1. People in Powys live in supportive, sharing and self-reliant communities

1.1 VOLUNTEERING Research undertaken by the Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) indicates that there are 3687 Third Sector organisations active in the county, of which 2148 are Powys based groups. This equates to 14.9 organisations per thousand head of population (the second highest level in Wales).

Similarly, Powys has 8.4% of Wales 'local' Third Sector organisations (i.e. groups working at local community level up to county level). This is the largest proportion of any area in Wales.

WCVA research also suggests that there are 26,346 volunteers in Powys.

One of PAVO’s key roles is supporting the development of new and existing third sector organisations and projects that provide volunteering opportunities, as well as supporting them to manage and train volunteers appropriately. In 2011/12 this service is targeted to action 1600 enquiries/requests for support, information or PAVO services including: 450 for funding and 150 on trustee and governance matters.

Similarly PAVO runs Powys Volunteer Centre (PVC), promoting volunteering across the county whilst working with Powys’ 12 local Volunteer Bureaux/Community Support projects, as delivery partners, to recruit, place and support volunteers at community level. In 2011/12 this service is targeted to place 300 volunteers in volunteering opportunities and 650 enquiries on volunteering issues.

Formal volunteering is activity delivered through a multiplicity of organisations and projects, for example: - • Powys CAB: Volunteer workers in bureaux – various roles – advice admin, social policy etc. – trustee. Aim of bureaux to reflect community. • Crossroads Care: Charity must have Trustees (Trustees are volunteers) • Age Concern Powys: advocacy volunteers walk leaders. Vol work – fundraisers e.g. big knit. Vol workers in offices etc. • Dyfodol Powys Futures: Volunteer workers – through play, literacy + numeracy trustees, play days. • Mid Powys Mind: Offers vol opp’s – trustees – support project vols – resource centre vols – health & wellbeing project – transport – signpost service user’s to other vol opps. • Powys Advocacy: Young people contribute to volunteering to support the organisation in the project. Interviewing, developing websites etc. • Brecknock Women’s Aid: Volunteer workers & trustees. Volunteer training for volunteer’s full induction. • Resolve Cymru: Sign poof clients to other services e.g. CAB.


District Contact Association: Volunteer training for volunteers – activities – day provisions, Friends of BCDA. • Powys Carers Service: supports 30 + volunteers supporting care near support groups (all ages) across Powys. • Disability Powys: Volunteers involved as Board Members, advice work & administration. • CAIS LTD: Progress work central funding & place clients’ volunteers – employment opportunities volunteering projects. • Cruse in Powys: Provides Bereavement support through volunteers who receive extensive and on-going training. • Ponthafren Association: recruit and train service users to become Volunteer Support Workers, trustee opportunities, younger volunteer programmes • L’Arche Brecon: supporting adults with learning disabilities to volunteer in the local community in shops/workshops/ etc. recruiting local volunteers for committees and ‘friends of L’ARCHE’ and also placements. • Brecknock Women’s Aid: Encourages women who have experienced abuse to stat to rebuild their lives. Volunteering part of the process. • Community Support Projects/Volunteer Bureaux: e.g. football clubs - luncheon clubs - transport good - neighbour befriending – dog walking – shopping. • Montgomery Alliance for Neurological Groups Organisation (MANGO) • AVTY: trustee’s advocacy. • Powys Mental Health Alliance : volunteers participating in the design, delivery, planning & evaluation of services, Patient Council volunteers monthly inpatient visits • PAVO’s Mental Health Development Service: volunteer members of advisory board, supports volunteer participation in planning groups across Powys, participation network volunteers, DIY Futures Project volunteers • PAVO: Community based transport services engage with and deliver transport to those people within their communities with demonstrable transport need utilising both paid & volunteer drivers and office staff. Car clubs operating in Llanidloes, Machynlleth, Newtown and hopefully soon Llangammach & Llanfihangel. • In addition there are a huge number of other organisations providing widely different kinds of opportunities to undertake voluntary activity, these include: o Meals on Wheels services e.g. WRVS o The Urdd Eistedfoddau o Powys members of Voluntary Arts Wales o Young Farmers Clubs o Faith organisations o Parent and Toddler groups o Pre School playgroups o Youth groups o Arts, drama and music groups o Women’s Institute o First responder schemes, Powys 4x4 group o St Johns Ambulance o Sports groups o Rotary Clubs o Scouts and Guides groups o University of the Third Age (U3a) o Befriending services and organisations e.g. Healthy Friendships o Community Shops e.g. Trefeglwys Shop, Llanbadarn Fynedd Shop o Mental Health organisations e.g. US MACH, Mind, Rekindle. o Village halls and community centres(in excess of 100) which in turn either provide activities and services or provide a community space in which other groups can deliver their services e.g. play groups, WI, etc. o Village shows and fetes o Community regeneration groups e.g. Spa Town Trust, Llani Limited. 2

o Community First Partnerships (Bro Dyfi, Oldford and Ystradgynlais) o Wildlife and environmental organisations e.g. Wildlife Trusts, Transition Town groups o Credit Unions e.g. Robert Owen Credit Union o Charity shops e.g. Builth Wells Community Support o Community energy generation schemes e.g. Talgarth Mill project o Community run tourist information centres o Community run festival and events e.g. Llandrindod Wells Victorian Festival and Carnival o Cultural and historical groups e.g. Radnorshire Society o Local food production e.g. Ashfield Community Enterprise, Curlew Centre

1.2 COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION PAVO provides development support to community groups to establish themselves or create new projects, thereby supporting the development of new opportunities for community participation.

Through the work of the Powys Volunteer Centre PAVO promotes volunteering and volunteering opportunities, thus enabling individual citizens to secure opportunities to participate in community activity.

