn'lLpllait'('ark wUtn instate hopo ac.-e- ilablcocad winds w ltU.fi nc weather: passed Sis City of origin of tho present strife going on there, I Humes Salmon, Flag Brand PRICES. Wo can Furnish reaan of arteaun water, s nyaney steamers htlelilt, KiitaiitltntlaiiiMidiKllaHeaJloiti will forgive mo in taking the to givo ' CLEAR, at iidu p m,ou tuciiiu, anu SS Marlnosaat vou liberty . 11 .. in largo quantities on tho IDth and 20th insts, a R ':15a m,on tl.lk4l. Inst; at in on the inst you a short but truo representation of the facts. 11 are 15,800 packages being received. UMhis ortlrr of Hrr Jlajwtj (Juccii IjT aad arable land near KavlsUat experienced thick rainy weather and hove ship to; total of No wonder that my country is so little known; it Of all kinds. Mottoes, Letters, Vonttstr Park; within reach of artetjan wl r XI - cargo, lOO auerwaras proceeamftiowiy an iiidl- tot tho LiMil brought the banner the is a small kingdom, and deemed of little or no im- Oasos acres. largest ever brought to port here, viz: 3,1121 pack- Kniniii ami Hon. Ilrmlcp 1'nnhal .u portance in tho "European concert." e Local Designs, Mr. ages, or 30 tons. Tor Salo by ramf-aea- about ore. into details, I will draw your atten- J 'kapioU ii.lt a?ip25.ts- - lief coins TABLE FRUITS, STANDARD BRAND Seli'St MIT - Missionary brig fillip is now fully tion to a few points in your article; you say: "It is Or Pieces, jJBIiIiop.tltari r.mlrJrTlgn't'.Ijnlll C Parka'jtthlajrtaaw ofjrtrstei water. WFrnm I'oit 1)6? Alnlini. April 1tf The Itaniup Lowors & j nuHnLlrr' well known that for several years past, tho king Cooko. KromanyDeatsn ifctiA ' 3W,W7 feet rouzh lumber, 61,74 feet drewed lumber. due from the South Seas, and as she has most in opposition to the Submitted. I'libltc Av'iM"'-- juti.uuutn ingiet. probably touched at Jaluit, her arrival s looked has maintained an attitudo repeated decisions of tho Storthing, or llepresent-ativ- o tttr t'ataloxnea may be aeon at niy office UirSS-Paata- re aad arable Un4 Xiev Ktv!t- - for tho more anxiously so as to obtain n true and nul- Cases lit body, and that again and again. has he rmitii't Honolulu, on PiilcJ wiuua.rencn wnra. "unvarnished tale" relative to the workaccom-lishe- d air, PASSENGERS. lified by veto tho votes of the two Chambers, and Asli, Orders Must bo Given by May 15th ' H by tho Hawaiian Commissioner during the thiHnnvprvitnnartant IT 1$-- -- constitutional nnestions.r From liana anil Molokal. per Lebna, April Hobs 3p.l-.ilat- - vovago of the now wrecked Jnlia. mis- JAMS AND JELLIES EASTERN PINE, KOA, LOT land Kaplolll! Ak K K Koi. Now, hero aro two great and very important ' Va , Kttplhea, J llanuna, Joqo. Akana fl UJO takes. First wo have only cue House, not two. 0 to insure Delivery in Time. actls. SB For llamakaa, Ter O K HUlion, April 18 J A Hy Zeuhtmlia news was received tho fol ' i " the that Oar representative body, btrolhing, is indirectly &c. lowing vcswls, n number of Black Walnut, linrU'PiHn. land near Kaptolant Pa.- A'.3 MaVee. April IS It from this port for ban Francisco, elected, the electors electing certain reach of artaslaa water. It "AltMacret. FnrKaaaltlaVaIanae,lerJa. out, viz.: . 23 City ajjahi elects tho ADAMS. A Macflc, Jr. Capt Jack.on, L Kahlbaum and wife, 3 t" had arrived C Mttrrntft days; mon who number of the Strothini! StandardBrand, 1ST Tor liy E. P. Monday, April 28 r ' . Tollo, 8 days; IT. 11. f). 1 can Salo hi. Colboro, 4 Ucrapalh, Dupn. . vf f)iorf,'15days: II. (i'arliamentjM snail nereaitcr hj. Alter L4IT bud '.Mlodfax Irlamoad Head-- ho InriM, la days; A'afr, 18 days; Alameda, C days, 18 t hn Parliament Iiafl nsacmbled. and declared itself Tlcrrca Subar-uurr- ftranil: Mortgagees' Notice of Intention to Foreclose From ban Franclaeo, per Zcalandia. April 21 Kobert llami.Star Lowers & Cooko. beaman't par awewaaca or air 'no wori tirleve. and Si paaeenzers In transitu for Auckland and hours. The captains of the Inein and Kale both duly constituted, opened by the King or his rep- Cs Racon. l'araron ltrainl; ATOTJCE 16 IIKKEUY GIVKSN TB cres. Sydney. report having experienced very boisterous weatherJ resentative, the Parliament divides itself into two C ralrbank.s !.nrd,3,& and 1UB palls; Jul that purtuaat toapower of iale rnutalnrd in a a flxa Cheese, urrtjnuality; e f' From Kabolul, per Kllanca IIou, April l'J Akana uuriug tue entiro passage. unauioers, iigiuing &uu wuclsiuujk. A.icij certain mortca-- Ancfltt lih. 1W, made LOT 37 BM4 Urn. jfefof nwaat of CsCallfornla Lard. Sand 0Ct tins; wiTr, M Ktllll, Ue and W proposition, whether from the Ministry or from of best quality KuUlta Hilva Miirin aitaMora i children. J Winter. Trak,JI Itxs llonelees Coil Fitb.nUITiscacb: fw), (iouzalrea and Annie Gonzalree bU wife of j Collin., Brother Lonl,lSrother Bernard, V'1'.A Ilrener, Messrs W.S.Kimball Co., the manufacturers any M. IV baa first to pass the Lagthing, Ktwyalmon Julian AT'ltl't.L6ClK NOOM, THE K t of the Gclliea and Maclcref, Honolulu, of Oalin, of thn - .J U . . A ( so Island toAnUmlo J. Iiu'. IC iiJf llarlvr. of "Vanity Fair" tobaccos and cigarrettes have then tlm UilslhinT and lastlr the Parliament, Kcir'amllr Pork. ". to Jt l'Otis each; Shingles Galvanized same place of record In the office of the Keclftlrar f Mir 3 Pastare land natal ol road tnur..M.rem From Maul and Hawaii, per Llkcllkc, April agents city Messrs. Hot-list- every law before being laid beforo the King K;rs Corned Itrcf, 23 and Mtrn racb ; 41 1. 413. 416, 417 graph HtatloM. SIrjacre forwarded to their in this that ConTCTanees In liber H), on pares and V s ...l Jarrett. aon and maid. & Co., .advertising cards of the firm, which for sanction, has to bo read three times, last in the KzaCal Ullt Ed;c IlnlUr, ail,j ech 3Et.oo-Q.33.- 419. and for a breach of the conditions in said mort-cas- e From Kanat and Nlikan. per lnalani, Aprill a Kev for beauty in design and excellence in color print- plenum. The Lagthing and the Odclsthing only deed contained, that all and tlagalar tbe land. Mir tM n Uifcjlori maata it fea4 tenants, herdtuments other In said m anon acre. and Jlr. It WainuTiihl. 11U Ex Hot V 1' Kanoa.wifc ing surpasses anything in the advertising lino that divide the work to be done, that is all. We have, ROLL BUTTER, In half-bbl- and property l)r Fresh Cal. 1ST morl-jas- deed contained and descrtletl will after tbe and child. and Xrr Walterr. Ur Sheldon, Iter A O has yet reached this city. Specimens of the work 1 am glad to state, no gentry in Norway, and never Tar Salo by roLLowiiio lime limited hy law be sold public auction on ac- 10-- Forbes. MU.f Dole.MUa Jt Farts, (i Irvine. J Hahn, by at MIT Th Kapahahl tea fiahtrr. E Mthrcta, It F rertlemann. have been forwarded by Messrs Uollistcr & Co, to will have as it is forbidden law. or fjmll Silt Ilcrrln:. & count of Ihe breach of tbe conditions as hereinbefore this office (as also a box of the famed cigarrettes) Second; you say, "constitutional questions."' Lowors Cooke. mentioned. - ' IBTrom Wlndttrd Torts. l.er Klnao, Aptil IIi Ex only one which' Extra Fine Japan Tea. In Ilxa of S to 3)2)9 each; M Hon A and eerre to adorn the walls of the sanctum. That is not so. There is question, Itxgof The properly Ir said mortjas described iorJOomlnls, SO Wilder. Capt n llarler' butjbave failed. Extra Fine China Tea. in 5to25Beacli; Waifele. Manoa, Island of (Jahn, more particu- W Chaiacla. MIsiLAbapal. W 11 Milpraan, II Fortcr, now they hate tried to settle, Flnaciiina'Tca, In Cheats of,"& pounda cacb ; at S The near approach of the date on which tho fair Further down you write: " whether the larly described In Itoyal Patent No. E.T1. Kb lean Ileln L Brown. J Broirn.CBolte.CF Hart. of all kinds. 1711; aforesaid described as Mrs J I Dowselt. C C Itichardson, wife aifd dznzhtcr;, May King's veto is suspensory or absolute, whether he also land titnateat Manoa in aid of the funds of the Iibnur. will open. Plantation Tea, in Chests of 36 lbs. each. Apana 1 in Itoyal TatMit No. 2XT7, Ka leans Jlela 179); llon.1 Klcbardson,wlfeand4chlldrrn.llon A Fnrnau-le- r. 8th, causes the members of tho organization to be- can really 6lop legislation or only delay it. Sittjn-btrl- ti also land at Manna aforesaid described in Iloyal I'atenl i Miss ro)onioti. II A Hrrn. IV 11 Seal, W Y otertchelmintj Builders' Lands ln'thdAhupuat1 of J themselves to have everything ready rffuiro'f, it appear tlmt tcliile aa Urannlated bu:rar, n pkza of .10, HKland 277s ea; MAILS Xo. 45115; also land at Wallelr. Manoa, aforesaid de- M 'Shaw, Mis, M stir in order ' Kbhiw.MIss S Wilcvl, the legal profewioa Xonray, declare Cube pl.;a of 2r.iiid HUfr each; Ti'o. US; land lls KapaVahl. on tbe opening date Messrs. J. IS. Strong, Henry majority of in bu;rar. in scribed In Ilojal Talent slo al Manna .is i W. W. S. 11. Dole, C. M. Cooke, that under the existing constitution, the veto is HARDWARE. aforesaid described tn Iloyal Patent ?fn. i; also Ud Estate J Waterhonse. Hall, Rial For Kahnlnl, per Kllanea Hon, St April II Loni.-- fto( suspensory only, but alolate, their decision, at Manoa aforesaid descrfbeil in IITil TaUnt Vv. 9K. Cnllen, Mr W II Ballrj, J Karlt, Tbos. Farrcll. and Dr. C T. ltodgers have been appointed as a Fine Powdered Sugar, in bxs. 30 lbs. ea; Knleana GTli; Kahapapa, Walanae, Island" ot L dec- unanimous, is of no avail Ileln also land at Walpduli; committee to havo charge of the hall and the though practically " by . For Manl and Molokal. per lrliua, April SI K Jones, cry against absoluto veto, on f For Sale Island of Oaha. aforesaid described In ItoyJl Tatant i r. Hon S It Kuplhea, J - Cottrrell. orations. against tho popular Oatmeal. Cracked' Wheat,' ' Corn Jleal. 5o. 2K. Kaleana Hela Wl: ale land at Wafkisi-wien- a k& which every election has been fought for some Lowers & Cooke. In eontatnlb- 3 Sfiiw if c .- - For Sydocj and Auckland, per Sl- Hyc Flour. frmall Hominy, said Island of Oaha, Zealandia. April -II At noon on the 21st instant two express wagons aretwokindsofvetoin Norway, acres', of Cattle, I JUnliola.JSIurrln, FrUkl. time past." There ' ltuckwheat Flour. and alio, one hnndrrd and fniiy bead JFCarr.J cointT in opuosite directions along King street. nnt nnp na it mmojirs above. We have as most more or - tight pair of worklnj Osen, dfty-fi- near the corner of Kuuanu street, collided, tbo countries have, w hat ve call our Constitution, or hradoflIorsci marcs and colts, mora or leas, Imltoct Situated at Honolnlu, and "Wai- - White Lead, carts, yokes, cbalits, Jtc, Jtc Ac Los - acn throwing their wagons. taw. un u cuu umj 1 aiuts. Mir lrstmUrt... lot DIED. shock both drivers from xundamentai xnatiaw rajs Extra No. Flour, Golden Gate Brand; Uated Uonolala, April . lMt. I -- HM aerrs t. manner wnicn tue wueeis be altered, when the Parliament and King agree ' aAKUatres. tot Tue in lnteriocseu White Zinc, Colors, Oils, ANTONIO J. LOTBZ. ! ailrr. Let --X lu acres tH prevented tho horses from bolting, although strong Consequently, tiro Parliament alone cannot alter Cecil Urowu. Atty. for mortgagee. 1MW 41 Li S- Lot- -- I1ASTEL In this cltjr, on the 20th inst. IltCMUKirr Extra No. 1 Brand; acre. -i acrra. King. who Flour. The Crown P - Oar constituents It- Bastxiv. native of Germacr, agud t vears. efforts were made by both equincs to continue their it, neither can the Snpcr&no Flimr. Eldorado Brand; aiwr -t aiVacrer. t & wagons were law in 1S14, thought and said that a Turpentine, Etc., Etc. OflFORTABLEt H at it-r- , J()lfNON-- this ell April at routes. The shafts to one it tho made that CMlilm Floor, in 10 and W Bl;s. aces. Let u isviwieere. U r. lth. the residence law not a toy to be used as a casual ttc. Lot ', of his sister. Mrs. Itobert Loic. IlEMiY Jouxsox. broken, that being the only damage resulting. fundamental is ff-"- accd majority chooses, but is to be the solid base, upon Tor Salo C kiki, Island of Oahn IWKUl . Lot artaa. I. '' g by OTTJGE 1 SjTIItLISG-AtAshro- A writing from which tho country and its inhabitants can rely. I'qllO'W-in- rd. Kmt. on Mn-- correspondent of the Atlrtrtinr A targe Asst. ofthe 1U, w A foundation law, which can be altered according Lowors & Cooko. TbmfeU flat near tbe aa aad 2Mb, lSk Jaxt Ife cl the lion. Jtobert btiriluc of v Kohala, Hawaii, ' states:. "Our Judge decides that ananthe 'trntiffroaji i wishes casual majority, is no funda- ,- , allhmasTriikltMHlftaw taaet4 thlsjtttrft , a man annox oe punuuicu ior ucing uruna: anu to tbo of a mental law at all; the country would be then like Goods : Largo rtw and from ft tM Inelnslva itendb.; disorderly until it can bo proved whathegotdrnuk Brands of Lot. iMta ta pabHc rxl w th ara Kr.cS. aad a learMrtl how proud tue a ship without a rudder, or without a steady hand thsrtma. V. on." Truly Judge, and liol.I would conseoueatlT cverv re Within 10 minntca walk of Post Office. toerntljlat naaka..f ARoadtoPuDcIitowl Hill. official who appointed this wiseacre to otrlco must tn it. nnd it In Crosc ic lILackrrcll, 1 Mannani tho wriggling, which would be the .1 Umm nataalaca attauMd a A very Rood I eel at tms cDUuitionoi legal acumen, iiowinc spect suffer by ALL PAPERS awaaa aa iiwn.iwwa iiaw, tk Abepaaaof Wa' BOKestlon Lna been made that a in this law, can, according to Lililij, 3Ip.clll ic Lililij, A well Selected Assort- ta iianinw. ataa Mrr festive "drunk" of Honolulu would rejoice if Judge result. Alterations Large and PATENT; 130 feet froaUeeon Here. oaln ln aaat prttalM ocsnaatd Vjth ponll. and inetatSax Can. Kalo. Paitai andt road Should bo ccmstrncted Dp the Pancltbovl hill, same, as & majority of the legal profession (k nr tersmlr nt Bickerton would only concur in this very "wise or the iMcIranlsnn Uolililn, Received ot Styles Unlaitrect.aainetoTminsMtrcet.3af tVfc?'. AdrUr Ccmnanf: CorestUltd. OH tai acre. nddinR another drive to in Norwav say (seo abovo) bo Tetoed by tho King ment Just water laid on ; thickly planted 4. W. fUlmu V aad tn tbas the Tery limited otherwise" decision. i flaeardenvotl. tf IV. K. , if he thinks that the alteration would do more with frnlt treet. nrntlaM weiptnl H CailK - eSnca number about Honolala. The expense of J. T. Morton, 1 for 1884. Also. caatniktK a prtkrn at Apt. t. b. C. A. Jiff. r- PUa f tai Proavrty can he mi at ta "Our Mr. Itobert Grieve has again returned to harm than good, lie, standing abovo all parties, A newly built (within 6 montaijt roomed Cottaxr, not be Very creat, far less than haDdcomely papered thron;tioat. Tcraodili back and UHuitoKaMtnamenaM. , Honolulu vfrom bis trip to Uncle Sam's dominions. is supposed to see everything clearer than many, Tlic.Itaniitr Brand, tho wportcd addition to tho Ministerial salarieE, voters knows ought to know, front, and d lost. public During his'visit, abroad betook occasion to in- nay most of the he or Ceiling' Decorations, can be dirlded. and a of innd the udrantace to the vosld be c.roat. i A Tte Lot cfrtUc ctaal ell -- . drcserv-ativc- ," will be the result tho Ciitlln? Companf. AD Xasann.tL. a".r..AtMai".taVto Very except the most active, care to climb spect the latest improvements in tho " art better than they what of pat on tbe lot, with frontaze ta yoanz street. 