Year 8 ELECTIVE HANDBOOK 2020 Table Of Contents

Languages 4 Japanese – Language And Culture Level 2A 4 Japanese – Language And Culture Level 2B 5 Indonesian – Language And Culture Level 2A 6 Indonesian – Language And Culture Level 2B 7 Chinese - Language And Culture Level 2A 8

The Arts – Dance 9 Hip-Hop 9 Musical Theatre 10 Dance Film 11 Australian Dance 12

The Arts – Drama 13 Process Drama 13 Musical Theatre 14 Realism 15 Documentary Drama 16

The Arts – Music 17 Year 8 Music 17 Electronic Music 18 Beginner Guitar 19 Beginner Ukulele 20 Guitar 21 Ukulele 22 Drumbeat 23

The Arts – Visual 24 Mixed Media 24 Photography 25 Get Your Hands Dirty 26

Outdoor Education 27 Bondi Rescue 27 Adrenalin Seekers 28 Survival Of The Fittest 29 Deadliest Catch 30

Health & Physical Education 31 Sports Academy: Court Sports 31 Sports Academy: Footy Codes 32 Sports Academy: Netball 33 Sports Academy: Rugby Codes 34

Technology – Food 35 Smart Food On A Budget 35 Australian Food Bowl 36 Pasta 37 International Cuisine 38

Technology – Industrial 39 Working With Timber (Tool Cady) 39 Timber- Handy Household Items 40 Working With Plastics (Hold My Phone!) 41 Working With Electronics (Lamp Kits) 42 Foam Creations (Movie Props) 43 Basic Sheetmetal 44 Graphic Design & Multimedia 45

Technology – Information Communications Technology 46 Game Design –Advanced Programming - Minecraft 46 Application Of VR, AR & AI 47 Information Technology Business Innovations Advanced 48 Information Technology Advanced Robotics 49

Technology – Textiles 50 Sashiko & Shibori 50 Beautiful Bags 51 Recycled Fashion 52 Basic Machine Sewing 53 Christmas Craft 54

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics 55 Stem 55


JAPANESE - LEVEL 2A Contact teacher: Ms. Candice Slingerland Code: FJ201 COURSE LENGTH: One Semester

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: This subject is for students who have done at least 6 months to 1 year of Japanese. It assumes ability to read and write all the Hiragana characters. • Students will develop oral and listening skills, as well as an understanding of cultural norms through the topics of time, daily routines, school; • Students expand their knowledge and understanding of Kanji characters; • Materials will be gathered from a variety of current textbooks, authentic texts and ICT applications will also be explored by students to aid their learning; • There will also be opportunities to explore Japanese modern culture by watching and reading accounts of high school life in .

RECOMMENDATIONS: Japanese is one of the four priority Asian languages identified by the Federal Government for Australian students. The study of Japanese language and culture is also linked to the Australian Curriculum priorities of ‘Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia’ and ‘Intercultural Understanding’.

ASSESSMENT: • Listening and reading comprehension activities • Creation of school timetable in Japanese • Oral assessment includes discussion of school life

SPECIAL NOTES: This subject is essential for students who wish to continue Japanese study in Semester 2, 2020 and are considering a Continuers Language course for Senior School.

COST: $40.00 Cost covers the textbook ‘Katakana in 48 minutes’, folder, notebook, printed materials and supplies for cultural activities, such as tea ceremony.

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JAPANESE - LEVEL 2B Contact teacher: Ms. Candice Slingerland Code: FJ202 COURSE LENGTH: One Semester

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: This subject is for students who have completed at least one year of Japanese and continues from Level 2A (FJ201). It is assumed students can read and write the Hiragana script.

• Students will develop oral and listening skills, as well as an understanding of cultural norms through the topics of seasons, hobbies, and characters; • New Kanji characters relating to adjectives and body parts; • Students will build on their vocabulary and grammar to create more complex sentences; • Students create oral texts to describe appearances and discuss hobbies.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Japanese is one of the four priority Asian languages identified by the Federal Government for Australian students. The study of Japanese language and culture is also linked to the Australian Curriculum priorities of ‘Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia’ and ‘Intercultural Understanding’.

ASSESSMENT: • Creation of new Anime character which is presented in Japanese to the class • Short written compositions in Japanese including frequency words • Reading and listening comprehension activities

SPECIAL NOTES: This subject is essential for students who wish to continue Japanese in 2021 and are considering a Continuers Language course for Senior School.

COST: $10.00 Cost covers folder, notebook, printed materials and supplies for cultural activities.

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INDONESIAN – LEVEL 2A Contact Teacher: Ms. Candice Slingerland

Code: FI201 COURSE LENGTH: One Semester

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: This subject is for students who have done at least 6 months to 1 year of Indonesian. It assumes ability to read and write simple sentences in Indonesian.

Students will develop writing, oral and listening skills, as well as an understanding of cultural norms through learning how to:

• Orally describe what activities they enjoy, while working on sentence structure; • Describe what they admire in other people; • Use the Indonesian tense markers system to talk about past, present and future travel plans and trips; • Use various pieces of clothing to create a fashion show.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Indonesian is one of four priority Asian languages identified by the Federal Government for Australian students. The study of Indonesian language and culture is also strongly linked to the Australian Curriculum priorities of ‘Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia’ and ‘Intercultural Understanding’.

ASSESSMENT: • An oral presentation in the form of an Indonesian dialogue • Listening comprehension • Written tests • Creation of a personal profile

SPECIAL NOTES: This subject is a prerequisite for students who wish to participate in Indonesian in Semester 2, 2020 and are considering a Continuers Language course for Senior School. This subject is also essential for students who wish to attend the 2021 Indonesian Study Tour.

COST: $20.00 Cost covers notebook, folder, printed materials and supplies for cultural activities.

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INDONESIAN – LEVEL 2B Contact Teacher: Ms. Candice Slingerland Code: FI202 COURSE LENGTH: One Semester

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: This course is for students who have completed at least 1 year of Indonesian and continues from Level 2A (FI201). It is assumed students can read and write simple paragraphs.

Students will develop oral and listening skills, as well as an understanding of cultural norms through the study of: • Housing in Indonesia; • Creating their dream house, using descriptive language both in written and oral forms; • The Indonesian tense marker system to talk about the past and future events; • Phrases for special occasions; • Language to invite and respond to invitation.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Indonesian is one of four priority Asian languages identified by the Federal Government for Australian students. The study of Indonesian language and culture is also strongly linked to the Australian Curriculum priorities of ‘Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia’ and ‘Intercultural Understanding’.

