NEWSPAPER OF THE ANGLICAN DIOCESE OF GRAFTON, NEW SOUTH WALES NORTH COAST ANGLICAN Embracing the spirit of Christ in Our Time February March 2018 | Issue No 1

Hundreds of hampers donated to families in need

In just their second year of instead of doing a Secret Santa “The students have been very to the hamper collection, and class that gains the most each collecting donations for the with each other they’d actually keen and the CVAS community Ms Miller said she was proud year from our principal (Martin Anglicare North Coast Toys donate some things to people and family have been great of all the efforts of the CVAS Oates), he started that last and Tucker collection, Clarence who didn’t have anything,” she in donating things. They don’t students. year.” Valley Anglican School has said. have to donate a lot, every little “It’s very exciting that they’re so While the hamper collections managed to donate more than “Last year it went to the whole thing can make a difference.” into this,” she said. are only in their second year, several hundred hampers. school from pre-kinder to Year The donations were made to “Year 5 and 6 collected more Ms Miller said she hoped to see Stage 3 co-ordinator Samantha 12, and we did a whole range Anglicare at CVAS’s Christmas than 140 items, which was it grow into the future. Miller said the initiative was of items so we decided to do it Service at Christ Church pretty amazing. “Every year we hope to see this a student-driven effort which again this year. We’re making Cathedral, Grafton. “Pre-kindy won it last year, so get bigger and better to help began a few years ago. it something the school does The school’s Stage 3D class there was a bit of a challenge, out those people who don’t each year. “The Stage 3 class decided that made the biggest contribution but there is a trophy for the have as much as we do.”

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February 2018 The North Coast Anglican Page 1 SARAH WRITES... Some parting words

expresses the grief which sits integrity and faithfulness of the will be informal occasions in to reach out to the changing in the middle of any departure. people of the Diocese and the both the north and the south society in which we live. For four years Ian and I have hard work, sheer competence of the Diocese in late February. journeyed here with you and and commitment of the Grace and peace, As our paths now separate, we have come to know and love Registry team and the senior +Sarah will remain connected to each both the people and the place. leaders that have encouraged other by our shared faith and We will always be grateful to and enabled me in my vocation shared history. My prayer is God for the many blessings of as your Bishop. Thank you all. that in the years ahead you will our years here and are very I hope that in the next few continue to ask “what is bread aware of how our lives have weeks before we actually leave, for the journey and what is been enriched by you and by there will be the opportunity lead in our saddlebags?”, and the experiences we have had. to catch up with many of you. that new models of ministry In the midst of some of the For those who are not able to will be identified, supported Partir, c’est mourir un peu – To very difficult matters we have be present at the Cathedral and flourish in the Diocese. leave is to die a little. This needed to attend to as a service on March 3 when I will Confident in God’s steadfast French saying beautifully Diocese, it has often been the lay up my pastoral staff, there love, may you have the courage

Farewelling Bishop Sarah And Rev’d Ian Chaplin

Bishop Sarah Macneil Kaytrina Jessup or Maree announced on November 3, Collett as soon as possible for 2017 that she would be retiring catering arrangements at the as Bishop of Grafton on March Services Club. Also please be 3, 2018. This is a significant aware that this luncheon will moment in time for both be at your own expense. Bishop Sarah and for us as a For those of you who are Diocesan family. unable to attend this formal To honour the significance service, but would like to of this occasion there will be have the opportunity to say a service of Laying up the Goodbye to Bishop Sarah and Pastoral Staff at Christ Church Rev’d Ian, arrangements have Cathedral commencing at been made by the Archdeacon 10am. Everyone is most of your region for such a space welcome to attend this service. to occur. In the South of the At the conclusion of this service Diocese this will be on Saturday there will be an opportunity for February 17 at St. John’s Coffs people to make their way to Harbour at 12.30pm and in the the Les Beattie Function Room North at Emmanuel Anglican at the Grafton District Services College on Saturday February Club, 105-107 Mary Street 24 at 12.30pm. Grafton for lunch, which will For further details please commence at 12 midday. contact either the Venerable If you intend joining Bishop Stuart Webb or The Venerable Sarah and Rev’d Ian for lunch, Matthew Jones. please send your name to

Confirmation Celebrations at Murwillumbah

The congregation of All Saints, Murwillumbah welcomed a visit from Bishop Sarah on November 12, 2017 to celebrate the confirmation of Tess, Lexie and McKenzie Sneddon. Part of the service also saw the reception into communicant membership of the parish office administrator, Ms Maureen Harper. Following the confirmation the parish community came together for a time of fellowship and morning tea. Bishop Sarah’s visit was tinged with sadness since this may be the last visit to our parish before her retirement in 2018.

NORTH CONTACT DETAILS SUBSCRIPTIONS (INC. GST) CONTRIBUTIONS PHOTOGRAPHS EDITORIAL Editor: Louise Mackay $16.00 p.a Articles should be sent, preferably, by The editor is not responsible for the COAST All photographs must be sent as an opinions expressed by contributors, nor PO Box 4 Grafton NSW 2460 Overseas $28.00 p.a email or as an attachment in Word, or attachment in JPEG format with a dpi P: (02) 66 424122 if sent by post should be typed. Articles do their views necessarily reflect the ANGLICAN of 500 or greater. Photographs sent policy of this paper or of the diocese. Fax: (02) 66 431814 ADVERTISING need to be between 300-400 words through the mail will not be returned NEWSPAPER OF Email: [email protected] but may be edited as a result of space Acceptance of advertisements does not Contract $2.80 per column cm necessarily mean endorsement of the THE ANGLICAN Casual $3.50 per column cm constraints. CIRCULATION product or service. DIOCESE OF Rates include GST Circulation: 3000 Deadline: March 16 2018 GRAFTON

Page 2 North Coast Anglican February 2018 Port Anglican raises funds to combat child trafficking

