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The BG News August 25, 2003

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GETTING DEFENSIVE: A.M. SHOWERS BG defense key to contin- I IK, II 84 I LOW 64 ued success; PAGE 13 NEWSA daily independent student press VOLUME 98 ISSUE 2 UDS undergoes overhaul Options, meal Flexfiinds to limit plans change amount By Kara Hull tomers, but it didn't.'' EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Before the existence of the After losing more than Bowen -Thompson Student spent in $500,000 in 1H months of I Jnion, dining in the Union did- Union operation, University n't start until 6 p.m. The deci- lil Dining Services is ready to get sion to allow full use of meal Union out of the red. plan money is the cause of Passed at the lime 27 meet- Dining Services' financial diffi- By Kara Hull ing of the University's Board of culties, according to Newman. t§lln» H CHlIf Trustees, the changes in Dining "The residential meal plan In an attempt to dig University Services being implemented over the years was developed, Dining Services out of more than this fall are crucial, said Linda defined and priced in order to 1600,000 Of debt, the amount of Newman, executive director of run the residential dining cen- 0 meal plan money allowed to be Residence Life. ters to provide service in the spent in the Union is being restrict- "The Union did not bring in a residence halls to people that ed. lot of extra business," she said. lived there," she said, " was The pre-set amounts, dubbed "The same level of business a University decision to allow Flexfunds, increase as meal plan was dispersed among five students to have full use of their dollar amounts increase, major dining centers rather meal plans in the Union. There According to losh Kontak. pn-si- than four. You don't have to be were some problems with that denl ill IISG, while he sees the an economics major to under- that became evident in the last financial necessity lor the restric- stand i hr dynamics of that." year and a half." tion, be knows the change has And the' agreement with The changes to Dining upset many undergraduates. Wendy's didn't help matters Services include: T think the most negative either. • Implementation of response will come from sopho- According to Newman, Flexfunds. a pre-set amount of mores," he slid, "Most of them will Dining Services only gets 2 per- money that will be used when still lie living on campus and know cent of all meal plan money food is bought from the Union how meal plans have worked in the spent at Wendy's. Last year (Hexfund dollars can also be past." Wendy's earned more than SI spent in dining halls if desired) Unda Newman, executive direc- million in meal plan money— • All meal plan balances will tor of Residence life, understands money that could have been carry over semester- to- semes- that many students won't like the used to run other dining cen- ter and year- to- year Flexfunds change, but it's neces- ters on campus. • Off campus meal plan sary for the financial well-being of The rush of people—and option has been renamed ("BG Dining Services. money— to the Union, was to on the Go"] and increased to a "This was not a question of he expected, but administra- $249 minimum instead of the University administrators sitting tors never anticipated being in $100 minimum last year around saying how can we screw a long-term strained financial • An All Ybu Care to Hat students? Mow can we make their situation. Newman said. option will be offered in lives miserable?' Iliis was not a "Whenever you open a new Commons ONLY PORTION OF MEAL PLAN USABLE IN UNION Samanlha Anderson BG News decision that was taken lightly." she dining facility, people will flock • Dinner has been extended Unlike last year, students with meal plans wi 1 not be able to use an said. "This has been a very difficult CLOSED: Students sit in there." she said. "It dissipated to 8 p.m. in all residential dining unlimited amount ot their money in the Union . Below is the break- problem to deal with. We had to the Sundial outside ot the some, but not completely. It centers down of each meal plan and the amount of that plan that can be make decisions based on preserv- was hoped that things would • The Bowling Greenery will used in the Union now-closed Shadows snack ing the integrity of the Dining balance back out and that the bar. The closing of the Services program for each and Union would attract new cus- DINING, PAGE 11 every student." Meal plans Meal rate Flexfunds pizza and sub shop was one of a number ot The limited plan, allotting $75 Limited $1,125 $75 changes University Dining worth of Flexfunds to be spent at BG Basic $1,375 $325 the Union, has caused complaints "The same level of business was dis- Services implemented. persed among flue major dining centers Falcon Feast $1,500 $450 among students. The dollar Ultimate $1,800 $750 amount, Newman said, was based rather than four." National Merit $1,280 $75 on an average of the amount of Athletic $1,647 $600 meal plan money that was spent in LINDA NEWMAN, EXEC. DIRECTOR OF RESIDENCE LIFE, Hockey $1,584 $535 ADDRESSING THE EFFECT THE UNION HAD ON UDS BUSINESS FLEXFUNDS,PAGE 11 Source: *vnv bgsu edu/ofllces/sa/reslife Campus hit by computer virus

By Kara Hull rized as a worm, which spreads actions are triggered," he said. INFECTION TIMELINE according to a re|>ort from the University network. EDITOR IN CHIEF on its own through e-mail. The "We pay maintenance and are anti-virus company I'-Secure. "The campus firewall was lust in time for move in and the virus hunts for anything that under contract with McAfee TUESDAY, AUGUST 19 The virus is the fifth strain of an blocking the work for quite a few start of fall semester, what is looks like an e-mail address and Network Associates to give us the 8:24 a.m.: First infection occurs original worm sent in January. hours until at some point it being dubbed as one of the begins to send out e-mails at a latest and greatest virus protec- I In- attack of Sobig came just appears that a faculty member fastest-moving e-mail viruses to rapid pace cither through bgnet tion. They reacted very quickly to 8:45 a.m.: Technology Support after a widespread infection of with a laptop computer probably date is responsible for the infec- wehmail or to systems off cam- giving us an updated version of Services notified of strange e- the MS Blaster virus. became infected through its tion of more than 100 computers pus. their files We then get out there mails Attacking a vulnerability of home Internet Service Provider on campus. Computers become infected and encourage everyone to pop-. 9:17 a.m.: Virus identified Microsoft Windows, the Blaster (ISP)." he said. "(They) brought it The virus, dubbed Sobig.1-' was once the e-mail attachment is tilate it and help them do so." vims was identified on campus (0 campus and booked into cam- identified on campus Tuesday opened. The vims spread so fast Regardless of dieir official sta- 11:00 a.m.: Updates available the morning of Aug. 12 and also pus and began spreading it that morning in an e-mail from a uni- that it was nearly two and a half tion, technology officials work infected more than l(K) comput- way." versity in Russia. The message hours after the first infection on together to solve virus problems The Sobig vims, which uses ers. But the light with Blaster is far was quickly followed by infected campus before anti-virus as quickly as possible, Bruce 'subject headings such as Re:That The worm causes infected from over. By Thursday most of e-mails from a university in updates were available to resolve Petryshak, chief information offi- Movie, Re:l)etails and He: Wicked computers to shut down and tin- infected systems on the net- Sweden, the Hducation Ministry the problem. cer, said. Screensaver, initially sent out one reboot repeatedly and also work had been cleaned up, but in Denmark and eventually from But contracts with McAfee "There are quite a few staff that e-mail approximately every W) attacked the Microsoft Windows since move in began in full force locations in the United States Network Associates allow the can be called upon to help aid it, seconds on campus, reports virus update site, preventing on Friday, more than 200 com- including University. University to get help quickly to but all of those staff members show. many from being able to quickly puters in the residence halls have According to Kent Strickland, areas on campus, said Toby have other responsibilities," he Globally, the vims is estimated resolve die problem. become victims of the virus, information security officer with Singer, executive director of infor- said. "But when this happens to have sent more than 100 mil- MS Blaster, Strickland said, Strickland said. Information Technology Services mation technology services. they all come together to work on lion e-mails across the Internet traveled to campus through an (ITS), the Sobig virus is catego- "When these tilings happen it" since its discovery Monday, infected laptop plugged into the VIRUS, PAGE 2

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.■-...-...■■•• B V-WF3RSK«»«J 2 Monday. August 25.2003 WWW.BGNEWS.COM

"I thought it was cool that the student speaker /Josh Kontak, president of USG) encouraged responsibility, like registering to vote." Officials look for BETH BAIOR, NEW BGSU STUDENT tightened security Convocation in technology

