Participant List for the 2018 NWT Climate Change Forum and Charrette

COMMUNITY & ABORIGINAL GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVES Alfonz Nitsiza [email protected] Chief Community Government of Whati Andrew Arreak [email protected] SmartICE Nunavut Operations Lead SmartICE Ashtyn McLeod [email protected] Councillor Hamlet of Fort McPherson Bob Overvold [email protected] Board of Director Secretariart Inc Brenda Ruben [email protected] Senior Administrative Officer Hamlet of Chris Heron [email protected] Community fieldworker NWT Metis Nation Chris Vaughn Sustainabilty Projects Coordinator City of Yellowknife Cindy Gilday [email protected] Senior Project Lead Sahtu Secretariat Inc Clarence Wood [email protected] Councillor Town of Clifford Daniels [email protected] Chief Community Government of Behchoko Dang‐Dang Gruben dang‐[email protected] Youth Delegate Inuvik/Tuktoyaktuk Darrell White [email protected] Senior Administrative Officer Village of David Wedawin [email protected] Chief Community Government of Gameti David Codzi [email protected] Assistant Band Manager Colville Lake Settlement Corporation Donna Akhiatak [email protected] Project Coordinator ‐ Nunamin Illihakvia Community Corporation Edward Sangris [email protected] Chief of First Nation Elizabeth Vittrekwa [email protected] Mayor Hamlet of Fort McPherson Fred Behrens [email protected] Senior Administrative Officer Hamlet of Frederick Arey [email protected] Councillor Hamlet of Aklavik Gladys Norwegian [email protected] Grand Chief Dehcho Grant Hood [email protected] Senior Administrative Officer Town of Inuvik Jeanette Lockhart [email protected] Tradıtıonal Knowledge Lutsel Ke Dene Fırst Natıon Jeanna Graham [email protected] Councillor K'atlodeeche First Nation Jeffrey Fabian [email protected] Guardian Coordinator K'atlodeeche First Nation Jim Antoine Liidlii Kue First Nation Joe Lalonde sao@enterprise‐ Deputy Mayor Hamlet of Enterprise Johanne Black [email protected] Director, Land & Environment Yellowknives Dene First Nation Judal Dominicata [email protected] Senior Administrative Officer Community Government of Gameti Kyle Wolki [email protected] Councilor Hamlet of Lisa Nitsiza [email protected] Senior Administrative Officer Community Government of Whati Lloyd Chicot [email protected] KTFN Chief Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation Lori Anne Elanik [email protected] Community Energy Coordinator Hamlet of Aklavik Margaret Ireland [email protected] Resource Management Coordinator First Nation Melaine Simba [email protected] AAROM Technical Advisor Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation Melissa MacLellan [email protected] Junior Environmental Technician North Slave Metis Alliance Merven Gruben [email protected] Mayor Hamlet of Michael Rudkin [email protected] Senior Administrative Officer Hamlet of Mike Auge [email protected] Manager, Sustainability and Solid Waste City of Yellowknife Nicole Goodman [email protected] Lands, Environment & Giant Mine Coordinator North Slave Metis Alliance Nicole Hardisty [email protected] Regional Technical Coordinator Dehcho First Nation Norman Anikina [email protected] Mayor Hamlet of Sachs Harbour Patrick Simon [email protected] Representative Akaitcho Territory Government Peter Enitilo [email protected] Senior Administrative Officer Hamlet of Ulukhaktok Phillip Blake Chief/Mayor Tsiigehtchic Charter Community

Participant List for the 2018 NWT Climate Change Forum and Charrette Page 1 Phoebe Rabesca [email protected] Lands Administrative Officer Tłıchǫ Government ‐ Behchokǫ̨ ̀ Office Ray Ruben [email protected] Mayor Hamlet of Paulatuk Rebecca Alty [email protected] Mayor City of Yellowknife Richard Lafferty [email protected] Interim Senior Administrative Officer Jean Marie River First Nation Richard Stewart [email protected] Youth Delegate Fort McPherson Rocky Norwegian [email protected] Mayor Hamlet Of Roger Sanderson [email protected] Councillor Hamlet of Ryan Yakeleya [email protected] Councillor Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk Samuel Gargan [email protected] Mayor Hamlet of Fort Providence Shannon O'Hara Research Advisor Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Shauna Morgan [email protected] City Councillor City of Yellowknife Sonny Zoe [email protected] Tlicho Territory Project Coordinator Arctic Energy Alliance Stacey Sundberg [email protected] Youth Delegate Lutselk'e/Yellowknife Stanley Sanguez [email protected] Chief Jean Marie River First Nation Wesley Lines [email protected] Youth Delegate Yellowknife Winnie Cadieux sao@enterprise‐ Mayor Hamlet of Enterprise

