To District Magistrate & District Election Officer, Hooghly - W- Addi. DOP, Law and Order, WestBengal-w- Police, (.)

From: SP, Hooghly Rural (.)

Org. No. 286/Election Cell, Hooghly Rural DT: -11.03.2021 (.)

As desired, sending herewith the information regarding daily Route March! CBM activities by CAPF on 10.03.2 1 of Hooghly Rural District in c/w ensuing Assembly Election 202 las per format for your kind perusal (.)

Enclo: - As stated.

Superintet1('f Police Hooghly Rural FORMAT FOR DAILY ROUTE MARCH! CI3M ACTIVITY BY CAPF Date:- 11.03.2021

Place of Route Maceli Programme for the next Actual day No. of Force Type of deployed Date of Sub - Total force No. of Vulnerable Block/Mum Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis Time Distance deployed Remarks, if any c pa ity a ion by under Route March by the Route March ion covered (cRpr/ section March From Via To 8SF etc.) PS From To mention! ngcoy and Bn.)

Visited Trouble Monger's house namely 1) — Mrityuo(ny Holder, 24yre. S/U. Gopal Holder, in , Bekala 241 Tribeni Tissue Bidyapitit, boot-I 2) Gattesh Dot s/n Krishna Chandra das,3) 1O.O0hrs Chandr Bajar via 242 TriheniTisson Itidyapith, Hnnnt-2 Gaiituitt Ibsinas S/C Taeapaila tisovos.They Chmsurah lb CIa dli sit W II S lit lot i t lt c e t ti SI tte 10 3ltitt 2 Tissue dighti pat Cltastpat a 9km CRPF 02 Scc T H a dt 1 13.00ht s GP Colony o Ch:tndraha 244 Triheni Tissue iitdy.ipitli. iiuoni'3 also visited vol erable voter's house nosoely Li Fart 24S Teibeni Tissue itidyapith, Coons'S 1) lblattkar Roy 5/0 K Duega tiny, 2) Dinesit Anthony 5/0 )ohnsalvaras Anthony and talked to them. Visited Trouble Mongols ltuoise stannoly 13 t)hasiaa 50 Md. MuktarS/0 Cl, Khajaiouddin 50 tough Mia, 2) Md. )abieoddttt 50 fluid, S/O Bansbe 133 hI. HIcit MADRASA (NEW Md. IsIutti, 3) Kailatit Suits 5/0 Ahrafi Dons. 15.00hrs .

Somra Dakshinpara,Delhtb agan, Paschistipat'a, 75-Sotttra Durga Cltaran thgb School Ruosts No.1 Visited Trouble Mottger's hoose tiasstely 1)

colotsypara,Bharpar l 78A.Sortsca Duega Charoti ittgit School ituddhadeb taibansiti S/U- Torah Cli. a,Ntmtala,stattoe 09:00 hrs Room No.2 ttajttanshi (473.2) Maoik Nayek S/U- LI.

Rura para,Sukhariya 83-Sontra titlika Vtttyalaya Room No.1 ttasatt Nayeh (34). Theye ware present at Site to Somra Sotttra 10 KM 02 SeC. C- aksttotpaea talavueh ' Balagat h CRPF tt3A.Sootra Rolitea Vidyalaya Souse No-2 Chandra Miloogarit hy ltuusvaod sssured that they will keet PS 12:00 irs Colotsy Sukhariya (Appt'ox) 41 Ott. (Siddheswaritala),S 50 Sulahoeta (ogaoattdatstayee PP. School ntaotoaio psase in veae 1u1oiee and also nisiled (New Sodding), Snout No I vulstet-alile voter's souse oantely 3) Sushuv;to Hoog ukhariya (Jttarpara t1Sstkitorsa )ogaoaodantayee V.P. School Dos S/u Sadhart Dos, 2) Tokust Chanda, S/o Segunbagan) (Neon Building), Ruuttt 140 2 Sadhats Chtattda aitd talked to thent.

District Ma1t 1)) . &

Signature of the Super(ntendent of Police/Police Commissioner -1 nocihlv Programme for the next Place of Route Mardi Actual day No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub . . Total force • Block/Mum Police . (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis . . . Time Distance deployed Remarks, if any • cipality Station by under Route March by the Route March ion covered (CRPF/ section March From Via To 13SF etc.) ps From To mentioni ngcoy and Rn.)

90.Dwat para ISelasivar i'rimary School. Room No. I, 90A Owarpara Itelestrar rcirnary School Dwarpara,Mora)par room oo 2. Visited Trool,le Mnogcr's hoose namely 1)

a a13e1eswar 91 Itirarpara Releosvar Primary School oydrh NarSfO LI Dolal Oar. 2) Tusar Soy

IS.00hrs Maffickpara,Doksh) '101 no 3 5/0 Sanyasi Roy. They 00cc present at the Ru Balagat'h Dwarp 8KM 02 Sec. C - 910 Sivarpara Relcsir,o Prioiorp School Rologarh Nrtajioaga Innate nod assured thai they will keep dar Balagarh to n Para,Majlser Pat'a, Basna (.RPF - Ilivarpara hy (Approx) room SO 4 I'S r peate in oear lotore and also visited Sa 41 13n. 17.30hrs. Mouja-Basatta og 925e1eswar Primary School room not oolncralde toter's knosc naoicly 1)80. TootH

Ho Paschimpat'a,Basats 93Releswar I'iimary School room on 2 jamal S/o Siyajol liaqor, 2) iiddio t'Ioodal a Madhyapara 94Dasoa Maheodra )r. ilasic School, Ramal Sb LI tao and talked to them. itooin No I 91 Basna M,iheodra ir. Basic School, 00001 No 2

42 OOINCIIEE Gil/tM 011011 P000 i'ftlhloOv 011100!., 43 Dm001100: GE/tM 01100 PASO PRIMARY Roinchigram Uttarpara, 03. Sec of °°" Mosahtoanpara, Visited Trooble Monger's honse namely 1) Boinch 0otnchigra 44 OOINCIIEE (li/tM lotG0eALSiNliIlAlR ltttarpar.n tiolojolpara, Pant Smyharoy S/n Pcodip Singharoy. hinwas o'io h S , d Pandua gram Uttarparo Beleio) m 3 KM B I o o N dg I V k o n e I 0 ill 10 nO a s c dli 'tilt Pandua to ITBP 6068n (/ 41001DGFi hiAhtjAli3OPiSLSINi,IlAlhi I I p PS Uttarp (aol)apara DakShtnpa Approx P0511 SChOOL Porhapara,Kaepokorpar, Porkapara do Nagar still keep maii,tain peace In near fonare aod C ._t ' IS -'" Ia ara ra 'IA RIiINCIIAE 5110010 L MilKIlERlEE FREE 0adanst.itaDakshopara, also ois0ed nulnerahleooter's house namely lssTl'rollnN. Kalilala Dakshinpara, 1) Ilohini Sk Sb Anoorlk and talhed to them. 47 nOltlChtt t;000i 0.1. t-1uRlII1RIEEFnEE Cailapara lNs't'llll'tloll, 00 oOinclli1 IlItIOPANi 5101,5111011 SChOOl,,

Seroi Mollapara, 156 BESOt PhlIMARYSCItOOL, -.

' Bagdanga, Monitntpara, Visited Trouble Mongers house nameiy I) a 03 Sec of 1S7 GOl.AGOhil PRIMARY SChOOL, - ' Anna, Tilak Makk )28 Yrs.) S/n Nirupada Maith, lie

158 014500 0Ct (PAIl', 01)1(1051 0900 hrs Berui TOP Anch gori (tar, °'- peseotat 6te Runt, an0 0500Cc ttatI to Rur Pattdua ' - Deypat'a, 5 KM PRIMARY SCHOOL, Boi,kaita Balihatta Mahadebp dar Pattdua to Mollap Aorta Golagm I lTi3P 606Bn 6/ And g I 0db opt a he po oil p 'Ic 110 hut raid hy 'tppt ox 159 AItIrllC'AS PRIMARY SCHOOL P 6 i Pu ba in

Sa Koley pat a 0ptt, Depara also cisiti'd colnerahie voters hoose eunnoly 12:oOhrs ara 0 Coy, OhS MuRTISItRI PRY. SCHOOL, Ropputa, hiepata I) Soo1it Soren 5/0 Subohand Soreit and

Hoog — 161 DEYPAISA PSlkIARY SCHOOL, Kuniorpara. Depart talked to ltioi. 162 DEYPAISA PRIMARY SCHOOL, Holdarparo,

Dstric Magistr'r,


Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner cs oh lv Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub Total force Block/Muni Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis Time Distance deployed Remarks, if any cipality Station by under Route March by the Route March ion covered (CRPF/ section Marc From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To nientioni ng coy and Do.)

