Learning Forum with Facial Edema Adina Kay Knight*, Lloyd Mayer, Andrew G. Franks, Jr., Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles

DESCRIPTION of CASE Table 1. Causes of Hypogammaglobulinemia

Primary Causes Examples 35-year-old man came to the offi ce with right-sided defects Severe combined immunodefi ciency; hyper-IgM facial swelling, which he had noted over the last syndrome Atwo years. The swelling was worse in the mornings defects X linked agammaglobulinemia; common variable and decreased through the day; however there were no immunodefi ciency symptom-free days. He had not experienced fevers, chills, or Secondary Causes Examples changes in his vision. He had experienced multiple episodes Decreased production Malignancy; ; infection (perinatally of lower extremity cellulitis, left more frequent than right acquired HIV); starvation Loss High catabolism (very rare); protein-losing leg, beginning in childhood. Although most instances were enteropathy; drainage of ascites treated with oral antibiotics, he required hospitalization for or chylothorax intravenous antibiotics at least four times. Previous evaluation had confi rmed lymphedema by radionucleotide clearance. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0030475.t001 In addition, he had symptoms of allergic rhinitis and two episodes of otitis media as an adult, but he had no history of of absolute numbers of cells and not just percentages, since pneumonia or other signifi cant respiratory or gastrointestinal normal relative percentages may be preserved despite very infections. low cell numbers. More subtle defects in T cell function On physical examination he had no evidence of wasting may be investigated by examining proliferative or . He had normal tonsils and no cervical responses to mitogens and soluble antigens. lymphadenopathy; there was mild right facial swelling with Other rarer immune function defects, such as neutropenia induration and trace erythema from the eye to mid-cheek. or neutrophil dysfunction (e.g., chronic granulomatous The right facial skin was slightly warmer than the left, but it disease leading to recurrent skin or organ abscesses), was non-tender to palpation. Tympanic membranes and chest complement defects (systemic bacterial infections or examination were normal. His legs were moderately swollen, meningitis), and IL-12 and interferon gamma axis left greater than right, with a “woody” or indurated texture dysfunction (mycobacterial infections), are less likely in to the left leg; there were no rashes or other skin lesions. He this adult patient without clinical history or infections had no hepatosplenomegaly. characteristic of these conditions. What Investigations Are Indicated in This Patient? Frequent infections raise the possibility of immunodefi ciency. A targeted immunologic evaluation should be guided by the Funding: The authors received no specifi c funding for this article. clinical symptoms as well as the relative frequency of known Competing Interests: Adina Kay Knight has received travel grants to attend immunodefi ciencies. meetings of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and , the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, the Clinical Immunology Immune defects in the humoral system are most common Society, the International Congress of Mucosal Immunology, and the Federation and screening can be performed with tests for serum of Clinical Immunology Societies. Two years of fellowship were supported by immunoglobulin levels and titers of specifi c . A the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Clinical Fellowship Award. Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles has received research grants from the suggestion of immunoglobulin defi ciency arises if there United States National Institutes of Health and USIDNet, an offshoot of the Immune is a low total protein on standard chemistry panels, as the Defi ciency Foundation. She is a member of the US Food and Drug Administration immunoglobulins make up a considerable portion of serum Bodd Safety Advisory Board and National Institutes of Health review committees and of the Immune Defi ciency Foundation and the Jeffrey Modell Foundation. LM proteins. Clinical symptoms of immunoglobulin defi ciency and AGF declare that they have no competing interests. include increased frequency or severity of sino-pulmonary Citation: Knight AK, Mayer L, Franks AG Jr, Cunningham-Rundles C (2006) and other bacterial infections. Hypogammaglobulinemia with facial