Port Anglican has raised funds towards supporting the to aid in the global effort to girls and the home. Money combat child trafficking, the raised also covers outreach leading type of modern day to the girls’ families in the slavery. communities and medical Port Anglican held a high tea needs. event in November 2017 and Having been to Cambodia raised over $2000 to provide herself, Michelle says aid to the She Rescue Home the situation may seem in Cambodia. The event was disheartening and daunting organised by Michelle Webb, but contributions no matter an advocate for the non-profit how little will go a long way in organisation. The She Rescue combating the problem of child Home is a safe haven in Phnom trafficking. Penh, Cambodia, for girls from The She Rescue Home often ages of 3 to 16 who have been provides a sense of stability trafficked, prostituted, raped, and family for the girls before or at risk. The home provides a they are re-integrated back to stable environment for the girls their original families. to grow and learn. “We try to help the families get Over 100 guests came together a sustainable income. If they at St Thomas’ to support the have an income it becomes Emma Webb, Cilla Boyd and Michelle Webb high tea. safe to re-integrate them (the “It was great to see many girls) into their homes because people from the Port then their (families) don’t need Macquarie Community attend, volunteered their time to worthy cause. back to girls confronted to sell their girls,” Karen said. provide jazz music for the by sexual exploitation. It is with the age ranging from two Karen Atherton, a Pastor from “It is all done with social afternoon. important to instil confidence to 90 years,” Lisa McCrone said. People Builders Church and workers involved, and they in women, young women “Everyone got into the spring Cakes, scones, caramels, who also started her own wouldn’t send them back if especially, and She Rescue festival theme, dressed crème, spring rolls, and the business called Darling Girl they think it is not safe.” classic cucumber sandwiches Styling, said it is important Home is a good place to start. beautifully with matching Survivors of human trafficking were served on ornate tiered for women to champion such “True beauty is what is inside hats and fascinators. Women and supporters produce a lot stands, to show them off in all causes. Karen also encouraged of you and it is time to walk in clinked their classes and of handmade crafts like tea their glory. women to embrace and feel your authority and not in your chatted amiably as the waiters towels, throw pillows, bracelets confident with who they insecurity because we have politely served them with the Michelle spoke at the afternoon and bags, which are sold to are. She said women should work to do,” Karen said. sparkling wine, tea and coffee.” about her trip to Cambodia and secure a sustainable source of practice love for self and one A group of young men how the funds will support this The money raised will go income for them. another, especially by giving

Bringing the generations together at Christmas

Students and parishioners Each student gifted the from across the Tweed Coast parishioners a Christmas came together to share stories bauble they had decorated and a morning tea in the lead along with a personal message. up to Christmas. The guests were entertained The morning tea formed part with background music as well of the wonderful relationship as beautiful Christmas carols. that continues to grow “The atmosphere was between parishioners of St amazing,” Yvonne Turner said. Cuthbert’s, Tweed Heads and “Music teachers provided students from Lindisfarne a great background with Anglican Grammar School. guitars while we were served The bus trip to the school saw a magnificent morning tea 40 parishioners come together that had been prepared by the with a great deal of laughter students. and reminiscing about days on “Little did we know what an school buses back “then”. impact it would have on all The parishioners were met by concerned.” 70 Year 7 students from the It is hoped that 2018 will school who had prepared a continue to grow the special beautiful morning tea, with relationship between white tablecloths and all. Lindisfarne and St Cuthbert’s. The noise level was terrific The schools roots are well and as the students mingled with truly part of the parish’s history parishioners, sharing stories and many current members of and memories, happy smiles, the congregation were part of and a willingness to engage in its formation. conversation.

Anglican Diocese of Grafton Do you have an up-to-date will? Please consider giving to the work of the Church in your will. Our diocese has been blessed by the generosity of benefactors in times past. As we seek to expand Christ’s Mission in the 21st century, please consider how you might contribute. You should get legal advice before making your will. You may wish to consider the activities of the Anglican Diocese of Grafton as the recipient of either a specific gift or the residue of your estate. The following wording may be useful for you and your legal advisor when making your will: “I bequeath to the Corporate Trustees of the Diocese of Grafton in the State of New South Wales the sum of ..... to be used for the general purposes of the Diocese of Grafton in such manner as the said Trustees may approve.”

February 2018 The North Coast Anglican Page 3 Port Anglican welcomes new Associate Minister

In 2018 the Parish of Port Pastor for the last three years Macquarie welcomed their in Newcastle and brings with new Associate Minister, the him experience in working with Rev’d Ross Duncan and his young adults and leadership in wife Deb. Ross is the Mission church life. Elizabeth has also Support Officer for the South been involved in ministry and is and brings to Port Macquarie a already singing in parish music wealth of experience. Ross has teams. David and Elizabeth already used his considerable have already begun rebuilding gifts to bring about positive the way they do home groups change in the way the parish and serving teams and live out our calling as Port are making a tremendous Anglican. Deb, who has a gift in difference to the life of Port working with teenagers from Anglican. challenging homes and who “Both Ross and David are keen is on the Anglicare board, has to not only support the life of already been a breath of fresh Port Macquarie but to be a air amongst the parish. blessing in the wider life in the As if this isn’t exciting enough diocese. I know that in serving for the parish they have also the kingdom of God in Grafton welcomed a new Families diocese both Ross and David Minister, David Morgan, and are going to be a blessing to his young family with wife many,” the Venerable Stuart Elizabeth and four children. Webb said. David has been an Associate

Festive Season Outreach

Parishioners of Mullumbimby parishioners who are less came together to celebrate mobile and no longer regular the festive season with a church attendees. delicious lunch at the Old Together they enjoyed fine School Restaurant at the food, challenging Christmas Mullumbimby Ex-Services Club trivia, a lucky prize draw, on December 3, 2017. and most importantly, the Parishioners were joined by op opportunity to connect with the shop volunteers, Mullumbimby church community beyond the and District Neighbourhood four walls of the churches. Centre staff, Messy Church The room was alive with families and Coolamon Villa chatter and laughter and it was Nursing Home staff. an extremely positive start to They were delighted to see the Christmas festivities. some of the more senior Mullumbimby and District Neighbourhood Staff “More than a Meal” guests

This Lent, Hear the Stories

When the General Synod of the The study has been written by Anglican Church of Australia Dr Julianne Stewart. Julianne met in September 2017, it has worked for over nine affirmed the importance of years as ABM’s International the Global Goals Sustainable Programs Director. She has Development Goals (SDGs), heard, and carries within her, encouraged theological hundreds of stories of people engagement with the goals, she has lived alongside, and and called the church to action people who have taught on the SDGs. her about the reign of God. This Lent, ABM brings you a Julianne shares some of Lent study that will help you to these stories with the church, explore, theologically reflect, bringing her experiences and act upon the Sustainable into conversation with the Development Goals. You will scriptures and the Sustainable hear transformative stories Development Goals. from around the world The Lent study, “This Lent, of Anglican communities Hear the Stories”, can be grappling with global downloaded from the ABM challenges. website at

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For future editions of the North Coast Anglican, we will be sending out a PDF version by email as well as sending out the normal paper copies. So if you would like the NCA in your email Inbox, please send your details to Kaytrina in the Registry on [email protected] and remember: It’s free!

