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p r e p a re d b y View from Burnside Road towards front of building Victoria handyDART Transit Centre Plan For New handyDART2 4 0 1 B u r n s id e RCentreo a d W e s t, V ie w R o y al, B C 2021.02.22 in Taking Shape

Your feedback is invited on the preliminary site plan, watershed and neighbourhood enhancements. BC Transit and the Province of BC are making significant investments in new transit facilities that support low-carbon fleets, creating more sustainable transportation options that shorten travel times and increase the reliability of public transit. WATKISS WAY A new handyDART centre, at the southeast corner of Watkiss Way and Burnside Road in View Royal, directly responds to the growing needs for handyDART services in . Jointly funded

by the Victoria Regional Transit Commission, the Province and the BURNSIDE ROAD WEST federal government, the centre is proposed to open in 2023. handyDART is an accessible, door-to-door transit service for people with permanent or temporary disabilities that prevent them from using fixed-route transit without assistance. The new centre enables a shift to a fully electric handyDART service, and repurposing of the existing centre on Glandford Avenue to expand conventional transit service across the region. Extensive evaluation of the site conditions has informed the preliminary site design, and various permitting requirements. This work helped us understand the current ecological conditions, TRANS HIGHWAY determine the most suitable building location and potential creek enhancements, and consult with BC Hydro and the Capital regarding infrastructure onsite. 2401 Burnside Road

The thoughtful redevelopment of this property offers opportunities The project is proposed to be built on land held by the to improve the ecological health of the Craigflower Watershed, as BC Transportation Financing Authority and development of well as the local streetscape and a portion of the Galloping Goose the site is subject to consultation with Indigenous groups on Trail. The site plan, building, and landscaping are designed to meet the change in land use consistent with provincial commitments. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Gold standards, SAFE design principals (Security Achieved through Functional We are pleased to share the preliminary plan and welcome your Environmental Design) and Step 3 of the BC Energy Code. feedback. It will help inform the environmental permit applications that ensure all regulatory requirements are met or exceeded. 20 .0

19 .0

18 .0

17 .5

17 .0


16.0 A Sidewalk Existing Existing Watercourse W

RD 15.5 M Galloping


BURNSIDE Goose 15.0 B L .0 14 Bike 12.5 Trail

11.5 K Sidewalk

12 .0 .50 11 11 10 .5


G 10.0 p r e p a re d b y Victoria handyDART Transit Centre J View from Burnside Road towards front of building 2 4 0 1 B u r n sid e R o a d W e s t, V ie w R o y al, B C

2021.02.22 C H

.50 #2 9


7.50 16 .0 .0 17 Watercourse

I .50 6

Existing 15.0 .00 14.5 6 5.50 13.5

13.0 CREEK 5.00 WER D .5 12.5 12 FLO .0 12 .0 11 .0 10 16 CRAIG

.5 .0 9

Existing .5 Watercourse #1 8

.0 12.5 8


.0 14.0 7.50 15.0 E F


15 .5 .0 Existing Wetland7 7.0 5.00 14 7.5 .0 8.0 9.0 7.50 10.0 12 10.0 .5 11.0 11 .5 TRANS-CANADA HWY

N p r e p a re d b y Schematic Site Diagram Victoria handyDART Transit Centre 2 4 0 1 B u r n sid e R o a d W e s t, V ie w R o y al, B C


