-r-. . o proper liill whirh would sivo tho Hut He (lot Thtre. NKW ADVKItTISK.MENTS, OBO. K. 8TITKL & CO. ooons. In 1WroU Frti i'rcu. pro. n. tayi.ou-si'hino AMUHKMKNTH. THE .INTELLIGENCER. £dud aid, and would correct livery OB 8AI.E.FOUR TA!H,K . (ho condition oI to which It A Hall o/HcIal wag on the COWJSKD, iS rea|[iect tilings City standing lit M. ZtKUENFHLDEIl'3, M Twolltli ittMl. OPERA HOUSE. rUBUBUEl) DAILY AND WEEKLY, rellitop, lino pawed tho Honato by on over- \Voodward avenue steps of that structure -^5- || olmlnx vote, but. ia row lied up In a jestorday when a man who had hin hands II (SUNDAY RXCRPTin.) >V^ cin KENT-NEW BRICK 5 ROOM connmltten ot tho Houpo o! Itopreeentu- hia stomach camo up and said: "Beg on L FOUDw«lllnjc Kloventh ntrcct, Juateeatof Ubap- ^ . Si March 12.Matinas at 2:30. «fc »f, with no proepcct that It will bo al- t>ardou, but vou have tho look of a lioo. un at thU olllco for Information, mre* IEO.E.STIFEL aturday, CAM1MIKLL 1IA11T, FI1KW, |lv()OM ed to Iw voted upon. Tho pupportern c eminent "Oh,phyal:ian.anI'm rBOPKirrow, 0j , the hill would make no II It r>o wan thophysician." for 1J0 TliK WOMAN'S EXCHANGE GEO. R. TAYLOR objection doctor," roply, "Sorry GOfor jour lunch, «fl Glrla wantwl-gool refer* & CO. Street. k*.. 1IVI *1007 No. an nml 5J7 I'ourteouth wo;10 voleil But cannot t but can mo Bomo nnro milliri'it. At ho Wntnaii'a Kfi-lmii.... STETSOIT'S fairly down. they hat, perhaps you glvo 6°'1 ' Dry GoodN, 0 K OaoCopy.O«o Ycor$s CO Three Months W CO K«t a rlianrc to havo a voto tr.ken. Only information. What aro the symptoms of Main street. mr» ^. 1 11B0 M AIN STKKKT. | BOUULIC blx Motitlis I (x) Ono Months 65 by tho action ot tho Committee on Utiles, iloisoning?" "llavoyou beon polfionod?" HALE-SOME OLD FASHIONED HUU I I liolWcrwl liy Carrier* In city, 15c per week. i\t I his since ol tho acsilon, can the bill bo 'Well, I have queer feelinge In my FORMahrgauy Furniture, comprlalng a Bldo* . !ak on up and put upon iln paiwni(P, but i "In it a burning sensation ?" "No."atomich,"Hoard, Extension Table, Dressing Uurrau, -Htf E and book Caw. AddrcaiU, 2120 Market Meet.BecreUtry BKMMVKKKLY IMTI.UOILNCKU. the mnjority ot the committee.Speaker 'Do you havo spasmodic pains?*' "Not mrb» lucleTom'sCabinCo, 1'iiblJshcd Wednesday! nud Saturdays. Cfllrlinle, Mr. Morrleon and Mr. Randall 3ret." "Feel shivery, with a great thirst Two C°E that no far tind heat ?" like I feel NOTICE. 1 ]»mw itonil*, (white ntj'l colored) nlcolf unl< Quo year. 82 601 tlx Months. f1 25 mtitntlnt; majority.have "No, nothing that; tW% rood. 1 WO KllUltV Miltk<. TwiH'-omlpjkl Turn**. u Ilal,iy refined, or liavo [ailed, to allow it to ti completo gonenees for about a foot up ^DMINISTKATOli'S >1. Bawyer'n Man lluutln* Wood Hounds. i'3 f All pewous knowing themiolvci ln are tiiUH made tho inoaua of muz- into ombara&sinft situations, out of which NOVELTIES IN WHIiHI.IMI, W. VA..M.IHCH ». 1»M. j,|| lit! anil Bbackllug tho majority, and ol )uo lias to scramble aa best he may. Not vyATKii nil upon tho long a;;o a whoso mind ia often PERT! Htrlhvfl mill Itojcnttf. Dieting Irreparablo injury lady, SETS! daily arrivals sincethe jpported by a carefully aolcclod company, tlm future citizens ol tlin coun- above this world's humdrum, was ! ol and tho ililren, soarinp Of Every at ill I'rlcca. y ttio eminent actor, lucludfnK The lecr.1 hlatui tho strike) trJ'. It Is a curious state of thlnns to beuin at tho houao of a friend who ia visitingthe Description, 1 IIAH11Y TOW.V8KN1), boycott is beiu;; gradually tod by law. witii, and it is a dangerous, undemocratic happy possessor of many interesting EWING BKOS. ^)RESS GOODS !! first Admission. 