Page 4 North Coast Anglican February 2018 Diocese identifies need for planned and creative change

By Archdeacon Stuart Webb During February hundreds of hour consultations across the Anglicans across the Diocese diocese. met together to discuss the What seemed to be common to strategic planning for the the planning days I attended, Diocese as we cast our vision and from heard from the towards the next three years. Venerable Matthew Jones, The Northern region met at was our call to action and the Emmanuel Anglican College, need for planned and creative in the central region we met change across the diocese. at South Grafton and in the There was great enthusiasm beautiful South we met at amongst all who participated Macksville. and we were left with the sense We embraced the use that exciting times are ahead of technology such as for us as a Diocese. Mentimeter, a web-based We pray that as all this audience interaction tool, information is collated and which allowed us to share our presented to Bishop in Council, thoughts and ideas on various and that our strategic way topics in real time. Topics forward, as we are led by God’s included, “What do you believe Spirit, will be revealed. This the Diocese should be known will then become an insightful for?” and “What words would tool both at Diocese and parish you use to describe our future level. We also pray it will be focus as a diocese?” a blessing to our incoming We discussed the resources we Bishop in leading us forward. will need as we move forward and the priorities for ministry and mission. These are just a few of the ideas we discussed over the two

The light of the world Lighting the Advent candles

The Christmas Eve service at All Saints, Advent candle, along with his wife Diana The sun was streaming through the Christmas Eve. It made the service even Murwillumbah was just one of the five and family. upper windows of St Mary’s Ballina, more meaningful as they celebrated the services celebrated in the parish in the His son, daughter-in-law and illuminating the manger in the life- birth of Jesus who came to be the “Light 24 hours leading up to Christmas Day. grandchildren were visiting size nativity display as the parish of the World”. John Kennaugh, a member of All Saints Murwillumbah for Christmas. came together for a Family Service on Parish Council, is pictured here with the

Roger the Rectory Dog answers the Big Questions

The Parish of Mid Richmond are “Dear Roger, Last year I saw you took asking the big questions with the part in the Blessing of the Animals help of Roger the rectory dog. service. I really don’t get this idea. In 2017 the parish launched “The Please explain,” one reader asked. Big Question: Ask Roger the Rectory To which Roger eloquently Dog” on the Mid Richmond Facebook responded, “The blessing service is page. so that our humans can be affirmed Roger draws on his broad and given a sense of their value to experience of life, love, loss and us as companion animals.” chew toys. He has answered If you want to ask Roger a question, questions on topics ranging or just see what we’re up to in Mid from, “What’s the meaning of Richmond, like their Facebook page: cockroaches?” to “When was Hebrew Anglican Parish of Mid Richmond. first written down?”

February 2018 The North Coast Anglican Page 5 NATIONAL ANGLICAN NEWS Final report of Royal Commission into response to child sexual abuse makes recommendations

The Primate of the Anglican standing committee of synod), Church of Australia, Archbishop members of the Standing , has thanked Committee of the General members of the country’s Royal Synod, and chancellors and Commission into Institutional legal advisers for dioceses.” Responses to Child Sexual It says that the province’s Abuse, for helping the Church “Being Together” policy, to “confront its failings” when which sets out “expectations it comes to protecting children of behaviour in our church and responding appropriately community”, should be to reports of abuse. He said amended “to expressly refer to that the Commission’s case the importance of child safety.” studies involving branches of the Anglican Church – There should be “a national which included the Diocese approach to the selection, of Newcastle – “have been screening and training of shocking and distressing.” He candidates for ordination said that the diligent work in the Anglican Church”; of the commissioners and and “each diocese should their staff “must have been implement mandatory national distressing” for them and standards to ensure that all for survivors. “Once again, people in religious or pastoral I apologise on behalf of the ministry (, clergy, Church to survivors, their religious and lay personnel): families, and others harmed undertake mandatory, regular received from the Vatican, the or in part, on the basis of which the Church can join a by our failures and by the professional development” Commission, in its criminal information disclosed in or future Commonwealth [of shameful way we sometimes with “compulsory components” justice section, recommends in connection with a religious Australia] redress scheme (as actively worked against and covering “professional a new offence of “failure to confession.” And that “any recommended by the Royal discouraged those who came responsibility and boundaries, report.” The offence would existing excuse, protection Commission), and acted to to us and reported abuse,” ethics in ministry and child be committed if “an owner, or privilege in relation to make past and present bishops he said in a statement issued safety.” Such people should manager, staff member religious confessions” should more accountable. as the final report of the also “undertake mandatory or volunteer of a relevant be excluded “to the extent “The work of making the Commission was presented to professional / pastoral institution” – including persons necessary to achieve this Church a safe place is never the Federal Parliament. supervision” and “undergo in religious ministry and objective.” finished and cannot be taken regular performance other officers or personnel The final report sets out 189 In his response to the report, for granted. We will engage appraisals.” of religious institutions – individual recommendations Archbishop Philip Freier said: with the final report released “fails to report to police in in a range of areas, in addition The report makes 26 “The Anglican Church has today to improve our systems, circumstances where they to other recommendations recommendations to the worked assiduously since 2004 protocols and procedures.” know, suspect, or should have on issues including checks on Roman Catholic Church, to make the church a safe suspected (on the basis that The Church of Australia is just those working with children, including that representations place for all – especially for a reasonable person in their one province of the Anglican redress and civil litigation and be made to the Holy See children – and we have made circumstances would have Communion whose responses criminal justice; bringing the for changes to Canon Law great strides, often in response suspected and it was criminally to child sexual abuse has been, total number to 409. Some 58 to introduce a range of new to recommendations from negligent for the person not or is being, investigated by of those recommendations offences and changes to the Royal Commission. But we to suspect), that an adult national independent inquiries. are targeting towards religious the procedures adopted in admit that sometimes we have associated with the institution The Church of England and institutions; with five of them pursuing offences under been slow to grasp the extent was sexually abusing or had the Church in Wales are, directed specifically at the ecclesiastical law. or severity of abuse, and that sexually abused a child.” together, the focus of an Anglican Church. without the work of the Royal On the seal of the confessional “Anglican Church” case study It says that “Relevant Commission we would not It calls for the adoption of “a – an area of controversy by the Independent Inquiry institutions should be defined have been able to achieve this. uniform episcopal standards amongst some Christians – the into Child Sexual Abuse set to include institutions that framework that ensures report recommends that: “The “There has been a change up by the British government. operate facilities or provide that bishops and former Australian Catholic Bishops in the wider culture of the Substantive hearings in that services to children in bishops are accountable to an Conference should consult with Anglican Church about child strand of the Inquiry are circumstances where the appropriate authority or body the Holy See, and make public abuse as all elements of the expected to take place next children are in the care, in relation to their response any advice received, in order church have had to face our spring. supervision or control of the to complaints of child sexual to clarify whether information failures – a change that, again, institution,” and says that You can read the Royal abuse.” received from a child during was largely due to the Royal “facilities and services provided Commission’s Final Report the sacrament of reconciliation Commission and the Church’s And it says that the Anglican by religious institutions, and at their website www. that they have been sexually response. Church of Australia “should any services or functions abused is covered by the adopt a policy relating to the performed by persons in seal of confession” and “if a “The three-yearly General au/final-report. Further reports management of actual or religious ministry, should be person confesses during the Synod or national assembly, and findings are also available perceived conflicts of interest included.” sacrament of reconciliation which met in Queensland via the Royal Commission’s that may arise in relation to in September, introduced website. to perpetrating child sexual The report goes further, and allegations of child sexual for the first time binding abuse, absolution can and says that legislation introducing Discussing child sexual abuse abuse, which expressly covers: national standards on child should be withheld until they the Failure to Report offence can be difficult. If you need members of professional protection for all clergy and report themselves to civil “should apply in relation immediate support call standards bodies, members of church workers, including authorities.” to knowledge gained or Lifeline on 13 11 14. diocesan councils (otherwise independent audits. It also suspicions that are or should known as bishop-in-council or Regardless of any advice set up mechanisms by have been formed, in whole Source: ACNS

