Southall is one of the most overcrowded areas in Europe. The Gas Works plan will further worsen the situation. Due to lack of investment by the government, Save Our is Southall is deprived from even basic public services. Southall could easily be local people like you transformed into a vibrant town placing itself on the map. Instead it is being who want their voices turned into a slum with houses being to be heard. If you built all over without adequate infrastructure. agree with us please

SOS demands a come along to one of

 A Quality Infrastructure and our meetings, or take a public services. petition round your  No to the gas works development  No closure of Southall street, or tell a Community Centre  Suitable Car Parking facilities councillor a newspaper  A healthy safe environment. or radio station how  Recreational and cultural facilities you feel.  Cheap efficient transport with a tube link Find out more email:  Quality, accessible educational [email protected] and health facilities for all  Jobs and job security Call Salvinder on: 07949 671 870

or Eve on 07960 309457

If the plans go ahead, our town is likely to completely grind to a halt! Just as the developers, the MP and the Council have been covering up the truth The consultation is a sham! Even our MP Khabra stated at the beginning that the The real truth is that: about the car park and the gridlock; they are keeping quiet about pollution. development would go ahead whatever people wanted! Every meeting had people against  Development plans for the Southall gasworks site include a multi story Hundreds of tons of potentially cancer the plans. But the developers claim the car park for 4,000 cars – not for us causing soil would have to be dug up and consultation supported them! in Southall but for Heathrow! treated, possibly causing a health risk to  Plans to build 4,500 homes would local people especially children. There are Our democracy has been given away. All the mean around 5,000 extra cars being no plans to monitor the long term health questions at the public meetings were given in central Southall! effects of people living on the site. All to the private developers to answer. Even  The only extra road to take cars out the consultation run by the Gazette was attempts to get anyone to take would be a link to the Hayes by pass. given to the developers. The exhibition was  responsibility for this have been During the years of construction run by the developers. They kept the car there would be tens of thousands of sidestepped. park a secret and didn’t mention the lorry trips into and out of central pollution. The consultation forms had no Southall. The stream Brook runs from the  At the same time plans for the tram site through . Pollution is space to say if you were against the would stop many cars using Southall likely to enter the groundwater and affect proposals! Broadway this stream and the canal. The Council say that worries about pollution Likely Result: The site will be built around huge gas pipes and effects on health of local people are the which have to be kept and which are so responsibility of the private developers. In  Gridlock and traffic pollution for us. dangerous they have to have 12 feet of previous years planning permission for this  Lower house prices. material all around to protect them. Yet site has been refused because of pollution.  Problem getting emergency vehicles when we asked the councillors about this Now the Council are keeping quiet about the in or out. dangers and the developers have appointed  Nice profits for the developers (who they just said it was not their responsibility people to run the public relations (in other don’t live here). and the MP said ask the developers! words to fool us) and to say that the site is safe.