For a fellow who doesn't play much tour- nament Chuck Congdon (Tacoma, Wash.) CC pro does exceptionally well... Chuck won 194 with 2 0 from fast field a week after he'd finished in 4-way tie for first in Tacoma Open ... Jack McNulty new gkpr. at U.S. Naval Base course, Mare Island, Calif., where Don Tay- lor is pro ... Mare Island's former gkpr., Wm. Wi n, has gone into construction work. Club managers of Hawaii organize 27th chapter of Club Managers' Assn. of FALL SEEDING produces America ... CMAA now has 761 mem- bers. . . Another grand party put on at thick turf quicker. and Edwin J. Paxton park course, Paducah, Ky., with its 12th annual Irvin Cobb championships ... Jack Ryan, Louisville's SMtti SEED Big Springs pro, won the pro division is unsurpassed for with 3 under 68. quality and value. Dr. William Plum r Jacobs, 54, died Write for prices on your requirements recently in a Washin ton, D. ., hospital, and ask about our special Golf-Park which he'd entered aft r uffering a hart Fertilizer and Lawn Food plus Weed attack. . . Dr. Jacob was prominent in Control. *T.M. REG. cotton and publi hing bu ine and wa a valued worker in sport promotion, s- O. M. Se

Craig Wood now, like and , has a golf course named

Protect Greens, Shrubbery, Trees • • • SPRAY the IRON AGE WAY GREENS keepers praise the low-cost protection they SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN get from Farquhar Iron Age Sprayers on golf greens, showing how it will pay you to Spray shrubbery, bushes, trees. Especially designed to spray the Iron Age Way. Write: A. B. Farquhar Co., Farm Equipment Divi- areas inaccessible to large wheel and truck -moun ted sion, 3427 Duke St., York, Pa, sprayers, these handy machines are ideal for economical general-utility work around any size golf course. Shown here is an Iron Age Sprayer, equipped with a 4- gallons-per-minute pump, protecting golf greens. The famous Iron Age Pump delivers the constant high pres- sures needed for thorough penetration. This unit can also be used for weed control, whitewashing buildings, disin- fectant work or fire protection. Farquhar builds Iron Age Sprayers in various types, sizes and pump pressures to meet all requirements.

O('{ ober, 1.?,~8 21 for him ... Lake Placid (N.Y.) G&CC has been renamed the Craig Wood G&CC. . . Craig and played an ex- hibition in opening the fancy resort course. . . Eddie Foy is new pro at the Craig Wood course ... Kate Smith trophy presented by the singer went to winner of the big annual amateur event held at the course ... Tournament for kids under 15 held at Lake Placid's 9-hole Alpine Lodge course where Ray LaGoy is pro.

Mid-Ocean club, Hamilton, B rmuda, in- Make lawn care easier next Sum- viting Americans and Canadians to mi: ed mer. Do away with probl em foursome amateur tournament in Oct.... lawns. How? Simply plant TURF· Archie Compston is Mid-Ocean pro. . • MAKER lawn Seed now. You'll Passing of Babe Ruth recalled many a story of the Babe's golf enthusiam ... find it pays in stronger, healthier, Ruth sure liked to drive long ones on the better-looking turf next Summer. golf course' too. .. am Byrd who filled Order TURF-MAKER today ... and in for Babe when Ruth was nearing the cut turf tending costs tomorrow! end of his big league days, has some great tales to tell about the Bambino..• FREE 40-page Better Hillerich and Bradsby, which had made Lawns Manual sent on Babe's bats from the start of his career, request. released a memorial ad in newspap rs im- mediately after news of Ruth's death was flashed. .. port probably won't have a character who was idolized by kids and grown-ups as Ruth was ... The Babe was a ribald, rough and tumble party until it dawned on him he was the model of a

D E PEN DAB L E ?~4Hd The FIRST Power Golf ~ Friend pioneered the use of power sprayers Sprayer - and sfill first on golf courses, and yon will find that He Any pray Material, without ..Friend" sprayers are I'till 1he fir,t choice worrying about the pump-e-no brass for Efficiency and Reliability. A complete or coated cylinder:'. And the plun- range of size!">; steel or wood tanks optional. gel'S don't touch the cylinder wa 11:-<. Writr- for Catalog. FRIE. TD MFG. '0., Gasport, .I..•.. Y. High or Low Pressures-nur omntic cont roller is quickly set. o bearfna troubles=-rullr-r hear- ing,' cxclusivelv.

