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l^Tli* HowltMr CoBiplny, I69tb In OotdM N. r WmWr ' - J*"'*. iaatry, C. N . O., w ill leave tbU aft­ returoed from a tiMoan at G lim fhq8d S e e i& . dead drunk in ernoon for a week-end gun pracUee Hampton N . R . tiM rear of tha t^rntgoiaety Ward tour o i duty At SUme'a Ranch, JCaat •tore at g a. ai- taday. Finley was E V A R I W O ^ ’ ! X^me. H m men w ill be traneport^ Mra Seirte ItoflaOn eg Bristol la arreated by PotfeeMaa Jeta J. Oavw Adm&ted .yaeterday: Mra Chrto- Teacher o f PiRno M£M^iisTEB--ACITYOFVlIXAGEGHAitM t to the station by truck convoy and vlalUng -Ur. and Ura. Stawn BDd^ tOHEETSEt1’.21 agnaro atilM Main atreet store ot. tthcslobOMoB o f 64 Summer 'a tra e t wiU return to the State armoiy lata brand of SO Usdan atm t. a Ure qompany after be had been AJMI r jobaeoQ or 345 HigUaad 58 Woodbrltlgs Street tomorrow night Th* meii or the ejected onoe. Major and Mrs. Gilbort P. Hurd atreet Hannah LempreOht cddM VU- Telephone 7785 ’: VOL. LV., NO. 295 ; an Page 1R| MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1935 (TWELVE PAGESy PBlCBTHRBRi ptt itSiky.'Syiit !«. Tha Oraaga Ball Oorporatloa win Shendock is aeeueed of poeeeaeiog to Observe Event 1 * 1 Wed lago street and John Oakes St 380 Hold saather c< thalr an automobile radio etolim ftw gXlHr neSdSy ot Nbxi ^ w s a n a _____ mortars and will engage, Is parties tontimt at t o'aiock MaW b y a e « f Csrtsoo and Company, Discharged yeaterday: Mra James compeUUva llriag. The company ~ hall« the'Center. Wtonera truckare. Hartford. DIekaon abd .mfaat daughter of 59 o oHvoy edil he4 n diarge-of-Oaptaln leir awn Briaea. all of A d d r ^ DifisioD O t Re- Spruce atreet Laiiddn*B Final Plea To Maine Voters R m l^ B. Hathaway,, . company which art up to tha higii ataadard Major and Mrs. Gtlbert P . HUrd. Admitted today: Mlsa Eva Arm- JUST ARRIVED! I ^fcug, the Avery street of those awarded at tha outset of o f 869 Woodland street, Hertfiord. atrors: of 186 Oak strrot NEARS U. S. commander. B ier s ro p h ^ has been heard the games. taO hfonnation. FINDS ACABIST WATKINS former rasldenta of Meneheeter, wlU Discharged today: John Portaiv Itgllain Dish Gardena H again. He looked at bis baodi celebrate their flfUeth wedding en- field of 787 LydaU atreet, sad John . Novelty Book Ends ,, 1 nosy, he aalA and the indiea- Beaslona o f the Second Congrega­ Richard Vlena, managar . of the nivsTsary Wednesday of next week. Oakes at n o HllUard atreet tional church school will be resumed - IN ACCIDENT SUIT Census: Fifty-five paUenta Dishes and Npryelties^'^ js are that ws will bAve a cold Trlple-X store, and bla bride, were An an-membesablp meeting ot the They were married in Manchester ON RETURN FLIGHT atsr, but he added that the cold In all departments tomorrow morn­ the guests of honor at a.ev^eoma in S t Mary's Episcopal church Juat the thlng-felr' a lnld|^ ing at 9!#0. The Center Congreg^ Merchants' Division of the Chamber g ift. I win 'not arrive until after home party given last Evening at ot Commerce .to discuss fa ll and win­ Rev. James H. LaRoebe, at that as. From that time on there tlonal church school win not begin Cbeitnut lodge by the proprietors, time rector of g t Marya — Set Up Civ9 Administration Sort Steak and French Fries / Chicken a la^Caodatore officers and the Initiation o f one the Christmas closing schedule and FILMS candidate. ty at 8 Concord street, Glastonbury, deaert country of Nevada according reporta to Floyd Bea- In The District tory’— Ezpert Vote Spsahettl and Meat Balia /Italian Minestrone and Anttpasto tha Christmas street lighting pro­ in tha amount of $748.06, with HAWLEY DEVELOPED AND itt Field aald Harry Rich man, ■ • i/i Broiler aSd All the FUln’e gram aa well aa a. number of other to L. W. Oo^ airline operaUons iger flylhg tb* AUaatlc wlUi As Troops Hold City From Tbe sign making It naceasary for March 10, 1987 aet aa U w day. chief. PRINTED SANDWICmBS OF ALL K D ^ Important aubjecta. P IA N O A N D pUo^ Dick MerrU:, waa Hartford, Sept. 14— (A P ) — Ro-ginlsstons, offices and bureaus should 300,000"“^Natioii’s travel on Henry street to s t ^ In 'hth committee in charge of the 24-HOUR SERVICE / aIgbtM off Gape Baoe, New- Try Onr/Utamers Every Dayl going east and coming west was ORGAN Possible Coimter Attacks pubUcana o f the F irst Omgresaional be abolished. meeting consists of Ruaadl Potter- ' foohdlaad today at 13:08 p. ai. ., "Government departments and ’ a Glass of Ballaatino From Onr New Kooler-Keg—No Colls, placed In position yeaterdsy at the ton, chairman; Robert Seaman, Film Deposit Box 4t - eaatera etaadart time. DUtricL-today dominated .Walter E. r Bpea--No Boas,... -'When better beer Is made—weTl aeU It" corner of North Elm and Henry James Friel,' Leon Holmes, Elmore. Resumes Teaching Btore Entrance - ""— lanieT 't«poi«rY7diiai tne fly-— - By-Soidalists. ------Bateraon, former mayor, to run streets. In poallhg the new sign all Watkins, Fred T. BUsb, Jr., and la g pair were heard a t 10:08 a. - "Ttae government Should retire traffic through North Elm street la against Rep. Herman P. Kopple- Herbert B. House, studio: 53 Cotta^ Street ^ Bi. after aeven hoars of rileaoe. maim. Democrat. from all fields of private endeavor, Portland, Me., 14r>(il given the right of way although except to develop public worksKB andano there are but five houses on & e Telephone 3270 San Setaatian, Spain, Sept. 14.— Thera waa no contest as the dele- Clear, crisp weather stimulated ^ OAK STREET TAVERN KEMP'S New York, Bopt.-14.—After seven natural resources to the commo/cofi to- ‘ tog today to Maine’s “tod street south of Henry atraet ‘Hie (A P )—Fascist warriors completed / so Oak Street PEACHES hours of eitencei the voloe of Harry gatoa presided ovn* by Chalrinan terest state election with political street ends at a sharp curve a abort POUCE COURT **From Contented Trees** Rlobman. flying tbe Atlantlo with their occupation of San Sebastian CESFIas'R. BIssell, convened to tbe "Th s government should telth- predicting a record pril. distance to the south of Henry Colohial room of Bushnell Memorial draw from:-direct relief and such street Tbe users of automobllet on In police court this morning tbe bb pilot, Dick Merrill, came today by Setting up a dvll admln- While the Nation watted ima Yellow Elbertas for Canningr latrsUo^ headed by the governor at h alt monies should be granted to .the Uentiy for results of tbs first el< Henry street do not Uke the change, case o f Gall Shamloek, Jr., 31, o f 96 through to radio stations In Amer­ Mr. Baterson’a name 'was present­ states for county aad municipal re- as they are called upon to make an­ Hope street,. Wlllimantlc, changed Pamploiia, provineiai capital of Uon to the country' -dlsputod Wholesale and Retail © ica at 10:05 a. m., eastern ataadard ed by Francis W. (tele, former cor­ llet as are required after adequate at Natiriuil sentiment to pieu, other stop at the Summit street In­ with receiving stolen goods, was poration oounaei. demonstration that ac honest effort tersection. time, today. Navarro. tial yean—reporte came AomV continued by Judge Raymond A. Strong lines of Fascist troops In a brief address of acceptance, has been tpadc by such dlvtstoas to flolals and election derlw o f a Sa Johnson until W ednestey trader Both the Ebatern Air Unea ata- Mr. Hattenon promised a militant meet their share of the cost of The Senior Club of St Uary** basket Uon at Newark, N. J., difeoting the held the city from possible counter­ turnout bond of 6300, at the request of the Tomatoes 3i^e attack by the defeated Socialists campaign against the New, Deal . human' suffering from their own "This is airla* Friendly society will bold .u attorney for the defendant, Arthur flight, end ■Sresa 'Wlreleas, inc., re­ "Tbe district should be represent­ treaeuriee. Better 48 counsellors to regular monthly meeting, Tbutaday ported -bearing the radio telephone who fled before the Insurgent, ad­ aald Arthur E. Bewail, TONICHT T. K ell^ of WiUlmantle. vance yesterday wltb arms, ammu­ ed by fomeone who will not sur­ America tha none; that pieesrves tbe Republican state commit evening, SepUmber 17, at the home Flnga o f $10 and costs were im- 3 baskets $1.00 ^ the MerrlU-Rlcbman plane, Lady render our leglalstive birthright for the theory of checks aad balances of Miss Gertruds Uddon, 49 Garden nition and other wpr equipment. The flood-lighted “political stagp* upon which Gov. X lf H. Lsndon made hie dramatic eiecUon-evo entry at ‘Tha people at Maine are i poeed^ on Charles Bodeflan, 34, o f Febce, at the same moment. Portland,-Me., is pictured above, wlUi a View of part of the crowd of 15,000 persons who thronged the an experiment at tbe expense of the we need. Street. Uembera are reminded to Neither radio station was able to Military and civil authorities a record vote todry, whld New York City, charged with oper­ Municipal Stadium to hear him. Inset is a speaking pose of the Republican Presidential nominee as he ecored constituency," Mr. Batterson said. "There should be impartial en­ subctantial majorltlw.’’ bring their “Shadow Lady" gifts, make out what was being said, al­ began speedy rehabilitation of pub-- The nomtoee tersely presented forcement of laws opposing mono­ ating an Improperly registered auto, Bartlett Pears 11c servlcea which bad been para­ government control of business before bis Portland audience. Prebi^Mi to nu other rieotionlli Tbia Is tha first meeting of the fall !d Arthur Arcand of Hartford, though the voice was identified as "his convictions" as fmlows: polies as well as oppointlon to avery SPBtaAL ATTRACTION ■eaaon end a good attendance is iUehmsn’a StsUc condiUbna gar­ lyzed for days during tb.e Fascist major partiea organised to the. arged with violating the rules of *T believe ^ e budget should be form of preferential claas iegtata- tent cf the' present to hoped for. bled the attempt at converMtion. siege of the Basque resort. balanced. To do this useless com­ tlon sought by any bloc.') le road. ^ j e a n d •00 basket Water and electric service were everyety raglstersd---- voter-had Boderian was arrested by Police­ . At that time, it waa estimated. tuns(. Miss Luella B. Larder of 66 Win-/ COOKING Lady Peace should bave been about re-established shortly after the in- nity and transpurtation to jr street, who le leaving soon f<>r man Joseph X. Prentice on West vaderb, accompanied by Moorish LEGALBATTIEON the poll*. From some :RB1E JOHNSON Middle turnpike last Monday at 3,600 milea out from England, MCMAHON IS ACQUITTED reports, that- ntensa the' Salvation Array Training A l­ Legionnaires, .marched into tb« totetaat:; fAnd Hill Colored Swing Band, DIreet Prom Montreal, 10:48 p. m. Motorcycle Policeman headed for Floyd Bennett Field,' crowds ott votan to " poUtog ^ lege in New York, was pleasahUy and BAKING B rook^, N. Y., and a landing some coastal' city early yesterday.. Sup­ SAYS COMMUNISM STATE SOCIALISTS Canada. surprised Wednesday when her as- Herman Muske arrested Arcand, a plies o f food were rushed to the city FOR GREEN ESTATE without waiting for ' bus driver, on Center street a week lim a after .4 p. m. ^ MTty workers. Peatnrlngu-BOB HALLOWAY aociates at the Orford Soap /com -The fliers: making the return from which officials estimated ap- ON TWO OF THREE COUNTS lAby's plant, preaented to her/a fine ago yesterday. Arcand was repre- S.G. BOW ERS he 'eobbes 'of ’ia prMrtmatoly 10,000 rivillans and for­ — HBrtforrg lidide Amsf roiig sented bY Attorney -wnilaiat S^. taste better-_ « lg h t '6n thCTr roliiia-^mpYo EOfidotr HAVE TWO SLATES campaign—three PnaldraM ~ aeroplane weight trovelfng 75 Deminigf Street from New York, bad last been eigners have fled. ' HITS C m U ZA T lO N Hyde. Both drivers pleaded guilty CbUma Possession • visited Maine during the ( beard from during the early morning Widovv. And Sirter Clann palgn—bung over he poiBng 1 Eleanor Duse Lodge, Laughters in court this morning, .. when you use hours. Apparently they were re­ Ool. Jose Beorlegui, commander Man Who Tossed Revolver o f Ita ly will hold a banqujri Sunday, Arrested on chargee of Intoxica­ ot the EAsciat forces, claimed pos­ 74 PERSONS KILLED as a U. S. Senator, a gov ceiving their radio giUdance from three Congressmen/ aad minor i September 18 at the VlHa Louise, tion Cecil—Finley of 83 Eldiidge KINGSBURY*S America without lUffieulty since session w the city formally at 6 p. Pope Calls For Milifatat Split Into Right And Left Bolton. Dinner will /be served street was fined $16 and costs, givm Fortane Valued At Eighty and county oSlciaB' FLOOR SHOWS th^ were attempting to eiuwer m, yesterday as be rode into tbe At King Edward Being Blajr 1» lonofto Continuous From 10:30 Till Closing. prompUy at 12:30. A ll members a suspended Jail sentence o f SO days QUALITY calls made- at other than the sched­ community alt the bead of a proces­ BY AN AVALANCHE are requested to meet/on Oak street and placed on prbbatlon for six SOMETHING DIFFERENT! SPECTAL! MiDions. fense Against The *Had Wings At Their Parley In U kellhpod of a record vote uled periods. - sion of soldiers. Later be reviewed forecast by the deputy secseoretaty between 10:80 and :U:00 a. m. The months; W illiam J. Brennan o f. 19 MILK AND CREAM Its Second Teet" ; the insurgent troops and officiated Tried On Charge Of committee In charge Includes Ure. Bklgerton street, was fined $10 and . 0 ■ state, Frederick Robte, to MELVEUNE - RUTH and KATHERINE Mary Catalano, riialrman; Mrs. Tbe rpdio telephone operate sep­ at ceremonies in whleb the red and Forces” Of Radicalism. Hartford. ths riecUon deiipertmsnt costs and Wllliiun Turkln^on, 67 SUCCOTASH 15c dish That rich flavor that finely pre­ arately from the' radio corapaM gold Monarchist banner was hoist­ In a Fast Tap Dance Mary Dellafera, Mrs. Evelyn years old Inmate of the Almshouse, ' "Alannmg” The Monarch. Two Villages In Norway Are Elizabethtown. N, T., Sept 1$^ total would PaganI, Mrs. Elsie Ccudlerb and ALSO—SPAGHETTI AND MEAT BALLS pared foods have comes from which, installed on Lady Peace, was ed over ths city. (A P )—Two women vied here (oday *64-i >,006. was sent to jail for 10 days. getting ita second trana-Atiantlq The government defenders, mesa- and Mre. Angelina M letre^ Turkington, who was unable to Sandwiches of All Kinds., in a legal, battle, for ebsttd of the OMiri, Otndeife, Italy, ttept, 14—' Butferd, lept 14.—(AP)— Colored Floor Show Featuring using plenty of sweet, piire mlHc. test. The flrA ivas when M e^t whlls, nitlrsd to wsstwsrd ponl- Loadsn, Sept. Yirtnally Wiped Opt By move from a chair In the office of and Riehman -flldi^ta iikiglaiiA'teaa tlons along . the coast, Municipal $80,000,006 fertune left by CM, Ed*, T ti^ Flux XI, to strong, paaaioaate ^OonnccUcut gO ritilat p arty bad THE WEAVER BROTHERS Herbie Johnson and his colored Superintendent of Charity George WEHLE’S AM ) n e w ENGLAND ON TAP Order your dally supply from us, George Andrew McMahon wae swing band will be at the Silver than two weeks ago. Governor ^Antonio' Ortega asfah- foBBd gnUty todky by prodnO- ward H. It <)recii, son of Hetty tones, gave his bteastog before the state tidiata to toe fibid I'Bat Tap Oaneers. Direct From the Little Harlem H. iVaddell late yesterday morning, and be sure of haWng the best The. flew -radio compaiM utUlaSa Ushed new headquartors at Zum tm RochFidL whole wbrid today to a militant de­ Grill again tonight. There will be was arrested, by Policeman Winfield ing a revolver near King Bd- Green, the ecoeatrie railroad queen, after a turbulent final day's _Aocuir*ey7of the _ of Boston. contlnuoue floor shows tonight from milk. entertainment broadcasts, operat- 15 miles , west, and the Popular ward V m grlMi totewt__ ?ito. —PreHmlnary— Arguments .jeafa fense against tbe "mad" forces of -4uftag.wbl^ Goes Matofc’Ao Goes the ' DIANA’S TAVERN Ing 34 hount a-day,- f ihm both Em- Ftmit wSr esBnnltwe moved its CkfiDiinuitnii; 5een dshateql rinec its <___ 10:30 o'clock till d elin g, alarm His Msijeaty." scheduled before surrogate Harry ion B ^ t toto righ t and ySCHLITZ RED FOX HAMPDEN ALE 209 Spruce Street rope and America, permitting the headquarters to Motrlco, a flashing McMahon was sentenced to Loen, Norway, Sept 14.—TAP),— D eclariv these torees menaced, left tytogs, 1846, but Rfpubllcsas and' Hi Manchester private duty nurses fliers to determine Instantly the ex­ village near Deva. twelve months Imprlsixmient st Rescue parties today searched beau­ 4>wen. to traslo Spain and elsewhere, "the Tbe\ Right Wtog, which voted to crate mad* even more use of It | act dlreetion of the radio station In A 180-word will, filed at Port very foundaUems ot all order, aU will hold their first meeting of the & B ^u e Natlonedists, whose ef­ bard labar. tiful Lake Loen, turned into a death­ dlsatmtoto with the national or- nsual la the bampalga whieEi fall on Monday afteiTioon at 4 Eat A t The - • - ^ relation to their plane,. forts to prevent destruction of the Henry last month, left tbe entire culture and sH civUlsaticm," the gsnisation, selected Mayor Jasper last night to{ a fln rty .of atel o'clock at the clinic building on Thus they were able at all times city baited an Anarchist move to trap by a roaring avalanche and re­ estate to Colonel Green’s aister, Hcriy Father, neverthetese, perdoned hour poUtioalj oratory, tha tkea London, SepL 14.—(A P )—George tbe Spenlsh killere of bishops aad MoLsvy b f Bridgeport as its guber­ Hbynes street All metabSre aro PRINCESS GRILL to know their exact position without bum the provincial capital, gather­ sultant flood, tor the bodies of many Mrs. Matthew Astor Wilks, of New natorial candi4ate yesterday while which for tha most part waa: urged to be present as election o i Sandwiches To Full Course the necessity of complicated naviga­ ed their forces together st AzpeiUa, Andrew McMahon, pudgy Irlab- of the 74 vlotlma of one of Norway’s York City, >riests and called upon the constl- New Deal, AT uted authorities of all natlona to toe Left Branch, which opposed a officers will he held. Dinners. tion calculations. 15 miles Southwest ot San Sebas­ S6ot who tossed a revolver at the great natural dlsastera. Opposing probate of the 38-'year- Republiconi sought, bssldte. illlver G rill Other flying aids carried by. Lady ?"opposs titese great sviU with every break with, the Socialist F ^ y ot oid document was ths widow, Mrs. tian. feet ' of King Edward’s horse on Tbe twin vUlagea of Bodal and ths United States, nominated state dominance lest four yea: WHE^E EVERYONE HAS A GOOD TIME! ■ Swedleh Benevolent Society Segar Peace were a directional gyro and . Ships Warned Mabel Harlow Green, of South remedy and barrier that is possible." a vtetoty presaging what Its J CONRAN’S Constitution Hill last July, was ac­ Nesdal, nestled at the foot o f 6,338- Badv, be foresaw utter chaos if Dcvsre Allen d f Wilton as its stands will hold Ita regular meeting tonight 3h a rtific ia l horizon as-well as the An insurgent broadcast from Co­ quitted on two out of three counts foot Rogne mountain In this famoua Ctertmouth, Mass. called "retura to National t at 8 o’clock at Orange hall. two-way telephone. Colonel Green died in lAke Placid "thejae virho have a duty to tbe mat­ ard bearer. Democratic candidates i runna indicated future ■’ military today on ' tbe instructions of his tourist region, were virtually wiped The split caihe on ths recommen­ KINGSBURY’S They made p radio contact at moves by the Fascists in a warning last June 8. Mrs. Green' was ter do not hasten to repair tbe. freely a rictoty that wo Jd i trial judge. out when a huge mass of rock Slid TONIGHT ’-3:07' a m., eastern standard time, named permanent administratrix ef breach—if. Indeed, it Is not already dation by the'convenUan’s resolu­ Federal aumlnlstration that SCHALLER’S to Ships against approaching the At the samtf time, teetlmony at down into the lake with a terrify­ too late.!' tions committee \that the Oonnaoti- LAST OUTDOOR ACTIVITY A Real Treat! givtog their position as 1,181 miles ports ot Bilbao and Santander after ing rumble and sent a great wall of th0 In Tex&a. turned p rosp er to Maine of irouthport - Beach, from which McMahon’s trial disclosed police, on MeanwbUe. Mn. WtUcB filed tbe F ive hundred o f the Spanish cut SorisUsts aever relations with Nation, I CIDER MILL midnight Tbe Fascist radio an­ information lurnlahed by him, In­ water sweeping over the area. refugees to . whom the pontiff they started, at 9:03 p. m., e. a L, nouncement declared the Insurrec­ document drawn to March, 1908, the National body. Preaidant Roasevrit (D ), ( SPECIALS! The Mathisoh Trio vestigated reports’ of a plot against The natives, startled from thdr tendered his heartfelt greetings and Just before toe resolutions group OF LUTHERANS TUESDAY Open Sat, Sept 12 yesterday. tionists had decided to lay mines in early morning sleep, bad no chance nine years before Lionel Green was M. London (R ) and U. 8. R Radio Stars Since tbe total distance over the the King before tbe (institution married. It named hie mother sole admiration were to the throne room had its recommendation, McLevy tativa WUllajm Lemka (Union) 6, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY tbs harbors. Hill incldtot took place. to escape from the great wavs o f the piHial villa when the Pope en­ Cider made Tuesday and Great Circle route they followed la which poured through tbe narrow beneficiary and to tha event of bar waa chosen ito basd\- the party’s cover the three preridentiid Straw Ride to Be Feature As p ire c t from WDRCp, COVENTRY PHONE 8619 8.850 miles, the veteran airmail Crosa-ekaminlng Detective In- death, the entire estate waa to tered. state ticket for the flnh oonseeuUve pirants to come to Maine durtata i RAVIOU HALF LABGE BROILER Thursday mornings only spector^ohn Sands, o f Scotland valley after the massive rock—at As he reached the ball, th# deep Season Closes — Rendezvous YouTI Love Them! pilot and bis ' Broadway singing least 1,200 feet broad and 13K)0 feet pass to hla sister, Mra. Wilks. time to campaign. STEAK AND FRENCH FRIES VEAL CUTLETS and all day Saturday. friend bad covered approximately Yard, Imense Counsel Hutchinson notes c t tbe Castel Gandolfo bell idon nredloted "a to Be Andover Lakei. i high—rolled into the lake. . Left 100 Million , tilled to solemn beauty. and toa oonvention STUFFED PEPPERS >/ PRIED'SCALLOPS Sweet Cider for qalo at BEER DIRECT FROM THE KEG ^ e -th lrd -their course in six hours. declarM that McMahon, prior to. Hetty Green died to 1916, one ef ly to await the oommlUl^ reporta. tory" at Forlland Sat FRANCE CHARGED lair of July 16, told officers Relief worhen, including doctors Cardinal PacelU, tbe papal secre­ Tbe last outdoor activity of tha the mill any time. and nurses who flew here m>m Ber­ tbe world’s rlebest women. She left tary state, spoke briefly. Then Lemka sided bis partF SPAGHETTI AND CHICKEN GIBLET SAUCE m t o n i g h t i plot was being matched and o t year for the Luther League of the .352 Woodland Street EXPEC T, T * £ T gen and Gris, eataUlshed temporary her 3100,000,000 estate to equal tbe Holy Father began, after rais­ Tbe first recommendatl by and forecast his own su Rea] Italian Cooking! DINE To Your Heart’s * New. York, Sept. 14.