New(Many Testament Dates Are Only Approximate, WithinChronological One or Two Years. This is Especially TrueHistory of the Dates for the Various Books of the New Testament.) A.D. 30 A.D. 35 A.D. 40 A.D. 45 A.D. 50 A.D. 55 A.D. 60 A.D. 65 A.D. 65 A.D. 70 A.D. 75 A.D. 80 A.D. 85 A.D. 90 A.D. 95 A.D. 100 A.D. 105 Death and Resurrection of Day of –Disciples Receive the Holy Ghost Early Labors in the , Samaria, Antioch Increasing Hostility to the Church from Jewish Leaders Stephen Stoned to Death Conversion of Paul Paul in Damascus and Arabia Paul Around Tarsus 4 or 5 Years Paul and in Antioch About One Year 1 Persecutes the Church. The Church Is Increasingly Plagued by Pagan James, the Apostle, Is Martyred by Herod. Philosophies Polluting the Doctrines of the Peter Is Imprisoned, Then Freed Miraculously. Paul’s 1st Missionary Journey Gospel Jerusalem Council–Gentiles Not Required to Keep the Law of Moses of James Written (?) Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey 1st Thessalonians Written 2nd Thessalonians Written Paul Returns to Jerusalem. Paul’s 3rd Missionary Journey 1st and 2nd Corinthians Written Galatians Written Roman’s Written Paul Returns to Jerusalem–Arr Arrested at Temple Paul’s Two-Year Impris Imprisonment at Caesarea Paul’s Journey to R to Rome–Shipwreck and Winter at Melita (Malta) Paul’s Tw Two-Year Imprisonment at Rome–Paul Has Great Freedom Philemon Wr Written Colossians W Written Ephesians W Written Philippians ians Written 1st Peter W Written Paul’s Years of Freedom–Further Missionary work Neronian Persecution Epistle to the Hebrews Written Judaizers Create Much Aposta- 1st Timothy Written sy and Havoc in the Church Titus Written Peter and Paul Imprisoned 2nd Timothy Written 2nd Peter Peter Martyred Paul Martyred Fall of Jerusalem to Titus, and Destruction of the Temple Jude’s Epistle Written Sometime Between A.D. 70-90 (?) Domitian’s Persecution of the Church–Many Saints Martyred John Banished to the Isle of Patmos Revelation Written John Is Now the Only Surviving Apostle. The Church Lapses into Apos- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John Written Sometime Between A.D. 96-100 (?)

Nero was a selfish, cruel emperor. He was the to Caesar to whom Son of Vespasian and younger brother of Titus, Domitian Persecution of the saints Caligula was the TITUS NERVA: TIBERIAS: A.D. 14-37 : A.D. 41-54 Paul appealed (: 8-13). He blamed the Christian Christians for continued under Trajan. first emperor to A.D. 79-81 was the first to widely extend emperor worship. He began A.D. 96-98 Roman the fire in Rome in 64, started the first persecution of tion of the GALBA, OTHO, AND another and more extensive Christian persecution. John he declared that while The Caesar during the demand he be There was a famine in during Claudius’ reign church, and had Peter and Paul Executed in A.D. 68. VITELLIUS A.D. 68-69 was banished to Patmos in the last years of Domitian’s reign. Christians shouldn’t be Emperors life and ministry of (:28). He also expelled the Jews from Rome. During New Testament Times Jesus was Tiberias CALIGULA A.D. 37-41 The emperor during most of Paul’s missionary labors A.D. 54-68 VESPASIAN: A.D. 69-79 DOMITIAN: A.D. 81-96 TRAJAN A.D. 98-117 worshiped as a was Claudius. hunted down, when they god A.D. 59-61 were found they must deny Felix was the governor before The greed and corruption of or be executed. Significant : A.D. 26-36 whom Paul was tried (, 24). Florus led to the Jewish re- The saints remembering the prophecy Roman He held Paul for two years, hoping Festus asked King Agrippa volt. He laid seige to jerusa- of Jesus (Luke 21: 20-24), fled and es- for a bribe (: 26). to examine Paul (Acts 25, lem, then withdrew. Procurators caped the seige brought by Vespasian 26). He sent Paul to Rome of Judea M. ANTONIUS FELIX A.D. 52-59 GESSIUS FLORUS A.D. 65-70 and Titus. During New Testament Times for trial.

Herod Agrippa 11, son of Agrippa 1, was asked King’s HEROD AGRIPPA 1 (JUDEA): A.D. 37-44 by Festus to help him decide on Paul’s case Subsidiary HEROD PHILIP-(ITUREA): Herod Agrippa 1 was the Herod who () to Rome 4 B.C.-A.D. 34 persecuted the apostles to please the Jews. He had James killed and Peter During New Testament Times (GALILEE): B.C.-A.D. 39 HEROD AGRIPPA 11 (TETRARCH OF CHALCIS AND NORTHERN TERRITORIES): A.D. 48-100 imprisoned, ().

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