INTERVIEW Àngel Castiñeira, Academic Director of ESADE’s Department of Democratic Government and Leadership P. 20 abertis reorganises its business structure P. 08 2010 Results P. 66


Telecommunications New services for a new era culture




road safety

for a world that works abertis foundation                 abertis                                        for a world that works. EDITORIAL Reinventing ourselves

Marcel Proust wrote that “The real voy- We are reinventing ourselves. We are learn- age of discovery consists not in seeking ing to see ourselves with new eyes. We are re- WE ARE LEARNING new landscapes, but in having new eyes”. Let launching a project, based on a known and TO SEE OURSELVES nobody think that I am questioning the thesis consolidated reality (“old”, in Proust’s sense), that internationalisation is the key to the future which have constructed during recent years. WITH NEW EYES. of our business as a group and the group’s sus- We are giving one of them –abertis– greater WE ARE tainability –in fact, and to a large extent, it is focus and concentration. We are giving it a more RE-LAUNCHING the key to every company’s sustainability. For compact “story” about the management model A PROJECT BASED some time now I have embraced the idea that, for transport and mobility infrastructures. These ON A KNOWN for everyone nowadays, the world is our domes- demand high levels of fi nancing, both in terms AND CONSOLIDATED tic market. of resources for maintaining its assets, and in This quote from Proust exemplifi es the terms of resources to grow and rotate these REALITY. IT’S A process of transformation we have begun in assets during the concession cycle. STARTING POINT, abertis. This is a process of recreating our We are giving the other –saba– a structure NOT A FINAL project. To a certain extent, it is a process of which is in line with, and suited to, its needs in DESTINATION” recasting it. Of discovering within these busi- terms of organisation, shareholders and balance nesses that have shaped the abertis of today, sheet, in order to provide it with sufficient the path to take and the potential for growth. strength to grow. These resources will allow it We are driven by our ambition for continued to mature, which is a necessary process for a growth. In fact, for a concession-based group business with potential –like that of logistics like ours, growth is a strategic imperative. parks– but is still young. They will also give full But we must grow within an environment scope to the car parking business, which, as a which is very different from that of the fi rst few result, may become the new international mar- years of the century. Today, the process of ket leader. This is the dream we have. We will fi nancing new projects is more demanding, also maintain decision-making centres and more expensive and more limited, and requires teams, which are a considerable intangible asset. from us more capitalisation and balance sheet Sometime ago, I reminded you that the resources. Additionally, it is more heavily con- creative destruction concept of the Austrian ditioned by the evaluations of ratings compa- sociologist and economist, Schumpeter, has nies and the way in which “country risk” is always been an inspiration, not just for econo- changing moment by moment. We are all aware mists but also for many politicians and business- of how the so-called “peripheral economies” men. That these are processes which societies have suffered a sovereign debt crisis, and how and organisations live through. That these proc- the companies we work with, independently esses periodically regenerate them and give SALVADOR of their degree of geographical diversifi cation them a new impetus. This is where we are now. ALEMANY and, therefore, the true extent of their exposure I especially recommend an interview in PRESIDENT OF ABERTIS to this “country risk”, have also suffered the this edition of Link with Professor Àngel effects of the sovereign debt crisis. Castiñeira of ESADE. In it, he reminds everyone However, to the extent to which we need working in a business project –and, to a certain to add years of concession-life to our portfolio extent, everyone in society– of the importance of assets and concessions, we must grow. And of fi nding the answers to the “whys” of our deci- we must try to provide all our businesses –each sions and actions. “What is the reason for what individually– with the conditions which will we are doing? Where are we going with it?”. We make this possible. Our response to this chal- must be able to make sense of what we do, and lenge involves specialising and simplifying the create a “story” for it. This is a role primarily organisation of our fi ve businesses into two demanded of those of us with responsibility companies: Abertis Infraestructuras, a quoted for leading the process. We don’t yet have all toll-road telecommunications and airports the answers about the next step. But we never company; and the new Saba Infraestructuras, have had. We’ll find our direction as we go which will bring together the car parks and along. We’re now setting off on a new path. It’s logistics parks businesses. a starting point, not a final destination. Q

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 3 Nº04 SUMMARY

10 TELECOMMUNICATIONS New services for a new era

18 30 45 COMPANY REPORT NEWS link abertis abertis, at the CSA meeting Larger fl eet of satellites Toll roads 45 The only Spanish company to More coverage and services Work on the AP-6 participate in this French forum for Hispasat and Eutelsat in has been completed 20 34 Education 46 INTERVIEW THE TEAM New web site for young 06 Àngel Castiñeira Environmental drivers on toll roads OPINION “With only soft values, sustainability Awards 47 Mateu Turró we will not prosper” Managing the Group’s sanef wins the design environmental impact The public-private option, Grand Prix in the 2011 as a response to the crisis 26 TopCom awards 38 Giving something back 47 COMPANY 08 Closed toll system on the AP-7 TRAVEL The French Red Cross and The new system makes San Juan, sanef promote return-to- REPORT it possible to drive from Between a colonial fl avour work programmes Reorganisation Barcelona to both Valencia and and the whirlwind The environment 48 The abertis group reorganises Zaragoza without stopping of modern life sanef evaluates its business structure the fi rst year of the 14 28 42 Paquet Vert initiative REPORT REPORT Logistics 49 INTERVIEW Eurovignette HUB CTL expands in Arasur Jesús Banegas Analysis of the challenges of the A tool for internal use Order management 50 “For the fi rst time, ’s European directive and its role in for knowledge sharing Privalia opens a logistics technological clock is on time” the future of road infrastructures throughout the world centre in the PLZF

4 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 20 26

58 56 62 30 link abertis is published by IN BRIEF Abertis Infraestructuras, SA Av. del Parc Logístic, 12-20. Notes on what’s 08040 Barcelona. new at abertis Tel.: 93 230 50 00. Fax: 93 230 50 02. EDITED AND PRODUCED BY: abertis Studies and Communication Corporate Direction. EDITORIAL BOARD: Salvador Alemany, Francisco Reynés, Josep Martínez Vila, José Aljaro, Josep Maria Coronas, Toni Brunet, Sergi Loughney and Joan Rafel. New entity 51 Publications 58 CORPORATE IMAGE AND PRODUCTION: Investor’s link Erik Ribé and Bernat Ruiz. abertis logística’s presence The abertis foundation CONTENT COORDINATOR: in the new Consorci publishes a book about Alícia Cobeña. WRITTEN BY: Elena Barrera, de Parcs Logístics the Foix Natural Park Alícia Cobeña, Gemma Gazulla, Marc Gómez, Leticia Gonzálvez and Bernat Ruiz. Sustainability 52 Voluntaris Awards 60 CONTRIBUTORS: Christine Allard, Pilar Barbero, Cardiff reduces its The abertis foundation 66 Carolina Bergantiños, Bob Bullock, Julio Cerezo, Joan Fontanals, Marta Giner, Sagrario Huelin, Anna ecological footprint donated 40,000 euros RESULTS Morera, Astrid Noury, Vanessa O’Connor, Enric January-December 2010 Pérez, Mercedes Pérez-Cruz, Roser Prenafeta, Astrid Airports 53 to support the Recoque, Marc Ribó, Albert Rossell, Beatriz Sanz, chosen projects abertis group’s fi gures for 2010 abertis, abertis autopistas, abertis telecom, tbi’s airports have abertis logística, abertis airports, new internet portals Road safety 60 abertis foundation and saba. Award for the You’ve one 73 PRODUCED BY: Virtual technology 54 Ediciones Reunidas, SA (Grupo Zeta). life left campaign by the Revistas Corporativas Barcelona. Two holograms are the ABERTIS ON THE STOCK MARKET Consell de Cent, 425. 08009 Barcelona. new passenger assistants abertis foundation Rising share price Tel.: 93 265 53 53. Manager: Òscar Voltas. Editorial coordinator: in London Luton Airport 500+ EFQM Seal 61 abertis, 10 years of growth Nuria González. Chief writers: Toni Sarrià and abertis telecom’s and profi tability Olga Tarín. Lay-out: Cristina Vilaplana Car parks 55 and Xavier Julià. Edited by: Ares Rubio. saba opens two new Business Management Legal deposit: B-16430-2010. abertis shareholder care line: car parks in awarded a prize 74 902 30 10 15. Foundation 56 Airports 61 SHAREHOLDERS abertis accepts no responsibility Additional fl ights for the opinion of its contributors The abertis foundation Closer contact in the articles published, nor does starts up in France from tbi airports First Shareholders’ Day it necessarily identify with their opinion.

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 5 OPINION The public-private

BY option, as a MATEU TURRÓ He has a doctorate response to in Civil Engineering, an MSc from the University the crisis of Michigan and is Professor of Transportation in Public-private partnerships for infrastructures ETSICCP Institute of as a viable formula for contributing to ending the UPC (Barcelona). the recent fi nancial crisis Between 1988 and 2009, he worked The financial crisis is having major redefi ne the model we have followed up to for the European effects on public fi nance. In rescuing now, in which investment in infrastructures, Investment Bank. the fi nancial entities that have endangered and specifi cally in transport infrastructures, His fi nal post the stability of the Western economic system, came principally from the public sector. The in the bank was as many sovereign states, including Spain, have conditions for private sector involvement Associate Director of found themselves in a very volatile macro- will have to change, so that each party can Project Management. economic situation. This situation affects carry out its responsibility as effi ciently as He has written, their borrowing capacity exactly when gov- effectively as possible. amongst other ernment income is being weakened. On the things Going trans- one hand, this is because businesses, in a very Th e role of the public sector European. Planning negative demand situation, cannot pay addi- In order to ensure this effi ciency, relevant and fi nancing tional taxes and, on the other, because the government bodies can implement projects transport networks high level of unemployment reduces income themselves or –when they are sure that the for Europe and from direct taxation while increasing the private sector has the technical and/or man- RAILPAG, Rail Project amount of welfare payments. agement capabilities to ensure higher socio- Evaluation Guidelines (EIB, European In addition to raising the cost of govern- economic profi tability– entrust them, wholly Commission, 2005). ment debt to levels which were unthinkable or in part, to private developers, . just a short time ago, the current situation The search for effi ciency must be the has called into question, at least in the most fi rst principle of government action. Too often, developed countries, the principle that sov- however, the principal argument for ereign debt is secure. This undermines the approaching private companies to construct direct and/or indirect guarantee provided by and manage transport infrastructures is that the public sector, which has been the basis of a lack of budgetary resources or the unfa- of the financing of major infrastructures. vourable macro-economic conditions. Links In Spain’s case, these diffi culties coincide Although this reasoning is understandable, UPC with the government’s desire to base a con- given the pressure of current conditions, it siderable part (about 17 thousand million should not be the basis for government euros) of future investment in infrastructures decision-making. European on the private sector. This investment is laid These considerations are very relevant Investment Bank out in the Extraordinary Infrastructure Plan to the current situation. Typically, when tax (PEI), which aims to reactivate the economy income declines, or budgetary imbalances and raise employment levels through invest- must be corrected, governments opt for ment in transport infrastructures. Given the reducing investment. If investment decisions current situation, which includes the sharp were taken on the basis of socio-economic decline in grants from the EC, it can be criteria, cuts would be applied to the projects expected that if a socialist government pro- which are less profi table in these terms, and poses to rely on the private sector to fi nance the effect of the cuts on society would be the infrastructures the country needs, this limited, since the truly necessary projects policy will be maintained whatever the future would be saved. However, this has not been political situation may be. done. Purely political criteria have been We therefore fi nd ourselves confronted applied, such as providing the same services, by a major challenge which will force us to by all modes of transport, for all cities, inde-

6 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 pendently of the expected demand. And we ing from abroad, the compensation implied out– will be applied. Flexibility in PPP con- are running the risk of continuing to invest by the “country risk” (a risk which therefore tracts will, at any rate, be an essential condi- in unacceptable projects while delaying goes abroad) will be so high that it will prob- tion if the model is to function correctly. the projects the country needs if it is to ably reduce the profitability of the project increase its productivity. to unacceptably low levels. This situation can Conclusions The lack of budgetary resources cannot already be seen in several countries experi- The current situation should allow the trans- be an argument for taking decisions that are encing financial crises. port systems operations to be redefined in prejudicial to society. Every project, including In short, accountancy manipulation can order to improve them in terms of, specifi- those already begun (for which only the pend- never turn a bad project into a good one, so cally: eliminating cost distortions for users; ing investment should be considered), must using PPPs only makes sense when imple- improving the planning and programming of be subject to a detailed socio-economic investments; and rationalising decision- profitability analysis, professionally carried making on the projects to be implemented. out, and using homogenous criteria. This EVERY PROJECT SHOULD Since transport infrastructures have major would allow investment priorities to be cor- impacts on land use and economic develop- rectly established, and acceptable cuts could BE SUBJECT TO A DETAILED ment, there must be a strong public sector be made as a result. SOCIO-ECONOMIC presence in their planning and implementation. PROFITABILITY ANALYSIS, The main driving force behind public sector Re-launching the economy PROFESSIONALLY actions –the search for efficiency maximisa- The term public-private partnership (PPP) is tion– must be the factor that determines used fairly ambiguously, covering everything CARRIED OUT, AND USING whether or not governments rely on the private from models which are practically no more HOMOGENOUS CRITERIA sector in any particular instance.

than work orders to true partnerships in which menting those investments that society is The private sector can contribute to the the public and private partners are deeply clamouring for, and which will be improved development of transport infrastructures, but in the project, with a relationship of trust by private sector participation. only projects for which there is clear socio- which is similar to that in purely private In the next few years, there will prob- economic justification can expect to receive joint-ventures. ably new opportunities for PPPs in the trans- adequate private finance. Even if the profitabil- The creation of PPPs will certainly not port sector. In fact, a generalised change to ity conditions for investors are apparently appro- resolve the current crisis, but there are still pay-per-use for infrastructures seems to be priate, bad projects are not sustainable over the some highly profitable infrastructure invest- unavoidable, for the reasons sketched out long-terms required by the infrastructures. ments –in socio-economic terms– which above. With the increase in electric vehicles For efficient projects, which therefore must be implemented. And participation, and improvements in fuel efficiency, tax contribute to economic development, mixed both in financial terms and in terms of sup- revenues from fuel are falling, and this will finance through PPPs can be used. These plying knowledge about construction and inevitably lead to charging policies being require a legislative framework which will allow operation (this is particularly important in implemented for sections of road (at least, the interests of the public sector to converge Spain) can aid in developing them as effec- for high-capacity roads) and this revenue with the purely financial interests of the private tively and efficiently as possible. can then be allocated to the companies sector, and thus facilitate adapting the partner- Moreover, the use of public-private responsible for operating, maintaining and ship contract to the changing circumstances mechanisms purely to delay public invest- improving them. It is therefore possible to which will inevitably arise during the long life ment is undoubtedly bad for the economy, envisage a situation in which contracts based of an infrastructure project. There is still much especially when it detracts from internal on road availability will become general to improve on with respect to PPPs, but the funds which could be better used. If the practice, and that variable conditions outlook for their development is particularly project is not commercially solid (potential –depending on the private sector investment good in the new environment created by the demand is not high), then in any finance com- required and on how the risks are shared economic crisis. Q

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 7 REPORT

Business abertis reorganises its business structure The Group is reorganising its fi ve business units into two companies: the current Abertis Infraestructuras (Toll Roads, Telecommunications and Airports) and the non-listed company, Saba Infraestructuras (Car Parks and Logistics Parks)


In line with the process of reorganising business units: Autopistas España, Autopistas the abertis businesses into two com- Francia, Autopistas Internacionales, abertis panies (Abertis Infraestructuras and Saba telecom and abertis airports. These fi ve Infraestructuras), the Group has adapted its business units will report directly to the current organisational and management Group’s managing director, Francisco Reynés, structure. whose responsibilities will include the follow- The three businesses (toll-roads, telecom- ing corporate functions: Finance, General munications and airports) which will remain Secretariat, Internal Resources, Strategic Plan- in Abertis Infraestructuras will operate as fi ve ning, Investment Analysis and Public Relations.

8 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 The following will report directly to the The segmentation into two companies president of the Group: the Secretary of the THIS REORGANISATION –one of which, Saba Infraestructuras, could Board, the directors of the President’s Cabi- receive new institutional investors relatively net, Institutional Relationships and Risk Man- AIMS TO ACHIEVE soon–, would make it possible to provide the agement and Internal Control. SHARPER FOCUS OF necessary resources for each of the five current abertis has also formally constituted AVAILABLE RESOURCES, abertis businesses to enjoy the necessary Saba Infraestructuras, SA, a holding company IN A CONTEXT IN potential and margins to allow them to tackle which brings together the current car parking a new stage of growth and asset portfolio and logistics parks businesses. WHICH PURSUING renewal, which is a strategic requirement for its Salvador Alemany, the president of GROWTH DEMANDS medium and long-term competitiveness, given abertis, will also be the president of Saba HIGHER CAPITALISATION the strong concessionary base of the businesses. Infraestructuras. Josep Martínez Vila, until now LEVELS FOR THE the managing director of abertis Businesses Structure of the operation and Operations, will become managing direc- PROJECT PORTFOLIO It is planned to set the process in motion tor of the new company. There will be two by distributing an extraordinary dividend business units, one for the car parking business to be received either in the form of new Saba and the other for the logistics parks. Progress toll-road, telecommunications and airports Infraestructuras shares or else in cash. Current has thus been made in setting up the organi- businesses; and Saba Infraestructuras, which Abertis Infraestructuras shareholders would sational structure of Saba Infraestructuras. will bring together the car parks and logistics thus be offered the option of holding a stake Until the whole process of determining its parks businesses. in the new company. shareholder structure is complete, it will oper- With this reorganization into one listed To this end, abertis will work to build a ate as a wholly-owned subsidiary of abertis. company, Abertis Infraestructuras, and one core of shareholders to support its future unlisted company, Saba Infraestructuras growth. These shareholders could include new Process of reorganisation (note: any abertis shareholders that choose institutional investors, in addition to the prin- On the 23rd of February, the Group to, will be able hold stakes in this second cipal shareholders in the existing company. announced the start of a process of reorgan- company’s capital structure), the two com- The car parking and logistic parks busi- ising its business structure, through which panies aim to focus their available resources nesses that will constitute Saba Infraestruc- the five current business units will be reor- more sharply, in a context in which an approach turas, contribute 4.6% of the abertis group’s ganised into two companies: Abertis Infrae- geared towards growth requires higher consolidated revenues, 3.5% of the EBITDA, structuras, which brings together the levels of capitalisation of the project portfolio. and 5.8% of the total assets. Q


Saba Infraestructuras ÍBEX 35 unlisted

Criteria CVC ACS Others Existing New Caixa Corp Capital (Actividades de shareholders shareholders shareholders Construcción (voluntary option) Partners y Servicios)

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 9 REPORT

Telecommunications New services for a new era abertis telecom is developing a whole range of solutions to improve broadcasting, audio-visual transport and telecommunications services. This report describes some of these services TEXT AND PHOTOS abertis

10 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 Applying new technologies in order 29th of March, the new connection points will In addition to the public access points to improve people’s quality of life and be added to the 342 existing ones. planned in this project, the town hall will also make cities more effi cient. This is abertis This extension will make the service open up, to public use, the corporation’s Wi-Fi telecom’s objective for the Smart Cities available in all the districts, and increase the network, which has 469 access points, pro- project, which the company started to connection speed from 200 kilobytes per vided that there is suffi cient bandwidth and develop two years ago. In developing a smart second to 256. There will be no limit to users’ spare capacity. city, several factors must be taken into daily connection time. The Barcelona Wi-Fi service was set up account, and it has required a number of in 2009, and since then wireless internet meetings with the Town Halls and other access points have been deployed in public parties involved to determine the type of Solutions to the challenges spaces and facilities throughout the city. Most actions that could be included in this project. that cities face of these access points are in civic centres, sports centres and parks.