edema. PLoS Med 3(12): e475. doi:10.1371/ Cellular immune defi ciencies are suggested by journal.pmed.0030475 opportunistic and viral infections. An initial step in the Copyright: © 2006 Knight et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the evaluation of these is a (a low terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted lymphocyte number can be missed if only total white cells use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author are counted) followed by a lymphocyte panel enumerating and source are credited. CD4 and CD8 T cells as well as B cells and natural killer cells. Abbreviations: IgA, immunoglobulin A; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IgM, It is important to obtain the lymphocyte evaluation with a immunoglobulin M; CVID, common variable immunodefi ciency standard complete blood count to allow for the calculation Adina Kay Knight, Lloyd Mayer, and Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles are in the Department of Clinical Immunology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York, United States of America. Andrew G. Franks, Jr. is in the Department of Dermatology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York, United The Learning Forum discusses an important clinical problem of relevance States of America. to a general medical audience. *To whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]

PLoS Medicine | www.plosmedicine.org 2212 December 2006 | Volume 3 | Issue 12 | e475 others), or infections such as Epstein-Barr , perinatally Table 2. Causes of Protein-Losing Enteropathy acquired HIV, or starvation. Increased nonselective loss of Mode of Action Causes immunoglobulin can occur in rare states of high catabolism Infl ammatory Infl ammatory bowel disease or with protein loss through protein-losing enteropathy Gastrointestinal malignancy (Table 2), drainage of ascites, or chylothorax (lymph fl uid in Pseudomembranous colitis due to Clostridium diffi cile the pleural space). Cytomegalovirus enteritis Lymphedema may predispose to recurrent cellulitis Erosive gastritis/multiple gastric ulcers in affected limbs, however, given the signifi cant Non-steroidal anti-infl ammatory drug enteropathy Post- hypogammaglobulinemia found here, an intrinsic defect Immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, in the immune system leading to an inability to eliminate enteropathy, and X-linked inheritance (IPEX) infections should be investigated. Lymphatic obstruction Intestinal lymphangiectasia Right-sided heart failure What Additional Laboratory Data or Investigations Cirrhosis Would Be Helpful in Making a Diagnosis in This Patient? Hepatic venous outfl ow obstruction Enteric-lymphatic fi stula The ability to make specifi c antibody after vaccination Mesenteric tuberculosis or challenge can assist in differentiating between decreased Intestinal lymphoma production and increased loss of immunoglobulins. Chronic pancreatitis with pseudocysts Defects in specifi c IgG antibody production are Crohn disease characteristic of primary immune defects such as X-linked Whipple disease agammaglobulinemia, hyper-IgM syndrome(s), and Congenital malformations of lymphatics common variable immunodefi ciency (CVID). Patients with Increased permeability Celiac disease Tropical sprue hypogammaglobulinemia due to protein loss would be Giant hypertrophic gastritis (Menetrier disease) expected to respond normally to vaccinations in generating Lymphocytic gastritis plasma B cells producing specifi c IgG antibody, though Secretory hypertrophic gastropathy there may be lower serum immunoglobulin levels due to the Amyloidosis general loss of proteins including IgG . Infections This man was fi rst assumed to have a primary immune Rheumatic diseases Allergic gastroenteropathy defi ciency such as CVID, a syndrome most often associated Eosinophilic gastroenteritis with sino-pulmonary infections. The diagnosis of CVID is Collagenous colitis made by documenting decreased serum IgG, and IgA and/or IgM and poor specifi c antibody production [4]. Signifi cant Protein-losing gastroenteropathy should be considered in any patient with improvement in infections is expected when IgG is replaced hypoproteinemia. Adapted from http://www.uptodate.com. by immunoglobulin therapy [5]. CVID was considered a likely doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0030475.t002 diagnosis, since it is often made during the second or third decade of life, however it is usually associated with a history of