— (AP) — ' tbe conspirators were planning shares to Colonel Green and Mrs. resolutions committee Roosevrit to a non-poUtical.t Emanuel Lutheran chturcb will take TeL 6432 hospitals in the few remaining ing hla hand to blessing for the Essteort, promisad S r* BEER ON DRAUGHT place Tuesday night when a straw 101 Ways YOUR HOME £ i k e h & v Broadway tuned its coUecUve voice WITH RIFF PLOT leet in a tea shop. homes in this beauty spot Wilks but stipulated that neltlm rrinigees. conclave re-convened was DANCE Content today to cheer Dick Merrtli and Ida agreed police officers had AnlmoU Killed Atee her son’s wife, nor her daughter's Wii|4iia te.Speak Quoddy" referring to the i ride will be held. This has been a $40,000,000 tids-harn wrin g U-* Dine and Dance! popular feature for several yaata with Johns-IVlnnville Building Materials Harry Riehman as the first fliers to sent to the tea shop to in- Bodies o f human beings and ani­ husband could inherit It. His first few words were fritar- (Omttniwb oa and a large crowd of members is ex- make- a round-trip trans-Atlantle restigate.' mals, as well os furniture and house­ A year later Colonel Green mar­ lag, but his voice gradually grew Jeot there. __ , F cjls Ctae* a$ 1 _ peotsd to attend. Arrangemeata airolane flight. Nationalists Say GoTemment^ The ,two charges which tbe judge hold articles, floated on the surface ried Mable Harlow. His wedding strong. for the affair are in charge of John REPUBUCAN CAUCUS along the great canyon of a '3'* - of tbe lake. There were scores of gift to her was $500,000 to cash and A t a few of the more Intense mo­ Polls opened generally at g-AT'i Johnson and the athletic commit­ street were caady to doubt that the (OonUnoed on Page Ught) cofpaea of silver foxes, bred by the $128,060 to bonds. menta It broke with emotion, but (*, , t;) and were to clo. . otjf pKe Spaghetti Palace crack pilot and the crooner would MAGNUSJOHNSON althoutot towns of 800 $ tee. WE DELIVER TEL. 6997 ^ I s tiTin g To Start Nati farmers of tbe region. The question that intrigued law-- the words themselves did not stum­ A round about route wiU be taken Tlw RepnWestt. Bfieetors; of the 1 make good the latter's boast to have An old steambiaat perched 880 yers was whether the wifi offered ble. tion or leas could doe* two r^;, , 37 Oak ^reet to Andover Lake, where refresh­ Town' o t Bolton are TequMM to dinner here at 7 o’clock txmigbt at fe e t up the mountalnslda since a for probate to this, state would be Prolonged applause .followed toe earlter.- - ments will be served and a social meet in Caucus In the -Basement of KNOCK! KNOCK! 7 end o f a bop from Southport, Ehig-' similar disaster in 1905 in which 60 aoceptable to view of the fact that ooneinaloo of toe eo-mtoute.speech. CLAIMED BY DEATH Brann, firet Democratic Accommodations for Private Parties — Phone 3903 • period will be held. Members are the Church, Bolton Center, Monday laud. H n iE R ADVOCATES ware killed, was swept another 800 it made no provision for the widow. The Vatican radio stetton carried ' 1 . rc-clscted silica the Civil W asked to meet at the chur^ at 7 -evening, Sept. 14, 1986 at 8 o’clock; ’ ’ “ 1 have already oi^red a cele­ feet higher by tbe Immense wave. Under Texas Law toe' address to the far corners of \pubprd joined to securing o'clock. d. a t, for the purpoee'of nominat­ WHO’S THERE? bration dinner in New York to­ Paris, Sept 14.— (AP)-TrN4tkma]- Tbe Water , rush a mile inland at . Under Texas community property many'lands, tot devout beard toe iihnoane o f tryin g to torn a i in g candidates fo r town offices, and night,’’. Riehmaa declared aa ista charged tbe Blum gomnimant PRIVATE BUSINESS some points, destroying an electri. laws, Mrs, Green is entitled to all plea for a mtUtant defense which, action Into a National election.' to tra n n et any other businesa prop­ mechantcB warmed the plane “ Lady personal property accrued -by her the Pope acknowledged, wcrald be Farner’ Lahor Leader Diet \*"rhe primary issue o f the ct ELBERTA— Peaces for tbe takeoff. . today with attempting to mmmke a city plant sawmills, roads and er to oome before aeld Ceucue. native uprialng in Freneg. Morocco bridges. husband subsequent to their mar­ "both difficult and dangerous, for ' they agreed, waa “what SAMUEL R. WOODWARD, “It will be steak and potatoes. If riage. Some lawyers to Texas sx- it is only too easy for toe very ardor fo r M otoa" ELBERTA WHO? the steak is burned tbere’Il be a in the hope the rebeil'oi M ost ot tbe survivors in Bodal Df Pnnimonia— W at 64 ' - would spread to SpantsA Morocco and difficulty of defense to go to an issues heard efiton In Deted a t Bolton, Conn., r io t " ’ ■ ' I Der Feehrer Convinced wesss wbtcb is not wholly warrant­ long weeks of ralUw and n ^Both Rich man and MerriU -were and cause trouble for Spanish Fks- - ea Page Ehri>*) (Oenttaiied on Page Btakt) S ep t 6, 1986. cists. ^ . ed." Yeart Of Age. speeches were whether Wt sleeplesB aa they headed into Nsvw torieas, be .said the criaia to Deal had given M»itia EtBERTA CANNING PEACHES pitch darkness abovs Southport Communists, on tbri other hand, . There Mnrt Be Competi­ declMod a Ri^tist /uUiUry coup Spain is d ’’scbool lii which the moet prosperity: whethir contributions re the eyes of- a thousand Bng- serious lesson is bring taught to tbe' Repubiican state coffers r e o p e n i n g For Sale At sb well-wlabera, raced on over Gal- was planned foV Mmoceo "^ th the Utchfleld. Mton., Bspt Id!— (A P ) - wasltby VAmericans conatitui complicity of Rsetdent-Omiaral tion In Field Of Trade. Europe and threatened b> subverslye kray, IreUnd,- and. plunged with the Traffic Cops O f Air propaganda, and more especially to —The death o i Magnus Johnson, attempt to "bu y tha stats; i These Chilly Mom- first rays of the sim into the. most Marsel P^rrouton.' colorful 64 year old Bwediall Imml- Tbe Rlghtlata newspaper Echo de a Storope battered and .shaken to its BraanV reoreationU sdvsrtistog iuYS Remind Us of dangerous part of the long trip-r-1,- very wundation.- mt farmer who served in tbe pendltnrw bad been worUv ' JOE No v e l u F a r m 800 miles over the open sea to New- Paris reportsd /eblaftalna o f Abd- Numberg, Germany, Sept. 14. — Senate and Houae of Reprasente- el-Krlm, forme "lord of the RUT. Take Over Sky Lanes Menaeea OlvlItzaiioB u d whether stats ftnanow w the Heart of the Mountain Road Glaatonbury. Cobb.. fbundland. Germany wilt guard jealously tbe r tivea, left a gap today to the rankssound condttlcMU TODAY . Riehman bM no aleep Sunday bad been freet* exile aad per- “ Tbe tragic happentogi to Spain ALSO SPECIAL J. H. HALE mltted to prlnci'pie of private enterprise in WaSbtogton, September 14.—(A P )g flr^ -the thlrt to a still Ugber levri speak to Europe and toe whole of Minnesota’s ptoneer Farmer- RepubUcana and Democrata Home<-HEATI night, and Merrill took only thrse Labor DoUtldEiifl. dlatoetrlcally opporite vie* WE CLEAN A M ) houra. “ Several offlnn tbe gor-> Uuslnees, Chancellor A d olf H itler —Traflto oops have Anally taken and so on. If this is not stiiflolaat world and proclaim once .'more to tonment.Ja aaserted today, _ . to avoids congeatlMi,- he reduces,-tile ir lis t inrtitni fh t very-, foundations Johnson dtadLJit.pDSUiDOOlAAt. . Y w 'v iii .wEnt.fhh n n ...... : "T flnfiMn’t IbItb b iw ' f- togrodaeb tRinbla over the-akylaaea. . ' h o n tta l here y e ito d a F a fter s -to n e Brann declared RepubUcana REPAIR FURNACRK TUehmah aald.' ‘Tf'Pd gone to kieep la Bortb '0 barasa Ixitb ' The Naid d i^ t o r ' diehiad' ' tb it speed o f cate o t two. o f an order, an culture and aU rivU' Peyroutoa Franco' (Oen.'j$rnui- hla plana for the future of the na­ It basnY reached tbe no-parUng The men to the station keep track iaatloa ore bring menaced." weeks lltoesa Hla widow and six Imported "bogus Issues as J ph m M b b v W* l e e k 1 would have dreamed of; water flow­ sons and daughters were st Us bed- .ST, Holland Furnace ing into tanka. So 1 came down to euco leadcr of the Spanish tion included marshalling aU Indus­ stage yet, but the Bureau of Air of the planes through airline dis- Tbe Pope celebrated mass to the to Maine aa the persons W ' ptamnkiE DeEuM tha newspaper de- trial establlshmenta under govbni- Oommerde is'rapidly setting up aa patebers and the commerce depart­ private chapel before speaking and aidte vent to them." Co. aye that everything was a. k." insurgents, Tbe cae-time Wisconsto lumber- ■ “The “Lady Peace" carried its cisrsd. mental ibontrol aad deeUred: airway* trainc control system which ment's iiadio and tolstype aystsm, pnqmd his message would exert to- Be charged wealthy Muehester Braneh Compare This Menu ' "Sometaslat revolt in the aelgb- *T will never permit bureauerat- directs planes ae the poUoeman at foltowtog minutely take-dSs, post- fiuence througbout toe vrorld. jack, a leader to tbe Liberal politi­ -V/YaBB pietnfe abort rimes just you hear to flaanee d l these tWnge n p a c lty o f 1,006 gallons o f gaaoHne cal movement to Minnesota, wai Dial 5092 WHh Aay. ia Town eat Tetfn Diaeaver Wby Be Bbay Pwtee L asm o f ths "101* tb b «s pto- at the' lowest tenia ia the Ustwy mod 40 gallons of oil for.the treach­ boriag abae would serve aa sa oe- Izatlon of German industry." tbe corner boaaee autolats. tlotts and arrivals over their area. He was nsslstod by two vecretartes (OenttatMd on Fag* TAVERN re Bat At BayaaaOer’al . erous east-west flight wblefa many oaatdn for Fraaoe to make war on Tbe Reichs Oianoetlor'a vtewa eC- Each station has a large m^j To an outrider a control station whc iilao’ ' accompanied him to toe strickan Aug. 38, the day after his tnrsd aad datcribsd in rids to e f heaiB-impcoveaMat flaenring. throne room W bm be spoke Into a former Farmer-Laboy chief. Gov­ VREABUBTRALANOB TOMGHTl f i x np^ yobr beam Awgpeasbsiflr. bave attempted bht.which compara­ the.insuigfata-on the pretext of ro- the busiaeee future of Us 'country showing tbe air routes in aad .out at a busy moment Is a bewUdertag ^ 120 Giarter Oak Street eetablWiing order." were outlined in an Informal con­ of airports. Over tbe map are-* mass of movement for more excltini miorCpbone placed directly In front ernor F k ^ K Olson, died ef SB4D POR m n ROOK tively 'few have accomplished; ~ RAVIOU HOT PIZZA . I t rim— h o » to f a year base- Womaa Snoeesafnl . Beds* Demaade versation at Nurnberg castle after couple of men, earpbonee over their than tbe center of the nation's cf the throne chain ftooQAcb ailin ^te Waebington. Bept. 14— (AP) spite of ^ trs ry earrent^ikpofU—ws are happy to my our Ueeaae has been rsaewsd ini al into a rscrestSoa room wirii tameoadd.riasi Adverse wind and weathar ooadl- . Tbe Cobununist nswqmper Hu- a source Uose to the Fuehrer had hea^ and their eyee fixed cm a sea busiest street toteisection. The Holy Father seemed In a de- Born in vArmlsnd, Sweden. 8« The poriUmi of the Treasure Have Your Hat ROAST CHICKEN STEAMED CLAMS J-MlasnlsHng Board: how to hava J-U “ 101 Booh" a- ttona plague the westboand route, manlte. demanded the removal from predlcted'a decree to make effective of tiny wooden, stabs representing In-addition to the map tbe sta­ termtoed mood although his move- 18, 1871, Johnson Worked aa a saUor September 11: recripte. _ a eMdeta bariiraom o t eaiartat, I MB omndMiss buodiaa ame na* his fpur-yoar plan for eeonomlo In­ shine. •- ' BMots were slow.' He had donned a and a gltas-blower before eotntog to 488A4; eoqtendlturea $81,888,8l 7AfT' VEALBRACaOU J-M “40 Mats" feeawhuiUliw hoc* a ^ y nine days ago, however, Mra oSloe of tbe terident-gaaeral while tion has a large waU blackboard car­ ! we shall be idad to see and serve an oaroUpatnMia. D. GUAROO^ Prop. Cleaned For Fall Now *t9riSto” J-M AriMstoi WaiaMot- Beryl Markham. EngUah flier, auc- informed, sources predicted tbe gov- dependence nright be made public Along a half dosan routes, meas- rying detailed information on each whlto cassock, k manUe aad red America when be was 18. He be­ balance, to,798A864»L77. CustMM^^ Speghettl iaril ifaat BaBe er Met Beaeege ' tag: how to hwnisto your haws oiMiafuIIy spanned the ocean ami eisiment probably ..would transfor this week. med in inches^ instead of miles, plane to the air—the pilot, his craft, iltopcris came totereeted to Uberel poUties recripta for the month, $llA«l»^'i: Oyatave aad Oama Oa the Halt flball , aerinst hot «ed edd weather with chicked up. in a Nova Scotia hPg, Peyrouton,.long, attacked by the Mbs$ Be OenapetHten plsnes move at various . rates of nis speed, tbe aiqieeted ttow of ar­ Spsaldiig In a firm voloe which while to Sweden, and carried that 899.90. — , /Serving: As Usual: / A freak aU^OMat today from Bheda MHriL J5t Bock Wed. eta. Beea trils and her feat eaoauraged {Uchmaa- Lsftlsts.tar. bis rightists aearinients, "I arn convlnoed there must be speed.' rival aad tbe progress being made. was snrpristogly streog for his age totereat wtto him to America. Recripta for tbe fiscal year (i daek Bayea la viia e Von T e T ry a Olaae eC ■ tbe way cf those totem which have 'toa to 1916, Johnson Joined and was pandltures); exeew of THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. { 454443418118. gross < 81 OAK STREET aid tim e) be jWped to complete tbe- to *1a usefid. to. FTsacaf’ U perm it­ but a bureaucracy. - - - sltaatton. already given a sampto aiid measure elected to tbe Stats Senate, where gVtrtrt* 857.014.78, a decrease ot tT Partens Is Here To Welcome Yon With Opeii A n w l *hB * * e Ih s tle BewHag ABeya. CeaJ. I NaasMT 8 e$l|dlee, Belat R g lit to New. York in. 30 hours. This ted to .return to bis -a Uv« country NatJonaUsatlon oC denaan indos- By radio be poabaa tbe nearest The head "traffic ecto" bi E arl F , .ot tbsmselves to attacks ef every he served four years. With the Ngatr ah Made eC REYl^W li'S TAVERN aMNaMMaSI^ TW .41M or to setUs op tha French Mediter- ofw down to a lower level, the next Ward, cupervlsor of aiiways traffic 808.75 under tbe prevtous j •8 Oak street/- ' - Oaer Biynmagrr. rreo.' / .. (Ooattaaed eai.Faga Eighty reaoaa.eoMt, ; t .: . . an fugo BtaM> to * level a htUe higher than the oontroL a Pace Btykt) (OontoHMd an Page Eight) ssaets, $10,788.082 ^ T E • Htadquartera for Joiuta-MauvUle Buikling Majeriala I W. .. - i' ^ ' "V /■' ...J.-' . ; „ \ » . : V i\\\\ 5. iTJt ’v../ . 'll • 11 .... : : .h: . II J..}. ' a I j ' j / i ) . ::.-r . * ■ M ' ' .*■'• -' ‘ 'A li- ■ ■ -'A.:,:'. - r - I# « . ;, **oalvlii* wedkly , — tiMi toiit 1 ...... iliiiW ...... " ave»ii*ta» 66.41. Two have ifled • r lOktltaBta aad the savliM o f a ' alBoe they were aooepted add one hiaiai '' I iaw and heard hiai p6 Ofavelaad Of ih* eaBM iunphiny.- nature ' Jaaaa MeStaNui of N«w Torfc withdraw after belag approved. ■tm iM ta) m>ek«d«, leiSoKl^r as he atmtsd. "To Hen’wlth the I sxperteitae at roourabig over City to Julia' Rawson, property on The 46 remabtlng appUcattona Aprt^ixMd ahfKSIfaitda. Ur. KosUk Deowctatel To HeU with the R»- ' In PoHc* morning FAREWEU SERMON I elowignt ai bosplMl, for took of D f W O l aent to Hartford include 33 not acted is noeiMetod wlttf the Feod Oom- pubUoane;” . , Judge . RaynioaA A. aus- fimda, oa a. PaeUs Uaiid. to Isam^ APPROVED paay a t CUatoa. pended JudgiMat La from a dUtence soures, tha’ a 4M6 | on the atate, 13 denied by lo- ^ Why to it aineera mlnlatera dC t)M Tiffany oal authoriUaa, five rejected by atate . CM e BaManMBi Maettsf Oo0!d taka no opot-inteitot In ao 0 Rochelle. 34, aad frisnd in th C ««ig ~ --»*“ TWO MOTOR ACCIDENTS The September jneetlag* o f the 20, both of 307 Mala Barb- tba hospital open. autboriUea, four of perapna wb6 humanitarian a plan oa the Town­ on died briore aeUon waa taken and Vernon Cmo Betterineat Aeeoeta- send Flaa and why abould thay not Center Cpng. Chnrck Sttire ford, arrested earty this Ref. Frederick P. bdid or "A remarfcahi* Hebrew sohotar W e tlA j Hare Been lliat Many Will Hare Been tion Which wae poetponed from last Marching Group Of Fifty charges o f taking' an •bile reodiiig faeas as wenlaa Hebraw. taro who withdrew their petition. MARK — to - make - poUtlcs - cleanT 'The jjj. „MettoenWiBBegm Pr^.’^ Heaaona for denial of appUcaUanr ■tidi without the-penritaos Ends 28 Years 01 Sendee saw sorimw da bla p ita ^ a brow aiifft" Sboived included teck of evldenoe. of oltiaea- ^ y October the DeibsonvUlageheOl hous!/ TT»e ~Heads Cortege h dear mlpded oitiaens behind it who Badly Damaged; Honses, *r. laaiasd a t the severe jlRnees at a « n U I « i ^ 192 Ami 168 ahlp or ace and ability D ied Svddeoly. HiTe Bed FoimrJed. Of.the 24 appUcatlcna aubinltted 20 Board Estinatet. Overtnrps; Chickdn. Truck ment program with rofreabthente Of M. F. D /i Chief. trying to have the Townsend Clube nMmiMr o f ♦hi« church) Upsets In Peculiar MDlwP*- being asrved. under sane buslnese leaderabtp. AU Nomineei. with s garage mechanic wRb ta- forwarded to the ateta, eight are strucUons to repair '. sad try to this friend thrust, into ths BUen O. Benv -»«—***— - Better no faith at aU than to bo astonished pastor’s hands that to the local autboritiea but not yet sell it. The two youths claimed the Rey. Franda P. Bachelor, poo- Lo* Angeles, Sept 14 — (A P ) — aUU being inveatlgatad by aodal Hartford, Sopt. 14. — Tha State Two aught aeddests ooeurired on The first buslnoas masting Of th« a Phariaee, to r they by their hypo- A cloudburst, the second of two evening funds amply sufficient for Tender diary notee that dlsoleaed or i n applleaUani of local per- the Hartford Turnpike oa Sunday faU season o f aaian O: :Bsny Aux- atate, town, dlstrlot, department orlay deatm the faiUi bl othe.ra. ^ *’* :^ '»tlo a of the animal budget’ showers which etrucl Manchester garageman, known to them caly as tor of the TalcMtvill* Oongregs- acrvlee workera and 16 were with­ Board of Flsheflaa and Oama, "Shbrtv” «rav* them permission to Uonal . ehureh, Ud adisU to his ths Jotuney to th* sick. But these tha emotional turmoil of Mra..Ansa :; aona for Old Ago Xssiftanee drawn by tbe petitioner. afternoon aad evening. An automb^ lUsLiy U .« . w . V. will be bald thtr and bttsinass assoolates a t the late Tee; I can nonostly and sincerely fbr the town’s flacal year wbioh ne-' early Saturday evening, caused a of sunshine must eufftce - ''Vy awante. 