MARCH 201 2

Chairman’s Report

The WDDC year began well with our dinner at the Mill Hotel Alveley, as ever, details master-minded by Linda Sprosen, including the fiendish quizzes and puzzles. Our next gathering was at Far Forest, and the training day without horses. This was really well attended with lots of smiling new faces and lots of kind club members, giving up their time to pass on their skills. My horse Mea was volunteered to be the ‘how to fit harness’ manikin. I spent a very sleepless night before, as Mea is not usually known for ability to stand still. I once got a comment on a dressage sheet ( 2 scored for vaguely standing still-ish at the halt) that went along the lines of, “if this horse goes as fast on the Marathon as it does in the dressage – you should do well!” I need not have lost sleep, Mea quite rightly thought everyone had come especially to see her and despite the below freezing temperatures, was a model of a sensible driving horse! With the increased day time lightness and warmth, and the welcome thought of the clock time changes this month, it is such an exciting time of our driving year, with the increased opportunities to interact with the horses, without risking frost bite etc! We have a great programme of events sorted for this year, so put them in the diary, and do come along with or without a horse, there is always a space at our gatherings, for all club members to enjoy and interact in the myriad of ways that make up our sport. Team Pawson have their eyes firmly set on another year’s eventing with Mea, and are well into the fitness programme needed to be able to get to our first event in a suitable state of fitness and skill. This has included a first for us, which comes under the heading of ‘you’re never too old to wear Lycra’. David and I have joined our local Gym to combat the ever insistent glimmer of reaching the retirement age. Much to our amazement we have really enjoyed this new form of ‘torture’, and are enjoying the benefits of, well not exactly superman qualities as yet, but certainly an increased ability and confidence, range of movement and core strength that allows us to enjoy our chosen sport more fully! Just don’t get David on the subject of Lycra – that’s another story! Carol Pawson

THINGS TO LOOK FORWARD TO: Bring your friends and anyone interested in taking up driving to Stourport Riding Centre on 15 th April at 2.00pm.

Book in for the Coaching Session near Bridgnorth on 29 th April. Spectators welcome too!

Honorary Life Member Linda Sprosen enjoys(?) a joke with husband Graham at the Annual Dinner

“Even an E-type Jaguar looks merely flash beside a really smart pony and trap” Marion C. Garretty.


Sunday 15 th April BDS Hereford & Worcs. ‘Introduction to Carriage Driving’ at Stourport Riding Centre from 2pm – 5pm. Tell anyone you know to come and see what Driving is all about! There will be a demonstration of the range of activities and events that can be enjoyed in our sport. Admission: Adults £3.00, children under 14 free. To be well publicised in local papers and equestrian shops.

Sun 29 th April Coaching. Experienced Grade 3 UKcc Coach Sarah Jane Williams is coming to a new venue near Bridgnorth to give individual advice and help to about eight of our members, so make sure you are quick to enrol! Spectators will be welcome. All details in attached schedule.

Sunday 6th May President’s Drive. Schedule attached

Saturday 19 th May Drive . Schedule attached

Sunday 3rd June Practice Day + Cones Challenge 2012 Schedule attached

Sat/Sun 16 th /17 th June Show Driving and Arena Challenge at the Three Counties Show, Malvern. This year organised by the Indoor Horse Driving Trials Group. Schedules & online entries: www.threecountieshorseshow.co.uk For information, contact Lindsey Doran on 07771634954.

Sat/Sun 23 rd /24 th June Midland Driving Trials Group. Two Day Driving Trial at Lincomb, nr. Stourport. David Smith is organising this event and would welcome offers of help. If you are a newcomer, an experienced steward will ‘show you the ropes’, your offer will be much appreciated. See mdtg.co.uk

Saturday 7th July National Carriage Dog Championships at Lincomb. Visit http://carriagedog.org/BCDS/Home for details

Sunday 22 nd July Mini Event at Arley.

Thursday 2 nd August Burwarton Show with Private Driving Classes.

Sunday 19 th August Fun Day + Cones Challenge 2012.

Sunday 2 nd September One Day Driving Trial at Charlcotte Farm

th Keep up to date! Saturday 29 September Drive Visit our website regularly at

Saturday 13 th October Autumn Drive www.wolverleydriving.co.uk

Schedules for the later events will be sent out as soon as available, when details are confirmed.