ASSESSMENT: • Creating a dream house • Designing an invitation • Listening and reading comprehension • In class quizzes

SPECIAL NOTES: This subject is essential for students who wish to continue Indonesian in 2021 and leads to a Continuers Language course in Senior School. It is also essential for students who are interested in attending the 2021 Indonesian Study Tour.

COST: $10.00 Cost covers printed materials and supplies for cultural activities.

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CHINESE – LEVEL 2A Contact Teacher: Ms. Candice Slingerland Code: FC201 COURSE LENGTH: One Semester

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: This subject is for students who have done at least 6 months to 1 year of Chinese. It assumes ability to read and write simple characters in Chinese as well as PinYin.

Students will develop writing, oral and listening skills, as well as an understanding of cultural norms through learning how to:

• Orally describe what activities they enjoy, while working on sentence structure; • Describe what they admire in other people; • Use the Chinese grammar to talk about past, present and future travel plans and trips; • Use various pieces of clothing to create a fashion show.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Chinese is one of four priority Asian languages identified by the Federal Government for Australian students. The study of Chinese language and culture is also strongly linked to the Australian Curriculum priorities of ‘Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia’ and ‘Intercultural Understanding’.

ASSESSMENT: • An oral presentation in the form of a Chinese dialogue • Listening comprehension • Written tests • Creation of a personal profile

SPECIAL NOTES: This subject is essential for students who wish to continue Chinese in 2021 and leads to a Continuers Language course in Senior School.

COST: $20.00 Cost covers notebook, folder, printed materials and supplies for cultural activities.

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HIP-HOP Contact teacher: Code: DA201 COURSE LENGTH: One Term

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: Students will develop knowledge of the history of Hip-Hop culture and expand skills in dance technique and performance. Students will work independently to explore aspects of break dance, learn teacher devised movement and write a written evaluation on their rehearsal process and performance. They will work collaboratively to produce performance work, gain an understanding of a rehearsal process and perform to a live audience.

RECOMMENDATIONS: • There are no prerequisites for this unit as it is an introductory course. • Dance is for students with an interest in Dance. • This unit caters for those with previous Dance training as well as those who have little or no previous experience. • Students must be committed, cooperative, have a proactive attitude and be willing to perform in front of an audience if they wish to be successful. • Students are expected to perform in front of a live audience. • It is recommended if students want to take Dance as a subject in Year 09 they complete at least a term of Dance in Year 08.

ASSESSMENT: Teacher taught and student choreographed performance and written reflection. Student research of history of hip-hop in different decades. Ability to work as part of a team/ workshop ideas.

COST: $30 Cost covers class workshops, excursions and class materials; equipment, costumes, props.

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Musical Theatre Contact teacher: Mrs Mattison Code: DA202 COURSE LENGTH: One Term

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: Students will look at a variety of popular Broadway dance including specifically tap and jazz. They will explore and perform technique-based dance movement and use this to create their own fantastic Broadway Musical theatre choreography. They will reflect and analyse on their movement choices as well as perform in front of an audience.

RECOMMENDATIONS: • Students taking this course will be in the chorus of the school musical • Dance is for students with an interest in Dance. • This unit caters for those with previous Dance training as well as those who have little or no previous experience. • Students must be committed, cooperative, have a proactive attitude and be willing to perform in front of an audience if they wish to be successful. • If students wish to be a part of the Musical Wicked, they are required to take this class. • It is recommended if students want to take Dance as a subject in Year 09 they complete at least a term of Dance in Year 08.

ASSESSMENT: Teacher taught and student choreographed performance and written reflection. Student research of history of Musical Theatre/Tap and choreographers. Ability to work as part of a team/ workshop ideas.

COST: $30 Cost covers class workshops, excursions and class materials; equipment, costumes, props.

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DANCE FILM Contact teacher: Mrs Mattison

Code: DA203 COURSE LENGTH: One term.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Beginning with the exploration of dance film and how it differs from dance movies and live performance, students will have the opportunity to create a dance piece inspired by a literary source. In groups, students will create a storyboard, outlining how they would like to film their dance. Groups will then film and edit their dance piece, following the storyboard, to create their own dance film.

RECOMMENDATIONS: • Dance is for students with an interest in Dance. • This unit caters for those with previous Dance training as well as those who have little or no previous experience. • Students must be committed, co-operative, have a proactive attitude and be willing to perform in front of an audience if they wish to be successful. • Students work will be filmed and presented at Dance Night at the end of semester. • It is recommended if students want to take Dance as a subject in Year 09 they complete at least a term of Dance in Year 08.

ASSESSMENT: Students will work in groups to create a dance film inspired by a source and written reflection. Student research of Dance Film and Choreographers. Ability to work as part of a team/ workshop ideas.

COST: $30 Cost covers class workshops and class materials; equipment, technology, costumes, props.

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AUSTRALIAN DANCE Contact teacher: Mrs Mattison

Code: DA204 COURSE LENGTH: One Term

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: Students will identify and understand what defines Australian Dance. They will look at both past and modern interpretations of popular Australian dance works made by Australian dance company’s and choreographers such as Bangarra Dance theatre. They will learn to analyze and respond to these dance works to find meaning and intent. Students will also learn to respect and explore indigenous dance movement through learning performance movement and choreography. Students will participate in workshops and perform as part of reconciliation week.

RECOMMENDATIONS: • Dance is for students with an interest in Dance. • This unit caters for those with previous Dance training as well as those who have little or no previous experience. • Students must be committed, co-operative, have a proactive attitude and be willing to perform in front of an audience if they wish to be successful. • Students are expected to perform at Dance Night at the end of the semester. • It is recommended if students want to take Dance as s subject in Year 09 they complete at least a term of Dance in Year 08.

ASSESSMENT Teacher devised and student choreographed performance and written reflection. Research and analysis of Australian dance companies and choreographers Ability to work as part of a team/ workshop ideas.

COST: $30 Cost covers class workshops, excursions and class materials; equipment, costumes, props.

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PROCESS DRAMA Contact teacher: Mrs Mattison Code: DR201 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


This unit will explore dramatic conventions and script writing through the study of engaging participants in theatre (the audience are the participants). Students will develop skills in script writing, improvisation and interpretation. Students’ work in groups to write and deliver a process drama script that explores a theme relevant to them.

RECOMMENDATIONS: • Drama is for students with an interest in Drama and caters to those who have done Drama outside of school as well as those with little or no previous experience. • Students must be committed, cooperative, have a proactive attitude and be willing to perform in front of an audience if they wish to be successful. • Students are expected to perform at Drama Night at the end of the semester. • It is recommended if students want to take Drama as a subject in Year 09 they complete at least a term of Drama in Year 08.

