b. Instead, they result from the conjunction of aerodynamic, acoustic, and per- ceptual facts, which lead to systematic misperception. c. Such a model is able to account not only for the general facts of emergent The 30th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society February 13-16, 2004 consonants after high vowels, but for specific facts of this phenomenon in The Emergence of Dorsal Stops after High Huishu. Vowels in Huishu∗

David Mortensen 0Ê 22Ê 44Ê 66Ê 88Ê 110Ê 132Ê 154Ê University of California, Berkeley 48Ê 48Ê [email protected] 36Ê 36Ê Feburary 14, 2004 24Ê Huishu Maru 24Ê

12Ê 12Ê Credibile prorsus est, quia ineptum Singhi Momo est . . . . certum est, quia impossibile. 0Ê Lom 0Ê —Tertullian, De Carne Christi -12Ê -12Ê

1 Introduction -24Ê -24Ê

(1) a. Problem: In Huishu, a Tibeto-Burman language of () belong- -36Ê -36Ê ing to the Tangkhul group, a sound change occurred which inserted dorsal stop codas after high vowels in open syllables. 0Ê 22Ê 44Ê 66Ê 88Ê 110Ê 132Ê 154Ê

> > > ¤ ¥ § ¨ ¤ ¥ ¨ ¤ ¡ ¦ ¦ ¢ b. PTB PTk ¢ Huishu ¢ ‘to die’. £ c. This same type of development has occurred independently in a number of different languages and language families. Figure 1: Approximate geographical locations for some of the languages discussed in this paper. d. This type of epenthesis seems odd from both a formal and functional stand- point. • Epenthesis usually inserts vowels. 2 Huishu • Consonant epenthesis usually inserts glides (Blevins to appear a), ex- cept for eclipsis (Hock 1991:122-123). (3) a. Huishu is spoken by a few thousand individuals in Huishu village and the surrounding area in District, Manipur State, India. (2) a. The Proposal: This change (and the other changes like it) were not moti- vated by either formal or function factors. b. It is a member of the closely related family of languages spoken the Tangkhuls (also called the Tangkhul Nagas). ∗This paper owes a debt to many individuals including James Matisoff, Larry Hyman, John Ohala, Sharon Inkelas, Juliette Blevins, Takumi Ikeda, Andrew Garrett, and Garry Holland. It is likely that none of these c. The position of the Tangkhul group within Tibeto-Burman is not yet settled, individuals agrees completely with the arguments presented here, and none of them is responsible for errors present here, but each of them shaped—in some way—the central ideas of this paper. I owe a special debt to but some evidence suggests that it may be close to Kuki-Chin, Zeliangrong, Jonathan and Rufus Zingkai, who provided the Huishu data upon which my argument depends. or both.

1 2 3.2 3.1 3 (6) (4) (5) The The Pr b b a. a. a. c. c.

. .  eliminaries

The Proto-T Subsequently There This In All lo stops. result ne and Thus /


Emer v


pre-Huishu, ¡ er / instances .


data [



o the




¡  wels )

angkhul  reflect and pre-Huishu a pre-Huishu sho ]. no gence





wing w



,  of ) dorsal all PTk and open (PTk; T T /

able ¤






complicated) ¦



high of ¡

in  stop rhymes syllables with ). 2: Mortensen de 1: modern





¦ ¦ § ¦



v ¡ Huishu


  codas elopment [


¨ ¨ [



wels. ¡

¢ ,



¤ £


, ]



¢¤ PTk



emer ¨ 3


¨ ¨ ¨ rhyme


¤ onset 2003),


Stops ay



¨ ©





had stop-coda ] these and


reflect later


¤ ¤

in §

after  v v high


the ( entory



< in



§ ¤

sound ¡ high PTk stop these became v Huishu o .










emer  wels ) process ,








in ¡


, these ¡ > codas , as and


 that /




 , and the epenthetic are / ( syllables. is








after ¤ and




, reconstruction rhyme 3.3 [23] [22] [21] [20] [19] [18] [17] [16] [15] [14] [13] [12] [11] [10] [9] [8] [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] (7) 1 The pre ‘w ‘laugh’ ‘e ‘dog’ ‘tie’ ‘insect’ ‘grandchild’ ‘carry ‘breast’ ‘bone’ ‘tw ‘se ‘salt’ ‘one’ ‘mother ‘medicine’ ‘horn’ ‘four’ ‘fear’ ‘die’ ‘comb’ ‘blo ‘blood’ shoulders)’ la Phonetic b b a. reconstructions viously w’ . . gg’ ater’ v

o’ , The Place The forms Standard / 2003). etymological among perfectly w’

en’ ¤


- 2 phonetically . -in- reconstructed abo follo of for (on the v details Articulation T wing re e gi angkhul PTk most data gular v en v

