PRESENT Councillor Mrs J Jones (Chair) Councillor Mrs E Astill Councillor Mr R Butler Councillor Mr A Higgs Councillor Mrs M Wilson-Knight Councillor Mr D Karia Councillor Dr S Haider Councillor Mrs E Jones

IN ATTENDANCE Borough Councillors Mr P Murphy and Mr A Paling County Councillor Mr R Shepherd Clerk and Deputy Clerk

150/20 APOLOGIES Councillors Mrs F Hughes, Mr C Hushon & Mrs J Harris Borough Councillors Mrs H Fryer & Mrs P Ranson


152/20 CLERK’S REPORT This application has been withdrawn: - P/20/0459/2 Erection of 2 new dwellings and conversion & extension of existing outbuilding to form dwelling - 46 Cossington Road, Sileby, LE12 7RS

Prior Approval not required: - P/20/1364/2 Change of use of business office unit (use class: B1) to a space for the provision of education (use class: D1) UNIT 19, The Oaks Business Centre, 79-93 Ratcliffe Road, Sileby, LE12 7PU

Grant Conditionally: - a) P/20/1365/2 Erection of single storey extension to side of dwelling (revised scheme, P/18/2368/2 refers). 7 Marshall Avenue, Sileby, LE12 7QT b) (P/20/1370/2 Proposed single storey extensions to rear of dwelling - 191 Cossington Road, Sileby, LE12 7RR c) P/20/0902/2 Construction of part 2-storey and part single storey extensions to rear of dwelling 214 Barrow Road, Sileby, LE12 7LR

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Just a reminder that the Community Facilities Projects Appraisal zoom meeting has been arranged to take place next Tuesday, 20 October at 7.30pm. Councillor Ms A Fearn has sent her apologies, as she will be unable to attend this meeting.

153/30 POLICE MATTERS - INCLUDING CRIME FIGURES AND REPORT FROM POLICE, IF IN ATTENDANCE The latest Beat Report had previously been circulated to Councillors. In September 2020 there was a total of 34 crimes reported for Sileby. Incidents include 3 x report of Criminal Damage, 2 x Shop Thefts, 4 x Theft, 6 x Public Order, 1 x Vehicle Crime, 6 x Assaults, 6 x Harassment, 3 x Residential Burglaries, 1 x Traffic Offence, 1 x Hate Incident, 1 x Malicious Communications and 1 x Vehicle Crime.

These figures do not include private domestic related incidents or harassments.

154/20 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION No public present.

155/20 TO CONFIRM AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 1 OCTOBER 2020 RESOLVED To accept as a true record and these will be duly signed.

156/20 FINANCIAL MATTERS • RESOLVED to note the Income - £1,969.53 • RESOLVED to approve the Expenditure - £25,627.46 • RESOLVED to approve a cost of £12,057 from The Voltage Co to install and dismantle festive lights 2020

157/20 TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM COUNTY & BOROUGH COUNCILLORS County Councillor Mr R Shepherd • Councillor Shepherd had sent his latest blog to be posted on the Sileby Parish Council website. • Matters magazine will be delivered from next Monday 19th October 2020 by Royal Mail giving the latest information on Leicestershire County Council. • Councillor Shepherd had asked the ASB Coordinator at Charnwood Borough for an update on the anti-social behaviour at the bus stop on High Street. The ASB Coordinator had contacted the resident, but the resident had been unable to discuss the matter at the time, and would call back when convenient. A further message had been left for the resident to contact the ASB team at Charnwood Borough Council.

Borough Councillors Mr A Paling & Mr P Murphy • Councillor Mr A Paling gave Council an update on the MUGA, with a conclusion hopefully due in the next couple of weeks.

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• The King Street planning application will probably go the December Plans Committee, and the Peashill planning application will be going to the Plans Committee at the end of October. • All Borough Councillors are receiving regular updates from Charnwood Borough Council regarding Covid, with Charnwood currently in the Tier 1 level, so no change to the current rules.

Councillor Mrs P Ranson & Mrs H Fryer Councillors Mrs P Ranson and Mrs H Fryer had submitted a report for the meeting, but this was not read out at the meeting by error. This was emailed to councillors the following morning, explaining that this should have been read out. The report read as follows:

Please accept our apologies as we are not able to join you on the virtual meeting. There is not a great deal to report about regarding Sileby West. • The concerns regarding the balancing pond on Herrick Close are being dealt with by Charnwood Borough Council. • Cllr Paling is in touch with the Development and Planning Department regarding the planning application on King Street, • We are both are keeping an eye on Lane and Slash Lane and immediately report any fly tipping we come across. We have not had any flooding problems reported to us recently. • There is quite a lot of mis-information being circulated regarding Covid19. Also, that crime is increasing particularly theft and scamming. This is very anti-social and is a sad reflection on some parts of society. Please report anything of concern.

For trusted sources of information, particularly regarding coronavirus the following web sites are useful: www.gov.uk/coronavirus https://www.nihs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/ https://www.charnwood.gov.uk/pages/coronavirus https://www.charnwood.gov.uk/pages/news https://www.leicestershire.gov.uk/ https://www.leics.police.uk/

158/20 TO RECEIVE REPORTS ON MEETINGS ATTENDED OR REPORTS RECEIVED – FOR INFORMATION ONLY Councillor Mrs J Jones had attended the Parish Clerk Liaison Committee Meeting with Rosemary Richardson, Clerk. Rob Mitchell, Chief Executive at Charnwood Borough Council, had attended the meeting, and gave an update on the Charnwood’s situation regarding COVID-19. They will not be holding a Remembrance Service, Fair or a Christmas Light Switch on. The Clerk will issue information provided at the meeting, when a copy of the minutes is made available.

