“Conceptual framework for carbon footprinting in the South African banking sector”

AUTHORS Alfred Bimha Godwell Nhamo

ARTICLE INFO Alfred Bimha and Godwell Nhamo (2013). Conceptual framework for carbon footprinting in the South African banking sector. Banks and Bank Systems, 8(4)

RELEASED ON Wednesday, 18 December 2013

JOURNAL "Banks and Bank Systems"

FOUNDER LLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives”


© The author(s) 2021. This publication is an open access article.

businessperspectives.org Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2013

Alfred Bimha (South Africa), Godwell Nhamo (South Africa) Conceptual framework for carbon footprinting in the South African banking sector Abstract The rationale of embarking on this study is based on banks being at the center of all economic activities and mainly in charge of screening and funding economically viable enterprises. Although, deemed lesser polluters, banks are the “padling power” behind heavy carbon emitting activities through their lending and investment business. This study embarks on conceptualizing how banks in South Africa are putting systems in place to quantify and benchmark carbon emissions that cause . A content analysis of the reports, sustainability reports and public literature on the banks activities is used in developing this Conceptual Carbon Footprinting Framework. A carbon foot- print benchmark case is constructed using the leading banks in carbon disclosure performance index (CDPI) and carbon disclosure leadership index (CDLI) that are featured in the Global 500 Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). The conceptual- ized benchmark model is used as a checklist to analyze the carbon footprint process models of South African banks. The major finding for this study is that both the CDP Global 500 banks and the South African Banks have an improved inter- nal carbon footprinting system that is based on the GHG protocol whilst the measuring of carbon emissions in their exter- nal systems (products, services, lending and investment portfolios) is shallow or nonexistent. Premised on this finding, a conceptual framework that is holistic of both internal and external banking systems is recommended in order to have a holistic approach in measuring the carbon emissions that come from banking activities with national, international climate policies and environmental regulations being taken into consideration. Keywords: carbon footprint framework, carbon emissions, South Africa, bank operations. JEL Classification: Q56.

Introduction¤ rectly affect the natural environment (water, air, land, biodiversity, etc.) when used by the banking custom- Climate change is a phenomenon that has changed ers. However, to understand this state of things, there the structure and operations of banking institutions is need to set a backdrop of climate change and how worldwide through the review of how business op- carbon emissions exacerbate its state. erations are impacting the natural environment. Bouma et al. (2001) advocated for the need to ana- Solomon et al. (2009) indicate that anthropogenic lyze the impact of the banking institutions’ internal activities have caused the emission of large amounts and external operations on the natural environment. of  a key GHG  which has the Currently banking institutions are mainly focusing strongest concentration in the atmosphere. Even if on their internal operations’ contribution to climate humanity stops emitting carbon dioxide today, the change whilst neglecting the indirect effects to the climate damage remain irreversible for the next 1,000 environment. A close observation reveals that banks years. Labatt et al. (2011) assert that Svante Arrhenius in their internal operations are cleaner and free from (1896) is the originator of the idea that the increases in radical amounts of (GHG) (herein the volume of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere carbon) emissions. However in their external opera- was caused by the burning of fossil fuels like coal and tions and activities the carbon emissions caused are wood in the factories during the industrial revolution estimated to be far larger than the ones generated by of the 1880s. This in turn changed the atmospheric internal operations. In a study by the World Devel- composition of gases and increased the heat levels opment Movement (2013), it was found that the of the earth’s surface temperature leading to global Royal Bank of Scotland had its measured carbon warming that result in climate change. emissions from lending to energy intensive compa- Scientific evidence has evolved since the times of nies being 1,200 times more than its internally gen- the earliest studies on climate change. The Inter- erated emissions. governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was Internal operations impact refers to the work inputs formed by the United Nations in 1988 to spearhead that are used to generate and execute their business research in climate change. Three working groups activities and products on the environment. These were formed: one tasked to assess the available include, employees, business travel by air, rail and scientific information on climate change, another to assess the socio-economic impacts of climate road, electricity, paper use, renting and owning of change and, the third group was tasked to formulate office space or buildings, ancillary equipment and climate change response strategies. The IPCC Sci- other fringe resources. External operations impact entific Assessment of 1990 indicated that there is a entail how the banking products and services indi- gradual increase of GHGs (mainly carbon dioxide (CO2) chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), (CH4) ¤ Alfred Bimha, Godwell Nhamo, 2013. and nitro-oxide (NO2)) caused by human activities.