ZERO TOLERANCE FOR SEXUAL MISCONDUCT Grafton Diocese has established formal procedures to deal with sexual misconduct. Persons aggrieved by the sexual misconduct of a church worker - whether they are an ordained or lay person - should report it. If you wish to speak to someone about sexual abuse by a church worker please phone 1800 070 511 at any time for recorded information of the names and telephone numbers of our contact persons.

Page 6 North Coast Anglican February 2018 NATIONAL ANGLICAN NEWS Bishop to be Installed as Australia’s first female Archbishop

The Right Rev’d Kay a breadth and depth of wisdom community. We are very much Goldsworthy AO will be and an ability to collaborate looking forward to welcoming installed as Australia’s first with diverse members of the Bishop Kay and her husband female Archbishop and the Church community,” Bishop Jeri James back to the Perth eighth Archbishop of Perth in Kate said. community.” St George’s Cathedral, Perth, “Bishop Kay was one of the Perth will not be new for on Saturday 10 February 2018. first women ordained to the Bishop Goldsworthy, though Bishop Kay was elected priesthood in St George’s she is originally from Victoria. Archbishop of Perth after Cathedral in 1992 by Prior to going to Gippsland, an extensive eight-month Archbishop and she was an Assistant Bishop selection process and has in 2008 she was consecrated as in Perth for 10 years and the honour of being the first the first woman Bishop in the before that a parish woman elected in Australia to Anglican Church of Australia and chaplain at Perth College. the role of Archbishop. by Archbishop ,” Bishop Goldsworthy was the The Administrator of the Bishop Wilmot said. first woman to be consecrated Anglican Diocese of Perth, “Bishop Kay has a wealth as a Bishop in the Anglican The Right Rev’d , of diocesan, national and Church of Australia. She will welcomed the election of international experience, now be the first Australian Bishop Kay, commending including being a long-standing female Archbishop. Bishop Kay’s commitment and member of General Synod and The office of Bishop of significant experience. a member of the international Gippsland is currently vacant. “The Archbishop-elect has Anglican Consultative Council. Bishop Kay laid up her fulfilled her ministry for more The Archbishop-elect is well pastoral staff at a service in St than three decades in three known in Perth and has Paul’s Cathedral, Sale, on 16 Australian Dioceses and brings displayed excellent leadership December. and hospitality across the Perth

Bishop Installed as the 14th Bishop of Newcastle

The Right Rev’d Dr Peter vivid sense of being called Stuart was installed and to continue the ministry that commissioned as the 14th Bishop began. Bishop of Newcastle on Friday His episcopate was cut short February 2 in Christ Church and there is important work Cathedral, Newcastle. still do in addressing the past.” Bishop Peter was elected as Bishop Stuart is 55 and has the 14th Bishop of Newcastle been in Newcastle since 2009 by the Synod of the Diocese at working with both Bishop a Special Session of Synod held and Bishop Greg on November 25, 2017. Thompson. He has been For the first time in over 90 administering the Diocese years, the Synod of the Diocese since December 2016. of Newcastle has elected a President of Synod, member of the clergy from Archdeacon , within the Diocese to be the said, “Bishop Peter brings next Bishop of Newcastle. significant gifts of leadership Bishop Peter Stuart was and collaboration to the elected to the role, a position . He has he’s effectively held for nine a passion for ensuring our months, after his predecessor churches are safe places for all Bishop Greg Thompson stood people, and also for engaging down. in life-giving conversation with a wide range of people.” Bishop Stuart said, “I have a

Bishop Matt Brain to be installed as the 10th Bishop of Bendigo

The Right Rev’d Dr Matt Brain, including North-West Australia change for the Bendigo an assistant bishop for the where he was ordained and diocese. The diocese will look Diocese of Canberra and gained valuable experience in for a new dean for St Paul’s Goulburn, will be officially rural and remote ministry. Cathedral in 2018, following installed as the 10th Bishop of “Being able to serve God and last month’s announcement Bendigo in St Paul’s Cathedral his people is a great privilege the Very Rev’d John Roundhill on Saturday, 17 February 2018. and I rejoice in this new will take up a new position as a He takes over the reins from opportunity to serve,” he said. bishop in Queensland. Bishop Andrew Curnow, who “It is wonderful to be able to The Diocese of Canberra laid up his pastoral staff on follow a leader like Bishop Goulburn will also look for December 2, 2017. Andrew who has skilfully and a new Bishop following Bishop Matt, 42, is currently an faithfully borne witness to Bishop Stuart Robinson’s Assistant Bishop in the Diocese Jesus in the many communities announcement to resign from of Canberra-Goulburn and that make up the diocese.” the position, effective 31 March 2018. has worked in five dioceses Next year will be a year of

February 2018 The North Coast Anglican Page 7 NATIONAL ANGLICAN NEWS Diocese of Canberra-Goulburn Celebrate Twenty-fifth Anniversary of Ordination of Women to the Priesthood