ASSESSMENT: • Forming Task - With Written Reflections • Script Writing and process journal • Ability to work as part of a team/ workshop ideas.

COST: $30 Cost covers class workshops and class materials; costumes, props, scripts.


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Musical Theatre Contact teacher: Mrs Mattison Code: DR202 COURSE LENGTH: One Term

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: Musical Theatre is all about preparing for the upcoming school musical, Wicked. Students will look at a variety of popular Broadway musicals, and how they have developed over time. They will explore and rehearse as part of the chorus of the musical and they will reflect and analyse Broadway theatre as well as perform in front of an audience.

• Students taking this course will be in the chorus of the school musical • Drama is for students with an interest in Drama. • Students must be committed, cooperative, have a proactive attitude and be willing to perform in front of an audience if they wish to be successful. • Students are expected to perform at Drama Night at the end of the semester. • It is recommended if students want to take Drama as a subject in Year 09 they complete at least a term of Drama in Year 08.

ASSESSMENT: Teacher taught and student devised performance and written reflection. Student research of history of Musical Theatre and directors. Ability to work as part of a team/ workshop ideas.

COST: $30 Cost covers class workshops, excursions and class materials; equipment, costumes, props.

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REALISM Contact teacher: Mrs Mattison Code: DR203 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


Students focus on building character through body, voice, prop and costume. They will have class discussions of communicating themes using dramatic elements and production elements. Students participate in activities that develop skills in body language, voice, blocking, improvisation and interpretation. As the term progresses, students work individually on their monologue to perform for a live audience. They also learn how to document their process with written reflection and evaluation.

RECOMMENDATIONS: • Drama is for students with an interest in Drama. • Students must be committed, co-operative, have a proactive attitude and be willing to perform in front of an audience if they wish to be successful. • Students are expected to perform at Drama Night at the end of the semester. • It is recommended if students want to take Drama as a subject in Year 09 they complete at least a term of Drama in Year 08.

ASSESSMENT: • Performance • Folio- Reflection and Evaluation. • Ability to work as part of a team/ workshop ideas.

COST: $30 Cost covers class workshops and class materials; equipment, technology, costumes, props.

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DOCUMENTARY DRAMA Contact teacher: Mrs Mattison Code: DR204 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


Documentary Drama involves the study of dramatic conventions and performance skills to communicate a perspective of an issue in society. Students develop skills in body language, emotions, movement, improvisation and interpretation. They work collaboratively to write and present scripts that document their perspective of a theme.

RECOMMENDATIONS: • Drama is for students with an interest in Drama. • Students must be committed, co-operative, have a proactive attitude and be willing to perform in front of an audience if they wish to be successful. • Students are expected to perform at Drama Night at the end of the semester. • It is recommended if students want to take Drama as a subject in Year 09 they complete at least a term of Drama in Year 08.

ASSESSMENT: • Script Writing and process journal. • Performance Task. • Ability to work as part of a team/ workshop ideas.

COST: $30 Cost covers class workshops and class materials; equipment, costumes, props, technology.

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Year 8 Music Contact teacher: Mrs. Kathryn Ezzy Code: CM201 COURSE LENGTH: One Term

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: The Year 8 Music elective is highly recommended for students wanting to take music as part of their Senior Certificate and is vital to any musicians who want to take their music making to a new level of understanding. The Music Course provides students with the opportunity to develop an awareness of the basic elements of music. Students will explore what music is, how sounds are made, and the qualities of sound. Students will develop their general knowledge of music and composers through listening to music from a variety of genres. Students will learn the language of music including; notation, harmony, dynamics, texture, tempo, rhythm, time signatures, and structure. Students will also have the chance to develop their music making skills.

RECOMMENDATIONS: • There are no prerequisites to undertake this course. • Students currently taking Instrumental Music lessons are highly encouraged to take Year 8 Music

ASSESSMENT: The following assessments will provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their learning: • Research Project • Performance

COST: $10

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Electronic Music Contact teacher: Mrs. Kathryn Ezzy Code: EM201 COURSE LENGTH: One Term

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: The Electronic Music course introduces students to the use of Sony ACID Music Studio software, a professional digital audio workstation. Students will learn how to create, manipulate, sequence, synchronize, align and edit music samples, loops and MIDI tracks to create a computer-based composition. Students will study key musical terms associated with the field of study, as well as theory and practical concepts relevant to using technology to make music. Students will have multiple opportunities to apply their newly learnt skills and will be required to complete weekly tasks as well as a major composition. Students who have completed an Electronic music elective in Year 7 will be given the opportunity to build on their prior knowledge and extend themselves.

RECOMMENDATIONS: • Students need to have their own laptop and headphones to take this course. • There are no prerequisites to undertake this unit, however it is recommended that students take Electronic music EM101 prior to undertaking this course. • We would recommend this course to anyone who is interested in a career in audio editing and production.

ASSESSMENT: The following assessments provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate their learning: • Folio of weekly tasks • Soundscape/Sound to picture composition and a written reflection

COST: $15

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Beginner Guitar Contact teacher: Mrs. Kathryn Ezzy Code: GM201 COURSE LENGTH: One Term

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: The Beginner Guitar course provides students with the opportunity to learn about the different types of guitars and their main parts and characteristics. Students will learn to read and play some basic music written for the guitar and will learn a variety of chords and strumming patterns. Students will also develop their ability to practice and perform individually and in group settings. Students develop their general knowledge of music and will learn the language of music including; notation, harmony, dynamics, texture, tempo, rhythm, time signatures, and structure. This program is designed to give students who have previously experimented or have never played at all, an opportunity to learn the guitar and ultimately take their music making to the next level by becoming a valuable member of the college music program.

RECOMMENDATIONS: • There are no prerequisites for this course. • Families are encouraged to support their child in the practice of their instrument and discuss their music making. Students are furthermore encouraged to us the music facilities available to them during lunch times to practice on their instrument. • After completing the Beginner Guitar course, if student wish to continue learning guitar they are encouraged to continue to the next Guitar elective or alternatively sign up to the MacKillop Catholic College Instrumental Music program.

ASSESSMENT: Two major assessments provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their learning: • Performance • Musicianship test

COST: $10

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Beginner Ukulele Contact teacher: Mrs. Kathryn Ezzy Code: UM201 COURSE LENGTH: One Term

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: The Beginner Ukulele course provides students with the opportunity to learn to read and play some basic music written for the ukulele. Students will also learn a variety of chords and strumming patterns. Students will develop their ability to practice and perform individually and in group settings. Students develop their general knowledge of music and will learn the language of music including; notation, harmony, dynamics, texture, tempo, rhythm, time signatures, and structure. This program is designed to give students who have previously experimented or have never played at all, an opportunity to learn the ukulele and ultimately take their music making to the next level by becoming a valuable member of the college music program.

