by Willow S. Jacobson

any factors events have shaped genera- i n f l u e n c e tional perspectives and how p e o p l e ’ s those perspectives in turn M have influenced attitudes and behaviors and values, such as cultural norms, ethnicity, values helps managers better birth order, level of understand the differences education, membership in and the misunderstandings professional organizations, among the . This social position, race, article provides a brief look and sex. 1 Generational at the four generations and differences have begun to offers some thoughts on the gain increased attention managerial implications of as organizations face the current workforce. The a challenging working values discussed are general; environment in which four there are, of course, excep- generations are working tions. together, or trying to do so. The diversity of skills The Matures and experiences brings a The Matures are actually a combi- richness of talent but also can cause One of the challenges for people nation of two generations, the Veterans some major challenges. How can from different generations working to- (1901-24) and the Silent managers help all the different people gether is that employees have different (1925-45). Their characteristics in the in their workplaces get along? sets of expectations about themselves workplace are similar.7 As a cohort, the Although experts vary on specific and their worth based on generational Matures are the smallest in number (55 names and periods for the different values and perspectives. Lengthy lists million) but the wealthiest.8 The mem- generations, generally those in Table are provided on the characteristics of bers of this generation either fought in 1 apply. Currently, the the various generations.5 The Matures World War II or were children during make up 45 percent of the workforce, and the Boomers set the current work- the war. The oldest members can per- and the Matures, 10 percent (see figure place culture. Today’s organizational sonally recall the Great Depression, an 1).2 The proportion of “older workers,” systems and structures represent their event that shaped and marked their defined as those who are 55 years old values and priorities. But the leadership entire generation. Many families faced and up, is projected to increase an aver- of organizations now is moving from hard times because of the stock market age of 4 percent per year between 2000 one generation and one value system crash, which left millions unemployed. and 2015.3 to the next. The Matures lived in a time of loss, fear, The workplace mixture of employ- and William Strauss, and concern about what was going to ees from different generations offers a leading writers on generational impact, happen next. Consequently, security unique set of challenges and opportu- note that a generation is “shaped by is important to them. Core values for nities for managers and organizations. events or circumstances according to the Matures include sacrifice and Ron Zemke, Claire Reins, and Bob Filip- which phase of life its members oc- hard work; conformity and respect for czak, scholars of organizational culture, cupy at the time … [T]o learn why … authority; delayed reward; and duty note, “There is a growing realization any two generations … are different, before pleasure. that the gulf of misunderstanding and one can look at how they were raised The Matures entered the work- resentment between older, not so old, as children, what public events they force after returning from World War and younger employees in the work- witnessed in adolescence, and what II, finding positions with companies place is growing and problematic.”4 social mission they took on as they that took care of their employees. Com- came of age.”6 Examining how world panies and employees alike believed in October / November 2008 /  and experiences brings a richness of talent King Jr.; the Vietnam War and Wood- but also can cause some major challenges. Table 1. Names and Years of Generations in the Current Workforce stock; the Cold War; and the women’s How can managers help all the different movement. The Baby Boomers include Matures/Veterans/Traditionalists Born before 1946 the Beatles, Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, (now 62 years of age and older) Oprah Winfrey, and Muhammad Ali. Baby Boomers Born from 1946 through 1964 Demographics expert Cam Mar- (now 43–61 years of age) ston notes, The Matures laid the ground- work for the United States to become an Generation Xers Born from 1965 through 1978 (now 29–42 years of age) influential member of the world community. The Boomers came behind them and set the Generation Yers//Nexters/ Born from 1979 through 1988 wheels in motion. Through their enormous es, 10% Dot.comers/Echo-Boomers (now 19–28 years of age) numbers …, their intense work ethic, and their competitive nature, the Boomers got Source: From Teresa Odle, “Genial Generations,” ASRT Scanner 37, no. 7 (2005): 6. productivity in the U.S. to the forefront of the world community. The Boomers also loyalty. Many Matures worked for only unity.12 Unlike other generations, they believe in the sanctity and the importance of one company in their lifetimes, retiring do not view their bosses as their friends the individual. Developing themselves into from it. Men primarily made up the and do not see the workplace as a social a more “whole” person is very important. workplace, women staying home to take hub. In fact, liking a boss may be an un- Part of becoming a better person is learning care of the house and raise the children. expected bonus for them.13 Recognizing to operate as a fluid member of a team, and Notable individuals in this generation and