
Consciousness as a State of

Max Tegmark Dept. of & MIT Kavli Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 (Dated: Accepted for publication in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals March 17, 2015) We examine the hypothesis that consciousness can be understood as a state of matter, “percep- tronium”, with distinctive information processing abilities. We explore four basic principles that may distinguish conscious matter from other physical systems such as solids, liquids and gases: the information, integration, independence and dynamics principles. If such principles can identify conscious entities, then they can help solve the quantum factorization problem: why do conscious observers like us perceive the particular Hilbert factorization corresponding to classical space (rather than Fourier space, say), and more generally, why do we perceive the world around us as a dynamic hierarchy of objects that are strongly integrated and relatively independent? Tensor factorization of matrices is found to play a central role, and our technical results include a theorem about Hamiltonian separability (defined using Hilbert-Schmidt superoperators) being maximized in the energy eigenbasis. Our approach generalizes Giulio Tononi’s integrated information framework for neural-network-based consciousness to arbitrary quantum systems, and we find interesting links to error-correcting codes, condensed matter criticality, and the Quantum Darwinism program, as well as an interesting connection between the emergence of consciousness and the emergence of time.

I. INTRODUCTION toriously does appear to affect the quantum state of the observed system. Finally, out of all of the possible fac- A. Consciousness in physics torizations of Hilbert space, why is the particular factor- ization corresponding to classical space so special? Why do we observers perceive ourselves are fairly local in real A commonly held view is that consciousness is irrel- space as opposed to Fourier space, say, which according evant to physics and should therefore not be discussed to the formalism of quantum field theory corresponds to in physics papers. One oft-stated reason is a perceived an equally valid Hilbert space factorization? This “quan- lack of rigor in past attempts to link consciousness to tum factorization problem” appears intimately related to physics. Another argument is that physics has been man- the of an observer. aged just fine for hundreds of years by avoiding this sub- The only issue there is consensus on is that there is ject, and should therefore keep doing so. Yet the fact no consensus about how to define an observer and its that most physics can be solved without refer- role. One might hope that a detailed observer definition ence to consciousness does not guarantee that this applies will prove unnecessary because some simple properties to all physics problems. Indeed, it is striking that many such as the ability to record information might suffice; of the most hotly debated issues in physics today involve however, we will see that at least two more properties of the notions of observations and observers, and we cannot observers may be necessary to solve the quantum factor- dismiss the possibility that part of the reason why these ization problem, and that a closer examination of con- issues have resisted resolution for so long is our reluc- sciousness may be required to identify these properties. tance as physicists to discuss consciousness and attempt Another commonly held view is that consciousness is to rigorously define what constitutes an observer. unrelated to quantum because the brain is a For example, does the non-observability of spacetime wet, warm system where decoherence destroys quantum regions beyond horizons imply that they in some sense superpositions of neuron firing much faster than we can do not exist independently of the regions that we can think, preventing our brain from acting as a quantum observe? This question lies at the heart of the contro- [4]. In this paper, I argue that consciousness arXiv:1401.1219v3 [quant-ph] 18 Mar 2015 versies surrounding the , black hole and are nonetheless related, but in complementarity and firewalls, and depends crucially on a different way: it is not so much that quantum mechan- the role of observers [1, 2]. What is the solution to the ics is relevant to the brain, as the other way around. quantum measurement problem? This again hinges cru- Specifically, consciousness is relevant to solving an open cially on the role of observation: does the wavefunction problem at the very heart of quantum mechanics: the undergo a non-unitary collapse when an observation is quantum factorization problem. made, are there Everettian parallel , or does it make no sense to talk about an an observer-independent reality, as argued by QBism advocates [3]? Is our per- sistent failure to unify with quantum B. Consciousness in mechanics linked to the different roles of observers in the two theories? After all, the idealized observer in general Why are you conscious right now? Specifically, why relativity has no mass, no spatial extent and no effect are you having a subjective experience of reading these on what is observed, whereas the quantum observer no- words, seeing colors and hearing sounds, while the inani- 2 mate objects around you are presumably not having any derstood what these physical properties were, then we subjective experience at all? Different people mean dif- could in principle answer all of the above-mentioned open ferent things by “consciousness”, including awareness of physics questions by studying the equations of physics: environment or self. I am asking the more basic ques- we could identify all conscious entities in any physical tion of why you experience anything at all, which is the system, and calculate what they would perceive. How- of what philosopher David Chalmers has termed ever, this approach is typically not pursued by physicists, “the hard problem” of consciousness and which has pre- with the argument that we do not understand conscious- occupied philosophers throughout the ages (see [5] and ness well enough. references therein). A traditional answer to this prob- lem is dualism — that living entities differ from inani- mate ones because they contain some non-physical ele- C. Consciousness in neuroscience ment such as an “anima” or “soul”. Support for dualism among scientists has gradually dwindled with the real- Arguably, recent progress in neuroscience has funda- ization that we are made of quarks and electrons, which mentally changed this situation, so that we physicists as far as we can tell move according to simple physical can no longer blame neuroscientists for our own lack of . If your particles really move according to the laws progress. I have long contended that consciousness is the of physics, then your purported soul is having no effect on way information feels when being processed in certain your particles, so your conscious mind and its ability to complex ways [6, 7], i.e., that it corresponds to certain control your movements would have nothing to do with a complex patterns in spacetime that obey the same laws soul. If your particles were instead found not to obey the of physics as other complex systems. In the seminal pa- known laws of physics because they were being pushed per “Consciousness as Integrated Information: a Provi- around by your soul, then we could treat the soul as just sional Manifesto” [8], Giulio Tononi made this idea more another physical entity able to exert on particles, specific and useful, making a compelling argument that and study what physical laws it obeys, just as physicists for an information processing system to be conscious, it have studied new forces fields and particles in the past. needs to have two separate traits: The key assumption in this paper is that consciousness 1. Information: It has to have a large repertoire of is a property of certain physical systems, with no “se- 1 accessible states, i.e., the ability to store a large cret sauce” or non-physical elements. , This transforms amount of information. Chalmers’ hard problem. Instead of starting with the hard problem of why an arrangement of particles can 2. Integration: This information must be integrated feel conscious, we will start with the hard fact that some into a unified whole, i.e., it must be impossible arrangement of particles (such as your brain) do feel con- to decompose the system into nearly independent scious while others (such as your pillow) do not, and ask parts, because otherwise these parts would subjec- what properties of the particle arrangement make the tively feel like two separate conscious entities. difference. Tononi’s work has generated a flurry of activity in the This paper is not a comprehensive theory of concious- neuroscience community, spanning the spectrum from ness. Rather, it is an investigation into the physical theory to experiment (see [9–13] for recent reviews), mak- properties that conscious systems must have. If we un- ing it timely to investigate its implications for physics as well. This is the goal of the present paper — a goal whose pursuit may ultimately provide additional tools for the neuroscience community as well. 1 More specifically, we pursue an extreme Occam’s razor approach Despite its successes, Tononi’s Integrated Information and explore whether all aspects of reality can be derived from 2 quantum mechanics with a density matrix evolving unitarily ac- Theory (IIT) leaves many questions unanswered. If it cording to a Hamiltonian. It this approach should turn out to is to extend our consciousness-detection ability to ani- be successful, then all observed aspects of reality must emerge mals, and arbitrary physical systems, then we from the mathematical formalism alone: for example, the Born need to ground its principles in fundamental physics. IIT rule for subjective randomness associated with observation would emerge from the underlying deterministic density matrix evo- takes information, measured in bits, as a starting point. lution through Everett’s approach, and both a semiclassical But when we view a brain or computer through our physi- world and consciousness should somehow emerge as well, perhaps cists eyes, as myriad moving particles, then what physical though processes generalizing decoherence. Even if quantum properties of the system should be interpreted as logical gravity phenomena cannot be captured with this simple quantum formalism, it is far from clear that gravitational, relativistic or non-unitary effects are central to understanding consciousness or how conscious observers perceive their immediate surroundings. There is of course no a priori guarantee that this approach will 2 Since it’s inception [8], IIT has been further developed [12]. In work; this paper is motivated by the view that an Occam’s razor particular, IIT 3.0 considers both the past and the future of a approach is useful if it succeeds and very interesting if it fails, mechanism in a particular state (it’s so-called cause-effect reper- by giving hints as to what alternative assumptions or ingredients toire) and replaces the Kullback-Leibler measure with a proper are needed. metric. 3

Many small and otherwise call it either a gas or a plasma, de- State of long-lived Information Easily Complex? pending on its electrical conductivity. matter states? integrated? writable? dynamics? What are the corresponding physical parameters that Gas N N N Y can help us identify conscious matter, and what are the Liquid N N N Y Solid Y N N N key physical features that characterize it? If such param- Memory Y N Y N eters can be identified, understood and measured, this Computer Y ? Y Y will help us identify (or at least rule out) consciousness Consciousness Y Y Y Y “from the outside”, without access to subjective intro- spection. This could be important for reaching consen- sus on many currently controversial , ranging from TABLE I: Substances that store or process information can the future of artificial intelligence to determining when be viewed as novel states of matter and investigated with an animal, fetus or unresponsive patient can feel pain. traditional physics tools. If would also be important for fundamental , by allowing us to identify conscious observers in our by using the equations of physics and bits of information? I interpret as a “bit” both the po- thereby answer thorny observation-related questions such sition of certain electrons in my computers RAM mem- as those mentioned in the introductory paragraph. ory (determining whether the micro-capacitor is charged) and the position of certain sodium ions in your brain (de- termining whether a neuron is firing), but on the basis E. Memory of what principle? Surely there should be some way of identifying consciousness from the particle motions alone, or from the quantum state evolution, even without this As a first warmup step toward consciousness, let us information interpretation? If so, what aspects of the first consider a state of matter that we would character- 3 behavior of particles corresponds to conscious integrated ize as memory — what physical features does it have? information? We will explore different measures of inte- For a substance to be useful for storing information, it gration below. Neuroscientists have successfully mapped clearly needs to have a large repertoire of possible long- out which brain activation patterns correspond to certain lived states or attractors (see Table I). Physically, this types of conscious experiences, and named these patterns means that its potential energy function has a large num- neural correlates of consciousness. How can we general- ber of well-separated minima. The information storage ize this and look for physical correlates of consciousness, capacity (in bits) is simply the base-2 logarithm of the defined as the patterns of moving particles that are con- number of minima. This equals the entropy (in bits) scious? What particle arrangements are conscious? of the degenerate ground state if all minima are equally deep. For example, solids have many long-lived states, whereas liquids and gases do not: if you engrave some- one’s name on a gold ring, the information will still be D. Consciousness as a state of matter there years later, but if you engrave it in the surface of a pond, it will be lost within a second as the water surface Generations of physicists and chemists have studied changes its shape. Another desirable trait of a memory what happens when you group together vast numbers of substance, distinguishing it from generic solids, is that it atoms, finding that their collective behavior depends on is not only easy to read from (as a gold ring), but also the pattern in which they are arranged: the key differ- easy to write to: altering the state of your hard drive or ence between a solid, a liquid and a gas lies not in the your synapses requires less energy than engraving gold. types of atoms, but in their arrangement. In this pa- per, I conjecture that consciousness can be understood as yet another state of matter. Just as there are many F. Computronium types of liquids, there are many types of consciousness. However, this should not preclude us from identifying, As a second warmup step, what properties should we quantifying, modeling and ultimately understanding the ascribe to what Margolus and Toffoli have termed “com- characteristic properties that all liquid forms of matter (or all conscious forms of matter) share.

To classify the traditionally studied states of matter, 3 Neuroscience research has demonstrated that long-term mem- we need to measure only a small number of physical pa- ory is not necessary for consciousness. However, even extremely rameters: viscosity, compressibility, electrical conductiv- memory-impaired conscious humans such as Clive Wearing [14] ity and (optionally) diffusivity. We call a substance a are able to retain information for several seconds; in this paper, I will assume merely that information needs to be remembered solid if its viscosity is effectively infinite (producing struc- long enough to be subjectively experienced — perhaps 0.1 sec- tural stiffness), and call it a fluid otherwise. We call onds for a human, and much less for entities processing informa- a fluid a liquid if its compressibility and diffusivity are tion more rapidly. 4 putronium” [15], the most general substance that can Principle Definition process information as a computer? Rather than just Information A conscious system has substantial remain immobile as a gold ring, it must exhibit com- principle information storage capacity. plex dynamics so that its future state depends in some Dynamics A conscious system has substantial complicated (and hopefully controllable/programmable) principle information processing capacity. Independence A conscious system has substantial way on the present state. Its atom arrangement must principle independence from the rest of the world. be less ordered than a rigid solid where nothing interest- Integration A conscious system cannot consist of ing changes, but more ordered than a liquid or gas. At principle nearly independent parts. the microscopic level, computronium need not be par- Autonomy A conscious system has substantial ticularly complicated, because computer scientists have principle dynamics and independence. long known that as long as a device can perform certain Utility An evolved conscious system records mainly elementary logic operations, it is universal: it can be pro- principle information that is useful for it. grammed to perform the same computation as any other computer with enough time and memory. Computer vendors often parametrize computing power in FLOPS, TABLE II: Four conjectured necessary conditions for con- floating-point operations per second for 64-bit numbers; sciousness that we explore in this paper. The fifth principle simply combines the second and third. The sixth is not a more generically, we can parametrize computronium ca- necessary condition, but may explain the evolutionary origin pable of universal computation by “FLIPS”: the number of the others. of elementary logical operations such as bit flips that it can perform per second. It has been shown by Lloyd [16] that a system with average energy E can perform a not merely to strengthen our understanding of conscious- maximum of 4E/h elementary logical operations per sec- ness as a physical process, but also to identify simple ond, where h is Planck’s constant. The performance of traits of conscious matter that can help us tackle other today’s best computers is about 38 orders of magnitude open problems in physics. For example, the only property lower than this, because they use huge numbers of parti- of consciousness that Hugh Everett needed to assume for cles to store each bit and because most of their energy is his work on quantum measurement was that of the infor- tied up in a computationally passive form, as rest mass. mation principle: by applying the Schr¨odingerequation to systems that could record and store information, he inferred that they would perceive subjective randomness G. Perceptronium in accordance with the Born rule. In this spirit, we might hope that adding further simple requirements such as in What about “perceptronium”, the most general sub- the integration principle, the independence principle and stance that feels subjectively self-aware? If Tononi is the dynamics principle might suffice to solve currently right, then it should not merely be able to store and pro- open problems related to observation. The last princi- cess information like computronium does, but it should ple listed in Table II, the utility principle, is of a differ- also satisfy the principle that its information is inte- ent character than the others: we consider it not as a grated, forming a unified and indivisible whole. necessary condition for consciousness, but as a potential Let us also conjecture another principle that conscious unifying evolutionary explanation of the others. systems must satisfy: that of autonomy, i.e., that in- In this paper, we will pay particular attention to what formation can be processed with relative freedom from I will refer to as the quantum factorization problem: external influence. Autonomy is thus the combination why do conscious observers like us perceive the particu- of two separate properties: dynamics and independence. lar Hilbert space factorization corresponding to classical Here dynamics means time dependence (hence informa- space (rather than Fourier space, say), and more gener- tion processing capacity) and independence means that ally, why do we perceive the world around us as a dy- the dynamics is dominated by forces from within rather namic hierarchy of objects that are strongly integrated than outside the system. Just like integration, autonomy and relatively independent? This fundamental problem is postulated to be a necessary but not sufficient condi- has received almost no attention in the literature [18]. tion for a system to be conscious: for example, clocks We will see that this problem is very closely related to and diesel generators tend to exhibit high autonomy, but the one Tononi confronted for the brain, merely on a lack substantial information storage capacity. larger scale. Solving it would also help solve the “physics- from-scratch” problem [7]: If the Hamiltonian H and the total density matrix ρ fully specify our physical world, H. Consciousness and the quantum factorization how do we extract 3D space and the rest of our semi- problem classical world from nothing more than two Hermitian matrices, which come without any a priori physical in- Table II summarizes the four candidate principles that terpretation or additional structure such as a physical we will explore as necessary conditions for consciousness. space, quantum observables, quantum field definitions, Our goal with isolating and studying these principles is an “outside” system, etc.? Can some of this information 5 be extracted even from H alone, which is fully specified all of the ten types of objects shown have robustness of by nothing more than its eigenvalue spectrum? We will ten or more. A highly robust object preserves its identity see that a generic Hamiltonian cannot be decomposed (its integration and independence) over a wide range of using tensor products, which would correspond to a de- temperatures/energies/situations. The more robust an composition of the cosmos into non-interacting parts — object is, the more useful it is for us humans to perceive instead, there is an optimal factorization of our universe it as an object and coin a name for it, as per the above- into integrated and relatively independent parts. Based mentioned utility principle. on Tononi’s work, we might expect that this factoriza- Returning to the “physics-from-scratch” problem, how tion, or some generalization thereof, is what conscious can we identify this object hierarchy if all we have to observers perceive, because an integrated and relatively start with are two Hermitian matrices, the density ma- autonomous information complex is fundamentally what trix ρ encoding the state of our world and the Hamilto- a conscious observer is! nian H determining its time-evolution? Imagine that we know only these mathematical objects ρ and H and have The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec- no information whatsoever about how to interpret the tion II, we explore the integration principle by quanti- various degrees of freedom or anything else about them. fying integrated information in physical systems, finding A good beginning is to study integration. Consider, for encouraging results for classical systems and interesting example, ρ and H for a single deuterium atom, whose challenges introduced by quantum mechanics. In Sec- Hamiltonian is (ignoring spin interactions for simplicity) tion III, we explore the independence principle, finding that at least one additional principle is required to ac- H(rp, pp, rn, pn, re, pe) = (1) count for the observed factorization of our physical world = H1(rp, pp, rn, pn) + H2(pe) + H3(rp, pp, rn, pn, re, pe), into an object hierarchy in three-dimensional space. In Section IV, we explore the dynamics principle and other where r and p are position and momentum vectors, and possibilities for reconciling quantum-mechanical theory the subscripts p, n and e refer to the proton, the neutron with our observation of a semiclassical world. We dis- and the electron. On the second line, we have decom- cuss our conclusions in Section V, including applications posed H into three terms: the internal energy of the of the utility principle, and cover various mathematical proton-neutron nucleus, the internal (kinetic) energy of details in the three appendices. Throughout the paper, the electron, and the electromagnetic electron-nucleus in- we mainly consider finite-dimensional Hilbert that teraction. This interaction is tiny, on average involving can be viewed as collections of qubits; as explained in Ap- much less energy than those within the nucleus: pendix C, this appears to cover standard quantum field theory with its infinite-dimensional Hilbert space as well. tr H ρ 3 ∼ 10−5, (2) tr H1ρ