FACILITATORS/CATALYSTS Andrew Robinson [email protected] Renewable energy consultant Andrew Robinson Consulting Brian Sieben [email protected] Northern Climate Services Liaison Canadian Centre for Climate Services (ECCC) Courtney Howard [email protected] Physician Canadian Assoc of Physicians for the Environment/Ecology North Craig Scott [email protected] Executive Director Ecology North Fritz Griffith [email protected] Adaptation Planning Specialist GNWT ‐ Environment and Natural Resources Jennifer Broadbridge [email protected] Office Manager/Photographer Ecology North Jessie Olsen [email protected] Board Member CPAWS ‐ NWT Jim Sparling [email protected] Board Member Ecology North Josh Wiebe [email protected] Project Engineer Baird & Associates Coastal Engineers Katharine Thomas [email protected] Project Officer Ecology North Kirsten Jensen [email protected] Community Conservation Planner Sahtu Renewable Resources Board Mathew Langford [email protected] Water Resources Engineer Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Merran Smith [email protected] Climate Change Community Laision Council of Yukon First Nations Miki Ehrlich [email protected] Climate Change Community Liaison NWT Association of Communities Pierre‐Jean Alasset pierre‐jean.alasset@c‐ Senior Scientist C‐CORE Rob Marshall [email protected] Consultant R. Marshall & Associates Sara Brown [email protected] CEO NWT Association of Communities Sarah Bercu [email protected] Community and Regional Planner PlanIt North Seane d'Argencourt [email protected] Climate Change Community Research Coordinator Qaujigiartiit Health Research Centre Shailyn Drukis [email protected] Conservation Coordinator CPAWS ‐ NWT Tara Tompkins [email protected] Community Adaptation Specialist GNWT ‐ Environment and Natural Resources Thomas Puestow thomas.puestow@c‐ Director, Earth Observation C‐CORE Tony Bird [email protected] Assistant Executive Director Nunavut Association of Municipalities Tracey Williams [email protected] Conservation Lead Nature United (formerly TNC Canada) William Gagnon [email protected] Green Building Leader Ecology North

FUNDERS Adrien Montpetit [email protected] Northern Transportation Adaptation Initiative Transport Canada Ben Linaker [email protected] Climate Change Health Adaptation Program Indigenous Services Canada

Participant List for the 2018 NWT Climate Change Forum and Charrette Page 2 Catherine Jorstead [email protected] Senior Coordinator, Low Carbon Economy Fund GNWT ‐ Infrastructure Geraldine Byrne [email protected] Energy Advisor GNWT ‐ Infrastructure Guy Follen [email protected] Northern REACHE Crown‐Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada Jacquelyn Taylor [email protected] Manager, Funding Federation of Canadian Municipalities Jessica Dunkin [email protected] Director, On the Land Programs NWT Recreation and Parks Association Linda Todd [email protected] Program Coordinator Arctic Energy Alliance Lucie Meunier‐Doyon lucie.meunier‐[email protected] Climate Change Preparedness in the North Crown‐Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada Margaret Mahon [email protected] Senior Energy Management Specialist Arctic Energy Alliance Marijo Cyr [email protected] Climate Change Preparedness in the North Crown‐Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada Mark Heyck [email protected] Executive Director Arctic Energy Alliance Melanie St Georges‐[email protected] Northern REACHE Crown‐Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada Nazim Awan [email protected] Economic Development Officer CanNor Nicole McRae [email protected] Indigenous Community Based Climate Monitoring Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada Sara Jane O'Neill [email protected] Policy Advisor Federation of Canadian Municipalities Stephanie Austin [email protected] Canadian Centre for Climate Services Environment and Climate Change Canada Wade Carpenter [email protected] Alternative Energy Specialist GNWT ‐ Infrastructure

RESEARCHERS / UNIVERSITIES Andrew Spring [email protected] Research Associate Wilfred Laurier University Anna Coles [email protected] Researcher Wilfrid Laurier University Cyrielle Laurent [email protected] GIS specialist Yukon Research Centre Jennifer Hickman [email protected] Researcher Wilfrid Laurier University Joel McAlister [email protected] Manager, Western Arctic Research Center Aurora Research Institute Kaitlyn Rathwell [email protected] Research Associate The Conference Board of Canada Kennedy Jensen [email protected] Research Assistant Institute for Circumpolar Health Research Laxmi Sushama [email protected] Professor McGill University Nate Hansen [email protected] Research Assistant Institute for Circumpolar Health Research Stephan Gruber [email protected] Professor Carleton University Trevor Bell [email protected] Founder/Director SmartICE