VIRUS, MOMPAGE I that an attack on infected com- puters was planned for .1 p.m. kicks off year " I he MS Blaster worm is 11)1 Friday doing a number on the resi- According to Strickland, 20 By Allison H.ilco gave the first speech, extending dence halls," he said. "It's cans windows PCs were scheduled to CAMPUS NIKS E0IIOR his welcome to new students. it ig significant problems." launch an attack which could I'lii' annual New Student Following iblkins. President MKI as University technology have deleted files, stolen pass Convocation, held yesterday on Kibeau addressed the audience, ■ officials predicted, the Sohig winds 01 tinned infected W s the lawn in Iron! of University stressing that they should make trims is bigger than what most into e-mail seivers tor relaying Hall, was attended by the new the most of their college experi- P iple think. junk e-mail. freshman i lass. ence and encouraging them to Il appeals to have a hack The attack was averted after The I ale on Matching Hand "seize the opportunity" their door, and its listening wailing for Internet Service Providers entertained the freshmen as a years at the University are sine to further Instructions, so the including Itoad Runner, owned procession of honored guests. present. attackei can maybeget back into by Time Warner Cable, made up ot the presidents and Kontak encouraged "commu- ihe systems later and direct it Earthlink, AT&TWbrldnel and deans nl varmus campus depart- nity involvement and civic what to do," Strickland said "In Sprint were able to locate and ments and colleges responsibility* among the fresh- some i ascs ihe worm may be remove the computers set to Sophomore Andrea Fatica, men. able io update itseil and change launch *he attack. accompanied by the marching "There is nothing more dis- :\ ii behaves, We know I he past two weeks worth of band, performed the National couiaging than a Student who luiu its listening and (are] scan- viiuses have sparked discussion Anthem. doesn't care," Kontak said. ning in look ioi systems that about methods that could he "Il was a unifying event, (o net "I thought il was cool that the may have been affected." used In tighten campus lechnol everyone un die same level and student speaker (Kontak) I xrx i tin); a dormant date of ogy security and raise awareness tell us what to expect tliis year." encouraged responsibility, like Sept. II) Ioi ihe virus, University levels both ol viiuses and their freshman leremiah lacks said registering to vote," freshman officials found some infected implications. Speakers lolin I olkins. Beth Bajoi said. SMMHH Anderson I - svsti'iiis "hiding" earlier than We put all this process in To dose the ceremony, latica expet led. I his has complicated place, we put all the firewalls in University President Sidney NEW STUDENT CUNVO: A BGSU sludenl enjoys heiself at Hi'; Ribeau and Undergraduate performed the Alma Mater. the (lean up process over the plan-, and then just bringing one Convocation picnic Student Government President A picnic outside of West Hall i i, I end Strickland said. in oil the stieel, it inlei led us," losli Kontak look turns welcom- followed, during which the "Ilie speeches were really great way to start a new yea "Some of them diat are infect- I'clivsliaksaid.'Oui biggest vul ing the freshman class to the inarching hand, dance team and good. I hey us gave a different lacks said. ed .ne going dormant period! n< labilities light now aieavvare Universit) cheerleaders performed while perspective oi college,'' Bajor i ill; .mil thai makes diem hard- ness. We're trying to get people Iblkins, the provost and vice Students enjoyed hoi dogs and said. er to find,' lie said. awaie of the hesl pracliccs and president for \iadeinii Mlaiis. hamburgers "I thought die speeches were a i Hiding allot the infected svs we're going to tiy to get more terns as quickly as possible was information across campus i pel ially critical alter learning about that."

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IE0MM mnttmmmm WWW.BGNEWS.COM Friday. January 31.2003 3 TWO NEW POLICE OFFICERS JOIN FORCE The University's director of of public safety Jim Wiegand has brought on two new campus police officers, who were sworn in Aug. 7. Charles [.angford a native of Louisville, Ky, and Ion Luidhardt, from Bowling Green will join the force. Langford previously served with the Kentucky Department of Corrections, while Luidhardt formerly served with the Wood County Common Pleas Court. CAMPUS Online bookstore helps avoid crowds

By Patricia Hengrto students, last fall, student ath- "Students just go to the pOI Bookstore Director. "We are still serving students It will be really Slick when its CAUPUS NEWS EOIIOR leles were able to preorder their tal, they can see it. click on "They will gel first pick of in the same way.' Nelson said. up and running.' Nelson said. Walking through cramped books and in the spring the it.and order it," Dobbsaid. used books, i hey don't have to I he bookstore is In the When we fust slatted MYBG- aisles and scavenging through bookstore expanded the pro- The new technology will help shop the shelves and they can process of expanding the pro- su we thought we would need stacks of used hooks may gram to include all students everyone, not just those who still deride to iiluin unwanted gram to include a link from the to have instructional sessions. become a thing of the past. last spring, 50 students took have ordered online. hooks. I hey just have to come in ii gisii.n soffice. but the students have jumped Due to the overwhelming advantage of the bookstore's "It wiD be a tremendous bene and pick up their order," he said " I his program will pass youi on." Dobbsaid response the University book- offer. This fall more than 7M lit for everyone." Ilobbsaid. I he bookstore has not need schedule from the registrar to "Students get it and they like store is not accepting any addi- Students logged onto the BGSU there will be fewer people in ed to hire additional workers to the bookstore so you don't have it. Some things are pleasant, tional online orders for the fall Website and ordered (heir the bookstore a) once. I his will take care ol the online orders. to search foi Man schedule some things are unpleasant; we semester, file bookstore offered books. make shopping c.isici for Stu- "We just shifted out before ordering books," Nelson waul to make it more pleasant students the opportunity to pre- "These people will be able to dents who haven't pie-ordered. resources." Nelson said. said [to buy books)," she said. ordcr their books online and avoid the crowd."' Linda Dohh. Students who have pre- Some workers were brought I he taigel dale lot the new many took advantage of it. executive vice president said. ordered will have three big in early to pull books ol! the program to be up is in October This is the second year this Ordering hooks online is verj advantages over those who have shelves and tx» Ihem and oth- so ii can be tested before the option lias been available for all easy, she said. tlOt, said left Nelson. BGSU ers will be on the 111 spring semestei

BG NEWS Ribeau focuses on achievement B R I E F i N G By Monica Frost cooperation, intellectual and nire and qulit) administration is achievements ol the University Musical Arts College REPORTER spiritual growth, creative imagin- still in place, koniak said. I he) throughout the past eight years, President Sidney Ribeau wel- ings and pride in a job well done. |the administration nave taken specifically the Universit) devel- to hold auditions for comed back students and faculty Ihese core values were devel- various steps to ensure thai even oping a number ol residential Choral Society oped by faculty In l»)li-1997. though out dollars continue to c olleges and specialized doc Loral on Friday when he gave his ninth I he ( ollege of Musical Arts opening day address titled "An "They just weren't picked from dec lease that the qualm ol edu programs as well as working col- and Sciences will hold audi- a book, they came from real peo- cation and student life is still at a laborative!) with the community Investment in Achievement." tions for the University Choral Ribeau discussed the future of ple working with real students premium." on educational reform and ecu Society Sunday from 4-6 pjn. working in a dynamic academic Ribeau is optimistic about the nomic development. the University as well as the role in Bryan Recital 1 lall at the future of the University and \ promotional video for the of education at Bowling Green. community," Ribeau said. Moore Musical \rtsCenter. "On opening day 2001), I can Assistant Vice President of attributed this optimism to the Universit) was also shown dm Conducted by William Student Affairs and Dean of fact that the administration and ing liibe.ius speech. I he video stand here before you and say skoog. associate professoi ol facult) know what the) are was created b) Assistant Vice 'We have a telling story to tell'," Students. Wanda Overland, choral activities, the group doing. President ol the office ol market- Ribeau said. "We are a very dis- believes the core values allow BGSU President Sidney Ritieau formed in 1999 to provide an tinctive University and our niche students to know what type ol "We are the professionals we ing and communications, opportunit) for lovers of choral is a unique niche." institution the University is. 'We have to manage within are the faculty, the Kimberly McBroom, as well as music to perform with various Ribeau also shared a quote "I think it's also an opportunity the confines ol the school's bud professional staff, we are the hei colleauges area orchestras to communicate to students thai get and we will successfully." researchers, we are the writers ! In video included the bene with the audience by Martin The society is open to any- Ribeau said. we are the artists we are the his and advantages of the Luther King )r. to Illustrate the they need to decide what their one ol high school age or older role of education at the values are and to respect our val- USG President, losh koniak. is ones that know the business,' University and also explained the University, "Intelligence plus ues." Overland said, confident about the upcoming said Ribeau. UniversityS cine values and mis year despite budget cuts. character — that is the goal of a Ribeau briefly discussed (In- "We are going to be good sum statement, rhe video also "Even though the state cumin true education." states budget crunch affecting se ol who we are but we highlighted alumni that have Ribeau discussed the impor- higher education but said, ues in cut our funding I believe i great because ol what we proven successful in the fields of tance of the University's five core " I 'here's really not a lot we can do we are going to have a good year ill i ide to do." said Ribeau. in hneciure, literature, technolo- values: respect for one another. about it." because the quality infrastruc Ribeau also discussed die gv and International affairs.