By Rev’d Canon Gill Varcoe pastoring, administering and culture (and indeed, our code “equipping the body of Christ of conduct) mutual respect, St Thomas’ Eve marks the 25th for the work of ministry”. even where there are still areas Anniversary of the Ordination of disagreement. of Women to the Priesthood in Our histories tend to focus the Diocese of Canberra and on the metropolitan dioceses, So where are we? Goulburn. so the importance of the As we take note of this pioneering courage of Bishop The diocese had been a anniversary (which was publicly Owen Dowling and his pioneer of inclusion of women honoured and celebrated at chancellor, Jim Monro, has at all levels of church life, an October’s synod, in the bishop’s often been overlooked. His early adopter of women as Charge, and with women advice to the bishop in 1991 lay readers, preachers, and preaching at the synod service was that there was a sound members of synod and parish and leading the morning legal case for proceeding to councils. The debate about Bible studies), where are we? ordain 11 female whether this could also mean Throughout three episcopates to the priesthood without ordination continued over since 1987, we’ve seen women waiting for specific authorising many years. General Synod flourish in every “department” legislation from General Synod. legislation was passed in 1985 of ordained ministry, as rectors A date was set for February to allow for women to be of parishes, as chaplains in 2, 1992 which launched a sacrifice and acceptance of my colleagues were loud ordained to the diaconate and, traditional and pioneering series of legal challenges (one that some endeavours might in their outrage at what had after a legal challenge, the first sectors, training and selecting resulting in an injunction fail — needs to remain front happened. But it was the women were made deacons in ordinands, and leading area preventing the February and centre. We must go on bishop of Armidale, Peter this diocese in 1987. deaneries and archdeaconries. talking about differences Chiswell — not in favour of ordinations), followed by an At the moment four of the Priesthood was another matter of opinion and outlook as women being ordained — upsurge of public support, eight archdeacons, and three entirely, in part because of we discern together God’s who intuited the spiritual and special meetings of of the four clerical canons a diversity of views about future for us, and model to a and emotional shock of the General Synod and diocesan (those elected by the synod or the nature of priesthood: divided Australian community injunction being granted when synods, resulting in December appointed by the bishop under those who believed that and church what respectful we were already on retreat ordinations across the country the Cathedral Ordinance) are women ought not lead or disagreement looks like, in preparation for ordination, (preceded by ordinations in women. In the past nine years teach men tended also to including those gospel asked me how I was, and Perth, Western Australia having alone (including those to be express priestly ministry as characteristics of humility provided me with warm a different legal framework, in ordained in February) essentially about exercising and honouring others above pastoral care. My deep hope is March of that year). 44 women have been ordained authority and teaching, thus ourselves. It’s especially that this is what we will go on Those 11 pioneering women alongside 47 men. We’ve also excluding women; others, important when the stakes modelling in this diocese. are all past (official) retirement seen the bishop appoint and taking a sacramental view, are high. The debate in the age now (though some of license an episcopal assistant What made change possible tended to argue that the 80s and 90s was too often us have declined to notice!), and consecrate the first woman in 1992 — in short, courage, priest represented Christ in very personal and destructive, but have been followed by a in the Province as a diocesan. perseverance, obedience, essence, so priesthood must but there were moments of steady stream of dedicated and faithfulness to the call be essentially male. The And what do we hope for? remarkable grace and kindness and called women. It is an to proclaim the gospel — is majority view, however, seeing In a time of huge social among people with different extraordinary joy to see the what enables the vision; and ordained ministry as essentially change, and with traditional views. I recalled this morning ministry of women and men individuals and communities about gift, service and calling, models of ministry increasingly that immediately after we were flourishing in partnership will go on being transformed increasingly recognised women challenged by reduced not ordained in February 1992 across the diocese. It’s also a by the love of Jesus. in leadership, preaching and resources, pioneering — I was at a national conference joy that we’ve embedded in our teaching, community building, involving risk-taking, personal of examining chaplains. Many

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Page 8 North Coast Anglican February 2018 Choral Evensong for Transfiguration

St Mary’s Ballina are holding a by Percy Whitlock. Choral Evensong on February The Pipe Organ at St Mary’s 11 at 5pm with the theme of was dedicated in 1999. The Transfiguration. organ builders, Ian and Jenny The service will commence with Brown, are still very active in the brand new Handbell Choir the life of the parish and the playing a selection of hymns Evensong will be coordinated which will be followed by a Pipe by Ian. Organ prelude. The pipe organ incorporates The hymns are some of the parts and pipes from the older, well known ones such as old St Mary’s Church and St Immortal, invisible, God only wise Andrew’s Presbyterian Church and the visiting Cantor is the Parramatta and other material. Rev’d Dr David Cole. Some 1,072 pipes are located There will be a mixture of in the organ loft. 24 facade Stainer, Noble and Bach in the pipes “speak”, the remainder service and the preacher will are dummies. be the Rev’d Cathy Ridd. The The pipe shades (i.e. the service will conclude with one decorative woodwork covering of the most popular Evensong the tops of the pipes) were hymns, The day thou gavest, designed and made by Jenny Lord, is ended followed by a Brown and represent wind. The pipe organ facade, featuring the beautiful pipe shades designed by Jenny Brown, representing wind Pipe Organ Postlude, Fanfare

Rev’d Alan Lambert 1933—2017

The Rev’d Alan Lambert Physically Disabled Workshop had meticulously crafted the was fondly remembered in Gosford which he loved. pattern in the timber to match as we celebrated a service Throughout his life, Alan’s love the pattern of the timber on of thanksgiving for his life of carpentering continued. the front of the altar. on December 27. St James’, He and Lil moved around to On our church boat I have one Maclean, was packed with various towns but eventually of the fanciest wooden lecterns folk who loved Alan, and the Alan retired in 1995 and lived you will ever see. Alan made a service was led by the Rev’d in the Ballina region. Alan magnificent cross that hangs Lyn Bullard. Bishop Sarah was didn’t seem to know what the inside the vessel - again not in attendance assisting in the word “retirement” meant - he just from an off-cut from an old service. just loved fixing anything and pew, but from timber out of a Alan truly embraced salvation helping others out. Alan and Lil 200 year old piano. moved to Townsend nine years and allowed Jesus to shape But for all the wonderful ago where Alan continued to him, and prepare him for items of timber, shaped and be involved in following Jesus’ eternal life. He focused his fashioned to the glory of God, steps in his formal ministry in life on Jesus - and when faced Alan’s finest work was with Maclean Parish, as well as just with a problem or situation, he people. He was a true disciple sharing his love for Jesus with would just say, “What would and mentor to many - to the those he met. He participated Jesus do?” or “What would Jesus end of his days on earth. say?” It was his favourite saying in the Maclean Probus group I have never come across an in his Bible Study groups. Alan as well as attending the Uniting 84 year old priest running two trained as a carpenter, and in Church Men’s breakfast. large Bible study groups per 1997 he was the oldest clergy Here is part of the address week. The one at Iluka regularly ordained in the parish - he truly given by the Rev’d Lyn Bullard has over 20 participants, did follow in Jesus’ footsteps. at Alan’s thanksgiving service: men and women of varying Alan was a talented sportsman “It will be impossible to denominations who have and captained the NSW forget Alan - not just in this soaked up everything Alan AFL team at one stage. Parish but other places in the taught from the Word of God, He represented the South Diocese - for his finely crafted which he loved, and loved to His encouragement and shape him and prepare him for Sydney club in the Sydney timberwork. From candle expound. willingness to get fully on eternal life. He truly can echo AFL competition but in more receptacles, to beautiful doors board with our mission and Paul’s words in Philippians 1:21, His leading role at our men’s recent days he was a great arm and lecterns to small crosses ministry on the Lower Clarence, “For me to live is Christ and to breakfasts has been an chair sportsman. He married for Cursillo, or the magnificent has shaped me into believing die is gain.” enormous help to me. Though Lil in 1955, and they had two pulpit in Iluka church built just I’m not alone in this, that age is long since retired, Alan had Rev’d Alan Lambert, who was children, Susan and Neil. Sadly a few years ago because the no barrier when God has a plan chosen to be a clergy colleague a kind, gentle man, will be Neil died at age 11. Whilst Alan rector couldn’t see over the to carry out and that through - only the day before he went sorely missed but his love for worked for the railway for a large rickety lectern. This was persistent prayer anything to be with the Lord, he offered Jesus, and his carpentering, will number of years, he moved by no means a bit of a slap is possible. Alan embraced to do a church service for continue as a legacy for all who on to work at the Mentally and up job with a platform. Alan salvation and allowed Jesus to Christmas. knew him.


