TEA2 Services Presents “Show and Tell the Evidence: Exposing the Sequential Order of Deception” An Excerpt from Terry’s Biblical Notes Re “Jew not a Jew”; Garden Tomb; Pope a Dope.

I. Here Is the Introduction.

The following information with supportive evidential documentation is for your edification so you will know the truth re “the rest of the story.” And then, if, you are spiritually born again (John 3:5-18) you are a member of the Body of Christ aka a “called one / Gr ekklesia / Scots kirk / G kirche / Eng church share the same in His holy name / in His “authority” / as His “authorized agent” in this earthly plane of existence, since He the Christ the Son of the Father God is the Head / “Principal” of the Body seated at the right hand of the heavenly Father God in the heavenly plane of existence working by His Holy Spirit in you and through you His “authorized agent” can share this with others because you both care (Romans 1:6-7; 8:9-11; 12:2-5; 1Cor 2:14-16; 6:15-19; 12:4-27; Ephesians 4:1-12).

II. Here Is the “Rest of the Story” re “Jew not a Jew”; Garden Tomb; Pope a Dope.

The Story Behind The Story With A. True Ott PhD The 13th Tribe – Horowitz and Kane vs. Arthur Koestler May 28, 2015 Apparently, Khazarian “Jewess” Sherri Kane and her self-proclaimed “Royal Bloodline of David” (aka the biblical ‘Angel of Philadelphia’) boyfriend Leonard Horowitz [Tea2 Note: Dr. Leonard Horowitz, self-identified Christian via “Born Again by the Holy Spirit,” dentist, science health researcher re evidence of Dr. Robert Gallo working at Plum Island, NY under contract to develop biological silent weapons to reduce human population, namely: AIDS, Ebola Virus, Vaccinations, etc also verbally attacked the Free American Clay Douglas in an elevator at a preparedness expo where they were both guest speakers re Clay’s exposure of the “Jews” in his FREE AMERICAN news magazine and radio broadcasts re their obvious implementation of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, namely, WWI, the Bolshevik Revolution torture and killing of 50 million Christians, the Federal Reserve, 1906 Rockefeller

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Pure Food and Drug Act pertaining to “Man or other animals”, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Mideast wars, “9-11” trade towers destruction, Homeland Security, etc.] continue to focus their time and attention on wild and outrageous conspiracy fantasies. Without a scintilla of evidence, these two “investigative reporters” have falsely sworn in an affidavit recently filed in a U.S. District Court in Hawaii, (CV15-00186JMS-BMK) that one “Alma C. Ott” conspired with an attorney named Sulla and others to rob them of their Hawaiian feral pig and cockroach-infested “healing center” property. Such incredible delusion on their part is staggering! For the record, I have never met, nor ever talked nor in any way communicated with Mr. Sulla, nor any other named party in their latest “lawsuit”. I could care less if Horowitz and Kane have a bed and breakfast or any other property. I understand from their affidavit that Kane has suffered a couple of heart attacks, and Horowitz is suffering some sort of emotional breakdown [Tea2 Note: Dr. Leonard Horowitz distressed that his teenage daughter never vaccinated in rebellion opted out of home-school and signed herself up in the local public school and took all the vaccines]. They seek to blame all of this on me as well, it would appear. Could it be they are merely reaping what they have sown? Of course, I must ask: f 528 hz. is such a LOVING, HEALING FREQUENCY, why all the heart-health problems, hmmm? Why do Kane and Horowitz hate me, and continue to slander my business and good name each and every day on the internet and radio shows? I submit it is because I have simply shattered their collectively shared delusions of grandeur by telling the truth. Here’s a news flash for Ms. Kane and Horowitz – telling the historical truth is not anti-Semitism! Leonard Horowitz’s Khazarian ancestors emigrated to America from Eastern Europe, as did Sherri Kane’s. He is not from the loins of Abraham, thus he cannot be of the “Royal Bloodline of David”. Recent extensive genetic studies by Dr. Elhaik have proven beyond all reasonable doubt that the vast majority (98%) of today’s so-called “jews” are not descended from the biblical Abrahamic bloodlines. http://www.texemarrs.com/092013/jews_deny_being_khazars.htm This fully corroborates the earlier work of the Hungarian Jew Arthur Koestler in his seminal book “The Thirteenth Tribe” [Tea2 Note: The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler part of TEA2 library in 1992 re exposing the counterfeit “Chosen people” distraction by the damn Devil as foretold by Lord Jesus in Rev 2:9 & 3:9, “which say they are Jews but do lie”]. If the reader is interested, the full pdf file of this amazing book can be downloaded at this link: http://www.fantompowa.info/13th%20Tribe.pdf The truth is that I have no personal grudge or “hatred” whatsoever to people of the Jewish religious faith. What I do take exception to, however, is when certain people who happen to be of Khazarian descent falsely declare themselves to be some form of grandiose religious ICON in order to defraud ignorant people and unjustly enrich themselves. Soliciting money and favors such as “legal defense funds” is called RICO and WIRE-FRAUD and such activity is illegal as well as immoral. This is, without a doubt in my mind, what Khazar Kane and Hungarian Horowitz have done in the past, and yet wrongfully continue to pursue currently as evidenced by their most recent court filings. I honor and give full respect to the brave Jew named Arthur Koestler, who honestly researched and reported the historical facts despite the political ramifications and the consequences he knew

Page 2 of 70 he would undoubtedly face by doing so. That is called INTEGRITY, dear reader, and this is not confined to any one race or religion. Below is a short video showing highlighted quotes from Koestler’s incredible, historically accurate book. The Absolute Horrors of Child Vaccinations (Look at the Vaccine Contents Label, Folks) Filed under: Uncategorized — 8 Comments April 19, 2015 Listen to the courageous Dr. Deisher as she blows the whistle on VID (Vaccine-Induced Diseases) in 2014, and understand WHY this is true! What kind of demonically-warped mind takes material from aborted fetuses and injects them back into unwitting and innocent children? Matthew 18:6 “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” (See also Mark 9:42 and Luke 17:2) Tags: Aborted Fetuses, autism, Vaccine-Induced Diseases, VID

My Israel Trip – In a Nutshell Filed under: Uncategorized — 3 Comments March 5, 2015 This short video pretty much sums the trip up for me – I submit that no Holy Land Pilgrimage is complete without a quiet walk with the Holy Spirit at the Garden Tomb to listen to His voice and to feel Him near. Tags: Israel, Where Jesus Walked The Church of the Holy Sepulcher vs. The Garden Tomb Filed under: Uncategorized — 6 Comments March 4, 2015 The Church of the Holy Sepulcher vs. The Garden Tomb A Historical and Scriptural Review By A. True Ott, PhD During a recent guided visit to Israel and the ancient city of , it was not hard to become personally immersed in the often heated controversy surrounding what is arguably the most important location in Christendom – the location of the of Christ and also the location of His crucifixion. In Jerusalem, two different sites compete for this designation, the original “Church of the Holy Sepulcher” location and the 19th Century site called simply the “Garden Tomb”. While numerous scholarly papers have been authored on this topic over the years, I feel it is incumbent to add my research and insights on this topic as well. Since the 4th Century AD, the official consensus of both mainstream archeologists and the world’s largest orthodox churches is that Jesus of Nazareth was crucified and subsequently entombed and resurrected at the location enshrined by Constantine I (called similarly to Herod the Great of Judea) and his mother Helena following a massive excavation concluded in the year 322 AD. Following “Empress“ Helena’s excavation efforts, her son Constantine and the Roman Church spared no expense in constructing a grand, massive cathedral at the site following her report and excavation findings. Our small group of visiting pilgrims were blessed to have archeologist Joel Kramer share his knowledge and insights as we visited many of the most significant biblical sites in Israel and neighboring Palestine while in his company for three days. Mr. Kramer, an ardent self-professed

Page 3 of 70 supporter of the Holy as the primary authoritative source, often finds himself at odds with his secular colleagues concerning modern archeology of known biblical sites. Kramer vocalized his unequivocal support of the long history of tradition associated with the Church of the Holy Sepulcher – even going so far as to declare that a visit to the Garden Tomb is little more than a complete “waste of time and resources”. While I have great respect for Mr. Kramer and his valuable scholarly insights, it would appear that he has not given this particular topic the deeper biblical research that this paper will attempt to provide. In Mr. Kramer’s defense, it is quite easy for the trained archeologist to superficially dismiss the claims of the Garden Tomb as being a mere modern contrivance of well-meaning but hopelessly naive 19th century Protestant romanticists. In this closed mindset, the actual history concerning the work of “Empress” Helena and the Roman Church of 300 AD on the excavation site is seldom, if ever, objectively analyzed from a scriptural vantage point much less a historical perspective, and that is unfortunate for the honest, searching Christian. What makes Christianity unique as opposed to the basic dogma of Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism is the provocative claim that Jesus Christ alone was/is God incarnate, and that he broke the bands of death by overcoming the grave through the power of His resurrection. Resurrection is the backbone of Christianity – therefore, the site of the death and Christ is a critically important place of high reverence to the true Christian believer. Though the wise Christian understands that giving reverence to an ancient site itself can all too often evolve into a very real form of idol worship, the proper location where the event happened can help bolster confidence in the “good news” of the Christian gospel to the heart of the searcher as the Holy Spirit testifies of the joy and peace inherent in the simple message: “He is Risen, Indeed”. In that context, I find it quite revealing that there are two competing locations for this most sacred site in Jerusalem. Just as there is the real and authentic Jesus Christ and His Saving Grace, there is also a competing, evil demonic counterfeit full of darkness and deception as well. Only ONE brings true, lasting, inner peace and spiritual salvation – the other entity breeds darkness, conflict, hate, jealousy, and ultimately spiritual bondage. False religions would have the naive individual believe that salvation and remission of sin comes only through a CHURCH structure and the supposed “authority” of the ruling priestly class of men operating within it. Christ taught exactly the opposite thing to the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well, as He declared to her this basic truth: “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-24). Christ never told the Samaritan woman that there would be a special cathedral established and built at Jerusalem where she must go to worship Him. I submit that understanding the core differences between the two resurrection sites presents a metaphoric microcosm of the larger conflict between the true Jesus Christ and false religions designed by the tempter of Christ to deceive and destroy. THE BASIC PROBLEMS WITH CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULCHER SITE The first problem with the claim of the site of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher (CHS) is simply the dearth of reliable, purely objective archeological evidence of its excavation by Empress Helena back in 322 AD. Just because a specific claim has been presumed to be true for 17 centuries does not necessarily guarantee that it IS true and factual. One must ascertain the basis for the tradition and thereby determine if its origins can be fully trusted and the level as to which it is objectively viable and reliable. In other words, there appears to be no modern-style, objective archeological log of exactly what Helena and her excavators actually uncovered in

Page 4 of 70 their “dig” in order to conclusively prove this was the actual tomb of Christ. Kramer cited as his primary (and apparently sole evidence), the “earliest” record confirming the authenticity of the CHS site the following extant quote from one Pamphili – a clearly biased and financially motivated early Roman Catholic bishop of neighboring Caesarea – (aka “Eusebius of Caesarea” ). In his blatantly slanted biography titled “Life of Constantine” we read the following concerning the tomb of Christ: “This sacred cave, then, certain impious and godless persons had thought to remove entirely from the eyes of men, supposing in their folly that thus they should be able effectually to obscure the truth. Accordingly they brought a quantity of earth from a distance with much labor, and covered the entire spot; then, having raised this to a moderate height, they paved it with stone, concealing the holy cave beneath this massive mound. Then, as though their purpose had been effectually accomplished, they prepare on this foundation a truly dreadful sepulchre of souls, by building a gloomy shrine of lifeless idols to the impure spirit whom they call Venus, and offering detestable oblations therein on profane and accursed altars. For they supposed that their object could not otherwise be fully attained, than by thus burying the sacred cave beneath these foul pollutions.” (Life of Constantine, Book III, Chapter XXVII). The hypocrisy of Eusebius should be fairly obvious. Who exactly were “they” who built the “gloomy shrine of lifeless idols” he so self-righteously castigates in his book? None other than , the Roman emperor and ancestor of Constantine and his mother Helena, of course! Constantine and Helena in turn supplied Eusebius with ample money, power, and influence. How then, can he be in any way objective in his reporting? Furthermore, as “Bishop” of the Roman Church located in Caesaria, Eusebius was undoubtedly operating out of the early Catholic monument to the equally pagan Sun-god Mithras’ cathedral located in Caesarea! Eusebius then writes: “…as soon as the original surface of the ground, beneath the covering of earth, appeared, immediately and contrary to all expectation, the venerable and hallowed monument of our Savior’s resurrection was discovered. Then indeed did this most holy cave present a faithful similitude of his return to life, in that, after lying buried in darkness, it again emerged to light, and afforded to all who came to witness the sight, a clear and visible proof of the wonders of which that spot had once been the scene, a testimony to the resurrection of the Savior clearer than any voice could give.” (Book III, Chapter XXVIII) Do you see the problem? What exactly is the “clear and visible proof” that this was in reality Christ’s tomb? We do not know, because such was omitted from the report! All we have to go on is the authoritative word of Bishop Eusebius, who is clearly not an objective witness. Do we have any non-Roman Catholic, objective source to back up this tale? Apparently not. All we really have here is the TRADITION of the Roman Catholic power called the Vatican over 17 centuries, which provides nothing original but more often than not, merely quotes “Eusebius”. Eusebius then describes in remarkable detail (detail clearly lacking concerning “clear and visible proof” concerning the tomb itself) the building of the great cathedral that overshadowed the pure simplicity of the excavated tomb: “First of all, then, he (Constantine) adorned the sacred cave itself, as the chief part of the whole work, and the hallowed monument at which the angel radiant with light had once declared to all that regeneration which was first manifested in the Savior’s person. This monument, therefore, first of all, as the chief part of the whole, the emperor’s zealous magnificence beautified with rare columns, profusely enriched with the most splendid decorations of every kind. The next object of his attention was a space of ground of great extent, and open to the pure air of heaven. This he adorned with a pavement of finely polished stone, and enclosed it on three sides with porticos of great length. For at the side opposite to the cave, which was the eastern side, the church itself was erected; a noble work rising to a vast height,

Page 5 of 70 and of great extent both in length and breadth. The interior of this structure was floored with marble slabs of various colors; while the external surface of the walls, which shone with polished stones exactly fitted together, exhibited a degree of splendor in no respect inferior to that of marble. With regard to the roof, it was covered on the outside with lead, as a protection against the rains of winter. But the inner part of the roof, which was finished with sculptured panel work, extended in a series of connected compartments, like a vast sea, over the whole church; and, being overlaid throughout with the purest gold, caused the entire building to glitter as it were with rays of light. Besides this were two porticos on each side, with upper and lower ranges of pillars, corresponding in length with the church itself; and these also had their roofs ornamented with gold. Of these porticos, those which were exterior to the church were supported by columns of great size, while those within these rested on piles of stone beautifully adorned on the surface. Three gates, placed exactly east, were intended to receive the multitudes who entered the church. Opposite these gates the crowning part of the whole was the hemisphere, which rose to the very summit of the church. This was encircled by twelve columns (according to the number of the apostles of our Savior), having their capitals embellished with silver bowls of great size, which the emperor himself presented as a splendid offering to his God. In the next place he enclosed the atrium which occupied the space leading to the entrances in front of the church. This comprehended, first the court, then the porticos on each side, and lastly the gates of the court. After these, in the midst of the open market-place, the general entrance-gates, which were of exquisite workmanship, afforded to passers-by on the outside a view of the interior which could not fail to inspire astonishment. This temple, then, the emperor erected as a conspicuous monument of the Savior’s resurrection, and embellished it throughout on an imperial scale of magnificence. He further enriched it with numberless offerings of inexpressible beauty and various materials,–gold, silver, and precious stones, the skillful and elaborate arrangement of which, in regard to their magnitude, number, and variety, we have not leisure at present to describe particularly.” (Book III, Chapters XXIV-XL) While inside the CHS, I watched with amazement as dozens of pious “Christians” bowed and knelt at the worn red-marble slab that the sign above it declared to be the exact slab where the body of Jesus was laid while anointed with spices prior to going into the tomb on the afternoon of the crucifixion. Many people actually kissed the slab with tear-filled eyes as if they were kissing Jesus Himself! I took pictures, and hours later determined that the dark-red marble slab of stone was in no way indigenous to Jerusalem or any of the surrounding marble quarries of Israel or Palestine. I found that particular red-marble stone is only quarried and cut in Italy or other places in Europe! It was clearly brought in and placed in the CHS by the builders over three centuries later as Eusebius described in so much detail. Therefore, it simply could not have been the slab where prepared the body of Christ, and therefore it is clearly a most artful deception. One has to ask, what else about the site is also deceptive?

