f rtfte 313 9*3^ cTU uarnfa fcH3*§Hj


1 to ftf »nfa?r «H* 3


Sat Guru Nanak pargatiya Mltl dhund Jag chanan hoya Jlon kar suraj nikalaya Tare chhape andher paloya."

Sat Guru Nanak'hath appeared Lo mist hath vanished Light hath shown In the world Even as when the sun rlseth The stars disappear \ And darkness gets resplendent with light

2 -^ 7^ m %



foldS clttl 1. Kirt 'Kami To earn one's' livelihood to work with through creative, productive own hands and honest 'labour.

# M 6 ft *.i\

To be in tune with the infinities 2. Nam Japna through meditation ons divine remebering the qualities so that the believer name of god becomes filled with HIS NAME H#>XS*31 te3fc5fW*&' 4T4Mri^r#*Ja*#


09 3. Wand Chakana To share the fruits of earning to eatlwhile with the needy. sharing with the needy *1t#tfA^-&*MtAfl#^i###.ttA*.

4 FORWARD This trilingual version of the prayer RAHRAS, and ARDAS from the SACRED is arranged and donated by Gurdev Singh as Assistant Officer Class 1- of the Stanley Prison in Hong Kong. He is born in Hong Kong and belongs to the village of Hussain Pura, Tehsil Malerkotla, District Sangrur, in India. Gurdev Singh has published other prayers and religious? books in another languages; such as in Japanese and Korean. It is a: free publication for his foreign friends who are interested' to know more about the Sikh religion. PREFACE

Most Sacred and Divine (Gurbsnl) have come to us from Almighty God, through our Satguras. Wc worship Gurbanl as our ever existing and last Satgum, under the orders of our Ten Satgurns. Regarding this matter submissions have been made in part II of this book. It is most essential that we must know the meanings of the Shabads and the Gurban! that we recite, sing or hear, and we must act upon the Divine Instructions, contained therein, if we really want to achieve the Final Goal. The Gurbsnl, which we are directed to recite or hear everyday, is contained^ in the prayer-books in and Hindi etc. In this book an attempt has been made to give the daily prayers of the in Roman, as well as, in Gurmukhi Script with Translation of each verse in Simple English. Summaries of the Teachings have been given in Part II of this book. As to what is Nitnem, my brief submissions are as follow i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I Nitnem means recitation of certain Banls (Hymns) everyday without fail by the -Sikhs, as ordained by the Satgurns. Even non-sikhs are requested^ 3to read these, because there is absolutely nothing communal or personal in them. Asia matter of fact, all the Hymns of Sri Gum Granth Sahib preach us things, which are meant for the whole world, without any distinction of religion or nationality. It is essential for every Sikh toj read at least five B&nls every morning. The first one is Japfu) jl» composed by Satguro Nanak Dev Sahib. The second and third are Jap(u) Sahib and Tav Prasad Savaiy&s, composed by Satguro Gobind Singh Sahib. The .fourth


• one is AnandMSihib. composed by Satgurn Amar Dfts Sfihib. All these four Banis and the Cbanpal given in this book, are to be repeated early morning everyday by a Sikh. The Rahrgsffl Sfthib consists of one Salok of Guru Ninak and nine Shabads, which are given in Sri Gum Granth Sahib, immediately after the Jap(u) jl. These along 1„ with one Chaupal, one Savaiyft and one Dohrft composed by Satgurn Gobind Singfc Sfthib, the first five and the last stanzas of Anand(u) Sfthib and five other Hymns, given towards the end of Rahr«s(i) Sfthib, are recited at the time of the sunset, After completing the Rahrfts(i), one has to perform the General Prayer, called Ardfts. j The fBfinl, called Klrtan Sohilft, isirecitcd by a Sikh before he goes to sleep at night time. One has to perform Ardfts again. These Hymns (Bftnls) and the General Prayer are recited by a Sikh with a view to understand and practise Teachings of the Sikh Religion. It is essential for a Sikh to read them intelligently, after knowing the meanings theirof, and then to act upon what the Satguro says. There is no need of a long preface, because my most humble submissions are contained in sufficient details in part IL A key to pronunciation has been given in the beginning. It is impossible for a man, of my humble intelligence and meagre knowledge, to interpret or translate the Most Divine Hymns, yet with Satgurn's Grace, I have made a little attempt I am confident that the learned readers will excuse me for my shorty comings and will give their valuable suggestions. Kg&ftg^ftttXAftffiftStt aaaffiw SATGURUS #> a ff I & ai 7 • &J&- TEN SARGURUS Mflj^ •afl"l»^ GURBANI»#«*. £ft«J*UUK fttt£fi'J SATGURUo # WJ £ ;£ ® fit| ft & O «r*wjt«ri!&^|iweaffi»r»«w > MM fflJSSSIft SHBADS ft GURBANIft&Jg • |B]B#Jp$ »«p#*w»«*«[ • a-ffi s 35 w a * w si w SE *fc GUR'BANI-ajg^ GURMUKHI fl] HINDI*?tf}#f&

XJa;R*ffM&«**ttW*W GURHUKHI *K «x • «« ftM£«a«*'S$iifiisft**' •

Sfe NITNEN ttfl-JR? afin'^inT :

'NITNEH£«fc£fi SATGURUS-'&fc • Ig^AS A -tii m m MI 8 it & «x • a a « «Hn £ m *ft #& **tlffl'«fflA*«£* • ¥*»•« • *r#W SRI 99c9«ffilafflfft*« ' 4b «tftK#«c-«»£i!tS*ffl*« • *RiBj£*?S #««« • *-iiajKA»^*"±s**a£* BANlSft»*;fcA

RAHRAS (I) SAHIBftl^H SHABADSJfifiJJ • |£ jjgS SRI GURU GRANHTH SAHIB 4»3$$$fJAP(U) JI£$ • & CHAUPAI * SAVAIYA *D DOHRA j—j@:| ft SHABADS|£ SATGURU GOBIND SINGH SAHIB *B )g .ANAND (U) SAHIB WMH«ff*fc—&&* 3£ RAHRAS (I) SAHIB 5{c Jg W £ AS # {til ft 2J &-?? ffiB««*#«l»ffi** RAHRAS (Dl^i'feA •«&£*«»»:£ • MS ARDAS »

#*»ssa« BANis^iifss^x •»-m$s55AK

e+»#»!*«£>* nana* ? & ?t mi *s & *r st

* «? ?? i£ 28 $ ft & K ft £ 3* *D SATGURUWJBjfcft


What is a Sikh ? A Sikh is any person1 whose faith consists of belief in one God, the Ten Gurus, the Guru Granth Sahib and other scriptures of the Sikh relig­ ion. Additionally, he or she must believe in the necessity and importance of "Ami-it" (the Sikh baptism ceremony).

Essential Beliefs The Sikh Religion is concerned both with a person's life as an indi­ vidual and his corporate life as a member of the Sikh Community. The following two sections are devoted to ,a fuller explanation of both these aspects of this religion.


As regards the individual, this religion is concerned with: I. Study of the .scriptures and meditation on God II. Living according to the Guru's teachings III. Active service to the community.

I. Study of the scriptures and meditation on God 1. A Sikh should, Rise early, bathe and meditate on the one true God.

2. The following scriptures should be read or recited : (a) Early morning I (b) and Ten Swayas and Ardas prayer (c) Sodar, Rehras and Ardas Evening prayer This includes: nine shabads from Guru Granth Sahib (from I 'Sodar tera1 keha' to ' Saren . pare H rakho sarma'), Benti, I Choupee Patshahi Dasvi (from 'Hamri karo hath de rachha' to 'Dusht dokh te leo bachai', Swaya; Pae gahe jab te tumre, Sagal duarko chaad ke,' the first five stanzas and the last stanza of the , Mundawni and Slok Muhala Panjwa Tera kita jato nahi'. (d) Sohila (late evening prayer said before retiring). -10- * INTRODUCTION

H!3&3£&(£ ? What lis a Sikh '? tti*th-tte«»*&£?* fP&Sffc&ffe j jit* >ii&&!m%mm®-&ikvti&m£.ft&ttg&ft 3&fc{E&Essential Beliefs ^l£lfcl^l^|lliHA^^^«IOtt^m«3£li:^Jlt#-MW^i^^ £J8fUi^ wTm®5j»M-^iwwii-^ifc^iim^®ft^i«>

II I Il85#*

ffcfBAM m&M®toM: i .iwtm$uM±mw*& •

I. 9Fa»&tt§t±&*TSJS Study of the scriptures and meditation on God 1 ^#tf£&I A 'Sikh: should 1 1 ^iLjHff! ¥&!» ftfc&&Pll-ft0ti*M*mS o 2.mmmgmmr^msci | —•! The following scriptures should 1 be I read i or recited (a) h Stf* 0>) Rh (c){tt itiR ? m&mvmmmm : I Ml T ^^1 ,m%m® (M M ff arM £fl • &m&&WTm*mitito AF\ ) *iil- ^7$ «£* • it*** a&r±w mw^mmmmv^m^ t» Gftn±&n±wl>Uk*m7&tonm) wml-te#*M« H)i/e&Brr&£ • &•&& 4»^S*> (d) &%& S&mOft

11 a^fa witra RAHRAS(I)ISAH!B NAME OF THE BANI ttWpR RAHRAS(I) 1(1)1 H83 HUB* <* #i&5'*-*a& SALOK MAHALA 1. I •

A ) M<* I * A* ( ** ) &*<«•. *P** ( Kin ) *t T^ti' I I 1 iMHlllll il

# 1 iifti-. • *#/**,**; *»*«l(|ft*:,) ***M&*1« flUt****.?** *

lift •]**.«***»#>x#^£ft#£#6i&*t *6«i^4T^)Jl«!i ° I^M I 11 1 1 -1-

4U&iM? i ii •111 1.1. _.!• fc*.*iE.A*.iA •!&*;ft#&•&&& ; ;£*«Jftft'£[(|tt6* **DhNM. ( Z~n*a:&)

*#** • *MNW**WM*» I L. 1 MM -2-


(») Salok, First Guru.

Pain is (becomes) the remedy, (while) joy (of mammon) is (becomes) the disease ; when there are (worldly) pleasures then (the man) loves not God.

You, the creator, I am nothing ; if I (attempt to) do some thing, nothing comes out of it. I.

I ara a sacrifice to You ; You reside in the nature in Your Omnipotence : Your end cannot be seen. 1 .Pause.

Your Light perva the creat and the creation is contained in Your Light : Your own Supreme Power fills the inanimate and animate creation.

You are the True Lord, Your praise is most beautiful; whosoever utters lit (Your ) crosses (the world ocean). Satguro) Nanak utters the Words (of praise) of the Whatever is to be \ done (by God)t He goes on doing that. 2.

13 7 3c73 /jf RAHRAS(I) f | fill


t?* ^| m 331 stew *n R« 3^ s ael JI Dukh(u) dam sukh(u) rog(u) bbata ja sukb(u) tam(i) na hoi.

| 333T 93^ M «'3i W XjQ 331 R del Irtll Tan karta karna mat nahl jx hau karl na hoi, -1-

Hfe^l 3^3f3 ?fa»P, 33T »f3 S t?»s1 HfW II«MI3TP§II Baiibarl kudrat(i) vasia, tera ant(u) Da jal lakhia. -1-Rahao-

trfe nfa af3, af3 Hfa a»3\ >>OH an* jsufafcsfiptf u Jat(i) main jot(t), jot(i) maih jata, kala bharpor(i) raiba. j J | He» jpfbg fa?f3 fl»rfer^, fafo ate! fl u»fo ufs^ 11 Tan sacha sahib(u) siphat(i) sualio, jin(i) km so par(i) paia.

a(q 7?tt 333 aft»{» 9T3T, 3 fa? c?32» R crfj 3foMT II3II Kauh Nanak karte kla bata, jo kichh(u) karna so kar(i)

-1 A- H ^3 grgi WFT HUH1 ** II SO DAR(U) RAG(U) ASA MAHALA I

(2) H 33 331 gu^^^^^t H U|3 got^ , fag gfa H3* HM^ H i:/$^-<# • **.**•£#.** 6«f&&fcfl-.<>

#*r£^&#fc£6*j,sil&4:ft-&,fc l9


^MfcA***^******** °

*» A » *>i£*<#*|i,S#^*ft



15 &$£$&

(2) Sodar As% a Measure First Guru.

There is only one God, He is obtained by the Grace of the True Gum.

What is that Gate and Mansion of Yours,whcre You sit and take care of all ?

Your innumerable musical instruments of different kinds are played there and innumerable are the singers there..

Many minstrels of Yours, sing Your praises in various I measures and their consorts.

Water, wind, fire and the god of justice sing Your praises.

Angles, who record the mortal's deeds and know how to writ these, and on the basis of whose recorded accounts the god of justice administers justice, also sing Your praises.

Shiva, Brahma and the fair goddesses, adorned by You, sing Your songs.


<* § Hfe 3T3 l{R»fe II Ik Onkar sat(i) gur prasad(i).

R £3 33* SKF R U|3 Z?0», fa3 afa R3H RH»£ II > , So dar(u) tcra kcba so gbar(u) keba, jit(u) bah(i) sarab samale.

3^33 JTO *£el »HRV, 33 33 ^e-O1! II Vajc tcrc nad a nek asaAkha, kete tere vavan bare.

t§ 3§ 3»3i us) fp@ adhxfa, £i.33 di'^eu1! II Kete tere rag pari sio kahlah(i), kete tere gavan-hare.

