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The NCAA News Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association February 22,1989, Volume 26 Number 8 Schultz outlines challenges facing college athletics NCAA Executive Director Ri- chard D. Schultz categorized what he believes are the two major chal- lenges facing intercollegiate athletics in a discussion with several of the nation’s top sportswriters and IO prominent coaches at the February 19-21 College Football ‘89 Preview. Schultz, speaking at the 13th annual Association-sponsored pre- view at Kansas City’s Hyatt Regency Crown Center Hotel, told the group that the Association faces external and internal challenges in its com- mitment to integrity in intercollegi- ate athletics. “The external challenges are not simple, but they’re simply stated,” Schultz said. “It’s the perceptions that we find in intercollegiate ath- letics today and the perceptions following the NCAA as an organi- zation, and how people view it, that have to be dealt with. “We’re never going to legislate integrity. We’ve tried that for years and we’ve ended up with a very complicated set of rules. We’ve sim- plified those with the new Manual, but there are still a lot of rules there. Don Nehten (s&n&g), head football coach at West Wqinia Ertckson, head coach at Wasfrington State University, and Bill Every one of them is there because Univerplty, discusses his views of ti 1999season wilfr members of Cuny, head coach at the, Univemtty of AMama, lbcaloosa, who of what some individual or some the media during the NCAAS Coffege Football ‘99 Prevfew hetd in p&icipat~ in one of tfrmze coaches’ panets. school or some group did.” Kansa% Cf& Miswtm, Febnrsy ls21. Fivm the M ate Den& Despite the recent number of probations handed down by the NCAA Committee on Infractions, Schultz said major violations are decreasing and have been going down at a steady rate for the last two to three years. “1 know there are a lot of people who are very cynical because things keep cropping up, and they say, ‘Well, how can you say this’?’ ‘We’re caught up’ “But Ill specifically say that what you see, and what you saw happen and the penalties that were there, really don’t describe what’s going on in intercollegiate athletics today,” Schultz said. “Whether you want to believe it or not, the number of violations is down substantially. “We’re caught up now. The last rash that you saw in December and right around bowl time really re- presented cases that have been in the works for the last two to three years, some even four years.” Schultz said more rules and a larger enforcement staff are not the solutions to external prob- lems the Association faces and people should not be so naive to Bill Curry (md fram ten), head fcotball coach at the Unlversfty fcothall coaches fm arvund the wuntty who patiipted in the think that rules violations will be of Alabama, 7bscaloosa, talks with members of the media during two-03y session with some of the nation3 top spotiswrften. totally eliminated. the NCAA3 College Football ‘99 Preview. Curry was one of 10 top “We’re not going to achieve in- tegrity in intercollegiate athletics by doubling and tripling the size of our Corrigan named to chair cost-reduction committee enforcement staff,” Schultz said. Eugene F. Corrigan, commis- Convention to appoint and chair also made those appointments Feb- Proposal No. 42 “We’re at full strength now. We’ve been concentrating on staying on sioner of the Atlantic Coast Confer- the special committee. Bailey subse- ruary 2 1. They will be announced in In another action at the February top of things and cleaning up the ence, has been appointed by the quently resigned that position, as next week’s News after they are 21 meeting, the Administrative Com- NCAA Administrative Committee reported in the February I5 issue of reviewed by Corrigan. mittee and the Commission officers backlog of cases that have been and the officers of the NCAA Pres- The NCAA News. A former director of athletics at agreed that both the Council and there. “The fact that the Committee on idents Commission to chair the Spe- Because the NCAA Council and the University of Virginia and the the Commission will consider in Infractions has been very tough and cial Committee on Cost Reduction the Presidents Commission were llniversity of Notre Dame, Corrigan their April meetings the adoption of that was established by the mem- authorized by the Convention to is a member of the NCAA Executive hard-nosed in its approach to major Proposal No. 42 at the January violators has sent a message out bership at the January Convention. approve all appointments to the Committee and a former member Convention. NCAA President Al- committee, the task of making those of the Council. In 1987, he chaired that there aren’t any sacred cows. If Meeting February 21 in Chicago, bert M. Witte and Presidents Corn- the Council’s Ad Hoc Committee you do willfully violate the rules, the Administrative Committee and appomtments also became their mission Chair Martin A. the Commission officers