RECOMMENDATIONS: • There are no prerequisites for this course. • Families are encouraged to support their child in the practice of their instrument and discuss their music making. Students are furthermore encouraged to us the music facilities available to them during lunch times to practice on their instrument. • After completing the Beginner Ukulele course, if student wish to continue learning ukulele they are encouraged to continue to the next Ukulele elective or alternatively sign up to the MacKillop Catholic College Instrumental Music program.

ASSESSMENT: Two major assessments provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their learning: • Performance • Musicianship test

COST: $10

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Guitar Contact teacher: Mrs. Kathryn Ezzy Code: GM202 COURSE LENGTH: One Term

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: The Guitar course is designed to give students who have some knowledge of guitar, an opportunity to build on their current knowledge. Students will continue learning to read and play some basic music written for the guitar and will learn a variety of chords and strumming patterns. Students will also develop their ability to practice and perform individually and in group settings. Students develop their general knowledge of music and will learn the language of music including; notation, harmony, dynamics, texture, tempo, rhythm, time signatures, and structure.

RECOMMENDATIONS: • Students need to have some basic knowledge of guitar to join this course (like how to hold the guitar, how to tune the guitar, the parts of the guitar, some basic chord and strumming knowledge). • Families are encouraged to support their child in the practice of their instrument and discuss their music making. Students are furthermore encouraged to us the music facilities available to them during lunch times to practice on their instrument. • After completing the Guitar course, if student wish to continue learning guitar they are encouraged to sign up to the MacKillop Catholic College Instrumental Music program.

ASSESSMENT: Two major assessments provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their learning: • Performance • Musicianship test

COST: $10

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Ukulele Contact teacher: Mrs. Kathryn Ezzy Code: UM202 COURSE LENGTH: One Term

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: The Ukulele course is designed to give students who have some knowledge of ukulele, an opportunity to build on their current knowledge. Students will continue learning to read and play some basic music written for the ukulele and will learn a variety of chords and strumming patterns. Students will also develop their ability to practice and perform individually and in group settings. Students develop their general knowledge of music and will learn the language of music including; notation, harmony, dynamics, texture, tempo, rhythm, time signatures, and structure.

RECOMMENDATIONS: • Students need to have some basic knowledge of ukulele to join this course (like how to hold the ukulele, how to tune the ukulele, the parts of the ukulele, some basic chord and strumming knowledge). • Families are encouraged to support their child in the practice of their instrument and discuss their music making. Students are furthermore encouraged to us the music facilities available to them during lunch times to practice on their instrument. • After completing the Ukulele course, if student wish to continue learning ukulele they are encouraged to sign up to the MacKillop Catholic College Instrumental Music program.

ASSESSMENT: Two major assessments provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their learning: • Performance • Musicianship test

COST: $10

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DRUMBEAT Contact teacher: Mrs. Kathryn Ezzy Code: MD201 COURSE LENGTH: One Term

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: DRUMBEAT® is an acronym for Discovering Relationships Using Music, Beliefs, Emotions, Attitudes and Thoughts. The DRUMBEAT® program has five core elements; Core Rhythms, Discussion, Rhythm Games, Improvisation and Performance. The Core Elements develop students’ social skills and connection and also sequentially develops their musical skill, knowledge and application. The elective provides students with multiple opportunities to apply their newly learnt skills and develops students’ compositional and performance skills.

RECOMMENDATIONS: • There are no prerequisites for this course. • Families are encouraged to support their child in the practice of their instrument and discuss their music making. Students are furthermore encouraged to us the music facilities available to them during lunch times to practice on their instrument.

ASSESSMENT: The following assessments provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their learning: • Ensemble Performance • Musicianship test

COST: $10

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Mixed Media Contact teacher: Mrs Sherri Bryers Code: VA214 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


This unit was created to introduce students to new mediums in art, including water colour, pencil, charcoal, printmaking and mixed media. Students will learn the basic techniques and processes of creating artworks with these mediums. Students will learn about and use the equipment needed to produce an artwork. They will then produce an artwork using their choice of media.

RECOMMENDATIONS: This course is ideal for students wanting to expand upon their art skills and branch into another medium. It will also be good for those interested in further developing their drawing skills.

ASSESSMENT: • Folio of experimental work. • An Artwork Analysis. • A major work.

SPECIAL NOTES: An A3 spiral bound art diary must be purchased for this course. This can be used throughout the year on all art electives chosen. If a sketchbook was purchased in Year 7 or Year 8 they may use the same book as long as there are about 20 pages left.

COST: $30 Cost covers all required art materials for this course.

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PHOTOGRAPHY Contact teacher: Mrs Sherri Bryers Code: VA212 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


This unit was created to introduce students to a new medium in art, photography. Students will learn the basic techniques and processes of creating artworks with digital photography. Students will learn about and use the equipment needed to produce digital artworks.

RECOMMENDATIONS: This course is ideal for students that love to create and would like to delve into digital art.

ASSESSMENT: • Folio of experimental work. • An Artwork Analysis. • A major work.

Special Notes: This unit will be totally digital. Students MUST have a laptop and have a USB of a minimum 4GB to complete the course. Students are welcome to bring their own cameras to learn how to use them and these can be kept secure in storage until taken home.

Cost: $30 Cost covers all required art materials

for this course.

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GET YOUR HANDS DIRTY Contact teacher: Mrs Sherri Bryers

Code: VA203 COURSE LENGTH: One Term

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: In this unit students will research 3D art forms. Students will analyse the way artwork can be viewed from all directions. The concepts of movement, repetition and balance will be studied to enable students to transfer these techniques into their own artwork. This unit is a simple introduction to sculptural forms and moves away from the standard flat artwork (2D). This unit allows artists to be more hands-on with their art making and not rely on art tools. Specifically students will experiment with clay and plaster.

RECOMMENDATIONS: This course is ideal for students wanting to expand upon their art skills and branch into other mediums. There are no prerequisites for this course.

ASSESSMENT: Folio of experimental work: • An Artwork Analysis; • A major 3D work; and, • A collaborative 3D work (time permitting).

SPECIAL NOTES: An A3 spiral bound art diary must be purchased for this course. This can be used throughout the year on all art electives chosen. If a sketchbook was purchased in Year 7 or Year 8 they may use the same book as long as there are about 20 pages left.