3P?fc 3q£ V&5 \r€i RR33,33p£ 3»3» U3M &*P% II Gavan(i) tudh-no pavan(u) paol baisantar(u), gavai raja dharam(u) duare.


3l»?fe 3Tj£ 8?R3 RjW e?1, ROfe 33* R5» R^ II Gavan(i) tudh-no Isar(u) Brahma Devi, sohan(i) tere sstdz tavare.

H7- -18- ^MMM

Indra, sitting on his throne with deities, sings Your praises at Your gate.

Persons, claiming to have miraculous powers, and saints sing Your praises in their meditation.

Continents, true'and calm saints and the fearless warriors, sing Your praises.

Scholars, readers of Vcdss of all ages and seven supreme sages, sing Your praises.

# Fascinating she-seraphs, who captivate hearts in paradise, sing Your praises in this world and the nether regions. i

Invaluable objects created by You, as well as the sixty eight places of pilgrimage^ sing Your praises.

Great mighty warriors, divine heroes and four sources of creation, sing Your praises.

The continents, worlds and solar system, established by You, sing Your glories.

God's saints, steeped in the Name, the home of Nectar, who arc pleasing to You, sing Your praises.

-19- 3P?fo 3QS feXftf^Hfe 85, 3&3W t?fo STO II Cavan(i) tudh-no Indr Ihdrasan(i> bai'thc, dcvtia darfi) nale. *'

3F?fo 30ff faq HHOft »fefg, gj^fe 3qs!anj gfo,§ (i) gavan(i) sadh blcbarc.

3P?fo 3US trat R3l R3<& gp^fo 505 §)g ggtg || Gavan(i) tudh-no jatl satl santokhl, gavan(i) tudh-no vli kararc. gn?fe 3m ufss uafe 3*ited, m^ te» STO u Gavan(i) tudh-no pandit paran(i) rakhlsur, jug(u) jug(u) veda nalc„ v V

Srefo 305 WO^W MS HOfc, R33J HS ufe>>{»8 II Gavan(i) tudh-no mohaoia man(u) moban(i), surag(u) machh(u) peiale.

3P?fc 303 333 flF§ 3§, >H3Rf5 3*30 S»3 II Gavan(i) tudh.no ratan upac tcrc, afh-sath(i) tlrath nalc. an^fe 30s ao Hras qgr, gn^fo 3^ ^7 g»§ „ Gavan(i) tudh-no jodhi mahabal sara, gavan(i) tudh-no khani chare.

gp^fs 3ns ^ HVH QJJMV, afahtfo

Rtf 30* 9P?fe H 30 3^5: ?33 3§ 3313 3R»3 (i) jo tudh(u) bhavan(i) rasalc.

20 Hit 7 ***** • ««ttF*ilfcT ^«*&*»A* °


Rfe ?3» W H§r *fe II 5T?3 ?31 SlS1 5fe If

-21- (Satguru) Nanak (says that) many more, who cannot be recollected in the mind, sing Your praises.

God, His Name and glories are always True.

God, Who created fthe creation,exists andt will exist for ever, and will not depart when the creation disappears, God, Who created msyx, has by various ways, created the creation of different colours and kinds. After creating the creation, God in His grandeur beholds His Vorks. God does whatever pleases Him, and no one can give any order to Him.

(Satgum) Nanak (says that) one should live subject to His Will, Who is-the King of kings. I#

• <3> Asa Measure, First Guru*

One, who has heard about God, calls Him Great. % But only that one, who has seen God, knows how great I He is.

None c4n describe or assess the value (of God). Your describers remain absorbed in You, 1.

u22- Uf3 33 3QS 3P?fe R H faf3 S Wsfa, S»

RCl RSl R^'R3. R^OH W&, W$ 7?z\ II Sol sol sada sach(u), sahib(u) sacha, sachl nal.

5 3) 5RI ipfe s H»RI, 3Bo^fafo 33»el 11 Hai bhi hosl jac na jasi, racbna jin(i) rachal.

33ft §3ll 3»3l 3fo clf3 f?R5Ht, Hfew fafo t*^ « Rangl rangl bhatl kar(i) kar(i) jiosl, maia jin(i) upal. cffd afo 33 «ft3» VU??. faf feH Hi ^f3»THt fl Kar(i) kar(i) dckhai kita apoa, jio tis dl wadial. 3 feR ri Ret sreRl, fefaga n » a3^» trel 1 Jo tis(u) bbavai sol karsl, phir(i) bukam(u) na karoa jal. I n u'fcH'o RHP uf3 R'fiJH, araei 332 3^13! n^ir Sd patisah(u) saba pat(i) sabib(u), Nanak raban(u) rajal. I -I-


Rfe ?3* W Rf JJfe II 3?iT?3* ^!5» 5fe If. Suq(i) va

-23- *T » £*M*Jifc • *C**&3»MA** > #*.*# **>£>* -l-(#)

sfc JLW*. \ -2-

#Nf^&« * *Mfc*»*ffr I •"N^/JMW*.; I**** • >*## ( *** A A ).******! it^£&J*^#^&£**t#*W • ****** I -3-

&3t*£#jA • £**•&•£** ' -4.2-

24 O Almighty God, my Master of unfathomable depths, You are an ocean of excellences.

None knows how big and great is Your expanse. 1. (Pause)

AH the conteraplatives contemplate after sitting together. I All the appraisers, meeting together, have assessed the worth (of the Lord). The theologians, the meditators, the preachers of preachers have all described God. But they cannot tell even an iota of God's greatness. 2.

All truths, penances, all virtues ; I

And the greatness of the men of miracles ;

(And) all spiritual powers, cannot be achieved without You (Your Grace). These areobtained by Your Grace, and cannot be'stopped. 3.

What can the helpless utterer do ? Your treasures are completely full with Your praises.

He, to whom You give, thinks of no other means. I (Satgnra) Nanak (says that) the Lord Himself fulfils. 4. 2.

-25- Vatfe mere sahiba gaihar gaiibhlra gunl gahlra. 3fe 7> *?£ 331 ct3* 3^3 *fo» IWITO1^!! Koe na janai tera keta kevad(u) chlra. -1-Rabao.

Rfe R33l MB R3fe SH1^ II R3 cftHfe fwfe ofafe M»tf II Sabh(i) sunl mil(i) surat(i) kamal. Sabh klmat(i) mil(i) klmat(i) rpal. few fil flWSi 3J3 3J3 Onjl II Giani dhianl gur gur hal. aus s a»e1 3al few ?fe>»pei 11311 Kahan(u) oa jal terl til(u) vadial. -2*

Tlfe R3 Rfe 3V Rf? efaWetof || Sabh(i) sat sabh(i) tap sabh(i) changiala. ftwn ya*r srt»f» ^fyx^e n Sidha purkha kla vadiatt. 3g fee fao! fas 5 VHW II Tudh(u) virt(u) sidbl kinai na paia. 33fH fHB X»3l irfct BU^W II3II Karam(i) milai nahl thak(i) rabala. »3- Hrwe sro1 fw ttra» II frrer3l ?§ §3 fya* II Akhan vala kia vechara. Stphtl bhare tere bhandara. fag 3 3fo feR feop^ II ?TO3 m *&&&& iieitfii Jis(u) to deh(i) tisai kia chars. Nanak(u) sach(u) savaran-bars. »4-2-»

-26- II II ^H4)r I i T nttti* • »~*fl» ASA MAHALA 1, WW tfli? f?H3 Hf3 W& II »TWfe >*§*» H**1 S'f.H

******* • ftWML ? ****** • IWM **.*.**** o

{£#&*# it f* ft o i;

*****. » *#7{*&*a*fc o

-27- (4) Asa Measure, First Guru. I

11 live when I repeat (the Name), I die when I forget it. lit is difficult to utter the True Name.

If there is hunger for the True Name ; f (Then) such hunger consumes pains. 1 j

How can He be forgotten, My Mother ? I God is True, His Name is True. 1. Pause.

Even an iota of the Greatness of True Name (cannot be I narrated); (Men) have become tired (of narrating the greatness of the I True Name) ; but cannot evaluate it.

If all men were to describe together (the Lord); He will neither become great nor small. 2.

0 Hemever dies, (so) there can never be any mourning. I He goes on giving and His supplies never run short. I

One unique virtue of the Lord is that none else is like Him. None else was, nor will ever be like Him. 3.

-28- WP HOSf Hill ASA MAHALA 1.

»re» ate fenf Hfe t?§ » M»yfe >w©*f H^1 S^ 11 Akha jiva visrai mar(i) jao. Akhaa(t) aukha sacha Nao.

R*3 7PH at &ii ftf II §3 %H tf*fe tJSfafo ^« 11*111 Sache Nam ki lagai bhnkh. Ut(u) bhnkbai khac chatlaih dukh. -1

So kio visrai meri mae. I Sacha sahib(u) sachai nai. -1- Rahao

H»a <5»H al f3H 55f3»n^ II >>nfa sa afcife ?ftfl u^ II Sache Nam kl til(u) vadial. Akh(i) thakc kimat(i) oahi pal.

3 «f? fwfe a »M2 u»fo ii ?y 5 at upfe 5t;rfe ittii Je sabh(i) roil(i) kai akhaq pahe. 1 Vatfa na hovai ghat(i) na jac. 2 a' §q M3 3 ui R3j ii ^ 3U R ^a tat n Na oh(u) marai na hovai sog(u). Deda rahai Da chakat (u).

31? §u oi 3P*J1 afe u


h it&i^Affl • W&.Ttfl*&l#l . ( iL^ta** ) *l#it.1£ • &#£6*j£:? » >Un^fc£W^# A o -4.3- (5) ; RAG(U) CCJRI MAHALA 4 afa 5 tt nfeara H3U3y», fast sraf are vw H


*****£• -1-* t^fcft4MSfa.*ii£-£** • ( S* ) fcff1*# &*&£( ft&)*°

30 God's gifts are as great as He Himself is God has made the day and? then night.

Those who forget the Lord, are low and mean. (Satgurtl) Nanak says that men are outcast wretches without

the Lord s ^^Name^ . 1 4.• 3^ •

(5) Gujri Measure, Fourth Guru.

O my Great and True Gu;U, (O) true "worshipper of Godf 1 make one supplication before You. .

I am an insect and a worm • I have sought Your shelter. kindly bestow uponr me the Light of your Name. I.

O my Friend and Great Gum, give me the Light of the Name of 4he Omnipresent God. The Name, revealed to me by the Gum's advice, is the breath of my life and the praise of the Lord is my life's vocation. I. Pause.

The devotees of God are very fortunate,(as) they have faith in God, and also thirst (yearning) for Him.

They ^become satiated by obtaining the Name of God, and their virtues shine by their joining the societv of the saints. 2

31 A^3 »nfu 3?f M ^'fe n fafe fo$ 3fa 5 $31 3*f3 » Jeva


3f3 a 1T3 Hfeara H3U3W, fesf 93§ 313 U»fa


Ham klrc kirara " satigur sarnal, kar(i) daia Nara(u) pargas(i). *U

H3 >fo 3J3#?, M^f 3»M WW U33Ffa II Merc mlt Gurdev, mo kau Ram Nam(u) pargas(i). 3l3wf3 7?H H3» 4»« IWEl, 0f3 atef3 3W3l 3U3'fa ll^ll^^^ll Gurmat(i) Nara(u) mcrl pran-sakhal, Har(i) klrat(i) . 1 - Rahao.


3f3 TO 3 ??&$ ?33, fTO Uf3 3f3 H3U» 3f3 fWH

Har(i) jan kc vad bhag v dcrc ) Har(i) pias. Igf3 3f3 7PH fH^JfHyyHfa. M«Ifl^ 3U5 U33P&1 Har(i) Har("i) Nara(u) railai triptasah(i), mil(i) »(9 gun pargas(i). i -2-

32 n . fem£^MMf££T^*»W6*l o -3-

te^**i£^*££«* • •Ml£T>**UiM.6*>-tf-* , -ff M^^ILA6«i^f*.*i» $-£*.&<>£ IF ( -£#>&** ) api* JL ( it<*«.) • -4.4- (6)

e^gr gi^gl HUHT M II Jtfcmfctf* • *£*&# RAG(U) GOJRI MAHALA 5. fl S»-» JMf*fc*Sft**)*P8 • T # ft 6«r .£ * >MU*. * Afc*4*#7*? ( «**#**** )

#*£1Hi£W*4.#.; * £ # ^ML TVX «£•

& -1-ff

33 Those who have not tasted the Nectar of the Name of God, I are unfortunate and will be taken away by the god of I Death. I Accursed is the life as well as the hope of living of those, I who have not sought the protection and society of the True Guru. 3,

Those true devotees, on whose forehead such pre-ordained destiny is written, get the society of the True Gum.

Blessed i> the true scc.ety of saints, from where the God's Nectar is obtained, By meeting the true devotees of God, | His Name becomes manifest, (so says) (Satguro) Nanak. i 1 4.4.

(«) Gujri Measure, Fifth Guru

0 mind, why do you think about your programmes, when 1 the Respected God is Himself engaged (in fulfilling your desires) ?

God has created living beings in the rocks and stones, (and) He puts before them their sustenance. 1.

O my Respected Lord of mammon ! One, who joins the society of saints, is saved.

By the grace of the iGurn he obtains, the heavenly seat; even dry wood becomes green4* . 1. Pause.