" 1~ Simplest pump design-e-ou ly to Y:l a,' many moving part. .

22 aoljdoil/ million kids... Then he did a good job of bringing him' If into line. . . That was probably on of th Babe's great achieve- ments, in the final analysis.

Maurie Lu.'ford, pr . alifornia G ,vp outh rn alifornia G ,dir ctor W t rn G and long a sparkplug of California golf, ltd pr s., Los ngeles County Showing Parks and R creation board ... Gen. Hil- ario {oneado, Filipino guerilla chi f in rear or World "\ ar II and pr ., ilipino Federa- operating tion of merica and a very good golfer, put up 1,400 for Op n at tockton, Calif. side of . . . Entry fees, plus equal amount from machine, the Gen., went to tockton Recreation d pt. grinding putting Gomer Sims, veteran southern Calif. course supt. and co-owner, Meadowlark green GC, Long Beach, won Los Angeles City mower. golf title ... When old Gomer (Potltkkar ), transplanted Texan, was winning that title his 20-year-old son caddied for him . . . Bob Harvey making fast progress in This machine will sharpen the reels and ground building program on La Mesa (Calif. ) blades of any mower - axes, scythes, knives, tools. G&CC course and clubhouse ... Col. Law- son Littl , Sr., (71) USA, retired, died Write today for descriptive booklet. recently in his home at Monterey, Calif., Now being manufactured by the of a heart attack ... Father of Lawson, Jr., U.S. Open and Amateur and British SAVANNAH MACHINE & FOUNDRY CO. Amateur champion, the Col. was an x- SAVANNAH, GEORGIA cellent golfer himself and played often at

ARMOUR FERTILIZER WORKS General Office - Atlanta, Ga,

October, 1.148 23 Pebble Beach after his retirement from the Army in 1939, until recently when his health failed.

Willie Hunter, Jr., turn pro and will b a st. to his dad at Riviera C... Jo Swan, pro at Orchard Park CC (Buffalo dist.) get fine illustrated featur on goH instruction in Buffalo Courier-E. pr Pictorial section. . . Myer Park club, Charlotte, N.C., after success of it Junior National 4-Ball thts year, plan to invite all USG member club to nd junior 4-ball teams to Charlotte for 1949 ev nt . . . The Charlotte Junior 4-ball is re ult of considerable attention Myer Park has been giving its junior program ... Beverly thelintSOD CUTTER . Jones new mgr., Los Angele CC. USG a ks for invitation from mem- A. Ellicient One Mil" TDD/ ber clubs and educational in titution for

The Lint Sod CuHer has been designed and built for .asy 1949 and 1950 U GA Junior Amateur ... ene-man operation. Light in weight but sturdy this cutt.r Dormitory facilitie for 128 boy are de- requires no more preuure than is required to drive a spade into the ground, then by a series of ea.y forward shov.s, sirable but not e ential ... Writ Richard the blade will cut smoothly and .venly under the grass roots . Tuft , Pinehur t, .C., ehmn., U G leaving. straight, almost invisible cut. Th. sod may th.n be rolled or cut into short lengths for easy h.ndling and re- Champion hip committee, if you are inter- placed without damage to the gress. The smooth even cut ested in getting this great new event.•. allows the sod to fit evenly bad into place and the surface The fine way the kid conducted them- is ready for immediate us•. selve at Univer ity of Michigan in the II'" rile for de.criplive folder initial U G ational Junior champion- LINT GOLF EQUIPMENT CO. ship ought to make the bidding for thi 31>50 FOURTH AVE SAN DIEGO 3, CALIF. event plenty active.

GREENS YOU LOVE TO PUTT Let the new oil ift help you build green and fairway that are of champion hip caliber. Thi highly mechanized machine is guaranteed to bring the RE ULT you want.

