For Teenagers & Adults

Learn vital digital skills and become familiarized with how our technological world works.

Teaching people to code transforms them from passive users to technical innovators.

In addition to your morning English course you can book a range of afternoon programming and mobile app development courses. These courses are targeted at students of all abilities, from beginners who are coding for the first time, to established computer .

The courses can be offered in one or a mix of the following subjects: - Android and iOS App Development with App Inventor, Swift and - Python Programming (one of the most versatile programming languages) - Game Development with - Tech Entrepreneurship

Create your bespoke mobile app for iOS or Android

iOS and AppleWatch App Development with Swift and Xcode Learn to build iPhone, iPad and AppleWatch Apps

In this course students will learn to develop native apps for the iOS platform using Swift programming language. By the end of the week all students will have created their own fully functional interactive apps using the Xcode development environment. Students will also learn about the WatchKit tool released by Apple in 2014, enabling them to develop AppleWatch apps.

Android Application Development with App Inventor In this course students will learn to develop Android apps with App inventor, which is an open-source web application designed by Google, currently maintained by MIT. The researchers had educational computing in mind, that is, they wanted to develop a software through which youngsters could become the creators of technology rather than just the consumers. Its graphic user interface allows constant engagement in the app creating process, making it fun.

This course is designed to enhance programming concepts and teach students how to develop amazing Android apps with App inventor.

Not only will they be able to create apps, they will also be able to publish them on Google Store.

Python Coding Hands-on coding with Python

Python is a dynamic, general-purpose programming language, officially released in 1991. Python has gained popularity and is well known for its simple usability.

As Python is easy for beginners to learn and use, it is a great programming language to get young people started on learning how to code. It also helps users to build up their essential coding knowledge on, classes, user input, looping, functions, and performing calculations – acting as an efficient stepping stone to other programming languages.

Game Programming with Java In this course students learn to develop their own interactive game with Java using Greenfoot. Through game development, students learn Java and Object Oriented Programming fundamentals. We also use the popular IDE to practice Java coding All students develop their own game in this course and through game development will gain a very good understanding of Java and object oriented programming concepts.

Tech Entrepreneurship Our Tech Entrepreneurship camp is a focused five day programme for teens with bright ideas. Students will be educated on the Entrepreneurial Process and collaborate within teams: sharing ideas, identifying opportunities to drive their product, conducting market research and SWOT analysis, creating business plans, developing a prototype, and presenting their work in the form of an Elevator Pitch.

Other topics covered include: Web Development, SEO best practice, Software lifecycle, App Development best practice, Advertising and Marketing, Prototyping and Design

Each course of 15 hours allows you to complete one Project from start to end! You can enrol for several different coding projects if you come for more than one week.

AFTERNOON CODING COURSES ADMISSION FEE: £30 15 Hours per week: £350 1:30pm - 5pm including 30mins break (15 Hours per week - 3 hours per day tuition in the afternoon)

Easter and Summer Tech Camps in classes with UK Students

9–13 Apr Java Game Programming 2–6 Jul Game Programming with Java 9–13 Jul Android App Development 16–20 Jul iPhone & AppleWatch App Development 23–27 Jul Python Coding for 30 Jul – 3 Aug Game Programming with Java 6–10 Aug Tech Entrepreneurship Camp 13–17 Aug iPhone & AppleWatch App Development 20–24 Aug Unity 3D Game Development with # 27–31 Aug Python Coding

Coding One-to-One Courses & Groups accepted all year round. Please enquire for prices and further details.