34 fas ufe ufo ufe 3R sw s ute^r -efe iW:U«ffl Har(i) Har(i) Har(i)|ra$(u)|Natn(u) na paia,5 te'bhag- n jam pas(i). Hf33T3 RBfe R3lf3 S3! ,»F§.|fq:« M^ir,U^Bl5^«,^'l1131 • H Jo [ Sat(i)gur sangat(i) j nahl ac, dhrig(u) jlvc 0) 3 fas SfoflS Rf33j3 R3lf3lu^, fas 9f3 HR3fa foftfrt* fetffR II Jin Har(i) jan Sat(i)gur sangat(i) pal, tin dhur(i)raastak(i) likhia likhas(i). US. OS R3R3lf3 } fa? j 3f3 3R[U»fe»>C»»|fHfe[ t*S J S»SeT ^H Lu33PfRJ dhann(u) sat-sangat(i) jit(i Har(i) ras(u) paia in Nanak Nam(u) pargas(i) -4-4

3*ar arasl HUST|MJII| RAG(U) GOJRI M AH A LA 5.

cl»d 8 MS fo3?fo §£H, »F M»0f3 3f3 t?l§ I4f3»>f II Kahc re man chitvah(i) udam(u) ja abar(i) Har(i) jlo paria.

Sail pathar mah (i) jant upae, ta ka • • k(u) kar(i) d ha riaj -1- H3 mtd til, R3R3lf3 fw£ R 3f3»C II Merc madhau jl, satsangat(i) mile so taria. 313 U3R'fe V3H U£ Iffev, R.3 3«R2 UfW Il«*ll33'§il Gur parsad(i) pararo pad(u) paia, sake kssat'haris. -1-Rahao-

35 T^X* > •?*#.££' £*fl~ta*l ° ti&fc£^« • #6*;£&*tf • *#****•«*? -9- tetfl ( *..&* ) &m#£ « &T^*^r °

( a** : ) 4fcff1~£ft&i( £ ) -3- t##&*ivL*#fAt e*-f t • x«^r+^«^^^^ *


7; 3*31 WR1 HUH1 8„ HUB* J Fjjatai* * *ra*ie& RAG(U) ASA MAHALA 4 SO PURAKH(U) H iraw fsaas ufe yaw foliatf,of e nfaw1 »f3fH »wf3' fi

t*£##<* * t^^t • &;&&*» • >**.&»


36 iMW

Neither mother, nor father, nor others, nor son, nor wife, supports anyone.

God sends sustenance to everyone, then why should you worry, O my soul ? 2

They (flamingoes) come away after flying over hundreds of miles, leaving their young ones behind ;

Who then feeds and teaches them to peck ? (The reply is :) Their rememberance (of God) in mind. 3

The Lord holds on the Palm of His Hand all the nine treasures and the eighteen supernatural powers. Servant (Satgure) Nanak says, I am devoted and dedicated to God j I am ever a sacrifice to You, Your limits are beyond description. 4. 5.

(») Asa Measure, Fourth Guru That God.

There is only one God. He is obtained by the Grace of the Gura. I

God is immune from mammon, beyond approach and understanding and without limits.

37 Janan(i) pita lok sutbanita, koc na kis kl dharia 1 fRfa fnfa fana HH*O s'aa. , f3R u»s area gfa»p u I ty^* j£|£ C af3»T 11311 Tin kavan(u) khalavai kavan(u) chugavai, man mah(i) (u) karia. -3-

Sabh(i) nidhan.das-ast sidhan, Thakur kar tal dharia. *?>nvsa afe gfe HH afe|flTe1^, 33»J»fi s tra^faM* tcrajant(u) na Jan Nanak bal(i) bal( ) paravaria. ^[-4-5-

3*3! »PRT HUB* 8 RUM RAG(U) ASA MAHALA 4 SO PURAKH(U) r\ <\ § flf3 3J3 M.HW II Ik Onkar sat(i) gur prasad(i). * U3« feSitt Ufe U3* fet**. ofe »<3W »<3tH MUltf ll SoPurakb(u) Niranjan(u) Har(i) Purakh(u) NiranjaD(u}, Har(i) agama agam apara.

38 &fc±£#fiitft£ • n"4***AJ #&££#£##» 4fc£4MrM*L£. °

Selhff »&JL • Jkib%fc--totfk& °

-1- «


®£$&Xtf]3L . ^^4&#&fc±$*>&#?<+ y #*A;UL£ • #*A*.*Mt* •it—Mtfi*£-£3M^# i4:&.£ » -M:^**; <»**]& • *Cft*A

39 All meditate on True and Respected God, the Creator.

AH living beings belong to You, You are their Giver.

O saints, meditate on God, Who removes all pains.

(Satgurtl) Nanak (says) ; God is^the Master, He Himself is the servant; the,mortal is post insignificant. 1.

One Supreme Gobi's lever contained i%all hearts and every thing.

Some are donors, some arc beggars; all these are wonderful plays of God.

God is the Giver, God is the Enjoyer; excepting You I recognise none.

Cod is Limitless, Infinite and Supreme, what virtues of Yours can I narrate ?

Satgurtl NSnak (says) : I am a sacrifice to those, who serve (worship) You. 2.

40 Rfe fqw^fo Hf§ fa»H^fu 33 tfl, ofe H3 fR^i^O^ II Sabh(i) dhiavah(i) sabh(i) dhiavah(i) tudh(u) jl, Har(i) sache sirjanhara.

Rf? tflw 3H'3 ?fl, 3 frtV 3» HI3T3» II Sabh(i) jia tumare ji, ton jia ka daiara.

Uf3 fq>>P?U R33 tfl, Rf? *« f?R'3SU»g» II # Har(i) dhiavoh santoh jl, sabh(i) dnkh visaraij-hara. I afa wO s*a3 ofa wu R>a tfl, fw eras 33 fea^1 iiiii Har(i) ape Thakur(u) Har(i) ape sevak(u) jl," kia Nanak jant vichara. -1-

4 W2 UJ? bf3fe R3H fS33f3 tft, Ofe &? U3M RH1^ II Tnn ghat ghat antar(i) sarab nirantar(i) jl, Har(i) eko Purakb(u) samana.

fefe ^'3 fefe? #Val til, Rf? §3 9t? f?3^ II Ik(.) date ik(i) bhekharl jl, sabh(i) • oj vldana. % »PU ^^ »nu f3i3* til, o§ 3ajfg$ >x?3 s tF2» ii Tnn ape data ape bhugia jl, hau tudh(u) bin(u) awar(u) na jana. I

^IT3B0M SPH3 a»i3 tfl. 33 feW 3Rf »pfa ^U^ II Tn Par-Braham(u) beant(u) beant(u)1 jl, terc kia gun akh(i) vakhana.

fl R?fo * R?fo 3q ttf, WS JTO? f35 S 3Q»2» IPH To sevab(i) jo sevah(i) tudh(u) jl, jao(u) Nanak(u) tin kurbana. -2

41 £f£.***£±^Aff1 t ±#&itfS ( JMfr4«f ) 8^H»Lifi40 &*J£tt/JriT*M&fc» fcm.*^B4HUf**#tt. ° tftb

W9r ( &# ) fr3L#jKn • *fi A&k^-ft

*££4****iM:»i*** • A** A &&^£1frK&**l-|6$3F*,flUW*

#3fl *6«jA-*X-*'4i£& • £*»&&#.£, o

42- i \p ^g*$d^ ?«m*ds

Those, who meditate upon God and remember Him, live in this (dark) age with comforts.

Those, who remember God, get liberation and emancipation and their noose of death is broken.

All fears (of transmigration) of those, who meditate on the Fearless God, vanish.

Those, who serve (worship) God, are absorbed in God.

(Satguru) Nanak (says) : they who meditate on God, are blessed ones and I am a sacrifice to them. 3.

Treasures of His meditation are always brimful and infinite.

Your countless saints praise You in countless ways.

Many and many more worship Godf Who is Endless, and repeat His Name and practise penance.

Many and many read many times, Simritts and Shastras and perform rituals and religious ceremonies.

43 9ufa fcp>r?fa afa fqwstfa ?q atfRfas aai Hfa H^ntf u 11 Har(i) dhiavah(i) Har(i) dhiavah(i) tudh(u) jl, sc jan jug mah(i) sukh-vasl. R H33 R Hal 3§ fas afa fq>>pfe»p Rt, f3S 3?1 tW al s^l u Scjmukat(u) sc mukat(u) bhac jin Har(i) dhiaia jl, .tin rati jam ki pbasl. fas feast fas afa fsa§§ fqorfe^n RU3S sr» 3f Rf ai^tf n Jin Nirbhau jin Har(i) Nirbhau dhiaia jl, tin ka bhau sabh(u) gavasi. fas Rfe»f» fas Rfe»p Ma» afa al, § afa afa afu RH*R1 II Jin scvia jin;scvia mcra Har(i) jl, tc Har(i) Har(i) rep(i) samasl. R qs R qs fas-afa fq»ffe»P R*. RS S^S* (35 qfo R»R1 U3H Sc dhann(u) sc dhann(u) jin Har(i) dbiaia jl, jan(u) Naoak tin bal(i) jasl. 3.

331 53lf3 33* 33lf3 #3'3 RlJ?a fq>W3 q^V II Tcrl bhagat(i) tcrl bhagat(i) bhandar jl, bharc bcant bcanta. 33 33T3 §3 3ai3 R*rofs 39 Ri, afa »ffs3 »f£a ^B111 Tcrc bhagat tcrc bhagat jsalahan(i) tudh(u) jl, Har(i) anik anek aoanta. 33I vfea 33I »rfsof safe afa ya» al. 3y 3ujfa aqfa q^ 11 Tcrl anik tcrljanik karah(i) Har(i) pqja jl, tap(u) tapah(i) japah(i) bcanta. 33 »isa 33 Msa UBfa qa fRfHfe R1R3 aJ, afa fafaw q? ^ aaw a33» 11 Tcrc anck terc anck parah(i) bah(u) simirat(i) sasat jl, kar(i) kiria khat(u) karararkaranta. ? ^Hfci 1 I 1 I

-44- ( i#;ta^ )*PMJL( 11) ' $ *-J >* * 6«j *P «• S "fr 4: * ^ -4-

#&($<> i.4.&&£4-^# : i.4.&«A****i ' &Aft$-i-*P#-

#* tl^x£ft4&&*; • *t*f &£ *

i#/M'|i£7 ?**' <& • *#&*P-*» ° (i 1\ ( 8 ) T5.1- 1 lii« WH* HU8T 8 II ° ASA MAHALA 4. ^ ^ra3T Rfe»T3 H31 R^ III T •" .*&**


&&££#£&*; . ^m&# ft^fetfiK \ H1tft&#l£3F#i&t

45 (Satguru) Nanak (says) ; those saints, who arc pleasing to Gody are sublime. 4#

Cod is Primal •' God is most Wonderful Creator and none is as great as God.

Cod is One and jthe same since ages. He never changes, continues to be the same and is ever stable.

Whatever Cod wants, comes to happen • whatever He does, gets accomplished.

God Himself created the universe and having done so, will destroy all of it.

(Satguro) Nanak sings the praises of the Creator, Who is the Knower of all and everything. 5. J#

Asm Measure, Fourth Guru*

God is the True Creator and myf Master.

Whatever pleases You comes to happen, what You give I get. 1 Pause.

All are Yours and meditate on You.

He, upon whom You shower Your mercy, obtains the. Jewel of the Name.

-46- H 3313 R3313 3H R5 7P7>c( R1, R ?»^fo H3 3f3 sRUt^ HBII Se bhagat se bhagat bhale jan Nanak jl, jo bhavah(i) mere Har(i) Bhagvanta. -4- 3 »pfe yuy »w§U3 333» at, 3q R?I >x?3 a SEI II Tan Ad(i) Purakh(u) apranpar(u) Karta ji, tudh(u) jewad(u) avaiYu) na kol. 4 ?? »?3J $3 Ri? RH» | $9 Rt» ^ fcURH R33' R?1 II Tun jug(u) jug(u) cko sada sada tan cko ji, ton nehchal(u) karta sol. «L :l >•£:. •£. • -A :4 1 K flKfi »PU 31? Ret ^BJ R\ 3 w0 asfo R us! Tudb(u) apc'bhavarsoi vartai ji, tun ape karah(ij so hoi. 3R »nu fijHfe H3 Qvel at, 3q wu fR3fa R? siehi Tudb(u) ape srist(i) sabh upai ji, tudh(u) ape siraj(i) Sabh gol. T7 R3 JTOel 3J2 3P? 933 3 til. R R3H 9T tPSet imilnfe»p II Sabh terl tan sabhnl dhiaia. fRR 5 %U» R3fo f3fe tfH 335 irfw II Jis nojkripa karah(i) ttn(i) nam ratan(u) paia.

47 l£7fW£


-48- $£$&&


The true-devotees obtain the Name and faithless apostates lose It.

You Yourself separate and Yourself unite. 1

You are the ocean and all arc contained in You

There is none else except You.

All the living beings are Your play-things.

The union of the separated ones is the result of good fortune 2

Theyf to whom You give Your understanding, understand You.

They then always utter God*s praises.

They who serve (worship) Godt obtain peace.

They are united in the Name easily. 3

You are the Doer; everything is done by You

There is no parallel of Yours.

49 Gurmukh(i) ladha (i) gavaia.

Tudh(u) ap(i) vicbhopa ap(i) milaia.

3 vdwQ R3 33 al >f fa II Tan dartao sabh tujh hi mah(i). 39 fa$ tW 96l TpUj II Tujh bin(u) duja kol nah(t). fllw A3 Hfe §3* «S II Jla jaht sabb(i) tcra khcl(u). f^fai fHfe fegfe»P Htfafl HH II311

Vijog(i) mil(i) vichhuria sanjogi mel(u), lis no tn janaeh sol jan(ul janai. Ufa 312 RS V\ »Pfa ^f2 II Har(i) guij sad bl akh(i) vakhagai. fflfo Ufa RfeW f3fe Rtf vrF»P II Jin(i) Har(i) scvia tin(i) sukh(u) pais. RRJfl H»0 eras' 33* ofW Rf Oft7 II Ta ape karta tera kia sabb(u) hoc. 3? fe5 ^R» M?? S afe If Tudh(u) bin(u) d0jajavar(u)}na koe.