3 ttKfnlM atrimoo,ar few, the said alteration and acts accordingly. By the King Ilinamta. a4tnla: nrrmb ol ltet. l)t. now but road and has forwarded, brought with him and Window KX-l- off hill by the path used, a micht be cut the: King and his Ministers or Councillors. Dados, Shades. PantM. batiiax an araa of an woujd feeble to has cm a selection of presses, types and I mean Apa.U, L. C. A. - & which enable tbo most reach the fwe Teto. Then comes the suspen- Herbs S'Spices, in great variety, FOR SA1YK OK EASY TERMS acre,Mx 1V- top, enjoy the view and be InTicorntcd by the fresh inters" paraphernalia which will enable tho This is the absolute Plaster Centres. gazette establishment to cater to customers who sory veto, that is he can veto every common law .Inula wind., The cuppf the PuBdlbowl miRht be X - 110KTOAUE.-&- a desire new and improved styles of jobr book or two times, but if tho law passes tho third time un- Condlmintjn varij; co- Tor Salo by CASH. BALASCE XO. Ilhe Kaotaa. .laid oat in paths artt the place" ra.iOp very attract- )n i BkUo4at newspaper work. The increase of stock and im- altered, he has no veto. The law. in question must i ' las, iil rva.Tancij, WamaUcnnUlnl 17 acre. Mix A pa. SU ive indeed. ImproTemcnts of this tied, like the unaltered, separate elections. Frpucb i'eaa and Xoibroocu, APPLY TO aatdawi improvement piolani Park are not alone for proved machinery enables the work performed at havo passed three Lowers &Coolco. a43lof nt Ki 13 veto, in which ereryloj MortKagee'HSalonntlerpowerofSalrJ oomfbrt tho this establishment, to be at the lowest market This his suspensory i the wealthy, but add greatly to the of agrees. Tho M. P. are elected for three years, so " ' poor and those of moderate means. It Is to be rates. Macaroni and Vermecilli 1 AH that tract ot Rica Land at Kalamamana. that nine jears will pass, if he uses the veto'more Land t'arklkl. eoota.oln? viou aerert betnx i , liopedlhat.thu movement will be Ukcn up in ren government nx - . House and Agent, it CorifarnWln ' the (hand) organ cannot re than once, wnicn very rareiy uas uapueucu. x ue !( aa. 9ioi aataawara. earnest. Punchbowl is so handy to town that cTen 1..iUmenrlifiR acknowledged his absolute veto. In b'ciall rackacr. ATTING Merchant Stroot. I a word two refer- those who hare to stay in town until 5 o'clock, rain from bavins or to say in raort. ence to tho incompetency o( tbe police on tbe as I have stated it lo be, several times from 181J,. By order of a B. lVI,ioorttf of a eertala J might yet find opportunity to scamper op it, get a In GreatVarioty of Notice. KapahL Waltlal. Wiga vAm other islands. All the newspapers, the organ as to leou. tan you ujen, cuu&juciuik .ui, wiu uau Etc, Etc, "Etc. belnx A pa. C nwhiff of fresh nir nod be back in time for supper. : tLutd th KXa decision tho "legals" came to, ukcn into con- III-- J) SE off l veil as the rest, areinnnison in denonncini: the the & Qualities. jvroTicK is II E Y gives. iiM award. tlon brokea, at infamous neglect of dnty of the heads of tbe sideration, wonder that the Ministers advised him Patterns tnat iaain. una n,voa ana ebon hvon nafa TBI 0ryexKin has the following rery pleasing when they found that the craved (cried New tbiaxi dar cntertd Into a en.nartaenlp lor the Tailor- police department in this city, in allowing the lo do it Zealand Potatoes - AAHtluli-aVLanii- MaafnalkeDa. tTalklti. noirce of two of Hawaii's daughters who have been office the sheriffs, depnty or) al teration, would not do the country any good, f3T- Tor Vy ing and trencral mrchandla tra.laeat, nndtr tbe Arm On thaaath ff4 continuance in of sheriffs f Salo off to treated name off Chfn "VoCompjnr.and tnatbarlnzpnrcliaanl conUlolaz aa acre, belnx Aba 3" of 1 rorfpletinp tbelr studies in State. Oat and police whoconniro to the free and entrant, at least not in that form? Is a man be By fctery S reamer. bnf and effecta of tbe late Ann off Akol Cora. At mr galeatoont la S?!nvaon. ta iownrs u that the many "leg-al- s lna tlklawiro. ladies have won colden opiniuns CTidently, passage of liquor into their,districts. Hun- as a common malefactor, where the Lowers & Cooko. they are now located at tbe west earner off Tfaaann meled I. Soata- Kona. Hawaii, near law r well deserred to do so. ot liquors leaTe this port every too agree with him and he acta as his con- P3"tiocda packed with Jreat care for shipment."! jnr.ana iKreiania arm uo aVtrr lloaa lot la and thsY The r)rotVii dreds of boies itreria. irciionoinin. luvniq 7-- - B. irtth dwjiJl'i ; science tells himT think not. Has it brought hereby eaaame all off tbe llabltltlea off tbe late firm off AU that pareal of Ind at. Laatlrn- Xaal. reafalrnceof tut. i. says; Aliases Marie and Tiertha Von Holt, who steamer for windward ports sorely it is not thrown I x. aad taiprot Pl.taereew. w about a year ago the country into debt? No. it disturbed tbe Akoi Jc Companr. aad alt debte doe to said firm mutt known ar Pa llalrkamast. 'enntalninx Jf came here and entered St overboard riatt! JIas paid CWa' Wo of n acre, betac A pa. TF off aafl la-- to complete some of peace with the other powers? 2ot a bit. Has he Roasf and Ground Coffee be to laid Cot9banr4 J . WITS. A pee of Und Uteabi aVNilh. Kana ai)d C Helen's Hall their advanced Co., A COTTA IJated April 5lb. 185 1 CUIS VtO COMPA". Y. award. " IMfakjtr. for their borne in the Sandwich Is- The case of Wm. Brown vs. the KoloaSafrar advised the King to do anything" against the law.? ERR known M studies, left - -- ion at by Ihe steamer. Their departure was an action in which the plaintiff sued for the sam No. What then, is his fault? lie would not con- CE- Ztfixally Attended tn sa AelftaaftaoilaltaadiiasaWaa-ia- i Srnji lands but Drain I'ipes, Chimneys, - I4IT3. . their'teach-ersan- defendant, loss sent to the majority in the parliament. Labor onl Deoda btlojipi.to'K.S-.a- ,'! an occasion for regret and tears frpm d of $1,000, damages, from the T NOTICE ! xnr thj,.- C.ASH. at tie expeate of tacarAoca. numerous friends, to wborn the young claimed by said plaintiff to have been sustained I will come back to this. n pnrcbaicr. , themselves ot of defendants to Then jou say: " forced to dispense with Everything Guaranteed Flower PotSi &c. OimK-ttTE- COa (TilMITEI)) hare greatly endeared during their by him on account the refusal ic, of the above Corporation are noti- ter. aoerttlai alen otLaad sijoale ia trujk by arriialiility. Their happy smil- sugar cane, was tried beforo'a jury, on IhatfavunxMBerricestif bis Ministers for the fu lo raid la 1?1 . stayhere, their grind his fied .Hut a dividend off IS si la ae tlas aadpaTa. E. r. AIU!8, Aaet'f. beetta Scxi- II! 4 ture, is to be hoped that be will not find it diffi- a- - - ing faces will sever be forgottsi by their friends tbe 13th inst, the Chief Justice on tbe bench. it And Prices Low. Tor Sale "by Watt the eau off he 5fieralsneu. tt ,1 Frettoa Coaiajii. alim here, who wish them a pleasant rpyage. and happy After evidence had been submitted and tbe arcs, cult to tome to terms with the Storthing. In what v. co.. . 10U1 V. AJhlS, Kv:-- Weettnfi wiJh loved ones 61 borne. menls of counnei bad jen beard the presiding respect has bis Ministers been dangermui That 100.1 C Lowers & Cooko. IIrjcolitla,AntilM,lB(. yonoiolB, aprll llUlHL t.

hi si.$3gLj. , LA.-i- Ca riaaMifV niSB&tabM assast

tricks, notably marked He says (Soured crural crural Urotrusntunts. clever cards. General tftotrtistments. abraustmrnts. Cttrorrtisniicnts. muaiimt (Brntttt of frayed edges: "It is so finely done that the party using such cards weafs gloves all the except when playing, so that bis touch WILDER WEDNESDAY, APBIL 23. 1681. time, CO. will be prctcrnatnrally acute, .having cards "Pioneer" Line DIIJ.INGrHAM & Co., Snprezae Cottrt of tlte Hawaliajx Islands trimmed rarely perceptible on one side or one INDIA RICE MOAM Importers and Dealer sin In Banco. end. fl lave Received a Pull line of the .Favorite , But to end this article, with the description llAUUKALIILI T al vs. Uikaalani XT AL. of a trick played on one of our prominent com- edians. After a performance, being in the sfTT. $4J3Me3 OrisioxosBEinouMEyr. JB BLw Dillingham Breaking' Plows lxjm:i3e:b company or some friends, the question of Hel-Icn- 's -- 'fStaSssi?, arA?MnFBVwliaPVtBJi with cards Being Btfort Jndii, C. J., XcCully nitrf Antlin.J.J. Opin- skill was discussed. 1 iAll. ion qf tht Cort bjf Alttitf,J. rather an adept himself, he called for cards H BILMM'tltt 1n." :m:ivi The plaintiff's counsel now claims that this and fhwcd his skill, making it cost several --- L4mmmmmmmVMimm- - r Court lias no power to entertain n rear'ument of alhe party sbme wine. Determined tit get I BUILDING filATERifiLS! even, the next evening iftey introduced to his B'ltJ IUff WLLWiistf,'.,.. FURROW PLOTYS, of the ease, because it lias already made a de- H 0 dCEP.OW cision of it, which is final ami conclusive, tin. noticv tliripiict gentlcm.iti nf the evening be- HbSBBbEmS& ' AM. HIMIS. Her Article OP of the Cotistitotion. uliicii de- fore with the icuiark that he was quite an P 6 to ' were called rr clares that: "The decisions of the Supreme expert, drds for, and the actor, Cj irritr. Lulling ami shuffling H i'l f "Court when made by a majority of the Jus-"tic- cs after iheni, passed idem JUST KKCKI VEIJ thereof, shall be final and conclnsive rather disdainfully to tho quiet expert. The FROM LIVERPOOL. "npon all parties." modest man insisted that tho actor count the 01 These FUOWB are nil waile from oor own patterns br the Oriental MUL1NU I'LOW WOHKS of ttlwl Plow The Constitution of Xew York provides for cards face up, which was done. The er JOHN DEKIIL, the 1'ionoer Wentem How Alnnnfactory anil the lirccst took Works in the vorlo. we are Agents lor Inia MannTaetory. Approved tjtyit 01 seven Judges of llio Conrt of Appeals, its now them rather clumsilr and II. (I H highest court, and provides that "any Ere shuffled them, then laid them in the center of I1FI N, Cultivators, Horso Hoes, & Harrows, - sam nc, "X n "members of tbe Court shall form a quorum, ine tauie. .iovr, air. Acior, do It, -- Old Molino LATE ARRIVALS . not know that I shall succeed every time; but Pattern Plows, "and the concurrence of four shall be neccs-"sa- ry OFFER FOR SALE J Plantation Tools, all kinds ; to a decision." I will bet the wine that I can mako you cut an 107, 109 & 111 FREMONT STR&ET ace." Dificrcntial Pulley Blocks, These provisions aro similar. It is not re- ! Buckeye Mowers, Hydraulic Jacks, quisite to say in order to render final the de- "Done," said Mr. Actor, and ho cut. It was From the Cargoes San Franolsoo. of an aco. "Look here," said Mr. Actor: "I'll INDIA RICK 3I1LXS. .VFTEIi 22 TE.VRS OP PRACTICAL KXFERI-mea-t, & Canal Barrows, cision a majority of the highest Conrt of.a - - rodder Cutters, Garden URGEAHD bet the supper you cannot me 'do OP THE and with their Capacity Ureatly Enlar;red by Recent ImproremenU. are now Ul nearest to perfection country, that it is final. That follows as a make that of anyBlcaMillsknown. ForThorooshnets and Perfection of Worklhey atand nnrlTalleoV The yield at th matter of course unless otherwise expressly again." Mills la 68 to Tl ponnds of MerchanUblo Klce from 100 ponnda of Faddy, accortln- - to qaallty of the Faddy, whlea Oils la Lubricating Oils, Turpentine, Kerosene stated. It must necessarily bo binding npon "All right," said" the quiet party; "but you BAUK MAXLSGATE StoSpereeat.7TeatcrlhaathatoranyotherMllle. By these lata changes and lmprareaieaU the Froptietor Wagons, Fire-pro- Faint, Taint Oil and Varnishes, Studebaker Safes nnil Boies, all man. But to say that manifest errors and must let me shuffle." Ho shuffled rather clum- ASD Fire KxtinKnishcrs, Ilonie ForniKhlnr; Goods, Lamps, Chandeliers, Lanterns', Afi, Ac center Is Largely & -- 1 mistakes, in what has the form of a final judg- sily in the of he table. The actor cut enabled to Reduce the Rates for the Hulling Cleaning of Parity Wcjlra to crerjtblns In our Hue and tell at Lowest Prices. 5a I fXZJit Jioods yrastantlt anlilm. hcci -- llllill) ment, cannot be corrected by tlio highest again. Another ace. lOOST aft X lF JT A. Htrrrt. i IIl.I.IStllIW r.rt M. go you an extra wine yon do OtHer recent Vessels .IJIOStl THE JIAMT ADVaXTAOGS OP SHIPPIStl PADDT TO HAJT rnASCISCO Court in its discrelion, when seasonably "Ill can't it AXD HAVI.fO CliEAwr.n MtX FnAXCMCO brought to again," said the actor, hotly. Tbe modest man IT AT THE JIIIXS. its notice, is unreasonable, and THE rOLLOWISU THE rOLLOlYIXfl MAT BE fAJIED t A CHOICE SELECTION OF cosirnisi.vu might workgrcat injustice. And whether tho simply nodded, shuffled as before, the actor 1st .Inperlorltjr of Work at the San Francisco LlabllttF fas TVtvll. application is seasonable or not must also rest cut again anotucr ace. DRY GOODS AND Sills. 