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More so the modelling studies indicated the dou- Given the difficulty in measuring every source of bling of the earth’s surface temperature being at- carbon emissions from bank operations, the concep- tributed to accelerating carbon dioxide levels. The tual model will attempt to structuralize the possible IPCC further identified climate change issues that framework to be adopted in measuring the total carbon are relevant to the financial services sector and indi- emissions of banking institutions. The research is cated how important banks are in giving credit with motivated by the assertions of environmental NGOs the insurance industry being a risk manager of these who are castigating the lack of proper systems by loan assets indirectly and directly. banks to measure and monitor carbon emissions. Labatt and White (2011) depict a dual responsibility 1. Literature review posed on the financial services sector by climate There is not much literature to the best of our change. The first is the ability to assess and deal knowledge that expressly address issues pertaining with negative impacts of climate change on both to the measurement of carbon emissions of banking their clients (external operations) and their own products and services. However, concept notes and business (internal operations). The second is provi- surveys cover the aspects of how banks exacerbate sion of products and services that aid the mitigation emission of GHG through their lending and invest- of economic-induced risk caused by climate change. ment activities. This literature section is arranged in Sahoo and Nayak (2008) indicate banking activities the following sub-sections: the concept of carbon as less harmful on the environment compared to footprinting; product carbon footprint standards; their customers’ activities. Banks are indirectly GHG Protocol (Corporate Standard) and ISO 14064 responsible for their clients’ activities that cause series; environmental NGOs on banking and carbon climate change through financing and investing. emissions; methodologies for addressing financial Eventually, there should be an obligation for banks emissions; and the banking operations model. Each to measure the impact of their services and products of the sub-section will now be addressed in turn and to the environment. in detail in the following paragraphs. The Ceres and Riskmetrics Group (2009) survey 1.1. Concept of carbon footprinting. Weidmann indicated that 10 out of the 12 respondents of Afri- (2009) indicates that the origins of the term carbon can Financial Institutions had risk management footprint cannot be exactly fixated within the litera- systems addressing environmental issues. However, ture. However, it has ancestry in the field of eco- there was an inadequate articulation of risks that logical footprint formulated in the 1990’s from the emanated from climate change. One of the major work of Wackernagel and Rees (1996). Weidmann recommendations to financial institutions from the insists that the concept has been made more promi- survey was the need for financial institutions to quan- nent by the media and the public with the academics tify carbon emissions caused by their financing and having to play catch up. Wright et al. (2011) assert investment activities. This is the main focus of this that the rising threat of climate change poses the paper. The research problem stems from the view that need for adequate measures of its impacts, man- banks still; have limited knowledge, understanding agement and mitigation. The authors further high- and tools for measuring carbon emissions and offset- light the rise in carbon footprinting processes by ting in order to mitigate climate change and related both public and private institutions as a harbinger for risks. Needless to indicate that significant progress standardizing the whole carbon footprinting process. has been made by most banks in innovating green Kane (2010, p. 51) defines ‘carbon footprint’ as the products aimed at reducing carbon emissions. The total amount of persistent GHG associated with a per- gap this paper addresses is a need for thoroughness son, an organisation, a country or a product’. How- and standardization in ensuring that reduced carbon ever, this definition does not capture the whole scien- emissions are effectively measured, validated and verified for offsetting purposes. The research prob- tific process of carbon footprinting. Plassman et al. lem resides in recesses and debates of carbon emis- (2010, p. 393) define carbon footprinting scientifi- sions reduction measurement, validation and verifi- cally as, “estimate of the total amount of GHGs cation for offsetting. The main question being asked emitted during the life cycle of goods and service, therefore is: how best can South African and other that is, from the extraction of raw materials, pro- banks measure both internal and external carbon emis- duction, transportation, storage and use to waste sions? Thus a general framework is conceptualized disposal”. using the South African banks. In Figure 1, the generic process of carbon footprint- The main aim of this research is to contribute to the ing is adopted from Kane (2008) and shows three limited literature with regards to the measurement sources of carbon emissions within the organization of carbon emissions by the South African banking and the fourth source of carbon emissions that ema- operations (both internal and external activities). nate from the life cycle of the products or services

20 Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2013 of an organization. It is clear therefore that carbon product or consummation of the service. Andrews footprinting comes in three forms: company (organ- (2009) classifies the methods that companies use to izational), projects and products footprints. The measure carbon emissions into corporate and product company carbon footprint is derived firstly from the carbon footprint. In Andrews’ explanation two things direct emissions, secondly the supply chain of the stand out: (1) the corporate carbon footprint methods company and thirdly from the company’s electricity identify the regulatory and financial risks that GHG usage (indirect scope 2 emissions) as indicated in emissions pose to business and (2) product carbon Figure 1. Then fourthly firm’s products or services footprint provide information to customers of a will contribute to the firm’s carbon emissions business on how much GHG emissions the com- through the distribution of the products/services, the pany’s product or products or services release when use of the products/services and the disposal of the being used.

Source: Adopted from Kane (2008). Fig. 1. Scope of carbon footprints Bhatia (2008) indicates that the GHG Protocol: which include goal and scope definition, data col- Corporate Standard is the most widely used interna- lection strategies and reporting. All the three meth- tional accounting tool for government and business ods also build on the existing life cycle assessment leaders to understand, quantify, and manage energy methods from ISO14040 and ISO14044. use and GHG emissions. Details pertaining to prod- 1.3. GHG Protocol (Corporate Standard) and uct carbon footprint standards are discussed further in the next sub-section. ISO 14064 series. The GHG Protocol defines three scopes (also referred to as GHG emissions categories) 1.2. Product carbon footprint standards. There to be used when measuring, validating and verifying are several standards that have been developed in corporate GHGs. Scope 1 carbon emissions are direct order to have a transparent and consistent reporting emissions from equipment and processes owned or of GHG emissions for products. Weidema et al. directly controlled by the company. Scope 2 refers to (2008) argues that the development of these product indirect emissions that are energy related and emanat- based carbon footprint standards has been driven ing manly from electricity or steam purchased from more through awareness initiatives by national gov- third parties. Scope 3 emissions are also indirect and ernmental organizations, companies and private initia- other emissions sources of GHG emissions related to a tives than research. The three main product carbon company’s activities, but from sources not owned or footprint standards commonly applied worldwide are: controlled by the company. Scope 3 emissions (1) the PAS2050, GHG Protocol and ISO 14607 mainly include upstream emissions from suppliers (Soode et al., 2013). The PS2050 is a creation of the and raw materials industry and downstream emis- British Standards Institute (BSI) and was implemented sions from customers that result from the use of the in 2008 with revisions in 2011. The GHG Protocol company’s product, or even employee travel product standard is a brainchild from the World Re- (WRI/WBCSD, 2008). sources Institute (WRI) and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). The The GHG Protocol has four separate but linked stan- ISO14067 was created by the International Stan- dards and these include the corporate accounting and dards Organization (ISO) and insists on the re- reporting standards (corporate standard), project ac- quirements and guidelines for quantifying and counting protocol and guidelines, corporate value communicating the carbon footprint of products. All chain (scope 3) accounting and reporting standard and the three standards provide requirements and guide- the last one product life cycle accounting and report- lines on doing a carbon footprint study. The proc- ing standard (WRI and WBCSD, 2004). The GHG esses involve life cycle assessment issues (LCA) protocol corporate standard is a set of guidelines for