Third Sector organisations and projects that help enable citizens to participate in their community include: - • Powys CAB: Social policy work evidence what is going on in community – effect of policies (locally and non-local). • Crossroads Care: Domiciliary care is regulated where there is personal care i.e. any physical contact with person with care needs. Health and social care workers recruited/employed. • Cartrefi Cymru: Service Users encouraged to access Ashfield Community Enterprise. Service Users taking up volunteering opportunities e.g. delivery meals on wheels, charity shop. Beginning to use time banking as opportunity for community participation. • Dyfodol Powys Futures: Involving participants & communities in all areas of service provision. • Ponthafren Association: facilitate Shared Vision participation of people with lived experience of mental distress, Public Relations Group. Activities and training open to the whole community. • Community Support Projects: Many activities provided or supported including - luncheon clubs, Rhayader community nursery initiative, football clubs, wellbeing clubs, Action 50+. • Brecon District Contact Association: Loft/BDCA outreach access to ‘Day provisions’ activities at a community level ‘mental health’ i.e. community access. Friends of BCDA organising community events and talks. • Disability Powys: Utilise volunteers – client advice/board/administration. Facilitate Disability foras which involve members of the community. • Tros Gynnal: ‘Eat carrots be safe from Elephants’ facilitated to give young people opportunity to participate in the community of Powys. • Mid Powys Mind: Open days throughout Radnorshire and north Brecknockshire inviting groups/projects local community outreach groups. Promotes local Community opportunities to all service users. • PAVO’s Mental Health Development Service : lead the Powys Stronger in Partnership Network which aims to ensure that people with lived experience and those that support them are involved in the design, planning, delivery and evaluation of services. • Powys Mental Health Alliance : provide support to people with lived experience of mental distress to ensure that any barriers to participation are identified and tackled. DIY Futures Participation Development. 3

• L’ARCHE BRECON: Good support from local community in L’ARCHE initiatives e.g. involvements in workshops/events/activates with adults with learning disabilities. • AUFY : inclusion in community. Help to access community facilities and programmes. • Powys Community Transport Schemes : engage with members of the community to provide staff and drivers who support the needs of the more vulnerable members of the community, helping with shopping attendance at medical appointments and collection of prescriptions etc. • Other types of groups that allow citizens to participate in their community include: o Advocacy groups o Village and community halls o Meals on Wheels o YFCs o Youth Groups o Church groups o Parent and Toddler groups o Pre School playgroups o Youth groups o Arts, drama, music groups o Mental Health Groups e.g. HUSMACH, Ystradgynlais Mind, Rekindle o Sports groups o Mental health groups e.g. Ponthafren, BCDA, Friends of BCDA, Ystrad. Mind

1.3 LOCALLY RUN SERVICES PAVO supports third Sector organisations to develop and run services on behalf of their communities, through the provision of information, guidance, training and funding, as well as supporting Statutory and Third Sector partners to work collaboratively to develop and deliver new opportunities for services. In 2011/12 PAVO is targeted to support the creation of 15 new third sector organisations and 40 new services by existing third sector organisations.

Powys’ Third Sector supports the development and running of a wide range of services by, and for, local communities, including: - Dyfodol Powys Futures: Supporting 400+ local organisations involved with childcare to provide services in their local communities. • Mid Powys Mind: Runs info days support groups and projects supported by local communities other projects. • CAE Post: Service Users work/run charity/second hand shop • Ponthafren Association: local community projects, training, workshops, crisis support, signposting, resource centre • Powys CAB: Services run by trustees and paid staff tailored to meet need of local community responsive & flexible. • 12 Community Support Projects/Volunteer Bureaux (Brecon, Ystradgynlais, Rhayader, , Builth, Llandrindod, Machynlleth, Knighton, North Montgomeryshire, South Montgomeryshire, Presteigne, and Hay): Deliver many volunteer run services including; luncheon clubs, community transport schemes, well- being clubs, kids clubs for internets, football clubs, cricket clubs, running groups, walking clubs, Darby & Joan’s • Crossroads Care: Provides short breaks for carers and health care for people with care needs, run by local care office managers. • Hospital leagues of friends . • Powys DIY Futures: mental health, one to one person centred support, changing how we work together, challenging stigma, hearing voices group • Powys Mental Health Alliance: start-up grants, patients council, participation • Disability Powys: ‘Client’ advice and support (welfare benefits, appeals, housing, equipment, lobbying). Main centre is Lllandrindod Wells but also outreach in North and South Powys. • HUSMACH: mental health - activities, befriending


• Rekindle: mental health - Small Steps younger people, one-to-one support, activities • Ystradgynlais Mind: resources centre, emotional wellbeing • Age Concern: Healthy living clubs. • Cruse in Powys: Is the only organisation that provides bereavement support to children, adults and families and is a complete local service. • Meals on Wheels on wheels services e.g. WRVS • Community shops and post offices e.g. Llanbadarn Fynedd, Trefeglws • Tourist information centres e.g. Llandrindod Wells • Play schemes, pre-school groups and out of school clubs • Sport organisations • Leisure organisations • Charity shops e.g. Builth Wells Community Support • Housing provision through community land trusts • Credit unions e.g. Robert Owen Credit Union • Recycling and reuse services e.g. Cwm Harry Land Trust, Cae Post, Phoenix • Theatres and arts groups e.g. Wyeside Centre, Builth Wells Community Arts • Befriending e.g. Healthy Friendships • Village halls and community centres (100+) • Domestic Abuse services e.g. Women’s Aid groups • Village fetes and shows, festivals and events • Volunteer run public toilets e.g. Llanfrynach

1.4 PEOPLE WHO FEEL THEY LIVE IN SUPPORTIVE AND SH ARING COMMUNITIES Third Sector activity contributes to this indicator by building citizens’ sense of living in supportive and sharing communities through: • Building this positive perception through the activities of the volunteers who provide local services and the recipients of these local services. • Providing services that meet communities needs through activities delivered by community members.

Examples of Third Sector activity include: • Powys CAB: Volunteers who reflect the community they serve (local knowledge learning new skills and contributing to their community). • Crossroads Care: Health and Social care workers are recruited and employed to provide local community – based service. Also geographically dispersed outreach workers working in communities to develop support systems for unpaid carers. • Resolve Cymru: Enabling/facilitating better communication within communities. • Powys’ 12 Volunteer Bureau/Community Support projects: Support ALL community if needed 100%. • Disability Powys: Facilitate shire fora’s with all those attending sharing info and supporting each other in various disability issues (access to services in particular). • L’ARCHE BRECON: Provide holistic care transport for adults with learning disabilities, based on the ethos of mutual and supportive relationships and a sense of community. • Mid Powys Mind: Outreach support projects; health and wellbeing project; promotes metal health first aid courses. • Age Concern Powys: Healthy living clubs; information and advice service. • Many people feel part of their communities through being involved in activities such as village halls and community councils. • Ponthafren Association - outreach services, training opportunities, public relations group • Powys Carers Service: Provides support in geographically areas to carers to enable their support knowledge of, and access to, local community services.


