The Rotary Club of

District No. 5360 VOL. 27 N0. 24 Next Week’s Speaker Jan. 5 Theoren Fleury December 15, 2009 Madeleine King introduced our speaker Richard Calgary... an adolescent city White. a city to change and develop as much as Richard White Bridge. The physical changes are a human being would in one year. joined Riddell revealed in our traffic problems and Calgary exhibits all the characteristics Kurczaba in whole blocks looking like open pit of an adolescent – namely a search for Our writer this week, October 2006 as mines. He pointed out that our newer identity, still seeking approval, Ron Robertson... Director of communities with smaller lots Operations & Communications. will become suburbs of shrubs as His primary responsibilities are there will be no room for mature government and community trees. He concluded by telling us relations, internal and external that the next 100 years are critical operations and communications, as the City turns into its young project facilitation, and business adult phase. We are fortunate to development. have someone with Richard’s knowledge and experience caring Prior to that, Richard was the about how we get there. Executive Director of the Calgary Downtown Association (“CDA”) Larry Rider gave our thanks to from 1995 to 2006. In this role, he Richard for his informative was recognized not only by the presentation. business community but also by the Thanks to Jim Jenkinson for media, politicians and City keeping today’s scribe well managers as the spokesperson for supplied with coffee. Downtown. The Meeting Richard is likely the most knowledgeable person, outside of President Larry welcomed us all, City Hall, with respect to the Our speaker, Richard White... and Jim Denis led us in our overall development picture in favorite anthem – O’. A Downtown Calgary. He has very thoughtful invocation detailed knowledge of the City’s undergoing physical and attitudinal followed – delivered by John Ridge. policies and plans associated with 7th changes, and exhibiting occasional Avenue, Stephen Avenue, Devonian rebellious outbursts. We learned in the Rotary Minute that Gardens, Eau Claire, East Village, and the first version of “Silent Night” was +15 walkway system and how they We have evolved from a Sandstone city written for guitar; that the first electric must be addressed by any new to a city of skyscrapers and newer lights were placed on a Christmas tree development or redevelopment. architectural icons (such as the in 1895; and that King Wenceslas was Municipal Building), and our need for really only a Duke. Learning that To Richard, Calgary is an adolescent approval is represented by Jingle Bells was written in 1857 for City. He stated that it takes 10 years for controversies such as the Calatrava Thanksgiving and that Cromwell

Calgary, • Chartered April 1914 • Club # 113 Suite 310, The Kahanoff Centre, 1202 Centre Street S., Calgary Alberta T2G 5A5 • Tel: (403) 398-9969 • Fax:(403) 264-2393 • Website: • email: [email protected] Tina Jarrett, Manager of Administration • Office Hours: 7:00a.m. - 3:30p.m. Monday to Friday President: Larry Shelley • Vice President: Michael Halliwell • RI President: John Kenny • District Governor: Steve Allan Derrick & Kristen present their Rotaract Nicaragua Project... Samantha Cheuk and Paige Ridout talk about their Interact Club... actually banished Christmas of Nicaragua. Working celebrations in England in the 1660’s in SW Nicaragua was truly shocking!!! where 48% of the population live below Paul Bates introduced our visitors and the poverty line is a guests, and Ralph Lundberg and Tanya great challenge. These Kahanoff led us in a glorious version of students are working “Winter Wonderland”. We were to bring sand water encouraged to embrace the season. filters, composting Sparky’s World led us to a better toilets and ecostoves understanding of TransCanada to the selected Pipelines North Central Corridor communities. As well Pipeline. This 42 inch pipeline located they have set up 26 600 km north of Edmonton will bring preschools, worked to gas to north western Alberta and develop government northern BC. It will compete with partners for health nuclear energy projects and recognizes care and other Ralph & Tanya in a Winter Wonderland... these regions as important areas for community industrial growth. improvements. They are working hard to We recognized birthday persons Chuck overcome the Simpson, Scott Tizzard, Kent Hehr, limitation of Roger Lalonde and George Brookman. language, time and money to assist Rotarians in the News this week were individuals in Andy Crooks for his work with Simon developing House and Karen Keech for her work sustaining activities with Discovery House. in their communities.