168 hava be^'aeat by local sportamen'a orgipiisattohs aad'lndi- use the oar when thta "got tired of parishioners Sunday morning after Powell Crookshank< 78 and wealthy, Over a period of a year the prea- bile driven by Walter Ai Wood of svoiUng in tbs G. A. R. haU. Deputy Chief Bdward R. Oolemaa in large say I would vote for a man whoso gen August 18 will be atarted by tba large amount of damage as bolts at for if oil its nqre should be written when th* youth she befriended eras : auUioilUM to U » State Welfare vlduala will havb distributed ndarly White Plaips, N. T „ skidded, the President' Mra. Lucy .Edwards iff life Showed good character and selectmen at a meeting in the Muni- lightning struck uie spire at Center hanging around the city and wanted serving them as minister for 38 ent average weekly {^alon to ap­ numbers attended his funeral this to go for a iittle rids.” years. Appointed pastor of the Tal- down every one, 1 suppose the worid away, werq read today by polio* ' eommlsaion and 133 have been ap­ proved peraona would amount to 20,000 pbeaaante in Connecticut .driver lost-control and ;t overturned Shelton 'WIU pay an offlclai 'Visit to kindly deeds, even though he pro- olpal building tonight at 8 o’ciodL Congregational church, three bouses itaeU oould not c o n t^ tbdia. I wish her death. proved by atate and town offldala game covers this srear in prepara­ near the Vetterleln fllUng staUon. tbs auxiliary. morning) at his home at Sd{l and at Bl addition tc new RepubUOav and entered the New street sub-sta­ Policeman Walter CaoseUs arraet- eottvllle eburota Got 1, 1908, be has 640,014. feseed no faith. "B y thdr deeds ve ed the two young men at 1:40 a. m. the young man. of my vision to have While the eountx chemist bon- Of tboee approved 120 appUcanta tion for the hunting season which The driver-'wfis uninjured, but Mra Oancinsra S t Bridget’s church at 9, o’clock. s h ^ know them," and i^ h t candidates for the Board of 8elaeA> tion of the Connecticut Power com­ served conttauoualy since then.' today after stopping the car be­ Three yean ago, when Rev. and tha life of this' parish, to serve it ducted an examination to determine begins October 30, it is estimated Wood redelved a slight Istoeratibn of There wlU be a Republican caucus Headed by a marching body of 80 ' ‘ ■ le art of men, who have custonui^ beta 'in-: pany, Mancheeter division. A doxen with noble loyalty in response to ite ‘Whether Mr*. Crooksbonk died of today in a bulletin of the Board. the wrist The automobile waa biid- for ths electors of ths town of membem of the Manchaeter Fire vlted to budget meetlnga of reoent or more streets were flooded, dur­ cause It had no tail light The own­ Mrs. siachelor celebrated Rey. caleography 2 would put before you er told police he had given nobody sunshine. natural cauabe, as originally believ­ PICTURES OF WYOMING Starting Its annual restocking ly damaged. Patrolmen AJden BUington in the BUhigton ’jPwn Department of which he-was chief, not a castellated caUiedral years, the seTeetmen this year have ing the helghth of the shower, above Bachelor’s paatoiAte at a Quarter of the right to drive it a century in TsdcottvlHe the couple "In the iScrtpture which I read to ed, her 31-year-old aecretaiy, Thad- activities with an initial release of ner tad Arthur Prey Investigate HaU at'8 o'clock this svenink. Cone and of the^South Manchester Are place of worship bqt a invited the seven Democratic nom-^ the sidewalk level bieceived- from gsme Ihg at oeven thirty o'clock Daylight ter flra department and Second Dannaher, Frank Horaburda, Jr.; night reasons ^or it should be given ta for leaving you and now I close with en By Hartford Man. abp'it two hours while State PoUce- Assistant LeRoy Griswold a t the ' Punchlndlo, take heed; a dwarfed the lawn below, fhe bolt entered statement concerning the silver guilty of forgetfulness towards her. breeders. inen Loren Larson and J, John saving time. The candidates for the mind is worse than a dwarfed bc^y. ^ d ra w J. Healey, Jr., Frank spin's, shattering several heavy full to the church. Lost Sunday, os Written while PickerPickens was vtait- In sddltton to other Board plant­ vs^u a town offices -vlU bs nomin­ Manchester dep^m ent 'and in line Nackowskl, Carl J. B. Nygrmi i it was Communion Sunday, I did not service you gave me. Costl^ os It Labecky o f . the Stafford Springe I would not be a puppet.' Ibers and putting the electrical is, it is nM a “waste" for It repre­ tag Chlceiro on an excursion with Motion picturea, in color, of a ings,, birds raised from over 10,000 Barracks investigated and directed ated at this time. - came First Assistant Chief Daniel Theodorq..C, Simmer. alarm apparatus out of com feel free to do more than present H ^gerty and Second Auistant C U iR K SOUTHBRGILL. sents so fully this church (the names Mrs. Crookahank's personal chauf­ camping trip to Wyoming- were pheasant eggs distributed free by the traffic aioimd the scene. A The Tolland RepubUcans wlU /Tentative Bodget ' in. The steeple ;.ad been re- TWO AUTO DEATHS the merest, outline of the matter feur, one passage, the detective said, shown at the regular noonday meet­ the Board last May are required to meet at the Tolland Town HaU at Chief Joseph Chambers of the South Town Treasurer George H. Wa. wishing the service to occupy all of all of )Tou are among its donors) three ton rack truck ised for trans­ Editor's note: We would bo taelp- lUy repaired at a cost of over that I am made ready to make the read: ing of the Klwania Club at the be liberated on unposted areas by porting live chickens originally seven o'clock standard time to take Manchester department The fire­ deli riiU provide the session with 'O-' minds but I promised myself, on Country Club today. The picturea ful with a gloisaiy: 81,000. change *o diffibult for age of new Precious, do not let me have sportsmen and farmers who applied broke down on the Crystal Lake similar action. men all wore dark trousers, white tentStive budget prepared by him. Kton Puts Out Blaze the first fit occasion, to put all facta moment's suspicion of infidelity. were taken by Ellsworth Qrant of for them. Caleography: 'The art of draw- A.8lde from flxeri sums for bond REPORTB) IN STATE roads and alien faces and strange road. Jt Was in cl^-ge of Plncus No_caucuBM_^U bo held in the shirts, black ties and firemen's lp^Wlth..chalka.or. paatela.-_ The leavy rainstorm extinguished before you who have so loyally sup- Sparo me! Lost confidence can Hartford and n-ere shown by Clar­ Groups-operaOng their own ahoot- le S ie r p f 66 Che-tnut street, Maii- town of Vernon^ te' Uie toiTO "of­ osps, ...... ' payments, interest, temporaiymiteet^ —msr'W*ncH"atarted " after the UgHl- pbrteff me' for 28 years.’ Then too gift makes—m*|-'never'he'repdned. ToirwnriusttBke ence Rush. Boscage: A growth of trees or state, county,^ military and Old Age brave to meet the unknown. Ing preserves last year released a chester and was being towed to ficials are elected in Vernon every Tribute (ff Roses shrubs; a wooded landscape. ntag struck. It is expected that the we desire the world to know there la my sunahtae away from me—you KNpitluiidfiiir liie film Included many views of total of 6.784 pheasants and It is Mancheste' by Martin Moriarty of other year, and there la no election Walking beside the hearse -were pensions taxes and other approprta- ooe*: of rapalrtag the church steeple no bidden root of bitterness but Only In concluslpn, the happiest day ta could not be that cruel to me. I f ~ strikingly beautiful scenery and estimated an equal number wil) be Cenacle: A dining ■ or supping tlohs whiob the selectmen hS.'ve my life was that Sunday a few 316 Center street, Mancneetef. As this year. -- the eight bearers, Joseph Ctaart|er room, espeelaUy the room In.which Will be heavy because of the neces­ Saidde And Bams Account a ‘Christian harmony which hu Jtut knew where you werel I won-' were a remarkable example of ex­ turned out this year. Sportsmen's Elks Band Behearsal to reccommend to the anniiiti town, sity of constructing a large amount been unbroken through the entire months since, when thdra came for­ der if you are as lonesome as I am. pert amateur photography. The at­ the truOks went down- the' grade and- Kart Keller, 'generally repre­ the Last Supper was eaten. meeting, the budget will include associations and field trial clubs near the old Pair Qroundis the sec­ The -loatppned rehearsal of the senting the firemen; Joseph Sko- of vutslde staging. pastorate. ' I do not wish to speak ward to the altar of this church Can 1 wait another weekT TU never tendance prixe, donated fay Rev. have contracted for 403 additional Eucharist: Evidently meaning a salary and payroU items, la various thirty persons to make edhfesslon of Chafed ond truck gained momentum and Elks' band wlU be Id this-evening neski and Fred Sankey, foremen of celebrant of the Eucharist Llghtntai'entering the New street For O Aer Violent Week- of the disabilities of age or of. the let you go so far away again . . Earl E. Story,- waa won by James pheasants under a cooperative pur- allotments, amounting to more than sub-atatior cut off several regu­ CIhrist ae their Saviour. So Farewell, hear me?” ’ Nlchola. overran the slack of the chain be­ at the BJes Home on Prospect the two Manchepter Department Velutinous: 'Velvety. , 8400,000. inexorable grip of an arthritic af­ chase plan, whereby the Board pays ing used to tow It. The chain caught street. Plpal plans wlU be made for lators on the feed lines by burning fection on Joints and bones, rather 1 Beloved, "tiU we meet at- Jesus' Got 6140 m Month half the cost of game birds releas­ companies; Howaril Keeney and Spermastinal: Now you take a Aside from aalarles of teoehere . end Deaths. feet" and “ a great multlthde no In the front wheel, with the result the CDncsrt which the . band Is to George Snow, of the Orford Soap turn and teU us. off the leads; Temporary repairs prefer to say I ’ve had many birth­ At Pickens' apartment, where be ed on lands not closed to hunting. and other school employees, - the map could num^r cry with a^great painted, modeled in clay and wrote Skin Air conditioning mechanism can' that the truck was overturned. give this week end. Company; Harlow WlUis, acting amount paid out in -salaties and were made at the statlra oyer the days and that I feel their number All pheasants and eggs purchased None of the fifty chickens on the Card BeriSa to Start - week-end. Due to the damaged I enter this month on roy 76th voice. Salvation unto our God and poetiy while he received 6140 a l e i i m be Installed in any house, new or by the Board are obtained through chief of the Manchester Fire De- wages by the different departments- unto the' Lamb." old. truck were Injured. Damon Temple, Pythian Sisters equipment in the sub-station, light­ By ASSOCIATED PRESS year . . . Stands ta the way of fur­ monte from Mn. Crookshank, De­ contracts with Connecticut game psrtmont and WUUam W. Robert­ last year totaled nearly 8188,000, tective Ledbetter sold he fotmd two To Plan for Fair will bold the first of a aerlM of Gross expenditures of the high­ ing service was interrupted for ten ther usefulness. Birthdays are like breeders exclusively, the Board an­ son, president of the Eighth School minutes during the storm. Fuses affectionate verses attributed to the nounces. Contracts already have The executive committee of the card parties this evening in Forest­ way department during the last Four persons met with violent flower plots ta a garden, fragrant ElUngton Orange wlU meet this ers Hail. The playing will start at District representing the directors were biown out in about,a dozen deaths ta Connecticut over the and beautiful, but we do not seek to youth's pen. been let to seventeen etato breeders of ths district, of which the late fiscal year, fbr which 66,000 was ap. Introductory lines of one were; evening In the Ellington Town Hal}.- 8:15 o'clock, thei-e -will be prizes -iropriated in June in addition to the transformers around town. week end while a 12-year-oId toy live strenuously ta a garden, rather NORTH COVENTRY to supply 6,060 pheasants and 9.800 chief waa a member. Lightning also struck the bouse "AU teat I ask is teat you will be aggs to r distribution next spring. to plait for the Orange’^ part in ’ the awarded and refreshments wiU be 46,000 original allotment, totaled, died of injuries received ta a previ­ we saunter around among the flow­ Pour Town Pair which will be held served. Each ..marcher wore a pink rose, at 23-25 Newman street owned by ers . '. . so I would put as the first Miss Betty Blackburn started true neo-angle bath The breeders are; Everett C. Tomorrow 649,991.05, according to a statement, ous itccidenL "And to bear with me and laugh my at Somers on September 30th. Superior Court Tneaday which yna later deposited in the prepared by Treasurer Waddell for." the William McCormlvA estate. The Automobile accidents accounted reason for my resigiutlon, tluit 1 teaching ta Lebanon today. Miss IF YOU'RE Tyler, Noroton Heights; Prank B. grave at the cemeter>. Sept 15.—Annual election of offi­ bolt entered the roof near the ridge­ sins away, Nickerson, Redding; 8. L>. Benedict, Flower Show Wlnnere The Superior court will hold an­ cers of Army and Navy club at the annua] town report. 'i.' for two deaths, although Austin have bad too many birthdays Blackburn will teach ta a one-room homes. Your MatttfPlniiibar can taB yoa dta coa^' Joseph Kuch was the outstanding other session on Tuesday, Septem­ Chief of PoUce Samuel G. Gordon pole, followed the roof timbers down Smltbera, 31-year-old Greenwich 'Secondly, the churches of the graded school for a short time untU "To fancy I am here for hut today Jr., Bethlehem; Charles Van Buren, clubhouse on Main street Cash received from various uerv' "And teat,tomorrow I must part help vou aelact ^VandanT Phuiddag Nxintaa t » Watertown; Robert M. Treat, Wood, exhibitor of dahlia/ at the fall flow­ ber 18th with two criminal cases had detaUed Lieutenant WiUlam sons for work done and matenala for 15 feet and went out through stockbroker died of burns received present day have been likened to the new school is completed. Barron to take care of the traffic Oomlog Events the side of the house. oceaii-ltaera which are docked and fro A you," nutch, atranga fiiiandiig on FHA tarms and ftuy ON mont; OeorM Denison, Btonlngton; er show of the Rockville Community being assigned and several clvU Sept 20.-^-Sub-Alplne annual ban­ sold totaled 61,283.46, reducing tha when bis car overturned after strik­ Mr. and Mra. Wallace McKnlght The detective said he was told by Vtmimfer Nee-Aathaath W MSbetnr .... George O. Bryant, Mystic; Albert Garden Club wbicH closed on Sat­ eases. and under him worked Motorcycle net cost of tbs department to 648.- Fire Company Called ing another vehicle ta Greenwich. whose passengers are disembarking. and daughter, Kathryn, and Rev. H. emd Tth ttepit Shemtr Curtain Mad nlsh the sldllad workma^iip ao nacemary so aadaij quet clubhouse, Eldridge street Hose Company No. 3 was called There is much Indifference to the Pickens that Mrs. Crookshank had E. Brown, Bristol; Charles H. Plsb, urday night In the Town Hall. The The criminal cases-Include that Policeman Muake and Patrolman 707.60. The other highway fatality oc­ C. McKnlght were entertained Sun­ changed helv will this year to give a factory servips and health ptotecdoo. 1 show opened on Friday afternoon of Augustus Wlclokowskl of this Wlrtalla. The marching body waa Sept 31.—All-membership meet­ to 33 Florence atr jt, the home of claims of the Church. This Is not a Andover; Victor H. Bernke, Hebron; ing of Merchants' Division of Of the total, nearly 80 per cent or curred ta Greenwich filso. Oscar day at dinner at the home of Mrs. him 75 per cbnt of her estate, esti­ GTpHERE'S no need to "mop vp” after a shower TH E FENCE- and there was a large attendance city who will be b^ore the court on met at the church by a delegation 6S0,621JS3, waa expended for Jam'es G. Welherell, when a bolt en­ Boyer, 31, of Stamford, waa killed local condition. There are twenty- McKnight’a sister, Mn. John Kings­ Call your Matter Plumber today. Ha will E. Q. Wratght A Son, Rockvllt^ Chamber of Commerce at Country tered the bouse ,uid shattered mated at 6100,000, for which her U hi the ’Standanf' Neo-Angle Bath..Yoo John E. Wood, Sesnen; Charles fif. for both days and svenlngt. a charge bf larceny, wilful injury to from the Manchester police force club. salaries and payrolls. when an automobile In which he was two miiliona'of youths ta this land bury. Mr. and Mrs. McKnlght are 86-year-old widower, David Crook­ glad to ghna yon completa InfomHuion without Tyler, Moosup; Otto C. Broil, Rock­ Following are the awards: In the. private property and wilful Injury conrtstlng j a Captain Herman To Ask Wage Increase large timber. Houses were also a passenger crashed ipto a parked who have no 'ellglous Instruction. moving to Pennsylvania where they can splash aj^ you please. . . turn on dra water WnlfHelp Yon Solve Sept. 37.—^Annual outing of struck on Griswold and Ridgewood shank, holds ^ectal letters of ad- o b l^ d om ...... , ... ■' .. ■ ville; Peter -and John Wysoekl, various dahlia claasea: Collection of to personal property.: Thk.case. la Schendsl, ^rgeant John MeOUnn, „ . ToifightJtoe eelectmen..wiU.bej)rthC ear and proceeded to smash Into a Perhaps this community Is leas afr have purrtused a- fann,... rataistratknv------.... - -fuU-fore6w,r«ijdy * oewhhethfaig thrlllTi:;widi-' Somers and B. H. Mulllken, Say- 10 large variety; first, Joseph Kuch; the result of damage done at the Army and Navy club" at Vttia sented With a petition from the em­ strests'with little damage resulting. fee ted by this worldly spirit than ^onr Color Problems I Patrolmen Cavagnaro, Fltxgerald, I-oulae. Thirty-five telephones i/ere put pole. Mrs. Carl Schramm is entertain, Under former provlstona, the will out getting water on the floor. brook. second, A. E. Schaeffer; third, W. Rock Mill power house earUer In Galllgan and Griffin, Chief Henry ployees of the highway and other de-. A suicide and burns accounted for other similar communities but the tag the Ooevntry Fragment society had divided her wealth among ten ••Your Family’t H ulA k Hoyt Hayden; collection of 10 small ths summer. partments asking for an increase out of commission by lightning or two other violent deaths. need of the hour for this church and The diagonal bathing compartment, which is as Taft of Norwich, president of the watsr, R. W. Hartt manager of the and friends Wednesday for friends, each of whom had been left taa imfartuMt la MgAcr. I f b tssntHal that ym varieties; first, J. Kuch; -second, A. The second case Is that of Joseph Fire ChleTa Association of Con­ In wages of from 40 to 60 cents an. The complete list of victims re­ every church, is to advance ta the luncheon. a sealed envelope, tater discovered long as die usual built-in mb and six inches ‘wider, hour, it was reported today. Manchester exchange reported this h tj Plumhhtg Fixtum fim Mutm Plamkm, E. Schaeffer; third, Mrs. - A. B. Beffa, an appeal case from the Staf­ necticut, Chief George Milner of ported follow; name of Christ and to turn tadlffei’ A t the meeting held Tuesday eve­ empty, with tee seals broken, Led­ AUCTION MARKET HITS Schaeffer; decorative type, first and ford Borough CDurt Beffa is charg­ The only other expenditures Of morning. Service on the damaged eoce into enthusiasm for the Mas­ provides not only a roomy shower, but every badw A t am halt foslijltd ly Ttuiaing tmd Btiftti. RockvlUe and former Chief ,Iohn F. ABOUT TOWN lines WM resto -ed over the \week. The'victims, Saturday: ning at the parsonage ta South better sold. aecond, J. Kuch; third, Edward ed with violation of the motor the highway department tn Austin L. Smlthers, 31, Green­ ter. Men, strong, brave and young poventry to sqe about organizing a Mrs. Crookshank died Bent. T, ing feature diat appeals to tha wbde family. Seata t m la im urt H uuA P rtttttk a .’ ' Backhans; honorable mention, E. vehicle laws, driving an auto while Limerick of the Manchester depart­ of 61000 were 63630.43 for gasoline' end, b said. are needed. I can not suffer this NEW HIGH F0R.FALL ment were other firemen attendants. Mrs. Elisabeth Shea, co-chairman Bissell street from the L. T. WTOd wich stock broker, burned to death community orchestra it was decid­ four days after she became ill at In two opposite comers are convenient for safe^ Davis. under the influence of dquor. and oil and 61368.41 for Insurance. ta an automobile accident. pulpit ta this crucial time to be ed that those Interested should mountain cabin while on a trip with SPECIAL Informal decorative; white, first. The two civil cases to be tried by Edward J. Murphy, secretary of the of the committee for the white ele­ Expenditures for labor alsp ac­ Ice company plant to Main atreiet, poorly served by ago when It might carefree ixidiiog, foot badu and even fl sittiog phant Bingo party, to be given Fri­ Birch street 'rom the Prln'eesa Dr. RUyter Howland, 64, former bring their taatruments on Satur­ Pickens. An attending physletan For A limited Time Edgar Davis; second, Mrs. Edgar the court assigned or nmorrow are Eighth Utilities District, Treasur­ counted for' much of the cost of the' Stratford health doctor, suicide ac­ be served by loyal, tireless youth. gave pneumonia as tee cause. diower bath. rstsiesMT er John MUler, W'lllam Foulda, Jr„ day night by Gibbons Assembly, oiling, garage, cemeteries, garbage Block to Cottage street. Cottage, day evening at 8 o'clock to the Yesterday’s Sales Reach $1.- Davis; third, J. Kuch-, yellow, first, Margaret H. iVeleh vs. Nathan O. cording to Medical Ebcamlner "Thirdly, there stands by me a home of Mrs. John Kingsbury. The " W Idi its exclusive advantages, |4ie 'SThndatkT StANDABO sAMItAtV MS«. CO. J. Kuch; second, B. Backbaus; Sachs, et al; and that of Grant C. Charles B. Loomis and Wells Strick­ Catholic Ladies of Columbus, at the collection, ]^ k s, pollbe, achooT*. street opposite the rear entrance to . ._v young man, in my vision of the sit­ • WOMEN'S PLAIN COATS 963 With Top Grade Peaches land; directors of the Digbth School K. of C. home, will be assisted by Board of Health, building inspection, Ihe Nathan Hale s chool playgrounds purpqpe is to organise an orchestra Neo-Ang^e Bath la sdU within raach o f tmall third, J. Kuch. Poster vs. WUUam H. Hsald, ad­ uation, who says, "I have waited from both ends of ths town. No Bringing |1,10. Autumn shades, first, W. H. Hay- ministrator. There ara also two District, attended the funeral and Mrs. Rose Molusky, Mrs. Mary audit, administratitw eleetions, as­ aod iseveral other low-lying areas ta for 3TOU to call for me. I am ready PUBUC RECORDS AND DRESSES Segerdahl, Mra. Eleanor Oates, Miss the main part of the town were lar Boyer, 31, qf Stamford, ta- IcAder baa been secured as yet but ilen; second, Mrs. Daisy R. Hllow; Jury cases; Francis .iRt. Pierre . vs. went to the cemetery. The ushers, sessments and,' coUectlops, idiscel-' jurta fatally ta Greenwich automo­ to labor, I am weary of waiting for Ellsle Deer, Miss Grace Kerns and laneoUs, water department, federal temporarily flooded. IV. Smite, organist of the First • MEN’S, SrPC. SUITS AND. third, J. Kuch; phik, first, J; Kuch; George N. Sterry; and Marie P. aU members of the fire department, bile wash. work." It is the call of youth and Warrantee Deeds Sales at the Manchester Auction sec'pnd, JD. Bahkhaus; third, B. Holt vs. Earl S. Colman. were, Paul Cervlnl, WUUam Griffin, Mra. Bridget Taylor. relief, and recre^on accounts. Traffic was halted oh East Mid­ Congregatioital church, wiU direct market reached a new high for the dle turnpikL for about 20 minutes Mrs. Andrew Muldoon, 66, of I am moved by t to make it the at present to help get started. Henry O. Bradley to Can J. Ny- TOPCOATS Backbaus; lavender, first, J. Kuch; Fish and Game Meeting John Mers and Francis Limerick- Tbompsonvllle, died of burns re- third reason for my departure. fall season yesterday when 61,963.96 The Rockville F|sli and Game by "a tlood at the-Green nearly op- gren and Hedwig Nygren, house second, B. Backbaus; third, Mra. Rev. WUUam Judge, pastor of S t The monthly meeting of the Con­ iralved from, an oU burner. Wish that yemtb to have the experi- PA m wae taken In. Peaches beaded- the. ^Backhausr rod, first, J; Kuch;—sec­ Club wUl -hold" thetr " September ^)oslt* - the- Woodbrldg* Tavern. TThe Queen Mary, - newest trans- and lot on the Jiorth side of South, PITTSBUROH, ____ Ilst, there being offered and sold 1,- Bridget’s church, celebrated "the cordia Athletic club has been post­ Buses and cars were routed through Dr. Howland, whose dtath was ehces'Whlch I have enjoyed here. street. D Y E D s 2 . 