rewarding the Matures’ experience the Boomers are champions of teamwork.18 include: , George H. W. and commitment is important. They Company loyalty was a standard Bush, John Glenn, and Billy Graham. value achieving high rank within an when the Baby Boomers began their ca- organization. reers, but since then, dramatic changes Working With The Matures Many of this generation are past and hard economic times have led to The Matures favor established retirement age, but some continue to layoffs and downsizing. With fewer systems, policies, and procedures.9 work and like flexible working arrange- companies taking care of employees They like the old rules and embody a ments.14 Managers should consider into retirement, many Baby Boomers traditional work ethic.10 They are pa- rehiring the retirees as part-time project are questioning whether the sacrifices tient and expect to climb the company leaders, coaches, or techers.15 Doing that they have made for work have been ladder by working hard and doing a so serves the employee as well as the worth it. Some are choosing to lead the good job.11 As a generation, they are organization, for the generation carries second half of their lives with a differ- typically disciplined, loyal team play- a huge legacy of organizational knowl- ent focus. Baby Boomers’ core values ers, and believe in conformity and edge. The Matures are more likely to include team orientation, personal continue working if they have control gratification, health and wellness, per- over their work hours, workplace flex- Figure 1. Generations in the sonal growth, youthfulness, work, and ibility, job autonomy, and learning involvement.19 U.S. Workforce Today opportunities.16 Generation Yers, Working With The Baby Boomers 15% The Baby Boomers The Baby Boomers began work Generation Xers, With almost 80 million people 30% believing that it was defined by the Matures, 10% claiming membership in their genera- number of hours worked on the job and tional cohort, the Baby Boomers have that their investment would pay off in gained a lot of attention. They are the future.20 They climbed the corporate the generation now in control of the ladder under the rules set by the Ma- nation’s important institutions. They tures.21 Like the Matures, they are loyal hold the majority of leadership roles in to their companies and value title and local, state, and national government. rank.22 They are competitive and desire They are the managers and the chief to outpace their peers.23 They pride executive officers of most companies, themselves on their ability to swim, not and they dominate the workforce with sink, on the job.24 Personal accomplish- their sheer numbers. Their dedication, ment is very important to them. competitive nature, and strong work Managers need to understand ethic (which they define as working the competitive nature of the Baby long and hard and being seen doing it) Boomers and create an environment in resulted in the word “workaholic” be- which they have the opportunity for ing coined to describe them.17 Baby Boomers, 45% recognition but are challenged to keep The events shaping the generation growing in their own way.25 The Baby Source: Data from “Managing the Generation included the Civil Rights Movement; Boomers respond best to managers who Mix—Part II,” by Carolyn Martin & Bruce Tulgan, the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, reward them for their hard work. They (last accessed August 6, 2007). Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther value managers who seek their input.26

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Because of their drive and their interest embroiled in serious scandals that de- the first that many of them remember. in personal accomplishment, they work serve skepticism. Marston notes, Though Generation Xers include: Tiger Woods, well with leaders who are coaches, who they could easily be considered pessimistic Reese Witherspoon, Dell Computers facilitate, rather than dictate rules.27 about their world and their future, you’ll Chief Executive Officer Michael Dell, Times are changing for the Baby find that their attitude has a “carpe diem” and Yahoo cofounders Jerry Yang and Boomers. They are the “Sandwich [size the day] feel to it. “There is nothing David Filo. Generation,” who have the responsi- we can count on in the future,” they say, The oldest of the Generation bility to care for their children as well “so we’ll focus short-term and make sure Xers are beginning to take on manage- as their aging parents.28 Many seek each day has significance.” It is not an at- ment positions. The youngest are still companies that offer flexible schedules titude of irresponsibility. It is the contrary. relatively new to the workforce. As and hours. In fact, Xers have willingly shouldered the large numbers of the Baby Boomers responsibility for their day-to-day well-be- approach retirement age, Generation The Generation Xers ing. “We’ve seen that the company won’t Xers are preparing to inherit many The generation that succeeded provide it, nor will the government,” they leadership positions. They are likely the Baby Boomers has been given the think “so it is up to me.” And this attitude to run organizations differently than vague and unflattering name Genera- permeates the workplace where Xers are their predecessors did, though they still tion X. Terms such as “slackers” often steadily rejecting the Boomer work ethic will be effective and responsible and attitude. Ironically, along the way, they’re keep their organizations profitable. As are used to describe this group, along 29 with the characterizations “unmoti- gaining Boomer converts. this generation challenges the way its