II. INTEGRATION which we recognize as the inverse robustness for a typical nucleus in Figure 3. We can therefore fruitfully approx- A. Our physical world as an object hierarchy imate the nucleus and the electron as separate objects that are almost independent, interacting only weakly with one another. The key point here is that we could The problem of identifying consciousness in an arbi- have performed this object-finding exercise of dividing trary collection of moving particles is similar to the sim- the variables into two groups to find the greatest indepen- pler problem of identifying objects there. One of the most dence (analogous to what Tononi calls “the cruelest cut”) striking features of our physical world is that we perceive based on the functional form of H alone, without even it as an object hierarchy, as illustrated in Figure 1. If you having heard of electrons or nuclei, thereby identifying are enjoying a cold drink, you perceive ice cubes in your their degrees of freedom through a purely mathematical glass as separate objects because they are both fairly in- exercise. tegrated and fairly independent, e.g., their parts are more strongly connected to one another than to the outside. The same can be said about each of their constituents, ranging from water molecules all the way down to elec- B. Integration and mutual information trons and quarks. Zooming out, you similarly perceive the macroscopic world as a dynamic hierarchy of objects If the interaction energy H3 were so small that we that are strongly integrated and relatively independent, could neglect it altogether, then H would be decompos- all the way up to planets, solar systems and galaxies. Let able into two parts H1 and H2, each one acting on only us quantify this by defining the robustness of an object one of the two sub-systems (in our case the nucleus and as the ratio of the integration temperature (the energy the electron). This means that any thermal state would per part needed to separate them) to the independence be factorizable: temperature (the energy per part needed to separate the −H/kT −H1/kT −H2/kT parent object in the hierarchy). Figure 1 illustrates that ρ ∝ e = e e = ρ1ρ2, (3) 6

Object: Ice cube Robustness: 105 Independence T: 3 mK mgh/kB ~3mK per Integration T: 300 K molecule{ Object: Water molecule Robustness: 30 Independence T: 300 K Integration T: 1 eV ~ 104K

Object: Oxygen atom Object: Hydrogen atom Robustness: 10 Robustness: 10 Independence T: 1 eV Independence T: 1 eV Integration T: 10 eV Integration T: 10 eV

Object: Oxygen nucleus Robustness: 105 Independence T: 10 eV Integration T: 1 MeV

Object: Neutron Object: Proton Robustness: 200 Robustness: 200 Independence T: 1 MeV Independence T: 1 MeV Integration T: 200 MeV Integration T: 200 MeV

Object: Down quark Object: Up quark Object: Electron Robustness: 1017? Robustness: 1017? Robustness: 1022? Independence T: 200 MeV Independence T: 200 MeV Independence T: 10 eV Integration T: 1016 GeV? Integration T: 1016 GeV? Integration T: 1016 GeV?

FIG. 1: We perceive the external world as a hierarchy of objects, whose parts are more strongly connected to one another than to the outside. The robustness of an object is defined as the ratio of the integration temperature (the energy per part needed to separate them) to the independence temperature (the energy per part needed to separate the parent object in the hierarchy). so the total state ρ can be factored into a product of which (as we will discuss in detail in Section III) implies the subsystem states ρ1 and ρ2. In this case, the mutual that the mutual information stays constant over time and information no information is ever exchanged between the objects. In summary, if a Hamiltonian can be decomposed without I ≡ S(ρ ) + S(ρ ) − S(ρ) (4) 1 2 an interaction term (with H3 = 0), then it describes two perfectly independent systems.4 vanishes, where

S(ρ) ≡ −tr ρ log2 ρ (5) is the von Neumann entropy (in bits) — which is simply 4 Note that in this paper, we are generally considering H and ρ the Shannon entropy of eigenvalues of ρ. Even for non- for the entire cosmos, so that there is no “outside” containing thermal states, the time-evolution operator U becomes observers etc. If H3 = 0, entanglement between the two systems thus cannot have any observable effects. This is in stark contrast separable: to most textbook quantum mechanics considerations, where one studies a small subsystem of the world. iHt/ iH1t/ iH2t/ U ≡ e ~ = e ~e ~ = U1U2, (6) 7

Let us now consider the opposite case, when a sys- (providing integration) but not so strong that the whole tem cannot be decomposed into independent parts. Let system becomes correlated like in the right panel or in a us define the integrated information Φ as the mutual in- brain experiencing an epileptic seizure. formation I for the “cruelest cut” (the cut minimizing I) in some class of cuts that subdivide the system into two (we will discuss many different classes of cuts be- D. Integration, coding theory and error correction low). Although our Φ-definition is slightly different from Tononi’s [8]5, it is similar in spirit, and we are reusing his Even when we tuned the temperature to the most fa- Φ-symbol for its elegant symbolism (unifying the shapes vorable value in our 2D Ising model example, the inte- of I for information and O for integration). grated information never exceeded Φ ∼ n1/2 bits, which is merely a fraction n−1/2 of the n bits of information that n spins can potentially store. So can we do better? C. Maximizing integration Fortunately, a closely related question has been carefully studied in the branch of mathematics known as coding We just saw that if two systems are dynamically inde- theory, with the aim of optimizing error correcting codes. pendent (H3 = 0), then Φ = 0 at all time both for ther- Consider, for example, the following set of m = 16 bit mal states and for states that were independent (Φ = 0) strings, each written as a column vector of length n = 8: at some point in time. Let us now consider the oppo-  0000111100001111  site extreme. How large can the integrated information 0000000011111111 Φ get? A as warmup example, let us consider the fa-    0110100101101001  miliar 2D Ising model in Figure 2 where n = 2500 mag-    0101010110101010  netic dipoles (or spins) that can point up or down are M =    0101101001011010  placed on a square lattice, and H is such that they pre-    0011001111001100  fer aligning with their nearest neighbors. When T → ∞,    0011110000111100  ρ ∝ e−H/kT → I, so all 2n states are equally likely, all 0110011010011001 n bits are statistically independent, and Φ = 0. When T → 0, all states freeze out except the two degenerate This is known as the Hamming(8,4)-code, and has Ham- ground states (all spin up or all spin down), so all spins ming distance d = 4, which means that at least 4 bit are perfectly correlated and Φ = 1 bit. For interme- flips are required to change one string into another [20]. diate temperatures, long-range correlations are seen to It is easy to see that for a code with Hamming distance exist such that typical states have contiguous spin-up or d, any (d − 1) bits can always be reconstructed from the spin-down patches. On average, we get about one bit of others: You can always reconstruct b bits as long as eras- mutual information for each such patch crossing our cut ing them does not make two bit strings identical, which (since a spin on one side “knows” about at a spin on the would cause ambiguity about which the correct bit string other side), so for bipartitions that cut the system into is. This implies that reconstruction works when the Ham- two equally large halves, the mutual information will be ming distance d > b. proportional to the length of the cutting curve. The “cru- To translate such codes of m bit strings of length n elest cut” is therefore a vertical or horizontal straight line into physical systems, we simply created a state space 1/2 1/2 of length n , giving Φ ∼ n at the temperature where with n bits (interpretable as n spins or other two-state typical patches are only a few pixels wide. We would sim- systems) and construct a Hamiltonian which has an m- 1/3 ilarly get a maximum integration Φ ∼ n for a 3D Ising fold degenerate ground state, with one minimum cor- system and Φ ∼ 1 bit for a 1D Ising system. responding to each of the m bit strings in the code. Since it is the spatial correlations that provide the in- In the low-temperature limit, all bit strings will re- tegration, it is interesting to speculate about whether ceive the same weight 1/m, giving an entropy the conscious subsystem of our brain is a system near its S = log2 m. The corresponding integrated information critical temperature, close to a phase transition. Indeed, Φ of the ground state is plotted in Figure 3 for a few Damasio has argued that to be in homeostasis, a num- examples, as a function of cut size k (the number of bits ber of physical parameters of our brain need to be kept assigned to the first subsystem). To calculate Φ for a cut within a narrow range of values [19] — this is precisely size k in practice, we simply minimize the mutual infor- what is required of any condensed matter system to be n  mation I over all k ways of partitioning the n bits into near-critical, exhibiting correlations that are long-range k and (n − k) bits. We see that, as advertised, the Hamming(8,4)-code gives gives Φ = 3 when 3 bits are cut off. However, it gives only Φ = 2 for bipartitions; the Φ-value for bi- 5 Tononi’s definition of Φ [8] applies only for classical systems, partitions is not simply related to the Hamming distance, whereas we wish to study the quantum case as well. Our Φ is measured in bits and can grow with system size like an extrinsic and is not a quantity that most popular bit string codes variable, whereas his is an intrinsic variable akin representing a are optimized for. Indeed, Figure 3 shows that for bipar- sort of average integration per bit. titions, it underperforms a code consisting of 16 random 8

Less More correlation correlation

Random Too little Optimum Too much Uniform

FIG. 2: The panels show simulations of the 2D Ising model on a 50 × 50 lattice, with the temperature progressively decreasing from left to right. The integrated information Φ drops to zero bits at T → ∞ (leftmost panel) and to one bit as T → 0 (rightmost panel), taking a maximum at an intermediate temperature near the phase transition temperature.

4 8

Hamming 3 (8,4)-code 6 (16 8-bit strings)

2 4 16 random 8-bit strings

1 Integrated information 2 Integrated information 128 8-bit strings with checksum bit 128 random64 12-bit 14-bit32 10-bitwords words words 256 random 16-bit words 16 8-bit8 6-bit 4words words4-bit words 2 4 6 8 5 Bits cut off 10 15 Bits cut off FIG. 4: Same as for previous figure, but for random codes FIG. 3: For various 8-bit systems, the integrated information with progressively longer bit strings, consisting of a random is plotted as a function of the number of bits cut off into a √ subset containing 2n of the 2n possible bit strings. For sub-system with the “cruelest cut”. The Hamming (8,4)-code better legibility, the vertical axis has been re-centered for the is seen to give classically optimal integration except for a bi- shorter codes. partition into 4 + 4 bits: an arbitrary subset containing no more than three bits is completely determined by the remain- ing bits. The code consisting of the half of all 8-bit strings whose bit sum is even (i.e., each of the 128 7-bit strings fol- not bits but groups of bits (generally numbers modulo lowed by a parity checksum bit) has Hamming distance d = 2 some prime number), and the optimality is violated if we and gives Φ = 1 however many bits are cut off. A random set make cuts that do not respect the boundaries of these bit of 16 8-bit strings is seen to outperform the Hamming (8,4)- groups. code for 4+4-bipartitions, but not when fewer bits are cut off. Although further research on codes maximizing Φ would be of interest, it is worth noting that simple ran- dom codes appear to give Φ-values within a couple of bits of the theoretical maximum in the limit of large n, as il- unique bit strings of the same length. A rich and diverse lustrated in Figure 4. When cutting off k out of n bits, set of codes have been published in the literature, and the mutual information in clearly can- the state-of-the-art in terms of maximal Hamming dis- not exceed the number of bits in either subsystem, i.e., k tance for a given n is continually updated [21]. Although and n − k, so the Φ-curve for a code must lie within the codes with arbitrarily large Hamming distance d exist, shaded triangle in the figure. (The quantum-mechanical there is (just as for our Hamming(8,4)-example above) case is more complicated, and we well see in the next sec- no guarantee that Φ will be as large as d − 1 when the tion that it in a sense integrates both better and worse.) smaller of the two subsystems contains more than d bits. The codes for which the integrated information is plotted Moreover, although Reed-Solomon codes are sometimes simply consist of a random subset containing 2n/2 of the billed as classically optimal erasure codes (maximizing 2n possible bit strings, so roughly speaking, half the bits d for a given n), their fundamental units are generally encode fresh information and the other half provide the 9







Integrated information (bits) 1

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2-logarithm of number of patterns used

FIG. 5: The integrated information is shown for random codes using progressively larger random subsets of the 214 possible strings of 14 bits. The optimal choice is seen to be using about 27 bit strings, i.e., using about half the bits to encode information and the other half to integrate it. redundancy giving near-perfect integration. FIG. 6: A particle in the egg-crate potential energy land- Just as we saw for the Ising model example, these ran- scape (top panel) stably encodes 8 bits of information that dom codes show a tradeoff between entropy and redun- are completely independent of one another and therefore not dancy, as illustrated in Figure 5. When there are n bits, integrated. In contrast, a particle in a Hamming(8,4) poten- how many of the 2n possible bit strings should we use tial (bottom panel) encodes only 4 bits of information, but to maximize the integrated information Φ? If we use m with excellent integration. Qualitatively, a hard drive is more like the top panel, while a neural network is more like the of them, we clearly have Φ ≤ log2 m, since in classical bottom panel. physics, Φ cannot exceed the entropy if the system (the mutual information is I = S1 + S2 − S, where S1 ≤ S and S2 ≤ S so I ≤ S). Using very few bit strings is 16 minima and S = 4 bits. therefore a bad idea. On the other hand, if we use all The basins of attraction in the top panel are seen to n 2 of them, we lose all redundancy, the bits become in- be the squares shown in the bottom panel. If we write dependent, and Φ = 0, so being greedy and using too the x− and y− coordinates as binary numbers with b many bit strings in an attempt to store more informa- bits each, then the first 4 bits of x and y encode which tion is also a bad√ idea. Figure 5 shows that the optimal square (x, y) is in. The information in the remaining n tradeoff is to use 2 of the codewords, i.e., to use half bits encodes the location within this square; these bits the bits to encode information and the other half to in- are not useful for information storage because they can tegrate it. Taken together, the last two figures therefore vary over time, as the particle oscillates around a mini- suggest that n physical bits can be used to provide about mum. If the system is actively cooled, these oscillations n/2 bits of integrated information in the large-n limit. are gradually damped out and the particle settles toward the attractor solution at the minimum, at the center of its basin. This example illustrates that cooling is a physical E. Integration in physical systems example of error correction: if thermal noise adds small perturbations to the particle position, altering the least Let us explore the consequences of these results for significant bits, then cooling will remove these perturba- physical systems described by a Hamiltonian H and a tions and push the particle back towards the minimum state ρ. As emphasized by Hopfield [22], any physical it came from. As long as cooling keeps the perturbations system with multiple attractors can be viewed as an in- small enough that the particle never rolls out of its basin formation storage device, since its state permanently en- of attraction, all the 8 bits of information encoding its codes information about which attractor it belongs to. basin number are perfectly preserved. Instead of inter- Figure 6 shows two examples of H interpretable as po- preting our n = 8 data bits as positions in two dimen- tential energy functions for a a single particle in two di- sions, we can interpret them as positions in n dimensions, mensions. They can both be used as information storage where each possible state corresponds to a corner of the devices, by placing the particle in a potential well and n-dimensional hypercube. This captures the essence of keeping the system cool enough that the particle stays many computer memory devices, where each bit is stored in the same well indefinitely. The egg crate potential in a system with two degenerate minima; the least sig- V (x, y) = sin2(πx) sin2(πy) (top) has 256 minima and nificant and redundant bits that can be error-corrected hence a ground state entropy (information storage ca- via cooling now get equally distributed among all the di- pacity) S = 8 bits, whereas the lower potential has only mensions. 10