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Fedcoronto Mayor MEL IASTMAN,on (he potential consequences of the Aug. 14 blackout Incwswtkaim) OPINION New year comes with new changes It's finally fall again and it's Services meal plans have plans. Students pay for meal date the Chapman program. be a butt of their jokes. When you get to the point that time to start another school year. changed. Now each plan has plans therefore shouldn't they be Even though there have been Some words of warning for the you are a senior you will not With this new year there have various amounts of money on able to use them where they feel many changes on campus that upper classmen as well. Try not have that much time to actually also been alterations to some of them where only a portion or a like eating? students may or may not like or to pick on the freshman so relax and enjoy life. the things on campus. Some of small fraction can be spent at the More changes to campus agree widi they're here and you much, because many of them Cherish the time you have the changes include the new, Union. include the renovation and can't change them. All you can today are getting smarter and here and the friends you make Dining Services University meal This means that during the improvement to several halls on do is leam what you have to they will get revenge on you in and make the best of things. plans with their new "not so flex- course of a whole semester you campus including Offenhauer leant, do you own thing and pass the next few years. Don't let little things get you ible" Flexfunds. More changes will probably be able to get, and Kohl Hall. your classes so that you can get a To those people who are stuck down. on campus also include con- maybe 10 to 20 meals at the Kohl Hall will now be the new degree. between freshman and senior. Along with the changes to struction to some of the resi- Union, if you only eat there once sites of the Chapman Learning For freshman, a hint of advice: Don't worry ,you will eventually campus many of us have dence halls and the changing of a day. community. The building has Don't always listen to the upper be a senior, but until you do changed and grown as well. Get Kohl I lall into "The (:hapman It is ridiculous that you are been completely redone to classmen, because a lot of the ,enjoy the time you have to take ready for a brand new year. community at Kohl Hall." now being [old by the University include classrooms and other times they try to guide you in die 100 and 200 level classes and die Welcome backeveryone and To stan off with. Dining where you can spend your meal important facilities to accommo- wrong direction so that you can free time you have available. have a great year.

Mooreabuses ower ZTTERST0THE EDITOR PEOPLE P $5,000 a day for each day the statue remains in the court- contains many useful policies you're interested. Organizations ON THE STREET ZACH HERMAN house. The per-diem fine DnWhipple and important information. It are looking for members and What do you propose also includes everything from would be overjoyed in your Columnist would double with every pass- addresses new the academic calendar to infor- interest. While you can stay as a solution to the ing week, meaning a week of mation on student services. You involved in some of the things B stubbornness by Moore would University's debt Alabama Chief Justice Roy are now a pan of the Bowling you did in high school, this is cost his constituents $25,000. A students Moore readily acknowledges the Green community and you need your time to become involved in besides Flexfunds? month of fines would bum sovereignty of God, and he to know what behavior is and is ways you perhaps never thought $375,000 in taxpayer money. Dear Sludents: wants his state and its citizens not acceptable. you would be before. For exam- Moore's obstinacy is so galling For returning snidents, ii is to join with him - even if he 4. Explore the campus. Once ple, if you never got to play a that even former allies are with- greai to have you back at BGSU subverts the Constitution and you become comfortable with sport in high school, try one of for the 2003-04 academic year! wastes thousands of taxpayer drawing their support for the your residence hall or living the many club sports, or get For our students who are new dollars in the process. embattled judge. Alabama environment, see what the rest involved in intramural. Help to the University. "Welcome!" In August 2001, under cover Attorney General Bill Pryor, a of campus looks like. Venture plan Homecoming or check out We are excited about this of night, die judge had the5.280- Bush judicial nominee whose out of your room, find out where fraternity or sorority recruit- school yean besides the great pound granite statue of the Ten ultraconservative positions have buildings, programs, services, ment. It's your chance to con- classroom teaching provided by Commandments installed in congressional Democrats and events are, and how to tinue, start again, or become our faculty, the campus offers a the rotunda of the state judicial scrambling to block his reach them. Don't be self-con- involved for the very first time in myriad of opportunities. building, lhe audacious move, appointment, backed away scious about using a campus almost anything. Attending and participating in BRETT SAUMS which Moore ordered without from his support for Moore after map or asking somebody how 8. Take advantage of oppor- theater, music and athletic informing his colleagues, is a Thompson issued the Thursday to find something. It might tunities. Checkout the activities JUNIOR, MIDDLE events, joining at least one of direct violation of both the First deadline. seem impossible at first to find sponsored by your hall or Door, our over 280 student organiza- CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Amendment and Section 3 of your way around, but you will participate in Welcome Week "Although I believe the Ten tions and working on campus the Alabama State Constitution. get the hang of it in no time with activities. There are events "Lower Sidney Commandments are the cor- are just a few examples of the Now, Moore has taken his dis- a little practice. offered every weekend, from nerstone of our legal heritage kind of experiences you can Ribeau's salary." regard for the laws of state and 5. Find your best place to movies to trips to camping and and that they can be displayed have at BGSU. country one step further. study. This may take a bit of other outdoor activities. The constitutionally as they are in Several years ago for this BG Monday marks lhe judge's fifth experimentation. The key will vast majority of activities here at the U. S. Supreme Court build- News edition I offered some day in defiance of a court order be to find a place where you can BGSU are absolutely free to you, ing, I will not violate nor assist advice to new students. With a demanding that he remove the concentrate and that works for including musical perfor- any person in the violation of little updating I am providing monument from the court- you. It is important to have a mances, football games and this injunction. As Attorney these again. Some of the advice house. spot where you can read, pre- other sports events, and some may be peninent to returning For Moore, sued by the General, I have a duty to obey pare for class, write and study theater productions. Anyone students, regardless OF how American Civil Liberties Union all orders of courts, even when I for exams. Sometimes it's nice who says that there isn't any- long you have attended die shortly after establishing the disagree with those orders," he just to have a place to think. If thing to do at BGSU on week- University. In the spirit of sum- DAVE KAZMAIER edifice, the decision hinges on said. studying In your room is not for ends has not looked around at marizing and knowing mat you JUNIOR, his unique sense of duty as an Alabama governor Bob Riley you, there are many study what is available. probably do not have a lot of elected official. Thursday, the has also tempered his support spaces in the Jerome and 9. Relax. You do not have to TELECOMMUNICATIONS time diese First few days on day the monument was to be for Moore, and the judge's eight Science libraries, lounges in resi- do everything, be everything or campus, I offer you a "top removed, Moore told a crowd of colleagues on the state bench dence halls, in the Bowen- accomplish all of your college "Cut the eleven" list of tips for succeeding supporters gathered at the judi- have condemned his abuse of Thompson Student Union and goals your first week here. administration at Bowling Green: cial building that America judicial power. academic buildings, and other Become involved at your own 1. Get to know your profes- gestapo." "established our justice system Sadly for his state and propo- "out of the way" places. pace. No matter how hard you sors and instructors. They are on invoking the favor and guid- 6. Become familiar with the study or work, remember to take nents of religious freedom more than willing to talk with ance of almighty God.. .to do services and programs offered some time out for yourself, nationwide, Moore remains you, meet with you and do what my duty, I must acknowledge to students. You will be amazed whether that means hanging unalterably convinced that his they can to answer your ques- God." What the chief justice at the number of services and out with friends in your resi- decision is the correct one. In a tions. Introduce yourself as ignores is that the Constitution, programs which exist to help dence hall, spending some time recent interview with the Los soon as possible. Find a good as well as decades of legal you in every aspect of your life at the Recreation Center, reading Angeles Times, Moore provided seat in class where you can hear precedent, prevents govern- here at BGSU. We offer assis- a good book, or just taking a some valuable insight into the and see them (sit close to the ment from promoting or estab- tance with your academics and walk. rationale behind the statue, as front - it's the students in the lishing a particular religion as studying, writing, math and 10. Meet at least one new JOSH SCHNEIDER well as a taste of his healthy ego back who are called on!). Your the faith of the people. Moore, English, personal and career person every day. An important instructors want you to succeed ±SENIOR, SECONDARY who campaigned in 2000 as the "I am the highest legal authority concerns, recreational activities, part of being a member of a in their classes. EDUCATION "Ten Commandments judge," in the state," he said when health needs, multicultural community is knowing each 2. Buy your books and go to unfortunately fails to recognize asked about his justification for activities and many other ways. other. There are many opportu- class. Start your academic career "Get vending the importance of a govern- the edifice, "and I wanted it If you live in the halls or small nities for you to do that in your off right and do something ment that does not sanction there." group living units, you will residence hall, classroom, the machines with beer." essential to your academic suc- specific religious beliefs or doc- Roy Moore's religious extrem- receive information from your Union and other places on cam- cess. You've paid for the privi- trinal positions. And while the ism and apparent inability to staff on these services and pro- pus every day. You will make lege of being here, attending jurist tries to paint the statue as separate the tenets of his per- grams. You can also find this many friends here that you will class and learning, so take a primarily historical document, sonal faith from the rules of law information in your Student have for life: that will be there to advantage of that. It is easy to the display is as out of place in a are very dangerous characteris- get behind if this process is Handbook. celebrate important times with state building as a sculpture of tics for himself, the state of 7. Takealookatco-curricu- you, support you when you delayed, or if missing class Mohammed or Buddha would lar activities. Bowling Green has need it, and just to be a friend. Alabama, and anyone who becomes a habit. Don't put off be. many activities and opportuni- The more people you know enters his courtroom. His dis- buying your books and other Moore's constitutionally inde- ties for involvement. Get a com- here, the better off you will feel dain for the law when it runs class materials. The sooner you fensible behavior and callous plete list of the student organi- about being at BGSU. Realize counter to his values is aston- have your books, the sooner you PHILLIP STUART refusal to cede to the court zations and activities, which that everyone else is going ishing. The judge may earnestly can follow what is being taught order is not only embarrassing include club sports from the through the same transitions, SENIOR, SECONDARY believe that he is fulfilling his (and you won't get behind). for Alabamians, it is expensive. Office of Campus Involvement. suffering the same nervousness, oath of office by continuing this 3. Read your Student EDUCATION United States District Judge 11 ml. for posters around campus and experiencing the same intransigence, but in reality, all Handbook. The Student Myron Thompson, who issued and in The BG News announc- things that you are. Handbook is the one with the "Black market Coca- the Thursday ultimatum, has he has done is betrayed his state ing initial meetings of these brightly colored picture of stu- Cola sales." threatened to fine the state and his country. dents on the front cover that groups, and give them a try if ADDRESS. PAGE 5

