By Sinske HATTORl 1

JJ b1:';i 1新佐: 早池降の苔類,特に蛇紋 ~{t に生ずる苔類について

M t. Hayachine is the highest mountain in the Kitagami montane area whose rocks rocks belong principa l1 y to the Paleozoic. Mt. Hayachine attains an altitude of 1914 1914 m . above sea level ,and is composed mostly of serpentine rocks. Its location is 39 0 30 'N. Lat. and 141 0 20 ' E. Long . in northern Japan. Many botanists have visited this this mountain. Accordingly , the ftora of higher is well known as an alpine vegetational vegetational zone under government protection for its interesting ftora including many rare plants. Here 1 wish to introduce only two important papers: (1) Honda and Takenaka , 1930. Mt . Hayachine alpine vegetation 2 ; (2) S. Kitamura ,1952 . Ser. pentine pentine ftora of Mt. Hayachine ,Prov . R ikuchu ,Jap an3 • Thus it may be rather surprising surprising that we have had no bryological report on this mountain before . The arboreal vegetation of this mountain is peculiar in Japan because of the serpentine. serpentine. From 700 to 1100m.s.m. along the trail Thujopsis dolabrata (var. hondai ) is is the dominant tree. Above 1100 m . Thujopsis is less common and Thuga diversi- folia folia begins to occur; the latter becomes dominant at about 1200 m.s.m. Above 1200-1300m. 1200-1300m. the disappears , the trees becoming shrubby ,and rocky heath or ‘ alpine garden' is seen here and there. At about 1450 m. Pinus ρ umila (shr ub pine ) together with Tsuga and Thujo ρ.sis ,forms scrub. Between 1450 and 1700 m. s.m . Betula ermani and other broad .l eaved shr ub s become abundant , but above 1700 m. Abies mariesii is common ,and fina l1 y the summit area (ca. 1900m. ) is mostly a rocky rocky heath , although Pinus ρumila , JuniPerus chinensis (va r. sargentii ) and shrubby Abies Abies mariesii also form scrub here and ther e. In an ‘ alpine garden' are found many rare plants whose di stribution is disjunct. On September 4-6 ,1954 ,M r. D. Shimizu collected hepatics for me on Mt. Haya- chine. chine. His route led from Hiratsudo and Momma ,ca . 500m ふ m. , at the north foot of of the mountain , along the north ascending trail up to the summit , although he collected collected mostly above 1100 m.s.m. This paper is based chiefty on hi s co l1 ection , although although a few other collections are added. Among the remarkable hepatics on serpentine rocks on Mt. Hayachine the fol . lowin g 16 species may be cited: Bl e. ρ harostoma trichoPhyllum , DiploPhyllum taxi. folium ,ホCheilolejeunea obtusifolia ,ホHerberta sakuraii ,Le ρidozia subtransversa ,Ma. crod か10 ρhyllum ρlicatum ,Marsl ψella ρarvitexta , Metzgeria conjugata va r. ja ρ'O nica , M 仲 onolejeune , 昭和 32 年 服部植物研究所報告 第 18 号 107

In In 1955 1 reported hepatics occurring on serpentine rocks on Mt. Apoi in Hok- kaido'. kaido'. Then 1 wrote that Cheilolejeunea obtusifolia (= Euosmolejeunea obtusifolia ), Herberta Herberta sakuraii , Lejeunea auriculata (= Euosmolejeunea auriculata ) ,Plagiochila satoi ,Radula amentulosa ,一寸especially Cheilolejeunea obtusifolia , as well as the rare species , Frullania densiloba ,NiPponolejeunea ρilifera ,Radula boryana and R. kane - marui ,might well exhibit the characteristic features of the Northern Japanese serpentine serpentine hepatic ftora; also that al1 calcicolous species and many other saxicolous ones ones occurring in the adjacent non-serpentine areas were very scarce or often en- tirely tirely lacking herein. Also 1 wrote that on Mt. Apoi , there were no obligate serpen- tine tine hepatics ,and that the hepaticae occurring on serpentine on Mt. Apoi were more tolerant of excess of magnesium than other hepatics. A close similarity is found between the serpentine hepatic vegetation on Mt. Hayachine and that of Mt. Apoi. Most of the characteristic hepatics on serpentine rocks rocks are common on both mountains. The di 任erences in them are thought to be caused caused chiefty by their difference in altitude. On Mt. Hayachine the serpentine area develops develops from ca . 1100 m .s.m . up to the summit ( 1914 m. ),whereas that on Mt. Apoi is below 810 m.s .m. Thus , such alpine or subalpine hepatics as Tritomaria quinquedentata , Marsu ρella spp. , Gymnomitrium corallioides and Ble. ρ harostoma tricho ρ hyllum are absent or very scarce on Mt. Apoi . But Blepharostoma minus which does not occur above 1100 m .s.m. of Mt. Hayachine is frequent on Mt. Apoi. As regards the hepatics not occurring on serpentine we can find also such alpine or subalpine subalpine species as californicum , Bazzania tricr enata ,Hygrobiella laxifolia rather (rather boreal than alpine ),Lo ρ hozia al ρestris and Radulafauriana on Mt. Hayachine but but none of them on Mt. Apoi. Notwithstanding Notwithstanding the altitude the hepatic ftora of M t. Hayachine may be charac- terized terized by its poverty in the arctic ( or alpine ) -subarctic ( or subalpine ) element and also by the disjunct occurrence of a temperate or subtropical element at or above 1100 m.s .m. As for temperate or subtropical elements we can mention Dre- ρ anolejeunea tenuis ,Porella ja ρonica ,Colol ejeun ea ma counii , Lejeunea rotundistipula , Dumortiera Dumortiera hirsuta ,Calycularia crispula and Bazzania yoshinagana. Similar elements are are found in the hepatic ftora of M t. Apo 108 108 Journ. Hattori Bo t. Lab . No. 18 195 7

EnumeratIon of speci 田

Ord. Ord. MARCHANTIALEs-Fam. MARCHANTIACEAE Dumortier α, hirsuta subsp. tα tunoi Horikawa was collected twice on shaded , moist moist soil at 1100 - 1200m.s.m. This sub species is ubiquitous in Japan . The chromo. some number of it is: n=24+2h l+ h2 (after Tatuno , Jour. Sci . Hiroshima Univ. se r. B ,2 ,4-6 ,1941 ).