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Woman adoring red-marble slab at Church of the Holy Sepulcher – Jerusalem ROMAN CATHOLICISM FOUNDED BY SIMON MAGUS – A FALSE CHRIST Another rationale prevalent among secular archeologists is the broad-based declaration that Roman temples to Venus and other pagan deities were built directly over earlier Israelite holy sites of veneration as a means of eradicating them from the psyche of the people. Oddly enough, this is the same reasoning proffered up by Eusebius for Emperor Hadrian’s covering up the supposed Holy Sepulcher in the 2nd Century. The question is: why would Hadrian focus on the Holy Sepulcher rather than the much more significant site of the nearby largely destroyed in 70 AD by Titus? Moreover, such a blanket statement is fallacious and illogical and is the equivalent of declaring that since people have died of snakebite then all snakes must be poisonous. There are numerous Roman pagan sites built in Judea that have no earlier Israelite significance. I would submit that the site of the Jerusalem temple likely had much more to do with one Simon Magus’ tomb than that of Jesus of Nazareth. Simon Magus was a powerful magician/sorcerer from the region of Samaria. Luke tells the basic history of Simon the Sorcerer in Acts Chapter 8: “But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one: To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God. And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries. But when they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women. Then Simon himself believed also: and when he was baptized, he continued with Philip, and wondered, beholding the miracles and signs which were done. Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter

Page 7 of 70 and John: Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost: (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.) Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost. And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money, Saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost. But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money. Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God. Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee. For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity. Then answered Simon, and said, Pray ye to the LORD for me, that none of these things which ye have spoken come upon me” (Acts 8:9-24). This is a very important truth to understand. Simon Magus called himself a Christian. He was baptized and confessed that he believed – but did so only to obtain greater worldly wealth and power. He didn’t want to buy the free gift of the Holy Ghost, only the power to give it. Many historical sources from Rome detail that following his harsh rebuke at the hands of St. Peter, Simon Magus later established a popular “christian” church in Rome by the year 45 AD and called himself Simon Petras (or Father-Pastor) and declared he had the heavenly “keys” bestowed to him. This false, demonic counterfeit “christian” church eventually grew into the modern-day “Vatican” and eventually was 100% fully embraced by Constantine in the 4th century. In the Dictionary of Christian Biography, Vol. 4, p. 682 we read: “When Justin Martyr wrote [152 A.D.] his Apology, the sect of the Simonians appears to have been formidable, for he speaks four times of their founder, Simon; and we need not doubt that he identified him with the Simon of the Acts. He states that he was a Samaritan, adding that his birthplace was a village called Gitta; he describes him as a formidable magician, and tells that he came to ROME in the days of Claudius Caesar (45 A.D.), and made such an impression by his magical powers, THAT HE WAS HONORED AS A GOD, a statue being erected to him on the Tiber, between the two bridges, bearing the inscription ‘Simoni deo Sancto’ (i.e., the holy god Simon)”

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Here is the Roman Statue of Simon Magus – the God – Circa 60 A D.

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Here is the Byzantine Mosaic Honoring Simon Magus as Founder of the Church. That fact is highly significant. To be “honored as a God” in Rome and to have a statue erected in such a prominent place literally had to have the approval of the Roman Senate, no small achievement for the magician from Samaria. His magic and sorcery included the art of divination and the invoking of infernal, demonic “familiar spirits”. But Simon’s most endearing trick to mesmerize the masses was his alchemical ability to spontaneously create fire to appear from no apparent source. Simon clearly blended the tenets of Christianity with the pagan traditions of Babylon, Rome and Greece to form his “universal” (i.e. Catholic) church. His partner in this endeavor was a known prostitute dressed in scarlet and purple named Helen who taught that she was the re-incarnated soul of Helen of Troy [Tea2 Note: Rev 17:3-6 re the woman who rides the beast “was arrayed in purple and scarlet color . . . MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS”]. Much like the Oracle at Delphi, the scarlet whore literally of Babylonian descent prophesied that she would incarnate again in the future in the body of a Roman empress with the same name at a critical time in world history (See Revelation Chapter 17.) According to Hippolytus, following his death in Rome, Simon’s many ardent followers procured a rather prestigious tomb somewhere in the vicinity of the Jerusalem temple, and there his bones were interred. This is the most likely explanation why a pagan Roman temple to Venus was erected by the order of Emperor Hadrian – it was likely erected directly over Simon’s Jerusalem tomb in order to preserve his memory on the initiative of his wealthy disciples, many of which were members of the Roman Senate. I highly doubt that such pagan construction was designed to cover up the sepulcher of Christ as the Roman Catholic apologist Eusebius would have Christians believe. THE CENTRAL TENET OF SIMON MAGUS’ SORCERY IS/WAS FIRE! There are numerous ancient historians that have chronicled the basic teachings of Magus’ ever- growing cult of disciples seeking earthly power and wealth. One such writer named Hippolytus documented that Simon Magus’ taught how FIRE is the key to all wisdom and spirituality. Hippolytus wrote: “Now Simon in his paraphrasing of the Law of Moses speaks with artful misunderstanding. For when Moses says “God is a fire burning and destroying,” taking in an incorrect sense what Moses said, he declares that Fire is the Universal Principle, not

Page 10 of 70 understanding what was said, viz., not that “God is fire,” but “a fire burning and destroying.” And thus he not only tears to pieces the Law of Moses, but also plunders from Heracleitus the obscure. And Simon states that the Universal Principle is Boundless Power, as follows: “This is the writing of the revelation of Voice and Name from Thought, the Great Power, the Boundless. Wherefore shall it be sealed, hidden, concealed, laid in the Dwelling of which the Universal Root is the foundation.” (I.e. the need for Temple secrecy and spiritual “endowment” within it? —— Ott) And he says that man here below, born of blood, is the Dwelling, and that the Boundless Power dwells in him, which he says is the Universal Root. And, according to Simon, the Boundless Power, Fire, is not a simple thing, as the majority who say that the four elements are simple have considered fire also to be simple, but that the Fire has a twofold nature; and of this twofold nature he calls the one side the concealed and the other the manifested, (stating) that the concealed (parts) of the Fire are hidden in the manifested, and the manifested produced by the concealed. ——To be brief, therefore, the Fire, according to Simon, being of such a nature—both all things that are visible and invisible, and in like manner, those that sound within and those that sound aloud, those which can be numbered and those which are numbered —in the Great Revelation he calls it the Perfect Intellectual, as (being) everything that can be thought of an infinite number of times, in an infinite number of ways, both as to speech, thought and action —- —-And that, as he says, the beginning of the generation of things which are generated is from Fire, he understands somewhat in this fashion. Of all things of which there is generation, the beginning of the desire for their generation is from Fire. For, indeed, the desire of mutable generation is called “being on fire.” And though Fire is one, yet has it two modes of mutation. For in the man, he says, the blood, being hot and yellow—like fire when it takes form—is turned into seed, whereas in the woman the same blood (is changed) into milk. And this change in the male becomes the faculty of generating, while that in the female (becomes) nourishment for the child. This, he says, is “the flaming sword that is turned about to keep the way of the tree of life.” For the blood is turned into seed and milk; and this Power becomes mother and father, father of those that are born, and mother of those that are nourished, standing in want of nothing, sufficient unto itself. And the tree of life, he says, is guarded by the fiery sword which is turned about, (which tree), as we have said, (is) the seventh Power which proceeds from itself, contains all (in itself), and is stored in the six Powers. For were the flaming sword not turned about, that fair tree would be destroyed and perish; but if it is turned into seed and milk, that which is stored in them in potentiality, having obtained a fitting utterance, and an appointed place in which the utterance may be developed, starting as it were from the smallest spark, it will increase to all perfection, and expand, and be an infinite power, unchangeable, equal and similar to the unchangeable Aeon, which is no more generated for the boundless eternity. Conformably, therefore, to this reasoning, for the foolish, Simon was a god! The similarities between Simon’s basic dogma and the pagan Canaanite worship of the fire-god Molech is inescapable. This is exactly why innocent children were “passed through the fire” in such places as Gezer and Hazor – meaning they were sacrificed to the “fire- God” Molech (aka Baal) by being burned alive [Tea2 Note: Said practice still takes place each yr at Bohemian Grove in N Cal where world leaders, namely: Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Walter Cronkite, et al meet to “execute” a sacrifice to said owl- god called “the cremation of care” as recorded in the video Dark Secrets

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Inside Bohemian Grove by Alex Jones and Mike Hansen part of TEA2 library]. The Irish archeologist McAlister uncovered undeniable physical evidence of this practice in his excavations, as Joel Kramer very poignantly shared with our group as we toured the ancient site known as Tel Gezer in Israel. Kramer explained this was the primal reason that Yahweh ordered the complete physical destruction of the Canaanite cults at the hand of Joshua and others – in short, the punishment had to fit the crime. Kramer explained that few sensible people would object to a modern court ordering capital punishment for the individual who consistently murdered innocent children by burning them alive in a ritual. So it was in the days of Joshua. CONSTANTINE AND HIS MOTHER HELENA WERE PAGAN FIRE WORSHIPPERS The Roman emperor Constantine, like all Roman emperors before him, had been a devotee of the Greek/Roman God Apollo before his supposed conversion to Christianity. The pagan world’s center, Delphi in Greece, was the historical seat of the fire-god Apollo and had been considered the omphalos (or navel) of the world by the ancient Greeks and Romans for many centuries. An “oracle,” or the equivalent of the Biblical “Witch of Endor” in 1 Samuel would be the “Voice of Apollo” and give paid consultations to potential Roman emperors while scantily clad in a scarlet robe. Constantine had been told by the Apollonian Oracle at Delphi that Christians were interfering with the oracle’s ability to foretell the future. Constantine interpreted this to signify that Christianity (the corrupted form taught and practiced by Simon Magus) had somehow replaced Delphi and its famed oracle, by “divine decree”. Constantine shortly thereafter had his ‘sacred vision’ wherein he saw the FLAMING CHRISTIAN CROSS (the central symbol of Simon’s dogma was not an actual cross but a stylized X which is the Greek Symbol for 600) as the “symbol under which he would conquer” and attain earthly wealth and power. After adopting the flaming X cross and decisively winning key battles under its banner, Constantine the Great under the direction of his mother Helena, (supposedly the reincarnated prostitute wife of Simon, remember) decided that his new-found religion would now become the official religion of the state, and that it should establish a new world center of operations. The religious center of the faith would be Jerusalem, (specifically the site of Hadrian’s Venus Temple) while Constantinople [Tea2 Note: The Second Book of Esdras (originally part of the Authorized 1611 King James Bible removed 60 yrs later by the Puritans) states prophetically in pertinent part, “there came up out of the sea an eagle, with twelve feather-covered wings and three heads.” Further reading describes actions taken over time by the three heads and the wings in a particular pattern which analysis shows the three heads are derived from the Roman title “Caesar” ─ Constantine I Caesar left the Pope a Dope aka Pontifus Maximus Caesar in Rome, Italy when he moved the capital from Rome to Constantinople aka Istanbul, Turkey and his descendant Constantine IX Caesar left Turkey for Russia and his title there was “Czar” a derivative of Caesar, and the other third head went to the country named in the Italian language “Germani” which in English means the “Genuine people / house of Judah / true Judahites / true Jews” aka Germany when in 1483 AD the Pope a Dope aka Pontifus Maximus Caesar in Rome, Italy declared Germanic King Charlemagne Emperor of the Holy

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(gag) Roman Empire where said “head” pattern evolved in 1890 AD into the modern Germanic title of “Kaiser” a derivative of Caesar through WWI up to Der Fuerher Adolph Hitler. Again, aforementioned is a snapshot of prophetic events over 1715 yrs covering the satanic inspired various wars to consolidate an ultimate power and authority into one man the “anti- Christ” and the “false prophet” the Pope a Dope re the NWO and the worship of the god of this world, namely, Lucifer, Satan, the damn Devil.], to which Constantine transferred all the wealth and power of Delphi, would replace Rome as the administrative center. Under Constantine’s order, Apollo’s historically most sacred statue from Delphi would grace Constantinople’s civic square. The rest is literally history, as the “Byzantine Empire” began from Simon Magus’s highly corrupt root of “Holy Fire” that elevates mere men into gods (the first lie of the serpent in the Garden and a basic precept of all false religions).

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Here is the Ancient Statue Honoring the Feminine Oracle of Delphi.

[Tea2 Note: Look closely at her forehead and see the Canaanite Molech symbol of the “X” style cross within the circle the same Jeremiah the prophet admonished the women from the house of Judah re their offerings “to the queen of heaven . . . did we make cakes to worship her” (Jeremiah 7:18; 44:19) and their descendants dispersed into foreign lands by the Lord God as promised to the children of Israel at Mt. Sinai re worship of false gods who continued the same idolatry under “hot crossed bread / buns” re her as Easter / Ishtar.]

HOLY FIRE FROM THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULCHER! Each and every year since the days of the Byzantine empire, a rather bizarre ritual called “Holy Fire” occurs at the CHS the Saturday evening preceding Easter Sunday. At the prescribed hour, an elderly Orthodox priest enters the tomb armed with 33 special “sacred” candles (symbolizing the years of Christ’s life) which he arranges around the red marble slab upon which they falsely teach that Christ’s body was laid. When the candles are in place, special chosen-one invitees are then admitted inside the crucifixion site to pray and wait to hopefully prove worthy enough to witness and observe the “miracle” of the candles spontaneously producing “holy fire” without being touched by visible human hands. The lighted candles then are taken outside the tomb to in turn light the many torches and candles wielded by thousands of pilgrims from around the world. This event quite often turns chaotic as frenzied worshippers push and jostle to be first in line to receive their sacred “holy fire”. From the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the holy fire flames are distributed to Orthodox churches around the globe. Somewhere in Hades, Simon Magus is likely

Page 14 of 70 smiling broadly, for this is one of his Chaldean magician tricks he used so successfully to dupe the Romans in 45 AD. ! In Babylon there is an abundance of a natural substance called white phosphorus that ignites spontaneously when exposed to air. When mixed with certain organic solvents, phosphorus applied to a candle wick (or an olive oil lamp) will spontaneously burst into flame after the solvent dries out – usually in about ten to twenty minutes. In the hands of a charlatan like Simon Magus and his prostitute Helen, such a trick would be immensely powerful amongst those who worship the “eternal flame” of Apollo in their temples. Little wonder that Simon was so fixated about his teaching that Fire is God – because he undoubtedly had the secrets of white phosphorus at his command. In the year 2005, a man named Michael Kalopoulos, an author and historian of religion, demonstrated this trick of Simon Magus live on Greek television – much to the agitation and chagrin of an attending Orthodox clergyman and church representatives in business suits that were also present at the taping. You don’t have to understand Greek to see how the “holy fire” hoax is perpetrated every year. You can see this on YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S66f87b05oM Upon entering today’s Church of the Holy Sepulcher, one cannot help but notice that the walls and furnishing such as the artwork in the tomb area are charred black from the cumulative soot and other effects of a millennia of “holy fire” episodes. The very air reeks of burned wood and cinders. This only adds to the darkness permeating the tomb area itself. When our group visited the site, we were startled to see a lone man sitting quietly in the cave darkness that could only be penetrated by our flashlights. The only word to adequately describe this is “creepy”, yet this is supposedly the place where the Lord Jesus Christ, the Creator of the world, was resurrected? THE SECRET ORDER OF SKULL AND BONES According to Eusebius and other 4th Century historians, Helena’s excavation of the “Holy Sepulcher” successfully found its target in the year 322 A.D. Since Constantine and Helena were seeking the ultimate source of the occult power of fire, could it be that their goal was to find the skull and large femoral bones of Simon Magus as directed by the Oracle of Delphi and the grimoires of Simon Magus? Considering the elite worldwide symbolism of the “Skull and Bones” as adopted in the “tomb” or “crypt” located at Yale University – I submit this is a distinct possibility.

This highly occult secret symbol has apparently been in use since the days of Babylonian magicians. Imagine my surprise at seeing this exact symbol prominently displayed in artwork on the eastern wall of the CHS in Jerusalem!

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Here is the Mural on East Wall of the CHS. Please note the Skull and Crossbones above right of man’s head and underlying the crucifixion cross of Christ with His shed blood anointing the forehead of the skull. And notice two other skulls with a serpent present also in this photo the same enlarged in the photo below. What is the hidden symbolism behind these paintings?

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Here is an example of the charred wood within the CHS, and notice the red marble altar stone.