112 TIIINA REFUIC1I CAMP PRIMARY SCHOOL 113 TINNA REPUIGI CAMP PRIMARY SCHOOL, \'isedTruohIe Mongers house ounely 1) Bswaj4 MuudaI S/u )yohsh Moodal 2) l - 119 II.AMPIJR PRIMARY SCHOOL a jima Q3, Sm of 120 THAIPARA PRIMARY SCHOOL PasuuIa Rarui S/u Monuhar Rarul 3) Rahlu Mensirhu 15:00 hrs Colone ITHI 120AT1131PARA PRIMARYSLHOOL TiunaUtlar,Tosoa RayS/olodInn Ray. They some presented at Rui °° d Dightrpii- 35 K M d I I) k 6 M 11 P P-sndua to y lititna Coloney ITBP 60(1311(1 122 ACANNATHPUR PRIMARY SCHOOl 1)1 I I C I II I d II It U

hy Purb d PS roypala Appisx 123 PANDUA SIILTANIA PRY. SCHOOL Sotai oaintaiepeace tear htureandalsuvistted 18:00hro Ijajoslil 8 Coy. umr Sr - 123A PANDUA SSLTANIA PRY. SCHOOL vulnerable voter's house naosely 1) Dulali

Hog 124 PANDLIA SULTANIA PRY. SCHOOl, Moodal 19/u Sulur Muodal, 2) B,kram Mistry 124A PANOUA SIILTANIA PitY. SCHOOL S/u Subol i.tislry and telhed to them. 120 bASAl COLONY PRIMARY SChOOL 129 SARAI GIRLS 111011 SChOOL. 130 SARAI GIRI.S 111(11 SChOOL,

Vtsited Trouble Monger's house oansely I) Bimal Ion s/o LI Gonesh Tori 2) Hidesh — . 131 NIAL PRIMARY SCHOOL, Rhetrapal S/u LL Aiit khetrapal,3) Nial 03. Sec 131A NIAL PRIMARY SCHOOL, . Nanrajgrs. .Siddhsrtha Pal S/n Debu Pal. Thevwaru

21 Nod Pasclonspara. 15:00 hrs Paschi flIP 134 I'ANCHGARA HIGH SCHOOL, . ns, presented at tire house and assured that they

20 Pandua Magura 5 Km Muohorpara, Kshetrapal Sonar Go

dar Pandua to mpara, Nial ITBP 606811.6/ 135 PANCHGARA HIGH SCHOOL, Ghoragachi Palpara tv-SI kenj, naintatn prove novae luture and Uttar Approx Sukitpnkot 03. PS Sa also vittleS vulnerahle noIre's house naotely 18:00hrs Adabas 13 Coy 136 MAGURA PRIMARY SCHOOL, lola, 1. a

o 1 . 137 h-IAGUIlJI PRIMARY SCHOOL. Sonargu, 1) Colas Kheteapal S/0 Harun Khetrapal. 2) Ipara 137A MAGURA PRIMARY SCIIOOL, Nsontal Rshetrapal S/0 Mohan Kshetrapal, 3) MIati ksheteapal W/O Nirmal Kshetrapal and talhed to them.

DistriCt Mag'stritb


Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner fcOfflr Hnoh1v Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Total force Date of Sub (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered Block/Muni Police Distance deployed Remarks if any District Route Divis Time by under Route March by the Route cipality Station covered (CRPF/ March ion section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To mentioni ng coy and Bit.)

Visited 8/0 Trouble Mongers -(i) RanjanSiogh 5/0 LI. t-lemcharan Singh (ii) Atoarendra Ghoshal i Bay Ghoshal 126,Shila 5/0 LI Dinabandbu Ghoshal rani (iii) Taruo Siogha Roy S/0 (otshoa Primary Siogha Roy School, (iv) Bivas Kumar Sb Lt. Tiokori Kuioar 127, (") SN. 8hodar S/O LI. SN Manna (vi) Sootaspu Bablu Shak s/U LI. Balat Dhak (vii) r K.K. l S 220 Bagnan Bhadrakali Pry. School, SekharSingha Roy S/0 LI. Kaoailal li Hararp Shift-I Vila Mandra Bagnan Pirtala, 8gb

li P 235 Mandra Purba Pry School, 248, SioghaRoy (viii) SN ManurAli S/0 Lt SN

Rura ar kha Mandia Napitpara, School, Bagnan Napitpara, CRPF 2 Section loyat Mahesh Pry. School, 248A, Gotpur Rhalak ia 6.2 l

ha his) Adibasipat a Nalitajole Pry School Pirtata, Maodi'a Napitpara, Jotmahesh, D D -Io I Adibasipara , Jotmashes Bagdipara aod r I'ry. Cover up the booths no.220 Bagnan School, Rhadrakali Pry. School, 235 Mandra 130A, Purba Pry. School, 248, Joyal Maltesh Anantapo Pry. School, 248A, loyal Mahesh Pry. I- Pry. School, 252 Nalitajote Pry. School School

DItrC1 Magist'

rv ' & fg jec9ffi Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner Hohv Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force T deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub Total force Block/Muni Police (report Polling Station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis T ime Distance deployed Remarks, if any cipality Station by under Route March by the Route March ion covered (CRPF/ section March From Via To 11SF etc.) PS From To mentioni ng coy and Bn.)

159- Visited 11/0 tiouble Monger-(i) Muirbpur Himangsu Patra S/0 Lt Nagen Patra Pr. (ii) Raju Sahani (38 yrs) S/U Lt. School, 158-Busy Borhan Sahani (iii) Biswanath Mudi Pnyauath Sb 13ho1anath Mudi (iv) Mohadeb

l S a Shift-2 ligb Mudi S/0 Bholanath Mudi of(v) SK li

a P 131 Jayrambati Sidhiki High School, Srhuol. 1 li (15:00 Chak Jayrambati, Talbona Au Ilossain Mondal (47 yrs) S/0 SI< Rur 2 ldi Talbona Panpara & 133,Talhona Pry School. Room No 157-Bore MoldJ) 3. dar ia 5.2 KM CRPF 2 Sec. ChakSultarr. Iloso Nur Mahammad Name of Hamlet kha hrs. to iytamba Sultan 0 hly Chak Sultan 1 538 Chak Sultan Pry. School, 136A l'riyavath ur Sa ia 19:00 Moralpara Mot-olpata cover up.Jayrambati, Talbona, Chak 11. 11i1'b han Chak Sultan I'ry. School ha D Sultan, Morolpara and Cover up D hi-u) School,153 Hoog Bose the booths no.131 Jayranibati Sidhiki Brojobala High School, 133, Talbona Pry. Piy.School, School, Room No.3.136 Chak Sultan 154-Bore Bojob.ila Pry. School, 136A Chak Sultan Pry. Pry. School School

Visited R/O trouble Monger- i)Sobbajit 31- Kanrar@Bumba S/0 - Dayarnay Cheragra Kuoiar2)Medhab Jane S/ Sadananda, Salukgor - Mailnan 1) PS-181 , Majbinan Biswa Primary m Pry. 311'rabtrGhosh @Lal S/o-Ntlrnoot Ghosh,4)Khyka MahkS/o.ttDolal l Chowmatha - School (Room No.1) School, a 2 Sec. 1. Mazinan, S/o.Shibu Roy,,Narne of

ra Mahk,illhavto Ro

- S Shift-I Machap Tala- 2) PS182 , Malbirtan Biswa Prtmary (B-i) CRPF- 2.Henrtgot I, Hangar Hamlet cover up-I. Mazinan, 2.Henriguri, P Rur (09.00- Majina ShibpurKanajuli Adibasi Approx 5.5 School (Room No.2) 3 1A- CRPF F/238 of 3.Salukgari Raypara, h Talar l Pa 3.Salokgari Raypara, 4.Beoeaparo, and Cover

Dhaniakhali e hly 12.00 More Adibasipara - Banga Para KM 3) PS-183, Shibpur Primary School Cheragra op the booths no Mu1htmn Bwo - lhoc 4.Bangapara. Par SIPS-lBs. og 4)PS-184, Kanajuli Primary School, m PI-y.(R-

IsIs) Para - Majhi Para - Roy Priosary School (Bourn No-il 308) Ho Barwaritala . (Roon1 No-i) 2), 33 2) PS-182, Mjhinan Biswa Primary School Cheragra (Room No.2) to High 3) P5-183, Shibpur Primary School School l 5- 184. Kanajuli Primary School, (Boom No-i)

Dtetflct Mq1stre1tb rv'

Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner Signature of the 1trict Election Officer Olatrict Election Othc Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force T deployed No. of Vulnerable Total se° Date of Sub hamlets covered Block/Muni Police (report Polling station Nos. covered Remarks if any District Route Divis Time Distance deployed cipality Station by under Route March by the Route March ion covered (CRPF/ section March To From Via To 8SF etc.) PS From mentioni ng coy and Bn.)