21 Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2013 companies and other organizations in drawing up their clude: Banktrack, Rainforest Action Network and GHG emissions inventory. It entails the accounting Carbon Tracker. The main argument from these and reporting process of the six GHGs covered by the Environmental NGOs is that there is lack of trans- 1 namely: CO2, CH4, N2O, hydro- parency and willingness from global banking insti- fluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and tutions to disclose financed emissions. In a study sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) (Houghton et al., 1992; by Banktrack and Rainforest Action Network Houghton et al., 2001). The main objectives of the (2012), it emerged that major US banks committed GHG protocol corporate standard is to provide an aid more than $100 billion to green financing initia- to the compilation of a company’s GHG inventory in a tives, yet failed to measure how these initiatives true and fair manner, to simplify and reduce the costs reduced carbon emissions in their product portfo- of compiling a GHG inventory, to provide information lios. The two NGOs further asserted a growing to the formulation of effective strategies in managing trend of banks financing carbon-intensive compa- and reducing GHG emissions and to increase consis- nies amidst an outcry to reduce the global collective tency and transparency in GHG accounting and re- carbon footprint. The study identified banks as be- porting among various companies (WRI and ing central to the transition to a low carbon and WBCSD, 2004). green growth economy. To this end, banks are iden- tified as feasible instruments and vehicle to reduce In addition to the GHG Protocol, there is a series of carbon footprints of their financing portfolios. ISO14064 standards for carbon footprinting, valida- tion and verification. This is regardless of whether Banktrack and Rainforest Action Network (2012) the footprint is for organizations, products or pro- are more focused on criticising the financing of coal jects. The architecture for the ISO14064 series in- projects by banks especially in the USA. Coal is cludes the following (ISO, 2006): still one of the leading sources of carbon emissions there today. They indicate that the top five worst coal i ISO 14064-1: Design and develop organiza- financing banks are the Bank of America, J.P Morgan tional GHG inventories (leading to the produc- Chase, Citi Bank, Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo. tion of an GHG inventory documentation and They extracted their information from Bloomberg data reports). of each bank’s number of transaction with mountain- i ISO 14064-2: Design an dimplement GHG pro- top removal (MTR) and coal burning utility compa- jects (leading to the production of an GHG pro- ject documentation and reports). nies from 2010 to 2012. More so, these banks own a number of coal fired power plants themselves, making i ISO 14064-3: GHG validation and verification (resulting in validation and verification state- them direct huge carbon emitters. The two Environ- ments). mental NGOs came up with a coal finance report which grades and ranks the banking institutions on Sundin and Raganathan (2002) indicate the GHG their mountaintop removal (MTR) and coal-fired Protocol as a voluntary international standard for power plant (CFPP) policies with an “A” to “F” crite- accounting and reporting on GHG emissions. It rion. An “A” in the grading represents the bank(s) that presents the carbon risks and reduction efforts in is/are doing well in having less bond and loan under- a transparent and solid manner. To this end, the writing of MTR and CFFP transactions whilst an “F” GHG Protocol ensures the comparing of GHG rating represents bank(s) with more bond and loan inventories of similar and different businesses. However, we need to narrow and look into current underwriting of MTR and CFFP transactions. Most of research and issues of carbon footprinting of com- the banks researched on were below a “C” in their panies in the banking and financial sector. grading which meant that there is still continued fi- nancing of coal projects by the big banks in the USA. 1.4. Environmental NGOs on banking and carbon emissions. There is literature available by Another study done by Rainforest Action Network Environmental NGOs (Non-Governmental Organi- (2008) on Canadian Banks was to ascertain their zations) who are analyzing how the major banks are amount of funding in fossil fuels; the total carbon not putting concerted and meaningful effort to curb emissions resulting from each bank’s financing of the growth of carbon emissions. The prominent fossil fuels; carbon footprint of an individual cheque Environmental NGOs engaged in this research in- account held for each bank in the sample; and the amount invested in clean, renewable energy alterna- tives by the Canadian Banks. The main findings of the 1 The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on research indicated that more than 99% of their overall Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which carbon footprint comes from the fossil fuels produc- commits its Parties by setting internationally binding emission reduction tion they finance whilst their internal operations repre- targets. The UNFCCC is an environmental treaty with the goal of prevent- ing “dangerous” anthropogenic (i.e., human-induced) interference of the sent less than one percent (1%) of their total carbon climate systemhttp://unfccc.int/kyoto_protocol/items/2830.php. footprint.

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1.5. Methodologies for assessing financed emis- banks to measure their carbon footprints. It should be sions. Neilsen et al. (2009) point out that accounting noted here that the process of measuring financed and measuring of financed emissions is a new activ- emissions concentrates on the measuring of emissions derived from financing activities of a bank’s client. It ity for the financial institutions. As such there are no is different from the carbon foot printing exercise standard carbon footprinting methods accepted for which is more company specific. Table 1 summarizes quantifying financed emissions. In their study they comprehensively the different methodologies studied analyzed the current methodologies being used by by Neislen et al. Table 1. Overview of financed emission methodologies