vated,” “sarcastic,” and “irreverent.” The oldest members of this gener- predecessors have lived and led, the The members of this generation were ation were coming of age as Watergate differences are creating waves. the first in the nation’s history to be told unfolded. The whole generation saw At 47 million, the generation that they would not be as successful as the fall of the Berlin Wall, the explo- Xers are far smaller in numbers than their parents. In addition, they have sion of the Challenger spacecraft, and the Baby Boomers. They total less than seen major institutions that tradition- the waging of the Gulf War every night half of the generation to which many ally held people’s trust (government, on television. Their lives have been of their parents belong. This difference church, the military, marriage, and influenced by the boom in personal will challenge organizations to find the corporations) fall short and become computers. The Reagan presidency is replacements that they need. October / November 2008 / 11 The Generation Yers This generation was born into a technological savvy world, with cell phones, laptops, and remote con- trols.47 Things that seem foreign to the Matures are a given reality and a part of the norm for the Generation Yers. The changes and the advances that the Generation Yers will see are projected to be greater than those of any previous generation. In addition to experienc- ing the omnipresence of technology, the Generation Yers have known great affluence, with the economy steadily growing for a majority of their lives. The Generation Yers are the chil- dren of the Baby Boomers and the oldest Generation Xers, and they have lived relatively protected by their parents. Yet threats to them as children have been different from those seen by pre- vious generations: violence from their peers (such as that at Columbine High School), terrorism within the United Working With The Generation Xers with senior managers and important States (9/11 and the Oklahoma City 38 bombing), rogue nuclear weapons, The members of this generation customers. and the recognition of environmental think of themselves as free agents in a Managers should coach Genera- threats. Given the threats, parents and mobile workforce.30 They have no ex- tion Xers with fast feedback and credit adults have attempted to insulate and pectations of job security. In fact, they for results.39 Further, managers should protect Generation Yers with guidance view jobs as temporary. Loyalty to one push Generation Xers to keep learning, and have constantly worked to build company is extremely rare.31 Managers for they like to develop and diversify their self-esteem. This has led to many should create a work environment that their skills. Training is one of the best seeing them as a coddled generation.48 Generation Xers find hard to leave. This motivators to use with them. Genera- They also are a generation that has means offering them room for develop- tion Xers are seeking marketable skills, been raised being busy. Whereas the mental growth and promotion in the access to decision makers, a clear area Generation Xers were latchkey kids, the organization, and helping them develop of responsibility, and the chance for Generation Yers were at ballet class, in “self-building” career security.32 Gener- creative expression.40 The more an or- summer camps, at soccer practice, in ation Xers function best in a workplace ganization can respond to such desires, foreign language programs, or at any that is less hierarchal and formal.33 They the happier and more productive its other number of after-school activities. are self-reliant and tend to question Generation Xers are likely to be. Good They care what their parents think authority.34 As children, many of them approaches are to demonstrate confi- about what they do. were latchkey kids, who learned to dence in the value of their work and be independent. Their parents treated to keep communication channels open This generation is another large them as friends, thus challenging their and diversified (using staff meetings, cohort – about 80 million in numbers. relationships to authority.35 e-mails, Intranets, newsletters, and It rivals the Baby Boomers in size, and more.)41 Recognition and rewards must its members are just beginning to enter Unlike the Matures and the arrive quickly.42 the workforce in significant numbers. Unlike the Matures and the Baby Members of Generation Y include: Tara Baby Boomers, Generation Boomers, Generation Xers are pursuing Lipinski, LeAnn Rimes, Britney Spears, Xers are pursuing a balance a balance between life and work. This is Justin Timberlake, Lindsay Lohan, Bow their hallmark.43 They do not value com- Wow, and Nicky Hilton. between life and work. ing to work for the sake of being seen. They value control of their time and are Working With the Generation Yers Generation Xers want challenges motivated by seeing a project through The Generation Yers come into the and opportunities to build new skills.36 from beginning to end.44 They are adept workplace looking for an opportunity Managers would be wise to give them at technology, and that adeptness al- to learn and move about. They want creative responsibility for projects that lows them to work in ways considered to be close with their peers, and they they can do independently and in their nontraditional.45 They want to have fun search for leadership from their bosses own time and way.37 A good approach at work and are loyal to their bosses, not and supervisors. They are an army is to allow them to work on high-pro- their companies.46 waiting to be guided, but they play by file projects that put them in contact different rules.