165- Bathan goria Visited 11/0 trouble Monger- 1)Gnuraoga Nayek S/O -Lt.Panhaj Nayek,2)Somhho I-1.R.l I'atra@lSas Mb Duly Patra@ Dos 3)Talod

Pry. Moodal i/o-Acer Mcndal 4)Dipankar Coy S/u- la

School, ara Shibu Roy,5)Tuton Ghosh S/o-Mahodeb i)PS- 19. Madhupur ICDS Center ta t Gkosh,6)Suhdeb MahatuS/o-Kalipada Molsoio l 2 Sec. 1.Malpara .2. Rohia. 166 hp a 2) PS-20, Rohiya Pritnaty School, Ba

r 2 Name of Ilatolet rover up-1.Malparo

Rohia- Kharua - As

— Saturiy CRPf- 3) PS-21, l3elgachhia B.BAS .l-flfh 3. Majhipara,

ur Sohia, 3 Mo1lopara,4.Soisnahpato, S.Khomuo,

Ru Shift-2 Rohia Madhupur - Approx of School, (Room No-i) 4.Baisnabp,ira, ria dar CRPF a Pry. ly Baidyapur P1238 6.Majherpara, and Cover up the booths o h 16-00 his. More Belgachia - KM S.Khariia, Sa (Adhoc 4) PS-22, 13e1gac11hia B.B.A.S High School, nn.I)PS- 19, Madhopur lOSS Centet La ng

Baidyaput 6.Majberpara khanp 308) School, (Noons No.-2) 2) PS-SO. Rohiya Pronamy School, 167- ha Hoog ra 5) PS-23, Baidyapur Primary School t 3) PS-SI, Belguchhia BiAS High School.

-a Ba Ba i kh Ba (Runes No-I) anpur 4)1'S-PS, lsol0a,J,Iiio B.B.A.S .Hlgls School, (Room No'S) Pry. 5) P5-23, iaidyapur Primary School School

99- Anantapu

Prathanti Visited 8/0 Trouble Monger. (i) Raoltt h Das, 5/0 - Ajit Das (ii) Anup Das, S/0 - Lt. l Shift-i 8idya1ay

ra Gopal Das - S Talandu

P (10:00 Kushp

Ru Sogandhy (iii) Tukun Das, 5/0 - Alit Das (Iv)

KUSIIPUKUR PRATHAMIK Po)ba- (i) Kushpukur Anantapo jarura his, to ukur Birpala Village Ma)ipara 5.2 Km CRPF 2 Sec. a more Subrata Das, S/O- Biswanath Dan, Name

lba vIDyAI,AYA hly Dadpur - 13:00 village Bauripara of Hamlet cover up- (i) Kushpukur and Po Pt Othaltu hrs) Cover up the bouths no.44. KUSHPUKUR Hoog k PRATHAMIK VIDYALAYA ROOM-2

Ditnc Mgisret,

Signature of the strict Election Officer Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner Itrict Election Othc' Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Total force Date of Sub (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered Block/Muni Police Remarks, if any District Route Divis Time Distance deployed cipality Station by under Route March by the Route covered (CRPF/ March ion section March From Via To BSFetc.) . . PS From To melitroill ng coy and Bn.)

87. Kaosadeb Visited House of Trouble Monger - (i) apur Biswajit Dan, S/U - LI. Sakti Das (ii) Surja Pr athami Malik, Sf0- Kartick Malik, Name of

l k

a Shift-2 Hamlet cover up- (i) Ha ro (i) Pras.rdpur Bidyalay Kamdobp 0' (15:00 Barol MUSIimpaI-a Rur N or Porasata 36. PRASADPUR PRATIIAMIK Musliurrp.rra Room-I N s Polka- Prasad 13aro1 Prasadpur (ii) Prasadpur Coa!apara and Cover op

ty CRPF 2 Sec. -' his, to Prasadpur 4 Km (ii) Prasadpur 88. IlaIclerpa mbati h Dadpur pur Muslimpara VIDYALAYA CR2) the booths no.36 PRASADPUR 19:00 Bagdipara

og Goalapara Kamadch ra More PRATIIAMIKVIDYAI.AYA (8-2) hrs)

Ho apur Prathami k Ilidyalay Rooto-2

i)218 Chatida Pry. School (R- 1) Visited I-I/O trouble mongers namely) ii) 219 Subhas Derby Sb Pancho Gopal Durlov Chanda ofChwok Monirej, PS- Dadpur, Dist- Pry. Hooghly. ii)Raju Bag S/0 Dilip Bag of School fR Somsara of Chwok Moeirej, PS- Dadpur, via Hodla i)275 Hodla Pry. School in en Hodla Masjidtala, = 2) Dist- Hooghly. Name of Hamlets cover up .' Shift-I Masjidtala, 11)278 Rasulpur Pry. School Hodla Chakmonr Rasulpur 6)209 Hodla Masjidtaba, Rasulpur Muslimpara, - Beta Chanda dar (09.00 - Rasulpur . 7km CRPF (R-1) ci - to rej Section Muslimpara, Beta Chakmoiorej and Cover op the booths — Sa Dadpur 12.00) Musbimpara, 111)285 Cliaknionirej Ply. oo.i)275 Hodla Pry. School o Chakmomrej Paratham Chakmomrej School (R-1) ik 6)278 Rasulpur Pry. School (R-1) Vidyalay iii)285 Cltakmomrej Pry. School (R-t) CR-I) iv) 210 Beta Prathami k Vidyabay (R-2)

D1t'ii Magsfr,f Signature of the D&rict Election Officer Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner Distr,ct EJectioN Offi Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Dateof Sub Total force Block/Muni Police (report PollingstationNos.covcred hamletscovered District Route Divis Time Distance deployed Remarks,if any Station by under Route March by the Route cipality covered (CRPF/ March ion section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To ruentioni rig coy and Bn.)

Visited I/O trouble unoirgers u.oneiy i)Sk Macncr MiS/O- Fajiol Rahantan ii)Sk 1187 Nasiroddin 5/0- Lr Sb Gui-ne, uii)Dibyendn Choshel Sb- Li Mrniunjoy Shoshal iv)Riai i)288 Puinan Jr. Basic School Dantra MaSekS/0 Li Re/ak Mailirk u)Ahhijit

l via Puinas More, (R-1.) Puinan Roypara, Pry. At1,ouo S/0 Li nnydeh Aipari Nanse of Shift 2 Puinan Roylaia p — iu)289 Puinan Jr Basic School Puinan Sethpai a School r Rura nip Polba - (15.00- Putnan Sethpara, 2 Dantra 1-ladilpu da ly Puinan Hanral 6Km CRPF (R-2) Kantul (R-1) Kaniol Poebapara, ilain,al iiaiikparaaod h Dadpui 18.00 Bansdai ott, Kantul Section to r 2 Sa 11)282 Hanra! Jr. Basic School Purbapara, 1)195 coveropihehooiInt no.,)2R5 'oman Jr. Rasn - irs) Purbapara,Hani a!

Hoog iv)283 Kantul Pry. School (R- Hanral Malikpara Hadilpu o)259 infa hoc! 15-2) Pt y 1) nmn)2ii2 Hanoal Jr. Ilasic School School u)28:t tonic! Pry. School 15- Il

Districl Magistrte


Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner DNM Hooqhly Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable of Sub Total force Date (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered Block/Muni Police -- Remarks, if any District Route Divis - lime Distance deployed cipality Station by under Route March by the Route March ion covered (CRPF/ section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To mentiont ng coy and Mn.)