THE NEW TESTAMENT IDENTIFIES THE PROPERTIES OF THE TOMB According to John, Matthew and Luke, the tomb of Joseph had these special characteristics: 1. It was near the place of crucifixion. (:42) 2. It was in a garden. (v. 41) 3. It was carved out of the solid bedrock of a cliff. (:60) 4. It was a rich man’s tomb. (v. 57) 5. The disciples could look into the tomb from outside. (:5). 6. There was standing room for a number of persons. (:1-4) 7. It was a new tomb and not an old tomb renewed. (John 19:41) 8. The tomb was closed by rolling a GREAT stone over the entrance. (Matthew 27:60) Again, the specific details of Helena’s 322 AD excavation are not available. According to our tour guide at the CHS, the excavated tomb at the CHS site was only one of many located in the original bedrock. While the tomb was apparently carved out of the solid bedrock, there was no evidence or even mention of it being sealed with a circular, rolled “great stone”, and the details of it being in an ancient garden appear to be totally lacking as well. Furthermore, it would not qualify as the tomb of a rich man who could afford to build his own family tomb on his own private section of land. Years ago I corresponded with a man named Jonathan Gray who was part of an archeological team investigating the area surrounding the Garden Tomb during the late 70’s. He wrote: “The biblical writings inform us that Jesus was crucified “outside the city” (John 19:17, 20; Hebrew 13:12) at a place called “the Skull” (Matthew 27:33; Mark 15:22; Luke 23:33; John 19:17) “Skull” translates to “” from the Latin, or “Golgotha” from the Aramaic. There is only one place around Jerusalem which has borne, and still bears, the specific name Skull Hill. It is just outside the North Wall, about 250 yards north-east of the Damascus Gate. A portion of this

Page 18 of 70 hill bears a striking resemblance to a human skull. It is also the traditional site of burials for Muslims, Jews and Christians. Here it was, according to local tradition, that criminals were stoned to death. In the Mishna this place is called Beth ha-Sekelah, literally, “House of Stoning”. Nearby is St. Stephen’s Church, built over an old basilica that was erected to commemorate the stoning of Stephen, the first Christian martyr here, in 34 AD. This was the recognized place of public execution for Jewish criminals. As late as the beginning of the 20th century, Jews would spit at the hill, throw stones and curse the “destroyer of their nation”. It is such a site that the Roman authorities would have selected for executions. Skull Hill is just a short distance outside the Damascus Gate, the only direct exit from the Castle of Antonine (the alleged place of Jesus’ illegal night trial). Recent archaeological opinion also holds that the Damascus Gate, which today marks the northern boundary of the Old City, likewise marks the northern boundary of Jerusalem in 30 AD, the time of Jesus’ crucifixion. All this tends to add weight to the feasibility of Skull Hill, outside the wall, advocated by Otto Thenius (1842), Colonel Couder (1875) and General Gordon (1883), being the actual site. One might note, in passing, that this rocky outcrop contains also what is known as a large complex of Jewish tombs dating from the First and Second Temple periods – and in particular, what is known as the “Garden Tomb”, in which many believe Jesus was buried. The quarried face is hundreds of feet long.

Here is the Archeology Map Showing Location of Jerusalem Wall in 38 AD. The Romans liked to crucify victims as an example, or a warning, to the populace. And to erect the crosses beside a crowded thoroughfare fulfilled this purpose well. Pertinently, this crucifixion site was found to be up against the Calvary escarpment close to the place of the Skull. It was north of the Damascus Gate, on a ledge facing toward one of the busiest public roads of that era, the old highway that led to Samaria. In 1867, in the same cliff face not far from where the crucifixion-site excavators would later work, a landowner was digging a cistern on his property, when he discovered a tomb cut into the cliff face. As with the crucifixion site, this tomb was beneath the current ground level, covered in the debris of many centuries.

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Several cisterns were also unearthed at this spot. These suggested that an olive grove could have existed here. One of the cisterns was very large — and it dated back to the first century or earlier. Lying some twelve feet below the pavement against the east wall, it could hold about 200,000 gallons of water, sufficient to keep a large plantation green throughout the eight dry months of the year. In 1924, a very fine wine press was excavated near the present main entrance to the garden. This indicated that there had been a vineyard nearby. Below is the earliest known photo of the area well before the tomb was discovered or any excavation had occurred – circa 1855 AD.

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Next is a photo of the excavated Garden Tomb taken in 1950 AD, and notice the angular “stopper stone” located just to right of the tomb entrance in the track of the circular “great sealing stone.”

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Of course the discovery of a tomb in this vicinity could hardly be described as sensational. Many tombs had been found in this large, ancient burial area of Jerusalem. But this tomb was of special interest. When a tomb is seen to be unusual and is seen to be adjacent to an ancient execution site, as well as in the setting of a garden, such a combination of factors is not to be taken lightly. In 1883, General Gordon, the notable British soldier, came to the area – and became convinced that the “skull face” was the true Golgotha. This prompted him to go looking for a tomb that was “near at hand”, as indicated in the Bible. And just a few hundred feet away was this tomb, today known as the Garden Tomb. Although first discovered in 1867, it was not excavated until 1891. At that time, Dr Conrad Schick prepared a report with diagrams, which was published in the Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly of April, 1892. This tomb quickly became the prime suspect for being the authentic Christ. However, strenuous opposition immediately arose from adherents of the traditional “Holy Sepulcher” tourist site inside the Old City, and incredible political intrigue and manipulation (including large bribes and payoffs) to the ruling British Consulate began. This only intensified after the Jewish State was established in 1948. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher had been built by the Roman emperor Constantine in 333 AD, on a site selected primarily by his mother, Helena with little or no record of its archeology provided. Many scholars have asserted that this

Page 22 of 70 site of the Holy Sepulcher church could have been outside the city wall in Jesus’ time, but it clearly is INSIDE the wall today. However, prevailing archaeological opinion (despite wails of opposition from the secular apologists) is that the wall is now just where it was in Jesus’ day. And also that the actual place of Jesus’ crucifixion was indeed the “Skull Hill” outside the city wall. Once excavation of the tomb was completed, characteristics were noted which did prove it to be dated to the first century of the Christian era, the time of Jesus. Dame Kathleen Kenyon, the famous British archaeologist, said in 1970, “It is a typical tomb of about the first century AD.” (Jonathan Gray, private files)! [Tea2 Note: my mother’s sister Edith Haas of Germanic true house of Judah a Roman Catholic married Douglas (Uncle Doug) Kenyon true house of Israel a non-catholic and the six offsprings of this relationship my cousins raised Roman Catholic at Detroit St. Gregory Parish and School attending grades 1-12 alive today are Protestant Methodist or other Protestant denomination.] Entering the tomb, one is immediately impressed with its size. Certainly, only a rich man could have afforded a tomb such as this. Inside the tomb, to the right, was a spot for the owner of the tomb to be laid – and close to that, another spot, possibly for his wife. To the left, a large room was cut out for mourners to stand. But this tomb was not used by the person or persons for whom it had been cut out. Inside the tomb, one section carved out of the rock to fit one man, had clearly been enlarged for somebody else —someone who was taller than the man for whom the tomb had been measured. This enlarged section indicated that not the owner, but some other person, was laid in this particular rich man’s tomb. The ancient biblical record states that Joseph, a member of the Sanhedrin, took the body of Jesus and “laid it in his own new tomb”, “wherein was never man yet laid.” (John 19:41) A most remarkable feature of Jesus’ entombment is that, although he was executed as a criminal and so under typical Roman law should not have received the dignity of normal burial, yet his body was rescued from ‘disgrace’ and laid in a grave of the highest rank! Yet this very event was prophesied concerning the Messiah, many centuries earlier: “He made his grave with the wicked but with the rich in his death. (Isaiah 53:9-11) The mathematical odds against such an event happening are enormous. THE MYSTERY OF THE “GREAT STONE” MISSING FROM THE TOMB Matthew records that Joseph, after placing the body in his own new tomb, “rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre, and departed.” (Matthew 27:60) This clue, that it was a GREAT stone, is yet another evidence that the owner of the tomb was a rich man. Immediately in front of the tomb is a stone trench, or trough. This was for the rolling of a stone to seal the doorway. At the left end is an incline. The stone was rolled onto the trough at this end. At the right hand end of the trough is a large stone block, positioned to prevent further movement of the seal-stone toward the right. Above that, on the right hand face of the tomb itself, a ridge was cut in the rock, which would block the stone from rolling further in that direction. In the face of the tomb were two evidences which showed that a very, very large seal-stone was once used to seal this tomb. In the right side of the tomb face, team member Dr Nathan Meyer had on an earlier visit pointed out a hole which was pierced into the cliff face. The hole held the oxidized remains of an iron shaft. This has since been removed, but the hole remains. On the left hand side of the tomb face, another hole had been pierced into the rock for the insertion of a metal shaft, to prevent the seal-stone from being rolled to the left and the tomb being opened.

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But someone else was also interested in this tomb. The Jewish chief priests and Pharisees went to Pilate, the Roman governor, saying: “Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rise again. Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead, so the last error shall be worse than the first.” Pilate said unto them, Ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as ye can. So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch. (vv.62-66) Now let me share with you something intriguing. We photographed and video-taped the spot where the Romans drove the iron shaft into the stone face of the tomb at the left edge of where the thirteen foot seal-stone would have been. They had done this in an attempt to prevent the stone from being rolled to the side and the tomb being opened. The record states that the stone was “sealed”. (Matthew 27:60,66) The metal shaft on the left which held the stone in place was about two fingers in thickness. It would be impossible to bend this shaft, much less snap it off, simply by pushing the seal-stone against it. To move the great stone even one inch, the shaft must first be taken out. However, when we examined the hole that held the metal shaft, we found that the shaft was still in there! What was left of it, that is. It was sheared off, level with the wall. The appearance of the metal was consistent with its having been sheared off when struck with a tremendous force from the right-hand side. According to an engineer, the shear strength of this peg was approximately 60 to 80 tons. To put it another way, a metal peg of such thickness would withstand 60 to 80 tons’ pressure before it actually snapped off. Imagine, if you can, ten tip trucks all compressed together – or all the materials for two brick houses squeezed together – and suddenly dropped onto the iron peg. That is the pressure involved. However, being soft and malleable, the peg might have taken more than 60 to 80 tons’ pressure, bending first before it sheared right off. The engineer confirmed my conclusion. “I could see that the end had been torn slightly sideways – perhaps a quarter inch – to the left, even though it was now rusted some,” he said. “It was an incredible sight, to witness what had happened. Accomplished by moving the stone in one simple move.” He calculated that the stone itself weighed around 13.8 tons. It would be impossible, humanly speaking, to snap off that metal shaft from a dead stop. There was no leverage. The seal-stone has gone. Someone pushed the stone aside without taking out the metal peg… Who could have possibly done this? The disciple Matthew informs us that the power involved was non-human: … the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow: And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men. (:2-4) The evidence shows that the stone was moved with great speed, by some colossal force WITHOUT TAKING OUT THE METAL ROD.! Could that sheared off metal shaft still visible in the wall be evidence of a supernatural opening of the tomb? Is this a physical witness to the miraculous resurrection of Jesus?

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Here is the Sheared Iron/Lead Rod Imbedded in the Rock. Then… advance forward to 2004 AD. The metal of the shaft in the wall was at last being tested by the Israeli Antiquities Authority (IAA). Eventually further information was released. IAA archaeologist Yehiel Zelinger wrote a short article stating that the metal object found in the wall of the Garden Tomb was consistent with metal pins used in Roman construction. He stated that samples taken from the metal object were tested at Hebrew University and shown to contain both iron and lead. You see, it was common in ancient times to set metal pins in molten lead. This would make them easier to drive into solid objects. While these tests do not determine the date of the metal object, they do show a consistency with metal pins used to construct the Coliseum in Rome and with those found in other Roman period sites. Bottom line… the findings are consistent with my conclusion that this metal pin was used by the Romans to seal the Garden Tomb. The metal pin is NOT shrapnel from an exploded shell, nor a stray bullet. It IS of ancient origin. Could this, then, be direct archaeological evidence of the supernatural shearing off of the peg to wall level as the seal stone was superhumanly rolled at high speed against it? Is this archaeological evidence of the resurrection event? More importantly, why is it that this evidence is clearly being suppressed by the “principalities and powers” currently controlling the “Holy Land” and the story is effectively silenced? So, we have the evidence of the metal peg sealing the “great stone” into place. What then happened to the “great stone”? Independent researcher Simon Brown may well have found the answer to this question back in 2011 AD. His website http:// http://www.realdiscoveries.org/modules/articles/item.php?itemid=264 gives the details of his remarkable quest to verify that the great circular stone found at the monument to Moses at the top of Mount Nebo 25 miles away from the Garden Tomb is indeed the stone that originally sealed the Garden Tomb and was physically “rolled away” by the Angel of the Lord. I completely concur with Brown’s assertion that the early Byzantines removed the great sealing stone from the Garden Tomb and moved it to the top of Mt. Nebo in an attempt to honor Moses and to bring greater numbers of pilgrims to the Nebo site. Why? First of all, there was a Byzantine cross painted in red on the wall of the Garden Tomb proving that the tomb was earmarked by them as a special site. But wait, their EMPRESS HELENA had already declared where the tomb was. How could they hope to keep breathing if they challenged the official declaration? So the sealing stone which was touched by an angel was carried to another “sacred site” on neighboring Mount Nebo, and the “garden tomb” was buried and forgotten until being accidentally rediscovered in the 19th century! The reality is, this massive stone is legitimate and

Page 25 of 70 it had to originate somewhere. What other purpose could it possibly have standing nakedly for centuries at the top of Mount Nebo?

Here is the “Great” Tomb Sealing Stone at the Top of Mt. Nebo. [Tea2 Note: Moses allowed to look at the “Promised Land” from the top of Mt. Nebo, but not allowed to enter it due to his disobedience in striking “the Rock” (which became the basis for the extra-biblical RCC repeated daily sacrifice of the Mass aka “his true body and true blood” in the communion wafer with the Canaanite cross on it and said alleged process is called “Transubstantiation”) when told by the Lord God “speak to the Rock” and after his said look he left this earthly plane of existence only to return with Elijah on the mount of “Transfiguration” to give Lord Jesus a pep talk re being “the Lamb of God to take away the sins of the world” at this precise “360” time prophetic event.] Simon Brown gives the following summation on his website as to why this is the actual “great stone” that sealed the Garden Tomb. 1. The stone is in one circular piece as stated in the bible. The Angel rolled the stone away. 2. The stone is the perfect thickness to fit in the garden tomb’s frontal trough. 3. The stone is the perfect diameter. 4. The stone is the carved from the same rock as the garden tomb. 5. The stone has the same surface texture as the garden tomb stone. 6. The stone has Page 26 of 70 matching chiseling marks as found at the garden tomb. 7. The stone is the same color as the garden tomb rock. 8. The stone fits the Garden Tomb like a glove. 9. The Garden Tomb originally had a Byzantine Church on its location – the location of the great stone is also at a Byzantine-era church. 10. The stone was found at a Byzantine Monastery. 11. There is no great stone in the world like it. 12. This great stone only fits one tomb in the world. The Garden Tomb. 13. :4 states it is a very great stone. “And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away: for it was very great.” 14. The Greek language states the stone was VEHEMENT TREMENDOUSLY! 15. The Byzantines moved it from the garden tomb to mount Nebo because they knew its importance. 16. The Byzantines knew that if they could lay claim to the famous stone made by Joseph of Arimathaea, that covered the body of Jesus and was sat on by an angel, it would be assured of a steady stream of visitors to their Monastery at Mount Nebo. 17. The Byzantines also believed that many people believed that any holy relic was invested with heavenly powers! 18. There is also a prophesy found in John 3:14 made by Jesus which connects mount Nebo where the stone remains to the place were Jesus was resurrected from. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 19. We know large trollies were made to carry large stones around the holy land during the Byzantine era, and they were pulled by up to 40 oxen. 20. There is no recorded history as to who made the Rolling Stone; how it got to where it is, or why it was made. Now for the first time, we can fill in the missing history of the Rolling Stone. [TEA2 Note: “British / Covenant-man” descendants as human satanic minions authored “Rolling Stone Magazine” and to date still perform as “The Rolling Stones” musical rock group.]

Read more: http://www.realdiscoveries.org/modules/articles/item.php? itemid=264#ixzz3TEefoYPw! The final question must be asked in conclusion: Why is this important – does it really matter which tomb is legitimate and which is bogus for they are both empty and do they not both testify as to the biblical account? When Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well, as found in John 4:23, He gave us the answer to this question as well. “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him”. True worship of Jesus the Christ must be done in Spirit, and just as importantly, it must be done in Truth. It never honors the Savior of the World to promote a lie and a hoax in His name – in fact, I submit it dishonors Him -especially when it comes to the evidence of His greatest gift to humanity – His victory over Death and Hell. During my recent visit to the Garden Tomb site, I reveled in the sweet, peaceful spirit that emanated there. Our little group of pilgrims took the time to sit and take communion there following a short devotional service. Our tour guide bore his sweet witness of the Risen Lord,

Page 27 of 70 and all were moved to tears. As we exited the property, I complimented the staff members on their fresh and clean lavatory facilities (they were the cleanest and most modern in all of Jerusalem) and the fact that they never charged an entrance fee to the site. My comment to them was simply: “If this isn’t the actual tomb, it surely should be!” Conversely, the minute I entered the Church of the Holy Sepulcher site, the darkness and foul air of the tomb area screamed “UNCLEAN” so strongly that I felt quite ill and nauseated to the point I had to find a place to sit down. Was this the Holy Spirit witnessing to me, and prompting me to write this expose? I would have to answer in the affirmative. I leave it to the reader to draw their own conclusions. Just remember that there is only one true God and only one Savior – and thus there can only be one genuine tomb and one genuine resurrection site. ! For more information on Simon Magus and the truth about the origins of Catholicism – go to: http://www.reformation.org/simon_peter_versus_simon_magus.html http://gnosis.org/library/grs-mead/grsm_simon_magus.htm Tags: Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Empress Helena, empty tomb of Christ, Eusebius Pamphili, Garden Tomb, Holy Fire, Lord Jesus Christ, Roman Catholic, Simon Magus, Simon Petras My Israel/Palestine/Jordan Pilgrimage is Concluded Filed under: Uncategorized — 4 Comments March 2, 2015 Wow – that jet lag stuff is real – especially when you get older! 19 hours in various jet airliners combined with a 9 hour time difference twice in two weeks can really mess with a person’s bio- rhythms and sleep cycles. But I’m back in the saddle again with my rope and trusty .32 special Winchester ready to go bear hunting once again. The primary thing this trip proved beyond any and all doubt is that the Holy Bible is based on real people and real places, unlike the fictional Book of Mormon myths and fanciful tales I grew up naively believing were the same as the Bible stories, only on a different continent. Where the Bible says there were battles and destruction, archeology has proven this to be historically accurate. Arrowheads, swords and armor are uncovered in mass quantities, along with thousands of human skulls and other evidences. At ancient ruins like the city of Samaria and Bet-Shean – the coins and pottery coming out of the different soil levels prove the Bible accounts to be completely accurate and valid. In the Canaanite strongholds of Gezer and Hazor, sacrificial altars to the fire-god Molech have been unearthed – complete with Molech’s ancient symbol. Here is a photo of Molech’s “Star” symbol carved into a basalt sacrificial altar unearthed at Hazor:

Here is a close-up shot of the Canaanite Molech symbol:

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Does this look familiar at all? Probably not unless you are a Roman Catholic especially a former Roman Catholic with eyes that are not veiled. I could show dozens of examples, but just one is likely sufficient. Notice the same symbol displayed front and center on the Vatican’s altars!

