No. 07 / December 2017

Double IHK award for KLEIBERIT apprentice – Lars Handrick is Baden-Württemberg’s best chemistry apprentice 2017

Around 44,700 apprentices took part in the 2016/2017 winter exams and 2017 summer exams in Baden-Württemberg. Every year, the top performers are honoured in a festive ceremony at an IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) vocational training centre. Lars Handrick completed his final examination to become an IHK-certified Chemical Technician with outstanding results and won two awards for his exceptional achievements.

Karlsruhe, 9 November 2017. IHK granted Lars Handrick, the only nominee in the field of chemistry, the Best of the Year 2017 award (district of Karlsruhe).

Rottweil, 16 November 2017 BWIHK, the Chamber of Industry and Trade for Baden-Württemberg, hosted an award ceremony for the 114 best graduates, including KLEIBERIT apprentice Lars Handrick. With his excellent exam results, Handrick completed his vocational training as a Chemical Technician as the best student from Baden- Württemberg.

We are delighted with this outstanding performance and wish him all the best and continued success for his professional career. Lars Handrick is now a full-time employee in our Production division.

If you are interested in vocational training or a cooperative study programme with KLEIBERIT, please visit our website:

KLEIBERIT CEO Dr. Achim Hübener, congratulates Lars Handrick Board of Examiners, BWIHK (from left to right): on his “Best of the Year 2017” award A. Moritz (Vice President IHK), N. Zimmer (Deputy Head of Carl-Engler School, Karlsruhe), L. Handrick, M. Walter (Head of Carl-Engler School, Karlsruhe), Uwe Heuser (KLEIBERIT)

5 Dec. 2017, Mansky/Lange