The oil ift is 0 designed that it sift as well a hred the soil. It automatically removes stone, ticks, and debris of all kinds ... preserving only the life-giving humu . Mounted on rubber tires ... it's easy to handle, .. eay to maneuver. Write for a oil ift circular today.

THE Yes n v est n a LITTLE GIANT POWER Soil Sift and produce SOIL SIFTER • The GREENS You Love To PUTT


21 Gol/dom George Hall, Cornell university pro who's one of the pioneers in college golf .instruction, says lack of school funds shouldn't keep golf out of any college FINE SEED FOR FINE TURF classes ... With physical ed ication credi s IT PAYS TO GET THE BEST given golf students Hall maintains an in- telligent pro can get enough income at WE SPECIALIZE IN GOLF TURF low per student rates for class lessons t have a good income as golf instructor at any moderate-sized or larger college. . . High taxation and prices curtailing golf G E for young in Scotland and England. . . Athletic Institute financing publication of Sports America, small periodical written SELECT VARIETIES - MIXTURES by sports writers and broadcasters for KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS promoting campaign of sports as pre- ventive of juvenile delinquency. CHEWINGS FESCUE FANCY RED TOP ASTORIA BENT PERENNIAL RYE GRASS Canada Dry ginger ale re ume it' award of a ca e of anada Dry and certi- SEASIDE BENT DOMESTIC RYE GRASS ficate to tho making hole-in-on . . . WH ITE CLOVER ORCHARD GRASS end card atte ted by pro or caddy- master to n are t Canada Dry divi ion Plan your needs now. Ask for Prices office... Jimmy Ward will run this year's Hardscrabble invitation tournam nt Oct. 14-17at Ft. mith, rk.... . B. Willard J. OLIVER JOHNSON SEED CO. who with Herb Dowell tarted that famous annual affair 22 y a ago, di d 946·960 W. HURON STREET last Easter, following an op ration. . . CHICAGO 22, ILL. Reginald ddison, 3 airway, London, W Phone: MOnroe 6·6580 20, Eng., specialist in econdhand, rare and out of print golf book, ha Is u d a

(DUnflf Club Moffin

Here i the very thing you have long wanted for your locker room Boors - - a dur- able matting hich will with tand pike traffic. Made of the finest quality rubber, interwo en with tough long taple Egyptian cotton and nylon, here i a mat than can really take it! Black in color, it is 7/32" thick and comes in rolls 36" wide and 24 or 48 feet long.

For price and literature write

AMERICAN MAT CORPORATION ••A merica's Largest Matting Specialists" 1802 Adams Street Toledo 2, Ohio

Uctobcr, 194 new catalog ... F. A. (Midge) l\-Iurray, Michigan PGA tournament s c. and vet- PS eran pro and sale 'man, recently had his remaining leg amputated at Veteran' hospital, Dearborn, fich. Fred chofield ha clo ed hi golf chool in San Francisco and plan to open an- GOLF other and larger chool soon. . . Art Doering, pro at Farmington C, niver- sity, Va., made an ace on the club's 197 FITS yd. second hole same day the Doering's SIZE second daughter, Linda, wa' born. . • Regular Lovely Mrs. Doering was hirley Ann 1" Diameter Johnson, talented amateur, prior to her Receptacle marriage. I pulled a boner in Hanging on the Lip The Swing is to the column in Golfing when I credited George Nabholtz's Ten Commandments of Golf to lARGER BASE Larry Nahholtz ... Sorry, George ... I • WILL NOT TILT or Break Through Sole. was reminded of the mistake plenty by letters from golfers all over the country • KEEPS THE SPIKE ERECT. who'd read and enjoyed the golf com- • PREVENTS OUTER SOLE from Rolling. mandments you compiled. • WEATHER TIGHT - RUST PROOF. panish golf clubs have arranged erie (White Plated or Black Finish) of events this fall and winter for tourists. WILL NOT TURN BY THE THREADS . . If you want the schedule and dope write r. D. Enrique Meijide, an Ber- F. C. PHILLIPS. INC. nardo, IS, Delegacion acional d D- portes, Madrid... Pros who made a broad STOUGHTON, MASS. study of recreation business will be inter- ested in "Money Management of the


The last word in driving tee design - made from bomber air- plane tire carcasses, the toughest, sure t-footed material obtain- able. The utmost in player satisfaction, maintenance ease and economy and all-weather service and safety. They lie flat without warp, fray or curl through all weather. Non- lip surface give THIS MELFLEX MARK players afety and confidence. Reversible for four different play IS YOUR ASSURANCE OF SAFETY areas. Full 1" thick by 48" wide and 60" long - or pedal size.