fall / spring

winter 2021.02.22 LEGEND A Improvements to Burnside Road West to mitigate I Craigflower Creek Streamside Protection and traffic impacts. Enhancement Area B Entrance off of Burnside Road West 30 metre watercourse and riparian area setbacks from Craigflower Creek Top of Bank. Will inform the Environmental Development C Visitor parking Permit Application. Accessible parking for visitors and administrative staff. J Bus wash D Main building Proposed location for bus wash. Technical requirements and A single story, 2,400 m2 office and maintenance building located design are in progress. adjacent to the highway exit. K Temporary Fueling E Proposed Stream Realignment and Enhancement Proposed location for temporary, fully contained bus fueling kiosk. Realigned stream creating over one acre of new, protected Technical specifications in progress. riparian area. Will inform the Environmental Development Permit L Galloping Goose Trail Realignment Application. 10 metre riparian area setback zone. Proposed realignment of Galloping Goose Trail to improve user F Proposed Connection Area experience, safety and visibility. New landscape design for trail Will connect the new channel to Craigflower Creek, providing new head under consideration. Consultation with CRD underway. amphibian and salmon rearing habitat. M Burnside Road West / Watkiss Way Streetscape G handyDART parking Improvements Secure bus and employee parking, future electric bus charging Improvements to streetscape with trees and sidewalk. Fencing, stations and landscaping berms and plantings being explored to provide screening. H BC Hydro Transmission Tower New, more modern transmission tower to be located within right- of-way approximately 70 metres northwest of current location.

Preliminary native planting list

TREES SHRUBS GRASSES/GROUNDCOVERS/ Douglas Fir, Big leaf Maple, Western Wax Myrtle, Sweetgale, Red osier PERENNIALS Red Cedar, Garry Oak, Vine Maple dogwood, Hardhack, Evergreen Slough sedge, Golden grass, Wooly Huckleberry, Oregon Grape, Snowberry, sunflower, Sword Fern, Deer Fern and Indian Plum, Ocean spray, Salal, and Kinnickinick Native willow species 20 .0

19 .0

18 .0

17 .5

17 .0



Sidewalk Six principles are guiding the design and sustainability objectives for the site: Existing Existing Watercourse W

RD 15.5 Galloping


BURNSIDE Goose INDIGENOUS CONSULTATION: GOOD NEIGHBOUR: 15.0 .0 14 Bike 12.5 Trail Consult with Indigenous groups in the spirit of Build responsive relationships within the local community reconciliation and include Indigenous knowledge, and to inform various elements of the perspectives and participation in the project. redevelopment and on-going communications. 11.5


12 .0 .50 11 11 10 .5 .5 ƒ A memorandum of understanding with the Town of View Royal 10.0 ƒ Consultation with local Indigenous Groups is underway to confirms BC Transit’s commitment to follow the spirit and intent identify their interest and perspectives on the site, and to involve of the Town’s development processes, permitting and bylaws. Indigenous groups in the development and implementation of the ƒ A neighbourhood working group is working closely with the

.50 project. #2 9 project team to inform future public engagement opportunities. 8.50 ƒ Several opportunities for design elements to highlight cultural and 7.50 .0 ƒ 16 In addition to new sidewalks, landscaping, and Galloping Goose .0 17 Watercourse environmental knowledge informed by Indigenous communities. 6.50 Trail improvements, $150,000 will be provided to the Town of Existing 15.0 .00 14.5 6 5.50 13.5 View Royal for community amenities.

13.0 CREEK 5.00 WER ƒ .5 IMPROVED WALKING The project website and a subscriber-based e-newsletter will 12.5 12 FLO .0 12 .0 11 provide timely project updates. .0 10 AND CYCLING EXPERIENCE: 16 CRAIG

.5 .0 9

Existing .5 Watercourse #1 8 Introduce new or improved accessible connections .0 12.5 8


.0 14.0 for people who walk and cycle, including new sidewalks 7.50 15.0 and potential realignment of the Galloping Goose Trail. EFFECTIVE AND RELIABLE SERVICE: 8.0

15 .5 .0 Existing Wetland7 7.0 Design a site that supports expansion of a sustainable, 5.00 14 7.5 .0 8.0 9.0 7.50 fully electric handyDART service that improves access 10.0 12 10.0 ƒ .5 11.0 New boulevards and sidewalks will front the property on Watkiss 11 .5 TRANS-CANADA HWY to transit for people with permanent or temporary Way and Burnside Road. disabilities that prevent them from using fixed-route ƒ Grade and alignment of the Galloping Goose Trail will shift east, transit without assistance from another person. straightening the corner and reducing the grade. N p r e p a re d b y Schematic Site Diagram Victoria handyDART Transit Centre 2 4 0 1 B u r n sid e R o a d W e s t, V ie w R o y al, B C ƒ For those with disabilities that prevent them from driving, summer

