Multi-Grain (to make 50 pcs) (Each Zongzi about 120gm)

Ingredients: Organic Black Glutinous 1000gm(soak for 6 hrs) Organic Mixed Brown Rice 1000gm(soak for 6 hrs) Dried without shell 300gm Dried Mushroom 250gm(soak to rehydrate) Dried Soymeal ball 250gm(soak to hydrate) Black-eyed pea 300gm(Soak for 1 hour)

Prepare leaves: Boil the leaves and strings in pot of boiling water to rehydrate it. Thereafter wash leaves individually and keep soak in cool water, ready for use.

Method: 1. Rinse dried chestnut, then boil with enough water over it. Once done strain out and remove the outer skin on the chestnut. Set aside.

2. Squeeze out the water from the soymeal ball and mushroom. Mushroom cut into 4 quarters, put together with soymeal ball and marinate with 1 tsp veg , 1 tbsp light , 1 tsp cane and 1 tsp white pepper powder. Mix well and leave to marinate for 1 – 2 hours. Set aside.

3. Heat pan and add 7 tbsp oil, 2 tbsp minced and 4 pieces of , 2 pieces star , a piece of stick (about 2 inch length) fry till fragrant then add marinated mushroom and soymeal ball and fry well. Add 400ml water to simmer till water thicken. Finally add 3 tsp sea salt, 3 tsp cane sugar and 3 tsp G seasoning powder, mix well and set aside.

4. Drain the soaked Black and Mixed brown rice. With 7 tbsp oil and 1 tbsp minced ginger fry till fragrant then add all the rice. Fry well then add seasoning of 4 tsp powder, 2 tsp five spice powder, 5 tsp sea salt, 2 tsp cane sugar, fry till fragrant. Lastly add the drained black-eyed pea, fry well and rice is ready.

5. To wrap the zongzi: use 2 leave overlap and fold into cone shape, add 1 tbsp rice, 2 chestnut, 2 tbsp of filing of mushroom and soymeal ball then top with 2 tbsp of rice. Hold firmly both sides and level the rice, then fold down the top part of leave to cover the rice completely, wrap the rest of leaf around the shape. Wound two rounds of the string over the zongzi then tie a knot to secure it.

6. Cooking the Zongzi: In a big pot fill with water, add some sea salt. Lower the bunch of zongzi into big pot and ensure water level is enough to cover the zongzi. Cook with medium heat for about 3 hours.

7. Next check zongzi is cooked: Open one zongzi, if the rice does not fall out and is soft then cooking is complete.

Multi Grain Zongzi >> Notes: a. Wraping Zongzi: Zongzi need to be firmly wrap so that the will not fall apart when opened after cooking. b. During cooking : Water level must cover the zongzi during cooking time, check the water level from time to time to ensure the zongzi is under water to cook well (do not use cold water). If cooking in big pot, will also need to flip the lower bunch to rotate the cooking. c. Storage: Place the Zongzi into an air-tight container when they are completely cool. Store in the fridge for up to 3 days or in the freezer for up to 2 months. d. Reheat: Place the Zongzi (defrosted) into boiling water. Leave to simmer for 3-5 minutes and it is ready

***** Enjoy Cooking *****