7ltiHilrEntire rrvvslom front " Bhlis Smell." so in the discretion of the highest tribunal. Studying for a moment tho actor remarked; CLOTHING they Iflit of Merchantable Itlce often complained ot la cleaned Sice ALL 7IIE USUAL S20CX SIZES It has been uniformly and we think wisely "I have all tho wine and supper lo pay for, of 5 to 9 per cent stowed with snrar carjro. now you Prints of latest styles, fast colors ; In Bntn for Ilnllln; and Cleanlns A?I0 8lh The Better atsUe It alwhya com- IK so held in the State of New York, and we and if will show mo how the trick is Ills FmhiicM ssiitl CTCBiisei In Quality of mands orer Island Cleaned, particularly In shall so hold. done I will pay for all tho cigars the party Blue Denims, White Crodon Sbectinir . Rice. Eastern Market. Long of rackajes odE SCANTLING, Upon the question on mer- smoke "Certainly," said the mod Ilorrock's Cloths.Brown Linen Drills anil Clennllnen Consisttng its Waterproof its we aro constrained to believe that too est man. "Look at tho cards." He looked. Tweeds, Towels & Towelings, TIMBEB, PLANK, BOAEDS, fifty-tw- Glass much stress was laid upon tho snpposod ad- Thero were o aces. The modest man Towels, Cloths, do. Napkins, 18CG bad a pack for the waiter 1 aro liincns, btvtwls, Grenadines, OF Mess, Embroideries, FENC1N0 'ALL JICIO 3S mission by the deed taken in of the title lo bring; which was CONSIGNMENTS PADDY SOUGHED. of tho plaintiff. all right, but his aces had the same backs. Trimmings, Tidies, There was evidence, which tho Court below and ho simply changed packs while pretend- DRESS GOODS. WHITE & CQLORD SILKS "Wmu M. GEEEJN"WOOD. orv held sufficient, of adverso possession for near- ing to be clumsy. Probable some one was not lso, xiaivi ly ten angry. JixcJiangt Colored Satins, Grass Cloths, Gonoral Commission Merchant aad Proprietor of ti Satchels,, SFans, years up lo the taking of that 'deed. A Host Complete fatock of The plaintiff Artificial Flowers and Feathers, twtf INDIA RICE MTT.T.S. San Francisco. CaL . ' claims as the heir of Kihoa who Cat Lore, Cotton Handkerchiefs. Silk Handlrrthinra. f Childrens' Dresses was daughter of Alapal, tho original patentee. Woolen Table Covers, Col'd Satteens Crapct But Fancy. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF WAIL PAPER she died in I860, and when the deed of The.origin of domestic cats is obscure, but Uixture, Blue and Gray Flannels, 16CC was taken, her heir the plaintiff had been seems uy Victoria Lawns, llrooka' Spool Cotton, an accounts to tall somewhere within LAce Curtains, white: the real. owner far six years. historic tiines. bine and ALSO-- A LATENT llTl Ult, All the histories of ancient . Check Lisladds, Fancy Dress Goods, I The deed of 1SGC ignores and denies Nihoa'a nations seem to go back to a lime when they Fancy Plaids, Itecatta Shirts, WoolShirts, ilMh right, THE) NAILS, LOCKS v. and the grantors in the deed claim to be bad no cats. M. Lenormant savs that a wild White and Colored Cotton Shirts. TO FRONT! the heirs of Alapai. Instead of admitting, cat was hunted and eaten by the Swiss Pilot Beefers, India Kubbcr Goats, Capes and the deed directly denies the plaintiffs title ob- O. niKDKLL. o. wooir. BUXTS, HINGES, in tho ago of stone; but Africa, White, Urown tained through Nilroa. Men's and Colored Half Hose, Beaver Hats, south of Egypt, appears to have been the cra- Ladies' Hose. Men's Heady Made Clothinc, BOLTS. SCBEWS.itc Acts denying the title of Nihoa by the dle of the cat as a domesticated animal. Pnssy Men's Hats, Blue and Gray Horse Blankets, grantee in the deed bf 18GG in- middle-empi- Woolen Blankets, all colors, sizes had been done, appears in tho re Egyptian monu- t weights; Ch sufficient, it may be, to show dissoisin, & CO., but ments in the character of retriever RIEDELL. Teatliers and a seated in constituting a claim ol title as against hor. tho boat of a wild fowl hunter, a circumstance. Yolret Carpets, Velvet 'Hugs, Velvet The deed was taken Flowers, to bo an acknowledgement indicating that thoso people had a strain that and Tapestry Door 3Iats, General Commission of the title of Nihoa, but it in fact might be did not havo as unconquerable an aversion to and Purchasing Agents taken as a denial of it. iuc water as our cats; and there have been cats We are also on further thought and JUST RECEIVED, ScanllinB; Flank, surface and rouRh research, even in modern times, that could bring them- ! 104X inclined to bclievo that even had the deed's selves up to diving after fish. The cat, liko 3sr. iFoxt stroot. recitals been as the SADDLERY Hoards, surfaced and rough; Uniterm, Court supposed, the effect everything else, whether agreoable or horrible, thereof A Full TyK fUKSKN'T OL'KSELVKS 11EFORK THE rTTBIJC WITH TUB was taken too strongly against the de- was raised to tho odor of sanctity in Assortment of Gents', Ladies,' Girls' We. Pickets, Rustic, Lattice, ClaplMiard. Egypt and and Boys' Saddles, """i1!" ?r. aPi Lot Live)." call the attention of llonolnln bnatnee men and Inter-- For-- : fendant. Seo 30 Cal. 535 0. Cannon vs. Stock- And Now Opened at becamo tho emblem of the goddess Pasht, the A few JOCKEY SADDLES, ruRciiAsiso nusisEss. .m Inspection Jackson iii ...... v... iv ana man; s. Sears, 10 John. R. 430, 411. Egyptian Diana. M.Lenormantbelievca, how- Bridles, Saddle Cloths, Chamois ";u. ciiiAcns oi mi ..in ootids nun a. We Skins, nrmfat (n uwnrsi flrwwt t hae examined with caro the argument ever, that this worshiu was comn.irativMv THE PWCE. WclnclodeaH of Qooda Uraln mid aoxhandUe-- any Ulcleof Household.KTt.SIIFurniture claci Ht. uearal r ALM. I N1IKJ1. of the plaintiffs counsel as to proof of the na- late, and finds no trace of the animal among Sugar HAGS, 20x3 G; Coal HAGS, ture of the possession required to bo deemed the monuments of the ancient empire. Under 2Cx37: Pant and VVhitcwash P adverse. In A. M. MELLIS', rushes many of the United States there tho earlier dynasties, I'asht was a Iioncss-godde- RcMideiitx are special statutes of tle OtJier Ilaucl I.KAII. definins what shall and not till tho twelfth dynasty, and ' nilllK adverso possession T of Good. tWHTEriMT, in different cases. tho conquests in tho land of Cush, did the cat Filter Press Bags, e. In New York there is such a statute. Thero come to Wo btenlto 104 FORT STREET. the front. may therefore regard m. - . n, uono such in 3E r. I'AIATUIl. is this country. Under tho stat- the cat as a Cushito animal, derived from Hut 22 36. CC ute of New York Address all ortlors to K. 8 M. we think tho adverso posses- Ftlis maniculala, which was found wild in up SomethiiigN'ew B.Store Qpen till P. Saturday Evenings. sion wonld hardly be made but in this antl in Great Demand METALLIC AND OTHER PAINTS! case. per nuoia ana uio coouan. ihe ligyptiana Many of the decisions bounder-atanding- ly. G, quoted cannot carried their reverence for cats to what seems A FEW OM.Y RIEDELL A Co., read, ItiaiAIMNtl. or bo surely relied on as ap- to us a ridiculous excess. If any of them vol ivij P. O. BOX No. 303, HONOZ.Tn.i7. H. I. Glass. plicable here without reading era- - tho special stat- untarily slew one ol tho sacred animals, he Theae EAUS arc made to Fit Otto'n rres;c,tnd Salt, utory law which applies to them. As has was punished with death: andDiodorns relate,. aic of the rizht blze and proper textsre. been said, tho nature of the land in question is that a Itoinan soldier who had killed cat Firewood. such as to require the a RICE BAGS AND TWINE, most meagre proof of coum naraiy escape tho fury of tho people. acts of possession to ripen into title. We are When a cat died in a honse, tho people shaved convinced that, as found by tho ChicfVTuslice, CALVANIZED their ejebrows; and dead cats were embalmed -- DOORS SASH BLINDS there was sufficient proof of title in the defen- and buried in llio city dant by orBabastis, which was THIS SPACE IS adverso possession. sacred to Paslit. According to CORRUGATED ROOFING RESERVIID FOR ALI,M7.I. llccauso of tho mistake Lenormant, to which wo have tho Egyptians still respect cats, and in Cairo referred, we have in 6, 7, 8, 9 ft. Icmrthg, (51 Of Eastern concluded to rcYcrio our Bervo up a copious banquet every day to the ROae), Screws Washer and California Mako. decision, and affirm to tho judgment of the cats of each quarter, "in the court of tho honso FOK S1LE IN QUANTITIES TO Court below. GALVANIZED HIDG1NO, HUT of the cadi." Tholato introduction of domes- - . A. Fhamiis Judd, ncaieu cais among Semitic peoples soeni to Annealed Fence Wire, Nos. 4, C, C, 7, and Staples, C. FISHEL'S ir.' J. Bexj. Ai'stjn. bo proved by tho absence of mention of JL.OT.V them Galv Wash P31IOIJ9 iu the Biblo tho Assyrian! and Babylonians Basins, Galv Oardcn Borderings 'i' ' Tho former opinion of tho Court was and Nettings, PflaaaaiaBaHafr'rB y fr ' 'HI based aro said lo have been equally ignorant lift!! on the fact that the deed taken in 18GG was an of the Tinned Iron Sancepnns, all sizes; animal. A lively discussion Tea Kettles, Japan Blackint;, s acknowledgement of .title iu other parties. between Mr. A. Ileal S. Murray and Professor Mahaffy But as it was not an acknowledgement of a fow years ISTB"W H. hi the ago, as to whether tho Greeks had AND SPLK3STT3ir) AGKFELD & l!0 title of plaintiff's and bo considt-ere- cats, seems l'AVIXG BlUCKSj.GAKIiEN ancestor, may d to havo resulted understanding TILES an exclusion of such in an that ther title, and especially had not. Their OFFER FOR SALE as from the nominal consideration cat was a polo cat or som- c- Garden Itollcrs, Lawn Seats and Chairs, expressed, niing eise, ami me Umbrella Stands, two dollars, it may well be considered a quit Byzantine writers of later Iron Scrapers, JOHN NOTT, days scorn to have been the first who gavo its Hat Hooks and Kails. LAWN TEVNIH HKTM claim, and to mako moro certain the right un- INVOICES OF NEW GOODS namo to the modern No Greek Clothes Baskets, Hand Baskets, Work Baskets der which Kubeleloa had been helding by tho cat. or Boman pictures ur representations of tbe At Old JUST UECKIVED 1EK Kanolia or verbal bequest of Alapai, I sign the tojk or STOCK the Stand, No. 8 ?mew OF Kaahumanu Street, foregoing opinion. cat" of tho Egyptians are known, ex Crockery and Glassware, IjAwjiekce cept uho mat ji. i,ongpencr has found on a BARKS "KALE," AND JIcCullt. Tarantine coin struck shortly Fancy Glass Flower Stands, Fern Baskets, etc. Honolulu, April 12th, 1881. before the " MAZATLAN of Pyrrhus, and on a lost tomb TIN, GOFFER & SHEET IRON WORKER A Pack of Cards. stone, aiio inuu-Arya- ns of the Vcdic age PORTLAND CEMENT & FIRE BRICKS TO ARRIVE PEOM BEEMEN, seem lo have lived and died ignorant PER Tho of cats. literature ol cards is very extensive. The Sanskrit names of tho animal OoDfittiD!npartof s foilowi. Many mean "the Fire Clay, Whiting, Chalk, Yellow Ochre, brilliant writers havo not considered houso-wol- it animal of the house," "the f, "the beneath their dignity to treat minutely on this "the PLUMBING, in all ; A Largo of subject. enemy ol mice." Pictet itsflbranches isst. Dry Goods, thinks that none of the European names for 3ELoolx3ls Daniel Souter. a Flemish Slates reverend, in a"work tho cat belong to tho old Aryan tongue. The Liverpool and ltock Salt, . such as published in the seventeenth llllllil" Fit! FWfflfl century, holds Houian name, coins,, signifies sly, Si Denims. Drown any one cunning, ZINCS, Artesian Well Pipe, all sizes; and While Cottons, that playing a game of cards breaks crafty, but is traced by him back PAINTS AND BOILED OILS Drills, Tickings, Turkey Jted, 4c, the wholo Ten totheSyriac Commandments. gato and tho Arabic gilt, and (hence Worcester Sauce In 1610 Mm. back to and Groceries. Ames, Fellow of Christ's Col- African words of which the Nnbian kadiska Merinos, black and colored, lege, preached against is 4 qualities cards as being forbid- an example This gives more evidence, such Englihh, American li Hawaiian Flags STOVES den by tho Scripture. His AND ANCtES sermon gavo so as R ltepps, Cobourcs, Alpacas, if is, of tho African origin of the Italian CIolli, and much offenso animal. ,. , that he was obliged to withdaw Some of the 3, 5, and 7 yards lengths. TTnala I....I.II. 1 II.... 11 . . . . names, such as tho Persian pis. iuwc un,u,Cu MDunmuii, jucuinunu,lfl up i up, i x iora, any, ixjihpsi,....uranu rnze. from the university to avoid expulsion. dial-- ftewIUTal. yoecn, A and its varients, appear related to our Otj. lrln,Wren,DollT, 0n). l'nnwv, Anny:aoKr(.ManaCliarter,lnck, X2ress Bishop Jeremy Taylor published a on Bopprior, Magnet, Owrola, Almnl Kcliiisc, Clutter Oik, NimMo. Inwood and Linndrv Goods, nork purs, and are connected by M. Pictet with the TOPSAIL ft htoes. iUCH AS play about tho middle of the seventeenth cen- SHEET CHAINS Partilnlars Nest Week. '"Stf Qalranized Iron and CJopiwr Iloilcro tor ItauRes, (jramlo Iron v re, Nickel l'lnted nud l'loin ; Sanskrit putMa, tail tho creature with tho tury. He says: "But that cards aro them-- waving Admiralty Test sizes.-- Fnncr l'rlnls, Twciilj-Fir- c .Sljles, f tail. Our cat is supposed to bo de- X. H and cwf elves lawful see no reason to wild-ca- Galvanized Water Pipe, sizes." I doubt." And rived from tho t, an animal which gave iron all and laid on at Trinted Salleeus, urther on ho says. "Ho I'ompadonrs, 1'laids that means to mako the namo to the clan Chattan, and a title to GmRhams. ictoria Iiwns, Satin Stniics, his games lawful must not play for money, hut Powell Dufiryn Steam Coal Jancy btriped the Dochess of Sutherland, which is said to Lowest Rates; Oast Iron and Lead Soil Pipe, Grenadines, for refreshments. LeUgamcs bo for nothing, White, Silk Japanese, Twills, Scrm mean "the Great Lady of tho Cat." Finally, STATIONEKY, IKON BEDSTEADS, Wew &ood By I'ophns, Satin and Jloire, or almost nothing, and cards are innocent, and tho Saturday Recieie, Late Arrivals from which we "derive Black the game as innocent as push ENGLISH LEATHEIt BELTING, 3 lo 12; and Colored Vclrets, pin." this gossip, expresses its,aduiiration the Dr. Johnson regretted ho at FROM SAN FBANCISCO, ail kinds; FINE SILKS, that had not learned sagacity with which the cat passes double House Furnishing Goods, lo ploy at cards, giving a as a reason; 'fit is i'fe " B.'cck domestic favorite all day, a wild Black, GroSBraln, Fancy, Colored nd Striped very U6eim in me; it generates kindness and anlmil of unbridled' impulse in FLOOR OILCLOTHS NEW YORK & . "OSE-ALLKI-Zi;.