Financial institutions Organization Name of methodology Year of development Objectives of the methodologies involved Trucost Carbon Footprint 185 different funds compared Comparison and ranking of the carbon Trucost Ranking of UK Investment 2007 (in 2007) footprint of investment funds. Funds 2007 Dutch Banks compared (ABN Comparison and ranking of financed Profundo AMRO Bank, ASN Bank, Fortis Investing in Climate Change; climate emissions of banks based on 2007 Group, ING Group, Rabobank Dutch Banks compared 2007 loan, equity portfolio’s and project Group, Triodos Bank) finance. The Oil and Gas Bank; RBS Comparison and ranking of financed Platform Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and the financing of 2007 emissions based on project finance of climate change one bank. FOE Utopies + study Sustain- Provide a climate label for consumer Utopies GroupeCaisse D’epargne able Development Labelling of 2008 banking products, and providing risk Banking Products assessment. Climate impact assessment by determin- The Carbon Footprint and Highlands and Islands Enter- ing the carbon footprint of all financed CenSA Climate Footprint of Highlands 2008 prise (HIE) activities of the Highlands and Islands and Islands Enterprise 2007/08 Enterprise development bank. Climate impact assessment by determin- ing the carbon footprint attributable to Overseas Private Investment OPIC (Overseas Private 2007 projects to which the Overseas Private OPIC Corporation (OPIC) Investment Corporation) Investment Corporation (OPIC) is finan- cially committed. Rabobank Group: Balance Proportional share of emissions as result Ecofys Rabobank Sheet carbon footprint method- 2008 of credit lending to business customers. ology Source: Adapted from Neilsen et al. (2009, p. 3). 1.6. The banking operations model. It is difficult creators of loan and deposit accounts. Thus it can be to construct a holistic banking operations model that deduced from this assertion by Milma and Hjalmars- can cover and encompass the wide and array of cur- son that the main inputs of the banks processes is capi- rent banking activities, products and services. It is tal and labour with outputs being loans and invest- deemed essential for this study to have a generic view ments. The difference in these two views is that the of a bank’s operating model in order to understand production view unit of measure is in quantity terms the sources of carbon emissions for banks. Milma whilst the asset view is in value terms. They are de- and Hjalmarsson (2002) synthesize the inputs and tailed discussions and contestations into the inputs and outputs of a bank in two views: (1) the production outputs of bank processes which we will not consider approach and (2) asset or intermediation approach. for this paper in detail in terms of identifying the With the production view, inputs are defined in sources of carbon emissions for a bank. terms of labour, machines and materials being used Van Hoose (2010) identifies from an empirical view by banks to produce a variety of deposit and loan three main common methods being used to identify accounts. In the asset view, banks are seen as inter- outputs and inputs of banking operations or processes mediation institutions of financial services than and these are summarised in Table 2. Table 2. Methods of identifying a bank’s input and outputs

Method and description Input Output Financial inputs: i Bank deposits i Purchased funds Asset method i Other liabilities Bank assets Real resources i Labor i Capital

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Table 2 (cont.). Methods of identifying a bank’s input and outputs

Method and description Input Output i Labor i Loans classified as commercial and i Physical capital Industrial loans, instalment loan, Value-added method classifies inputs and outputs based on the banking real estate loans functions connected to production of non-interest income banking i Purchased funds i Transactions deposit services by labor or physical capital expenditure i Retail savings i Time deposits Bank balance sheet items with items with positive user costs – savings and User cost method is defined as net effective cost of holding one unit of time deposits and purchased funds Bank balance sheets with items with services per time period which is equal to holding the asset during a along with: negative user costs that includes all current period minus the asset’s discount net revenue in the following categories of loans and transaction period i Labor deposits i Raw materials i Physical capital Source: Authors (based on Van Hoose 2010, pp. 27-28). Interlinks seem to exist among the three methods in outputs of a bank clears this repetitive show of in- terms of similar inputs and outputs but being variant puts and outputs by regrouping and summarizing here and there as indicated in Table 2. A suggestion the methods under two views of asset production by Van Hoose (2010) to summarize the inputs and process and provision of service (Figure 2).

Fig. 2. Van Hoose’s asset production and service flows provision Kane (2008) indicates that the measuring of carbon 2. Methodology of the study emissions is important at the business level for vari- ous reasons. The main reason is to ensure that a A desktop research was conducted. It borrowed benchmark is set for the current emissions in order insights from an exploratory study that involved to establish the amount of carbon emissions to be content analysis of sustainability and annual reports reduced. The other reasons include: (1) identifying of South African banks (website publications of major sources of carbon emissions for a firm; (2) Annual and Sustainability Reports by Banks). The identifying business activities that lead to quicker methodology permitted us to use information and carbon emissions reductions; and (3) making a data relevant to formulate a conceptual framework statement of intent to internal and external stake- for carbon footprinting bank operations. From the holders that climate change is core to the operations literature, we were informed of the need to measure of the business. financed emissions (external operations) by banks. Based on the foregone, we tried to establish the Measuring of carbon emissions from internal opera- knowledge and understanding of current carbon tions of banks seem to have been standardized and footprinting methods in theory and practice by well developed. Therefore, a comparative approach to banks. Furthermore, the outputs and inputs of a assess standards being used by banks in South Africa bank were clearly shown. However, there is need to to measure their carbon emissions from internal opera- contextualise theories that explain carbon footprint- tions was made in order to verify the extent of carbon ing within the lens of climate change (including low footprinting in that sector. Although issues of valida- carbon and inclusive economy). The reviewed lit- tion and verification exist, the scope of the study was erature also spelt out a good background in embark- mainly the measuring of carbon emissions. In attempt- ing on a methodological way of collecting and as- ing to come up with a comprehensive conceptual sessing data that would aid the achievement of the framework for measuring the carbon emissions from research objective. the South African banks internal and external opera-

24 Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2013 framework for measuring the carbon emissions from used. These are organizational carbon footprint and the South African banks internal and external opera- product carbon footprint and are used as a foundation tions, the two different types of carbon footprinting for the carbon footprint framework for South African models as proposed by Carbon Trust (2009) were banks as illustrated in Figure 3.

Source: Carbon Trust (2009). Fig. 3. The different boundaries of organizational and product footprints The sampling method was based on banks with the assets of the South African banking sector. Thus on largest asset values in South Africa. Assets are a this basis, the sample comprises of 9 banking insti- good measure of the productivity of a bank (Favero tutions with 7 banks being commercial banks who and Luca, 1995; Fixler and Zeischang, 1999; Tha- operate wholesale, retail, corporate and investment kor and Boot, 2008; Andries et al, 2013), given that business units and the other two institutions, i.e., the aim of the research is to develop a more robust Industrial Development Corporation of South Af- way of measuring financed emissions. Using the rica and Development Bank of Southern Africa Bureau van Dijk Bankscope database, the banks being development banks. This sample is believed with highest share of total assets in the South Afri- to bring out the required generic conceptual frame- can banking sector were extracted and are presented work for carbon footprinting for banks in South in Figure 4. Africa. This is against the backdrop of having se- Using the Bureau van Dijk Bankscope data it lected banks that are dominant in the banking mar- emerged that Standard Bank, ABSA Bank, Nedbank ket and have their banking products and service and FNB Bank had a combined 76.84% of the total largely used in the market as well.