CARRIE WHITAKER, MANAGING EDITOR JOEL HAMMOND, DESIGN EDITOR The BG News Submission Policy MATTIVEY. GRAPHICS EDITOR JENNY BURZANK0. COPY CHEF Do you agree with all of this? V\e are usually also in response to a cur- purposes. Personal attacks, unveri- doubt it. VVfote us and let us know rent issue on the University's campus fied information or anonymous sub- PATRICIA RENGIF0. CAMPUS NEWS EDITOR where you stand. or the Bowling Green area. missions will not be printed. KARA HULL, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ALLISON HALCO, CAMPUS NEWS EDITOR E-mail submissions as an attach- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR r. POLICIES ment to [email protected] with ANDREW SCHARF. CITY NEWS EDITOR 210 West Hall fewer than 500 words. These are usu- Letters to the Editor and Guest the subject line marked "Letter to the RUBY MASON, ONLINE EDITOR ally in response to a current issue on Columns arc printed as space on the Bowling Green State University Editor" or "Guest Column." Only e- the University's campus or the Opinion Page permits. Additional Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 ZACH BAKER, SPORTS EDITOR mailed letters and columns will be Bowling Green area. Letters totheEditorofGuest Phone:(419)372-6966 SCOTT NILES, OPINION EDITOR Columns may be published online. considered for printing. All letters are E-mail: [email protected] GUEST COLUMNS are longer pieces Name, year and phone number subject to review for length and clari- Website: ANGELA G0RTER, PULSE EDITOR between 600 and 800 words. These should be inducted for verification ty before printing. BEN SWANGER ft MIKE METZGER. PHOTO EDITORS KEN EDWARDS, WEBMASTER * » WWW.BGNEWS.COM UI'I1\IU1\ Monday. August 25.2003 5 Whipple welcomes new and Choices become more limited EVAN MANROW account of the Union's losses; certainly makes sense that those and we don't even understand who pay more for a meal plan old students back to campus who's really to blame. should get to spend more In the Apparently, too many on Union, but the amounts are not ADDRESS, FROM PAGE 4 but we are committed to you dents, we have been anticipat- campus students were crowding success while here. Do not hesi- ing your arrival probably more even as proportional as income If you haven't heard of the Union with meal-plan "dol- tax graduation: the Ultimate plan 11. Don't be afraid lo ask for tate lo ask questions or ask for than you have. Best of luck as Flexfunds yet, it's time to wake lars" that drove out the expected help. Above everything else, help at any time. You do not you begin your classes this can spend 41 percent of their up and smell the coffee. It may hard currency from outside entire meal plan at the Union, remember that there are many have to handle any problem semester! be residence hall dining center sources. The goal now is to drive people working here whose job alone. while those with the Limited coffee you're smelling, but it's students back to the residence it is to help you succeed. BGSU Once again, welcome. To our ED WHIPPLE plan can only spend five percent the only coffee you'll probably be hall dining centers to keep of their funds at the Union. The is very student-centered. Not returning students, we are glad Vice President, Student Affairs Dining Services intact, while only are we glad to see you here, you are back To our new stu- drinking for a while. Union cof- discrepancy itself doesn't indi- fee is about the same as coffee opening the Union to new rev- enue. Other changes have also cate unfairness, until you realize everywhere else on campus, if that those with Limited meal you don't count the fact that I been made to cut costs, almost can never seem to find styro- all of them hurting students, but plans include a lot of people who foam cups at the Sundial. for the greater good of preserving can't afford bigger plans, or peo- Consequently, I have to buy the University's financial integri- ple who are on need-based BG NEWS three small cups of coffee and ty scholarships through the use those snipid brown card- Despite my acceptance of the University and are provided with BRIEFING stock handles to keep from changes this year, I still have two the minimum plan. If I didn't burning myself. Maybe sipping big problems with the Flexfunds know better, I'd say our small cups of coffee works in program: the first is that, while University has come up with a Corrections France, but this is America, and I the University may have known wonderful way to produce a two- need my 32 ounce cup of |oe about the financial toil of the tiered dining system: the rich •The phone number for the with just a little ice so I can chug Union for some time, they decid- kids and football players can eat Recreation Center was incorrectly it like a gallon of milk ed to implement the Flexfunds wherever they want, including listed. Contact the facility at: 372- But small cups of coffee aren't program over the summer, when 2711, the $40 million Union that was my only problem with the no students were around to hear built on everyone else's tuition • The phone number for ZZA's Flexfunds program, and nor about or voice their opinion on increases, while everyone else at Night is 372-5555. should they be yours. I'm not as the matter. The second is the gets to walk back to Founder's upset as you may think at the ridiculous distribution of avail- after class for some more grilled • Undergraduate Student University, or Ed Whipple, vice able funds for use in the Union. Government is the body on cam- cheese. president for Student Affairs, The University has offered sev- Positive changes can be pus that acts as a liaison between eral different valued debit meal who has accepted the blame for made to this distribution without the undergraduate student body (get this,) allowing students to plan accounts for a long time, and administrators. use their meal plans at Union. now called the "Limited," "BG the University losing money, University Dining Services is in Basic," "Falcon Feast." and without punishing disadvan- over $500,000 of debt. Normally, "Ultimate," plans. The values tages! students and students who a loss of that kind of money in an have been increased for this year, had a hard enough time getting organization the size of our so they each stand at $ 1125, to college in the first place. WELCOME University would merit an offer S1375,' $ 1500 and $ 1800 a semes- This is all just my two cents, of resignation from those ter, respectively. Available but if anyone with an Ultimate responsible. At this point, stu- Flexfunds for each account are plan could snag me some styro- BACK! dents are the only people who S75, $325, $450 and $750 a foam cups from the Union, I sure seem to be facing tough times on semester, respectively. Now, it would appreciate it. Visit Sludging Abroad? Need Extra Cash?? Historic Downtown