- AND Barege, the darkness ENGLAND, "VPH" G11ADES; Crepe, Ac. consolidates society." of night, Popular Sciwce. TAILORS' GOODS: The opinions of such men as Luther, Calvin, Lambert, Duncan. PelerMartvr. Balmfard and (Brurrrtl 2Urjtrtisrinciii0. STEEL, LiA.ILS, Itackskins, Diagonals, Tweeds, Cords, others are very interesting, but too lengthy for Received by Castle & Cooke herges, bilcsias, Doeskins, dssimeres. Ac. Ijuuuuuiiuu uere. 19ft. Lengths; 161b. and 181b per Yard. ALSO, 1 Chandeliers, A Splendid Among more modem opinioqa of weight TO ARRIVE BY VESSELS DUB FROM ABOVE PORTS, AND Lamps, Lanterns Asst. of Shirts, might bo given that of Itichard A." Proctor, Fish Plates, Bolts and Nuts, who says: (Woolen, MUcd, Calico, Hickory, Dcnlm, 4c) "I cannot see the sense of playing ItAII.HO.il SPIKUS TO MATCH for insignificant stakes. To Merino and Cotton Undershirts, It is only when the ) b;e Soi. IiOWEST HATES stakes are large enough to bo more than'tho ONE SEX HOKSE-PO-yVE- at While Bosom Shirts, Ai, Socks player con afford i ..,.... and Stockings, Handkerchiefs, that any excitement can bo 3EH.ja.OTI03iaLi GOODS Fonlards, Gloria, added to llio pleasure which a good gamo liko PORTABLE A LARGE INVOICE whist affords in itself." ENGINE NOTICE OF CLOTHING In rcgatd to the origin of Suitable of cards, the fact is for REMOVAL ALSO, ONE THHEB IIOIISE-POWE- Plantations.Gountry Stores AS as unsettled as ever. ' DRUGGISTS Brcilkopf asserts and proves cardB to bo of Or I VERTIQAL FAMILIES. Orders Filjetl at - eastern ungui ami very ancient. s Nq. r3& I I6FORTSTREET ENGINE Shortest Notice ami with Satis- HYMAN '', i?telr' Dri11! Flannel (jacks and 1'ants, llcinken proves them to bo of German in- BRBT1RS WILL Boys' Shirts and - &c. &c! faction to MOVE Children's JackcU, tenlion. - &c. &c Purchasers. Attentiou is Called to Our Monkey and bailor Jackets, DEPOT 101! BOEHICKE t,ClMECKE'fcI Some writers claim they aro of i. " TIIEO. If. DA VIES Jb UO i",it".C?rSSll?iI1?Ki!lfis' "F1 Slippers. Hindoatanio Umbrellas and Parasols. origin. But passing by round cards, wooden lancy and TraTelinn Shawls, cards, sword's cups, leaves, acorns, animals, Improved Tlxoix o Cotton and TurkishTowcls, Paris Plaoo packs containing THE OSLY Buinoss White and Fancy from forty to 150, and other OESUISE rAIHS FLOW. MADE OF POLISHED CASTPLOWSTESL. Qnllts, Kqoal. Felt lings numerous changes they have undergone, tho Ifaot Iletler. than any Steel Breailn- - Flow In the Market Ai Tethei"stair and Brussels Carpeting, W. PAGE, of Flow Co., iV H. ,S,0''.,?a U""1 M"n John Deere Co.. Jte. . present pack of hfty-tw- o cards was introduced it i. in England Snaths, Axe and rick Mattocks. Pick, Hoe. about 1470, and, although, a great cTSnimslkS. Adze. IK.. Aie and other handles! lESw. Vlli i.?.,.J5,t" To deal of money has RICKSECKER'S s . 58 Queen Street, on April Horse Blankels. White been expended in trying to "" "O"! "" ""' 'arts, Portable Forges. Eazlo ., vmrwf 1st and Fancy Blankets. perfect it, to Honolulu Carriage Sospstone "'"landAsbc.lo."r Steam Packlni, Indiritnbber .ml t.nal Taney Striped Woolen, two sizes, impnno tho drawing of the court fJilllg " liestFlat ste... liV'Vl... bcarlet, cards, all has failed, and Jlaubel Jleui, Late Leather and Laclozr, India Uobber Steam Orangt, WliiU Woolcn,aand t iwints. people want tho card A.bto. BoilerCorerlaraad Staam do.. SsZ, ahreads.Tape.BasticScarfs.Ac, that our ancestors played with j 00 ". V.a.TdlVt'Foot Oil. a bilk (KTesit lircv-i-t- cfc and Velret Bibbons, years ago. " MANUFACTORY, DISSTOITS CELEBRATED SAWS AND riXES, ALL Door to Oo.) Buttons for Shirts, Coats, 1'ants, Dresses, Odd talcs AND TliE - SIZES: arc told of people at present in Nos. 128 Spear & Jackson's and Stobb'a Files, Hammers PKBFDJIBRY, FLORIDA high veneration. Odd laws havo been passed and 130 Fort Stroot, Cat and Wrongh, Sail., all .lies. Horse aad X.I. WATER,' lo control ShoKallirQliriAtSttijSSJS; , TnanMng gaming. COMMON SENSE (Opposite the ruitbcoa bUtilci), the public for Genuine- Eatt da Cologne, Lnbin's Extracts, Evelyn his their Liberal Pat- Toilet boaps, in memoirs, 1665, says: "I never Honolulu. II. I FhUocome, llair OU, Combs, can forget the inexpressible Latest Improvements ronage during 1'ipes, luxury and pro. in Shelf the past i7.?'Lo?.kln8 3ases, - Hardware seventeen years, ,' - UaU faneness, gaming and all VcxyLow -- thev .,r- Harmonicas, Blank Books, dissoluteness, and as CABRIAGE MANUFACTORY nnbbacfeBLOnfat JUUt, IIubbDCk' Whliaand fil T..rf 71- B.,,t, . . .. wixx ao Albums, Gold Leaf, Jewelry, Watches, it were, a total forgctfulncss of God (it being i'iii'sing- Bottle. Tuieir oest to retain the same Sunday - , at their VIENNA FDRN1TURE: evening) which this day se'nighta was new j. witness of tho king (James II) siltiug toying BENSON, SMITH & CO- - WHEELWRIGHT AND stand. Extension, - Ann, Dining Boom and l'arlor with his concubines. A Fronch boy singing 1TOi ID C3- 3D Chairs, Settees, Drnsciiti. O STAPLE!8 9 O love Denims, and C , RY 4c, songs in oa, A A D baddies, that glorious gallery, while GENERAL BLACKSMITH. 11cU.es B and Bleached and Unbleached Dlanar S Calfskins, Girths, Stlrrnp Leathers about twenty of tho Brown and Beached Drillslinen Sheellnff. Mosinlto Lac. Net, Bin. and sSuSlFUaaet. great courtiers and other A Fine Assortment of KThlto Flanels Also, URATES OF ASSORTED dissolute persons were at hasselt aroud a THE MAXUfACTOKY j J.T.Waterhouse, Beaver Saloon CROCKERY largo REMOVAL. COSTAtSS A tabic, a bank of at least 2,000 in gold fi about them." STAPLE GROCERIES, Golden Gate, Star & Superfine Flour XSITIS IMU'H-riO.- (if TUB In the sixteonth year or Complete Carriage Shop Demijohns, 3 and 5 galls ; Sample Charles II 4nA!ct A. Bottles. was KRAFT, Colombia Biter Salmon. Bayo Beans. Also, California Lime. Portland Cemsnfi passed, H. J. WOTE, : WsandOlassware.lIanilaandTaRedBopc, which, translated according to BlacksmithSShop, and nydnuie Proprietor. Packing, Coal Chalto, reads: Following Goods Just 'Received Baskets, Shop-an-d Oil "An act lo legalize gaming, to prevent Paint For Kerosene We Offer THE PAIaACE, and Guarante v. eallhy l!rg la aaavuncc Sugar eto 3EfcLco niexons bcin? nlneked l,v nrtr.,1 Trimming Shop, ' lo hie Intnd. and the Bags and nL. OPTICIAN, it cannot be beat for quality or I i:x i.ti: AnmvAi.t: poblic in Of all sizes and qualities, to discourage bettiugor playing for largo JEWELER and price; also, THE crnrral sumJ on tick." ! Coal Bags, Gnnnics. Twine-Borla- Family Carriages VU1CAU", W Puschasius Justus a good oil and above test: Black That he has opened the above Saloon oolpack and Twilled SackinR, linen Hose, tells this story of Pope WATCHMAKER, French Merinos, Leo X: His holiness once: while tilavimr at Expresses, w first-clas- s GROCERIES ! Ladle' and Kent fmbrellac. here Refreshments game similar to priioero, held such cards j3 And Dealer in Musical WOODWARD & Instruments. . Buggies, BROWN'S CELEBRATED PIANOS Llnrn beetinr; Hne MIk Si1"1"", and roado it impossible for him to lose, except frum Ladies' and GfM's H1 tn.half quarter boics. Itenjored to Jlnfiwr, be wrvrd Jrom 8 a. m. 10 the llarlnc more comraodfonj quarters Embrnldrnd TWc till jt m., ondcr the U, and P. Biscuits. Salt in jars. circumstance of his being the last player, Campbell's New IHock, Phfstons, Clu CTt Castor Oil in Tins. Merthint fctrtet, The Cheapest Wood Piano; Netr llaren Organ Co.'g Parlor Oreans. tmmrdiate pf a Cole(riil W,d Ctllm Slearine Candles, i, S and 6 bnt as his adversary, whoso turn it was to de- ' Mattes, Cocpanut Oil. Wash Blue, clare first, HAS RECEIVED. PER Ladies' & Gent's Underwear, propused a heavy slake, he con- UTE , HJPORTATIOHS, Omnibuses, 1 Illn VISEtiT GRADES OF cluded that ho held as good cards as himself. Larse Adilitlona to h! former Bemg reluctant to yield the game, he cried, St ocl "Woolen & Cotton Tobaccos, LIQUORS: . Drays and Shirts, Gitemea point and I will ace you." Tho Trucks " other, not suspecting I3STE ! Breaking Carts, Cigars, Pipes and DeLMgefilsandlloulellcan Brandy, and that the Pope had slich GOODS Assonrm:xT nr other brands, capital.cards,rcadily assented and consequent! v bCCII AS Plantation CO., Bum, Gin, St.Paul Ala lost, Wagons, J. & Smbkor's and EMKELUTH Sundries Porter, White Linen Shirts and Collars, Port Win. Sherry, HhinoW Wine. According to the Duchess of Orleans, the old ar E3 V57" ins m, Hand Carts, Etc, Jhw-- bra (.election from llrtt-cl- u Fine and Table CranU, Etc, No. 5 NUTJAJTU HONOLULU, LATEST RTlUMtj rcrroul " Cbampagns, Marshal u. sr, STREET, . b,:,,c,'to',lra-- O. H. Mumm A Co., Villeroi, who had known St. Francis IS GOLD, SILVER, Jtc. ' If added tofrom Sparkbng Hock. ADE TO ORDER OH VTod JJreM ood. Dry Heidssick, Monopole, Ch. Farre, do Sales in his youth, would say, when he HOST FAVORABLE TERMS Ladle' llaU. trimmed and nnlrlmmed : Ol or Moselle, Ac, Ac heard him called GOLD & r , ISrnntwlcl & Ilalke'a saint "I am delighted to SILVER WATCHES t3T And All "0tritliJ-uiluer- learn Work Guarantee! "S" Agents for tne 'Superiox?' Stove that Monsieur do Sales is a saint. Ho German and Havana Cigars of the Belt mike tad anlth. A Larje The closest attention to REPAIIt VvOKK OF was foud of saying smutty things and used lo Ant- - of rla IK . Celebrated Billiard Ware-Bpo- ons. EdyiHgB and Insertions, Tables Plated Forks, Cruets, Tea cheat at cards. other respects ALL KINTJ3. Uups, Sets. In he was a Ac perfect gentleman although ho was a n'.nny." Musical' Instruments. EST" Harlas been In business on the Islands for A LOT or o'yeari, emploj!-non- i the STOVES aHD RANGES I1.E U connpctd uilh the ottblMimcnt, where lorcre - It is also said of Talleyrand that in a From the most Celebrated Miourictarm. "fHf bat most sklllTal of the cue tan putidpate. HARDWARE- liaSd 2'M?r"',1"!,"t', "Ilr Al MATE UAL, I can luai at ccarte ho int.entian.ilfv .mn ,1 Strictly Unarintee all work Alia, Bury Description Axnnrl fc3-- learln; my Manufactory. of Hnrl( inrl 1tnit.ni, r CTOI0S TJJ EHDEESS 1 -- SCOTCH TWEEDS, vvw nun utum tutiTn,u.l OQSSOrSa after putting np his last louis d'or on his bam. VABIETY.-- plre me a call before Fnrchialos elsewhere, sa Sheep Shears, Needles, Spoons, Files, The Call awl eximlnells SHEET METAL Spurs. ruse was successful, for the opponent txteattfa Stock, and yon will Don't tho Place I WARE ON , Galvanized Baslni, Hoop Iron, would cot fall to be pleaded. j Forest HMi Dwitcm-Pfiats- heo Ilireta, Hammers, not call, and he won with a worthless 1 and tW Fort 8L, (opposite Dodd't Ifnr Steelvon nanu. Stables), OBltADZTOOaDEB, Rails Yelipw Metal and Composition Hails, Babbitt y Take Notice !!! H. And a Orrrt Varielr or both PORTABLE OR PERMANENT Metal, Sugar Coolers, Said a Sung gentleman to Sheridan: "I PACE, Iron Tanks, Clarifiers Also, know D- i! 4c a man who cheats. I do not like to ex- - AS- lm s pose him. Proprietor. and Aoienan GoojJs Rail-way- ! What shalM do?" ETC.,C05TiUCTED $ugl.s! "Back him," was tbe reply. Rlules! W, Horses! FOH. 4 Portland Cement. M Toxpists, lie who hopes at card! to win Amis ox rfaxD. .ft. ixo Fob Satx, The Retreat, UriTCtl DIDC-- TOO NUMEROUS TP MEXriO.T. 16 ft, lengths; 14 Fire Clay, d FITTInn. lbs. to the yard Blacksmilii Coal. Fire Bricks, Jtast think , n.asi.iii llflbO WO n Tiles, Empty nTcr that chtallnz't tin At Hocnnpo, Kan, Havail. ira,arl .allilies received per "Duke of Abercorn," Barrels, Oak Boats, icVic., Ac To natu atilck vneat'er he can. & Jnt 2ioallcrbow, thonldbcnJsplaa; Both Native California Sal. AjU In Uieie Islands fc from Llrerpool. Orders from tae other blaadi ocaseof condcacc mo,; he make, TOL'niST-- AS1 tlTlICIW. ISTEXDIXO ft. CftOCERIES! canfullr Except may GOOD . : o. will and GRO- - rto attended to by how he tare buitake. FAMILY HOESES . A TUJjT, M3TE QV ' L. GUEEK. or The only object iKuauons ssaale Horses. THE JtETIlEAT IX. Oom'.l, Mf-i- of hit pnyen Tho cUmate at Ilonmiv. iiaVT.. X: Montague C'BJtIES and rrorrve4 audi O. W. MACFARLASE , ot to be caozht and kicked Ooarantced ray I. Rang, . mn ruu. vy Co, HP down ulr . t vyAELKS, Corner of ruchbowl A li' "the I mi - t HACKFELD and tyieen ?ew S .Vrronndlnl ? MUES A Ctt- Will AcnUforJao. 1'oKlcriC &CO. Houdui'a work on card sharps Street. Houolnln. 'tA,rI'J'j,''Z,xS"'I Volcano, ffoa theUoneeT " ail, iiaarHst stock ion exposes some S- - I OcTIt I TEMU MODERATE K I - Copt. John C. Cluriey. m TV'. J. SMITHIES, FXOTUZTOX TJXCTHOHE' ,. 2n. mWlH at. 31srlB. Company adri&ers thine before ifc CREAB, S0D& WATER & CORDIALS etrn Insarance lUesitlij. ller medical insist npon the necessity of paper, ij that flee French missionaries and made and repaired.. THE BEST ICE recessed instrncrVras to ltelnee Ihe irate of Moat Reasonable and on the outdixir exercise. In consequence thirty hare been Uanboa, Cicixxitj April 2d. The militia haTe all mm Rate, of this she cntecuists masiacted at I TKV Til EM.n between Henotata and Ports la lh rattle, drives daily about the private croands of Wind- Tonquin. cone from the city except the Seventeenth and STEAM trt'ALL .S Is now prepared lo lnao Policies at the lowest ralee, Mort rTornhlo Tormv sor. The irraugments for the down y. fifteenth Regiments. A small part of the First with a special redaction en (relent per leaaners. funeral, to Oniwi lOnt) April The Minister of Justice will orv and Bakery F. A. MmABPER Jk thernoatnnnnte details, were made under herper- - e lleciment is on dnty. The Fifth Itenlment ro TIIEO. II. DAVIBS. to has informed 'rejnif Spith of Hriush Colnmbia thfl ! ly For. Mir. Co.. LiniHe . m .. mmmmmma m lavttow :4ki attay,in mnrmnf..,Or oLHl.WOtlIHie&in.the. riBX J Apat Brit. las. AbwOh lit