Fam. CONOCEPHALACEAE Conocephalum conicum (L. ) Dum. was collected in crevices of black slate near Hiratsudo. Hiratsudo. Conoceph αlum supradecompositum (Li ndb .) Steph. was co l! ected at the same habitat habitat as the preceding species , occurring with Riccardia multifida ,Pellia neesiana and Chilosc yPhus ρallescens. Ord. Ord. - Fam . HERBERTA CEAE Herbert α sakuraii (Warnst. ) Hatt. Eight co l! ections were made at altitudes between 1200 m .s.m . and the summit. Of these ,two were made on bases of Abies mariesii mariesii and Pinus ρumila ,and the rest on serpentine and in its crevices. Herberta sakuraii sakuraii may be conspeci 自c with European and North American H. hutchinsiae and H. H. tenuis. Recently D r. R. M. Schuster of the University of Michigan wrote me , “1 have prepared a paper on Herb erta ,and have synonymized H. tenuis and H. hutchinsiae hutchinsiae as races of H. sakuraii ( as you had already hinted at ).. .. " (in litt. 4. Feb. 1957 ).

Fam. PTILIDIACEAE Ptilidium Ptilidium californicum (Aust .) U. et C . was co l! ected six times on the bases or lower lower stem of a shrubby pine (Pinus ρumila ) above 1800 m .s.m. N. かρonolejeunea suba 砂ina ,Radula fauriana , BlePharostoma tricho ρ hyllum and Sca ρ ania am ρliata often often were associated with it; the latter two restricted to the base. Pt ilidium pulclarrimum (Web. ) Hampe was collected five times on the lower stem and ne ar the base of coniferous trees ( Pinus koraiensis , Tsuga diversifolia and Thujopsis Thujopsis dolabrata ) at 1400 - 1700m.s.m. NiPponolejeunea su 抑制仰 often was asso ・ ciated ciated with it . Trichocoleopsis Trichocoleopsis sα cculai α (Mitt. ) Okamura was co l! ected four times on gabbro and serpentine rocks ,and once on graywacke , at about l1 00m . s.m. This mototypic genus resembles LePidolaena . On the other hand Trichocoleopsis is closely related to to Ptilidium . Notwith s tanding the likeness of the name ,Trichoroleo. ρsis does not have any direct relationship to Trichocolea . Fam. BLEPHAROSTOMACEAE . Bleph αrostoma m 仇us Horikawa. Five specimens were collected on ta !c -schist , ser~ntine or graywacke at about 1100 m.s .m . Bleph αrostom α trichophyllum (L. ) Dum . may be one of the most abundant hepatics hepatics on Mt. Hayachine. It does not seem to form a wide patch , but usua l! y mixes with other hepatics or mosses . It was found in 31 co l! ections made above 昭和 32 年 服部植物研究所報竹 第 18 η 109

1100 1100 m.s.m. ,most of which were above 1300 m.s.m. Common associates at the summit were Sca ρ ania am ρliafa ,Di ρ10 ρ hyllum taxifolium , Radula obtusiloba , R. fauriana fauriana and Ptilidium californicum; those at an altitude of about 1300 m. were Radula boryana , R. obtusiloba , DiploPhyllum taxifolium , Lepidozia subtransversa and Cephalozia Cephalozia media. The frequent substrata were: serpentine cli 仔s and crevices (ele- ven times ), tree and tree-bases , decayed logs ,and soil in the serpentine area. Fam. LEPIDOZIACEAE

Le pidozi α, rept α, ns (L. ) Dum. A single collection was made on roots of trees at at about 1200 m.s.m. Mylia sp . occurred with it . Le pidozia subtransvers αSteph. Twelve co l1 ections were made at about 1300 m.s.m. , of which seven were made on serpentine rocks , three on the forest fioor ( mostly of Tsuga diversifolia ),and two on decaying logs. On serpentine it occurred often often with Radula boryana and BlePharostoma tricho ρhyllum ,whereas on the other substrata substrata with Sca ρω tia bolanderi and Mnium spp. Lepidozia subtransversa is com- mon in the subalpine coniferous zone in ]apan ,and is closely related to , or possibly conspecific conspecific with ,North American Le pidozia filamentosa . Micro [e pidozi α, makino αna (Steph. ) Hatt . was found in a single collection made on serpentine ,mixed with Marsu ρella ρarvitexta. Unfortunately the material was poor poor and lacked perianths .

Bα zzani α, denud αtα su bsp. ovifoli α, (Steph. ) Hatt. (syn. B. ovifolia; B. vastifolia Steph.) Steph.) Twelve specimens were collected on bases and lower trunks of Thujo. ρsis dolabrata , Tsuga diversifolia and Betula ermani , decaying logs ,serpentine ,black -slate and graywacke from 1100m.s.m. to the summit. On serpentine it usually in a small quantity quantity mixed with larger hepatics , while on other substrata it often occurred in nearly nearly pure patches. Macrodi. ρloPhyllum ρlicatum , Scapania amPliata and Diplo- ρ hyllum taxifolium sometimes occurred with it. Ba zzani α, tricren αtα (Wah l.) Trev. Syn. Mastigobryum fissifolium Steph. , Spec. Spec. Hepat . 3: 502 (1908) , syn. nov. M. hamatum Steph ., I. c. 440 , syn. nov . M . subhamatum Beauv. in Steph. , l. c. 6: 465 (1924 )= M. hamatum Steph. ,msc ., nec in Spec. Spec. Hepat. 3: 440 (1908 ), syn. nov. Bazzania fissifolia var. subsimPlex (Steph. , msc.) msc.) Hatt. , Bot. Mag . Tokyo 58: 66 , f.24 (1944 )=M. subsim ρ lex Steph. ,msc. , syn. nov. nov. M. jishibae Steph. ,I. c. 6: 469 (1924 ), syn. nov. Six specimens were col- lected lected near or at the summit. Its substrata included bases of Pinus かlmila , Tsuga diversifolia diversifolia and Betula ermani ,humus under Pinus scrubs , clay slate and serpentine rocks. rocks. Macrodi ρ10 ρ hyllum pticatum and Scapania am ρliata often occurred with it. Bα zz α nia yoshinag αnα(Steph.) Yasuda , Hatt. was collected five times (1100- 1300m .s.m.) ,mos t1 y on humus in a forest of Tsuga diversifolia ,where Macrodf ρ/0- ρhyllum ρ licatum and Le ρidozia subtransversa frequen t1 y were associated with it. This This is the northernmost statio