Th e Barcelona Wi-Fi service ADAPTING In addition to providing the Wi-Fi serv- abertis telecom is deploying Barcelona’s TO CHANGE CITIZENS AT ice for Barcelona, abertis telecom has also Keys to THE CENTRE municipal Wi-Fi network. This service will add designing won the contract for deploying the municipal solutions 411 public wireless internet access points Wi-Fi network for the Montornés del Vallès spread throughout the city. Starting on the Town Hall. EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT

Cities are bringing the dynamics of a globalised world and a changing reality down to a human scale.

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 11 Municipal wireless networks CDN (Content Delivery Network) The municipal wireless networks make up a ABERTIS TELECOM This abertis telecom solution distributes basic infrastructure layer that assists institu- OFFERS FLEXIBLE audio-visual content over the internet while tions in managing services on public roads. guaranteeing excellent audio and video They are used to improve mobility for people SOLUTIONS, SO THAT quality, as well as providing high levels of and vehicles, to assist in managing personnel, THEY CAN BE USED reliability and capacity. The extensive infra- to control energy use, and to foster social BY A MAXIMUM structure and continuously updated software inclusion. Moreover, these networks optimise NUMBER OF COMPANIES ensure that content is received at high con- available resources, increase the value of nection speeds wherever the users are, as services as perceived by residents, and pro- AND SERVICES well as providing thousands of concurrent mote a more sustainable economy, while video/audio streams. also providing businesses and visitors with The basic functionalities provided by access to municipal and local information. abertis telecom’s CDN service include In this respect, abertis telecom offers the following: audio and video streaming, fl exible solutions that can adapt to all require- telecom and Electronic Trafi c. The latter is a caching and accelerating websites, stor- ments. The deployed network can be shared, technology solutions and services company, age, monitoring, and providing reports and thus allowing it to be used by the maximum working the fields of street lighting and statistics. number of companies and services. This type transport, and is part of the ETRA group. abertis telecom’s portfolio of CDN of network is an ideal complement to the secu- The aim of the Mobility Management products includes many value-added services, rity and emergency networks by supporting Offi ce is to improve and better coordinate advanced functionalities, and solutions aimed the operatives and providing very valuable the various components involved in manag- at optimising content distribution to any information, thus facilitating rapid decision- ing mobility in the city, thus reducing the type of device, especially to mobile devices making and more effective responses. accident rate, improving road safety and (tablets, smart phones, etc). An example of the use of these new reducing traffi c jams. services is the service implemented by de To provide connectivity between the AIRS (Abertis Intelligence Torrent Town Hall (Valencia). In March, it various components (cameras, traffi c lights, Response System) opened its Mobility Management Office. information panels, etc) on the one hand, abertis telecom has developed AIRS, a This was designed and deployed by abertis and the Mobility Management Offi ce on the technology platform for global management other, the abertis telecom-Electronic Trafi c of incidents and emergencies over commu- Structure of joint venture has deployed a specifi c wireless nication networks. It provides a real-time a smart city network with 15 Wi-Fi access points and multi-fl eet operational management model. 22 WIMAX access points. This platform integrates existing emergency THE ENVIRONMENT GOVERNANCE and security networks with public mobile Smart Environment Smart People & Governance New services for new networks networks. Its principal functionalities are: abertis telecom is developing a whole range monitoring the activity of police forces, fi re URBAN SERVICES Citizen AND UTILITIES SERVICES FOR of solutions to improve broadcasting, audio- brigades, etc; global incident and emer- Smart Street THE CITIZEN Smart Living visual transport and cutting-edge telecom- gency management; evaluating the status MOBILITY munications services, over both the internet and availability of the services; and providing Smart Mobility and mobile networks. These include: instant messaging to contact the fleets of emergency vehicles.

Platform for contributing audio-visual content abertis telecom has also developed a system for transmitting audio-visual content over the internet and IP networks in collaboration with VSN, (a software supplier for the broad- cast environment). This new technology includes the latest developments in the following areas: encoding-decoding systems, video compression, signal processing and IP transfer. This solution allows television consortia, independent television channels, news agen- cies, and producers, to benefi t from the imme- diate sending and reception of their audio- visual content in broadcast quality, and also benefi t by being able to manage different video formats, thus providing considerable cost savings.

12 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 TDTCOM: the connected television Database access The CDN solution distributes abertis telecom also offers a portal for The database access software applications audio-visual content over the internet, while guaranteeing accessing video on demand, which is based provide access to information from a remote excellent audio and video quality. on the TDTCOM project. The application has database source in mobile environments. The been developed in accordance with the necessary data can thus be accessed in real HbbTV standard, and so can provide access time, and is always up-to-date. abertis services are aimed at the Operators and the to internet content through a technical telecom analyses the necessities and require- Audio-visual sector, where abertis telecom solution that is common to all manufactur- ments of its customers in order to determine is already a leader in telecommunications ers, and which users can access from the the type of device (PC, PDA, data terminal, services provision. The transport services television remote. screen and keyboard terminal), and the provide guaranteed end-to-end bandwidth, carrier services to be used. and are specially designed to ensure quality Mobile Broadband of service in video transport. abertis telecom and Alcatel-Lucent are Frank, the optical option The transport solutions allow simultane- developing LTE (Long Term Evolution) tech- With the aim of growing its presence in ous video and data traffic over the same nology to support video services over an LTE the optical communications sector, abertis infrastructure, while at all times maintaining network at 800 MHz. This waveband, part telecom is creating a Next-Generation high the individual quality of service of each traf- of the digital dividend, is considered to be capacity Transport Network based on fibre fic stream, thus optimising the bandwidth. ideal for future deployments of cutting-edge optics technology, which will be available in The new network also provides last mile con- wireless broadband in rural environments. 14 Spanish provinces. It will give the company nectivity, using radio technology and covering This is due to the excellent cost-coverage greater transport capacity for its own services over 95% of the population, as a result of its ratio it provides. and for those it provides to third parties. These 3200 sites deployed throughout Spain. Q

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 13 INTERVIEW

Telecommunications Jesús Banegas «For the first time, Spain’s technological clock is on time»

The president of AMETIC thinks that many Spanish companies can boast of having cutting-edge technology and exporting it all over the world


The Multi-sector Spanish Electronics, ever, in 2009 it experienced a decline, and Profile Information Technology, Communi- the total volume of business dropped to Jesús Banegas has an cations, Telecommunications and Digital something over 90,000 million. According engineering degree and Content Industries Association (AMETIC) to my calculations, we represent about 7% doctorate in Economic Science, has just been formed. Its president, Jesús of the GNP. as well as a Diploma in Banegas, analyses the condition of this sec- There are more than 500 associated com- Exporting from the EOI, and tor in Spain. panies and over 5,000 companies that are PADE (Executive Management QQQ indirectly associated as members of regional Programme) from the ESE. AMETIC is the result of a merger of two associations which are affiliated to us. We He has been a technical major associations - AETIC and ASIMELEC. directly employ over 350,000 people. Indirectly, executive in Standard What was the reason for this merger? there’s almost no one whose job is not, in some Eléctrica, Telettra Española, In the words of the song, “Together, we’re way, related to new technology. Telefónica Sistemas stronger.” Our sector is both plural and dy- This sector, therefore, from the point of and Amper. namic. So, since we have many interests in view of size, is one of the most important in He is the founder and president common, it’s logical that we can work to- the Spanish economy. Additionally, there’s no of IP SISTEMAS and FONYTEL, gether in harmony. We’re better and more other sector in the economy which has a more and a director of ICEX, ARSYS, efficient together. The merger has now been positive influence across all sectors. It’s obvious BEST TELECOM, BAO & completed, and we are starting the process that the society’s future and its economic effi- PARTNERS, SECUWARE of integrating our resources. The associates ciency would both be much worse without our and TELDAT. are clearly satisfied with progress so far. As technologies. if any company –a newspaper, a He is the president of AMETIC for the future, “you make the path by walk- refinery, or any other business– were to stop and of the CEOE’s Commission ing it.” We’ll continue to fulfil all the functions using IT and communications, it would need on International Relationships. of both the associations, and given the re- many more resources to continue to do what sources we have, we’ll be able to do more. it had been doing. Our contribution can be The author of four books and co-author of around twenty, This is what we’re working on at present, measured in terms of these resources that the he has also published five and, at the moment, we’re very satisfied. companies and society as a whole are saving. hundred articles, and has given QQQ There’s another significant contribution numerous lectures to various What is the importance of the sector in by the sector which is very important to a national and international today’s world? modern economy –R&D. More than one third conferences. The financial of this “hyper-sector” did pre- of all Research and Development in Spain is viously exceed 100,000 million euros. How- carried out by our sector. It takes two or three

14 Q LINK abertis QMAY 2011 other sectors to equal our contribution. In ABERTIS, LIKE OTHER And there’s no law that forces anyone to this respect, we are the undisputed leaders MAGNIFICENT SPANISH invest. What there are, are regulatory frame- in innovation in Spain. COMPANIES, MUST BE works, and these generate investor confi- QQQ dence in the future, but its a risk. I believe What is the current state of investment EVEN MORE AMBITIOUS, that the question we must ask ourselves in in innovation? AND AIM TO BECOME Spain is: “What could we do to generate Last year, something happened for the first A WORLD LEADER better expectations, which would then at- time. There was a considerable drop in com- IN ITS SECTOR –AND tract more investment?” And this is the big bined investment, and no sector escaped IT CAN DO THIS!” dilemma that Spain must face. this. However, in that, the worst year in QQQ history in terms of economic activity, invest- Where is the industry going? ment in R&D grew by 5%. RIGHT NOW, WHAT It’s obvious that the use of technology con- There’s an underlying reason for this: WORKS FOR COMPANIES tinues to accelerate. However, the financial there’s a very close relationship between free IS ATTRACTING value of that market –curiously and para- market competition –ree movement of goods– CREATIVE YOUNG doxically– does not sufficiently reflect and innovation. In those parts of the economy BRAINS –PEOPLE WHO the momentum provided by the presence which are subjected to less competitive pres- of technology. sure, there is less drive to innovate. There was THINK UP NEW IDEAS– Last year, the value of the consumer elec- a time when innovation was good in terms of AND IF THESE IDEAS tronics market fell by 11%, although the business excellence and successfully compet- THEY COME UP WITH number of televisions sold increased by 15%. ing; now you have to innovate to survive. In GAIN THE PUBLIC’S There is not a single product or service in this our sector, companies that don’t innovate, INTEREST, THIS WILL sector which is not following this trend: it keeps disappear. It’s life or death. ENSURE THAT THE costing less, and you keep getting more. This QQQ also happens –although to a lesser extent– with What’s your opinion of the current level SECTOR CONTINUES cars. You can’t compare the prices of today’s of investment in networks? TO GROW” cars with those of 10 years ago, because today’s I’m rather concerned that the investment cars offer much more than the old ones did. level has fallen, in part, as a result of the We are therefore in a deflationary situ- drop in prices. One must take into account ation. If we could add the drop in prices to that investment is a business decision, our market value, the sector would continue and there’s not a single investor who will to grow significantly in financial terms, and invest anything without an adequate return. it would be more important.

16 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 QQQ Every day, there are new services and products. Which are going to be the most important? The globalised economy, with its econom- ic and political freedom, frees up a lot of energy and allows a great many impressive people to innovate. I believe we are living in a world which favours innovation, and that we are happily “condemned” to con- tinue to invent new products and services. Over 10 years ago, I said that of all human needs, the only one it would never be possible to fully satisfy was the need to communicate. And that’s still true. Man’s capacity for inter- communication is impressive. There has been a miracle which has been widely-recognised and much commented on: there has never been another technological innovation that has become so widely used in so little time as mobile telephony. 80% of the world is inter- connected –all the time! I believe that mobile telephony and broad- band are here to stay. There’s no going back. And based on this, in an inter-connected world, the sheer quantity of services that can be created is amazing. And the same thing is happening with DTT, although it has still not been sufficiently developed. Right now, what works for companies is attracting creative young brains –people who think up new ideas – and if these ideas they come up with gain the public’s interest, this will computers and networks, but they either –and, specifically, a pioneer in DTT. And when ensure that the sector continues to grow. don’t have applications, or they don’t use the government of José Luis Rodríguez Za-

QQQ them efficiently. All schools have computers, patero took office, the project acquired even In this respect, how does Spain compare but IT is not on the curriculum. Government more momentum. When we said there had with other countries in Europe? Departments have computers, but they are to be a switch-over, there was –and it worked. For the first time in its history, Spain’s tech- not inter-connected, and so cannot provide We were the first major country in the world nological clock is on time For example, in integrated public services, etc. We have more to have accomplished this. Spain can be proud terms of connectivity, how many people problems in the areas of usage and applica- of having cutting-edge technology, and of are connected to networks, and at what tion than we have in terms of the physical exporting it worldwide. All of us who took speed? Spain is one of the leading countries availability of the technologies. part in the process can feel a great sense of worldwide in this field, without a doubt. In Moreover, Spain’s technological industry satisfaction and happiness. the last fifteen years, we have made more is quite small. How much of the technology QQQ progress than most other countries. used in Spain is invented or manufactured What is your opinion of abertis telecom’s The same is true of technological equip- here? Less than any other country. This is a role in AMETIC? ment for companies. Spain is a leader in new major deficiency. Spanish technology demand It plays a very positive role, because it is an technologies such as networks, and in creating, is good, but the supply is weak. There are Span- exceptional company, and very open to the implementing and exporting DTT technology. ish companies which are successful interna- idea of cooperation. It has a very construc- Additionally, there are technological areas within tionally, but the problem is that there are not tive attitude, and its considerable invest- Government departments in which we also lead enough. This is our main weakness. ment is driving a very characteristically the world. The efficiency of our Inland Revenue QQQ Spanish technological industry. I would just is justly famous –it tracks us down, by compu- What is your opinion of the DTT imple- ask for one thing: abertis, like other mag- ter, wherever we are. Implementations in the mentation process? nificent Spanish companies, must be even fields of health and education are also significant. It’s been a magnificent achievement. The more ambitious, and aim to become a world

QQQ analogue switch-over reflects great credit on leader in its sector –and it can do this! Q What are our weaknesses? us as a country. I remember, as if it yesterday, We don’t always use the technologies we how, during José María Aznar’s first term, have efficiently. As a result, the Spanish Rafael Arias Salgado accepted the challenge Link economy does not reap the full benefit of our sector put before him: that Spain should AMETIC these technologies. Many companies have be a pioneer in the new wave of technology

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 17 COMPANY

Economic analysis abertis attends a meeting of the Strategic Council for Attracting Foreign Investment to France abertis is the only Spanish company to participate in the work of the council, which this year brought together a total of 24 companies, from 15 countries, which have invested in France


abertis was the only Spanish com- (), Novo Nordisk (Denmark) and Solvay pany to attend the meeting of the (Belgium), and many others. Strategic Council on Attracting Foreign Invest- The meeting was attended by president ment (CSA) held on the 28th of March. The of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, and the French French government has held annual meetings ministers of Economy and Finance (Christine of this council since 2003, in order to analyse Lagarde), and Food, Agriculture and Fishing The French Ministers of Food, Agriculture and Fishing (Bruno the status of foreign investments with the (Bruno Le Maire). Matters discussed included Le Maire), and Economy and principal foreign companies with a presence the attractiveness of France is to foreign Finance (Christine Lagarde). in France. This year, a total 24 companies from 15 European, Asian and American com- panies took part in the CSA meeting. abertis is the leading Spanish company in terms of investment in France. In the last four years, its investments in France have totalled about 5000 million euros. These investments include 2800 million euros for the 2006 acquisition of 52.5% of sanef, the toll-road concessions company, and 1077 million in 2007 for the acquisition of 32% of Eutelsat, the satellite operator, which is based in Paris. abertis also has a presence in France with its car park business, which owns two car parks in Paris.

Attracting foreign investment In addition to abertis, which was represented by its managing director, Francisco Reynés, companies such the USA corporations Bos- ton Consulting Group, Blackstone and Gen- eral Electric took part. Also present were Bertelsmann (Germany), China National Bluestar (China), Ikea (Sweden), Embraer

18 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 investment, future projects –looking towards The managing director of 2020–, innovation, and the legal and eco- abertis, Francisco Reynés ABERTIS IS THE LEADING (first on the right), at the table nomic environment in which these compa- SPANISH COMPANY IN with the French President, nies operate. Nicolas Sarkozy (centre), TERMS OF INVESTMENT flanked by ministers Bruno Le Maire and Christine Lagarde. abertis in France IN FRANCE. IN THE LAST In 2006, abertis took over the concessionaire FOUR YEARS, ITS sanef (Société des Autoroutes du Nord et INVESTMENTS IN FRANCE de l’Est de la France), after the French Govern- ment, in December 2005, awarded the tender HAVE TOTALLED ABOUT for the privatisation of this company to the 5,000 MILLION EUROS consortium Holding d’Infrastructures de Transport (HIT), led by abertis with a 52.5% stake and in which Caisse de Dépôts, the telecom bought 32% of the satellite opera- insurance group AXA, the French investment tor in 2007. sanef saba parkings, in which fund Predica and FFP, a company controlled saba –the Group’s car park subsidiary– Link by the Peugeot family, also have a stake. and sanef, are both major shareholders, Agence française pour In the telecommunications infrastruc- manages two car parks in Paris, Maubert- les investissements tures business, abertis became the prin- Lagrange and François 1er, both of which internationaux cipal shareholder in Eutelsat when abertis are in the centre of Paris. Q

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 19 INTERVIEW

Leadership Àngel Castiñeira «If we only have soft values, we’ll never prosper» Àngel Castiñeira, Academic Director of ESADE’s Department of Democratic Government and Leadership, goes deeper into several aspects of the study ‘Valors tous en temps durs’ (Soft values in hard times), which he has published jointly with Javier Elzo, the sociologist