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iv.1n..iil.i'm.r; Sa-raip.'kAaaNinleatH Ar(hivpl'onip..n> Th. i" Deadline: September 30, 2003 SamHI m Shrover Inauniacr 12 Archive Oompunj Phf Skyline Chili 11 Sk- Bankl« Microfilnun*; DIVWM U.I Mtpsenker'o Vegetarian Cnle H Sk. Financial llroup 36a B« RroihfTw'Bb: Swlor» 2* Trailer a Tavern I* Ch.tle.Sluler.ITA Stfi rM.rity Adniini-irilinn l Stavi.hCPA ».*. 1141 ('h)imb-f of fi.iuntiTir III ••v Pubs UOComniumU LA'^III & 'Iltle Agency Beckett** 'J2 11 .- I. I 1 i.-nt K«mnd:iliiin HI American BratnaiH ln:< H*. 1'iinvetntion AgBac) In- 111 • Vwilor- liinr.iu 1 *■ Bn-a uteri- Poor Hew* 14 rlachman Uw office. i!7 Howard', dob H in" B(l Mirror A ClwdEi.ii Bambutmaki Thoaia. etty » Kamikale'a HI B-i S|>.' llflft.t CheelWiHiJ * Davie. I I-' M.iin Sir.-.-! lUi IM Nate « Watty • Plan Bowl Kl llalleck* llnltecll mi Sky Bar 11" Hi; TrniMniwiion HiH llalleck*lieer 17 (Yntiir) Si *r.-i>« I ptown/Downlown H4 K Your Ho Hock La* WHce M CLtrk fiilico. Suite* Thyme I Rick Alliteiei. PHD IM Inner fxno-Honi*-o 2K l"R Manic Bnhange 77 Behavioral Connection. ■ •TnHt'aDtaH studiou\ Cycle Work. «i lne Connection Cenlei HI Kidxl'ount Too l». l.«)V.i|(lrdrri»r\lon-,e«.'.hr( ..« Here ol Wood just can't wait until 1MB Homework.. Kl. 80 David Doanell, DDS :M lliver-ilv Boull-iu- IH Mom-ln.le..d Senior Car.- .1 Kl. Mum 4 Son-1.'. County I lospital, the doctor's office Pnleon HOUM Sporting tinnd. 74 M.r.lvn U«adon l.l'CC 2H MCKMIM* Hoildiio- :.K ■e're building a is open. ReadyCare Kinder- Roeord..Tape..Cl>. H" Daniel Nuclei- PI1M I MMwnh TMipk> III toam of exports is open wookaiiys Plowor IL.kcl KH Ron NeuleM. Ll'C 114 MMIM DriviftnHCIUMI ''"• MilLS|-,,,mTr..v.. IT thai is second lo from 6 lo 10 p.m. For Keep. 27 l.vl- Nona, ki I HIM hi Per Keep. Home Callorv 27 David Scherreik III) 72 Mttr.un.cnl MUM. Sludw l«I none Thoy have and weekends Irom Prei.k Show The K\ Dave Shilling.i)l)M nil NO K.W.BUJ h.'. trained at the finest noon to 9. priend. Antique. Harbour B-h ivioral Healthcare II tfhi" r„nipnnv ;i & Vintage (load* l<>2 Purple Creacenl t»n Ihi- Kd*;.- Ti.ti.-i. institutions, including &Hodv PiprcinifK* Wood County ('round Zero Cornice 74 Therap.-u1ic.. Lid H.U the Mayo Clinic ana Itllow.ird Pine Jeweler. 711 I'li.n. |If. ore proud lo bring H- ispildl ui c epls J.C Penney Cnlnloit Center 2»i Quick Prim iMrRk»'*7ft their skills here, to most insurance plans Kaleido.rope Hit ||,S.,II- Re.,1 Batata HI Hnpid Printing93 School HOUPIC Rrtmurcc- » our community. Lihev » Appliance. 112 New love/f on.munilv Window .111 Scnicn Softw.iri- IK 1 he quality rare W Wasliiiigloii SI E Washington St MndratterMuaic Co HI Main Street Ace Hardware 26 Newlove Realty 47 S..,,ii..nti.ilT.--Un/ H4 Wood County you deserve the Mala 8treet Bclapbooka ffl N.-wlove Rental IH Shclton romp.iny IIH) Hospital's RoadyCaro technology and ihe Merle Norman ('ix-atclic. lit Welle. Rowrn/TltU. Kealtv W LW*riiBgPoed AflwiHI) Sutler Math Tutonn.: Wl can help with those people to help you Mill. Jewelry 111 '/\r,\-rotif c'e"i;-f(iiu'iirv of I Hive lt.»ef'alien I Th« T tuning ('*n1i-r 111 non Bmergancy live a long, and KiuiH-r. Rook. IM '/"Ac &0i\4iii>j CJT.VH Tmie-Wi.rnMi'.hl. HH healthy life Toledo Blndr BUIM-HU 2ft situations that l(4HNewaaUnd II2 SftctM Smfwummt 'foisruct Richard Howard Rare Tr,.v»l 1'nhnnt-d t* Com UaJlary 7II IWtllli : (Hit... Sma Be}- /).. Ok? Wruon 19 VMM Spectrum M RYtl-MYO Smoke Shop 77 rlitiii Mincer C PlHlHIclUTn Salvation Army Store M TVWHhlkHUC 111 Sea l.ion Studio 33 419-354-4332 WC Mrnmry i.urden lm 25 WK*»H H» "'l.v.i', Mi'.-l Squeaker'» Health Pood Store B email: [email protected] Woon COUNTY Sutler Piame & Art Cillery Mil web: Sutler Hallmark HI HOSPITAL Wizard QraahRa 2il A B900 • www wgh not The Downtown Businesses Welcome You to Our Community!

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"The bid came in 37.5 percent higher than the engineers'estimate." Kohl residents react BILL BLAIR. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS There's an entirely "When it (construction) is fin- ished, it will be worth everything Wooster bid high; new atmosphere in we went through," Shaw said, "It the residence hall will look fantastic." this year. Shaw, who saw the building last year, "can't believe that this project delayed (the new facility) was made out of By Kenttra Ludemaim what it was." The first floor of the REPORTER building now contains three By Andrew Scharf oi Interest and high cost ol the II • Pit It! I D 1 OR Students in Kohl Hall and classrooms, art galleries and con- project members of the Chapman ference rooms among other new Plans in widen and Improve Contractors had concerns Community have mixed reac- features. Wbostei Street have run into a about the rock levels along tions to the new home of Sophomore Tierney Grayson few bumps in the mad. Wooster Street and road traffic Chapman Community at Kohl. was also disappointed that the Initially woik was to begin on Ideally a contractor would like to The construction revamped the building was not finished. the project ibis fall, t >nce begun be able in dose Wbostei Street lower level of the residence hall "It caught me off guard," she the project will lake almost two dining the construction. The and made upgrades to elevators said. C-rayson questioned why veal's to complete, the project amount ol traffic from the and restrooms throughout the wires were showing throughout will make three wide lanes that University will keep the street building. the building. "It was kind of run from Mercer Road lo o|H'u during the work. 1 asl spring, students had annoying," Grayson said. Mamillc Road. Wooster Street I he city has worked with the hopes of seeing the finished Despite the frustration of see- will have live lanes from Mercer University to accommodate its building by the start of the fall ing the building unfinished, Road in Interstate 75, All utilities needs during the project semester. I lowever, construction Grayson said the staff was very will be pui underground, New Wboster serving as our only delays postponed the full com- helpful with moving students Samantlu Andersm BG News sidewalks will also be Installed, main entrance to campus is pletion date of die project. into the building. An estimate was written and Important," Robert Waddle, RENOVATIONS: Reactions were mixed as students moved into the Hie main issue with continu- "The staff has been fabulous," all plans were approved by the assistant \ Ice president ol capital ing construction dealt with Grayson said. She appreciated fixed-up Kohl Hall over the weekend Ohio Department ni planning, said. "We've been move-in dates. The constniction the helpfulness because the staff transportation, I he estimate extreme!) involved from day delays pushed back the date that was moving- in the same time the Sophomore Angle liolender uing construction caused prob- was then sent out for contractors one. The < Ity has winked really staff could move into the build- students were. has an opposite view on the lems. to make bids on the project in closely with us." ing, according to I.eah Shaw, sec- Although Grayson is disap- building so far. She did not have Classes iK'gan today inside the Inly. Only one bid was placed "The Universitj will be ond year resident advisor. Shaw |X)inted with the continuing con- any problems or negative reac- remodeled facility bi members and ii was higher than the estl Involved in pre-constructjon said while the staff move-in dale struction, she said, "It will be nice tions to the move-in weekend. of the Chapman Community at male. meetings and i nice construction was delayed, the student move-in once it's done." In the meantime, Bolender did not see that contin- Kohl. "The bid came in 375 percent Starts weekly meetings." lilaii date was not. she is glad she has a larger room. higher than the engineers esti said. mate," Kill Blalr, director of pub- Waddle said the University lic works, said. would also like to mine the side Gty planners deckled to have walk away fromWoostei Street contractors rebid on the project Moving the sidewalk would save When Gilligan's Island first aired on TV, people actually called the Contractors were contacted in National Coast Guard to warn them that there were 7 cast aways stuck ashore. an effort In understand die lack WOOSTER, PAGE 10