How integrated is the information S? For the top panel information contained in H is of Figure 6, not at all: H can be factored as a tensor product of 8 two-state systems, so Φ = 0, just as for 2n  2n! typical computer memory. In other words, if the particle S(H) = log2 = log2 n ≈ is in a particular egg crate basin, knowing any one of the k k!(2 − k)! bits specifying the basin position tells us nothing about (2n)k ≈ log = k(n − log k) (7) the other bits. The potential in the lower panel, on the 2 kk 2 other hand, gives good integration. This potential retains for k  2n, where we used Stirling’s approximation only 16 of the 256 minima, corresponding to the 16 bit k strings of the Hamming(8,4)-code, which as we saw gives k! ≈ k . So crudely speaking, H encodes not n bits Φ = 3 for any 3 bits cut off and Φ = 2 bits for symmetric but kn bits. For the near-maximal integration given by the random codes from the previous section, we had bipartitions. Since the Hamming distance d = 4 for this n/2 n/2 n k = 2 , which gives S(H) ∼ 2 2 bits. For example, code, at least 4 bits must be flipped to reach another 11 minimum, which among other things implies that no two if the n ∼ 10 neurons in your brain were maximally basins can share a row or column. integrated in this way, then your neural network would require a dizzying 1010000000000 bits to describe, vastly more information than can be encoded by all the 1089 particles in our universe combined. F. The pros and cons of integration The neuronal mechanisms of human memory are still unclear despite intensive experimental and theoretical ex- suggests that self-reproducing plorations [24], but there is significant evidence that the information-processing systems will evolve integration if brain uses attractor dynamics in its integration and mem- it is useful to them, regardless of whether they are con- ory functions, where discrete attractors may be used to scious or not. Error correction can obviously be use- represent discrete items [25]. The classic implementa- ful, both to correct errors caused by thermal noise and tion of such dynamics as a simple symmetric and asyn- to provide redundancy that improves robustness toward chronous Hopfield neural network [22] can be conve- failure of individual physical components such as neu- niently interpreted in terms of potential energy func- rons. Indeed, such utility explains the preponderance tions: the equations of the continuous Hopfield network of error correction built into human-developed devices, are identical to a set of mean-field equations that mini- from RAID-storage to bar codes to forward error cor- mize a potential energy function, so this network always rection in telecommunications. If Tononi is correct and converges to a basin of attraction [26]. Such a Hopfield consciousness requires integration, then this raises an in- network gives a dramatically lower information content teresting possibility: our human consciousness may have S(H) of only about 0.25 bits per synapse[26], and we have 14 evolved as an accidental by-product of error correction. only about 10 synapses, suggesting that our brains can There is also empirical evidence that integration is useful store only on the order of a few Terabytes of information. for problem-solving: artificial life simulations of vehicles The integrated information of a Hopfield network is that have to traverse mazes and whose brains evolve by even lower. For a Hopfield network of n neurons with natural selection show that the more adapted they are to Hebbian learning, the total number of attractors is their environment, the higher the integrated information bounded by 0.14n [26], so the maximum information ca- of the main complex in their brain [23]. pacity is merely S ≈ log2 0.14n ≈ log2 n ≈ 37 bits for n = 1011 neurons. Even in the most favorable case where However, integration comes at a cost, and as we will 11 now see, near maximal integration appears to be pro- these bits are maximally integrated, our 10 neurons thus provide a measly Φ ≈ 37 bits of integrated informa- hibitively expensive. Let us distinguish between the max- 10 imum amount of information that can be stored in a state tion, as opposed to about Φ ≈ 5 × 10 bits for a random defined by ρ and the maximum amount of information coding. that can be stored in a physical system defined by H. The former is simply S(ρ) for the perfectly mixed (T = ∞) G. The integration paradox state, i.e., log2 of the number of possible states (the num- ber of bits characterizing the system). The latter can This leaves us with an integration paradox: why does be much larger, corresponding to log2 of the number of Hamiltonians that you could distinguish between given the information content of our conscious experience ap- your time and energy available for experimentation. Let pear to be vastly larger than 37 bits? If Tononi’s informa- us consider potential energy functions whose k different tion and integration principles from Section I are correct, 6 minima can be encoded as bit strings (as in Figure 6), the integration paradox forces us to draw at least one of and let us limit our experimentation to finding all the minima. Then H encodes not a single string of n bits, but a subset consisting of k out of all 2n such strings, one 6  2n  Can we sidestep the integration paradox by simply dismissing the for each minimum. There are k such subsets, so the idea that integration is necessary? Although it remains contro- 11 the following three conclusions: An interesting theoretical direction for further research (pursuing resolution 1 to the integration paradox) is 1. Our brains use some more clever scheme for encod- therefore to investigate what maximum amount of in- ing our conscious bits of information, which allows tegrated information Φ can be feasibly stored in a physi- dramatically larger Φ than Hebbian Hopfield net- cal system using codes that are algorithmic (such as RS- works. codes) rather than random. An interesting experimental direction would be to search for concrete implementa- 2. These conscious bits are much fewer than we might tions of error-correction algorithms in the brain. naively have thought from introspection, implying In summary, we have explored the integration prin- that we are only able to pay attention to a very ciple by quantifying integrated information in physical modest amount of information at any instant. systems. We have found that although excellent integra- tion is possible in principle, it is more difficult in prac- 3. To be relevant for consciousness, the definition of tice. In theory, random codes provide nearly maximal integrated information that we have used must be integration, with about half of all n bits coding for data modified or supplemented by at least one additional and the other half providing Ψ ≈ n bits of integration), principle. but in practice, the dynamics required for implement- ing them is too complex for our brain or our universe. We will see that the quantum results in the next section Most of our exploration has focused on classical physics, bolster the case for conclusion 3. Interestingly, there is where cuts into subsystems have corresponded to parti- also support for conclusion 2 in the large psychophysical tions of classical bits. As we will see in the next section, literature on the illusion of the perceptual richness of the finding systems encoding large amounts of integrated in- world. For example, there is evidence suggesting that of formation is even more challenging when we turn to the the roughly 107 bits of information that enter our brain quantum-mechanical case. each second from our sensory organs, we can only be aware of a tiny fraction, with estimates ranging from 10 to 50 bits [27, 28]. III. INDEPENDENCE The fundamental reason why a Hopfield network is specified by much less information than a near-maximally A. Classical versus quantum independence integrated network is that it involves only pairwise cou- plings between neurons, thus requiring only ∼ n2 cou- pling parameters to be specified — as opposed to 2n pa- How cruel is what Tononi calls “the cruelest cut”, di- rameters giving the energy for each of the 2n possible viding a system into two parts that are maximally in- states. It is striking how H is similarly simple for the dependent? The situation is quite different in classical standard model of , with the energy in- physics and quantum physics, as Figure 7 illustrates for volving only sums of pairwise interactions between parti- a simple 2-bit system. In classical physics, the state is cles supplemented with occasional 3-way and 4-way cou- specified by a 2×2 matrix giving the for the plings. H for the brain and H for fundamental physics four states 00, 01, 10 and 11, which define an entropy S thus both appear to belong to an extremely simple sub- and mutual information I. Since there is only one pos- class of all Hamiltonians, that require an unusually small sible cut, the integrated information Φ = I. The point amount of information to describe. Just as a system im- defined by the pair (S, Φ) can lie anywhere in the “pyra- plementing near-maximal integration via random coding mid” in the figure, who’s top at (S, Φ) = (1, 1) (black is too complicated to fit inside the brain, it is also too star) gives maximum integration, and corresponds to per- complicated to work in fundamental physics: Since the fect correlation between the two bits: 50% probability for information storage capacity S of a physical system is 00 and 11. Perfect anti-correlation gives the same point. approximately bounded by its number of particles [16] or The other two vertices of the classically allowed region by its area in Planck units by the Holographic principle are seen to be (S, Φ) = (0, 0) (100% probability for a sin- [17], it cannot be integrated by physical dynamics that gle outcome) and (S, Φ) = (2, 0) (equal probability for all itself requires storage of the exponentially larger informa- four outcomes). S/2 S In quantum mechanics, where the 2-qubit state is de- tion quantity S(H) ∼ 2 2 unless the Standard Model Hamiltonian is replaced by something dramatically more fined by a 4 × 4 density matrix, the available area in the complicated. (S, I)-plane doubles to include the entire shaded trian- gle, with the classically unattainable region opened up because of entanglement. The extreme case is a Bell pair state such as versial whether integrated information is a sufficient condition 1 for consciousness as asserted by IIT, it appears rather obvious |ψi = √ (|↑i|↑i + |↓i|↓i) , (8) that it is a necessary condition if the conscious experience is 2 unified: if there were no integration, the conscious mind would consist of two separate parts that were independent of one an- which gives (S, I) = (0, 2). However, whereas there was other and hence unaware of each other. only one possible cut for 2 classical bits, there are now in- 12

2.0 states possible in quantum mechanics have no integrated Bell pair information at all! The same cruel fate awaits the most integrated 2- bit state from classical physics: the perfectly correlated 1 1 mixed state ρ = 2 |↑ih↑| + 2 |↓ih↓|. It gave Φ = 1 bit 1.5 1/2 classically above (upper black star in the figure), but a 0 unitary transformation permuting its diagonal elements 0 ( 1/2 ) makes it factorable:  1   1  Possible only 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1    1  1.0 quantum-mechanically  0 0 0 0  †  0 2 0 0  1 0 2 0 (entanglement) U   U =   = ⊗ 1 ,

 0 0 0 0   0 0 0 0  0 0 0 2

U 1

Unitary transformation Unitary

n Possible 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

i 2

t a

Mutual information I r classically (11)

y 1/3

t 1/3

r a so Φ = 0 quantum-mechanically (lower black star in the 1/3 0.5 n .4 .3 s 0 f ( ) .7 .3 figure). o .4 .91 1/4 1 r 1/2 .3 .03 m .1 .2 1/2 1/4 0 a .1 .0 ( .1 ) .03 ( ) t 1/4 i 0 0 ( .03 ) o ( .1 ) n ( 1/4 ) ( 0 ) ( 0 ) B. Canonical transformations, independence and Quantum integrated relativity

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Entropy S The fundamental reason that these states are more sep- arable quantum-mechanically is clearly that more cuts FIG. 7: Mutual information versus entropy for various 2-bit are available, making the cruelest one crueler. Interest- systems. The different dots, squares and stars correspond ingly, the same thing can happen also in classical physics. to different states, which in the classical cases are defined Consider, for example, our example of the deuterium by the probabilities for the four basis states 00, 01 10 and 11. Classical states can lie only in the pyramid below the atom from equation (1). When we restricted our cuts to upper black star with (S, I) = (1, 1), whereas entanglement simply separating different degrees of freedom, we found allows quantum states to extend all the way up to the upper that the group (rp, pp, rn, pn) was quite (but not com- black square at (0, 2). However, the integrated information Φ pletely) independent of the group (re, pe), and that there for a quantum state cannot lie above the shaded green/grey was no cut splitting things into perfectly independent region, into which any other quantum state can be brought pieces. In other words, the nucleus was fairly indepen- by a unitary transformation. Along the upper boundary of dent of the electron, but none of the three particles was this region, either three of the four probabilities are equal, or completely independent of the other two. However, if we to two of them are equal while one vanishes. allow our degrees of freedom to be transformed before the cut, then things can be split into two perfectly in- finitely many possible cuts because in quantum mechan- dependent parts! The classical equivalent of a unitary ics, all Hilbert space bases are equally valid, and we can transformation is of course a canonical transformation choose to perform the factorization in any of them. Since (one that preserves phase-space volume). If we perform Φ is defined as I after the cruelest cut, it is the I-value the canonical transformation where the new coordinates are the center-of-mass position rM and the relative dis- minimized over all possible factorizations. For simplicity, 0 0 we use the notation where ⊗ denotes factorization in the placements rp ≡ rp − rM and re ≡ re − rM , and cor- coordinate basis, so the integrated information is respondingly define pM as the total momentum of the whole system, etc., then we find that (rM , pM ) is com- Φ = min I(UρU†), (9) pletely independent of the rest. In other words, the av- U erage motion of the entire deuterium atom is completely i.e., the mutual information minimized over all possi- decoupled from the internal motions around its center- ble unitary transformations U. Since the Bell pair of of-mass. equation (8) is a pure state ρ = |ψihψ|, we can unitarily Interestingly, this well-known possibility of decompos- transform it into a basis where the first basis vector is ing any isolated system into average and relative motions |ψi, making it factorizable: (the “average-relative decomposition”, for short) is equiv- alent to relativity theory in the following sense. The   1 0 0 1  1 0 0 0  core of relativity theory is that all laws of physics (in- 2 2      0 0 0 0  † 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 cluding the speed of light) are the same in all inertial U   U =   = ⊗ .  0 0 0 0   0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 frames. This implies the average-relative decomposition, 1 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 since the laws of physics governing the relative motions (10) of the system are the same in all inertial frames and This means that Φ = 0, so in quantum mechanics, the hence independent of the (uniform) center-of-mass mo- cruelest cut can be very cruel indeed: the most entangled tion. Conversely, we can view relativity as a special case 13 of the average-relative decomposition. If two systems are easy to see that when seeking the permutation giving completely independent, then they can gain no knowl- maximum separability, we can without loss of generality edge of each other, so a conscious observer in one will place the largest eigenvalue first (in the upper left corner) be unaware of the other. The average-relative decompo- and the smallest one last (in the lower right corner). If sition therefore implies that an observer in an isolated there are only 4 eigenvalues (as in the above example), system has no way of knowing whether she is at rest or the ordering of the remaining two has no effect on I. in uniform motion, because these are simply two different allowed states for the center-of-mass subsystem, which is completely independent from (and hence inaccessible to) the internal-motions subsystem of which her conscious- ness is a part. D. The quantum integration paradox C. How integrated can quantum states be? We now have the tools in hand to answer the key ques- We saw in Figure 7 that some seemingly inte- tion from the last section: which state ρ maximizes the grated states, such as a Bell pair or a pair of clas- integrated information Φ? Numerical search suggests sically perfectly correlated bits, are in fact not inte- that the most integrated state is a rescaled projection grated at all. But the figure also shows that some matrix satisfying ρ2 ∝ ρ. This means that some num- states are truly integrated even quantum-mechanically, ber k of the n eigenvalues equal 1/k and the remain- with I > 0 even for the cruelest cut. How inte- ing ones vanish.8 For the n = 4 example from Fig- grated can a quantum state be? The following theo- ure 7, k = 3 is seen to give the best integration, with rem, proved by Jevtic, Jennings & Rudolph [29], en- eigenvalues (probabilities) 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 and 0, giving 7 ables the answer to be straightforwardly calculated : Φ = log(27/16)/ log(8) ≈ 0.2516. ρ-Diagonality Theorem (ρDC): The mutual information always takes its min- For classical physics, we saw that the maximal at- imum in a basis where ρ is diagonal tainable Φ grows roughly linearly with n. Quantum- mechanically, however, it decreases as n increases!9 The first step in computing the integrated information In summary, no matter how large a quantum system Φ(ρ) is thus to diagonalize the n × n density matrix ρ. we create, its state can never contain more than about a If all n eigenvalues are different, then there are n! pos- quarter of a bit of integrated information! This exacer- sible ways of doing this, corresponding to the n! ways bates the integration paradox from Section II G, eliminat- of permuting the eigenvalues, so the ρDC simplifies the ing both of the first two resolutions: you are clearly aware continuous minimization problem of equation (9) to a dis- of more than 0.25 bits of information right now, and this crete minimization problem over these n! permutations. quarter-bit maximum applies not merely to states of Hop- Suppose that n = l × m, and that we wish to factor the field networks, but to any quantum states of any system. n-dimensional Hilbert space into factor spaces of dimen- Let us therefore begin exploring the third resolution: that sionality l and m, so that Φ = 0. It is easy to see that our definition of integrated information must be modified this is possible if the n eigenvalues of ρ can be arranged or supplemented by at least one additional principle. into an l × m matrix that is multiplicatively separable (rank 1), i.e., the product of a column vector and a row vector. Extracting the eigenvalues for our example from equation (11) where l = m = 2 and n = 4, we see that 8 A heuristic way of understanding why having many equal eigen- values is advantageous is that it helps eliminate the effect of the  1 1   1 0  2 2 is separable, but 2 is not, eigenvalue permutations that we are minimizing over. If the op- 1 timal state has two distinct eigenvalues, then if swapping them 0 0 0 2 changes I, it must by definition increase I by some finite amount. and that the only difference is that the order of the four This suggests that we can increase the integration Φ by bringing the eigenvalues infinitesimally closer or further apart, and repeat- numbers has been permuted. More generally, we see that ing this procedure lets us further increase Φ until all eigenvalues to find the “cruelest cut” that defines the integrated in- are either zero or equal to the same positive constant. formation Φ, we want to find the permutation that makes 9 One finds that Φ is maximized when the k identical nonzero the matrix of eigenvalues as separable as possible. It is eigenvalues are arranged in a Young Tableau, which corre- sponds to a partition of k as a sum of positive integers ∗ k1 + k2 + ..., giving Φ = S(p) + S(p ) − log2 k, where ∗ the probability vectors p and p are defined by pi = ki/k ∗ ∗ ∗ and pi = ki /k. Here ki denotes the conjugate partition. 7 The converse of the ρDC is straightforward to prove: if Φ = 0 For example, if we cut an even number of qubits into two (which is equivalent to the state being factorizable; ρ = ρ1 ⊗ ρ2), parts with n/2 qubits each, then n = 2, 4, 6, ..., 20 gives then it is factorizable also in its eigenbasis where both ρ1 and ρ2 Φ ≈ 0.252, 0.171, 0.128, 0.085, 0.085, 0.073, 0.056, 0.056, 0.051 are diagonal. and 0.042 bits, respectively. 14