I only show this to introduce the topic matter concerning the primary reason I feel I was inspired to visit and tour Israel and Palestine, and that is to investigate and report on the two sites claiming to be the Lord Jesus Christ’s empty tomb. Here is my report on the subject in PDF format: Church of Holy Sepulcher Tags: Archeological Cover-ups, Byzantine, Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Constantine, Empress Helena, Garden Tomb, Gezer, Hazor, Helena, Holy Bible, Holy Fire

Life Lessons – Marley and Me, (and Mormonism) Filed under: Uncategorized — 3 Comments February 2, 2015 Life Lessons – ultimately, it’s all about the heart. Those who subscribe to this blog who happen to be “animal lovers” may find this a bit hard to believe, but it is true nevertheless. There are millions of people in our society who never cried even a little when they watched Old Yeller die. There are people out there who never shed a tear

Page 29 of 70 as the amber liquid was slowly pumped into into the veins of author John Grogan’s yellow labrador named Marley and he closed his eyes forever in the arms of his “master”. It’s tragic, but still true. I submit there are too many people who look at animals as mere commodities, or even as nuisances, and do so with hearts of pure stone. More often than not, this is the mindset that permeates the cold corporate board rooms of America these days, and too often permeates the mentality of many in our nation’s ranks of law enforcement as well. The mantra: show no emotion. Be efficient. Do your job and do it well. If you enter private property and encounter a pet such as Grogan’s “Marley” who wishes to protect their master’s home and property a bit aggressively – just pull your gun and take care of the problem. Do it without emotion, and do it just because YOU CAN. It seems this tragedy is playing out across America; for roughly every hour and a half some family dog is killed by law enforcement personnel. See http://www.wnd.com/2014/07/police-take-horrific-action-every-98-minutes/ The Life Lesson is this: such coldness towards animals, especially pets, is a symptom of a much bigger disease plaguing America and the world: Love is Waxing Cold. I don’t mind telling you my friends – I cried when Old Yeller died. I shed even more hot tears when Marley said goodbye, because you see, like John Grogan shared so poignantly in his bestselling book and movie – I too have loved and lost some very special, loyal canine companions similar in so many ways to “Marley” over the last three decades. So have tens of thousands of others. Enter, the Life Lesson. Why is it, dear Reader, that the more incorrigible and “bad” the dog is in his behavior, the more lovable he/she eventually becomes to its master? Old Yeller was highly skilled above all other dogs at sucking eggs and stealing meat from the smokehouse – yet he was loved all the more because of it. Grogan’s Marley was not only highly skilled at being a “problem” in every imaginable “dog” way – but his habitual behavior was so “bad” he was kicked out of obedience school. Yet, in spite of this, Marley was loved by his family in a powerful, and rare way. Here is the reality: Marley was simply being a dog in every possible way – both good as well as bad. Perhaps a part of it was because he was the runt of the litter, and not deemed as valuable from the outset. Grogan often called Marley the “World’s Worst Dog”. Yet, Marley was also in many ways, the very best. Here’s how Grogan described it: “Dogs are great. Bad dogs, if you can really call them that, are perhaps the greatest of them all.” I submit it is all a matter of EMOTION. A “bad” dog often evokes the emotion of heated anger and frustration from their master. However, they are just following their nature and “being a dog”. Emotion is the key – in actuality, as far as brain wave measurement is concerned, there is very little difference between the emotion of anger and the emotion of tender heartfelt love in the human brain. The two brainwaves are very closely related as a matter of fact. The point is, Marley and Old Yeller excelled as dogs go, exactly because they brought their best qualities to the relationship in equal measure with their natural tendencies, i.e. their “problems”. This endeared them with a unique heart bond with their human partners. This, then, is the great life lesson – learning about unconditional, pure love. Grogan wrote these words: “A dog has no use for fancy cars, big homes, or designer clothes. A water logged stick will do just fine. A dog doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he’ll give you his. How many people can you say that about? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special? How many people can make you feel extraordinary?”

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He also wrote: “Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day. It is amazing how much love and laughter they bring into our lives and even how much closer we become with each other because of them. —- owning a dog always ended with this sadness because dogs just don’t live as long as people do.” The reality is, life on this planet is designed by a loving Creator to be a finite commodity, and it is to be treasured as the ultimate gift. Death comes to all – but it comes quicker to our pets. By design, we all have to learn to say goodbye to loved ones, and tears will flow and hearts will grieve. Yes, saying goodbye to beloved pets is often just as hard as saying goodbye to human friends and loved ones. The ultimate LIFE LESSON to me is the archetype metaphor I have learned from my dogs over the last thirty or so years. I have learned that our time on earth is a time prescribed to bind and forge a personal relationship of trust, loyalty and love with our Creator, aka our MASTER, in much the same way in which a wise and understanding dog owner does with a beloved pet. The Master understands His creation, and our fallen tendencies are to simply be human – and the amazing thing is: He loves us anyway. The Master will take us exactly as we are with all of our faults and imperfections – even if we are the runt of the litter. We don’t have to earn His Love and His Grace by “good behavior” for indeed, he is “all in” for us in our behalf – He has bought each of us with the highest possible purchase price. All we have to do is completely give Him our hearts with absolute trust and loyalty, and He’ll give us His in return. It’s a simple formula really. He knows there will be times in our relationship that we will pee on the carpet, defecate on the beach and get a ticket, chew up the furniture, and generally smash things up – for that is our fallen carnal nature. He loves us anyway, and does so powerfully and unconditionally. He won’t ever give up on us, and look for a “new home” for us to live in. The problem is, we are the ones running away from Him. Too often we blind sheep [TEA2 Note: “lost sheep of the house of Israel” as descendants of Shem are “Shemetic”] are totally ignorant about our loving and caring Master and His unconditional love for us. To me, as a Christian, that is the message I have learned from my dogs – a message totally missing in false religions such as Mormonism that my family and I abandoned a dozen years ago. I have learned that once a real and living relationship is forged with the Master – that all good human qualities are magnified, and we in turn no longer have the innate desire to engage in “problem behavior”. In the process, we glorify Him and we truly become one in heart and mind. “In a dog’s life, some plaster would fall, some cushions would open, some rugs would shred. Like any relationship, this one had its costs. They were costs we came to accept and balance against the joy and amusement and protection and companionship he gave us.” At the end, this is what transpired between Marley and his “master”: “Then I dropped my forehead against his and sat there for a long time, as if I could telegraph a message through our two skulls, from my brain to his. I wanted to make him understand some things. You know all that stuff we’ve always said about you?” I whispered. “What a total pain you are? Don’t believe it. Don’t believe it for a minute, Marley.” He needed to know that, and something more, too. There was something I had never told him, that no one ever had. I wanted him to hear it before he went. Marley,” I said. “You are a great dog.” ― John Grogan, Marley and Me: Life and Love With the World’s Worst Dog

Forbidden Knowledge – The Secrets of the Grand Canyon

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Filed under: Uncategorized — 3 Comments January 30, 2015 Remember the ending of the movie “Raiders of the Lost Ark”? You know – where the Ark of the Covenant is crated up for the SAFETY of human idiots (i.e. the public who tend to be Nazis) and then stored in a basement warehouse: i.e. the endless shelves of the Smithsonian Institution? The reality is, this is not so far-fetched at all. Tonight on my radio show, I will be discussing the topic of Egyptians in the Grand Canyon. Thanks to a contact in D.C. who sent me the needed smoking gun photos and the evidence – this “Story Behind the Story” can now be told with full credibility. The following PDF paper is the first installment (Part I) of this incredible “Truth is Stranger than Fiction” tale.

Tags: Egyptian City in Grand Canyon, Forbidden Archeology, Forbidden Knowledge, Underground Tunnels Music Therapy Level III – the Entrainment of Gamma – 27 Hertz. Filed under: Uncategorized — 4 Comments January 16, 2015 In connection with the harmonics inherent in 432 hz. tuning – here is more added information – just click on the link to download the PDF copy of my paper: Music Therapy Level 3 ENJOY! Tags: 432 hz. tuning, Gamma Brain Waves, Inspirational Music Ever heard of something called a “palindrome”? A palindrome is simply defined as something that reads the same backwards as well as forward. But what happens when the entire meaning of the word or phrase is changed when read backwards? That is a rare event indeed, so rare that there is no word to describe it in the English language.

TRUTH REVEALED - 528 is the Frequency of SATURN/SATAN -- NOT OF CHRISTIAN "LOVE" Why Christians and “Worship” Teams Should Tune all Instruments to 432 hz and Abandon 440 hz.

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May 10, 2002

Mr. Robert Bertrand 6951 Miami Lakeway S Hialeah FL 33014-2925

Dear Bob:

Enclosed, please find documents I prepared for your review. As we discussed on the phone, I believe there is a “Gestalt”/the big picture that each one of us needs to keep in mind, if we are going to be effective in our day to day presentation of useful information to people. That presentation includes exposing the lies, deception, and mis/disinformation, in the search for the truth. Obviously, Bob, this is your strength as evidenced by your phenomenal results in mobilizing the people to do the right on the issue of judicial accountability.

Similarly, I agree with Mike Brown’s emphasis on telling the “truth,” especially if we claim to be someone’s friend ─ right? My position is that I want to know the truth. Then, I do not waste time and energy “defending” a position that I have an emotional attachment due to a preconceived notion. The criteria that I use, in determining the truth of a matter is, can the item in question be documented? “Let us reason together, saith the Lord.” (Isaiah 1:18)

Just as Mike Brown has a demonstrated expertise in dealing with the judicial system, I know something about religion and its relationship to economics and government/NWO. [Again, I am always interested in learning the way to proceed “unrepresented.” So, if possible, please send me any Mike Brown related items. I am appreciative.]

That is the reason, Bob I focused on your bull’s eye on target response to the RCC Lawyer Guild Director, with your stated concerns being the well- placed arrow. If, you want an ultimate arrow, then let me begin by telling you about my thinking which prompted my statements to you on the RCC and its Pope, and his homosexual pedophile clergy. Which is the red/cardinal flag tip-off as to the evil nature of the satanic human minions that compose this organization, and their direct connection to your issue of judicial accountability/”Don’t vote for lawyers.” (See Enclosure titled: “The

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Crown Temple Secret Society of the Third Way Order by Rule of Mystery Babylon”)

Coincidently, this informative 12 page document is put out by Take Back America Foundation/tbafoundation.com. I will not attempt to improve upon its content. However, I will supplement the theme of that document with a mechanism utilizing a user participatory analytical examination of the incontrovertible facts to determine the veracity of the extra-biblical claims/dogmas made by the RCC and its pope.

Which claims/dogmas were the tools used to control the mind of the people; in particular, the crucial areas of your life, Bob, my life, and the lives of those we love. Which claims/dogmas you cannot believe/support and remain a member in good standing with the RCC, while making the simultaneous claim that you are following the commands of Jesus the Christ. For Jesus the Christ said, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other” (Matthew 6:24).

Consequently, you have been fighting the pope’s agents, i.e., esquires that have harmed you, and rightly so; while paying homage/Peter’s pence to the pope. One might describe it as paying for the rope that is used to hang you. In fact, according to the federal government United States Fact Manual, the main industry of the Vatican is described as world-wide banking activities, with the chief banker being the pope.

You say, “No way, Terry! Say it ain’t so.” I say, “Bob are you now ready to engage in the mechanism I described above?”

In doing so, we will use the mechanism in a format called “a challenge.” Just as Mike Brown will use a “motion” to challenge the attorney/judge, I will use the written question to challenge your current thinking on a matter. Then, I will give documentation in a continuing process of connecting the “dots of detail” for the purpose of better understanding the Gestalt/big picture.

However, Mike Brown views the attorney/judge as the enemy; I do not view you as the enemy. This is simply a mechanism to explore the basis for one’s belief in relation to a position on something. In the final analysis, Bob, after your personal participation with the mechanism, you will be better able

Page 34 of 70 to make a fully informed decision. Knowing you, Bob, it is entirely possible that you will have additional zinger arrows in your quiver of quips when you complete my series of “challenges.”

Warning! Before attempting to answer any question, you will need to have the Bible handy, and carefully read the designated passage prior to responding. This will insure your readiness, and eliminate any potential charges of unfairness, namely: “Ignorance is no excuse in a court of law.” Currently, there are more than 69 million laws on the books in this country, so it appears we could use some extra help in eliminating ignorance. In providing this extra help, I do not apologize in advance for the tedious nature of this task. Again, like Mike Brown this is analogous to his “index” procedure. Ready? Let’s do it.

Bob, for your answers to the questions posed in this challenge series to be recognized as accurate determinants of the truth, you must please show me, using contextually based scriptures, (see 2 Timothy 15-16 where, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness”) where I am wrong in my understanding of the commands of Jesus the Christ. I recall that in Hosea 4:6 the Lord said, “My people are destroyed for they lack knowledge: because you hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee.” Then, in John 8:31-32 Jesus said, “If ye continue in my “word,” then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Finally, Lord Jesus warned, “Take heed that no “man” deceive you.” Since I am a man, Bob, I recommend that you check what I present to you in the light of the scriptures.

And awhile ago, a friend suggested to me that instead of talking about God that I should first consider carefully what God has said about and to us. He recommended that I should read the Bible cover to cover, but be sure to start at the beginning, with the first verse of the first book, called the Book of Genesis, which I did. In addition, I reviewed the 600 pages of the New Catechism put out by the RCC and its Magisterium, and the Catholic Encyclopedia. Then, to verify certain items for myself, I reviewed some recent pictures taken by two RCC friends who had taken a trip to Rome, Italy and the Vatican.

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The culmination of this research was the “scales falling off my eyes” at a meeting to discuss the Eucharist, where I felt an incomparable urge by the Spirit of God of Jesus Christ in me (see John 14:20 where Jesus said, “I am in my father, and ye in me, and I in you.” John 17:20-23 where Jesus said, “they also may be one in us . . . I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one.” Romans 8:9-11 & 2 Corinthians 13:5 “the Spirit of God in you . . . if Christ be in you”) to take a stand for the name of my Lord Jesus the Christ, and what I now know to be the truth, since reading His word in the Bible. In John 5:39 Lord Jesus said, “Search the scriptures.” In Acts 17:10-12 the Bereans, “searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. Therefore, many of them believed.” And Acts 18:28 “For he mightily convinced the Jews, publicly, showing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ.”

At this point, I would like to define the following words for your edification because they will provide the basis for a continuing link to my no compromise stand for the Word of God through my kinsman redeemer Lord and Saviour, Jesus the Christ:

Apostle = From the Greek word “apostolos” meaning “a sent one/messenger”; #652 in the Strong’s Concordance. ass = Exodus 13:13 “every firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb; and if you will not redeem it, then thou shalt break his neck: and all the first born of man among thy children shalt thou redeem.” Jeremiah 2:24 “A wild ass used to the wilderness,” i.e., the children of Israel. Hosea 8:9 “they are gone up to Assyria, a wild ass alone by himself,” i.e., the children of Israel.

These scriptures indicate what the Lord has said to and about his chosen people the children of Israel. That He has equated them to “wild ass” men. Using the symbol of the lamb for redeeming the ass, the Lord set up a type of what He would later perform by redeeming the children of Israel, and an offer of redemption to other peoples through his sacrifice on the cross. The end result of not being redeemed is death, as illustrated by breaking the neck of the ass not redeemed. believe = From the Greek word “pisteuo” meaning to “trust in a person or thing”; #4100 in the Strong’s Concordance.