Covered resideolid area of IoiIosving Rowdies cons Trosthleniongtrs- 1)Swapas Jane Sb-LI. Raslhaoath Jane Viii- Seklspot I'.S.-Araolbagh,DISL- Hooghly 2JK'uolaI Mmlv S/o-tspsy Messy will- Dahssrkussdo, l.S.Acsssohssgh,Dlst-ldooghly 3) Mondal S/o-LL Iloburaso modal of i)252 Gous'hati Hasadas Ioslitsitioo vill-Dakshsss DaIsarko,sdss. P.S.-Arasnbagls,Dist.- [Roons no.2) IloogIsly ii)252A Gourhass I lacadas 4)Sund Ssesaols S/o-Asolosh Sanseols of VdI- GourhalsI I PS-Arasssbsgh llssl-Hooglsly. ssslilsshon (R-:1) l.Clsowdhssrey Para Chowdhurey Peru 5)Sanjaysa000S/scBadal Santra of Viii-

l iii) 243/ Gourliati Piallsansik 2hialTa!a Hit Gous bass ii PS-AransbaglsDsnl-Hooglsly Vsdyaiaya 3.I.ayckpara Aransbag 09.00 irs Gourlia TaiaLayckpara, Is PS Rangtakls Rura 111)1 Odonk 02 sec iv) 253/ IS imba, is I C I) S Ccsstsc 4 Ssngbapas Aransba0 13s.sabese S is lIPS A b hit St H oghIv ly SItm0,is-iplta ('hissius 07 KM CRPF As isisbihis to 1200 II I soSchool-sty S Cli slut Clisk I1oo lIly iii h v) 225/ Mirpasa c h ii Ha, it C (1 His 7)5 k t hi Is 5/ 5 d b v II S : isis Bazat Chak , vi) 213 Borodongai RN. Isislitulion 6Sansuipara Rural PS-Araoshagls, DssL- I1oogbly - SamuipasaPanjapa Hoog (Roons-1) 7.Paniapaua 8)5ssnss RoyS/o-GopslolVill.-Siyara.PS- ra ,Rarn Pal-a vii) 214/ tlorodongal RN. 8.Rans Paca Aroosbagh, Dot- HooghIy. Institution (Rooso-2) 9)Sasli Roy I/o- c.opaI 01 VIII.- Siyara. PS- eli) 215 Rorodongai RN. Institution Aronsbagh. Dint.- Ilooghiy. (Room-3) 111)Sisir fs,cei S/o- Rasnesh of Viii.- Siyara, PS- Arasolsagis. Dint.- IIooghiy. tt)Ilssnoi Mete S/n-Madhau Mete of VII- llosantalsoti PS-As'ooshogIu Dist-Honghiy i2)Swapon Singh S/o-Mansorons Suogh 01 Viii- I3aradossgal PS-Arosobaglu Dist-hlooglsly. I 3)Rasnssoohan Middye S/o-Mahodeb Msddye ol Viii- I1sradongai PS-Aransbogh Dist-Hooghlv

Dt8trl I


ttif Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner tm*jtf Hooghlv Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Total force Date of Sub Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered Block/Muni Police (report Remarks, if any District Route Divis Time Distance deployed cipality Station by under Route March by the Route covered (CRPF/ March ion section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To mentioni ng coy and Bn.)

(1) Sundai'pur bayco l3aburampur para Covered residential area of following l

ra Rowdies curn Troublemongers- h Digerpara, (1) 125 - Sundarpur Pry. School (2) Sundarpur Molly ('I 09.00 hrs Babura 125A - Sundarpur Pry. School para Krishnag (1) Kabbatulla Sk Sb Iniam Sb. of Viii.- Ru Baburampur 04 sec. (2) bag Selaoipor Coghat-il Goghat to 12.00 mpur Sundarpur 07 N.M CRPF aoj Razor Ranianaodapur,Soodarpnr. I'S.- Goghat, m (3) 126- B,ihora,opor Flood Shelter (3) Baburampor h!y Bazarpara, C-64 Bn. hrs Bazar Bayenpara Digepara list.- Ilooghly og

Ara Sundarpur

-lo (4) Baburaospur I Mollapai'a, Bazarpara

296/Adarsh.i Sikohy Niketan, Kliuniaclialc, Room No.- I i) 296A/Adarsha Siksha Nihelan, Covered residential area of following thuniachak, 00010 No.-! Rowdies ccliii Troublemongers- n) 297/Adarsh.i Siksha Nikeiao, 1. liappa Pal S/O LL Samar Pal of Vill - Kloiniarh.nls, Room No.2 flayaipur, PS - Khaoakui, Disi liooghly iii) 303/llavatpor Ron Krisloai High Bimal Pramanik Sf0 LI Dhanaojay Scl,oel, Room No, i 2. iv) 304/llay.iipor Ram Krishna High Pi'amaoik of Viii - Hayatpur, PS - School. Roof, No. 1 l

am in) 299A/Hayaipor No.3 Primary School 6.Kaorar Para o - hro S. Ai abinda Mar S/0 Alay Mar of Vill -

Ar s) 303/Fhayoipmmr Ramo Krishna 606 o - 7.Adbikary Para Uayatpor, PS - Khanakol, Dist - Uooghly School, Room No. I 8.Jana Para Rashid Mallicl< S/0.Golam Mostafa xi) 300/Hayaipur No.1 Primary School, 6. Room No-i MallickofVill-Khuniachak, PS-Khaaakul, xii) 301/H.myatpor No.1 Primary School, Disi..Hooghily Rooni No.-2 7. chiranjt Bag @ Chiron (26.yi's) Sf0 xiii)301A/Hayotpor No.1 Primoi'y Nepal Bag @ Rakhal ofof Kliuniachak, PS- School, Room No.-2 Khanakul, Dist- Hooglily xiv) 302/Hoy.mtpor Choroboly Pm'mmory 8. Sainiin lalollick Sf0 LI Ehia Rahaman School Mollicic of Khoniachak, PS- Khaoakul, nv) 244/Palaspai Ilonimmiandir Pry. Dist . Hooghty School xvii 244A/Palaxpai Banimoondir Pry. School

., Distri acnBtrI'.,tb

& tiss District EIectoj1%fficer Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner ectio Floogffly Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub Total force (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered Block/Muni Police Remarks, if any District Route Divis Time Distance deployed cipality Station by under Route March by the Route March ion covered (CRPF/ section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To mention! ng coy and Bn.)

1. 203/Rautkhana 5hagiralh Pry School 2. 204/Rautkhana Patrapara Pry School 3. 204A/Rautkhaoa Palrapara Pry Covered residential area of followiey School Rowdies cuol Troohleotongers- 4. 205/Joyrampur Panchanan 1. Arup Hail S/U LI. Ranajil Halt of Viii - Chakrahorty Vidyapilh Room No 1 Routhhhaoa, PS - Khaoakui, Dist - 5. 205A/joyrampur Pauchanan Hooghiy Chakraborly Vidyapilh Room No 1 5. Roulhkhana 2. Rajkumar Koley S/U Arup Koley of Viii l Joyrampur - - layranspur, PS - Khiaoakoi, Dcl - 'a (a 20ts/ioyramptir Paochaoao Chatlerjecpara ct c 09.00 hrs Simchak- Clsakrahurty Vidyapish Roost No 2 2. Samaotapara- 3. iiooghiy Rui o Cliakvedtt Radhal,ai Rostlhk 04 Sec. Rartkanagar - Ketedai 10 KM !TBP 7. 207/Sottchak Pry School, Room Joyrampur Kolepara Kltanakul 3. Raja Haley S/U Debopcosad Koley of o l

Covered residential area of follntving l Hazrapara- ) 33- Krishnabali Pralhayamik Rowdies cute Trouhietnongers- ra

h l3aikuoth Baikunth h h 1)Subhas Dhoiey S/U LI. Melhar Dholey 0 09.00 hrs Panclia Malikpara- Kelepara Vidyalya Rooin-2

Ru 1 ½ Sec apul apur

ci bag ura ura ii) 34- Duialbati Prathayamik Maiikpara, Gftouhpara Pursurab ofvill- Dulalbali, PS-Ptirsurah, Dint- ly ITBP to 12.00 natala Santrapara- chowrnalh 07 KM Samiti Maily h 18/C Bn. am Vidyaiya Hooghly, 2)Sanibhu Dolui S/U LI. hrs more Ghoshpara- a para - Purs Purs Dltal

Ar Maitadeb Dolul of Viil-Doiaibati, PS- - Khapara-Malikpata Hoog Pursutah. 01st- Hoogitiy

District Maçpstr..