TEXT Editorial office | PHOTOS Marta Jordi

In the 21st Century, immediacy is all- “values supermarket” which offers many and Profile important –in consumption and in varied values. Angel Castiñeira has a communications– as society undergoes rapid That is the situation society finds itself Doctorate in Philosophy change in all areas of life. This rapid change in. In terms of companies, I believe there are and Educational Science, also affects the values, and it is these values two, much more specific concerns. Firstly, and is the director of the which are put under the microscope in Valors there is the overall context. We should talk Values Observatory at the tous en temps durs. La societat catalana a about the current wave of globalisation, Fundació Lluís Carulla. l’Enquesta Europea de Valors del 2009 (Soft which began in 1989 with the fall of the He is also the academic values in hard times. Catalan Society in the Berlin Wall, or if you prefer with the collapse director the Department 2009 European Values Survey). Its conclusions of the Soviet Union in 1991. This globalisation of Leadership and describe how citizens and institutions (includ- is markedly economic in nature, because the Democratic Governance ing companies) deal with prevailing values. major players have not been the States or at ESADE-Universitat QQQ the NGOs which then emerged, but the big Ramon Llull (URL). Is there a perception that we are expe- companies. To the extent to which major Since 1993 he has been riencing a crisis of values? To what companies understood this globalisation, a senior lecturer in the extent is this crisis real? and took part in it, their impact has been Department of Social I believe that what there actually is, is a clear much greater than in previous eras. As a result, Sciences at ESADE-URL. awareness of very rapid social changes, and some of the problems we now have with He was director of changes of this kind always involve societies the environment –Fukushima, the Prestige– Centre d’Estudis de that are complex, multi-cultural and are related to human values. Temes Contemporanis advanced, and in which the processes of These aspects of major social changes (Generalitat de Catalunya), passing on lifestyles and behavioural guide- are related to how companies act. And if the between 1998 and 2004. lines –intergenerational values– are often dominant role moves to the market from Editorial Director weakened. These processes have been weak- the State, and the market takes on a more Editorial Proa’s ened because passing on values usually takes important role, we naturally hold this new Temes Contemporanis some time. player accountable for the values that it brings collection and of IDEES, In the same way in which history has with it. This, then is the context. Revista de Temes accelerated, these changes in lifestyle are Secondly, from the perspective of the Contemporanis, now much faster. Concern is not so much inner workings of a company, we have realised between 1999 and 2004. that there is a crisis of values –they are dis- that the most important intangible aspect appearing– but rather that we are in a which determines the difference between


MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 21 According to Àngel Castiñeira, “the most important intangible aspect which determines the diff erence between one company and another has increasingly less to do with the value for money of the product or service, but is rather based on the reason why both consumers and employees identify themselves with that company”. one company and another, has increasingly INCREASINGLY, BOTH the collective links which have been the back- less to with value for money of the product WORKERS AND bone of socialisation: the family, school, the or service, but is rather based on the reason church and work. The last three of these insti- why both consumers and employees identify CONSUMERS DEVELOP tutions are now in a deep crisis. The fi rst one, themselves with that company. And this THEIR DIFFERENT TYPES the family, is also undergoing a crisis, but identifi cation is directly related to that com- OF LINK TO ONE individuals still value it. pany’s values. ORGANISATION OR The second trend is process of self- Today, a high proportion of employees ANOTHER BECAUSE realisation. Everything that involves sacrifi ce, working for large organisations are “talent” OF THE SET OF VALUES solidarity or acts of unselfi shness is relegated workers, and talent workers don’t just join into second place, because the priority is to organisations for quantitative or materialis- IT EMBODIES” make full use of all opportunities, both in tic reasons, but also for non-materialistic professional life and in free time –friendship, reasons. Increasingly, both workers and con- SOMETIMES IT’S NOT pleasure, etc. sumers develop their different types of link A QUESTION OF THE And this preference for personal realisa- to one organisation or another because of LEADER HAVING tion leads to the third tendency: the priori- the set of values it embodies. THE ANSWER, BUT tisation of the individual’s emotional wellbe- Because values are not what we do, they HE OR SHE BEING ABLE ing above everything –even including rational are part of our identities. Reputation –which considerations, and the rejection of any moral is related to values and identifying good com- TO ASK THE QUESTION duties which are externally imposed. If the panies– thus becomes more important and SO THAT THE PROBLEM “I” wishes to be self-governing and self- not just a question of “looking good”. A com- CAN BE SOLVED JOINTLY” realising, it will not accept anything imposed pany which just looks good may be successful from above which tells it how to act in terms in short-term business dealings, but in the of personal development, relationships, long-term, it will not survive: the market will sex, morals, etc. This is an anti-authoritarian punish it the moment it sees through the attitude which rejects all authority fi gures: facade. It’s not surprising that businesses are father, mother, boss, priest, etc. This is forcing increasingly concerned about their values. authority fi gures to develop other ways of

QQQ exercising power –more horizontal, demo- So, in this time of rapid change, which cratic and based on recognising authority values predominate? rather than an acceptance of another’s power. From the study, we can detect three major Another of the study’s conclusion, how- underlying trends. One of them is the increas- ever, is that the same person who, in their ingly marked process of individualisation, personal space says, “live and let live, don’t which leads to the individual distancing him- tell me what to do,” demands law and order self from traditional social institutions and in the public arena.

22 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 QQQ as a means for achieving other important very difficult to understand. Rather, leadership Is this process of individualisation goals in life. Catalans, along with the people is related to reflecting and thinking. That is to compatible with social cohesion? of some other European regions, are starting say, it’s not so much a question of getting To answer this question, it’s not sufficient to to consider that factors such as work-life results –although that’s very important– as analyse society, we are also getting into the balance are very important. We say: “I don’t it is of answering the “whys”. field of laws and regulations. In this respect, need you to pay me more… I need more free In a context of changing values, leader- a variety of strategies are being developed time … there is life after work… etc”. If com- ship is becoming ever more important, in Europe. It’s interesting to see how in north- panies do not correctly interpret this, they because people want answers to questions ern and central European countries –with may experience serious setbacks, since such as, “What is the point of what I am Lutheran or Calvinist traditions– for example, in order to retain talent, they must be aware doing,” and “Where are we going with this?” social contracts provide a good balance of their staff’s scale of values. and these questions do not refer merely to between individual liberty and civil respon- QQQ actions. A manager is not just someone who sibility. However, it seems as though what How does the concept of leadership knows how things are done, he or she is some- works best in the Mediterranean south are adapt itself to this distancing from one who knows why they are done like that. family-based contracts and emotional links, external authority figures and this And this “why” has to do with constructing which are closer than other links formed in preference for personal development? meaning, which in turn is related to the idea society or in associations. Assuming this process is really occurring, of authority: In both the corporate and polit- If we take the example of it would be principal reason for changing ical environments, it’s not so important to –where the tendency to work through asso- the concept of leader. Leadership can no longer give orders as it is to answer the fundamen- ciations is stronger than in the rest of Spain– be understood in terms of simply giving tal “whys” about what is being done collec- the overall balance still comes down heavily the orders –ie wielding pure and simple power– tively. This providing sense and meaning on the side of individualism. This doesn’t but must be redefined in terms of authority. is what gives an added dimension to life, mean that associationism is disappearing This transformation in the nature of making the individual part of a meaningful –on the contrary, it’s actually growing. But it leadership has a lot to do with these changes project. People need a story that explains the is growing to the extent to which it supports in values. We are talking about a leader who meanings of their actions. self-realisation. The associations that are is not so much the one who gives the orders And sometimes it’s not so much a ques- growing are recreational ones (leisure, sports, as the one who creates commitment. A leader tion of the leader having the answer, as of he etc), which give individual satisfaction; and is not the one who gives instructions but who or she being able to ask the question which the professional ones (which give the indi- mobilises and unites people. Today, we talk will provide a context in which the problem vidual their protection, in such fields as teach- about “shared leadership”, because no one can be solved jointly. It’s a question of a ing, the law and medicine, i.e. those which would accept that they are just a follower. In facilitating leadership, the opposite of what protect the “I”). Where such growth is not society as it is now, there’s no one who has François Mitterrand, the President of France, occurring is in associations which are altru- all the vision or all the power. In German, embodied when he made the following com- istic, committed or activist. This does not the word for leader is führer (guide), an image ment at a press conference: “I’ve got all the mean that membership of leisure-orientated of leadership which is now flatly rejected. answers. Does anybody have a question?” associations or professional institutions with The second idea, which is now linked with QQQ a client-based orientation cannot also lead being a leader, is being a generator of meaning. What’s the state of European lead- to involvement in networks which concern A leader can no longer be seen as purely con- ership? themselves with commitment. cerned with action –though this is something We citizens of Europe are hungry for leader-

QQQ which some politicians and executives find ship. However, European leaders are avoiding, Is the importance of work as a positive value affected in the workplace itself? In terms of breaking down stereotypes when comparing, for example, Catalonia and the rest of Spain, this is one of the most interesting aspects. In all other regions of Spain, the stere- otypical view of Catalans is very negative, except in one respect –they are believed to take work very seriously. In order to understand this, con- sider what Ronald Inglehart, one of the most influential sociologists, called “materialistic val- ues” and “post-materialistic values”. The latter places considerable importance on self-realisa- tion through leisure time, friends, nature, etc. There is currently a gap between the work culture of Catalans and that of the rest of Spain. The Catalans are more post-modern. This is a tendency –and we’ll see if it changes as a result of the economic crisis– for Catalans to see work not as an end in itself, but rather

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 23 but active politicians let them down. This may have a lot to do with the Catalan political environment: tripartite government, how parliament acts, etc. This is leading to a preference for being governed by an expert, rather than someone with little education or training but with powerful friends. I think that what this means is that, for day-to-day life, we need the governance of the economy, the health system, etc. to be in the hands of the very best people. Although it would be a mistake to think that a technical expert makes the best politician. The fact that pure power is rejected does not mean that there is no need for authority. Because citizens are so very well-educated and so well- prepared, that if they were given a joint challenge, they could rise to it. But without a dream, without a story, without a project, we are becoming a sort of retirement home.

QQQ If your study is the diagnosis, what is the cure? What values does this society need? “It would be a mistake to believe that a defence The study is entitled Valors tous en temps of solid values implies rigid durs (Soft values in hard times). The message or reactionary values,” would be: no country in Europe can prosper said Àngel Castiñeira. based only on soft values. But this doesn’t mean there can’t be areas based on soft at all costs, the appearance of an EU leader, NO COUNTRY IN EUROPE values. Rather, it means that, if we want to because this would mean ceding more pow- CAN PROSPER BASED get ahead and prosper, we will need solid ers to supra-national bodies. The then Span- ONLY ON SOFT VALUES. values for the professional, educational and ish vice president, Alfonso Guerra, put it well social fi elds. Soft values could be liquid values, when he said: “The one who moves, won’t BUT THIS DOESN’T MEAN and the danger is that they could become come out in the photograph”. Whoever tries THERE CAN’T BE AREAS gaseous values. to make a move and asks for there to be true BASED ON SOFT VALUES” It would also be a mistake to believe leadership of the EU would immediately be that a defence of solid values implies rigid or left out of the photo. This doesn’t mean that IN THE HEART OF A reactionary values. Nothing could be further we citizens don’t need leadership, a project, COMPANY - NOT IN ALL, from the truth. Solid values are not values a dream, and a story. that cannot be modified, discussed and Thus, in the European Community, which BUT IN THOSE THAT changed. Absolutely not. Solid values are is full of very well-educated people, ready for WISH TO BE PIONEERS – values which are maintained. For example, anything, we have neither project, nor dream, VALUES BECOME A there are teachers who believe that we should nor story, and so what we have is paralysis, SOURCE OF INNOVATION return to making pupils see that nothing because any team of employees or followers AND CHANGE” comes for free, that it you fail, there are con- needs a dream in order to move forward. Mar- sequences: you must repeat the exam. That tin Luther King Jr, when he was defending the a culture of hard work and sacrifi ce is impor- rights of blacks in the USA, didn’t say: “I have tant, and it’s not only important to fight a fi ve-year plan”. He said: “I have a dream”. educational failure, one should rather fi ght What mobilises people are their dreams for educational success. –at least, the dreams that have a chance Until this all becomes part of the DNA of coming true. At this moment, in Europe, of citizens’ actions, it’s hard to see how we can for better or worse –and I would say for worse– prosper. I believe that the defence of a certain there is nobody who dares to propose a dream. meritocracy –based on a solid value, “nothing

QQQ is free, everything requires effort,”– is in line To what extent does the fact that the with saying: “Without this, we will not prosper”. institutions are losing support mean Because, don’t let us deceive ourselves, those that people are politically disaff ected? countries that aspire to lead the world today In Catalonia, people are more interested in –the USA, China, Brazil, and – do not aim politics than they were in previous decades, to do based on soft values.

24 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 In the worst case, a paradise based on soft ing a very important impact in the way they Taking society’s values could be a retirement home or spa. In are changing physical spaces, the environment temperature the best case, it could be a holiday by the sea. and societies. And, in turn, companies But it couldn’t be a truly challenging life. That are groups of people who are “condemned” The study Valors tous en temps durs. La societat would be part of my prescription: with only soft –in the best possible sense of the word– to catalana a l’Enquesta values, we’ll never get ahead and prosper act together. As I have to spend long hours Europea de Valors del 2009 QQQ working here at the ESADE, I ask myself (Soft values in hard times. And isn’t it possible that new values will whether I spend my time here earning a living Catalan Society in the 2009 arise? Or has everything been invented? –making money– or do I rather spend my time European Values Survey) Are values universal? “winning” a life –becoming a better person, is prepared every 10 years. The question of universal values –justice, and ensuring that what I do is worthwhile. “It’s like a snapshot,” said liberty, solidarity– has been the subject of My role in the company doesn’t only Àngel Castiñeira “that philosophical discussions since Plato’s time. affect me. Because we are empowered –we allows us to read the For me, values would ideally have potential can take the reins to say how we would like temperature, so to speak for universality, i.e. values which could to do things here– we act jointly and don’t of citizens’ values, and observe how they evolve”. become universal, given that there is both just obey orders. For reasons like these, com- permanence and change. For example, hon- panies are exceptional settings for creating The study was made during our as a value had a raison d’être in a former values. And when we ask that question, we May and June of 2009, cultural context. It was discriminating –not find that values immediately appear. And and was based on everyone could have it– and we have replaced therefore, in the heart of a company –not in 1,200 interviews. it by the value of dignity, which is applicable all, but in those which wish to be pioneers– One of its conclusions is to everyone, whatever their financial, social values become a source of innovation and that the people studied or religious status. change. If you asked me which department can be classified into five For us, in modern times, dignity is of vital I would put in charge of managing values, I categories: neoconservative importance. But even within the concept of wouldn’t say the Ethics or Legal department, (28.4%), civic (24.4%), human dignity, we find that, with scientific, I would say the Department of Innovation. neomodern (20%), pragmatic (16.4%) social and political changes, there have also QQQ and egocentric been changes to this concept. If we look at Can one then say that, with this reflec- individualist (10.8%). the history of human rights, we can see that tion on values, we are seeing a human- they were initially individual, then political, ising trend in companies? then social, economic, cultural, etc. They have Obviously, if values are what differentiate as steadily evolved. human beings, since there are companies The same thing happens with values. that are managed in accordance with values, With the passage of time, and as a result of work with values, and base their identity on their life experiences, every human grouping, core values, companies can have a humanis- and every culture, embodies a series of dif- ing component of the highest order. Or dehu- ferent values. This allows us to not only inherit manising, if they don’t have these values. values –our parents passed this lifestyle on That’s why I said that we can go out to to us– but also to create them. We can’t copy earn a living, putting the emphasis on “earn”, the values Catalans had in 1714, for example. or to win a life, with the emphasis on “life”. Rather, we have been reinterpreting and I can go to work just for money, or I can say: adapting them, and –sometimes– inventing “No, I’m here for a lot of hours, so the com- them, because we live in different times. pany is moulding me and, instead of it mould- If values were more universal, there would ing me into a bad shape, I prefer to be able be no point in studying them, since what- to say that I’m proud to belong here because ever was discovered in1980 would still be the way things are done here is something true today. I can explain to my family”. The underlying hypothesis of the study –at This is the most precious element. It’s least in the sociological and cultural fields– not enough to be competent. Competence is that we are aware that values are evolving. is a combination of decision-making ability This is like the stock market: some values are and an orientation towards taking action, but maintained, some fall, and others emerge, etc. it’s not enough. This isn’t a good example:

QQQ José Mourinho –the coach at Real Madrid– You mentioned earlier that values are is very competent, but he can’t transmit important for companies, so could a meaning or values. That is to say, there’s company then be a sort of incubator another component which goes beyond for values? competence and abilities. It’s a question of Companies, like NGOs, are ideal spaces for feeling colours, the shirt, etc. And that other Link values to emerge from. There’s a very clear component involves emotions and being able ESADE reason for this. Companies of all sorts are hav- to transmit meaning, a story, a project. Q

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 25 COMPANY

The Mediterranean Corridor The closed toll system comes into service on the AP-7 abertis autopistas is completing the project to widen the AP-7 between Mediterráneo and Vila-seca/Salou from two lanes to three. With the new closed toll system, it will be possible to drive non-stop from Barcelona to both Valencia and Zaragoza


On the 18th of April, abertis Vilafranca Norte, Vilafranca Centro, Vilafranca autopistas inaugurated the new Sur, Altafulla, Tarragona, Reus, Vila-seca/Salou closed toll system between Martorell and Cambrils, as well as the removal of four (Barcelona) and Vila-seca/Salou (Tarragona) on-toll road barriers, as mentioned above. on the AP-7. This has required 11 exits to be The agreement between the Ministry remodelled, and the toll barriers at Mediter- of Development and acesa was signed in ráneo, El Vendrell, Tarragona and L’Hospitalet April 2006, and work on the third lane was de l’Infant to be removed. started in September 2007. In July 2008, The implementation of this new system acesa brought forward the dismantling of will make it possible to drive from Barcelona on-toll road toll barriers at El Vendrell, going to both Valencia and Zaragoza without stop- south, and at Tarragona, going north. In order The Vilafranca Nord access ping, and completes the process of widen- to manage the increased capacity arising road is one of the 11 which ing the AP-7 to three lanes in the Tarra- from progressively bringing the third lane have been remodelled gona region. into service, the number of traffic lanes avail- as part of the AP-7’s new closed toll system, It is expected that the full migration to able was increased at both toll stations which was inaugurated the new system will be completed before –Tarragona, going towards Valencia, and El on the 18th of April. the summer. In practice, this means that Vendrell, going toward Barcelona. This pro- a driver takes a ticket on the toll road slip visional adaptation to the toll stations guar- road and only pays when leaving the toll anteed the increased capacity required road. It’s also expected that all the toll booths to cope with the additional lanes during ACESA INVESTS 300 MILLION across the highway will have been removed the period until these toll barriers could be EUROS IN WIDENING by the summer. While the on-toll road completely removed. barriers are being removed, three lanes will During the works to widen the toll road THE AP-7 BETWEEN be opened up at each toll station, so that to three lanes, two lanes remained opera- LA JONQUERA AND vehicles will not have to stop. tional in both directions and at all times VILA-SECA/SALOU –even in the sections where the works were A project begun in 2007 ongoing. This minimised any effect on traf- The implementation of the closed toll system fic flow, and was progressively eased by 200 MILLION EUROS between Martorell and Vila-seca/Salou com- bringing the wider sections into service. ARE BEING SPENT pletes the widening project (to three lanes) on the AP-7 between Mediterráneo (the Widening the strategic ON THE PROJECT TO WIDEN AP-2/ AP-7 interchange) and Vila-seca/Salou Mediterranean Corridor THE AP-7 TO THREE LANES (Tarragona) and has required 11 exits to be The works to widen the AP-7 in Tarragona are IN THE TARRAGONA REGION remodelled: Martorell, Gelida, Sant Sadurní, part of a project to widen the AP-7 between

26 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 La Jonquera and Vila-seca/Salou, and bring 5 Soses considerable improvements to the strategic 6 LLEIDA Mediterranean corridor. Its increased capac- 7 Borges ity will result in improved service for users. 8 L’Albi acesa’s planned total investment in 9 Montblanc all these actions is close to 500 million Closed toll system on the AP-7 10 El Pla de Santa Maria euros (200 million euros of which are for 11 Vila-rodona AP-7 in Tarragona project). This establishes 12 L’Albornar a new model of return on investment in mature concessions, in which tariffs are

not increased, and the concession period border / aumar acesa is not extended. The return on acesa’s investment will come from increased rev- enue from the increased traffic which will be attracted by the widening to three 50A Sagunto 49 Moncofar 48 Villareal South CASTELLÓN 47 North CASTELLÓN 46 45 Oropesa 44 Torreblanca 43 Penyíscola 42 Vinarós 41 Amposta 40 Tortosa 39A L’Ampolla 39 L’Ametlla l’Infant de 38 L’Hospitalet 37 Cambrils 35 Salou 34 Reus TARRAGONA 33 32 Altafulla Vendrell 31 El South 30 Vilafranca Center 29 Vilafranca North 28 Vilafranca Sadurní Sant 27 26 Gelida ALENCIA V –and sometimes four– lanes. Q BARCELONA

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 27 REPORT

The conference was held on the 31st of March at the headquarters of the Col·legi d’Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports de Catalunya (Catalonian College of Civil Engineers).