E The Fastest Train In England. Central SUmtrtiscmmts. aWe The itaics of Great Britain ran, in Hie esti- mation of the British public, far more swiftly Hawaiiao Gazette StMDlement Apr.23. &; tila. titan thoso of anj oilier nation; bat, at the samo E.O. Hall Son fr". time; there is a general Tagnencss with regard to tpeir actual rate 01 motion that has a great . incral Stburr'tisnnrnts. (Drncral Sttujcrtiscmcnts. (5tncral 2li)ocrtistmtnts. eBect in ciaggerating tho reports of their j II.V E lllltSALE ASI OX THE WAV speed. ono Every naturally claims that the J. A Palseh. II Woftiruirrn train by which' ho himself frequently travels ( i? ! TROIBIETOIU ItT THE c. HaU's. IT is tho first in point of speod. Tho tourist or i SJ Steel Plows rushing down be- tho sportsman to Scotland FIEIMIl Initios from 3 Id. to IS UUffm in. lieves in tho "Flying Scotchman," the great CRYSTAL SODA WORKS HAVE I ten o'clock morning train from King's Cross, ili. HALL'S HEAVY STEEL BREAKERS which runs into Lincolnshire without a stop, Out Goods are Acknowledged the Best ! and after allowing thirty minutes at York for 12, IS and 1 Inch. JUST RECEIVED II. ! a hasty midday meal, reaches Edinburgh at HO COEKS, seven oclock, in time" for a substantial dinner 1'i.n a3ii:uicax ALSO- -A SEW USE OK at tho Northern capital. Another candidate "We Use for the honors of speed is tho "Flying Dutch- PatentStoppers --Y-CAN Hall's Steel Rock Breakers man," of Bristol and Exeter; celebrity. It is In all ocr Bottle? Karuilr Use no II, 13 aad lo inch, a broad-guag- e train and there is it very preva- iark Ceylon Containing H matter how tho speed the advantages of other Breakers and he I lent idea that, no great nnmber of new Improvements, may bo, tho width that Tin; roLLottiXJ- - all made sPthc of other lines great Ginger Ale but ours GREAT PLOW CO. Brunei introduced enables a higher velocity IOLl.E C1IILD11ES CRY FOlt to be obtained on tho Great Western than any--wb- : PAKLOIt sp:ts, PIANOS else. A third competitor, with many MERCHANDISE partisans is tho "Wild Irishman," carrying OUR SOBAWATER BEDROOM SETS, ORGANS, tho Holyhead mail, not only for Ireland but Which will be Sold at and, via San Francisco, for Ho- mr Wcdelti cr oar Oootls Free of C harc to all pan ODD CHAIRS, GUITARS, Je'iaiuFirclSS?! for America, of the Cltj. and Xcw Zealand. Tliev agucst ideas, ! nolulu Careful attention jiaia to I eland Ordeit Address LOW RATES DINING TABLES, ACCORDEONS, as already said, prevail as lo tho running speed, PlrMll of theso trains. The speed of .the Flying CENTRE VIOLINS, TABLES, TI?3CaijrigSggiL;aSgii'c ,1 Scotchman is generally assumed' lo bo fifty The Crystal Soda Works, "Electric Oil" & miles an hour; the Wild Irishman is credited l1 O BOX 307 IIOSOLILU. II I. I.o; WATER WHITE; l'ATEST Nonle Cans. MATTRESSES, BANJOS, with the same rate; but the friends of tho Fly- Lon- - -- ing Dutchman maintaiu that the run from l&- OUH TELEPHONE IS NO. 298. 3 PILLOWS, FLUTES, don to BriBlol averages sixty, and that it is far LARD, in 5 & 10 lb. PAILS ahead of all its rivals in regard to speed. Cjr Orders It ft with Benson ferailb & Co So 113 RUGS, HARMONICAS, such diversities of opinion, it might Fori Mrccu will receive prompt attention. 1WB EXTRA PRIME Among STRINGS, bo interesting to givo a few particulars of MATTING, 5 theso champion trains. Tho partisans of the ' Wild Irishman will be disappointed when they OIL, COOK STOVES may bo the result of tho LARD hoar that, whatccr IX I!AHKi:iA AND CASUS. A.M f negotiations now pending, or that may have HAVE A I. UtCi: STOCK Ol' TIIU in been completed between the London and Xorlh-weste- rn ., Company and the rosloffice, tho "Irish Vory Eoat Tar and Pitch, I Mall" cannot even be named in tho competition. EANQES Tho quickest of tho four trains known by this Hay, Grain, &e. OO AT. OF ALL SIZES) "5 and may bo noticed that it stops Y.i namo it ges WllICII It AT THE Use. KITCHEN' TJTENSILB-- more frequently than its three namesakes-avera- In Casks for Family AND IIOU8EHOLD of 10.G miles an hour; so though, by the MK'OND.JIANl) OMP' allkimla; to Dublin is tho Lowest Prices help of tho steamer, tho route Market PAINTS AND OIL3-- of all kinib; quickest sea and land journey in tho world, AID DELIVERED FREE TO ANT PART OF THE CUT IJE5.0KT Sja.IfESS LUIIUICATING OILS-b- cjt still, as as a train, tho Wild Irishman is inferior A.shi:ii:i m.iis; stock in the market; to other trains of the London and Xorthwcstcrn AiiKvrs mi: iiii: KEltOSENE OIL Downer's, Noonday & Lostral; pretend to run the Company, which does not Pacific Irlutual Life Insurance Company, CUMBERLAND COAL SILVElt l'LATED W.UtE-fr- cm llccd AUuton; mirlcput train in Encland. "Bradehaw" is so m OP SOUD SILVEllWAllE-fromlhoGorham- Co. perplexing a study to many rcspons that, in CALIFOUKIAJ CARD MATCHES trouble, it may be well iiiiifPK rcnVDEUS-- Il linda, frftm Cala. l'ovrdcr Works order lo savo further Ageuts for the "H00VEE TELEPHONE." tho struggle for tho first place CAltitlAGE AND to admit that COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS Fairbank's -- Platform Scales, AJLVD 1LVC1IINE BOLTS-- all sizes; in speed lies between two well known trains, tho Flying Dutchman of tho Great Western FOJt CALIFORNIA ASSUUTCIt SI.US; Xorth-cr- ' and tho Flying Scotchman of the Great n, gr TELEMOXK XO I 47. Ml if Snelf and the competition between them is ex- ASiEttARS.lM7.18ft tremely keen. NcJtice to Planters!! E F ES HARDWARE Tho Flying Dutchman is a broad guagc 11.4D raid-da- y, Axe train, leaving PaddiDgton Station at Wet Trash Furnace Automatic Feet!. Handles, A Splendid Auortment; and it runs as far as Swindon without a Pick Handles, stoppage. It is the custom for all Great 'West- 'pin; most successful avkt Of Every Description LEATHER Or All Descriptions; ern trains to como to a halt at this station; and JL Trah Fnraace in the Wands is Hie f ams.ee In of e Cotton Waste, stops for ten miuutcs, devoted at the ttpreckemtllc Mills, and patented by Clans V4- 7- Oar Good are of th- - quality; the Dutchman bprecLei and Joteph Moore. It can be attached lo Salt, Plaster, bctt are boagbt to refreshments, after Vhich it resumes its any boilor now in ate without rescuing the boiler. forranh ar ntwv nw vAr.ii. .i... .. description can be seen office of cas tamers ami , n niio nru nrrifiitiTtu( ami, after a momentary stay at Bath, Vrawinc and at the Choice VniCVns.. uun I course; Wm O IllWIN Co. or by sfpileatlMi to W E A Selection of ni.fi utJlentr lit after run of llgM CATAlOGUt". which we trill send toanjr one nnon appft- - it reaches Bristol at 2.21, a HOWELL. i 396-i- m miles. Notwithstanding the initwrtance of the CHAIRS ! MADE TO ORDER. wMuu, uinnaau esamino on splendid slock; of Uoods only five minutes for rest aro OCDXjTT! WAHtHOOmS, corner of Fort and city of the Avon, GOSSIP. , Kinghtreets,hi uuk allowed, and at2 20 tho Dntchman has resumed TnKi:i;isxoiT)iii:GO&siriioAV-fTtrr- Ilonolnm. j(joa wild career, and is rnnliiag at full speed Barrel Sliooks his an; ttjlc r Mews to order in thf bctt style f the for Taunton, whero thcro is a pause, hardly a Photographic ArWAnd oa themot Itcatonahle Temi NEW STYLISH o'clock in tho afternoon but it is Idle colpvhIcU raya ".he will not try to EXCELSIOR, 105 & 107 FORT STREET, and "stoppage, and at four pleaM for he always was and will be willing to please tho train rolls into Exeter 193'i miles from everyone who can bcqilted; and nercr treated anyone allowing for stop- oat of the way, and nerer will treat anyone otherwise IPMmtom London. The speed, not -- Milliiiiery 11 Carts chan In a proper manner Do not ten to poflp, bo loocl pages, must have been 15.C miles per hour. come and eec for yonreU there if alwajs tun ilderto SONOLTJLTJ, SC. X. ex- y HANDY PHAETONS, Tho other train whose claims have to bo a lory. (1003 3m) H. L. CHASE Ladies' Underwear amined is the Flying Scotchman. This is a and Lou- New Island Orders narrow guage train leaving King's Cross FOR SALE. Styles of Carriages, will. Receive Prompt and Ghildens' den, at 10 a. m.. cu route for Scotland. Its Clothing first start is impressive, for it opens with tho Fowler's Patent Tramway, ExStmr. Alameda andothfr Lite Arrir&Ii. r longest run without a pause in England, and probably in the world, in of a run to 13 pound lis.ll' 11 poncdRall. Jixpress Wagons I Careful Attention. Lincolnshire, a distance of 105 Grantham in (990) Mhs.W. miles. Six minutes are graciously allowed for WithPatent Steel Sleepers Ladies' Phaetons, h.wilkinson breathing time, and then tho Scotchman takes Oono Cars. THE IAS1I10NAIILE wine for York. Tho speed is as high as ever; JB?VI! be sold to close a consignment. CIDER VINEGAR, and at the end of 189 miles completed in fire 9&J I'. DKEWER & CO Vmrggsg S I I lUillincr&fDrcss-Jlakc- r minutes less than four hours tho train enters HAND CARTS, VK1JSSES TnussiiS tho handsomest station in England, that of the lo the Proprietors of Sugar Mills. OF FORT STREET, Company at York. Even the Northeastern A CXiASS EASTERN MADE OXCARTS must, like tho Flying Dutch-..,- ., S AGKXT roil FIRST F.'i5tu,."i,,iTK,h?La'n of and the other Flying Scotchman JTV AIlTISANij. thLnnderslcl iajrcparcdto Con on "oll for refreshments: bnt, as the distance tract for building Perforated llot Air Fanners (with "" LA1IOEST and tn MOST ELtOANT Assortment of the Latest hltles of creator, tho pause is longer. Halt iireat disnateb) acrordinir to tue desists of the late SUGAR BAGS, is crlenrated Chemical lrofessoi Pi nncy, formerly pro- HUlinery, an hour is allowed the passengers at York, and fessor of Chemcstry at the Andersonian I nirerslty. J2 x an IT, . i.v.nir fit. minntes nast two the train once Glasgow, Scotland, rrotectinff all parties from an Plowers, C. imasinary Patent infringements or Itoyaltiea ithicit 'LLBSTER A respectable run of E O moro makes a start. impair the solidity of the wort and deminish the C. BREWER it COMPANY Feathers, ur Newcastle is followed by obtained from bcrninj the niegftss direct from eighty-fo- miles to ' Bonnets, for Jhe minutes; and another the rollers, effecting p&ramonnt objects, Tixr tjarlnp; of two) n stoppage there taei. lauor, uryinc suras, iramwajs. woavns, etc Hat, Etc., pause of tho same duration at the old border MI 3m E. OAKLEY, It! ((neen btreet. ,nd " to ofBcrwick-on-Twee- forms tho last halt mJfil!!V&fc ti'T 'h'Pted the wror.1T town d S.M. CARTER & Co.. Si sViViTSl!.e WOT9 Selected with and o'clock in tho evening, the A large Invoice of the Celebrated -- '"": 0f Uirr. licrore, at seven the IsUnd,.' '," "" L"dl" ' Scotcbniam runs into tho Waverly Station; irvviMi notour tiii: Comprised In JIr. Wilkinson', htoek , 306J-- covered to lmaa, Tho total distance is miles, in Special Notice LADICV U.MIEIllVKAIt 1, exactly nino hours, including nil stoppages; LEGAL TENDER QUARRY larAXTH ASD CHlI.IIIliss . and on applying the same calculation lo tho Tbe Vrnxi rsiind rriri't-- of thr Scotchman as has been already applied to the Ai: I'KI.lM.Rril TO CELLULOID TRUSSES CLOTHING of all Descriptions, Great Western train, it will be found that tho Indies' ilsnd Ils,, Northern train's average running speed is ex- STEAM CANDY FACTORY I'oehel BooL's, best Leather; M miles an hour. Exchanyt ladles Uvld bracelets, actly Stone Pins, Earrlnge, VTid 33rl3Loiry Fwnisli 3Dlioct Prom tlio Factory. Ae.,4c. I!1", ,ll" Strl with rtm. Dr-ir- to inform hit pntrons anil the j.ubln c utr ers, reathers, Itibbons. &c to match. ally that nolffttlif Undin:; the rrc nt dieattrou- - A lanre assortment of Childress1 School UtU. Xm tire. hi: has Kiii;cri:t Wo Ilavo Especial FACILITIES for Adjusting TRUSSES. Building Purposes, l.',clialiy!nv;,ed'""t'"S,1"PK"0n0' "" '--" Juts Received A NEW FACT0EY & BAKEEY it. On a much more tculc which is nowin fnll DA extetinrc MRS. VW. whose excellent aa l operation, and vbirti will be in complete worL.inc Uste a Milliner BIRMAH; by an early of JIacti.nt.ry and Toole. PER arriTal mw !hlT?J?.m"!R,,,I,rtmtnt-,,1"tl",""'i'"cetha- t And ii now Prepared to Mannfactnxo BALLAST for SKIPS Co.,. K"tor. TtNSENTS l'ALE ALE, In quarU anil pints: HLollister & I'ltSUNElt HEElt, la quirts; Clioicest Candies Call and Seethe Novelties. qnarta imd Pure VIENNA 1IEEU, in iinU; And will aimaje hare on band bis Deliciona Cor Fort and Merchant Sts., & 59 Nuuanu St. i ai'INNESS' SlOtn , in quarts and pints; i'UEblt MAUi: iwl FUESCII CLUIET, of superior quality in casks BEACH AND BLACK SAND ! andcaaes; Vanilla Chocolate Creams, Irish Damask HUXXUSSErS B11.VKD V, , , , in casos; Cocoanut Candies, OTAKD, DUl'CY & GO'S BU.VXDY, , , in Rich Nuat, in bars; DUMP CARTS casks and cases. ffiflllif, K. C. MENKOW A 11UAXDY, , fa cases; Sugar Roasted Almonds Always on hand to fill orders at short notlco and at Co.'s lCeasonable liatcs. lililiiil We Have INLES ItOBIN J.Co.'s IIBAKDT, , in casks and CREAM CANDIES, great variety; Just Eeceived cases; MULLElt FltEUES DHANDY, in case; Soft Marsh-Mallow- s, A VBIty FISE ASSOlrTMENT " ui:Hi:)iiit'.u tiii: .m'jiiii:u! OP TALE rJUElilW of llest Quality in casks cases; Cum Drops, and Perfumery ! Perfamery! 1HISH MALT WHISKEY. Cum Fruit Bon Bons ! SCOTCH WHISKEY, Glen Lassiw 88 TC Perfumery ! Perfumery Irish M DoubleDama k. Glengarry; Of all descriptions- - Ail those HomrMade frih aad m pnrc Confections, I sell at SO cents per Pound. o 30S.-s- a otf " Glen Gany, in stone, jaga; " " OlarooldHiRbUnd. RICH WEDDING CAKE OF THE FINEST FLAVOR W In all fixes always on band, and ornamented For Sale at Lowest Eates in tbe mott anlstic style Cigars! Cigars! liQX.IeSTEB. & CO., TABLE LINEN CaT In Lots to Suit, at MINCE PIES always fresh AS ALSO ' PIKECT FKOM i F. A. SCHAEFER & Co.'s A NEW ENTERPRISE. Have Just Received the 1 argest Home - Made Mince Meat For bale at DO Cents per Pomid. J. W. HINGLEY CO., BELFAST, IHELANB TJxo- Oamor'ra i el Will tcceiTc per Consnelo the balance or mi new niaealnery of ihe newest designs for masafaetnrliii; all descriptions of plain Mannlacturors of all Grades of OF - Candies LOT PERFUMERY coxsihTisor & ,g PRODUCE PROVISION CO. V"",? f bc PoWc lor previous liberal jutronac soliciline a contin nance of Ut same. Very JtcspectfoHjr, EYEtt IJirOKTED INTO TillS KINGDOM, COM'KISIKU Reepccttully notify the mblic that they bare TABLE Established tbemselTet at :sco3Eusr. CIGARS CLOTHS 3. I'raetical Confectioner J, PasUy took. Fine Havana A SPECIALTY. Over Fifty Different Odors 73 Hotel Street, Honolulu, er THE OLD STAND. Tt HOTEL ST . of the Celebrated y- " to "Vit - r- - o- - Of all sisel snlt all slsss sf Clnln; Tables, -- put of the irecoise ocenpied by 15 We hare made SPECIAL AKIUSGEMENTS with f' Jn "fv Eastern and California to snpply n with the "SRESOVICH, GRAY & CO, Finest Ilarana and Connrtticnt Leaf Tobacco In the EHja.CS- - :E3 UarLet. We are prepared to maoafaclnrc a Genuine liirndbopg" Manufacture. can be found a COMPLETE STOCIIol OAK it.L.tMMh 1r than iKm rntof imnorted Clears. 1m llarln? considered this d want in the Willi Napkinsto ilatebf s, community, we nave encased superior assistance innu Odor-Case- ban Francisco Innlkln; onr Cl-- We gnarantee re Fancy Boxes, Bottles, &c. Produce and Groceries satisfy ertryone who will cirenaacalL Onrnann-factoryaa- d "WHICH WILL IIE SOLI) AT ! More is located in Theo 1INENS are tb ITNTST Errr FOR SALE Imported Lincoln Block, No. 108 King St to thia Uurlcet, and vs Inrllof Lowest Market Eates for CASH! One. New York Phaeton Hollistei" & Go., oar Friend to dro Uiem an Inspection.' ,ja I SSTOnJer liUod and ncli s TSLBPBOXEXi.'iil. from the otbrr solicited, 'ELst-KJKret,tsk,- i3. J.Ojrii", With Pole and Shalt i will liavc our beet care ind prpmpt attention. aa.sen.-t- jBL123.s3 rjgiAllorderaaQdcomaiiinicationaiObe addiessed New and In perfect order; suitable for a family. roir oxtl C-C- Kor fcale by J. W. HINGLEY ft Co., 59 Nuuanu Cor. G.W.Macfarlane&Co loojs z. K. MYERS, UWI CASTLE Jt COOKE 1!JM St, andFort and Merchant St. rflanaeor. Honolulu, H. I. tSBll)

r ' '- - . .&'h.''iJL M: R.flR. " jM ,&&&& ., - ag-A- c B"!!1-1'-- , ifj3A'Z-A- n -- b&LM&' istk. t iSSS I jucuiocia tti tut) suau luiui a iuuiuiu, I nM tnnw ...... T ah. It iiiMiujtoan ? ... ImiI lolino Plows, "and tlie concurrenco of four Biiall bo nccci- - UU n.V. tlit B...... OUWCIU S1J UUC, UUI OFFER FOR SALE' on Tools, all kinds,;. nnnivnto ljlBatxJojaJedaion.'J - ij.yrill bet tlie wine that J.caqjnakejoHcnt.aa 107109 & 111 PREMOHT STRJ5E flea , J" krr