Cα lypogei α, (Qα lypogei α, neesiana var . japonic αHatt, . Five specimens were collected collected on rotten logs and humus-covered rocks at 1100 - 1300 m.s.m. , often mixed with with species of Sca ρania ,Lo ρ hozia ()Massula , Mylia and others. Calypogeia Calypogeia (白 lyp oge 抱) tosan α(Steph. ) Steph. A few plants were found in 110 110 ]ourn. Hattori Bo t. Lab. No. 18 1 95 7

a single collection made on shaded rocks covered with humus so i1 at about 1100 m. s.m . C . neesiana va r. ja. ρonica ,Radula obtusiloba and Bletharostoma minus occurred with with it .

Caly po geia (Met αcα lypogeia) send α, ica Steph. ( Syn. C. viri dis Steph.; C. hetero- ρ hylla Steph.; C. stePhaniana Beauv. ) Only two collections were made on gray- wacke and gabbro at about 1100 m .s. m . u' n the latter substratum Trichocoleopsis sacculata sacculata was associated with it.

Fam. HYGROBIELLACEAE Hygrobiella Hygrobiella laxifo U, α(Hook. ) Spruce A few plants were found in two collec- tions tions made on talc-schist and gabbro at 1100-1200 m . s.m. Species of Chiloscy ρhus , Ce ρ halozia and Pl ec tocolea also occurred in the collections.

Fam. CEPHALOZIACEAE αp hα lozia con n ivens (Dicks .) Spruce (det. T. Amakawa) A few plants of this this rare species ,mixed with C. leucantha , C. media , Nowellia curvifolia ,Lo. ρ hozia fauriana , Sca ρ ania bolanderi ,九fylia sp. and Bazzania sp. , in a single collection made on a shaded ,damp log near the summit. αph αlozi α,leuc αnth αSpruce ,On Cephalozia 68 (1882 ). Syn. C. hakkodensis Steph ., Spec. Hepat . 3: 303 (1908 ); C . ochiajana Steph. , l. c. This species was col- lected lected thrice; all times represented by a few scattered plants mixed with Nowellia , Sca ρ ania bolanderi and others. The substratum was a decayed log; the altitudes about about 1300 and 1850 m.s.m. Dr. R. M. Schuster recen t1 y wrote me that CePha- lozia lozia hakkodensis may be identical with C. leucantha. To confirm it a few speci - mens of the former was submitted to Dr. Schuster ,whose study led him to the following following con c1 usion: This (Ce. ρhalozia hakkodensis ) is c1 early a simple synonym of C. C. leucantha . The plants from Hokkaido ( Mt. Yubari , 1100m. ,on damp shaded !ogs , with Har. ρ anthus scutatus ) has thick-walled !eaf ce l1 s ca. 12-16x 18-22μup to , rarely , 16-18 x 20 -24μ; the cortical stem ce l1 s range from 16-18 (21 )μx 18-26 (ra rely 35)μ , rarely to 20- 24 x 25-35μ ,and are quite thick-wa l1 ed; the plants are evidently dioecious; dioecious; the female bracts bifid up to the middle or less , with entire lobes whose margin are at best barely crenulate; the perianth mouth is crenulate-setulose , with occasional occasional 1-2 ・celled teeth. All of these characters are typical of C . leucantha. 1 agree with his con cJ usion on the basis of a comparison of European specimen kind ly sent by Dr. Schuster ,which 1 have compared with ]apanese material of C. hakkodensis. hakkodensis. αphalo z加 medi αLindb., was found in five collections. C. connivens , C. 1ω, cantha and Nowellia curvifolia also occurred in one collection made on shaded ,damp rotten logs logs at about 1850 m.s .m. Scapania and others occurred also in two collections made on the lower trunk of Betula ermani at about 1200 m.s.m. In the rest two collections collections which were made on hllmlls-covered serpentine rocks at about 1300m.s.m. , Bl eρ harostoma trichoPhyllum , DiploPhyllum taxifolium and others occurred also.

αph αlo zia otα, r uensis Steph. is c1 0sely related to C. bicuspidata. The on ly distinction distinction may be in sexuality; the former is unisexual , whereas the latter is bisexua l. Five collections were made; on a rotten tree and on rocks covered with humlls humlls at 1100-1300 m .s. m. Blepharostom 昭和 32 年 服部植物研究所報竹第 18 号 lli neesiana neesiana var. japonica and a few others occurred with C e, ρhalozia otaruensis. Nowellia Nowellia curvifolia (Dicks. ) Mitt . Five collections were made at about 1400 m.s .m. and one at about 1850m. s .m. It s substr atum was always the rotten log or stump in shaded ,damp habitats . It s associ ate s often included Bl ψ harostoma tricho- Phyllum , Scapania bolanderi , S. amPliata , Mylia verrucosa ,]amesoniella autumnalis , Cephalozia Cephalozia spp. and Riccardia spp . Odontoschism αdenudatum (Mart .) Dum. A single collection was made on a decaying decaying stump at about 1300 m .s.m . Nowellia curvifolia ,Ble ρ harostoma tricho ρhyl- lum ,Sca ρ ania am p[ iata and ]amesoni ella autumnalis occurred also in the same collection. collection. Fam. HARPANTHACEAE

Harp αntl Ul8 flotowi αnωNees, A single collection was m ade at about 1100 ロ1. s. 町1. Fam. LOPHOCOLEACEAE Lophocole αminor Nees was collected twice on black slate at about 1100m.s.m.