15, 25 and &0a. Matlueo Wednesday and ol works a of of .Hernoon. Matlueo 15 and 25 obi. Two duciUonB, Oiiyn JlratUlrcrls, ol moro altogether uronR condition thlngB of art and flue collection of mm 1215 Market Hi., opp. Mcl.nro Hoiik. February, prlccs, mr7 than usual liave bean contemplate iu its course nod assured brica-brac. Importance just ^Deoijuenccs. Some raro bits were produced lor her HEAL ESTATE. ono lirown ol tho JEWETX'S ~ rendered, by JudRO admiration, and as she admired each one Latest Water NEW IN Uuitcd Ktatou District Court nndthoothor llo Win Sllalt'il. I aha put it carefully away in the pocket of Improved Filters FABRICS = = FOR HEIVT. Sai J-'ratuhco Call. hor much to tho of tho Aan Cleaner and Purlfler of Drinking Water can- HIS by the supromo Oonrt ol Krrora of Con- dress, dismay not bo excelled by any Kilter made. _ a who wondered if alio could have ed Uecommend- ^ noctlcut. "In tho lormcr a number l'lio plcturo6qne is always a leaturo ol hostess, by tho Hoard of Health, Washington, D. C. Call No. 202 Blxteeuth 00 a month. place iraan's of .She been undoratood to have said that Bho and bco them at PTash Goods btreet, 816 ol men were arrested uptm a eait by u description anything. wished to these treasures XBiBlTT ort Six Acres on Peter's Hun. j ^ That'ft chintz, or damask or somt Cocaine, Iodoform or Mercurials in any Luko ALL and advises an 223 Acre Farm on Middlo Wheeling three mentioned ho an jog. lias secured a Ont cliws man as a driver for a QUALtTIES. early tiles from Creek, poo'b lilepal combination, th it?'' ''fnio's tho form in the treatment of catarrh or street Triadelphla. article,eir." ing,ain't hay back, lie can be f >u ml at the New MeLuro House 12 Acres Land witu a desirable new 7 roomed and declared that all acta dona in forther- "1tVhat doe? it cjfr?' "Forty cents o fever should bo avoided, as they are both at most anytime u/gh tor day, on and aftir mmo house at Deed) Bottom. ance of thcoo purpoaca were actionable, yflird." "GrentScott! Forty cents a yard! injurious and dangerous. Iodoform is March 7, 1887. Any person wishing hisMonday, Dwelling No. 2418 Market street, valued at 11.200, from th> it would eacsiiy delected by its oiVeneivo odor. The can telephone to No. 12-1 or tbe MeLuro House.tervicts in order to ; nu be bought lor 8'JCO it contract i< clowd before thought description He will meet all of trains ou inspection In the Connecticat caso the court affirmed reliable tho this tide ol tho prll 1. CJmo to about $100 '.' only catarrh remedy on the river. mr7 NEW FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC No. 2910 Chaplino street, 12 rooms, Sl.cou. tho conviction ot three mombers of a to-day is Ely'B Cream Balm, marketfree No. 1741 and 1741 Market street. being EXHIBITION. No. 45 Thirteenth Typographical Union for conepiracy in JIo ~~r~ from all poiBonoue drugs. It has cured street. Won I>jj)b,irriM(ifil. thousands of acuto and chronic ^RT ^ secure the most No. 68 Virginia street. boycotting a newspaper for refusing to Kotwas CUyiltir. cases, Any one having Art Pieces to contribute to tho V No, tfJ South front street. whero all other remedies have A EX " No. t>2 street. pay union raten to its Tho broad The Governor of \ Western State, ia failed, U111ITION ut 5ATTEENS, Virginia printera. particle ia applied into each nostril; no No. 2310 Malu street. ground upon which tho courts proceed in nc ted for liia bland method of publics to me. Price 50 of liirWa Art Store No. 233G Main street. I an tour. pain, agreeable cents, No. 2520 Main street. the83 caisea ia that asEociatioua formed anking during rlectioneering druggists. No. 2247 Eotl stieot. He cosamefi tuo ingratiating familiarity Will please do so oa early as potslblo. CHOICE Lot No. J. \V. Zane's with the g£ mr5 2, addition, fronting CO feet design interfering with overt 0f one, und the Assortment of a South Front