12 / October / November 2008 The Generation Yers share some have received a lot of positive rein- Generation Yers want to see a project characteristics with the Generation forcement throughout their lives and through from start to finish.66 Xers, such as having more of a free- are looking to be rewarded for good Both the Generation Xers and the agent mentality about work.49 The Gen- performance. They have been told that Generation Yers are technologically eration Xers and the Generation Yers they can do anything, and they believe savvy (the latter more so). They have are unlikely to stay with one company it. They have developed a strong sense been brought up with technology as the for their entire careers, as their grand- of self-esteem and expertise.59 Some way they communicate, in work and in parents might have done.50 Seeing that employers are challenged by what they play. The two older groups are not cut a long-term career with one organiza- see in the Generation Yers as a sense from the same cloth. The need to acquire tion is improbable, they are more likely of entitlement and self-confidence that a solid understanding of technology in to change jobs and take their training can appear cocky.60 The Generation Yers order to work with their staff. At the and experience with them.51 Also like prefer lots of feedback, crave mentor- same time, the members of Generations Generation Xers, many were raised as ing relationships, and want a relation- X and Y must become accustomed to their parents’ friends.52 The members of ship with their bosses.61 They also are bringing their tech talk down a notch this generation look for their parents’ motivated by seeing a project through and avoid using technology as their approval and opinions. Among their from beginning to end, but they prefer only communication outlets with older core values are civic duty, achieve- to do this with others, unlike Genera- generations. 53 62 ment, sociability, and morality. Al- tion Xers. Whereas the Baby Boomers and though they are socially conscious and Managers should get to know the the Matrues value titles, money and volunteer-minded, they also focus on Generation Yers’ capabilities and put promotions, the Generation Xers place achieving materialistic well-being. The them in roles that push their limits.63 If priority on personal development and Generation Yers will redefine business managers treat Generation Yers as pro- work-life balance. As a result, when and work as they have been known. fessional colleagues, they will act like working with the Generation Xers, man- Raised in a digital age, the Generation professionals.64 Mangers can keep them agers should improve work-life prac- Yers demonstrate a strong work ethic, focused with speed, customization, tices, provide more challenging assign- are media- and technology-savvy, and and interactivity.65 To maximize their ments with access to influential people, are comfortable with change.54 They buy-in to the organization, managers and adopt alternative work-schedule are used to tackling multiple tasks with should explain why a project, a task, or policies. Also, they should remember equal energy, and they expect to work an activity is important. that vacation time may be as important hard on lots of different and stimulat- to the Generation Xers as a promotion. ing activities (possibly all at once).55 Conclusion The Generation Xers may quit their jobs Yet they are looking to gain control of In the end, people from differ- to gain the balance they seek. their time. ent generations have common goals of Although the members of Genera- The Generation Yers lack the sense achieving personal and organizational tions X and Y have some similar traits of organizational loyalty of the Baby objectives. How managers get them to (technological savvy, informality in Boomers. Instead, they are looking for accept these goals and how they pursue the workplace, and ability to control individuals to establish loyalty with. the goals likely will vary. Differing projects), distinctions between them can They need and seek structure in the views, values, and styles may cause affect an organization. Mangers should workplace.56 an organization trouble on the way to beware of thinking that all young people The Generation Yers bring a novel common goals. are alike and lumping the skeptical, sense of place, space, and diversity Getting the different groups to individualistic, authority-questioning with them to the workplace. They have meld into a seamless team is not easy. Generation Xers with the optimistic, new, easy attitudes toward gender and The Baby Boomers and the Generation feedback-focused, mentor-seeking Gen-  ethnicity. They see the world as global, Yers tend to be interested in teamwork, eration Yers. connected, and around-the-clock. They whereas the Generation Xers more of- look for fun workplaces.57 ten want to work independently. The Willow S. Jacobson is a School of Government Managers should use technology Matures and the Baby Boomers like to faculty member specializing in human resource management, public management, and organi- to communicate with these employees master a function, become an expert, zational theory. Contact her at Jacobson@sog. – and should communicate with them and own a specific part of a project, This article is a reprint from Popular often.58 The members of this generation whereas the Generation Xers and the Government, issue Fall 2007. October / November 2008 / 13