5 o ond, W. H^'Hayden; third, E. Davis. meeting this evening at their club poned until Friday, September 18, called a suicide by Medical Examiner Rev. T. .De'Wltt Talmadge wrote Atlantic liner, has 13 decks, of which Division of Amorteon RodlOtor A Stondoi'd Sanitary Corporotloa 828 tubs of No. 1 grade at a high solemn requiem high mass. Rev. WEDDINGS the Center because of the depth at the main deck is 760 feet long. Ina O. and Louis O. Buno* to Cactus tjmes, yellow, first and bouse on MUe Hill. A report of the Frederick Clark, assistant pastor, at 8 o’clock. Luther Heldger, was health officer book, "Ministers’ Sunahtae.” .1 long 4JA» . • ' of 61.10 and a low of 65 cents; 27 second, E. Backbaus; third, A. E. recent clambake held at Mile HIU water at the curve. Water rose to tubs of No. 3 peaches sold for a high was deacon and Rev. WUUam P. a helghth at over six feet under the of Stratford for 16 years. for this unknown youth to find the Schaeffer; autumn shade, sacopd, E. will be presented this evenihg. Reldy, pastor of St. James's phurch. Townsend Club No. 4 will meet Edy/ards.^Lamprecht Mrs. Muldoon died yesterday in sunshine ctf a pastorate here. I’m Swagfger Suits of 86 cents and i Idw of 26 cents a Farent-TeaOhera Center street underpass during the tub, due to their iieing too ripe to Backhaus; thl'd, J. , Kuch; pink, South Manchester, was sub destcon. tonight at 8 o’clock at the West Annbuncement la made of tha the Hartfbrd. hospital where she glad, too, to utter words of grati­ first and aecond, J. kuch; toird, E. The L o n ^ sw Parent Teacher As­ storm, '"rclleya -uu; cars,,Were held cany over long. / T b » Qregoridn l^ u lem Mass Side Recreation Center. Visitors marriage of Miss Marlon V. Lam- up for about lialf an hour. Many waa taken after being burned by an tude os I tell the story of sunshine ' $3.00 Backbaus; lavender, first, J. Kuch; sociation wUl hold 'ts opening meet­ will be welcome. preebt, daughter of Mr. and Mis.. oil burner ta the cellar of her The severe Illness of a child brought Other aales at the market yester­ ing of the season this evening at was Bimg by the churrti okoir, un­ cars were detoured to Hartford .and day Included 439 baskets and boxes third, E. B'ackhhus; red, first, J. der direction of Mrs'. Arlyna M. Paul Lamprecht of 39 Charter Oak Mancheeter by way of Park and Tbompsonvllle home. my friend from the choir where at of tomatoes, high 40 cents, low 35 Kuch; second, E. Backbaus. the-Longview school house. There street, to Robert C. Edwards, son of John Horball, 12, of New Britain that time he sang boss, to my side Ball type, first, W. H. Hayden; will be a supper served at six Garrlty, church organist The Connecticut Federation of Mr. and Mra. Jesse Gklwards of Pine other side streets. cents; No; 3 grade tomatoes, two As the body was being brought Street 'Jghte Out died Saturday of injuries he.recelved with the words "I wish to help you' second, Mrs. P. Schlott; third, Mrs. thirty o'clock preceding ths meet? DernocraUo Women’s clubs will street recently ta a fall from his bicycle and that meant the tender trans- baskets, 30 cents;'67 half bushels Into the church, Mrs. Garrlty sponsor a dinner tn ' honor , of Mrs.' Street lights on Center street shell beans, high 70 cents, low 86 Louisa Irmlscher; single, first, Lu­ ing, instead of six o'clock as origin­ The ceremow was performed l a . against a piece of road machinery. portatlon of the invalid to the Hort- ally announced, with Mrs. Henry Jamra Breen sang as a duet "Some Fannie Dixon Welch of Columbia, MlUerton, H. Y., Saturday, Ssptam-. were out of commission until 8 - DIAL 7100 cents; 63 bushels lima beans, high ther H. Puller; second and third, A. o'clock and all -houaes on Winter f k 96 cents, low 40 cents; 177 half E. Schaeffer^ miniature, first, sec­ Meyers chairman of the committee Blessed Day." A t the offertory Mr. retiring national committee woman, her 13;-by Rev. Willard Kilmer, of in charge. Parents who are sending Breen sang "Panls AngeUcus" and at the Hotel Taft, New Haven, the Methodist church thsre. street and west of Winter street FOR CALL AND DELIVERY bushels string beans, high 36 cents, ond and thlriLMrs. Schlott. ponf- were without lights or power for low 38 cents; 10 half busnsls cucumT pon, white, first, J. Kuch; second, children tr schcol for the first time at the changing of the vestments Wednesday, Sept 38, at 7:80 p. m. this year are especially Invited to Mrs. Garrity sang "Face to Face.” Members of the local club desiring over two hours: SERVICE ben, high 76 cents, low 86 cents; B. Backbaus- third, Mrs. Backbaus; Wasnouts were numerous on 769 crates No. 1 cauliflower, high pompon, yellow, first, Mra. Back- attend the meeting this evening in Following the blesalng of the body, to make reservations should'get in order that they may become touch with Mrs. Mary Brosnan os HOSPITAL many of th town’s gravel roads ee- 61.06, low 66 cents; No, 3 cauli­ haua; second and third, Mr. Back- Mr. Breen sang, "Some Sweet Day" peclally in the hilly Sections and haus; orange pompon, flrat, second familiar with the work of the As­ and at the recessional the choir soon as possible. flower, 181 crates, higb 60 cents', low /-. _ _ _ large amounts of sand and gravel U. S. CLEANERS AND DYERS 36 cents; 10 half hu/diels grapes, and third. Mr. Backbaus; pink pom­ sociation. sang "Sweet Jesus Bless Us Bra were washed down paved streets pon, first, J. Kuch; second, -Mrs. Was Oueet BoloUt 836 Main Street — Near Montgomery Ward’s high 60 cents, low 60 cents; 20H We Go". S t Mary's Girls’ Friendly society Admitted Saturday: . WHUoix into catch basins. The entire ares bushels squash, high SO cents, low Schaeffer; third, Mrs. Backbaus; . Mrs. Eldna Hansen Johnston, a Long Proeesslaa i.,.: '^ ll resume weekly meetings this Johnson of 83 Psarl street Da'.-id- . between Bralnsrd place. Maple 30 cents. ^ red pompon, first, J; kuch; second, former sololet at the Rockville Again beaded by the marching evening at 7:80 in the parish house. Webb' of'. 146 Bissau street Mrs-.- street. Cottage street and Mata Mrs. Backhaua; third, J. Kuch, Methodist church, wsa guest soloist body the funeral procession,' con­ Miss Iren* Walter wiU be the Annie Sloan of 474 North MMa- ■ street was a pond for a brief ; time. In the gladioli nlaasea, - Ernest M. at the church on Sunday morning. sisting of 84 automobiles,. proceed­ speaker.. Her subject will be "Pup- street Ids was the winner of first honors On Sunday, September 20 Mra. ed to the cemtery. The commttal Making.’' Miss Walter and sev­ Discharged Saturday: Fred Toung for the beat oelleccion' of five Dorothea Abbey Waite will be the service waa conducted by Rev, Wil­ eral friends have successfully giv­ of 48 Btseril street soloist. M n . W.alte was contralto Birth: A Son to Mr. aad Mrs- varieties. Winners in these olaaaea liam Judge and Rev. Frederick en puppet shows here and in <;tber were: Gladiolus, whit i, first, Mr. soloist at the Unlcn Congregational Clark. places. Charles Luce.of 74 Durant street OPEN FORUM Ide; second, Mrs. H. Degenkolbe; church for many years. street Saturday, • » pink, first, Mrs. Ide; aecond, E. The floral offerings banked at Admitted Sunday: Miss Helen the grave were, many and beautiful Company K will resume drills to­ , "CRA.CK POTS” Backbaus; third, Mr. Ide; park pink, n^bt at 7:80 ot the State Armory Page of 68 Chestnut street -ftrat, Mrs. Ide: second, Mr. Ide: yel­ and includeck'" in addition to the Discharged Sunday: Mrs. LtUlaq. after two weekswee] "layoff” due to the Effltor.The Herald: - low, second only. A.' B;’ " Sphaeffer; O R C U n NOMINATED many pieoee from frien(|s and rala- holiday. Copeland of 171 HllUard street Mito’ red, first, A. E. Schaeffer; second, Uves, two gifts of floral ladders, Eva'Armstrong of 188 Oalr Street ^ Developments during the past Mrs. Schaeffer; third, Mrs. Degen­ INTHE35THDISTRia one from the Manchester Fire De­ Lady Roberts Lodge, Daughters Mrs." Mlehaal tovlno and infant sMT- few years havp let io6se on this kolbe; any other color, first, Mrs. partment with the word! "Our of S t George, will bold its regular o f'60 Birch street, Mrs. John Kria-'’’ country what Is probably one of tee Schaeffer; second, Mrs. Ide; third, ChleT’ and - the other from Com­ meeting'Wednesday evening in Odd ■k told twin sons of U'-' Purnell ' greatest assortments bf crack pots Mr. Ide: prlmuUni's, white. -Mrs. ’ panies 1, 3, 3, and 4 of the South Fellows hall. A. white elephant ■’lace. ta the history of the world. Schaeffer; second, Mr. Backbaus; Coventry Man, Picked For Manqhester flra depsortment; a Bingo party will follow. Members Dtatb, Edward McGowan, 71, of They know all there la to know East Middle Turnpike, Sunday morn- ’ , third, Mra. Schaeffer; - prIpaUnus, Senatorial Candidate'|n Re- large floral offering from the State are requested to bring prlaes. on the.subject of government,' of first, Mrs. Schaeffer; second. Mr. Chiefs Association of Conpeqticut, tag. , - > business, of tabor, or what have Ide; third, Mn. Ide. pukHcan Convention Today. RockvUle Lodge 6./P. O. E^ of An Important meeting of the Birth: A: daughter to Mr. and you. To let them tell it. they would Koxllk-Meod Mra James August of 368 North’ solve the unemployment with which the late chief was a member, North Methodist church Council will Mata street - In The Sea and The marriage of^Mlu C3ara Rockville, Sm t 14— (Special to the directors of the Eighth School be held th(a evening at 7:46 in the .wave of the hand. To them noth- Mead, davghter of Mr., And Mrs. eoclal room of the church. ^ Admitted today: Mlta EUa " that has been done through The Harold)—Republicans In the and UtUitles DiaWet, the Orford of 1168 Middle 'Turnpike East, Charles B. Mead of 136 Union1 street S6tb Senatorial District today nom­ Soap Oojmpany, aiid the MgnOhes- la rlgiht. and Rudolphudolph KoxlUc,Koxiuc, son ofoi JbaephJoseph Angie Curtie of 60C Wood! ling the depression as an ex- inated Franklin R. Orcutt of Coven­ ter police depai^ent. Mr. 01^ Mrs. Charits Wbltehsr street, Mrs. AdeUne Miner of KozUk of CUnton, took place at the try as their candidate In a contest andsdaui^ter Lois spent the week­ this city of Washington is now home of the bride' ; parents on Sat­ During the morning the OtfOrd Middle 'Turnpike East Donald Lewisi full of crack pot politicians. AU On The Sand for the nomination in whiclr Orcutt Soap company, where the chief end with friends in Boston. of RockvtUs. urday afttrnoon. Rev. Dr. George defeated Francis H. Pritchard of one ctm hear is "soak the rich, rob S. Brookes, pastor of the Union Con­ held a.foreman's position, 'was d o l­ Birth: A son to Mr. and Mrs. the poor, support the lazy." The Rockville by 37 votes to 15.: The bemooratic First Congres­ Ronald Wadsworth of 38 Oloott gregational hurch Officiated. The Herbert Schelner of Rockville ed and during the funeral burinesa sional district cottvsntloii to nomin­ average citlzeo however had beat 4na&on of honor was Mra. Maxwell plsoss on North Main. street and Drive. , , placed Prichard's name before the ate a oandidate for congretfman Census: Fifty-six patients. ask himself how long he intends to SUMMER BEACH PLAY Knit of Bast kartford, and ,Mr. convention and Congressman W. L. Depot Square were dosed In tribute. from, this dlatrlet will be held in listen,to these crack pote...„QT.hqw / Knis was best man. A roosption was Higgins of Coventry presented..Or- Hartford at'Hotel Bond,' Saturday, long lie intends lb lei them run this • Not exactly s salesman. He is a misMonary of betttf lwuso- held: a t : the boms foUo-wing the cutt's name. The convenflotl opbned September 19 at 11 a, nt The conr ■ country. - . ..for oereboiqr. The ooUple left for a St 11:38 o'clock this mprnlng in the veotloa le being arranged by a com- TOM WEBB; RUINS YOUR HAIR - hold efficiency a^ecoootny. He sthdonte tbs clw^stfji wsffdbg^rtp "to M be Buperior o o m rom^wttB SF deu- TfllttM'af'T; P.'WWlsjeih.v"ehat^ • -waihHigibiCE. i'i, iMie, of washing clothes' through aeiei);tifio tests worked out b d a at home ih CUnton after October L gates in attendanoe. non, Dr. K. F. Olaffey and John M. Make your appointment now for a scalp treatment. Good C h esterE ^ has aI StandardI factory laboratory. He andetttends the woman’s washday o o n o ^ebmuco P H A R n E as Limerick. — . STATE SIGNS. aealp treatments win put your hair back in opi^ition. problen;. by having discussed it with th’dussnds, by hsviiy IBditor a t The Herald: “Phartaee” la right I am no poli- TODAT imd TOMORROW Editor. Th« Hyald: for mild, ripe tobaccos persahally demonstrated Maytag perfbnnaiiM b homes, week tldaa. Neither 'wouIdJC be a Pbiul- ADBABKATIO Sagsrdlng tee stop signs recently , after weei^ • It is the Msyttg Man’s ides to let you sdl sae. He. says, "Rellgibn 'la a Oon- CURB QUOTATIONS STAR-SSOELLl placed at N^J> Elm and Henry streets, I n u t to commend . tee • a standard for pure cigarette paper yourself, after he has demoastrsbd dist a Maytag washes fcoffia of n i t l t .that's alL" Do Telephone 3404 Manchester Market you ocmalder a man who eonfaaass FREDRIC MARCH Manchester'Police department for faster, better, more economically and moet oonvemcatly. nlth aad Jblna a Church has rail- By ASSOCIATED PRESS WARNER BAXTER placing stoj: signs at North Elm and . . ^ a standard for blending and cross­ Upon his courtesy and btegrity raits glonT Taka your BIhls'and read Am Gen'...... '...... Henry streets. Before th* signs were chapters six and seven of the Book Ark Nat Goa ...... Uonel BARRYMORE placed Heniy street and North Elm ' For Appointment reputation .of The Maytag of S t Matthew. Asad Gas aad B I A ...... la street waa one of the worst Inter­ blending that can’t be copied Company. Wolcoma Tuesday Special The Townaend Cluba are at odda Am Sup Pow ...... sections-1>. the state. It was oon- ♦THE ROAD TO stdered a public race track. Now tt dia Maytag Man. Why? Beeause two men, both mln- Caa'Maroonl ...... ' GLORY” Fresh Fow l, eat op fo r a niee chicken soup ..... ,69c ea. istera of. the Goepel and doth "conr Cent States E l -is .earns good the motoziat to • ..and a standard for modem,up-to- feaslng fUth", are'trying to lead ett Serv *»••** e.jL* ea##****** ■■ ' ' PLUS . . . — ->• rMu'ne a norms! speed. On* good \^n^9vCfJwcii%l IWOtIHPK w IMP Lean Beef for Stewing, solid m eat ...... 23e lb. . ''In;: Is that the signs were placed ddc «ik pay fa r them. The f l : ^ Dr; Wunder,.usea d t Se^v., pfd 1 P A T ffr RELLir la A Qimpbell’s N a tiv e C a r r o ts ...... 8 bnnehee fo r lOe 3.-.ns onv one was killed. A few date manufocturing medbodsj profanity and is openly aceuaed by .Ba Bond and Share...... ■ "KELLY TH E SECOND" Drir-Townaand of drupkenneoS aad Ford limited ...... *...... '7.' iau*orists kick because they have h\ m a Mamdard qualky la r g e W h ite C aoU flow er...... 9c each, 3 fo r 25e make a stop but you can not plea" hr Dr. Townaend' dloehamd from Nlag Hud Pots -C HKIX, THUB&, FRL; SAT. Satan W hite Pickling Onions • • • • e-« »•••#• • ■ • • SU ».3 5 o mapooiUaa. Thaaeoond, Gerald Penn Rood ...... aU the people'ali tb* time. KEMP'S, INC. S'gned, Beauty Salon Smith, Is going about the country, Segal L o c k ...... •THE TEEAS RANGBRS" Steady motoilst 07 Henry a BRi)s...taL mlaa, raving, ranting, Unit Oaa ______a im "Love Vagbm A* W' ^^M ain street Ruliinow Bididins 0WSA1 Unit-Lt andPow.i Npdrth Bara Streets. UtU Pow and Lt Vletory In Kstna 'tha btiW IHBUMB 'ISpilt ot any not beenuM n RetnibUcan Vle> nlatleti. 4|a3y/iad Oarmany may tor; ia tha normal axpectaocy thera have been the Bhit to correctly, eatl- Or . VSAMK UeWY L'A, . but baeeuaa tha v e i; fact ttet' tha mate the Importancel-ar th« rela­ Ma la Mm m V Haattb and Otet Portland apaaoh -waa'arraagad at tive uBtmtmrtfime—of that Job. iBWMi'iil :lty Dr MMtoy who ean V TBuhaK 0*n*r>«ii*r>i Mantnr an aaama to ba a auSlciaot guaran Not aO long ago It. was the geiler- ‘ ooH al Uda papar. Bm eaveiopa r e e e M O y e ^ 1. I taa that tha a . O. P. laadara kaaw, ally aoeeptod notion that the buai- twyo nd-^parndvanturB, thitt victory neaa of ptovidliig ftedr oaBdast BBd HolMar* ■aitrM i Po«i Offla* >t MaadkMiar Ooa waa coming. homes and achobllng for all the peo-. SMoad Cl(M Mail Mai'ar. pis wss Bomsthing that called M OorFamoue HAklFORb UIWaOHimuN UATBS Boat of tba patieata who consult ^ to* niff T?*** * about all tiw piopla w orkt^ gmlutUy to- ☆ ☆ ☆ W ☆ Limited QrantitFl uaa laar, br Mall ...... THE SOaALIST SPLIT a doctor complaining they faal weak creat* the time »nd distance' *«*i« 81x99 Tested Pal Moaili. br Mall ...... j M about aU tbs time. Bvsn Mm Mr- For Dollar Dayt T Biaaia coar ...... ,...... $ .#} cumstance that gsneml trqde and •i': — tbua oonfaaaliig to a lack at P'*” •• JSur D«li»»raa aa« raar ...... The spilt In tbs ranks of Connec­ 3-YEIAR SHEETS Industry in the United Bptes has atrangth. Many "ime* they want MtMBPT’ OP I'Hie aSSOCIATBO ticut Socialists St ths party's state evening, start with tb* Aftsan Fbr D thalr pisoa*. It 1* nooeaaiy to In­ Dye day* jmu^wtU be oovertog-Yow crease, th* functional aoUvity of m U ^ and feel fuU pep the Pabllabor’a Hapraaaatbllvai Xbi nomination.'- UcLeyy Is tba candi­ to provide tor supplyl^ the needs at bt Jojlpa Maibawa dpaolal Apanor—Na« date for Oovemor on the Right every part at th* body If you wish DOLLAR DAY VALUES Tork, Clileaco. Uairott.and Boatoa. of their populations on some sort To replan* weakness with an abund- .J^ter returning from -your ilalk.- LIITLE TOTS’ AND BABIES’ TTie Time When All Connecticut Shops and Saves! ticket. Alien the candidate for that n of a scale, and yet ^evota tbe ma­ 4mca 0( strength. reM ^tar taking a cold shower batb MMMiablM audit BURBAD OP position on the Left ticket. It may 0 Vigorous physical- culture exar^ Join the Army of Thrifty WomenI ^ Besidog thege a^ywtised- .there are HUNDREDS of items WOMia^’S WEARABLES CJRi'III.ATIUNB jor part of tbe tlme.df“a very large - yourself to fresh clothes DOLLAR DAY NEEDFULS take a court ruling to determine else* must be taker- each day, If you fordlnner. Try t*^e«* auggeotloaB, s a t e oh everything yiauKecd fOT we couldn’t c r ^ hito this page, aO New Fah Merchandise Tba Harald PiiailB^ Conpabi, part of the peojfle to marching desire tbe ad-Jltion at muscular and If you have bean enarvato * " which Is entitled to a place on the Infants* Robes SAVE on everything yon heed for the children! . „ . *1.1 * j cs * u $1.59 Satin Slips, Dancettes, Panties BO dnabelal raaponalbllltr about, drlUlhi^'^ gathering In Im­ strungth. A muscle grows to wl tired out yqu will find $1.59 Sample Frockn SAVE on everything you need for the home! bought especiaUy to make this tremendow September DDL- (or tppopraphleal Orrora apptarlat IB ballot tmder the Socialist party strength end enduraaca only a* it strength returning. If you t Sizes 8 to 6 to prints and! Paatel shades and neatly \ advartlaamaata la tba Uanobaaiar mense multltoKlc* to shake their SAVE on everything you need for that man! LAR DAY of interest and real profit to you. Evaalna Harald; designation. Isu sed. An excess of rest will re­ nin down.’^ the walking aoild shades; matching trimmed with braid. Ex­ and Chemises ( flste at Bo^e other nation, mean­ duce your Btrengtb and cannot be wind you up” In short time: panties with cachl tra! Without any disposition t5 anti­ 1 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 time devoting an enormoua part of eKpectad to ^ e ld any -lasting Im- iromorrow's arUcle: More About TWO RESTAURANTS TO SERVE YOU PROMPTLY AND COURTEOUSLY Slipo, brai«Ml rip proof seam*, lace or tallorad, V or itralgbt * cipate tha possible court ruling, the top, adjustable strap* . . 34 to 44. Other undle*, lace or both time and resources to ths ac- provemsnt. 'The necessary exercises Gaining Strength* Creepers • Dresses opinion may he axpreaaeil that tlm may be'secured through calisthenics lfl..59 All Wool appitaiue trim . . else* 83 to 88, Tearoa* only. ----- ^■vtty'OTmanufacturing engines and- -R*gulatly„jaj»., _JHan!tS MAIN-FLOOR TABLE - iUAINTPLOeR TABLH- McLevy group Is In a strong posi­ or-by taking up lo me-tport-wbieh-te --QUBSTIONS^^iND'SiirsW^^ Sweaters mode, embroidered, broad-S Instrilments of destruction. of such a nature that It will bring Silicon Ctoat and sllpon atylea in D O E M T O With Maine voting today In Ita tion If. as It asserts, ths LefUat ejoth creepers. Batiste Men’s $2 and $3 79c Porto Rican Values to $1.59 ere Is patently. In both those Increased development of the mua- QuesUon: Mrs. K. J. writes: "I alzM 2 to 6. Special! dreasee. Women’s 69c Quality traditional Index atata election, element participated In yesterday's cular system. Lona walks are also wlah to know whlrh foodi are moat Handmade Gowna Cotton Dresses countries, a terrific wastage cf labor 485 Prs. Women’s $4 aii^< $5 Hand Turned which In PrealdenUai years Is sup­ convention up to a point subsequent to be recommenied. beneficial for tha hair. Does tbe Crib Biankets Perfect Silk Hose Paatal or 9 fn rl dnd material In- the production of These walk* must be taken dally Ultra vtolet ray help to bring blood 11.59 Knit Suits prints, am- a i o n SrS'S.''. 3 fori posed to forecast the result of the to the nominations—walking out $1J)9 value! 86x80 else. 1 : ( Sample Shoes For Fall Leather armaments and an equally Impres­ to order to get good results and the Jo .the scalp?" Slzee 1 to 3 in dark col- Great silk Q ni>ti' broldered, to regular weight fabric*. Blawi to November voting In the nation, the and. holding another convention of distance must be Increased nntu you Answer' Tbe mineral- that is of crs. Also brother 'n slater Pastel shades or jacquard extra ala^ 40 but not to all style*. sive squandering of the time et print*. hose sav- * i Sizes SH, 4 and 4ti to B House SHppers September outcome is being waten- Its own after that function of the are walking four or five milea. Keep benefit to the halt la silicon, it tM wool jerseys, 3 to 6. _ togs! If you are smart/ millions of people on Vast gather­ a record of the numbei ot miles you found In ths following foods: As- and C width*. Featurefi 49c Rayon Undiea o M 79c Hooverettes ed with' a degree of iuterest per­ regular convention had been com­ and thrifty you’ll buy a l to black, brown and blue Made by a high grade. ings devoted to whlpplng-up hatred walk each'day and see to It that parnjrus, cucumbers, lettuce, bran. 79c Knit Sleepers 6 months' supply of$ manufacturer. Operas. Regular and O Printed par- n haps dlsjIroportioDate to Its actual pleted. .'