selected responsibility when Bailey resigned. on Cost Containment, which ad- eventually you’re going to get Massengale had announced earlier Corrigan to replace Wilford S. BaiL The Administrative Committee and vised the Presidents Commission caught. And if you get caught, if that they would ask the two groups ley, immediate past NCAA presi- the Commission officers, acting for prior to the special Convention that you’re a coach, it’s probably going dent. who was designated by the the Council and the Commission, year. SW Cwrigan, page 22 See Schulu. page 2 2 THE NCAA NEWS/February 22,1999 Scalpers asking for $1,250 More block-grant funding sought The Division II Football Corn- The committee, which met Feb- sity from the South region to the for top Final Four seats mittee has voted to delay imple- ruary 12-l 5 in Scottsdale, Arizona, East region. The Final Four is still weeks those outside the area are reaping mentation automatic- also voted to recommend realign- The committee also voted to sub- away from tipping off in the King- huge profits. qualification p%ileges for the ment of Fayetteville State Univer- mit a recommendation that the offi- dome, but scalpers already are ask- Dave Brusslan, a consultant for NCAA Division II Football Cham- sity, Hampton University, Norfolk cial traveling party for play-off ing as much as %I ,250 for top seats an Indianapolis-based ticket bro- pionship and to submit a recom- State University, Virginia State Uni- participants be increased from 57 to at the NCAA Division I Men’s kerage, said his office is getting $900 mendation to the Executive versity and Virginia Union Univer- 62 persons. Basketball Championship, accord- to $1,250 dollars for close-in seats. Committee that would call for addi- ing to United Press International. tional block-grant funds to pay trans- Tickets to the three-game event Brusslan said he placed an ad in a portation and per diem costs for Schultz April I and 3 are priced at $55 each Seattle newspaper and canceled it teams participating in the play-offs. Continuedfrom page 1 another school in the division might by the NCAA, which disperses seats the next day after receiving more The committee voted to delay the to cost you your job: and as an have a budget of $18 million,” to the public only through a lottery, than I50 phone calls. Brusslan said implementation of automatic quali- he has already grossed $20,000 on institution, it’s going to be very Schultz said. “Their needs are dif- as well as through the four partici- fication, which was to go into effect embarrassing. Nobody wants that. ferent; yet in some instances, they pating schools. Final Four ticket sales. in 1990, for another year to review It’s not worth it, and I think we’re all vote on the same legislation. While selling such tickets for He is asking for $250 to $400 for the issue further. seeing that. “In Division Ill, schools differ higher prices in the city of Seattle is 300-level tickets and $500 to $700 Transportation and per diem costs “The solution is not more rules, over the question of whether athlet- illegal due to a local ordinance, for 200-level tickets. currently are taken from gross re- not a bigger enforcement staff. We ics ability should be considered in ceipts generated by the champion- have to have good rules; we have to awarding financial aid. Maybe we ship. have a vigorous enforcement staff; need to consider establishing a Di- If additional block-grant funds but if we’re really going to come vision III-A and Division III-AA. I Legislative Assistance are approved, any net receipts the close to solving the problem, it’s think a fair number of schools would championship generates would be going to take a commitment from be interested in considering it.” 1989 Column No. 8 distributed to play-off participants. the individual institutions-from Schultz said reorganizational In the event the recommendation the governing boards and presidents steps ‘~ such as adoption of the new is approved, the committee voted and chancellors to the athletics di- legislative calendar that will allow Recruiting publicity-radio/television and game also to recommend that the distri- rectors and coaches. members a better chance to study broadcast/telecast - NCAA Bylaw bution of net receipts be divided “If they will make a commitment proposed legislation before the NCAA member institutions are reminded that in accordance with Bylaw into 52 units, with one unit per team to guarantee integrity in their pro- Convention- have been taken but 13.10.2 [formerly Bylaw 14-(d)], a member institution shall not permit a for participants for first-round grams and to have checks and balan- the Association still has a number prospective student-athlete or a high school, college preparatory school or games, two units per team in the ces that will allow them to stay on of structural challenges to deal two-year college coach to appear, be interviewed or otherwise be involved quarterfinals, three units per team top of things so that things don’t with.
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