• PAVO: Supports community based transport services that engage with and deliver transport to those people within their communities with demonstrable transport needs utilising both paid and volunteer drivers and office staff. Car clubs already operating in Llanidloes, Machynlleth, Newtown and hopefully soon Llangammarch Wells and Llanfihangel. • Other organisations, initiatives and services that contribute to this indicator include: o Meals on Wheels services e.g. WRVS o Neighbourhood management project o Local access hubs o Community First partnerships (Bro Dyfi, Oldford, Ystradgynlais) o Social enterprises e.g. food co-ops, ACE, Cwm Harry, Local produce, local identity o Playgroups/parent and toddler groups o DIY Futures project (PAVO/PMHA) o Brecon Contact District Association o PAVO Mental Health Information Service o Rekindle o Ystradgynlais Mind o Arts groups o Befriending services e.g. Healthy Friendships, Rural Friendships project


2. People in Powys Benefit for a thriving diverse economy

2.1 UNEMPLOYMENT RATE The Third Sector is a significant provider of employment opportunities within Powys, with WCVA research suggesting that the sector has 3,344 paid posts in the county. Because the Third Sector acts as a major source of income for Powys’ economy (estimated at £57million annually), often from grant funding secured from out of county sources, it is constantly creating new employment opportunities for Powys’ citizens.

Whilst some of these posts are to run and deliver Third Sector services, the Sector also creates new employment opportunities (often for some of Powys’ most marginalised citizens) through the use of social enterprise models such as Cae Post Ltd. PAVO actively assists the development of new employment opportunities, and the continuation of existing ones, through the general support it provides to Third Sector organisations to secure resources and to develop projects that require staff resource.

There is an important range of Third Sector activity that seeks to support individuals to gain experience and skills to support them on the journey towards securing paid employments, such as projects funded through programmes such as Engagement Gateway.

Similarly, formal volunteering activity is also a major indirect contributor to achieving a reduction in unemployment rates, as it is a means of helping individuals to develop skills, knowledge and confidence necessary to help them into paid employment. Many volunteers will often receive formal or accredited training as part of their volunteering support.

Third Sector organisations, projects and activities that directly or indirectly contribute towards the achievement of this indicator include: • Genesis project – delivered by Dyfodol Powys Futures • A4E placements (Ponthafren, PAVO) • Open Minds training (developing skills, help people back to work) working with Ponthafren and Mid Powys Mind • Mental Health organisations: training back to work skills (e.g. time management, gardening) • DIY Futures (PAVO): One project outcome is to support people with their employment goals • Early Intervention Service (family support) • Action for Children • Creating jobs – all voluntary bids every year that result in new jobs in Powys (e.g. DIY futures CYPP bid) • Volunteering on prescription e.g. Knighton Community Support • Voluntary organisations ILH’s • Substance misuse services e.g. Kaleidoscope

2.2 BUSINESS START -UPS PAVO actively assists the development of new and existing social enterprise activities and projects through its core development services, thereby contributing to the creation and sustainability of this area of business activity.

Other Third Sector activity that directly or indirectly contributes towards the achievement of this indicator includes: • Menter a busnes (business support) • Trefeglwys Shop • Enaploy 3 • Business support for childcare sector • Dyfodol Powys Futures


• Wales Co-operative Society (support services for social enterprise and cooperatives) • PAVO support for the development of social enterprise • Young Farmers Clubs • Agriscope

2.3 TOURISM ACTIVITY The Third Sector activity in this field focuses both upon the creation and running of tourism activities (i.e. festivals) and the provision of visitor attractions, but also the provision of infrastructure to support tourism i.e. tourist information centres.

Example of this activity includes: • Caersws Recreation Association (info board – PAVO support) • Trefreglwys Village Shop: Café (PAVO supported) • Village hall and play provision (Ystradgynlais area) • Open Access play projects , community groups • 12x Community Support Projects: provide local information • Volunteer Bureaux keep maintain information boards up to date (e.g. Llandrindod) • Festivals: Llandrindod Wells Victorian Festival and many others • Cultural Tourism (churches) • Minerva Quilting Centre (Llanidloes) • Centre for DH Technology • Tourist Information Centres: Crickhowell, Llandrindod Wells etc. • National Trust: Powis Castle, etc. • Welshpool and Llanfair Railway • Green Events (Llanwrtyd Wells (Man vs Horse race, Bog Snorkelling etc.) • Wildlife Trusts (nature reserves, walking routes and sites of environmental importance)


3. “People in Powys have the skills to pursue their ambitions”

3.1 NOT IN EDUCATION (FULL TIME), EMPLOYMENT OR TRAINING (NEET) Powys Third Sector provides many specific services and projects aimed at this group, as well as more generally services which they can access. These include: • Powys Carers service: Provides specialist support to young adult carers to prevent them from becoming NEET. • Dyfodol Powys Futures: The Genesis project supports NEETs through training childcare etc. The literacy and numeracy project provides support to 10-16 yr olds in danger of offending. • Powys CAB: Provides volunteering opportunities, financial capability work and work experience. • Powys’ 12 Volunteer Bureau/Community Support projects: Provide experience via volunteering. They can source work experience opportunities and provide transport to work through community transport schemes. • Powys Advocacy: Tros Gynnal supports young people to be reinstated to schools following permanent exclusion to help them access to mainstream education in school of their choice. • Other organisations, initiatives and services that directly or indirectly contribute to this indicator include: o Voluntary ILM o Siren o Cae Post o Cwm Harry Land Trust o Engagement Gateway projects o BCA o Cae Post o Disability Powys o Hafan o Haval o Montgomeryshire Family Crisis Centre o St Johns Ambulance o Young Farmers Clubs o Curlew Centre o SOVA o YMCA o Organisations hosting A4E and Future Jobs Fund placements e.g. PAVO o Ponthafren o Housing Associations o Music, Art, Drama Community Groups o Domestic Abuse Organisations o Parent and Toddler Groups o Pre School Play Groups o Sports Clubs & Societies o All youth groups (uniformed, affiliated, independent)

3. 2 KEY STAGE 4 QUALIFICATIONS Third Sector activity that directly or indirectly contributes towards the achievement of this indicator includes: • Powys Volunteer Centre • Youth Groups • DOE • Young Carers • Kaleidoscope • Action for Children 9

• Open Door • Dyfodol • Ysgol Meithrin • Barnardos • After School Club • Millennium Volunteers • PAVO • Training • Youth Development • Millennium Volunteers • Numeracy and Literacy Project • Dyfodol Powys Futures • Parent Toddler Groups • Domestic Abuse Organisations • All youth groups (uniformed, affiliated and independent) • Ponthafren Association