Chiloscyphus Chiloscyphus pαllesce 悶 (Ehrh. )Dum . Three collections were made in crevices of of wet , shaded black slate at about 500m.s .m. near Hiratsudo. Riccardia multifida , Pellia Pellia ne e siana and ConocePhalum conicum were often associated with it. Chiloscyphus Chiloscyphus poly α nthus (L. ) Corda was collected also in nearly the same habitat as as the preceding species ,associated with Lejeun eα japonica. Other collections of it were made on moist talc-schist among mosses at about 1200 m.s.m. Heteroscyphus α rgutus (R ., B 1. et N. ) Schi 佑1. Five specimens were collected at at an altitude of about 1100m ふ m. , of which three were on shaded ,damp graywacke rocks rocks and cliffs ,one ,mixed with Pl ectocol ea ρrostrata and DiPlo. ρ hyllum taxifolium , on gabbro ,and the other , with C ephalozia otaru ensis and BlePharostoma trichoPhyl ・ lum ,on a rotten tree. H . argutus is widely distributed from Indomalaya northwards to to Japan . This habitat ,therefore ,may be unusua l. Sα ccogyna curiosissim αHorik. This species is rather closely related to S. viticulosa ,and is distributed from Japan to Formosa. It usually occurs in montane areas areas above 500m.s .m . However ,on Mt . Hayachine it was collected in the serpen - tine tine area near the summit (above 1800m .s.m .) ,where it occurred in crevices and on cliffs cliffs of serpentine and in an ‘alpine garden ¥ BlePharostoma trichoJ うhyllum ,Di ρ10 ・ ρ hyllum taxifolium and Metzgeria conjugata va r. ja ρ onica frequently were found in the the Saccogyna patches. S. curiosissima may be one of the characteristic hepatics of of the summit serpentine area of Mt. Hayachine . Seven collections were found. Fam . LOPHOZIACEAE

Lophozia (~α88ulα, ) ω rnutα, ( Steph. ) Hatt. A single collection was made on a rotten log at about 1100 m.s .m . Calypog eia neesiana var. japonica and Bazzania yoshinagana yoshinagana occurred with it.

Lo phozia (M 倒 sula ) inc おα(Schr ad.) Dum. was colle c ted only once mixed with Caly ρog e ia nee siana va r. ja ρoni cαand Sca ρ ania bolanderi on a rotten log at about 1300m ふ m. Lophozia (LθI]J hozi α,) αlpestris (Schle ich. ) Evans A few fragments of it were found found in a Marsupella parvit ex ta patch in a sin g le collection made on serpentine at 112 ]ourn. Hattori Bot . Lab. No. 18 19 5 7

1600- 1700m ふ m. Lo pho ziα, (Lopho zia ) r. αuria nαSteph. was collected twice on rotten logs at about about 1300 m.s.m.; Mylia verrucosa , Nowellia curvifolia ,Sca ρ ania bolanderi ,S. ρar- vitexta vitexta var. minor ,Jamesoniella autumnalis ,Ble ρ harostoma trichoPhyllum , Riccardia ρ almata an d Tritomaria exsecta occurred with it. A third collection was made on a rotten log at about 1800 m .s.m.; Ce. ρhalozia leucantha ,C . connivens , C. media , Nowellia Nowellia curvifolia ,Sca ρ ania bolanderi and others occurred with it here. A fourth co l1 ection was made in a moss turf on serpentine at the summit; Blepharostoma trichophyllum trichophyllum occurred in the same turf. A nαs trophyllum (S ph enolobu s) min utum (C r.) Schuster Fragments were found in in a colony consisting of Cheilolejeunea obtusifolia , Herberta sakuraii , Marsupella ρarvitexta ,Sca ρ ania am ρliata and Di ρ10 ρ hyllum albicans . A nαs trophyllum (A nαstr ophyllu m ) mi chα uxii (Web.) Buch Syn. A. ja ρoni- cum Steph. ,Bu ll. Herb. Boiss. 5: 85 (1897); Sphenolobus japonicus Steph. ,Spec . H epat. 2: 160 (1902); AnastroPhyllum japonicum Steph. , Spec. Hepa t. 6 : 106 (1917) , ρro ρarte ,-syn. nov. The type locality of A . japonicum Steph. (1897 ) is: Mt . Hayachine ,June 14 ,1 894 , U. Faurie 12841 ρ.ρ. ー type in hb.G. It is smaller than A. A. michauxii , but conspecific with it. T hree specimens were collected on the base and lower trunk of Thujo ρsis dolabrata ,and on decaying wood ,between 1400 and 170 0 m.s.m. Sca ρ ania am ρliata and other hepa tics occurred with it. These speci- mens were also far smaller than normal European michauxii. T ritom αri α(Tritom αriα), exsecta ( Schmid.) Schiffn. usua l1 y occurs in a sma l1 quantity quantity among ot h er hepatics. 1 found it in three collections , each consisting of a few gametophores scattered among patches of Macrod か10Phyllum ρlicatum ,Sca ρ ania bolanderi , Mylia verrucosa , Nowellia curvifolia and Jamesoniella autumnalis which deve loped on fa l1 en trees at 120 0 -1400 m . s.m. Tritom α ria (Trilopho ziα) quinqu ede nt αtα (Huds.) Buch Seven collectio ns were made in serpentine crevices , the ‘ alpine garden' and on b ases of Pinus ρ umila at at the summi t serpentine area above 1800 m .s.m. In the collection made on the base base of a Pinus were associated Bazzania tricrenata , Herberta sakuraii ,Jamesoniella autumn αlis , Scapania an ψliat αand DiploPhyllum taxifolium. In some of the other collections ,Plagiochila satoi and Ni ρ,'ponolejeunea 戸lifera also occurred with Herber

Fam. M ARSUPELLACEAE Mar sup ell α, dist ic hα Steph. A co lI ection which came from the Su lI ivant Moss Society Society severa l years ago belongs to the present species: M t. H ayachine , July 1909 , E. E. Iishiba 35.