Source: Authors (based on the Bureau van Dijk: Bank Scope, 2013). Fig. 4. Market share of South African banks by asset size The next process involved determining what type of was taken from the banks surveyed in the CDP Global data to collect and how it is relevant to carbon foot- 500 report. Banks that were leading in carbon disclo- printing a South African bank. The starting point was sure leadership index (CDPLI) scores, carbon disclo- to establish a benchmark or models of banks in terms sure performance index (CDPI) scores and have of carbon footprinting in the world. The Carbon Dis- achieved the highest carbon disclosure score from the closure Project provided such a required benchmark Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) from the years 2010 through its annual regional and global survey of the to 2012 were chosen as benchmarks or models. Scor- banks that are leading in disclosing their carbon ing methodologies being used by the CDP for scoring emissions and emissions reduction effort The sam- institutions that participate in their initiative were ple of banks (Table 3) that were used to benchmark found to be credible given the process of assessing and the South African Banks Carbon footprinting process verifying data by the CDP. The CDP data is verified

25 Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2013 by a consortium of experts in carbon accounting and The scoring methodology of the CDP is done using GHG Inventory measurements such as the Bureau the company responses supplied to CDP by participat- Veritas, Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance, Pricewa- ing companies (CDP Global 500 Report, 2013). terhouseCoopers, SGS and T U V NORD. More so, Therefore a high carbon disclosure score would indi- all these organisations are accredited in internationally cate a detailed and factual response. Such a response recognised standards which include the ISO or ISAE entails clear consideration of business-specific risks. (International Standards for Assurance Engagements) The responses of these sample banks were accessed standards and are accredited to perform certification from the CDP website to ascertain the relevant things under numerous climate schemes such as the EU ETS that the banks submitted and the irrelevant items that (European Emissions Trading Scheme) and Western banks did not submit in order to formulate a frame- Climate Initiative. work to build upon a bank carbon footprint model. Table 3. Sample of the banks used to construct the carbon footprint model

Year of being the best in CDLI and CDPI 2010 2011 2012 CDP score Banks National Australia Bank ¥ 93 Royal Bank of Scotland Group ¥ 93 Bank of America ¥ 97 Westpac banking ¥ 96 Allianz Group ¥ 97 UBS ¥ 97 Wells Fargo Group ¥ 95 Bank of Montreal ¥ 91 Duetsche Bank ¥ 90 Mizuho Financial Group ¥ 85 Source: Authors (based on CDP Global 500 report, 2010, 2011, 2012). The nine banks that featured in the CDP Global 3. Results and discussions  500 report were chosen to formulate a carbon The carbon footprint quantitative data variables ore- footprint model or benchmark for South African missions sources for the benchmark/model banks are banks. The process of constructing a carbon foot- presented in Table 4. The data variables show the print benchmark/model involved collecting in- dominant aspects of carbon footprinting by the banks formation from the sustainability reports and CDP who are deemed more sustainable according to the survey responses of the nine banks based on the CDP Global 500 scores. In Table 5 the authors present generic format presented in Figure 2. Broadly the the dominant emissions sources that are found in the information was collected using four thematic benchmark (model) banks as per GHG Protocol areas being created to collect the data which were scopes 1, 2 and 3. In Table 6, the four thematic areas the following: (1) carbon footprinting on bank (qualitative aspects of carbon footprinting by the internal operations; (2) carbon footprinting of banks) that were used for content analysis are pre- financed emissions; (3) product or service carbon sented and they show that banks in general are con- footprinting; and (4) methods or standards used to centrating more on carbon footprinting their internal measure, report and verify GHG emissions. Hav- operations than the external operations. As an exam- ing set the sampling methods, as well as the data ple, the operational organizational boundaries ap- and data collection methods; the next section proach for carbon foot printing is more prominent discusses the results, data analysis and findings among nine of the banks except for the Bank of Mont- from this work. real which uses the financial approach. Table 4. Emission sources by quantitative variables (banks with high CDP scores)

Energy sources Business travel Waste Paper usage Business air travel (km): Waste to landfill Paper used 1. Electricity consumption (Kwh): i International travel Waste recycled Paper recycled i Data centres i Domestic travel i Heating Or i Cooling i Short haul air travel 2. Natural gas (GJ)/(Kwh) i Medium haul travel 3. Energy from primary fuel sources: i Long haul travel i Hotel stay (nights)

26 Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2013

Table 4 (cont.). Emission sources by quantitative variables (banks with high CDP scores)

