Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833): 1859-03-29

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Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833): 1859-03-29 W I u w ; I . * *; C . | ;! ! , . • T ^- — » - - I a —— * |! Vi N1 ' T r . r . ; w - i THE LOUISVILLE DAILY JOUBi\1l. VOIAIME XXIX. LOUISVILLE, KENTl I K' TUESDAY MARCH -il) 1859 number 107 AMMAi.,._Tl.y«. are cruin W lu,,.. tti. JOI RNAL, MISCELLANEOUS.S. LOnSVILEE^.IorRNAL. K.wu:to..wo • | btbar ..id LOUISVILLE FOR SALK OR RENT. I pill wbah apply lUtla OIL U itie fteomg uf ail aoimaia •bk'h Johusy lu b« com uut uf Um I aar>U'a nils, I ISl \1 ooa briir'ai ruHW rr«a-i«ii»* n ll llll IIITH nioraiag iT#^be IVBn»y!rani 1 I^giala^ore bos |iam.il a we will shortly outict: l-afuri brealtfa.,'. •‘tfce b«ani I hayacuiua Street I ua TIRiS.S.KE.NNEDYJcBRO., rKITNTK’F.. * O-BOKMt. JKPI'EKM»\ <Ol^Tl F4RM.f|, Bueiiieea Property for Sale. j > .»!• ««»!« bill granling a charter fur a jusuenger railway *T«prT. m-r TAKTS CRKAT M-KASIKA^UKEKF. ^ * Hrick StorrhooM, i4fcOAt<^ nu thr ou 1 . The Ui«d ii <{Wt imp, run^o. A well bred | S>™ppiDTtltouI!S is t!l *|U‘“ I fidt of MaId AtrtoC. bolveoo 8e%-rnth and , w w sCmnc to iW towr. af iMutifal «.>vrr>P« «a 40*7 ^llT* Cbaalout acilll out oniv alfuril, lera OE2 Walout itree'.a, PbilaJrlubia.PbilaJelpbia, by the waste, but hiu the meat thiy w.ra plaatoil; bad SrEIl.^L !» Ai».»— J**w*j) ***?» ****’*» ‘«t !{.).>. im-ludiii> Tt«. Honfinm rjrbih. watebad UU^IBOtlj §ot KTrrwMi PBJ.T- !**• >a.>e. ‘enoertender - «r*;. tr c ' |«i4 W.iil, EXCIXLKNT Bl'!>I\ERfi PROPERTY’. provhions ofr which the city ia to andami jnwy,jaicy. idemUein to cemti'iui ttp; ar.Jnr.tl bow. ; •4..u.*. aJ.o, Mart.*ock if get one buodredhundred «p; now. whenwbri ....- ati4tm *n mmMa;ir Isr*. i*^u J th« nwost had Tn-Mr* iiBpniv^, #M«MS*mssww> M _ M 4 4^; Arvlf |M4d«VAtbHrrarr«ii4 brMtiful thoutonil ^^UraHCC wr c^tt nmwtm, •^•o • FamUy Residence, dulUn toward b.idgiog the .Schuylkill at «, D • r«^* • Ot4««* iKt at «t«U ftO. K^otiickr Maiiu-t. or • all tb« bind L rfi“^iri^ri Du.J.Tox a^.‘ ^ j 0rat S4o*«*». willrill hrbr mt-Al> ttAOMMilr foTorablr tmo*—a laro^orr brirk Loeftiiiut «.r U >ilout iireet. OAob Ite fnre it plac«<i at coinmou oiw. Tbe boue at tbe Iibab of Lb« taD ax- and tea,’* ba '•wowr"wer .Mark 4A Dwwaa.Dbwm. 9a«tbSawth hoiiAr. on tbr rarf pidr of Twrltth bt-tw^n j aaid; **tbar bava tnm 9UeSid# adef Mate, LEAD’^' ^‘SUPEHIOK"^ fi'*e cents. Ibis tends much furliier in the ftrimr, affurilieg ' '* Strwl,ilkrewl,»eet, betwwashetweaa EcartbEcarth • WHITE is *tong furem fnrmivM al thti F1*»w«r^ forlor »lemle 2*L <<raTM>0Au4 Watniit. .11 fret froat bjr lUfl i (recucly the pilociple adyoca* tnora md wt atd split aadsad Fifth I in two “No, Jthm StiwHaJT^Stjweta, tii %4v*o<»o.v»of>o. tu !