Infrastructures Eurovignette: between challenges and opportunities The conference on ‘Opportunities in implementing the Eurovignette’, analysed the challenges of the European directive and its central role in the future of road infrastructures

TEXT David Revelles | PHOTOS abertis

“Analyse the challenges and oppor- opinion present at this evaluation of the chal- “The first major advantage would be to tunities of applying the Eurovignette lenges and possibilities involved in implement- help us with something we all want to achieve directive from a multi-faceted perspective”. ing directive 2006/38/EC, more popularly known –the harmonisation of our highways model With these words, Josep Oriol, dean of the as the Eurovignette, which regulates the in Spain, followed by European harmonisation”, Col·legi d’Enginyers de Camins, Canals i pay-per-use system for road infrastructures. Salvador Alemany pointed out. The third aspect, Ports de Catalunya, inaugurated the confer- Above all, this conference aimed to evaluate the he emphasised, was “now that the economic ence on Opportunities in the implementation opportunities that implementing this directive crisis is highlighting the problems government of the Eurovignette. This forum was attended would offer in the present economic situation. budgets have in covering expenses –no longer by representatives of the Catalan Adminis- the cost of constructing new roads, but rather tration and other political figures, universi- An effective solution of maintaining roads– the system must be ties, users, the transport sector, and infra- “The first time I heard of the Eurovignette able to cover the expenses of financing a road structure management companies. concept”, remembered Salvador Alemany at network in which there is increasing traffic, As Josep Oriol, Felip Puig (the councillor the start of his speech, “I thought that it would and for which repairs are needed which cannot for the Interior in the Generalitat de Cataluña), solve the problem we have in Spain with wait”. Finally, the president of abertis –who and Salvador Alemany (the president of respect to the system for financing major emphasised how positive the directive would abertis), all agreed, one of the keys to the con- roads”. “This real problem”, he added, “can be be for restructuring the transport sector–– also ferences expected success was the diversity of resolved by the directive in four ways”. underlined the fact that “the Eurovignette may

28 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 “THE SYSTEM MUST BE ABLE TO COVER THE EXPENSES OF FINANCING A ROAD NETWORK IN WHICH THERE IS INCREASING TRAFFIC, AND FOR WHICH REPAIRS ARE NEEDED WHICH CANNOT WAIT”, SAID SALVADOR ALEMANY lead to new infrastructures being constructed, and this will allow road construction to return to normal levels”.

The status quo of the Eurovignette 1 The current status was outlined by Francesc — 1 — Robusté (the president of CENIT, and the From left to right: Felip Puig, conference moderator), Matilde Fernández the councillor for the Interior in the Generalitat de Catalonia, (advisor to the Secretary of State for Transport and Salvador Alemany, in the Ministry of Development), and José the president of abertis. Vicente Solano (a member of the Commission — 2 — Josep Lluís Giménez, on Construction and Financing Infrastructures general manager of of the College of Civil Engineers). abertis autopistas Spain. José Vicente Solano’s contributions to the — 3 — Andreu Mas-Colell, discussion were especially valuable. He is the Generalitat’s councillor for the co-author of Pricing Transport Infrastruc- Knowledge and the Economy. tures in the EU: adjusting the Spanish system and applying it to the road network. He said, 2 A directive looking “The resources that the Eurovignette could to the future generate in Spain, if it were applied to the net- work of high capacity highways with an aver- Known as the Eurovignette, age price of 10 euro cents per kilometre for Directive 2006/38/EC vehicles of over 3.5 tonnes when fully loaded, was approved by the would reach 3000 million euros annually”. European Union on the 17th of May 2006. Road map Its spirit is based on the The last part of the conference, before the idea that “he who uses closing address was given by Andreu Mas- it pays for it, and he Colell, the Generalitat’s councillor for Economy who pollutes it pays”. and Knowledge, was principally given over It establishes specific to the concession companies’ vision of the guidelines for charging directive. In this session, the speakers included 3 heavy goods vehicles tolls for José Luis Feito and Pedro Maqueda, the pres- using certain infrastructures, idents of ASETA and CEDINSA respectively, special emphasis on the need to “construct these tolls to be based and Josep Lluís Giménez Sevilla, general man- a solid instrument that would be in the public on the “internal” costs (costs of construction, operation, ager of abertis autopistas Spain. interest, by implementing a pay-per-use system developing the network and Josep Lluís Giménez Sevilla spelled which is homogenous and harmonious through- capital investment costs). out the milestones on the road map for imple- out the country, is the same for all the custom- menting the Eurovignette directive, such ers and users of the road network, and is Approval is pending for as “the national regulatory umbrella which comprehensible to the general public”. Referring a new directive which will facilitate the deployment of the directive to this latter aspect, he highlighted the need will complement this and will allow pricing by autonomous regions, the design of the map and importance “of educating people, of con- to include “external” costs of infrastructures to be priced, the need to ducting a dialogue with society to counter views (atmospheric and acoustic prepare a European anti-fraud legislative frame- which tend to demonise the toll system, and pollution, and congestion). work, and the design of an ad hoc fiscal policy”. providing a constructive vision of pay-per-use In his concluding remarks, the general as a necessary system in a society that wishes manager of abertis autopistas Spain placed to maintain its economic prosperity”. Q

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 29 REPORT

Telecommunications Hispasat and Eutelsat are expanding their fl eets of satellites With the launches of the Hispasat 1E and the KaSat, both these companies are maintaining their commitment to the future by increasing their service portfolio and coverage, and by equipping themselves with the new technology that is fundamental to the development of both these businesses


Hispasat, the Spanish satellite advanced satellite. Hispasat has incorpo- it is in orbit, 5 antennae (3 of which are fold- communications operator, which is rated into it signifi cant participation from ing), two beacons, and over 13 kW power at 33.4% owned by abertis telecom, suc- the Spanish space industry, which will give the end of its useful life. Based on an LS 1300 cessfully launched its new satellite, the high-value technological returns”. platform from Space Systems Loral, it has a Hispasat 1E, on the 30th of December. The three-axis attitude control system which launch took place at the European Space High quality technology provides high precision positioning for point- Agency’s base at Kourou, French Guiana, With a useful life of 15 years, the new satel- ing the beam towards Earth. on board the Arianespace company’s Ari- lite offers improved possibilities for high At the close of the 2010 fi nancial year, ane 5 ECA launch vehicle. quality communication. It has 53 Ku band the Group’s consolidated revenues had The Ariane 5 ECA launch took place at spotbeams, and capacity in the Ka band. increased by over 20% on the previous year, 22.27 GMT, and approximately 28 minutes Hispasat 1E had a launch mass of 5.3 tonnes, to a total of 181.3 million euros. The Group later, the Hispasat 1E separated from the a 26-metre solar panel which deploys once has solid regional presence in the Spanish launch vehicle. The satellite then started up and deployed the solar panels, before start- Launch of ARIANE 5 ECA LAUNCHER ing the manoeuvres required to take it to its Ariane 5 ECA definitive orbital position at 30º West. carrying USEFUL LOAD Petra Mateos, the president of Hispasat, Hispasat 1E. External dimensions 5.4 x 17 m said, “With this new satellite, the second of Double launch system SYLDA5 the five in our growth plan, Hispasat Total mass without useful load 3.2 tonnes is consolidating its leadership role in the UPPER STAGE Dimensions 5.4 x 4.8 m Spanish and Portuguese markets. Hispasat Total mass 19.35 t 1E is a high-performance, technologically Propellant LH2 and LO2 Lift 64.7kN INTER-STAGE ADAPTOR WITH THIS NEW SATELLITE, Dimensions 5.4 x 0.8 m THE SECOND OF THE FIVE MAIN STAGE Dimensions 5.4 x 31 m IN HISPASAT’S GROWTH Total mass 188.7 t PLAN, THE OPERATOR Propellant LH2 and LO2 IS CONSOLIDATING ITS Lift 1,348 kN SOLID FUEL BOOSTERS LEADERSHIP ROLE Dimensions 3 x 27 m IN THE SPANISH AND Total mass 2 x 277 t PORTUGUESE MARKETS Lift 2 x 5,011 kN

30 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 Hispasat 1E weighs 5.3 tonnes, and its solar panel, when deployed in orbit, is over 26 metres tip to tip.

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 31 1 and Portuguese-speaking markets, and a the cornerstone of a breakthrough infra- restrial networks. KA-SAT will also con- significant market share in the USA. 44% of structure deployed by Eutelsat for users solidate Eutelsat’s Professional Data Net- the revenue comes from abroad. Hispasat’s across Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. work activity, which generates 15% of total accumulated revenues, as of the 31st By combining a satellite equipped with more our revenues, with solutions for enter- of December 2010, were 181.3 million euros, than 80 spotbeams and a network of ground prises and public administrations that twice the 2004 figure. Of this, 96.4% was stations, this new programme will deliver drive down costs of terminals and band- revenue from satellite capacity. more capacity than any other satellite width”. The launch of KA-SAT is further evi- programme deployed worldwide”. dence of the sustained commitment Eutelsat, a pioneer in Ka-spot beam These new resources will in particu- to investment and innovation that technology for broadband services lar benefit Internet Service Providers, as Eutelsat has successfully pursued, with the The desire of all governments to have broad- Michel de Rosen explained, “by enabling objective of increasing the contribution band coverage in every corner of their coun- them to extend broadband to consumers of satellites to a booming digital economy”, tries has meant satellites a cornerstone of and enterprises in areas not served by ter- he added. their strategies. Technological evolution has created Ka band solutions which are com- 2 petitive from both the technical and finan- cial viewpoints. These can quickly and effec- tively complement terrestrial infrastructures. Eutelsat is a pioneer in this field, having put into orbit the first European satellite which uses Ka-spot technology to provide broad- band services. Lift-off of Eutelsat’s 6.1 tonne satellite took place on 26 December at 21.51 GMT (22.51 CET), carried by the Proton Breeze M rocket from ILS. After a 9-hour 12-minute flight, the launcher released KA-SAT into geosynchronous transfer orbit. Eutelsat’s control centre at the Rambouillet teleport successfully received the satellite’s telem- etry signal. Michel de Rosen, Eutelsat CEO, com- mented after successful completion of the first satellite manoeuvres: “KA-SAT will be

32 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 3


Internet for a million KaSat –built for Eutelsat by Atrium using the Eurostar E3000 platform– ushers in a new generation of multi-spotbeam satellites. Its revolutionary concept is based on a pay- load with 82 spotbeams connected to 10 ground stations. This configuration enables 4 frequencies to be reused 20 times and increases total throughput to over 70 Gbps. lite antennas equipped with dual feeds will — 1 — KaSat operates in The ground network will use ViaSat’s Surf- be able to benefit from broadband connec- a geostationary orbit. — 2 — The Proton Breeze M rocket Beam® technology, similar to the solution tivity via KA-SAT and broadcast services from ILS lifts off. that provides broadband connectivity to delivered by satellites located up to 10º from — 3 — KaSat has been built on almost 450,000 homes in North America. Ka-SAT’s position. By driving down terminal the Eurostar E3000 platform. — 4 — KaSat will provide internet The combination of KA-SAT’s exceptional and transmissions costs, KA-SAT will also coverage for more than one million homes. capacity and ViaSat’s Surf-Beam® technol- lower the barrier to entry for VSAT services ogy will make it possible to deliver Internet for connecting enterprises, providing back-up Links connectivity to more than one million for private networks and facilitating emer- homes, at speeds comparable to ADSL. gency communications and communications Hispasat KA-SAT will, in particular, boost to up for transport markets. to 10 Mbps the speeds of Eutelsat’s Tooway KA-SAT is expected to start commercial Eutelsat consumer broadband service. Tooway satel- services at the end of May. Q

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 33 TEAM

Environmental sustainability Different languages for the same project abertis is consolidating a common reference umbrella to ensure that the environmental impacts of all the Group’s activities are appropriately managed

TEXT abertis | PHOTOS Josep Loaso

For abertis, environmental manage- to abertis employees, customers and sup- ment is an essential part of the organ- pliers. In this report, we will introduce some isation’s activity, especially in terms of minimis- of the people working on managing the ing those impacts in which business operations environment in the abertis group’s various may result in identifying new opportunities businesses. These include Adrià Canals, while reducing environmental risk. of abertis airports; Josep Lluís Guiu, of The Group’s commitment to environ- abertis telecom; Sagrario Huelin, Zaida Fer- mental management has been consolidated. rero and Emma Felipe, of abertis Corporate During 2010, it spent a total of 18 million euros Social Responsibility; Georgina Flamme, in environmental costs and investments, ie of the abertis foundation; Julián Montoya, 3% of the consolidated net profit. of saba; and Alberto Jiménez of abertis Environmental management systems autopistas. CDP recognises allow an organisation to identify those envi- In sanef, an abertis group company, abertis’ ronmental aspects which are significant and we also feature Guillaume Marechal and environmental establish a continuous improvement process Sophie Marty-le-Ridant who manage envi- management that coordinates the implementation of ronmental matters. Managing carbon emissions actions, the setting of objectives and the is becoming a strategic revision of these objectives and actions. Cur- Sustainable toll roads priority and a factor in the rently, almost all the companies within the One of abertis autopistas’ strategic objec- competitiveness of major abertis group have implemented an envi- tives is the establishment of a homogenous global companies, despite ronmental management system. Environmental Management System for all the lack of international Awareness of climate change has its road networks, which will facilitate respon- agreements on climate change. The results of increased during 2010. The UN held the 16th sible and sustainable management by iden- the Global 500 2010 report Climate Summit in Cancún that year, a sum- tifying opportunities for improvement in line by the Carbon Disclosure mit which highlighted global concern about with our policy on Quality, the Environment Project (CDP), which climate change. The abertis group is bringing and Health and Safety at Work. Lola Romero, measures companies’ its environmental objectives into line with an Environmental technician working on the carbon footprint, show these concerns by developing its climate Integrated Management System for abertis that abertis has improved change strategy. autopistas, explains that her job is to deter- its rating since 2009, as the In 2005, the company began to define mine, “what impact our daily activities have 2010 result is 86% compared this strategy, which over recent years has on the environment”, and to find “tools for with 50% in the previous become the backbone of the actions carried preventing this negative impacts”. year. Of the 11 Spanish out in this field by the Group’s companies. The basic pillars of abertis autopistas’ companies rated in the CPD The strategy is made up of three major lines Environmental Management Systems are: to 500, abertis ranks third, ahead of Telefónica and of action: reducing the consumption of reduce the consumption of natural resources Repsol, and equal to natural resources and materials, encourag- and raw materials, reduce the consumption Iberdrola. The following are ing the implementation of renewable of non-renewable energy, reduce the amount ranked lower than abertis: energy sources and the use of fuel with lower of atmospheric pollution and waste produced, ACS, Santander, BBVA, environmental impact, and extending the prevent pollution of the ground and both Criteria, Endesa, Gas Natural commitment to mitigate global warming ground water and sea water, reduce the effect and Inditex.

34 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 on biodiversity by looking after the local flora Environmental awareness From left to right: and fauna, reduce light pollution, prevent through ARISTOS Adrià Canals, of the Operations Department environmental accidents, and act responsibly The ARISTOS project, which was initiated by in abertis airports; by working with local and central administra- abertis telecom, has grown to 1100 employ- Josep Lluís Guiu, tions where necessary. ees. Begun in 2009 as part of the energy sav- of the Heritage and Environment Units ings and efficiency plan, the Environmental in the Operations Protecting the environment Awareness Plan consists of an information Department of abertis during maintenance work campaign based on internal messages, using telecom; Sagrario Huelin, in charge of CSR As we are aware of the importance of preserv- the character of Aristos –it means “the best”, in abertis and manager ing biodiversity and the natural environment in Greek– to inform employees about the of the abertis around the toll roads, all works projects car- actions of the environmental management foundation; Georgina Flamme, of the abertis ried out during 2010 have been accompanied system and make other recommendations. foundation; Zaida by environmental measures aimed at mini- In 2011, Aristos will be used to pass on advice Ferrero and Emma mising environmental impact and preventing on energy efficiency on all the Spanish toll Felipe, of the CSR Department in abertis; pollution. roads and in Belfast and Cardiff Airports. Julián Montoya, of the The principal preventative and correc- Regular newsletters are sent to all the Technical Maintenance tional measures implemented are intended abertis group personnel by email or via the and Environment Department in saba; to protect hydrological systems, prevent ero- intranet, informing them about various issues, and Alberto Jiménez, sion of slopes in the case of both cuttings such as waste management, managing of the Department of and embankments, integrate the toll road resource consumption, purchasing and con- Quality and Operational Development in into the landscape by restoring the vegeta- tracting for services, and climate change. abertis autopistas. tion using plants that are native to the area, protect the fauna, reduce noise, ensure that Environmental forum for airports the area is “permeable” –especially to any In 2009, with the aim of analysing and min- traditional cattle tracks that are affected– imising the risks arising from the environ- and to protect our heritage. These environ- mental impact of its airports, the Environ- mental measures are continuously monitored mental Forum was set up the abertis group to ensure that any effect on the environment as a space in which the Group’s airports could is minimised. share ideas. As a result of two meetings held