E. How integrated is the Hamiltonian? G. The cruelest cut as the maximization of separability An obvious way to begin this exploration is to con- sider the state ρ not merely at a single fixed time t, but Since a general Hamiltonian H cannot be written in as a function of time. After all, it is widely assumed that the separable form of equation (14), it will also include a consciousness is related to information processing, not third term H3 that is non-separable. The independence mere information storage. Indeed, Tononi’s original Φ- principle from Section I therefore suggests an interest- definition [8] (which applies to classical neural networks ing mathematical approach to the physics-from-scratch rather than general quantum systems) involves time, de- problem of analyzing the total Hamiltonian H for our pending on the extent to which current events affect fu- physical world: ture ones. Because the time-evolution of the state ρ is determined 1. Find the Hilbert space factorization giving the by the Hamiltonian H via the Schr¨odingerequation “cruelest cut”, decomposing H into parts with the smallest interaction Hamiltonian H3 possible. ρ˙ = i[H, ρ], (12) 2. Keep repeating this subdivision procedure for each whose solution is part until only relatively integrated parts remain iHt −iHt that cannot be further decomposed with a small ρ(t) = e ρe , (13) interaction Hamiltonian. we need to investigate the extent to which the cruelest The hope would be that applying this procedure to the cut can decompose not merely ρ but the pair (ρ, H) into Hamiltonian of our standard model would reproduce the independent parts. (Here and throughout, we often use full observed object hierarchy from Figure 1, with the fac- units where ~ = 1 for simplicity.) torization corresponding to the objects, and the various non-separable terms H3 describing the interactions be- tween these objects. Any decomposition with H = 0 F. Evolution with separable Hamiltonian 3 would correspond to two parallel universes unable to communicate with one another. As we saw above, the key question for ρ is whether it We will now formulate this as a rigorous mathemat- it is factorizable (expressible as product ρ = ρ1 ⊗ ρ2 of ics problem, solve it, and derive the observational conse- matrices acting on the two subsystems), whereas the key quences. We will find that this approach fails catastroph- question for H is whether it is what we will call addi- ically when confronted with observation, giving interest- tively separable, being a sum of matrices acting on the ing hints regarding further physical principles needed for two subsystems, i.e., expressible in the form understanding why we perceive our world as an object hierarchy. H = H1 ⊗ I + I ⊗ H2 (14) for some matrices H1 and H2. For brevity, we will often write simply separable instead of additively separable. As H. The Hilbert-Schmidt vector space mentioned in Section II B, a separable Hamiltonian H −H/kT implies that both the thermal state ρ ∝ e and To enable a rigorous formulation of our problem, let iHt/ the time-evolution operator U ≡ e ~ are factorizable. us first briefly review the Hilbert-Schmidt vector space, a An important property of density matrices which was convenient inner-product space where the vectors are not pointed out already by von Neumann when he invented wave functions |ψi but matrices such as H and ρ. For them [30] is that if H is separable, then any two matrices A and B, the Hilbert-Schmidt inner product is defined by ρ˙1 = i[H1, ρ1], (15) † i.e., the time-evolution of the state of the first subsystem, (A, B) ≡ tr A B. (18) ρ1 ≡ tr 2ρ, is independent of the other subsystem and of any entanglement with it that may exist. This is easy to For example, the trace operator can be written as an prove: Using the identities (A12) and (A14) shows that inner product with the identity matrix:

tr [H1 ⊗ I, ρ] = tr {(H1 ⊗ I)ρ} − tr {ρ(H1 ⊗ I)} tr A = (I, A). (19) 2 2 2 = H1ρ1 − ρ1H2 = [H1, ρ1]. (16) This inner product defines the Hilbert-Schmidt norm (also known as the Frobenius norm) Using the identity (A10) shows that 1   2 tr [I ⊗ H2, ρ] = 0. (17) 2 1 † 1 X 2 ||A|| ≡ (A, A) 2 = (tr A A) 2 =  |Aij|  . (20) Summing equations (16) and (17) completes the proof. ij 15

If A is Hermitian (A† = A), then ||A||2 is simply the ponents: sum of the squares of its eigenvalues. Real symmetric and antisymmetric matrices form or- H = H + H + H + H , (28) thogonal subspaces under the Hilbert-Schmidt inner 0 1 2 3 product, since (S, A) = 0 for any symmetric matrix S Hi ≡ ΠiH, (29) t 2 (satisfying S = S) and any antisymmetric matrix A (Hi, Hj) = ||Hi|| δij, (30) t (satisfying A = −A). Because a Hermitian matrix (sat- ||H||2 = ||H ||2+||H ||2+||H ||2+||H ||2. (31) isfying H† = H) can be written in terms of real sym- 0 1 2 3 metric and antisymmetric matrices as H = S + iA, we have We see that H0 ∝ I picks out the trace of H, whereas the other three matrices are trace-free. This trace term is of

(H1, H2) = (S1, S2) + (A1, A2), course physically uninteresting, since it can be eliminated by simply adding an unobservable constant zero-point en- which means that the inner product of two Hermitian ergy to the Hamiltonian. H1 and H2 corresponds to the matrices is purely real. two separable terms in equation (14) (without the trace term, which could have been arbitrarily assigned to ei- ther), and H3 corresponds to the non-separable residual. A Hermitian matrix H is therefore separable if and only if I. Separating H with orthogonal projectors Π3H = 0. Just as it is customary to write the norm or a vector r by r ≡ |r| (without boldface), we will denote the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of a matrix H by H ≡ ||H||. For By viewing H as a vector in the Hilbert-Schmidt vec- example, with this notation we can rewrite equation (31) tor space, we can rigorously define an decomposition of 2 2 2 2 2 as simply H = H0 + H1 + H2 + H3 . it into orthogonal components, two of which are the sep- arable terms from equation (14). Given a factorization of Geometrically, we can think of n × n Hermitian matri- N the Hilbert space where the matrix H operates, we define ces H as points in the N-dimensional vector space R , 10 where N = n×n (Hermiteal matrices have n real numbers four linear superoperators Πi as follows: on the diagonal and n(n − 1)/2 complex numbers off the 2 1 diagonal, constituting a total of n + 2 × n(n − 1)/2 = n Π0H ≡ (tr H) I (21) real parameters). Diagonal matrices form a hyperplane n of dimension n in this space. The projection operators  1  Π1H ≡ tr H ⊗ I2 − Π0H (22) Π0, Π1, Π2 and Π3 project onto hyperplanes of dimen- n2 2 sion 1, (n − 1), (n − 1) and (n − 1)2, respectively, so  1  separable matrices form a hyperplane in this space of di- Π2H ≡ I1 ⊗ tr H − Π0H (23) n1 1 mension 2n − 1. For example, a general 4 × 4 Hermitian matrix can be parametrized by 10 numbers (4 real for the Π H ≡ (I − Π − Π − Π )H (24) 3 1 2 3 diagonal part and 6 complex for the off-diagonal part), and its decomposition from equation (28) can be written It is straightforward to show that these four linear op- as follows: erators Πi form a complete set of orthogonal projectors, i.e., that  t+a+b+v d+w c+x y  ∗ ∗ 3  d +w t+a−b−v z c−x  X H = ∗ ∗ ∗ = Π = I, (25)  c +x z t−a+b−v d−w  i ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ i=0 y c −x d −w t−a−b+v

ΠiΠj = Πiδij, (26) t 0 0 0  a 0 c 0   b d 0 0  ∗ 2 0 t 0 0 0 a 0 c d −b 0 0 (ΠiH, ΠjH) = ||ΠiH|| δij. (27) =  + + + 0 0 t 0 c∗ 0 −a 0   0 0 b d  0 0 0 t 0 c∗ 0 −a 0 0 d∗ −b This means that any Hermitian matrix H can be de- composed as a sum of four orthogonal components H ≡  v w x y  i ∗ Π H, so that its squared Hilbert-Schmidt norm can be w −v z −x i +  ∗ ∗  (32) decomposed as a sum of contributions from the four com-  x z −v −w  y∗ −x∗ −w∗ v

We see that t contributes to the trace (and H0) while 10 Operators on the Hilbert-Schmidt space are usually called su- peroperators in the literature, to avoid confusions with operators the other three components Hi are traceless. We also see on the underlying Hilbert space, which are mere vectors in the that tr 1H2 = tr 2H1 = 0, and that both partial traces Hilbert-Schmidt space. vanish for H3. 16

J. Maximizing separability condition for maximal separability: (Π H, [A, H]) = 0 (35) We now have all the tools we need to rigorously max- 3 imize separability and test the physics-from-scratch ap- for any anti-Hermitian matrix A. Because the most gen- proach described in Section III G. Given a Hamiltonian eral anti-Hermitian matrix can be written as A = iB for H, we simply wish to minimize the norm of its non- a Hermitian matrix B, equation (35) is equivalent to the separable component H3 over all possible Hilbert space condition (Π3H, [B, H]) = 0 for all Hermitian matrices factorizations, i.e., over all possible unitary transforma- B. Since there are n2 anti-Hermitian matrices, equa- tions. In other words, we wish to compute tion (35) is a system of n2 coupled quadratic equations that the components of H must obey. E˚ ≡ min ||Π3H||, (33) U

where we have defined the integration energy E˚ by anal- ogy with the integrated information Φ. If E˚ = 0, then there is a basis where our system separates into two paral- lel universes, otherwise E˚ quantifies the coupling between the two parts of the system under the cruelest cut. Tangent vector The Hilbert-Schmidt space allows us to interpret the δH=[A,H] minimization problem of equation (33) geometrically, as ∗ illustrated in Figure 8. Let H denote the Hamiltonian Non-separable

† Η =0 in some given basis, and consider its orbit H = UHU 3 component Π under all unitary transformations U. This is a curved hy- Π Η persurface whose dimensionality is generically n(n − 1), 3 { Su † i.e., n lower than that of the full space of Hermitian ma- Integration bsphere H=UH*U trices, since unitary transformation leave all n eigenval- energy 11 ues invariant. We will refer to this curved hypersur- E=||Π3Η|| face as a subsphere, because it is a subset of the full n2- dimensional sphere: the radius H (the Hilbert-Schmidt

norm ||H||) is invariant under unitary transformations, Separable hyperplane: but the subsphere may have a more complicated topology than a hypersphere; for example, the 3-sphere is known to topologically be the double cover of SO(3), the matrix group of 3 × 3 orthonormal transformations. FIG. 8: Geometrically, we can view the integration energy as the shortest distance (in Hilbert-Schmidt norm) between We are interested in finding the most separable point H the hyperplane of separable Hamiltonians and a subsphere on this subsphere, i.e., the point on the subsphere that is of Hamiltonians that can be unitarily transformed into one closest to the (2n−1)-dimensional separable hyperplane. another. The most separable Hamiltonian H on the subsphere In our notation, this means that we want to find the point is such that its non-separable component Π3 is orthogonal H on the subsphere that minimizes ||Π3H||, the Hilbert- to all subsphere tangent vectors [A, H] generated by anti- Schmidt norm of the non-separable component. If we Hermitian matrices A. perform infinitesimal displacements along the subsphere, ||Π3H|| thus remains constant to first order (the gradient vanishes at the minimum), so all tangent vectors of the subsphere are orthogonal to Π3H, the vector from the K. The Hamiltonian diagonality theorem separable hyperplane to the subsphere. Unitary transformations are generated by anti- Analogously to the above-mentioned ρ-diagonality the- Hermitian matrices, so the most general tangent vector orem, we will now prove that maximal separability is at- δH is of the form tained in the eigenbasis.

δH = [A, H] ≡ AH − HA (34) H-Diagonality Theorem (HDT): The Hamiltonian is always maximally separa- for some anti-Hermitian n×n matrix A (any matrix sat- ble (minimizing ||H3||) in the energy eigenba- isfying A† = −A). We thus obtain the following simple sis where it is diagonal. As a preliminary, let us first prove the following: Lemma 1: For any Hermitian positive semidefinite matrix H, there is a diagonal matrix H∗ giving the same 11 n×n-dimensional Unitary matrices U are known to form an n×n- dimensional manifold: they can always be written as U = eiH subsystem eigenvalue spectra, λ(Π1H∗) = λ(Π1H), for some Hermitian matrix H, so they are parametrized by the λ(Π2H∗) = λ(Π2H), and whose eigenvalue spectrum is same number of real parameters (n × n) as Hermitian matrices. majorized by that of H, i.e., λ(H) λ(H∗). 17

Proof: Define the matrix H0 ≡ UHU†, where U ≡ also belong to O(H) and therefore constitute maxima of U1 ⊗ U2, and U1 and U2 are unitary matrices diagonal- f over the subsphere. In other words, the Hamiltonian izing the partial trace matrices tr 2H and tr 1H, respec- is always maximally separable in its energy eigenbasis, 0 0 tively. This implies that tr 1H and tr 2H are diagonal, q.e.d. 0 0 and λ(H ) = λ(H). Now define the matrix H∗ to be H This result holds also for Hamiltonians with negative with all off-diagonal elements set to zero. Then tr 1H∗ = eigenvalues, since we can make all eigenvalues positive 0 0 tr 1H and tr 2H∗ = tr 2H , so λ(Π1H∗) = λ(Π1H) and by adding an H0-component without altering the opti- λ(Π2H∗) = λ(Π2H). Moreover, since the eigenvalues of mization problem. In addition to the diagonal optimum, any Hermitian positive semidefinite matrix majorize its there will generally be other bases with identical values 0 diagonal elements [31], λ(H∗) ≺ λ(H ) = λ(H), which of ||H3||, corresponding to separable unitary transforma- completes the proof. tions of the diagonal optimum. Lemma 2: The set S(H) of all diagonal matrices We have thus proved that separability is always max- whose diagonal elements are majorized by the vector imized in the energy eigenbasis, where the n × n matrix λ(H) is a convex subset of the subsphere, with boundary H is diagonal and the projection operators Πi defined points on the surface of the subsphere that are diagonal by equations (21)-(24) greatly simplify. If we arrange matrices with all permutations of λ(H). the n = lm diagonal elements of H into an l × m matrix Proof: Any matrix H∗ ∈ S(H) must lie either on H, then the action of the linear operators Πi is given by the subsphere surface or in its interior, because of the simple matrix operations: well-known result that for any two positive semidefinite Hermitian matrices of equal trace, the majorization con- H0 ≡ QlHQm, (36) dition λ(H∗) ≺ λ(H) is equivalent to the former lying H1 ≡ PlHQm, (37) in the convex hull of the unitary orbit of the latter [32]: H2 ≡ QlHPm, (38) P † P † H∗ = piUiHU , pi ≥ 0, pi = 1, UiU = I. S(H) i i i i H3 ≡ PlHPm, (39) contains the above-mentioned boundary points, because † they can be written as UHU for all unitary matrices where U that diagonalize H, and for a diagonal matrix, the corresponding H∗ is simply the matrix itself. The set Pk ≡ I − Qk, (40) S(H) is convex, because the convexity condition that 1 (Q ) ≡ (41) pλ1 + (1 − p)λ2 λ if λ1 λ, λ2 λ, 0 ≤ p ≤ 1 k ij k follows straight from the definition of . 2 2 2 2 Lemma 3: The function f(H) ≡ ||Π1H|| + ||Π2H|| are k × k projection matrices satisfying Pk = Pk, Qk = is convex, i.e., satisfies f(paHa + pbHb) ≤ paf(Ha) + Qk, PkQk = QkPk = 0, Pk + Qk = I. (To avoid confu- pbf(Hb) for any constants satisfying pa ≥ 0, pb ≥ 0, sion, we are using boldface for n × n matrices and plain pa + pb = 1. font for smaller matrices involving only the eigenvalues.) Proof: If we arrange the elements of H into a vec- For the n = 2 × 2 example of equation (32), we have tor h and denote the action of the superoperators Πi ! ! on h by matrices P , then f(H) = |P h|2 + |P h|2 = 1 1 1 1 − 1 i 1 2 P = 2 2 ,Q = 2 2 , (42) h†(P†P + P†P )h. Since the matrix in parenthesis is 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 − 2 2 symmetric and positive semidefinite, the function f is a positive semidefinite quadratic form and hence convex. and a general diagonal H is decomposed into four terms H = H0 + H1 + H2 + H3 as follows: We are now ready to prove the H-diagonality theorem. This is equivalent to proving that f(H) takes its maxi-  t t   a a   b −b   v −v  H = + + + . (43) mum value on the subsphere in Figure 8 for a diagonal H: t t −a −a b −b −v v since both ||H|| and ||H0|| are unitarily invariant, mini- 2 2 2 mizing ||H3|| = ||H|| − ||H0|| − f(H) is equivalent to As expected, only the last matrix is non-separable, and maximizing f(H). the row/column sums vanish for the two previous matri- Let O(H) denote the subphere, i.e., the unitary orbit ces, corresponding to vanishing partial traces. of H. By Lemma 1, for every H ∈ O(H), there is an H∗ ∈ Note that we are here choosing the n basis states of S(H) such that f(H) = f(H∗). If f takes its maximum the full Hilbert space to be products of basis states from over S(H) at a point H∗ which also belongs to O(H), the two factor spaces. This is without loss of generality, then this is therefore also the maximum of f over O(H). since any other basis states can be transformed into such Since the function f is convex (by Lemma 3) and the set product states by a unitary transformation. S(H) is convex (by Lemma 2), f cannot have any local Finally, note that the theorem above applies only to ex- maxima within the set and must take its maximum value act finite-dimensional Hamiltonians, not to approximate at at least one point on the boundary of the set. As per discretizations of infinite-dimensional ones such as are Lemma 2, these boundary points are diagonal matrices frequently employed in physics. If n is not factorizable, with all permutations of the eigenvalues of H, so they the H-factorization problem can be rigorously mapped 18 onto a physically indistinguishable one with a slightly As emphasized by Zurek [33], states commuting with larger factorizable n by setting the corresponding new the interaction Hamiltonian form a “pointer basis” of rows and columns of the density matrix ρ equal to zero, classically observable states, playing an important role so that the new degrees of freedom are all frozen out — in understanding the emergence of a classical world. we will discuss this idea in more detail in in Section IV F. The fact that the independence principle automatically leads to commutativity with interaction Hamiltonians might therefore be taken as an encouraging indication that we are on the right track. However, whereas L. Ultimate independence and the Quantum Zeno paradox the pointer states in Zurek’s examples evolve over time due to the system’s own Hamiltonian H1, those in our independence-maximizing decomposition do not, because they commute also with H1. Indeed, the situation is even worse, as illustrated in Figure 9: any time- dependent system will evolve into a time-independent one, as environment-induced decoherence [34–37, 39, 40] drives it towards an eigenstate of the interaction Hamil- tonian, i.e., an energy eigenstate.12 The famous Quantum Zeno effect, whereby a system can cease to evolve in the limit where it is arbitrar- ily strongly coupled to its environment [41], thus has a stronger and more pernicious cousin, which we will term the Quantum Zeno Paradox or the Independence Para- dox. Quantum Zeno Paradox: If we decompose our universe into maximally independent objects, then all change grinds to a halt. In summary, we have tried to understand the emer- gence of our observed semiclassical world, with its hi- erarchy of moving objects, by decomposing the world into maximally independent parts, but our attempts have failed dismally, producing merely a timeless world remi- FIG. 9: If the Hamiltonian of a system commutes with the niscent of heat death. In Section II G, we saw that using interaction Hamiltonian ([H , H ] = 0), then decoherence 1 3 the integration principle alone led to a similarly embar- drives the system toward a time-independent state ρ where nothing ever changes. The figure illustrates this for the Bloch rassing failure, with no more than a quarter of a bit of Sphere of a single qubit starting in a pure state and ending up integrated information possible. At least one more prin- in a fully mixed state ρ = I/2. More general initial states end ciple is therefore needed. up somewhere along the z-axis. Here H1 ∝ σz, generating a simple precession around the z-axis.

