JetBrief No. 380 JetBriefJetBrief May 2006 Location: United States of Service: Boat Waterjet Model: HM651

“Georgia” Pair of Jet-Powered Pilot Boats SERVICE: Pilot Boats Excel in Variety of Situations WATERJETS: The success of “Chinook”, a 72’ fast operating in the Twin HamiltonJet Model HM651 Colombia River Bar, OR (JB351), has led to two similar vessels being DESIGNER: delivered to the Savannah Pilots, Georgia, and the Sabine Pilots Camarc Design Ltd, Sussex, UK Service, Texas. Like “Chinook”, these new vessels are designed by BUILDER: Kvichak Marine Industries, Camarc, UK, built by Kvichak Marine Industries of Seattle and Seattle, WA, USA powered by twin Hamilton HM651 waterjets. HamiltonJet DISTRIBUTOR: HamiltonJet Inc, Both Pilot Associations carried out proven performance of existing high- Seattle, WA, USA extensive investigation into the best hull speed pilot boats. and propulsion options for their new In fact, Sabine Pilots Service ordered its vessels. Their own particular operating new boat following the recommendation conditions were weighed against the of the River Bar Pilots and after riding its Kvichak-built, waterjet “Sabine Bank Pilot” powered pilot boat “Chinook”. The short, steep waves of the Gulf of Mexico require a special vessel, and “Chinook” demonstrated this new type of pilot boat would suit the SPA’s requirements for sea-keeping and speed. CWF Hamilton & Co Limited, Lunns Road, PO Box 709, Christchurch 4, New Zealand. Ph: +64 3 962 0530. Fax: +64 3 962 0534. Email: [email protected] NAME: Georgia Savannah Pilots Association LENGTH: At 75 feet, the Savannah 23.00 metres Pilot’s new vessel “Georgia” is BEAM: 6.60 metres the largest Camarc-designed CONSTRUCTION: and Kvichak-built pilot boat Aluminium operating for the US Pilot SPEED: Associations. 28 knots “Georgia” operates in a wide WATERJETS: variety of sea conditions at Twin HamiltonJet Model HM651 ENGINES: the entrance to the Savannah Twin Cummins diesel engines River, where the combination Model KTA38 M2, each of Camarc design and 1007kW (1350hp) @ 1900rpm HamiltonJet propulsion offers GEARBOXS: the best in safety, speed and ZF 2550 (1.857:1) features. The vessel has three DESIGNER: staterooms aft which provide Camarc Design Ltd, Sussex, UK a galley, seating and berths for BUILDER: six pilots. Kvichak Marine Industries, Seattle, WA, USA Twin 1007kW (1350hp) OPERATOR: Cummins engines and Savannah Pilots Association, Hamilton HM651 waterjets Savannah, GA, USA give excellent manoeuvrability HamiltonJet DISTRIBUTOR: HamiltonJet Inc, and top speed of 28 knots. Seattle, WA, USA

NAME: Sabine Bank Pilot LENGTH: 22.00 metres BEAM: 6.60 metres CONSTRUCTION: Aluminium SPEED: 28 knots WATERJETS: Twin HamiltonJet Model HM651 ENGINES: Twin Detroit diesel engines Model 16V2000 960bkW (1285bhp) @ 2100rpm GEARBOXS: Detroit DD6619SC (2.14:1) Sabine Bank Pilots Association DESIGNER: The 72’ pilot boat “Sabine Bank Pilot”, This combination is designed to allow Camarc Design Ltd, Sussex, UK was delivered to the Sabine Pilots excellent manoeuvrability, a top speed OPERATOR: Service of Groves, Texas in 2003. It of 28 knots, and a cruising speed of Sabine Pilots Association, Groves, TX, USA has a pilotage route that extends 20 around 26 knots. BUILDER: miles off the Texas coast and 56 miles Kvichak Marine Industries, up the Sabine-Neches river. Seattle, WA, USA Twin Detroit Diesel 16V2000 engines HamiltonJet DISTRIBUTOR: rated at 960bkW (1,285 bhp) each at HamiltonJet Inc, Seattle, WA, USA 2,100 rpm provide power for the Sabine Bank Pilot and Hamilton HM651 waterjets were chosen as the propulsors. C W F Hamilton & Co Limited, Lunns Road, PO Box 709, Christchurch 4, New Zealand. Ph: +64 3 962 0530. Fax: +64 3 962 0534. Email: [email protected]