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I • - '-^ - -'- • ---■—-^. ,:-... B Monday. August, 2003 WWW.BGNEWS.COM Residence life changes fire policy lyAnjilaLGorter What may have started as a "A person shall not utilize or allow to be voices to all students on campus, rose to over 20. PUISE EDITOR large concern in 19% after the is what the University's bookstore Violators of each of these poli- The importance of the devastating Rodgers Quadrangle utilized, any open flame, burning candle or provides, selling candles and cies are dealt with on a case-to- University's Fire Safety Policy is fire, is now a growing problem. candles in connection with any public halogen lamps. Selling candles, case basis, Hennessy said. It being stressed once again. As a "Education is our focus," Sheila the main cause of campus fires, depends on how dangerous the result of a fire in a Greek house Coressel, Hall Director in the meeting or gathering for purposes of deli- Newman said, sends mixed mes- offense was and could have last December, the current Fire Rodgers Quadrangle said. Each beration, worship, entertainment, sages to students. posed. Safety Policy regarding ceremoni- resident must realize, she said, Although there are signs post- Fire safety in the residence al use has been permanently "you are not just living with your- amuse, instruction, education, recreation, ed, stating the fire safety policy in halls and on campus as a whole, changed. self and a roommate, but there awaiting transportation or similar purpose front of each display, the appeal is a top priority of Res Life. It first started off as a trial dur- are over 500 residents [in to buy is still there. Educating students on the best ing spring semester last year and Rodgers]." in assembly or educational occupancies Even the most responsible per- ways to stay safe becomes now has become, for the most This point and many others of without first obtaining approval." son can make a mistake, Coressel increasingly important with each part, an unwelcome change to the residence life fire safety poli- acknowledged. passing year. the University's safety policies. cies were acknowledged at this OHIO REVISED CODE F402 In addition to the basic decora- "Be aware of your surround- No longer can persons in year's Orientation/Registration tion do's and dont's for campus ings and be smart," Newman University buildings or resi- Fire Safety Presentation, given by Environmental Health and Safety proved to be unsafe still, thus residence, Newman stresses the said. dences, use candles in ceremony, Res Life to students and their par- here on campus. "Even without revamping the rule to no rem- importance of not tampering For more information on the specifically the Greeks' in their ents. The students and parents fire code specifications by the nants of candles. with the fire safety equipment as University's fire safety policies private initiations. This also were understanding of our con- state of Ohio," Hennessy said, Linda Newman, Executive well. visit the online website: includes prohibiting permit cern and accepting of our policy, "BG would still have a no candle Director of the Office of As most students who have applications to be given out or Hennessy, who gave the presen- policy." Residence Life and University lived on campus know, a random vhs/training/documents/sched- accepted in regards to candle use, tation, said. In the 2001-2002 school year, Dining Services said, that taking fire alarm that goes off at 3 a.m. is ule.htm. Additional information Nicholas Hennessy, Interim The University's fire policy has this particular regulation the temptation away from the quite unpleasant. In February can be lound at resident hall front Associate Director of Residence been influenced by both the Ohio changed for the first time in years. students was the best thing to do 2003 alone, there were 19 mali- desks and in the Office of Life for Educational Initiatives, Fire Codes for buildings and by Previously, residents were in order to prevent a disaster cious fire alarms, second to Residence Life. said. the department of allowed to decorate their dorms from happening. October 2000 when the number with unlit candles, but this Temptation, one of the many

UNIVERSITY ENROLLMENT ON CAMPUS FRESHMEN BG NEWS The following numbers represent the number of students living on cam- BRIEFING pus divided by the colleges they are currently enrolled in. The data Benefit set for let the cashier know the order for information on VITAL and assault and related crimes. shows a consistent number of freshman students enrolling in Bowling is to benefit the program. SAAFE programs contact the Volunteers provide clients Green tomorrow at BK Victims Services includes LINK at 419-352-1545 and ask with emotional support, the SHARE Program, SAAFE for an advocate. accompaniment to the hospi- Colleges 2003 2002 2001 The Victims Services Program, VITAL Program, and tal, police stations, the court Programs of the Phoenix Arts and Sciences 815 855 860 the TIP Project. Each of these SAAFE program and referrals to other agencies. Connection will host a benefit free services focus on helping The next training session for Business Administration 441 464 544 at Burger King on E. Wooster Education and Human sexual assault victims through looks for volunteers the SAAFE Program begins the tomorrow from 5 p.m. to 8 counseling or provide educa- second week in September. Development 823 764 784 p.m. The Sexual Assault Health and Human Service 280 260 208 tion to reduce assault. Awareness for Empowerment Anyone interested in applying At the benefit 20 percent of All of these services are con- can call Julie Broadwell at 419- Musical Arts 91 109 100 the sales generated from dine- Program is currently looking Prs-Major Advising 407 434 423 fidential and can be anony- for volunteers to join the next 352-9504 ext. 3505 or e-mail in and drive-thru will be mous. For more information [email protected] and Technology 165 188 162 donated to Victims Services training session. The SAAFE Academic Success 267 318 280 regarding the SHARE or TIP Program advocates work with request an application. Programs. Customers who programs call 419-352-5387, Source BGSU Office of Admissions make drive-thru orders must victims and survivors of sexual

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r^j WWW.BGNEWS.COM Monday. August 25.2003 9 Schedule for on-campus dining Commons Galley p.m. Black Swamp Pub Friday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Dining Center Sun.-Thurs. 6 p.m. to Midnight Ama Grande "4 p.m. to 9 p.m.* Mon.-Fri. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Bowling Greenery Mon.-Fri. 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Kreischer Friday 11 a.m. to 7 a.m. Mon.-Fri. 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Chily's Express Sundial Food Court GT Express 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m. to Midnight Mon.-Thurs. 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m. to Midnight Carnation Cafe Sat.-Sun. 11 a.m. to Midnight Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Deli Sat.-Sun. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat.-Sun. 2 p.m. to Midnight ZZA's at Night Mon-Sun. 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sun.-Thurs. 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. McDonald Student Union Fri.-Sat. 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. Founders Dining Center Wendy's Food Court Food Court Mon.-Thurs. 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sun.-Thurs. 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. Mon.-Thurs. 8 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Mon.-Thurs 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Fri.-Sat. 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. Fri.-Sat. 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sat.-Sun. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. "Open until Midnight on Mondays Sunday 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Friday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Orville & Snack Bar Wilbur Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Mon.- Sat.-Sun. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thurs. 11 Galley a.m. to 8 VVKU!0MK BACK

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OUR ADDRESS HAS CHANGED! BG XPERIENCE Our listproc address has changed. If you have story ideas, or want to send us a letter to the editor, please e-mail Contractors to re- bid on Wooster St. and sanitary sewers are com- WOOSTER. FROM PAGE 7 bined. A storm sewer will be installed on the north side of I nrs and aide in snow removal. South College and go north on The city plans to have contrac- Mercer Street. All storm water will tors rebid on the project. A sec- be taken out of the combination ond bidding period will begin sewer. between December and January. Construction on the road will Mail is hopeful that four or live Ix'gin following the work on the contractors will place bids. sewers, lor now Wooster Street Samantha Anderson BG NHYS With a contractor in place, will remain the same. work could begin by early spring. SECOND-YEAR XPERIENCE: First-year students participate in BG Xperience. a program geared towards incorporating values in learning at "I doubt that we will see paving The first work on the project will done this year," Blair said. BGSU. On the right. President Sidney Ribeau participates in a discussion with students. invoke sewers. Currently storm