JProp Pa 4ITM. New York't Cheap Irodi-ins-- i. Ctncral Untxiistmcnt3. Slipping. riurnl SUrctrtisrmcnts. Central 3iracrti5tmmt3. Fran-Ji- obliged to The .modern Ben n is net imrl hunt ent some modest borne wherein room can For Apia, Samoan Islands WfYl WENNER & CO. ..nest member of the household. be made lor anotber Royal Iwayii - Hawaiian He conld not in our days get a room and bed THE CHAMPION- The Hawaiian Hark lieu I for less than $2 or S3 a week in such a dwell- NO. 92 FORT STREET, ing as the original Franklin lonnd. But beds jag&. xtMrrjsCTVcriu asd dulses it a AUGUSTA can be bad in New Yarlc for fire cents night. 4.73 Tons, The brisk competition in the lodging house Fine Jewelry, Watches AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY business has been of great advantage to the Ilouud from Sati Francisco to jpla, will joung men who are struggling for a foothold Fire and call at Honolulu About MARCH 2Sih, Plated Ware, &c. in New York. Not onljr havo the prices of And take a few passengers, if offered. VA PRESIDENT Drvrsiox vs DOdS. beds been brought down lower and lower, but Have Just Received ex Late Arrivals, a Setter one another in HIS MAJESTY THE K1SO. Best Setter the competitors now vio with OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO, Pise Assortment of Pointer S,Ca making their houses as attractive as possible. BOARD OF .MANAGEMENT. - - Spaniel 3 " (water Ten years ago it was safe to say that a cheap - - President Retriever ipaalf GOLD & SILVER WATCHES. Ills Majesty 6 sheep Dog . lodging bouse was a filth; place without see- Burglar Proof Ills Honor A. F.Jndd - Vice President 7 Oreynottnd sign-boar- 8 ing more of it than its street d. Now Bracelets, Brooches, Hon. A. S. Cleshofn, His Honor L. JlcCttlly. Hon. " skvoTeirler afraid to M.Da- 9 Irish Terrier the most dainty lady need not be ChaslI.Jndd,Dr.U. McKlbblo, Mr. Sara'l 1-0- " scotch Terrier make a teur of the principal ones. Look into Earrings, Finger Rings, mon, Mr. Cnas. Lncas. 1- 1- " English Terrier MAGNIFICENT SEW IRON STEAMSHIPS 1-2- " Fox thebiggeat one on the Bowery. It is on a THE BEAUTIFULLY bET WITH Mr A.Jaejer Treasurer Terrier Secretary 1-3- Bull Terrier corner below Grand street The rooms are Mr. J. S. Webb 1- 4- " .Mastlll forrwcntj-fiv- 1-3- " Best Newfoundland . let e cents a night. Yon enter Mariposa and Alameda Diamonds h other precious Stones at the end of the building on the side street .Mao for other merltorlona exhtblla at the discretion ALbO- - An Elcsant Ditplaj ot of the Judges and at the head of. the stairs come to a little SAFES! Will Loavo Honolulu A. San Francisco THE SOCIETY'S SECOSD ASyAL Drvuroi vrl FI8U. window at which the quarter dollars of the 1 I on tho I st and 15th of Each Month. SJSJ",T?G. Best specimen fresh water Fish not native to r customers are exchanged for the keys of the Ilftteca. .. f tna COnntry. rooms. The Vers, which have numbered bits PAbbENUEIU may have their names booked Iu AGRICULTURAL and HORTICULTURAL Diruiov rHODUCE. by applying at the office of the Agents. WALKING CANES. RICHLY MOUNTED of brass attachod to them, serve as tickets of ilanufacttued by tlie Cincinnati bafe ami - 1 Best Flrkla of Butter, 10 js or more 53T- I'aseenccrs by this Line are hereby notified that 2 second 10 e AM) best Firkin of nutter. s ar more admission at the door further on. The lodg they n 1)1 be allowed 2uU)onnds of bazza-- FIlEE by IX ilLI MI.Yl'.U. 3 Best pound of Uuttcr, the exhlbltora being house lei ICallway when traveling east. se consists of t o floors, each as big the Overland keepers and making their own s alter as the interior of an extra largo Broadway Lock. Corupauv, Excursion Tickets Tor the round trip, $1J3. rood to A r.lt Invited from intrndln? nnrehasera to an ex SHO"W 4 Second best do return by any of the Company's Mcamers within W .mlnation of our magnificent LOCK and we feel lest Chces. store. It presents to the eye of tlieweitora days assured they will not leae without makln: a purchase Will be held at 6 Second best do number of narrow passago ways leading be- MEKCHAMJlbE intended for shipment by4hls line from amon- - the many Mciling articles arrayed before Drruiox ix DOMESTIC MASVFACTUBJ.S. will be received free of charge in the Company's New tLclr astonlsneu vision. Mats tween partitions only seven feet high. The The arc particularly inrlteil to call and exani I : : : Warehouse, and receipts Issued for tme. Insurance ladles 2- - Mats i ceilings are sevon or eight feet above these E. F. Aclams, Agent, owners Ine our Extensive block of superior Jewalry. - will be KAPIOLA3VI 3- on Mcrchandlec In the Warehouse at PARK Kapa INKS- - ".. -- partitions. Seven feet apart along these pas- 8 ' ,VM. G. IRWIN A CC, A sageways are doors opening into the little box- WM, 'WENNER & CO- - 3-- Bowls of Wood and of Cecoannt I Joi y&i Agents O. 5. H, Co. - Ornaments: Kukul Shell and others like rooms. The walls and doors are white have also been appointed bole Ajrcnte for the Hawaii ArtlOcial Flowers and Wreaths and clean. There is a faint smell of carbolic These bafes have all of the ;ood quail tic of otlur an n.iauoiu, iur Carving on Wood vr Stone furn- FRIDAY: AND SATURDAY, Saddle acid ic the air. Each tiny bed room is maVert, Hi- Harness ished with a chair, a cot, three clothes-hook- s, King's Celebrated Eye Preservers, ll Horse Shoes a pitcher, and a thrco iron 1 li-1- 3- Carriage bowl, a leggtd ho bave been Instructed In the use or his system The 3th and 14th of June. Wagon ' loft tor testing the homan eyes Ul . 1. .. n ashstand. The pillow and sheet on each bed 1 . 111 1.. P.. tent inutile ltoltuork anil patent Hinge Steamship Company Theses (Masses arc decrredlv noiiular. and the at icc ruiniiure ni uawairan noon, and Ul are white, the blue counterpane looks neat, tentlon of those Interested Is called to their The Ikunt of Mini"rmnl littvlrc" rnrfnl n iicu, u wm, uvmroisiic riBlDllDI mem and the walls are white and clean. Tho floor qualities. suitable site fur the purpose will erect commodious DIV.SIOX PRODUCTS. and substantial bnlldlngs at the Park for the recep- 1 Paonccra as is bare. Here and there are to be seen room, GIVE US A CALL. tion or stock and provide Cuss MarracTcaxo roa Exroar. ilMITJJD tr othrr exhibits, and will 1 wherein cheap chromos arc pinned open the Cap in cr Locks and ltoIt, WM. WENNER &. CO., crcry necessary convenience for exhibitors and for Best washed Sugar wo the public. Full details of these will be made known 2 unwashed Sugar v board walls. Their presence shows that the Fort Stroot. through the press as the arrangements progress. 3 ' Rice, 30 Bs or more room is hired by the v cek, but if you look for Ample room will, through the liberality of the Direc 4 Coffee. 5U ffs or more 3- " Exhibit of Fibre any a trunk or a satchel belonging to the tenant ou iv i am mc iviiii'iiaiii lain. .iuciauuri, dc aTiiuiDir - from native or Intro- 3 for the disptiy of allclaes of exhibits, and also for duced plant grown here are apt to be disappointed nine times in ten. 6 Best exhibit of any kind of n And also bave many vataaulc improvement a. showing stock. to advantage outside their stalls. dried or preserved fruit On the first floor of this and all other big STEAMER 'KINAU' J.M.GATJf!. j grown in this coontry ay lodging houses a Urge space in front of tho CiAs. u Scoaa Casta on oriia rnoDccra. lil.NCi, 1 1 1 Best bundle of bed-roo- fitted up as a lounging 103I)IAMEIt. THE 10LLOWING Sugar Caae rows of is Solid Angle-Iro- n Covers. Front and Back, RILKV 2 Second best bundle of do and reading room. These are the rooms ,VII1 Tnc&day V. Tar La 3 Largest collection leatc Hiinololu each at I M., Have been laid down for the guidance of of different varieties of Sugar on the elevated railroads notice all haltia, Maalaea. Mak.ena,MahaWona Kawaihae, Laapa exhibitor;. whoc attentlob to the same re- ICane down where hothrn; and llllo, .nivln at llllo early Thursday Is respectfully single stick of ScgarCane along the main avenues town, are morning. Will leare llilo each Thnrdiy at noon; quested by the Board of Management 3 Best Kalo aln ays to be seen many young men with their .Ma'iuLona each Frldiy at I V. M.; Kawaihae at S A. M. best Kalo Stationers and News Dealers, 1. No stock shall h allmrtMl ovMMIhI , tilted back, smoking, And heavy alle, then: by giving great increase In ofhatardjiy; JIaktnaaC A.31.; Maa!aeaal7:a)A. M., lulu 1,nb' arletle of Kalo d feet up and their chairs 'J:3(J A. reaching Honolula each It shall have been duly entered. Best Rice In ear, or' Paddy strength. One specially advantage over all and Mhataa at M.t - reading, or looking out upon the street. Each Iniwlant tatonlay altrmoon. Iln.tnlinu (.naellcIIlocU.'UTJIrrcIiniithU 2. In C3e there shall be nAri)mrftItiiii InartT rl.,i 9 Sweet Poutoej 1-0- - Irish Potatoes roootn has a big table, and tho pens, ink and other bite i rAbbEKGER TIIAIN' from Xtuill will leave each a, aprize will notbe awardrtl nnlesnthb single exhibit - Have Jast Received ex Maripo-- a Fine 11 Peanut Friday at I',3U to connect with the Kin an at Mahn- ot u n ivuc opinion oi ine jnuges, sntucientiy the checkerboards on these tables show how Lnna. Assortment Or best of any other product of merit V, Taaahaa the lodgers may spend their spare timo which The Klnia WILL TOUCH at llunokalaand 3. To secure a tilncein thti Snrltrr Cms Funoca axn Hinoa Put-- -. on dotcn tript fat enscr, M a is made Iront ni. most of them possess in abundance. In some of raff final hvne, exhibit must be entered befort 6 p m. on the greaten variety ot Forage Plants, repre , the itnr. STA.TIOJSTEE.Y, cdafsday, 11th senting nf ten-ce- nt not The Patent taVe heary June. lelds not less than one acre the bouses the beds are separated 1ST bteamer Klnan will not frclsht for AMONG WHICH MAY DC. FOUND' i-- .- Vnere the word native" in t..lalnn t . tho Introduction of any nsefnl foreign forage by partitions. They are arranged in rows in Lanpahoehoe- Lijht freight and packages only. All i. annnri plant proved to hray freight for the above port will betaken by the Letter Paper. toIorthebocIety'Schedn1oof Prizes, It shaH be succeed In any part of this Kingdom big rooms, just as hospital cots arc. Each .Mkenkc. Notc Taper. construed to mean an animal born In this Kingdom, tor the greatest irrespective of pedigree. variety of flbrons plants proved lodger hangs his clothing on a chair by his Magnetic ami Antuniiitic Fools Cap, 1? ""eed In any part of this Kingdom bedside. A watchman stands guard over the 5 Legal Cap, 5 In order to com tip to fur nrlifln (:! VII the best Hedge Plant proved to thrive In this Bill Cap, Fish; Class VIII. Dalrv Produce; Class IX. Domestic country. Hedge must he at least ICO feet long, and property of the sleepers. Tlie ' Manufactnres; VUkn X, and Jwckets Steamer Likelike Droad and narrow; by the ream; blocked, or by (ialre. Agricultural Produce; and the plant must not have the objectionable a five-ce- lodging-hous- Class as the biggest e in New York : Memorandum Itlock", Ac, tic, c, Xl.IIortlcnltnre.tbe exhibits must have been LantaaaandMimosc. (Specimen Hunk and Safe l.ISI.VUTlf', t tOM.TIAMEK. raised, rnanufactnred. or grown In this country ami by plants of the above to be exhibited is in the old colored grammar school building Lotk, . the exhibitor. at show) Will Ifatp Ilonolnln rtfalftrlr cverT ten dars for the III.AXK HOOKN : Au exception to thl rule will be made Divuiox in Thompson street. is an exaggerated Full Bonnd, Half Bonnd, In the case of floral the flowers xi HORTICULTURE. It following ports. Labaina, 31ailaea. Makena, Mahu which drl;n. ett.neilln Cuss a ship's steerage, or rather three stierages one Loua. Kawaihae, raaahan. Honokala, Kobolalele, llonnd to rieae. need not be the growth of the exhibitor. Tana a Puxtj. Uokala, UaWalan. Onomea. Tankaa, IM.srAM)S: (k No one Exhibit thai) bawarflM a nrl In ninr of foreign Forest Trees suitable above the ether. The walls of the former lanpahoehoe. Hankers' Large, Hankers this'"Uoncountry iVitlil.uibl.iiig -- Papal kun, atnakn and will touch at bmall. than one class. Jolts. llllo. Itetarnlnz we 2 Bestfr ilass-ros- have been removed, and spa- In fact, bare Inkstands for all. T. collection of native Forest Tires each all the above ports. Animals which took prlaei at last jrar's btiow M All live btock from Kawaihae mns t be shipped by the 3 Palma cious floor is now an immense room filled with will be admitted to compete again. 4- " L.lkCllkC post orFici! Tj:tteu scaiiKs, - Hlblsel fl Th. pUhr in L 3- ' z donble bunks builtclosotogether. The bunks IMilH I alla...... ! it. ..Vll..l - Dracaenas Title Lock Is cue of the mutt & dale of prizes, at any time before the entries are !i are heavy wooden frames, and look like one CAKTER'S Comblnett Copyins Writing, - .. - 1 HolOTe "lelai , in naarls, pints aud !i pints; closed. Is reserved by the Board of Management. fniiuD. '"' kitchen table set on top of another. They are CAItTERS WRITING FLUID, 8- - " Ferna STEAMER' LEHUA5 - M In qnarts, pints, ! pints and cones. 5. dozen two feet apart. There arc eighty or ninetv of 1- U- Violet Ink, pts, M pints Jl single Fern : : qts, cones. Notk. II-- these frames on the first floor, the only one the i,oi:i;zi:. cojijiAXncn, Indelible Jok, assorted. Exhibitors of stock are requested to furnish, 1J- collection of Caladlum. reiiorlcr visited. o women are admitted to Simple and Reliable U'111 rjch M.. KlU ARNOLD'S Writing Flnld, whencverpractlcable, the pedigrees of their Exhibit. tt.,vi.( truiirxuun 01 ana any .Mrs llnnnlnln MomliTltS P. for nierhartonsi riants, other any of these places The floor had been scrub- m Li Lai, I'ukoo. Undo, liana, MaLaaUe.Klpahntn and In quarts, pints, Ji pints JL cones exhibit of plants not mentioned' la the rsnn; rveanae every mnn cck. bTAFFORDM In quarts and pints, IS bed and tho walls were clean. Each lodger ami ai Class u-- Iteturnlns will touch at Laha'.na, Pnkoo and kanna Egyptian Per famed Ink. Schedule of FLoviiaa. Frixes: 1 gets a bed to himself under cover in a heated Combination Locks kakal. rcachin? Itonolnln I ridav 1. M. ItlL'ClIjAGKx In fit.Tts.!i pts and cones. Best Bouqnet of Flowerr Perfect Mncllage Dottle, Diti-io- 2 Second best do room. Tlie place snggestod a catacomb, but CATTLE. 