IV. DYNAMICS AND AUTONOMY In Section III G, we began exploring the idea that if we divide the world into maximally independent parts (with minimal interaction Hamiltonians), then the observed ob- Let us now explore the implications of the dynamics ject hierarchy from Figure 1 would emerge. The HDT principle from Table II, according to which a conscious tells us that this decomposition (factorization) into max- system has the capacity to not only store information, imally independent parts can be performed in the energy but also to process it. As we just saw above, there is an eigenbasis of the total Hamiltonian. This means that all interesting tension between this principle and the inde- subsystem Hamiltonians and all interaction Hamiltonians pendence principle, whose Quantum Zeno Paradox gives commute with one another, corresponding to an essen- the exact opposite: no dynamics and no information pro- tially classical world where none of the quantum effects cessing at all. associated with non-commutativity manifest themselves! In contrast, many systems that we customarily refer to as objects in our classical world do not commute with 12 their interaction Hamiltonians: for example, the Hamil- For a system with a finite environment, the entropy will eventu- ally decrease again, causing the resumption of time-dependence, tonian governing the dynamics of a baseball involves its but this Poincar´erecurrence time grows exponentially with envi- momentum, which does not commute with the position- ronment size and is normally large enough that decoherence can dependent potential energy due to external forces. be approximated as permanent. 19

We will term the synthesis of these two competing prin- so we can equivalently use either of v or δH as conve- ciples the autonomy principle: a conscious system has nient measures of quantum dynamics.13 Whimsically substantial dynamics and independence. When explor- speaking, the dynamics principle thus implies that en- ing autonomous systems below, we can no longer study ergy eigenstates are as unconscious as things come, and the state ρ and the Hamiltonian H separately, since their that if you know your own energy exactly, you’re dead. interplay is crucial. Indeed, we well see that there are in- Although it is not obvious from their definitions, these teresting classes of states ρ that provide substantial dy- quantities vmax and δH are independent of time (even namics and near-perfect independence even when the in- though ρ generally evolves). This is easily seen in the teraction Hamiltonian H3 is not small. In other words, energy eigenbasis, where for certain preferred classes of states, the independence − iρ˙mn = [H, ρ]mn = ρmn(Em − En), (51) principle no longer pushes us to simply minimize H3 and face the Quantum Zeno Paradox. where the energies En are the eigenvalues of H. In this basis, ρ(t) = eiHtρ(0)e−iHt simplifies to

A. Probability velocity and energy coherence i(Em−En)t ρ(t)mn = ρ(0)mne , (52)

To obtain a quantitative measure of dynamics, let us This means that in the energy eigenbasis, the probabili- first define the probability velocity v ≡ p˙ , where the prob- ties pn ≡ ρnn are invariant over time. These quantities constitute the energy spectral density for the state: ability vector p is given by pi ≡ ρii. In other words, p = hE |ρ|E i. (53) vk =ρ ˙kk = i[H, ρ]kk. (44) n n n Since v is basis-dependent, we are interested in finding In the energy eigenbasis, equation (48) reduces to the basis where !2 2 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 δH = ∆H = pnEn − pnEn , (54) v ≡ vk = (ρ ˙kk) (45) n n k k which is time-invariant because the spectral density p is maximized, i.e., the basis where the sums of squares of n is. For general states, equation (47) simplifies to the diagonal elements ofρ ˙ is maximal. It is easy to see that this basis is the eigenbasis ofρ ˙: 2 X 2 δH = |ρmn| En(En − Em). (55) 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 mn v = (ρ ˙kk) = (ρ ˙jk) − (ρ ˙jk) k jk j6=k This is time-independent because equation (52) shows X that ρ changes merely by a phase factor, leaving |ρ | = ||ρ˙||2 − (ρ ˙ )2 (46) mn mn jk invariant. In other words, when a quantum state evolves j6=k unitarily in the Hilbert-Schmidt vector space, both the is clearly maximized in the eigenbasis where all off- position vector ρ and the velocity vectorρ ˙ retain their diagonal elements in the last term vanish, since the lengths: both ||ρ|| and ||ρ˙|| remain invariant over time. Hilbert-Schmidt norm ||ρ˙|| is the same in every basis; ||ρ˙||2 = trρ ˙2, which is simply the sum of the squares of the eigenvalues ofρ ˙. B. Dynamics versus complexity Let us define the energy coherence r Our results above show that if all we are interested in is 1 1 −tr {[H, ρ]2} maximizing the maximal probability velocity v , then δH ≡ √ ||ρ˙|| = √ ||i[H, ρ]|| = max 2 2 2 we should find the two most widely separated eigenval- ues of H, E and E , and choose a pure state that = ptr [H2ρ2 − HρHρ]. (47) min max involves a coherent superposition of the two: For a pure state ρ = |ψihψ|, this definition implies that |ψi = c |E i + c |E i, (56) δH ≡ ∆H, where ∆H is the energy uncertainty 1 min 2 max

1/2 ∆H = hψ|H2|ψi − hψ|H|ψi2 , (48)

13 so we can think of δH as the coherent part of the en- The fidelity between the state ψ(t) and the initial state ψ0 is ergy uncertainty, i.e., as the part that is due to quantum defined as F (t) ≡ hψ |ψ(t)i, (50) rather than classical uncertainty. 0 √ and it is easy to show that F˙ (0) = 0 and F¨(0) = −(∆H)2, so Since ||ρ˙|| = ||[H, ρ]|| = 2δH, we see that the maxi- the energy uncertainty is a good measure of dynamics in that it mum possible probability velocity v is simply also determines the fidelity evolution to lowest order, for pure √ states. For a detailed review of related measures of dynam- vmax = 2 δH, (49) ics/information processing capacity, see [16]. 20

FIG. 10: Time-evolution of Bloch vector tr σρ˙1 for a single qubit subsystem. We saw how minimizing H3 leads to a static state with no dynamics, such as the left example. Maximizing δH, on the other hand, produces extremely simple dynamics such as the right example. Reducing δH by a modest factor of order unity can allow complex and chaotic dynamics (center); shown here is a 2-qubit system where the second qubit is traced out.

√ where |c1| = |c2| = 1/ 2. This gives δH = (Emax − C. Highly autonomous systems: sliding along the Emin)/2, the largest possible value, but produces an ex- diagonal tremely simple and boring solution ρ(t). Since the spec- tral density pn = 0 except for these two energies, the What combinations of H, ρ and factorization produce dynamics is effectively that of a 2-state system (a sin- highly autonomous systems? A broad and interesting gle qubit) no matter how large the dimensionality of H class corresponds to macroscopic objects around us that is, corresponding to a simple periodic solution with fre- move classically to an excellent approximation. quency ω = Emax − Emin (a circular trajectory in the The states that are most robust toward environment- Bloch sphere as in the right panel of Figure 10). This vi- induced decoherence are those that approximately com- olates the dynamics principle as defined in Table II, since mute with the interaction Hamiltonian [36]. As a simple no substantial information processing capacity exists: the but important example, let us consider an interaction system is simply performing the trivial computation that Hamiltonian of the factorizable form flips a single bit repeatedly. H3 = A ⊗ B, (57)

To perform interesting computations, the system and work in a system basis where the interaction term clearly needs to exploit a significant part of its energy A is diagonal. If ρ1 is approximately diagonal in this spectrum. As can be seen from equation (52), if the basis, then H3 has little effect on the dynamics, which eigenvalue differences are irrational multiples of one an- becomes dominated by the internal subsystem Hamilto- other, then the time evolution will never repeat, and ρ nian H1. The Quantum Zeno Paradox we encountered will eventually evolve through all parts of Hilbert space in Section III L involved a situation where H1 was also allowed by the invariants |hEm|ρ|Eni|. The reduction of diagonal in this same basis, so that we ended up with δH required to transition from simple periodic motion no dynamics. As we will illustrate with examples below, to such complex aperiodic motion is quite modest. For classically moving objects in a sense constitute the op- example, if the eigenvalues are roughly equispaced, then posite limit: the commutatorρ ˙1 = i[H1, ρ1] is essentially changing the spectral density pn from having all weight at as large as possible instead of as small as possible, con- the two endpoints to having approximately equal weight tinually evading decoherence by concentrating ρ around for all eigenvalues will√ only reduce the energy coherence a single point that continually slides along the diagonal, δH by about a factor 3, since√ the standard deviation as illustrated in Figure 11. Decohererence rapidly sup- of a uniform distribution is 3 times smaller than its presses off-diagonal elements far from this diagonal, but half-width. leaves the diagonal elements completely unaffected, so 21

j the customary choice for the harmonic oscillator is such High-decoherence subspace that the ground state energy is E0 = ~ω/2). Low-decoherence subspace If we want to, we can define the familiar position and

Dynamics from momentum operators x and p, and interpret this system as a Harmonic oscillator. However, the probability ve- off-diagonal elements ρ locity v is not maximized in either the position or the momentum basis, except twice per oscillation — when H 3 suppresses the oscillator has only kinetic energy, v is maximized in the x-basis, and when it has only potential energy, v is maximized in the p-basis, and when it has only poten- ij tial energy. If we consider the Wigner function W (x, p), Dynamics from which simply rotates uniformly with frequency ω, it be- ρ ≠0 i off-diagonal elements ρ ij comes clear that the observable which is always chang- High-decoherence subspace ing with the maximal probability velocity is instead the phase, the Fourier-dual of the energy. Let us therefore H Dynamics from 3 suppresses slides along diagonal define the phase operator

† ij Φ ≡ FHF , (59) H 1 where F is the unitary Fourier matrix. Please remember that none of the systems H that we consider have any a priori physical interpretation; rather, FIG. 11: Schematic representation of the time-evolution of the ultimate goal of the physics-from-scratch program is the density matrix ρij for a highly autonomous subsystem. to derive any interpretation from the mathematics alone. ρij ≈ 0 except for a single region around the diagonal Generally, any thus emergent interpretation of a subsys- (red/grey dot), and this region slides along the diagonal un- tem will depend on its interactions with other systems. der the influence of the subsystem Hamiltonian H1. Any ρij - Since we have not yet introduced any interactions for our elements far from the diagonal rapidly approach zero because subsystem, we are free to interpret it in whichever way is of environment-decoherence caused by the interaction Hamil- convenient. In this spirit, an equivalent and sometimes tonian H3. more convenient way to interpret our Hamiltonian from equation (58) is as a massless one-dimensional scalar par- ticle, for which the momentum equals the energy, so the there exists a low-decoherence band around the diagonal. momentum operator is p = H. If we interpret the par- Suppose, for instance, that our subsystem is the center- ticle as existing in a discrete space with n points and a of-mass position x of a macroscopic object experiencing toroidal topology (which we can think of as n equispaced a position-dependent potential V (x) caused by coupling points on a ring), then the position operator is related to to the environment, so that Figure 11 represents the den- 0 the momentum operator by a discrete Fourier transform: sity matrix ρ1(x, x ) in the position basis. If the potential 0 0 V (x) has a flat (V = 0) bottom of width L, then ρ1(x, x ) † 1 i jk x = FpF ,Fjk ≡ √ e 2πn . (60) will be completely unaffected by decoherence for the band N |x0 −x| < L. For a generic smooth potential V , the deco- herence suppression of off-diagonal elements grows only Comparing equations (59) and (60), we see that x = quadratically with the distance |x0 −x| from the diagonal Φ. Since F is unitary, the operators H, p, x and Φ [4, 35], again making decoherence much slower than the all have the same spectrum: the evenly spaced grid of internal dynamics in a narrow diagonal band. equation (58). As a specific example of this highly autonomous type, As illustrated in Figure 12, the time-evolution gen- let us consider a subsystem with a uniformly spaced en- erated by H has a simple geometric interpretation in ergy spectrum. Specifically, consider an n-dimensional the space spanned by the position eigenstates |xki, k = Hilbert space and a Hamiltonian with spectrum 1, ...n: the space is unitarily rotating with frequency ω, so after a time t = 2π/nω, a state |ψ(0)i = |xki has  n − 1 been rotated such that it equals the next eigenvector: Ek = k − ~ω = k~ω + E0, (58) 2 |ψ(t)i = |xk+1i, where the addition is modulo n. This means that the system has period T ≡ 2π/ω, and that k = 0, 1, ..., n − 1. We will often set ~ω = 1 for simplic- |ψi rotates through each of the n basis vectors during 1 1 ity. For example, n = 2 gives the spectrum {− 2 , 2 } each period. like the Pauli matrices divided by two, n = 5 gives Let us now quantify the autonomy of this system, start- {−2, −1, 0, 1, 2} and n → ∞ gives the simple Harmonic ing with the dynamics. Since a position eigenstate is a oscillator (since the zero-point energy is physically irrele- Dirac delta function in position space, it is a plane wave P vant, we have chosen it so that tr H = Ek = 0, whereas in momentum space — and in energy space, since H = p. 22

y ˆ xˆ4 xˆ3


xˆ5 xˆ2 ω z ω y

x1 x6 ˆ zˆ xˆ ˆ x xˆ7 xˆ8 FIG. 12: For a system with an equispaced energy spectrum (such as a truncated harmonic oscillator or a massless particle in a discrete 1-dimensional periodic space), the time-evolution has a simple geometric interpretation in the space spanned by the eigenvectorsx ˆk of the phase operator FHF, the Fourier dual of the Hamiltonian, corresponding to unitarily rotating the entire space with frequency ω, where ~ω is the energy level spacing. After a time 2π/nω, each basis vector has been rotated into the subsequent one, as schematically illustrated above. (The orbit in Hilbert space is only planar for n ≤ 3, so the figure should not be taken too literally.) The black star denotes the α = 1 apodized state described in the text, which is more robust toward decoherence.