& Siiature of the..Pistrict Election.Qfiger. Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner usinc iection urnct' Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub . Total f Block/Mum Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis Time Distance d d Remarks, if any cipality Station by under Route March by the Route March ion covered (CRPF/ section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To

ng coy and Bn.)

Covered residential area of lcllowing Rowdies cuts, Troohlcmongers- 1)Sobhaokar I3howtoik S/o-Aditya tlsowmik of Viii- SItar Daharkondo PS-Arasobagh Dint- Hoogisly 2)Ssvaji Ray S/o-Satyacharao tsp of VsIi- Oscar Daharkoodu PS-Arasohagls Dsst-llooglsly 3)Goroclsand illoswsssik S/o-Joydvb lilsososeik i) 218/200 Dakarkuodu Board of Vt)- ilstar Daharkondu PS-Aramhsgh Dit- (Sihtala) Primary School (Room-i) flooghly ii) 210/200 Daharkundu Board 4)Mrisyonjay lflsownsik S/o-Goor lilsownsik of (Sibtala) Primary School (Room-2) i'dl- Ruts Dohsskoodu PS-Arambagh Dsst- iii) 220/200 Daharkundo Board 1.Slsihiala (Sibtalts) Primasy School (Room-3) 2.Mouripara 5lRanjit0asdya S/o.AshokisdyaofVdl-Uttar ShibtalaMouripara, so) 223/200 Daharkoodo Sree 3.Mannapara S I •k h Arambil 0530 hiS 11k1rP1 mkssshn 4Jalkarysra j dy A lokB ly I VU1la Dahsrk Basantab O Mazaflar bg Minni 0) KM IRPI v) 1shrn B gp r ° Hooghly par F'risisai-y School 6.Berapara 7)taslss Sells i/o-Macto Sells esli-Doogal PS- hi-s para,Berinpara,Sam Rural

Ararn Ararsstsagh osst-Hooghly Rota para,Berapara vi) 222/200 Dahaikundu Stee 7.Sanianla para 8)Dspankar Solos i/o-Tapan Dolso ofvdl-Uttar Ramkrishna High School (Room-i) B.5erapasa Ilaharkoodu 1'S-Acanshagh Dist-Hoogisly vii) 210/2110 Baoaotabati Bssas-d 'ilBapi 00g S/c-Ails Bog vi Vsll-Bosa,stabats PS- Primary School (Room-I) Aruesbagli Dsct-Booglsly viii) 212/200 Basaotabati Board 10)Bopps Pator S/o-Sankar pator of Viii- Primary School (Room-2) Basantalmts PS-Aranshugh Disi-Uooghly 11)Abhsiit Saistra S/a-Mutual Saosra is) Baja lana S/o-Mochirasss Rant of Viil-, PS- Araosbagls Dist-Hoogisly. 12)Raju Rosa S/o-Moclsirism Rams of Viii- Gout Itoh. PS-Araosbagh Disi-lfooghly. 13)Rajo Paodit S/o-Muktaram Pandsi of Viii- Go,srisati. PS-Arismlsagh Dist-llnoglsiy.

Districl Magisti 'ir rv' & Signature of the District Election Officer Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner tD8tr1ct EIiction Offic€i k'oqhlv Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable IJateof Sub Total force . (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered • Block/Mum Police . Remarks, if any District Route IJivis . . . Time Distance deployed • cipality Station by under Route March by the Route March ion covered (CRPF/ section March From Via To 13SF etc.) PS From To lotentlOni ng coy and Bn.)

Covered res!d001ial area of following Rowdies cuin Trouhietoongers- (1) Dipookor Baroi 5/0- Laxmikania Barni of (1) 232- Mathura Prailsamik VIII- Mailsuro, PS Gogisat, liooghly Vidyalava (Room No. 1) (2) Sohh.mkar Barul S/O- Loxookaoto Harm (2) 232A - Matisora Psathamik of Viii- Malisara, PS Cogisat. Roughly Vidyalays (Auixilary 300th) (teens (5) Molhora Ghospar,s (3) Tirtliavisar floral S/O- Lasookanta Rood of VIII- Mathuro, PS Gvghat, liooglsIy No.2) (2) Mathura (4) Harms Kar, s/a- Sand Karosiskar vi (3) 236- Purbo - Ansaspur Goylapara Viii- Maihuro, PS Goghal, Hooghly Mathosra Prathamik Vidyalaya (3) Purba Amarpns (5) Chaodaii Roe s/a- Sansir RoyofVdl- 15.30 irs Mathur Ghoshpara. (4) 237- )oykrishsiapur frathamik Panditpai'a A -- - 02 SOC Ci halpar PSG gi tHooghly Co0 h it to 1830 Bus M ithut i Coyl ip ira 07 KM CR! I v dyloya (4) orha Amirl or Ci L1' t ao aiofV II Goghat I Dakhinpa - (5) 233 - Dhulepur l'ratltainik Dakslsaspara hrs Stand Purba Antarpur -. M,sihvra, iS Goghat, Hoogisly a (5) Juykrishoapor — Panditpara, (7) Sojoy Baroi n/v Li. Kaoai Harni of Viii- (6) 233A - Diruleisur Prathamik Rathtala Msthara, PS i3n0hat, Hooghly Vudya!aya (AuxiI.isy Booth) (6) joykrishnapor (11)Moysa Roy w/o Sanor Roy olVdl- (7) 2:38 - Jusykrsshoapur Netaji High Benepukor Mothura, PS Goghat. Hooghly School (9) Monao1 Rumor Roy S/U Li. Dilip Roy orvill- )ovkriskoapur, P.0- Oholepar, PS- Goghat, (8) 238A - joykrishoapur Netaji High Dot- ihooghly School (Aaxilary Sooth) (10) Rakeoh MaRk S/O A1it Malik, Vdi- joyhrishoapor. P.O. Dhaiepur. PS- Goghat, 01st- Heoghly

Dljtr*ct Maq18tnitts

& Signature of the Distrjct E)ect'o fficer Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner District E'ection 6 H ooqbly Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub Total force Block/Muni Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis Time Distance deployed Remarks, if any cipality Station by under Route March by the Route March ion covered (CRPF/ section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To mentioni ng coy and Bn.)

i) 123/Anaistanagar Prathaxtik Vidyalaya (Room-I), Anantanagar, Khanakul - I OP Covered residential area 01 lollowiutg a) 124/Anantanagat- Prathainik Rowdies rum Troublemongers- l

a Khanakul Hospital - Vidyalaya (Room.2), Anantanagar, Ilk. Pat-a, Nandatip 1. Rahamat Alt Khae Sf0 Li. Hasmat Au - r Tc — o ,14 15.30 hrs Koleypokur - Rhanakul - I OP 2.Mollapara, at Than ofAnantanagar, PS - Rhanakul. Disl Rur Khanak 04 Sec. o ,xi 3.Chaktaborty para, Khanakul Bandar Rathtala - Ilooghly i o to 18.30 Anantanagar - Kamarshal 08 N.M ITBP iii) 120/Chakrapar Gattgadltat hly E o uIPS 18/A Bn iv - Prathamik Vidyalaya (Room-I), 4.Panditpara. Foothall 2. Raja Sha Sf0 Galbahar Sha of 0 - . hro Chakrapur - — Ground Chakrapttr, PS - Khanakul. 01st - IloogItly Kumarhat Chakrapur, Khanakul - I OP Hoog iv) 121/Chakrapur Gangadhar 3. Badsha Sha 5/0 Gulhahat Sha of Vii! - Pt-athamik Vidyalaya (Roow-2), Chakrapur, PS' Khanakul, Gist - Hooghiy Chaki-apur. Khanaktil - I GP

t) IB3/lagatpur Fakirdas liarijan Primary School ii) I86/]agatpur High School, Roont No-i iii)I87fJagatpur High School, Room No.-2 iv) 182/)agatpur Nimna Madhyamik Covered residential area ol following

l Balika Vidyalaya Rowdies cuni Troublemongers- a r 0 -— Nanda v) 182A/jagatpiir Nimna 1.Prabhas Show 5/0 Lt. Satish Show of 0 is .00 15.30 hrs jagatpur I.Mallick Pat-a, Ru jalpata. Basabati - 04 Soc. Madhyamik Balika Vidyalaya Chuadang )agatpur, PS - Khanakul, Dist - Hooghip npur 2 Karpara. Rhanakul Ghasua ly (Mattimala 05 N.M ITBP iii o — to 18.30 a 2. Sandip Maity Sf0 Sudeb Maity of h B jamoar Garerghat 18/A Ba. vi) 1114/jagatpur No.2 Primary o in 3 3 Patra Para 'a — hrs - School) School Bat-nandanpur, PS - Rhanakul, Dist- 0

Hoog vii) IB4Af)agatpur No.2 Primary Hooghly School viii)185f)agatpur Basabati Haripada Harijan Primary School ix) 188/jagatpur Dlsarmataha Primary School, Room No-I x)189/Jagatpur Dharmatala Primary School, Room No.-2 fç

Dtstr1 ci Magr.,b

Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner Signature of the Disct Election Officer Dtrlct E)ectjon Office' Hooghjy Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub Total force Block/Muni Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis Time Distance deployed Remarks, if any cipality Station by under Route March by the Route March ion covered (CRPF/ Section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To mentioni ng coy and Bn.)