3.3 NO QUALIFICATIONS Many Third Sector organisations also offer training, either directly linked to accredited qualifications or as a service that acts a precursor for individuals seeking to re-enter formal learning opportunities. Organisations will often also provide arrangements that enable their staff to undertake learning opportunities, including formal qualifications. Actions and activities undertaken by Powys’ Third Sector that address this indicator include: • Cartrefi Cymru: Provides basic skills programmes. Provides train the trainer programmes. Unqualified people can become qualified via comprehensive training package as part of induction programme and on-going training. • Mid Powys Mind and Ponthafren provides courses and workshops to develop skills (through WEA/Coleg Powys) both accredited/non-accredited training is available. • Crossroads Care: Provides facilities training of care workers to enable achievement of appropriate qualifications should be funded by SCWDP, supported by other streams. • Age Concern Powys: Provides information and advice about training opportunities • Powys Carers Service: As part of info, advice and advocacy services they facilitate access to QUALS and training for carers of working role. (Approx. 700 currently) with partners e.g. DWP/STAR. • A Voice For You: Advocates supporting people with learning disability to access training and helping through this process e.g. basic computer training. • Crossroads Care: Facilitate training/educative of carers funded by Big Lottery Fund life skills award. • Brecknock Women’s Aid: Supports families seeing domestic abuse, supports them to be re-housed and thereby gives them a chance for the children to access full time education. • L’ARCHE BRECON: Supporting adults with learning disabilities when appropriate to undertake qualifications that could help pathway into employment. • CAIS LTD: Supports substance misusers moving onto education, vocational training and employment opportunities. • Mental Health organisations – Provides volunteering opportunities with training/support to help develop individual’s lives/skills. • Powys CAB – Financial capability training to individuals and groups of learners – money management. Citizen’s advice training programmes for volunteers. • Dyfodol Powys Futures: Genesis provides training to those unemployed and not in education; business support; and provides training to child care providers. • Advocacy Services – Provide basic computer training and provide volunteer opportunities to achieve training. • PAVO: Through training courses delivered to volunteers and others working in third sector organisations PAVO and Powys Transport Training Agency offer opportunities 10

for adults to develop skills and knowledge, potentially as a precursor to re-entering accredited learning. • Other organisations, initiatives and services that contribute to this indicator include: o Parent & Toddler Groups o All youth groups (uniformed, affiliated, independent) o Sports Clubs and Societies o WEA o University of the Third Age (U3A) o Brecon Contact and District Association o HUSMACH o Rekindle o Ystradgynlais Mind

3.4 PARTI CIPATION IN LEARNING The Third Sector provides a diverse range of formal learning and training opportunities; provides information and signposting to learning opportunities; as well providing many different opportunities to develop skills and knowledge through participation in volunteering.

As part of the Courses for Communities programme PAVO delivers training courses for members of voluntary community groups (target 2011/12 = 20 course with 100 participants) as well as other courses not within that training framework (2011/12 target = 30 courses with 160 participants). Additionally, PAVO’s Powys Transport Training Agency provides transport related training for those wishing to work in this field, whilst the DIY Futures project supports people with mental health issues through recovery from illness.

Other examples of Third Sector activity includes: • Volunteering on Prescription project: Delivered through some of Volunteer Bureaux (Knighton, North Mont etc.) • Cartrefi Cymru: NVQ QCF bite sized training change management online training. Professional development of staff encouraged via NVQ enhanced through QCF bite sized learning. Service users supported to access learning opportunities via Coleg Powys/ and community projects. MALP for manager’s management + leadership prog. Equipping individuals to be able to do their job. • Powys Carers Service: Provides info/ advice/ advocacy to carers of all ages to access a full range of learning opportunities. • Crossroads Care: NVQ/QCF qualifications for social care workers (SCWDF and other funding) Basic skills and other learning for carers – funded by big lottery fund life skills award. • Mid Powys Mind: Mental health 1 st Aid course and mental health awareness workshops. Their Health & Wellbeing projects support people pursue their ambitions. • Disability Powys: Signposts clients to appropriate training and encourages them to undertake voluntary work to increase skills, knowledge and experience to improve opportunities to be involved, voluntarily or employed. They recruit, train and support volunteers to work with clients (providing admin support and also offering ‘NVQ’ qualification). • Age Concern Powys: Provides information and advice about learning. • A Voice For You: Helps people recognise their potential and finds ways to help them achieve these aims. • WEA: Their Mental Health Matters project provides course via mid Powys mind. • Cruse in Powys: Volunteer provides placements for students (of any age) studying for Diplomas or Degrees. • L’ARCHE BRECON - Encouraging and supporting adults with learning disabilities to learn new skills, towards qualifications and/or employment. e.g. craft and production skills/carpentry. • Dyfodol Powys Futures: Genesis project provides informal and formal learning to those not working (270 present). Business support provides informal training to sector (up to 400) play as above volunteering – supporting training. 11

• Brecknock Women’s Aid . Encourages service users to attend courses as part of rebuilding lives past abuse. • CAIS LTD: Substance misuse informal short courses leading to formal education vocational training and employment. • Powys CAB: Provides finance capability training. Citizen’s advice volunteer training programme. Advice given with experienced people to solve/ tackle their own problems giving confidence & skills. • Ponthafren Association – Brecon district contact mid Powys mind. • Powys’ 12 Volunteer Bureaux/Community Support Projects: Provide volunteer opportunities for experience and training including confidence building. • Other Third Sector activity that directly or indirectly contributes towards the achievement of this indicator includes: o Welsh learning groups e.g. “The New Inn” Newbridge on Wye o Resource Centre (Llanidloes) o Housing Associations o Open Minds (lottery funded) training, courses, skills (e.g. partners with Ponthafren and Mid Powys Mind o Stronger in partnership network (mental health) supporting individuals to access training, e-bulletin o All youth groups (uniformed, affiliated, independent) o Parent Toddler groups o Pre School playgroups


4. “Powys Families are safe and supportive places in which to live”