1.0 This means that the spectral density is pn = 1/n for a position eigenstate. Substituting equation (58) into equa- tion (54) gives an energy coherence 0.8 r n2 − 1 0.6 δH = ω . (61) ~ 12 0.4 For comparison, Penalty function

Apodized 0.2 n−1 !1/2 r Non-apodized X n(n2 − 1) √ ||H|| = E2 = ω = n δH. (62) k ~ 12 k=0 -150° -100° -50° 50° 100° 150° -0.2 Let us now turn to quantifying independence and de- coherence. The inner product between the unit vector iHt FIG. 13: The wiggliest (heavy black) curve shows the inner |ψ(0)i and the vector |ψ(t)i ≡ e |ψ(0)i into which it product of a position eigenstate with what it evolves into a evolves after a time t is time t = φ/ω later due to our n = 20-dimensional Hamilto- n−1 n−1 nian with energy spacings ~ω. When optimizing to minimize iH φ 1 X iE φ −i n−1 φ X ikφ the square of this curve using the 1 − cos φ penalty func- f (φ) ≡ hψ|e ω |ψi = e k = e 2 e n n tion shown, corresponding to apodization in the Fourier do- k=0 k=0 main, we instead obtain the green/light grey curve, resulting inφ 1 −i n−1 φ 1 − e sin nφ in much less decoherence. = e 2 = , (63) n 1 − eiφ n sin φ where φ ≡ ωt. This inner product fn is plotted in Fig- ure 13, and is seen to be a sharply peaked even function in the position basis, i.e., a wavefunction ψj sharply satisfying fn(0) = 1, fn(2πk/n) = 0 for k = 1, ..., n − 1 peaked for j ∼ k + nωt/2π (mod n). Since the density ∗ and exhibiting one small oscillation between each of these matrix evolves as ρij(t) = ψi(t)ψj(t) , it will therefore −1 zeros. The angle θ ≡ cos fn(φ) between an initial vec- be small except for i ∼ j ∼ k + nωt/2π (mod n), corre- tor φ and its time evolution thus grows rapidly from 0◦ to sponding to the round dot on the diagonal in Figure 11. 90◦, then oscillates close to 90◦ until returning to 0◦ after In particular, the decoherence-sensitive elements ρjk will a full period T . An initial state |ψ(0)i = |xki therefore be small far from the diagonal, corresponding to the small evolves as values that fn takes far from zero. How small will the decoherence be? Let us now develop the tools needed to ψj(t) = fn(ωt − 2π[j − k]/n) quantify this. 23

D. The exponential growth of autonomy with This means that it we restrict ourselves to the Hilbert- system size Schmidt vector space of Hermitian matrices, we obtain an interesting generalization of the standard dot and cross Let us return to the most general Hamiltonian H products for 3D vectors. Defining and study how an initially separable state ρ = ρ1 ⊗ ρ2 evolves over time. Using the orthogonal projectors of A · B ≡ (A, B), (70) Section III I, we can decompose H as A × B ≡ i[A, B], (71)

H = H1 ⊗ I + I ⊗ H2 + H3, (64) we see that these operations satisfy all the same prop- erties as their familiar 3D analogs: the scalar (dot) † † where tr 1H3 = tr 2H3 = 0. By substituting equa- product is symmetric (B · A = tr B A = tr AB = tion (64) into the evolution equationρ ˙1 = tr 2ρ˙ = A · B), while the vector (cross) product is antisym- itr 2[H, ρ] and using various partial trace identities from metric (A × B = B × A), orthogonal to both factors Section A to simplify the resulting three terms, we obtain ([A × B] · A = [A × B] · B = 0), and produces a result of the same type as the two factors (a Hermitian matrix). ρ˙1 = i tr [H, ρ1 ⊗ ρ2] = i [H1 + H∗, ρ1], (65) In this notation, the products of an arbitrary Hermi- 2 tian matrix A with the identity matrix I are where what we will term the effective interaction Hamil- tonian I · A = tr A, (72) I × A = 0, (73) H∗ ≡ tr {(I ⊗ ρ2)H3} (66) 2 and the Schr¨odinger equationρ ˙ = i[H, ρ] becomes simply can be interpreted as an average of the interaction Hamil- ρ˙ = H × ρ. (74) tonian H3, weighted by the environment state ρ2.A similar effective Hamiltonian is studied in [42–44]. Equa- Just as in the 3D vector , we can think of this tion (65) implies that the evolution of ρ1 remains unitary as generating rotation of the vector ρ that preserves its to first order in time, the only effect of the interaction H3 length: being to replace H1 from equation (15) by an effective Hamiltonian H + H . d d 1 ∗ ||ρ||2 = ρ · ρ = 2ρ ˙ · ρ = 2(H × ρ) · ρ = 0. (75) The second time derivative is given byρ ¨1 = tr 2ρ˙ = dt dt −tr 2[H, [H, ρ]], and by analogously substituting equa- tion (64) and using partial trace identities from Section A A simple and popular way of quantifying whether evo- to simplify the resulting nine terms, we obtain lution is non-unitary is to compute the linear entropy Slin ≡ 1 − tr ρ2 = 1 − ||ρ||2, (76) − ρ¨1 = tr 2[H, [H, ρ1 ⊗ ρ2]] =

= [H1, [H1, ρ1]] − i [K, ρ1] + and repeatedly differentiating equation (76) tells us that

+ [H1, [H∗, ρ1]] + [H∗, [H1, ρ1]] + S˙ lin = −2ρ · ρ,˙ (77) + tr 2[H3, [H3, ρ1 ⊗ ρ2]], (67) S¨lin = −2(||ρ˙||2 + ρ · ρ¨), (78) ...lin ... where we have defined the Hermitian matrix S = −6ρ ˙ · ρ¨ − 2ρ · ρ . (79)

K ≡ i tr 2{(I ⊗ [H2, ρ2])H3}. (68) Substituting equations (65) and (67) into equations (77) and (78) for ρ , we find that almost all terms cancel, To qualify independence and autonomy, we are inter- 1 leaving us with the simple result ested in the extent to which H3 causes entanglement and makes the time-evolution of ρ1 non-unitary. When think- ˙ lin S1 = 0, (80) ing of ρ as a vector in the Hilbert-Schmidt vector space ¨lin 2 S1 = 2 tr {ρ1 tr [H3, [H3, ρ]]} − 2||[H∗, ρ1]|| . (81) that we reviewed in Section III H, unitary evolution pre- 2 serves its length ||ρ||. To provide geometric intuition for this, let us define dot and cross product notation analo- This means that, to second order in time, the entropy gous to vector calculus. First note that production is completely independent of H1 and H2, de- pending only on quadratic combinations of H3, weighted (A†, [A, B]) = tr AAB − tr ABA = 0, (69) by quadratic combinations of ρ. We find analogous re- sults for the Shannon entropy S: If the density matrix since a trace of a product is invariant under cyclic per- is initially separable, then S˙1 = 0 and S¨1 depends not mutations of the factors. This shows that a commuta- on the full Hamiltonian H, but only on its non-separable † † tor [A, B] is orthogonal to both A and B under the component H3, quadratically. Hilbert-Schmidt inner product, and a Hermitian matrix We now have the tools we need to compute the auton- H is orthogonal to its commutator with any matrix. omy of our “diagonal-sliding” system from the previous 24 subsection. As a simple example, let us take H1 to be smaller than the size of the square representing the full our Hamiltonian from equation (58) with its equispaced density matrix. The independence timescale τind is ex- energy spectrum, with n = 2b, so that we can view the ponentially large because the dot, with its non-negligible Hilbert space as that of b coupled qubits. Equation (61) elements ρij, is exponentially close to the diagonal. The then gives an energy coherence dynamics timescale τdyn is exponentially small because it is roughly the time it takes the dot to traverse its own di- ω δH ≈ √~ 2b, (82) ameter as it moves around at some b-independent speed 12 in the figure. This exponential increase of autonomy with system so the probability velocity grows exponentially with the size makes it very easy to have highly autonomous sys- system size b. tems even if the magnitude H3 of the interaction Hamil- We augment this Hilbert space with one additional tonian is quite large. Although the environment contin- “environment” qubit that begins in the state |↑i, with ually “measures” the position of the subsystem through internal dynamics given by H2 = ω2σx, and couple it ~ the strong coupling H3, this measurement does not de- to our subsystem with an interaction cohere the subsystem because it is (to an exponen- tially good approximation) a non-demolition measure- H = V (x) ⊗ σ (83) 3 x ment, with the subsystem effectively in a position eigen- for some potential V ; x is the position operator from state. This phenomenon is intimately linked to the quan- equation (60). As a first example, we use the sinusoidal tum Darwinism paradigm developed by Zurek and collab- potential V (x) = sin(2πx/n), start the first subsystem orators [40], where the environment mediates the emer- gence of a classical world by acting as a witness, stor- in the position eigenstate |x1i and compute the linear lin ing large numbers of redundant copies of information entropy S1 (t) numerically. As expected from our qualitative arguments of the pre- about the system state in the basis that it measures. We lin thus see that systems that have high autonomy via the vious section, S1 (t) grows only very slowly, and we find that it can be accurately approximated by its Taylor ex- “diagonal-sliding” mechanism are precisely objects that pansion around t = 0 for many orbital periods T ≡ 2π/ω: dominate quantum Darwinism’s “survival of the fittest” by proliferating imprints of their states in the environ- Slin(t) ≈ S¨lin(0) t2/2, where S¨lin(0) is given by equa- 1 1 1 ment. tion (81). Figure 14 shows the linear entropy after one lin orbit, S1 (T ), as a function of the number of qubits b in our subsystem (top curve in top panel). Whereas E. Boosting autonomy with optimized wave equation (83) showed that the dynamics increases expo- packets nentially with system size (as 2b), the figure shows that Slin(T ) decreases exponentially with system size, asymp- 1 In our worked example above, we started our subsys- totically falling as 2−4b as b → ∞. tem in a position eigenstate |x i, which cyclically evolved Let us define the dynamical timescale τ and the in- 1 dyn though all other position eigenstates. The slight decoher- dependence timescale τ as ind ence that did occur thus originated during the times when the state was between eigenstates, in a coherent super- τ = ~ , (84) dyn δH positions of multiple eigenstates quantified by the most wiggly curve in Figure 13. Not surprisingly, these wiggles τ = [S¨lin(0)]−1/2. (85) ind 1 (and hence the decoherence) can be reduced by a better P P ˆ Loosely speaking, we can think of τdyn as the time our choice of initial state |ψi = k ψk|xki = k ψk|Eki for ˆ system requires to perform an elementary information our subsystem, where ψk and ψk are the wavefunction processing operation such as a bit flip [16], and τind as the amplitudes in the position and energy bases, respectively. time it takes for the linear entropy to change by of order Equation (63) then gets generalized to unity, i.e., for significant information exchange with the n−1 environment to occur. If we define the autonomy A as iH φ −i n−1 φ X ikφ g (φ) ≡ hx |e ω |ψi = e 2 ψˆ e . (87) the ratio n 1 k k=0 τ A ≡ ind , (86) Let us choose the initial state |ψi that minimizes the τ dyn quantity the autonomy of our subsystem thus grows exponen- Z π 2 tially with system size, asymptotically increasing as A ∝ |gn(θ)| w(θ)dθ (88) 22b/2−b = 23b as b → ∞. −π As illustrated by Figure 11, we expect this exponen- for some penalty function w(θ) that punishes states giv- tial scaling to be quite generic, independent of interaction ing large unwanted |g(θ)| far from θ = 0. This gives details: the origin of the exponential is simply that the a simple quadratic minimization problem for the vec- b ˆ size of the round dot in the figure is of order 2 times tor of coefficients ψk, whose solution turns out to be the 25

1 points. In the n → ∞ limit, our original choice corre- sponded to ψˆ = 1 for −π ≤ φ ≤ π, which is discontin- φ -2 Sinusoidal potential ˆ 10 uous, whereas our replacement function ψ = cos 2 van- ishes at the endpoints and is continuous. This reduces the wiggling because Riemann-Lebesgue’s lemma implies 10-4 that the Fourier transform of a function whose first d −d α = 0 derivatives are continuous falls off faster than k . By 10-6 ˆ(α) φ α instead using ψ (φ) = (cos 2 ) for some integer α ≥ 0, α = 1 we get α continuous derivatives, so the larger we choose 10-8 α, the smaller the decoherence-inducing wiggles, at the

Entropy increase during first orbit Entropy increase cost of widening the central peak. The first five cases give 4 (0) 10-2 ψk = δ0k, (90) Gaussian potential (1) cos(πk) ψk = 2 , (91) 10-4 1 − 4k (2) 1 α = 4 ψ = δ + δ , (92) k 0k 2 1,|k| -6 10 cos(πk) ψ(3) = , (93) α = 1 k (1 − 4k2)(1 − 4 k2) α = 0 9 10-8 α = 2 (4) 2 1 α = 3 ψ = δ + δ + δ , (94) Entropy increase during first orbit Entropy increase k 0k 3 1,|k| 6 2,|k| 10-10 and it is easy to show that the α → ∞ limit corresponds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 System qubits to a Gaussian shape. Which apodization is best? This depends on the in- FIG. 14: The linear entropy increase during the first orbit, teraction H3. For our sinusoidal interaction potential ¨lin S1 (2π/ω), is plotted for as a function of the subsystem (Figure 14, top), the best results are for α = 1, when size (number of qubits b). The interaction potential V (x) the penalty function has a quadratic minimum. When is sinusoidal (top) and Gaussian (bottom), and the different switching to the roughly Gaussian interaction potential apodization schemes used to select the initial state are labeled V (x) ∝ e4 cos(2πx/n) (Figure 14, bottom), the results by their corresponding α-value, where α = 0 corresponds to are instead seen to keep improving as we increase α, pro- no apodization (the initial state being a position eigenstate). ducing dramatically less decoherence than for the sinu- Some lines have been terminated in the bottom panel due to soidal potential, and suggesting that the optical choice insufficient numerical precision. is the α → ∞ state: a Gaussian wave packet. Gaussian wave packets have long garnered interest as models of ap- last (with smallest eigenvalue) eigenvector of the Toeplitz proximately classical states. They correspond to general- matrix whose first row is the Fourier series of w(θ). A ized coherent states, which have shown to be maximally convenient choice of penalty function 1 − cos φ (see Fig- robust toward decoherence in important situations in- ure 13), which respects the periodicity of the problem volving harmonic oscillator interactions [45]. They have and grows quadratically around its φ = 0 minimum. In also been shown to emerge dynamically in harmonic os- the n → ∞ limit, the Toeplitz eigenvalue problem sim- cillator environments, from the accumulation of many ˆ φ independent interactions, in much the same way as the plifies to Laplace’s equation with a ψ(φ) = cos 2 winning eigenvector, giving central limit theorem gives a Gaussian probability distri- bution to sums of many independent contributions [46]. Z π ˆ cos(πk) Our results suggest that Gaussian wave packets may also ψk ≡ cos(kφ)φ(φ)dφ = 2 . (89) −π 1 − 4k emerge as the most robust states towards decoherence from short-range interactions with exponential fall-off. The corresponding curve gn(φ) is plotted is Figure 13, and is seen to have significantly smaller wiggles away from the origin at the cost of a very slight widening of the F. Optimizing autonomy when we can choose the central peak. Figure 14 (top panel, lower curve) shows state: factorizable effective theories that this choice significantly reduces decoherence. What we have effectively done is employ the standard Above we explored specific examples of highly au- signal processing technique known as apodization. Aside tonomous systems, motivated by approximately classical from the irrelevant phase factor, equation (87) is simply systems that we find around us in nature. We found that the Fourier transform of ψˆ, which can be made narrower there are combinations of ρ, H and Hilbert space factor- by making ψˆ smoothly approach zero at the two end- ization that provide excellent autonomy even when the 26

interaction H3 is not small. We will now see that, more hand side must vanish whenever either pm or pn vanishes generally, given any H and factorization, there are states — the Heaviside step functions therefore have no effect ρ that give perfect factorization and infinite autonomy. in equation (101) and can be dropped. 0 0 The basic idea is that for states such that some of the Although H 6= H, we do have H l H, and this means spectral density invariants pk vanish, it makes no differ- that the time-evolution of ρ can be correctly computed ence if we replace the corresponding unused eigenvalues using H0 in place of the full Hamiltonian H: of H by others to make the Hamiltonian separable. iHt −iHt iH0t −iH0t Consider a subspace of the full Hilbert space defined by ρ(t) = Πρ(t)Π = Πe Πρ(0)Πe Π = e ρ(0)e . a projection operator Π. A projection operator satisfies The frozen-out part of the Hilbert space is therefore com- Π2 = Π = Π†, so its eigenvalues are all zero or one, and pletely unobservable, and we can act as though the sub- the latter correspond to our subspace of interest. Let space is the only Hilbert space that exists, and as if H0 us define the symbol to denote that operator equality l is the true Hamiltonian. By working only with ρ0 and H0 holds in this subspace. For example, restricted to the subspace, we have also simplified things by reducing the dimensionality of these matrices. A − B l 0 (95) Sometimes, H0 can possess more than H. means that Sometimes, H0 can be separable even if H is not: 0 Π(A − B)Π = 0. (96) H l H = H1 ⊗ I + I ⊗ H2 (102)

Below will often chose the subspace to correspond to low- To create such a situation for an arbitrary n×n Hamilto- nian, where n = n1n2, simply pick a state ρ such that the energy states, so the wave symbol in l is intended to re- mind us that equality holds in the long wavelength limit. spectral densities pk vanish for all except n1 + n2 − 1 en- ergy eigenvectors. This means that in the energy eigenba- We saw that the energy spectral density pn of equa- tion (53) remains invariant under unitary time evolution, sis, with the eigenvectors sorted to place these n1 +n2 −1 special ones first, ρ is a block-diagonal matrix vanishing so any energy levels for which pn = 0 will never have any physical effect, and the corresponding dimensions of outside of the upper left (n1 +n2 −1)×(n1 +n2 −1) block. the Hilbert space can simply be ignored as “frozen out”. Equation (52) shows that ρ(t) will retain this block form This remains true even considering observation-related for all time, and that changing the energy eigenvalues Ek state projection as described in the next subsection. Let with k > n1 + n2 − 1 leaves the time-evolution of ρ unaf- us therefore define fected. We can therefore choose these eigenvalues so that H becomes separable. For example, for the case where X the Hilbert space dimensionality n = 9, suppose that p Π = θ(pn)|EnihEn|, (97) k k vanishes for all energies except E0, E1, E2, E3, E4, and adjust the irrelevant zero-point energy so that E0 = 0. where θ is the Heaviside step function (θ(x) = 1 if x > 0, Then define H0 whose 9 eigenvalues are vanishing otherwise) i.e., summing only over those en-  0 E E  ergy eigenstates for which the probability pn is non-zero. 1 2 Defining new operators in our subspace by  E3 E1 + E3 E2 + E3  . (103) E4 E1 + E4 E2 + E4 ρ0 ≡ ΠρΠ, (98) Note that H0 H, and that although H is generically H0 ≡ ΠHΠ, (99) l not separable, H0 is separable, with subsystem Hamilto- (100) 0 0 nians H1 = diag {0,E1,E2} and H2 = diag {0,E3,E4}. Subsystems 1 and 2 will therefore evolve as a parallel equation (97) implies that 0 0 universes governed by H1 and H1, respectively. 0 X ρ = θ(pm)θ(pn)|EmihEm|ρ|EnihEn| mn G. Minimizing quantum randomness X = |EmihEm|ρ|EnihEn| = ρ, (101) mn When we attempted to maximize the independence for a subsystem above, we implicitly wanted to maximize Here the second equal sign follows from the fact that the ability to predict the subsystems future state from |hE |ρ|E i|2 ≤ hE |ρ|E ihE |ρ|E i14, so that the left m n m m n n its present state. The source of unpredictability that we considered was influence from outside the subsystem, from the environment, which caused decoherence and in- creased subsystem entropy. 14 This last inequality follows because ρ is Hermitian and positive semidefinite, so the determinant must be non-negative for the Since we are interested in modeling also conscious sys- 2 × 2 matrix hEi|ρ|Ej i where i and j each take the two values k tems, there is a second independent source of unpre- and l. dictability that we need to consider, which can occur even 27 if there is no interaction with the environment: “quantum the observer is interested in making predictions about) randomness”. If the system begins in a single conscious and the environment (all remaining degrees of freedom). state and unitarily evolves into a superposition of subjec- If the subject knows the object-environment density tively distinguishable conscious states, then the observer matrix to be ρ, it obtains its density matrix for the object in the initial state has no way of uniquely predicting her by tracing out the environment: future perceptions. A comprehensive framework for treating such situa- ρo = tr ρ. e tions is given in [47], and in the interest of brevity, we will not review it here, merely use the results. To be able If the subject-object density matrix is ρ, then the sub- to state them as succinctly as possible, let us first intro- ject may be in a superposition of having many different duce notation for a projection process “pr ” that is in a perceptions |ski. Take the |ski to form a basis of the sense dual to partial-tracing. subject Hilbert space. The probability that the subject For a Hilbert space that is factored into two parts, finds itself in the state |ski is we define the following notation. We indicate the tensor product structure by splitting a single index α into an in- pk = (tr ρ)kk, (114) 2 dex pair ii0. For example, if the Hilbert space is the ten- sor product of an m-dimensional and an n-dimensional and for a subject finding itself in this state |ski, the object space, then α = n(i − 1) + i0, i = 1, ..., m, i0 = 1, ..., n, density matrix is α = 1, ..., mn, and if A = B ⊗ C, then (k) pr k ρ ρo = . (115) Aαβ = Aii0jj0 = BijCi0j0 . (104) pk