COMMISSIONING DEATHS Day North in Ballina. 3 March – Laying up of at 10am. The two team Lay 24 February - Northern Region Bishop’s Pastoral Staff in the Directors for M and W60 are The Rev’d Canon Dr Greg Jenks The Rev’d Alan Lambert died on Cathedral. Anne Deveridge and Ted has been commissioned as December 18 2017. informal farewell to Bishop Sarah and Ian at Emmanuel 21 March – Blessings of the Clarke. This is a special time Dean of the Cathedral and when the team comes together Rector of the Parish of Grafton. Anglican College in Ballina at Oils at 10am in the Cathedral. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 12.30pm. for prayer and commitment, and it is very special when 17 February – LLM Formation 24 February – Ordination of NOTICES RESIGNATIONS other Cursillistas are present Day South in Coffs Harbour. the Rev’d Chad Rynehart to Mr Blaine Fitzgerald, Fund Cursillo - On Saturday to share this time with the 17 February – Southern the Priesthood at 4.00pm at Manager for Anglican Funds, February 24 the Rev’d team. This year our weekends Region informal farewell Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar has taken up a new position Rhonda Callander will be are being held at Stuarts Point. to Bishop Sarah and Ian at School, Terranora. as Fund Manager for Anglican commissioning the teams for M60 will be held from August St John’s Coffs Harbour at Funds South Australia. His last 24 February - Commissioning our 2018 Cursillo weekends. 9-12, and W60 from August 12.30pm. day in the office was January of W60 and M60 Cursillo teams Following a cuppa at 9.30am, 23-26. 31. 24 February – LLM Formation at Grafton Cathedral. the service will commence

February 2018 The North Coast Anglican Page 9 REFLECTIONS Love came down (at Christmas)

By Archdeacon Gail Hagon end them. As I sit to write this reflection So for me personally having I am deeply aware that in the ashes imposed on my head on life of the church we have Ash Wednesday reminds me just celebrated the Feast of again that “love came down” the Epiphany, and whilst the at Christmas. They remind me community at large does that at the beginning of time, not appear to recognise this this God of love took dust and celebration, there is never-the- decided to breathe life into it less a distinct change going so that God and this life form, on around me. The Christmas might live together in love. The decorations have certainly ashes then that are imposed disappeared, the Christmas on my head on Ash Wednesday trees a distant memory, and remind me in a very tangible the Christmas lights are well way of God’s undying love of and truly out in many places. dust (us) and that no matter The shops have moved into what kind of shape that dust is, back-to-school mode, and God continually reaches out to the bakers are already baking it (us) in love. Thus the ashes hot cross buns! By and large, for me are a blessing. They are workers are trickling back to holy. work without little evidence Everyone is welcome to receive that Christmas has taken place, this outward sign of God’s call and yet “love came down (at to love, to love God and to love Christmas).” one another. They are imposed By the time that this reflection on the old and the young, the goes to print, Ash Wednesday rich and the poor, the sick, will be about a week away called to live, i.e. called to live desert, or in the wilderness, we might be more (whole) Holy, the dying and the healthy, heralding the season of in love with God and with one wandering and suffering, or more Godlike.” not because we are bad and Lent. Ironically this year another (relationships). People longing and learning, hungry sinful (though sometimes we Honouring Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday falls on had become more egocentric for food and hungry for God. undoubtedly are) but because then is really an invitation for Valentine’s Day. Two days, two and had readily learnt to The church took these faith we are loved. Ash Wednesday us to pause, to stop and think celebrations, both of them accommodate their lives to stories and built them into a for me marks the beginning of about who we are, to whom we centred around the gift of love. the surrounding culture. That season of 40 days which we call a calling of love, a calling from belong and how we are called For I believe that the season of is, Christians found a way to Lent. A season during which this God who loves us, to come to live. It is a day during which Lent is a gift of love to us. be comfortable in the world people were invited to go into and put ourselves back in a a sacred space is created for around them. She says, “that a wilderness place so that they right relationship with God, to One of my favourite us to remember that we have our ancestors learnt how to be might again discover who they be at one with God, and to live theologians, Barbara Brown come from God and it is to nice, instead of how to be holy, were, to whom they belonged as God’s own people. Taylor, believes the season of God that we shall return. It is a and God moaned because we and how they were called to Lent came about in the life of time for us to remember and So will you let Ash Wednesday are called to be Holy.” live as people of God. Discover the church because people celebrate the fact that we have and the Season pass by without again their call to be Holy. The had started to forget who had And so the church, aware that come from love, for God is love, any evidence of it occurring season of Lent was a gift to created them, and why they God was moaning, dug deep and it is to God’s love that we or will you spend some time those in the church to “spring were created (relationships). into its faith story to recall shall return. With God is where thinking about how you might clean their souls,” that is to They had forgotten who they the time that Israel, Elijah, we begin our lives, live our lives draw close to God and God’s undertake a forty day program belonged to and how they were and Jesus each spent in the and with God is where we shall love this Lent? to cleanse the system, so that

THREADS LAID BARE Do stained glass windows tell the story?