-50- MM

Aifc -4.2- M) »rarHUHT ^ ii P5JfttI& • *-taeii ASA MAHALA I. fin? H3?33 stfs fsw, ^ irsa fesfa akn » *(*£)*&

( A ) 4Mfr & *» If & #J fc >3 £ * £"» *f ; $UH:lrfc&&ff1 ( *£ ) **. -l-

-ff • fcfr •

( 3L#)&mt&XJl) #.fc*4:fi:*t • <£-*££«;• £*4

51 YoujcrcateJbehold|andjunderstand Your creation.

(Satgura) Nanak (says) :]YouJare|revealed to|(Your) slaves through! the {Guru. 4.2.

dH) Asa Measure, First Guru.

(The mortal) lives! in thelworld pool, in which the water (worldly things) of fire (greed)J has been put by Him. j

(The man) cannot move his feet in the. mire of worldly love and greed ; and. we see him drowning (there). 1.

O fool I why don't lyou remember the One Lord in your mind ?^^H ,_^_. • • • ' '".".''" '^ 11

Virtues|of the mortal wither awayjby forgetting God. l.lPause.

(Satgura shows his humility and says) I am neither a continent nor true, nor a scholar; I am|an|ignorant fool.

(Satgura) Nanak says, I have sought shelter of those, who t : : "neverforget You. -' • •'• :''ii ... -::^B'$ 2. 3.

52 Tn kar(i) kar(i)rvckhah(i) janah(i),soe

Jan Nanak Gurmukh(i) pargat(u) hoe -4.2


I f33 R3?ai ^gl^jftrcw, u»e1 u»?a f3?rfu 9>K» II e I Tit(u) sarvarrai bhal-lc nivasa, panl pavak(u) tinah(i) kia.

[ uafl MO U3j sol BTO, UH ^M» 3a ^ft>HH inn I Pankaj(u) moh pag(u) nahl cbalai, bam dckha tab dnblalc. 1

MS §3 R 33fa H.3 MS1 II Man ck(u) na chetas(i) mQr mana.

0f9 faR33 33 3T5 3lfff»P inil33»^ll Har(i) bisrat tcre gun galia. 1. Rahao

fc' 3f tBf H3l SUl ufe»f», M3W H3ltT SS>J 3fe»C II Ha bau jatl satl nahl pafia, ronrakb mugdha janam(u) bbaia. *

I{5?r3 R»OT fcs oft R32», fas ^ 3»tf ?fo?f3>>(» llSl 311 Pranvat(i) Nanak (in kl sarna, jin tn nahl vlsaria. -2.3

53 I(]l0|) MH »{W HOHT M II gtf u^uf3 M^« 3qa1»F IIAS A MAHALA 5. ( Prrii!l)##*/^>Mfii>£6*> ° -1-if- ft**fc&t JMtHfi *i*»A* ° ftjfc**&4*^A«u*Hii**tt*£ °

(ft^ifr fes&##=M*j## |*t44Ufc^&fll -2.4-

54 (10) Asa Measure, Fifth Guru.

(O man!) You have obtained the human body.

This is your time (opportunity) to meet the Lord of this world.

All other works are of no avail to you.

Join the society of godly persons and meditatef on the Name alone. 1.

Make preparations for swimming across the dreadful world ocean. The human life is being wasted uselessly in the love of mammon. 1. Pause.

I have not practised meditation, penance, self control1 and truthfulness I have not served holy people, and have not recognised God, the King ;

Our deeds are mean, (pray like this) says (SatgurG) Nanak;

my Cod) kindly preserve my honour, I seek Your shelter. 2.4.


Bhal prapat(i) manukh dehurla. afge UBZ aft fea 33I Scrt^ n Gobind milan kl eh tcrl barla. W?f3 9Ta 33 f*3 75 SFW II Avar(i) kaj terai kitai na kam.

fHH RPQ H3lf3 33 3?H ?5»H lin I Mil(u) Sadh sangat(i) bhaj(u) kewal Nam.

Rdi^fH STO 3^TH 3375 3 II Saranjam(i) lag(u) bhavjal taran kai.

3?>H faa» fl»3 3f3i H'ftw a II^II Janam(u) britha jat rarig(i) Maia kai.

flU 3U RAW q3H ?5 cWTfe»HT II Jjp(u) tap(u) sanjam(u) dhararn(u) na kamaia.

Scva sadh na jania Har(i) raia. 33 ?5'fici UH 7>l% aSw1 il Kahu Nanak ham nlch kranma. R3fe U3 cfl 3**0 H3W IPII8II Sarao(i) pare ki rakhoh sarma.

-56- $S3? t?VF? // £+*& DENTI CHAUPAI. (olfgq Patshahl 10 (Dasvin) (kabyo,bach)



*Sft*J ( it- ) HSfct* • ( «P«t* ) •HWW£ £ 6

57 TcnthlMaster.

— — • Prayer ; Name & Style of the verses.

(O God !) give me Your Hand and protect me Kindly} fu)iil| all (my) mind's desires.

May my mind remain ever attached to YowJFeet

Treat me as Your own and cherish me.a> ^.trtr 1

Destroy all my enemies. ClTl Give me your Hand! and save me

May my family-members live in peace. ^H I

May myjservants andj sikhs live in peacef O God 2

Give me Your Hand and protect me Destory all my enemies today, V

May my (this) hope be fulfilled, (that) [ |H ] I r The thirst for repeating Your Name continues to exist 3

58 v

Patshahi 10 (Dasvin) (kabyo bach)

V fc

/ $33? BW // H! BENTI CHAUPAI.

•#" ts UH3l 93 0*3 H 33? II U3S 3fg' fo3 eil feV II

Hamrl karo bath dai rachha. 7J$\ Paran hoe chit kl ichha. ^VV

3? 535S H?> U3 0>f^ II »iU?P TO 53 ^U^ A Tav charnan man rahai haroara. Apna jan karo pratipara. 1-

UH3 ere H? 3H urea ii »ry u^ - HfaHB'

Hamrc dust sabhai turn ghavoh. ft Ap(u) hath dai moh(i) bachavoh.

H\i\ 8fl H3 IffS^U1 II H?oT fatl H3 oTUygi I PI)

Sukhl basai mcro parivara. W Scvak sikh sabhai kartara. -2-

M 3aH fas 93 € 9f3tf II R? H3S 5 *>TH HWf3^ II Mo rachha nij kar dai kariyai. Sabh bairan kau aj sanghriyai.

H U35 ofe UM7^ 'rt'H1 II 33 3HS o?l 3U fu>K,HT II3II Ptlran hoc bamarl asa. Tor bhajao kl rahai piasa. I -3


59 -4-

*****•iMUM* ft tfs^s *•««<»


#4#A*;***; (&) #*;#&* • -6-


60 May I not forsake You and may I not meditate on any one else except You. May I obtain from You, whatever gifts I want. Kindly makej my servants asfwell as my disciples to swim (the world 'ocean). Kindly kiJJ my enemies after singling them out. 4. /

• Kindly give me Your Hand and save mc# • Kindly destroy from within myself the fear of the time of death.

May You ever remain on my side. i O God. there is Sword on Your Bi 5

O Great Preserver, preserve me. Dear God, You arc the Master and Helper of the saints

You arc the Friend of the poor ; (You) are the Destroyer of w tyrants. You are the Master of the fourteen worlds. 6.

Brahma obtained a body (as ordered by God) at proper time Shiva was born fas ordered by God) at proper time.

Vishna was born (as ordered by God) at proper time.

All this is the play of God% 7.

i i

61 3Hfa s«fe a?l »{?3 3 facn^ n 3 Q3 ^3* H 3W 3 in§* u Turaah(i) chhad(i) kol avar na dhiyaafi. Jo bar chahon so turn te paafi. I R^a fw 0)^3 S^'HfU il tjfa 3f?S R3 UM'S H^^fa U8II 1 Sevak sikh hamare tarlah(i). Chun(i) chun(i) satr hamare marlah(i). -4-

»ru o^ 3 H$ f afa^ ii H33 sra af 3jR fe?fgi3 u Ap bath dai mujh3i ubariyai. *| Maraa kal ka tras nivariyai.

1 oa R^» OH'3 ue ii R! ^FR^R 3 afawq aV MMII Hajo sada hamare pachha. Sri asidhuj jn kariyoh rachha. -5-

31f« BU Hfo 3*b<*Ji3 II R'fog R3 HUfe fUTR'3 II Rakh(i) leh(u) muh(i) rakhan-hare. Sahib sant sabae piyare. els gq HReS 3 33» II 3M0 Weft 333 ^R 33' Hgtt Din bandh(u) dustan ke hanta. Turn ho pufl chatur das kanta. -6-

a*5 irfe WJM» HU tra» n arc vfe fR?^ M^3B» II Kal pae Brahma bap(u) dhara. Kal pae sivjn avtara.

WB irfe ag THTO I^-PH1 II RaB a'H a* a1»r BWR1 HPII Kal pae kar Bisan(u) prakasa. Sakal kal ka kia tamasa. -7-

62 ±i'|i£7£fS>Mtf-<>

-63- God created Shiva Yogi at proper time. God created Brahma as the King of Vedas.

He fashions the entire world.

I salute Him (such God). $#

God created the whole world. God created demi-gods, demons and yakshas.

God is the only one incarnate, from the beginning to the end. All should know that He (such God) is my Gum. '9.

I salute Him alone. He himself creates all His subjects.

He bestows happiness and divine virtues on His slaves. He instantaneously destroys the enemies. 10.

God knows what is passing in every heart. He knows the sufferings of good and bad people.

From the ant to the huge elephant, God'casts His glance of favour on all and gets pleasure, 11.

-64- a^s era? sgil fa^ a1& II ieaTH saw* g ^§ u Javan kal jogl Siv klo. Bcdraj Brahma jQ thlo.

a?5 a'« n§ sa R«'3» II 5HRa»3 5 3'fo avra* utu Javan kal sabh lok savara. Namaskar hai tahe hamara. 8

a??> a«H R3 t?ai3'HS'« II 3? e3 tfes §uvna n I Javan'kal sabh jagat banayo. I Dcv da it jachhan upjayo. I |»pfe >H'f3 §a M^aVII RHI 51$ RHfoWJ UH^ Htfll Ad(i) ant(i) ckai avtara. I Sol Gum samjhiyoh hamara. I -9-

SMRora f3R ol a aw^l II rras ^a1 fas »ru R?*3l u 1 * * Namaskar tis hi ko hamari. I Sakal praja jin ap savart. | fa?a<5 5 fa?3l5 Rtf ^§ II R3S 3 US M 9Q cfl§ moil Sivkan ko^sivgun sukh dlo. 1 Sattran ko pal rao badh klo. I 10

wzmM »T33 at *rs3 iii33.a8 at:iite us*^ 11 Ghat ghat kc antar kl janat. Bhalc burc kl plr pachbanat. Btzl 3 3^3 MH9H1 II H3 113 fjp fBJlfe 33 gB1 IIVUI Chit! tc kunchar asthula, Sabh par kripa drist(i) kar phTlla. li­

es JU']*fc^£1HM$- > ±fr&*m^ o JM4*fctfj£ihnt**. JL^ &*]$#* o

t*°i£-£fliA#J^-& o i8A*fil'i2lltfc#]U&-° -12-


) **&&#&*» 4 & o X**l*tf#6*4M- ( i£® ) «fc*f ( JLi!*S.&#j ).*•&« -14-


66 %w&w o

God is pained to see His saints in trouble, God is happy when His saints arc happy.

God knows sufferings of everybody. God knows the innermost secrets of every man's heart. 12

When the Creator projects Himself, His creation is created in countless forms

When He draws His creation within Himself, All living beings arc absorbed in Him. 13

All living beings, who have taken different bodies in this world, Describe God's virtues according to their understanding.

(0 uod), You live apart from everything. Only the learned and wise persons /try to) know the secret (of the above phenomena). 14. I O Formless God, You arf free from sins and You do not seek any support. You are the Primal Being most pure, without beginning ahd self created.

secrets of G

Whose secrets are not known even !5%


M ^^

67 H ire 3 5«1 II Rtf u«§ Fpns 3 R*# II Saritan dukh pne tc dukhl. Sukb pac sadhun ke sukhl.

§5? §o? oft lite Ug^J II UI2 Uf2 3 U2 US art fl^ hHRU Ek ck kl pir pacbhanain. tjhat ghat kc pat pat kl janain. -12

39 §5339 33* o733rgT II l|3» 933 39 50 Wcl* II Jab ud-karakh kara kartara. Praja dharat tab deh apara.

59 »T339 933 3 sraq H?HH f>re3 50 93 FTsiq tft?'! Jab akarakh karat ho kab-hnft. Turn mai milat deh dbar sabh-hnn. 13-

53 353 ffJRfc H3 tT9 II '»PU M^sl 9? ^5^3 II Jete badan srist(i) sabhjdharai. Ap(u) apni bujh ucharai.

3M R30l § 333 tosw II tF33 95 35 M3 »P25H II18II Turn $abh-bl te rahat niralam Jaoa't bed bhed ar alam. -14

fe§aT3 fc/aera fe3s? u wfe wste M5»fe MR? II nribikar nirlanbh. Ad(i) anil anad(i) asaribb.

