World Series
the independent newspaper of Washington University in St. Louis since 1878 VOLUME 134, NO. 17 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2012 WWW.STUDLIFE.COM WORLD SERIES RED HAUNTED Predictions, Taylor Swift’s Would you condolences, fourth album spend a night and much more breaks the mold with the ghosts? (Sports, pg 6) (Cadenza, pg 5) (Scene, pg 8) Students call for coal-free campus FANGZHOU XIAO CONTRIBUTING REPORTER “Chancellor Wrighton, we be fightin’ till the coal is gone,” chanted a group of about 20 stu- dents and community members as they marched through campus from Olin Library to Green Hall with banners full of signatures Tuesday. As debate about disposable plastic bags on campus gradu- ally fades and Washington University’s month of sustain- ability approaches its end, the protest against coal energy sources again underscored the issue of sustainability on campus. More than 70 percent of Wash. U.’s energy comes from coal, according to Post-Peabody St. Louis, the group organizing the protest. Post-Peabody St. Louis includes members of Washington University’s Green Action and two groups from the commu- nity, Missourians Organizing for Reform Empowerment (MORE) and Climate Action. Caroline Burney, junior and co-president of Green Action, said that the march was intended to bring attention to the University’s environmentally WEI-YIN KO | STUDENT LIFE Protestors arguing Washington University’s association with Peabody Energy march past Graham Chapel on the Danforth Campus. The protest included members of Washington University’s Green Action as well as two other groups from the community. SEE COAL, PAGE 2 Alleged on-campus Students embrace #MyJihad campaign kidnapper arrested MICHAEL TABB EDITOR-IN-CHIEF William James Cobbins, 22, has confessed to the kidnapping and robbery of a 23-year-old graduate student in one of the most notable on-campus crimes in at least a decade.
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