Laboratory data included low serum immunoglobulin G recurrent upper respiratory infections [6], not noted here. (IgG) 268 mg/dl (694–1618) and immunoglobulin M (IgM) 18 mg/dl (48–271,) but normal serum immunoglobulin A (IgA) 119 mg/dl. Electrolytes, kidney, and liver function tests were normal. Serum calcium was 7.8 mg/dl (normal 8.5– 10.4), total protein was 4.8 g/dl (normal 6.0–8.3), albumin was 2.9 g/dl (normal 3.7–5.1), and calculated globulin was 1.9 g/dl (normal 2.2–4.2). The urinalysis was normal with no protein detected. Further studies revealed normal count (7.8 × 103/µl), hemoglobin, hematocrit, platelet count, and normal numbers of neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. He had reduced numbers of 0.5 × 103/µl (normal 1.0–4.5 × 103/µl), consisting of reduced T cells 293 (750–2500/cu mm), CD4 T cells 238 (480–1700/ cu mm), and CD8 T cells 40 (180–1000/cu mm), an increased CD4/CD8 ratio 6.10 (1.00–3.00), slightly low numbers of natural killer cells, 90 (135–525/cu mm), and normal numbers of B cells 85 (75–375/cu mm). What Is the Differential Diagnosis? Decreased immunoglobulin levels can result from reduced doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0030475.g001 production or increased loss (Table 1). Primary causes of hypogammaglobulinemia are the genetic B or T cell defects. Figure 1. Response to Oral Budesonide Secondary causes of reduced immunoglobulin production Stool protein loss, as measured by alpha-1 antitrypsin, decreased with can be malignancy (lymphoma, thymoma, , oral locally active rapidly metabolized steroids and increased when the steroids were stopped, suggesting a steroid responsive gastrointestinal multiple myeloma), selected medications (carbazepine [1], infl ammation as the underlying cause of the protein loss (including loss oxcarbazepine [2], immunosuppressive agents [3], and of immunoglobulins).

PLoS Medicine | www.plosmedicine.org 2213 December 2006 | Volume 3 | Issue 12 | e475 Table 3. Features of Milroy Disease or Hereditary Lymphedema Table 4. Features and Secondary Causes of Intestinal Type I Lymphangiectasia [15–19] Genetic Features (Defect Clinical Features Features Secondary Causes in the FLT4 Gene) Low serum albumin and globulin levels Cardiac (constrictive pericarditis, Encodes vascular endothelial growth Congenital developmental abnormality in the absence of renal and hepatic right-sided cardiac lesions) factor receptor-3 (VEGF-3) disease Autosomal dominant Usually presents before the age of one Peripheral edema Infections (Whipple disease) year Lymphopenia Infl ammation (Crohn Disease) Variable penetrance and expression Usually bilateral May have steatorrhea and diarrhea Neoplasm (lymphoma) in affected members of a family Other aspects of intestinal absorptive Obstruction of lymphatics (sclerosing Affects boys more often than girls function are normal mesenteritis, retroperitonitis, postradiation fi brosis, amyloidosis) doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0030475.t003 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0030475.t004 However, other genetic immune defects and secondary causes, such as drug-induced, malignancy-associated enteropathy can be congenital or acquired. Our patient hypogammaglobulinemia, or immunoglobulin loss, must be has had symptoms suggestive of lymphatic dilatation since excluded. X-linked agammaglobulinemia and hyper-IgM were childhood and congenital lymphangiectasia was considered considered improbable due to the patient’s age, mild clinical as a leading diagnosis. The most likely type of congenital history, normal numbers of B cells, normal serum IgA, and lymphangiectasia would be hereditary lymphedema type normal tonsillar tissue. I (Milroy disease) (Table 3). Hereditary lymphedema Specifi c IgG antibody titers to varicella, rubella, and tetanus type I is the result of a defect in the FLT4 gene, encoding were found to be in a range considered to be protective, vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-3 [10]. This is an though the patient lacked suffi cient antibody to measles, autosomal dominant mutation with variable penetrance and mumps, and 12 serotypes of pneumococci. After vaccination expression in affected members of a family. Although our with measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) and pneumococcal patient has no known affected family members, relatively mild vaccine, he developed protective specifi c antibody titers disease may have been overlooked. However, the degree of to measles and mumps and