1 3 5P H3V §3*3• 3 35* II tT *3 #« 55 U*?3 95* ii<*MH Ta ka mtlrb ucbarat bheda. Ja kau bhev na pavat beda. -15


68 *«-&*&*v*t^&i£~-#.<£M ° irT^iti-^-^^^^^M^^^i ° teWt^'ft • ftiMMW ffi*!L&**>i£&^j£ #;.&** o -16-

L6*r;£#&>£:&*»<> «-^-W^r^.t-^»^^^6«j (&&#* ) -17-

r t?E£* *J * I'l i& * £ 4" B A Jfc & "H* *f : • t*)i£7&&6*jtf&o -18-

fcflbg*i--##:£ . -M2#& o tflt-fg-^te*. 4£^-i^i«>


( JL-fT ! ) ' JDL&*tlfcffc6*jtefc#*t o ##*C6*;#* . $J*=fU*j*tAo


69 TheIgreat fool thinks that God [is a stone. f ^} Z±y} But he does not know the difference between the two. He continues calling Shiva as the Eternal God. But he does not know the secrets of the Formless God. 1 * * 16.

(People) according to thier different intelligence9 Describe God differently.. God's limits and extent cannot be known. How the world was fashioned for the first time (cannot be known). 17.

God has only one Form, without any parallel. God Himself manifests as a poor man, a lord or a king at different places. God has created life from eggs, wombs and perspiration. God has created mines of vegetables. 18.

Sometimes God sits joyfully as an Emperor ; Sometimes God sits as a Yogi, detached (from all).

His whole creation unfolds miraculous ^things. God, the Primal^ h from the beginning and self created. 19.

(O God !), give me Your protection now. Protect my disciples and destroy my foes.fl[ H^H^H

-70- T 3 s? arfar irus MSWT53 u na* H3 srs §e ?s 3*53] Ta kau kar(i) pahan anumaoat. Maha mnrh kachh(u) bhcd na jaoat#

Mahadev kau kahat sada Siv# Nirarikar ka chioat nah(i) bhiv, -16-

>>PU »PlEsJ afq 5 $i\ II 33S3 f§5 f3S 3fa 33^ II Ap(u) apni budh(i) bai jctl. Baroat bhina bhirin tuh(i) teti. 3H31 Htf S fl'fe UFP3' II foj feftj Rfl* 1{BW RflT3i imil Tumra lakba na jac pasara. J ^Kch bidh(i) saja pratham sansara. *j -17

1 §ST 3U M$U R31P(II 33 ?ta 3 ? cfift flP II Ekai mp anop sarapa. RaAk bhayo rav kabl bhnpa. »fea fl3^ R33 artel ii §3ftf info 903 3fe ^

ctU ^H 3W 3 TO* II CTJ fRHfe fe^ H93 fe$& II Kahah phal raja havai bai'tha. KahQn simit(i) bhiyo sankar ikai'tha. Rgial fRHfe fey»fe »r§?? u >x»fe garfs R^U H#*? mtfii Sagri srist(i) dikhae achanbhav. f|§ Ad(i) jugad(i) samp suyartbhav. -19- »W 3S» H3l 3M 33. || fffa §qife fcrfffc jjufg n Ab rachha merl turn karo. Sikkh ubar(i) asikkh saftgharo.

71 9 ( JL*T ) #_U8*M* 0 -20-


-22- t-frBjL^Affl f*W]flW£*i/fctf o



72 (O God !), destroy the enemies, who create mischief; And destroy ail infidels on the battle field. 20.

(There are) men, who seek Your shelter ; Their enemies meet miserable death.

Persons who fall at Your Feet, You remove all their troubles. 21J

Those, who meditate on You, even for once. Cannot be approached by death.

AH *of them win get protection for ever. Their troubles and enemies will finishinstantaneously . 22.

Upon whom God casts His favourable glance, Become free from the troubles instantaneously. Such persons possess all worldly and spiritual pleasures, while sitting in their homes. I Enemies cannot touch even their shadow. 23.

One, who remembers You even for once," Will be protected from the noose, of death. One, who repeates Your Name, Will be relieved from poverty and saved from attacks of foes. 24.

-73- Dusht jitc ufhvat utpata. Sakal malechh karo ran ghats.

fl MfRg^ 3? H3?tf U3 II f 3S a ^H2 ^5*3 3 H3 II Jc asidhuj tav sarnl pare. I Tin kc dusht dukbit havai mare. U3« ???s uar ui f3a*3 u f3S 3 3H Rsre H? e»§ IR«UI Purakh jawan.pag pare tihare. Tin ke turn sarikat sabh tare.

3 afe 3 fea H*3 fa>H 3 II 31 3 a*H faafe fcfa M3 II Jo kal/t) ko ik bar dhiai hai. I Ta ke kal nikat(i) nah(i) aihai. 3g» 3fe yfO R* TO*, II SHZ »if3R? 23* 335PS1 IR3III Rachha hoe (ahe sabh kala# Dust arist t^rcn tatkala. f$w fqnfe 3S trfo feof

£a wz fas 3M H?^ II TO s^ 3 3*fo §H*3* 11 Ek bar jin tumai saftbhara. I Kal phas te tah(i) ubara. j fas S3 JW f3U*3 cKF II i?f3S £TC i§* § 3U1 IP8II Jin nar nam tiharo Jcaha. Darid dust dokb te raha. '' -:?'••&& Mil 1__ JL

-74- iff • ftsfc&*J-f«Ml*0


( ID ll^W^^foatt TOM1SAVAIYA. \ itfe aid sa 3 3H2, 3H 3 5^ »**« 33 aoV »r?>3 II .

if*!. ( *t-f-#f« ) *x*fc4*j.&Ji*»«*f*$T7i£*#


HSR* SM»3 a§ s*fe 5, 3ifo§ 30»f €>>f3 n ******* fl (JfeflL^") f **U.T#**H • **> i.ff! #«&«£#* • #{i=M*>-f * K*.*toL#iftK

75 •Ijseek shcltcrlof GodJWho has the sword onlHisIBanner.l

O Godf give me Your.own Hand and protect me# 0 God, kindly become my Helper at all places, And protect me from the foes and evil doers. 25.

Style and name of the verses. (O God) Since I have fallen at Your Feet, I do not care for anybody else. [Since I have taken shelter of One God, I am not afraid of anybody ^nd I do not worship any one else.]

1 do not follow the religious waysf preached by various religions, believing in Ram, Mohammad fPuran or Quran. [The only way I follow, is the way to worship Unique One God and none else.] The Simritls, Sbashtras and the Vedas lay down different doctrines ; but I do not recognise any of these.

0 God J (You have sword in your Hand) I have written, these (Hymns) with Your Grace and; kindness; all that has been said, is in fact spoken by You. I [Whatever religious doctrines I have written, are In accordance with God's Command].

Style and name of the verses. 1 have abandoned all doors (shelters) and I have come to Your door, My Lord. O God (Gobind), kindly protect the honour and grasp my | armf I am your humble servant. || •^H^IH^I^^I

-76- Kbarag-kct mai saran(i) tiharl. Ap hath dai leh(u) ubarl. R3a 53 H 33 nu»e1 it SR3 uy 3 «q WE) iismi Sarab tbaur mo hoh(u) sahal. Dust dokh te Ich(u)bacbai. -25

TOr li SAVAIYA. U*f8 3l3 ttH 3 3H3, 33,3 a§ »Ttf 33 SdV »f»?5^ II Pane gahe jab te tumre, tab.te koa ahkh tare nabin anya

^iaolH u^s a^s, »r£a. ad* H3 £a S>re3 iijj Ram rahlm purao quraa anek kabaih mat ek na manyo

1 I fR*fH3 R R3> 83 R3, 50 3^ 30* 3W 8*3 5 tFS3 II 8 Sinrarit sastr bed sabhai, bahu bbed kabaih bam ek na jaoyo. I I Rl MfRl^ ff^iP 3K3lf5Tf3, H 7> 333 H3 3fo 3yz>3 II I Sri asipan kripa tumrl kar(i), mai oa kahyo sabh toh(i) 1bakhanyo.

£U3T II DOHRA. R3TH 3»P3 3§ gife 5. 3lfu^ 30T3 ^3 II Sagal duar kau cbhad(i) kai, gaiho tuharo duaf, 3*f3.3T3 3> 8*3 >*R, 3lf33 ^n 3313 II Bahh(i) gahe kl laj as, Gobihd das tubar.

77 Bani*4L^£#i-^ Anandu f fifi-if the Greatest Spiritual Bliss. .fc Ramkali $t^_ Measure Z.J&1%$) %*-&i2Ltfrf(fc$&.V) •

4^#1T ! •&&!£# T True Bliss •J® £-ft £ #. f'J T &

#-*•# Rags (Measures) & £ fcft £ # 4# £ #-fr £ ' *-ttf-*r

*P ** it * ft T A & ft ft Spiritual Bliss "• El A & & & & *J A tf *&

-78- e$M*M$

Anand(u) Sahib English Translation 157

The name of the Bani is Anand(u), which means the Greatest Spiritual Bliss ; the name of the measure is Ramkali and is composed bv the Third Guru.

There is only One God#«He is obtained by the Grace of the True Guru.

0 My Mother (God), I have obtained True Bliss, (because) T have found the True Gurn# 1 have met the True Gurn easily and. have obtained peace of mind. The Divine music conveying congratulations hasf appeared in my heart. Most valuable (Divine) Rags (Measures) and,their consorts 1 and family-members (branches of various Measures), playing heavenly music and female singers of heaven are singing Sprititual Hymns (within mcV i They, within whom God resides, sing (The Divine Hymns of) His praises. (Satgurii) Nsnak proclaims that I have obtained Spiritual Bliss as I have met the True Guru* 1.

O my* soul, remain ever attached with God.

O my soul, abide with God, the Destroyer of all pains%

God will accept you and will manage all (your) affairs.

79 * HTHoTSl HU251 3 >H^€ r\

MSS sfW H3l W*H, Hf33J3 tf vfe»T il nfcgia 3 u»fe»»n HOA H3», nfe

§ MS Hf3»<\ 3. H^ 30 0f3 ^ II Ufa 7^5 30 3. HS M3, ijtf Hfe f^3S» l» *3flcT3 §0 33 33\ 3*3* Hfe HSTOF II H3?5t 3TH« HH3* H»THi, H fa§ W50 feH*§ II an 7TO3 HS H3. H€» 33. ofo STO II3H

qrg H'foa1. fenr tf'cft wfe 33 i» uifa 3 §a Hf fas o, fag 3fo R ireS u «S» fa5f3 HB*3 33*. 5»H Hfe ?H*?§ I) s»vj fas a nfe ?fa»{\ ^ nas uisi H ao s^a FrasHifoH, fa»n s»ol wife ii in •Note ; For romaoised and translation, please 156 to 161 and 194-95.

80 The Denne Shabad ( djjftff Ifc^^•*»#&£### )*#£*

-81- Anand(u) Sahib English Translation

God is Omnipotent in all respects; do not forget Him.

(Satgurn) Nanak says : O my mind, remain permanently absorbed in God# 2.

O True God, what is, there, which is not present in Your House ?

Everything exists in Your House; Onc> to whom You give, • shall receive the same. He will constantly go on singing Your praises and glories, I and will fix Your Name (Nam) in .his heart. The Divine Shabad (super-natural striains resulting from worship of N£m) canstantly resounds within the heart, where the Name (Nam) resides. i Satgurn) Nsnak says, O True God, what is there, which is not present in Your House ? 3.

The True Name (Nam) is ray support.

), which -satisfies all my hungers is my mainstay

God's Name (Nam), Which has taken abode in my nouse (within my body and mind) has fulfilled all ray ambitions and has. bestowed upon me peace and bliss. I am always a sacrifice to my True Guru, Who possesses such virtues. I


82 R^» 7PH H3T >HTQT3 II JT3 7?H W3 Kcfy fafa fV.Jiff 3J^W II

H^ ggg^ c*V 3J3 f??3, fflR ^»T $fo ^fewefa1 «?3 JF53 RS3 H3U, RSfe Q33 fU»T3 II R'3* ^H #3* WCTO II8II

^fl qg RH t! f33 Uif3 R^ai 11 7 wfo R^TO RS^ f»ii, as ra? wfo QTSW H ue ^3 3jg~^fR crt3, ens gea-wfeon n qf3 cT3fH ipfe»{i 33 fiW> af, fa ?7fa 0f3 3 HTO c?3 JF*? 33 R« UV, fe3 Wf3 >HS3^ ?*3 IIMII

»{?& R£3 *5U'dfl3f H3TH HS3H U3 It U«3H0H *{f U»fe»!», §33 R3I8 f?R,3 II ^y 331 63^ §33, R^, Rxfl H»el II R3 RTHS 3§ R3H, U3 3J3 § WZi It

ft RS3 U?sh 5?3§ uf?3, Rf33J3? 3fO>>P ?3U3 tl 1 felf3 Troa 3j3 B3s s ^, ^H >H3TO 53 JIIBOIIHH

83 £1611

WJtft: r^A^^|f^^4-g . _,

A#4L^4.4*Sr'H'-t^ £fc •

«P A.L4l#. ( &4fc# Shabad *j #.# ) • *&*p it $ * # *S ** & # 4--^ &'• #&^&#>i.7*fc*S^Mtfc#*°

the torturer » tLffcfeJIll •

tt/A1£.&7 & &($£**?# - jUU*7 t) £&£#&•

4& # *3 ¥lm &J\ ' iktfi& ' it4 the Anand ( True Song of Greatest Spiritual Bliss) ' &1T 7 4il# 8 *£#^

£«£fr*|#*$4-£ »"£#tf Brahm • X> A ¥l *f % & & *P && J

& & ap # *-r < & • 4tf&&*#*&;SI£4&*P #&•**£ 7


#: 7 tt.41 «$ •« * •


& *H/l # & *a ef 4i i j

84 l&fiMg §M$^P

Anand(o) Sahib English Translation I h

(Satgurn) Nsnak says : O saints, love God's Name (Nim)

The True Name (Nam) is my support. 4


( des) the five forms 0 The Celestial Strains (resulting from the worship of Shabad) resound in the happy and fortunate house% into which God has infused His magic and might. 0

(Satgurn). Nfinak says that they have obtained Divine Bliss; and the Unbeaten Music goes on playing in their hearts. 5. O my most lucky friends, hear, this is the AnaAdv(Truo Song of Greatest Spiritual Bliss\ which fulfils all (my) objects and desires. They who .hear jit are pure ;1 thcylwholutterl it Jaw stainless; and the True -Gum will occupy their hearts. (Satgurn) Nsnak says that the celestial trumpets blow in honour of those (devotees), who are absorbed in the worship of the feet of the True Guru. 4a,l. I have realised God, the Supreme Brahm ; and all (my) griefs have vanished. ir (My) sorrows, pains and sufferings have left fme) on hearing the True Word. The pious men get joy on -hearing it^ from the Perfect Guru.