Bill Clapham encouraged registration Interact students for for the District Conference in Banff Western Canada May 28 – 30, 2010. High School reviewed their Jay Simpson, Chuck’s son and a projects which member of the Chase Club, presented included helping the his father with a plaque recognizing Calgary Food Bank, Chucks 33 years of Rotary service. Toy Mountain, a Rotoractors from the University of blood drive, an Inn Calgary brought us up to date on their From the Cold. A project to bring clean water and dynamic and very Jay Simpson presents his dad, Chuck, with a hand carved plaque recognizing his 33 years in Rotary... sustainable development to rural parts successful group. UPCOMING SPEAKERS THE ROTARY CLUB OF CALGARY Dec. 22 - Partners Christmas Luncheon NEW MEMBERSHIP PROCESS - WHITE SLIP John Gilchrist Author and Restaurant Critic Dec 15 & Dec 22, 2009 ``Blood oranges, garbanzo beans and goji berries - A fun look at NAME: Kerry Longpré what we will be eating in 2010`` PROFESSION: Communications Dec. 29 - Informal Meeting COMPANY The Calgary Foundation No Speaker CLASSIFICATION: Associations – The Calgary Jan. 5 - Theoren Fleury - (Re- Foundation,Communications tired NHL player, former Calgary Flames team member and author) PROPOSED BY: Eva Friesen and Roy Boettger “Don’t quit before the miracle” DATE: December 9, 2009 Jan. 12 - Brent King (VP Operations Tenet Medical Engineering and Manning PING PONG CHRISTMAS SOCIAL Innovation Award Winner 2009) The ping pong group had a party on Round Robin we had a gift exchange. ``Creating Innovation With Im- Monday night just like they do every We normally set a limit of $10. per pact`` year. The party was held at Roger and gift... this year we decided to pool the Donna Brett’s home, mostly because cash ($10. each), buy gifts from the Jan. 19 - Dave Bronconnier they have a ping pong table. The dollar store and donate the cash to the Mayor City of Calgary Bretts weren’t there you see, Rotary Christmas Hamper “Annual State of the City Address” they were travelling in the Fund. Well not only did we sunny south in their motor feel good about helping Jan. 26 - Lorne Motley home. Not only did the needy families at Christmas, Bretts provide the venue for the $1. gifts made for more Editor-in-Chief Calgary Herald our party they also provided fun and since we did not “Canada’a Team in the 2010 Winter an extremely affable host have a Round Robin winner Olympics” and hostess; Joyce and Allen to make a fuss over, Bob Flasch are house sitting for Bob Junker Junker was appointed our Feb. 2 - Randy Williams the Bretts and Allen likes to Most Congenial Player most congenial player. Not President & CEO Tourism Calgary play ping pong. sure how the appointment “Tourism - A Changing of the was made but everyone agreed he was a Guard” With the exception of all the goodies good choice. and the odd eggnog, the party was not Feb. 9 - Dave Mowat dissimilar to our regular Monday Please consider joining our group. CEO ATB Financial events. This week we had the usual We’re always looking for new members mixed pairs playing one another, the and the only prerequisite is congenial- women playing the women, the men ity. If you are interested to know more Feb. 16 - David Chalack playing the men, the hot shots playing about our club give Al Corbett, Ernie (President & Chairman Calgary the hot shots, but in lieu of our usual Klassen or Bob Junker a call. Exhibition & Stampede, President Rocky Mountain Holsteins Ltd) “Calgary Stampede Here All Year” Curly Has Moved

TRAVELERS To all the good folks who visit Curly Galbraith, let it be known that he Klaus Reichwald - Scottsdale, has been moved to Room 215, Beverly Care Centre, 1729 - 90 Ave SW, T2V 4S1, phone 403-255-4662. NEW MEMBER PROFILE by David Irving Cassandra joined Upon graduating she worked for a is an Assistant Underwriting our Club in time with an insurance company in Manager with an insurance February of this human resources and with the company, were able to have a year under the Calgary Chamber in the area of holiday in conjunction with one of Cassandra Litke Wyatt sponsorship of policy and government relations. her trips to Africa. Garth Toombs. One of the rare persons who were Her classification in our Club is Cassandra plays recreational soccer born here in Calgary, graduated from Education-Post Secondary-Global winter and summer so she does a lot Beaverbrook High School and the Projects Development- a big of running around as well as with . She obtained classification title for this young her job at Bow Valley College. She a B.Comm and a BA in International lady. Her classification comes from is a member of a book club and likes Relations from the U of C in 2001. her present occupation at Bow to spend time with her family and As part of her studies in the Valley College where she with her friends when she is not international relations area, she spent coordinates their international traveling for her work. She does a year at the University of activities including programs for attend the World Community Amsterdam with students from foreign students and the Service meeting when she is able around the world. She stayed in development of partnerships with and with her travels she will be able residence at that university with the foreign institutions. She travels to bring a fresh perspective to their other residents on her floor all being frequently with her work to such work. from outside of North America. She countries as Columbia and Ecuador keeps in touch with her international in South America and to Please give a warm Rotary Club of friends through Face Book. (Of Mozambique, and Ghana in Africa. Calgary welcome to Cassandra . which I know nothing) She and husband Mark Wyatt, who

Cog Sponsor Ted Pound

The Rotary Club of Calgary is an organization of professional and community leaders who come together through commitment and fellowship to create opportunities and a better future for generations to follow.