— — — —

— — PTB — —


§ § 1

elar ¤*) ' ' ¤

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡

¦ $ table

as ,









gloss £ ,


¦ £




© and








¨ are










. £ and


are ¢ /



£ ¢ (the gi Proto-T dif


£ £ While o identical v v es fer refle er in the plentiful, x according PTk


§ §


§ §

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤


 # of


¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡  ¡


§ ¥





¢ ¥ ¥ ¢ ¥ ¥ ¢ ¢ ¥ ¢ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¢ ¥ ¢

   ¥ ¥  ¥ ¢ ¥    ¥



¢ ¥ (another PTB



¢ ¥

§ § ©




of ¦













¢ ¢

¥ ¢ ¥ ¥

, ¨


 ¨  ¨

important ¢ ¥ ¢ ¥ ¢ ¥



# #



¨ ¨





since 1 in to ) data T is stops Mortensen the




"  reconstructed

— T + §

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤



 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡  ¡ ¡


§ § § § § §

! ¨



¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

 ¥ ¥ ¢






¥ ¥

¢ ¢

" §


§ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥  ¥

¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ (PTB;



§ §

¤ §


 ¦ §










¢ ¥











¢ ¥ ¢ ¥




¥ ¥ ¥

¢ ¢ ¢





e §

¡ (2003),






with  been Benedict rhymes here

f v




§" — Kachai —

¤ ! ¤

¤ ¤ ¤




¡  ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ 

¡ ¡

" ¥


§ § § § with

transcribed ¨



¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

¥ ¢ ¥ ¥ ¢

wel: ¥      ¢ 



" " "


¢ ¥


§ §

¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

¢ ¢ % ¢ ¢



§ %

¤ §&%

¡ ¡












¢ ¥
















¥ ¥

¢ ¢








% ¤ reconstructed

more dif


 ! forms / these is ference: Matisof





¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

¦ §

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡  ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡


§ §

¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

¢ ¥ ¢ ¥ ¢ ¥ ¢ ¢ ¥ ¥ ¢ ¢ ¢




¢ ¥

v from were





¢ ¥ ¢



§ § § §











! ¡

§ ¤








¥ ¢

¨ ¢ ¢







¤ the !



¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

¢ ¤ ¢ ¢ ¢ as !

¤ ¤ ¤








¤ ¦






¤  ¡










! ¤

¤ ¤



¤ ¤ with a velar stop, but / ¨ ¤ / is realized with a palatal stop (not unlike the velar PAN Lom

© © ¤  stops in English).    

[42] ‘rice pestle’ ¡ S

> ¤ ¨  ¦  [43] ‘ghost; demon’  C  (  ¦  ) ¡

c. Manner Unlike Huishu / / (and, in fact, the coda obstruents of most Tibeto- ¤ [44] ‘yes’     Burman languages in the India-Burman borderlands region) Huishu dorsal

¤ [45] ‘dog’  ¡   ¡  stop codas are produced with an audible release, which—at times—is ac- ¤ [46] ‘shirt’ Malay $   $   ¨ ¨

companied by very noticeable frication. They sound rather like the aspirated ¤ ¤ ¤ [47] ‘mangrove’ $    $   stops that occur as onsets in Huishu.

¤ [48] ‘stone’ $  ¦  $  ¦ 

¤ [49] ‘tunnel trap’ $  $  $  $ 

© © ¤ 4 Parallel Developments [50] ‘body hair’ $   $  

> ¨ ¤ ¨ ¨ ¦  [51] ‘that’ C  ( ¦  ) ¤ © ¤ © ¤ 4.1 Lom (Belom) [52] ‘if’ Malay      > ¤ ¤ ¤ ¨ ¤   [53] ‘wood; tree’  S (   ) £ £ ¤ (8) a. Lom is an unclassified Austronesian language of Bangka (an island off the [54] ‘honey’ Malay    

§ ¤ east cost of Sumatra, approximately 200 miles to the south of Singapore; [55] ‘put, place’ ¦  R  ¦   2 © © ¤ Blust 1994) . [56] ‘headwaters’     ¡