■ every month of your Ufa you cover $1,59 Bgth Robes leathers and suede In extra ri*«*. « l O x M osJea, abort and the ^'war ' spirit"—and yet, dandeUon, fruit skins, strawbarrlaa Pastel, or gre,v, o these PURE SILK pumps? oxfords and ties Ehreretta. AU colon, all ( algnUleance.' The split came ovtr the-' adop­ a distance of at least one hundred and beets. If tbe hair root* era not Beacon cleth to solid' drop east, dou- • HOSE—a ir PERFECT Pantlea, bloomers, atfp- I ilaavfs . . trlpunad. to somebow, ths people eat and wear shade* er plaid to sizes 2 for street sport* and else* but- not to eai:h' It la to be anticipated that to­ tion ot two amendmsnta/ to tbe mUes. entirely daad, a well balanced diet ble feet, 1 to 7. —all sizes and all new style. Irregular* but ^ tos, vaat* . . lace or tell- medium, large and extra ' olothea and Apparently have a few Those ■ who are longing for contalrlng a good proportion of to 6. Regidarly gl.6fl. dross wear. AU style heel* ored. gift! day's victory will go to;|be Repub­ state party's constitution severing- Fall shades. Chiffona or nothing to Impair the pennies for drink and recreation. strength often overlook the fact these foods accompanied by-vlgoroua 59c and 69c Sheet* semi-service. wear. lican party. Iha beat evidence to connection between thq Connecticut teat real endurance wlU oome only 79e Flannelette 49e Brocaded In this country we don't do.-that. massage of the scalp, and any other Birdseye Diapers that affect. It seems to ua, Use In Socialist organisation and the na­ from- tbe us. of exercises which treatments which wiU tooraos* tb* N ainsook, o f n r S Gowns Satlnette Pantiea Wa seem to have juit about the build vttallto through a aystenistlo 37x27-10. stoe. Regularly' 12x73 or Lb. < MAIN FLOOR TABLE 2450 Prs.1 Women’s $3 to tba fact of tha electlon-eve appear­ tional organisation. circulation, should b* boneflolal. Th* 27x36 size. “Stockinette.'' MAIN FLOOR TABLE Blsas 18 and o f n r pa«a or tell- 5 fow same amount of wasted time but rspetltitltlon of miota exercises.- The ultra violet ray vtIU aaalat ta to- priced at $1.26. Dor. 17 . . pastel « orwl atylea o l u r ance of Oovemor Lduidon at Port- Tbe McLevy Socialists are defl- pnaefi, we . waits It on boondoggling, rid­ igbtor, who must rely upon en­ creasing the local dreulaUon. Women’s 79c Rayon $5 Fall and Winter and itripea. Special I Sbitra apeetalt S land on Baturday night. Thera are nltsly opposed to association' of durance to carry him through a long 79c Slips •' CHILDREN’S $2 HI SHOES . . white or brown elk. and Misses’ $1.59 nondaatog, *lda hooking batiste . . . " ly higher etandard of living. - musical. 'They would hava given few thousand yot**- Yonkers probably will be nomi­ ficial aa walking. On* can usuaUy making tbe eyaa protrude and ap­ Curtains and back laoe dorsete . IflOf or ih o rtw firterit < I But Landon la neither wlaard nor In Fairfield 'county. walk from three to tour mUes to an pear glassy. Ordinarily Selling To, $1.00 , Sizes 4 to 8. / And by the same token that's her a star's blUtng but Ethel, nee Certain reason* exist for bellevlag nated. RUFFLE D Percale Dressets 34 to 86. too. dynamo on the platform.. His In soma parts of the state there Zithmermaa, said no, aha didn't that loss of tb* atata might hot hour. There Is something almoat Non-wtlt collars . . soft collars . . assorted pat- o gfi'M 2 prs., FOURTH FLOOR what may occur to American staten. tern* and sbadea to sizes 14 to 17. Sav* . buy “ . . cushion / strength Ilea In other qualities. Be­ has been considerable wonderment think abe oould earry the show tin. be fatal to Rooaevett thi* y e a r - BepobUean* Face Big Task magical in the strengt> and vltaUty Wbat I* a Verracat or dotted figures, m'zr- 80-*^aro print* to, w m oosD W u xm men with, relation to our own vast der her own power. So they are. reasons which can ba discuaaed asp- It Will be surprising If Lehman which oan be developed to an hour's Queation; Mra..T. V. statee;1 to dozen lots. ./novelty style* to elsea^ sides, It is inconceivable that the os to bow it esme that Mcl.avy walk. To thoo* of you who wish to qulaette with tlebacksU wastage of tbe time of a large part hantong the coveted stardom to a arately. doesn't win. The Republican candi­ have .iihat the doctor colls 4 varru- . . . TAILORED NETJ 14 to 20 and!88to64. 88 to f a (f I political tide la any state could oe ooutd be elected and ra-eleoted as build great trength, so that you oa. Would a lack of salt to tb* diet Fall Union Suits Finer Hose DOLLAR DAY RUG VALUES wonderful Dollar DayThl of tha population. famous comedian. Two months before alaction. date won’t be nominated until Sept. to ecru . . 6-PC. C O T-i 659 BRAND NEWVHj fumed by a slngia speech delivered chief executive of his native cltv With only a eearca number of however. It can ba reported that top 29, which leaves little time for may ^ o y Inoraas'.d power every cause thla?" 38 to 50, randpm shade. (>■ Values to 35c TAGE SETS to green,, Regrular $1.75 Oriental Rug •pedal thatlat •bouIdN'l thlrty-Bl* hours before the opening unless the voting population down yeare behind her, this Herman girl Republlcar leaders are fairlv sure campaigning and buUd-up. On the moment of your waking day, I- Answer; A verruca to a wart and Short or long sleeve, ankie ipm Lisles a n d gold, red and blue. command your strict can now command almost any sal­ Governor Landon. will take tbe stron.. ly advise that you secure that there are many different types. A length good weight...... ■ .... 5 prs.’ attention. of the-poUs.--- ' • - there were- made-up very largely ol- other hand. Democratic goVemqrs raydna in Reproductions ary she care.'s to name and so Empire State with ita 47 electoral cab be elected ih years when the ■trength by walking. lack of salt would not oau 4 var- shades, patterns. .10 to 12. BLOCKED HATS for jCiOLLAft DAY Those who ar* not accustomed to nica to form. 34x40 size In rich, colorful patterns with red, rust, blue, rose The Inference to Im drawn Is Just wild-eyed axtremista. Tha anawer In Hew York earns weekly salaries In four fig­ votes in Novembar and that D m - presidratlal candidate meets d* Broadcloth Pajamas and 'other shades predominating. ^ the opposite. The msnagera of the Is that McLevy la a Socialist of By Caorga Rou ures. Before a . talent scout dls- ocratlo leaders are privately ad­ feat Values to $1.65, Flannel Pajamas. DOLLAR D A Y "D o l l a r D A Y 49 HATS Worth $3.05 for...... eov.sred her at a party, she was tak- mitting that the odds seem slightly $L.4ft-Braided— P. eampqlgn'IP Malne~m'uir -much the Samo typc~M-thggy'BHT~ Smith was elected In 1924 when ■Pstternr 'and -shade* --ta-l -4 1-.60-v^uel---atripea-*ad-J - Regular 79e ^ h-g-oiicrthand note* for-*- mamrfae-- .against .tha president,------John W ;- Davl* Vim*~itefgatail •and' coal or middy. A to D. trims. Coat and middles. Oval Yarn Rugs ^ GIRLS’ WEAR 190 HATS Worth 1^95 for have h t^ very sure indeed of win­ ieh Labor Party leaders who have By GEOROF. BOSS HANDBAGS Chenille Ruga 190 HATS W orthies fo*^7.7 .7 ;^. lurli.g executive. She got along Whatever happens, there viU be Al well remembers that the state Sizes B, C and D. 34x42-incb aiza to beauU- A l . 32x40 alse. All 9 « ning. today's . election... And they exercised so strong an influence -m New York, Sept. 1<.—Soliloquy. well with her boss and sh* ethl a greai battle In ’ New York thld elected Franklin Roosevelt gov ful chintz effects, aU col­ hooked.de- ^ l O r $1.59 and $1.98 The Broadway talk revolves around Candidates and Issues 'juality Shirts 420 HATS Worth $1.9S^or .,../...... »p| government in that"' country for docf. They go to tbs theater to- fall. This. Is the'homo of some of emor in 1928, but refused to give Handbags With ors . . washable, too. signs. Reversible patterns. must have been able to convince the Harry Rlchmon’s hei-oic achieve­ ipcthri. the mo.it colorful popular leaders Values to $1.95 Fruit-of-the-Loom Sample Dreeees many years. He is an advocate if Al Its electoral vote for president Two Initials iEvery hat brand now . . mar* than 70 atel** In this lal*. national management ot that cer­ ment and many a skeptic who Sldellnea of our time and they will be in it Washington—Pitesldent RooaevelUN. Garner leaves for New York U Woven fabrics, high count, 35e Shirts. Shorts Biza* 7 to 14 to prints, Hate for every fypa and any ag*. Har* you will find atyl** that year. 30 to 44 shorts ' Forty new 'FaU »tyles, in $2.00 Hand-Set $1.49 Washable tainty. Otherwise It would' have moderate. and gradiial change in Culled hiB trans-Atlantto flight a Not all personalities who eatn up to th* neck -Roosevelt him­ LaQuanUa will campaign for returns to White House after Poto­ open campaign. white and shades, .prints. 4 f n r plaids, stripe* and popular found usually to blgber priced bate. publicity stunt beforehand remains self, the one and only ,AI Emlth, Duke-pf-Kent, non-wilt a n d athletic * all the wanted shades, Chamber Rugs Chenille Rugs color* for Fall. been extremely bad atrategy for the social order: of a demonstra­ then fortunes In the entcrtainuien: Roosevelt, according to all reporta- mac river cruise; will roeak Friday New York—Thomaa C. O'Brien, new leathers (simulated). 24x42-incb stsa witb new consplcucmaly silent. So those thou uorlo sink their funds In annuities peppery little Mayor LaGuardla, at Harvard University 'Tercentenary Union Party vice preMdefitlal can­ collars. sblrte. .34 to 46. 24x45-lncb slzis to popular' UILUMEEY.~«H1R0 FLOOB the Presidential nominee to make tion, etop by step, of the principles* So will Jimmy Walker, wMcb floral designs, attractively color*. A good qluality. rug sands of ping pong balls carried ■incl such. Paul Whiteman, for ax- plCtureaque ex-U/k^or Jimmy Walk- celebration. didate, appears at mass meeting MAIN FLOOR $1.59 Skirts and of state socialism, with opportunitv ahould b* a.help in the city. Or­ Brief Cases flniahed, waahabla. for thi* event I this spectacular daeh acrosa the aloft for buoyant power In case of dm; le, has formed a booking agency eria "Big Jim'-. Farley, Governor ganized labor leaders are putting D*nv*r4 Moo*.—After over-night with "Father Divine" and praise* Wool Sweatera each | for adjustment at each step. He landing at sea now assume a com­ Liabman, and many others. S pockets, 2 all around' FIFTH FLOOR country to epeak^^J Maine, almoat and has under contract many high­ on a hot campaign to get-out the stay at home, of. Robert E. Choate, tbe negro leader. straps, handles, 3-way Bodies top, pleated skirt*, iu the polls- w«H^^ because has been occupied, during his two mercial value. Mere than one ly paid performers. , Tha Measre. vote for Roosevelt. editor, Governor Alf M. Landon, Tampa, Fla.—Earl Browder, Oon*' plaid* or colors, 7 to II. DOLLAR DAY SPORTSWEAR Rtchman admirer at dapper Harry’s Dempsey and Abe L^man are rea- CMtate BaavUy 0 .- 0 . P. BOYS’ DOLLAR DAY lock. Brown and natural. , If the atate should then gd Demo. terras, as mayor, with demonstrat There's ' hopeful New Deal talk who spoke at Portland, Me., Satur­ muntot Presidential candidate vr*' DOLLAR DAY LINENS! DOMESTICS! Sllpon* to solid* and favorite haunts has offc cd ta buy taiiranteurs. James Cagney backs The Republican* axpact a rluralt- of 250,000 or more voters for day night, heads back toward tests to President Roosevelt that MAIN FLOOR weavM. Sizes 8 to 16. I cmtlc, or should go Republican oy Ing first of all the capacity of ills the whole lp< of them. Not for the worttjwUlla Broadway showa. Kata ty of several hundred thousand "lawless elements" padlocktd a hall CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS WASH GOODS SPECIALS! SUpon Sweaters Tweed or Flannel votes upstrte. where farmer*—who Roosevelt who never took th* Topeka. a very small majority, It would have group for .government without an.v Smithsonian. Institute, but as sou­ Smith o-Wns 4; basketball team, tba trouble to vote before. Father Uvalde, Teg.—Vice President John at which bepougbt to speak. $fl.69 Bath RoiNS SIdrte for Vail venirs with a high resale value. Celtics. Rtlay (utd Farley, tha benefited little (rem AAA—are Cannon Towels Novelty Bedspreads Uhk *hd link wool, lon gtl Solid color* . . brown.. done Oovemor Landon's presUge no great taw changes at all. In that heavily.antt-Naw Deal, Coughlin’s remarks ooneerfilng ^1.59 W(»l Sweaters $1.79 Knickers DOLLAR DAY 1 White with 4 flkiUd shadaa or gay plaida. sleevea. Fall eolera . . 84Y| "Music OoM 'Round and Around" Jews helped the national ticket In 86x108. Size, Krtnkte ef­ aizes are from 8 up to 14. . good St all. task be seems to have done partic­ Sneh Lwignaget Am usual in N*w York elecUons. Only last May Mto» <#4rbo ra- SUpons. crew.and V necks Fully uned. piu* fours J colored bor- ^ fect. Rose, blue, peach, to 40. hoys, own a Boston brewery. Har- j New York. with 'knit eqff*. mlxturee 26^ ' ^'**‘*’ ^ ***** It Is not to be believed that ularly well. Only • veteran receiver of night ol4 Cullman, who manages tba tb* quastlon will b* whether tbe turned from a visit to bar hoRH- in'solids and beatfier ipix- SPORTSGOODS ders. Solid colors! gold, orchid. FOURTH FLOOR large plurality the Democratic can­ land, saying, ”I have bad no *Mt jmrea'<... sizes 26 to 36. and blue ^evlota, 8 to 16. ' Chairman Hamilton or Mr. London A realization o f' this will, no olub bulletins can jdeolpher tbe RoxyTheatr. U an authority on Some Cheer for Democrat* Linen Cloths Luncheon Sets Fail Blouses Odds and Ends of parlance of the press agents who maritime law. Ben Haeht li part didate Is fure to roll up 'n New York H ollyw ood or peace; I hope to bave a IRtle i 52x68 tablecloths . . nat' Sportawsar himself w o ^ hbva taken this stap doubt, make lt«clearlr why many of City ta etougb to wvrlc A l l . ■ 1 z e e v Hb $1.79 Door iMirrors SFOR'rSWBAIB—SECOND FLOOR and popular shaving lotion for men tlons of 1935, when Tammany wss actress worked scantily clad under ed In Beverly Hills "until I have Inch colored ® a »•»« ing to win It by an Impressive ma. caniildatei.. mind singing rliqut lyrics. By a Mary Plokford, of lead* for tb* O. O. P. to wipe ouL decided when, or if, shall return to ■ $1.59 Wash Top Suits, $1.49 Roller Skates 0M . checks . . col- " course, writes relatively inactlye and RepubUeana an African sun—was balleved to­ 1 1 border. Special! Jority, The Leftist group In tbe Socialist "ohanteuse" he meana a, "bluei" books. vjaut It 1* customary in New York Sweden." The statement renewed Button-oh Hlouses Double. ball-bearing, rub- $ m or*! Kalburnle make. Full leniri^ *lna z 50” to balisv* that Ujiatate pluraUUoe atressed the New Deal lB Issue,0UCf tbeUlO day by her father to be nearly over Breadelotb top* la sbadq* 0| - BO-Sqnare P e ic ^ thus assuredr^tltaaffect-oir party is mads up- -of - thoiw- w bof!.i|og#ILJI 8C-.wBan. he »aya |••terpso• Mtar lasUng four yeari. conjecture that aha was ptautolngite 79c vaiue.*^ 2 fnrJ aM'WbIto. Lined ahorte to^ | bar. obock. absorbar, o d -w B - - JSleached Muslin tl to ~*tae. -obmn -qf -Mahog­ DOLLARDAY z ehoraan twain", ha wah»''^ld ' s*jr eam t.lM tHtatm unlasR. Tammany P«opJ4 .of the metrnpoUarnpoUa re;registered, retire. ' : Broadclpth, \ ' justable. For boys 85 to. wide, Q vTfliX Light and e —d a ' any, Maple, Walnut, and DOU ARDAY ,, the country might wmi be reckoned would like. to do great thlaga all in Hall make* a vlgorour effort to get and flocked to the polls in tremen- "My daughter'VwUl recover com­ mixtures. Sizes are 4 "ballroom dancing team." pletely within three months. If pres­ , whlte-^pattems, 4\to 10. 10. girls. X usually sell* ® dark ehades. ® Ivory finish. CURTAINS DRAPERIES >as beneflclal to the Itopubltosn na- a minute and at one itroka. Mofit By thy eama token, a "blatro' Qudtattons out Ita full vote. This y*ar most of dous numbers to veiete Democratic. 16c a yard. 86 In. Wide. Special! - According to this theory, the ent Improvement continues," her tor ■^ f tionai campaign, A . handsome^ of tbem have but the vaguest Idea la no more than a small and falrl.v the Tammrny leader* ar* aour on Despite a studio aeeldtnt that FOURTH FLOOR SBCXIND FLOOR ; J.' FIFTH FLOOR Reo**v*lt and tarley. fiapeciaily on "man on the street" Is aroused father. Dr. James L. Woodruff stat­ knocked him unconscious Sunday, 2-Pc, $1.29 Pajamas r‘ 2-Pe. Underwear Tailored Net Duplex 36x7i2 : Maine. vlotoiy following Mr. JUan»' of what It ti they would like to Informal saloon and a"suavt intaf- Farmer* n*ed ralp more than leeuter" la tha octoroon who aarvaa polltlral speeches. Farley, atne* *h*y f**l h* want* to and will come to bat for Roosevelt ed. Fred' MacMiirray went to worir to PepperoU, also to flahael Fruit - of-tbe- 4 f « r I Curtains Pr. j Window Shades do. > 1 don's Portland speech wiu be an as- both as bartander and bounoar. In >~Otl* F< fllenn, Illinois aanatorlal eontrel th*lr organtiatlon aa part of without being herded to the polls ’Ihe young actress became Ul.tha a new film today.. ette, featured In Loom *horU ^ Ecru color with open top.i 59c value! Q ; set employable for the next alx It will probably pawls a good tha ftgamant of avery botapet ' candidate. hi* national machtn*. by Tammany. And Tammany ba* year after her .■eturn to I6SI from Th* aetor was engaged Iq final and coat, 8 to 18. to stripes and pattern*. DOLLAR HOUSEWARES! CHINA! GLASS!' LAMPS! ready to fin on the rod. (Simplat* with *» They also Roe**v*lt is tb* Tanganyika jungles where she fixtures! Slightly Irregu­ |weeks as IniUeatltti the trahd of many people to updentand how It ballon's imagination, ths opening of mxtpKt •o inany Important local politleal scenes of "(Jhampagn* Walt*" 9fM" going to support Mayor LaOuar- contests of ttgowD that It can't ■ - * filmed Ih 'Trader Horn ” AIN FLOOR nnch Pleated lar. . Apolitical thought \ oomw that Nerm'an Thomas, schol­ aaoh placa is attended "by ealArl- Women'* court cab** ahould not terday, usually a holiday in Hmqc ties of ar—ataga, acrean------and------radio."- But bo "tried," but "ttaatad," Th* whole dto for i4 -*l*euon ta IMT. afford to "lie down" this year. Many, pbyaiclans in America and wood. 4rh*n a mschanlo dropped 4 Damask Drapes Pr.. Cretonne and ; An advance eettal^y of today's ar, former;, minister of the gospel, if tbe trunjUt, ..ba known, it la mainly bualnesa I* a heartbreaking job to addition to tb* Tammany com'- It Is also true that Democratic Europe . were qonsulted by Miss heavy metal tripod .on bto 4 Rtedy to b*hg with tie-/ Glazed Chintz iresult could only be tM result of •yen ''bigh-brow,-’ comei to by of attended b. , ivass not Impracticable, of radicalism. He seems to^ us to who airaatad. Dorothy OUb oq group of mtddla-olaas Democrats to tbe sun had affected nerve cen­ ' D O L L A R D A Y narriage.and It eecura to ma that close, in fact,' that it will ba de­ ters and glands. London-made film, and Roaa Pon- ■haded or tweafi. mixtures. OATMR.TMKAL or COLD ivory, aome ecru . . isem- isafe to B^unie that It hhd 'l^en get a lot of intellectual oatlafactloa trafflo chargA. from Roosevelt. This group i* we cynics who a)t In tha audience cided by the treads of the next Fur.several years ebe was con­ selle, alnger, ready to start her Nfw GH^AM SOAP— r-m for 5c Tissue $1.39 Ironing $L49 Up to $1.95 $U 9Pair , Moisteners 200-Ft. plete . . 6-pe. cottage HOSIERY Lmsde and' that ths outcome ot to- in sneering a( the established order sne suppose that svary klM la a vaguely gu****d .by 0. O. P. dope- few weeks. York concert and opsra season., ' Bedspread Cotton eeta. ______, Pair W* do not abajM our idea* after star* to number around KXijioo. fined to bar bad to shuttered, dark- WISE SMITH W HITE ■ 30 Rolls Boards Garbage Cans Ensmelware Andirons 3 for Clothesline apy*# voUiig was esUmated with Md convicting tbe American people f-bony. every hug a oeuntaffalt *d. e'-.ed room*. '-s ' . ? ■■ 800 yd*, to a g f o r f Fin'jH FIAiOB Women’s Knee-High dearmant. are often' fooltd. Mot th* pattern of thingr but after tb* akeln! For o I w J PlOATtNO[NO BA'.TH SOAP the greatest of care and accuracy; Of e'tuptdlty and of . golltlcal - and patternturn eof our own Idaaa. I* teat No Smltb AM tor Dshman ' Now, Dr. Woodruff said, she to Robert Grief, 286-pound *cr*en til for Our Blue Klin dried 10 gtotoa Blza IvpITi. -Black;^..lron,' .49e.;valu.al.’ »L68_; vatua:’ Perfect Silk Chiffons many^oniha ag»i;rTfiao{taK Nawt-m eomedlu, _eonUnually-Hil***d -b t o -- orodhettogr— unbleachad' llae le Hhfurday speech would'not eebnoMo i^brano^^^ and to be-rath/ fraadomlI -N»i r*tb*r .May**;/ _____ Xehman again .at PMthst Last Night qble to walk, enjoy: mild. jpgjrlgJIh.o only1...... • ■ . '' ttH-'graTre lnmber.~wBll percolator a, igmaftellyj ' matri, oorru- Braided, cot- < ^ Shasr..nualltyr.....9 jnei Drina Hpl /dtnffng rabaarMlji' 'raarks--.tiM ^ a lk outltai** o f bto OASTILK SOAP. ton line, vriy* DOLLAR DAY 7 fuU fashioned —Im. Stlenn* OUMm> Franeb Iwaaovalt'a urgent behest, to ea- vlMt Menda. bathreo m' eenatructe d. M and'handla. pan*, water BtylpU.and* ated. Ihctra*l Uid should not have been made. er • afraid that bU predictions of to- tbe drama, "Dead End" at the Loot year *b* **tti*d for an un­ feet intended to keep him to camera .«-lb.bsr Spedal! pah*, *to. dWlS8|6d. paelalt strong! vrith elaatie cuff. Blaaa^ Belasco Theater. They have ad phlIoa(>pfc*r. ' bano* tbe obMces of tbe nation­ Norfolk. VC;--Itasr Admiral B. o, Crepe Velene tlaaua. S KNITWEAR ; As to the speech itself, It .was complete disaster will not be fuU- al Uekat ■ But be must run with­ announced' euto. a Sl.000,000 dam­ range. 8 % to 10. A qmclal Dol­ joining dressing rooms and la tha Btlckney, 69, U. S: N.> retihad. - Grieg; a butler to "Right In Your - 2-oz. ekeih*! 9 fO T < OLKANSINa 1 lar Day value! SoL of course, sensational nor (Ulsd. He wants no progreaslva* re­ You b4v* many oeustrlaj ta e«a out th* aetlv* support-T*nd per- Buffalo, N- Y.— EMwin Ron age suit against th* producers (M- ISAM. I-lb. jar-A far play appear as lovera /w h o must hap* with the tacit oppoaiuon— Lap," could not? see fils feet nor tk* Women's Run Resist MAIN FLOOB #ooh-maklng. Mr. Landon does forms or gradual improvement of meet secreUy . At thi waterfront on your moaia lo t * ....I bad no Thomas, 86. at Miami Baaeb, FI4. G-M) of "T »d *r Born." She alleg­ for knitting dro****, ate. $1.89 Seaii-Pareclain Chardonize Undies ld«a tb*F w*r* *o oemplat* and *o of Al Imlth. tb* old friend of whose ed th* eempany was to blame for chalk marks because of hi*—erne ROSLVN TOOTH make aensational speeches, it the people's condition. It le our WeU It seems that they have been ioneei automobli* aMnufacturar. bnUd. . MAIN FLOOR RBUSHBS ------^ ^ (er Vest*, •top- 9 ' f o r ' dlvanlfiMl. own gubamatorisl campaigns Leh­ her' afekaess. ., ' , 17-Pe, Lunch Sets ed some very trenchant belief fie would be delighted to see ewe- thearta offstage also and re­ man used i/ conuibjta gobs of a waa builder at the. “Thomas 80 tbey set 'up two mlrrer* *S- too. pantlea. ® CHILDREN’S cently were wed far'frem tba foot — Albert larrant, fwnoor proadar Flyer" which In 1908 war th* only Mlta Booth, who** real name to ROSE LYNN OOMBINA- Ivory body flnia Moomar*. all eiaa*. Regu­ ^ticism of the weird phlloaophy things go to smash eb that be eouid llktats. money and who heretofore ha> sup­ Conataae* Woodruff, played extra ■tage to guide bim. nO N O R B A M . -ib. Jar, first quwty. 4 ‘ ot Franea, vWttng Ballyweod. ported Lehman whole-heartedly a* par to finish In . an "around tha _ I ^ L L A R D A Y 1 lar 60r ■ DOLLARHOSE ' the New Deal and much affective say, "I told you eo." , More or less like the romanea Of world” enduranoa race. and hit roles before winning the ' •■ ■ '-2 for cups. 4 saucer*, :4l a candidate for govern-r. lead to the jungle picture. Productlcm Note*: dinner plate*. 4 ' 1 to the Individualism so char, In a eoafllet between McLevylem Helen Gahagaa smd Helvyn Doug­ Tammany la Said to o* willing, Plttaburgh—Edwin Robert Craw­ MEN’S SHOES las. who met for the. first time, Katharine Bniah'ii novel. "Man­ aauea dtame* and 1 ' iriftlc of New England ond.par- and rbomasism the sympathlea of A Thought for the most part, to see Lehman ford, 66, pre*ldei)t of tbe McKees- meat platter. through a pleasant colnetdance, on piirt .Tln Plato Company< nequin.” ha* been purchased.' by lcuIarly~of rural New England. It many people eompletely outside the defeated. He baan't been aa friendly Metro-(3oldwyn-Maysr, probably tor Quality Rubbers I be same stage of the Belasoo Tfie- pa Tammany Would have liked. a good speech, os aU ot Lon­ Soctallst fold is likely to be with tiler where they were playing |a B* that, natli ahoot aa Joan Crawford. rovieauath aeeiotat And there arc aome evidences ’s speeches are. It wat not a the Connecticut man. '"I ought or Never." Douglas waa of an effort to drive a wsdge be­ Look for Randolph Scott au'- cue'of the luckleat auitore in the Irene Dunne, partners In that mw prilling apeecb—none of bis ate. It tween the “Irish vote" and the wtrio, for “ ronight dr Never" wee "Jewish vote," tba latter at which cal movto. "Robert", to team Bay bave been more effective tor the rtoiy of a beetle courtship and will ba praetlcaUy unanimous for to "Handaoma", a melody , subject |tat .varjf fSust—this country baa love acenea galore. wcittmi by Oscar Hammarsteto 111. Eayeedropping a heavy overdoeage of tbfllh Before that, however, the actor u* pa- CobversatiOD Overheard (uninten­ going to rejoin bto bride. CJarianna i p promlaaa and gooey axeuM tionally, of eourie): to a theatim Llvtogotone-Dupont Soott, la loLl V—"The ntav la all riaht bat tba V . ■ I \ }