Srirampii Covered residential area of following '° Majhipara.Bagpara. i) 125- Saounla Praihayamik Kheiurial Halaramp Rowdies cuns Troublemongers' 2' m 15.30 hrs Saota -w 2 Paramanikpara- 1 ½ Sec Vidyalya Room-i Santa Middyepara, a 13azar ur 1)Lakhao Singli S/U Ralai Singh of Viii- no 5"i - a to 18.30 aota nsoi Muslimpar 7 KM TOP in a P Sckhpara more Narikeltal Samaspur, PS- Pursur,ili, Dist- flooghly, o a 2 Seikhpara- 18/C On. ii) 126- Saoonta Prathavaniik irs a (Dhapdha a more 2)lhantu Siogh S/O Kalipada Singh ofVill - .0 O_ Middyapara Vidyalya Room-2 a Dlialai Saniaspar, PS- Pursuinh, D st. Hooghly Road)

- PS No.97, Dakshiodihi Prathainik Ilidyalay, R-i

PS No.79,' Nilarpur Prathamili Dakshindiln, 'Nilarpur Brindaba llidyal.ry, 1-1 SukUrclia luring Route Marching the officers of Ps Ma1hei-para, nchak 10:00 to Dakshi Nilarpur, 3 Sec. 238 k, Nask,i-da & CAPF visited the house Troubte Honenpur 8km CRPF Paramanandapur Pratlianii Bri Dafarcha uga Mongers oaniely 1. RaWit Mitra Sb- 13:45 hrs ndihi Paratnanandapur PS No - 88, Paramanandapur Monshipara, k lv. Bibhuti t'liti.i ofVrll- Nilatpor, P.O.- Prathamik Itidyalay, R-2 lioseopur Goylapara Bidyalay,

l Charopor, PS.- Jaogipara, Dist- Hnoghly, a - 2. Dipankar Ditara S/o, Nanda Dhara i-i 2 2 o ore to in

Rur of Viii- Purfura , 1'S-langipara, PS No.98, Hosonpur Nitai Clioran ly en nip Cu agabandhu Ghosli S/u, h no Dist-Honghly, 3.

ra Ghosh Prathamik Bidyalay, R-1

og LI. Baokim Ghosh of Vill- Hossainpur,

in Se

Ho PS - , Lust' llooghly and also talked with vulnerable voters which covered by different Vulnerable booths and Vulnerable Hamlets. 15.00 hrs Bahirg 3 Sec. 238 PS No.238, Bahirgarh 13iohnu Dan Dakshiud to 18.30 !3ah1r6arh Babirgarh 5km CRPF Ruypara Rampara, Nilarpur arh On Prathanilk Bidyalay, R-1 ihi km Beltala

Dtgtrct Macnst, Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner Signature of the Dric lection J,,icer

Diatrict Eiectjon Offici Hririrchh, Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub Total force Block/Muni Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis Time Distance deployed Remarks, if any cipality Station by under Route March by the Route March ion covered (CRPF/ section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To mentioni ng coy and Bn.)

Khandak Bahirg 3 Sec. 238 hetra 10:15 to arh Krishnana 08 km On PS No.238, Baliirgarh Bishnu Das Bamun P Khandak Kalitala CRPF Roypara Prathain 13:45 hrs Roypar gar, approx Adhoc Prathantik Bidyalay, R-1 ara hetra 1k a 300 Bidyalay 0uring Route Marching the officers of Ps & CAPF visited the house Trouble Mongers namely 1. Sovan Siisghioy S/u. Ajoy Sisghroy Of —

Bahirgarh, PS-jangipara, 1)1st- e i Hooghly 2. llappa Bachar Sb- o Manik l3achar of Viii- Nilarpur, P.O.- mp ti., o .-i PS No.18, Hosenpur Nital Charan Charflpui, PS.- langipara, Dist- C - Sera - Flooghly. and also talked with 3 Sec. 238 Ghosh Prathamik 13idya1ay, R-1 Nilarpur, Rajhalha vulnerable voters which covered by 15:00 to Nilarp flakslnisdi 06 kin On Sukarch Berapar Ilossainpur, CRPF Hossainpur, t different Vulnerable booths and 18:45 hrs ur, hi applox Adhoc ak a Dakshinclihi Ratlitala Vulnerable Hanslets. 308

PS No.79, 'Nilarpur Prathamik Bidyalay, K-I

'Vs. Dttrtc1 Macstrtb Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner Signature of the Dirict'Election Officer

Dl8trlct Election Office Programme for the next Place of Route March Actual day No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub Total force Block/Muni Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis Time Distance deployed Remarks, if any cipality Station by under Route March by the Route March ion covered (CRPF/ section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To mentioni ng coy and Bn.)

Viaited the house of trouble monger namely 1) Paltu Kukri S/C) Madan Kukri of of Chandradip Tisha, PS: , Dist: Hooghly 2)Subrata Kumat Slut S/O Nemat Ch 20 No 20 No Gate - lisa (4 hamlet) Tisha

Krishnar Shit ol Vill-Ugardaha Shitpara, PS- u Gate - Primary School 03 Sec of (15 PolLing station of 188 Malpara, Ugardaha Baksha e 0 hrs 0 - ampur Clianditala, Dist -Hooghly 0 ot la lisa More - lisa Kalitala Bakaltala - 238 On AC) Polling Statioon No - Chandradip, Mollapa 3. 04-05 Kms . Indira 3) Sahadeb I'ayal S/a Lakshmaii

1 Show Bar - Ugardaha CRPF CRPF, 239, 230, 231, 232, 240, 241, Ugardaha ra -

dita Prinsar Approx State - Pa yal of Vill-Ugardaha, Purbapaia, o — n y Kapasariya Mansa kalitala C/Compa 242, 262. 263, 264.265,266, Paschimpara, IliBMad ha Serrnp Kharago PS-Chanditala. Dist -llooghly .2 ' 00 to C School lain - Bakaltala fly 267, 268, 269 Ugardaha habpur ra 4) Arup Koley S/a Jahar Lal Koley 09. More Ugardaha kalitala Sheetoara Vill-Ugardaha, Paschimpara, PS- Chanditala, Dist -I-iooghly 5) Sublia Majhi S/U Dibakar Majhi of Kalitala, lisha, PS- Citanditala, Dist- Ilooghly

District Mgistr

Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner Signature of the District Election Officer r)sriet E)ection Office' Hooh1y Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub Total force Block/Muni Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis Time Distance deployed Remarks, if any cipality Station by under Route March by the Route 1n covered (cRpF/ March Section March From Via To 8SF etc.) PS From To mentioni ug coy and IOn.)