Energy sources Business travel Waste Paper usage Business fleet travel (km): i Diesel generator (kL) i Company owned/leased vehicles i Kerosene (kL) i Hotel stay (nights) i Light oil (kL) i Taxis i Heavy Oil (kL) Employee commuting/work travel: i LPG (kL/kg/tons) i Gas (m3) i Public rail system 4. Energy from renewable sources i Public bus system i Employee personal car Source: Authors. Table 6 presents the main aspects of carbon foot- sions. Therefore, Table 6 is a refining of the GHG printing a bank, and this can be termed as the ‘car- protocol standard of measuring carbon emissions bon foot print master checklist’. However, it lacks which includes financed carbon emissions and prod- some aspects discussed in literature in which the uct or service carbon footprint as added quantitative banks are measuring and disclosing carbon emis- aspects under scope 3. Table 5. GHG emissions sources for banks  as per banks with highest CDP score (2012) Scope 1 – Direct GHG emissions Scope 2 – Indirect GHG emissions Scope 3 – Other indirect GHG emissions 1. Natural gas consumption 1. Electricity purchased 1. Business travel: 2. Stationary energy: 2. Steam i air travel 3. Heating i Diesel – generator road travel (taxis, car hire/ rented vehicles, hotel 4. Cooling i i Kerosene stays) i Petrol 2. Employee commuting: i LPG i public rail systems i Gas i public bus systems 3. Building based refrigerants  HVAC and refrigerators 3. Waste: (HFCs) i landfill 4. Business Travel  work use vehicle fleet 4. Energy use from leased/rented property: 5. Work use vehicle fleet  air conditioning refrigerant i electricity i stationary energy 5. Paper usage 6. Product / Service usage embedded emissions 7. Financed emissions Source: Authors (based on GHG Protocol, 2004). Table 6. Qualitative carbon footprinting aspects of global banks Aspects covered in Aspects covered in Approach/Strategy of carbon Standard of reporting GHG performance and Bank Carbon footprinting carbon footprinting footprinting verification of GHGs Internal operations external operations GHG Protocol, emissions come Detailed scope 1, scope None i KPMG Carbon Nuetral Assurance (Corpo- from: 2 and scope 3 as per rate) – External validation (1) building occupancy GHG Protocol i Australian Carbon Inventory as per the National Australia (2) equipment use National Greenhouse and Energy Report- Bank (3) business travel ing National mandatory reporting (4) waste disposal to landfill i GHG protocol ector ise GHG measured by operation control boundary Both internal measurement of Fairly detailed GHG Publish an industry i Deloitte Assured their carbon footprint GHG and GHG to lending in their Protocol (scope 1, 2 & 3) analysis of their lending to data using the ISAE3000 assurance stan- structured finance lending to the the energy sector since dard orporate External validation power and oil & gas industry 2009 (total oil and gas i GHG protocol ector ise Royal Bank of (1) Paper use exposure (£ m) Scotland (2) Waste (3) Business travel (4) Energy use in building GHG measured by operation control boundary Fairly detailed GHG Utility Portfolio Emissions – Both internal measurement of Protocol (scope 1, 2 & 3) US Green Building Council's LEED (leadership measuring the the carbon GHG and GHG measurement of – Supply chain manage- in Energy and Environmental Design) Volume Bank of America intensity of the utility utility portfolio lendings thru carbon ment of GHG – Supplier program for operations and maintenance certifica- companies that they lend intensity has to be a CDP partici- tion ndustry  ise verification to pant

27 Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2013

Table 6 (cont.). Qualitative carbon footprinting aspects of global banks Aspects covered in carbon Aspects covered in carbon Approach/Strategy of carbon Standard of reporting GHG performance and Bank footprinting internal opera- footprinting external opera- footprinting verification of GHGs tions tions i Emissions Data verified by CEMARS scheme by Deloitte (Corporate – ex- ternal validation) Detailed GHG Protocol Westpac Banking Operational control None (scope 1, 2 & 3) i Australian Greenhouse Challenge Plus methodologies, National Green- house and Energy reporting system (National  mandatory reporting) Fairly detailed GHG Proto- col (scope 1, 2 & 3) – i ISO 14064-1, The Greenhouse Gas Responsible Supply Chain 2013, UBS are participating Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Management (RSCM) in an industry-wide initiative Reporting Standard (Revised Edition), framework Evaluation of to develop accounting (Sector-wise) UBS GHG Protocol energy efficiency and metrics (which do not yet i Defra Voluntary Reporting carbon emissions are exist) for CO2 emissions Guidelines/Société Générale de included in the environ- associated with lending and Surveillance (SGS), ISO-14064- mental performance part investments Verification (Corporate – external of the RSCM background validation) checks i U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED, ISO14064-3 Operation control – GHG Fairly detailed GHG Wells Fargo None i Verified against the principles of ISO Protocol Protocol (scope 1, 2 & 3) 14064-1 and The Climate Registry General Reporting Protocol (Corpo- rate – external validation) i The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (Revised Edition) ISO 14064-1 and ISO- 14064-3 (Corpo- rate – external validation) Financial Control – GHG Fairly detailed GHG Bank of Montreal Protocol Protocol (scope 1, 2 & 3) i US Green Building Council LEED certified BuildingInternational Stan- dard (Industry – wise verification) i International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (ISAE 3000) (Sec- tor-wise) ERM Certification and Verification Services (ERM CVS) was commissioned by Deutsche Operational control – GHG Fairly detailed GHG Bank AG to provide independent limited Duetsche Bank None Protocol Protocol (scope 1, 2 & 3) assurance on its global greenhouse gas (GHG) information i (Corporate – external validation) i Tokyo Metropolitan Government – “The Tokyo Cap–and–Trade Program” (for large facilities) and “The Tokyo CO2 Emissions Reporting Program” (for small and medium scale facilities) with the revision of “Tokyo Metropoli- Project Finance graded on Mizuho Financial Operational control – GHG Fairly detailed GHG tan Basic Environment Ordinance” in the basis of carbon emis- Group Protocol Protocol (scope 1, 2 & 3) July 2008 (National – mandatory re- sions porting) i “The Saitama Prefecture Global Warming Strategy Promotion Ordin- ance” i GHG Protocol (National – mandatory reporting) From Table 6, we further observe that only four may be lagging behind in terms of disclosing financed banks have a system in place to measure their emissions and carbon footprinting their products. financed emissions and to a lesser extent carbon However, Nedbank has an array of green retail and footprint their products. However, Mizuho Finan- corporate products, although there is no proper meas- cial Group may be singled out as having an ex- urement of carbon emissions embed or reduced when tensive explanation on how they measure carbon used. For most of South African banks, the carbon emissions of the entire project finance business footprinting of internal operations is adequate and they underwrite. The measuring of financed emis- done to a large extent in similar fashion to the global sions is more biased to investments and project banks. However, the similar trend of not measuring finance. Most banks that are into retail and whole- financed emissions and product or service emission is sale banking have no financed emissions and prod- evident even with the South African banks. From uct carbon footprinting mechanisms in place. Given Table 7 it is revealed that the South African banks the foregone, it emerges that South African banks to a large extent also apply the GHG Protocol 28 Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2013 method of measuring carbon emissions. Figure 5 items of the South African banks should consider in gives a synthesized view of the GHG inventory carbon footprinting their operations.