street and running to low water knowing evory usually largo Ark. acta with the freedom of employers in tho eu ia most pneevtffill. reItPARKER.On Monday. March 7,1337, at 5:03 A. M., Tuesday packet for ono Mahqreitb, wife of the l&to John Many other deslrablo picccs of property; all proper control and management ol their On occasion ho visited a town at 74 Parker, aged RegularParkcrsburg, I'omeroy, Gallipolis, t'Vfp- B 'inds, of every description. mo distance from bin home for the yuitra. Ironton. Huntlugton,Portsmouth,Mays-jUfEgtfsr 1 businesB urn illegal combiuationa." Funorul will take pluco from her late vllle, Cincinnati and Louisville, tho =ueU I of making a epei-cb. When ho purserose residence, elegant passenger steamer tr JAMES A. HENRY, p°n No. 00 Fourteenth street, on Wednesday ERSEY : co JACKETS! I'okur »t Vnlo. address hid andin; hia face was ANDES ..Chas. Mujilesian, Com'r. Real Estate Ageut. Collector and Notary Public, eatbed in and ho at 10 o'clock. Friends of tho family aromornfug Maut f, Noll, Clerk, NOVELTIES lo26 Odloo. No Hi12 Market Btn-ot. Basidaa thuir it emihe, began: Invited-to conning daily lcsaoca jj, and gentlemen, it affords mo trreat"Laja attend, respectfullywill leave for above point3 ou Tuesday, March nppoars that the atudentj of Yale college phiasure to meet tho old friends here McADAMH.On Monday morning, March 7. 1857, 8. atSo'clock p.m. Passengers and freightreceipted EDUCATION Aii. at 3 o'clock. J a v.iy M., sou of James and Alice through to all points Weft aud South. 3STE"W aro becoming alarmingly proficient in tho wllorn I have trie An do lone." McAdams, in tho 21st year of his age. ffnr fr.>l<»h» or tinHKHtrn nml» nna» Boductiva flr.mrnnliHlimHnt of nnlrnr nl.iw- A.t this a Khrill voice from tlie Fnueral from the resldenco of his £6 mr'?""'0 IKX)Th7 Agent. OF THIS SEASON'S IMPORTATION. r point parents, l{o. , Schoo! of ftudience shouted: ".Name'em I name 'em, Sixteenth street, Wednesday ufternoou nt 2 OF Washington Elocution m- Gcivornorl" STOCKHOLDERS. .aui>. tho of o'clock. Interment at Peninsula Cemetery. jypSETING | On authority one of the studeuta riie Governor was so disconcerted by Fricads of tho family aro respectfully Invited A general meeting of tho stockholders of the I it is Bta^ad that ons-fourth oi the ^J that ho did not to attend. Wheeling Athletic Club will he held on iace: ENGLISH nearly pertinent request, at 1 LANGUAGE, Jlarch '22, 7:30o'clock P.M., in the roomsTucaday, Curtains! students in tho University lmve caught hia compo3uru during the entirereverKEMP.On Snuday morning, March 6, 18S7. nt C of thu Association. In the I'ublic LibraryBuilding, 1)01 "M" Street, N. W., uning. o'clock, Willie G.', only son of William g. and for tho purpose ol electing a hoard ol Directors, the fever. Poker i3 tho favorite game, and Antifo Conner Kemp, aged 17 years, II months passingby-Lawn and transacting such other Washington, D. C. the other (several and 14 days. as may be lawlully done by tald stockholdersbusiness Eummcr Sesslou l>eld at Bit. "ark. Wd. Saturday young ('.rent uoss Uurccognlxcil. Funeral from the residence of hl3 lu general meeting a*s;>mbled. J* Mrs. M. STEVEN'S ii spent tho entire and far :hcttcr Po&l-Kxpras. parents, N'o. C9 A. H. LIST, SS ART, Principal. day gentlemen Twcnty-fourtlrslrect, Tuesday afternoon at 2 BAMUEL IIAZLCTT, ^ Tho culture and development of the voice for into Sunday morning at the game. Mr. Everett was riding on' the Eastern o'clock. Friends of the family arc Invited, \VM. L. EWINo, y mversatlou, rcadlDg, pnblic address or sltigliiL'. At a CHAH. E. IHQ.E.STIFEL&00. ,elsarto laws of expression taught and applied. In one ul. Lynn bright and pretty Interment at Greenwood Cemetery. MAEOJI, GEO. room, where two tables girl A thorough coimo in Practical and Classical t into the cars and took tho vacant seat it. edgar hall, RTTAYLOR. JS. wero in fall tho are mr5-TU Incorporators. ngJish. blast, r.