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 35 in Barcelona and ongoing work via email, a done”, said Adrià Canals. David Ackley, OUR COMMITMENT common environmental management man- the director of Human Resources is in charge TO ENERGY EFFICIENCY ual was prepared, in accordance with the ISO of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in AND ENERGY-SAVING 14001 standard, for the airports to imple- abertis airports and is responsible for imple- METHODS HAS INCREASED ment, based on each one’s specifi c charac- menting this. It was launched in Cardiff last teristics. Similarly, key environmental indica- year as a pilot project, and its success means THE FINANCIAL RETURN tors were identifi ed for monitoring, and the that there are plans to extend it to other ON ENVIRONMENTAL impact of the new Carbon Reduction Com- British airports this year. INVESTMENT mitment regulatory framework on the air- ports in the United Kingdom was analysed. Good environmental practices In abertis airports, Adrià Canals works for logistics customers in the Operations Department and manages In order to achieve the objective set by the operational fi eld: “I work with the ‘envi- abertis logística, which is to offer a better ronmental champions’ in the airports on quality service and guarantee customer sat- developing regulations and processes and isfaction –while at the same time reducing checking up on progress in the different the environmental impact– it is necessary areas”. David Ackley is the director of Human to involve both customers and suppliers, and Resources and is in charge of Corporate Social work hand-in-hand with them. The intention Responsibility (CSR) in abertis airports. In is to create mutual benefi ts through this joint this post, he “collects all the information for work, while ensuring customer satisfaction the CSR report” and coordinates with other and achieving the highest levels of quality, CSR personnel at the airports, “who are not safety and environmental protection. necessarily the environmental champions”. As part of the organisation’s environ- abertis airports detected a need for a mental programme, two good practice tool which could be used by tbi employees manuals have been developed –one for cus- at the airports to encourage energy savings, tomers and the other for supplier– which are and which could later be extended to cover intended to encourage them to participate the whole of the airport community. “The in abertis’ social and environmental com- fact that abertis had developed Aristos was mitment. The manual incorporates abertis a lucky coincidence, because it meant we logística’s vision, and provides information 1 could take advantage of the work already about the consumption of natural and mate-

2 3

— 1 — rial resources, atmospheric and acoustic pol- The abertis foundation, Aristos, which in Greek lution, waste water, waste production and supporting the environment means “the best”, is the name management, the use of chemical products The work of the abertis foundation in the of mascot of the environmental awareness project bearing and the conservation of biodiversity. environmental field is focussed on research. Since his name. 1999, the foundation has sponsored 22 studies — 2 — Promoting sustainable mobility which have then been made public at technical Environmental work next to toll station on the AP-2 in Lerida. in car parks conferences, in scientific publications and on — 3 — saba’s climate change strategy measures its own website ( The Environment team posing include replacing conventional vehicles with The themes of these studies include: the with the mascot which represents the spirit of the electrical vehicles for maintenance tasks, and rural environment; public use of, and visits to, ARISTOS project. This project the signalling and lights system installed natural areas; biodiversity and species threat- was designed to publicise to indicate the location of free parking ened with extinction; and renewable energies the actions required by the environmental management places. Additionally, the total number of such as biomass. Through its sponsorship, the system, along with other parking spaces reserved for car sharing abertis foundation also contributes to recommendations. projects and bicycles has been increased awareness of sustainability and the environ- over the last four years. ment. For example, we support the Espai Terra saba is also implementing Ecosaba areas programme on Catalan television. in its car parks, which are selective green col- Castellet Castle, the headquarters of the lection points with different waste contain- abertis foundation, has had its UNE EN ISO ers for paper, plastic and refuse. A pilot test 14.001:2004 environmental certification is currently being carried out in the Cathedral renewed by Applus, the certifying body. This car park (Barcelona). The company plans to certificate, which is valid for the next four years, continue progressively implementing the was obtained after a full audit of the Environ- Link Ecosaba areas in the saba car park network mental Management System (EMS) which was abertis in Spain during 2011. first implemented for the castle in 2007. Q

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 37 TRAVEL San Juan de Puerto Rico Cosmopolitan, but with a colonial flavour The capital of this Antilles island combines the exotic look of its colonial houses with a western pace of life. Old San Juan is a treasure chest of architecture, history and culture, which is living proof of its rich past 1

TEXT Marta Carrera | PHOTOS Agencies

Perfumed by the Atlantic breeze, San the capital to the other side of the bay Juan is one of those cities you love at for defensive purposes. A large church –the first sight. Its perfect balance and charm make future cathedral– was erected there as a you love it. Its million inhabitants, one third of symbol of the Catholic colonisation. The the country’s population, don’t rush as one remains of Ponce de León, the first governor, does in cities like New York –although it exudes are interred there. US influence– but neither is the pace of life as As well as the picturesque trams in Old slow as in other places in the Caribbean, San Juan, the eye is caught by the beauty of although they do share, with the other islands, pastel-coloured facades, recently restored their sense of hospitality and love of life. by the local government in an effort to pre- serve the heritage which, after all, was rec- Spanish roots ognised as a Unesco World Heritage Site in With their skyscrapers, luxury hotels, designer 1984. A good starting point for diving into shops, white sand beaches, bookshops and this historical and cultural lake is the Plaza restaurants for businessmen, the Condado, de Armas, a symbol of the city, which has Isla Verde, Puerta de Tierra, Ocean Park and become a meeting place for the city’s inhab- Santurce districts, in the modern part city, itants thanks to its lively kiosks and pavement are all dynamic and energetic. This is a com- bars. On one side of the square is the Casa plete contrast to Old San Juan, with its colo- de la Alcaldía (1841), which is considered to nial atmosphere, monuments, baroque places, be one the best examples of civil architecture, gothic churches, military fortifications and and was inspired by the Madrid Town Hall. the mark of Taino Indians. On the way to one of the most relaxing San Juan was founded in 1521, by Juan and bohemian corners in Old San Juan, the Ponce de León, a Spaniard. It is the second Plaza de la Catedral, the visitor will pass oldest colonial city in the Americas –the old- improvised street markets selling fresh fruit est is Santo Domingo– and one of the best which fills the air with an aromatic mix of preserved. The original capital was Caparra, limes, bananas, yuccas and pawpaws. Pro- but, in 1516 Cardinal Cisneros relocated tected from the sun by leafy trees, the square 4

38 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 Tropical nature reserves and the beaches of your dreams Condado and Isla Verde. These districts, which lie next to Old San Juan, have luxury hotels, restaurants and bars which make them very popular with tourist. The beautiful sea-front, with its white sand beaches, and ringed with 2 crystal-clear waters, makes the visitor leave all his cares behind him. Isla Verde Beach is one of the most unspoiled in the area. Río Piedras Market. To the south-east of the capital, the town of Río Piedras has a daily market with plenty of fresh vegetables and tropical fruit. This is the largest market on the island. The Piñones subtropical forest. 3 A few kilometres to the east, one finds the largest mangrove swamp reserve in Puerto Rico. It also has breathtaking beaches where sea turtles nest. Camping is not allowed. Botanical Garden. Here, the visitor can admire hundreds of tropical and sub-tropical species –palm trees, water lilies and more 30,000 orchids. Bacardi Distillery. The largest rum distillery in the world is just two kilometres from San Juan. It produces 400,000 litres of this traditional Caribbean drink per day.

— 1 — The Santa Catalina Palace- La Fortaleza (the governor’s residence) at night. — 2 — San Felipe del Morro Fort. — 3 — Typical Puerto Rican houses in Old San Juan. — 4 — Palm trees and white sand on the Isla Verde beach.

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 39 One of ways onto the Teodoro Moscoso Bridge, in which abertis has a 75% share. VISITORS’ GUIDE How to get there There are several companies offering direct flights from Madrid. From other capitals, it is necessary to change planes in London, Atlanta or Santo Domingo. Over one million visitors arrive in Puerto Rico by sea every year. When to go The climate is sub-tropical, with an average temperature of 24 ºC in winter and 27 ºC in summer. The dry season, when there’s least risk of rain, is from December to March. Where to stay Hotel El Convento Cristo, 100. 00901 Viejo San Juan Tel. +787 723 90 20 In the heart of the city. This is a former Carmelite convent, built in the 17th Century, which has been converted into an attractive luxury is lined by pretty coloured houses and the treasure. To repel these attacks, the city con- hotel. It has 58 exquisite rooms. Cathedral de San Juan. Set between the city’s structed several fortresses, including the From 135 Euros. alleyways, the square is home to ice cream castle-fort of San Cristóbal, Santa Catalina Condado Plaza sellers, and painters offering their pictures of Palace (which is now the residence of the Av. Ashford, 999. Condado Caribbean life. island’s governor), and the Fort of San Felipe Tel. +787 721 10 00 del Morro. Built in the Sixteenth Century, Pirates and the treasures the Fort of San Felipe del Morro withstood Combines colonial with modern, has of the colonies the attack of the buccaneer Francis Drake in some of the best views of the city and Nestled up high on the city wall, the Parque 1595, but fell to the Duke of Cumberland a private beach. From 190 Euros. de las Palomas offers a strikingly panoramic three years later. Where to eat view of the old city, and of the port (which La Mallorquina is the largest on the Transatlantic routes). The Teodoro San Justo, 207. Viejo San Juan Another attraction is the Plaza de San José. Moscoso Bridge Tel. +787 722 32 61 This is where we find one of the most won- Those forts were Probably the oldest derful churches in the Caribbean –the gothic built to deny access, continuously-operated church of San José. Next to it is a statue of unlike today’s con- restaurant in the Americas, it the city’s founder, cast from melted-down structions –such as was founded by a Majorcan in cannons taken from an English ship captured the Teodoro Moscoso 1848. Famous for its old-style atmosphere and rice dishes. in 1797. Close by is the Pablo Casals Museum, Bridge, managed by a colonial house where some of his posses- abertis– which are there Ajili-Mójili sions are on display. The musician spent the to facilitate access. Opened Av. Ashford, 1052. Condado last part of his life in Puerto Rico. in 1994, this bridge is 2,250 metres Tel. +787 725 91 95 Other museums that are worth a visit long, and crosses the San José lagoon, Authentic Puerto Rican specialities include: the Casa Blanca –the oldest of the 800 linking San Juan and Carolina. At the include pork-stuffed mofongo, meat with kidney beans, and Spanish colonial buildings in San Juan; the northern end, it connects to the intersec- asopado with lobster, all served in Museum of the Americas– located in the Ballajá tion between the Baldorioty de Castro an eclectic and refined mansion. Barracks; the Casa del Libro; and the Museum Expressway (PR-26) and the access road of Puerto Rican Culture. The centre of Old San to the Luis Muñoz Marín International How to get around Juan is an artistic centre –art has always been Airport. The access road to the bridge You can get around the centre on important in Hispanic culture– and there links to Itur-regui Avenue and the Trujillo foot, by taxi or by tram. Several companies operate buses to the are many antique shops and art galleries, such Alto Highway (PR-181). other districts of the city. the Frank Meisler Gallery and Botello. It took two years to build, and required In the colonial era, there was the con- an initial investment of over 80 million dol- To find out more stant threat of attack by pirates in search of lars, but the Teodoro Moscoso Bridge was the

40 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 first transport sector project resulting from INTERVIEW | LUIS MAURICIO PALAZZI a public-private partnership to be operational in the USA. During its 17 years in operation, the “We are proud of our Teodoro Moscoso Bridge has served over 128 million users, thus becoming a real exam- island and culture” ple of the benefits the private sector can bring to infrastructure management. The because of its soft white sand commitment to the community and quality and turquoise water. The beach of service provided by those managing is protected by high chalk cliffs, the bridge have contributed to positioning on the top of which proudly abertis as a world leader in transport infra- stands the Los Morillos structure management and a preferred part- lighthouse. ner for future projects set up by public-private QQQ partnerships in Puerto Rico and the USA. What interesting excursions would you recommend? Tapas-hopping - a colonial legacy The Toro Verde Nature Adventure Its cuisine is another area in which the island Park, in Orocovis, offers several has taken full advantage of foreign cultures. really exciting extreme- A tasty blend of Creole, Spanish, African and adventure activities. North American influences combine to please These include Zip-lines, any palate. Although fast-food chains are hanging bridges to cross, increasingly visible, it’s easy to find restau- a mountain bike circuit, and rants where you can enjoy delicious Puerto rappelling down cliffs Rican cooking. and off a bridge.

Unmissable local specialities include: QQQ mofongo –fried plantains mashed up with If we visit Puerto Rico, what garlic; asopado– a Creole version of soupy Luis Mauricio Palazzi, director are the must-see places? rice with either chicken or fish; surullos –corn of abertis North America Toll Puerto Rico beautiful places, flour rolls with cheese; and seasoned veal Roads invites us to discover one of which is the El Yunque with white rice and kidney beans. the charms of this Caribbean tropical rain forest in Río Grande. Moreover, the island’s Spanish past has island and its capital, not just It has an extensive network led to tapas-hopping being very popular with the prettiest corners, but of nature trails, so you can both locals and tourists, who are tempted also the open-air activities fully appreciate the waterfalls, into bars by their extensive menus of Span- available and the delightful the enormous biodiversity, ish tapas. However, it’s not unusual to find personality of its people. and the exuberant tropic

Puerto Rican tapas such as alcapurrias –plan- QQQ vegetation. The Río Camuy tains stuffed with mince– small meat pasties, Can you tell us why we should Caves are spectacular or fish with sauce. visit Puerto Rico? subterranean caverns that In Puerto Rico, you’ll find some were created by the River Coffee-scented corners very exotic areas, kilometres Camuy about a million years ago. As is often the case in the Antilles, the some- of white sand beaches, mountains Visitors are amazed by the times suffocating heat makes heavy desserts and valleys, and many more enormous size of the caverns. unappetising. Here, desserts are mostly fruit- natural marvels. Their sinkholes, stalagmites based –guavas, pineapples pawpaws and QQQ and stalactites are stunning, tamarinds. These may be served as juice, in Very briefly, how would you as are both the fish found there unusual combinations with cottage cheese describe the country and and the way they have adapted or milk, or plain. To end the meal, what could its people? to their subterranean world. be better than a cup of aromatic coffee The Puerto Ricans, or boricuas, The character of Old San Juan served black, or as a bohío –served with a as we call ourselves, are known is to be found in its cobbled dash of milk, one of the most typical of for our hospitality. We are usually streets and colourful buildings the island’s drinks. regarded as very warm, pleasant which date from the 16th and When the sun goes down, the visitor and expressive people. We Puerto 17th Centuries, when the island was should walk to San Sebastián Street, where Ricans are proud of our island a Spanish colony. the true rhythm of Caribbean night-life can and culture. The district also has many be tasted. There are several salsa halls, where QQQ public squares and churches. the locals meet to dance, and many bars What is your favourite place The oldest parts are still partially where you can taste a rum cocktail such as to visit? encircled by massive fortifications the popular piña colada, which was invented Of all the beaches, Playa Sucia, and walls, such as the Fort of San by a Puerto Rican barman. Q in Cabo Rojo, is my favourite Felipe del Morro. Q

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 41 REPORT

Business Intelligence Knowledge sharing HUB This is a new collaborative tool for internal use designed for knowledge sharing between abertis management throughout the world


The system was designed to meet the Collaborative tool collaborative tool with a powerful search need to manage two types of informa- The project began with some serious thought engine was designed. It was decided to use tion. Firstly, information published by academic by both abertis executives and external con- the blog format, since the users would be institutions and bodies, market research com- sultants, aimed at evaluating the Group’s needs familiar with this. The system is based on a panies and major think tanks. Secondly, the and the best way of organising the information content manager that archives and indexes lectures and significant contributions made into a knowledge base to be used to support documents and attaches a record card to them by the Group’s executives to meetings, confer- decision-making. It was found that various with a summary and the data (facets, tags, ences and seminars. This information is all units had knowledge which could benefit date of publication, editor, etc) to make the analysed by the Studies Unit, in order to discern the whole organisation. As a result, a flexible documents easy to find. The system has a the key ideas and trends that shape opinions and open tool was chosen to be used for shar- user-friendly interface in Spanish, Catalan, about the political-economic context with ing, commenting on and accessing this infor- English and French. Filed documents can be which the abertis Group interacts and, when mation transversally throughout the world. accessed via structured navigation, and there appropriate, these opinions are disseminated. On the basis of these requirements, a is also a free-text search.

INTERVIEW | GENÍS ROCA “The internet opens the door to redefining the meaning of teamwork”

Genís Roca (born in Gerona in QQQ Genís Roca is a 1966), specialises in the internet Given the information overload, specialist in the internet and digital and how networks and digital are ITC technologies the cause networks, who technology are changing our or the solution? works with several personal, professional and They’re both. They cause it, since Spanish media and communication business environment. it’s precisely these technologies companies, as well He is a managing partner that have made it possible and cheap as various other at RocaSalvatella for anyone to generate and publish companies in Spain. (, a their own content. This high- consultancy which applies the performance, low-cost technology logic of networks to the strategic is responsible for the current and business developments of proliferation of information sources every day? Digital technology has Spain’s leading companies. and the consequent overload. just made a problem we already had He has a degree in Archaeology However, it’s also true that, before more obvious, and the solution is to and an MBA from the ESADE, and the explosion of the digital use new technology, and –above teaches in several universities phenomenon, the volume of data all– new skills. To be digitally skilled, and business schools. was already excessive, but it was it’s not enough to know how to use a He co-authored the first book opaque. The need to manage word processor and a spreadsheet - published in Spain on enormous volumes of data was it’s necessary to know how to search the subject of Web 2.0. already acute. After all, how many the web efficiently, monitor subjects, books and periodical are published save and manage digital material, etc.

42 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 On the left, HUB blog format design. Below, Trends, prepared from information in the HUB.