3 Best Bonquet ot Rosea the price was only five cents. JV. Y. Sim. 10x12 fnll bonnd and hair bound, 1 Rest imported null, Durham 4 Second best do lUxl! foil bound and half bonnd, ! Best Imported Hull, Hereford 3 Best single Rose STEAMER 'MOKOLIF Mann's Copying Paper, 3 Rest Imported Dull, Anzus ft " (leranlums EVER HADE. : s FK.NS A 1IOM1K1LS : In great varieties; 4 net Imported Bull, Jersey 7 Carnations Chinese Science jtrtntr.uoit, cunnANnr.it, 3 Imported Automatic Pencils, Copying Pencils, Best Hall, Holeteln 8-- OUdeoIl Will leaie Ilonolnla each Jlonday P. M., for the wind- Faber's Pencils, Pencils. Ac. ft nest Imported Bull, Ayrshire U l.n,U. From ancient times the Chincso have taken way Walalna, lliona 7 ward aide of Oihn. Will ro br of when 1IK1UIAG I'Artlt: plain and mounted: Best native Bull, Durham, over 2 years old inu- Fuchsias note of natural phenomena. Their record of ever entflelcnt Indaccmenl offtr?, retnrninj? every Manila Detail Paper, S Best natlvo Bull, Durham, nnder i years old la Dahllaa And by peculiar e off Friday KXVU-Ol'KS- : l'tijam assorted: native Hull, Hereford Blgonlas solar eclipses is perliaps tlio most ancient and the operation uf the magnet lints r.jt. IU PLAYIMi CARDS: round corner JL plain. Best native Bull, Anus 13 III.V. accurate in the orld They have more entirely the utreof the "Micrometer, an II licit native Bull, '- --: or flll not bo reMMmiihle for any iT!iajtii..iijjai a larce variety: lloWrln """"ItlMtol Flowers of merit CB"Thc Company TIME nOOKb,uvuuniassorted; Onmmed Label", li Best native Cow, Durham less elaborate works on astronomy, mathemat- sometimes applied Uo picking is never refclptofHor. nor for per- 11 Mossea.Ferns and olh-- r loke. There freight or packages nnlcs Shipping Tags, Tourist Tags, Best native Cow, Jersey plants and flowers""'" ics, botany, zoology, mineralogy, physiology, gonal basjaseonlesf plainly marked. Not responsible 1 1 Best native Cow, of any any oe of power In the magnet, as the Poles are con- placed In charge of the other breed Floral desin and many other sciences. Yet there is scarce- for money or Jewelry nulcsa Paper & Envelopes to match. IS Best Imported Cow of any breed 1'nrpcr. Invitation 16 Best yoke of Cuss nt Facrra ly any true science in nected by n armature and the power Is consequently Mock, but the naiive workinz Oxen t thera. Classification, All poslblc care will be taken of Lire Dili Programme Cards, Pencils and Tassels, native fat fcteer 1 Tieal bunch of Banana, Increased. company in 1 even in regard to plants and animals, there is win noia'rnnicanj uk uwiumi. Second best native fat Steer eoll"on different varieties of Bananas SAMX. (J. tVILDEK. Prldent; MENU CARDS, native 2 a none. Mineralogy is mainly a description of We bare received a small iu voice of the above cele- Ileircr, nnder years old : 1 s. II. RUSE, r.ccrctary. est native Heifer, nnder 2 years old tiff'-".,ii'MlCocoanuts curious stones. Xor is there any progress, brated SAVEb, and can tale orders from our Catalogue OFFICE Corner Fort anil fluecn btrcet. LETTER PRESSES, LARGE & SMALL ; 21 Best Milch Cow, Imported or ' Urapcs 10. W" native for tho more ancient works arc generally the Honoltiln. Dec It!.. Rubber Band?, all sizes; Drrt'tos Pine Apples for any ize required, to be delivered within 30 days. " Alligator Pears best, and as a consequence tho Chinese of to. ham: mi.iA.Bats. 1 Best imported Stallion for carriage use Mangoes (ani)Ls anJ.scoitr.iiooUN, J Second best Imported Stallion for carriage use day are as their fathers were thousands of 3 Best Imported " Peaches ! stallion for draft use Figs years ago. The superstitions respecting nat- At Price that Defy Competition rocuirr nsiy ., Imported Stallion for saddle use M 5 Dreadfrnlt ural phenomena, which aro as living, And many other articles too numerous to mention. Second best Imported Stallion for saddle use 12 active G Best native liuavas ay Stallion, over 4 years old 13-- Citrons truths for all classes in China, remind fn,nVrA.im 7 Beat native Stallion, nnder 4 and over years When you get a hale gJt a good Abundant -- OF THE -- 2 old II " Lemons us rather of man in his state of barbarism onel TcttI Paper or 31igaalnc published,..iriat any time. Also, tor Best native Stallion. 2 Teara old and 1- k than under 3- Limes Magazine Seasides, Brook-side- native Kllly of the ancient culture and monials of Fire Testa can be seen at the Office of all the Local Pipers and over 2 years old lit " Lonnats civilization of the Family Library, etc, always on band, and special est native Filly nnder 1 years Dj old 17 y vis middle kingdom. The sun and moon INTER-ISLAN- 10 oracr. 11 Best native Mare 3 years to aro to I- - 1 AOAMS, namocrB- sent ior old or over Id CJheremoyas lho Chineso as they were to primitive 0- bPECIAL Orders Received for BOOKS, ETC 1J Best native Mare and foal 19 M Dates man, Agent for the Hawaiian Islands 13 Second best native Mare and 10U)-t- foal 2- U- Water living things, gods to be worshipped. f ALhO 1 1 Melons The Best native saddle animal, horse or mare 21 ' Mntk stars in their courses powerfully saddle animal, horse or mare J2- -- influence, if STEAW1 NAVIGATION CO. It ED KUIIREIt AGENCY ! J'.ondt,I,,lTe ""ve - Basket asserted Fralu not absolutely STAJir t. "V.' .t?rtlS"1 animal, horse or mare 23-- any other exhibit they do control, all human RAMSAY & LANE !,nBest Imported Mare of merit events. In them the wiso.raay read as in and Agents for the Encyclopedia Dritannica 18 Best pair of native carrlajo Horsea CUSS a 1 G-rocor- s All Island orders Alied Promptly "S Imported Jack Best Asparagus bosk the destiny of man and tho fiT est fato of em- Gron.oxal Mr native Mule i " Peat pires. Their combinations make lucky and A.D J. M. OAT, Jr. & CO, 21 Best imported carriage animal, horse or mare 3 " Carrots unlucky days, and wc shall do well to note 073 tf GAZiTTKBlock-,2- 3terehantbt- - San.r".!lmIor,e'1 '"'"I Stallion, thoroughbred I " Turnips )r. signs 3i. he pares of the animals marked with a 3 Cabbages carefully their and silent warnings. Strxa?.PLA.3SrTER must be exhibited when required by the managers, 6 Cauliflower Provision Dealers, 7 " Pumpkins I Comets arc tho precursors of famine, pestilence Drvisiot III SHEEP. IVU.671IOTEI.hT. s s s BATEb, Commander, 8 Squash 1R-- and war prognosticators of the wretk of em- New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. I Best Imported Rjm (for wool) 9 2 " Beans J Second beet impurtcd IU01 (towool) U- pires and the fall of kings. Eclipses aro the Goods Delivered to Customer's Resi- Will Kim Kegular fur Komi smil Kau OF EOiTON, MAES I- " EggFrnlt 3 Best Imported Ram (for mutton) 1- 1- " lUdlshes periodic efforts of the dragon fiend to destroy 4 Second best imported Ram (for muttou) dences, Free of Charge. 1 .N CO KA 1H33. 5 1-2- - Kohlrabi the lights of heaven, and every I.oitves Honolulu Kl'O ri:i, Best two Imported Ewea W - Celery notice of an Jnet Rrccirtd ex late antral, a fresh line of ntlp.iu.ou 6 Second best two Imported Ewea approaching eclipse sent by Co 11 " Tomatoes tho imperial ast- 7Ae Oblest Purely Mutual Life Insurance in Best native Kam 15 "V triiav Anri) 4 Tuesday Mar 27 8 Pepper JZ. ronomer to the provinces is accompanied Seeds & C Second best native Rani tft by Garden Fresh Groceries. Tuesday. -1 Friday June the United stales. 9 Best to Lettuce a Government order -- native Ewea 17 Basket to employ Hie usual ORDERS FILLED WITH PROMPTNESS. -- Friday STuesdij " I" IU Belt three Fleeces, assorted Vegetable! ILL SI May 6 Friday 27 on most favorable- Terms. native methods of g, etc., in Or Tncsday. Policies limed the abo1 'Mm at,it 0, ' order to res- 101 lrriday.... fin" " t""""B'l te cue the threatened luminary. ILAND OIIDEIiS SOLICITED If Divflox Again, thunder example orXou.l'orScltitre Ilnu 1 Best imported Dmsio- -i sej X. CABTEH. s " Boar IMriEMESTS ASD is the roar of tho anger of 8. r. ccinait. Kclurniui;, Touching; at Maalaea S3 RY LIFE . as. 1 heaven, and to be INSURED AGE, 2 Second best Imported Swine MtCHlSERY. 3 imported Sow ' Jokes, smitten by a thunderbolt is to be marked 11 3 nest Prlaea will be given as rriJar pril Tneday Jane 1 prcmlnm continues Policy !i year 3 daya 4 Second for the bell exhibits of Ir-- ! 13 Annual best Imported Sow ments and Maehlnerr a thing accursed. Wind is born in the S. M. CARTER AND COMFY Tiiesifay Friday premiums continue Tollcy 4 years 12 days 3 Best Sow specially adapted heart May 2 Annual native Ural Industries of of whence, Friday 2jTncUy i 3 premiums continue Policy 6 years 27 days Second heso Islands, and prraf.. great mountains, it issues at the Tnenlay " 11 Friday... I Anneal best native Sow tlonofouragikultural products July 4 premiums continue Policy 8 years tfdays nest exnort.il. command of tho wind god. Most SJ Kim SL. Ilonoluln, II I., lletall Ilulr 13 " S5j Annual litter of pig under ten montas old, native espeelaRy new laven.lon. ., .S districts trlday & Annual premiums continue Policy 10 years 56 daya fat PIj, native TaiisYnKTepirV 1 havo their wind mountains. That, in Lnng-Sha- n, And arrtvin' at Honolulu, the same dar at 5 m. best fat Latlve (oof only following Ilr. in the Northern province of Chihli, On the oat trip, wilt lunch iLtbe iorts s is Coal IU IVVUi, aauuHvaaw wu Asaota, 9X3,500,000! Drri.io The following extracts from the tho most remarkable. It has Firewood and Feed. natiuit, niatuuuH, w'u,vi Bales of th. .!... Hale! a cave at each Lone. I'alil tliroujh Ilouolulu Asency, 1 Best white Leghorn , Tloostcr and 2 hens of its four sides. The Wc won Id notify public par Spring wind isjucs the and liotickcixr in $49.000 brown Leghorn ; Rooster and 2 hens from the cave on the eastern side, the tlcnlar, Ihatwe keep on bind and for file In qmn Mack Spanish; Rooster and 2 hens summer tltirMofBit iarthxrrs and at lone I ratce Fuel at 4 Best irac wind from the southern side, and on fotlowi: any s; Strnr WALANI CASTLE & COOKE, AJ.ENTS fow'l so for the Hard and Wood, cut I game ; Rooster and 2 hen others. Wind eddies, or whirlwinds J.b. cwcarlle Coalf, Scotch Coalf, LAMEROJf, Commander, sr:; igtAwm three domestic (Jeeie are and the Celebrt W ellington fortiib Hawaiian 7 raised by the hedgehog in his trd Jlinc I!t . rapid passage Depart are Bar Coats ; also. pair any other breed tTnl.VIV tf Leaves Honolulu every Tuesday, at 5 p. m., ! from one place to another, the dust serving to BUeLpmithi' Coal. Tr above can be ordered by or otherwise1 " screen him from the vulgar gaze. IUin is telephone for Nawiliwili, Koloa, Eleele and Waimca, 1-0- Three Ayleshnry Ducks 3sMsEttmigig& and immediate dtrllrcry snaranteca. Bindery 1- 1- " Three Canton Ducks By order of the Board. produced by the dragon - , Book pod, who carries up Kacai- Eetarnmj Leaves Nawiliwili evfry 12 ' Three Turkeys 8. Tast quantities of water from the lakes and Saturday Evenuijf. 1-1- " Three Tarlelles of Pigeons gs u WEBB, oVcrrfnry, rivers in bis GIVE US A CALL! ' capacious jaws, and pours it down - ALVIN H. EA.SEMANN in showers upon tho earth. Every No. 305. Wo to under- mountain Telephone W Isbet to notify the public that he want tho Public has it spirit or genius, every valley its nymph JUST every Stmr. JAS. MAKEE, stand that tho RECEIVED iFIc and spring its naiad. Hence mountains FREEMAN. Commander. Bl" and rivers, old trees and curious be- ALSO KEEP IX iUVCh Has Opened a Book Bindery rocks, n'E T.mpm TTnnnlnln everv Thorsdav. TJ. m Company, come objects of worship. Aature. at 3 Union Feed for Xapaa & Xilanea. Heturninj, Leaves In the GAZETTE BUILDING, and I. now pre- Is Ready and Willing to Furnish all the CONOHEE&AHUNa JBCcty FORT STREET, AFOVZ S1S0. and. Oats, p. toncn- - pared to do all kinds of .i Kauai every ilonday, at m, ana roim-rorN- T gaj-.va:vizi- HAY, OATS, BARLEY, BRAN, &c California and New Zealand ; i &c, New Goods ing at waianae botn ways. ng of Various Descriptions Corn, Whole and Groaned ; Ilraii, Book-Bindi- IT MAY I.EED 4) Barley, Whole and Ground ; Wheat, Middlings', and other iced. AXD AT THE LOWEST Steel JSarbwire, Order the abore through RATES. Chinese tST Stmr. G. R. BISHOP, Paper-Rulin- g. As we want to make room for a Large and Japanese Ware! JUST RECEIVED on TELEPHONE NO. 003, DAVIS, Commander, btock the way. ALSO, LATEST STTLZ 01" For Sale Greatly Magazines, Pamphlets, Catalogues, star-A- ordera pnmptly attended to Goods at Reduced Prices and vb warrant quick deliTcrp, and fU weight Leaves Honolulu Everv Tuesday, p.'m-- , delivered at 4 -gr EUROPEAN NOVELTIES IN JEWELRY ! Orders from the other Islands solicited. Telephone) I73.-Sjr!- m IQH lm Oar Dy ED IIOFFSCHLAEUEK Co. for Kukuihaele,tHonoicaa and Itenorts, Etc., Etc., Ho. Paaohau. IXCLBDIWO fJOMZ FREE DELIVER Y' arrives at Honolulu every Sunday Bound to order In Sheen, Calfskin Morocco, Leather Cordage: Hemp & or Doardi. iOE. INE Manila. to all parts of the city. Uemcmbcr .morning. and OREAM! SETS OF TIGER CLAWS iw n .trt att.ntlan to bnsiness. moderate JLVUT.1IAS No-18- cbarjres. I trust to merit a fair share of the pnblle JUbT Silk Hanrlxercliie& (hesutiteiied). AssoimnvNT xkw 82 King Stnet, and Telephone - ttmw - AvuiiTm Manufacture, which willofbe (Old CO- OFFICE of the Company, Street patronage. MZ.t" Vr.nruin All and Lowest Prices. it foot of Kllanea colon qualities, the near the M S B Wharf. - gg BOLIXS A. r S77 tf ! A 7IJU- ASSOBTMIBT OF CO. PATENT NOTICE. ! Ice Cream Saloon a HUSTACE, SURVEYING -- STYLED- Japanese To Whom May ! IS-tae-d Lacquered it Concern A PATENT "WAS (Formerly with B. F. Bollea Co.) Ware to Kln;bary U. Jarri. on the 30th Janu- Also, So. IIELS'G A T.OT OF UX, ary last, by the XlnUtrr of the Interior, under the law. Wholesale Crocor, ' A. mice Tor Sale. TIIEKE BRICK left on the KfpUn.dc. notice it of this Klnlmn. for a Ga. and Cane Trab Consuminc; and Retail BECKWITH lOW ly Infrio--rne- nt III Klnj SMrect, nnder Harmony Hall. ' The hereby rlvrn, that after the expiration of 20 daya from Fnrnace, thlt if to warn all pertons agalott an JVXavUla ELITE TTMltTi, IS CONSECTloxwrrn date, faid Bricks will be sold to par storage and char-- rs of the laid Talent. Family. Plantation, and Ship.1 Storea aapplled at ASTOIc 110c.HH. claimed. A. FULLER, C. BREWER COMPASY. TJeflnlnc or Dividinc Areas, Tereling, Hap TIIK Messrs. Hart Bros have Paints and Paint Oil. sales preTiouly abort notice. ew Uooda by cTery atelmer. Orderi renovatca a'AaaaAfJUl, - Harbor Matter of the Jairll Fnrnace Co I llandj "Will Surrey asts. uiauu and their H011.HOT AnU from the other falthf ally execnted. Makinfi.Etc In any combined establishments are now the Flaeit In the OVJIIESB GOODS. noaolala.ApriUUi, isji.. luxst l'cr J. O. Caimn. Sec"r. 977 Sm. Honolulu, February!' 1SS2. tu3 CBT TELEMOXE Xo. 119. Wl ! part of tlie Group. ItyWllf), HART BROS Proprietor. ' B9IXZS co. l

-- StrwntL. rt-ii- L . Mt , .SF sm E ISkMJ'ts' e JJ&1 , 3KiS..;ito--'. . imt .