iitil WM M. takh^tai i^BotarfbUtleiL _ Bual tiomSdi* to be bald «e Se 40, dlod day, Sept 27th at tha fU h o i_ ay Of a K* y cot T ta and ^0046" tlw ■ -i'."?i—• •. l i —( A F l - i room to Uos AUos on both ehaaka. Oama eJub piDpatly at Vila ViO. . ..__ - ____hia boms la Mans> For the osMtal . . . ’two weolta; Bald Oaaitoh Ba was bora,in South Btanliy Plseik, " I wlMi you on the hsmptneea In Tolland. vl4ad it is im ta the prooidwt of- the tha werlffi" she sold. DAY, tirrBM IM ^tOlntrB] tad B u ttn S tead trd T litt) Mr. and Mrs. Medos Palahaw, 10 WnUurtaii. JOm 27.1806, a tort of tliO united itataa.Pharmaeopoeta, New T« York ■ MUk..... Producora Federa­ TONHam MDCDSSES AlbMX aiM Mtamla AUra Latham. SurpriMngly, AUes burst into (DifUglit $mvin nm On* a»mr tattr) Frederleka street Hartford are the which; lists drnga that ora aUad- tion. postponed a ttarestened strike toon. "But miss you so! 0 0 Ha laavoa U s Odfa, Mrs. Violat n i ItaOM An Iir*fr»m » to p a tna bM»o e l^ u or orouM thorooC oalow ipM parents of a daughter bora to. them ordtasA and under tbs control of call today os the "deadUne" he hod YouU ba way out thare— liotbam, Ua motbar U WlUlmanUe, PAIN nr BODY n w a r n i n o M ) «aost to oMUit (e to • ) dooicnotlou tnolado tU tv tfltb U itotlbno. TO BE (URMONIODS reoaitly. The new arrival is a tha U, I . Fbod and Drug Admlnlo- sat for state revision o f mlUc prices Kay lookOd up, atortlad, "What ttttlen t rootrvo ri|ht to shonfo proaramt wW ioM prtvioita natloa. P. M. grenddaugbter o f Mr. and Mre. two alstara; Mrs. Etbal Psrrault SIGNAL W ILLNESS: ' passed without action by State mil* tratlOB. ^have BO adven- do you meanT” NBO-WEAF

pensive woven fabrica are going Betft Steel, pfd . .. T find myeelf presented with nomlc wonies, have a tougher take quite a few. though not so he coat aside opened, the 40tb annual on the starting lineup today with 46 dlrectoire revere. If you can have (Oonttnoed from Page One) Travelers ...... 645 Local Sport On Harabnrda’t Triple TotalsJa ...... 38 4 88x34X1 x34 4 Orercome Early Lead Of BlnaAeM* crowd the country’s campuses only one coat. It had better be a fit BSMen ...... < ..,. certain, spacliic rsqulsltlona from time sometimes than the people many at the aquarium. Before. Record Crowd; drive for the nationoi amateur golf players standing around with luckily PubUo UUUty Stocks Can Pec ...... AB.H H . iBll, ^or. they’re exactly the ted model of flneat .camel’s hair in Conn. Lt. and Pow. . . 74 the Action,” the Irish dramatist who stand on the other side of the Just now Dr. N i^ m le trying to chomplonaMp today. - drawn byes. At nightfall, the field _ ' '/Enfield State Prlmo Case (J, L) . g la n looking im --__.i-:____ ,__ With LlttLs on the stdeilnes otter Cottons, sa 8 1 X ^.thing the fashion teacher ordered, a neutral shade to go with every­ with **pouring thousands Into "this Otmn. Power vv-i.-i..- 6644 /wrote, "to be. eompUed-wlth on pain -^termine what Is depopulating Die will lbs reduced to 138, who will And Opdacii’t Single; Thlrd'Bese Gas Housers In Opener Smith, 3b"; Extra Base Marks; Bob States looked like the most wide crowned amateur king by Saturday . develop taste and individuality as a fur coat and, for early fall, make multl-mllilonaire makers of muni­ Manafactnrtng Stocks Hla 3,000 word letter referreo to NigrelU bee one and win shortly Today’s column is being devoted Bhortatop .. Paganl, c ...... 4 'iiFdl as background of lamin’, it’s a Acme Wire ...... 46 Cons Edison ...... the Action as "a body pretending to parallel of athlete’s foot, a develop­ entirely to data on the 1936 football open scramble In the big show’s night must play eight rounds over •^Pitcher . . . . the jacket of a dress-and^jacket en­ tions of war and other Industrial Cons O il...... perform on autopey. JUstory. Eight -former-Gbomptons, the narrow fairwayaond trap dotted Crowd F w » E. R a ^ k u s, lb 4 idea to mix these with the semble serve as a wrap. Am.7.Hardware ...... 8644 represent the Vatican without as ment of fungus op the scales that .Ihcldentally the heUbepder 1* one Feller Equals StrflteoQt team at Trinity CoUegs at Hartford Prison Farm Downs Second Base".... 5 ■ p atf^ o f . .7.".'.'nr"ar war lords who findnes such political Cont Can ...... much Itnowledge of OthoUclam as aaps their vitaUty, makes them twenty Walker Cup player* from Garden City golf club layout. If newest clothes that are just as movementa as the Liberty League.” Arrow H and H, com. 56^ of the healthiest of the inmates of ___ a large number of Trinity alum­ Flrat B a se...... 4 Lawida, p ...... 4 0 3 casual and comfortable yet at the Cora P r o d ...... a irlllage gravedigger.” droo]>, complain of that tired feel­ ni reside in the local area and the America and Great Britain and a the regulation distance Is travelled Centerfleld...... 4 Sees Thriller. White characterized Brann as BilUngs and Spencer . 244 the aquarium. There are two dotei widely varied array of veterans and the winner, or runner-up, must play Orioles. X Varrick ssice time smart as mothers' town Bristol Brass ...... 66 Get Lack and West . He cannot accept this "preten­ ing (not vocally, of course, but by Mark. school is close enough to Manches­ .’’part and parcel to this New Deal Du Pont ...... of them there now, alattenily look­ kid. wonders left the experts mut­ 180 boles, or an average SO holes a siilU. Collins Co...... 110 sion,” the letter said, because the a general appearance of laaittude) ing feilowe of the aolemander spa- ter to attract interest from all Totals ...... 32 6 11 37 7 1 Totals and could not avoid the conse­ Eastman Kodak ..., Action “ has neither th-i knowledge and leads to oil kinds of traiible. tering to themselves as to. the ulti­ day, barring a first round bye. Score by innings: tCither of the two leading autumn quence.” t^ lte said "the Frank­ Colt’s Pat Firearms.. 4744 (flee with a soft creased skin, long sports fans:.. .on top of that, Bob mate outcome. Course Is Tough .... A sizzling three-base smash by Mortar^ Bro* _ ^ Eagle Lock ...... Bloe Auto Lite ,.. , nor the manners to sustain such a Dr. NlgreUl, who personally is |tails and short legs. O’MaUey is a football, bOsebaU and The Pollsh-Amerieana ahd Man­ Moriarty Orioles ...300 001 010—4 furters. Farleys, the Wallaces and 25 Gen Elec ...... part. It ie as obnoxious to the By SH)FEDBR Back Up Ouimet Garden City, scene of ths 1908 chester Green are ell Sven in four Art Patton with two mates aboard Fafnlr Bearings...... 100 Assoedated Press Sports Writer basket!^ star of tbs first magni­ Bookmakers, those shrewd fellows end 1913 national cHamplonshlps, Bhifleld State Prison 210 100 OSx—d In ths sixth. Inning gave the town O’Malley, 3b Tugwells and all the lunatic fringe Gen Foods ...... United States Constitutio.. as any games played this season. xMeboney batted for Bchleldg* Bransfield, ct are against me and for-him because Gray Tel Pay Station ...19X 21\ tude on the Hilltop, wMch should who always come out_ first In big JSoUi. won by Jprry.^. 'Travers..._ls . a champion Blueflelds> decisive 6_to Haft and Cooley . . . . Gen Motor*-. ,. -. .-.-r, of th» features-of the- New-Detd for­ The-Giant* are breathing-eaeier be resson aplenty iw gtvn ig'spacr' Beaten-ln-two-oul of tttreo-fome* — xxG’Malley batted' for Kerrr- -Slpplesrib-TV )RT PAPEITFILES they see In him a supporter of their 150 Gillette ...... bidden by the Supreme Court It Pope to see they were’ given a hearty today. The worst Is over end golf touraaroente, made John Good­ course for the straight and narrow, 3 friuroph over librierty "Brothers at Landers, Frary A Clk. MISSHaETCRAWFORD welcome, in Italy. to the college. man of Omaha, 1933 National Open stretching 6,808 yards over rolling In the Twl League by the recently Two base hits, Haefa, Cobb, Sec­ ML Nebo yesterday afternoon in tb* Gianeantt, se .. cause.” 4644 4844 Gold Dust ...... hoe no legal authority to enforce its .they’re stUI 344 games in front of crowned 'I^vt champions, th”. Polleh- ond Base; blU off Fraher 11 m 9, Cronin, 3b ..xj, The Main Issue Mann A Bow, Class A 7 9 vetoea. Attendants . aL the Pope’s summer champion, and Albert “Scotty" terrain. Direction Is so essential opening encounter of a fl\s-game se­ REORGANIZATION PLEA do.. Class. B ...... Hudson Motors . .. . 'the Natlgnel League pack. Amerks deadlockM the rivalry be­ Pitcher 8 in 9; sacrifice hiU, Thura- Putnam, rt .... ■Tf Maine Is for the New Deal.” 3 Int Herv ...... Threatens Hollywood home declared the Holy Father had Trinity has twelve iettsrmen Campbell of Seattle, who led the on some holes that many player# riee. A colorful crowd of baseball New Brit. Mch., com. GUEST AT SHOWER PA R H In the "record breaklng-est” day scoring brigade tn practice for tbs tween the local ^/6un» with a 8 to 3 er; stolen ..bases, Tburaer, Center- Hllderbrand, cf said White, "we people should vote 33 36 lot Nick ...... "Yet it has brought all the Holly­ prayed eontlnuoualy that Spaniard* of this season, if not of several availabl*. namely: Ciagtaln Mickey have been using shorter clubs. Tbs field; double plays, Cobb to Kerr to fane, estimated at more than 3,000 / do..' pfd...... 100 may add “prayer” to their defenses Kobrosky,'halfback iz/'H D. O'Mal­ show with a course-shattering 69, front door of the fifth green, for Victory at the Bulkeley Stadium in parsons, was in attendance aa WatleL e ...... Herald Asks Permission To George Chemetto for Governor Brann. If opposed to tnt Tel and Tel . . . . wood financiers and corporations to years, they met the challenge Of Hartford yeatordey afternoon in a HyUe; base on balls off Fraher 3; Spencer, p . . . <. It, they should vote for me.” /North and Judd 3944 «4 4 their knees by the threat that tf in the battle against Communism. ley, quarterback; H.-^VlMck, guard; the co-favorites at the low odds of 8 example, Is only 15 paces wide. The “ Spike” Lawida boated Lynn fipeh- Proceed Under Section 77B Peck, Stow A Wilcox Kennecott ...... their closest rivals for the National to 1. There were plenty who plank­ seven-inning/ preliminary to the struck out by Fraher *9, by Pitcher XX May ...... 0 George Chemette, 69, also known Except for defending R oosev^ 1644 1744 Lehigh Val C5oal ... they dare to produce a film banned Mrs. Frank G. Little of 33 Lan­ League flag, the St. Louis Cardlnels.' C. H. LeFevre, end; C. W. Lindell, greens ere of the circus variety with 7; time, 1:30; umpires, Murphy, oar on the mound. Of Federal Bankruptcy Act. as George Miner, was found dead Russell Mfg. Co...... 34 89 caster road entertained with a per­ end; F. G. Jackson, fullback; W. ed down the long green for some of spotted bumps .ttiat are bound to Savttt Oems-BrooHlyn 'Blue Sox Score# On Error expenditures and the resultant Na­ Lehigh Val Rd . .. . by ;t not one of the 30,000,000 yesterday and came through with the games’ grand old veterans. Aa eonteet. to gaining tbq triumph, the ()uinn. Total* ...... 38 in bed at his borne on HUIstown ScovlU Mfg. C o ...... 48 45 Catholics In the United States will sonal shower Saturday, evening, Halgbt, end; R. R. Parker, tackle; take a heavy toll of shots. The game opened in a rather road Saturday afternoon by Wilbur tional debt Increase, Brann had so Standard Screw Ligg and Myers B . an even spUt.ln a doubleheader to the drive began,, there wee a big None of the favorites drew ex­ PA’S were forced to come from be­ Score by Innlngt; ■. New Haven, SepL 14.— (AP) — little to say about the New/ Deal 150 160 Loew’s , ...... be allowed to croea the threshold of honoring Miss Helen Crawford of STATE SOCIALISTS maintain their pace setting margin. E. J. D’Angelo, center; O. B. Keller, spectaouiar manner with Horiarty's Blueflelds ...... 000 018 Ttie Bridgeport Herald Corporation T. Little and Policeman Herman Stanley Works .. 8144 8344 aiiy picture house exhibiting IL” Hamlin street, who is to be married tackle; 8. N. Benjamin, tackle; end rush of money on Francis OuimeL ceptionally tough foemen today but hind with a two-run outburst in tb* scoring th* flret of thetr-Xwothetr<$wo toUle*tallle* that Republicans sought w draw McKeesp Tin ...... Many Beoords Fall the Boston commoner of golf who anything waa apt to happen over 18 Moriarty Bro*. .... XOO 010 '-'‘'iUad a petition with the clerk of the Muske. Little had earlier gone to Torrihgton ___ 101 103 Elisabeth Bergner, who appeared this fall to Richard Cherrington of 8. M. Truex, halfback. Graduation final ftoro* Bob O'MalleySalley drove a elngla overove: a Ron for Cotton Xrt the house to take his neighbor to from him a statement of Jils posi­ Union Mfg. Co. .. Mont W a rd ...... HAVE TWO SLATES Records ware emasbed on all twice has held the crown. . holes. Goodman’s first round fos Quartos Tops Botelle SEEKS RESTORATION V. District Court_here today tion concerning the Fede/ai admin­ 744 844 Nat Blsc ...... on Broadway In “Escape Me Never," Brooklyn, N. Y. About 20 guests ■ides in both leagues through the looses were: T. L. Sinclair, hsdf- the keystone sack and Jack "Dusty' tnnlpgs; Lawida in Bth the store to make his Saturday pur­ U S Envelope, com. . . 86. 96 Reynolds Smith of Dallas, tbs was Hunter Hicks of Chicago, en in Tony Quartu* former .Trade Scsklng permission to reorganize istration. Nat (3ash R eg...... is playing the Utle role in the film, were present. Mrs. Little used yel­ Sunday program. back; W. M. Kirby, guard; J, E. man many pick to spread eagla Ms and outer; Campbell drew Forrest May was . oUowsd to - run for innlnn. under Section 77B of the Federal chases and saw Chemette lying In do., pfd. ■...... 125 ISO which wen Into production Aug. 31 low end grben in her table center­ (Orattnned from One) Geore, fullback; and W. F. ScotL aohool ace, Mtehsd-up with NeUo O'Mallsy, Dusty stels sseond and X Ran for Cotton* lot bed-. Falling to arouse him, Little Senator White cont^ded, that If Nat D a iry ...... The biggest crowd in National field; toll Johnny Fischer, the Gln- Thompson, an unknown from Land- :Hknkruptcy A ct Veeder Root ...... 100 104 Nat Dlatin...... it) Bhigland. piece, and the gifts for the bride- League Mstory,. an overflow throng guard. BoreUo, Hlgb. school star. In a OF AMATEUR STATUS whan Sippiss was thrown out at and Otb inning*. called the police. The officer went Brann were not a tU w Dealer he Whitlock Coll Pipe clnnkU^ung vet who usually comes over, Md. British champion Thom­ mound batU* In which QuaijMs had JTuffmjiudge BSdwinEdwin flS. Thomas appolnt- would be vlrtuatlyjfnpotent In the 444 644 N Y Ceritral ...... The 80-year-old Shaw who wrote elect were placqd In a yellow and an ralallona with the Nationel ef 84^417, -Jenuned the Polo grounds clove; welter Emery of Oklahoma son was paired against Johnny first base by Cottons, May spriqted Three base Mts, Pati .-•d Leigh Danenberg, - preeident of Into the house through a window. J. B. Williams Co. 38 45 the play In 1023, described the pro­ green basket. Various JoUy games body. McLevy immedlate]y moved thi better of tb* goln^-. He allowed for tMrd. Eddie Ragusku* 1st ths riflee Mts, Smith;, stolen Dr. LeVeme Holmes, medteal ex­ Senate and that If he was a New NY NH and H . . . . to the rafters tg see the Giants and The coaches Invited a large squad City, 1935 runner-up to Little, and a Robert of Columbus, Ohio. Earl* ^'the corporation which publishes Miscellaneous North Amer ...... duction as having bad “such general were played and a-mong the winners that, the amendment be adopted Cardinals. six bits and struck out nine 'batter* boll fto to brother Andy walUdg at nam; double n li^ , Patton aminer, said death was probably Dealer he shoulcr be defeated be­ Chapman Valve .7 ... 24 of thirty-five men to report Bep- score o f others had their backers. Baruch of PbUadolpbla and Charles Jesse Owens W ^ s AAU the Bridgeport Sunday Herald, a cause of It 26 Packard ...... approval and especially xxx such were Mrs. Wilfred Qark and Miss which was the signal for ths rift The American League champion tember 8th for early season prao- Leading the British Invasion . waa Wblteheed, ’.Jamesburg, N. J., p a n without giving a single pass, 'wbll'a tMrd to eatoh Dusty, but ths. throw Raguskua; left on caused by a heart disease and that Conn. Invest-Mgt.- . .. 354 BoreUo waa nlckod for seven blows. 7, otorierty Bkm. B; ly nevmpaper, jAmporary trus- Republican^criticized Brann’b ac­ 444 Penn ...... religious encouragement that' the Dorothy Russell. A delicious lunch­ with Allen leading the opposition. New York Yankeee welloped eight Uce. Practice sessions are held Hector Thomson, champion of Ms called to fire with first shots. was bad aad got awa:^ from ths Chemetta evidently died during the Else Steam Sterilizing 3 8 possibility of a conflict with the Walked four aad fanned four. tMrd saeker and ths alart May off. Lawida 1, s h e a r s; night. The body was removed to tivities In Mveloping Maine as a Phlla Rdg C and I . eon was served by the hostess. Despite spirited objections by homers in taking e dounlebeeder twice per day until college official Saspension Luted B n t Gt. Lak. Stmsbp. Co. 3914 42 PhU P e te ...... cennersbips wMcb .low control the Allen, the convention voted to dis­ from the Browns to bring their total The Amerka drew first blood in crossed the plate for Morlarty’s first by, Lawida 6, Spencer 4; Idaln at the district . court the W. P. Quish Funeral home and yacatlonland. They charged the King Seeley Corp . . . 11% ly opens on September 28th. Much Russell, (plate), Brenpan :'s office said an effort bad been 18'54 Pub Serv N J . . . . . films .never occurred to me.” affiliate with the United States for the season to 175, setting a new of ths time Is devoted to condition­ the opening inning when they scor­ nm. a niece, Mrs. Janies Martin, of East govemory expenses In behalf of Sanborn Map ...... 100 Prospects Appear Slim. In th* Bluefield half Cotton* O’Leary (tMrd); official ocoi at noon today to withdraw the Hartford, was potified. rccrcatynal advertising had not Radio Socialists organization and AUen major league record for four-base ing drills and fundamentals. Coach ed their first teUy on a walk and Sparta Foundry ___ 2214 blows and for extra bases on long walked and Chuoky Smith pushed MeConkey. ion blit that Judge Thomas' Chemette worked at one time for brought i , justifiable results, and 2444 Reading ...... SAYS COMMUNISM then led Ms faction out at the tmU Jessee is planning a change Ih bis Enforced Rest Enabled two Mt* The Green tied the eoimt Sylvanta Indus...... 29V4 him to second. Roy also received a ion would have ^o be secur- Earl Campbell, livlhg. then on Wood­ questioned the wisdom of some of 3144 Rem R a n d ...... with the announcement hla group bits in one season. offensive system, featuring a line in the third when ’Tutfy” , VWt New York,/B*pt. 14 — (AP) — Taylor-Golqultt . . . . . 