Mαr 制 rpell αpα, rvitext αSteph. was co lI ected five times on serpentine rocks be - tween 1 400 and 1 700 m.s.m. Scapania am ρliata , M. tubulosa , Herberta sakuraii , Cheilolej 仰 nea obtusifolia ,μ 'phozia alpestris ,MicrolePidozia makinoana e tc. occa- sionally sionally occurred with it . 開示132 年 JJ f,1l' ;ii 祁l物研究所報fi- 第 18 号 113

Mα rsupella pseudofunckii Hat t. was collected thrice on graywacke or on the trunk-base trunk-base of Tsuga diversifolia at 1100-1300 m.s.m. Marsupella Marsupella tubulos αSteph . var.α~pertifo l.加 (Steph.) Hat t. Thi s species also was collected thrice on serpentine rocks at 1600-1700 m.s.m. M. ρarvitexta and Sca ρα nta ρarvitexta va r. minor were associated with it in one collection. Gymnomitrium cor α,llioides Nees (Acoleafauriana Steph.; Gymnomitriumfauria- num Hatt.; G. corallioides va r. faurianum Hatt.) Japanese plants di 任er from European ones in a more or less distinc t1 y crenulate margin of the phylloidal lobe. It It was collected twice on exposed serpentine rocks near the summit . Fam. JUNGERMANNIACEAE Jα me8oniell αα, utumn αlis (D.C .) Steph. Four collections were made on rotten lo gs and decaying stumps at 1200-1300m.s.m. It s associates in c1 uded BlePharostoma trichoPhyllum , Scapania bolanderi , Nowellia cu 仰が "o lia ,Lo ρ hozia fauriana , Mylia ver- rucosa rucosa and Tritomaria exsecta. Another collection was made on the base of a Pinus ρ umila near the summit ,where Bazzania tricrenata , Scapania amPliata , Tritomaria quinquedentata quinquedentata and Bl e, ρ harostoma trichoPhyllum occurred with it. Solenostoma αtrovirens (Dum.) K. Mul l. (det. T . Amakawa) A single collec- tion tion was made in crevices of a serpentine c1 iff near the summit Solenostoma Solenostoma exsertifolium (Steph .) Steph. in Hatt. ,Jou r. H attori Bot. Lab . 15: 84 84 (1955 ). Syn. Jungermannia exsertifolia Steph ., Spec. Hepat. 6: 部 (19 17 ). This species species was collected twice on wet c1 ay slate at about 1100 m.s.m. Chilosc y' ρ hus ρ olyanthus often was associated with it. S. exs ertifolium is c1 0sely related to S. triste . The latter ,however , is smaller in size. (det. T. Amakawa ) So lenostom α pyriflorum Steph. , Spec. Hepa t. 6: 83 (1917 ). Syn. Jungermannia pyrijiora pyrijiora Steph. , l. c. 90. A single collection was made on serpentine near the summit. (det. T . Amakawa) Plectocole αbilob αH at t., l. c. 84 , sine desc r. A single collection was made on gabbro at about 1100 m .s.m . HygrobieU αlaxifolia and C ゆhalozia sp. also oc- curred curred in the same collection. Plectocolea Plectocolea em αrgin αtαAmakawa was found in a single collection made on graywacke at about 1100 m ふ m. Plectocole α hay αchinensis Amakawa ,msc . was represented by the following five five collections . The descriptions of this new species together with the preceding two Plectocoleas Plectocoleas will be published by T . Amakawa in a furture number of this Journa l. Mt. Mt. Hayachine : on wet serpent ine rocks , with Radula obtusiloba and Scapania ir-

rigua rigua at 1600 - 1700 m .s.m. ,Sep t. 5,1954 , D. Shimizu 55278 ,55308 ・type! ,55377 ; -1800 -1900 m .s.m. D.S. 55312 ,55380 (a form ); hb.NICH . Plectocole αinfusc αM it t. (det. T. Amakawa ) A single collection was made on black slate near Hiratsudo at about 500 m ふ m ., occurring with Le jeune αj ゆ onica. Plectocole αprostr αtα, (Steph.) Hat t. was collected several times on serpentine , gabbro gabbro and other rocks at about 1100m .s.m. Species of Scapania , DiploPhyllum or HeteroscYPhus HeteroscYPhus occasionally occurred with it . Jungerm α nnia lanceolat αL. was collected thrice on serpentine rocks at abou 114 114 ]ourn. Hattori Bo t. Lab. No. 18 1 95 7

type. type. It is larger in size and not paroicous; the male inflore sc ence on separate branches . T. Amakawa and 1 will g ive this a varietal name ‘stePhanii ¥ Another collection was made on black slate at about 500 m.s.m. near Hiratsudo. Nα rdia subcl αuαtα (Steph.) Amakawa Two collections were made on soil at about about 1300 and 1600 m ふ m. Nα rdia parvifoli α, (S te ph.) Hatt. (syn. Alobiella ρarvifolia Steph.; A. rufa Steph .; A. latifolia Steph .) A single collectioll was made in crevices of serpentine rocks rocks at about 1400 m ふ m. Stephani described this under the genus Alobiella. Tentatively Tentatively 1 have put it in Nardia , but a new genus may be neccssary for it.