nine out of 14 pneumococcal facial swelling our patient experienced is not generally seen serotypes. The preserved specifi c antibody production in in this condition. response to pneumococcal, measles, and mumps vaccination, Targeted evaluation for secondary causes of intestinal with the protective titers of antibody to varicella, rubella, and lymphangiectasia was conducted. Cardiac history and tetanus demonstrated normal B cell function, and excluded echocardiography were unremarkable in our patient, CVID. excluding cardiac disease as a secondary cause of his protein- losing enteropathy. Upper and lower endoscopies by his How Did We Investigate the Possibility of a Protein- local gastroenterologist did not reveal any visible anomalies Losing Enteropathy? indicative of Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis, or other lesions, Normal B cell function, low albumin, and the intermittent suggesting that our patient’s protein loss was likely due to history of signifi cant lymphedema suggested the either a diffuse process or one occurring in the non-visualized possibility of protein loss as the explanation for the small bowel. hypogammaglobulinemia [7]. Normal urinalysis and renal functions eliminated nephrotic loss, which would have How Is Lymphangiectasia Treated? been an extremely unusual etiology for this degree of Treatment for intestinal lymphangiectasia includes treatment hypogammaglobulinemia. of the underlying pathology if a secondary cause is present To evaluate gastrointestinal protein loss, stool alpha- (Table 4). Our patient’s history is not consistent with any 1 antitrypsin was determined and found to be elevated of the secondary causes of protein-losing enteropathy and at 625 mg/dl (normal <55 mg/dl). This result suggested he has chronic lymphedema of the face and extremities as the presence of a protein-losing enteropathy such as well. Congenital intestinal lymphangiectasia can be surgically intestinal lymphangiectasia. Intestinal lymphangiectasia resected if there is an isolated segment of affected bowel. may also be associated with the loss of T cells through the Most often there is diffuse intestinal involvement precluding lymphatic channels. Although we did not evaluate this in resection. Other modalities have been used, including our patient, in general naïve T cells are preferentially lost an extremely low fat diet to reduce the lymph fl ow to the over memory T cells due to their traffi cking patterns though intestinal mucosa, dietary medium chain triglycerides, or the [8,9]. However, the remaining T medications including heparin and octreotide [11–14]. cells are generally able to prevent opportunistic infections. However, our patient’s normal intestinal biopsy (no dilated Intestinal lymphangiectasia was thus consistent with the lymphatics characteristic of lymphangiectasia) suggested patient’s reduced numbers of T cells and low levels of serum these treatments were unlikely to be effective. immunoglobulins. What Was the Final Diagnosis? What Was the Original Diagnosis? Since his history and biopsy fi ndings were not consistent with Based on the presence of excess alpha-1 antitrypsin congenital or acquired lymphangiectasia, an infl ammatory in the stool, the patient was diagnosed with protein- etiology was considered; thus a diagnostic trial of topical oral losing enteropathy. Conditions leading to protein-losing steroids (budesonide) was given. After several weeks of use,

PLoS Medicine | www.plosmedicine.org 2214 December 2006 | Volume 3 | Issue 12 | e475 Learning Points approach of this patient. AGF and CCR analyzed data and enrolled patients. AGF contributed to writing the paper. CCR designed the • Hypogammaglobulinemia can result from primary or experiments. secondary causes. References • Secondary causes of hypogammaglobulinemia should 1. Castro AP, Redmershi MG, Pastorino AC, de Paz JA, Fomin AB, et al. (2001) be sought before diagnosing a patient with primary Secondary hypogammaglobilinemia after use of carbamazepine: Case report and review. Rev Hosp Clin Fac Med Sao Paulo 56: 189–192. hypogammaglobulinemia. 2. Knight AK, Cunningham-Rundles C (2005) Oxcarbazepine-induced • Protein-losing enteropathy is a cause of secondary immunoglobulin defi ciency. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 12: 560–561. 3. Ganschow R, Englert C, Grabhorn E, Richter A, Hinrichs B, et al. 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PLoS Medicine | www.plosmedicine.org 2215 December 2006 | Volume 3 | Issue 12 | e475