Welcome to new members : Joanne Bache, Jason Millard, Sue Pearson, Simon and Samantha Mitchell, Paul Llewellyn, Rebecca Clare, Meri, David and Rachel Craddock, and also to Kellie Hill, Angela Chambers and Sue Riches who have re joined.



Wednesday 28 th December: Christmas Walk

This year, we had no worries about ice, wind or rain. It was a beautiful sunny day as just about the whole membership of the Club and several of their friends met on the car park of The Watermill in . As everyone was changing into boots or sorting out dogs and children, one of Ivan Meredith’s posh coaches pulled up. We all piled in, adults, children and dogs inside and two invalid carriages, one bike and numerous pushchairs in the ‘boot’. We were swiftly taken to various dropping off points according to the distance we wanted to walk. A disused railway track and canal towpath made easy, level walking, yet very varied and interesting. Of course, the sunshine made conversation with fellow walkers very easy and relaxed. Then back to the Watermill for an excellent meal. Many, many thanks to Ivan for supplying the idea and the coach (and to Richard for driving) and to Linda for preparing the pub to receive about 50 of us. Ed.

Saturday 21 st January: Annual Dinner Once again, many thanks to Linda for organising the Dinner at The Mill. Everyone enjoyed a very good meal and found the quizzes great fun – just the thing for getting the competitive spirit going before the driving season starts! A few more revellers would have made the organisers’ efforts more worthwhile, but those present thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Ed.

Sunday 19 th February: Training day without horses

Silver Linings! There is nothing more devastating to any horse owner than losing a dearly loved animal and one you bred yourself is a really hard blow to take. But it is through this very sad experience I find myself with a series of silver linings!!!! Having lost my lovely warm blood riding horse I was left with a dilemma – how to ensure his 28 year old mother had companionship and someone to boss! Cue Billy, the 11hh two year old, very green but very smart thinking Dartmoor Hill Pony. I’ve owned Billy now for 2 years and faced another dilemma - how to keep him mentally and physically fit. Only 5’2”, even if I went on the strictest of diets, it was a stretch of the imagination (and undoubtedly a cruelty case) to think I could ride him!!! So there I was at HOYS last year watching the pony scurry when a moment of madness flashed over me!!!!! I began to hatch my plan and Billy’s education commenced. Used to dealing with 16hh plus horses, long reining a very green pony, not much bigger than one of my dogs, was an interesting experience. All was going well, however I quickly reached the point where Billy and I were in that situation of the “blind leading the blind”. Of course I could continue to pound round the lanes – pony and reins in one hand and the Sally Waldron book in the other, but, there is nothing like some good honest input from those who know – and besides I’m a great believer in learning from other people’s mistakes (or should I say experiences) and I’m not too proud to take advice! Mentioning my dilemma to Sandy Blakeway-Smith it turns out that I live amongst a hot spot of driving enthusiasts (or having uncovered a bit more about the perils of driving, perhaps a hot spot of people with a propensity for danger) and she directed me to the internet. Here I found an abundance of information including an introductory course (6 sessions over a number of weeks) being run by Hereford and Worcester B.D.S., which I signed up for. In addition, through Sandy’s introduction, I spent a fantastic Sunday as part of the Wolverley & District Driving Club at Carol and David Pawson’s home at Pound Bank.

3 The day was excellent. I met people with so much experience, shared aspirations (and trepidations) from complete beginners to experts and those in between. We met the lovely Mea, Carol’s beautiful hackney cross mare and watched her being “put to” as I now know it is called; saw firsthand the fitting and adjustment of harness; learnt about the general rules for turnout: “brown leather gloves and black boots”, at least I think that’s right; the different disciplines involved in carriage driving; got some great guidance on pony fitness and feeding; and, to top it all we were well fed and watered with Carol’s homemade soup and cake. As a complete novice, the experience of both the Hereford and Worcester B.D.S. Introduction to Carriage Driving course and the Sunday at Pound Bank I can honestly say that I have never met so many lovely people who are so welcoming, encouraging, willing to share their knowledge and whose enthusiasm is 100% infectious. Having been told carriage driving is addictive this is one addiction I will be happy to adopt! I think I’ve convinced Billy too! So you will see, out of horrible beginnings come silver linings galore – I’ve got a new interest which hopefully I’ll be able to do long into my older years, a shed load of learning to keep me on my toes – including a new language to learn; some great new friends and contacts; a fitness programme for Billy and me – we are still pounding the lanes and I’m particularly taken with the idea of long reining/driving to the pub as a good training experience (which I am sure I heard Tony Gregory recommend at least twice!); and so much more to look forward to. If anyone is thinking about taking up Carriage Driving or getting involved I can’t recommend these two opportunities highly enough – great fun. Giselle Lockett