Fam. PLAGIOCHILACEAE Mylia verrucosa L indb . is closely related to M. taylori. K. Muller (in Rabenh ., Krypt.-F l. 6 -1: 787) mentioned some of the differences between this species and M. taylori. taylori. An imp ortant feature of M. :'errucosa may be the toothed perianth; teeth short ,lackin g on the upper portion of perianth. Any material lacking perianths is difficult difficult to determine whether it belongs to the present species or to M. taylori. Three collections were made on rotten logs and humus at 1200-1400m.s.m. Several other other collections were also made , but they are all lacked perianths. On rotten logs Lo ρ hozia fauriana , Nowellia curvifolia ,Sca ρα nia bolanderi ,Ja ωmesoni μel υla αutu 仰t1 and Cαf か'yp うogei αneesia ωnαva r. japonica were associated with the present species. Plagioch il< αhα kkodensis Steph. (syn. Pl. kodukensis Hat t. ) It was collected thrice thrice on talc-schist at about 1200m .s.m. where it often occurred with Jubula hutchin - siae siae subsp. ja ρonica ,Ble. ρ harostoma tricho ρ hyllum and Diplo ρ hyllum taxifolium. PlagiochU αsα toi Hatt. was collected eleven times from about 500m.s.m. up to the the summit area. The substrata included serpen tine rocks and crevices (four times) , talc-schist talc-schist (twice) , rotten logs (twice) , clay slate , black slate and graywack e (once each )_ The most frequent associates on the rock were species of Ble ρharostoma , Metzgeria ,Radula and Diploph yllum. Fam. SCAPANIACEAE MacrodiplophyUum plic αtum (Lindb .) Perss. Thirteen collections were made from 1200m.s.m . to the summit area. Am ong those , four collections were made on the the forest fl ∞r (mostly of Tsuga diversifolia ) at ca. 1300 m.s.m .,where it occurred with with L epidozia subtransversa and Bazzania yoshinagana; five co Il ections on serpen- tine tine rocks at 1300-1400m .s.m.; four co Il ections on bases of trees and decaying l ogs above 1600 m.s.m. ,where Bazzania tricrenata , B. denudata subsp . ovifolia and Sca ρ ania am ρliata were associated with it; another on a rotten log at about 1200 m.s.m. m.s.m. with Jam esoniella autumnalis. DiplophyUum α lbicans (L.) Dum . Tw o collections we re made on black slate cli 任s at 1100 m.s.m. An additional collection was made in serpentine crevices at about about 1400m ふ m. ,mixed with Cheilolejeunea obtusifolia , Herberta sakuraii ,Sca ρ ania ampliata ampliata and Marsu ρella ρarvitexta. DiplophyUum tαxi 向 lium (Wahlenb. ) Dum. This species may be one of the most frequent hepatics on Mt. Hayachine , as in the case of most of the high mountains in Jap an. Twenty-seven specimens were collected between 1000 m.s.m. and the summit. It us ually-occurs in rather small patches or mixed within others , 昭和 32 年 服部材l物研究所報告第 18 号 115 and hard ly form an extensive patch. T he most frequent associat es ino ur area in- c1 uded Ble ρ harostoma trichoPhyllum ,Radula obtusiloba , *Saccogyna curiosissima , *Radula boryana , Metzgeria conjugata var. ja ρ onica and Sca ρ ania am ρliata. The species species marked with an asterisk are the characteristic hepatics of the serpentine vegetation vegetation of M t. Hayachine. The substrata in c1 uded serpentine rocks ,soil in ser- pentine pentine ‘ alpine garden ¥bases and lower trunks of Thujopsis dolabrata and Pinus ρumila ,ta 1c -schist ,graywacke and gabbro. Sc αpα, niαα, mpliata St eph. Fifteen collections were made between 1300m.s.m . and the summi t. The chief substrata in c1 uded bases , roots and lower stems of Pinus Pinus pumila (rare ly of Thujopsis ,Tsuga and Betula ), rotten logs an d decaying stumps; stumps; three collections ,however ,were made on serpentine rocks covered with a shallow shallow l ayer of humus . Bazzania tricrenafa ,Macrod か10 ρhyllum ρlicatum ,BlePharo- stoma stoma trichoPhyllum , Bazzania denudata subsp. ovifolia ,Di ρ10 ρ hyllum taxifolium and Jamesoniella autumnalis were among its common associates. Sc apania bo landeri Aust. Thirtee n collect i ons were made above 1200m.s.m. T he chief substratum was rotten logs beneath conifers. However , it was collecte d twice twice on serpentine rocks covered with a thin layer of humus. The common associates in c1 uded Nowellia curvifolia , Lophozia fauriana , Mylia verrucosa and C e. ρhalozia sp p. Sc apani a curt α, (Mart .) Dum. A few plants were found in five collections made on serpentine in the summit area . Scap αni α, irrigu α( Nees) Dum. (det. T. Amakawa ) A few pl ants was foun d in in Plectocolea hayachinensis in a single co l1 ection made on serpentine freque n tly submerged in a stream at 1 600-1700 m.s.m. Scαpα ni α, pα rvit extα Steph. var . m inor Hatt. (=S. ρ arvidens Steph.) Fif- teen teen specimens were collected on various substrata such as serpentine (most freque nt) , graywacke , black slate ,c1 ay slate and rotten log above 1000 m.s.m. It occurr ed mostly mostly in small qu antity scattered among other hepatics. It s common associa t es in c1 uded Calypogeia neesiana va r. ja ρonica ,Pl ectocolea ρrostrata ,Radula obtusiloba , Di ρ 10Phyllum taxifolium and Ble ρ harostoma tricho ρ hyllum.

Sc apan iα, und ulata ( L.) Dum. was collected on dripping c1 ay slate at about 11 00 m.s.m. m.s.m. and also on wet serpentine at 1600-1700 m.s.m.

