Javascript: the Definitive Guide, Seventh Edition

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Javascript: the Definitive Guide, Seventh Edition Seventh Edition JavaScript The Definitive Guide Master the World's Most-Used Programming Language David Flanagan Praise for JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, Seventh Edition “This book is everything you never knew you wanted to know about JavaScript. Take your JavaScript code quality and productivity to the next level. David’s knowledge of the language, its intricacies and gotchas, is astounding, and it shines through in this truly definitive guide to the JavaScript language.” —Schalk Neethling, Senior Frontend Engineer at MDN Web Docs “David Flanagan takes readers on a guided tour of JavaScript that will provide them with a feature-complete picture of the language and its ecosystem.” —Sarah Wachs, Frontend Developer and Women Who Code Berlin Lead “Any developer interested in being productive in codebases developed throughout JavaScript’s lifetime (including the latest and emerging features) will be well served by a deep and reflective journey through this comprehensive and definitive book.” —Brian Sletten, President of Bosatsu Consulting SEVENTH EDITION JavaScript: The Definitive Guide Master the World’s Most-Used Programming Language David Flanagan Beijing Boston Farnham Sebastopol Tokyo JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, Seventh Edition by David Flanagan Copyright © 2020 David Flanagan. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472. O’Reilly books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. Online editions are also available for most titles ( For more information, contact our corporate/institutional sales department: 800-998-9938 or [email protected]. Acquisitions Editor: Jennifer Pollock Indexer: Judith McConville Development Editor: Angela Rufino Interior Designer: David Futato Production Editor: Deborah Baker Cover Designer: Karen Montgomery Copyeditor: Holly Bauer Forsyth Illustrator: Rebecca Demarest Proofreader: Piper Editorial, LLC June 1998: Third Edition November 2001: Fourth Edition August 2006: Fifth Edition May 2011: Sixth Edition May 2020: Seventh Edition Revision History for the Seventh Edition 2020-05-13: First Release See for release details. The O’Reilly logo is a registered trademark of O’Reilly Media, Inc. JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, Sev‐ enth Edition, the cover image, and related trade dress are trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc. While the publisher and the authors have used good faith efforts to ensure that the information and instructions contained in this work are accurate, the publisher and the authors disclaim all responsibility for errors or omissions, including without limitation responsibility for damages resulting from the use of or reliance on this work. Use of the information and instructions contained in this work is at your own risk. If any code samples or other technology this work contains or describes is subject to open source licenses or the intellectual property rights of others, it is your responsibility to ensure that your use thereof complies with such licenses and/or rights. 978-1-491-95202-3 [LSI] To my parents, Donna and Matt, with love and gratitude. Table of Contents Preface. xiii 1. Introduction to JavaScript. 1 1.1 Exploring JavaScript 3 1.2 Hello World 5 1.3 A Tour of JavaScript 5 1.4 Example: Character Frequency Histograms 11 1.5 Summary 14 2. Lexical Structure. 15 2.1 The Text of a JavaScript Program 15 2.2 Comments 16 2.3 Literals 16 2.4 Identifiers and Reserved Words 16 2.5 Unicode 17 2.6 Optional Semicolons 19 2.7 Summary 21 3. Types, Values, and Variables. 23 3.1 Overview and Definitions 23 3.2 Numbers 25 3.3 Text 32 3.4 Boolean Values 38 3.5 null and undefined 40 3.6 Symbols 41 3.7 The Global Object 42 3.8 Immutable Primitive Values and Mutable Object References 43 3.9 Type Conversions 45 vii 3.10 Variable Declaration and Assignment 53 3.11 Summary 60 4. Expressions and Operators. 61 4.1 Primary Expressions 62 4.2 Object and Array Initializers 62 4.3 Function Definition Expressions 63 4.4 Property Access Expressions 64 4.5 Invocation Expressions 66 4.6 Object Creation Expressions 68 4.7 Operator Overview 68 4.8 Arithmetic Expressions 73 4.9 Relational Expressions 78 4.10 Logical Expressions 84 4.11 Assignment Expressions 86 4.12 Evaluation Expressions 88 4.13 Miscellaneous Operators 91 4.14 Summary 96 5. Statements. 97 5.1 Expression Statements 98 5.2 Compound and Empty Statements 99 5.3 Conditionals 100 5.4 Loops 105 5.5 Jumps 112 5.6 Miscellaneous Statements 121 5.7 Declarations 124 5.8 Summary of JavaScript Statements 127 6. Objects. 