«me3 hia eido. He entered into conversation 1114 Main St. Elective studies in addition provided for the ac» eaid to havo been kept up until the chimes with hor, and was much entertained by el7 ccimmodation of puplJs. of r fresh Diplomas awaraed upon ro.nplct!on of the tho chapel bell summoned tho colle- jjo and vivacious comments. When course. lezl preribed gians to morning prayers. Ono of tho a train was entering Boston ho SAVE YOUR EYES! .T. 8. RHODES. to give her a deternedand prominent attendants at tho weekly prayer pleasant surprise, STAMMERING GIMP, are wean * Raid, blandly:' your eyes and giving you trouble, go f mooting ia accounted one of the beat poker 'Nov/, would you like to know who it is at onco to a If i. G, DILLON and get pair of ^ in the The th whom you have System based upon nature'w Jaws. NO SECRECY players University. largest w.\! been-talking?" NO THICKS, eystem to those loss to one man wa3 'Oh, yes," answered tho girl, KING'S COMBINATION ^Kit explained oc- SHE about $135. This upturning j10r beautiful face. from iutorTestimonlalsand carrcd at ono lie a ' Windsor physicians, educators ia 8eos~ sitting. plucky Hi who have Tho statesman smiled banignantly. Are tlio Best in tlio Irons, received benefit from the method player, howovar, and ha3 since made hia 'I arn Mr. or World, S instruction. Addres. Everett.Mr. Edward" Ever» Spedacies Eye-Glasses! .-»0F Mhs. M. 8TKVEN8 IfART, Principal, lo33t»3 good. Other largo losses are spoken They vrfil preserve and improve tho eye sight. Washington School cf Elocution and English of among tho ntudenta. Faro is Hie girl stared at him vacantly. Ho For sale only at ingnage, altogether gmiled 1)01 M. St.. N. W. D.C. too Two students in again, for tho mortifying thought DILLON'S, be Ftudenta boarded in ofWashington, popular. tho ecien- theit his name could be unknown to her lei 1223 Market Street. fe21 family Principal. tific department are alleged to have com- hat.1 not yet taken form in his serono mind, |j IlBt, They do not/old tlio mattress. in their The "became PUBLIC pleta lay-outs rooms, and they are pause oppressive. Finally | Sd. not disarrange tho'.bedding. in full bloat nightly. > girl betnouglit herself. "Do you." Cures Coaqlis,~Colds, Hoarseness, They || It. Oe Ohanlal Hllj 3 Buiu, uewpurmeiy, "uo yon nvo in Croup, | 1 3d. The bedding Is always thoroughly ventilated. AGademy, LyJin?" Asthma,Bronchitis,Whoop-fj hlCAIL WUEKLISO, "\V. VA. ULAllt JCDUCATION DILL. ing Cough, Incipient Consumption8 FineResidence KearSuspcnsion ltb. do not work with a and can not outol nndrolicvcs in 5 Bridge. They sprlug, get order. Ilow It WnH DofonteU by Democratic No llztra SohkIoh. consumptivepersons 5th. need less than advanced stages ofthe discp.se. For I will offer for falo ou MARCH They balancing weight any other upright bed, Tho thirty-ninth year of this well-known lii lliu House. ' Lenders ihlngton Critic. j# SATURDAY, 12, and can bo easily moved. en sale hy all 25 cts. 13S7, at 10 o'clock A. M. at tbe City tho under the cbargo of the Visitation Nuns,Acaday, More than said a to his Druggists. Price, | Building, ous on 2,000,000 citizona of llie 'My dear," Congressman CACT!0?f!-TliORcnnlneg Qnc resilience of the late W. W. Shriver, No. 1)17 J. S. BHODESI& GO. Otl». They are handsomely finished, and are very ornamental. 