(9 hamlet) Dakshin Palul Sat Rat para, Patul Harirambati Viaited the house of trouble monger ChaR Tajpur Patul Madhyapara - namely atul Chototajpur Madhyapara,

to to 1) Rabin Niyagi S/0 Sltihdas Niyagi Madhyapara Sheakhala ganarjee (22 PolLing station of 195 of Vill Chaktajpur. PS Chandilala,

l Chotot S I a

Para, Suchiya us Sheakhala More - 03 Sec ol r — P - a)pur Sucliya Jinoip-ira AC) Polling Statioon Dist Honghly 00 la la Purbapai a, Suchia Ilaripur ore Sheakhala 238 Ru

9. Sutajitsantra S/0 Baron Santia of Madhv Collage to 06-07 Ktns No -103,104,106,107,108, llanpanc 2) CRPF CRPF, Utlarpara, Mosat Panchan

1 Deshinuklia dita dita PS hlv 109, 110,111, 112,113, 114 hheria Vlll-ChalkTalpur Madhyapara amp apara Banamalip Approx

to Kali1a Daspara, antala an B Uanerjce Para, C/Conila s og

han Chanidtala, Dist llooghly li ur 115, 116, 117. il8, 119, 122,

Ser to C C Suchiya Collage - ily Ronomalipur Ho hr 3) Biswajit Malik 5/0 13asudeh Malli 0 Sheakh 123, 125. 130, 132, 136

0 Masat Paschinipara Pasehimpara, ala ofVill-Chalk Tajpur MadltyaparaPS:

15. Kadaintala- Bonomalipur More Chantdtala, Dist. Uooghly Besaswartala to Madhya Para, Banamalipur Bonn malipur Daksliinpara


Signature of the Dist&t Election Officer Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Polite Commissioner District Ejection Othc Hooghly Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Total force Date of Sub (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered Block/Muni Police Remarks, if any District Route Divis Time Distance deployed cipality Station by under Route March by the Route covered (CRPF/ March ion section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To me ntio 01 ng coy and Bn.)

Viaited the house of trouble monger isamely Majhcr 1) Nayao Santra S/a Chebor Santra hat of Viii: Majherant, PU: Kuinirmora, Muslim Majherhat (9 hamlet) PS: Chanditala, Fiooghiy. para - Mustimpara - Majherhat, Purba 2) Karticls Malik S/0 Li. Taiak Malik, Bagpar Bagpara- Chanditala of Viii: , P0: Krishnaranipur, a- Ostagarpara - BOO Office Sardam para, Purha PS: Chamiditala, Dist: iiooghiy. Ostaga Senpara - to Kumirmora 3) Sambhu Santra S/U Kariick Santra rpara - Kumirnsora Kumarpar

hrg Sardarpara, & of Vli, Majherant, PU. Kunsirmora, 03 Sec oF (19 PolLing station of 194 Senpar Ghoshpara - a-- e i-a 0 Purbapara, Barasat PS: ChandiLlia, Hooghly.

a 0 h - Bramhhan 238 Un Chanditala AC) Polling Statioon cc or a - Barasasat - Beganip 04-05 Kms Tantipara, 4) Dudhkumar lag S/U Lt. lugal Bag >' 19. danga CRPF CRPF, No -135, 136, 137, 138, 140,141, Sanka

Kuntir - 14 mp dita Appi-ox Jagannathbati ur Bazar of of Viii: MajherantSinghpara, PS:

to mora number, Chanditala Diggirdhar C/Compa 143,111,112, 113, 114,115, Adakpara,

Sera . Chanditala, Hooghly Chan hrs Chosh BOO Office-- - fly 116,117,118,119, 13t, 132, 133 Brarnbhandanga 5) (afar Mailick S/O Li. Golam

00 palm - l

15. liarasa Brambhandanga Brambhan Bramhhandanga Maiiickpara, Moliapara, PS: sat - Diggirdhar- danga Dakshin Ghoshpara, Chanditala, 000ghiy again Harisabha - Paipara I3rambhandanga athhati Brambhandanga Paipara - 14 Palpata nunibe

s Visited the house of the following hr

r trouble mongerS) Susanta Manna S/O r 1.185 Maheshwarpur Primary u

it a 0 45 ) B School(ttoom No.112. 181 A , 'legal Manna of Maheswarpur, PS- U 0 arp

13: am it cc o rtag i-a Naripal 0 Ilaripal, Flooghly, 2) Asim Majhi S/O 18/ Hambirpara, Mora Sitar. 05 Knis Maheshwarpur Primary School(lt000i No- E n ITBP o 6 c — Haripal hw ' Te 2)3. 158 Mci-a oilier Basic School Mnra Dakhio. indro Majhi of Maheswarpur, PS- to PS t da 0 Approx N -s - (Room No.2)4. 174 Panchgaehia Pry. Paochgachia it Haripai. i-iooghiy, 3) Sansir S/U Li. 1s 0 - hes Maihi hi it 3 Se 0 - ( han

0 Sehaol)Rooio No- i) Rabindranath Majhi of Maheswarpur, PS- C Ma 0 Haripai, Hooghly 0: 1

DiJt id Mstrii

& Signature of the District Election Officer Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner District Election Omc

lioogY Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub Tol force Block/Muni Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis Time Distance deployed Remarks, if any cipality StaDon by under Route March by the Route covered (cRpF/ March km section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To mentioni ng coy and On.)

Visited the house of the following 1.60 Bandipur Girls high School trouble monger 1) Alt h-lossain Layek s (Room No-I)

hr 5/0 Ruhisil uayekofAnkapara, 2)

l la

a 2.61. Bandipur Girls High School ar

Sa)ahan LayekS/O kiSamad Layekol 30 ) r B Ankapara, Chittashali ita

N ag 8: m (Room No.-2) Ankopara, 3) Bobs Mondal S/0 Abu alar S — — 8/ Haripal Ru N 1 05 Krns Sarkarpara, Moboll,,, 1 3. 62 Bandipur Girls High School MotidalofAnkapara, 4) Abs jafarMondal ly Haripal TOP c Haripat Tea rnon

to Chaktaborty,

h PS dann Approx s

d S/U Li Santad Layck of Aukapara, 5)

n (Room No.-3) - , - AttIskaryp' ha hr 3 Se - 3r Bablo Patra S/U LI. Lalit Patra of ha Sa

0 4. 51 Ankapara Pry. School uoog C 0 Chitrasali, 6) Shiboprosad Das S/U 5. 50 Chitrasali Junior High

15: Ssdhir las of Bandipur all are of PS- School Elaripal. lhooglily

r s u hr

r np 0

a a Cs 3

) 1. 162 sattttpor BI,altendr,, B

N 8/ InsItlosonlItoom- 1) ray 18: nag am Haripal . tra 06 Kn 1 -- Ilaripal n TOP 2.163 Santtpor Bhal,ondra

Ilaripal Te to Na

= dan Approx no d Co Pa lostitutinn(tloont-2) - — hrs 3 Sec 3r 3.164 Raghobati Primary School Co hini c 0 Chan 0 Pas 5: 1

Dttr1C MT 1r''


Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner Snature of,the,Pistict Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub . . Total force Block/Muni Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis - Time Distance deployed Remarks, if any Station by under Route March by the Route cipahty covered (CRPF/ March ion section Mai cli From Via To 13SF etc.) From To mentioni ng coy and Rn.)

132- Tojpor Prathamik Vdvalava 131 - Kshodraraonpor Ucchavidvalaya- Room No - I (11) Ta)pur 133- Kohodrarampor urdmvidvalayo. Dakshin, (2) Room No.-? Jag°anathpur, (3) 131- Kohudrorampur IJurhavidyoIaya- Belbandh, (4) Rosm No -3 1340 - Kuhudrarampor lJh.dyalava- Naita-Ka, (5) Roo:o No -a Darbespllr, (6) — 1st 131- Plahioa Udoychand I'rallao,k - Ankargona Champ Visited the house of following Session Ta;pur, vidralai-a Ch amp 2 Gohorh Kushdrararnpur, Plyasara . - - 136- Aukartoria f'rilharoik Vidy.t.wa- Paschlm, Tarakes adanga trouble Ioonoers namely - Monohr Morning lOP 2.5 Sec. - . adanga - - - .2 6.5 KMs Room So -I Rutdas, Amir llossain@ Amir Alt, p ,o (10:00 lInda Chawnapur, More (7)Ankargoria war Dhangp Razar Btmj l3andopadlIyay -lI-S to Nahina, Ankorgoria Purba, (8) ara 0 Room No.? 13:45 his 137- (Thliaooapor Radliaballav Chhawnapui, (5) P 51,000k Vidyalapo- Room No-I Piyasara, (10) 1370 - Clnhaooaimr ltudhal,ollav Goborhanra prathaook Vidyalayo-Room No.-? 139- Polar., Prathanok Voiyalaya Uttar, (11) 140- Gohorhoora Pralluooik Vidvaloya- Goborhanra Room No -I Dakshin, 1400 - Gokarhoor., Prolhaouk Vidyalaya- Room No,-?

Dtatrlct Mag18nn

& ctf Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner 'cAfrf Hooqh)y Programme for the next Place of Route March Actual day No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub Total force Block/Muni Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis Time Distance deployed Remarks, if any cipality Station by under Route March by the Route covered (C1tPF/ March ion section tilarcis From Via To 8SF etc.) ps From To ng coy and Bn.)

