PREMIER TEFL’S GUIDE TO WELCOME TO CHINA The best way to get to know these incredible locals? China is an aspiring ESL teacher’s dream. • Living, A land of creaking wooden pagodas, the hum of tai chi, rolling • working, grasslands, fiery cuisine and equally passionate locals, there is plenty to be discovered in the heartland of inner China. Join Premier TEFL in • and playing province, where your neighbors range from energetic children, studious college kids, adorably-wrinkled yeye’s and nainai’s...and pandas. there as an ESL teacher with Premier TEFL Whether you’re reviewing grammar structures or eyeing a new street the China teach abroad experts food to munch on, teaching English in China will make your resume sparkle. What’s more, the Chinese are famed for their hospitality — expect rock-star reverence wherever you go! Placements & Locations

Sichuan, China might not be known for the glitz and glam of shiny or the old world charm of , but it does have the best of both. Not sacrificing an ounce of culture (or chili peppers!), Sichuan is an incredible destination for ESL teachers to truly see what modern life in the Middle Kingdom is all about.

Complete your required online 240 hour TEFL course, then get ready to roll, panda-style:

Locations: Hit the ground running with a full-on, week-long group orientation to life as a teacher in China. From there, you’ll head out to your official teaching placements, typically in nearby cities like , , , , Ya’an, , Suining, and Guang’an.

School placements: Teaching placements are in formal primary and secondary Chinese schools or universities, and most placements host one to two interns.

The internship: You’ll have around 15 hours each week to whip your students’ English speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills into shape. Don’t worry about language barriers — you’ll have a local assistant for sticky lingual situations.

Perks: Not only will you gain solid work experience, you’ll learn Mandarin for two hours weekly. You’ll be singing MoLiHua Shanghai Waterfront before you know it! Yangtze River Delta Who Can Apply

Don’t sweat — chopsticks skills rank low on our list of minimum qualifications to become an ESL teacher in China. However, we do require that you... 18-40 • Are aged between 18 and 40 years old at time of travel • Are a fluent English speaker • Have completed high school • Are TEFL qualified (included)

QUALIFIED • Are physically and mentally fit • Have a clean police record Medical We also require our internship participants to be adaptable, flexible, culturally sensitive, respectful, and yes, good at Orientation & Training using chopsticks (we’d hate for you to starve, after all!).

Beyond delightful icebreakers, orientation is your chance to get the real inside scoop on living and teaching in China from local experts! Not only will we pig out at a welcome dinner, we’ll have a crash course in Mandarin, review lesson planning techniques, dive deep into the do’s and dont’s of the Chinese culture (hint: leave your wrist- watch gifts at home), and discuss transport and logistics.

Get to know your fellow teachers, daydream weekend trips to take together, and start your experience in China with some 福 (luck!) on your side. Yangtze River Delta

CHINA Facts • Cricket fighting is a popular amusement in China. Many Chinese children keep crickets as pets.

• Despite its size, all of China is in one time zone.

• Many historians believe soccer originated in China around 1000 B.C.

• Ping-pong is one of the most popular games in China, but it was not invented in China. It originated in Britain, where it is called table tennis.

• Viewed as a status symbol, stamp collecting is China’s number one hobby.

• Giant Pandas (“bear cat”) date back two to three million years. The early Chinese emperors kept pandas to ward off evil spirits and natural disasters. Pandas also were considered symbols of might and bravery.

• White, rather than black, is the Chinese color for mourning and funerals.

• The most important holiday in China is the Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year. Chinese traditionally believe that every person turns one year older on the New Year and, thus, that day is considered to be everyone’s birthday. Yangtze River Delta

What’s up for grabs?


• Monthly allowance of RMB¥2,000 (US$290/€260/£230) • 240 hours of TEFL Training • Flight reimbursement of RMB¥4,500 (US$660/€590/£515) • Airport pick-up & transfers • Orientation week • Accommodation • 3 meals a day • Mandarin lessons 2 hours a week • Cultural excursions • Ongoing in-country support • 70+ page Grammar eBook

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• I’ve already completed a TEFL course, can I • Who will I be teaching? • Can I book a one-way flight? get a discount? You’ll be working in public schools, either at a kindergarten, primary school, middle school, high Yes, you can book a one-way flight to China. We Yes! So long as you’ve completed comprehensive school or a university. advise interns to book a one-way or flexible ticket so TEFL training, you’ll be eligible for a further discount. you have the freedom to make travel plans while Contact us to find out how much extra you’ll save. • Can I be placed with a friend? you're there. Your visa will be valid for 6 months and the program is 4.5 months, you’ll meet other interns • How long before my start date should I arrive? Yes, you can request to be placed with a friend or as that you’ll want to travel with afterwards! a couple (like Graeme & Victoria). You’ll have a spot You should book flights to arrive into on your application form to mention who you’re You’ll have around 4 - 6 weeks left on your visa after International Airport (CTU) on your specific internship traveling with. internship completion. Combined with new-found arrival day, for airport pick up and orientation. friends and a flight reimbursement of RMB¥4,500 • Where will I be located? (US$660/€590/£515) you’ll have the perfect recipe to • How do I get from orientation to my explore more of China or kick back for some placement? There are both urban and more rural placements post-teaching relaxation. available including: Chengdu, Guangyuan, Nanchong, At the end of your weeklong orientation, either your Bazhong, Dazhou, Ya’an, Deyang, Suining, • Is there a chance I won’t be accepted? placement school will pick you up and take you to Guang’an, , , , , , your accommodation or you may travel by public & many more! As with any internship your spot isn’t guaranteed. transport and a representative from your school will Your application is subject to local school and visa meet you at the station. You will be asked to nominate your preference of approval. placement (due to availability, preference can’t be • Will I be placed with other interns? guaranteed, so it’s best to apply early). If your application is not approved by our partner schools you’ll be refunded all of your internship fee Yes, in most cases there will be at least two interns • What will my accommodation be like? plus 50% of the value of your included TEFL course. per school. Your place is sponsored by the local Essentially, you’ll get TEFL trained at half price. Department of Education. Housing is provided throughout your entire stay on the internship which will be an apartment shared with We’ll also guide you on other internship options or There will be native English teachers in town and in other teachers. independent job searches. cities throughout Sichuan so it will be easy to make contact with fellow teachers - you’ll be joining a great During orientation you’ll share a room for the first community of English teachers! week but after that you’ll have your own single room in your local Chinese style apartment. • How much will I get paid? • I have dietary requirements, will I manage Your RMB¥2,000 (US$290/€260/£230) monthly okay? allowance will be paid electronically to your Chinese bank account on the 15th of each month. Yes, there are both gluten and dairy free options as well as many suitable vegetarian options. Our You should budget to have enough spending money in-country team will be happy to assist and advise to cover your first month in China until you receive you. your monthly allowance. • What extras do I need to pay for? Don’t forget that during orientation you’ll receive your $300 deposit back in local currency, which covers much of the living expenses you’ll need during your - Doctor’s letter (to say you’re fit and well) first month. - Criminal record check

TIP Our previous interns say your first month can - Comprehensive travel insurance often be when you spend more - excursions, - Visa socialising and getting settled in. We recommend you try to budget a little extra per month for trips and then - Flights an emergency fund / credit card for unexpected - Vaccines events.


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