011 the first Monday of September next, and a ^ighter at breakfast, ''wasn't young ntlnues ten months. United Stale's, largo portion of whom ur( f,r*Kull'M<-onS,,HJ'rui» S MAIN STREET. Lot la forty feet six Indies on 7th. work easier other )wu here last night until 12 o'clock?" Jspoldonlyin They than any Folding Itad ever made. Pupils received at any time in the session. are voters, petitioned the "V nnilbears oar trA{fetrrnj»/Yri,[2tjudeH Main Ht-eet, running hack to the P., VV. & Ky. Forty- ee, papa," she replied, with a pretty iO&ss^&'w) registered Those who dcslro to place their daughters in an ninth Congress for the passage oi tho Httlo blush. should MAiiK*.towlt: A Jliill'i Jlend $ Etallroad. "Well, my dear, you «iSin « Circle, a Ktd-atrlp Can- M This locality Is regarded as Iho most desirable stltuL'ou afloiding exccptiounl advantages in Educational bill. permit it has been that for nnd the fac-eltulle R e of it; way x^^y*Sry.ng.on't know that is the nndA.C.MKVKRdi «,'Om 0 H. Z. You can Save dhciplino autograph while othera you hardly pro Jtialtlmnro.!tYil..V.I3. A..SolcPronrletors. H SHRIVER, Money by Sco for Yourself and You will liavo uo other. Ihehaudsof llfe-loug tcachers, in every signatures have pei thing to do?" "Yes, papa." "Then, \3sgzzsg Ex'r Estate cf W. W. Shriver. female the been presented frota Actional wh NTOJ? ^BSEaaggagassBzfegggsaj tC our Linen Sale. Atnding ^ education, including moderndepartantol coileclively do do CHKW'ISft y you it?" he asked, impatiently, TOBACCO! W. H. HAULER. Auctioneer. mr3 iaiiguagesand music, should send for a catalogue aaaociatiomj, societies, churches, etc. "Eiacauae, papa, I to next CJicw JLnticre'a The expect go away Tin: GREATTonACCOAimX*lugs»DOTE! this school. Address, Washington NationaYJiepublican in wet5k, and I am the business so 1« *nli% i>» a breakfast table letter to tho rushing Trt Qmn, «>y Orngclnt-i. WHEEL1MB CHINA Bleached and Cream Damask irectrceaol the Mr. President, there will not liava to bo an extra session." : COMPANY. Academy of thoYiailation aaye: P;cBident; Tho House of Th<3 father's voico was stilled and tlio all Grades at Marked Down MX, Die CMANTAL, Kaprooontatlvso of tho Forty-ninth Con- breakfast was finished in silence. TKATELKRiS' GTJEDE. February 17,1SS7, m25-D.tw year Wheeling, W. Va. grees in its hours to the Notfco Is hereby given that a general meeting of Pr closing presents A RRIVAL ho stockholders oi tho China ices. FREW&BERTSCHY: a AND DEPARTURE Wheeling peoplo sad apictacle indeed. It is not Culture OF !vill be held at three ou Company l'lIOTOGKAlMlY. nud I^norancc. -J^ TRAINS.On and after Jan. SO, o'clock Saturday, the 12th ~ a deliberative body; it has simply reducod irai'hlngton Critic. of Rcferksck Mauks. l>ailv.1887-Kxmjlationlay of March next, at tho hall oi tho Chamber o( 11.17 ZMZ-A-XIN" STREET. itaolf into a cabal to jj xceptcd, tSunday \Jomraerce. for the purpose of electiug a Hoard of CABINET gag legislation and ^l tMonday oxcepted..Wheelingtime: of J defeat tho will of tho little Virginia darkey named Gyrna li. & o. it. B..Eaht jJlreetora, making By-Laws and transacting any Remnants Red Table theroby people. The wI an older ^ Depart Arrive, c thcr business that may bo lawfully dono by said T I chief aro brother, Oas3iua, who had Xpresa ...... c7:10 am *10:40 pm £ tocklioldcra iu L'l nens conspirators Carlisle, Jiandall 8l,e at a winter iprcss *5:20 general mooting. PHOTOGBAMI8 J and Morrison. The Blair r. wisa and in Washington in owoll f;umberland pm *10:35 am JOHN J. JONES, I). GUTMAN, Cheap. bill, JQC\lety, and when he returnod home ho Accom 7:50 am 5:05 pm JOHN II. EA'ING, J AS. U OHLX S3 00 ftrjt patriotic measure, founded on the yalrmont Accora 3:85 pm 8:10 am TH03. O'BRIEN. JOdEl'H1IAWLE7, FURNITURE JJOZKN, of himself up a3 a teacher to his lesscul- a[onndsvlllo Accom 11:85 am Sl'EIDEL. promoting the general welfareprinciploby 1:20 pm The slock of above new tur)3d One at the WKST. v tho enterprise can now HIGGINS' free education, which in the cornerstone family. day table, Gyrus ExpreRs (Chicago and OiSSam