Collective knowledge executive team throughout the world. It pro- The HUB system also allows all users to vides in-depth knowledge on important mat- actively and quickly share their opinions and ters in the HUB, presented in a more graphic documents on matters of interest to the Group, and friendly format. The bulletin also includes thus enriching abertis’ collective knowledge. articles and references about the economy, A bulletin called Trends is generated management and technology related to the from information published in the HUB. This infrastructure sector, and a diary of the lectures includes forward-looking information about that will be given by abertis executives and infrastructures and the economy, and is the activities of the university departments designed to be read by the abertis group sponsored by abertis. Q

QQQ but this is even more the case when and collaborate with colleagues Can the new internet trends the information is up-to-date. at remote locations, etc. Secondly, assist information management The world goes so fast that static companies need to redefi ne some in major corporations? information, which is rarely updated, of their processes, which will be Th e new trends are turning does not give us much power. shaken up by the new capacities internet into a more social channel. In order to have up-to-date of the network and internet. A space in which to work and information, one needs to belong to a Th ese processes range from collaborate, publish and share, circuit, to a network. And nobody will marketing, market research and inform oneself and learn. Social accept you in a network to which customer service to other, more networks, blogs and wikis are you contribute nothing. This means company-centred aspects, such specifi c tools, and nothing more. we must share information and as personnel selection, training What is relevant is that it is possible collaborate. So an updated version of and how intranets should be to be connected, networked, the phrase would be, “information is confi gured. And thirdly, new synchronised and mobile. power, if it is up-to-date”. aspects and technologies will

Th is opens up an opportunity to QQQ appear, such as managing digital redefi ne the meaning of teamwork, How can companies prepare identity, protocols for managing and also provides opportunities themselves for changes these both crises and successes in to belong to a knowledge network trends will cause in the work digital environments, services and have the right resources to environment? which monitor and investigate solve problems in real time, etc, Firstly, companies must help what’s going on the networks, and so will obviously be of great their employees to be fully etc. To summarise, a new help to major corporations. competent in these new digital channel has appeared. A channel

QQQ environments. At one time, for communicating and Is the old paradigm that eff orts were made to ensure socialising, but also a channel for “information is power” a brake that everyone learned how to competitiveness and business on the implementation of these use a computer. Now, it’s necessary development. It will be necessary tools in companies? to teach them how to search to understand it, get ready for it, Undoubtedly, information is power, the internet, how to cooperate and take full advantage of it. Q

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 43 44 Q tis LINK NEWS aber Q Y 2011

MA and otherregions). ofSpain(Galicia country tothenorth-east connectingthecentre ofthe cipal artery increased considerably onthe AP-6, theprin- in Holy Week. During thatperiod, traffic service for thehighlevels oftraffic expected in order tobeableoffer thebestpossible completed itthree weeks aheadofschedule, 2011. in April June 2010andshouldhave beencompleted on thebasisoftraffic demand. the lanesistidal, andwillchange direction and theiraccompanying tunnels. Oneof ing aninfrastructure withthree lanes of the AP-6 tollroad tofullcapacity, provid- autopistasabertis and 2.50metre oneontheright. with a1.50metre hard shoulderontheleft road bedtothree lanes, 3.5metres each wide, rama section, hasconsistedinwidening the ity andsafety. will benefitcustomers intermsofbothcapac- open totraffic, withimprovements that section ofthetollroad isonceagain fully road inthe A Coruña direction. The Madrid kilometres 49and52onthe AP-6 toll improved andwidenedthesectionbetween with thethreeinservice lanesandtheirtunnels–oneofthebeingtidal–back With thiswork completed, the AP-6 isnow tofullcapacityalongthissection, back on theMadrid sectionofthe AP-6 autopistasabertis completes theworks implementation oftheworks hasmeant levels inHoly Week. The good planningand the works was justbefore thehightraffic of theworks. The planneddate for ending was alsodemonstrated inthefinalstages considerably. season, when traffic onthe AP-6 increases until September, rather thaninthesummer decided. Mostofthework was notbegun in theway thattheworks calendarwas be minimum disruption for customers. Firstly, carried outonthepremise thatthere should From thestart, theworks were plannedand Safety and customer service TEXT AND PHOTOS TOLL ROADS This phaseoftheworks was begunin With thecompletionofworks, This work, carried outontheGuadar- Our commitmenttocustomerservice the road works which repaired, autopistasabertis abertis autopistas abertis actually abertis abertis had returned this section hadreturned thissection hascompleted

safe conditionsfor thestaff working onthe ontothetidallane,diverted thus ensuring that, for somemonths, traffic couldbe three roadways onthissectionhasmeant our customers. weeks inadvance, for theconvenience of that thetollroll couldbeopenedthree Moreover, thefact thatthere are now road, as well as for our customers. And lastly, est possible levels of safety along the whole Construction of the additional support measures have been infrastructure. These works include construct- third lane between San brought into play. At specifi c times, especially ing a third lane in each direction over 20.5 Rafael and Villacastín, weekends and other peak traffic times, kilometres of the San Rafael-Villacastín sec- kilometres 60.5-81 Direction:

abertis autopistas made additional lanes tion (km 60.5 to 81), which will bring the A Coruña available, in order to improve traffi c fl ow on capacity of the road up to that required for ¬ SEGOVIA the section where work was being carried out. current traffi c levels, with a margin for future Adanero The operation of the additional lanes increases. This project is expected to be com- has been controlled by our road maintenance pleted in 2012. AP-6 AP-61 and monitoring teams, in collaboration with The works include improving and widen- Villacastín the Guardia Civil. ing the road beds of two different parts of the AP-6. Currently, work is ongoing on the San Rafael AP-6 Series of works to improve the AP-6 E-10 (kilometres 60 and 61) and has been AP-51 Direction: In 2010, abertis autopistas started a series completed on the San Rafael Viaduct (kilo- Madrid¬ of works to improve the AP-6 between kilo- metres 58 and 59). ÁVILA metres 49 and 80, which will considerably The whole series of works will cost an Collado Villalba improve this major artery. The aim is to make estimated 94 million euros, of which 80 mil- Technical data on it more convenient for drivers on this road, lion will be spent on adding a third lane the La Jarosa Viaduct improve traffi c fl ow and maintain the high- between San Rafael and Villacastín. Q Original section completed: 1972. Length: 328.5 metres. Curved viaduct. Road bed: 3 lanes, each 3.5 metres wide. Left-hand hard shoulder 1.5 metres wide, right-hand hard shoulder 2.5 metres wide. Height: 30 metres (measured from the valley fl oor) 22 girders replaced: 18 on the outer edge and 4 interior ones. Pillars repaired with special cement, and foundation reinforced.

Other works between kilometres 49 and 52 of the AP-6 Th e right-hand roadway was widened between kilometres 49 and 51, to provide continuous hard shoulders along the whole section. Widening of the road bed of the Pergola structure going towards A Coruña, where this roadway crosses the tidal one. Improvements to structure E-9, at kilometre 52 of the tidal roadway, where it crosses over the N-VI.

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 45 MOTORWAYS, NEWS a new website to train young drivers in motorway driving The abertis foundation and sanef have a new tool to improve the training of future drivers

In setting up the website, sanef and the abertis foundation worked with both driv- ing school associations and road safety insti- tutes. In this way we were therefore able to take full advantage of the driving schools’ specialised knowledge.

Benefits for the driving schools With their help, the abertis foundation and sanef were better able to understand the needs of learner drivers. And the driving schools benefit from free use of the motor- way network when teaching driving.

An innovative action supported by the French Government In the words of Michèle Merli, who has been put in charge of Road Safety and Traf- Starting from the fact that young Vehicle set up fic by the French Government, “It’s excel- people between the ages of 6 and 25 to film the videos lent that young people now have a tool used on the web. are the group most likely to have accidents providing information that complements on the motorway, the abertis foundation the studies they have undertaken in order and sanef have created the to pass the driving test, since motorway website for young peo- driving requires very specific practices and ple who are learning to drive or have just high attention levels”. passed their test, to teach them motorway François Gauthey, the general manager driving skills. The objective is to help them of sanef said, “The Autoroute Acadé- to better understand aspects of driving which The website mie project is the result of the abertis are specific to motorway driving. has four videos foundation and sanef working with driving showing six young schools and the French Government on people putting their From reality TV to safety motorway driving something very important: improving the In the style of TV reality shows, this very skills to the test. safety of young people on motorways”. Q interactive website adopts a light-hearted tone in tackling 15 specific aspects of motor- way driving. It is not intended to replace the courses given by driving schools. Rather, it complements the training required to pass the test. The website is divided into three parts. Firstly, the main module, has four videos showing six young people putting their motorway driving skills to the test. The sec- ond part is a 15 question test which gives them the chance of winning 1,000 free kilometres of motorway driving. Finally, there is a module for evaluating a friend or relation’s driving behaviour.

46 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 TOLL ROADS sanef wins the design Grand Prix and a special Jury Prize in the 2011 Corporate Business TopCom

its new structure, making it coherent. Above all, it had to bring to the forefront the essence of sanef’s mission: customer service. It was also a question of bringing sanef’s visual identity into line with that of abertis. These objectives have now been realised, The TopComs –major awards for with the inclusion of the abertis logo and French marketing and PR executives– the adoption of its policy. Christine Allard, sanef’s communications are principally awarded for the creativity director and Laurent Vincenti, whose design and performance of the projects presented. A reasoned development agency created sanef’s new identity. sanef has received two awards in the design For this considerable task, a new logo was category: the Grand Prix and a special Jury created using a design that is full of meaning. services; and the sanef et vous website, a Prize for its work on a new programme of Four track-like symbols, in different colours, place where the brand can be contacted, visual identity. heading towards the future, represent the which offers services, real time information company’s drive and ambition, the toll road and tourist information. This new identity A new identity network, the environment and the company’s now appears on all the company work vehi- Since it is changing its corporate culture to open nature. cles and the toll road staffs’ uniforms. become a services company, and while the In addition to this new visual identity, “This new design is intended to remind group is being restructured, sanef needed to work was done on the brand architecture, us, at all times, of sanef’s values and the affirm both its new status and its cohesion. basing it around a brand system integrated importance of being close to customers”, It therefore contracted Vincenti Design with the sanef logo: a revised communica- said François Gauthey, general manager of Agency to redefine its visual identity and the tions style for greater clarity and proximity; sanef. These two prizes, awarded at the 2011 applications of this new identity. The objec- a multi-media universe which is more cus- Corporate and Business TopCom ceremony, tive of this new positioning was to create an tomer-orientated; outdoor signs to identify recognise all the work put into the new iden- identity that would: embody the brand’s the toll roads, rest areas and service stations; tity, which has already been welcomed values; represent its ambitions; and realign a series of pictograms to identify specific by most of sanef’s toll road customers. Q

TOLL ROADS “The sponsorship agreement with The French Red Cross and sanef unite the French Red Cross is therefore part of a long-term collaboration between it and to promote return-to-work programmes sanef”, said the general manager of sanef, François Gauthey. Q At the end of 2010, sanef and the sanef wishes to provide the Red Cross French Red Cross signed a sponsorship with more resources and to drive forward agreement in which sanef undertook to actions which will encourage return-to-work: encourage return-to-work programmes, by financial contributions, training, and dona- supporting workshops for the unemployed tions in kind. sanef currently supports two in areas close to its toll roads. At present, the of the French Red Cross return-to-work work- new partnership agreement covers two of shops by donating vehicles and with financial the French Rod Cross’ workshops, one in and material support for renovating and Normandy and the other in Lorraine. modernising the equipment used.

More resources for A partnership agreement return-to-work workshops Since 2005, sanef has relied on the French sanef’s contribution supports the work of Red Cross’ experience and staff in other fields: the Red Cross, one of the most important if drivers got stuck on a toll road for several organisations providing field support to the hours due to bad weather, the Red Cross sectors of society most affected by unem- would go there to provide drinks, blankets, ployment and exclusion: those over 45 years psychological support, and –if appropriate From left to right: François Gauthey, general old, ex-convicts, the disabled, unskilled work- food and information on safety and/or the manager of sanef, and Olivier Brault, ers, the homeless, etc. general situation. general manager of the French Red Cross.

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 47 TOLL ROADS sanef evaluates the first year NEWS of the ‘Paquet Vert’ initiative This project, to adapt sanef’s toll road network in order to make it more environmentally friendly, involves an investment of 250 million euros over 3 years

A year ago, sanef, an abertis group Noise-reduction measures company, undertook to invest 250 sanef has also assigned 23 million euros to million euros over the three years, as part of protect homes located at Acoustic Black the Paquet Vert programme. It had two objec- Spots, where sound pollution levels are close tives: to adapt the company’s infrastructures to the maximum permitted by French regu- to make them more environmentally friendly, lations. This measure will be extended to and to improve the services provided to its homes that are likely to be considered black customers. This initiative was part of the spots before the toll road concession ends. agreement signed by sanef and the French Government. This commitment expresses Protection of biodiversity sanef’s willingness to contribute to reactivat- Another investment, of 6 million euros, has ing the French economy through a series of been allotted to conserving the diversity of measures known as the Plan de rélance (Re- the flora and fauna living close to toll roads. launch Plan). The aim is to generate a large One of the measures taken is auditing the number of orders, to be placed with compa- biodiversity of the toll roads’ green spaces. nies of different sizes and activities in the There will also be preliminary studies on re- eight regions crossed by sanef’s toll roads, establishing a passageway for wild animals which will contribute to the economic and industrial development of those areas covered by the Group’s network.

First evaluation The finance for the Paquet Vert is based on a public-private partnership model, which seeks to promote private investment in the short term, and facilitate its return over sev- eral years. In fact, during this first year, the result is that several orders have been placed by important companies in different sectors. In this first 12 months, a fifth of the total has been invested, principally to finance design projects and initial work. The initiative’s investments cover actions in five major areas. on the Col de Saverne. Other initiatives aim sanef celebrates Reduction of CO emissions to promote awareness of the need to the first year 2 of the Paquet Vert To date, sanef has invested 120 million conserve the habitats of protected species, initiative, which euros in measures to extend the use of the and evaluating the trees and increasing includes several teletoll system for light vehicles, which is their numbers. environmentally friendly measures. soon to be extended to cover heavy vehi- cles. Another 16 million euros has been allo- Deployment of ‘eco-concepts’ cated to various car-sharing measures, sanef will spend 47 million euros on includ- such as opening a “reference” site and creat- ing environmental innovations in initial-stage ing 135 parking spaces. projects which are related to the Eco-Pôle ie covering both rest areas and constructed Protection of water resources areas. This includes designing environmentally sanef is investing 20 million euros in making responsible, energy-efficient buildings, which sure that the older infrastructures provide will be constructed of ecological materials, the same environmental guarantees as and will have wind and photovoltaic systems its newer ones. to generate renewable energy. Q

48 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 Arasur has a total surface area of 2 million square metres (200 hectares).

LOGISTICS CTL expands its rented area in Arasur by 19,300 square metres Compass Transworld Logistics (CTL) has rented another plot, and now occupies 262,300 square metres in the Arasur Logistics Park, where it has had a presence since 2008

Araba Logística has signed an agree- Compass Transworld Logistics is jointly ment with Compass Transworld Logis- owned by Gamesa (51%) and Bergé Negocios tics (CTL) to rent a 19,361 square metre plot Marítimos (49%), and is one the leading in Arasur, in addition to the 243,000 square logistics operators for finished wind-gener- metres it has occupied since 2008. Thus, ator products. the total area rented by CTL in this logistics It works with both Gamesa and other park is now over 262,300 square metres. companies. It transports products manufac- tured by Gamesa in its Spanish plants, mainly Definitive consolidation to Europe and North Africa, but also to In June 2010, the company increased its the USA and Asia. rented surface area by adding a 28,500 Arasur has a total surface area of 2 mil- square metre plot and a 4,050 square lion square metres (200 hectares). It is in metre warehouse. With this new contract, a strategic location, at the point where the CTL has consolidated its presence in Arasur, AP-1 (Burgos-Armiñón), AP-68 (Bilbao- which is where it has centralised the logistics Zaragoza) and A-1 (Madrid-Irún) converge. for the world-wide distribution of wind It is also crossed by the Miranda de Ebro rail- generator components manufactured in way lines, which connect it to the ports of Link Gamesa’s various plants in central and Bilbao, Pasajes and Santander, and to Vitoria Arasur northern Spain. Airport (which is only 25 kilometres away). Q

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 49 50 Q tis LINK NEWS aber Q Y 2011

MA special needs. improve thesocialintegration ofpeople with programmewill implementapartnership to ally, withthisnew logistics platform, Privalia which arrive daily, are undertaken. Addition- oftheproducts, andpacking ing, picking by theendof2011. This iswhere thedecant- and expects thisnumber toincrease to75 founded inJune 2006. largest investment sinceitwas intechnology of 3.7millioneuros, whichisthecompany’s The installationhasrequired aninvestment intends toopensooninSaoPaulo (Brazil). totype for thelogistics platform thecompany first self-run distribution platform andapro- celona ZonaFranca (PLZ), thisisPrivalia’s Italy. LocatedintheParc Logístic oftheBar- its over 3.7millionmembers inSpainand own logistics centre tomanage orders from Italy, Brazil andMexico, andhassetupits to manage orders for over 3.7millionmembers inSpainandItaly The facilities occupy 13,500square metres andwillbeused in theParc Logístic oftheZona Franca Privalia opensitsown logistics centre will reduce internallogistics costsby 65%. cal efficiency. no extra cost, whilst alsooptimisinglogisti- providing increased storage capacityat bling greater product diversification and more robust, flexible andscalable, ena- KNAPP, Privalia’s logistics operations are by technology the of-the-art Austrian firm With thenew centre, equipped withstate- Improved efficiency to ElPrat Airport. Barcelona ring roads. Italsohasrapid access zone, theCan Tunis goods station, andthe ofBarcelona,Port theL’Hospitalet economic close totheFira (Convention Centre) andthe Barcelona ZonaFranca, theParc Logístic is With atotalservicearea of41hectares in service buildings(restaurants, banks, etc). out, andabusinesscentre withofficeand area oflogistics warehouses which are rented Consorci delaZonaFranca, thePLZhasan Jointly owned by The Parc Logístic inthe Zona Franca TEXT AND PHOTOS LOGISTICS The logistic centre has48employees, Lower costs. The new logistics platform top brands, isamarket leaderinSpain, Privalia, theprivate on-lineclubselling abertis abertis logística abertis andthe orders aday through athree-shift day). the possibilityofextending thisto55,000 dling capacityto25,000orders aday (with country.campaigns ineach and Italy, tocomplementtheindependent and tocarryoutcombinedcampaignsinSpain from different campaignsinthesamedelivery ering orders, allowing ittoprocess products to achieve new levels ofsophisticationindeliv- deliveries inthelogistics centre. and theeliminationoferrors inprocessing standards through areduction indelivery times communication routes the airport and the main cl Fuel savings. Its location the centre. of LEDlighting in (OSR) and the use of process automation of the high degree solutions, asaresult platform automation than the usual logistics 85% l Energy savings. It uses advantages: significant environmental These facilities bring Environmentally-friendly ose to Barcelona port, Greater capacity. Itincreases order han- Additional capabilities. Privalia willbeable Higher quality. Deliveries willmeethigher ess electricity l Less waste. Automation savings. offers significant fuel o Overall savings. Theoption of waste to bemanaged. orders inone delivery. together several different who willbeable to group a saving for consumers, chain and also represents throughout the logistics delivery) willsave energy campaigns inthe same two articles from different (in other words, receiving eads to alower amount f making combined orders Q

l director of abertis Rausch, Business director; Sylvia Supply Chain Privalia’s Global Guillem Sanz, From left to right: g Parc Logístic. director of the and Antoni Gràcia, founder of Privalia; L of ogística; Joan Font, ucas Carnés, co- eneral manager abertis logística; LOGISTICS The Logistics Parks Consortium is launched abertis logística and the Barcelona Port Authority have contributed 44% of CILSA’s capital to the Consorci de Parcs Logístics (CPL), which will now evaluate and develop new investment projects in the zone around the Port of Barcelona, the rest of Catalonia and the South of France


The Barcelona Port Authority (APB) The plan is that the CPL will shortly Board of Directors and abertis logística have consti- purchase 100% of the Toulouse ZAL from There are six members of the Board, tuted a Board of Directors for CPL, so the CILSA and that abertis logística will trans- two nominated by APB and four company is now operational. fer a 100% of the ownership of abertis by abertis logística. A few weeks ago, abertis logística and logisticspark penedès to the CPL. APB: Sixte Cambra Sánchez (president) the APB began the process of transferring and Joaquín Asensio Carmona (member). assets to the CPL, under the terms agreed New projects at the start of 2009. The companies have The CPL will evaluate and develop new abertis logística: Salvador now transferred 44% of CILSA’s capital to investment projects in Catalonia and the Alemany Mas (vice-president), the CPL. CILSA is the Barcelona ZAL manage- South of France, specifically in the Langue- Josep Martínez Vila (member), ment company. Of this 44%, 32% was con- doc-Roussillon and Midi Pyrénées regions. Joan Font Alegret (member), and Sylvia Rausch (member). tributed by abertis logística, and 12% by The partners in the company will analyse the APB. CILSA’s capital is thus distributed and study projects that are in line with the Links between the APB (51%), the CPL (44%) and CPL’s business development philosophy as abertis logística Sepes (5%). a logistics parks management company. Additionally, the APB has contributed 7 CPL may possibly incorporate, as part- million euros to complement its sharehold- ners, other entities with logistics businesses Autoridad Portuaria de Barcelona ing in CPL. Once all the assets have been in Catalonia. However, this is not expected transferred, the ownership of CPL will be: to change abertis logística’s position as ZAL Barcelona abertis logística (80%) and the APB (20%). the majority shareholder. Q

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 51 52 Q tis LINK NEWS aber Q Y 2011

MA are beingrecycled. 75% ofthewaste produced by theairport to recycle. According tothelatestevaluation, of passengers andairport workers oftheneed measures includeincreasing theawareness of energy andwater by theairport. These to reduce noiselevels andtheconsumption Environmental Management Plandesigned airports abertis Airport –managed by and cardboard, whichisequivalent to2880kWh ofenergy is recycling 75%ofitswaste. InJanuary, itrecycled 0.72tonnesofpaper As aresult ofmeasures toreduce itsecological footprint, Cardiff Airport makes progress insustainability Cardiff takesAirport majorsteps use inoneday. or thesameamountas30families would would have required 21,600litres ofwater, day. Manufacturing thisamount ofpaper the amountofelectricity used by 262ina or 2880kWh ofenergy, which isequalto quantity isequivalent tosaving twelve trees 0.72 tonnesofpaperandcardboard. This In January 2011, Cardiff Airport recycled Energy savings TEXT AND PHOTOS AIRPORTS mental impactofitsactivities, Cardiff Committed toreducing theenviron- abertis – hasdeveloped Integrated tbi, asubsidiaryof Cardiff Airport Link by current environmental legislation. been taken, inadditiontothoselaiddown reviewed, andseveral specificmeasures have ecological footprint iscontinuously being and recycling. reducing noiselevels, andencouraging re-use consumption ofenergy andraw materials, various activities, withaview toreducing its impact ontheenvironment ofthebusiness’s tal Management Planistomonitorthe The purpose ofCardiff Airport’s Environmen- footprint ecological Checking upon the airport’s To ensure this, thestatusofairport’s Q and water. save energy noise levels and aims to reduce Management Plan Environmental Cardiff Airport’s AIRPORTS tbi’s airports have new internet portals London Luton, Cardiff, Belfast International and Stockholm Skavsta have redesigned their websites in order to provide their users with a personalised service, web 2.0 content, and more information


The European airports managed by tbi (London Luton, Cardiff, Belfast International –in the UK– and Stockholm Skavsta –in Sweden) have recently launched the unified re-design of their websites. These portals have been adapted to meet their users’ needs, with easier naviga- tion, improved user-friendliness, and faster access to information, while complying with accessibility criteria. Right from the home page, these new websites provide options for planning the trip –from booking the flight to the pas- senger’s time in the airport facilities. Users can thus reserve flights, holidays, hotels, vehicle rental or airport parking spaces. They also provide immediate access to flight information for departures and arrivals.