COST: $30 (Covers all required art materials for this course)

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Bondi Rescue Contact teacher: Ms Bergmeier Code: OE201 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


In this unit, students study the importance of team work, safety and communication in the outdoors. Students are given the opportunity to apply skills and knowledge in practical and theory components specific to Surf Lifesaving. The elective focuses on personal and social skills that can be developed through participation in movement and physical activities. These skills include communication, decision-making, problem-solving, critical and creative thinking, and cooperation.

RECOMMENDATIONS: No prior first aid knowledge required. Students will be required to swim 50m unassisted.

ASSESSMENT: Students will be assessed in the following areas; • Participation in activities. • Development in skills and knowledge in all aspect of the program. • Online Surf Lifesaving activities and test.

COST: Approximately $150. Cost covers bus hire, entry to activity site and Surf Lifesaving certificate. Based on 13 students.

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Adrenalin Seekers Contact teacher: Ms Bergmeier Code: OE202 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


During this Outdoor Education Elective students will participate in practical and theory based components. Practical activities include adventure riding and bike safety. In theory lessons students will focus on developing an understanding of risk management, safety and our natural environments. They will be given the opportunity to apply skills and knowledge in practical and theoretical components specific to Outdoor Education.

RECOMMENDATIONS: No previous experience is required. All activities are aimed at beginners’ level. The skills taught in the unit will prepare students for further study in Outdoor Education. Students are encouraged to bring their own bike and will be required to wear an Australian Approved Helmet.

ASSESSMENT: Students will be assessed in the following areas; • Skills and knowledge in all aspect of the program. • Safe riding action plan.

COST: Approximately $80. Cost covers bike servicing fee, entry to activity sites, Saints drink bottle. Based on 13 students.

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Survival of the Fittest Contact teacher: Ms Bergmeier Code: OE203 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


During this Outdoor Education elective students will participate in archery and orienteering. In theory lessons students will focus on developing an understanding of planning for outdoor activities and environmental conservation. They will be given the opportunity to apply skills and knowledge in practical and theoretical components specific to Outdoor Education.

RECOMMENDATIONS: No previous experience is required. All activities are aimed at beginners’ level. The skills taught in the unit will prepare students for further study in Outdoor Education.

ASSESSMENT: Students will be assessed in the following areas; • Skills and knowledge in archery and orienteering. • Folio of work

COST: Approximately $80. Cost covers bus hire and entry to activity site. Based on 13 students.

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Deadliest Catch Contact teacher: Ms Bergmeier Code: OE204 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


During this Outdoor Education Elective students will participate in fishing activities. In theory lessons students will focus on developing an understanding of sustainable practices. They will be given the opportunity to apply skills and knowledge in practical and theoretical components specific to Outdoor Education.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Students will require their own fishing rod or hand line for practical’s. No previous experience is required. All activities are aimed at beginners’ level. The skills taught in the unit will prepare students for further study in Outdoor Education.

ASSESSMENT: Students will be assessed in the following areas; • Skills and knowledge in all aspect of the program. • Folio of work

COST: Approximately $80. Cost covers bus hire, entry to activity site and fishing bait. Based on 13 students.

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SPORTS ACADEMY: Court Sports HPE Curriculum Coordinator: Miss Tahnee Gale Code: SA201 Course Length: One Term

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: This Sports Academy elective offers students an opportunity to further develop their learning in, about and through a range of court sports. It prepares them for more specialized classes in following years such as the year-long Netball Sports Academy course, Certificate III Fitness, and senior Physical Education. Throughout this elective, students are offered the following learning experiences:

• Play in various environments, teams and competition levels • Training with experienced court sport coaches • Develop health and fitness associated with playing court sports • Rules and umpiring • Fair, ethical and inclusive play

RECOMMENDATIONS: There are no prerequisites for this class, however, a love to move is ideal! Whereby numbers are over capacity for this course, students will be selected based on their intention to continue into further Sports Academy classes.

ASSESSMENT: Students will be assessed in the following areas:

• Practical and theoretical assessments • Knowledge and understanding of court sport rules and regulations • Analysis and reflection of game play strategies and decisions • Initiative and collaboration in individual and team learning environments • Leadership

COST: Approximately $75 Cost is based on 20 students and covers all excursions, specialist coaches and equipment.

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SPORTS ACADEMY: Footy Codes HPE Curriculum Coordinator: Miss Tahnee Gale Code: SA202 Course Length: One Term

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: This Sports Academy elective offers students an opportunity to further develop their learning in, about and through football codes such as Rugby League, Australian Football League, Soccer, Touch Football and Rugby Union. It prepares them for more specialised classes in following years such as the year-long Rugby Codes Sports Academy course, Certificate III Fitness, and senior Physical Education. Throughout this elective, students are offered the following learning experiences:

• Play in various environments, teams and competition levels.; • Training with experienced football teams both internally and externally; • Develop health and fitness associated with playing football codes; and • Video analysis of elite level football.

RECOMMENDATIONS: There are no prerequisites for this class, however a love to move is ideal! Whereby numbers are over capacity for this course, students will be selected based on their intention to continue into further Sports Academy classes.


Students will be assessed in the following areas:

• Practical and theoretical assessments; • Knowledge and understanding of football rules and regulations; • Analysis and reflection of game play strategies and decisions; • Initiative and collaboration in individual and team learning environments; and • Independent leadership of a peer coaching session;

COST: Approximately $75 Cost is based on 20 students and covers all excursions, specialist coaches and equipment.

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SPORTS ACADEMY: Netball HPE Curriculum Coordinator: Miss Tahnee Gale Code: SA203 Course Length: One Term


This Sports Academy elective unit focuses in on developing students to become confident, competent and driven adolescents, in, about and through Netball. It prepares them for more specialised classes in following years such as the year-long Netball Sports Academy course, Certificate III Fitness, and senior Physical Education. Throughout this elective, students are offered the following learning experiences: • Play in various environments, teams and competition levels; • Develop health and fitness associated with playing Netball; and • Incursions/Excursions with the Netball Sports Academy classes

RECOMMENDATIONS: There are no prerequisites for this class, however, a love to move is ideal! Whereby numbers are over capacity for this course, students will be selected based on their intention to continue into further Sports Academy classes.


Students will be assessed in the following areas:

• Practical and theoretical assessments • Skill development • Games sense • Assessments will be based on the Netball Australia Skills Standards

COST: Approximately $100 Cost is based on 20 students and covers venue and bus hire, specialist coaches, equipment and game fees.