4.1 DOMESTIC ABUSE Third Sector organisations and services which directly or indirectly to a reduction in domestic abuse include: • Brecknock Women’s Aid (South Powys): Refuge space families and outreach for 20 families suffering domestic abuse. • Radnor Women’s Aid (Mid Powys): Provides refuge/outreach support • MFCC: (a separate refuge for men and women). • Mental Health organisations (e.g. Mid Powys Mind, Pontafren Association) provide support to people in this situation, giving support to attend appointments with police/other org’s (e.g. Women’s Aid), some run free counselling services, signposting, information. • Powys’ 12 Volunteer Bureau / Community Support projects: Will support and signpost (it knows its community so can identify and provide support). • C.C: Support to access services – safety at home. • Age Concern Powys: Provides advocacy information and advice. • Powys Advocacy: Supports young people in the child protection process where they may have been victims of domestic abuse. • Crossroads Care: Provision of short break respite for carers relieves the stresses of their caring role. • Dyfodol Powys Futures: Genesis supports women who have experienced domestic abuse through confidence, self-esteem, etc. • Powys CAB: Advice service – often for people in abusive situations. Working in partnership with Women’s Aid and Montgomery Family Carer Centre. Aberystwyth women’s aid use of provision in Machynllth. Financial capability sessions on money management empower people. • Resolve Cymru: Empowering people in abusive relationships take control of their future through decision making. • Other organisations whose activities also contribute to this indicator are: o PDAC LTD o Women’s Aid projects o Powys Domestic Abuse Forum o The Samaritans o Parent and toddler groups, pre-school play groups, youth groups

4.2 VULNERABLE ADULTS Third Sector organisations and services which directly or indirectly contribute to the protection of vulnerable adults include: • PAVO: Provides awareness raising, information and training for Third Sector organisations about POVA. All relevant PAVO member organisations will be required to have POVA policy by 2012 as a condition of membership. • Disability Powys: Has child protection/POVA policy/procedures, ensuring protection of clients and provides training/awareness for staff/vols. • Crossroads Care: Provision of health and social care to vulnerable adults facilitates monitoring of their condition. • Resolve Cymru: Provides Community mediation enabling better understanding between neighbours. • Powys Carers Service: Maintains contact with, and maintains, families to prevent crisis and possible abuse occurring. • Powys CAB: General advice particularly regarding money management and debt advice. • C.C: Robust system in place for recognising and report bad practise prior to it developing into POVA. All staff access POVA training at all levels. They work with PCC Social Services. 13

• Powys Advocacy: Young adults help the protection of young people with learning difficulties. • Powys’ 12 Volunteer Bureaux / Community Support Projects: Provide volunteer training on POVA. • Mental Health Organisations : POVA policies in place, training for staff, volunteers, members. Mid Powys Mind: Attends adult protection forums. • Powys Carers Service: Provides info, advice and advocacy to carers to enable them to have the support they need to care for their loved ones (many POVA issues arise as a result of stressed carers) • L’ARCHE BRECON: Providing long term accommodation activities and support for vulnerable adults, through their community house and workshops. • Cruse in Powys: Bereavement makes adults and children very vulnerable cruse in Powys has a POVA policy. • A Voice For You: Supporting vulnerable adults through advocacy. • Age Concern Powys: Provides advocacy service. • Brecknock Women’s Aid, Radnor Women’s Aid and Montgomeryshire Family Crisis Centre: All support victims of domestic abuse and those who are vulnerable. • Other organisations and services in this field include: o Advocacy services e.g. IMHA and IMCA o Meals on Wheels services identity vulnerable clients’ needs o Community Transport services support individuals to stay in their own home o PAVO supported Advocacy Network which aims to promote advocacy information to people in Powys

4.3 FAMILY SUPPORT Third Sector organisations and services which directly or indirectly to a reduction in family support referrals include: • Action for Children: Provides family support. • PDAC, Montgomeryshire Family Crisis Centre, Radnor + Brecon Women’s Aid; Kaleidoscope: Undertake CAIS/progress work. • Mid Powys Mind: Free counselling service. • Resolve Cymru: Reduce levels of conflict surrounding separation, effective parenting and taking in to account wishes of children. • A Voice For You: Supports parents with learning disabilities through advocacy and crisis advocacy. • Powys Carers Service: Identities vulnerable families (when one person or more are cared for) and advocates for support, provides info and rest bite to maintain family cohesion. • L’ARCHE BRECON: Supports families of adults with learning disabilities through providing realistic home/community life for their relatives. • Brecknock Women’s Aid: Has support service supporting women + children in the community who have been affected by domestic abuse. • C.C: Supports parents with learning difficulties/mental health needs through skills teaching. Provision of respite / short stay service to reduce pressure on families. • Dyfodol Powys Futures: Deals with referrals from the LRSP to Genesis and also provides support through its literacy and numeracy project. • Powys CAB: Provides money management advice about benefit take up which is income maximising and debt advice (by telephone and face to face in services throughout Powys) • Crossroads Care: Provision of short break respite for carers relieves the stresses of their caring role. • PAVO: Provides support to 19 community based transport services enabling access to services to support Powys families. • Other organisations and services in this field include: o Brecon & District Contact Association o Ponthafren Association 14

o Rekindle o Ystradgynlais Mind o Barnardos o Volunteer Bureau/Community Support projects o Substance misuse service o Early Intervention service action for children o Parent and toddler pre-school play groups o Newtown family centre

4.4. CHILDREN IN NEED Third Sector organisations, activities and services which directly or indirectly to a reduction in the number of children in need include: • Dyfodol Powys Futures: Supports 400 + childcare organisations in Powys who directly work with children in need. • Rhayader Community Nursery Initiative • Crossroads Care: Provision of short brake respite for young carers to facilitate their ability to study and become independent. • Resolve Cymru: Work with parents and children at risk of homelessness, to keep family together and address issues. • Powys Advocacy (Tros Gynnal): Facilitates ‘eat carrots be safe from elephants’ a young people’s forum helping to keep young people safe in Powys. Tros Gynnal also enables young disabled children to have a voice and feel safe within their family lives. • Cruse in Powys: Children need support after bereavement in the family. Cruse in Powys can provide this and undertakes care working with most schools in the country. • Brecknock Women’s Aid: Children who have been affected by domestic abuse are supported by Brecknock Women’s Aid in a refuge within the community. • Powys Referral Scheme: Supports children with conditional need 0-25. • Powys CAB: Provides money management advice about benefit take up which is income maximising and debt advice (by telephone and face to face in services throughout Powys) • PAVO: Provides support to 19 community based transport services enabling access to services to support Powys families and children. • Other organisations and services in this field include: o Barnardos o Radnor Womens Aid o Montgomeryshire Family Crisis Centre. o Early Intervention service action for children o Parent and toddler pre-school play group o Substance misuse service early intervention service - Action for Children o Powys “young” carers


5. “People in Powys are healthy and independent”