We define ? as the operation exchanging subsystems 1 If ρ refers to a future subject-object state, and the sub- and 2: ject wishes to predict its future knowledge of the object, it takes the weighted average of these density matrices, ? (A )ii0jj0 = Ai0ij0j (105) obtaining

th X (k) X We define pr kA as the k diagonal block of A: ρo = pkρo = pr ρ = tr ρ, k s k k (pr A)ij = Akikj k i.e., it traces out itself! (We used the identity (110) in the last step.) Note that this simple result is indepen- For example, pr A is the m × m upper left corner of A. 1 dent of whatever basis is used for the object-space, so all As before tr A, denotes the partial trace over the ith i issues related to how various states are perceived become subsystem: irrelevant. X As proven in [48], any unitary transformation of a sep- (tr A)ij = Akikj (106) 1 arable ρ will increase the entropy of tr 1ρ. This means k that the subject’s future knowledge of ρ is more un- X o (tr A)ij = Aikjk (107) certain than its present knowledge thereof. However, as 2 k proven in [47], the future subject’s knowledge of ρo will on average be less uncertain than it presently is, at least if The following identities are straightforward to verify: the time-evolution is restricted to be of the measurement type. tr A? = tr A (108) 1 2 The result ρo = tr 1 ρ also holds if you measure the tr A? = tr A (109) object and then forget what the outcome was. In this 2 1 case, you are simply playing the role of an environment, X tr A = pr A (110) resulting in the exact same partial-trace equation. 1 k k In summary, for a conscious system to be able to pre- X dict the future state of what it cares about (ρ ) as well tr A = pr A? (111) o 2 k as possible, we must minimize uncertainty introduced k both by the interactions with the environment (fluctu- tr pr A = (tr A)kk (112) ation, dissipation and decoherence) and by measurement k 2 ? (“quantum randomness”). The future evolution can be tr pr A = (tr A)kk (113) k 1 better predicted for certain object states than for oth- ers, because they are more stable against both of the Let us adopt the framework of [47] and decompose above-mentioned sources of unpredictability. The util- the full Hilbert space into three parts corresponding to ity principle from Table II suggests that it is precisely the subject (the conscious degrees of freedom of the ob- these most stable and predictable states that conscious server), the object (the external degrees of freedom that observers will perceive. The successful “predictability 28 sieve” idea of Zurek and collaborators [50] involves pre- tion U that makes Uρ(t)U† as factorizable as possible. cisely this idea when the source of unpredictability is For a pure initial state, exact factorability is equivalent environment-induced decoherence, so the utility principle to ρ1(t) being pure, with ||ρ1|| = 1 and vanishing linear lin 2 lets us generalize this idea to include the second unpre- entropy S = 1 − ||ρ1(t)|| , so let us minimize the linear dictability source as well: to minimize apparent quantum entropy averaged over a range of times. As a concrete randomness, we should pay attention to states whose dy- example, we minimize the function namics lets them remain relatively diagonal in the eigen- m basis of the subject-object interaction Hamiltonian, so 1 X † 2 f(U) ≡ 1 − || tr Uρ(ti)U || , (116) that our future observations of the object are essentially m 1 quantum non-demolition measurements. i=1 A classical computer is a flagship example of a such using 9 equispaced times ti ranging from t = 0 and t = 1, a maximally causal system, minimizing its uncertainty a random 4 × 4 Hamiltonian H, and a random pure state about its future. By clever design, a small subset of ρ(0). the degrees of freedom in the computer, interpreted as bits, deterministically determine their future state with 1.0 New factorization virtually no uncertainty. For my laptop, each bit corre- Old factorization sponds to the positions of certain electrons in its memory (determining whether a micro-capacitor is charged). An 0.8 ideal computer with zero error rate thus has not only || 1 complex dynamics (which is Turing-complete modulo re- 0.6 source limitations), but also perfect autonomy, with its future state determined entirely by its own state, inde- pendently of the environment state. The Hilbert space 0.4 factorization that groups the bits of this computer into Norm ||ρ a subsystem is therefore optimal, in the sense that any 0.2 other factorization would reduce the autonomy. More- over, this optimal solution to the quantum factorization problem is quite sharply defined: considering infinites- 0 2 4 6 8 10 imal unitary transformations away from this optimum, Time any transformation that begins rotating an environment bit into the system will cause a sharp reduction of the FIG. 15: The Hilbert-Schmidt norm ||ρ1|| is plotted for a ran- autonomy, because the decoherence rate for environment dom pure-state 2-qubit system when factorizing the Hilbert qubits (say a thermal collision frequency ∼ 1015 Hz) is space in the original basis (black curve) and after a unitary orders of magnitude larger than the dynamics rate (say transformation optimized to keep ρ1 as pure as possible for 9 t ≤ 1 (red/grey curve). the clock frequency ∼ 10 Hz). Note that H3 is far from zero in this example; the pointer basis corresponds to classical bit strings of which the environment performs The result of numerically solving this optimization frequent quantum non-demolition measurements. problem is shown in Figure 15, and we see that the new This means that if artificial intelligence researchers one factorization keeps the norm ||ρ1|| visually indistinguish- day succeed in making a classical computer conscious, able from unity for the entire time period optimized for. and if we turn off any input devices though which our The optimization reduced the average Shannon entropy outside world can affect its information processing, then over this period from S ≈ 1.1 bits to S = 0.0009 bits. it will subjectively perceive itself as existing in a parallel The reason that the optimization is so successful is 2 2 2 universe completely disconnected from ours, even though presumably that it by adjusting N = n − n1 − n2 = we can probe its internal state from outside. If a future 16 − 4 − 4 = 8 real parameters15 in U, it is able to quantum computer is conscious, then it will feel like in a approximately zero out the first N terms in the Taylor lin parallel universe evolving under the Hamiltonian H1(t) expansion of S (t), whose leading terms are given by that we have designed for it — until the readout stage, equations (77)- (79). A series of similar numerical exper- when we switch on an interaction H3. iments indicated that such excellent separability could generally be found as long as the number of time steps ti was somewhat smaller than the number of free pa- H. Optimizing autonomy when the state is given rameters N but not otherwise, suggesting that separa- bility can be extended over long time periods for large Let us now consider the case where both H and ρ are treated as given, and we want to vary the Hilbert space factorization to attain maximal separability. H and ρ 15 There are n2 parameters for U, but transformations within each together determine the full time-evolution ρ(t) via the 2 2 of the two subspaces have no effect, wasting n1 and n2 parame- Schr¨odingerequation, so we seek the unitary transforma- ters. 29 n. However, because we are studying only unitary evolu- rience appear to be vastly larger than 37 bits? We found tion here, neglecting the important projection effect from that generalizing these results to quantum information the previous section, it is unclear how relevant these re- exacerbated this integration paradox, allowing no more sults are to our underlying goal. We have therefore not than about a quarter of a bit of integrated information extended these numerical optimizations, which are quite — and this result applied not only to Hopfield networks time-consuming, to larger n. of a given size, but to the state of any quantum system of any size. This strongly implies that the integration prin- ciple must be supplemented by at least one additional V. CONCLUSIONS principle. We next explored the independence principle and the In this paper, we have explored two problems that are extent to which a Hilbert space factorization can decom- intimately related. The first problem is that of under- pose the Hamiltonian H (as opposed to the state ρ) into standing consciousness as a state of matter, “perceptro- independent parts. We quantified this using projection nium”. We have focused not on solving this problem, operators in the Hilbert-Schmidt vector space where H but rather on exploring the implications of this view- and ρ are viewed as vectors rather than operators, and point. Specifically, we have explored four basic principles proved that the best decomposition can always be found that may distinguish conscious matter from other phys- in the energy eigenbasis, where H is diagonal. This leads ical systems: the information, integration, independence to a more pernicious variant of the Quantum Zeno Ef- and dynamics principles. fect that we termed the Quantum Zeno Paradox: if we The second one is the physics-from-scratch problem: decompose our universe into maximally independent ob- If the total Hamiltonian H and the total density ma- jects, then all change grinds to a halt. Since conscious trix ρ fully specify our physical world, how do we ex- observers clearly do not perceive reality as being static tract 3D space and the rest of our semiclassical world and unchanging, the integration and independence prin- from nothing more than two Hermitian matrices? Can ciples must therefore be supplemented by at least one some of this information be extracted even from H alone, additional principle. which is fully specified by nothing more than its eigen- We then explored the dynamics principle, according value spectrum? We have focused on a core part of this to which a conscious system has the capacity to not challenge which we have termed the quantum factoriza- only store information, but also to process it. We found tion problem: why do conscious observers like us perceive the energy coherence δH ≡ p2 trρ ˙2 to be a conve- the particular Hilbert space factorization corresponding nient measure of dynamics: it can be proven to be time- to classical space (rather than Fourier space, say), and independent, and it reduces to the energy uncertainty more generally, why do we perceive the world around us ∆H for the special case of pure states. Maximizing dy- as a dynamic hierarchy of objects that are strongly inte- namics alone gives boring periodic solutions unable to grated and relatively independent? support complex information processing, but reducing These two problems go hand in hand, because a generic δH by merely a modest percentage enables chaotic and Hamiltonian cannot be decomposed using tensor prod- complex dynamics that explores the full dimensionality of ucts, which would correspond to a decomposition of the the Hilbert space. We found that high autonomy (a com- cosmos into non-interacting parts, so there is some op- bination of dynamics and independence) can be attained timal factorization of our universe into integrated and even if the environment interaction is strong. One class relatively independent parts. Based on Tononi’s work, of examples involves the environment effectively perform- we might expect that this factorization, or some gener- ing quantum-non-demolition measurements of the au- alization thereof, is what conscious observers perceive, tonomous system, whose internal dynamics causes the because an integrated and relatively autonomous infor- non-negligible elements of the density matrix ρ to “slide mation complex is fundamentally what a conscious ob- along the diagonal” in the measured basis, remaining server is. in the low-decoherence subspace. We studied such an example involving a truncated harmonic oscillator cou- pled to an external spin, and saw that it is easy to find A. Summary of findings classes of systems whose autonomy grows exponentially with the system size (measured in qubits). Generalized We first explored the integration principle, and found coherent states with Gaussian wavefunctions appeared that classical physics allows information to be essentially particularly robust toward interactions with steep/short- fully integrated using error-correcting codes, so that any range potentials. We found that any given H can also be subset containing up to about half the bits can be re- perfectly decomposed given a suitably chosen ρ that as- constructed from the remaining bits. Information stored signs zero amplitude to some energy eigenstates. When in Hopfield neural networks is naturally error-corrected, optimizing the Hilbert space factorization for H and ρ but 1011 neurons support only about 37 bits of integrated jointly, it appears possible to make a subsystem history information. This leaves us with an integration paradox: ρ1(t) close to separable for a long time. However, it is why does the information content of our conscious expe- unclear how relevant this is, because the state projection 30

16 caused by observation also alters ρ1. unitary transformation? In all three cases, the answer clearly lies not within the system itself (in its internal dynamics H1), but in its interaction H3 with the rest of the world. But H3 involves the factorization problem all over again: whence this distinction between the system B. How does a conscious entity perceive the world? itself and the rest of the world, when there are countless other Hilbert space factorizations that mix the two? What are we to make of these findings? We have not solved the quantum factorization problem, but our re- sults have brought it into sharper focus, and highlighted C. Open problems both concrete open sub-problems and various hints and clues from observation about paths forward. Let us first Based on our findings, three specific problems stand discuss some open problems, then turn to the hints. in the way of solving the quantum factorization problem For the physics-from-scratch problem of deriving how and answering these questions, and we will now discuss we perceive our world from merely H, ρ and the each of them in turn. Schr¨odingerequation, there are two possibilities: either the problem is well-posed or it is not. If not, this would be very interesting, implying that some sort of additional 1. Factorization and the chicken-and-egg problem structure beyond ρ and H is needed at the fundamen- tal level — some additional mathematical structure en- What should we determine first: the state or the fac- coding properties of space, for instance, which would be torization? If we are given a Hilbert space factorization surprising given that this appears unnecessary in lattice and an environment state, we can use the predictability Gauge theory (see Appendix C). Since we have limited sieve formalism [50] to find the states of our subsystem our treatment to unitary non-relativistic quantum me- that are most robust toward decoherence. In some sim- chanics, obvious candidates for missing structure relate ple cases, they are eigenstates of the effective interaction to relativity and quantum gravity, where the Hamiltonian Hamiltonian H∗ from equation (66). However, to find vanishes, and to mechanisms causing non-unitary wave- the best factorization, we need information about the function collapse. Indeed, Penrose and others have spec- state. A clock is a highly autonomous system if we fac- ulated that gravity is crucial for a proper understanding tor the Hilbert space so that the first factor corresponds of quantum mechanics even on small scales relevant to to the spatial volume containing the clock, but if the brains and laboratory experiments, and that it causes state were different such that the clock were somewhere non-unitary wavefunction collapse [51]. Yet the Occam’s else, we should factor out a different volume. Moreover, razor approach is clearly the commonly held view that if the state has the clock in a superposition of two macro- neither relativistic, gravitational nor non-unitary effects scopically different locations, then there is no single op- are central to understanding consciousness or how con- timal factorization, but instead a separate one for each scious observers perceive their immediate surroundings: branch of the wavefunction. An observer looking at the astronauts appear to still perceive themselves in a semi- clock would use the clock position seen to project onto classical 3D space even when they are effectively in a zero- the appropriate branch using equation (115), so the solu- gravity environment, seemingly independently of rela- tion to the quantum factorization problem that we should tivistic effects, Planck-scale spacetime fluctuations, black be looking for is not a single unique factorization of the hole evaporation, cosmic expansion of astronomically dis- Hilbert space. Rather, we need a criterion for identifying tant regions, etc. conscious observers, and then a prescription that deter- If, on the other hand, the physics-from-scratch prob- mines which factorization each of them will perceive. lem is well-posed, we face crucial unanswered questions related to Hilbert space factorization. Why do we per- ceive electromagnetic waves as transferring information 2. Factorization and the integration paradox between different regions of space, rather than as com- pletely independent harmonic oscillators that each stay A second challenge that we have encountered is the put in a fixed spatial location? These two viewpoints extreme separability possible for both H and ρ. In the correspond to factoring the Hilbert space of the elec- tromagnetic field in either real space or Fourier space, which are simply two unitarily equivalent Hilbert space bases. Moreover, how can we perceive a harmonic oscil- 16 If we write the Ising Hamiltonian as a quadratic function of lator as an integrated system when its Hamiltonian can, σx-operators, then it is also quadratic in the annihilation and as reviewed in Appendix B, be separated into completely creation operators and can therefore be diagonalized after a Jordan-Wigner transform [49]. Note that such diagonalization independent qubits? Why do we perceive a magnetic sys- is impossible for the Heisenberg ferromagnet, whose couplings tem described by the 3D Ising model as integrated, when 2 are quadratic in all three Pauli matrices, because σz -terms are it separates into completely independent qubits after a quartic in the annihilation and creation operators. 31 introduction, we expressed hope that the apparent inte- unitary and therefore evades our timelessness argument gration of minds and external objects might trace back to above. Because she always perceives herself in a pure the fact that for generic ρ and H, there is no Hilbert space state, knowing the state of her mind, the joint state or factorization that makes ρ factorizable or H additively her and the rest of the world is always separable. It there- separable. Yet by generalizing Tononi’s ideas to quantum fore appears that if we can one day solve the quantum systems, we found that what he terms the “cruelest cut” factorization problem, then we will find that the emer- is very cruel indeed, able to reduce the mutual informa- gence of time is linked to the emergence of consciousness: tion in ρ to no more than about 0.25 bits, and typically the former cannot be fully understood without the latter. able to make the interaction Hamiltonian H3 very small as well. We saw in Section IV H that even the combined effects ρ and H can typically be made close to separable, D. Observational hints and clues in the sense that there is a Hilbert space factorization where a subsystem history ρ1(t) is close to separable for In summary, the quantum factorization problem is a long time. So why do we nonetheless perceive out uni- both very interesting and very hard. However, as op- verse as being relatively integrated, with abundant infor- posed to the hard problem of quantum gravity, say, where mation available to us from near and far? Why do we not we have few if any observational clues to guide us, physics instead perceive our mind as essentially constituting its research has produced many valuable hints and clues rel- own parallel universe, solipsism-style, with merely expo- evant to the quantum factorization problem. The factor- nentially small interactions with the outside world? We ization of the world that we perceive and the quantum saw that the origin of this integration paradox is the vast- states that we find objects in have turned out to be ex- ness of the group of unitary transformations that we are ceptionally unusual and special in various ways, and for minimizing over, whose number of parameters scales like each such way that we can identify, quantify and under- n2 = 22b with the number of qubits b and thus grows ex- stand the underlying principle responsible for, we will ponentially with system size (measured in either volume make another important stride towards solving the fac- or number of particles). torization problem. Let us now discuss the hints that we have identified upon so far.