Personalised and interactive Links For regular users, a customisation menu London Luton Airport has been created, in which the user can select the web sections he consults most Cardiff Airport often. These preferences are saved for www.tbicardiff future visits. Social media are also important in Belfast International Airport this re-design –users can follow the airport on Twitter and Facebook, and share web Stockholm Skavsta Airport 2.0 content. Q

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 53 AIRPORTS Holly and Graham, new virtual NEWS assistants at London Luton Luton Airport starts a pioneering initiative with two holograms that provide information to make the security process easier for passengers

London Luton Airport has become the make before undergoing the Security Holly, ready first airport in the world to introduce search. The trial will take four to eight weeks. to attend to passengers at holographic announcers. These will be London Luton employed to communicate important Important security Airport and security messages as passengers pass messages brief passengers on the preparations from check-in to the departure gate. The Should the trial prove successful, passengers they need to make scheme is part of a series of initiatives can look forward to seeing Holly and Gra- before undergoing aimed at simplifying the security process ham throughout the Airport in operational the Security search. and improving customer service. roles and to offer passenger information. Custom designed for London Luton They will also be used by retail outlets Airport by Tensator, global leaders in within the terminal building. queue management and digital signage According to Glyn Jones, Managing solutions, the virtual assistants, in both Director of London Luton Airport, the virtual male and female versions, are techni- assistants “will help improve the experience cally referred to as Tensator Virtual for our passengers by communicating key Assistants, but answer to Holly and Gra- security messages in a way which is both ham –which together make up hologram. consistent and compelling. This should help Initially Holly and Graham will be our passengers pass safely and swiftly deployed for a trial period within the through the airport”. Q Central Search Area, where passengers are searched and their hand luggage is checked before entering the departure Link lounge. They will be used to brief passen- London Luton Airport gers on the preparations they need to

54 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 The new car park in Trieste has 654 spaces for cars and motorcycles, and is open round the clock.

CAR PARKS saba opens new car parks in Italy A leader in its sector in Italy, the Group’s car park subsidiary has opened two new cars, one in Trieste and one in Cremona

saba Italia recently open new car the company’s network of car parks in parks in the cities of Trieste and Tri-este: Silos, Foro Ulpiano, Il Giulia, Cremona. Together the car parks pro- San Giacomo and Ospedale Maggiore. vide over 900 parking spaces and cost Together, these facilities provide a total of 20.7 million euros. 3,500 parking spaces. The Cremona car park is located in Plaza Marconi, right in the centre of the Sector leader in Italy city. It has 248 spaces, of which 66 will be With these new car parks, saba maintains for sale, and the remaining 182 will be avail- its leading position in the sector in Italy, able for temporary use. This project cost where it is present in 22 cities and man- 13.7 million euros. The concession will run ages a network of 55 car parks with a for 36 years. total capacity of 28,000 parking spaces, The infrastructure is built on two under- located in the country’s main cities: ground levels under the square, which is Roma, Milan, Verona, Venice-Mestre, Bolo- currently undergoing reforms with the gna, Genoa, Perugia, Trieste and Sassari, intention of creating a prestige space for among others. public use. The new car park in Trieste is within saba, in Gerona airport the city’s main hospital complex, Ospedale Additionally, Aeropuertos Españoles y Nave- Maggiore. It has 654 spaces for cars and gación Aérea (Aena) has awarded saba, motorcycles on 7 floors. saba Italia, the car park subsidiary of the abertis which has invested a total of 7 million Group, the contract to manage the car euros in the project, will manage the infra- park for Gerona-Costa Brava airport. The structure for a period of 38 years. contract comes into effect as from 1 March In Cremona, the car park is saba’s and initially lasts 3 years, extendable by first in Cremona, but saba first began two further one-year periods. saba already operating in Trieste in 1989 and now runs won the previous car park management four car parks in the city. The new Ospedale contract in August 2007. The car park for Link Maggiore facility also houses an opera- Gerona-Costa Brava airport has a total saba tions centre that will remotely manage capacity of 7,690 places. Q

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 55 56 Q tis LINK NEWS aber Q Y 2011

MA foundation, MiquelRoca, ledtheGroup’s Alemany, andthe president oftheabertis 2009 andbeeninChilesince2010. erate. Ithashadapresence inItaly since the the third country, outsideSpain, where foundationabertis inFrance. France is dent ofsanefisalsopresident ofthe way driving. Pierre Chassigneux, thepresi- gramme totrain young peopleinmotor- of infrastructure management, andapro- forchair research inthefield andteaching France, includingcreating auniversity young peopleinmotorway driving Management, aprogramme andlaunches totrain The foundation abertis createsinInfrastructure achair is launchedinFrance The foundation abertis TEXT ABERTIS FOUNDATION abertis foundationabertis hasbeguntoop- The, President ofabertis Salvador Albert Rossell | ed upaprogramme ofactivitiesin The abertis foundationabertis hasstart- PHOTOS abertisfoundation Pierre Chassigneux, president of Reynés, Managing director of chairewasabertis attendedby Francisco The presentation ceremony ofthenew into infrastructure management Training and research Bastarreche. the SpanishambassadorinFrance, Carlos attend theceremony, accompanying Industry andEnergy, Éric Besson, will personalities, includingtheministerfor Embassy, andvarious SpanishandFrench The event tooktake placeattheSpanish ceremony ofthefoundation inParis. delegation attheofficialpresentation , abertis sanef,

1 2

— 1 — abertis and sanef abertis in France executives attended abertis is the leading the event. — 2 — Spanish company From left to right: in terms of investment Carlos Bastarreche, in France. In the last the Spanish four years, its ambassador to France; Francisco investments in Reynés, managing France have totalled director of abertis; about 5,000 million Salvador Alemany, euros. These investments president of abertis; include 2,800 million Pierre Chassigneux, president of sanef euros for the 2006 and the abertis acquisition of 52.5% foundation in France; of sanef, the toll-road and Miquel Roca, concessions company, president of the abertis foundation. and 1,077 million — 3 — in 2007 for the Miquel Roca, acquisition of 32% the president Eutelsat, the satellite of the abertis operator, which is based foundation, during the presentation in Paris. abertis also has in the Spanish a presence in France Embassy in Paris. 3 with its car park business. and François Gauthey, general manager Along with the abertis-UPC (Poly- This is described in more detail in the of sanef. It is a chair which has been cre- technic University of Catalonia) chair, it is section on sanef’s news. ated jointly by the abertis foundation the start of a network of specialised Before the French branch of the and the École des Ponts ParisTech and chairs. The chairs will annually an- abertis foundation was set up, the IFSTTAR (Institut Français des Sciences nounce the international abertis Prize foundation had already implemented et Technologies des Transports, de for research into transport infrastruc- actions in France, including sponsor- l’Aménagement et des Réseaux), and ture management. ing the Institut Montaigne, an independ- will be headed by Simon Cohen. The ent think tank mainly concerned with chair’s activities will be focused on Young people and motorways mobility and social cohesion. It also pub- training and research into transport in- Another of the foundation’s important lished the Viator III, a book catalogu- frastructure management, aimed at stu- initiatives in France is the Autoroute ing the heritage, both cultural and his- dents, researchers, teachers and profes- Académie, a programme for training torical, which can be found close to sionals in this field. young people in motorway driving. sanef’s toll roads. Q

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 57 58 Q tis LINK NEWS aber Q Y 2011

MA Institute. The study was coordinated by Hum- both members oftheCatalan Ornithological naturalists, andXavier CiscoGuasch Bayer, found inthe2900-hectacre parksince1993 cataloguing thefish, amphibians, reptiles, birds andmammals The foundation abertis haspublishedanew book to over 322speciesofvertebrates The Foix Natural Park ishome funded by the and SantaMargarida ielsMonjos. in Barcelona province: Castellet ilaGornal hectares andislocatedbetween two towns comprises aconservation area covering 2,900 the Foix Park Consortium since. The Park foundationabertis the Natural Park. CastelletCastle, hometo 322 vertebrate specieslivingintheFoix Park). del Parc delFoix (Vertebrate Fauna inFoix TEXT ABERTIS FOUNDATION abertis foundationabertis The bookisbasedonresearch –also Albert Rossell This scientific work catalogues the lished anew book The abertis foundationabertis abertis foundationabertis has been a member of hasbeenamemberof , isinthispark. The Fauna vertebrada haspub- –by two designated asanatural park, thenumber of Foix reservoir anditssurrounding area were tary sources. Park andalsoresearched earlierdocumen- They mademore than1,400visitstothe number ofvisitsbetween 1997and2009. in 1976tocollectdata, steppingupthe Foix Natural Park asaconservation area. of thereservoir thatledtothecreation of birds. Infact, itwas theornithological richness 40 speciesofmammalsand243 7 speciesofamphibians, 21speciesofreptiles, Biology. The research found 11speciesoffish, at theUniversity ofBarcelona’s Faculty of of lectures intheDepartment Animal Biology Salvadó,bert awho hasaPhDinBiology and From when the2,900hectares ofthe The researchers visitingthePark started

1 The quotes “Biodiversity is the best indicator of an area’s sustainability”. Martí Boada, member of the Scientific Committee of abertis foundation. “It’s very unusual to find so much biodiversity in a natural space as small as the Foix Park”. Humbert Salvadó, who coordinated the study and publication of the book Fauna vertebrada al Parc del Foix. “The challenge is to find a balance between economic development and maintaining biodiversity”. Miquel Delgado, president of the Foix Park Consortium and Mayor of Castellet. “In the Foix Park, both the cultural and natural heritage have been respected and conserved. This forms a network of natural spaces in the territory”. Josep Mayoral, councillor for Natural Species in the Barcelona provincial government.

2 species that live and nest there has increased: from birds of prey such as the short-toed eagle (Circaetus gallicus), forest birds like the Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendroco- pos mayor) and the Lesser Spotted Wood- pecker (Dendrocopos minor), to water birds such as the Little Bittern (Ixobrychus minu- tus). However, some species are extinct or in danger of extinction: the European Chub (Squalius cephalus), in the case of fish, two species of reptile –Hermann’s tortoise (Tes- tudo hermani) and Lataste’s viper (Vipera latastei)– and the European Otter (Lutra lutra), in the case of mammals. Some bird species, such as the Jackdaw (Corvus monedula), have stopped nesting in the Park. To preserve the area’s biodiver- sity, one of the main aspects that must be improved is the quality of the water in the reservoir. 3 The event took place en Castellet The book launch was attended by 121 peo- — 1 — The launch of the book in Castellet ple, including: Martí Boada, a member of the Castle, the headquarters of Scientific Board of abertis foundation; Links the abertis foundation. Miquel Delgado, president of the Foix Park — 2 — abertis foundation Photo of a fox and her cubs taken by Consortium and Mayor of Castellet; Josep Xavier Bayer, one of the naturalists Mayoral, councillor for Natural Species in the who took part in the study of Barcelona provincial government; and Hum- vertebrate species in the Foix Park. Foix Natural Park, City Council — 3 — bert Salvadó, who coordinated the study and of Santa Margarida i els Monjos Heron. Photograph taken by Humbert publication of the book. Q Salvadó, who coordinated the study in the Foix Park.

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 59 ABERTIS FOUNDATION 2010 Award Ceremony NEWS for the Voluntaris Prizes

During the most recent abertis Cor- the Ganges Association; Tardes de gresca, porate Volunteer Day, the five projects FAREM’s handicrafts and theatre arts work- chosen by the Group’s employees from those shops for disabled people in Vallirana, Cervelló, proposed by other colleagues were La Palma and Corbera de Llobregat (Barce- announced. In an event held on the 8th of lona); and the Fundación Teodora’s Smiles for April in corporate headquarters in Barcelona, Children in Hospitals aimed at cheering chil- Francisco Reynés, the managing the abertis foundation donated 40,000 dren in paediatric hospitals in Granada, director of abertis, euros to support the chosen projects. Málaga and Seville. Q at the presentation.

The winning projects The cultural project chosen was AGIMA’s His- tories from a Feminine Perspective. This is a travelling exhibition on the role of women throughout history, which makes the work done by women more visible, in order to achieve true equality. In the environment field, the grant was won by ADEFFA for its project Management and restoration of the Iberian river crab habitat in the Llobregat river basin. The social initiatives chosen were Med- ical and Welfare Assistance for Women from Varanasi (India) who suffer domestic violence and social, exclusion run by the Flowers of

ABERTIS FOUNDATION Recognition for the ‘You’ve one life left’ campaign

The graphics for the abertis foundation A poster used in campaign, You’ve one life left, Don’t the advertising campaign lose it on the road, have been awarded the to encourage prize for Social Action advertising by the responsible La Vanguardia newspaper. The presentation driving. was on the 7th of April, in Barcelona.

Values and good driving You’ve one life left was a campaign to make drivers under 30 years old aware of the main risks associated with driving, especially when under the influence of alcohol, with the aim of encouraging a more responsible attitude to having fun. The initiative approached the question of responsible driving through the route of education and a culture of safety, since the abertis foundation has always held that good driving has more to do with the right values than with skill at the wheel. advertisements were placed in various pub- The campaign ran in Catalonia during lications. The campaign was reintroduced at summer 2009, and in the Comunidad de key times such as San Juan celebrations and Madrid last summer. During these periods, New Year’s Eve. Q

60 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 TELECOMMUNICATIONS abertis telecom is awarded a prize for its management system

abertis telecom, the telecommuni- European Excellence to the general man- From left to right: Miquel Montes, the cations infrastructure operator ager of abertis telecom, Tobías Martínez. Club Excelencia en Gestión’s executive president in Catalonia; Tobías Martínez, which is part of the abertis, has been The event was also attended by Salvador general manager of abertis telecom, awarded the 500+ Seal of European Excel- Alemany, president of abertis and abertis and Salvador Alemany, president lence by the Club Excelencia en Gestión: for telecom. Q of abertis and abertis telecom. its management system; for its ability to achieve, and maintain, good outcomes for all its stakeholders; and for the manner in which this was achieved. The Club Excelencia en Gestión is a non-profit organisation that was created 20 years ago by leading Spanish organisa- tions, to share management practices in order to improve business excellence. It is currently the Spanish representative of the European Foundation for Quality Man- agement (EFQM). In an event held at the headquarters of abertis telecom in Barcelona, Miquel Montes, the Club Excelencia en Gestión’s executive president in Catalonia, and assistant director general of the Bank of Sabadell, presented the 500+ Seal of

AIRPORTS Additional flights

In recent months, the airports managed to Skopje (Macedonia), while Ryanair has added from Belfast International. Finally, Allegiant Air by tbi in Europe and the USA have new services from Stockholm Skavsta to Thes- has announced domestic flights from Orlando announced flights to additional destinations. salonika and Rhodes (Greece) and Riyeka Sanford International Airport in Florida (USA) to From London Luton, Wizz Air offers a new service (Croatia). Olympic Holidays will also fly to Rhodes Laredo (Texas) and Shreveport (Louisiana). Q


TOLL ROADS Engineers visit the abertis autopistas facilities on the AP-6

In March the Madrid College of Civil head of Technical Studies and Projects; Members of Engineers organised a guided tour of Álva-ro Martín, head of Safety and Tunnel the College of Engineers, the abertis autopistas’ Operations and Technologies; Juan Ubera, manager of the during their Control Centre on the AP-6 and to the Gua- AP-6, AP-61 and AP-51; Francisco Rubio, visit to the darrama tunnels. head of Service at the AP-6 Operations Cen- AP-6 facilities. The group was made up of members tre; and María Teresa Bastida, who is in charge of the college and engineering students of Customer and Environmental Relations (40 people in all). It visited the Permanent for the Central-Southern Network. Exhibition Centre, the Operations Centre, The project –AP-6 toll road widening. and the interior of one of the tunnels –includ- Third Roadway and Third Guadarrama Tunnel, ing its emergency galleries. Accompanying between the Valle de los Caídos and San Rafael– the group were: Rafael Pérez Arenas, direc- is considered to be one of the most signifi cant tor of Civil Engineering; Rodón, engineering works in the Madrid region. Q

ABERTIS British diplomats visit abertis’ headquarters

The British Ambassador to Spain, Giles Paxman, and the British Con- sul General in Barcelona, Andrew Gwatkin, visited the abertis headquarters in ZFB Logistics Park on the 8th of March. The pur- pose of the visit was to learn first-hand about the Group’s objectives and pres- ence in the UK, and to strengthen links From left to right: Giles Paxman, British ambassador to Spain; Francisco Reynés, managing director of abertis; and with abertis. The managing director of Andrew Gwatkin, British consul-general in Barcelona. abertis, Francisco Reynés, hosted the visit. Q

62 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 TELECOMMUNICATIONS Conference on safety, security, and data networks

In March, adesal telecom and abertis telecom, in collaboration with the Itaca Technology Centre and the Polytechnic University, held a conference on Data Appli- cations in Tetra Networks. The Conference, which took place in the Ciudad Politécnica de la Innovación, brought together the main users of the COMDES Network - local police officers from 30 towns and cities, technicians from tamaría, the Generalitat Valenciana’s director reflected on the possibilities offered by the three provinces’ fire brigades, and the fleet general of Modernisation, analysed the Network’s data channel, which allows each managers from the Generalitat Valenciana. positive results of incorporating fleets into fleet’s control centre to access up-to-date In opening the conference, Luis San- the COMDES Network during 2010, and information at all times. Q

TOLL ROADS abertis autopistas contribute granite flagstone paving at the three entrances to the church. The rest of the area to the restoration of the atrium around the church, which was previously in the Church of San Pedro (Ávila) sand, has been paved with granite cobble- stones and narrow flagstones. The aim of the project was to improve practice. Work started in June 2010, and was For safety reasons, a rail has been the surroundings of one of the most completed in February 2011. installed on the low wall outside, and to iconic churches in Ávila, located in the Plaza improve accessibility, a ramp has been built de Santa Teresa. The project was drafted by Details of the project up to one of the side entries. The exterior Rafael Moneo’s prestigious architectural The restoration involved restoring the lighting has been improved. Q

The Church of San Pedro, in the Plaza de Santa Teresa in Ávila, is one of the most iconic churches in the city.