¤ ¨ > ¨   

[57] ‘shark’ ¡ S ( ) £

¤ b. In Lom, dorsal stops / # / and / / have intruded after word-final Proto-Austronesian (PAN) high vowels: 4.2 Singhi PAN Lom

> (9) a. Singhi, also an Austronesian language, is a Land Dyak language of Sarawak ¨ ¨ [24] ‘fire’ S   (  )   #


on Borneo. ¨ § ¨ [25] ‘day’   R  #

> ¨ ¨  ¦  [26] ‘liver’ (  ¦ )  ¦ # £ b. In Singhi, obstruents have also developed after word final high vowels, but

> ¨ ¨ [27] ‘pig’ $  $  ( $  $ ) $  $  # £ there are fricatives rather than stops.

¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ [28] ‘flesh, meat’ ¡ ¡ #

 ¤ § ¨ ¤ ¨       # ¢ ¨ >  >   [29] ‘rudder’ c. Pre-Singhi Singhi / ¤ / which Pre-Singhi / / (Blust 1994).

¤ ¨ § ¨ ¤ ¨ ¨ > ¤ ¨ § ¨ # [30] ‘left (side)’   R ( )

© ¤ ¨ ¤ © ¤ ¨   [31] ‘husband; male’  PAN Singhi

© ¨ © ¨  ¦   ¦  # ¨ ¨ ¨  ¦ $ [32] ‘floor’ Malay  ¦ ¡

[58] ‘white’ ¡ ‘European’

© § ¨ © ¨  #   ¨ ¨ [33] ‘to run’ R  $ $ ¡

[59] ‘yam’ ¡

> ¨ ¨  ¦  #   ¦  ¨ ¨ [34] ‘to die’ C ( ) $  ¡ $  ¡ ¡ £ [60] ‘iron’ ‘small axe’

© ¨ © ¨  # $  § ¨ ¨ [35] ‘to buy’ [61] ‘behind’   $  ¡ ‘helm’

¨    # ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¦ ¡ [36] ‘rice plant’ ¦

¨ £ [62] ‘this’

¤ ¨ ¤ ¨      # ¤ ¨ ¤ ¨  ¡ 

[37] ‘clothing’ Malay [63] ‘we (excl.)’

¨ ¨  ¦   ¦  # ¤ § ¨ ¤ © ¨  ¡ 

[38] ‘beach’ Malay [64] ‘dig’

¨ ¨ ¦  #  ¨ § ¨ ¨ © ¨ ¡ [39] ‘excrement’ C $ ¡ [65] ‘buy’

© ¨ © ¨ ¦  #  ¨ ¨ [40] ‘rope’ C S ¦   ¡

[66] ‘demand (a debt)’ ¡ ' '

¤  $   $  ¨ § ¨ © ¨  ¡ 

[41] ‘ash’ ¡ [67] ‘forbidden (by S


2Thanks to Juliette Blevins for directing me to Blust (1994), where Lom and Singhi are discussed

5 6 PAN Singhi PTB WB Atsi Maru " 

¤ § ¤ § § ¤ § ! ¤ § ! ¨ © ¨ ¨ § ¨  ¦ ¡ ¢

[68] ‘choose’ ¡ [88] ‘leg/foot’ £ £ £ 

! § § © ¨ § ¨ ¦   $  $ ¡ [69] ‘exceed’ [89] ‘water’ ¢ — ¡ ¡ £ %  

¨ ¤ © ¨ ¨ ¨ § ! ! ¡ ¡  ¡   ¦ [70] ‘spear’ [90] ‘parrot’ ¢ £ £ £ ¨ ¨ ' ' ' %  "

¤ © ¤ § © ¨ § ¨ ¤ § ! ¤ § ! ¦  ¦  ¡  ¦ [71] ‘rope, string’ S [91] ‘dung’ ¢ £ £ £ £ " 

¤ § ¤ § § ¨ ¤ § ¨ ¤ § ¤ ¢      $   $  ¢

[72] ‘ash, fireplace’ ¡ [92] ‘horn’ £ £ % 


© § ¢ ¡ § ¨      ¤      [73] ‘rice pestle’ S ¢ ¡ [93] ‘mushroom’ PLB % 

¢     ¨ ¤      [74] ‘great, large’ R ¢

£ £ [94] ‘cry’