Page 36 of 70 church = An English word taken from the Greek word “ekklesia” meaning “a called out one(s)”#1577 in the Strong’s Concordance. The apostle Paul described to the “called out ones”/church of God at Corinth in 1 Corinthians 1:2, 24, 26, and 11:12-31, that they, “with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours.” In Matthew 18:20 Lord Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Thus, Bob, I, Terry Cupples, am a church due to my being a called one and one who calls upon the name of Jesus Christ my Lord in fellowship with other like-minded believers. catholic = A Greek word meaning “concerning the whole” or universal. The oldest document containing the term is a letter written by Ignatius in 110 A.D. to the Smyrneans. He wrote, “Wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the catholic church.” Thus, Bob, I, Terry Cupples, am a catholic church. disciple = From the Greek word mathetes #3101 meaning “a learner, i.e., pupil as in John 8:31 “If you continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed.” Thus, Bob, I, Terry Cupples, am a disciple of Lord Jesus.

Education = New World Order terminology designed to undermine Biblical truths so as to indoctrinate youth/people with a mind set of no moral absolutes, and that Biblical truths are not applicable in this “new age,” namely: Community Education, Death Education, Drug Education, Religious Education, Sex Education etc.

So why Bob does the RCC call it “Religious Education?” Why does the RCC state, “If we can teach a child starting at seven years old the rubrics of a Catholic Education, that child as an adult will remain loyal to holy mother church?” Why doesn’t the RCC teach a child/adult to remain loyal to Lord Jesus the Christ?

And why Bob are subjects like arithmetic, reading, spelling, writing etc. not called “Education,” namely: Spelling Education? If, you discern this subtle code word change, then the statistical evidence and headline horror stories that you may be aware of, namely, the Colorado Columbine High School killings and other killings at schools following Death Education classes; increased student drug usage after exposure to Drug Education programs like D.A.R.E.; increased sexual activity by students elementary through

Page 37 of 70 high school age after introduction of Sex Education classes; Mother Earth (Gaia) worship, namely, “Earth Day” activities practiced by students in RCC parochial, private, and public schools where students learn to worship the creation, namely, trees, rocks, etc. instead of the “Creator.”

Similarly, the re-release of the “Star Wars Trilogy” was headlined in the U.S.A. Today newspaper on 3-96 as “Star Wars ─ the New Religion for the Twenty-first Century.” Thus, another generation would be mass programmed along with adults to go along to get along with the Antichrist as described in Daniel 11:38 that, “in his estate shall he honor the God of forces,” namely, “Let the Force be with you” as opposed to “Let the Lord be with you.” Thus, they are acknowledging the creation/the Force, instead of the Creator/Jesus the Christ (see Ephesians 3:9, “God, who created all things by Jesus Christ”; and John 1:3 “All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.”) Consequently, we have a crisis in our society which can be directly attributed to this “new education.”

In fact, I was the administrator that spoke at a meeting for “PARENTS AND CONCERNED CITIZENS AGAINST OUTCOMES BASED EDUCATION” in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan for parents of the Archdioceses of Pontiac and Metro Detroit, other parochial schools, and private schools in the area. I showed the parents that the only difference between the written NCA Accreditation outcomes for the public (fool)/school systems, and the written MAPS Accreditation outcomes for parochial/private schools, were the two acronyms “NCA’ and “MAPS.” The two documents were otherwise identical. That said, the parents in attendance were outraged at this deception by the Dept. of Education. The parents, up until I showed them, did not realize that they were paying extra money to indoctrinate their children in NWO Global Citizenry, because they were under the illusion that the parochial/private schools were different than the public school systems. Likewise, I was the same administrator who had a documented record of improving public school students’ success with standardized tests like MEAP and the HSPT from the poorest and worst performing districts (my high school recorded the highest Math scores in the State of Michigan on the HSPT with none of the Math teachers having been a math major in college). I confessed that I used the Bible as a textbook in that K-12 Public School System. That said, most people do not realize that legally the Bible can be used as a text in any school ─ public or private. In fact, the Northwest Ordinance mandates that the duty of the public schools is to

Page 38 of 70 teach Christian principles. The Northwest Ordinance has never been repealed, so is still in effect. Finally, I said that by using the Bible, the improved results by the students speak for themselves.

Next, I showed in contrast, that starting in 1964 with the advent of “Education” programs and the ruling by the United States Supreme Court to remove “prayer” from the public school system, that nationwide the student scores on the SAT went down. The exception being in 1987 when the previous year the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that “silent prayer” and student initiated public prayer were acceptable. Of course, the scores then continued their downward trend due to the increase of “Education” programs and court rulings that eliminated student led prayer in public.

It seemed amazing to me, that I was the only administrator in Michigan identified by the group “Parents and Concerned Citizens Against Outcomes Based Education” as knowing about the NWO indoctrination “Education” programs, and willing to take a stand to do more than talk about it. Currently, since I am not affiliated with a district, I have stated that the only viable alternative for concerned parents is home schooling. I then point out that the last few years “home schooled” students have been the National Spelling Bee Champ, and last year the National Spelling Bee Champ was also the National Geography Champ. Bob, what do you think of this report, and the analysis by me, an education insider, on the record of education results nationally and locally? faith = From the Greek word “pistis” #4102 taken from the Greek word “peitho” meaning to “convince by argument through evidence the truth, i.e., the truthfulness of God.”

For instance, I use the ‘ABC’S” to define the word “faith” when discussing my faith in God and my Lord Jesus the Christ with people I meet. That is ‘A” is for action, based on “B” for belief; sustained by “C” for confidence in the word of God, in particular the prophetic word of God (see Romans 10:17 “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”). Galatians 3:26 “For ye are all the children of God by faith/trust in Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 2:8 “By grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man boast.”

For example, there is the prophecy of the “times of the Gentiles.” First, I must define the word “times,” and will use God’s word to do so. In

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Galatians 4:10, “Ye observe days, months, times, and years.” Second, the proof that a “time” is 360 days requires one to compare two verses in the Book of Revelation 12:6, & 14, which show that “a thousand two hundred and threescore days” are equivalent to “a time, and times, and half a time.” As 1260 days =3.5 times; then a time = 1260 divided by 3.5 = 360 days. Thus, “months” refer to the lunar calendar of 355 days; the “years” refer to the solar calendar of 365.242 days; and “times” refer to a period of “360" days. Third, I must refer to the Book of Leviticus 26:18, 24, 28, where the Lord states to “My people” the children of Israel, that if they do not “hearken” to the Lord’s commandments, “I will punish you seven “times” more for your sins.” Now, keep in mind Ezekiel 4:3 & 6-7, “This shall be a sign to the house of Israel . . . I have appointed thee each day for a year.”

Then, recall that Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, a Gentile(#1471 in Strong’s Concordance from the Hebrew word “goy” meaning “a foreign nation”; heathen) subjugated the city of Jerusalem on 12-9-604 B.C. (see 2 Kings 25:1-4) starting the “seven times” punishment on the children of Israel. The British army under General Allenby (alenbiyah in Arabic=the Lord’s prophet) captured the city of Jerusalem without a fight on 12-9-1917 A.D. ending the “seven times punishment (7 x 360=2520), or in other words the punishment of having the Gentiles control Jerusalem for 2520 years (a copy from the British military archives of a black & white video of said event is in the TEA2 library for review in “Meat for Fellowship”).

Obviously, the British (British is a Hebrew word meaning covenant man as in brit=covenant and ish=man) are the children of Israel, in particular the house of Israel, specifically the tribe of Ephraim as described by Biblical archaeologist E. Raymond Capt in his books Missing Links Discovered in Assyrian Tablets, Jacob’s Pillar, and W.H. Bennett in Symbols of our Celto- Saxon Heritage, just to mention “two” (the number for witnessing) sources of the many available.

And speaking of “two” let me mention a second time scriptural item as another proof. Alexander the Great conquered Palestine and spared Jerusalem being accepted by the High priest in the year 332/31 B.C. (Nisan). The High Priest recognized Alex as a relative, namely, a descendant from the Zarah line of Judah, who had the right to be king and make law. One time period later of 360 years, Jesus the Christ came to Jerusalem and was rejected by the High Priest, which resulted in His death

Page 40 of 70 at Passover in the year 30 A.D. The scripture says that “in due time Christ died for the ungodly” per Romans 5:6. Thus, it seems to me that it was highly significant that one time of 360 years elapsed between Alexander the Great’s conquest of Jerusalem, and Jesus the Christ’s victory at Jerusalem over death, hell, and the grave. father = #3962 pater a father; parent. Jesus the Christ said, “And call no man your “father” upon the earth: for one is your “Father,” which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.”

The priests of Baal in the land of Canaan were called “father.” They wore an all “Black” colored garment when they sacrificed humans on a raised altar to Baal (Lord/Master). They then ate the flesh and drank the blood of the victim that was offered, i.e., the origin of the word cannibal from Canaan-Baal (see The Two Babylons by Hislop, Mystery Babylon by Woodrow, or the Encyclopedia Britannica for additional details). Now, remember that the Lord stated in Leviticus 17:10-14 that, “No soul of you shall eat blood, neither shall any stranger that sojourneth among you eat blood.” That is why many Judahites and others that followed the Mosaic Law left Jesus (see John 6:53-69) despite His saying, “the words that I speak to you, they are “spirit,” and they are life.”

Likewise, can a person “read” the periodical called The Reader’s Digest in order to “mentally digest” the contents; or must a person “eat” the pages of it in order to digest the written information contained in it? When the Lord Jesus said, “I am the “door,” does that mean He is a wood, metal, glass, plastic, or a revolving “door.” Again, when the Lord Jesus in John 15:1-8 said, “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you . . . so shall ye be my disciples.” Bob, the Lord Jesus was using strong language by stating He is the vine, and the disciples are the branches. Do you really think that the disciples viewed the Lord Jesus as a vine and themselves as branches? Then, neither did they view the Lord Jesus any differently when He held up “bread” and said, “This is my body,” nor a cup of wine and said, “This is my blood.”

In addition, the very continuation by Lord Jesus in Matthew 26:29 He said, “I will drink no more the fruit of the vine, until that day that I drink it new in

Page 41 of 70 the kingdom of God.” If, this wine was his blood, then why didn’t the Lord Jesus instead say, “I will no more drink of my blood, until that day . . . ?” Simply put, this was to be a symbolic memorial item for the disciples since Lord Jesus commanded, “this do in remembrance of me.”

Recall, in Luke 24:13-44 that two of His disciples, one named Cleopas, were on their way home to Emmaus. They did not realize the “stranger” that walked with them was the risen Lord Jesus till they reached their “house” and after entering into it, “He took bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to them.” So from the time of Moses and the first feast (set time = fourteenth day of the first month) of Passover and the feast (set time = the fifteenth day of the same month) of Unleavened Bread “seven days ye must eat unleavened bread” through the time of Jesus Christ continuing until today, the keeping of the Lord’s commands concerning the “old” contract (testament) Passover, the “new” contract (testament) breaking of the bread was done “always” in the “home” at the dinner table by the people of God as seen in Acts 2:46 “breaking bread from house to house.”

And the “heathen” always performed their ceremonies, i.e., eat their human and ”round circular shaped bread” sacrifices (round/circular shaped bread represented the sun god) at “sacred” areas/temples from a raised “altar” starting 4000 years ago and continue the practice even today. The Lord commanded His people the children of Israel not to use a raised altar. Nor, were they to use an iron tool on the available rocks. The bare earth was also an approved base when performing their burnt offerings to Him (see Deuteronomy 27:5-15).

So, the two disciples then, “returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them.” Then Lord Jesus appeared and said, “handle me and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.” Jesus had no blood in him, because he had poured out all his blood by the time he died on the cross. Consequently, that is another reason his blood can’t be in the wine each time his disciples partake of the symbolic memorial elements of his last supper.

Further, the Pope (from the Latin word papa, meaning father) is the consummate antithesis as determined by the command of Lord Jesus to, “call no man your father upon the earth.” The pope has usurped the title reserved for God the Father. In addition, I have noticed that the RCC has other titles in direct conflict with the commands of Lord Jesus:

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Abbot = a superior of a monastery; from the Aramaic word abba, meaning father (Recall the 1970’s rock group ABBA comprised of 2 married Swedish couples are descendants of ‘true’ Israel aka ‘My people’ aka the ‘Bride of Christ’ fulfilling many prophecies starting in Gen 28:14 verified today by DNA testing, historical artifacts, and language). Father = a title first given to bishops and later to all priests. Holy Father = one of the titles of the Pope. Again, in the Scriptures, it is a title reserved for God alone (John 17:11). Monsignor = A title of honor bestowed on some priests from the Italian for my lord.

And in 1999 in a USA Today article the Pope stated, “Feel free to call any of my male clergy Father. Do not pay any attention to the verse in the Gospel of Matthew where Jesus said call no man father.” I now have a clear choice to trust either the Pope or Lord Jesus for my eternal salvation. I have chosen to trust Lord Jesus for my eternal salvation, despite my external circumstances (good, bad, or whatever). Bob, whom do you trust for your eternal salvation? Before you answer that question, perhaps you will consider the remainder of the items I have to present. gospel = #2097 From the Greek word euaggelizo to announce good news; #2098 euaggelion from #2097 a good message. grace = #5485 charis; a (free) gift; unmerited favor. John 1:17 “For the law was given by Moses, but grace/unmerited favor and truth came by Jesus Christ.”

Infallibility = According to the RCC, the Pope as a successor to the apostle Peter, whom the RCC believes was the first pope, received the gift of infallibility. When he, the Pope speaks ex cathedra (from the chair of authority) on faith and morals, he is not capable of making an error. The same holds true for the bishops of the Magisterium to protect them from teaching a falsehood. If, this is true that the apostle Peter was made the first pope when Lord Jesus in Matthew 16:13-19 said, “That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church . . . And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Then, how does one explain that this item was just for Peter, because in Matthew 18:18 Lord Jesus told the entire group of disciples the same words, “What soever ye shall bind on earth . . .” and in 18:1 if, Jesus had made Peter the first pope in front of everyone in Matthew

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16:13-19, then why would the disciples asked the Lord who is the greatest? Yet, according to the RCC from that moment of his appointment by Lord Jesus on, as the so-called first pope, Peter was infallible when speaking on faith and morals, right, Bob? Alright then, Bob have you ever played or watched a game called baseball, where each side/team attempts to stop the other from scoring by achieving three outs, and the batter can receive from the umpire the statement, “three strikes and you’re out?” Living in Florida, the home for Major League Baseball Spring Training and the Florida State League etc., I will presume that you have. Then, let’s play baseball with the issue of Papal infallibility. First pitch, why did Jesus tell Peter the so-called first pope in Matthew 16:23 “Get thee behind me, Satan; thou art an offence unto me: for thou savorest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men. . . ”? This was in response to Peter rebuking the Lord Jesus on a matter of faith, regarding the means of salvation, from what Jesus had just spoken concerning the scriptures. Strike one, Bob. Second pitch, in Matthew 17:1-6 the Lord Jesus was transfigured before Peter on the mountain, and Peter, the so-called first pope, speaking ex cathedra, equated Lord Jesus with Moses and Elijah. These were two human beings created by Lord Jesus. This got Peter an angry response from God the Father. Strike two, Bob. Third pitch, in Matthew 26:69-75 Peter, the so-called first pope, speaking ex cathedra, three times denied Lord Jesus, despite the Lord’s prediction of same just a few hours earlier. Strike three, Papal infallibility is out! Now, Bob, don’t think I have forgotten the place of the Magisterium in this issue of infallibility. I’m now going for the double play outs on the Magisterium and the Pope. Please turn, Bob, to the Book of Revelation 12:1-17. In this passage, I am sure you realize that the RCC, through the Pope speaking ex cathedra and the Magisterium in its teachings on Mary the mother of Lord Jesus, require all members of the RCC to believe as dogma that Mary was conceived without sin and never had sin, and therefore not subject to the physical punishment for sin, “in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children.” According to Pope John Paul II, Redemptoris Mater, no.24, the “woman” is Mary, and Jerome Kodell, O.S.B. in a teaching tape on the Book of Revelation, Chapter 12 ”outlines Mary and Jesus.” Certainly, Bob, you would agree that this series of items about Mary involves the infallibility of both the Pope and the Magisterium, since this is clearly about matters of faith and morals. So my challenge to you, Bob, in order for you to prevent the double play outs on the issues of Papal and Magisterium infallibility is . . . please explain how this woman of Revelation 12 in verse two is described as, “and she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and

Page 44 of 70 pained to be delivered” could be Mary the so-called mother of God, the queen of heaven, etc. since pain in childbirth is a consequence of sin (see Genesis 3:16)? I think I just retired the side of RCC Papal and Magisterium infallibility issue in 1, 2, 3 order. Thank you, God the Holy Spirit, for teaching me the now obvious truth on the matter of Papal and Magisterium infallibility, in “Scripture and in Truth.” Of course Mary herself in Luke 1:47 said, “and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.” If, Mary was without sin, then why would she need a saviour, Bob? Besides what I have already presented on this issue of infallibility, Bob, let me refer you to the following scriptures: Acts 1:3 Lord Jesus, “showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs.” Acts 17:11 scripture is the only infallible interpreter of scripture. The Book of Numbers 23:19 only God is infallible, “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent.” Well then, Bob, who is my teacher, and the only one with the authority of God to instruct me as to truth? According to Lord Jesus in John 14:26 the Holy Spirit is the authoritative teacher of the called ones/church, “he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance.” Again in John 16:13 Lord Jesus said, “he will guide you into all truth.” Further, in 1 John 2:27 “the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.”