129 6.1 Introduction to Objects 129 6.2 Creating Objects 130 6.3 Querying and Setting Properties 133 6.4 Deleting Properties 138 6.5 Testing Properties 139 6.6 Enumerating Properties 140 6.7 Extending Objects 142 6.8 Serializing Objects 143 6.9 Object Methods 144 6.10 Extended Object Literal Syntax 146 6.11 Summary 153 viii | Table of Contents 7. Arrays. 155 7.1 Creating Arrays 156 7.2 Reading and Writing Array Elements 159 7.3 Sparse Arrays 160 7.4 Array Length 161 7.5 Adding and Deleting Array Elements 161 7.6 Iterating Arrays 162 7.7 Multidimensional Arrays 164 7.8 Array Methods 165 7.9 Array-Like Objects 177 7.10 Strings as Arrays 179 7.11 Summary 180 8. Functions. 181 8.1 Defining Functions 182 8.2 Invoking Functions 186 8.3 Function Arguments and Parameters 193 8.4 Functions as Values 200 8.5 Functions as Namespaces 203 8.6 Closures 204 8.7 Function Properties, Methods, and Constructor 209 8.8 Functional Programming 213 8.9 Summary 219 9. Classes. 221 9.1 Classes and Prototypes 222 9.2 Classes and Constructors 224 9.3 Classes with the class Keyword 229 9.4 Adding Methods to Existing Classes 236 9.5 Subclasses 237 9.6 Summary 248 10. Modules. 249 10.1 Modules with Classes, Objects, and Closures 250 10.2 Modules in Node 253 10.3 Modules in ES6 255 10.4 Summary 266 11. The JavaScript Standard Library. 267 11.1 Sets and Maps 268 11.2 Typed Arrays and Binary Data 275 11.3 Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions 281 Table of Contents | ix 11.4 Dates and Times 300 11.5 Error Classes 304 11.6 JSON Serialization and Parsing 306 11.7 The Internationalization API 309 11.8 The Console API 317 11.9 URL APIs 320 11.10 Timers 323 11.11 Summary 325 12. Iterators and Generators. 327 12.1 How Iterators Work 328 12.2 Implementing Iterable Objects 329 12.3 Generators 332 12.4 Advanced Generator Features 336 12.5 Summary 339 13. Asynchronous JavaScript. 341 13.1 Asynchronous Programming with Callbacks 342 13.2 Promises 346 13.3 async and await 367 13.4 Asynchronous Iteration 370 13.5 Summary 377 14. Metaprogramming. 379 14.1 Property Attributes 380 14.2 Object Extensibility 384 14.3 The prototype Attribute 386 14.4 Well-Known Symbols 387 14.5 Template Tags 395 14.6 The Reflect API 397 14.7 Proxy Objects 399 14.8 Summary 406 15. JavaScript in Web Browsers. 409 15.1 Web Programming Basics 411 15.2 Events 426 15.3 Scripting Documents 437 15.4 Scripting CSS 452 15.5 Document Geometry and Scrolling 459 15.6 Web Components 464 15.7 SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics 477 15.8 Graphics in a <canvas> 484 x | Table of Contents 15.9 Audio APIs 507 15.10 Location, Navigation, and History 509 15.11 Networking 518 15.12 Storage 536 15.13 Worker Threads and Messaging 548 15.14 Example: The Mandelbrot Set 555 15.15 Summary and Suggestions for Further Reading 568 16. Server-Side JavaScript with Node. 577 16.1 Node Programming Basics 578 16.2 Node Is Asynchronous by Default 583 16.3 Buffers 586 16.4 Events and EventEmitter 588 16.5 Streams 590 16.6 Process, CPU, and Operating System Details 601 16.7 Working with Files 602 16.8 HTTP Clients and Servers 613 16.9 Non-HTTP Network Servers and Clients 617 16.10 Working with Child Processes 620 16.11 Worker Threads 625 16.12 Summary 634 17. JavaScript Tools and Extensions. 635 17.1 Linting with ESLint 636 17.2 JavaScript Formatting with Prettier 637 17.3 Unit Testing with Jest 638 17.4 Package Management with npm 640 17.5 Code Bundling 642 17.6 Transpilation with Babel 644 17.7 JSX: Markup Expressions in JavaScript 645 17.8 Type Checking with Flow 649 17.9 Summary 665 Index. 667 Table of Contents | xi Preface This book covers the JavaScript language and the JavaScript APIs implemented by web browsers and by Node. I wrote it for readers with some prior programming experience who want to learn JavaScript and also for programmers who already use JavaScript but want to take their understanding to a new level and really master the language. My goal with this book is to document the JavaScript language comprehen‐ sively and definitively and to provide an in-depth introduction to the most important client-side and server-side APIs available to JavaScript programs. As a result, this is a long and detailed book. My hope, however, is that it will reward careful study and that the time you spend reading it will be easily recouped in the form of higher pro‐ gramming productivity. Previous editions of this book included a comprehensive reference section. I no longer feel that it makes sense to include that material in printed form when it is so quick and easy to find up-to-date reference material online.
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