$  ¦  $  ¦  ¨ ¤      [75] ‘stone’ [95] ‘sky’ ¢ %  

¢ § § $    $   ¨ ¨ ¤   ¦   [76] ‘new’ R ¢ ¡ [96] ‘bone’ ¡ % %  "

¢     ¤ ! ¤ § ¨ ¤ § ¤ § ¤      ¢

[77] ‘fathom’ [97] ‘smoke’ % " "

¢ § ¤ ¤ §     ¨ ¤ § ¤ § ¤      [78] ‘interior of a ¢

£ £ [98] ‘steal’ % " 

¡ § § ¤ ¨ §      country’ [99] ‘grandfather’ ¢ ¢

¨ ¢ ¤ ¦  [79] ‘louse’  C  '

¤ ¨ ¤ ¢ ¤ ¢ [80] ‘tree, wood’  S  ,   £ £ (12) a. It is interesting to note that the secondary stop that Burling (1966) transcribes

¨ ¢   

[81] ‘burn’ C N  ¤ as / ¢ / is always transcribed as / / by Chinese linguists (Sun 1991; Dai and

¢ [82] ‘fish with poison’ ¦  $   $  Huang 1992).

¤ § ¤ ¢    

[83] ‘fern’

¨ ¦ ¢     b. This may be due either to a sound change that changed all instances of

[84] ‘firewood shelf’ R £

¨ ¤ © ¨ § ¨ ¢ [85] ‘five’   to / /, or to the conservation of the original place of articulation in Maru as

¢ [86] ‘sugarcane’ C  $  S ¦  $  spoken in China but not those dialects spoken in Burma (where Burling did his field work on Maru).    4.3 Maru (Langsu) c. It is most plausible that both Burling’s / ¢ / and the / / of Chinese linguists

are reflexes of an original # similar to that found in Huishu and Lom. (10) a. Maru (known in the Chinese literature as Langsu) is a Burmish language of Northern Burma (Kachin State) and Southern China (Yunnan Province). 4.4 Momo and Fomopea b. Burling (1966) argued persuasively, on tonal evidence, that some of the stop (13) a. The Momo group of Grassfields Bantu languages display an innovation sim-

¤ codas of Maru (which he transcribed as / ¦ / and / /) were a secondary devel- ilar to the others discussed here (Stallcup 1978:124-132)3. opment.

b. Epenthetic / /s appear after what must have been, historically, high vowels. c. This same argument was made earlier by Benedict (1948) and was hinted at somewhat earlier by Karlgren (1931:56ff). c. The same development occurred (apparently independently) in Fomopea, a language from the core of the Bamileke group. (11) a. Burling’s /-t/ and /-k/ developed regularly after the reflexes of Proto-Tibeto-

 Burman (PTB) ¢ and ¢ , which appear to have become the high vowels

£ d. Take the following examples from Proto-Grassfield Bantu (PGB) (Hyman

4 ¨ and  in pre-Maru. 1979/1993), Fomopea , and Moghamo (Stallcup 1978):

b. See the following comparisons between Maru, the closely related language PGB Bafut Fomopea Moghamo "   "   " " " 

Atsi (Burling 1966), Written Burmese (WB), and PTB (Matisoff 2003):

¤ ¤ [100] ‘head’ ¦   ¦   ¦   ¦  % "   

! ¤ ¤ © #  # # #  [101] ‘mouth’   "   "  " PTB WB Atsi Maru " 

¤ ¤

$  $ £ $   $   ¢ % [102] ‘dog’ 

! ! ¡ ¡ ¦ ¡ ¡  [87] ‘die’ ¢ £ 3Thanks to Larry Hyman for alerting me to the existence of this case and that of Fomopea. 4The Fomopea data are taken from Larry Hyman’s unpublished field notes. The data from Bafut, a Grassfields language from the Ngemba group, are taken from a Grassfields Working Group notebook, also graciously provided by Larry Hyman.