Israel = A Hebrew word #3478 from #410 and #820 in the Strong’s Concordance meaning man prevailing/ruling with God from Is=man . . . ra=prevail/ruling . . . el=God.

Jasher = The Book of Jasher mentioned twice in scripture in Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18 yet omitted from the Bible. The word Jasher is number 3477 in the Strong’s Concordance taken from the Hebrew it means straight, upright, correct (record). I find it curious that having it mentioned twice (the number two stands for witness) in God’s word, and all scripture is profitable etc. that Satan would find a way to eliminate this valuable book from our current Bible. Having read the Book of Jasher I found that it filled in many blanks between Genesis and Exodus, and mentioned items for “the latter days.” kin = The law of the kinsman redeemer as stated by the Lord in Leviticus 25:48 which is the basis for God taking on the tent of human flesh. Then, He could be our redeemer since he is “kin” to us.

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Monstrance = a bright shiny metal stand with a “sun burst” shaped round circular top to hold the round circular wafer of bread as an object to worship. Again, this was a forbidden practice by the Lord to His people in Exodus 20:4-5 “Thou shalt not make “any” graven image, or any likeness of “any” thing that is in heaven above or that is in the earth . . . thou shalt not bow thyself down to them.” It is clear that God will never contradict Himself by entering into material objects such as bread and wine, and then ordering people to worship them: “I am the Lord, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another, nor My praise to graven images,” as stated in Isaiah 42:8. priest = From the Hebrew word in the Old Testament “kohen” #3548 and “kahan” #3547 in the Strong’s Concordance meaning to mediate; priest, prince. The New Testament word for priest is the Greek word “hiereus” #2409 in the Strong’s Concordance. In the Book of Revelation 1:6, John writes that Jesus Christ, “hath made us (“all” called ones/churches) kings and priests” (see also Revelation 5:10; 20:6). Peter writes that all believers “ye are . . . a “royal priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9), and “Ye also . . . are an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices (1 Peter 2:5). Thus, I, Terry Cupples am a priest fulfilling my calling as an Is-man . . . ra- prevailing/ruling . . . el-with God. Since Jesus Christ said, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” (see John 4:23-24).

Pyramid (Great) = God’s witness in stone that contains the dimensions and distances of the earth, moon, and sun as well as his plan for mankind. First, read Isaiah 19:19-20 concerning the Great Pyramid/monument at Giza (border of upper and lower Egypt before the lands were united to be one country) then realize that the sum total of the numerical value of the Hebrew text is 5,449. Each Hebrew letter has a numerical equivalent so one can “word measure” scripture. So, Bob, you might be saying, “Who cares, or so what?” Well, the exact height of the Great Pyramid in Pyramid inches is 5,449. So what is the difference, Bob, between the Pyramid inch and the British/American inch? If, you took one hair off your head and split it down the middle ─ that would be the difference, there is virtually no difference. Now, Bob, you should know that the circumference of the circle upon which the Great Pyramid was designed can be found by drawing a circle whose diameter equals the length of the Pyramid’s Ante-Chamber which is exactly 365.242 Pyramid inches. This coincides with the exact amount of time that Enoch lived on the earth, namely, 365 years, 88 days, 9 hours; and also, the exact number of days of our solar year. Thus, the

Page 46 of 70 origin of the scale of the Biblical chronological prophecy, 1 day=1 year, and that of the Great Pyramid’s chronograph, 1 inch=1 year, can be traced back to the Enoch Circle. Similarly, you should know, Bob that the North Star/Pole Star changes every two thousand years. In March of 2141 B.C. the North Star was Thubin (subtle; deceiver) of the constellation “Draconis” (Dragon) and it shined down the “66" foot Descending Passage to “the Pit.” No other Pole Star in history has ever been in that exact position. Also, at the exact same time the Pleiades in the constellation of Taurus the Bull was in alignment with the Descending Passage. Note the Book of Job 38:31 and Amos 5:8 mention the Creator of the Pleiades. And the Lord’s witness in stone also has an empty coffin found in the ventilated King’s Chamber, not the typical sealed tomb of Egypt’s dead. The “empty” coffin (no lid) could not fit through any of the passage ways. Thus, the King’s Chamber was built around it. This coffin is the exact dimensions in ratio of Noah’s Ark, the exact dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant, and the Molten Sea of Solomon’s Temple was exactly fifty times its capacity. Again, all are a type or a prophetic shadow of a resurrected Jesus the Christ saving people etc. Further, the geometric ratio pi (3.14159) which pervades the whole universe, from the solar system to the atom, also pervades the Great Pyramid. The Pyramidic pi angle of 51 degrees 50' from North is the same at “Stonehenge” the Lord’s second witness in stone. And moving along, we note that the Great Pyramid’s chronological representation depends upon the angle of the slope of the Passage System which is 26 degrees 18'9.7" and is called the Christ Triangle. This angle of the slope, when taken as a rhumb line bearing north of true east shows Israel’s crossing of the Red Sea, through Bethlehem ( Bethlehem means house of bread), and the crossing of the Jordan River into the “Promised Land.” If, Bob, you measure the distance from the Pyramid to Bethlehem it equals 2139 Pyramid furlongs (1 Pyramid furlong = 8000 Pyramid inches). Now, apply the Pyramid’s astronomically fixed date of 2141 B.C. to the scale of a furlong to a year, and you will obtain both the place where Jesus Christ was born, Bethlehem, and the exact time when He was born, considering 2139 years after 2141 B.C. marks the date 2 B.C. Now, take the geometric triangle from the point where the level floor of the Queen’s Chamber intersects the floor of the Ascending Passage and the north end of its base marks the date September 29, 2 B.C.

Next, any “fool” knows that Jesus Christ was born on December 25, Christmas. The word “christmas” according to the British Encyclopedia had its origins in the old English word “mas” which meant death sacrifice,

Page 47 of 70 namely, Merry Death of Christ. However, let me verify not only from God’s witness in stone the Great Pyramid, but from His word the Bible, to prove that Jesus Christ was born September 29, 2 B.C., and not on December 25 as “any fool,” the RCC, and its Pope celebrate. I will cite two items from God’s word. First, Jesus Christ started His ministry at 30 years old according to Luke 3:23, and died on Passover in the Spring 3 ½ years later. Simple arithmetic shows his birth was in the Autumn ─ not December. Second, figure the Lord’s cousin, John the Baptist, was conceived on the weekend of July 13-14, 3 B.C., since his dad, Zacharias, a Levitical priest, Luke 1:5,8-13,23-24; of the course of Abijah, (the priests were divided into 24 classes 1 Chronicles 24:7-19 with each class working at the Temple for one week, changing duty on the end of the weekly Sabbath at sundown until the next weekly Sabbath). And both the and state that the Temple was destroyed by Titus on August 5, 70 A.D., and the first course of priests had just taken over their duty. Since the previous evening was the end of the weekly Sabbath, the course of Abijah was the eighth course, thus figuring backward we are able to determine that Zacharias ended his course and came off temple duty on July 13, 3 B.C. returning home to Elizabeth. 280 days later John was born precisely at Passover in the Spring. When Mary, pregnant herself, visited her cousin Elizabeth in the last week of December, it was the first week of Elizabeth’s sixth month of pregnancy. Calculate that one week earlier was the winter solstice on December 23, 3 B.C. according to the Julian Calendar then in use; 280 days later places the birth of Jesus Christ on September 29, 2 B.C. the day of the Feast of Trumpets on 1st Tishri. And remember, that in Leviticus 23:1-44 the Lord commanded a precise keeping of “My feasts (set times), holy convocations (rehearsals), which ye shall proclaim in their seasons. Further, Bob, the Lord commanded the start of the day at even (6:00 P.M. sundown), and the ending of the day at even (6:00 P.M. sundown), “shall you celebrate your Sabbath.” Deuteronomy 16:6 states, “at even, at the going down of the sun.” Thus, the children of Israel, God’s people, were required to start and end their day at even (sundown), as opposed to their heathen neighbors who start/celebrate their day at “sunrise.” Heathen worship began with “sunrise” worship services, whereas the Lord’s people began their day and worship at sundown.

So, can you give me a good scriptural reason why the RCC celebrates Jesus Christ’s birthday (Christmas) on December 25, the Feast of Saturnalia, using evergreen trees, (see Jeremiah 10:1-4, “Learn not the

Page 48 of 70 way of the heathen . . . for the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, . . . with the ax . . . they deck it with silver and gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.”) in direct opposition to the Lord’s “set times” . . . the feast of Trumpets in September?

Likewise, can you give me a good scriptural reason why the RCC celebrates Easter (Easter is the English cognate for Ishtar the fertility goddess of Babylon) at varying astrological times instead of the “set times” for Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First fruits (His resurrection and that of the first fruits/saints presented to the Father), as established by the Lord?

Similarly, can you give me a good scriptural reason why the RCC celebrates the Lord’s “set time” weekly Sabbath on “Sun”(god)day? Please do not tell me because the Lord Jesus came out of the grave at sunrise on Sunday. Any “fool” knows the Lord Jesus died on Good Friday (Good Fria the fertility Fish goddess of, “eat only fish to honor me on my day,” namely, eat no meat). Note the High priest killed the last of the Passover lambs precisely at 3:00 P.M. saying, “It is finished.” Then, he sat down by himself on a chair in the next to the Ark of the Covenant for 3 days and 3 nights not leaving until even (sundown) on Saturday the end of the weekly Sabbath and the “beginning” of the first day of the week. Yet, it is still night time Saturday on our weekly calendar. Remember, the Lord had His Chosen People, the children of Israel, do everything the opposite of the heathen; including when you start and finish your day.

Thus, the Lord Jesus, the “Lamb of God” fulfilled the set time of Passover proclaiming precisely at 3:00 P.M. on Nisan 14, “It is finished” (see Hebrews 7:27; 9:12, 28; 10:10, 12, 14, 18 “Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for his own sins, and then once for the people’s: for this He did once, when he offered up Himself . . . by His own blood He entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us . . . nor yet that he should offer Himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others . . . but now once to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself . . . so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many . . . we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all . . . He had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever . . . For by one offering He hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified . . . Now where remission of these is,

Page 49 of 70 there is no more offering for sin). And, He was in the tomb at sundown (even) on Wednesday.

Consequently, with Thursday the 15th being the “High” day (Sabbath) of Unleavened Bread, then Friday was the only day the women could buy spices for His corpse. Then, exactly at sundown (even) on Saturday (ending the weekly Sabbath) the Lord Jesus appeared out of the tomb fulfilling the prophecy of the sign of Jonah in Matthew 12:39-40 as Jesus the Christ stated, “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” Therefore, the Lord Jesus was in the tomb at even (sundown) on Wednesday, and exactly 72 hours later He arose out of the tomb at even (sundown) on Saturday. In John 20:1, “cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre.” Again, He was already out of the tomb at even (sundown) not sunrise. The heathen worship Easter/Ishtar the fertility goddess coming out of a “multicolored egg” at “sunrise.” religion = Spanish “religion”; Latin “religio” from “religo” which means to bind anew / to return to bondage, namely, be in bondage as a slave to Satan and sin. Since my kinsman redeemer, Jesus the Christ, died to set me free; why would I turn away from freedom in Jesus Christ, to religion that is based on the traditions of “man,” inspired by Lucifer, Satan, the damn Devil? saint(s) = From the Greek word hagios meaning committed, holy, sacred as in the “saints which dwelt at Lydda,” from Acts 9:32; “the poor saints which are at Jerusalem,” from Romans 15:26; “all the saints which are with them” from Romans 16:15; “all churches of the saints” from 1Corinthians 14:33; “the fellowship of the ministering to the saints” from 2 Corinthians 8:4; “that you have ministered to the saints” as found in Hebrews 6:10. Thus, all these people mentioned were alive, not dead. Consequently, I, Terry Cupples am a saint, as well as some other people alive physically & spiritually, whom I know that they have openly professed their trust in Lord Jesus are saints. We did not have to first die, and wait for a proclamation by the RCC to become saints. We are already saints, since we are committed to, and belong to Lord Jesus the Christ. sin = from the Greek word “hamartia” #266 in the Strong’s Concordance taken from #264 “hamartano” meaning to miss the mark (and so not share

Page 50 of 70 in the prize), namely, in an archery contest you miss the mark/target with your arrow you then do not qualify for the prize.

So, it doesn’t matter whether you miss the target by a mile, or a fraction of an inch; you lose. Likewise, God requires perfection from us. If, we fail one time in a small or large way, we still are not acceptable for eternal life with God. Consequently, you can forget whether your hamartia/sin was considered a “venial” or a “mortal” kind. You still die according to the word of God, unless you seek forgiveness through the shed blood of Jesus the Christ.

And remember, the first parents and Eve got themselves and everybody else in trouble, just by eating a piece of fruit. They did not murder anyone. What is so terrible, Bob, in ripping off and eating a piece of fruit? Doesn’t it seem to be “a cruel and unusual punishment? “ After all, they were first time offenders. Shouldn’t they have been given probation?

However, you can live according to God’s word by trusting Lord Jesus the Christ your kinsman redeemer, who died in your place that you may live, namely, Romans 8:1-2 “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus . . . For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.” Romans 10:9,13 “if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine mind that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

So why couldn’t the pope (or his top exorcists) exorcize a demon from a young woman as recorded live at the scene by Italian media the summer of 2000, if he is the vicar of Jesus Christ? In Mark 16:17 Jesus the Christ said, “And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out demons.”

And what does the red granite obelisk in Vatican Square (this male phallic symbol was brought to Rome from Egypt, and by order of Pope Sixtus V on 9-10-1586, he had it centered in the middle of a Babylonian Sun Wheel) have to do with Christianity and worship of the God of the Bible?

So is it possible to recognize spiritual deception? Lord Jesus the Christ warned, “Let no man deceive you.” “By their fruits you shall know them.”

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Accordingly, as a foot soldier for Lord Jesus the Christ I know that I must, “Put on the whole armour of God, i.e., my defensive attire being the undershorts/athletic supporter of “truth,” the breastplate of “righteousness,” the shoes of the “gospel of peace,” the shield of “faith,” the helmet of “salvation,” and my offensive weapon the “sword” of the Spirit, which is the word of God as stated by Paul in his letter to the Ephesians 6:11-17.

And a year ago, I had been working with my friend’s son Dominic, a seven- year-old, who knows by heart Psalm 23 “The Lord is my shepherd . . . etc., the definition of Israel, i.e., Is=man/ra=prevail and rule/el=with God, and has recognized “the wiles of the devil” in Pokemon/Pocket Monsters. Three days after his rebuke to his sister not to play Pokemon because it was spiritually dangerous (an item she received as part of a Burger King promotion), there was a headline story in the media about a young girl who died as a result of a Pokemon item.

Coincidently, I find it interesting that the methodology of spiritually communicating (praying) to the pocket monsters and earning by your works a better position in the hierarchy of these “beings,” is exactly the same as the methodology of the RCC in having its members “pray” to dead people, so-called saints, and by doing works possibly attain salvation to coexist with the “communion of saints.”

So, I hope you get my point from the sword I used in writing this document, namely, “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” per Ephesians 6:17, and “the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart/”mind” as described in Hebrews 4:12.

And yes, the decision is yours. So you must decide if you personally accept or reject the truth about Jesus the Christ expressed in the inspired Word of God. On the other hand, the demons know that the Scriptures are true, but this knowledge does not save them.

Again, if, the Bible is true, then we are accountable to Jesus Christ who will judge each of us at the end of our life. However, if the Bible is not the inspired Word of God, we can safely ignore its commands and warnings. In the absence of the Word of God, a man who searches for truth is like a man searching in an unfamiliar area for a hidden treasure without the

Page 52 of 70 assistance of a map or a guide. The Bible contains scientific, archaeological, and historic information that could not have been produced by human beings unless God directed their writings. Consequently, the problem for some is not the evidence, but a lack of willingness to accept information that challenges long-held positions. You would have to abandon your previous position to which you are emotionally and intellectually committed; unless, your only aim is the truth.

Accordingly, the evidence of the Bible can provide you with confidence, so that you can believe the words of the apostle Peter when he spoke of the necessity of faith in Jesus Christ: “neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). This declaration of Peter runs counter to the inclination to believe that all religions, all denominations, are equally true and that all roads lead to Rome and the RCC and its pope. Some believe that if a person is sincere God will allow entry into heaven. However, the Word of God declares that sincerity is not enough. If, you are sincere in your faith, but have chosen to place your faith in a false belief, tradition, or in a religion, then you are sincerely wrong.

Finally, you have seen the evidence. The decision is yours. In addition, I would appreciate your analysis of the contents of the enclosed document titled: “666" also available for review and download at my website tea2.net. Then, after your completed review of my Biblical response to the extra-Biblical dogmas of the RCC, if you or anyone else would like to further discuss these items I can be reached at:

Terrence Michael Cupples c/o General Delivery Osseo, Mich 517-523-4058

Sincerely standing for the name of Jesus the Christ and without apology I remain,

/s/ Terrence Michael Cupples, Consultant, TEA2 Services (2 for witness).