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159/20 TO CONSIDER AND AGREE COMMENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING PLANNING APPLICATIONS: - a) P/20/1624/2 Proposed 2-storey extension to side of existing dwelling - 87 Greedon Rise, Sileby, Leics LE12 7TE (respond by 19 October) RESOLVED No Objection b) (P/20/1706/2 Two storey side & single storey rear extensions including demolition of existing garage - 160 Homefield Road, Sileby, LE12 7TQ (respond by 28 October) RESOLVED No Objection (Councillor Mrs E Astill left the meeting) c) P/20/1595/2 (Advice) Proposed residential development of up to 180 homes - Land to rear of Derry's Garden Centre, Cossington. Charnwood Borough Council has received a pre- application advice enquiry about the above major development proposal which, if progressed as a planning application, is likely to result in a request for new community facilities or other infrastructure via a section 106 agreement. The applicant has agreed to share their proposal with you so that you may consider it and tell us what impact it might have in your area and whether any community facilities or other infrastructure may be required to help manage any impacts. Please note that not all pre-application enquiries result in a planning application being submitted (respond by 20 October) RESOLVED Not to comment on this proposed development, and to wait for the outline planning application to be submitted before commenting. (Councillor Mrs E Astill re-joined the meeting)

160/20 TO RECEIVE AN EMAIL FROM THE HEADTEACHER OF HIGHGATE SCHOOL GIVING AN UPDATE ON THE S106 AGREEMENT AND BELLWAY HOMES; MEMBERS TO CONSIDER A RESPONSE (EMAILED TO COUNCILLORS) RESOLVED Clerk to write to Jane Hunt MP asking for her support in getting this issue resolved as soon as possible to a satisfactory conclusion.

161/20 TO RECEIVE AN EMAIL FROM THE HEAD OF PLANNING & REGENERATION SERVICES AT CHARNWOOD BOROUGH COUNCIL GIVING EARLY NOTICE OF A CHANGE TO CHARNWOOD’S FIVE-YEAR SUPPLY POSITION WHICH WILL HAPPEN ON 9 NOVEMBER 2020 (FOR INFORMATION) (EMAILED TO COUNCILLORS) Councillor Astill stated that Charnwood Borough Council’s housing supply position will be less than 5 years – 4.10, this will have quite a big impact on any planning application decisions along with the Core Strategy being more than 5 years old in November. Charnwood Borough Council will not be able to demonstrate a five year housing land supply, which is the reason why Sileby has had a lot of development over the past few years. There are likely to be quite a lot of applications could come through based on this. Sileby has a Neighbourhood Plan that is less than 2 years old which contains policies on housing and housing allocations, so it is expected that the Council will have to demonstrate three year housing land supply rather than five when deciding planning applications for Sileby according to the National Planning Policy Framework, Paragraph 14. This would make the work and effort required to make a Neighbourhood Plan worthwhile. RESOLVED To write to Head of Planning at Charnwood Borough Council asking for written confirmation of the above.

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(Councillor Mrs J Jones left the meeting – Councillor Mrs E Astill chaired the meeting from this point)

162/20 TO CONSIDER PARTICIPATING IN THE LCC WILDFLOWER VERGE PROJECT 2021/22 (EMAILED TO COUNCILLORS) RESOLVED to participate in the LCC Wildflower Verge Project 2021/22, and to attend the virtual zoom meeting on the 5th November 2020, and then discuss potential sites for this scheme, and report back to Council.

163/20 TO RECEIVE NOTIFICATION OF OUTWOOD’S BASED ‘BRANCHING OUT’ PROJECT – TO CONSIDER WHO IN THE COMMUNITY WOULD BENEFIT FROM THIS PROJECT (EMAILED TO COUNCILLORS) Councillor Mr A Higgs thought that Homefield College could potentially benefit from this project, along with the LCC Wildflower Verge Project. RESOLVED Clerk to forward details of the scheme to Homefield College. Councillors Mrs E Jones, Mr R Butler and Mr A Higgs will attend the zoom meeting and take this project forward.

164/20 TO RECEIVE AND NOTE A PUBLIC CONSULTATION ‘BUILDING BETTER HOSPITALS’, ON PROPOSALS TO SPEND £450M WWW.BETTERHOSPITALSLEICESTER.NHS.UK WHICH RUNS UNTIL 21 DECEMBER 2020. INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANISATIONS ARE BEING ENCOURAGED TO COMPLETE A QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEY AS PART OF THE CONSULTATION. TO AGREE WHAT ACTION SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH REGARD TO COMPLETING THE QUESTIONNAIRE. (EMAILED TO COUNCILLORS) RESOLVED To form a Working Party to respond to this, with the Working Party to contact the local GP surgeries to get their feedback. Councillor Mrs E Jones agreed to take the lead on this, and Councillors Mr R Butler, Dr S Haider, Mrs M Wilson-Knight and Mr D Karia (subject to availability) to be on the Working Party.

165/20 TO CONSIDER REMOVING THE ADULT PLAY EQUIPMENT IN THE MEMORIAL PARK The Clerk reported that this equipment is constantly vandalised, with large amounts of money spent on repairs and replacement parts. After reviewing the usage of the equipment, it seems that adults do not use the equipment, but young children do, which is an issue as there is a height restriction on this equipment, and accidents could happen. RESOLVED To remove the equipment, and store. The use of the equipment can then be reviewed when the overall plan of the park is being looked into.


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167/20 UNITARY STRUCTURE Awaiting further information.

168/20 FUTURE PLANNING To replace the Wooden Planters on High Street (Cllr Mr A Higgs) State of footpaths within the village (Cllr Mr A Higgs)

The meeting closed at 8.37pm

Chairman’s Signature: ……………………………………………. Date: ………………………………………

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