In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

This was not an attack on the Naval Dockyard… It was a takeover of ships of the Pakistani Naval Fleet! Mujahid Zeeshan Rafique (Second Lieutenant in the Navy) Briefing the Leadership of And the Targets were the the Mujahideen on the Plan of the Operation American and the Indian Navies!

By the grace of Allah, on the 6th of September, brothers from Al Qa’eda in the Subcontinent attempted to destroy American and Indian naval targets after assuming control of two warships of the . Preliminary information regarding this attack was provided to the media, but as usual, the media resorted to deception and distorted the facts out of fear of the and its intelligence agencies. The operation was portrayed as an attack on the naval dockyard by ‘outsiders’ who had infiltrated the facility. And even after we claimed responsibility for the attack, the media continued its deliberate denial of the facts. Therefore, in this document, we will present the details of the plan and the actual targets.

By the grace of Allah, this operation took place under the

leadership of two brothers from Al Qa’eda in the Subcontinent, namely Oweis Jakhrani (former Second Lieutenant in the Pakistan Navy) and Zeeshan Rafeeq (Second Lieutenant)

Right to Left: Mujahid Oweis Jakhrani (former Second Lieutenant in the Pakistan Navy) and Mujahid Zeeshan Rafique (Second Lieutenant in the Pakistan Navy)

The Real Targets of the Mujahideen

• Assuming control of two important warships of the Pakistan Navy, PNS Zulfiqar and PNS Aslat • Destroying the oil tanker of the American Navy, USS Supply, as well as an accompanying .


After the blessed operations of 9/11, America not only initiated a war against the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, but also took measures to consolidate its control over the Indian Ocean. For this purpose, America organized a large naval coalition, known as the Coalition Maritime Campaign Plan (CMCP). This coalition includes 45 countries. The Pakistan Navy is an active partner in this coalition, as are navies of Head quarters of the CMCP in Bahrain countries of Britain, Australia, France, Japan and some other European and Asian countries. The headquarters of this coalition are in Bahrain. The basic aims of the CMCP are as follows:

• Securing maritime trade routes for commercial shipping of America and other major powers of the disbelievers • Participating in the so-called (i.e. the American-led Crusade against the Muslim world). This includes prevention of the movement of Mujahideen by sea, preventing possible attacks by the Mujahideen on the seas, and using the sea to launch attacks against the Mujahideen. • Providing logistical support to the occupying American and allied forces in Afghanistan • Consolidating their grip on Islamic waters and besieging the Muslim world from the seas

The navies of countries that are a part of this American naval coalition play an active role in monitoring the waters of Muslim countries and thereby help to consolidate America’s grip on the Muslim world. Warships of different countries take turns to perform this duty in deep waters. Each ship spends a period of three months on average on the seas. During this period, a ship needs to be refueled on a regular basis. For this purpose, oil tankers are present in the Indian Ocean. Normally, warships which are a part of the CMCP are refueled by American oil tankers, although occasionally this duty falls to British or Japanese oil tankers.

An Introduction to the American Oil Tanker (USS Supply)

In terms of its size, utility and price-tag, USS Supply is one of the most important American naval ships after aircraft carriers. It carries sufficient quantities of oil to supply all warships of the CMCP with fuel for six months. USS Supply is manned by two hundred American sailors. This tanker does not have its own defense system; however, due to its importance, an American frigate is normally present within a radius of ten kilometers for its protection. The warships of all coalition partners, including Pakistan, are refueled from this oil tanker every twelve to fifteen days. During refueling, this tanker comes within a distance of only thirty meters of the warship being refueled.

USS Supply (right) refueling a frigate (left). The oil tanker was to be destroyed during this process of refueling.

An Introduction to

A frigate is an extremely fast and lethal warship. It is equipped with expensive advanced weapon systems, including anti-submarine torpedoes, guided missiles with a range of up to 120 kilometers, surface-to-air missiles and anti-aircraft guns. It is normally seven times as expensive as the highest-priced military aircraft (such as the PC Orient, which was destroyed by the Mujahideen at Mehran Base with the help of Allah). Only the submarines of the Pakistan Navy are worth more than its frigates. There are a total of 9 frigates in the Pakistan Navy. The frigate that protects USS Supply is also equipped with advanced weapon systems. It is manned by 250-300 personnel of the American Navy. In addition to the frigates of the Pakistani and American navies, frigates of other coalition partners in the CMCP also patrol the waters of the Indian Ocean.