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Take Down Free Set Up $25.00 Improving Relationships • Because sometimes as many as FIVE Take Down Free STUDENTS are cramped into a room Total $125.00 • SPACE SAVERS' flexible loft designs Total $150.00 allow a student to place more of his/her National Testing Program personal belongings in their living quarters, such as a book shelf, couch, stereo, TV, refrigerator, etc. thereby We have been on the B.G. campus for 15 years I creating a more home-like setting and a more productive study atmosphere . The only loft company on campus all year! 419-372-2081 Call 419-352-5475 320 Saddlemire Student Servio 405 Thurstin Ave. • Bowling Green, Ohio • 43402 Hours: Monday-Friday 8am WWW.BGNEWS.COM Monday. August 25.200311 UDS considers new franchises UDS budget needs funds DINING. FROM PAGE 1 meetings were also set up with to establish a sub-committee to organizations to discuss the address the issue. FLEXFUNDS, FROM PAGE I heiipcniiiilil»::«»p.m. MOII.-FIi. changes and allow feedback. According to Newman, every COMPARISONS OF CAMPUS MEAL PLANS the Union last year. • ft ill -sen ice breakfasts in resi- little student participation in avenue of communication was Because it is an average the following numbers show u* differ nege dential dining centers wfl] only be these measures was seen, used to get the wont out, includ- Newman said she understands campus 11 • I iost year Ihese costs represent offered at the Sundial in Kreischer Newman said. The survey ing attending various hall council each school's lowest plan. thai there are some people who and McDonald received i ,220 student responses meetings and organization meet- frequently ate at the Union •Tbwers Inn Restaurant, Sflva and 237 faculty and staff respons- ings to explain the proposed Bowling Gicen State University - $1,998 "If that was an average then liiver C Sift? and Shadows snack es. Newman's office received only changes. that tells you that some people University ot North Carolina — $2,060 bar in Krelscher will remain UK) responses to the- second e- "I understand it might have spent all their money there .mil dosed. inail asking for feedback. been a little short notice or it no doubt they are upset." she Kent Stale Univeisity $2,075 Also, while no deals have been Hut according to use; might not have been very conve- said. made, Dining Services is dis- President losh Kontak, many nient, but you can't possibly meet Hut due to Financial con Ohio Stale Univei.sity $2,325 cussing buying a Subway Iran undergraduates fed that these everybody's schedule." she said, straints Flexfund amounts i-hise to place in Commons and a measures weren't enough to dis- "(liven the lime frame, we tried to Univeisity "I Inleilu $2,390 Newman said, cant be raised. Starbucks franchise for the cuss the changes—especially notify students." "There's only so much monej Union, Newman said. I Icxiunds with administrators Not all of the changes are "done Miami Univeisity ol Ohio $3,140 10 tun the service,' the said. "In Main ol the changes are in before the go ahead vote by the deals.'- and Newman is willing to order 10 bring the budget back Ball State Univui Sity $3,316 response to recommendations board. hear student suggestions on ways Into line wiih all the different made by the Colorado-based "Some people thought that to improve the financial situation. Ohio University $3,44-1 demands, $75 was about as RN ' \ Planning Studio in April. there was mil Msinuchdisiussion "I am more than happy to work much as we coukl afford to t:.inie Wlut.ikr the company assessed on cam- between administrators and stu- with constituent groups and lis- going to the Union pus anil oil campus eating and dents as there should have been." ten to their thoughts and recom- Though oiih a handful ol analyzed results from a market he said. "And |H'ople were upset mendations of what are some in the '.linin;', halls I li available something more appe graduate students live on earn research study sent to every stu- the way they implemented it dur- other things we can do," she said. amounts wouldn't Ire .11 oncem, 1. mi; in the residence halls and pus, CSS would support i hanges dent through e-mail. A separate ing the summer." "I am very open...but there is a she said. you don't have the same thing in USG proposes to administration e mail from Newman, giving the list, las already written and budgetary bottom line that in the 11 tliej give you more variet; ever) residence ball, then thats involving Flexfunds, Deiilie pioposed changes and asking for submitted a list ol changes they best inten-sl of every student we and selei lion outsidi 'it the U draw more people hack Rogers, president ol < iss. said. feedback, was latei sent. Group would like to see and is planning have to adhere to." Union the} won't 1111

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Prices Good 6 a.m. Monday, 8/25 thru Saturday, 8/30 Bowling Green MEIJER Merchandise advertised in this circular is available in most Meijer stores. Most items not normally stocked at your local store can W 24 Hours be special ordered at the advertised price. We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal retail purchases. No sales to dealers, institutions or distributors. All percentage savings apply to regular priced "in-stock" merchandise unless otherwise stated. Visit us on the web at Styles, colors, sizes, selections may vary by store on these items, (i.e. seasonal, clearance). Television screens are diagonally meosured. Layaway not available at all stores. v P&=!ff1 C fltt THIS WEEK IN SOCCER: WOMEN OPEN SEASON IN HAWAII ON FRIDAY. PAGE 17 isfismiiT.N Football MONDAY Thursday, 7 p.m. August 25, The P&IcOlM look In improve on their 9-3 record from 2002 2003 against lasicrn Kentucky at the Doyt. (t Women's soccer Aug. 30-31, Hawaii BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Andy Richards' squad opens in a Hawaii against Arizona State anil the University Of Hawaii. Men's soccer Saturday Mel Mahler and his squad. including AD-MAC goalkeeper David DeGraffhosi Cincinnati. Dawley remembered by team Volleyball Friday-Saturday I he liilfons attempt to build Fallen player was "a great on last season's improvement, beginning ihe season in Idaho • at the Boise Stale Invitational. person," says Richards Cross Country By Zach Baker Biwaj s had a smile on her fat ft" learn ( O captain I ami Saturday SPORIS EDITOR Richards said the team Richards said thai the learn will B(i looks lo get an early start I he women's soccer team will remembers U'slic as much now have Leslie in mind all season. \ against \|.\< | opponents, com- never forget for what she meant lo the team "We're going 10 have her in peting in die Eastern It has been over nine months as a person. mind, and she's definite!) Open in Ann Arbor. since (he team played it's last "It's a difficult one to deal missed." Carrie said. "She's slill "w game ai Cochrane Held, fust with." Richards said "Ihe kids going to be thought about, espe one day after its friend and talk about Leslie on many occa- cialh when the MA( loiirn.i . leammate Leslie Dawley passed sions, and more now then ever, menl comes by She is in our t arHi 1- - t rW****^%<4L " in "*—^^ •^■ftHLW-' &3b3 away. in the light-hearted sense Its a hearts." -: ^r -*"* ■ "^Sftf&:--"Wrt^ Bf" Now, about to begin a new balance." This season, the team will also >? >s season, the falcons will look lo To honor U'slie. ihe team will deal with losing i rlka Flanders, ^^WPRH ff- ■ BG NEWS mine forward while al the same wear a number 18 (Leslies num- It's goalie and Ihe falcons time reinemlx'ring iheir leam- ber] on ihe left arm of both its unquestioned leader, who grad- BRIEFING mate, game and practice jerseys this uated and is now working as a falcons' head coach Andy season. graduate assistant with the Faculty and staff Richards said it's important for "We're going to have a daily women's soccer leani at Ihe the learn lo honor U'slic while reminder of her. nol thai we University of Creighton. football tickets now focusing on the new season. wouldn't lie thinking about her This season. (iirric and Kasej \ • "We wan! lo respect Irslie's anyway," Richards said. "Its a I reeman will each assume Ihe Ben Swanter BG Nms available memory, and remember what a very apparent thing for us." role of co-captains. University faculty and staff great kid she was." Richards The team will also dedicate a MEMORIAL A tribute to former BG soccer playet Leslie Dawley sils said. "Not just a great soccer memorial to Leslie in the right- inside Cochrane Field. Dawley died dunng a playoff game last tall. can pick up four free tickets to DAWLEY. PAGE 16 the firsi home football game of player, hut a great person who hand corner of Cochrane field Ihe season, slated for Aug. 28 al 7 p.m. Pick up tickets 81 Anderson Arena between now and Wednesday from <) p.m. The lakons host Eastern Kentucky in Ihe season open- er. Defense key to