MELFLEX means SAFETY throu9hout the club


An amazingly long-Ia ting WRITE FOR LITERATURE AND PRICES tee that speed play and cut replacement co t .


26 Golfr/om Recreation Dollar," a new booklet they can get fre from Hou hold Finance corp., 919 . Michigan ve., Chicago 11. First grand tand at a British golf tour- THE 5E 50 nament was u d at 18th hoI of orth British Rubber vent at Oakdale, Harro- gate. .. mart girls, tho e Worn n' West- IS~OVE ern G officials... In ending publi ity to n wspapers on their 48th annual ama- •••• tugged, colorful NY·MITS are prized for year 'round teur champion hip at Olympic club at Lake ide, an Franci co, they covered protection. In brilliant Red & Blue, Brown & Yellow. Green both sport and society editor . .. . E. & Lime, Blue & Red, this 100.1• NYLON club cover is guar- Westfall, re ton, now pre ., Iowa Green- keeper ' n.... Attractive circular anteed not to stretch, shrink, snag, fade or lose its shope. published by Toro Mfg. Co. illu trating Quick 40i'. profits in attractive display boxes. history of grass mow r . Interesting letter from Fred Findlay en- SET OF THREE 3.95* closes a clipping from Montrose (Scot- SET OF FOUR 5.00* land) Review "100 Years Ago" feature. . . The century-old piece recorded that • Your cost IS 2.37 and 3.00-0 quick 40'~ profit for the James Cobb, weaver, Lochside, won the shop. A sure-fire seller attractively boxed. silver medal with a 97 for the Montrose 17 hole course ... The old story concludes: - ORDER TODAY- "To all who are at a loss for bodily exer- Through Your Jobber or Direct cise blended with amusement, we would say~take a round at golf." ... Fred, who's now 70, shoots in the low Os and designs and constructs some fine golf courses, is the brother of the late grand old gentleman, A. H. Findlay who was NY-AN COMPANY Albany 2, N. Y. a pion er of golf in the U.S. . . . Fred MP L


• guaranteed against [uttin

Here' the ball that will get the call in 1949- a thin cover ball SOLD THROUGH unconditionally guaranteed against cutting for 72 hole. Its vul- y canized coat of armour plating is built to take it - but en itive PR o Retail Price 95c to the Iighte t impact. Di tance? It ha it! Hit the new Campbell • T-20 and you'll see and feel why it' the ball that will get your Other Campbell brands: "Camp- player ' call. bell Star", famous for distance- $1.10; "Blue Goose" -top quality EXCLUSIVE U. S. DISTRIBUTORS 75c ball and "Plus Four" at 50c.

DUNEDIN, HO co. FLORIDA Made in Canada by CAMPBELL MANUFACTURING CO. LTD •• Lansing, Ontario