By Rev’d Camellia Flanagan Cathedral, Grafton. And to get few people could read and the detail was important. Both detail, is the seventh window the whole story both windows write, stained glass windows these windows are on the from the door into the vestries The story of the Presentation should be viewed. This is were often used as an aid to southern isle of the Cathedral. and depicts the scripture Luke of Christ in the temple is told probably interesting because, worship and for teaching the The fourth window counting 2.22-24 with Mary and Joseph in two separate stained glass in earlier times when only a scriptures so the accuracy of from the door into the vestries both kneeling before Simeon, windows in Christ Church is in the earlier part of the who is holding the child and is Cathedral building and is dressed in simple robes and generally known as the window wearing red slippers. Joseph depicting the scripture, “Lord has in his arms a small cage now lettest thou thy servant with two birds, the offering depart in peace” (Luke 2.29). required by the law at the time, It is a fine window showing either a pair of turtledoves or Simeon praising God (Luke 2.28) two young pigeons. In churches wearing a fringed garment with where this story is found in the child in his arms standing the windows, look again at the in front of the bemah with the detail and see how much of the scroll open upon it. His hand is story is told. in the attitude of praying over As we celebrate the the child. Mary is kneeling in Presentation of Christ in the the foreground and with the Temple on February 2 let us prophetess Anna approaching reflect on how the Holy Spirit to one side (Luke 2.36). Joseph calls and leads us, gives insight is not seen in this window, in mysterious ways, as the the emphasis being more on same Spirit guided Simeon and Simeon and the prophecy of also Anna to be in the temple Anna (Luke 2. 36-38). at the time Jesus was brought The second window, telling the there by his earthly parents same story but with different (Luke 2.26-27).

Page 10 North Coast Anglican February 2018 BOOK CLUB Reading with Spiritual Eyes


By Rev’d Canon Dr Greg Jenks at life “through spiritual eyes,” will add value to people’s lives it becomes easier to eyes informed by faith. when she writes: see through the eyes of Christ Church Cathedral in those I encounter every Grafton has just launched the The book chosen for term 1 Why read fiction? It’s often day; when I recognise Reading with Spiritual Eyes this year is Home Fire by Kamila thought of as an escape, and myself in a story, I may program. The program is Shamsie. sometimes it is; but good feel compelled to live simple to join, and for some The book is available in print fiction is much more than differently. A really good people may offer a very fruitful (hard copy only), in digital form that. A well-crafted story book can help heal my Lenten study program. (Apple and Kindle), and also takes you into the mind of another; it gives you a heart of stone, show me The program was initiated by as an audio book (Apple and different perspective; it holds the path to compassion, the Roscoe Library at St Francis Amazon). up a mirror to yourself; it and stir me into love. Theological College in Brisbane, It was positively reviewed on reveals the society we live in; [Alison Sampson, A Good and the Cathedral is simply the Good Reads website and it invites the reader to find Book Can Stir Us into Love, following their choice of books. promises to provide ample compassion, or possibility, or Zadok Perspectives, no. by this book club? food for thought: Aligning with school terms, the hope. 121 (2013): 3.] • Do you identify strongly idea is to explore four books of “Isma is free. After years spent …Unless we make conscious Chris Glaser suggests reading with any of the main fiction per year, with a group raising her twin siblings in decisions to spend time with as one way of experiencing characters and, if so, why? of friends, work colleagues, or the wake of their mother’s all sorts of people, we can spiritual community outside • How do you feel the parishioners. death, she is finally studying easily assume that our way of church in an article Spiritual characters responded to in America, resuming a dream Toward the end of term, there of life is the norm; other lives Community: the situations with which long deferred. But she can’t is an opportunity to gather become invisible. Worse, “I enjoy the most diverse, they were presented? stop worrying about Aneeka, for discussion, refreshments when everything is going stimulating, informed, and her beautiful, headstrong • Did you find this book and to “launch” the next book. swimmingly, we can become wise spiritual community sister back in London – or related to any of your own Although the goal is that complacent, even cruelly on my bookshelves! Fiction their brother, Parvaiz, who’s life experiences? groups will gather to discuss indifferent, towards others and non-fiction, sacred and disappeared in pursuit of his • What key events stood out their insights, individuals are whose lives are not so easy. profane, fantasy and factual own dream: to prove himself to to you, and why? not precluded from being - you name it, all connect me the dark legacy of the jihadist A good piece of fiction is a involved. to other people, places, and • Where is God in this book? father he never knew. powerful antidote. Immersed In the Cathedral program, in a story, I find myself living things with whom and with • Do you consider that “Then Eamonn enters the group members meet at the another life. I might get a which I may feel a spiritual this book provides sisters’ lives. Handsome and Cathedral Bookshop for 90 glimpse of what it is like to kinship. Newspaper and opportunities for spiritual privileged, he inhabits London minutes (6.00-7.30pm) to work alone at night, or lose magazine human interest growth and reflection? worlds away from theirs. As discuss the book and reflect on a child, or have a differently stories, op-eds, obits, and • Are there any theological the son of a powerful British ways in which it engages with wired brain. I might see, for news stories also open themes present? If so, Muslim politician, Eamonn has our spiritual wisdom. a moment, through the eyes me to relationships often what did you think of their his own birthright to live up to Local groups elsewhere in the of a sex worker, or an asylum more spiritually intimate use? – or defy. Is he to be a chance Diocese could meet in parishes seeker, or a lowly hospital than possible in ordinary at love? The means of Parvaiz’s • What, if anything, did you to reflect on the chosen book, orderly who must exercise life. All are opportunities salvation? Two families’ fates find confronting? or people are very welcome a moral choice. I might for witnessing spirituality are inextricably, devastatingly • How did you feel about to participate in an online recognise myself in a story, at work for those who have entwined in this searing novel the ending of the book? conversation about the book and find it challenging. eyes to see, fingers to feel that asks: what sacrifices will Braille, or ears to hear Satisfied? Frustrated? which will be hosted on the When I raise my eyes from we make in the name of love? recorded versions.” Irritated? Disappointed? Cathedral Facebook page the page, things look a “Kamila Shamsie as a master Inspired? during the week prior to Holy little different: sometimes Suggested questions to storyteller of our times.” • To whom would you Week. bigger, sometimes bleaker, guide our group discussions recommend this book? The books selected are not Why read fiction? sometimes more hopeful. My include: religious books. This is key to Alison Sampson captures the place in the world shifts, too, • Is this a book that you the program, which aims to essence of why we believe this because when I see through would have chosen to read develop our capacity to look the eyes of another as I read, had it not been suggested