7 8

  ¨ >   PGB Bafut Fomopea Moghamo Lom PAN Lom /  /, / ¨  /  

>      ¨ © ¤    PAN Lom / /, / /

[103] ‘fall’ ¢ — — ' ' " "

© ! ¤  ¢

[104] ‘eat’ ¢ — — ¨

¨ >  ¤ " "  Singhi Pre-Singhi Singhi / /

! ¤  [105] ‘moon’ V — — ¢


  " " " Pre-Singhi Singhi / /

+ ! ¤ [106] ‘knife’ $  — — $  " " " 

   ! ¤ ¦  ¦   > ¨ >   <  [107] ‘stone’ — — ¢ Maru PTB ¢ Pre-Maru Maru / / or / / ( / /?) £ " "    "

! ! ! ¤  ¦  ¦  ¦ > > 

[108] ‘tree’ —    PTB ¢ Pre-Maru Maru / /

>  ¨  (14) a. It is not immediately evident that these data parallel the data from Huishu, Momo Pre-Momo Mogham / ¨ /

 >  Maru, Singhi, and Lom, since the “high-vowel” conditioning environment Pre-Momo Mogham / /

 >  is not evident in either the Proto-Grassfields Bantu reconstructions or the Pre-Momo  Mogham / © / Moghamo forms. b. However, there is external evidence, from languages like Bafut which reflect 5 Competing Accounts ¨  these vowels as / /, / /, and /  / and from the aspiration of stops in Bamileke

languages, that high vowels were the environment for / / epenthesis (Hyman (16) a. Four desiderata: There are four things that an account of dorsal stop epenthe- 1972:23-24; Stallcup 1978). sis in Huishu and other languages should explain.

c. Applying the inductive hypothesis (without taking the reconstructed phonet- (17) a. Mechanism The mechanism through which the change took place. ics too seriously), we might suppose that there were three contrasting high-

¤ vowels in Pre-Momo: a high front vowel that became Moghamo /  /, a high b. Environment Why high vowels seem robustly to form the environment for

¤ back vowel that became Moghamo /  /, and a high mid vowel that became this type of epenthesis. 5

¤ Moghamo / ¢ / : c. Motivation Why this sound change converts a “less marked” structure into a “more marked” structure. Pre-Momo > Pre-Momo0 > Proto-Momo, Moghamo

> > ¨ ¨ ¤ ¤ d. Substance Why the epenthetic obstruents have the place and manner features 

 ¤ ¤  > > that they do. ¢

> > ¤ ¤    (18) Five point bouns: Explain the odd release of the Huishu dorsal stops. 4.5 Rhaeto-Romance 5.1 Diphthogization plus glide fortition (15) Possibly related may be the Verschärfung seen in the Surmeiran and Puter vari- eties of Rhaeto-Romance (Haiman 1988:352-353): (19) a. One possible account for the type of phenomena described here was given by Blust (1994)—that the emergence of these stops was a two-part process6:    ¤ In syllables closed by / / . . . inherited / / becomes [ ] or [ ¡ ], pos- 1. The vowels diphthongized.  ˘ ¤  sibly via ?[ ]. Thus DORMI¯RE becomes [ £  ¥ ] ‘to sleep’. That ¢ this change is subphonemic is relfected in the fact that it is not indi- 2. The off-glide was then fortified to become an obstruent. cated in the standard orthography of either dialect, and is apparently stigmatised by speakers as ‘uncouth’. b. Blust notes that there are clear cases of glide fortition word-initially and word-medially in Austronesian languages (Blust 1994:112-113). 4.6 Synopsis c. This seems plausible for the case of Lom, where the quality of the reflexes of  word-final PAN *  has changed to become / / (in exactly those cases where

¨ ¤ ¨ ¨ > Huishu PTk Huishu / / [ #§¦ ]

it is followed by the intrusive / /). 

   >   PTK  /  / [ ] 6 5 0 It should be noted that Blust (1994) argues both for and against epenthetic stops resulting from glide The intermediate step shown in the table as Pre-Momo is possibly unnecessary for reasons discussed fortition, depending on the details of the specific case. in Ohala (1993).

9 10 d. But in Tangkhul family, there is no external evidence for diphthongization in 5.3 Constraint against open syllables the affected rhymes. Rather, evidence suggests that PTB diphthongs became (23) a. If sound changes occur in order to enhance the phonotactic well-formedness PTk monophthongs in these words. of the words that contain them, then it would follow that adding coda conso- e. There are plenty of diphthongs in PTk, and yet only the rhymes which we nants improves the syllables to which they are added in some way. would otherwise reconstruct as high vowels are affected by the epenthesis. b. This cannot be due to a general constraint against open syllables: 5.2 Buccalization of glottal stop (“nope-epenthesis”) • Open syllables are almost universally assumed to be “less marked” than closed syllables. (20) a. Glottal stops sometimes occur at prosodic boundaries and in positions of • prominence (see, for example, Dagbani as described in Hyman 1988). Open syllables containing high vowels are targeted differentially by this type of epenthesis. ¡ ¡ b. For this reason, En. no! is sometimes realized as [ © ] or [ ©¢ ]. c. Thus, the constraint would have to be against open syllables with high vowel 7