io had at the otllco of Melvln & Itlley, 1100 GALLERY, of flajtI to him: "Gimme eomo lasses, c Col) *G:20pm ^ laluhtreet. Tho stockKwlng,is divided into shares of Parlor ^ PrM <1 Tin-Hth Htrml. republican institutions, ia now hlcngo Express *3:00 pm *10:00 «m r Elegant Suits, being h." "You mnsn't say *xpress and >no Hundred Dollars cacli, aud thoso and v deliberatoly strangled to death the 'lasses, Oy, (Chicago Col) *9:40 pm 8:10 am T on taking by conrected olurabus Accora 2:00 pm am aying ten dollars each thare subscribed for, fl ||g|g^ mo- 10:10 three Democrats named, all lcadera in the Oaesius; "you must say kInclnnatl tritl bo admitted to voto at tho above named meet- I ^ /JYLKS' es." Limited 10:80pra 4:50 am i, Handsome Chamber Suits, Democratic r "Ugh!" grunted Cyrus; "how's St. UlulrHvllle Dtvlntuu. ng. ono vote for each share to held by them. fe!8 f 8 party. , vino to B. The following from tho Charleston, S. say mo-lasses when I hain't Jcavee vt O. Depot, viz: g A Complete Lino of the Most Stylish O., News and Courier ia of u£,i none yit?" 1. Clalrevillo Accom 18:S5am |8:15am | Art interest, eIiow* §[ u clftirsvUlo Accom 41:50 pm t1:30 pm IRMesSCo., ||jl^EQUS\^ BtQ: \ Studio, how the South recoiveo this condition ing st. ClalrsvllloAccom +6:20pm p:05pm Ij of thingg: The importance of tho Blair 1us torturing diseasa ia in- IV., 1\ & II. Dlv. HOTEL IIOS MA.I2Y neuralgia vrashlng;ou and *5:05 Rm ALBEMARLE, ST. to Pittsburgh.... 0:25 am JL Villi -iltu* HIIU OJ.YIU n SIDEBOARDS 12152 and 2154 Main Street. Educational bill Southern State ltly relieved and cured Sal- v, oil J HAT-RAGKS, evory 8tftA rapidly by fughmcton and Pittsburgh,... am am ,>1< Hits been too clearly shown aud ion uu. ruahlugionand 18:25 tll:80 «ES3s«| is too Pittsburgh.... *G:30pm +7:25pm understood to to ;. hmhlngtonand Pittsburgh.... +1:05pm 10:25 PITTSBURGH) I»A. STATIONERY, TABLES, cScc. fully require bo argued 'aahlngton pm fife*Do =ilousKruityisuiycj iiAimwAitE. t4:60pm 17:35 am not forget to call and see TIIE WINDSOR. liiip^ anew. HI330 Recent reports from Louisiana £ r., V. 6t St. L. Ky. Firit-class accommodations; largo and elegant rri the ittsburgh KJ amnio rooms; roornB with bath, two. The house I HE PITTSBURGH give unpleasant information that over n +7:20 am t6:S5pm iUOTOGItArlIElt--r write, and that tho number of VSfiT. _ ARSONS. illitorateo is | a ail upwards per day. Special arrangements with Dollvcred dally to any address at 15centa per week. WE SELL THE increasing from year to year cJ xprcfis, Cln. and St. Louis t 7:20 am t 7:00 am hwgo parties. C( :nta, including Sundays. Dally mall 65 rather than xpresfi.Ciu. and St. Louis 8:40 pm t J. 8. 85 by eta diminishing. Expenditures 1?^ xprcss, atonbcnvlUo and CoL \ 1:10 C:35pm I5ARKOLL, Manager. Penmonth, ctq, IncludlugSundays. kedzie: lor pm t 3:20pm educational purpoaoa havo reached WUMWMIIO «IUU UVI1I1IKUU f mr7 Lato of tho Hotel Ande-pon. C. II. IT tf'.d&pmi m QUIMBY, Agent, high»wator mark, it ia in i 0. 4P.B.K, ^ 19J*o. hu MarIfet Street, PARSONS' tuowledced far superior anil ol greater capacity belioved, In nearly tba any other. pHtoburghand - every Southern State, if not in all, and Cleveland 5:47 am 8:17pm UBYI Irt OFO. FOS-S. teubenvlllo Accommodation^ 9:10 am BEOS', W. JOHNSON'H federal aid must be obtained or a Itts., New York and 3:12pm njr great Chicago- 10:62 am 12:23i\m MONTHLY number of children, white and *rcllsvillo accommodation -1:47 l'RICE LIST DCiST WAS ltUGS, ETC. black, will pm 5:53pm r BIOGRAPHIES. CAItl»ETS, grow up in hopeless fit lovclundChi. &Pltlsb'gItxtx. 1:62pm 8:20am ignorance. Pa TOE 0., L. St W. ll» II. * | If STAPLE AND FANCY jClellan'fl Own Btory-1 Koyal 8 vo. S3 75. 