GOVERNMENT OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES Aileen Stevens [email protected] A/Manager Climate Change and Air Quality Unit GNWT ‐ Environment and Natural Resources Alexandra Schmalz [email protected] Climate Change Specialist GNWT ‐ Environment and Natural Resources Allan Torng [email protected] Senior Environmental Health Advisor GNWT ‐ Health and Social Services Andrew Applejohn [email protected] Senior Science Advisor GNWT ‐ Environment and Natural Resources Andrew Stewart [email protected] Director, Energy Division GNWT ‐ Infrastructure Braden Redshaw [email protected] Intern – Engineering Project Analyst GNWT ‐ Municipal and Community Affairs Chris Hewitt [email protected] Manager Community Planning GNWT ‐ Municipal and Community Affairs Darren Locke [email protected] Transportation Planner GNWT ‐ Infrastructure Diep Duong [email protected] Acting Director GNWT ‐ Environment and Natural Resources Elenor Young [email protected] Deputy Minister GNWT ‐ Municipal and Community Affairs Gabrielle Moser [email protected] Senior Energy Coordinator GNWT ‐ Infrastructure Gerald Enns [email protected] Senior Technical Advisor ‐ Water & Sanitation GNWT ‐ Municipal and Community Affairs Grace Lau‐a grace_lau‐[email protected] Manager, Asset Management GNWT ‐ Municipal and Community Affairs Ivan Russell [email protected] Manager, Emergency Measures GNWT ‐ Municipal and Community Affairs Jaime Goddard [email protected] Engineer GNWT ‐ Municipal and Community Affairs Jean Soucy [email protected] Manager of Infrastructure and Planning GNWT ‐ Municipal and Community Affairs

Participant List for the 2018 NWT Climate Change Forum and Charrette Page 3 Joel Holder [email protected] Director, Economic Diversification GNWT ‐ Industry, Tourism and Investment John Vandenberg [email protected] Assistant Deputy Minister GNWT ‐ Infrastructure Justin Hazenberg [email protected] Engineering Team Lead Water and Sanitation GNWT ‐ Municipal and Community Affairs Kaitlyn Menard [email protected] Contaminants Research Intern GNWT ‐ Health and Social Services Kami Kandola [email protected] Chief Public Health Officer GNWT ‐ Health and Social Services Kevin Dragon [email protected] Manager, Buildings & Planning GNWT ‐ Infrastructure Kim Herle [email protected] Community Infrastructure Manager GNWT ‐ Environment and Natural Resources Krista Chin [email protected] Climate Change Specialist GNWT ‐ Environment and Natural Resources Kumari Karunaratne [email protected] Manager, Geoscience Information Services Northwest Territories Geological Survey Melanie Desjardins [email protected] Manager, Geomatics GNWT ‐ NWT Centre for Geomatics Michele Culhane [email protected] Climate Change Specialist GNWT ‐ Environment and Natural Resources Monique Chapman [email protected] Climate Change Intern GNWT ‐ Environment and Natural Resources Rob Thom [email protected] Transportation Planner GNWT ‐ Infrastructure Sarah Dennis [email protected] Regional Environmental Coordinator GNWT ‐ Environment and Natural Resources Scott Naylor [email protected] Community Planning Advisor GNWT ‐ Municipal and Community Affairs Scott Lough [email protected] School of Community Government GNWT ‐ Municipal and Community Affairs Scott McQueen [email protected] Traditional Economy Coordinator GNWT ‐ Environment and Natural Resources Shawne Kokelj [email protected] Hydrologist GNWT ‐ Environment and Natural Resources Steve Kokelj [email protected] Permafrost Scientist Northwest Territories Geological Survey Stewart Gibson [email protected] Senior Planner, Transportation GNWT ‐ Infrastructure Sudhansu Majumdar [email protected] Manager GNWT ‐ Municipal and Community Affairs Trey Talbot [email protected] Web Assistant GNWT ‐ Municipal and Community Affairs Westly Steed [email protected] Wildfire Risk Management Coordinator GNWT ‐ Environment and Natural Resources, Forest Mgmt William Bennett [email protected] Manager, Community Infrastructure Planning GNWT ‐ Municipal and Community Affairs Yvonne Nakimayak [email protected] Director, South Regional Office GNWT ‐ Dept. of Executive and Indigenous Affairs

OTHER PARTNERS Andrea Kyfiuk [email protected] Northern Climate Services Analyst Canadian Centre for Climate Services (ECCC) Brett Wheler [email protected] Sr. Environmental Assessment Policy Advisor Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board Daryl Fetaz [email protected] Supervisor, Operations Northland Utilities (Yellowknife) Limited Doug Prendergast [email protected] Manager, Communications Northwest Territories Power Corporation Gordon Van Tighem [email protected] Chairperson NWT Public Utilities Board Heather Scott [email protected] Senior Technical Advisor Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board Herbert Nakimayak [email protected] Nunakput MLA NWT Legislative Assembly Jay Grewal [email protected] President & CEO Northwest Territories Power Corporation John Carr [email protected] Senior Technical Specialist Arctic Energy Alliance Justin Beckers [email protected] Climate Research Scientist Canadian Forest Service Kevin Cull [email protected] Communications Coordinator Arctic Energy Alliance Loren McGinnis Master of Ceremonies Lori Burrill [email protected] Supervisor, Customer Service Northland Utilities (Yellowknife) Limited Michael MacMartin [email protected] Senior Vice President Aon Canada Myra Berrub [email protected] Manager, Energy Services Northwest Territories Power Corporation Myra Bowerman [email protected] Northwest Territories Power Corporation Nick Walker [email protected] Energy Management Specialist Arctic Energy Alliance Paul Grant [email protected] Northwest Territories Power Corporation Sheila Watt‐Cloutier Keynote Speaker

Participant List for the 2018 NWT Climate Change Forum and Charrette Page 4