< ¡ < © ©

c. Acoustically, this is similar to [ £ ], accounting for En. nope [ ] no! nuclei. > ∼ ¡ ∼ d. Parallel development: Earlier En. oh! En. [ © ¢ ] [ ©¢ ] [ ©¢ ]. £ d. Under such a constraint, it seems odd that the epenthetic segment would not

be some “minimally marked” segment such as / ¡ / (which was already a legal e. This, we may call nope-epenthesis, after the best known example of it. coda in the language).

 ¨ ¤ ¨  (21) a. We might, likewise, posit that PTk  and became /  / and / / via e. Furthermore, positing a universal constraint against syllable final high vow- nope-epenthesis. els seems to simply and arbitrarily restate part of the generalization without

explaining the phenomenon.

> ¡ > ¤ b.   /  /

f. Nevertheless, I will argue that there is a (perverse) sense in which this ac- c. ¨ > ¨ ¡ > / ¨ ¤ / count is true: that open syllables with a high vowel nucleus are a “marked” (22) a. Problems: This explanation is problematic for several reasons: structure. b. Other cases of nope-epenthesis occur in interjections or other words that oc- cur mostly in special prosodic environments (Hock 1991:124); in Huishu, 5.4 Maintenance of contrasts (push chain) the epenthesis is part of a regular sound change. (24) a. One might conceive of this type of epenthesis as part of a push chain. c. Nope-epenthesis seems to occur only word-finally; in Huishu, stops are epenthe- b. This account has the advantage of explaining the fact that it is high vowels sized both word-medially and word finally. (and perhaps other peripheral vowels) that are the targets of these epenthetic d. Nope-epenthesis should not target one class of vowels preferentially; in Huishu processes. and related cases, it is the high-vowels that form the environment for the c. Peripheral vowels are the most likely to be crowded uncomfortably by en- epenthesis. croaching vowels because they have, as it were, no place to run. e. An epenthesized glottal stop produced by this process would collide with d. The distinctions made by such vowels can only be maintained, we might other segments in the inventory: argue, by something drastic like epenthesis.

> > ¤ ¡ ¡ ¤ → Case 1: , ¦ , preceded there must have been distinct 0 e. We may also note, referring to the other languages in which the process has

¡ and ¡ , which is possible, but one would have to have been a true been observed, that it never seems to result in mergers8. glottal stop, and the other, creak. The modern reflex of the buccal stops

is a true glottal stop, but creak is not a likely source for / /. (25) a. The impression that this was a kind of chain shift grows if we look at the

¤ ¤ > ¡ > ¤ ¡ → ¦ changes that occurred the monophthongal rhymes between PTk and Huishu,

Case 2: preceded , , there must have distinct 0

and ¤ . This seems unlikely. schematized in Figure 2.

7For an alternative analysis of this phenomenon, see Hock (1991:124). 8This observation is due to Larry Hyman, p.c.

11 12 ¨ ¤ ¤ ( ) (  ) 5.5 Maximal use of phonological space (drag chain) I U (27) a. But what if, instead of a push chain, the development of dorsal consonants

¡ was part of a drag chain? T W

¤ > ¡ b. The ¦ , / / sound change left a gap in the coda-inventory of Huishu. [nasal]_ ¢

  Z c. The epenthesis of dorsal codas helped fill this gap.

£ d. Other rhymes then shifted to fill the place of the high-vowel rhymes.

Figure 2: The development of Huishu monophthongs. e. Still other rhymes shifted to fill these gaps, thus accounting for the apparent counter-feeding interactions between pre-Huishu sound changes.

b. Considering only this data, it might seem plausible that Huishu developed ve- (28) a. Problem: If these sound changes were meant to give Huishu a more balanced lar stops in order to keep the high-vowel rhymes from merging with reflexes inventory that makes better use of the available phonological space, they have

of PTk  , and  , which were creeping up from below. failed bitterly. (26) a. This illusion is shattered quite decisively, however, if we look at a larger b. Huishu is left not only with a somewhat odd inventory of rhymes (see Table subset of the sound changes that occurred in rhymes between PTk and Huishu 28b) but with a situation where a disproportionately small number of words (Figure 3). contain low vowels. ¨ ¤ ¤  ( ) ( ) ¨       2 (  ) H V ¨