'OK WALL Sr. CEILING Thosupnoaed constitutional objections ''ET5 GREATV xpiewi, Cleveland, E. andVT. GROCERIES gimoln ol Eobert K. Lee, vol., PAPER, to tho Blair bill have boon [afwliloa Accom. tl2:12pm 2:37pm Now ready. Wo will send same for one to L' overcome, or,, C* t 4:37 P®' 10:47am year .o By Royal 8 vo. $3 75. at any tho bill hua been IEHMan BEMEDI IU ClalravilloAccom t S:32ami 8:17am Any pcrsouwishing it. Bend us yonrname and ad- IIIstory of tho SecondA; Army Corps. ODBTAIH rate, shown to bo' n Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, SiU CUlrsvlllo Accom (\ress. or you can got same our fOLEl, WINDOW SIMMS, aa constitutional as gaJfjQ1 liartMbr, 11:47 pm 1:02pm i'his is by calling at Store. WaUtcr* ^ many other leea do- fta HillftSSH ll*adiifhe,Toolli»tti*, S't, Clalrsvlllo Accom f 5:27 pm the rao.it completo Price List ever published Tersoaal Memoir* of U. sf serving raeaaurcs that havo been ocal Freight and Accom 4:37 5:07pm j,3 this city, and you will SAVE MONEY BY Gralit^^ols* igs, and Oil Clotl fl! passed g IWl urdwis BP AV Ohio pm 8:07pm gTUDYINU IT. 8 ^0,155 M* Carpots without nuconists AMI nsat-tBg. . River Kallrojul. A Narrative of Military any objection. It is of supreme TIIP. CltAUU-S A. VOtiV.t.KK r Service! if it ia of lO-UWTlHt)l:K.HD. ftpccnger ! 7:10 am *ll:40am OB"Just received, 25 Boxes Extra Laigo Florida General W. B. Ilazcn, S3 00. consequence, any consequence at ® Ptv'RCiigor. [ 4:05 pm * 8:S0pm ur'ranges. ua r.mpalgn of the Army ol tho Potomac, -«OTOI. all, that tho peoplo ohall ba fldueatod. If B rciflht ...... 7:50 am William I 5:30pm IVEJVI ,, , By Swiuton, S3 00. D. in io an BROS., Incldcnts and Anecdotes of the Civil PRAGER, intolligence, short, element of li II. Z. Si C. Railroad. McMechen's Old War, valuo in tho exercieo of tho Stand, .«..« Admiral I'orter, S2 00. 17 El070nth fltrcof, suffrage.if it S^&pab Lcavo Bcl'ulic at 3:10 p. m. for mrt-Trlus 13CC Market ^mpalgns of Civil War. rdew for to ia necesoary for the success of freo fj Woodslield and Street. 12 Paper lUnglng promptly attended institu- ummcrQeld. . vols.; sold 8100. ^ * ,i separately, tiona and of a government of and tho Leavo Bellalrc at G:30 p. m. lor ^0013 MEDAL, PABIS, Ii78. N«!W Books dally. that who by VRADE "A"K' " Zancsvlllo and Inirmediato STANTON & DAVENPORT, people, thoy control the Vo? Arrive at points. No. UNA, GLASS AND shall have Bollalre at 9:25 a. p. andC:00p. m. BAKER'S Jci 5 1301 Market Street. QUEEXSWAKE. trained rninda, or governmentat leaut i STTJX>IO. IVo- TQOn Ar 1.^ . enough education to enable thorn to read [TTHEELING & ELM GROVE R. LANK BOOKS.* IVU t i3H*66l» COUNTER. and write.then is this bill of On aud alter RV? b ^[HEAP more im- fe? mas follows: NOVEMBEH15,1880, tralMwiU BufflslCo*, WHEELING BAKERY* To closo out odds In portance than even the bills for the con-1 "Warranted aftjofufclj/pure n__i._ i . BUSINESS CARDS. and ends oi a or eavo Wheeliug. Leave Wheeling l'atk. |lj»y Hirucuon navy, oi lortiticalionB, or i:S0 a. m. 1:30 p. m. 0:ioa.m. >eoa, from which tho oxcesa of bookSi journals, Lodgers, " isswvrc, Wlilto and Dccoratcd Dinner " " " u:80p. h. J has been removed. for any other purpose. l <' :00 S:C0 7:45 4:20 «' Iihnatkret ^\ :CO " " " nca the of C8ACKEBS AND There Fj' ca 5:20 10:0-3 " itrevgth Cocoa mixed GASES! io 0:10 always, moreover, the special from Uplatss, Emetics mill .Poison. u :CO " " Gash Books, Trial and Tcaiyarc! 7:00 12:00 X. « th or Balance, Among tho beat Crackers and moat reason in favor of the " 8:00 Starch, Arrowroot Sugar, selling to-day are urgent SAFE. 9.00 9:40 " d is thrroforo far CORNER EOFF ST. and ALLEY 10. )r a few bill in that where illit- mora Invoice JiarviUWarvln'fl8 Tlildfi days only, at particular question, e* bU.ND.vys~Leave tho City at 6:00 a. m. and rim lti» than one cent a Books, &c., &c, ButterMUIUJ1 viuvacrfl.Crackors. Residence, ffi Twenty-second Street. JOHN FRIEDEL'B, eracy is moat playing and inoat URE. Qu ^ In* ^**0 cottlng cconomi1. and «nie better claw ol modern t \ dangoroua, WhccUoc Park p. It is delicious, nourishing, reign Domestic Stationery. Tho only Butter Cracker on tho market that is building a specialty. 