(1) Keshabchak 84- Keshabchak junior High Daspara School-Room No-i (2) Keshabchak 84A - Keshabchak junior High Madhya, (3) School-Room No.-2 Keshahchak ______- - 85 - Keshabchak Nimna School Pain, (4) Buniayadi Vidyalaya-Room Keshabchak No-I Dakshin Pai'a, (5) 88 - Ketera Uttar Prathansik Shibpur, (6)

l 1st

r Vidyalaya Ketera Ku a n Session Visited the house of following 0 89- Shtbpur Prathamik (Bera,Adak,Chow Rur nnag Morning Shibpu Ketera,Tullyan, Keshahcha Tarakes Goborh Piyasar trouble mongers namely -- Rupam

ly 5.5 KMs IThI' 2.1 Sec. Vidyalaya dhuri & da h (10.00 r Naskaipur ke war anda a More Adhikary, Gobinda Koley & Suralit n 91 - Tullyan Prathamik Muslimpara), (7) Ghosh lia I- Hrsto C

Hoog Vidyalaya-Room No-i Tulyan Uttar 13:45 His 91A - Tullyan Prathamik Sampurna, (8) Vidyalaya-Room No.-2 Tulyan Dakshin, 98- Naskarpur Paschim (9) Laskarpur- Nimna Buniayadi Vidyalaya- (Gha) (Samanta Room No-i Mallick & Mandal 98A - Naskarpur Paschim Para), (10) Nimna Buniayadi Vidyalaya- Laskarpur (Ona) Room No.-2 (Duley, Pratihar 0 Pradhan Para),

\\\3' Dlstr I

& Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner Hooqhly Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub Total force Block/Muni Police (report Polling Station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis Time Distance deployed Remarks, if any Station by under Route March by the Route cipality covered (CRPF/ March ion section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To Inentioni rig coy and Rn.)

141 - Ayamapaharpur Prathamils Vidyalaya-Room No-i 142- Ayamapahaipur Prathainik Vidyalays-Room No.-2 1) Aymapaharpur- 143 . S.G.S.Y Bhavan (Peasara (Purha), (2) Bazar)-Room No-i Aymapahai poe 2nd 143A- S.GS.Y Bhavan (Peasara l Session Bazar)-Room No.-2 (PasclsIti5) (3) ra en 3 Afternoon 144- Naita Junior Basic School- Naita-(Kha), Visited the house of following Ru C — 3 Tarakes Keshab Piyasar Ayniapaharpur, Malpaharp Shibpui - trouble mongers namely -Saidul ly 6

Dlat id Mag18Tr.t.

& Sig ture of the District Election Officer Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner trict Election Office' Hooql, Programme for the next Place of Route March Actual day No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub Total force Block/Muni Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis Time Distance deployed Remarks, if any cipality Station by under Route March by the Route covered (CRPF/ March ion section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To mnentioni ng coy and Bn.)

172 - Tyagra Prathamik (1) Tyagra Uttar, Vidyalaya.Room No-i (2) Tyagra - 173- Tyagra Prathamik Maddhya, (3) Vidyalaya-Roorn No.-2 Saharbhata-Ga, 2nd — 250 - Vidyamandir- Ward No-3, (4)

— r Session so a Room No.1 Anandabazar Visited the house of following n a Afternoon Chaulpotly, KR C Tagra Paddvapu 251 - Tarakeswar Vidyamandtr- (Dakshin Pam), Tarakes Piyasar Malpah trouble mongers namely -Slisandar .8' 3 C 5.5 (Ms 'FliP 2.5 Sec. kesw (15:00 13azar, Panikal, c More kur More Room No.-2 Ward No-3, (5) war a More arpur Shaw@ Tuntun, Taomoy Chatterjee ra Hrs to Amtala, Busotand o ' '0 0 262 - Padniapukur Prathaniik Bhata @lata. 13abua Shaw

- Ta ' 18:30 Vidylaya- Room No-i Purba(Pourasava) Hrs) 263- Padmapukur Prathamik (Angshik) Ward No- Vidyalaya-Room No.-2 10, (6) jayakrishna 268- Tarakeswar Uccha Balika I3azar (Kha), Ward Vidyalaya No-14

a a, visited the house of trouble - mongers:-

(i)Ashok Chatterjee S/O- s


.5 Biswanath Chatteerjee of

l a (i)143 Deshapara Pry School R-i ur 0 hr ur a

a 1 8 r o Hakimpur, Singur, l-looghiy '—_ (ii)15O Rasulpur Pry School Desapara dp khan r "0 , ra .' a a, 02 1 a a u amp Ru

13. a. a. 2 (iii)152 Ramchandrapyr Pry Rasulpur Daskhin (ll)Maidui Ma! S/U- Lt. Manik C SC SC

3. C C to hly ing mma Ramchandraur Niz

0 School

s Mal of Viii- Rushulpur, PS-Singur,

0 S How ha Desap C

11. (iv) 195 Mahamniadpur ICDS Mahamniadpur Dist-Hooghly (iii) Megha Malik, ra

5 hr .8 o Hoog Ma

0 0 Kendra Bora

Bo S/U- Bota Krishna Malik of 0.

1 A a, Mahamnsadpur, PS- Singur, Dist- B a, Hooghly 5 S

District Mqstr

Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner Signature of the Disct Election Officer Datrict E'ection Omow Hooghly Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub Total force Block/Muni Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis Time Distance deployed Remarks, if any cipality Station by under Route March by the Route March ion covered (CRPF/ Section March From Via To RSF etc.) PS From To mentioni ng coy and Bn.) - r l

t visitted the house of following

litP trouble monger: e (1)171 Pltagarh Pry School R1

hy (i)Mukunda Roy S/U- Sukdeb s

os (u)174 Paltagarh Radharant

) Roy of Ajabnagar Roypara, PS- n l 0 ir 3

1 Gh000shyainpur-

Siksha Mondir(High RI) 1 lio rox

l More Singui Dist-Hooghly(ii)Bhaskar h 3. G

p 8/ so r

- (111)173 Biramnagar Pry School Gourbati-Paltagarh Rura kur kur 1 a r


MalikS/O- Gobinda Malik of Vill- N 0 u u

a 50 (iv)I76 Ghanshyampui SKtlS Daskhinisora- hoo

(ap 0 to hly l p lip ltag

Sc Ajaboagar, PS-Singur, Dist- Sec. 50 50 Keodra(Telipukur) Telipul

u Hooglily (iii) Labkuoh Des S/U. 03

5 (v) 177 Telipukur Pry School R-I Ajahnagar Daskhin- Ho 08 0 Susanta Das of Hiramnagar, PS- 0. Bira (vi) 178 Telipukur Pry School R- Sing 1

h- 2 Singur, Hooghly ar ltag Pa

(1)292 Madhubati Sorahala Vidha Mondir R-I (ii) 293Madhubati Surabala 2. Vidha Mondir R-I isitted the house of following (111)296 Basubati Harijone Y trouble monger:- School

s. (iv)295 Basubati Ayrnapara Pry (i)Biinal Patra @ Fujish S/U-

Madhubati- Kartick Patra of Dashani

l scnool. 0 hi

ur a B 0 P 2 i r

t , Patrapara, PS-


(v)271 l3alarambati Paschim Pry ur

8: 2 8/ r 021 ba ur

0 1 u 1 Ru ° 0. .

Balarambati Singur, Dist- Hooghly 2 0 0 - School R-1 c. dharp

0 hu 0 amp to .._ hly ing a d (vi)272 Paschim 03. Hattala-Daspara,- (ii)Jagannath Koley S/U- LI. Sing 0 S Se 2 hy Ma S 11. Pry School R-2 Marnudpur -- Kanailal Koley of Balarambati 03 hrs. O Hoog Li '5 (vii)129 Mamudpur Dakshin Gang 00 Tantipara, Paschinipara, Singur, Nooghly

6: - School R-1 1 (iii) Samar Mete S/U- Biswanath (viii)130 Mamudpur Dakshin Mete of Biramnagar PS- Singur '5 Pry School 11-2 -P Dist- Hooghly (ix)133 lagatoagar Daskhin Pry School R-1 (x)I34 Daskhio Pry School R-2

- \\\ 3, Out ci

Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner Signature of the Dis&ct Election Officer -- i E:<-'con Office-