Fig. 5. Generic GHG inventory for a bank  based on South African banks data It can be evidenced from Tables 8 and 9 that most external operations. Development banks fund huge South African banks are using the GHG Protocol to infrastructural projects which require proper envi- carbon footprint their activities and have a fairly ronmental impact analysis and climate change im- detailed carbon footprint of their internal opera- pact analysis. However, about four banks (Nedbank, tions. It is a matter of concern to note the lack of Standard Bank, African Bank Investments Limited proper carbon footprinting by the development and Capitec Bank limited have detailed GHG Pro- banks, IDC and DBSA, both of their internal and tocol carbon footprints. Table 7. Qualitative aspects of carbon footprinting by South African banks

Aspects covered in Carbon Aspects covered in carbon Standard of Reporting GHG Approach/Strategy of carbon Bank footprinting Internal opera- footprinting external performance and verification footprinting tions operations of GHGs Internal Environmental Carbon footprint measure- Management System. GRI GHG Protocol – operation Detailed GHG Protocol ment tool for our customers Standard Bank Group limited reporting – Verification using approach (scope 1, 2 and 3) who operate vehicle fleets – GHG Protocol – External ECO2 Fleet tool Auditor Fairly detailed GHG Protocol (scope 1, 2 and 3) – though not all group operations are Barclays Group Africa – GHG Protocol – operation Verification using GHG covered – issues in properly None formerly ABSA Group approach Protocol – External Auditor collecting operations data (electricity reading, paper usage, energy usage) GHG Protocol – operational control  excluded some data Have wide array of retail, for scope 1 and 3 – which is wholesale and institutional currently unavailable – investment and deposit excludes emissions from Detailed GHG Protocol Verification using GHG products that are channelled Nedbank Group Limited operating and servicing (scope 1,2 and 3) plus Protocol – External Auditor toward financing green ATMs, Self Service terminals, greening the supply chain GRI G3 reporting projects. However product point-of-sale device located carbon footprinting is not away from premises, done. branches and in remote locations GHG Protocol – operation Fairly detailed GHG Protocol GHG Protocol – KPMG Firstrand Bank Limited None approach (scope 1, 2 and 3) audited – External Auditor Environmental management system compliant with King III in South Africa and GHG Protocol – operation Fairly detailed GHG Protocol Investec Limited None ISO14001:2004. approach (scope 1,2 and 3) International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000 (Revised)

29 Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2013

Table 7 (cont.). Qualitative aspects of carbon footprinting by South African banks

Aspects covered in carbon Aspects covered in carbon Standard of reporting GHG Approach/Strategy of carbon Bank footprinting internal footprinting external performance and verification footprinting operations operations of GHGs Industrial Development Sparsely detailed – not Not clear – Only do for the Corporation of South Africa clearly stated if GHG – None Not clear Head Office in Sandton (IDC) Protocol is used Account Ability AA1000AS Detailed GHG Protocol (revised, 2008), GRI (Global African Bank Investments GHG Protocol – operation (scope 1, 2 and 3) plus None Reporting Initiative) G3.1 Limited (ABIL) approach Greening the supply chain guidelines, King III Reporting guidelines Development Bank of South- Not clear Not provided None - ern Africa (DBSA) Verification using GHG GHG Protocol – operation Detailed GHG Protocol Capitec Bank holdings limited None Protocol – External Auditor approach (scope 1, 2 and 3) GRI G3 reporting Table 8. GHG protocol quantitative aspects in carbon footprinting  South African banks

Standard Barclays Bank First rand Nedbank Capitec Bank Africa Investec IDC ABIL DBSA South group Group Bank Group Africa Scope 1: Direct GHG¹ emissions 9.198.00 15.626.00 8.398.00 847.55 1.174.00 613.30 20.468.00 - 145.61 from: (tC02e) (Fuel used in equipment owned or 642.00 - 390.00 203.96 - 6.70 41.00 - 1.37 controlled by us (eg generators)) Business Fleet Vehicles 8.556.00 - 8.008.00 56.53 - 51.50 17.892.00 - 81.74 Jet Fuel - - - 179.60 - - Air-conditioning and refrigeration - 587.06 - 375.50 2.535.00 - 62.50 gas refills Scope 2: Indirect GHG¹ emis- 363.916.00 316.407.0 257.172.00 164.803.52 40.698.0 5.774.50 39.044.00 - 22.971.00 sions from (tC02e) Purchased electricity  SA 363.916.00 - 257.172.00 154.022.54 - 5.774.50 39.044.00 - 22.971.00 Purchased electricity  Non SA - 10.780.98 - - - - Scope 3: Other indirect emis- 38.975.00 18.876.00 19.992.00 60.658.73 13.858.0 - 13.938.00 - 5.077.46 sions from: (tC02e) Business travel in commercial 13.868.00 - 6.003.00 7.606.11 - - 485.00 - 962.43 airlines Business travel in rental cars 186.00 - 8.087.00 504.36 - - 54.00 - 45.50 Business travel in employee - - 7.788.30 - - 604.00 - 2.020.24 owned cars Employee commuting - - 41.248.00 - - 10.656.00 - - Paper consumption 10.217.00 - 2.729.00 3.511.96 - - - 402.38 Electricity (transmitted and 14.704.00 ------distributed) Transportation and distribution - - - - - 1.760.00 - - Product distribution (cash ------1.646.91 in-transit) Waste - - - - - 379.00 - - Refrigerants - 3.173.00 - - - - -

Total GHG ( tC02e) 412.089.00 350.909.0 285.562.00 226.309.80 55.730.0 6.387.80 73.450.00 - 28.194.07 It can be observed from Table 4 through to Table 8 area. From the literature, it has been identified that that South African banks have the same approach of banks are not carbon footprinting their products or carbon footprinting similar to the banks with high services and financed emissions through investments CDP scores. The cause of this similarity might be the (long and short term), lending and savings products use of the GHG Protocol formats to carbon footprint (see for example, Cogan, 2008; Bray et al., 2007; their banking activities. Similarly, there is little or no World Development Movement, 2012; Kolk et al., evidence from both the banks with high CDP scores 2008, Busch et al., 2007). One of the major results of and the South African banks on carbon footprinting of this study is that banks mainly have detailed carbon their external operations. The external operations, footprints of their internal operations rather than which are termed financed carbon emissions and their external operations. The CDP reports further product carbon footprint remain a weakly reported confirm this.

