Kiddush for Festivals Ma’ariv: Concluding Prayers 74

Kiddush for Festivals b9u .9y1l s0D5q Page 35

We bless you, Sovereign God, who rules yy h3T2a ;0r3B Baruch ata Adonai Eternal space and time .3l9i3h ;4l4m 0ny6h^l$a Eloheinu melech ha’olam Creator of the grapevine’s fruit, ,4p´G2h y5r1P a6r9B Boreh peri hagafen. From which we make this .

We bless you, Sovereign God, yy h3T2a ;0r3B Baruch ata Adonai Who rules eternal time and space; .3l9i3h ;4l4m 0ny6h^l$a Eloheinu melech ha’olam From all the nations of the world, 0n3B r2c3B r4s@a asher bachar banu It’s us you did select; .3i-l3K5m mikol am You raised us over those who speak ,9s3l-l3K5m 0n3m1m9rÚw verom’manu mikol lashon With foreign dialect. wy3t91x5m1B 0n3s1D5qÚw vekidshanu bemitzvotav. The duties which you gave us Do our holiness project...... On Friday night, add the shaded words...... With love, O God, 0ny6h^l$a yy 0n3l ,4T5Tºw Vatiten lanu Adonai Eloheinu, you set those times h3b@h2a1B be’ahava When reverent bliss is all; h3c0n1m5l t9t3B2s Shabbatot limnucha This day, the day of rest, and h3c1m5f1l .y5d@i9m0 umo’adim lesim’cha Feast days, days of joy like this… ,9f3f1l .y»N2mÚz0 .y»G2c chagim uz’manim lesason, .9y-t4a et yom .9y-t4aÚw hÅZ2h t3B2S2h haShabbat hazeh ve’et yom… ...... We add lines for each Festival. This is for Pesach...... …The Matza Festival. hÅZ2h t9X2M2h g2c … chag hamatzot hazeh; Today’s a holy gathering, 0ny6t0r6c ,2mÚz z’man cheruteinu… The day we first were free; ...... On Shavu’ot ...... …Of Weeks the Festival, hÅZ2h t9i8b3S2h g2c …chag hashavu’ot hazeh When you bestowed our guiding law 0ny6t3r9t ,2T2m ,2mÚz z’man matan Torateinu… On us who crossed the Sea… Kiddush for Festivals Ma’ariv: Concluding Prayers 76

Blessed are you, Sovereign God, yy h3T2a ;0r3B Baruch ata Adonai who rules the universe, .3l9i3h ;4l4m 0ny6h^l$a Eloheinu melech ha’olam who distinguishes holy from secular, l9c1l s4d^q ,y6B ly5d1b2M2h hamavdil bein kodesh lechol darkness from light, ;4sc1l r9a ,y6B bein or lechoshech Israel from other peoples, .y5M2i3l l6a3r1f»y ,y6B bein Yisra’el la’amim the seventh day y5iy5b1S2h .9y ,y6B bein yom hashvi’i from the six days of creative activity. h4f@i2M2h y6mÚy t4s6s1l lesheshet yemei hama’aseh. Between the holiness of Shabbat t3B2s t2S8d1q ,y6B Bein kedushat Shabbat and the holiness of a festival b9u .9y t2S8d1q5l likdushat yom tov you made a distinction, T1l2D1b5h hivdalta and you made day seven y5iy5b1S2h .9y-t4aÚw ve’et yom hashvi’i more holy than the six days h4f@i2M2h-y6mÚy t4s6S5m misheshet yemei hama’aseh of creative activity. 3T1s2D5q kidashta. You distinguished and hallowed 3T1s2D5qÚw 3T1l2D1b5h Hivdalta vekidashta your people Israel. l6a3r1f»y j1M2i-t4a et amcha Yisra’el through your holiness. j4t3S8d1q5B bikdushatecha. We bless you, God, who separates ly5D1b2M2h yy h3T2a ;0r3B Baruch ata Adonai hamavdil one holiness from another. s4d^q1l s4d^q ,y6B bein kodesh lekodesh.

...... Add this Berachah on every Festival except the last two nights of Pesach ...... We bless you, Sovereign God, yy h3T2a ;0r3B Baruch ata Adonai Who rules eternal space and time; .3l9i3h ;4l4m 0ny6h^l$a Eloheinu melech ha’olam You raised us and sustained us, 0n3mÚY5qÚw 0n´y$c4h4s vekiy’manu and you brought us to this time. hZ2h ,2mÚZ2l 0n3iy»G5hÚw vehigi’anu lazman hazeh.

...... On , when in the , add this ...... We bless you, Sovereign God, who rules. yy h3T2a ;0r3B Baruch ata Adonai Both time and space complete; .3l9i3h ;4l4m 0ny6h^l$a Eloheinu melech ha’olam You made us holy with your laws, wy3t91x5m1B 0n3s1D5q r4s@a asher kidshanu bemitzvotav Told us in booths to take a seat h3K8O2B b6sy6l 0n´W5xÚw vetzivanu leshev basukkah...... Now drink the wine ......