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SPORTS ACADEMY: Rugby Codes HPE Curriculum Coordinator: Miss Tahnee Gale Code: SA204 Course Length: One Term


This Sports Academy elective unit focuses in on developing students to become confident, competent and driven adolescents, in about and through experiences in National Rugby League and Rugby Union. It prepares them for more specialised classes in following years such as the option of the year-long Rugby Codes Sports Academy course, Certificate III Fitness, and senior Physical Education. This course offers strong links with our very own Saints Rugby Union & League Club. Throughout this elective, students are offered the following learning experiences:

• Play in various environments, teams and competition levels. • Training with experienced teams both internally and externally, including linking with the College Saints Rugby Union and League Club; • Develop health and fitness associated with playing Rugby Codes; and • Coaching and/or refereeing course.

RECOMMENDATIONS: There are no prerequisites for this class, however, a love to move is ideal! Whereby numbers are over capacity, students will be selected based on their participation in local clubs, such as our Saints Rugby Union and League Club.

ASSESSMENT: Students will be assessed in the following areas:

• Practical and theoretical assessments; • Knowledge and understanding of Rugby League and Union rules and regulations; • Analysis and reflection of game play strategies and decisions; • Initiative and collaboration in individual and team learning environments; and • Independently lead part of a coaching session.

COST: Approximately $75. Cost is based on 20 students and covers venue and bus hire, specialist coaches and equipment and game fees.

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SMART FOOD ON A BUDGET Contact teacher: Mr Paul Dimmock Code: FT209 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


If you intend going to University or undertaking an apprenticeship or move into shared accommodation as a territory student, even contribute to the family budget you need to know how to create a food budget and eat well. Eating well includes wise purchasing of a variety of food. In this course you will prepare a cost effective menu for 10 weeks and learn to prepare a number of these dishes.


It is desirable that you have undertaken Food Technology at year 7. If you have not a discussion with the teacher will help you decide whether this course is for you.


• A 10 week budget menu plan. • A research project covering food purchasing options across the greater Darwin area. • Engagement in group work.


Observation of workplace safety issues is important. Covered footwear and long hair tied back neatly is mandatory. A mature approach to group work is necessary.

COST: $50 (To cover the cost of ingredients)

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AUSTRALIAN FOOD BOWL Contact teacher: Mr Paul Dimmock Code: FT208 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


This course features an exploration of essential Australian produce highlighting food items that are good quality nutritious, fresh and well preserved foods will be used. Staple ingredients include Australian rice, whole meal and unbleached flours, meats and seafood as well as seasonal fruit and vegetables will be identified and used in food production. Students will come to understand the production cycle of key Australian foods and make decisions for menu items based on an enhanced understanding of the market place.


It is desirable that students who elect to undertake Food Technology in years 8 & 9 have Foundation Skills acquired in year 7. If students have not and wish to undertake this course a discussion with the teacher and participation in a Foundation Skills course will equip them for successful participation.


• Written research assignments pertaining to the Australian food production cycles. • Preparation and presentation of a range of cooked dishes using Australian food items. • Engagement in group activities.


Observation of workplace safety issues in the Food Technology Studio is important. Covered footwear and long hair tied back is mandatory. A mature approach to group work is desirable.

COST: $50 (To cover the cost of ingredients)

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PASTA Contact teacher: Mr Paul Dimmock Code: FT204 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


Pasta as a food item has a long and intriguing cultural history. Pasta in its many forms is presented in this course as a nutritious and economical food that can provide students with multiple meal options. Students will commence this course by making pasta by hand. They will identify the different pastas and prepare a variety of sauces, salads and casserole dishes using pasta.


It is desirable that students who elect to take this course have undertaken Food Technology in year 7. If they have not however a discussion with the teacher and a willingness to undertake Foundation Skills training in the Food Technology Studio will prepare them for a successful learning experience.


• Written theory assessments. • Assessments of the food items students have prepared. • Engagement in group research and food preparation activities.


Observation of the workplace safety issues in the Food Technology studio is important. A mature approach to the use of kitchen equipment, and group work is required. It is mandatory that students present with covered shoes and wear long hair tied back neatly.

COST: $50 (To cover the cost of ingredients)

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INTERNATIONAL CUISINE Contact teacher: Mr Paul Dimmock Code: FT210 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


Australia is a nation embracing a fantastic range of internationalized cuisines. This course will explore in the broad how Australia has embraced the cuisines from around the world. How are these cuisines presented in Australia? Students will cook a number of main Australianised dishes from around the world.


It is desirable that you have undertaken Food Technology at year 7. A strong interest in different foods and a willingness to explore the foods of the world is necessary.


• Written assessments. • Excellent interpersonal skills demonstrated when speaking with people from other cultures. • Presentation of cooked dishes from a variety pf cuisines.


Workplace safety issues are important to observe in a busy kitchen environment. Covered shoes must be worn and long hair is to be tied up neatly.

COST: $50 (To cover the cost of ingredients)

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WORKING WITH TIMBER (Tool Cady) Contact teacher: Mr. Paul Dimmick Code: DT201 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


Students will develop a range of basic timber workshop skills including cutting, sanding, planning, nailing, measuring and gluing. They will use a range of traditional and electric hand tools including: hammers, chisels, mallets, saws, drills, planes and sanders. Students will be instructed in simple drawing techniques and use them to customize their project. Students will undertake instruction in the assembly of simple timber products that employ the use of simple joints and construction techniques. They will be introduced to the design process in order to customize their product for a specific use or user.


No previous experience is required. All projects are aimed at students with no or little experience. The skills taught in the unit will prepare students for further study in Design and Technology.


• Student Assessment will be based upon the successful completion of their timber project and the associated design folio and theory work.

COST: $26 Cost covers Materials and Personal Protective Equipment.

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Timber- Handy Household Items Contact teacher: Mr. Paul Dimmick Code: DT203 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


Students will develop a range of basic timber workshop skills including cutting, sanding, planning, nailing, measuring and gluing. They will use a range of traditional and electric hand tools including: hammers, chisels, mallets, saws, drills, planes and sanders. Students will be instructed in simple drawing techniques and use them to customize their project. Students will undertake instruction in the assembly of simple timber products that employ the use of simple joints and construction techniques. They will be introduced to the design process in order to customize their product for a specific use or user.

Explore timber and discover how easy it is to create useful objects rather than buy them. Projects will include items such as handy storage solutions, clocks, bowls and cooking utensils.


No previous experience is required. All projects are aimed at students with no or little experience. The skills taught in the unit will prepare students for further study in Design and Technology.


• Student Assessment will be based upon the successful completion of their timber project and the associated design folio and theory work.

COST: $26 Cost covers Materials and Personal Protective Equipment.

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WORKING WITH PLASTICS- Hold My Phone (and Contact teacher: Mr. Paul Dimmick other useful things)! COURSE LENGTH: One Term Code: DP202


Leather shoes must be worn in the workshop. Students will develop a range of basic Plastic Workshop skills including cutting, shaping, drilling, measuring and gluing. They will use a range of traditional and electric hand tools including saws, files, drills, and specialist shaping as well as moulding equipment. Students will undertake instruction in the assembly of simple plastic products that employ the use of simple construction techniques. They will be introduced to the design process in order to customise their product for a specific use or user.