5.1 HEALTHY LIFESTYLE S Third Sector organisations, activities and services which directly or indirectly to improving healthy lifestyles in Powys include: • L’ARCHE BRECON: Works by integrating physical activity/healthy eating/range of creative activities/friendships and community support for people with hearing disabilities. • Powys’ 19 Community Transport Schemes: directly contribute to the health, wellbeing and independence of individuals in Powys - in particular the taxi card schemes where people can access the service evenings and weekends. • Disability Powys: Plans to do much more to ensure healthy and independent lives of people in Powys but this is dependent on funding (currently funding bids to Big Lottery for outreach Advice workers + Advocates). Currently provides advice, information and support to clients to ensure they are in receipt of all benefits they are entitled to ensuring a more ‘healthy’ lifestyle. • Powys Carers Service: Its mission is to empower carers to improve their quality of life, health and wellbeing. The Service works with over 1300 carers across Powys. Projects include working with GP’s and pharmacists to improve healthy of carers in Powys (all GP practices, all pharmacists). The service provides Carers with information and support to improve healthy lifestyles including Carers Assessments, alcohol and substance misuse services, mental health services as Carers (without support) are much more likely to suffer ill health. • Mid Powys Mind: Runs a Health and Wellbeing project (Lottery funded) covering Physical Health, Mental Health, financial information and support. 3 outreach groups Knighton, Rhayader, Builth Wells (new group starting April 2011 in Presteigne). All our projects support individuals to access opportunities to live healthily lifestyles. Also runs Mental Health First Aid courses that support both individuals in crisis, save lives, and challenge M.H stigma. Mid Powys Mind also works in partnership with org’s that can also promote independent living, e.g. Powys Carers, DIY Futures (PAVO) and CAB • Cruse in Powys: Supports people in coming to terms with bereavement. • Catrefi Cymru: Healthy lifestyles from part of individual support plan for service users. • Rhayader Community Support: Facilitates a Well Being group; Action 50+; walking clubs; and runs clubs taking isolated people for weekly trip for 2 hrs. • Dyfodd Powys Futures: Various activities, e.g. play days; promoting activity; play open access (play to 8 – 12 yr olds), change4life (promoting healthy eating in child care settings) • Age Concern Powys: Activities organised include strollers, nordic walkers, healthy living, and ‘Engage’ project • Resolve Cymru: Uses mediation to reduce conflict in people’s life. • Powys Advocacy: Helps young people feel better about themselves and have greater self-esteem though being listened to participating in decision making which affects their lives. • Powys CAB: Runs the ‘prescribing citizen’s advice project’. General advice to referrals from primary health care team members and patients being seen in surgery/hospital. Other services include advice on maximising income to increase amount of money in house hold which contributes to keeping people in their own house. • Brecon & District Contact Association: Offers healthy life style support inc. healthy eating and exercise. • Ponthafrem Association: healthy life support, courses, training, workshops • Ystadgynlais Mind: Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing resource centre • Rekindle: activities related to healthy lifestyles • Other organisation and services which contribute towards this indicator include: 16

o Playgroups and after school clubs o Food and Land trust, o Barnardos o British Heart Foundation o British Lung Foundation o Leg clubs, o Sports groups o Dance groups o Powys Mental Health Alliance

5.2 INDEPENDENCE LEVELS Third Sector services and activities which support the level of independence of Powys citizens include: - • Powys 19 Community Transport Schemes: in Powys provide transport to medical and social activities. • L’ARCHE BRECON: Provides individually designed support for adults with learning disability (accommodation and activities) helping support towards more independent living. Activities include: craft activities e.g. making cards, re-binding books, woodwork, recycling. • Disability Powys: Advice and information service helps ensure clients are claiming rightful benefits, which means they are more likely to be independent. Also facilitates local shire Fora which ensure individuals have an avenue for their views/opinions to be heard and for them to be more independent. Big lottery funded project to encourage clients to volunteer, undertake training or education, thereby increasing opportunities to become independent. • Mid Powys Mind: All our projects offer opportunities to service users to live independent lives, through developing their life skills and confidence. A vast range of course workshops are available, both accredited/non accredited and with soft /hard outcomes. • Crossroads Care: Provision of respite for carers to allow time for themselves (funded from statutory and non–statutory sources). Also provision of short break rest bite for carers (funded mainly from non-statutory sources). • Powys’ 12 Volunteer Bureau / Community Support projects: Provide levels of support designed to assist with keeping people in their home i.e. befriending, transport, shopping and dog walking. • A Voice For You: Montgomeryshire: Helps people with learning disabilities with independent living and inclusion in their local community. • Powys CAB: Advice service aimed at maximising income, benefit uptakes, debt advice and financial capability and money management community course. Work in partnership with shelter cymru to help keep people in their homes. • Powys Advocacy: Represents young people’s views + enables them to speak up young people have a greater voice. • Age Concern Powys: Information, advice and advocacy services • Brecknock Women’s Aid, Radnor Women’s Aid and Montgomeryshire Family Crisis Centre: All domestic abuse organisations work with women and children to develop independence following domestic abuse advocacy access to courses freedom programme and self-esteem and confidence etc. • Dyfodol Powys Futures: Provides individually designed support services for disabled and limited health conditions helping to more independent lifestyle. • C.C: Service users encouraged to maximise independence via provision of active support. Aging service users with deteriorating health are supported to remain in their own homes via use of community nurses etc. • Cruse in Powys: Bereavement support service helps people resume independence and reduce use of medication. • Powys Carers Service: Provides information and advice to enable carers to be more independent (75% report that they feel more independent as a result)


• PAVO: Powys’ 19 community transport services provide individuals who are otherwise socially isolated with access to health appointments social activities and in some instances work. People of Powys are able to remain at home longer. (Funded through volunteers, WAG, PCC, PTHB, self-generated income, trusts etc.) • Brecon & District Contact Association: Supports service users to move on from emotional crisis back to independent lives, develop life skills etc. • Other organisations and services contributing towards this indicator include: o Care and Repair o Cae Post o Celf o Gwmpas o DIY Futures (PAVO) o Housing Associations o Women’s Aid projects o Advocacy services o Local access hubs o PAVO development and Information Service o DIY Futures Project (PAVO/PMHA) o Powys Mental Health Alliance o Ponthafren Association o Ystradgnlais Mind o Rekindle

5.3 LONG TERM CONDITIONS Third Sector services and activities which support the reduction in the number of adults being treated for these long term conditions include: - • All Mental Health organisations e.g. early and open door policy for people moving on or dealing with chronic emotional conditions, crisis support, one to one support (e.g. accessing GP’s), physical health conditions support groups. • Disability Powys: Works 100% adults (not funded to work with children!) but will/do give advice to parents, carers of children with disabilities (average 80 clients at any time) • L’ARCHE BRECON: People who live at L’ARCHE have regular contacts with GP’s/ hospitals etc. and are supported to take medication for long term conditions. • A Voice for You: Montgomeryshire: Provides volunteer advocates for people with learning disabilities to be able to access services and help with needs of clients. • C.C. Staff trained according to need of the individual of service required. i.e. dementia, epilepsy recognising early symptoms. Offers yearly wellbeing checks and surgeries where service users are supported by staff. • Crossroads Care: Provision of health care to people with care needs by qualified staff. Funded by PtHB and external funding e.g. Macmillan. Provision of rest bite for carers to relieve stresses of caring role. • Dyfodol Powys Futures: Works with unemployed individuals with work limiting health conditions and disabilities through Genesis • Powys 19 C.T. Schemes: provide transport for isolated people, to become inclusive and access services • Powys CAB: Prescribed citizen’s advice project, general advice and volunteering opportunities.