Date: 05/08/2013 To: Bob Bertrand

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Re: Excerpt from Terry’s Tax Notes with Exhibits; a copy of the cover page, The Philadelphia Trumpet, December 1997.

Here are your requested items, namely: (1) “An Excerpt from Terry’s Tax Notes with Exhibits” for your review to add to the previously sent “Master Set” of TEA2 Services “Show and Tell the Evidence: Exposing the Sequential Order of Deception” from which to make copies for other truth-seekers seeking a solution to withholding / alleged IRS tax debt. And, (2) a copy of the cover page, The Philadelphia Trumpet, December 1997 as proof that I received said magazine (beginning in 1991). In particular, I have enclosed said cover page since this is the issue re Germany the same I described in our telephone conference call on 05/02/2013 that contains articles with conclusions I disagree, namely: Herbert W. Armstrong condemns and does not acknowledge the Germans (the Romans called them “Germani” the genuine people of the house of Judah). And the man the American colonists rebelled who caused the issuing of The Unanimous Declaration of the thirteen States of America, was namely: King George III, a German, King of Great Britain, a verified descendant of King David per (A) the Scottish National Library original Gaelic manuscript containing the complete genealogies of the Scottish Kings through the Irish Kings by way of Judah, Jacob and Isaac back to Abraham; (B) the same also shown by a genealogical table in Windsor Castle showing the descent of the British kings from David through said lines; (C) a genealogical table from Abraham inclusive of the prophecy of Ezekiel (Ezek 21:25-27) re the triple overturn of the crown under the eternal Davidic Covenant per I Kings 9:5 (see Jacob’s Pillar, by E. Raymond Capt).

If you have any questions or concerns re aforementioned then please call or send correspondence to me at my General Delivery mailing location.

Without apology for any items presented I remain,

/s/ Terrence Michael Cupples, Consultant, TEA2 Services.

1. The number nine (9) for the ninth month on the satanic calendar, is known as September.

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2. September means “Seven” (7) (Latin from septem; Spanish septiembre) and shows somebody can’t count, or is a purposeful misdirect since Lev 23:24-44 is specific re the “seventh month” for the set-times/feast days of Trumpets and Tabernacles which occur at this time of year.

3. Re the Babylon (Confusion) of the names of the months, namely: the 10th month October (Latin from octo = 8 as in 8 legs on an Octopus); the 11th month November (Latin from novem = 9 as described below at ¶ 4); the 12th month December (Latin from decem = 10 as in decimal) as I recall from my fifth grade Latin Class taught by RCC ex-seminarian Mr. Ten Eyck (also 25 cents in 1958 for me to swim for 2 hrs at the Ten Eyck outdoor swimming pool Dearborn, Mich while your mother Dorothy Barbara Haas Cupples was in labor “travailing in birth and in pain [for you] to be delivered” Gen 3:16; Rev 12:2) and my 3 yrs of HS Spanish amplified by my Latino teammates in the baseball minor leagues.

4. Nine symbolizes “fruit of the Spirit” as shown in the Bible (see Galatians 5:22-23), whereas in I Cor 12:8-10 are mentioned “nine” gifts of the Spirit distributed among the members of the Body of Christ/Ekklesia/Called Ones/Church to encourage effective teamwork.

5. The number “3” in the Bible stands for “the resurrection of the body” ─ since Lord Jesus said, “As Jonas [means carrier-pigeon ─ Lord God told him to take a message to the enemy of Israel, namely, the Assyrians in their capital city of Nineveh to the east that because of their evil ways Lord God will bring utter destruction. So, in anger he ignored Lord God, namely: (1) he went west, but (2) Lord God caused him to get tossed off the ship into the Mediterranean Sea, and (3) into the belly of a whale for 3 days and 3 nights, and (4) after a visit to hell he repented, and (5) Lord God heard him and he was vomited up alive on the beach, and (6) then he traveled “60” miles in “3” days to Nineveh and preached to the “6”score/120 thousand Assyrians that in “40” days Lord God would destroy them for their wicked ways, and (7) so far, in recorded history, they were the only people as a nation from the king on down to repent and ask Lord God to change His Mind, and (8) Lord God did change His Mind giving them a reprieve] was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:40).

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6. But, the Pope-a-Dope who wears a “Fish-head hat” and claims infallibility re the interpretation of the Scriptures says Christ died on Good Fria the Fish Goddess-day, was buried at sundown, and rose at sunrise on “Easter” Sun-god-day (“Easter” is English cognate for Ishtar the fertility goddess of “Babylon” which means “Confusion”) the said time of 36 hrs buried less than the Lord’s stated 72 hour period of three days and three nights.

7. To be sure, a proper analysis of the Scriptures eliminates the “confusion” / babel / babbling of the Pope-a-Dope, namely: in Egypt (Oppression) the Lord God told the “Hebrews” (Foreigners) through Moses re the first Passover when the Lord’s Death Angel “Passover” His people designated by bloody door-posts from the blood of the Lamb sacrificed on the 14th day, but kills the first-born man of each family and first-born beast of the Egyptians, and three days later in the morning of the 17th the children of Israel (Man prevailing with God) “passed-over” the dry sea-bed, then Moses (Drawn out of H2O) extended his hand and the seawater returned drowning the army of the Egyptians (Oppressors) (Exodus 12, 13, 14).

8. Likewise, 1500 yrs later the Lord’s cousin John (favored by God) the Baptizer for repentance of sin when he saw Jesus (Deliverer) the Christ (Anointed One) approach the Jordan (Spreading judgment) River stated, “Look the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29); which Jesus the Christ accomplished in said precise way on Passover by, namely: (1) allowing Himself to be crucified to death shedding all of His blood, (2) buried in the tomb of His Uncle Joseph of Arimathea, and (3) rose after the third day according to the Scriptures (Matthew 27, 28; Mark 14,16; Luke 22, 23, 24; John 13-21; Acts 2:22-39; I Cor 15:1-23).

9. Jesus Christ’s death completed the Old Testament (Contract/Will) fulfilling the law of the kinsman redeemer (paid debt to save his family) during which period of time “6” people were raised from the dead, yet later died again, namely: (1) son of the widow of Zarapath by Elijah (I Kings 17:9-24; (2) son of the Shumanite woman by Elisha (II Kings 4:18-35); (3) the dead body tossed into Elisha’s tomb (II Kings 13:21); (4) Jairus’ daughter (Mark 5:41-42); (5) the widow’s son (Luke 7:12-15); (6) Lord Jesus’ friend Lazarus (John 11:1-44); and in the New Testament Tabitha/Dorcas (Female gazelle) by Peter (Pebble) (Acts 9:34-40); and Eutychus (Fortunate) by Paul (Tiny) (Acts 20:9-12) who aforementioned persons also later died; and Lord Jesus the Christ with others known as

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“the first fruits” rose from the dead (see above said Scriptures in ¶ 5) the same not subject to “the second death”(Rev 20:6).

10. In the Gospel of John Ch 6, Jesus Christ stated, “that everyone who trusts in Him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day” with said “I will raise him up at the last day” spoken “3” times in verses 40, 44, and 54.

11. Again let me amplify the cause of confusion, namely: ignorance, misinformation and disinformation perpetrated by human satanic minions like the Pope-a-Dope (Title: Vicarivs Filii Dei; with said Roman letters having the numerical value of: “I” = 1 (used 6 times), “L” = 50, “V” = 5, “C” = 100, “D” = 500; and the sum total is “666” which is described in Rev 13:18. So, it is crucial when reading my 666 treatise at tea2.net to keep in the front of your mind the definitions of key words, namely: “Jew” re Abraham, who was descended from and taught by Shem, is not the father of the “Jews” since the word “Jew” is not found in the Bible till II Kings 16:6 which refers to the King of the House of Israel and the King of Syria waging war against the King of the House of Judah and “drove the “Jews” from Elath” (a town on the edge of the Dead Sea in the extreme southern region of the Kingdom of Judah). Yet, many people believe the people living in the Nation State of Israel are “Jews” but a review of the “13th Tribe” by Arthur Koestler a “Jew” who describes the “Jews” of today as the descendants of the Khazars, a Japhetic people near the Caucasus Mountains, who around the year 700 AD their king chose Talmudic Judaism over the RCC and Islam as a state religion the same also corroborated in the British Encyclopaedia Britannica as well as two scientific studies conducted by “Jewish” scientists that show the DNA of the “Jew” is Japhetic Khazars not Shemitic Abrahamic, while the DNA of the “Palestinian” is “Abrahamic.” In 2001 Dr. Ariella Oppenheim, Biologist, Hebrew U, published the first extensive DNA study showing the Jews were of the blood-line of the Japhetic Khazars. And the ultimate, definitive DNA study, by Dr. Eran Elhaik and associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, entitled, The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses, and published by the Oxford Journal on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, the study confirms Oppenheim’s research and the many scholarly books. Further, Dr. Elhaik and the prestigious Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine conclude in their report: “The Khazarian Hypothesis suggests that Eastern European

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Jews descended from the Khazars, an amalgam of Turkic clans that settled the Caucasus in the early centuries CE and Converted to Judaism in the eighth century and following the collapse of their empire, the Judeo- Khazars fled to Eastern Europe. The rise of European Jewry is therefore explained by the contribution of the Judeo-Khazars.” And thus, aforementioned confirms Lord Jesus’ analysis of Rev 3:9 and 4:9 “which say they are Jews, and are not.” Further, the goals of the New World Order and strategies for its implementation (most already successfully implemented and achieved) are described in “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” translated by Victor Marsden from the Russian language of Professor Nilus. And “My people Israel” are found here in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, other European countries as well as white S Africa and Australia and fulfill the many prophecies found in the Scriptures re Israel as “The lost sheep of the House of Israel” and the “Bride of Christ” and the Church as the “Body of Christ.” Furthermore, “the stones cry out” namely: (1) the Great Pyramid as described in Isaiah 19:19 with the numerical total value of said Hebrew letters = 5,449 which in Pyramid Inches is the total number of said inches in its height, and said Pyramid Inch is within half of a strand of your hair the equivalent of a British Inch and an American Inch, while the geometric circle upon which it is designed of 365.242 said inches is the exact amount of time that Enoch, 7th from Adam was on the earth before the Lord God removed him and reflects the Solar Year of 365 plus days which aforementioned are only a few of the contents found in the Bible of Stone; (2) and the contents found in Stonehenge in Great Britain like the Great Pyramid show definite astronomical connections between each, such as, if you start walking from Station Stone 93 to Station Stone 91 of Stonehenge and keep walking in that same diagonal direction you would eventually bump into the Great Pyramid.

12. In fact, you are dwelling and have traveled in areas loaded with crucial “the rest of the story” verified evidence in support of the promises the Lord God made to His people “true Israel” and orders given to the called ones (the Churches) which are as follows:

Simon of Cyrene, Libya the man who carried the cross-beam for Lord Jesus re His crucifixion is buried outside Tucson Ariz and his lead grave marker explains aforementioned in Latin with other early Christians and their similar grave markers nearby.

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Engraved on the cross found in the Arizona desert in 1922 is the account of a fleet of ships carrying 700 Christianized Romans left the Roman Empire under the command of Theodorus the Renowned in 775 A.D. bound for the New World and after landing on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico they marched northwest until they arrived at a desert area near present day Tucson, Ariz where they built a city that they called Terra Calalus, which according to the records found, the colony flourished until approximately 900 A.D. when the local Native American tribes inspired by the damn Diablo destroyed it (see below Photo from the Desert Magazine, December 1980.

In addition, several portraits and chronicle entries by early journalists, particularly by Meriwether Lewis and George Caitlin of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, appear to depict light skinned, blue-eyed people in native attire living in rectangular homes not migrating called the Mandan (the Man is Dan) tribe of the Missouri River country of North Dakota as in the present day capital city Mandan. And I had my former TEA2 partner Bob Wiley and his son Mike at the time “good Roman Catholics” visit the site at Las Lunas,

Page 59 of 70 near Albuquerque, New Mexico, and see the rock with the Ten Commandments carved in the ancient script by the Tribe of Dan circa King Solomon 700 BC which aforementioned enabled them to remove the Pope- a-Dope’s Baltimore Catechism installed “chains” from their brains (Bob Wiley now with the Virginia based Commonwealth of Israel, and Mike called me from Seoul, S Korea where he teaches English in a private school and when he talks about Lord Jesus certain of the young children begin to hiss, snarl, spit, talk in deep voices, etc from demonic possession).

And, according to the research of Philip Coppens in his work Copper: A world trade in 3000 BC? ─ predating even the arrival of the Tribe of Dan, the Welsh, and the Romans, the era around 3000 BC saw more than 500,000 tons of copper mined from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with the largest mine on Isle Royale, in Lake Superior, near the Canadian border where there are thousands of prehistoric copper pits, dug thousands of years ago by an unknown ancient people. Equally important, the mining operation on Isle Royale was neither small nor primitive even by today’s standards, since the Mining Belt on Isle Royale is one and three quarter miles in length and nearly four hundred feet wide with the copper pits ranging from 10 to 30 feet deep with a maze of connecting tunnels that one archaeologist estimated would have taken the equivalent of 10,000 men working for 1000 years to dig. And, after two centuries of speculation, no one has ever satisfactorily explained either the identity of the miners or where all of this copper mined by these unknown miners went. In fact, the dating of the relics found at the site revealed that extraction of copper from Isle Royal began in 5300 BC, with some researchers even claiming that it began as early as 6000 BC. However, evidence for smelting copper is known to exist from “only” 4000 BC onwards.

Likewise, more recent research by Professor Barry Fell points to Punic or Phoenician inscriptions found in New England, Ohio and West Virginia, and also the discovery of coinage and trade goods in the United States which had come from the Phoenician city of Carthage in North Africa (Libya).

And my TEA2 Student Michael Robert Beadle lawman retired in New Hampshire and also a former “good Roman Catholic” (see his affidavit at tea2.net) removed said chains from his brain with on-site visitation re the megalithic structures at Mystery Hill, New Hampshire which are a type of

Page 60 of 70 temple/observatory dedicated to the ancient Celtic sun god Bel, and it was for worshipping this same Baal that his Israelite ancestors had been cast out of the Promise Land/Palestine).

Above photo is the Stonehenge Baal Stone in the state of New Hampshire.

So, in light of these few brief facts which I have outlined, it is now obvious that the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did indeed "spread abroad to the West" (Genesis 28:14) as Almighty God had promised. And, they had in fact discovered, traded with, and for a time even made settlements in North America, long before Columbus acting under the authority of the Pope-a-Dope reached the West Indies in 1492.

13. Accordingly, re the number “50” the first called ones of your kinsman redeemer Lord Jesus the Christ received the “tongues of fire” of the Holy Spirit on the Old Testament feast day of Pentecost (Greek fiftieth) 50 days after His resurrection.

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Again, in preparation for executing any health regimen I would prepare for you to attain successful outcomes re your diagnosed disease, it would be prudent for you to review the basis of my claim re the cause(s) and remedy of your dis-ease by going on-line at tea2.net and note: my treatise 666; as well as click on “The Evidence” then at bottom of page re “Adobe PDF” format “Click here” to download the entire Exposing the Evidence file which contains verified health matters. And, after your review of aforementioned, if interested in a remedy, please use the form provided re Here Is How to Get Started Re TEA2 Services and call me to alert me to pick up your mailed letter of stated needs at my mailing location.

And, if you have any questions, concerns, or insights re aforementioned please call me at 517-523-4058.

Without apology for any items presented I remain,

/s/ Terrence Michael Cupples, Consultant, Tax Education Advocates 2 (for witness) your in pro per “bro”-ther in the body of Lord Jesus the Christ.

PS “1”: Phillip and Nancy Bareham (current Mich legislative aide) as hosts for the Prophecy Club featured the Colonel “Speed” Wilson seminar in Lansing, Mich. And they are two witnesses that I am the man that won said Wilson’s $10,000 challenge re the 70th Week of Daniel not completed by quoting Scriptural text within context re proof of same, and I have yet to receive said amount as promised by the offerer. At the next seminar host Phillip Bareham (former legal counsel for all 82 Mich county sheriffs) told me that when I got up and walked out after Wilson’s three (3) strikes of disrespect, namely: first to me, secondly the meek sister on my right, and thirdly Pastor Willy Jones on my left, that it was not more than a few minutes later everyone in attendance left too ─ and that was the first and only time Phillip Bareham witnessed everyone leave a Prophecy Club seminar early. And, at the next Prophecy Club seminar I am the man that proved the conclusion made by speaker Wes Garrett from Australia that his thirty-eight (38) years of biblical study showed “66” books in the Bible was not accurate. Again, I used the Scriptures, namely, Joshua 10:13 and II Samuel 1:18 re the Book of Jasher; Jude 1:14 is a direct quote from Chapter 2 of the Book of Enoch; and the original Authorized Version of the King James Bible contained II Esdras the same removed sixty (60) years later by the Puritans.