October, 1948 27 says he remembers being heart-broken when A. H. left Scotland for the U. S. THE BAll THAT'S because his older brother WOUldn't take him along as a caddy. full of Energy! Record field at National Caddy cham- pionships at University course, Columbus, 0., brought together numerou tat and PRO SPECIAL PLUS! city junior champion •.. Mayor Jas. PRO SPECIAL "PLUS" Rhodes of Columbu, ex-caddy who Red Championship 95¢ originated the champion hip, told caddie PRO SPECIAL "PLUS" and parents at the annual banquet that Green Championship Kansas City GA matched ociation but durable! 95¢ $1500 university cholar hip to last year's PRO GOLF (70) championship with an additional 1500 for average player 70¢ grant to the winner, George Allmon. . . PRO BLUE Mayor Rhodes aid proposed international economy ball 50¢ caddy match fell through becau e Briti h caddies are 30 or older. • . Third y ar of Thinner cover} MORE the national caddy champion hip how Tougher cover DISTANCE growth that establishes it as a top fix- Superb Enamel Paint for ture among the youngsters' tournam nt . LONGER LIFE Chicago Dist. GA's press bulletin says Pro Special Plus out front at any GOLF CLUB. "Inaugural pro-junior tournament held at Companion - GOOSE NECK Stainless Steel or Hinsdale CC proved to be one of the most Carbon Chrome finish Irons. The Greatest Irons successful events on the tournament Built. Ask your Pro or write schedule." . . . The bulletin added, "Un- sung hero of the day was Harry Pezzullo, PRO GOLF SALES CO •. professional at Mission Hills GC. When FOND DU LAC, WIS. his partners failed to appear, Harry wait- ed three hours for another pairing and found himself teamed with two Hinsdale OO\.SHOP Tailor Made Golf Trousers URH and Knickers Special Pro Models ... 100'10 Wool Gabardine Valuable around pro in shop and for clubhouse GOLD • GRAY TAN· GREEN repairs. BLUE· BROWN There's only one FEATUR.ING genuine Handee. I. Extension Waist Band. Smooth, steady power 2. Ad iust e b le Side at your fingertips to Straps. grind, drill, polish, 3. Dee p D 0 ubi e Stitched Pockets. rout, engrave, cut, 4. No Belt, No Buck- carve, sand, saw, etc. les. Roomy 27" Knee. P RIC E $25.00 C. O. D. Mail orders accepted. Waist mea- The efficient Handee works on metal, alloy, plas- surements required. Special Discount to tic, wood, horn, bone, glass, etc. 25,000 r.p.m. GOLF Pros. AC or DC. Easy to handle. Weighs only 12015. Manufactured GET THE HANDEE KIT. A handsom., all-steel case exclusively by with Handee Tool and a complete assortment of 40 accessories. Complete, $27.50. Handee only, with 7 STYLED FOR GOLF accessories, $20.50. Get it at stores everywhere. If Formerly they can't supply you we'll send It postpaid. Satisfac- Styled by Harmon tion Guaranteed I Free - Hew 52-page Manual. 1373 E. Colorado Blvd. CHICAGO WHEEL & MFG. CO. GLENDALE 5, CALIF. 1101 W. Monroe St., Dept. G, Chicago 7, III.

2 Golfdom EASY ACTION for players EASY SALES for pros

"INVISIBLE ACTIVE SWING" SHIRT The eeret of thi popular pro hop leader i an almo t in i ible rib knit insert that permit free wing action of houlders and leeve. cu tom the action is in tailored Pullover Golf hirt of fine t Dunner fabric. It ha a three but- ton neck opening and a tie can be worn with it re ersible collar. Ea y comfort, mart tyling and p P: ular pricing make thi famou hirt a top pro hop profit maker. and prices.


boys, age 9 and 11. Harry bought each boy a new ball, started them off with helpful pointers, finished th 1 holes. bought them each another new ball after the round and sent the lads home with TI new admiration for the game's profes- sionals and a stronger interest in becom- ing better golfers themselves." 1 Driving ees Driving Range and Public Cour e Opera- tor '" here we believe i the fine t tee made from tire. De igned to pecifica- tion of well-known pro , the e mat are functionally ideal, rever ible, and irtually everla ring. Immediate delivery. ize 42"x60" and 48"x60". Al 0 pecial izes. i-Floor Mats Tire Floor - Mat in long runners and Spalding's big new plant at Chicopee, pecial ize for locker room, grill, Mass., to be formally opened in October entrance, and hower room. Pay for with ceremonies, tours and visits from them elve by aving floor, pikes, and leaders in sports, busin ss and government. preventing accident. Low prices due to .. Plant presents outcome of plans started high production. prior to World War II ... Manufacturing operations under full swing at the plant Price and information available upon re- now. que r. Mrs. Philip G. Lenz re-elected pres., MERCHANTS TIRE COMPANY Women's Western GA at annual meeting 2710 Washington Blvd. held at Racquet club, Chicago, Oct. 6. . . t. Louis 3, Mo. WWGA now has 243 member clubs. . . October, 194 29 tomiJf9 ~lJr Way-~ ~ SOD" ".' ."