5.4 OBESITY LEVELS Activities and services undertaken by Third Sector organisations that directly or indirectly contribute towards a reduction in citizens with reported obesity include: - • Mental Health organisations e.g. health forums support people who suffer obesity by providing an alternative to weight watchers, exercise classes, food and mood workshops etc. • Age Concern Powys: Projects include, - strollers, Nordic walkers, ‘engage’ and ‘healthy living’.


• Crossroads Care: Carers and people with care needs informed of healthy eating programmes through the service and newsletters. • C.C. Service users and staff supported to have healthy diets via dietician, doctor etc. • B-eat Cymru: Supports individuals with eating disorders and their families

5.5 IMMUNISATION RATES There are no Third Sector services identified that directly contribute to this indicator, though many organisations work with families of young children and whose services provide opportunities for discussion and information dissemination that may influence parental decisions on immunisation.


6. People in Powys live in good quality affordable homes

6.1 AFFORDABLE HOUSING Third Sector activity that directly or indirectly contributes towards the achievement of this indicator includes: - • Shelter • Housing associations • Powys CAB • Credit unions • Land Mass (church )

6.2 HOMELESSNESS Third Sector activity that directly or indirectly contributes towards the achievement of this indicator includes: - • Housing associations • Tai Hafan supported housing • Safe houses and refuges provided by Montgomeryshire Family Crisis Centre and Women’s Aid organisations • Alms Houses

6.3 HOUSING QUALITY Third Sector activity that directly or indirectly contributes towards the achievement of this indicator includes: - • DIY Futures and other mental health organisations support people to improve their accommodation, access benefits, etc. • SAFA and British Legion • Housing Associations • Care and Repair provides home adaptation and maintenance services • Robert Owen’s work on fuel poverty • Red Cross and some volunteer bureaus run volunteer services to install grab rails etc. in order to make homes more appropriate for residents


7. People in Powys enjoy a clean, safe and green environment

7.1 CO2 EMISSIONS Third Sector activity that directly or indirectly contributes towards the achievement of this indicator includes: - ● PAVO: Carbon reduction project to support the Sector to reduce emissions and use of OWL monitors ● Powys Transport Training Agency (PAVO): Eco driver training and a green fleet review of all community transport schemes in Powys ● Community tribe Machynlleth ● H.E.S (Provides home energy checks) ● Newtown clean energy centre ● Transition Towns groups ● Llanidloes car club ● Safe cycle routes to school ● Llani lunch club/car club/allotments

7.2 ENVIRONMENTAL CRIME Third Sector activity that directly or indirectly contributes towards the achievement of this indicator includes: - ● Keep Wales tidy ● County wildlife trusts (Brecknockshire, Montgomeryshire, Radnorshire)

7.3 WASTE AND RECYCLING Much third Sector activity in this field is delivered through social enterprises. Some of the organisations and activities that directly or indirectly contribute towards the achievement of this indicator are: - ● Cae Post (waste collection and recycling) ● Phoenix Furniture (furniture collection and reuse) ● Ystrad Woodstore (timber re-use) ● Tools for self–reliance (reconditioning of tools) ● The efforts of all charity shops to reuse and recycle ● 10 Green Bottles (reuse material to make products for sale) ● Cwm Harry Land Trust (food waste collection and recycling) ● Mental Health organisations - recycle materials into products that they sell (e.g. bird houses, jewellery, art). recycling, solar power ● Beacons Creative (reuse material to make products for sale)

7.4 GREEN SPACE Third Sector activity that directly or indirectly contributes towards the achievement of this indicator includes: - ● Ramblers Association and community run walking groups ● Wildlife Trusts ● National Trust ● Playing fields associations ● Community projects e.g. Machynlleth community garden, Newtown community orchard ● Youth Hostel Association ● Open play spaces ● Ponthafren garden development: recreational space and growing vegetables

7.5 BIODIVERSITY Third Sector activity that contributes towards the achievement of this indicator includes: - ● Brecknockshire, Radnorshire and Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trusts: The trusts protect and maintain sites of wildlife, flora and landscape importance. ● Dyfi Valley Seed Savers


8. People in Powys feel and are safe and confident

8.1 CRIME RATE Third Sector activity that contributes towards the achievement of this indicator includes: - ● Neighbourhood Management: The development of these groups is anticipated to contribute to a reduction in recorded offences ● Neighbourhood Watch/Farm Watch schemes: These schemes serve to act as a deterrent to crime

8.2 ANTI -SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR Third Sector activity that contributes towards the achievement of this indicator includes: - ● Diversionary activities targets to vulnerable groups such as youth support, youth clubs, arts groups, drama, sport, Young Farmers Clubs ● Kaleidoscope: In relation to older age groups ● Other organisations providing services that contribute to a reduction in anti-social behaviour include: o Welsh Women’s Aid o Montgomeryshire Family Crisis Centre o Parenting support schemes o Powys young carers o Youth groups o Pre-school play groups o Parent and toddler groups o After school groups/clubs o Mental Health organisations

8.3 FEAR OF CRIME / CONFIDENCE LEVEL S Third Sector organisations whose activity contributes towards this indicator include: - ● PAVO community cohesion victim support, women aid, neighbourhood watch ● Befriending schemes: support from mental health support group ● Mental Health Organisation promote work across the county (e.g. Stop Hate Crime, Fire Safety Checks ● Literacy and numeracy project

8.4 EMERGENCY RESPONSE TIMES Third Sector organisations whose activity contributes towards this indicator include: - Community based first responder schemes • St Johns Ambulance • Wales Air Ambulance • PURSH

8.5 ROAD TRAFFIC INCIDENTS Activities and services undertaken by Third Sector organisations that indirectly contribute towards this indicator include: - • Powys’ 19 community transport schemes: serve to help reduce traffic numbers. • The use of mini-buses by Third Sector organisations organising activities and the encouragement of lift sharing by staff/volunteers reduces traffic numbers CT’s provision of minibuses for community activities specifically replaces the use of multiple individual cars and thereby significantly reduces the likelihood of accidents and their severity. The passengers in CT minibuses are almost all vulnerable – toddlers, children, young people, older people, disabled people. Moreover, CT groups have set and maintain (through the support from PAVO and the Training Agency) particularly high safety standards.