Fam. R ADULACEAE Rα dul αα m ent ul o8α Mitt. (syn. R . brunne αSteph.; R. abnormis Steph. ) T his species species was collected four times on serpe n tine rocks , twice on ta 1c -schist and thric e on lower trunks of Tsuga diversifolia and Abies mariesii; the altitude was 1200- 1 400 m.s.m . Radula am entulosa may be one of the characteristic hepatics of serpentine areas ,where it is well developed and formed more or less extensive mats over rocks. rocks. Cheilolejeun ea obtusifolia ,Diplo ρ hyllum taxifolium and Ble ρ harostoma tricho- ρ hyllum often occ u rred with it. On trunks of conifers Frullania moniliata su b sp. obscura ,Ni 仲 onolejeunea ρilifera and Herberta sakuraii occurred with it . R αdu la boryana (Web.) Nees (s yn . R. auriculata Steph.). It was collected ten ten times between 1300 and 1400 m.s.m . It may be remarkable that all collections were from serpentine rocks ,where this species is well developed , forming relat i vely large large patches. BlePharostoma trichoPhyllum , R. obtusiloba , DiploPhyllum taxifolium , Plagiochil α satoi and Cheilolejeunea obtusifolia often were associated wi th this species. 116 116 Journ. Hattori Bot. Lab. No. 18 19 5 7

Rα dula fauri αnαSteph, . A few plants were found in ten collections made on ba ses and lower stems of Pim ωρ umila and Tsuga diversifolia in the summit area , occurring with Ptilidium californicum (most abundant) ,Ni ・仲 onolejeunea sub. alPina ,Scapania αmρ liata , Bazzania tricrenata , B. denudat αsubsp. ovijolia ,Ptili . dium ρ ulcherrimum and some others. Rα dul αjα, ponicl αGott. was collected thrice at 1100-1200 m .s.m. : two on tree trunks trunks and the rest one on shaded , moist graywacke cli 任s ocωrring with Heteroscy- ρ hus argutus. Rα dula obiusilob αSteph . is one of the most common hepatics in this area . Twenty -two specimens were collected above 1100m.s.m. , nearly half of wh ich were on serpentin e rocks and soil , four on the trunks of Betula and Abies and the rest on such rocks as graywacke , gabbro and talc-schist. It s common associates included DiploPhyllum DiploPhyllum taxifolium , Blepharostoma tricho ρhyllum , Metzgeria conjugata va r. ja ρanica ,Radula boryana , BlePharostoma minus and Lejeunea japonica.


Porella Porella ~αuriei (Steph. ) H att . A few , poorly developed plants were co l1 ected in in three specimens from serpentine rocks between 1300 and 1400 m.s.m . Radula boryana ,R . obtusiloba ,Ble ρ harostoma tricho ρ hyllum and Di. ρ10 ρ hyllum taxifolium occurred occurred with it. Another collection was made on Betula ermani at about 1200 m. s.m .; Frullania moniliata subsp. obscura and Radula obtusiloba were occurred with it. Porella Porella jα ponicl α (S de . Lac. ) Mitt. was collected twice: on clay slate ,α. 1200 m.s.m. m.s.m. (55234 ); on graywacke , 1100 m .s.m. ( 55183). The plant is far smaller than the the typical form ,and appears to be a Radula in habit. Phylloidal teeth are almost entirely entirely reduced.

Fam. LEJEUNEACEAE Nipponolejeune αpilifer α, (Steph. ) Hatt. was co l1 ected eight times between 1200 and 1400m .s.m. The chief substratum was trunks of conifers (Thujo ρsis dolabr α ta and Abies mari 白 ii ). Onlya sin gle collection was made on serpentine rocks covered with with a thin layer of soil ,mixed with other hepatics . On conifers Frullania moniliata subsp. subsp. obscura was frequently associated with it ,and Radula amentulosa , Herberta sakuraii sakuraii and Drepanolejeunea tenuis twice or once. An addi ti onal collection was made on soil in serpentine crevices in the summit area , mixed with Tritomaria quinquedentata. quinquedentata. Nipponolejeune α sub αlpin α (Horik.) Hatt. Eight specimens were collected exclusively exclusively on trunks of Abies ,Thujo. ρsis and Betula ,and on bases of shrubby pine (Pinus ρumila ) from 1200m.s.m. up to the summit. On the summit it often occ ur red with with Ptilidium cal ぴ"or nicum ,whereas below 1700m. s.m. with Ptilidium ρ ulcherrimum. Drep αnolejeune α お即お (R ., B l. et N.) Schiffn. A few scattered plants , mostly mostly creeping on larger Radula amentulosa , were found in a sin gle collection made on the trunk of Abies mariesii at about 1200 m . s.m. moniliata Frullania su bsp. obscura ,NiPponolejeunea ρilifera and Herberta sakuraii also were found in the the same packet. This may be the northernmost known station in its range ,and one of its highest altitudinal records in Japan. Cheilolejeunea Cheilolejeunea obiusifolia (Steph .) Hatt. ,comb . nov . Harpalejeunea obtusifolia 昭和, 32 年 服部植物研究所報?? 第 18 号 117