¨   § §   ¡ ¡

¤ , ¥ 6/ o

W   I 

§  §  

¦ ¢  ,

/ ¥ o   R

¤  ¨ ¤  [  ]

¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡      

 ( ) ¨ ¦§ ¢ §  / ( ) / V J Table 3: Huishu rhyme inventory. £ £ § ¥ [nasal]_ c. Huishu is an apparent counter-example to Kiparsky’s (1995:663) claim that £ O there do not seem to be any languages that display “across-the-board” raising of all vowels9. §  d. In fact, what seems to have happened is that a language with a rather sym- Figure 3: The development of Huishu monophthongal and diphthongal rhymes from metrical vowel and rhyme inventory (PTk) has suffered a dramatic reduction PTk rhymes. in this symmetry.

b. In the motivation for the development of dorsal stop codas in Huishu was e. This hypothesis has the further disadvantage of providing no good explana- to preserve lexical contrasts, it is odd that so many mergers seemed to have tion for the fact that the high vowel rhymes are the target of the stop epenthe- occurred in the language at about the same. sis. 9However, this is true only in open syllables. In closed syllables, the developments are not so clearly c. Huishu /  / reflects no less than four PTk rhymes, including two very common parallel.

diphthongs (PTk  and  ). ¨ ¨ d. In light of this evidence, the push chain hypothesis seems contrived.

13 14 5.6 Syllable isochrony b. Normative path (29) a. The insertion of dorsal stops after high vowels could be intended to bring about syllable isochrony (ensuring that all syllables are about the same length). Initial state > Automatic > Phonetic > Phonologization devoicing implementation b. High vowels are typically shorter than non-high vowels, so something extra > > >

∼ ∼    */  / [  ] */  / [  ] [  ] */  / [  ] [ ] */ / [ ] ¡ would have to be added to syllables with high-vowel nuclei in order to bring ¡   */  / [  ] them into sync with the rest of the system.  >   >    >     ∼ ∼ ¢ ¢ */ / [ ] */ / [ ] [ ] */ / [ ¢ ] [ ] */ / [ ] ¡ ¡   c. Thus, enter the obstruents. */ / [  ]

(30) a. This would explain why the process targets high vowels as opposed to other 6.1 High Vowel Devoicing (HVD) vowels—it’s about duration. (34) a. HVD phenomena are widely known and fairly easy to explain from a pho-

b. This could also explain the aspiration of the dorsal stops (as opposed to  / /, £ netic standpoint. which only appears after mid-vowels)—the aspiration prolongs the syllable. b. Since high vowels involve a relatively tight constriction (compared to other (31) a. Problems still persist: vowels) and are correlated with a small oral cavity, the superglottal pressure is likely to be higher for high vowels than for non-high vowels. b. This account does not explain why plosives are such a common outcome for this type of process (although their velarity could be explained by through c. It follows that the pressure drop across the glottis should be relatively lower

the proposal of Carvalho 2004 that velars have the feature [high]) when [ ] for these vowels than for other vowels. or the lengthening of the vowel would do the job just as well. d. Thus, the aerodynamic conditions coincident with the articulation of high c. Syllable isochrony seems to overgenerate. It would seem to also predict the vowels are less favorable for voicing that those for non-high vowels, and we possible deletion of coda sonorants after low vowels, but these were in fact would predict that unintentional devoicing should occur more frequently in retained. high vowels than in low vowels.

 d. Further, this hypothesis seems helpless to explain the raising of  to / / e. When devoiced, high vowels become weak dorsal (palatal to velar) fricatives. subsequent to dorsal stop epenthesis. 6.2 Phonologizing the fricative 6 Proposal (35) a. This tendency for high vowels to become partially devoiced has been phonol- ogized (or, at least, made part of the language-specific phonetic implementa- (32) a. Principle Language-change is the result of mistaken inferences. tion of high vowels) in some cases. 10 b. Corollary Sound-change is the result of misperception . b. A particularly well know example of this is Parisian French, where word- final high vowels devoice to become weak fricatives (Fónagy 1989:247)12. c. By misperception, I mean the state of affairs where the speaker attributes an incorrect intent to the speaker. (36) a. The fricative codas of Singhi represent a further development of the same type of pattern as is found in French. (33) a. Overview High vowels are particularly susceptible to devoicing for aerody- namic reasons. A devoiced high vowel is phonetically a fricative. In Huishu b. Speakers reinterpreted devoiced vowels as vowels followed by homorganic and other languages that have developed intrusive obstruents after high vow- fricatives. els, the accidental fricatives resulting from HVD (high vowel devoicing) have been parsed by perceivers as intentional fricatives or stops11. c. Speakers may have subsequently attributed the palatality of the fricative after  ¤