40 V4 • 4244 Rey Tob B ...... MAGNUS JOHNSON Yoimg'Boh Feller, the Cleveland slammed a bom*' run into center free ticket and A Raguskua fUlsd Buch a move. land street. his/methods. Utah-Idabo Sug. Com. 8H would nominate Its own tickeL and backfield shift. It Is expected Jesse Owens planned to return to 4H Safeway Stores . .. , HITS e m u z A m Indians’ schoolboy sensation, fanned that .considerable Ume will be spent thet Just felled to Clear th* fane* Cleveland todw for a "hearing” th* boaea by bouncing the ball ott peUtIbn’ lliffed a w ts’ bf^'the 'The fimeraj wm be the Brann’# Answer..— - New York Bsak and Ins. Stocks ... I^rtiy. after the Left d»* Spwieet'# -rib* With the bases lUon at $187,683.68 and Us­ Scbehley Dls ...... parture, the remaining "delegatas •IT )PhUsdelphia Athletics batters to o’ri passing, for thS rambination If Haraburibi Feawrea wMcb hslfdped 'Wbul'd jMV* League Stpni Spring Grove Cemetery chapel, Brann retaliated by asking Bank of New York. 605 515 CLAIMED BY DEATH bstter Rube Waddell'e American Perry to Outlast Budge loaded and only ons out ths Blue^ Sears Roebuck . . . . . The Green took tb* lead in the for tb* lyistoratlon of M# unimpaired es at $844,939.45. Hartford, tomorrow afternoon at atne people If what be called'the BanKefs Trust ...... 70 (Oonttnoed trem Page One) voted 54 to 4 for a lilanket amend­ Kobrosky and O’Malley should field supportors wsrs tn a franxy. 2:30 with burial In the cemetc; 72, SheU Union ...... ment to 'the constitution striking League mark and equal Dizzy again offer a real threat of an air sixth when ITlot doubled, and earn* amaUur sUtuS and permit Mm to TBSTBBDAT’S greatest .(Summer business in the Chase ...... 45 47 (Oontinoed from Page One) Dean’s major league record for But Rautsnbefg popped up to there. state’s history was unwelcome. Chemical ...... Socony Vac ...... Itind and order from Russia to out every reference to the National attack, team being undefeated and untied. home on a single by Patris* Th* run In th* Calsdoma Games at tb* . 66 68 South Pac ...... etiSkeouts in a game. gam* seemed to be la tbs well Yankee stadium next Thursday. (Tronln and Pagan! was thrown out Nattonal LeogM ICHMAN NEARS U. S . ' Five referenda on today’s ballots Central Hanover . .. . 132 134 China, from Mexico to South Amer­ party. Two delegates did not vote. The crowd at the Polo Grounds— He Is also head coach of baseball. at first to kesp ths plats clean. South Rwy ...... grev/th of the Farmer-Labor party ica.” The few men lost ■ by graduation Briton Wins National Singles known burlap for the Green aaMh* Indications were, however, thet New York 8-3; 8L Louie EdMttI McOowan wers almost wholly obscured by tlje Continental ...... 18 30 Observers estimated that more than police estimated 50,000 more were During the past summer Mr. Jessee From then until tne fifth innliig Pittsburgh 6-8; PMlodli St Brands ...... he continued his allegiance to the The Pope wondered If, in fecL It-ls SO of . the 100 delegatee fo lk ri^ will not be missed to any - great PA'S cam* to bat for the last time the Buckeye Bullet would have to re­ Edward McGowan, who until fall­ smoke of partisan battle In the Com Exchange . . . . . 65- 67 Liberals, juid as a F'armer-Laborite turned away—went wild as Mel taught the football coaching course main on the sldollnei unless a lot of It waa a pitching duel between Brooklyn 0-7, CMcego 3-9. IN RETURN FLIGHT St Gas and El ...... not already too late, declaring the AUen. extent and with a fine group of at Columbia University. In the seventh but appeoraadea ing health prevented him, »yas em­ months preceding the election. First National ...... 2160 2180 St on Cal ...... was elected to-serve out the unex- Ott -blasted his 31st and 32nd Crowd For Third Time In other sUr pstformera who ore Lynn Bpeneer, tb* eurv* bail artist, Cincinnati 3-1; Boston 1-6. The buesUons provided local op­ Guaranty T ru s t___ . 348 subversive' forces of which be n g h t Fbr Oontrol freshman players available, the proved deceiving. WolkowsM, pinch and tb* burly Imwld* Spencer held ployed as a weaver b y Cheney 360 St on N J ...... pired term of the, late U< S. Senator homers and fat Freddy Fitzslm- squad should tw one of the In sehcduled to compete are-willing to Ainerloftii LeMue (Oonttnned from Page One) Brothers,.died yesterday at the Man-' tion on the aale of beer, rejection of Irving ...... 15 17 spoke, "once they have seduced and McLevy, in e militant address mon.s pitched aeven-hlt ball to ^ve Assistant Coach Joseph C Mttlng for Smith, earns through th* champs Mtleo* fo» four Innings Tex (3orp...... Kniite Nelson In 1923. stirred up the masses, aim at noth­ years. In the. backfield, only Lar­ rite ’l l Duel With West with a tingle. 'Vojeok was sent tn risk Suapenslon. The Northeeatern CUveland 6-6; PW adrt^ta tl— Chester Memorial hospital. Ha acceptance, locally, of state liquor Manhattan ...... 80 S3 WMIe in Washington he gained shouted above the noise i)i conven­ the Glanta on 8-4 win In the opener Clarke is a graduate of S:.prlngfleie ' Ohio Aeaoclatlon of tb* AmaUur but the Blueflelds nicked Mm tor * New York xO-18; SL IsMis ' Timken Roller Bear ing leas than arming them and tion baU, Sxplamed Ms stand on the ry Sinclair will be missing and bis He wai to run for him. Sendrowski fouled u]d aet them down hefe around b leaves a sister, Mrs. Benjamlii. Jor- stores' and sale of beer and aptrita Manufact. T ru st...... 48 60 Trans America . . . . attention by enga^ng the then of the twin bill. Athletic Union, which include* ran on' two MU and an error in th* Boston 7, Detroit 4. Uerrill, more cautlouc, pre- .00 the boyfi In his neighborhood don’t Woolworth ...... the breach—^if. Indeed, It is hot al­ During tbs early rounds ef the year unlese.b* could prove he never reported to the Custom lies with a radio speech In which he Hanover ...... 34 36 the Senate by the late Thomas D. DodgdfS, Ed Brandt pitching an ratory school football as a back- Nov. 14, Norwich at home; 21, Ver­ for the PA’S and Viet stood out for scrappy oatoher, laced a single Into Philadelphia ..<....49 like to go lb" school. Home Ins...... ready too late?” . BT AN AVALANCHE .groufid. From advance indlcatloni, tournament the black-halrSd bound­ even hod announced Ms Intention of American lieagiw and the Coast Quard here rested his case "in the bands of 84 H 3544 Schall, but went back to Washing­ eigbt-hltfer in th opener for a 6-8 mont at hom e...the/ admission ing Briton watched' Donald Budge, ths Orssn. left. Wanting to keep Paganl com­ that he bad been forced to Four anxious mothers called him those who know me best—those Home Fire Security 444 . With intense feeling, the Pontiff Brooklyn win, an^ Frank Demaree’s the rcguler backfield should be; price for home games-will be $1.10 turning pro. W, 544 ton as a Congressman-ait-Large In express^ his deep felt horror at America’s leading exponent of the PoUsh-Aroerks The "Brown Bullet’s” public an­ pany, Eddie Raguskua drove a liner . yesterday from his rowboat up between midnight and 2 a. m. to­ who know my services to Mainel” Mass. Bonding . . . . 52 84 1932 Ir 1934 he waa defeated by (Oonttnned treM Page One) big bat setting the pace' for a 14-hIt Captain Mickey Kobrosky, -half­ ...W ealej’on was th# only team to sport, struggling against an interior Into eenUrfiald. Up come Art Pat- New York day to ask btip In locating their National liberty .. G. 0 . P. WOMEN UUNCH the ”frac'trlcidsd vwur” 'in Spain. P(e back; Steve Truex, belfbsok; Frank AB. R. H. PO. A. B. nouncement that he Intended to '^oank l«irbor_by_ a.yacht. w’hlch Dubord, too, took to the air after 10 11H Rept Harold Knutson. He became attack which gave the (^bs a 9-7 beat the HlUtopperr In seven, games i^ponenL Haraburda, ss ...$ 1 1 0 ton-and with two etrlkes on Mm Mt > aal who authorized the removal endanger publio life. bulwark against Communism, the Mr. Budd has accepted the pastorate been exhausted when he .hod it>o It, fflU E R ADVOCATES walka of life who will have^esurt erty acquired after, marriage. of the First Ckmgregatlonal church Their total of 176 fbur-ba^srs-la candidetea stands over 6’ /3" in lively as well as o' profitable season. N. BoreUo, p ...I 0 0 O' 1 0 lean 1,000. meter Olympic trio of Psgoni, lAwida' and Patton were body to an undertaking eatab- The only court remolnittg waa to heart taUce with women tn the Pope exclaib^: two better than tbs old major Teaffue golden opportiinities in th* flereeiy- Oleno Cuanlnghom, Gen* Venzke Likewise, a beUef was expressed “The CatooUe press has been per­ at Pulaski, N. Y. and win aasUlne, height and weighs over 90O/pounds. A total ottondono* of around 55,- fought fifth set to win th* tltf* the stor* for tbs Blueflelds while the one accusing the defendant of home on those vital issu « which in the attorney general’s office at Ms new duties upon leaving here. record of J7$ set up by tbs Athiitlcs T b m should be f merry w ttls for 000 morksd yesterday**' oponlng 86 l i *8 80 U 0 asd AroM* Son Bomsnl ore entered O’MaUey, Putnam and Hllderbrand The manager « f th* tosm-4 mpson ieavM a wldo#, two sistently auspected and increasi^ly of 1932. The eight homer*, along Tvriee the CallfotMen youngster was for th* mil* along with many other len Orioles’ football PRIVATE BUSINESS an act “Intended to alarm Hie concern every'household/ Wo will Albany that inasmuch as the cou­ Mr. Budd came to Derby from a regular end posttlou with Carl games, ployetf "undsr a midsummer within two point* o t vletery, first Monehestor Oresa . . . 001 OOI 0—8 were best for tba Moriarty team. . d two daughters, all pf New Majesty.” hampetoa* while every freedom and with throe douUee, gave them a to­ Lindell, Cherw* LeFevrS, and Bill ■un, th* results of at least two Olymifie star*. lAUet additions to > notify an at laSt year’ll, show bow the present / regime ef­ ple bad no chUdren, the document favor, ojf at least complete tolera­ pastorage in North Brookfield, aad in the tenth gome and again in th* PolUh-Amerks ...... 100 000 8—8 The fane were treated to several g After a dosen witnesses )|ad tes­ fects the inarket basket, the future would be upheld. Mass., in March, 1917. A native 6t tal of 987 eatra base# on long Mts HalgbL all Iettsrmen / from last of thsm oom* os distinct surprlssa the field were gUrle Meadows, the brilliant plays , and . warmly ap­ membeni and possibly new (Oonttoned from Pag* o m V tion, b ^ been abown to the press of 16th, with the score at dsue* each X—Wotkowskl batted for Smith Olympic pole vault obampion, and tified, Justice Oreeves-Lord tulefi no of children and the eaVlngs account. Mrs. Green boa aaked the court Bhigland be recently observed his for the season, shattering the previ­ year, heading th* UsL.' Th* New York Giants, Eastern di­ Um* plauded the p lej«r*' that they will bold their OFFICER DROPS DEAD those whose misaion end purpose. It ous mark of 9T4 set by the yanks in 7th. Ooorge Voroff, th* world-record Uce tonight at 7:30 o'clock caaerhad been made on/the first We 'Will give the uiffener a clear here for the a^ intm en t of a tem- 30tb anniversary in the ministry. vision champions last ysar, gave "Mld-woy through the final set XX—Vojeok rap for WolkowoU ia In the third inning Lawida dov* t iy , HUlsr predicted, would would seem,, is to spread confusion of 1930. , way before the PMladal^ia Eagles, holder who fallsd to qualify to r the north and playgrounds. Any in “workers and executives two charges. Ha turned to the- jury picture of whet effect the spending poiofy administrator and' permis­ Since the schedulS Is vary much I saw Budge was folUng,” sold the 7tb. at Bob O’Malley's smash and i;:Pbelton. Sept 14.--(AP)—Amott among IdeasAnd to mislead by falsl- In hla spectaeular strikeout per- the same as last year wbsD six out 10-7; the Green Bay Packers, who knocked it down but the Trinity matorial will be gladly ' Smith, 66. veteran poUce officer Interest” in their jobe and ... and instructed them £b return a ver­ of biUiona has heff directly and in­ sion to search Colonel Green’S safe fjrlng facts it X X a press which does icaeioua Perry. ’’So I Just Two bOa* MU, ByehelsW, Viet; dict of innocence cm these counts. directly on the home.” deposit boxes in a himt for a more formance. the Indians'------youngBfUer I ot seven games were won, - the Jbad bom beatsn by the Chicago d v by tim* X youngster Ms age flash beat, the Xhnw. to. HraLliae* court attendant, dropped dead would hot be long before they would not beaitate to proclaim a new allowed the A'e but two hits.. asa he dlnals th* last five timae they had B thre basa ML' Haraburda; horn* boeome mere job-holders expecting The jury, of iiiiie men and three Mrs. Hayes /'said that listeners recent wlU. She also -filed a biU tn Christianity and a religion of new coaches expect another fin* season. should hav* boon able to bongrun. on iflot; soerlfie* MU, Sspdrow- In the ninth gpenear went Lewld* Shelton City Oiurt room this equity to get title to half his hold­ -won the first gams of the twin bill, Trinity has now won llftsto out M miiL turned th* tables by anotbar one better-and on tb* same kind of at 10:36 o’clock just as he automatic advancement by seniority middle-aged women, held a whisper­ will be urged /to form London Radio coinage.” , . longer than be did. skl; stolen bases, Vtot; left on baoes. ed conference of h*if a minute ings' amkSsed in Texas after their 5-2. He walked nine men and struck the last sixteen gomes. In Captain 10-T aoere; th* Pittsburgh Plrati# ^ t that* not Intended sa Week End Sports a play threw Smith out at first on a. I performing his fimctlon in con-' in stf^ of initiative.” clubs in t h ^ oemmunltles in groups It was believed the Ptmtiff 'thus SHE’S ^ GUTIE out everybody ou the lineup except PC's 4, Ifoachaatar Green 8; hoe* retum«d_ a 'Verdict aooordlngly. of five or nhore. Each woman form­ marriage. Mickey Kobrosky, Trinity has a wMpped Lk# Boston Redskins 10-0 in criUeiam. As I’v* sold bafor* sacrifice hit. Hldly nude a coupl) wiuT the opening of" the' “Great Improvement In monufac- referred to Nazi Germany. one plnch-h(tter. The Tifte also ths third eoatssL en balls, off N. BoreUo 4; otruek B y A8SOCUTED PRESS of nice running -oaiehea in left fie|( turing proceeses spring! from keen Earlier, McMahon, had pleaded ing such a group 4 ^ be dMlgnated Colonel Green had extensive hold­ Simultaneously with his attack en footbau star who ssaa taI*o(ad on Buds* boa plenty of Urae. But be Court. Death wol«s against th# Mm or anybody for that m*ttar. 0B10UDB~AJW BEATEN Thomson hy e ilh t stroke* Now is the and efficient officer, enteipriseT’* one ’ o f ' his listeners offtclels, ell carrying flowers tn ac­ law and wbleh seeais already to have Foxx getting homer number 38; 'In atuek which tn mod* toe see- £ wlU be eneourdged to ebusetta have announced in inten­ end longest forward p*oa in inter- Giant*. imukltr'B passes started HoH bo the world’s greateot player MorUrty's Orioles want dows to Lsffaystts, tod.—Carl E. Dabl- fe (a survived by bis kixe, three aaked. cordance with ancient practice to their own views on problems quenched In so many souls every the only other American League both eeoring drive* Ha shot en* tn soma day if be eqntlnu* to show bn- * 6 to 4 defeat at tbs Enfield fU s ea back. P u rt^ football player, dies os start bowling. "Of eourse” , HlUer replied, “wher- “ward off plague” , took their places tion to obtain a share of the colo­ -sense of modesty, dignity, conscience eoUegiet* football, a* well fs nu- I and a daughter. Mr. Smith re­ some at the letters will be read nel’s fortime in Inheritance taxes. meeting. The White Sox end Sen­ Menske In the first period and provement.” ■ Farm Saturday ofUrnoop a# t ^ result o t burns suffered when -stov# al 638 Hov;e avenue, Shelton'. ever private interests clash with on the bench imder the golden hllted 'and responslbiUty, reason of the ator* ware reload etit. merouif other posses of its* dts- bom* teem Uttied twice Is -tba la drssstng room explodes; five Yesterday *s Sta rs the air. State chairmen for the tanqe...... MenMc# Istereied to Carter, who Budge exMWted hi* petenttoUtte* W hy n ot m ake i the interests of the nation the g ^ sword of Justice, hanging on the London Radio clubs ere being ap- grave ecandala which are given and Gene Schott pitched e three-bitter went 30 yards for the touchdown. oil throu|d> the championship match elghtti inning to break a 4-U deod- ether pleyera burned.. BOONOMT ' of- tbe-oommunlty jm ist come-betoze- oak-panaUed- wail-eC^-the-- -aaeieat' iwtotew and thelr name* wia hem - — ...... 8TOBM WAMfING— .BUffewaJL-______L „ ------to givc-tbS Red* a 2-i Wetory over After the Giant* bad - knotted th* wMB PwSyr -A t tim**-he--aa*de"-4he ■lock...-After..the..ttvsl* had: . BonBsvuls,-.XUah - John. xnbb;. jproflts to the buBviduol. Beod ' Otu^ Dim E, jcMe'*~ti a MrtOtt,:Otantsizid oourt room. nouheed in a few days. CMIlng upon pubUe authortttes- to the Boston Bee* In the first gams eeunt on Dale Burfiatt'a fourth quar­ Simon- mire look almost mediocre. two rune each sorasa' th* ptdte tn Brittsh driver, breaks automobile Gerdinela—Former Mt . .tiro bonoeni *^nt that stin leaves abundant sense their reaponelbDltles in this of a doublebeader. The Baas' took graduate in the Claae of 1936 of P e r^ s form was in and out, tb* getaway stsase, tb* gome set­ 84-hour speed record, averaging N. C.—Lawrence O. Havana, SepL 14.-l-(AP)—The Pacific University in Foreai Grove, ter touehdoWn, BmuMer teased an­ In double header opener; Mize’s has built bis own coffin, room for prlvite caterpriae”, the National Observatory today oold matter, the Holy Father declered: the nightcap 6-1 with e 17-hlt bar­ other long poos to Mohsk* and, aft­ lived up to M* reputaUen as e tled down to a pitebar's batU* in X60.X831 mile* per hour. chancellor declared. Oregon, where he Waa * lattarnian homer drove in three rune to ettneb - his tombstone and picked that at 7 a. m. eastern standard "Certainly a heavy and formidable rage. er th* hod been otopped m player when Ms number 1* up. wMeh Frober was tb* vtetta* ■L Louis—Yankees art new major nigbtcM. responslbiUty Ues on aU theoe, who, In fpotbau, bo^tboU , and track. on his 396-acre farm for time a "tropical disturbance waa lo­ The Pirates and PMIIlea divided the three-yard atrip*, Raise bootod Fnlis Rig tnrprise Tb* prison form team oeored In Itogu* mark of 170 home run* for jo * DiMegflb and Lou Gehrig, Scientists Send Balloons cated 580 mUes south by southeast by reason of and In proportlaa to the their twin bill, the Buc* fetting a Hla first y*$r after groduatioo wt* ailald goal. Mlo* MorbU, sprstur wbot proba­ th* oocond and ogath ip Uw fourth 00*son, Mttlng eight In doublebead' BOUND OVER TO COURT spent at CMmacum High *eiioot Yankees—Former Mt three homers of Bermuda, mortng slowly north- pubUe character o t their offioe, 8-3 opener decision, end U)* Phil# Green. Boy rallied after a aeeasd- bly wUl go down In history as bne to tok* a 4-8 Usi* but tba Orioioa *r against Browns. In dohbl* header win over Browne; to oppose these greet evils with coming from behind to take the (Waablngton), wher* M eoochsd of U)* gome’s giaatest suipi^to* earn* bock to knot the eoupt hi th* Oevolana-Bob FsUsr fans 17 in i the death and burial Danbury, Sspt. 16— (A P )—ISa northwestward.” period fumble bad paved the way Gehrig Mt two In nlgbteap. To Heif'ht Of 17 Miles every remedy and barrier that -IS ■ nightcap 4-8. three sports. He then ieturned to for a CMeago touebdow*,. tied tii* Thor* was nothing in ’her oariy play sixth and eighth, after wbleh the gam* with Athletics, breaking brothers sod sisteni and dore Moroh, Somuol Mtoda, Qtome Hie disturbaace Wfs deocifbed os his alma mater to act as assistant prifop toesars want on to win with Bob Feller, end Hal Trosky, In- of "etroeg latenaity and great di­ poasSble.” count in the third on Oeonre Sauer'* to Indieate she had r s g o li^ th* Ameriean Lsegu* record and tying a SDCpease. The thought Bmwnstoln and Benjamin Ktetolro, Before the Pontiff started to coach In feetbali and head coach In touch wMdi made her tn* eountiys a Ut* rally. Dick Cobb tooturod major league mark. dUns—Former allowed two bite aad to me that-I might prac- <4 New Haven, and Albert Moro, of Fort Sam Houston, Tex., . IkpLAPaiker, eemmander of the Eighth ameter.” ■lung* fonowod a 34ry«rd Hefber- rpMs—Margaret Osborne, fanned X7 In double hoadar opener In this abbreviated costume speak 400 Spanish refugees gathered Forest Hilta. N. V. —Fred Perry baseball. He . oogtinued ploying lo-Monaatt pose and wen out in th* N * 3 player thro* yeara ago betoro for the loeoli with a doubl* and two ^PMlodMphla Danbury, each of whom is barged 14.— (AP)— Dr. Robert X . MUlikan Corps Area. in the eouriysurd of the papal villa, r.-in-i third U. 8. singles tennis title, baseball end was a member of v a ^ beeam* ilL single* Frober struek out alp* bot- ■on Frasoleeo, wine national girl# with Athletic*: Trosky hod homer, reaemblitA swimming suit, final quarter when Ernie Smith double and singl*, driving tat three with robbing Parey Nash of this ennohne^today.that sounding bal- Dr. Millikan hod annotmoed U.:it NOTED MUSICIAN DIES headed by the Usbope of Cartagena, r'.lr.g Don Budge, 2-6. 6-2, 8-6.1-6, Otis ooaat Itogut team*. Durlof Tb* eroerU took her on foot Urs, Usued twp peases aad gave up tanaU cbomptonsMb, refeating t b ucd shapely, Eloanar Hobn Jarrett city, of $1B80 In cash and Jewelry month that the second balloon flight Adorable aod Audacious! mod* a field goal trinn the SS-yord run* In nighteep. ioons sent into' tbs atratodphore 'Vich, Tortosa and XJrgeL i Alice Marble ends Halen 1928, 1929 19M b* wo* th* value ondooneeded her hardly more slsvm MU. . Eleanor Deweoo, PiedmonL Calif., appeared wiOr her husband’s to the amount of $L000, on the reached an altituda of SS,000 fSet Blond and Brassy! Clever Une. aieilsrty Orf'olaa Ed BrendL Dodgera and Frank orchestra in a Chleagb theater, DetrolL SepL 14—(A F )— Ossip Some wora eodestlastleal gar­ M four-year reign as woipso’s property of th* Oevelend Indiane than sa putsids. ebonee against 6-8, 10-8, 6-3. Iflrtlpnn. la — Clarenee Bgr- nlgjit of August IS. waived exanUna- from Fort Ehun Houstop lost July to set a new ivoiid’s record fof i-»atlns her 4-6, 6-8. 6-8.'''