fall / spring winter 2021.02.22 NEIGHBOURHOOD INTEGRATION: handyDART provides independence and ability to attend appointments, complete errands and socialize. Respect the qualities of the host neighbourhood by designing a site, building and landscaping that integrate ƒ The need for handyDART service is growing in all Greater well and enhance the neighbourhood. Consider and mitigate Victoria . This central location will help serve our potential visual, safety and other impacts of the development on community’s most vulnerable residents efficiently for the next 25 the surrounding area. years. ƒ At opening, handyDART vehicles will be a combination of gas and electric and will transition to fully electric fleet as the aging buses ƒ Responsive to community feedback, the main building will be are replaced. located adjacent to the highway - the furthest possible distance from neighbouring properties. ƒ The state-of-the-art building will include West-Coast design SUSTAINABLE DESIGN: elements to respond to View Royal’s neighbourhood character Use the redevelopment of this site as an opportunity and context. The one-story building will include offices and to repair and restore the disturbed ecology of the vehicle maintenance bays. site including the watershed and Craigflower Creek and ƒ Employee parking will be provided onsite. design a site and building that can achieve LEED Gold. ƒ The BC Hydro transmission tower will be upgraded and shifted ƒ north Will be the first BC Transit facility built to meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold requirements. ƒ A vehicle wash bay and temporary fueling station will be located LEED principles outline best practices to reduce energy, chemical onsite. Once transitioned to a fully electric fleet, the temporary use, water, air pollution, solid waste, and/or runoff associated fueling station will be removed. with the building site. ƒ Using Security Achieved through Functional Environmental ƒ Office areas will meet Step 3 of the BC Energy Step Code, which Design principals, landscaping, berms, and fencing are being is up to 40% more energy efficient than base 2018 BC Building explored to screen the property and create an aesthetically Code. pleasing streetscape. ƒ New landscaping will enhance biodiversity, create habitat, and ƒ Site and building lighting will be guided by ‘Dark Skies’ guidelines aesthetically screen the property. and regulations to minimize light pollution. ƒ Dozens of new trees will be planted including a mix of mature, ƒ Improvements are planned for Burnside Road to mitigate any fast growing, and native species. A “2 to 1” tree replacement ratio traffic impacts. will be applied where trees must be replaced. ƒ Best practices will treat the runoff entering the creek from the site ƒ Project design will meet or exceed all Provincial and Federal standards for environmental protection. Stream Realignment and Restoration WHAT IS PROPOSED: Four watercourses are on the property, including Craigflower ƒ Fill will be removed and the stream will be rebuilt to match the Creek, a salmon bearing stream that runs along the eastern edge water flows that come from the upper watershed. A heritage of the property. alteration permit and heritage inspection permit will ensure The project’s Qualified Environmental Professional has determined previously identified archaeological sites are safeguarded. the Streamside Protection and Enhancement areas, or setbacks, ƒ Degraded woodland habitat will be restored, new aquatic for each of the watercourses. The preliminary site plan proposes habitat introduced, and stormwater will be cleaned, aerated extensive stream restoration to improve the overall ecological and slowly released into Craigflower Creek. function of this highly disturbed site. ƒ The realigned stream will include native plants that provide leaf One watercourse, originally thought to be a ditch, is a seasonal litter to feed aquatic insects living along the rocks and logs. stream creek that flows across the property and joins Craigflower These insects will provide food to the fish and amphibians and Creek near the highway. When the Island Highway was built in the shrubs and trees will provide food and shelter for a variety of birds. 90’s, a large amount of fill was placed on site, including within the ƒ riparian zone of the seasonal stream and covering an archaeological A new sediment trap at the top of the stream will remove site. The stream has been moved at least once, perhaps twice, in the sediment and pollutants running off buildings and roads, last century. The stream is partly groundwater but mostly transports providing cleaner water to Craigflower Creek. stormwater from upstream roads and buildings. Water flows are ƒ Purposefully placed rocks, logs and weirs will break up the variable, and the stream goes dry in summer. The riparian zone is water flow and introduce oxygen to the water and reduce overgrown with weeds, blackberries and other invasive species stream bank erosion. The stream will create a new wildlife providing very little habitat value. corridor connecting to the forest along Craigflower Creek. To restore the ecological health of the site, the plan includes moving ƒ The new stream will connect to Craigflower Creek through the stream to the western and southern edge of the property, creating a gentle transition area to allow the new stream to access over an acre of restored and protected streamside habitat. its floodplain during periods of high rainfall and provide new amphibian habitat and potential rearing habitat for Coho salmon and other juvenile fish. ƒ There will be a 30-metre riparian zone along Craigflower Creek.