85 MUftDAVANl MAHALA 5. *m fefa frfa ^T^ ue1§, H? R§« ^gr§ n Thai vich(i) tirin(i) vasto paio, sat(u) santokh(u) vlcharo.

>H*fH3 TTK 3'?3 oi* ufe§, fan a*'H3H >xcna 11

Anmrit Nam(u) Thakur ka paio, jis ka sabhas(u) adharo.

Je ko khavai je ko bhuhchai, tis ka hoe udharo.

Eh vast(u) tajl nah jai, nit nit rakh(u) uridharo. 3W HR1? ti3?J Bfai 331*, FTf 7S»?>cl HUH UR»3 ll


3& *?& TO SfOt, H

Mai nirguniare ko gun(u) nahl, ape taras(u) piol 33H ufe»f» fHCra»Hi3 OFl, Hf^Bfl HPT3 fHfo>>{» |l Taras(u) pia mihraojat(i) hoi, Satigur(u) sajan(u) TiJTPZ ^H fHS 3i tft?\ 3^ W$ sit 0fe»f» Hill Nanak Nam(u) milai tan jivan, tan(u) man(u) thlv -1-

86 (13) i ft£tt£iS*a&fc MUNDAVANI MAHALA 5. tt


i it^***^«.A*; ^sNe.'fcfc&^X ° « y m?) &-*Mfct*.6*j*ifr * (m&t*) «PM&«, ° -1-




( # ) f*L*CT**M: ( &#; ) f*4t • ft£-*F-fo&-&#?A •-Mf^ i *Mp.&£) ***>*£.&

&**#&M-& • 4UL*I7 ( 4**-«t K*-***** i,

( -1-


87 (13) Style and name of the verses. In this Large Plate (the Holy Graftth Sahib) three things, namely, Divine Truth, Contentment and Divine Wisdom arc put. The Ncctarian Name of the Master, the Support of all, has also been put. Whosoever relishes and takes this (Divine Food), will get Deliverance. J This Commodity cannot be forsaken; keep it at all the titfies in your?heart. You should swim across the dark world (ocean) with the help of God's feet j (His Words and believe that) ail is the expanse of God, says (Satguro) Nanak; J%

Salok, Fifth Guru. ' *r (O God), I have not acknowledged Your Kindness and Gifts ; (You) have made me worthy (of Yourself). I am meritlcss and possess no virtue and You Yourself have taken mercy on me. Through Your mercy, I have met (and obtained the sight of) the True Gum.

I live and my body and mind blossom forth, when I gel Your Name (Nam), (so says) (Satgura) Nanak. 1.

-88- U©3l (H: M) PAURI (MAHALA 5.) f3$ 3, RH3§, fcra afe ?5»fo ii Tithai ta samrath(u), jithai koe nah(t). $i 33l 3tt, >H3Ifti §E3 Wfo II Othai tcil rakh, agnl udar mah(i). Hfe £ BH 3 £3, sfe 33 gfe ^f(J II Sun(i) kai jam ke du*t, nae tcrai chhad(i) jah(i). 3§3Q fatfHjbfR^q , 313 HS^I If'fa U»fa II Bhaujal(u) bikham(u) asgah(u), gur sabdl par(i) pa fa* 9§ B3ll fq»TH, bffH3 flfe *»fa II, Jin kau lag! pias, annvrit sc-c khah(i). as wfu #a ufc, 3j5 aifewfa u

Kai mah(i) cho puAn(u^ gup Govirid gah/i).

Sabhsai no kirpal(u), samale sah(i) sah(i). fe3QT srfe s atfe, fa »p? 3g >>pfa infii Birtba koe na jae, jc avai tudh(u) ah(i).


M3f3 3J3 Wa'cra* ffl3^» flfa 3j3 3»§ II Aritar(i) gur(u) aradhana, jihva jap(i) gur nao.

£3) Hf33J3 U*S&, R?sl RS5* 3J3 S»§t II Nctrl satigur(u) pckhna, sravani sunana gur'nao

89 (15) U©3l (H: M) &#] ( $£ftfft ) PAURI (MAHALA 5.) f3U 3 HH39, fviS 5fe '<5»fij it

.. . -9- ao o

(16) H*5? H: M 1! #>&3£ ( &£*!&& ) SALOKf 10 MAHALA 5. »?3fa 313 »T3'aS\ ftra^ tlftl 3j3 3'§ II

§&.£&.»£.#**** » ^-ttfe^iti*

90 (») Pauri (Fifth Gum)

(O AH powerful God !) You exist where none else does.

You give protection (to Your creatures) evcn|amidst the fire of the womb. On hearing (Your Name), the messengers of Death leave off. * With the help of the Guru's Words (Divine Hymns), one crosses the terrible vast and impassable world ocean.

Those, who are thirsty for it, drink the Divine Nectar.

In the age of Kalyug (Dark Age) the singing of God*s praises is the act of highest virtue.

God is kind to all and takes care of all, every moment.

None comes empty handed from Your door, if he comes lo You (with faith). * \ 9.

{ I« ) Salok (Fifth Guru).

Remember the Gum within and utter the Gum's word, with the tongue. See the True Gum with eyes and hear the Gum's Word with ears.

91 ^^^^^s^^"^^^^^^

248 Rahraa(i) Sahib (GurmakM ft Roman)

Rf33J3 R3i 3fe»P, ^3313 W&ti S»$ II Satigur sell ratia, dargah palai thao. aq

M: M || MAHALA 3.

Rakhe rakhaghar(i) ap(i) ubarsao(u), 3J3 al M3l Uife a»R R?if3»fS II Gur kl pair] pae kaj sawarian. w nrfti ehc? wag S farf3»i&" ir Hoa ap(i) dcal(u) manoh na visarian. H»Q t?7J» a Rfel s^Wft 3TfeJ>(5 II Sadh jana kai sang(i) bhavjal(u) tarian(u). H»33 fcfea «W3 fi«5 H'fo fa?«f3»<3 II Sakat nindak dust kbin mah(i) bidarian(u). fcR R»foR al 3a »»sa HS wfo u Tis(u) sahib kl %ek Nanak roanai mab(i). fag fRH33 R« 3fe R3IH ^« fl*fa Iftll Jis(u) simrat sukb(u) hoe sagle dttkh j*h(i).

-92- -1-

(17) M:M II *ILi&^MAHALA 5-

a **.$4H^S * *.».#&*.**•* °

***is8*atfir ****** • *»#****E^ JL*>*L* ) #*»& ( «• ) ..'*****•«******** ° ( **«** • ***n *#£ 4£4tW • -2-

93 One, imbued with the True Gurn, gets a place in the God's Home.

(Satgurti) Nanak says, het to whom God gives this gift, obtains the Divine Grace.

(But) such ones are rare, they emerge as most pious.

The Fifth Gurn.

The Protector Himself saves all.

He causes us to fat! at the feet of the Gum (to meet the Gurn) and fulfils the task. When He becomes merciful, He does not forget the devotee.

He causes (the devotee) to cross the world-ocean by giving him the society of the True Saints. He destroys the non believers, the traducers and the sinners in a moment. (Satgurti) Nanak (says), I take shelter of my Master in my mind, I By remembering Whom, bliss comes and all pains vanish. 2.

-94- &^*

s~\ mmmm <\ & ^'foara tfl cfl ;r3fa ii

!:•==• B «»±tt«fij»i SUfctt«!&»WJfr frfifc

2. &ikmfmffi<&fa& * m mmm&m'&m; m<&r\

4. »&in£!##^££9ju*tt&B^ft^£* 5. gftfusaftfe • &&um • &Mtmtt&&&&ftinft

6. Hf&n 7*. Ki3|-HtS± • ** ¥te » i^**^^ J&812 e 8. m « -£W» • «SISII»«[«llfeA#if*iC !

£&£& w&

»& frifiJloli^



95 &g0g££3&

W*.6+ffi#£ttfg€ : »teA#Wr» • WJlSBft^tt umm ttm»^tt«»Asa*ft^*

»—.Si5fit«p 7C &Sfl fcfe&ft»£*fc* : fiUfeflW «Stt«ttffift*«f#i'B •

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97 §M*M§M

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Waheguru i

Waheguru ji ka * Siri Waheguru ji ki fateh

#*W£^3fc*MM^ £Ji:«fcfc


98 The Ardas

m This is a short direct prayer to God and occupies a somewhat similar position in the Sikh religion to the Lord's Prayer in Chris­ tianity. Its format is as follows, wilh the first eight and last two lines being obligatory: ARDAS \ 1. Having first remembered God Almighty, think of Guru Nanak; 2. Then of Angad Guru and Amar Das and Ram Das; may they help us! * . * t 3 . Remember Arjan, Hargovind and the holy Har Rai. 4. Let us think of the holy Harkrishan, whose sight dispels ail sor­ rows. 5. Let us remember Teg Bahadur, and the nine treasures shall]come hastening to our homes. 6. May they all assist us everywhere. 7. May the Tenth King, the holy , the lord of hosts and protector of the faith, assist us everywhere. 8. Turn your thoughts, O Khalsa, to the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib and call on God. Wahcguru! The Five Beloved Ones, the Master's four sons, the forty Saved Ones, and other righteous, steadfast and long-suffering souls : think, of their deeds and call on God. Waheguru ! • Those men and women who, keeping the Name in their hearts, shared their earnings with others; who plied the sword for the unprotected, and practised charity; who saw others' faults but. overlooked them* think of their deeds and call on God. Waheguru! Those who allowed themselves to be cut up limb by limb, had their scalps scraped off, were broken on the wheel, were sawn or flayed alive, but who abjured not their faith and perjured not their soul but lived their devotion to with their hair intact

-99- to the last breath of their lives, think of their sweet resignation and call on God. Wahcguru ! Those who, to purge the temples of long standing evils, suffered themselves to be ruthlessly beaten or imprisoned, to be shot, cut up | or burnt alive < with kerosene oil, but did not make any resistance or utter even a sigh of complaint, think of their patient faith and call I on God. Wahcguru! *| Think of all the different temples, thrones of religious authority and other places hallowed by the touch of the Guru's feet, and call on God. f & I Wahcguru! I Now the whole Khalsa offers his prayer. Let the whole Khalsa bring to his mind the Name of the wonderful Lord; 1 And as he thinks of Him, may he feel completely blessed. May God's protection and grace extend to all the bodies of the Khal- sa wherever they are. May the Lord's glory be fulfilled and His dispensation prevail. May victory attend our Charity and our Aims. 1 May God's sword help us. May the Khalsa always triumph. I May the Sikh choirs banners, mansions abide for ever and ever. The kindom of justice prevail.' May the Sikhs be blessed with the benign sight of and guidance from Amritsar and an unhampered dip into its holy pool of Nectar. May the Sikhs be united in love. May the hearts of the Sikhs be humble, but their wisdom exalted,: i * their wisdom in the keeping of the Lord, Khalsa, say the Lord is] wonderful. Waheguru! I O true King, O loved Father, wehave sung Thy sweet hymns, heard Thy life-giving Word, and have discoursed on Thy manifold bless- I ings. May these things find a loving place in our hearts and serve to draw our souls towards thee. Save us, O Father, from lust, wrath, greed, undue attachment and pride; and keep us always attached to Thy feet. Grant to Thy Sikhs the gift to Sikhism, the gift of Thy Name, the I gift of i faith, the gift of confidence in Thee, and the gift of reading I and understanding Thy holy Word.