By the grace of Allah, among the officers manning PNS Zulfiqar and PNS Aslat, there were several Mujahid brothers. They had been provided with the necessary weapons and explosives required for this operation. The detailed plan is as follows:

June 3, 2014: Former Pakistani Army Chief, General Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani going to meet an American officer on board an American warship via a helicopter that had taken off from a Pakistani warship. Left: A Mujahid brother is monitoring the American warship and the movement of the former Army Chief on the computer screen of the missile control system installed on the Pakistani warship.

The Plan

The First Group (PNS Zulfiqar)

This frigate departed from on the 3rd of September as part of the maritime patrolling mission assigned to it by the CMCP. A few days after its departure, PNS Zulfiqar was to be refueled by USS Supply. According to the plan, during the refueling of PNS Zulfiqar, when USS Supply would be within a distance of only 30 meters of the Pakistani warship, some of the Mujahid brothers present on board PNS Zulfiqar were to target and destroy the American oil tanker with the 72 mm anti-aircraft guns on their frigate. Meanwhile, other brothers on PNS Zulfiqar would target the American frigate protecting USS Supply using four anti-ship guided missiles. In the case of a successful execution of this part of the plan (with the help of Allah), the brothers had planned to use the remaining weapons on board their frigate to destroy any American or coalition warship present in the vicinity, and fight on until attaining martyrdom.

The Second Group (PNS Aslat)

This frigate was near the shores of Karachi. Our Mujahid brothers were present on board with weapons and explosives. According to the plan, the brothers were to take over the ship and steer it towards Indian waters in order to attack Indian warships with anti-ship missiles. In the event of any hindrance to this, an American warship near the Strait of Hormuz (such as the American aircraft carrier near Gwadar was to be targeted.

PNS Aslat, which was to be used by the Mujahideen to attack Indian warships

Officers of the Navy Arriving on PNS Aslat

Details of the Operation

By the grace of Allah, the Mujahid brothers assumed control of both frigates. A firefight with officials of the Pakistan Navy was triggered as a result. The ensuing fight lasted for several hours on both warships. Due to this firefight with officials of the Pakistan Navy, the brothers were not able to fully execute the next part of their plan, namely the attack on American and Indian warships. Several soldiers and officers of the Pakistan Navy were killed and injured in defense of America in this firefight, while a number of our brothers attained martyrdom. May Allah accept this noble deed from these brothers and make it a source of salvation from them in the Hereafter. May Allah be pleased with those noble Mujahideen who fell in this battle and grant them the highest station in paradise, along with the Prophets, the truthful ones, the martyrs and the righteous. We pray to Allah that He makes this attack a source of victory for His religion and the Muslim Ummah and a prelude to the defeat of disbelief.. Ameen!

A Few Questions for the Army, Navy and Media

• The frigate PNS Zulfiqar departed Karachi on the 3rd of September. Brothers from Al Qa’eda in the Subcontinent were present on board with their weapons and explosives. According to the statement of the Pakistan Navy, the attack took place on the 6th of September and targeted the Naval Dockyard in Karachi, whereas the warship had by then travelled a distance of three days in the Indian Ocean! How then is it possible for the attack to have taken place on the shores and not in deep waters; and how could the firefight have occurred in the Naval Dockyard and not on board PNS Zulfiqar?

• If no firefight took place on PNS Zulfiqar, and no officers of the Navy were killed in this exchange of fire, why was the news of the attack only announced five days after the departure of the warship from Karachi? - Is it because it took three days to erase the evidence of the firefight aboard PNS Zulfiqar and the consequent damage to the warship? - Or is it because it took three days for this frigate to return to Karachi after the battle had occurred on board?

• By the 31st of August, the Mujahid brothers had reached PNS Aslat with their weapons and explosives. The Naval dockyard was not attacked from the outside; and if a battle did in fact take place at the Naval Dockyard as claimed by the Navy, then it probably occurred as the brothers were assuming control of PNS Aslat while it was anchored at the Dockyard. This story of an attack on the Dockyard from somewhere else is a clear-cut lie that has been fabricated to cover up the success of the Mujahideen and the moral and material losses and damage suffered by the enemies. America and its proxies - the Pakistan Army and Navy - don't want the public to know that the message of the Deen of Allah (Islam) and the call to perform Jihad for this Deen has now started to appeal to even officers of the Armed Forces. Is the vague story of ‘an attack on the Dockyard’ anything other than a vain attempt to conceal the fact that now even officers of the Armed Forces are showing a willingness to rebel against the system and engage in Jihad against America, India and their allies, and in fact, even against their proxy, the Pakistani Armed Forces?

