2020 Cathay Sustainable Finance and Climate Change Summit

Host: Cathay Financial Holdings & subsidiaries, Stock Exchange (TWSE) Date & Time: December 10, 09:30 – 17:30 (Registration open at 09:00) Venue: Hall A, Cathay Financial Conference Hall, No. 9, Song-Ren Rd, Xin-yi District, City

Morning Session: Sustainable Finance

09:00~09:30 Registration Opening remarks 09:30~09:40 Tsu-Pei CHEN, Vice Chairman, Cathay Financial Holdings Opening remarks 09:40~09:55 Yung-Chin HSU, Vice Chairperson, Financial Supervisory Commission 09:55~10:00 Group photos Taiwanese responsible investment survey 10:00~10:15 Chi-Ray Huang, Chief Secretary, National Taipei University ESG rating insight: Elevating ESG scores for Taiwanese corporates 10:15~10:30 Hsiang-Lin CHIH, Dean, College of Business, National Taipei University 10:30~10:40 Tea break ESG investing: Effective corporate ESG Disclosure 10:40~11:00 Eliza LEE, Partner, PwC Panel discussion: No ESG, No Money? Communication strategies for corporates and investors Moderator: Eliza LEE, Partner, PwC Panelist: 11:00~12:10 Lih-Chung CHIEN, President, Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) Chung-Chun TSAI, Deputy Director General, Bureau of Labor Funds, Ministry of Labor Young LIU, Chairman, Hon Hai Technology Group () Simon She, General Manager, BlackRock Taiwan Andrew LIU, President, Cathay Life Insurance Lunch Break & Exhibition 12:10~13:30 (Interactive exhibition: Illustrating innovative solutions for sustainability and climate change)

2020 Cathay Sustainable Finance and Climate Change Summit

Host: Cathay Financial Holdings & subsidiaries, Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) Date & Time: December 10, 09:30 – 17:30 (Registration open at 09:00) Venue: Hall A, Cathay Financial Conference Hall, No. 9, Song-Ren Rd, Xin-yi District, Taipei City

Afternoon Session: Climate Change

Opening remarks & group photos 13:30~13:45 Tsu-Pei CHEN, Vice Chairman, Cathay Financial Holdings Speech: Outlook of TCFD implementation in Taiwan 13:45~14:10 Roger TSENG, Partner and Climate Change and Sustainability Service Practice Leader, EY Speech: Challenges and opportunities from the upcoming escalating GHG management 14:10~14:35 Tze-Luen Alan Lin, Deputy Executive Director, Office of Energy and Carbon Reduction, Executive Yuan(Premier’s Office), Taiwan 14:35~14:55 Tea break Best practice sharing: TSMC approaches to climate risks & opportunities 14:55~15:25 Lora HO, Senior Vice President, TSMC Panel discussion: Responding to climate change – Best practices for Taiwan Moderator: Roger TSENG, Partner and Climate Change and Sustainability Service Practice Leader, EY Panelists: Ling-Yi TSAI, Director General, Director General, Department of 15:25~16:35 Environmental Management, Environmental Protection Administration Chia-Wei CHAO, Chair of the Board, Taiwan Environment and Planning Association John Li, President of Taiwan Cement Lora HO, Senior Vice President, TSMC Jing-Lu HUANG, Chief Risk Officer, Cathay Financial Holdings 16:35~17:30 Closing & exhibition