Sunday 4 th March: Cones and drive at Charlcotte Farm

Wolverley & D.D.C.’s first driven outing of 2012 Gosh we must be keen! It’s the first time I can remember that we have had a drive so early in the year and an outdoor cones competition too. With temperatures in the teens for a week or two, the odd day’s turnout without rugs, and the daffodils coming into bloom. Then WHAM! The morning of the 4 th saw temperatures barely above freezing with attendant wind, rain, hail and snow. Those who arrived with washed and polished carriages were soon regretting all the hard work they had done. The lovely drive mostly on quiet country lanes passed at least five dairy farms with the customary brown liquid with bits in it on adjacent roads. All the farmers gave us a wave. The drive was wonderfully marked with different coloured arrows for long and short routes and the cones course was worthy of a two day driving trial. Seven of us turned up to drive and it was good to see some new members coming to see what we get wet for. Very nice cakes and tea are actually the main reason. Only Tony Cowles did the 10mile route, others opting for the 6mile. Jo Pitts intended to only go for one mile but somehow managed to stay out for over an hour! A super do, with thanks to David Green for the use of his facilities, to Linda, Sandy, Simon, Sam and Peter for stewarding the cones in the cold, and most especially to Julie Wedgbury for organising, planning and marking the routes AND making the cakes!. It was also very pleasing to see new members who had recently attended the ’Training day without horses’ coming along to see actual horses and carriages in action. We must do it again sometime! DS & AWG

RESULTS: 1st Tony Gregory, 2 nd David Smith, 3 rd Julie Wedgbury, 4th Dawn Tebbett, 5 th Tony Cowles, 6 th Kellie Hill, 7 th Jo Pitts. Full results will be posted on the website.


4 If you have any information or article that you would like me to include in the next newsletter, please contact me by June 15th. Email is the easiest method (for me), but a letter, a phone call or just a chat when we meet would be great. The articles within this Email: [email protected] Newsletter reflect the views of the Telephone 01902 763209 contributors, and are Eversleigh, Langley Road, Lower Penn, S.Staffs, WV4 4XX. not to be taken as Carol Gregory, Editor. representative of the Wolverley & District Driving Club. Notes from Editor: In the December newsletter, the report on the AGM omitted some important facts: • Linda Sprosen was unanimously granted Honorary Life membership in recognition of the sterling work she has done for the Club over more than 25 years. • The election of officers. The only change in the committee was the treasurer. Hannah Walker stood down and David Pawson agreed to take on this role for the time being. So your committee is now as follows:

President Madge Edwards 01299 403896 Chairman Carol Pawson 01299 266790 Secretary Linda Sprosen 01562 824350 Treasurer David Pawson 01299 266790 Membership Sec. Sandy Blakeway Smith 01299 832821 David Smith 01299 851206/07887 852186 Julie Wedgbury 01746 789686/07773329653

A plea…….. Now that the season is underway, articles about any driving activities that you are involved in, this Club or otherwise, would be very welcome. I usually ask one person attending each Club activity to write me a short report, but please don’t wait to be asked! Your viewpoint will surely be of interest to other Club members. and another one……. Do you have a photographer in the family?? There must be someone without the responsibility of a horse, but who would enjoy a day out and has an ‘eye’ for a good picture. YOU could be the one to make our newsletter more interesting and maybe even get on the website. (Our (or rather, Tony’s) technical expertise is still struggling with this but, given the material, we will sort it!)

Other events you might like to attend or just go along to watch……..

Saturday May 19th County Horse Show: Private Driving and Conestacle Challenge. Driving schedule available at www.shropshire.britishdrivingsociety.co.uk

Sunday 20 th May BDS Hereford Show Schedule & entry form download from www..britishdrivingsociety.co.uk

Sunday 10 th June BDS Trec at Monnington Court. Contact Jane Friend on 01568 708074

Visit www.horsedrivingtrials.co.uk and www.mdtg.co.uk for dates and venues of Driving Trials in your area.

