Registration of Appaloosa Geldings and Spayed Mares

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Registration of Appaloosa Geldings and Spayed Mares NON–APPALOOSA LISTING APPLICATION 2720 W. Pullman Road. Moscow, ID 83843 (208) 882-5578 [email protected] If you are applying to file a Stallion Breeding Report or to register a foal out of a d a m that is registered with one of the approved breed associations listed below, that stallion or mare must first be “LISTED” with the Appaloosa Horse Club. (See ApHC Official Handbook for complete rules) To list a stallion or mare, the following items must be submitted to the ApHC: 1. A photocopy of the front and back of the Certificate of Registration for the horse being listed MUST be submitted with this listing application. 2. The properly completed Non–Appaloosa Listing Application. 3. The member One-T i m e listing is $75** Fees subject to change -- Make checks or money orders payable to Appaloosa Horse Club, U.S. funds, drawn on U.S. bank. If you wish to pay by credit card, please provide credit card information below. Check the current Official Handbook of the ApHC for current fees. * * U nless otherwise indicated, the fee above reflects ApHC Member Advantage prices and is based on a current year ApHC membership ending on December 31st. If, for any reason, you are not an ApHC member and do not wish to become an ApHC member, please submit your request in writing, along with current member fees and an additional $100.00 non-member surcharge per application. Approved Breed Associations American Quarter Horse Association, Amarillo, Texas (See ApHC Official Handbook for complete rules) Arabian Horse Association (AHA) or any World Arabian Horse Organization (WAHO) member registry (must be a purebred Arabian recorded with AHA or WAHO) The Jockey Club (Thoroughbred) (Must be recorded with the Jockey Club) *You may wish to contact the ApHC office to verify the necessity of this fee, since it may have previously been paid. Stallion/Mare One-Time Listing Card Please list the following horse with the ApHC: Horse’s Name: Registration Number: Color: Sire’s Name: Registration Number: D a m ’ s N a m e : Registration Number: SEX: Mare Stallion This Jockey Club/Arabian/ AQHA stallion or mare does not exhibit white coloration beyond the current approved white limitations of the ApHC. Signature of Recorded Owner or Authorized Agent: X Printed Name of Owner: ApHC Membership #: Mailing Address: City: State/Province: Country: Zip/Postal Code: D a y Phone: (_____) ________ - Evening Phone: (_____) ________ - E-mail Address: CREDIT CARD CHARGES: Starting January 1, 2019 Appaloosa Horse Club will implement a credit card surcharge of 3% Applications received without required payment will be assessed an Invoicing Fee Credit Card Number: ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___- ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ Expiration Date: ___ ___ /___ ___ ___ ___ CVV #: ___ ___ ___ (PLEASE INCLUDE 16 DIGIT RAISED NUMBERS) ( M o n t h ) (Year) Signature of Cardholder: X Printed Name of Cardholder: ApHC Membership #: Mailing Address: City: State/Province: Country: Zip/Postal Code: D a y P h o ne: (_______) ________ - Evening Phone: (_______) ________- E-mail Address: @ Rev 12/2018 TH web .
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