PS “2”: I note re the Germans (Dorothy Barbara Haas of German descent) that the Romans called them “Germani” the genuine people of the house of Judah. And the man the American colonists rebelled who caused the issuing of The Unanimous Declaration of the thirteen States of America, was namely: King George III, a German, King of Great Britain, a

Page 62 of 70 verified descendant of King David per (A) the Scottish National Library original Gaelic manuscript containing the complete genealogies of the Scottish Kings through the Irish Kings by way of Judah, Jacob and Isaac back to Abraham; (B) the same also shown by a genealogical table in Windsor Castle showing the descent of the British kings from David through said lines; (C) a genealogical table from Abraham inclusive of the prophecy of Ezekiel (Ezek 21:25-27) re the triple overturn of the crown under the eternal Davidic Covenant per I Kings 9:5 (see Jacob’s Pillar, by E. Raymond Capt).

Thus, you are a combination of namely: the House of Israel (British Isles) under Cupples on your dad’s side of the family-tree and the House of Judah (German) under Haas on your mother’s side ─ predating the yet to be fulfilled prophecy of Ezekiel 37 re the valley of dry bones “the foot-bone connected to the ankle-bone the ankle-bone connected to the leg-bone, etc” with a modern spin to it re his lament, “I owe my soul to the Company Store” sung by Tennessee Ernie Ford.

I, Terrence Michael Cupples, certify under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct according to my best information, knowledge and belief, namely: that I am not in receipt of any verified evidence that contradicts the following fact statements, and any allegation, prima facie evidence or presumption to the contrary is hereby rebutted.

For your information the number of the month (8) and the number of the day (8) of your birth and your age (50) prompts me to amplify as follows:

1. The number eight (8) for the 8th month, known as August on the satanic calendar, named after Augustus Caesar, symbolizes a new beginning or new birth as shown in the Bible where 8 persons (Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth, and their 4 wives) were carried over from the flood in the ark and those 8 populated the world.

2. The Lord described to Nicodemus the new “birth” using the word “born” 8 times; and 8 and 8 equals 16 which is the # for “love” as one who is spiritually born again (8) loves others who are spiritually born of God (8), “Everyone that loveth him that begat loveth Him also that is begotten of him” (I John 5:1).

3. The number fifty (50) symbolizes the Holy Spirit poured out on the called ones of your kinsman redeemer Lord Jesus the Christ on the feast day of Pentecost (Gr fiftieth) 50 days after His resurrection.

4. So, twenty (20) the number for redemption plus thirty (30) the number for the blood of Christ (30 pieces of silver) equals fifty (50), and said number is the approximate time in solar years of your tenure on Planet Earth to date.

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5. And, a look at components of said # 50, namely: #20 and #30 shows the #5 a key component of both, and “5” = grace which means unmerited favor amplified in Romans 11:5 where “grace” is used 5 times; and there are 5 ministries through which God the heavenly Father’s grace is to be made known according to Paul/Tiny’s epistle/letter to the called ones in Ephesus per Ephesians 4:11, namely: Apostles (sent ones), Prophets (ones who alert you to future events), Evangelists (ones who encourage called ones/ekklesia/church with the good news of what the kinsman redeemer accomplished ─ all Israel saved by race and other races either “called” or given access to the Tree of Life during the millennial kingdom), Pastors (ones who organize and provide leadership to called ones), Teachers (ones who have “knowledge,” namely, the facts, “understanding,” namely, how the facts fit together into a pattern, and “wisdom,” namely, explaining said facts and said pattern for you to use effectively in your day to day interactions with people, namely: other called of the sower re 4 types of dirt at Mat 13:3-23, Mk 4:3-20, Lk 8:5-15), Israelites, and human satanic minions.

6. In support of said “knowledge,” “understanding,” “wisdom,” are the gifts of the Spirit, in pertinent parts: “For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit (I Cor 12:8-10).

7. Re other called ones, Israelites, human satanic minions, in Rev 2:9 and 3:9, Jesus warns called ones about those “which call themselves Jews and are not.”

8. So, in exercising said gifts of the Spirit coupled with two (2) for witness, namely: Dr. Ariella Oppenheim, Hebrew U and Dr. Eran Elhaik (both a “Jew not a Jew”), M-N Institute of Genetic Medicine, John Hopkins U School of Medicine using the newest DNA science found the “Jews” of North America, Europe, and the Middle East Israel are not descendants of Abraham, but are descendants of King Bulan of Khazaria the same people an amalgam of clans who are descendants of Japheth (Noah’s 3rd son) who once lived in the Caucasus Mountains area (Southern Russia), while the Palestinians and Arabs are descendants of Abraham.

9. Now said verified evidence of who are and who are not descendants of Abraham pertain to the covenants the Lord God made with Abraham re his descendants in pertinent parts at Gen 17:2-21, 22:17-18; coupled with Gen 49:10 “The Scepter shall not depart from Judah”; re 1st time “Jew” is found in the Bible at II Kings 16:6 where the King of the 10 tribe House of Israel waged war against the King of the 3 tribe House of Judah and “drove the Jews from Elath”; the Davidic covenant at II Samuel 7: 8-16; I Kings 2:4, 8:25, 9:5; Psalm 89: 3-4, 34-7;

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Jer 33:20-26 “for David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel”; and Joseph’s Birthright re Manasseh and Ephraim at I Chron 5:2 and 10 tribe House of Israel at I Kings 11:28-35 (amplified in “666” doc at tea2.net).

Further this affiant saith not. Subscribed and affirmed to this eighth day of the eighth month in the year of our Lord, two thousand thirteen, Anno Domini.

I hereby affix my own signature in philadelphia re all of the above re Robert Carl Cupples.

Terrence Michael Cupples, by special appearance, in propria persona, proceeding sui juris, unrepresented.

I, Terrence Michael Cupples, certify under penalty of perjury that the following is true and correct according to my best information, knowledge and belief, namely: that I am not in receipt of any verified evidence that contradicts the following fact statements, and any allegation, prima facie evidence or presumption to the contrary is hereby rebutted.

For your information the number of the month “8” on the satanic calendar, the number of the day “8” of your birth, and your age “51” prompts me to amplify as follows.

1. I note the number “8” for the 8th month, known as August on the satanic calendar, named after Augustus Caesar, symbolizes a new beginning or new birth as shown in the Bible where 8 persons (Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth, and their 4 wives) were carried over from the flood in the ark and those 8 populated the world.

2. I note the Lord described to Nicodemus the new “birth” using the word “born” 8 times; and 8 and 8 equals 16 which is the number for “love” as one who is spiritually born again (8) loves others who are spiritually born of God (8), “Everyone that loveth him that begat loveth Him also that is begotten of him” (I John 5:1).

3. I note the number “50” symbolizes the Holy Spirit poured out on the called ones of your kinsman redeemer Lord Jesus the Christ on the feast day of Pentecost (Gr fiftieth) 50 days after His resurrection.

4. I note the number “1” in the Bible stands for “unity.”

5. I note said number symbolizes the unity of Gods/Elohiym beginning in Genesis 1:1 (English text shows the word “God” singular a mistranslation since Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance #430 shows the word Elohiym the plural Gods, and in Genesis 1:26 correctly states: “Let us make man in our image”).

6. I note the Genesis 2:4 shows the words “Lord God” the same used for the first time at that point in the creation explanation.

7. I note said Lord God is the creative agent ─ one of said Gods/Elohiym who later becomes Lord Jesus the Christ (Ephesians 3:9; Col 1:15-16).

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8. I note the Lord Jesus said, “That they (His called ones/disciples) all may be one; as You Father are in Me, and I in You, that they may be one in Us and the glory which You gave Me I have given them; that they may be one even as We are one.”

9. I note Paul, Lord Jesus’ agent to the called ones said, “I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beg you to walk worthy of the vocation which you are called, with all lowliness, and humility, with longsuffering, forebearing one another in love; endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit, in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith(trust), one baptism (of the Holy Spirit not H2O), one God and Father of all” (Ephesians 4:1-6).

10. I note the Apostle John sheds light on said called ones being one, namely: “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin” (I John 1:7).

11. I note my friend Bill Schnoebelen former RCC Altar Boy, RCC priest, and a 90th Degree Mason in his video THE LIGHT BEHIND MASONRY discloses that in the rituals for an initiate the Worshipful Master, a 32nd Degree Mason, asks “What do you most desire?” And the 1st Degree initiate answers “Light.” And the same question is asked of the 2nd Degree and the 3rd Degree and his answer is “More Light.”

12. I note Albert Pike’s book MORALS AND DOGMA at p 321 he wrote: “Lucifer, the Light- bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light? Doubt it not!”

13. I note the Book of Isaiah at 14:12-13 states: “How art you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! For you has said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God! I will also sit upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the North.”

14. I note the Book of Revelation amplifies said falling at 12:7-9 as follows: “And there was war in heaven . . . And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the [damn] Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels [too].”

15. I note Pike in his said book at p 567 wrote: “To prevent the light from escaping at once, the Demons forbade Adam to eat the fruit of ‘knowledge of good and evil’ by which he would have known of the Empire of Light and that of Darkness. He obeyed; an Angel of Light induced him to transgress.”

16. I note re the law of opposites, said “Demons” who forebade Adam to eat said fruit were the Triune Gods/Elohiym/Father, Son, Holy Spirit speaking through the Lord God ─ while said Angel of Light was Lucifer/Satan/[the damn]Devil.

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17. I note the agent of said Angel of Light Lucifer/Satan/[the damn]Devil, namely, the “false prophet”/the Pope a Dope whose title Vicarivs Filii Dei; with said Roman letters having the numerical value of: “I” = 1 (used 6 times), “L” = 50, “V” = 5, “C” = 100, “D” = 500; and the sum total is “666” as described in Revelation 13:11-18; and according to the U.S. federal government Fact Manual, the main industry of the Vatican is described as world-wide banking activities, with the chief banker being the Pope a Dope ─ the designated recipient of Peter-pence Offerings.

Further this affiant saith not. Subscribed and affirmed to this eighth day of the eighth month in the year of our Lord, two thousand fourteen, Anno Domini. I hereby affix my own signature in philadelphia re all of the above re Robert Carl Cupples.

Terrence Michael Cupples, by special appearance, in propria persona, proceeding sui juris, unrepresented.

1. I note the number “4” in the Bible stands for “creation” since the first day God(s)/Elohiym began restoring Planet Earth (“And the earth became a waste and a desolation” Gen 1:2) there were “4” divine acts, namely: (1) “God said”; (2) “God saw”; (3) “God divided”; (4) “God called”; the second day there were “4” divine acts, namely: (1) “God said”; (2) “God made”; (3) “God divided”; (4) “God called”; the fourth day there were “4” divine acts, namely: (1) “God said”; (2) “God made”; (3) “God set”; (4) “God saw”; the seventh day there were “4” divine acts, namely: (1) “God ended”; (2) “God rested”; (3) “God blessed”; (4) “God sanctified”; so each of said “4” divine acts were performed on each of said “4” days.

2. I note God’s signature number “4” re said restoration of Planet Earth, that the earth has, namely, 4 seasons (besides Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons) Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter; 4 kingdoms: animal, mineral, vegetable, spiritual; 4 main compass points: North, South, East, West.

3. I note re said restoration of Planet Earth the word “creature” is found 4 times (Gen 1:20; 1:21; 1:24; 2:19).

4. I note in Romans 8:19-22 the words “creature” and “creation” occur 4 times in succession.

5. I note the word “creature” in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance #2934 shows “domestic animal” re Romans 8:21, “Because the creature [domestic animal] itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.”

6. I note above mentioned ¶ 5 means our pets will be restored to us during the millennial kingdom.

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7. I note given aforementioned that it is not unreasonable to assume you have not heard the last of the Cal-Lee, namely: “I want some!” Recall said request by the Cal-Lee whenever you were preparing fish and meat for the barbeque.

8. I note after the Cal-Lee’s body became life-less a month later Rob noted he heard the Cal-Lee “motoring” when I was applying Transdermal Mag-Oil on him as he lay on the chiropractic table in your home-office suite (said sound I heard daily but did not say anything about it to anyone), and when you entered the room said sound stopped as apparently your presence motivated her to pass from this plane of existence to join our other departed pets who are waiting for said Romans 8:19-22 their standard of review to live here anew.

9. I note creatures in 4 locations speaking (Rev 5:13): “And every creature which is in heaven (1), and on the earth (2), and under the earth (3), and such as were in the sea (4) and all that are in them heard I [John the Apostle] saying, blessing (1), and honor (2), and glory (3), and power (4), be unto him that sitteth upon the throne [God the Father], and unto the Lamb [our kinsman redeemer Lord Jesus the Christ] forever and ever.”

10. I note 4 living creatures mentioned in Rev 4:6 the same described in Rev 4:7 as like a lion, calf, man, eagle which are first described by Jacob (Israel) re prophecies of his sons “in the last days” (Gen 49); the same Moses amplifies in his blessing prior to his death (Deuteronomy 33); while Ezekiel describes said “four living creatures” (Ezek 1:5-10; 10:14); and said 4 creatures are the logos on the flags of nations today connected to the descendants of said Israel.

11. I note there were 4 rows of 3 precious stones per row in the breastplate of the Levitical High Priest that represented the 12 sons of Jacob/Israel (Exodus 26:14).

12. I note the 12 jewels around the base of the Crown of St. Edward are an emblematic representation of the 4 divisions of the Israel people with the Cross above the center of the Crown is the emblem of Jesus the Christ who as the Lord God Jehovah was King of Israel during the wilderness years manifesting his presence at the center and above the Camp of Israel by a Pillar of Cloud; whereas Jacob’s Pillar Stone has been used for the coronation of every Israelite King (Queen) from Saul and David up to current Elizabeth II; with the Crown’s Orb beneath the Cross symbolizing the earth and its peoples under the coming reign and rule of said Jesus the Christ our savior and king since “the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob [Israel] for ever.”

To sum up, now that you a truth seeker have completed a warm-up re aforementioned biblical notes, then please consider moving up to see The Evidence at tea2.net which is available for a free download in ADOBE PDF file format.

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Are you aware this website starting the 6th month of 2013 was hacked with malicious software and subsequently removed two (2) times from the public domain because of the revealing nature of the contents, namely, Show and Tell the Evidence: Exposing the Sequential Order of Deception? It is true, on 11-07-2014 the first half of the international radio show Coast to Coast AM whistle-blower Andrew Greig a former Google Inc employee disclosed his job was to surf the Internet “to find and remove any website that had too much truth of a specific nature that ordinary people could use to benefit themselves and thwart the agenda of the New World Order.” So the website has been restored by a member of the Body of Christ an ex US Army officer skilled in electronic telecommunications, and you can access it with, or without “www” using these search engines: Yahoo.com; Bing.com; Google.com; Baidu.com (China); Yandex.com (Russia); Exa Lead (France).

And when you download to a printer or flash drive “The Evidence” re other biblical matters, health matters, law matters, and financial matters please include the Color Photo of Sheriff Richard Mack and your TEA2 Services Consultant taken at the National CSPOA Convention (Constitutional Sheriff’s and Peace Officers Association) which included other public servants who took the oath of office, namely: congressmen, commissioners, attorneys, and one (1) notary public from Hillsdale County, Michigan to your ““Master Set” from which to make copies for your distribution to truth seekers.

And, said verified evidence of successful TEA2 student outcomes coupled with the verified track record of successful outcomes of the two men in the picture who, namely: (1) walk the talk, (2) are “2” for witness, and (3) we agree Amos 3:3 ─ should help to instill confidence in “truth seekers” you meet who want to do more than just talk about it.

In fact, the various tools from the TEA2 Services Tool-box used by TEA2 students as described in “The Evidence” are in keeping with our mission statement at the convention, namely: “To show “We the People” lawful non-violent valid solutions to our identified national problems through the exercise of the principles of liberty at the local level by simply just stop playing their game. And you can learn more about these various tools and exhibits of verified evidence of successful outcomes by TEA2 students with my amplified explanation, namely: “Who does what by when and why” by

Page 69 of 70 your scheduling a TEA2 Seminar specific to your stated needs with optional “Meat for Fellowship.”

For this purpose, and to do the next best right thing, contact TEA2 Services to assist you in your extrication from your identified problem situation, so you can avoid related consternation which leads to aggravation which causes frustration creating inflammation triggering disease.

And this extrication process begins by your download of the last page called the Student Profile Form of The Evidence at tea2.net, then namely: (A) by your review of the preceding page called Here Is How to Get Started Re TEA2 Services and your written follow through; (B) please call me at 517-523-4058 to inform me re the date of mailing your letter describing your various needs and your completed Student Profile Form so I can make arrangements to pick them up at my designated mailing location; (C) after I review your letter re your stated needs we can schedule a meeting to further discuss your specific requests for learning how to get, and, or stay healthy as well as legal and ethical ways for you to stop feeding the “Beast System,” namely: Bovine Skubalon (cow dung), and how to protect your property and funds from human satanic minions parasitically draining off your financial life-blood.

Without apology for any items presented I remain,

/s/ Terrence Michael Cupples, Consultant, Tax Education Advocates 2 (for witness), your in pro per “bro”-ther in the Body of Lord Jesus the Christ.

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