No previous experience is required. All projects are aimed at beginners’ level. The skills taught in the unit will prepare students for further study in Design and Technology.


Student Assessment will be based upon the successful completion of their Plastic project and the associated design folio and theory work.

COST: $28 Cost covers Materials and Personal Protective Equipment.

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ELECTRONICS (LED Lamp) Contact teacher: Mr. Paul Dimmick Code: DE201 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


Students will develop a range of basic Electronics Workshop skills including circuit drawing, designing, bread- boarding and soldering. They will use a range of traditional and electric hand tools including pliers, drills and soldering irons, and components such as LEDs, capacitors and transistors. Students will undertake instruction in the assembly of simple electronic circuits and an LED desk Lamp. The unit is designed to provide students with the opportunity to explore design concepts, develop custom ideas and construct them using a variety of materials.


No previous experience is required. All projects are aimed at students with no or little experience. The skills taught in the unit will prepare students for further study in Design and Technology.


Student Assessment will be based upon the successful completion of their electronic circuit project and the associated and theory work.

COST: $35 Cost covers Materials and Personal Protective Equipment.

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FOAM CREATIONS (Movie Props) Contact teacher: Mr. Paul Dimmick Code: DF201 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


Have you ever wanted to build Ironman’s helmet, a tomahawk from Assassins Creed or have your very own replica lightsaber or blaster? Now you can, using similar techniques to the prop masters of Hollywood students will design and construct their own lightweight movie props. Students will develop a range of basic construction skills using soft materials including various types of foam and plastics. Designing skills such as sketching and formal drawing will used as part of the design process. Students will use a range of traditional and electric hand tools in order to cut, shape and finish their projects.


No previous experience is required. All projects are aimed at students with no or little experience. The skills taught in the unit will prepare students for further study in Design and Technology.


Student Assessment will be based upon the successful completion of their electronic circuit project and the associated and theory work.

COST: $30 Cost covers Materials and Personal Protective Equipment.

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Metalwork- Basic Sheetmetal Contact teacher: Mr. Paul Dimmick Code: DM201 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


Students will develop a range of basic metal working skills including cutting, shaping, bending and joining. They will use a range of traditional and electric hand tools including: mallets, files, shears, saws and drills. Students will be instructed in simple drawing techniques and use them to customize their project. Students will undertake instruction in the assembly of simple metal products that employ the use of simple forming and construction techniques. They will be introduced to the design process in order to customize their product for a specific use or user.


No previous experience is required. All projects are aimed at students with no or little experience. The skills taught in the unit will prepare students for further study in Design and Technology.


• Student Assessment will be based upon the successful completion of their metal project and the associated design folio and theory work.

COST: $26 Cost covers Materials and Personal Protective Equipment.

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GRAPHIC DESIGN and MULTIMEDIA Contact teacher: Mr. Paul Dimmick Code: DG201 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


Students will be instructed in a range of Graphic Design techniques including scale, colour and design principles. They will use a range of specialist Graphic Design and Multimedia software. Students will develop skills in product design and production to produce custom designs and products.


No previous experience is required. All projects are aimed at beginners’ level. The skills taught in the unit will prepare students for further study in Design and Technology.


Student Assessment will be based upon the successful completion of their Graphic Design project and the associated design folio and theory work.

COST: $22 Cost covers Materials and Personal Protective Equipment.

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Contact teacher Mrs Vanaja Arakkal Game Design – Advanced Programming-Minecraft Code: IT202 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


Game design provides an opportunity to analyse existing games and replicate or build on their functionality and game play to create a new digital game. It involves finding out exactly what the users want in a game – what the game should be achieving. Game control is an important consideration in design. How the user interacts with the game can have a bearing on the overall enjoyment and game play. The use of arrow keys is often incorporated in game play; for example, arrow keys can be used to move an avatar or character within the game.


Minecraft is one of the main platforms that will support student in developing their programming skills by developing intelligent games. Australian Computer Academy site and Grok Learning platforms are the other platforms that will support students to develop their programming skills.

MakeCode for Minecraft makes learning to code super fun Minecraft Hour of Code

Prerequisite: Recommended for students with basic programming experience.


Analysis of existing games based on the given criteria: 30%

Make a game: code with Minecraft: 20%

Game design, production and testing: 50% COST: $25 Cost covers software applications

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Application of VR, AR and AI Contact teacher: Mrs Vanaja Arakkal Code: IT203 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


Artificial intelligence, Virtual reality with a combination of AI is changing the application technology in all aspects of our lives. Latest VR developments are used to train doctors and nurses across the world. The objective of this course is for students explore the application of these intelligent tools for creating real solutions for problems.

Planning complex surgery: St. Joseph's Children's Hospital. "With this cutting-edge digital tool, our surgeons have an unprecedented way to plan and strategize the best route for surgery."

Recommendations: No Prerequisite Assessments: Collaborative project: Testing and analysing apps – 30% Research on latest VR and AR equipment and applications– 20% Development of an intelligent application-30% Evaluation -20% Cost - $25

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Information Technology Contact teacher Mrs Vanaja Arakkal Business Innovations Advanced COURSE LENGTH: One Term Code: IT204

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: This course is focused on Business Innovations and the business improvements by the application of relevant technology. Students will explore a range of applications for marketing and to gain the competitive edge to thrive in the market. This will include developing business publications using Adobe applications. Reviewing real case studies related to Business in NT will help students to understand the challenges in the business world. In year 8 students explore a range of marketing tools to study business development with communicating with local businesses. The research, which took in approximately 2,100 employees across seven industries, also found that a third of workers believed their role is unlikely to exist in 20 years’ time due to emerging digital technologies and automation.

Could a robot do your job?


Successful completion of Business Innovations in Year 7


• Review of 2 of the best IT businesses and the reasons - 20%;

• Building your own business – marketing -30%

• Electronic Portfolio to demonstrate the business idea, proposal and development.

COST: $30

Cost covers software licenses and any resources needed for the business

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Information Technology Contact teacher: Mrs Vanaja Arakkal Advanced Robotics COURSE LENGTH: One Term Code: IT 201

The objective of the advanced course in Robotics is to understand how machine learning and AI is used in technology applications. The latest ABC news demonstrate the impact of AI and Robotics and its role in increasing productivity. ABC news AI's effect on the economy Australia should double its pace of artificial intelligence and robotics automation to reap a $2.2 trillion opportunity by 2030, according to a new report. AI and law: A law firm that costs a fraction of the price and is operated by artificial intelligence opens in Darwin, with plans of expansion on the horizon.