1130 Millii HtroM that is in the South, it hoa been made an «JR,CtS, Swk ftud rVu °vcrylionr until 10:00 p. m. 'VJill and 1*13 ' P rcngthenimr. enaily dlrcatiHi. and Paper, Borders Decorations, RQMFT. tMia win lcftvo cach Celling cra0t" " tUMl'">-Doae _ element of peril to tho South and to tho AT;Unuauuw axii utat.niu I ?m«c£> terminus at Th e x. lniK w- C. {Mi, adapted for Invalids as largest stock and greatest variety In the city, CmSeS® ciuuus voiiKun n HIRSCH. 11 II J IjBadmirably McCULLOUGH, WANTED, wholo country, tho action of the nation .. cu,r.Ai.TiJionK,MD. wc^ M for In Fo r talo by __ £22. Baperlutondont. persona health. retail at wholcsalo prices by vmve are for Extra Soda gTfiPHEN in on headquarterskuu Crackers. imposing euflrage a race of people Now Stoawor Princess. Sold by (Jrocewererynhere. Lemon Biscuit Ginger Snaps. Big Cookies, Cart HaTltrftotnrIXJIHrttUW ftiirlailU uuiiuer.Rnilflfirr" who were utterly unprepared .and unfit S1VECIAI, NOTICES. JOSEPH GRAVES & SON, Wheel*. Ginger Cakes, Water and Sugar Crackers, Brick and Wooden aro £»vcs Wheeling. Leave* Bellalra1 Milk Biscuit and Uard Tack. Counters Building* Erected,Roofs,Sky £AW FURS! for it, and who hopeleealy unable to WA.M. 2:15 P. M. 2fi Twelfth lights, and and all 7:30A. M. 3:03p. ix. I BAKER & CO., Mater,- Mass, _w street Always order Marvin's superior Crcckcrs from Work Shelving Carpentoj At t.Uo highest market price. Send for I'rfcc Cur* educate themselves. No evidence or J&. ;15 i:oo 10:00 » Promptly Attended to on Reasonable Term*, OARID. " " «' <:$ ."j rtui totne Old Jloliablo Fnr/lcra and Fur :30 ' whatever i3 given or can bo reasonwo i nil who aro I 6:50 1:00 C:lfi U MUSICAL GOODS. ,0Ml^^etU«bc.tm1Ula KrHhop ta rear o! Established -Merita. given, suffering Jrom tho . awW. Capitol. BaidcOM M KU lfcGG. to the indi errors and SUNDAY TRIM. I WHEELTNG BAKERY HO. teonth street, shop in rear. believe, justify expectation that the lacrctlons of youth, norvoua weakness, fttes W heeling. Leaves Bellalro. WHEELING BUSINESS COLLEGE. Mi7_ A. K. IIURKQAUDT it Southern States can successfully deal with deciy, loss or early :00A.M. 3:00P.M. 9:00A.M. )R SALE. & CO., manhood, Sic., I Trill soml a recli>o :30 » " <:40P.M. A TO IN C0" 8 West Fourth and 113 and 114 Baker Street. the pressing of this thai will euro 10 5:30 11:20 6:00 F' ©1 AAA INVEST problem educating you,FltEE OF ClIAKQE. Thisgroat ±:Q0 r. M. 3:00 P.M. Three A Piano! AlmUtt0 l" 16Wis CINCINNATI, 0. class of their illitorato citizens, and thoso rczr10Jy was discovered hy a In Separate Departments Steimray SSfiirar»V« lJ »>«« missionary South [jiaso couucctlon mmlo on all trains.B, Z. a u. , the Pauhandio counttea oi .W4.*» "T who aro ooon to bocomo citizens. Ami crlca. Sond a U' In asborttlmo. In perfectorder. Fot wJo.ata wiat Virginia. LL KINDS OF eolf-addrcssod onvoloi>o to tho Kv0.4p.R,R. andB.& O.B.B. Buccasful operation. Business, English Trafn* bargliin,at ludentractlMo " PLAIN AND FANCY WORK These aro the facts. A . Ultra on short Wrought anil JOB goneral reason- Vxs Josrra T. 1N2LLX, Station D, *Yew York trips notico. in ?. and Shorthand and Typewriting. Ladlea td* T. W. EWIXUj SELYIX & Malleable and City. JA.^tE3 B. BATJMER'S, RILEY, tppi? /ITT * T>T> Neatly promptly^cxecutcd at tho CAMPBELL, Captain. mittod. Addrcu u above. ITU/VM1 Jal>uvr 621 5 1110 Market Btaoct, No, 11GQ M&ln street, art& DAILY INTELLIGENCER JOB OFFICE, » ' Not, 25 and 27 Fourteenth Street. s S «/ /