- - Geetfs Kakaslo. reokla guard AB.R.H.PO.A.B. Weatbury, N. Y.Tempieton Demoree, Cuba-rlbrmer pitched apparently giving notice she GebrUowltaeh, oonduotor of the De­ ments for the flrat ttme sinee thqr and Cwming! Doling and un|tii>,minor leg Injury foreed Mm from Duquoan* playtng Ide first (Juosa RelaB. However, thay quiek' Bs, a hotel employe, paid his tloo erhan am lin ad in Ciigr Court reached an altitude ef 93,000 fe et(- aeunding balleens carrying full- ly' admitted odmittod theirtholr sttotagesttatage a*0* ish* bod Wyhe, lb ...... 4 0 1 • 0 X granttng seven goal hendleap, over­ eigbt-Mttar in twin bill qpener; ■will not seek reinstatement in more than 17 miles. troit symphony orchestra since eseeped from Spain filsguieed aa Daring! Educational afid . t Fiittlc I'ladles ' fouraoma chewing, tobacco...Fiurmer Frisch He may be right elaanar left ThAt ilz months from ORDERED:—That six months from Club. graphs...no wonder the guy is Home runs—Ott, Giants, S3; Ca- that ths eommunlW has him-staed cheater Construction Company. tb « Itth dmy o f Siptim bir. A« D.« the 18t^ day of Beptember, ‘ A. D.. tired...he pitches an entire gmme mllU, Phillies, 35. . . up aa he would look after deflation. WANTBD—GIRL FOR light house­ bi and the sime ire llrolUd ind a 1* 1914 be and the aam s are lim ited and Blast Hartland—Mrs.'Xlica .Nettle- every afternoon agalnfit the auto­ " PONTIAC SEDAN, 1981 Pon- 4181 or 4379. lowed for the oredliori within which allowed .for the creditors within ton of New Haven was elected Stolen bases—J. Martin, Cardi­ work, care of schqol child, -home graph bounds... Hlnk-,r&ver notice. Dink, that a M i l I I I coupc, 1932 Austin ToadsUr, nighu. Mention wages. Write Box to brlnp In their clilms mgalnit iild which ' to bring In their claims chairman of The Gertrude A. Per­ nals, 2i; 8. Martin, Cardinals, 17. Austin coupe, 1930 CSievrolet •itAte. ind the said executor Is di­ against said estate, and the said ad­ BIU Terry had CMrl Hubbell in loud talker is usually an Ignorant L, Herald. rected to give public notice to the kins Chapter, Oonecticut Holden Pitching—Hubbell. Giants, 38-6: 1939 Chevrolet coach, 1939 BUSINESS LOCATIONS ministratrix Is directed to give pub­ BMglets. a Girt Scout affiliate, at a the bull pen all afternoon...you Lucas, Pirates, 13-4. sortT o/edltore to bring in their clAlme lic notice to tbe creditors to bring should have seen the 8 t LouU buh Toonerville Folks B y F ontain e F ox 5^ ,„ „ _ r d touring. B u y terms. Cole CHRISTMAS CARD“ WONDER FOR RENT * 64 within lAld time allowed br posting In their olalnrs within said time al­ utate corvention of the group. Hiss Dink—Yes; you needn't shout I'^ilotora . _ ibox. 31 folders. Sells |1.-100 per- A copy of this order on the public lowed by posting a copy of this order Btta Bavier of . Waterbury waa pen crow get busy after Bartel] end y ~ — ' FOR R E I^—BTORE at 619 Main sign post neareit to the place where on the public sign post nearest to the chosen vioe-prealdei.t Ott hit those homers in tbe first in­ Casting ®4i*ctot^Yhy do you Icent profit DelAixe, Gift Wra^i- the deceased last dwelt wltbtn.aald THE Powerful KAtrinka was asked to bring in the new tennis NEr plng. Everyday boxes; personals. street, aleo office rooms, Telephone place where, the deceased last dwelt Bridgepo’-t—Richard Frey, Jr, ning of the matinee.. .nMtber of W A U S L B R I Q ^ call yourself one girl In a mUUon? OUR BOARDING HOUSE town and by-publishing tbe eame In within said town and by publishing the fodr Giant pitchers went to bat Sweet Thing—Well, they told me HOUSEHOLD SERVICES Request samples. Chlltoh Greet­ 6377. some nfwipnner Having a circulation the same in some newspaper having one of the original four acea and hi the second gam s...B ill TeTry Now York, Sept 14— The steei that , was the chance with you of OFFERED 13-A ings, 178? Lincoln street,’ Boston. in lald^robate dietrict. within ten a circulation In said probate district, Sidney Ritanow, lioth of New York days from the dat^ aX this order, and within tan days from the date of thte City, captured the state open con­ shot In a pinch-bitter fbr each... industry is rapidly reaching the getting a job. WHV PONfT VbU EQUIP THAT " 3R 8ALB—FLUFF RUQ weav- APARTMENTS—FLATS— return make to this court of the no­ order, and return make to this court point where substantial expendi­ CHRISTMAS CARDS. 100 percent tice given. of the notice given. tract bridge champlonahip pairs. CUSW104ED THROWE WITH HOT ‘ ing tiiop^Rugs made from old w - TENEMENTS 63 TorringtM;-bA^ur M. Brcrvm, tures' must be made for primary ' The first, thing any man must re­ profits seUlnA- inaiyeloua 31 folder ...... ______WJLWAML.8. HYUB, ...... WILUAM «. HTDE producing capacities If it is to supi^ gard is bow be can make .-a Uvlag fj^ ta C Sebuise, 6 Cbamberiaih II assortment. Gift Wrappings, . Judge. Judge. New London bounty state’s attorney AWD COLD -pUMVilKje WATER, H -8-U -36. ply adequatriy any further major . . . This la the basis of aU that be j;-street, Rockville, Conn. Bverydays, personals. Ehepertence WANTED—SOMEONE TO share H -9-H -ae. and Republic X Gubernatorial can­ my home, $2.50 per week. Dial Leading Baiters | 1cm In demand. Standard Sta- aspires .to.and longs for .. . .. Ha SO VDU CAKJ SPEKJD TH' unnecessary. Request samples. AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD AT A COURT OP PROBATB HELD didate, addressed the Ttoningtoa tisUca Oo., reported today following may not achieve these other thlws, Rainbow, IBP Park Row, New 6881. at Manchester, within and for the 4t Mancheeter. within and for the Young Men’s Republican Club. He By ASSOCIATED PRESS OTHER TWO HOLJP« O FIW ' district of MAnchestet:, on the 12th a survey of the industry. Purchases though be. has a living . . . But Manchester York, Dletrlot of Manchester, on the 12th spoke about relief and gave a brief American without It be can reauy have nbtb-« •OR day of Septem ber. A. D., 1926. day o f Septem ber, A. D.. 1989. history of fals career among other o f refractoriea, machinery, parts You never outlaw the man who 'DAV LOLUKK3 iW »T/ A F T E P . Present WILLIAM B. HYDE, Esq., Batting—Appling, White Sox, and accessories will be virtually in­ ing. Evening Herald Ig c dohmitalrd o ^ i flat, Oct. lat. 418 East Present WILLIAM 8. HYDE, Eeq., things. steals your heart Center street. D. J. Sullivan. Tel. Judge. Judge. .881; Averill, Indians, .377. evitable, the report said. NDU AK6 ELECTED OFplCtAi- CLASSIFIED Blons selling ' personal Qirlstmas E state of Minnie U Waddell late Entate of Charles E. Linsley late Runs—Gehrig, Yankees. 169;' She—We’ve been waiting a long 7487 or 3103. of Manchester In said cards. Stationery, and. 7_ sensa­ district, de- of Manchester, in said District, de­ Gebringer. Tigers.-133.______- d o s s n w c h e r ?- -ADVERTISEMENTS 'Csaved/' ceased; ' ■ Safeway—StoreSr- lnc.r -grocery -time for that mothcr-ofInline.- - We’d Say 8h»> Not Ctoly-Trouble- tional assortments. Special low 90 R RENT—6 ROOM tenement Upon application of Thomas J.. Runs batted In—Gehrig Yankees, store operator in the west and mid­ He—Hours, 1 should say. eome But Slightly Petulant Oeaal sU averna* •oroa u a Use priced humorous personal cards. On motion of Harold C. Alvord of itlaU. aambers aaS abbreviations with all conveniences, newly reno­ Waddell. Jr., Administrator, praying* said Mancheeter. administrator. . Sports Roundup 144; Troeky, Indians, 141. west with headquarters at Reno, .-e- She—Oh, Jack, this is so sudden! (From a Wilkes-Barre, Pa., paMr). Ui eonnt as a 'srS aa< oomponnS Ehcperlence unnecessary. Free u m - vated. 418 Center street. for an order of sale .of real estate ORDERED!—That six months from Hits—Averill, Indians, 315. ported for the 6 weeks ended Sept­ Sometime during the night w ss '■fKli belonging to said estate, as per ap­ the 12th d ay o f Septem ber A. D.. 1936 'Jfirords u two worda Hlatman eost Is ples. Wallace Brown, 235A Fifth plication on file, it Is 'B y EDDIE BRIBTTZ Triples—Averill, Indians and Dl- ember 6 sales of 8281,76,603 against ' Ws are all crasy for a little piAngelo, described aa being of a rloo 01 throo uass.' Ave., New York. FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM hpart- be and the same are limited and al­ Aseoclated Press Sports Writer Magj^o, Yankees,’^16. 123,960.365 in the like 1986 period, a praise, few of us eaa stand much of troublesome nature, strangled the Uns rates . ear daf ter iransisat O R D E R E D :— That the*- fo reg oin g lowed for the creditors within which ment, with private bath'820. per application be hoard and determined to bring In their claims against said Home nms—Gehrig, Yankees, 48; gidn of 17.6 per cent. For tbe 36 It, though. older woman. ■ Ssettvs liBSaa It, ISM 100 PERCEN'r PROFITS selling month. Steam heat 86 extra per at the Probate Office in Manchester estate, and the said administrator Is New York. Sept. 14.— (AP)— Foxx, Red Sox, and Troeky,. Indi­ weks ended Srotember 6 sales total­ Cash Uberse friends, neighbors magnificent |1 month during winter montha. Ap­ in said District, on the 19th day of directed to give public notice to the Well, the Giants and the Csirdinals ans, 38. ed 8230,4374137 against 8196,08736(1 Helen—'What Is your conception, Diner—^Walter, • la your corn OoBSecaUvs Uajrs 1 eis|' S ets September, A. D„ 1926. at 8 o'clock creditors to bring In their olsims assortment 31 Christmas folders. ply Supt.. Apartment 4, 26 Birch (a tv) in the forenoon, and that no­ are just where they were before Stolen bases—Lary, Browns, 83; a year ago, a gain of 18.1 per cent. of happlnessT tender? Cbassontlve Oep' ..I t stai il ets within said time allowed by posting Horace—Nothing to do and lots Dar ...... I 11 atsi it ets Gift Wrappings, Everydays, ICx- street tice be given to all persons interest­ a copy of this order on the publlo yesterday's crucial doubleheader../ Powell, Yankees, 34. Writer—Very, sir, and tbs sooner All ordsrs (or Irracpiat taasnioBS -perlenee unnecessary. Bonuses. ed In said estate of the pendency of sign post nearest to the place where neither gained' an Inch' In the Na­ pitching—Hadley, Yankees, 18-4; ' Pawtucket, R. L—Calumet stable’s of time to do It in. you take your foot off tbe better HI 111 be ebarsed at the oes Uass rata, Free sample offer. Schwer, 914 FOR RENT—TWO ROOM apart­ said appHcatloo and the time and the deceased laet dwelt within said privileged wins 86,000 added Nyatt like It place of hearing thereon, by publish­ tional League pennant ra ce./.lf Pearson, Yankees, 18-6. •pselal rates lor toss tens evstr Westfield, Mass. ment, Centetmlal 837 per month. town and by publishing the same in you don't think some baseball waa handicap for two year olds; Caval­ Th. -w6ret feature about the pres­ 4^ I IP adVertlslBB live apoa regosst. ing a copy of this order . In some some newspaper having a circulation National ent situation, is that there are so ' Call Manchester Construction Co., newspaper ” having a circulation in In said probate district, within ten played out there, let us tell yqiu 64.- cade last In'race won by Sim Teddy. Mr. Dadmore—^Mother won’t be Ads ordered (or throe or ala daps Batting—P.: Waner, Pirates, .368; few. honorable ways of making a stopped befori the third or fifth 4131 or 4379. said district at least five days befors days from the date of this order, and 417 fana and fannettea kept their Phelps, Dodgers, .866. New York—Mrs. Eltbel Jacobs’ home to dinner this evening, honey; the day of said hearing, to appear If living without -working. Brill be ehatwed ealp (or the as- AGENTS WANTED 37^A return make to this court of the no­ seats until old Dizzy Dean had tbe Action wins Bhlgemera handlcw at so you will have to take her place. bsr of .iBiae the a. appdar- they see cause at said time and place tice given. Runs—J. Martin, Cardinals, 116; Aqueduct; J. H. Louchhelm’fi m m - Little Ethel—Do you mean i BSarslas at (he rate eaned, bat and be heard relative thereto, and W ILLIAM 8. H T D E last Giant out in tbe second game Ott, Giants, 13. -Elderly Lady—Can you tell me m CHRISTMAS CARDS. SELL 60 HOUSES FOR RENT 65 make return to this court. poco takes Junior champion takes. won’t have to be polite and respect allowsBce or retaSde eaa be snde Judge, d where the Second Baptist Church ful to you? sia 'tilde ade etepped after the beautiful /folders, name imprinted, WILLIAM 8: HYDE H -9-14-36. ■— The Cards did some dumb base h dajr,, 99c. 33 4-3 percent commission. FOR RENT—SE TEN room single, Judge. Is? H-8-14-26. running In the matlnSe. ..with two New Patrolman —You got me. 'Bo *^ll torblds’'i .dleplap Uaee BOt Samples free. Economy Cards, with all . improvementp with or When Hope Looks Backward It Is [ddU. * men on the paths, young Art Gari­ lady. I don’t oven know where the Transformed Into Regret 4. The UeraM wtU act bo respoasible MlUtown, N. J. without furniture. Manchester AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD baldi hit what should have been a asore than one laeorreet lasertloa Green section, Apply Edward J. at Manchester, within aDd for the B ii^ Baptist Church is. aap advertlaeiaeat ordered (or District of 'Manchester, on the ISth double.. .but Mel Ott's peg from ^ Suais—Did you hear about the Holt. Telephone 4642, 866 Main St the outfield. caught both runners ssata tbaa one dan. GARDEN—FARM—DAIRY day of Beptember, A. D., 1986. Overnight A. P. Bksonomy is tbe only road. to ’awful things tracher did to Junior? The iBsdrerteat omieeiwa at laeor- FOR HENT—MODERN 7 room Present WILLIA&l 8. HYDE, Esq.. and retired ’ em ...did you ever wealth, even though It le hard to Jasper—No. root PBblloatloa of odvertleiaa will be PRODUCTS 50 Judge. hear of anything like that? Frankie tra-vel. raetlfle onlp bp ooBeellatloo ot the houae 860 per month. Call Man­ Estate of Ida B. Hood late of Maa- N v w s Sume-le—She made him wash bis ...... ohaiwe made (or the servlae readered. chester Construction Co. 4131 or chester, in said District, deceased. Frisch was . so chagrined he face at school, and when he got All advertleemeBU maet oontorm FOR SALE—CONCORU find Clin­ 4379. The Administrator's having exhibit­ wouldn't appear on tbe coaching boms his dog didn’t know biro and ta stpla aopp sad tppoaraBtap with ton grapes, watermelon, yellow ed Its administration account with lines the next inning.. .that's what New London—Police and a Cbaat bit bim. (agalstloBe ea(oroed Iv the pablleh- wax string, beans, lima beans and FOR BKNT—6 ROOM house with said' estate to this Court for allow­ the Cardinals get for hanging . ,Sit-:wiB- and—rthe)r.-.*aoerve. the- ftffht/to- cauliflower. McClellai.d Farin, SI ance, and ippHcaHob-haring been- Guairi patrol boat sought two Gro­ I /i^-jMlt, reviee or leleo* ear oopp eoa- modern conveniences on west side made for the ascertainment of heirs. ton fishermen after their diaabled around Brooklyn eo long, mebbe. .. i *7 was In charge o f the lifeboat .I'lr’’^Wldsred obleotiooable. Lake street TeL 3639. of town. Apply ^ EMward J. Holl, It is 18'/4 foot open speed boat waa Dizzy Dean w u so pained and dis­ containing 48 women which drifted ^ BOORS—Cleeemeo ode to 865 Main street. Telephone 4642. ORDERED:-—That the lOlh day of gusted with the exhibition he paced I to a desert Island. Well, I climbed a be pabllebed same dap most lie re- Septem ber- A. D.. 1936, at 8 o 'clo ck found In a disabled condition near tree and stayed there until the ...... aelved, hr it o'eloeh nooat aatardspe (e. t.) forenoon, at the Probate Office, the mouth of tbe harbor. They are up and down In front of the Card ■ m HUIISEHULD GOODS 51 dugout while the fans roared with rescue ship arrived Chicago—H. H. Cross’ Rock X In said Manchester, be and the same Paul Seeley. 41. and Martin Morris. FOR SALE—HOUSEHOLD' furni­ is assigned for a hearing on the 30. laughter... TELEPHONE YjDUR noses out Manners Man In Crete allowance of said administration ac­ Polo Ground scenes: President Farmer John—How la your apple WANT ADS. ture, bedroom suite, excellent gas handicap at Lincoln Fields. count with said estate and said ap­ New Britain—More tnan 7.000 .crop coming along. Farmer Frank? - CORCHY SMITH A Policy of Intervention By JOHN C. T E R R Y stove, living room and dining room plication and this Court directs the pereons atended German pay cele- Horace Stonebam peered out of the :V .i'-. Ids are acoopted over the telephoae Adnilnlatrator to give -publlo notice monles. window of the centerfleld office at 1 Farmer Frank—Well, 1 calculate the CHAROB KA’^ stvea above furniture. Cheap for cash. Call to have a'full crop If the WPA keeps 4813. to all persons Interested therein to Barkhamsted—Dr.' Arthur Aain- noon, and chuckled as he saw the A comubucii^l ..'l .'ae a eoBvenIsB . to'advertlaera bai appear and be heard thereon by packed gallerlea.. .every seat filled the highway past my orchard closed CABU RATES will o. aooeptes as publishing a' copy of this order in Istal. surgeon at Camp White. CCC. tilliafter the apples are picked. WAR 8ETWEEN StILL Pa TMBNT t( paid at tbe buel- FOR SALB-^ VILLAGE CRAW- some newepaper having a circula­ during the past eight montha haa except those reserved and It’s two TWO Loass «0UTH 4^.»ase offloe on or belors the seventh ford kitchen range equipped with tion In said District, Hve days before been awarded a three-yeai fellow­ hours till game tim e..."Is this tbe AMERICAN c o m e -.lodap (ollowins the Bret inaartioa ol said day of hearing and return make World’s Series?” be wanted to Bve May Have' Invented Tempts-, v .oaeh ad otherwier the OHARUK double oil burner and coll. Also For Sale ship ophthamology at the SL Louie tloo. But Men Have Monopolized ^t VLANTfCnoHO.^ to this Cou.rt. (Mo.) School of Medicine. k n ow ...“it might be—for us.” shot ...... RATB wlJi .be ooltecled. No reeponel, four burner gas stoye.. Sold cheap W ILLIAM 8. HYD E BJver Slniie..... ^COKCUY, A5 - bllltp (or errors In telephoned edr if taken at Vnee., Inquire 17 Walk­ 5-Room Bungalow J u d g a Old Lyme—The Florence Griswold back Secretary Ekldle Brannick... will be aesamed ane rhrir aocareep er street .or phone 6059. > Lot 150 ft. front, about >/j H-9-14-34. Aasoclatlor. tnc., haa adjourned 6EMERALl6$fM0/ If eaaaet be guaraaietd aubject to call from President Dr. The Giants didn't show much ORfiANIZ/NiS TWE INDEX UF ♦ acre o f land; good location. pepper coming across the field, but MEN OF RANCHO HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE for Matthew Griswold. Tbe organiaation -(BEAD TBB 8 TOBT, THEN OOLOB THE PIOTDBB) CLASHIFICATIUNB sale call after 4 p. m. at 24 Knox Philadelphia — Clinton Ferguson had as Its purpose the ecqulsiUon of they had a long, tough afternoon 'RoSAR10,,« street. K . ■ $ 2 0 0 0 wins Sir/Thomas Upton trophy and the estate of Mrs Florence Gris­ ah^ad.. .reserved seats began to W R ^ L E y S . : RlrlfieV,...... a The Elskimo dogs seemed r«M On, on they west eter dale and O n THE OTHER . bBcasemeate r Eastern* amateur outboard motor­ wold. whose home waa once the fa­ fill as ejuly lUi 12:30, ..some ol the strong. The Tlnlee’ long slefi moved, hill, apd to the bunch tt waa a ' Mardasee ...... c SIDE ISTHEVIUAINOUS boat Utle; Fred Jacoby takes pro. vorite of arttata The aaaoclaUon Cardinals dressed early and sat on along at quite a rapid speed, sad thrill. About a half an hour paaaed. ' Ooatbe ...... U ....Farm In Bolton fesslonal honors lii tbrea olassea^— waa outbldded for - the—home, but ♦WU•Jl6'A^A^O^l^lW^O_ ~-w(6; or T «m i the clubhouse steps-wt^blng as the they all bad a lot of fun. Then wee Duney shouted, "Whoat (a Memomia ...... r 4 acres, 5-room house and Paterson, N. J. — Arkle Trento the succeaful bidder agreed to give Giants took batting practice... "Hold tight,” the Blsldmo lad "From MtUng stUl, my poor bones WfiiNTi COMTROL OF ^ s i and round ...... I barn; electricity and running captures senior National AA.U. MtaS Griswold life use o f the the Brooklyn boys had their cow­ - - -J I . ’ . . / • ABaonaoeaienta ...... t cried. “We do not want to spoil this ache. Pleaas stop this loag rids lac - RANCHO ROEARlO... pentathlon championship with 2,889 propftty. bells along, and mebbe some, flre^ ride, with any spills. For hours 'Personals ...... t points. Waterbury—W. P. Smith and my sake. Unless I have a chanes ta crackers... hours my two pet dogs can run.” stretch, no further can I gel” AatoaMMIaa EMERGENCY At 12;65 the Cairlinals came INEXPENSIVE - SATISFYING Aatomobiles (or Bale ...... « ... $4000 Then Ckjppy said, "Gee, don’t The EUcimo lad said, "Okajh B AutoBobllee (or Baohanse oimv I Cash needed $500. Aato Aeoasaorlao— Tires ...... S 310U mind the work of running Topg win do anything you say.” H m neget behind? Why, I would think you’d Ante Rspalrlar—PalatlBB . . . . . 1 I aim have land in Bolton thing, that the Tlnles knew, the Sled W a s h i n g t o n Ante Bohoole ...... I-A get tired out You’d better take my was standing atUL freckles an d his By Crane Autos—Ship op Trueh- s for sale, from one acre to 15 MUST BE SOLDI place. AU at the youngsters stretohed PRIENI>S By Blosser Aqtoe-rFor Rtre ...... t 66 GlenWood Street.. See this well bant 6-rbom l|oaM on three 7 ” HE'S A D^PBRAOO, FLOWeRPOTT'yOU ASl^M EO THE WHAT DO VOU MEAH W E tL MV BIZOTWBR Oatages—Bervlee— Btorase ...... lo POLICE acres. All on good r^ d s FOR SALE *TU gladly run a Uttlc while. I a b it Said one, *T stlU am fssUng Motorcpslea— Blepolee ...... a. H lota; 2-osr garage) steam beat)' at price and terma to ^ t al­ ought to last at least a mile.” "Oh, OOTTA OET HIM/ /T-^tV'T|E5j3F_W S:ilFR IF I OIS/EVOO THEJDB B O S S E S EVERyTHIlsT and electricity ava4hible. most anyone. Immediate poasesslon. AT PINE FOREST fit Tbe rest of you can- gst your AU. I HAVE TO bo IS M3UGOASHOPE Wanteda'tntoe— (lotofopoles ... II rm all right" the lad replied, a rest untU you’vs had your flU." •AN*' OF OEANINC] M/ VARO^ I DO • WE'LL FIND’m E RaelaeSi and PvaraastoBal Set vUee Build your home in Bplton— K Mill Street. 6-room house, aU Improvements. Lot 110x180 ft. Leaving town, must sacri­ "tbU 4 3 4 3 •mile upon his face. Just then a great Mg Mrd swoop­ PUSH THIS BUnOKJ AMD AW* PHETOJD I -CiEI A FOREMAN AM’ SOU'LL GIT A Bnaiaeae flarvlees Offered ...... 11 good roods and 8choo)4 Price 88200. Cash needed $600. fice modem 7-Ro


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