^ «4 I.< paraM*p*r»M* «r r«!ta4l. K LLl.WANOrl*. deep to a 3u foot •trort Thr oeifhbortio^ k '*'**1’ P : by ; ua May.^ •‘•tete’e ithiltK |Pl]RE| .haano, of Ualtiuiure iu ‘ s .tKMit ctgar.l to*" r-wT totfrr*, At iwwo atilr*.oiili f I ll . llroi *' “ -be*=• '"f 1 ’T^'trrr r nrri^. SMtl 4ltH* <!• Uraaktort tuniHk^ . aud Um* pro|M^>* dt-MraWr. I or circular ibape; I It WHITE LEAU^. I while in the coeiniow ox it fslU Tha bean swells in tba gr. ued and laOl’I.SVIO.E,I>»VIU.E, IN TH» L'M ALEX <ASSEPAY. street luilwaj S, Item. saSilVWf KY.KA’. ISVILU. in, dishing and boliow. -Now tb. ••roan.l" ii l*e two sprenu, om ,f ch itfbr*' 0B«l«grr-h'0. 1 ,h goeiiiwni^tUaw^d — - l\k apvi.i:i i^eio. kuIIims. , _ _ TiMirovebkmi dU Set'ODd dour br!ow Etfib rtiret. I “®»t “t and la oly found in prneclifui in I and funna roots to draw from I I i*t< r. r».™ .e . .. .. the earth feod for lb. ...... llliAA ^iUrnfm. I. lift*# M ‘ ssy - — 1 i:o,r tha Mr. lUn 8 high bred stock i ir other fonorrtr llo*r the case \TN( KNT NOLTE •fir —;«Tj hi same over the I spr..ot, which pjsbas ' t"*' ^ upward, s yon tee and I’ *tbeMfirJS;i^*^iJini5teL5.**' iiiH stutte cf 4*A»c^^ A i **r ^kit|«A, doaiom Hot- ile,„e r!.„., in marble, whole ' it Broadway for Sale or Bjcchange. I I f.,, laxly. Sr wrll d.. utoUr.t butcher, r. Lot ^Jsw'S^ ,he l.dies of urd.r- *i .ill henr'rh. |.,vm and the »t»'‘l These ntaie baudroiiHdjr located tb# ride, ^1^73 'irgmu. Kill be »hn that th-ir prices are alw.svs regnlited by iwu balees of i u yemwci k ^A«»rr.4Ani I T oa roath betvrrn ( «mpleted iu a | the beea that wa. leda— la Keatwrtir , oLI\i:iC-br Ulifbt,litfbt. br sbort time and Jt bf tn. «»- flrLtb and Ninili. with id f^et liu&t rii fo«t deep to I even split stale. i l^-UthAa. br '*1^1, .h,re two aniinaU are i.|UaUy fat. .0 two. yuu are 2 S I wUI be ihipptd fur Virginir ‘Ae lay— only sheila that will early . j de- * foot aUr> . ladenalk |«vrd, ka^ hair treiir, the in the minu -• V p|« K-4ir im|*urte4 l.lcaiAi.or. and | ^ - it IU\ Okf * Ibeyknowtbat in a Durham or lUrefocd ox, not I oiy, luving gteen lil’e to the ’• ‘ha iU‘= - * ^Ul be «o><l low. or^givcD part Iiumner 'IKe .•.I... r\i ipn which form e, attomtiaa af tha 4««k« TnuibrABAATrihBfe^BBA bfbr laijww^lsi)WW*4 Iraobr.I raobr. m |«f *"‘® 'if- t-lay,m iTJITiS^ lu >4UAUt7 1 1 m broerj. for only there le l««i the f»r b Int. 1 1 arr now t»tf>T to thr trade tU*t artici**, which wo w*iTAUt W U* aay mtJ«» »dl olfal in rrponi.m to we ghr, l gro.icg rooD ar d %Mli A Akf Um ptM t »A.