Smart Steel Solutions CEO Chris Brugeaud says robotics has boosted productivity and employment at his Brisbane factory.

Students will:

• Review intelligent robots and its applications in real world scenario;

• Application of AI and machine learning and ethical aspects • Create practical digital solutions


• Research task; evaluation of Robotic applications in real world scenarios - 40%

• Select an area of interest in the application of Robots (medical, car manufacturing); evaluation of a selected design and its application- 30%

• Develop a project to plan and build your own product - brainstorming, planning, development and evaluation. -30%


No prerequisite

COST: $30

Cost covers Raspberry PI, Arduinos and programming software.

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Textiles – Sashiko (Japanese Embroidery) and Contact Teacher: Mrs Kim Shanahan Shibori (Chinese Tie-Dying) COURSE LENGTH: One Term TX206

COURSE DESCRIPTOR: Sashiko literally means little stabs or little pieces. It is a form of decorative reinforcement stitching ( or functional embroidery) from Japan that started out of practical need during the 1615- 1868. It is an exquisite embroidery practice that incorporates Motifs, patterns and symbols that contribute to narratives about their lives, their past, their families and their local cultures. Come back in time, learn the amazing stitches that are founded in nature and create new ones that will speak of your life, culture, family and values. Repair old garments and create a exciting new ones. Shibori Come and try Shibori ( Tie-) the traditional technique from Southwest China which is done by the ethnic people in Yunnan and Guizhou province. This method appeared in the 3rd to the 4th Century in China and is still used today. Learn the history, the dyeing techniques, the folding techniques, the clamping techniques to create a beautiful original garment (t-shirt to wear or give as a gift.


This course is suitable for students who have completed Textiles in year 7, but students who are enthusiastic are welcome and they will undertake a foundation skills course.


A research paper on the history of Japanese embroidery A sample book of Sashiko patterns A finished garment created from a second hand garment and Sashiko embroidery


This course involves the use of scissors, sewing machines and pins and needles so a mature awareness of safety as will be covered in foundation skills is important. Closed in shoes must be worn and hair tied back neatly at all times is essential.

COST: $40 (To cover the cost for materials)

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BEAUTIFUL BAGS Contact Teacher: Mr Paul Dimmock Code: TX204 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


In this course students will design and create a fabric bag with a custom design using the Inkodye process. Students will be required to research and design an image for a particular user. Students will develop sewing skills and use a range of traditional and modern processes and equipment.


This course is suitable for students who have completed Textiles in year 7, but students who are enthusiastic are welcome and they will undertake a foundation skills course.


• Students will sew a fabric bag with a custom printed image. • Produce a process journal • Research assignment


This course involves the use of scissors, sewing machines and pins and needles so a mature awareness of safety as will be covered in foundation skills is important. Closed in shoes must be worn and hair tied back neatly at all times is essential.

COST: $40 (To cover the cost for materials)

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RECYCLED FASHION Contact Teacher: Mr Paul Dimmock Code: TX209 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


Students will be asked to bring their favorite (or their families) old and ready to throw out clothes to school so we can assess recycling bits and pieces of these loved favorites into new clothes for them or others. There is no need to rush off to shops to purchase the latest. Dare to be different and wear your old gear – reinvented.


This course is about careful use of clothes and fabrics and daring to rework old gear into new gear for you or others. Patience and imagination are the key ingredients as students will need to think carefully about what they can bring to the sewing table in this course. All ideas welcome.


• A research assignment focused on recycled fashion around the world. • An assessment of the journey a student has taken with transforming an old loved clothing item into something new that they are proud to wear or share with somebody else.


Working in the Textiles room requires a high level of co-operation as items such as scissors, sewing machines, pins and needles are used. Closed in shoes and hair worn tied back is essential.

COST: $40

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Basic Machine Sewing Contact Teacher: Mr Paul Dimmock Code: TX201 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


Students will review the rules regarding safety in the Textile Studio and the set up and operation of the sewing machine. Students will design a sewn article. Projects choices could include an apron, draw string gym bags, patchwork cushions, boxer shorts or a skirt.


Patience and imagination are the key ingredients as students will need to think carefully about what they can bring to the sewing table in this course. All ideas welcome.


• Detailed design folio. • Preparation, drafting and completion of a sewn item.


Working in the Textiles room requires a high level of co-operation as items such as sewing machines, scissors, pins and needles are used. Closed in shoes and hair tied back neatly at all times are essential.

COST: $40

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Christmas Craft Contact Teacher: Mrs Tammy Woodward Code: TX203 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


In this course students will decide on a range of items they may wish to make for the festive season. Items could include a special tablecloth, small gifts for family members or a special item to decorate the festive season that is in a Christmas theme.


Patience and imagination are the key ingredients as students will need to think carefully about what they can bring to the sewing table in this course. All ideas welcome.


• Detailed design folio. • Preparation, drafting and completion of a sewn item.


Working in the Textiles room requires a high level of co-operation as items such as sewing machines, scissors, pins and needles are used. Closed in shoes and hair tied back neatly at all times are essential.

COST: $40

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STEM Contact Teacher: Mr Roy Joseph Code: ST201 COURSE LENGTH: One Term


STEM education targets the development of critical thinking, problem solving and creativity and communication skills, which have become increasingly necessary for current and future jobs across the nation. Furthermore, STEM education promotes a sense of curiosity in students, as they unveil new interests and become critical thinkers who question, challenge and problem solve issues presented in the new information they are exposed to.

STEM is a subject based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — in an interdisciplinary and applied approach. Rather than teach the four disciplines as separate and discrete subjects, STEM integrates them into a cohesive learning paradigm based on real-world applications.

STEM is everywhere. It’s in your home, your classroom, the businesses you visit and the roads you drive on. Products and services you use every day are shaped by science and technological innovations, from your smartphone to your fridge, ATMs and medicines. If you enjoy studying science, mathematics, technology or engineering, there’s good news ahead: it’s been predicted that 75 per cent of all jobs will require STEM skills in the future. In STEM, students will be studying forensics and earthquake sciences during a term.


• A portfolio of practical work.

SPECIAL This course involves the use the science laboratories and equipment. Normal laboratory rules need to be followed. Closed in shoes must be worn and hair tied back neatly at all times is essential.

COST: $30

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MacKillop Catholic College 285 Farrar Boulevard, Johnston NT 0832 Australia PO Box 2608 Palmerston NT 0831 P (08) 8930 5706

Lorna Parker- Head of Middle Years [email protected]