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 63 64 Q tis LINK NEWS IN BRIEF aber Q Y 2011

MA react asheavy tosituationssuch traffi more information toplantheirtrip andto road’s variable information panels, giving users the Operations Centre isdisplayed onthetoll on thetollroad. The information collectedby from theircurrent positiontootherpoints real time, average travel timesfor vehicles tions atany given momentandcalculates, in devices moving alongtheroad. strategic points, whichdetectalltheBluetooth installedin tion panelsandothersupports uses traffic sensors locatedinvariable informa- time thatwas previously available. The system mation aboutthetraffic situationatany given nearby location. This complementstheinfor- their trip willtake tothefi nal destinationora information system, tellingusers thehow long autopistas them. Firstly, the Japanese Red Cross, which is encouraging peopletocontribute to two ofthehumanitarian operations, and other publicbuildings. in temporary centres and setupschools people were evacuated andare now housed earthquakes ever recorded. More 300,000 Scale,Richter makingitoneofthebiggest coast ofJapan whichmeasured 8.9onthe Salou-Vinaròs sectionofthe AP-7 toll road Journey timeinformation system onthe Help for Japan SOLIDARITY TOLL ROADS This analyses technology traffi On Friday, the11 between Salouand Vinaròs, In thesectionof AP-7 tollroad was an earthquake on the north-east was anearthquake onthe north-east hasinstalledajourney time abertis th ofMarch, there is supporting issupporting c condi- c or any c orany abertis abertis the evacuation centres. children andestablishingSafe Play Spacesin providing care andpsychological to support priority. Save The Children’s activities include dren andensure that their needsare given evaluate thesituation ofover 100,000chil- teams throughout theaffected areas to also providing emergency supplies. to thosedisplacedby theearthquake, and is giving fi rst support aidandpsycho-social the servicetootherareas initsnetwork. C-33 andC-32tollroads, andplanstoextend on different sectionsofthe AP-7, AP-2, AP-6, road. other incidentsthatcouldoccuronthetoll Secondly, Save theChildren hasdeployed abertis autopistasabertis Q provides thisservice Q or anearby location. the fi their tripwilltake to users the how long Th esystem tells nal destination THE STOCK MARKET 73 INVESTOR’S Growth and profi tability

INVESTORS 74 abertis holds its fi rst Shareholders’ Day

Results for January to December 2010 abertis has grown by 6.1%

MARZO 2010 Q LINK abertis Q 73 REVENUE Contributing Q TOLL ROADS 75% Q TELECOMMUNICATIONS 13% BY SECTORS three-quarters of Q AIRPORTS 7% INVESTOR’S total revenue, toll Q PARK CARS 4% roads are the Group’s Q LOGISTIC PARKS 1% LINK principal business.

January-December 2010 Results abertis’ net profit increased by 6.1% in 2010, to 662 million euros

The key aspects of the 2010 financial porating changes made in the IFRS sector year have been: the growth of traffic 4,106 interpretation for service concession arrange- 2,494 on the toll road network outside Spain; the million euros ments (IFRIC 12), show growth in the key million euros in group’s ability to generate cash; the strict –the abertis figures: revenue, EBITDA and net profits. abertis EBITDA control of operating expenses; containment group’s operating These results do not include the impact (+5.9%). of financial costs; and the strong contribution revenues (+5.2%). of the sale of its 6.68% stake in Atlantia on by the satellite business. abertis’ results for 14 January for 626 million euros, generating 2010, prepared under IFRS criteria, and incor- a capital gain of 151 million euros.

66 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 2010 (Mn €) Q SPAIN 50% REVENUES EBITDA REVENUE 35% CONTRIBUTION Q CEFRAN Toll roads 3,078 2,138 GENERATION Q OTHERS 6% BY SECTORS Q 4% Telecommunications 552 218 Q UNITED Airports 277 81 KINGDOM 1% Park cars 154 64 Logistics 35 23

Key Points 50% of the revenue and 47% Resolutions of the Board 662 of the EBITDA was generated of Directors of abertivs outside Spain. 75% of the million euros The board of directors has revenue comes from net profit resolved to propose to its the toll road business, and (+6.1%). shareholders a scrip issue the remaining 25% is shared as well as payment of a final between telecommunications dividend against 2010 earnings infrastructures (13%), airports of 0.30 euros per share which, (7%), car parks (4%) and added to the interim dividend logistics parks (1%) which paid in October, brings maintained their combined the total gross dividend weight in the Group. for 2010 to 0.60 euros The strong cash generation rate per share. Dividend payments was maintained: cash flow for 2010 total 443.4 million before investments and euros (a 5% increase over the dividends grew by 7.6%, total amount paid in 2009). to 1,616 million euros. In the toll road business, The company remained in the operating revenues to June strong financial health in 2010. were 3,078 million euros (+6%). 94% of the Group’s total debt The decline in traffic on abertis’ is long term (93% in 2009) and toll road network eased further 84% is fixed-rate or hedged. so that traffic ended the year The average cost of the debt is virtually flat yoy (-0.4%). 4.5% and the average maturity is 6.6 years. Ratings agency Fitch confirmed its A- rating with a stable outlook for abertis’ long term debt and maintained its F2 rating for short term debt. The 2010 results do not include the impact of the sale of its 6.68% stake in Atlantia on 14 January for 626 million euros, generating a capital gain of 151 million euros. REVENUES TOPPED 4,000 MILLION EUROS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ABERTIS’ HISTORY

AT YEAR-END, ABERTIS (*) NET DEBT STOOD Summary of the results presented AT 14,651 MILLION EUROS. to the stock market regulator –the Comisión Nacional del Mercado OF THE TOTAL DEBT, de Valores (CNMV). The full version can be viewed at, 56% IS SECURED in the Investor Relations section, or may be requested by calling the PROJECT FINANCING Shareholders Office on 902 30 10 15.

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 67 Key aspects of FY 2010 recovery in traffic levels on sanef’s toll roads The key aspects of January-September 2010 50% OF THE ABERTIS in France and on the group’s toll roads in have been: the growth of traffic in the toll GROUP’S OPERATING Latin America. The diversified businesses, for road network outside Spain; the group’s abil- their part, maintain their position in the ity to generate cash; strict control of operat- REVENUE IS GENERATED group, by contributing 25% of the revenue. ing expenses; the containment of financial OUTSIDE SPAIN, MAINLY costs; the changes in the consolidation IN FRANCE, THE UNITED Revenues reach a new high perimeter; and the positive equity-accounted KINGDOM AND CHILE Revenues topped 4,000 million euros for contributions by the companies. The finan- the first time in abertis’ history, rising 5.2% cial year also saw the consolidation of the yoy to 4,106 million euros, 5.2% more than

68 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 1 2 — 1 — The toll road division accounts for 75% of the Group’s total revenues. — 2 — The airports division accounted for 7% of abertis total business. — 3 — The telecommunications infrastructures division accounts for 13% of the Group’s total revenues.


for the same period in the previous year. The car park sector contributed 4%, and sanef contributed 1,465 million euros (36% 1,616 logistics parks 1%. 757 of total revenues). 50% of the abertis million euros in Gross operating income (EBITDA) in million euros group’s operating revenue is generated cash-flow (+7.6%). 2010 totalled 2,494 million euros (+5.9%) in capex outside Spain, mainly in France, the United while the net operating profit (EBIT) was Kingdom and Chile. 1,519 million euros (+5%). Net financial Of the total revenue, 75% was gener- expense totalled 667 million euros in 2010. ated by the toll road business, while 13% In 2010, Earnings from companies came from the telecommunications infra- accounted for using the equity method structures business and 7% from the airports. totalled 117 million euros (+52%), princi-

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 69 pally from the holding in Eutelsat (83 mil- In airports, operational capex amounted lion euros). AT THE END OF to 28 million euros, including improvements The abertis Group showed a net profi t 2010, ABERTIS HAD to Belfast International, Cardiff and Stock- of 662 million euros (+6.1%) in 2010. In this holm Skavsta airports. In car parks, expansion period, abertis generated a cash-fl ow (before TOTAL ASSETS OF capex (29 million euros) mainly went to the investments and dividends) of 1,616 million 25,292 MILLION EUROS growth of saba in Spain (a new car park in euros (+7.6%). AND EQUITY OF Palma de Mallorca) and Italy, while in logis- abertis’ average workforce in 2010 was 5,453 MILLION EUROS tics parks, capex went to constructing parks 12,401, 58% of which worked outside Spain.. in Chile and Portugal (26 million euros).

Balance sheet and investments FITCH EMPHASISED Debt structure At the end of 2010, abertis had total assets ABERTIS’ PROVEN AND At year-end, abertis net debt stood at of 25,292 million euros and equity of 5,453 14,651 million euros. Of the total debt, 56% million euros. SUSTAINED CAPACITY is secured project fi nancing (ie non-recourse). The Group invested a total of 757 mil- TO GENERATE STRONG 94% of the debt is long-term (93% in Sep- lion euros, of which 564 million euros (75%) CASH FLOW DESPITE tember 2009) and 84% is at fixed rates was organic expansion capex and 192 million THE CHALLENGING or fi xed through hedging. The average cost euros was operating capex. of the debt is 4.5% and the average maturity Expansion capex in toll roads (381 mil- ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT is 6.6 years. lion euros) included the investments made At the end of 2010 ratings agency by acesa (widening the AP-7 and C-32 toll Fitch confi rmed its A- rating with a stable roads) and by sanef (Reims southern ring outlook for abertis’ long-term debt and road, extension of the A13 and capital con- maintained its F2 rating for short-term debt. — 1 — tributions for the A65); while the investment Th e car parks division accounts Fitch emphasised abertis’ proven and in telecommunications (126 million euros) for 4% of the Group’s total sustained capacity to generate strong cash was related to the DTT rollout and the build- revenues. fl ow despite the challenging economic envi- — 2 — ing of the Hispasat 1E and Amazonas III Spain’s tollroads registered ronment in which some of its core assets satellites by Hispasat. ADT of 22,383 vehicles in 2010. (eg toll roads) are operating. 2


443.4 million euros in dividend payments (+5%).

70 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 Performance of the businesses: Toll roads Last year, abertis’ toll road division contrib- uted revenues of 3,078 million euros (75% of the Group’s total revenues) and 2,138 million euros to EBITDA (86%). Traffic on abertis’ toll road network in 2010 was lifted by the growth registered in France and South America, which offset the decline –now less steep– in traffic in Spain. Average daily traffic (ADT) on abertis’ net- work in 2010 was 22,869 vehicles (-0.4%), consolidating the trend to stabilization evi- denced in the third quarter. Particularly noteworthy was the strong performance in heavy vehicle traffic, which grew at 1.8%. The end of year figures confirm the rebound in traffic in France with ADT on sanef’s network of 23,303 vehicles (+1.3%), boosted by growth in heavy vehicle traf- fic of around 5%. Growth was also recorded on toll roads in Chile and Argentina: gco (Argentina) reached an ADT level of 73,419 vehicles, (+6.5%), while for Chilean con- cessionaries the ADT was 65,843 vehi- cles (+4.5%) on the Autopista Central, 22,879 vehicles (+4.7%) on the Rutas del Pacífico and 4,795 vehicles (+4%) for Elqui. Spain has seen a slowing down in traf- fic decline, with an ADT of 22,383 vehicles for 2010 (-4%, compared to -4.3% for the first nine months and -5% for the first half-year). On abertis’ toll roads in Spain, 35.1% of the transactions were made using the teletoll system. For acesa, tel- etoll usage accounted for 39.2% of the total transactions, while on sanef’s net- work in France, it was 36.2% (75.7% for heavy vehicles).

Telecommunications infrastructures The telecommunications business gener- ated revenues of 552 million euros (+2%) and EBITDA of 218 million euros. This sector represents 13% of abertis’ total revenue and 9% of the EBITDA. Factors contributing to this good performance included the Digital Ter- restrial Television (DTT) rollout and the increased coverage (to 98.04% from 97.42% in 2009); the new radio-com- munications service contracts, such as the emergency system for Navarre and the Merchant Marine the marketing since December 2009 of the services of the Amazonas II satellite by Hispasat. All these factors helped offset the impact of the analogue switch-off. In the satellite sector, Eutelsat consolidated using the

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 71 equity method, contributed 83 million euros, while Hispasat contributed 28 million euros. The satellite business con- tributed a net positive effect (net of acquisi- tion funding costs) of 65 million euros to abertis’ results.

Airports In 2010, the airports division had operat- ing revenues totalling 277 million euros (+5.5%), ie 7% of abertis’ total revenue, and EBITDA of 81 million euros (+8%), 3% of the total for the Group. In 2010, the airports division reve- nues rose 5.5% (despite tbi’s reduced vol- ume of business to 21.5 million passen- gers), thanks to a 7.9% increase in unit passenger revenue and the larger overall contribution by dca airports –which grew by 8.2%– and the favourable changes in exchange rates.

Aparcamientos In 2010, saba reported an increase in rev- enues of 3% to 154 million euros, basi- Th e logistics parks division acounted for 1% cally due to a change in the consolidation of abertis total business. scope and new management contracts. The car parks division contributed 4% of abertis’ total revenues, and 3% of the PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNTS EBITDA, at 64 million euros (+9%). saba RESULTS DO NOT 2010 (Mn € NIIF) manages a total of 128,149 parking INCLUDE THE IMPACT DEC DEC VAR. spaces at sites in Spain, Italy, Chile, Portugal, 2010 2009 France and Andorra. Vehicle rotation OF THE SALE OF 6.68% Operating revenue 4,016 3,904 5.2% stabilised at 56.3 million, and the number OF ATLANTIA ON Operating costs -1,612 -1,548 4.1% Ebitda 2,494 2,356 5.9% of pass holders increased to 34,261. 14 JANUARY FOR Amortisation provision -975 -911 7% 626 MILLION EUROS Operating Logistic parks Results 1,519 1,445 5% In 2010, abertis logística recorded reve- Financial Result -667 -587 nues of 35 million Euros (+18%). This rep- THE FINANCIAL YEAR Equity-accounted result 117 77 resents 1% of abertis’ total revenues, SAW THE CONSOLIDATION Pre-Tax and the unit contributed 23 million euros Result 969 936 4% OF THE RECOVERY Company to EBITDA. Comparisons with 2009 are Tax -226 -252 not meaningful due to the changes in IN TRAFFIC LEVELS Financial year the accounting treatment of Areamed, ON SANEF’S TOLL ROADS profi t or loss 743 684 9% which since the end of 2009 has been IN FRANCE AND ON Minority Interests -82 -60 consolidated in the tollroad business, Company and the restructuring implied by the THE GROUP’S TOLL ROADS shareholders’ profi t 662 624 6.1% increased stake in Cilsa which has been con- IN LATIN AMERICA. BALANCE SHEET (Mn € NIIF) solidated proportionately following DEC 2010 DEC 2009 the creation of Consorci de Parcs Logís- Tangible tics. In logistic parks, there has been fi xed assets 2,325 2,184 an increase of 4.5% yoy in built area (to Intangible fi xed assets 16,948 17,022 534,407 square metres). The mean occu- Financial pancy level for warehouses and offices investments 3,942 4,413 is 65.6%, slightly higher than for the Current assets 1,466 1,253 previous quarter. Q TOTAL ASSETS 25,292 24,873 Shareholders’ equity 5,453 5,334 Loans and bonds 15,134 14,932 Other liabilities 4,705 4,607 TOTAL LIABILITIES 25,292 24,873

72 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011 INVESTOR’S LINK


Growth and profitability 443.4 422.3 402.2 abertis shares have appreciated ACCUMULATED PROFITABILITY by 135% over the last ten years, 357.5 even without taking into account the divi- 304.0 dends paid. The company closed 2010 with 289.5 a capital value of 9,944 million euros, 264.2 237.4 and ranked ninth in the Ibex 35. It was thir- teenth in ranking by total stock market value. abertis’ policy on payments to share- +5% +5% holders is based on a formula which combines +12% +5% +18% +10% ACCUMULATED CHANGE +11% +135% over the last decade. CAGR*: +8.9% -10,1% 2010 2009 31.0% -40.0% 2008 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010* 2007 2,9% *2010 includes a complementary gross dividend of 0.30 euros/per share, which will be proposed to the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting to held in the first sixth months of 2011. 2006 11.1% 2005 37.8% paying dividends with an annual bonus 31/12/2000 and did not sell his shares until 2004 41.9% 2003 16.6% issue. Over the last four years, the company 31/12/2010, abertis’ accumulated profitabil- 2002 1.3% has assigned a total of 1,600 million ity was 207.4% (IRR: 14%), including the appre- 2001 26.2% euros to paying out ordinary dividends. ciation of shares on the stock market, bonus *CAGR: compound annual growth rate. For a shareholder who bought on the issues, and the profitability per dividend. Q

MAY 2011 Q LINK abertis Q 73 INVESTOR’S LINK

ABERTIS abertis holds its first Shareholders’ Day


On the 14th and 15th of December, the of the toll road network in Catalonia and The centre is always manned, with a abertis Shareholder Office organised Aragon, and deals with an Average Daily head coordinator present at all times, its first Shareholders’ Days. This initiative is Traffic (ADT) of 30,000 vehicles. though the number of staff on duty will intended to foster closer contact between Around 50 shareholders saw, at first depend on the conditions. A simulated abertis and its shareholders. It thus comple- hand, how the centre manages toll road serv- incident was organised, so that the share- ments the PRÓXIMO Programme, and goes ices, including: incidents, road works, special holders could see for themselves how real even further, since it gives shareholders the holiday traffic flow provision, coordinating incidents are managed. chance to visit some of the company’s prin- external and internal resources, etc. The Two years ago, abertis autopistas mod- cipal assets. visitors also saw how the centre provides ernised its facilities, so that it could manage For this first visit, we chose the abertis information about the road system to both the network more effectively. It has a new autopistas Control Centre in Granollers our customers and official bodies, 24 hours video wall, and technology for controlling 140 (Barcelona), which manages 600 kilometres a day, 365 days a year. cameras positioned along the toll roads. Q

74 Q LINK abertis Q MAY 2011

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