a . 1 " TejBgggjasjwpySBg B15jattraaaeaiaf-pM- jMllsaBs.HlsuMas!nslEaru asff im i rfrjisBWWisBaagMlKePwyi-- j --SanBeBBr rizetk &AkJ3AzmBes3is flraSSBr R!slisi5gr"4L. sa-le-s vMafe.JSpTfitjjg5ya?ilBetf xm . .lunii ' "" - t iron xaLttta.i!iAriTfpr aiBq-.--- .. w- - i ii&f Jtt il do trot litiiTijcx-?T2r"TrrniI!i- pi III 1 R finnd5 Raiil-wrstvi- f tUiI'1Z1-- ' . "wp- wh.t.ui.1. M" IVXules! Qb HnrsR! ZZ : : aagst-uiiill- i ,lM.mJBmmmmB r SUPPLEMENT TO 'GAZETTE.'

HONOLULU, H. L APRIL 23, 1884.

LATEST FOREIGN NEWS. HiTisa.Apr. 10th. Latest adncea fromHayti dunag last night, and only nine men reached land state that on March SOth the Italian transport out of HO on board. XXAIlsTlA.w Compte de CiToar Port-a- u TO X.X.&. arnred at Pnnce to tprd 4th. Earl Derby, Colonial Sec- seek satisfaction for taking from an Italian bark retary of State, gave Pans, Apr. 12th. According to adnce from at Petit Goare audience this morning to a Hoe, Anxmites twoiasarsents and shooUa? them. deputation of merchants engaged the state that Huagboaau bcra liar-tie- in the Weal The Atnencaa Minister has demanded of the n India trade. They asked evacuated. Gorernment tdHX) for an International the payment of f indem- Conference for the discussion of the sugar boun- A cable special states tint the Dale of Bos nity for American losses on account of the riots clench dying. September ties and of the question of placing the W rat Indies l in last, and the snrrender of th mnta under the favored nation clause Queen Is of Saint money with the United Victoria to amve at Darmstadt on the Nicholas as suaraatee that the be States. Derbv said he ahonl.l K .w,i - v- - 17th The Emptrorof paid. The German f30Q,CW, last. Germany will leave claims amoont to foreign States abolish bounties. The subject had Berlin on the tor W lesbaden the Fresch claims to an equal sum, and the h lith and meet the i htiond to the Amencan MinUter, Lowell, Queen at Darmstadt on the 21st. claims to $20,CUX The number of persons but"the present moment he considered inopportune Co-"- killed donas the revolution is ofnaally declared - ?lesrp:JAl1h-':- , ! state d- - v..,iiic.anW wi mo question. pateh to have been 7,000. The disappearance of persons IWsW, built at Roach's yard, was Lotww. pnl orts successfully launched impucateu in tee rerotuuon is causing consider- are carrent that this afternoon. General Gordon has had another Ex- able commotion at Cape Hayu. A collision has plorer reverse. The DEtca authorities have blockaded a portion occurred between refugees inside the Bntiia Con- Schweinfutth has received a letter front of Acheen, of the coast of Sumatra, with new sulate and the guards around n'i Gordon, who says the demeanor of the a of the consulate. Both people exerosiug a pressure upon the Rajah of Leaoa to parties were intoxicated. V demolition hasi much changed since be was last in the force him to release of the boudan. the crew of the wrecked Ens-ts-h coosolate wa onlr prevented by the tlmelv amval steamer isero. of the Consul. 1 he Uavtien Govei nment has put PBTLADIxrHU- - Annl 1.L Tfc TWw rvnn. Urge number of nee piasters from Georgia into circulation an addinoaal SL00OJXX) Republican Convention instructed its delegates to money lnitr j vote fr andbouth Carolina are in Washisgton for the for Blaine and Lincoln. 5T: mine aeteasof ta jiorrtson Guaixis, Apnl9. Koticeby telecraph was re- -- Cmxuoo. Apnl 3d. Jacob Schaefer and George tans btE. They sav ' ceived y F. bloason signed y games "" 1U passage would rmn their here of a law which goe into effect articles for two of business. fifteen days from the receipt and publication of bdliards, to be played here May ISth and 31 st, the same. first game for thy balk-lin- e The brother of General Gordon in London, be- the It ocAUe every steamer and saiUus championship and -- vessel side, the second ing interviewed, says. My brother hopes to be in bnnging Chiaaiaen to Mexico to pavthe $0 the champion's came, the Brussels in August and rename his engagement ssmof Jffiperhead. loser of the first game to have the option of mak. lag the stakes $UW0 a side with the King 10 take command of the milttarr Catso, Apnl 3 --The lintx-- Government has portion of the operations of the rent Mtrsctx Iad Apnl 3d. The cyclone which International pxitive orders to General Gordon to with- destroyed Oakville day before was African A&ocM&un. draw from Khartoom with the garrkon as soon as yesterday more punaiMe. extensive than at first reported. Instead of dev- - The Qaeeo maintains good health in spite of the astating a distance ten miles by of it is leanied.that shock caused ibe oeath ef the Dale of Albany Paacs. Apnl 9. L? the clerical news- the track extended twentv miles, everv- - Her medical advisers insist paper, AT, sweeping If spoathe necessity of eajs suit are French and thing before it. outdoor exercise In consequence of this she thirty eatechKts have been massacredmtaans Apnl 20. drives daily at Hanhoa, Ctscnrun. The militia have all about the private ground of A ind-- 1 Tonquin. gone from the city except the pr The arraBgmeot Seventeenth and for the funeral, dowato Oniwa(OnU)April9. The Minister of Jtutioe fifteenth Regiments. A small part of the First the most nunate details, were made per-un- Regiment under her has informed Premier btaith of Bnti-- h Columbta is on duty. The Fifth Regiment will go direction. , that the bill pawl by the British Coisabia away in the morning One of the wounded in the 15th.-SDt- Lci-4atiir- not was to I Jlcrsmarous, Apr. since, Prof, prohibiuag toe laougratioa of Chi-ne- e taken the hospital unconscious and his ponaladson ofthtsenj, oSeredto knock oat to that province, is disallowed. name was unknown. He died but just four roenat any in before death he rallied sufficiently to say his name man in the Northwest. Three One-hal- f of MandaUv, the capital candidate for the honor of Bormah, was William White. This makes 4J deaths. Of met ami selected one a city of 9CMM) people, has been burned. the-- named Brecfcec, of Brainered. To-m- the men 3 burul permits of the victims of the late not, in Market HelL winch was Yitttjo, Apnl s Commodore Cphnr this 11 of the killed were bora in Germany, 1 tmencian at ntted. Bat afternoon hoisted flag on tworooads werefoaebt, Donaldson winning the hk the Hartford, now but mostly of German parentage ; 1, Ireland ; 1 match. at Mare Island, and assumed command of the Wales. PacuW squadron. The ig was saluted with the buaant, Apnl 2nd Osman Digna is April -- activelv Gu.TMt. 12th. A .NW Laredo special nsoal number of guns by toe navy-yar- d battery . resuming the offensive. Hets attempting to For several cut say. dais rsmors hare been rife of Petttngdl and Everett, importers and shipping off the fnendlv tnbes about Uardoub and Tam-- threatened revolution throoghoat Mexico, which aneib from water bheik Mahmocd Mi oppos are aboat tangible merchant of Boston, hive failed, liabilities. lil), is assuming shape. Amone the OXr nominal assets, $ct00 tag him. and a battle is expected. the causes of discontent are the following- - The The Bntish court will remain in morning for large moneyed conom.ioa granted American Tvphas fever has broken oat among the Poles the Duke May rail New Tork. the bide tenements. of Ubanv until 11th. road, the action of the Gorernment on the nickel in in Lvt In The Pans correspondent of the London Timit qoeetioa. in ordenac the base ha been traced to emigrants in two steam- coin funded, and ships lately arnved. telegraphs that the Pope has noticed the Emperor tre repudiation ufoeruaeatee of deposits or the Francis Joseph, in an autograph letter, that there retam of nickels, tb passage of the Stamp Act, From and after the 15th instant the Central are reasons which induce him to leave Rome at a requirmg a twelte-ee- nt stamp on alt artioles oer Paone Rtilway Compmy will run a fast mail more or less early date The Pope says he is well i teMe, notwithstanding the previous exorbit rain from Uden wast covering the distance be aware that his decision will have senous conse- - tween Oroeo Frinci-o- thirty olowff ?- 'V' "" e to pay the and ban m nine quences to Christendom, but he is bound to carrv J the leeolar army, resulting in the boors. Thti will comptete the fast mail xervtce out his intentions. ,orakauon of the troops, and the between ewYork and ban r ranciseo and save bwBiL Manb 1L In the sitting of Council throwing tenty-fon- of do., thwr ms j m ,vuaa r hoars betseenvhese points. State on Wednesdav the King issued a declaration sUrtuu; T in garrisons,!,toKiher with LoMX. Apr 7tn, rke annml boat race be- of his intention tc maintain his ngtits to an abso- p!Lv """wn openly brcght against the tween Oxford and Cambridge University creas lute vote in constitutional matter-- , at the same BO"'AiMWJ.ttioohpowben occorred this morning. course was lime sharply cnticising the judgment Su- ne went into office The the res of the f or tears ago- - ular Thames courcr, foar and two furlouK'. preme Court against the late Prime Minister, but decided finally .3",n'To Xgr " rablegram has from l'ntoej to Mortlikr lli weather was very that Mr belmer should leaiehis UA unpropttioa and the ur was nUed with druzly etnee as Minister of btate The declaration was 1 Aheavy not countersigned by any onorm.l rain. rstt overhang thenrer, while the Minister. The King to!Z1j,t water was decidedly cheppv Tbeie were bot few tendered Mr belmer his gracious acknowledge- l"he CoibnJe crew wae the favonte ment for his services, and created him a Knight of before the public in Imperial date and to perform fromretb.the urt, ani won an easyvwtorv. Tune the Order of the Seraphim, the highest of Swedish bis royal daties. ?tm39sec Orders. It is generally believed that the govern- ment will be re- Pana, April IL-- The Naw Tosx, Apr 7th. The latest Arthur move- provisionally earned on by the death of M. Jean Baptist maining ten impeached Ministers Duma, la aiiuouaowt. Ee was aged eiebtv.foor ment is one in which the HtrU, AVem Com mtml and are engagwl Amung April Eeade, the norths! Exfmi the died here thkt afternoon. baintesinen here the XmU pnntsa list of a Adecman Alliterative Author. doaen principal bankers and merchants who have ?. The last instalment of the wisdom power April 1L- -A riore content of foor pronounced lot Arthur and of roonda'J I"irhas possessed, or at least exercised by beu arraBcd between Charles Mit Losixx, Apr. 6th. The most wonderful ten mile Mr D G Vdee cheL. the EorlMh pscslwt, BiUy race is before the public in the Bmtlthn, and Edwards, on record was made by W G Geoige, of the lTih. Having taken to wewfat chamiaon. to take place Madtton-sqoar- e occasion notice this liht in the famons amateur, at the Athletic Clob at Litli performance once before, Garden Mar lath. nndge. He covered there u little to add. ten milea in 51 minutes 00 Mr Adee has abundantly proved his utter lack of Aprd 1L-- Latt seconds, Lonx, adnoes from Shane eehpstnc'all records, even that of the acquaintance with the subject he presumes to hu report a tenons political erten famous Deettoot minuus Jb seconds. The Lmprert at 1'ekinc. a wnte upon has pablwlT degraded It is annoanced Not only tht-- and foar nncehaBc tut Bruiso naval coaunanders the anj Flora of o Islands, meaibers of the 1'nry Council. Thet nave been ordered to oppose any attempt of but the social condition''ni of the people, the were stripped of all honors, lortagoeee the relative dilatory thr became of the to extend their occupation of the rank and relationship of the present and recent manner in which they dealt with Bjugo beyong Ambriez. occupiers of the wholly lunqoin asatrs. hae throne are either unknown Losdos, Apr 7ih. Gladstone made a powerful to, or wilfully misrepresented by Mr. Idee. -- The sr liS" from Berber of speech in the Commons y in support of the f fame of Jas. Cook, the discoverer, rests mstant indiealesAw franchise bllL H upon too secure a verdict to be soiled by a awommgamoretheh afairs there are daiU said it was a good thing for wnter menacing poMttoo. The tnbea the state that the largest number of capable cm who prove hi unfitness for his self imposed task between Berber and Shendr are ma stateof in zens should possess the franchise. He defended by stating thai he. Cook, "the brutal lorkshire arreerton. They hare seised the boat Leader the extension of the franchise in Ireland manner, was killed and his fellow pirates dnvea as an act off. with proTknooa. which was prooeedlnc to Sheodr of right and justice j while ruthlesslr raiding and looting these The rebels are besjegmg fcbendy, and a pornon of pnniltlve people.' Evmv one but Mr. Adee knows the Berber troops haie gone to that cite for Lotook, pr Its The landing of the remains that Cook sailed from Oahjaeeforat least a year, Had soeh action not been taken, rlr. of the Duke of lbany at Portsmouth was attend- and as he and the chiefs and people thought, on it feared the ed with much pomp rebel wwlo hare besieged Berber also and in- and ceremony The Pnnce the best and most affectionate terms. An accident tercepted the roate to Koroeko. of Wales. Crown nnce Frederick William of to his consort only, caued his return Prussia, Pnnce VTaldeck Pyrmont, father of the For Mr Vdee's style a short quotation from one Wxshkotox, andr Apr Coffin, Duchess. Pnnce paragraph sufficient, i ) UU on Chnstlan. the Duke of Cam is Extract IV "that ir- daty at San Fraoetoco. bot who has been bridge and the Marquis of Lome escorted the body banc sepulchre on the tillow eeaten J ,b command of the Greely to Windsor, where was recived Wand steamer reoef it at the staUon by shores of Oahu" Uereisalliteration with a Uert, armed here yeaterday and left to- the Queen and Pnaeesses Christi ina and Beatnra vengeance The same building, by the way, night for .Sew lork, where body is he will be placed in The of the Dake was borne to Windsor Cas-u- e desenbed in the same paragraph as tja quaint and command. from the railway station upon a solemn structure, the mausoleum of the Kings tors)S- Los Asojijh. Apr 10th --10 a. m --The situa- ? biL,eBt - A long procession fol- etc ," ana "the strangely barbaric sepulchre" as tion here, not as bad as daring the fir storm, lowed. The Queen occupied a carnage drawn by above. To the same number those who want some bid 1 air to be, as the are four horses. The Pnnce of Wales and original information, should turn and read ntew all nrtns to were oth'rs of the 5'!,lMM?.t8' commanieation on foot. indigeneous oranges, mangoes etc is hi 1BdlJTattoos directions. Pasb. pnl 4th. It IS hard to sav whose is the "active anil Itramed The Queen of Tahiti has gent mtlh. oeioresnown in pru-the-re gone to Havre on her way home. She head to originate a fresh career amid the hanng dreads the minded, fallen nearlyJ three inches in twelre hoars. journey through America on account of the news trusting, honest readily duped Kanaka, and time, reach the dignity from Gen- paper reporters. in of pnmate of that eral Gordon, Pn'leter -- entirely to accessible country dated March 11th, says Haimx. Apnl 1th. -- Government If the The steamer Dnmel W e have one specimen of such activitv, intelli don t intend to relieTe me we had from Antwerp for this port, sunk of Sam better erunat, immediately. bro, about gence and originality, and da not want' another, "". twenty miles from this port, bhe struck Mr. Adee, JJoAa n(i.'

TOtnnrcreTM wircEeu, ro war, w ..... ,. . eppeme iiomr term saia ccairacis accoruiBg to ine irae in- - i which will be eoM at the lowrt marVt rite soavev i a seKTca Uood! delivered to all parts of the city free of laae'tiI UU 1 1 1 1 S41U cbir. f m .CM. WC.UIU .1171 CVl. re-- Iiand orders solicited, and prompt attention I ' K- TV f - -- .I. P TI...l-.- . t Tl tcno O. it. .omoi jtccrx