PRAYING WITH THE SAINTS Remembering the first Anglican service at Sydney Cove


By Rev’d Camellia Flanagan when he entered Magdalene South Wales. His wife, who I render unto to the Lord for know how to become and College, Cambridge. He was survived him until 1831, bore all his benefits to me?” with a live as Christians, he wrote a When I was a small child I can ordained by the bishop of him a daughter whom he called theme of rescue, but none of message that could be read remember my mother taking Oxford in 1784. In October of by an Aboriginal name, Milbah his sermons survived. He took by all. This Christian tract was my brother and me on a visit that year, he was appointed (b.1790), and a son (b.1792). part in exploring expeditions, sent to England, printed and to Sydney. Part of the visit Chaplain to the settlement of was a successful market shipped out to the colony with included a monument which For 12 years Richard Johnson New South Wales. Johnson gardener and founded the the next lot of settlers and the still stands at the Circular Quay ministered to the colony, owed his nomination for the first schools in the nation. following prayer is part of this. end of Castlereagh Street, on travelling between Sydney, appointment to the Eclectic When Governor Phillip failed the corner of Bligh and Hunter Toongabbie, Parramatta and This will be my daily prayer Society, a powerful force in to assist with the provision of Streets. In a little square, this Norfolk Island. to God for you. I shall pray English religious life. Johnson a church he built a wattle and monument marks the place for your eternal salvation, was introduced by Wilberforce He performed baptisms, daub structure himself with the where the first Christian service for your present welfare, for to the Societies for the marriages, and burials and was assistance of convict labour. was held in the Colony of New the preservation, peace, and Propagation of the Gospel a compassionate and devout It was capable of holding 500 South Wales. prosperity of this colony, and and for Promoting Christian servant of Jesus Christ and people, but only about 40 or so especially for the more abundant Richard Johnson (1753?-1827), Knowledge. These societies, the to the colony. He was loved attended regularly. and manifest success of the born in Yorkshire, England, missionary department of the and respected by many of the Distance and the widespread Redeemer’s cause and kingdom, was educated at the grammar Church of England, supplied convicts and Aboriginals to number of settlers made and for the effusion and school at Kingston-Upon- him with religious books and whom he ministered. At the it impossible for him to outpouring of his Holy Spirit, not Hull, and engaged in farming tracts. Johnson had married first service, he preached on personally minister to everyone only here, but in every part of the and teaching until 1780, just before sailing for New part of Psalm 116, “what shall and concerned that people habitable globe.

February 2018 The North Coast Anglican Page 11 ANGLICARE NORTH COAST CONNECTION

Post Christmas financial “blues”

Most of us love Christmas, Financial problems can lead perhaps too much for our own to, or exacerbate, a range of good! For Christians it’s a great other problems, such as stress time to reflect on the greatest and anxiety, and can snowball gift of all time – God’s gift of unless they are dealt with. Our the baby Jesus, born to be the Financial Counselling service is Saviour of the world. great at finding solutions and However, whilst many enjoy advocating with creditors. celebrating, for others Our Emergency Relief service Christmas can be a time of can also assist those in a sadness or loneliness, perhaps financial crisis, through the due to the loss of or separation provision of vouchers to buy from loved ones. Some people food or pay electricity or celebrate Christmas so well telephone accounts. We often that they suffer financial hear feedback of just how consequences in the following much a simple action such months. as providing a food voucher Many people in our society means to someone who is who experience financial really struggling. problems, whether post Please make use of our Christmas or simply from services if you are suffering every day stresses throughout financial problems – we’re here the year, have no idea how to help! to deal with their problems.

Bringing some light at Christmas A penny saved…

If you ask around to find out Secondly, we live in a what people could do with competitive world so take the less of in their lives few would time to regularly research and respond with, “money, I really review the cost of products need less money in my life.” and services you use such as electricity, phone, internet and In fact, I am sure you will be various insurances products. hard pressed to find anyone If using product comparison who would not mind a few websites to get a better deal extra dollars in their pocket. then check what products are Motivations of course will being compared as there are differ. For some, a few extra invariably other products on dollars literally means the the market which may provide difference between a full or an you with value for money. empty stomach. For others, a Do not be afraid to ask for a few extra dollars will help to discount once you have done achieve a goal such as a car, a your research. holiday or deposit on a house. For the more fortunate, a few Finally, seek professional At Christmas each year put together and decorated that it means so much for extra dollars are welcome but it opinions when you need to. Anglicare North Coast has the the hampers for our target them to know that others are will not be of great significance Anglicare North Coast has an privilege to distribute hampers families. This is a huge job so thinking of them and wishing to them. Accredited Financial Counsellor across the community, bringing we are grateful for their time them well. who services the Richmond- When looking to save a few Tweed region with offices in relief and joy to households and effort. So, thanks to all those in dollars the best place to Banora Point, Lismore and doing it tough at this especially This year we made up over 50 our communities who work start is to complete a budget Ballina. A Financial Counsellor demanding time. We are hampers, helping both single hard to make this happen that accounts for all your can help identify and explain able to do this thanks to the and family households, with every year. It’s a long journey, expenditure in a given year. the options available to you generosity of the families and over 90 children getting a starting early with the schools A budget allows different when faced with debts or bills staff at Emmanuel Anglican little extra under the tree this and eventually reaching us items of expenditure to be which you currently cannot College, Ballina and Clarence year. We do try to ensure the in the last few weeks before compared, prioritised and pay. A Financial Counsellor Valley Anglican School, Ballina. hampers reach those most Christmas and the final, adjusted in order to save you can also advocate on behalf of in need so, in order to do so, barely controlled chaos of Once again in 2017, the school money. Be mindful that small clients when you or a family we canvass our immediate distribution. It is quite moving communities surpassed but regular expenditure can member are not able to. themselves, amassing what client groups and those of our to witness the love and add up. For example, buying Enquiries and bookings for this ended up being a room full of partner agencies and networks. compassion along every step a $4 coffee every working day free service can be made by food, treats and toys for us to It’s a great team effort, with of that journey but we are also ($20 per week) will cost you calling Anglicare North Coast sort and pack into hampers. everyone working together quite relieved we can rest and over $1,000 in a year. on (02) 6643 4844. Thankfully, we had a team with a true Christmas sense gather our strength before it all of dedicated workers who of community and caring for starts again. others. Those we help tell us


AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOUNDATION DONATIONS Our mission is to provide appropriate, affordable accommodation to disadvantaged persons Phone (02) 6643 4844 throughout the North Coast of NSW. To donate or for further information please view our website or Anglicare North Coast, PO Box 401 Grafton 2460 contact our office. ALL DONATIONS TO ANGLICARE NORTH COAST OVER $2.00 ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE AND ARE USED TO HELP US FULFIL OUR MISSION

Page 12 North Coast Anglican February 2018