3. Factorization and the emergence of time 1. The universality of the utility principle A third challenge involves the emergence of time. Al- though this is a famously thorny problem in quantum The principles that we listed in Table II were for con- gravity, our results show that it appears even in non- scious systems. If we shift attention to non-conscious relativistic unitary quantum mechanics. It is intimately objects, we find that although dynamics, independence linked with our factorization problem, because we are and integration still apply in many if not most cases, the optimizing over all unitary transformations U, and time utility principle is the only one that universally applies evolution is simply a one-dimensional subset of these to all of them. For example, a rain drop lacks significant transformations, given by U = eiHt. Should the opti- information storage capacity, a boulder lacks dynamics, mal factorization be determined separately at each time, a cogwheel can lack independence, and a sand pile lacks or only once and for all? In the latter case, this would integration. This universality of the utility principle is appear to select only one special time when our universe hardly surprising, since utility is presumably the reason is optimally separable, seemingly contrary to our obser- we evolved consciousness in the first place. This suggests vations that the laws of physics are time-translation in- that we examine all other clues below through the lens of variant. In the former case, the continuous change in utility, to see whether the unusual circumstances in ques- factorization will simply undo time evolution [18], mak- tion can be explained via some implication of the utility ing you feel that time stands still! Observationally, it is principle. In other words, if we find that useful conscious- obvious that the optimal factorization can change at least ness can only exist given certain strict requirements on somewhat with time, since our designation of objects is the quantum factorization, then this could explain why temporary: the atoms of a highly autonomous wooden we perceive a factorization satisfying these requirements. bowling ball rolling down a lane were once dispersed (as CO2 and H2O in the air, etc.) and will eventually disperse again. 2. ρ is exceptional An obvious way out of this impasse is to bring con- sciousness back to center-stage as in Section IV G and The observed state ρ of our universe is excep- [4, 47, 48]. Whenever a conscious observer interacts with tional in that it is extremely cold, with most of the her environment and gains new information, the state ρ Hilbert space frozen out — what principles might re- with which she describes her world gets updated accord- quire this? Perhaps this is useful for consciousness ing to equation (115), the quantum-mechanical version by allowing relatively stable information storage and of Bayes Theorem [48]. This change in her ρ is non- by allowing large autonomous systems thanks to the 32 large available dynamic range in length scales (uni- perceiving a more disconnected world than the one we are verse/brain/atom/Planck scale)? Us being far from ther- familiar with. The ease of approximately factoring ρ1(t) mal equilibrium with our 300K planet dumping heat from during a significant time period as in Section IV H also our 6000K sun into our 3K space is clearly conducive to appears unlikely to be a problem: as mentioned, our cal- dynamics and information processing. culation answered the wrong question by studying only unitary evolution, neglecting projection. The take-away hint is thus that observation needs to be taken into ac- 3. H is exceptional count to address this issue properly, just as we argued that it must be taken into account to understand the The Hamiltonian H of the standard model of particle emergence of time. physics is of the very special form Z 3 H = Hr(r)d r, (117) 5. Decoherence as enemy which is seen to be almost additively separable in the Early work on decoherence [34, 35] portrayed it mainly spatial basis, and in no other basis. Although equa- as an enemy, rapidly killing off most quantum states, tion (117) superficially looks completely separable just P with only a tiny minority surviving long enough to be as H = i Hi, there is a coupling between infinitesi- observable. For example, a bowling ball gets struck by mally close spatial points due to spatial derivatives in about 1025 air molecules each second, and a single strike the kinetic terms. If we replace the integral by a sum in suffices to ruin any macrosuperposition of the balls po- equation (117) by discretizing space as in lattice gauge sition extending further than about an angstrom, the theory, we need couplings only between nearest-neighbor molecular De Broglie wavelength [35, 52]. The successful points. This is a strong hint of the independence princi- predictability sieve idea of Zurek and collaborators [50] ple at work; all this near-independence gets ruined by a states that we will only perceive those quantum states generic unitary transformation, making the factorization that are most robust towards decoherence, which in the corresponding to our 3D physical space highly special; case of macroscopic objects such as bowling balls selects indeed, 3D space and the exact form of equation (117) roughly classical states with fairly well-defined positions. could presumably be inferred from simply knowing the In situations where the position basis emerges as special, spectrum of H. this might thus trace back to the environmental interac- H from equation (117) is also exceptional in that it tions H3 (with air molecules etc.) probing the position, contains mainly quadratic, cubic and quartic functions which might in turn traces back to the fact that H from of the fermion and boson fields, which can in turn be equation (117) is roughly separable in the position basis. expressed linearly or quadratically in terms of qubit rais- Note, however, that the general situation is more compli- ing and lowering operators (see Appendix C). A generic cated, since the predictability sieve depends also on the unitary transformation would ruin this simplicity as well, state ρ, which might contain long-distance entanglement introducing polynomials of enormous degree. What prin- built up over time by the kinetic terms in equation (117). ciple might be responsible for this? Indeed, ρ can describe a laboratory where a system is H from equation (117) is also exceptional by exhibiting probed in a non-spatial basis, causing the predictablity tremendous symmetry: the form of Hr in invariant under sieve to favor, say, energy eigenstates. both space and time translation, and indeed under the In terms of Table II, we can view the predictability full Poincare group; using a factorization other than 3D sieve as an application of the utility principle, since there space would ruin this symmetry. is clearly no utility in trying to perceive something that will be irrelevant 10−25 seconds later. In summary, the hint from this negative view of decoherence is that we 4. The ubiquity of autonomy should minimize it, either by factoring to minimize H3 itself or by using robust states on which H3 essentially When discussing the integration paradox above, we performs quantum non-demolition measurements. worried about factorizations splitting the world into nearly independent parts. If there is a factorization with H3 = 0, then the two subsystems are independent for any state, for all time, and will act as two parallel universes. 6. Decoherence as friend This means that if the only way to achieve high inde- pendence were to make H3 tiny, the integration paradox Although quantum computer builders still view deco- would indeed be highly problematic. However, we saw in herence as their enemy, more recent work on decoher- Section IV that this is not at all the case: it is quite easy ence has emphasized that it also has a positive side: the to achieve high independence for some states, at least Quantum Darwinism framework [40] emphasizes the role temporarily, even when H3 is large. The independence of environment interactions H3 as a valuable communica- principle therefore does not push us inexorably towards tion channel, repeatedly copying information about the 33

states of certain systems into the environment17, thereby observe. helping explain the emergence of a consensus reality [53]. Quantum Darwinism can also be viewed as an applica- tion of the utility principle: it is only useful for us to E. Outlook try to be aware of things that we can get information about, i.e., about states that have quantum-spammed the environment with redundant copies of themselves. A In summary, the hypothesis that consciousness can be hint from this positive view of environmental interactions understood as a state of matter leads to fascinating in- terdisciplinary questions spanning the range from neu- is that we should not try to minimize H3 after all, but should instead reduce decoherence by the second mech- roscience to , anism: using states that are approximate eigenstates of and quantum mechanics. Can we find concrete exam- ples of error-correcting codes in the brain? Are there the effective interaction H∗ and therefore get abundantly copied into the environment. brain-sized non-Hopfield neural networks that support Further work on Quantum Darwinism has revealed much more than 37 bits of integrated information? Can that such situations are quite exceptional, reaching the a deeper understanding of consciousness breathe new life following conclusion [54]: “A state selected at random into the century-old quest to understand the emergence from the Hilbert space of a many-body system is over- of a classical world from quantum mechanics, and can it whelmingly likely to exhibit highly non-classical correla- even help explain how two Hermitian matrices H and ρ tions. For these typical states, half of the environment lead to the subjective emergence of time? The quests to must be measured by an observer to determine the state better understand the internal reality of our mind and of a given subsystem. The objectivity of classical reality the external reality of our universe will hopefully assist — the fact that multiple observers can agree on the state one another. of a subsystem after measuring just a small fraction of its environment — implies that the correlations found in Acknowledgments: The author wishes to thank nature between macroscopic systems and their environ- Christoph Koch, Meia Chita-Tegmark, Russell Hanson, ments are very exceptional.” This gives a hint that the Hrant Gharibyan, , Bill Poirier, Matthew particular Hilbert space factorization we observe might Pusey, Harold Shapiro and Marin Soljaˇci´cand for help- be very special and unique, so that using the utility prin- ful information and discussions, and Hrant Gharibyan ciple to insist on the existence of a consensus reality may for mathematical insights regarding the ρ- and H- have large constraining power among the factorizations diagonality theorems. This work was supported by NSF — perhaps even helping nail down the one we actually AST-090884 & AST-1105835. 17 Charles Bennett has suggested that Quantum Darwinism would produced. be more aptly named “Quantum Spam”, since the many redun- dant imprints of the system’s state are normally not further re-

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b−1 |E i = σ† ⊗ σ† ⊗ I|0i = |110i, (B6) X  1 0  6 H = H , H = 2j 2 = 2j−1σz, (B1) j j 0 − 1 j j=0 2 j the state where the first two qubits are up and the last † kj 0  z one is down. Since (σ ) 1 is an eigenvector of σ with where the subscripts j indicate that an operator acts only eigenvalue (2kj − 1), i.e., +1 for spin up and −1 for spin th on the j qubit, leaving the others unaffected. For ex- down, equations (B1) and (B4) give H|Eki = Ek|Eki, ample, for b = 3 qubits, where b−1      1  b 2 0 1 0 0 X j−1 2 − 1 H = ⊗ I ⊗ I + I ⊗ ⊗ I + I ⊗ I ⊗ 2 Ek = 2 (2kj − 1)|Eki = k − (B7) 0 −2 0 −1 0 − 1 2 2 j=0 − 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 in agreement with equation (58).  0 − 5 0 0 0 0 0 0  2  The standard textbook harmonic oscillator corre-  0 0 − 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 sponds to the limit b → ∞, which remains completely  0 0 0 − 1 0 0 0 0 =  2  , (B2)separable. In practice, a number of qubits b = 200 is  0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0  2  large enough to be experimentally indistinguishable from  0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0  2  b = ∞ for describing any harmonic oscillator ever en-  0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0  2  countered in nature, since it corresponds to a dynamic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 2 range of 2200 ∼ 1060, the ratio between the largest and smallest potentially measurable energies (the Planck en- in agreement with equation (58). This factorization cor- ergy versus the energy of a photon with wavelength equal responds to the standard binary representation of inte- to the diameter of our observable universe). So far, we gers, which is more clearly seen when adding back the b have never measured any physical quantity to better than trace (n − 1)/2 = (2 − 1)/2: 17 significant digits, corresponding to 56 bits. 7 4 0 2 0 1 0 H + = ⊗ I ⊗ I + I ⊗ ⊗ I + I ⊗ I ⊗ 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Appendix C: Emergent space and particles from 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nothing but qubits 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0   0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Throughout the main body of our paper, we have lim- 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 =   . (B3) ited our discussion to a Hilbert space of finite dimen- 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 b   sionality n, often interpreting it as b qubits with n = 2 . 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0   On the other hand, textbook quantum mechanics usually 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 sets n = ∞ and contains plenty of structure additional to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 merely H and ρ, such as a continuous space and various fermion and boson fields. The purpose of this appendix Here we use the ordering convention that the most sig- is to briefly review how the latter picture might emerge nificant qubit goes to the left. If we write k as from the former. An introduction to this “it’s all qubits” approach by one of its pioneers, Seth Lloyd, is given in b−1 X [55], and an up-to-date technical review can be found in k = k 2j, j [56]. j=0 As motivation for this emergence approach, note that a large number of quasiparticles have been observed such as where kj are the binary digits of k and take values 0 or 1, then the energy eigenstates can be written phonons, holes, magnons, rotons, plasmons and polarons, which are known not to be fundamental particles, but b−1 instead mere excitations in some underlying substrate. † kj |Eki = ⊗ (σ ) |0i, (B4) j=0 This raises the question of whether our standard model particles may be quasiparticles as well. It has been shown where |0i is the ground state (all b qubits in the down that this is indeed a possibility for photons, electrons and state), the creation operator quarks [57–59], and perhaps even for gravitons [56], with the substrate being nothing more than a set of qubits 0 1 without any space or other additional structure. σ† = (B5) 0 0 In Appendix B, we saw how to build a harmonic oscil- lator out of infinitely many qubits, and that a truncated raises a qubit from the down state to the up state, and harmonic oscillator built from merely 200 qubits is exper- (σ†)0 is meant to be interpreted as the identity matrix imentally indistinguishable from an infinite-dimensional 36 one. We will casually refer to such a qubit collection de- Let us now consider a state ρ where all modes except scribing a truncated harmonic oscillator as a “qubyte”, long-wavelength ones with |κ|  1 are frozen out, in the even if the number of qubits it contains is not precisely spirit of our own relatively cold universe. Using the l 0 8. As long as our universe is cold enough that the very symbol from Section IV F, we then have H l H , where highest energy level is never excited, a qubyte will behave H0 is a Hamiltonian with the isotropic dispersion relation identically to a true harmonic oscillator, and can be used to define position and momentum operators obeying the 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 usual canonical commutation relations. ω = µ + γ κx + κy + κz = µ + γ κ , (C5) To see how space can emerge from qubits alone, con- i.e., where the discreteness effects are absent. Comparing sider a large set of coupled truncated harmonic oscillators this with the standard dispersion relation for a relativistic (qubytes), whose position operators qr and momentum particle, operators pr are labeled by an index r = (i, j, k) consist- ing of a triplet of integers — r has no a priori meaning or interpretation whatsoever except as a record-keeping ω2 = µ2 + (ck)2, (C6) device used to specify the Hamiltonian. Grouping these operators into vectors p and q, we choose the Hamilto- nian where c is the speed of light, we see that the two agree if the lattice spacing is 1 1 H = |p|2 + qtAq, (C1) 2 2 c where the coupling matrix A is translationally invariant, a = . (C7) 0 γ i.e., Arr0 = ar0−r, depending only on the difference r −r between two index vectors. For simplicity, let us treat the lattice of index vectors r as infinite, so that A is diagonalized by a 3D Fourier transform. (Alternatively, For example, if the lattice spacing is the Planck length, we can take the lattice to be finite and the matrix A to then the coupling strength γ is the inverse Planck time. be circulant, in which case A is again diagonalized by a In summary, this Hilbert space built out of qubytes, with Fourier transform; this will lead to the emergence of a no structure whatsoever except for the Hamiltonian H, toroidal space.) is physically indistinguishable from a system with quan- Fourier transforming our qubyte lattice preserves the tum particles (scalar bosons of mass µ) propagating in canonical commutation relations and corresponds to a a continuous 3D space with the same translational and unitary transformation that decomposes H into indepen- rotational symmetry that we normally associate with dent harmonic oscillators. As in [60], the frequency of the infinite Hilbert spaces, so not only did space emerge, oscillator corresponding to wave vector κ is but continuous symmetries not inherent in the original qubit Hamiltonian emerged as well. The 3D structure of X space emerged from the pattern of couplings between the ω(k)2 = a e−iκ·r. (C2) r qubits: if they had been presented in a random order, the r graph of which qubits were coupled could have been ana- For example, consider the simple case where each oscilla- lyzed to conclude that everything could be simplified into tor has a self-coupling µ and is only coupled to its 6 near- a 3D rectangular lattice with nearest-neighbor couplings. est neighbors by a coupling γ: a = a = a = 1,0,0 −1,0,0 0,1,0 Adding polarization to build photons and other vec- a = a = a = −γ2, a = µ2 +6γ2. Then 0,−1,0 0,0,1 0,0,−1 0,0,0 tor particles is straightforward. Building simple fermion  κ κ κ  fields using qubit lattices is analogous as well, except that ω(κ)2 = µ2 + 4γ2 sin2 x + sin2 y + sin2 z , (C3) 2 2 2 a unitary Jordan-Wigner transform is required for con- verting the qubits to fermions. Details on how to build where κx, κy and κz lie in the interval [π, π]. If we photons, electrons, quarks and perhaps even gravitons were to interpret the lattice points as existing in a three- are given in [56–59]. Lattice gauge theory works simi- dimensional space with separation a between neighboring larly, except that here, the underlying finite-dimensional lattice points, then the physical wave vector k would be Hilbert space is viewed not as the actual truth but as given by a numerically tractable approximation to the presumed κ true infinite-dimensional Hilbert space of quantum field k = . (C4) theory. a