5 Much loved pony attains her ‘majority’!

Joci, a member of the Pawson family for over 30 years, recently held a party to celebrate her 35 th birthday. She has taught all Carol’s children to ride and drive and achieved a great deal as tandem leader for Carol, not to mention earning a certificate for playing her part helping disabled people to drive for twenty years. At her party, she enjoyed sampling several edible gifts and nearly joined family and friends in the lounge! Although long since retired, she looked very well and has an important role as company for Mea. We all wish her well.

The Club have been asked to give a demonstration/introduction to driving during the Albrighton Hunt Pony Club Camp. This is an excellent opportunity to widen our audience and encourage the interest of younger people and takes place on Tuesday August 21st . If there are experienced members who would be prepared to offer their time on that day, please contact Carol Pawson and she will explain what it might involve.

MANURE Through the Editor’s connection with Canals and waterborne cargoes, we bring you this little known bit of useless information: In the 16 th and 17 th centuries, before the invention of commercial fertilisers, large shipments of dry manure stored below decks in bundles in ships were quite common. In the dry form, it weighed a lot less, but once water hit it at sea, it became heavier and the process of fermentation began again. Methane began to build up below decks and the first time someone came below at night with a lantern……………..BOOOOM! Several ships were destroyed in this manner before it was determined just what was happening. After that the bundles of manure were stamped with the instruction, “Stow High In Transit”, so that water in the hold would not come into contact and start the production of methane. Hence, the true history of the term S.H.I.T., not a swear word but a genuine acronym. As the Dynarod man says – “It may be S.H.I.T. to you, but it’s my bread and butter”!

Been involved in an equine accident? Report it at www.horseaccidents.org.uk Road traffic incidents, Gates, Slippery Road Surfaces, Dog attacks, Low Flying Aircraft, Wind Turbines or Fireworks. The B.H.S. wants to know of your problems.


THE AGE OF THE HORSE A contribution from Vicki Poole At two, the middle nippers drop,

At three, the second pair can’t stop.

When four years old, the third pair goes, To tell the age of any horse At five, a full new set he shows. Inspect the lower jaw, of course.

The six front teeth the tale will tell, The deep black spots will pass from view, And every doubt and fear dispel. At six years from the middle two.

The second pair at seven years, Two middle nippers you behold At eight, the spot each corner clears. Before the colt is two weeks old.

Before eight weeks, two more will come, From middle nippers, upper jaw, Eight months, the corners cut the gum. At nine, the black spots will withdraw.

The second pair at ten are white, The outside grooves will disappear Eleven finds the corners light. From middle two in just one year.

In two years from the second pair, As time goes on, the horsemen know, In three, the co rners too are bare. The oval teeth three sided grow. They longer get, project before, Till twenty when we know no more. 6


On SUNDAY 29 th APRIL 2012

To be held a t Stonehaven, Halfway House Lane, Eardington, Shrops. WV16 5JP. By kind invitation of the Hill Family.

Directions: Coming south from Bridgnorth on the west side of the river, follow the B4555 for about 1 mile, take first right after going over the railway, (very sharp turn) and the yard is a short distance on the left. Follow WDDC signs.

The facilities at this yard include an Indoor School, and two paddocks and good parking space.

Sarah Jane Williams, a UKcc Level 3 Coach, is very experienced in every driving discipline and will help you achieve the maximum potential with your turnout. She will be able to help you and your groom and your horse/pony.

It is anticipated that sessions of about 45 mins. each will begin at 9.30am. Please state if you would prefer to come in the morning or the afternoon. You are welcome to come early and/or stay later to benefit from observing other turnouts being coached.

Cost: £30.00. The Club is hoping to obtain a Training grant from the BHDTA, which will contribute to the total costs of the day.

Spectators are very welcome. The indoor school has a small viewing area.

Please return slip below to: Carol Pawson, James’s Place, Pound Bank, Far Forest, Kidderminster, DY14 9DG. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Entry form for Coaching session on Sunday 29 th April 2012


Groom…………………………………Junior Groom Parent/Guardian…………………………… (please sign)……………………………………………….

Telephone No……………………………………………………………………………………….