-100- O kind Father, loving Father, through Thy mercy wc have spent our day in peace and happiness; grant that wc may, according to Thy will, do what is right. Give us light, give us understanding, so that wc may sknow what pleases Thee. Wc offer this prayer in Thy presence O wonderful Lord : Forgive! us our sins. Help us in keeping ourselves pure. Bring us into the fellowship of only a those. men of love, in whose company wc may remember Thy name. Through Nanak may Thy Name forever be'on the increase. | And by Thy grace, all may prosper. On conclusion of the Ardas. the whole congregation bows'be­ fore the Adi Granth and, rising again, say in unison ; Waheguruji ka Khalsa, Siri Waheguruji ki Fateh. Which is translated as " Hail Khalsa of the wonderful Lord Who is always victorious/ The congregation then chants the following stanza, 'Agya bhai Akal ki tabid chalaio Panth. sabh Sikhan ko Ilukam hai Guru Manio Granth. Guru Granth ji manio par gat Guran Id deh. Jo Prabh ko milbo chahe khoj Shabad main leh. Raj karega Khalsa aki rahe na koe. Khawar hoe sabh milenge bache saranjo hoi. Which is translated as: 'Command came from the Timeless God. And there was established the (Khalsa) Panth. .AH Sikhs arc commanded to recognize the Granth as the Guru. Recognize the Granth as the G uru; It is the visible body of the Masters. Those who wish to meet the Lord way seek Him therein (in the Granth) The Khalsa shall rule, no hostile refractories shall exist. Frus­ trated, they shall all submit, and those who come in for shelter shall be saved/ Thislisjfollowed by a spirited Sat Siri Akal which|has|bccn translated as: True is the Eternal Lord. N.B. 1. During the Ardas, the congregation should stand with palms together in prayer, with the person actually saying the Ardas standing immediately in front of the Assembly, facing the Guru Granth. If the Granth is not'prcscnt, the direction faced is immaterial. 2. If the Ardas is said especially for the benefit of a particular person or group, only they need rise, while general congrc- [ gation keeps seated. " ^ / • ./ •

1I02 £

>Hftf=f t$ »lt TO3/ td ^ ftS33W 3 §VT33 >HTOIR cratf tRjftft 3l 3. (#)*>rae,H* feu

«i W s2'f0dld tft oftBHUII J# ga&i tft HvTte i ^3 fjt 3a&t tft oft vanarcft «to i fijjgwwara r frwfo ot ara ?5»So7 B# IWte i tea >K3re ajar ^ »wTO|g B^we*?* 3tf

feS wfo ?¥ trifei tar sRrea? ftwfo>cur a ?sg fefti »F% ufeu HH

TEP^t <}fe FRPfe I "Sire* V3HRJ JJt 3Jf dlf&J flw TPftW tft! J&W&1

ftp>T75 ira ot §& tft ^'Pddjd! ifa* fWftw* iu* wftMy^Vw*; 3|$>w* ysjfew*, u^W, tnJhx*, Blft»|t, PtWA1 ?FH tlftW1,4siriloinr,3dltJB'Vfl,3dl «J'd1,^§tf ot »tePsa

WSHTtft 1 §& tft ^'Pddld! ftT§* ftwt Miu^»r % ugH >ft "3 ^, wftpn* WH Rjd'd ai§; yjdtJ^Pd*!* <^t ^» B^t ejd^AW oft^»{», xraH 75*ft zpfew, ftrtfteta * p*1"1 ?ra Payo!, fe^* ^t oTM^t *F ftPHTC TOc t V5H1 tft! §& tft

^ Hcl* *te^ ^t cM tft«^ B^ft d HoT^t I

103 RO

3d7*T ^13; ^ist to B»ff 3»H ^3; jft >Hftf3Hd- tft £ fclJA'A, *&M s£, # Bat Bar »to; U3H OF ftera; 3d tft ^ftreif! f f ftw ^ H* rite*, us §^t W3 •& an** »rfU ^»fb?j51 3 »rara ya>* »nr£ ife ^ FTC* H«P^ ^TO ?ft£! Tft &&ct'£» H»ftra H tte ^5>>rfW ^raiPH* ^;fas/ fih f feife»r fdPH* $, |*y§ *W«A tftti'd H H^ H3»H ^ BW ITSR* tft § HWh 3 fewfe** £ WZ, ftaPfe** ^ 3^ ft§fe>* ^t §2#t fU3r ^'Pddjd! »(»U^vra9* * ^ >Hd^H d tft I »to ^np im^r jfo g^r wer garth nary? ^ cPdirTO^gs i H# ftPH»t H5,ft?§t ft(fe)»ft fgr ^itf fo^ »p% i OTSSf 31^ g=j^| oHS* 3d" W& HdMd ^ 35*1

l 1 feR 3* §UG3 >Hd73R fes H»WS H§^fed* ¥5l 3 £ sJ'Pddld tft oJT JPJJHV ^'PvJdld tft aft ^ftf JIB^I §J£T *Hf3 fft >H5TB' ^B* ttaf'd»

(>>f) *HdtJ,H0<5HffH3T3^Uia^H,8ftiHdd1ydl^§imtfeoY^3r yJltJ- 31 tf FRJ£ jft BJcF dj? H'flw tft 3»fy>>fT yS1 3%, §3 3t §3^3d*srd*i (?) >Xd^'H eJdTf ^H* Fft U3 df* H'Pdy tft <3 H5W y# at, 3*T *fc at >Hd*j'.H c?d*i ifr jft Hdd'H 33, *£?»?? 3i (>f) tR* 33l VR >HdtJ'H folAftW flt ^fto T »PS>ft>>ft ^£ 3t, 3* Q «JA' «? fy?f* H3I3T feg H^ 333* ^ 0d«» OTdt 3


*wmaiR uirte u

ata35 ^ifos1 KIRTAN SOHILA


Note—The five Shabads of the Kirtan Sohila have been numbered as 1 to 5. 1. The Kirtan Sohila.. The Banl, called Kirtan Sohila, is to be read before one goes to sleep at night. Its first Shabad reminds us of the day, when death will come. Those, who succeed in achieving Union, with God, are called as happy brides, who. obtain their Husband amid songs of joy. The second Shabad tells us that God is the Creator of all, including the sun, which is the cause of days, seasons etc. The Satguru reminds us that the school of thought, which | teaches us to sing God's praises and His sincere worship. the only profitable one. The third Sbabad tells us that it is no use going through the empty observance of the ceremony of Art!. Nature and the entire Universe is constantly performing the Divine and True Arti (worship with lamps) of God. Towards the end it is prayed that He may kindly shower His Mercy. In the fourth Shabad the deplorable condition of a sinner is described. He ever suffers pains and grief. He loves ego. Stress is laid on achieving God's Shelter by following the Way of Virtues and True Worship of God and His Name, which results 10 in achieving the True object of human life. In the fifth Sbabad it is asserted that a man can reap the True Fruit only in this life ; otherwise he will meet the punishment. Fray to God and seek the Divine Nectar and the Society of True Saints from Him.

106 * (tfttX) fifdW (KttTAN) SOHILA (1 3T3i arfcft Hhrel HUS» <* H RAG(U) GAURI DlPAKl MAHALA 1 *§firp ra sua

**fc£*MS$ ( SJ&*SJL ) •g*fc#i*# r.'. £*Fte$««*L#ilHffc*»£SJ. ( $£€-&&4fe*MU* ) -1- «Nfc «eiis f It:' W&R& #M^i»

4Jt^ ***?£#»£.*Mt*M.^# - -1#«-

i»> -2- 0J£m-&£rHiLkit

-3- it*M$«* ( itJl^—*^P- ) ^AftOU^ ( iftff ) *|5*»i& ( &fi£& ) I 3&^#i&S*tf A ; $—A ( fin* ) t $]fr -4.1-

107 T (2) CP3T| >>TH HOH* «* ii fflfif jjp^ RAG(U) ASA MAHALA 1 feM W5 f?Hi 3T3 fe»f §VT§R 11 *M#*#3tJ&r#4i( *P&&&##4£ ) * ifej *&##*»*# *H*t

( 4§. ) X#i.*A#*|itf;*:^ • ( fc-f ) *fc# £#3-aMl9! fi Ctf £# -1-

-UM*- (te*0,#*3-# 5U*3:—*j» iufr a. • H a JM *fr»

(.*) te*J* ( Hfihfe*.) #*$• *p•&&.&*. ( **e«atA^ )


(it* ) 4Ufc* *.£.«**#*# ( &tf ) ! & flf 4i ftKM-1 * '£££###&#£# ( #£&itf &*.)


-2- j£tfjfc£-£\«—*& ii#.«te$4fr*^*JR* •


^^) ^%^1

108 i

i ( guff ) *p# jfc, ( «. ) : fcjt^&tf *#it JLJ«4U$4ii$

i£&&sfc^>x *»£#>£ ^o -4.3- J


gig %&3\ UggJ HUH* 8 II 1 (4) RAG(U)"GAURI PORBl MAHALA ra gTfH craft: sain HO sfow, Ms wn *3S y^ u H £ £*M** *.** T &« J** ( Ufa ) : ( 4M. ) -S^^pSiSfJ^^ (*a

At JL&ia.tf t &*HMi;t6^iI , *»-B^WL* £££..& -1- 4



-3- S i-1T ! 4MT-M- • *t*UMH * 4.4H It* S *MM* • Q ( ia.fi? )*fitoJL( it) *M3*;t:( A*! 4* ) *-#.*»£#:*• » & vXtel&'M^ o -4.4-




109 grgr 3i§sl w$ HUH1 M II RAG(U) GAURI PCRBI MAHALA 5. (5)

f=] sit msfflgip


-l*f#- ina*^^*ji^.i; (<*£) J.«$sAamt?& ^ j £jSt£«$A i *Ufli.##£ * &*»*L • -2-

&-N&A h %&MM$rSL tfj £ -3-

A (;**A£#:&^) -4.5-

1 10 mmmM


Song of Praises.

Gauri Dipaki Measure, the First Guru.

God is only One. He is obtained by the Grace of the True Guna.

In whatever house (state of mind) meditation on God is practised and His praises arc sung, Sing His praises and meditate upon Him in that house (after attaining that state), 1%

You, please sing the praises,of my God, the jFea rlcss.

I'am a sacrificefto the Song which gives perpetual peace 1 Pause

Every day, God looks after and beholds all the beings.

None can assess the price of Your Gifts, so how can the Giver be assessed ? 2.

The day and hour of the marriage (departure to the next • world) is fixed, so the friends should pour the customary oil on the threshold.

1 1 1 Bless (the bride), so that union with the Master, may be obtained 3,

Such calls and summons (to reach the next world) arc

sent to every house> everytday. (Satgurn) Nanak (reminds) ; meditate on the One, Who sends calls • that day will come (soon). 4. I. v

(2) Asa Measure, First Guru.

There arc six shastras (books of Hindu thought), their six authors and six methods of teaching j I

(But) One God alone is the Teacher of teachers, (though) He manifests Himself in many ways.

O God ! by that religious books (way) by which your praises are sung (is the best),

Follow that way, which glorifies God. 1. Pause

(Just as) seconds, minutes, hours, quarters of a day, lunar days, week days, months, I

(Are created by) one sun (and so are cretaed) many seasons

(Similarlysays Satcura) God), (WhNanako i.s One) has many manifestations,(s2 2o


1 12 (3) Dhanasri Measure, the First Guru

The sky is the salver ; the sun^andtthe moon arc lamps; the stars, with their orbs, are the studed pearls.

(The fragrance of) sandal wood is the incense, the wind the fan and all vegetation are flowers. I.

(Thus) Your Wonderful WorshipMs performed1 (my God) ! O, the Destroyer of Fears, this is Your true worship (with 'true lamps). The Unstruck Melody rings and the Divine Music of the Shabad (Word) is the (tender) flute. 1. Pause.

Your eyes arc thousands, yet You have no eye j Your forms aro thousands yet You have no form.

Your pure feet arc thousands, yet1 You have no feet j You arc without nose, yet You have thousand noses • (Your) plays have, in this way, bewitched me. 2.

The same Light pervades all.

This Light causes the light to shine within all

1 13 Through the Guru's advice ihc Divine LiAhtkbccomcs visible.

That, which pleases Him, constitutes His real worship. 3

My sou! bewitched by the Lotus Feet (Divine; Hymns) of God, as sweet as honey, for which I am thirsty, day and night.

(Satguin) Nanak (says) : Give the water of Your Mercy to this pied cuckoo, so that I,may merge inlYour Name. i 4 3

Gauri Purbi Measure, the Fourth Guru

Lust and anger completely fill this town (body) ; (but) these : have been smashed to pieces by meeting the Saint (Guru).

I have met the Gurfl, because of my predestined luck and I have entered tne sphere of God's Love. lj

Salute the True saint with folded hands, this is a great virtuous act

Lie prostrate before Him> this is a great virtuous act. I. Paure

1 14 M%k s&£!y \M *§g$M *&P


Lovers of mammon do not enjoy the taste of God's Elixir, as within them there is the thorn of ego.

When they walk forward, that thorn pricks them more and more severely ; they suffer greater pain and (finally) receive on their heads, the blows from death's staff. 2.

True'devotees arc absorbed in God's Name, and fear of the pain of births and deaths leaves them.

They are united with the Ever-lasting God and gain great honour inlhe various regions and universes. 3

ve humble

(Satgurn) Nanak (says) ; the Name is the Sustainer and Support (of the mortal), and gives Supreme Joy and Peace. 4. 4.

Gauri Purbi Measure, Fifth Guru*

My friend, I request you that this is the opportune time to serve the saints.

Earn divine profits in this world and live in peace and comfort in the next one I.

^V;W> 1 15 Life is shortening day and night

O mind, meet the Gum and set right your affairs. I.Pause

This world is engrossed in sins and evils ; (but) God's 1 Divines will swim aeross it#

He who is awakened by God, drinks the Nectar of Name and comes to realise the Ineffable God, 2

Purchase the commodity, for which you have come (in this world), and then God will come.to reside in your heart with the Guru's Grace.

You will easily obtain your Real Home and will11 not suffer transmigration. 3

O Searcher of hearts and Fulfiller of desires ! kindly fulfil my heart's desires.