30 Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2013

5. Proposed conceptual framework for carbon (2013). In the National Development Policy (NDP) footprinting in South African banks one of the strategies proposed in ensuring a low car- bon economy is to quantify the carbon emissions in Given the foregone, we present in Figure 6 the de- sired conceptual framework of carbon footprinting of every infrastructural investment decision as an envi- banking operations. This conceptual framework is ronmental assessment procedure government-wise. based on the content analysis and exploratory survey More so, each economic sector will have a carbon done on both the international banks with high CDP emissions budget, guided by given mitigation quanti- scores and of the South African banks. The schematic tative emissions objectives (National Planning Com- view in Figure 6 presents a widened scope of how the mission, 2011). The suggested carbon pricing mecha- South African banks can carbon footprint their opera- nisms in National Climate Change Strategy White tions. Particularly there is need to broaden the sources Paper (NCCSWP) have been incorporated in the NDP of carbon emissions in the scope 3 of GHG protocol and by 2015 the carbon pricing mechanism of carbon by South African banks. Further, for the external op- tax will be implemented. The Carbon Tax Policy pa- erations, there is need to put systems in place to meas- per has currently been opened for review and it takes a ure the financed emissions and carbon footprint bank cue from the NCCSWP in making carbon tax the most services and products. Our proposed conceptual effective mitigation tool for GHG emissions in South framework is also grounded in the carbon footprint- Africa (National Treasury, 2013). These three national ing requirement framework that is emerging within- policies confirm the implementation of the carbon tax the country as informed by the olicy and regulatory as a policy for controlling GHG through proper set up framework. The following keypolicy pronounce- structures and systems to quantify emissions in each ments will be briefly discussed tosupport the pro- economic sector. This has a bearing to the South Afri- posed framework: National Climate Change Strategy can bank’s investment and lending portfolios which White Paper (2011), National Devel-pment Plan have large concentrations of mining and natural re- (2012) and the proposal for the CarbonTax Policy sources based industries.

 Source: Authors (2013). Fig. 6. Conceptual framework for carbon footprinting in South African banks

 As deliberated upon earlier, there is a need for the 6, the emphasis has been put on the carbon tax that South African banks to work within the national is to be introduced in South Africa in 2015 as a policy and regulatory framework addressing climate driver to push the corporate and industrial sectors to change initiatives intended for the corporate sector. measure and manage their emissions. It has to be It is inevitable that in the near future there are regu- observed that the bank supply chain runs across its lations that will be put in place by the South Africa functional or segmented business units as well as its government to ensure that the country show its seri- product range. Thus in carbon footprinting the banks ousness in networking into the low carbon global should take cognisance of the product or service com- economy. Therefore in the schematic view in Figure ponents as well as the bank’s business segments

31 Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2013

(units) that are liable to carbon emissions to properly Conclusions measure their carbon emissions. The schematic view Stemming from the problem of South African banks- in Figure 6 enables a holistic measuring of a bank’s being mostly internally focussed in measuring their ar sources of emissions both in its internal operations and bon emissions, the study has managed to present a external operations through finding the sources in its desirable strategy of how these banks can measure business units and its products and services. both their internal and external operations’ carbon 6. Implications of the study emissions. Various methods of measuring carbon emissions were reviewed and it seems the most widely There are a couple of issues that need to be considered used method is the GHG Protocol. This method has a when implementing the proposed conceptual frame- limited scope for measuring carbon emissions fi- work for carbon footprinting by the South African nanced by banks which in this study are termed exter- banks. The banks need to research more on how to nal operations. Through a methodology of forming a quantify carbon from services in a scientific way. model or benchmark for carbon footprinting in banks, More so, robust data collection system should be put the study has managed to gauge the state of carbon in place so that accurate information is given in terms footprinting in the South African banking sector. The benchmark was made from leading global banks fea- of electricity usage, fuel use, distance travelled (kilo- tured in CDP Global 500 report based on their carbon metres), waste (amount recycled and amount sent to disclosure score. From the benchmark or model, it landfill), paper usage and lastly the amount of invest- could be seen that globally, banks focused mainly on ment and lending that caused carbon emissions. carbon footprinting their internal operations and there Measuring carbon emissions should inform the proc- is limited scope of accounting the carbon emissions ess of managing the reduction of carbon emissions. caused by their lending and investments. The trend Hence there is a need to research more on carbon was the same with South African Banks. In the course emissions reduction systems that can be used by banks of reviewing literature, it emerged that various meth- in the country. Furthermore, it will be inevitable that ods have been devised and these pertain mostly to South African banks link their carbon emissions to quantifying the carbon emissions to lending done to the expenses incurred in reducing those carbon emis- energy intensive industries. GHG protocol is also sions. Therefore, there will be a need to study the links working on a financial sector tailored tool that banks between carbon emissions and the financial state of can use to measure the carbon investments from their banks. Furthermore, there is a need to properly meas- investments. Though internal operations of banks have small amounts of carbon emissions, their investments ure the unit amount of each investment and lending and lending (external operations) have huge amounts done by a bank in causing carbon emissions. On the of carbon emissions emanating from energy intensive other hand, it will be expedient to be cognisant of the industries. It can be observed from the study that the need to balance economic growth with the achieve- financial sector has a huge risk from climate change ment of a low carbon economy. In way, carbonfoot- than ever determined before. 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