20.0 0 Water meter 16.44 and ICV's 18.11 18.45

Water meter 16.44 and ICV's 18.11

17.5 0



N 15.0 R 0 U PROPERTY 12.5 CP CP B 0 Water Chamber Hydro Kiosk WATERCOURSE


Water Chamber Hydro Kiosk 2 70% Design 21.02.02 WATERCOURSE #2 1 Revision # 1 20.01.06 2 70% Design 21.02.02 20 rev no description date 1 Revision # 1 20.01.06

rev no description date

10.0 0


12.5 200 - 524 Culduthel Road Phone: 250.412-2891 0 Victoria, BC V8Z 1G1 Fax: 250.412-2892

200 - 524 Culduthel Road Phone: 250.412-2891 15.0 Victoria, BC V8Z 1G1 Fax: 250.412-2892 0


7.5 0

CSP 0.60 OF

80 10.18 PROPOSED BUILDING WORK LIMIT WER C FLO R G EE 260 I K client 15.0 0 A R BC TRANSIT C CRAIGFLOWER CREEK CSP 0.60 520 GORGE RD E CSP 0.60 client 10.83 100 10.18 HWM VICTORIA, BC 12.5 E 0 W R C 240 WATERCOURSE #1 LO R BC TRANSIT F E 520 GORGE RD E 7.5 G E project 0 I K CRAIGFLOWER VICTORIA, BC A 120 10.00 R BC TRANSIT HANDYDART C CREEK SPEA 140 220 CSP 0.60 project 2401 BURNSIDE RD W 10.83 BC TRANSIT HANDYDART 160 VICTORIA, BC 200 2401 BURNSIDE RD W 180 sheet title 12.5 HWM OF LEFT BANK VICTORIA, BC 0 Proposed Stream

0 5.0 CRAIGFLOWER CREEK sheet title 7.5 Plan - S 15.0 0 0 PROPERTY LINE Existing Site Plan - LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE S 15.0 0


15.0 5.0 0 T R A N S-C A N A 12.5 7.5 D A H W Y 0 0

12.5 10.0 project no. 120.11 0 0 scale 1:500 @ 24"x36"

drawn by LC 0 25 50 m project no. 120.11 0 25 50 m scale 1:500 @ 24"x36" checked by SM/PdG revison no. sheet no. drawn by LC

T R A N S checked by SM/PdG -C A N A D A H W Y 1 revison no. sheet no. L1.07 1 L1.05 CURRENT Watercourses on site PLANNED stream realignment and restoration

WHAT’S NEXT? After extensive assessment of the site conditions, WE ARE HERE a preliminary design is now available for feedback. Permits will be obtained to ensure all site Planning Design and Site Prep and activities meet municipal, provincial and federal Permitting Construction Winter 2019 – environmental regulations and requirements. Winter 2020 – Winter 2021 – Fall 2020 Community feedback will help refine the design Summer 2021 Summer 2023 and permitting applications and detailed designs will be shared this spring.


Public engagement is a key component of site planning. AND GET INVOLVED feedback in Consultation with local Indigenous communities and a neighbourhood working group, consisting of diverse local online survey perspectives, continues. [email protected] In light of public health orders regarding events, in-person 250.995.5706 consultation is not currently possible. We welcome your feedback Visit the website to subscribe to the in an online survey until midnight Tuesday, April 6, 2021. project E-Newsletter All public input will be shared with the Town of View Royal and posted online.

Victoria Regional Transit Commission