(Satguru) Nanak (says) : I, your servant, pray that I may become the dust of the Saint's feet, (join the society of saints). ^H'^^H I 11 "' 4.5.

1 16 &&s£&gs&$®££gf


s*3[ ci&sl nlusrt HTOT <* ir RAG(U) CAURI DIPAKI MAHALA I

<*§ Hfe 3J3 t{H»fe II Ik Onkar sat(i) gur prasad(i). j(

Jai ghar(i) klrat(i) akhlai, kartc ka. hoe blcharo t*33 Ulf3 3^0 HfCRT, fH?f30 fRdrf£

3M of?U H3 f?533§ 9' RfCJS* II- Turn gavoh mere Nirbhau ka sohila. of ?»B1 fir?. RTOH, n& R* ufe mii3;r§ii Hau varl jit(u) sohilai, sada sukh(u) hoe ). Rabao

fo3 f?S3 fftodt RH*Ht»ffS §¥3P S?^^ II Nit nitjjlarc sarna!lan(i) dekhaiga dev3nhaiYu). §3 &£ StlHfe RT U#. I3H TO 3?? RW»3 II3II Tcrc danai. k)mat(i) na pavai, tis(u) date kavap(u) samar(u)# -2-

Saftbat(i) saha likbia, mil(i) kar(i) pstvob tef(u).

1 17 $0 HXZ MfllHalw, fa§ 0? fl'foS fR§ HE 11311 Dch(u) sajan aslsaria, jio hovai Sahib sio1meI(u). -3-

Ghar(i) ghar(i) cho pahucha, sadrc nit pavann(i)

H^J'3> faH3>>f, 7PJ53I R fevJ >>rtf?? II9IR11 Sadaijhara sirnrlai, Nanak sc dch avann(i). -4.1-


fe>x ujg fg»H 3j3,fe>>{ §u£fl II Chhca ghar chhca gur chhca updcs 3i3 3j3 £5 in nraa inn Gur(u) gur(u) cko vcs anck. • 1-

I ww ^ urfg 333 al3f3j ofe 11 1

Baba jai ghar(i) kartc klrat(i) hoe 1. Rahao, So ghar(u) rakb(u) vadal toe. 1 fefl§ 3fa»P ttf3l»0 U331, fq3l ?'Bl H'O DM1 II Visuc chasia gharla pahra, thitrvarl rnab(u) hoa J]3^ §5 Bfe MS3 II Suraj(u) cko rut(i) anck. 3*33 cra§'.g 33 ?R IPIJPI^ Nanak kartc kc ketc vcs. .2.2-

1 18 ^#^%^§Q^Mp^£^. M^W


arare-H s1?* gfe 33 3)ua s£. H'f^MHVsrRSc? H3l 11 Gagan-mai thal(u) rav(i) chaiid(u) dlpak banc tarika mandal janak motl.

QU HR>>{TO U^3 333 33, R3TJ5 HS^fe 5*53 331 II^H DhQp(u) mal-anlo pawaij(u) chavaro karc, sagal banrae phnlant jotl. -1-

3Rl >>P33l Cfe II ??&S' 331 »T33l II KaisI artl hoe. Bhav-kharidna tcrl art!

MJKJ3' RHH ?'R3 33l H^IIBO'^.I Anhata sabad vajarit bherl. -1-Rahao-

R3R 3? SS, S3 S5 Ufa 3fa 3§, ROR H3f3, ?>?? S3 30l II Sahas tav nain, nan nain hah(i) toh(t)kau,sahas mQrat(i), nana ck tohl.

R3R U3 fSRH. ?>5 §3 IJ3, 310 faff, HUR 3^ ,310, fe^ ^Jff3 HOT l!3U Sahas pad biraal, nan ck pad, gandh hin(u), sahas tav gaftdh iv cbalat raohl. I -2-

R3 Hfo^fe 3fe 3 Rfe II Sabh roah(t) jot(i) jot(i) hai soe.

feR 3 3*??fe R3 Hfo 3TO5 3% II ft Tis dai chanan(i) sabh mah(i) chanan(u) hoc

1 19 3J3 JFWJ flfe U33I2 3"fe II Gur sakhl jot(i) pargat hoc

^tanfe'? H >H'33l ufe II3H Jo tis(u) bhavai su artllhoe -3-

UfslxJ^j^H H33t2, Bf§3 HS MSfeS Hfa WO* fU^ II Har(i) charan kaval makrand, lobhit raano andino moh(i) ahl piasa.

f$W tTB ^fo S'5<* rrf09I St, 3*fe tP 3 §3 75*5 ?W H«H3H Kripa ja!(u) dch(i) Nanak saring kau, hoc ja te,tcrai nae _4 3-

3*3? ai©3l uasl HUOTS u RAG(U) X}AURI PORBI MAHALA 4.1 IdallfMfef

gifa 93 Oa S3I 3 53 3f 3»P, fnfe JFS, «38 ^3» U 11 ^ Kam(i) karodh(i) nagar(u) bah(u) bharia, mil(i) sadhn khandal he J B I &M. iflMI^^H

U3fa|fetf3 fe9 3J3^J're»{»,(Mfelof3 fe? KsTO VHT'jdJimi PQrab(i) likhat Itkhe gur(u) paia, man Har(i)[liv manual marida he. it i •JM -I-

Kar(i) sadhn anjull, pun(u) vada Tic,

Stf3 33^3 US ?3» U H«lll3CP§ll Kar(i) dandauf pun(u) vada. be. | 1 jRahao,

1120 270 (Kirtanj Sohila (Gurmukhi & Roman)

WZ3 Ufa B% WB ff rpfe^, fe?5 »fefe 3§H 53* d II Sakat Har(i) ras sad(u) na jan a, tin ahtar(i) hauraai kafida he. fi& fa§" ^fffo Hi Ftf U^fo, tWcTB HOfo fafo 33* 3 IPII Jio jio chalah(i) chubhai dukb(u) paveh, jam-kal(u) sahah(i) sir/i) darida he. -2-

Har(i) jan Har(i) Har(i) Nam(i) sarnane, dukh(u) janam ma/an bhav khanda he. ? I »rfgsmt UW VfW V3HH3, SRT-H3 tfe 8UHST» d II3II I AbinasI purkh(u) paia Parmesar(u), bah(u) sobh khantf brahmanda he. .3-

Ham garlb maskin prabh tere, Har(i) rakh(u) rakh(u) vad vada he. , tjssww wra z& u, urasn? oi w HV diiieiieii Jan Nanak nam(u) adhar(u). $ek hai,l Har(i) Name hi sukh(u) manda he. , ^4.4-

3*3? aifsff ussl WJ&W if RAG(U) OAURIP0RBI MAHALA 5.

• - * Karau benaAU sunoh mere mlta, sant tahal Id bell. ekp tffe ^B5 ^fe 5^ W3? su$ gus^ ivw, Iha khat(i) chaloh Har(i) laha, agai basan(u) suhela 1

121 >H^7 Uf£ fe?SH 33» § II Audh ghatai'dins(u) raina re. H5 313 fHfe oTO H^T§ iniiguT^u Man Gur mil(i) kaj savare* 1. Rahao

fej WF3 fg£F3jHH Hfo, 3f3§ qUH fSPH^ II Eh(u) sansar(u) bikar(u) sanse mah(i), tario brahm gianl, ftwfu.tranfe iftwf fi?3 3R,tycra org » fefo tral IPII Jisah(i) jagae piavai ehfu) ras(u), akath katha tin(i) janl. 2-

W 3f »P§ ITCl fSEPS3, Ufa 3J3 3 Hsfo SH3» II Ja kau ae sol bihajhoh, Har(i) Gur te manah(i) basera

for? Ujfe HUS IJT^U JTO H0#, SElfe H 3fe3T #3* ||3|| ft Nij ghar(i) mahal(u) pavoh sukh sahje, bahur(i) na.hoego phera. -J-

iH^flPHl U3tf feqȤ, H3JP. Hff at l|3 II Antarjami purakh bidhate, sardha man kl pare. *ro fed m \m, Mo^ srfo HHS S?1 das(u) ehai sukh(u) magai, m< ) santan ki -4.5-



Living According to th£&£*e Guru'» Ws Teaching • MBWFfliSCffs l •

(b) ft&-Hftfitt| &%im-&%d&mft$k&£.fe p (c)| 44 fg& >» IPRtf—fi«#3i m-m&&K-\-tiL&mft

SJiaaMBfiWHB^ite • £*£*U&&tittft£ • (e) &%ikirmmnmm&#+&XL * mm •••

(g) &£ffi&W # • fmmHM£ffc&tt*n (h) ft?*ftJSttSM£ttft&£& • (i) mfttkfe*mw®=f-k&m& • JIIS«R€$M&

(j) l§£tttCT1«Hffi6fft * ifi *&$&Jt!!JfEmi (k) #fl1^tfc®aiaft&!5 •

(n) HSIMt *?#&** ° MH 1 (o)| ftt^aBttsa • #!ffi>A£* 6n#fiie^*^o (P) Mffl2JfeJ^»py - (q)

te^ffi* t* (s) «**i6ititM£fU| • ffl) Living According to the Guru's Teachings * A Sikh should live and work according to the principles of Sikhism, and should be guided by the following: (a) He or she should worship only one God, and should not in­ dulge in any form of idol worship. (b) Live a life based on (he teachings of the ten Gurus, the Guru Granth, and . (c) Sikhs should believe in the "oneness" of the ten Gurus, that is, that a single soul or entity pervaded in the lives of the ten Gurus. (d) A Sikh should have no dealings with caste, black magic, super­ stitious practices such as the seeking of auspicious moments, eclipses, the practice of feeding Brahmins in the belief that the food will go to one's ancestors, ancestor worship, fasting at dif­ ferent phases of the moon, the wearing of sacred threads and similar rituals. (e) The should serve as the Sikh's central place of wor­ ship. Although the Guru Granth is the centre of Sikh belief, non-Sikh books can be studied for general enlightenment. (f) Sikhism is distinct from other religions, but Sikhs must in no way give offence to other faiths. (g) Knowledge of Sikhism is highly desirable for a Sikh and this should be acquired in addition to his other education. (h) It is the duty of Sikhs to teach Sikhism to their children. (0 Sikhs should not cut their children's hair. Boys are to be given the name of Singh and girls the name Kaur. (j) Sikhs should not paitake of alcohol, tobacco, dmgs of other in- toxicants (k) Our religion strongly condemns infanticide. (JD Sikhs should only live on money that has been honestly earned, (m) No Sikh should gamble or commit theft (n) Sikhs must not commit adultery, (o) A Sikh should respect another man's wife as he would his own mother; and another man's daughter as his own daughter. (p) a Sikh should enjoy his spouse's companionship and both should be loyal to each other. (q) A Sikh should live his life from birth to death according to the tenets of his faith. (r) A Sikh should greet other Sikhs with the salutation "Waheguru ji ka Khalsa. Siri Waheguru ji ki faith" (Hail Khalsa of the wonderful Lord who is always victorious.) (s) It is contrary to Sikhism for women to wear purda. (t) Any clothing may be worn by a Sikh provided it includes a tur­ ban (for males) and shorts or similar garment V -124- ' ; SIKH (SETTLEMENT IN HONG KONG

With the cession of Hong Kong Island to Great Britain after the Anglo-Chinese War, the British brought an Indian police contingent from British India to maintain law and order on the Island. Although no precise number of various Indian ethic groups were kept, it is generally acknowledged that it consisted of numerous Sikhs. This took place just after the signing of the Treaty of Nanking in late 1842.*

The first recorded mention of Sikhs was made in 1861 when 50 Sikhs were directly recruited from the Punjab to supplement the Bombay Sepoys. This 1st Sikh batch of policemen proved highly satisfactory and the chief superintendent, Giles Creagh, recruited a further 108 Sikhs shortly after, thus starting a sustained jpresence of Sikhs in Hong Kong. By 1867 the Hong Kong Police Force consisted of 89 European, 377 Indians (majority Sikhs) and 132 Chinese.

Besides Sikhs in the police force, there was a strong presence of Sikhs in the civilian population with most Sikhs in business and transport.

By the late nineteenth century, there were two , one of the Army Sikhs and another of the Police Sikhs with a third civilian Gurdwara at the Kowloon Docks.

Because ot the small Sikh population a decision was made to acquire land from the Hong Kong Government to build a single central Gurdwara This was obtained in 1901 with the completion of the present Gurdwara at Queen's Road East in 1902. The Gurdwara was named as the Sri-Guru Singh iSabha Gurdwara which was subsequently changed to Khalsa Diwan. The first president of the Gurdwara was S. Iqbal Singh, with vice president S. Lai Singh. * i

The Sikh population increased significantly after World War II, when the Chinese Communists of Mao Tse Tung defeated General Chiang-Kai-Shek's forces in 1949. Most of the Sikh community in Shanghai and other Chinese coastal cities made their way to Hong Kong during this time. 'i

Today the Sikh population numbers close to 5,000 with a majority of Sikhs in security and a small significant minority in business, civil service and various other professions. a ^

Prominent Sikhs who held high positions with the Hong Kong Government

-125- /Wztf/i officers on parade at Central Police Station.

126 %6o s. i

The Holy Shrine: Harmandir Sahib.



His Contributions Building of Shrines Dcv devoted himself whole heartedly to nation-building and public welfare activities. The major project handled by him was the building of Harmandir Sahib, the sacred Sikh templet the middle of the lake. Mian Mir, a devout Muslim, was invited to lay the founda­ tion stone of this holy shrine J It was decided that it would have, four doors that would remain kinds of people to offer therein. f