Diploma Lecture Series 2012 Absolutism to enlightenment: European art and culture 1665-1765

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Michael Hill

7 / 8 March 2012

Lecture summary:

This lecture will examine the influence of Francesco Borromini’s architecture on later seventeenth-century architects in . Michael will also discuss the development of Borrominian ideas in the work of (1624-83) and (1678-1736) in ; and on Johann Bernard Fisher Von Erlach (1656-1723) and Johann Balthasar Neumann (1687-1753) in Germany.

Slide list:

* 1. Francesco Borromini, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Rome, 1634-67 * 2. Francesco Borromini, Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza, Rome, 1642-60 3. Borromini, Sant’Maria dei Sette Dolori, Rome, 1642-55 4. Francesco Borromini, San Agnese, Rome, 1645-54 5. Gianlorenzo Bernini, Cathedra Petri, Rome, 1657-66 6. Carlo Rainaldi, Santa Maria in Campitelli, Rome, 1660-67 7. Antonio Gherardi, Avila Chapel, Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome, 1684 * 8. Antonio Gherardi, Santa Cecilia Chapel, S. Carlo ai Catinari, Rome, 1692 9. Guarino Guarini, , Turin, 1679-85 *10. Guarino Guarini, San Lorenzo, Turin, 1668-87 *11. Guarino Guarini, S. Sindone, Turin, 1667-90 *12. Filippo Juvarra, , Turin, 1717-31 *13. Johann Bernard Fisher Von Erlach, Karlskirke, Vienna, 1717-37 *14. Balthasar Neuman, Vierzehnheiligen, near Nurenberg, 1743-72


Rudolf Wittkower, The Art and , 1600-1750, first published London, 1958 Karsten Harries, The Bavarian Rococo , 1983 Eberhard Hempel, Baroque Art and Architecture in Central Europe, 1965.

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Francesco Borromini, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Rome, 1634-67 1634-67 Rome, Fontane, alle Quattro Carlo San Borromini, Francesco

Francesco Borromini, Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza, Rome, 1642-60 1642-60 Rome, Sapienza, alla Sant’Ivo Borromini, Francesco

Antonio Gherardi, Santa Cecilia Chapel, S. Carlo ai Catinari, Rome, 1692

Guarino Guarini, San Lorenzo, Turin, 1668-87

Guarino Guarini, S. Sindone, Turin, 1667-90 1667-90 Turin, Sindone, S. Guarini, Guarino

Filippo Juvarra, Basilica of Superga, Turin, 1717-31 1717-31 Turin, Superga, of Basilica Juvarra, Filippo

Johann Bernard Fisher Von Erlach, Karlskirke, Vienna, 1717-37 1717-37 Vienna, Karlskirke, Erlach, Von Fisher Bernard Johann

Balthasar Neuman, Vierzehnheiligen, near Nurenberg, 1743-72 1743-72 Nurenberg, near Vierzehnheiligen, Neuman, Balthasar



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