«.HIBI fcjr iWAf BmrdA. Miubk hourc And loqnirrof oor M*v«ra( brand* of v <11 | *Um. Ail yegetahla lila S"lISJ^\,*bidTjT.'tp7iri ’ W * New <lrlsau>, ' r'hm Ai. whicr • ir ' . V icr II. W. VILKF^. ritber l-kM or Wwr kh coutracled for nt the gre.stest <|n tity rf meat will be wtere it I sprioKS f'nni death. The seed dies thwaeei ^ »«• in l«j7, in gieiag IHfe u, oftoa.. and ai Jehw we»^£Itotol!io!e*?(JSjJIIl * • '•Ji'tUe' in;* -amr, «ra la < ? T'tarvpHrwi mAU dif No. «t Fourth strict, brt. MAia uad Markrt. A# wr hav** arery facility liv oUtainia^ ounmi»pli»»* of Ih raw mat>*ri*l, aul f '* juanuiAf . I ^rtiriilAr* ia mmU bSk, »Ukk wU triH br mail t. will be liniabed ‘he bigbest prk-s retsileJ, the new pUnt. Woat. and will reai-h iudeatinution ’’'‘“It'! whin atd wilt l« ‘>Vbat thus wweM ta BSi.|aitkiard ' Afirvwr fkwruic AdfIrtfMd. M. Il«in‘br. prrparad to offer oar artk*la« oa a« fo<^ l•rfUA a.' any nthwr raaoitfartiircr in tha Iwfore ( I pf a richer ll ivor and ti except it F-*'l.Ad«m»«N ^alhAjn.,.^AU 1^.11.- the lime mors tender .re. Tie aanie die.’ -So soys the Urrat .liithor tpeciiied in of all I iMUdA«l»*iR.l-4AAlai* Fr <•t« MURPin. 41-1. the contract , -- - . - Iilw ' - — _ II I 1 ; '..chad > be cato with Adkf'ti « A< d i '‘»r ai W :>wr w _ k or oal6, NtiW tiS H.A.Mi A.N'I* n<K ^AI.E - hogs. A large hog m ly tbamw to y*geUb.e. animal, and spititml life. WE HAVE — - _ Our aowl. MITPAI. UEE ISdlg.t.\. t rowp-T rfe— w-j. •«iaad^rmi>f*'*<%i- < »4HA.(c«f«ii .•««. >|A\Sa A\l|||\' ^ Ur*iAe9cr oa Hccoad flUrct, betw»*co »ill «llll »IR.v | MI'liiTlItll , “«• »»“ » Kiven quintity of IM than a rise from ibe deMh of owr bedies to U-** I.V.VirH.B .'ntPIflUf* C^-AUPrnevC-r-AttPrney (Jeaeral a ! . Illack mw ae.l Aar? ••‘rkiortAcbauaM* ifl-.UJnrra and Walaiit, rouUtaiiu « r* om# Ttw laot tt hitr in oil: has given I i, upinioiioiinh,..I'oroii f n iSaiS*’ 10 tons Zinr [ ^1|tmall on.,1 • » 5,000 kres U hitf l>ud;•ad; bntthemeit ofibe first . ill be rotrse Oflie is life. IVr ‘Nalirei,' Adk.r* wturked 5fCitAW.**d ••...atk i 'I'llt »liFa?*^ f dCAl‘*r-a»d o>>awime*r» h {«irtk*ii*ai If iiH>wMirM 2S fert front IMI d«H‘p Thk pmiwrtj' In rb. r ,.v ef tc I -•• c Thin rntiliiai e The .Amiiwd periirifali in the PieOto hr . nr A U|*J* to tbe Seir.tary. ir.tari of Mar,War, ir decolingdec'eling that •i mrts «rd«ril lalastel.as »•»*. »-.i I c» kd Miisctlor qaabti »«d low pcirw* of ihc »»ll be mar xanpared »i«t ' mid l*»w for part r»*h. aod rrtuaiiiskr ia 6. i Zinc, drj; with the otbrr: and la the I iafroduc-e.! into ibia csiualry, 4iU aaraMMi 400 bbls l.insred Oil:til: 50 bbis French pieWnto **?**•belb cnsiTiervTc, c CriNTIAFNT.U ivst-e c ( < »ur«t lyNTIAFNT.M. abotr* ia l .1 , wdw«ir.to»«^ p£.* M. A<t«i>n«- rd.
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