9. People in Powys are supported to get out of poverty

9.1 WORKLESS HOUSEHOLDS The Third Sector as a whole is a significant employer, statistics from WCVA indicating there are 3,344 jobs in the Sector within Powys.

In addition, the Sector as a whole provides opportunities for individuals to develop skills and experience through volunteering that will assist them on the path to paid employment. This is augmented by national programmes such as ‘Engagement Gateway’ through which individual organisations contract to deliver projects specifically aimed at helping individuals towards employment.

Specific activities and services undertaken by Third Sector organisations that directly or indirectly contribute towards this indicator include: - • Dyfodol Powys Future: Genesis supports individuals not in work to gain skills to return to workplace. It also supports women to access training and offers childcare. • Powys Carers Service: Provides info and advocacy to enable carers to access work opportunities carries out carer’s assessments to identity support so that they can return to work. • PAVO: Provides support to new and emergent social enterprises, contributing to the creation of new employment opportunities • Powys CAB: Offers benefit advice to help increase household income. • Powys 12 Volunteer Bureaux / Community Support projects: These offer volunteering opportunities that help to give people confidence and experience and training, e.g. ‘volunteering on prescription’ • Mid Powys Mind, Ponthafren Association, Ystradgynlais Mind, Rekindle, Brecon Contact and District Association: volunteering/paid opportunities, training/support with financial advice/CV’s/ education, and training. • Open Minds Project: training • Disability Powys: Provides information and advice to clients and assesses if individual/ household are claiming apt benefits + supports them to do so. Signposts clients to volunteering, training and employment opportunities. • A Voice for You: Helps people with learning disabilities that live independently in the community with information and provides help in accessing grants etc. • Cae Post: Provides job creation through re-cycling service. • Newtown Befrienders (volunteers): Befriender schemes. • DIY Futures Project (PAVO/PMHA): Supports people with experience of mental distress to achieve their goals (e.g. employment) • Powys CAB: Advice service covers employment/debt/benefits etc. Provides volunteer opportunities to develop new skills & maintain confidence. • L’ARCHE BRECON: Supports adults with learning disabilities to show new skills and to find local and meaningful employment. • Micro-business loans are available from organisations such as the Robert Owen Credit Union and the Princes Trust .

9.2 ANNUAL PAY As a significant employer, the Third Sector in Powys generally strives to deliver good practice in employment. Many organisations use the national NJC pay scales as a benchmark for their pay rates.

Contributions that Third Sector organisations directly and indirectly make to Powys wage levels include: - • Age Concern Powys: Provides information about increase of retirement age. • Powys Carers Service: Pays a working wage (difficult to achieve when constant down ward pressure on funding)


• Mid Powys Mind: Levels of pay are below what we should be paying to staff at Mid Powys Mind. • Powys 12 Volunteer Bureaux / Community Support projects: Provide employment for Powys residents and volunteer opportunities. • Crossroads Care: Care workers pay per hour £6.75 to £7.25, depending on qualifications, circa £13500 - £14500 p.a. • Dyfodol Powys Futures: Ensures salaries are competitive for sector and annually looks at salary increase. Supports childcare organisations to provide at least minimum terms and conditions for their staff inc, holiday pay, travel to training etc. • Powys CAB: Active funding for paid posts. All posts paid on local authority salary scales. Advice work aimed at maximising increase benefits make up. Offers financial management, benefit and debt advice. • Disability Powys: Pays a ‘working’ wage but difficulties to plan long–term e.g. short– term services contracts reflective of funding (one year SLA’s – not good) • Resolve Cymru: Supports and advises clients on financial issues regarding separations.

9.3 FREE SCHOOL MEALS Activities and services undertaken by Third Sector organisations that directly or indirectly contribute towards this indicator include: - • Powys CAB: Advice work - via telephone, in 4 premises and in partner agency premises, e.g. GP surgeries, regarding benefit take up. • C.C: Supports service users (parents) with learning difficulties through skills and teaching, to enable them to access employment, understand welfare + benefit rights. • Powys 12 Volunteer Bureaux / Community Support projects: Can give advice for benefits and referrals. • Other organisations providing information, advice and signposting services include: o Dyfodol Powys Futures o Genesis Project o IFSS centres

9.4 FUEL POVERTY Many Third Sector organisations who offer advice, information and sign-posting services help to address fuel poverty by providing information to their client groups, many who are vulnerable or marginalised such as: carers, people with learning difficulties, people with mental health issues, older people, etc. Activities and services undertaken by Third Sector organisations that directly or indirectly contribute towards a reduction in fuel poverty include: • PAVO: Supports Powys 19 community transport schemes and car clubs, which help to reduce the need for second car ownership and support access to those requiring health & social services. (Services are funded in variety of ways inc. PCC, PTHB, WAG, and trusts etc.) • Powys Transport Training Agency: Provides ‘Eco Driving’ training courses aimed at improving fuel efficiency and reducing driver costs • Dyfodol Powys Futures: Locals at all projects to ensure transport not an issue – e.g. play days, genesis, training events. • Home Energy Service: Provides home energy saving audits • Mid Powys Mind: Produces info regarding fuel costs (saving) sharing transport activates mileage allowance for volunteers. • Powys CAB: Advice services leads benefits take up and addresses energy efficiency. • Care and Repair: Offers clients a home safety check. • Powys 12 Volunteer Bureaux / Community Support projects: Hold sessions re insulation etc. and signpost to grant/advisory agencies. • Disability Powys: Pays travel expense’s to all staff /volunteers and signpost clients to schemes, such as hospital visit expense reimbursement etc. • PAVO Mental Health Information Service: offering signposting and information 24

• Other organisations providing information, advice and signposting services include: ○ Powys Carers Service ○ Age Concern Powys ○ Ponthafren Association ○ DIY Futures ○ HUSMACH ○ Rekindle ○ Ystradgynlais Mind ○ Brecon Contact and District Association