Prefer Morning/Afternoon (please delete as applicable)

Enc: £30.00 Cheque made payable to WDDC......

I intend to drive at the above event and confirm I have third Party Insurance




President’s Drive, Romsley

You are invited on a pleasure drive from Poolhouse Farm, Romsley by kind permission of Mr Braithwaite and with the help and local knowledge of Mrs Madge Edwards.


Sunday 6th May 2012

The drive takes us on quiet county lanes, over farmland, private estates and through forestry. So we hope lots of people will take part.

Participants can drive between 5 and 15 miles.

Ponies must be suitably fit and safe to do road work.

£ 3.00p per turnout to cover expenses

We will move off between 11.00am and noon in groups or singly

Directions:- North of Shatterford on the Kidderminster/ Bridgnorth road, take the road sign- posted to Romsley, following the WDDC signs. Poolhouse Farm is one mile on the right.


Name and Address…………………………………………………………….


……………………………………………………………………………………….. I intend to drive at the above event and confirm I have third Party Insurance

Details of turnout………………………………………………………………….

Cheque enclosed...... Payable to WDDC.

£ 3.00p per turnout enclosed. Closing date for entries 29 th April 2012

To; Linda Sprosen, 156 Road, Kidderminster, DY10 2SL


Saturday 19 th May 2012

10.30 am

The drive will commence from the Visitor Centre on the main A456 road from Kidderminster to (Map reference OS138 -752740) Post Code DY14 9XQ. Follow the brown tourist signs. Large Car Park.

Entry Fee: £5.00 purchase of Hat Band. Cheques made payable to WDDC.

Wyre Forest is no longer a member of TROT but we still have to pay for hat bands to drive in the forest.

Please note: At the Wyre Forest Centre - participants to pay car/lorry parking charges on day of Drive. Charge for the day £4.00

Drive as little or as far as you like.

Come along and bring a picnic.

Wolverley & District Driving Club Rules Apply

Please contact Mrs Sandy Blakeway Smith, Chinthe Mill, Pensax Common, Stockton, Worcs. WR6 6XL. Tel 01299 832821 Email: [email protected] Closing date 12 th May ------

Entry form for Wyre Forest Drive Saturday 19 th May 2012


Groom…………………………………Junior Groom Parent/Guardian…………………………… (please sign)………………………………………………. Telephone No……………………………………………………………………………………….

Enc: £5.00 Hat Band Fee:- Cheque made payable to WDDC......

I intend to drive at the above event and confirm I have third Party Insurance




SUNDAY 3 RD JUNE 2012 STARTING AT 10 A.M. MOUNT PLEASANT FARM, ELMLEY LOVETT, DROITWICH WR9 OPX By kind permission of Ivan and Carolyn Meredith and their neighbours

At the island (with petrol station) on the A449 at the southern end of the Hartlebury by-pass turn towards Hartlebury Trading Estate and Elmley Lovett. At T junction at top of hill turn right. Farm is ¾ mile on left. OS139 861685 MORNING Walk the obstacles in groups (with help for all those who would like help) and plan your routes, or practice the 5/6 obstacles with your turnout

CONE COMPETITION To be driven between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m . This will be a scurry competition against the clock with 5 secs. added for each knockdown. Any pace. Vehicle width – 125 cm

AFTERNOON MINI EVENT: Drive round quiet country lanes, drive either 4 miles or 7 miles then 5/6 timed obstacles. Individual start times will be given for the obstacles and you can do the drive at any time, but the competitors in one class will steward the obstacles for the other class and although there will be a break between the classes please be ready to help when needed.

ALL DOGS ON LEADS Entry fee - £10.00 Cones only - £4.00

Closing Date Saturday 26 th May 2012 Wolverley & District Driving Club Rules Apply ------Entry form for Practice Day 3.6.12


Groom…………………………………Junior Groom Parent/Guardian…………………………… (please sign)………………………………………………. Name of Horse/Pony…………………………Height………………………………………………

Telephone No……………………………………… Entry Fee Enclosed ……………………… Cones only……… All Comp………………………..

I intend to drive at the above event and confirm I have third Party Insurance


Entries Close Saturday 26 th May 2012 Cheques made payable to Wolverley & District Driving Club

Return to Mrs Linda Sprosen, 156 Birmingham Road, Kidderminster, DY10 2SL. 01562 824350