Steph. ,Spec . Hepa t. 5: 265 (19 13). Euosmolejeunea obtusifolia Hatt ., Jour. Hattori Bot. Bot. Lab. 5 : 85 (1951 ). Str e. ρsilejeunea ρusilla Hatt. ,Bul l. Tokyo Sci. Mus. 11 : 129 , f. f. 85-86 (1 944). Five collections were made between 1100 and 1 400 m .s.m. , of which four were found on serpentine rocks and the last one on gabbro. Radula boryana , Herberta sakuraii and others often occurred with it. T hus , this minute species species may belong to the representative of serpentine hepatics . It also occurrs on the the ot her substrata , but in this 臼 se it is Ji mited to the south or lower altit ud es. Cheilol ejeune αont αkensis (Steph .) Hatt .,comb. nov. Stre ρsilej e unea ontakensis Steph. , Spec. Hepat. 5: 285 (1913 ). Euosmolejeunea ontakensis Hatt. , Jour. Hattori B ot. Lab . 5: 85 (1951 ). Euosmolejeun ea osumiensis Hatt. ,Bul l. T okyo Sci . Mus . 11 : 105 ,f . 65-66 (1944 ). E . osumiensis va r. kanemarui Hatt .,Jour . Hattori Bo t. Lab. 5: 49 (1951 ). A single co l1 ection was made on Betula ermani at about 1200m.s.m. L そ;eun ea jα,pon ic αMitt. occurred in small patches or more frequently mixe d with with other hepatics . Fourteen specimens were collected on such rocks as graywacke , c1 ay slate , black slate and gab bro , at or below 1100 m.s.m . M etzgeria conjugata va r. japonica ,Radula obtusiloba ,Bl eρhα rosto 明 a ,Plagiochila and Chiloscy ρ hus oc . curred curred with it. L 匂;eun eαrotundi stipula (Steph.) H att . (syn. Microlejeunea rotundisti ρ ula Steph .; Lejeunea Lejeunea curviloba Steph. ) Th is minute species was co l1 ected ei ght t imes between 1100 1100 an d 1400m .s.m. ,mixed with Lゆidozia subtransversa ,Plagiochila satoi ,Radula boryana , Ble ρ harostoma trichothyllum ,Di Pl ot わ,Uum taxifolium and others. The chief chief substrata in c1 uded bases and trunks of Thujo ρsis and serpentine rocks. 白 lol ejeun eαm αcou nii ( Spruce ex Underw. ) Evans Syn . Cololejeunea ruticola Steph .( Cf. Schuster ,Jou r. Mitche l1 S oc. 7 2-1: 113-115 ,1956 ) A few plants mostly creep ing on mosses were found on graywacke at about 1100m.s .m. M etzgeria con. jugata jugata va r. japonic α,L e jeunea japonica and Radula obtusiloba also 田 curred in the sam e co l1 ection . Fam. FRULLANIACEAE Jubula Jubula hut chin sia e sub sp. jα,ponl cα(Steph .) Hor ik. et Ando Four collections were made on talc-schist and graywacke rocks in shady ,damp sites between 1100 and 12oom .s.m. Lej eun ea japo 悦 ca ,Plagiochila hakkodensis ,Chiloscy ρhus ρolyanthus , Riccardia Riccardia sp . also occurred in one or two of the collections . Frullania Frullania hαm αtilob α Steph. A single specimen proved to be the present species: species: E. Ihsiba 28 , lacking data on habitat , in American Bryological Soc ., dulp. in in H attori Bot. La b. Frull α, nia herz ogii Hatt. ,Feddes R eport. 58: 53 ,f. a-j (1955 ). A few plants were found , occurring with BlePharostoma tricho ρhyllum , Lejeunea rotundistiPula and two other hepatics ,on the bark of Thujo ρsis dolabrata at abo ut 1200 m.s.m . T his species is most remarkable with its peculiarly t∞ thed phylloids as well as the minute size of plants. Later , it was found twice on Mt. Kisokoma ,Nagano Pre - fecture , central Japan . The habitat was almost the same as here: on trunks of subalpine subalpine conifers , about 2000 m .s.m . Frullani αjα, ck ii G. v ar. japonica (Sd e. Lac. ) Hatt . (syn . Frullania jゆ onica Sde. Sde. Lac .) A sin g le collection was made on black slate at abou t 500 m.s .m . A form of Frullania taradakensis also occurred with it. 118 118 ]ourn. Hattori Bot. Lab. No. 18 19 5 7

FruU α,ni αηω, ni li< αtαsubsp. obscur αVerd., Eight collections came from the b ark of Abies mariesii ¥ Thujopsis dolabrata and Betula ermani at about 1200m .s.m. An additional collection was made on serpentine at about 1400 m.s.m. , occurring with with Nipponolejeunea ρilifera , Scapania ampliata ,Plagiochila satoi and others.

Frullani α, 如 rad α,kens お Ste ph. A single specimen was found on black slate at at about 500 m.s.m. near Hiratsudo , associated with Frullania jackii va r. japonica. This plant is not typical , resembling F. jackii var. ja ρonica. Ord . METZGERIALEs-Fam. PALLAVICINIACEAE

Cα lycularia cr お,:pula Mitt. was collected twice on graywacke c1 i任s and crevices at at about 1100 m .s.m. Fam. PELLIACEAE Pellia Pellia neesiana Limp r. was co llected four time s between 1100 and 1400 m.s.m. ; the the substrata were wet soil ,and graywac ke or serpentine rocks. Another collection was made on black slate at about 500 m.s.m. near Hiratsudo. Scapania ρarvitexla var. var. minor , Riccardia multifida ,Chiloscyphus ρallescens and Plectocolea ρrostrata occasionally occasionally occurred with this species. Fam. METZGERIACEAE Metzgeri α, conjug αtαvar. jα rponic αHa tt. frequently occurred in small quantity , scattered scattered among other hepatic colonies. Eighteen collections made between 1100 m. s.m. s.m. and the summit area contained this Metzgeria. It s frequent associates included Saccogyna Saccogyna curiosissima ,Radula obtusiloba , Lejeunea ja ρonica ,Ble ρ harostoma tri cho- ρ hyllum and Di ρ10 ρ hyllum taxifolium. It s subst rata were mainly serpentine and soil soil in serpentine area ,graywacke and black slate. On serpentine it almost always was mixed with Saccogyna.

Fam. RICCAR Dl ACEAE Ricc α rdia multifid α( L. ) Gray was collected twice on moist or wet black slate , occurring occurring with Chiloscy ρhus ρα llescens ,P ellia neesiana ,Lej 仰 nea ja. ρonica ,Plagiochila sp . and Conoce. ρhalum su ρradecom ρositum , at about 500m.s.m. near Hiratsudo. The material material had many female branches but entirely lacked the male ones. Ricc α,rdi α, palm α ta (Hedw .) Carr . (det. M . Mizutani) Two collections found on rotten lo gs at about 1300 m.s.m. contained this species and also Nowellia curvi- folia ,Sca ρ ania bolanderi ,Lo. ρ hozia fauriana ,Mylia verrucosa , Jamesoniella autum- nalis , BlePharostoma tricho. ρhyllum ,Ce ρhalozia leucantha and Tritomaria exsecta.

Riccardi α, pinguis (L. ) Gray was found ,accompanied by another Riccardia (a 仔. R. R. nagasakiensis ),Bl eρharostom α trichoPhyllum , Nowellia curvifolia ,Jam esoniella autumnalis autumnalis and Lo ρ hozia fauriana on the same habitat as that of the preceding spe Cl es.