• All the Mujahideen who attained martyrdom during this operation were serving officers of the Pakistan Navy, except the Mujahid Oweis Jakhrani, who had only recently resigned from the Pakistan Navy due to his faith and zeal. Why are the government and Army trying to conceal the fact that the rest of the martyrs were serving officers of the Pakistan Navy? And if they weren't, then who were the individuals who participated in this attack? Why have their real identities not yet been revealed? Why have their bodies been kept hidden until now?

A Message to our Brothers in Palestine in General and Gaza in Particular

Our message to our brothers in Palestine is to reiterate what the martyr Shaykh Osama bin Laden – may Allah accept him – said: “The blood of your sons is the blood of our sons; and your blood is our blood. The revenge for blood is blood, and the revenge for destruction is destruction. We make Allah a witness to this pledge: that we will never let you down, until victory is complete or we taste what Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib tasted.”

A Message to the Muslim Ummah

The message this operation gives to the Muslim Ummah is that your Mujahid sons are ready to sacrifice everything for your defense. Therefore, support them and do not delay in helping them, for they are your real champions and protectors.

A Message to the Mujahideen

This operation is a reminder for Mujahideen all over the world to make Jihad on the seas one of their priorities. They should strive to raise the flag of Islam on the seas and take a decisive step towards the liberation of this Ummah by breaking the Crusader forces' naval stranglehold on our region.

A Message to America and the Jews

To paraphrase Shaykh Osama's warning to the Americans and the Jews: We will continue to strike back at you until you leave our lands (and seas)!

A Message to India

This operation gives a clear message to India that Ghazwa-e-Hind has only just begun. We shall never forget your oppression of our brothers in Kashmir, Gujarat, and Assam; and you shall reap what you have sowed.

A Message to Officers and Soldiers in the Armed Forces of Muslim Countries

This operation invites some reflection from those serving in the Pakistan Army, Air Force, and Navy, as well as those in the armed forces of other Muslim countries. The generals of the Pakistan Army, in a demonstration of a slave's loyalty to his master, have devoted the entire Armed Forces to the defense of American interests. From training and organization to promotions and benefits, throughout these years there has been only one underlying concern: ensuring that people who may utilize the resources of the Ummah against its enemies out of loyalty to Islam, a concern for their oppressed Ummah, and enmity towards disbelief are sifted out from military institutions.

But because Allah's Sunnah [tradition] is everlasting and unchanging, history has repeated itself. The story of the upbringing of Moses (peace be upon him) in the palace of Pharaoh has reoccurred. Allah guided some fortunate officers of the Pakistan Navy to read the Book of Allah, the Quran, with sincere intentions and deep insight. And so they understood the message of Islam in full, unraveled the deception of the false ideology propagated by the Army and resolutely responded to the call of the scholars of Jihad. These brothers did not allow the love of this world to stand in their way. They did not allow the false interpretations of government-backed scholars and so-called intellectuals, bereft of understanding and wisdom, to become an obstacle in their path. Similarly, the deception and lies of the media failed to portray the truth as falsehood in their eyes. And this is how they were able to make their way to the centers of the Mujahideen, where they met with the leaders of al-Qa'eda in the Subcontinent and expressed their readiness to render all kinds of services for Islam, including leaving the Armed Forces, emigrating in the way of Allah, and performing Jihad, including martyrdom operations.

The brothers were trained in the military camps of the Mujahideen. And after completing their training and putting complete trust in Allah, a plan to strike America’s military strength on the seas was prepared, on the orders of the respected Ameer, Shaykh Ayman al Zawahiri (may Allah protect him). And by the grace of Allah, a major part of the operation was executed as planned.

This blessed operation contains a valuable message and piece of advice for members of the armed forces of Muslim countries, to wit: If you believe that you are people of faith; if you profess to be Muslims, and possess in their your hearts the desire to enter Paradise and save yourselves from Hellfire, then you must read the Quran with sincerity and insightfulness, and with the intention to act on it. You must respond to the call of Allah, stop aiding the disbelievers, and support those who support this religion. You must repent sincerely, constantly seek forgiveness from your Lord and use the resources of the Ummah against America and her allies. May Allah give you the honor of striking a deadly blow against disbelief and in the process ensuring your success in this world and the Hereafter, Allah willing!

O’ Allah, give victory to those who help the Religion of Muhammad (peace be upon him) and place us among them. O’ Allah, desert those who desert the religion of Muhammad (peace be upon him) and don't place us among them. And may peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his Family and Companions.

02 Zulhijjah, 1435 (September 27, 2014)