/ / to the vowel, and thus posited / / rather than / £ / as the correct form for this 10For related views, see (Ohala 1993; Blevins to appear b; etc.) coda. 11The general outline of this proposal was inspired by a conversation with John Ohala, and some of the ideas (but none of the errors) present in it should be credited to him. 12Other (non-high) vowels devoice in similar contexts, but with less frequency (Fagyal and Moisset 1999; Smith 2003).

15 16 6.3 (Mis)perceiving a stop 7 Discussion and Conclusions

(37) a. Explaining the emergence of stop codas from these fricative codas is some- (39) a. The seeds of obstruent epenthesis after high vowels are aerodynamic and what more challenging. articulatory. b. It is clear that the fricative was “fortified” to become a stop, but this is a label b. These phonetic seeds take root and grow in the soil of language specific per- for the process, not an explanation. ception. c. The clues for one explanation lie in the phonetics of Huishu (and help us (40) a. The emergence of dorsal obstruents after high vowels does not require a answer the five-point bonus question): grammar-internal or otherwise teleological explanation: • Generally, stop codas in Tangkhul and related languages are unreleased, b. The fundamental facts of about this type of epenthetic segments fall out and etymological stop codas in Huishu are no exception. cleanly from a perceptual-articulatory model of sound change: • Huishu emergent dorsal stop codas have a strongly audible release— even aspiration. mechanism The change occurred because of a set of mistaken inferences. Aerodynamically and articulatorily induced variation was mistakenly attributed to speaker intent. ¤ ¡ ¦ environment The process occurred in high vowels because they are more § § ¡ ¦ prone to devoicing than low vowels. ¢ ¢ ¤ ¦ ¡

[ £ , ]

¢ § ¡ [ , ¡ ] ( ) ( ) motivation The new form was on the winning side in a lop-sided percep- £ ¥ § ¦ tual battle. Open syllables with only high vowels are relatively more ¨

© “marked” than open syllables with low vowels to the extent that pro-

cesses like this one are more likely to close them.

substance The articulatory properties of emergent obstruent proceed directly Table 4: Huishu onset inventory: what is the mystery segment? from the articulatory properties of the vowel its source.

7.1 Tying things together (38) a. Suppose a pre-Huishu speaker hears the phonetic implementation that has been assigned to high vowels—a voiceless vowel or a vowel with a fricative (41) a. My account of dorsal stop epenthesis has the added benefit of explaining the coda. She notices the friction at the end of the word. fact that, in Grassfields Bantu languages, stop epenthesis and spontaneous aspiration have the same conditioning factor—high vowels. b. She mistakenly parses this friction as an attempt at another segment rather than as an aspect of the implementation of the vowel. b. The devoicing in extra-high vowels could be attributed to a preceding aspi- c. What segment could it be? rated stop as well as to a trailing obstruent. Velar fricative? She does know about velar or palatal fricatives. They do c. Thus, this aspiration process can be seem as an assimilation to the same not occur in the consonant inventory (see Table 4). environment implicated in the epenthesis process. Palatal fricative? Same story. 7.2 Contributions

Some other fricative? The fricative in the inventory ([¤ ] and [ ] do not have the right acoustic properties, and none of them occur in coda positions. (42) a. Identified an under-recognized cluster of empirical phenomena—the emer- Aspirated velar stop? Yes! It has a noisy phase like the one she is hearing. gence of non-etymological dorsal obstruents after high vowels. Furthermore, it is a stop, and Huishu phonotactics do feature stops in b. Added to the repertoire of perceptual/articulatory accounts of sound change coda position. an (apparently novel) explanation of this class of developments. d. So, she assumes that the noise in the vowel was a defective attempt to produce

 c. Argued that grammatical competence (specifically, phonotactic knowledge)

/ /, which she then “restores” in her own speech. plays a significant role in the (mis)perception of speech sounds but argued e. Repeated enough times, this results in the observed sound change. against teleological accounts of sound change.

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