Minutes of the virtual meeting of Drayton St Leonard Parish Council held on Thursday 14 January 2021 at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllrs C Dickerson, G Farrant, E Hayter (Chairman), D Hinde and C Wellbelove

45/20 Apologies for Absence - None

46/20 Declaration of interests/requests for dispensations in matters arising in the agenda No declarations of interest were declared.

47/20 To confirm the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 17 December 2020.

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 17 December 2020 be signed with no amendments.

*To note the Parish Clerk observed the 14 January 2021 Agenda numbering was incorrect. Councillors approved the correction.

*36 48/20 Public Participation there were no applications to address the Council.

*39 49/20 To comment on Planning Application P20/S4719/HH (Householder) Proposal: Construction of small bridge across the River to gain access to land within applicant’s ownership Address: Waterside House, Drayton St Leonard, Wallingford, OX10 7BG

It was resolved to submit a comment of “No Strong Views” for planning application P20/S4719/HH.

*43 50/20 To receive an update on the Parish Council Website Cllr Hinde outlined the next steps to implement a new website. A new domain name of would be purchased for the next 10 years. Once the domain is registered and hosting is set up the website company can commence building the village website.

It was resolved that Cllr Hinde would proceed with the project with the support of Councillors.

It was resolved to release the CIL payment against P16/S4264/FUL of £1801.80 to pay for the new village website and maintenance for the next three years.

It was resolved that Cllr Hinde would apply for the South District Councillor Robin Bennett grant offer of £500 to aid the funding of the new PC website.

*44 51/20 To discuss issues arising from the post bag/email correspondence or any urgent correspondence that arrived after the Agenda was published

a. South Oxfordshire District Councillor Robin Bennett’s January report was noted with thanks. It was resolved that Cllr Dickerson’s report raising concerns on traffic volumes/road safety through the village would be sent to Cllr Bennett to highlight the issues with regards the Garden Village Scheme and the SODC Local 2035 plan.

Signed: Date: Chairman b. Oxfordshire County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale’s January report was noted with thanks.

c. Villagers have raised concerns to the Parish Council regarding a large visible structure within a garden. It was agreed that Cllr Farrant would talk to the resident and invite them to the next Parish Council meeting, if deemed appropriate.

d. The Parish Council noted with thanks the good will of some residents who were picking litter up during their daily exercise routine. It was agreed that if COVID- 19 regulations allow an informal village litter clearance takes place on Saturday 14 March 2021.

To raise any items for the agenda for the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 23 March 2021 on the arising of the Annual Village Meeting (not before 8pm)

• To receive an update on the Parish Council Website • To agree appointment of an Internal Auditor

Signed: Date: Chairman