Reds lose to Astros Falcons' success HOUSTON (AP) — Jcrionic Robertson stayed unbeaten where four starters are returning. against Cincinnati and lied the I^ast year's inexperi- lanssen Patton, Michael Malone, club record for wins by a rookie enced secondary has lason Morion and keon Newson left-hander as the Houston turned into the make up one of the most experi- Astros defeated the Reds 6-3 enced position cores on the team. Sunday. defenses most Beckman said the secondary will Richard Hidalgo homered, experienced part be among the best in ihe Mid- tripled and hit a go-ahead sin- American (Conference. gle for Houston. He drove in By Zach Baker i liai kind of experience, you just I CiIOR three runs and picked up his can'i pass ii up," Beckman said. 20th assist mosi among major For ihe last two seasons, ihe "They are as goi id as anybody in this league outfielders. Howling (ireen football team has conference, all four of them togeth- been known for it's offense. Ibis er." year looks to Ix- no exception, with Patton, entering Into his final sea- several siarters reluming on thai son at BG, said he is ready for the side of the hall. Rut the play of the season to Start defense could determine how suc- " I his is one of those seasons cessful this season is. where you know its your last one Falcons' defensive coordinator and you're jusl ready to play it." Time to Tim Beckman said thai the defense Patton said "it can'i gel hen' soon is enthusiastic about the upcoming enough. I'm ready lo gel out on the season. field and play thai firsi game." "We're excited; the guys are work I lead Coach Gregg Brandon said back the inghard," lieckman said. "The anxi- he has also been happy with the ety is there, and everj tune we step leadership exhibited by the starters, on the field we want to gei better." helping the younger players in Ihe Beckman said the Strongest MAC for defensive area is in the secondary. DEFENSE,PAGE 16 this year KEY DEFENSIVE RETURNERS Despite the loss of linebacker Chris Haneline, the BG defense returns with several key veterans on defense The defense has tour returning starters in 2ACH the secondary, who will all be looking to make a big impact in 2003. Below BAKER are some of the defenders and top stats from 2002 Playing the field Player Key stats lanssen Patton 63 tackles © Jovon Burkes 51 tackles Here is a quick question for Keon Newson 62 tackles you. iason Morton 11 passes broken up How many (earns from the Ben Swanger BG News Mitch Hewitt 84 tackles Mid-American Conference are Michael Malone 29 solo tackles the pa-season lop 25? FULL CONTACT: Bowling Green freshman defensive tackle Cameron Durham blocks Matt Leininger 3/ tackles Zero. a teammate last week in practice. Will Teague returns from injury Sometimes the MAC is like the smallest child in a family of giants. Il has to achieve some- Ihing monumental in order for ihe parents io take nodce. It took Bowling Green five straight wins (including two big Offense looks for continued dominance non-conference wins over Missouri and Kansas) in order lo crack the top 25 last season, the By Dan Gedney per game, eighth in total spent the previous two sea- Ryan Lucas, Andrew I Ian, guys we had the past couple JSSISHM SPORIS EDITOR first time ihey had done so since offense with 448.9 yards per sons as the falcons offensive Robert I laley, Andy (Irubb and years and if one of them went 1985. Hie Falcons' 2002 offensive game and 15th in nisliingvvith line coach, was the firsi person sum Mruczkowskl are the five down il was a tragedy. Now Rowling Green would go as squad set a high standard for 219.1 yards per game. The head coach Gregg Brandon that will probably stan on the where we're not as solid like Falcons also set 17 school named lo his stalf. high as 16th in the national poll this season's squad to measure offensive line, but they will thai with experience, we do before being knocked off by con- up to. records and seven Mid- The falcons have a lot of size have plenty of competition. have competition at positions American Conference records ference rival Northern Illinois, Bowling Green finished the on the offensive line. Hach "The thing thai 1 think we and I think competition will player stands at least fi'4" and liven before the loss. RG had season ranked first in the last season. have that we haven't had in the breed those guys into becom- nation in red zone efficiency at BGSU alumnus Greg weighs in at 3IX) pounds or pasi couple of years is compe- ing better players." 96.8 percent (61-63), third in Studrawa will nin the offense more. Brandon refers to them tition," Studrawa said. "We BAKER, PAGE 14 scoring, averaging 40.8 points this season. Studrawa. who as "our five blocks of granite." held our brealh with Ihe five OFFENSE. PAGE 15


. . 11 ■ «i^tf£W^J,wi£l'^3*d£&l 14 Monday, August 25.2003 SPORTS WWW.BGNEWS.COM Volleyball sees room to improve ByiasonA-Oiion "Gamby and Laura were great players son, each made at least three SPOUTS RtPORIIR stalls and played in a total ol 300 Hope springs eternal for the ...but I think our team is really going to be gamesayeei ago. Bowling Green State volleyball united this year' "The junior class is extremely team, the same hope everyone competitive and will be on the fell going Into last season. tloor, Van lie W'alle said. The assumption that the DENISE VAN DEWAliE, COACH "Knowing them, I just look at Halcons would eclipse 20 victo- and host a first-round game in digs as a freshman with -Hi;' and them as players ihat are going to ries for the fourth consecutive the MAC Tournament. Our plan has a career total ol I.I2R She is compete to have a position on war, a 13-game road stretch, and is to stress team work, discipline oneol Bve seniors on the roster, the Boor." a 0-1) start in the MidAmerican and the commitment to make Nadia Itcdiicky. Sara SikotskJ Emily Manser saw action in (eminence knocked the falcons these things happen.'' and Samantha Rennau played in loi games as a freshman and fin- off balance and Impacted what The falcons return with nine a total of 207 games as juniors. ished second to Norris with -t(M> digs. She is looking forward lo was supposed I" be a winning letter winners and three new I Ebb) Voshcll. a looi yeat starlet season additions to the team, the depai for the softball team, rounds out continuing bet maturation as a Now. i«; approaches the 2003 lures of Kristin Gamby to gradua- thesenioi class player and helping mentOI the season with lofty" goals, a plan, tion and I .aura 'Iwyman, who "Uctiulyh.ivriniii scniorsand incoming ficshnien, Chris I) and a nucleus of players dial look decided to forego her final year of then I ibby, who's i omliig ovei Gotlike and Gome Mills to Improve upon a 9-21 record eligibility, may prove to IK- costly, from softball makes that live "i think there is a kH orroomfot and a ill conference mark. however. seniors but we have lo treat hci as me lo improve from last yeat so i 'We've been working extreme- Gamby and Iwyman coin a newcomer...since she has not can make a blggei differeni e," ly haul, living lo touch all the bined to produce M4 kills and been playing volleyliall," van i le Manset said. "I tfilllk we all have skills. It's a very good cart) ovet started in 54 of the tiO matches WaDesakl "I tealij think that this tried to make the transition as from lasl season with leam played in 2002. hut Susie Norris senioi class call lead by example. easy as possible loi ( linSS) mil chemistry... Its |usi a lot of feels thai ltd is up to the chal- I think they have good verbal t oiiie ,.i i| course, ihcv are going excitement and I'm really glad lenge of filling the voids left by skills, and I think Ihey have the to experience tough times hot that carried over from the both players. right desire and commitment to they have done a good Job adjust spring.'' head coach Denise Van "Gamby and Laura were great lead Ibis leam" Ingtous." I le U'alle said. I think that last players and it's haul to replace Van DcWalleluis i"si a. much rhc falcons begin thcli second veai caught us oil guard because those two as individuals, hut I confidence m the juniors which leason in tlte MAI West Division, we were coming oft back-to-back think our team is really going to mlrrot ihc seniors in lenns d where preseason • onferciicc and lasi Division Championships, be united (his year," said Norris, a pmiiiii lion and experience tournament favorite Hall state and then to six seniors from the resides, three-year starter. "We have mine Ambei Mareski, Melissa Mohr, Ben SwanEni It!, fi year before had an affect on leadership and I think as a leam i'ayloi Twite and Bridget Protas, Van De U'alle who enters hci them,'' she added Certainly, we we'll fill them." wh turnsaftei tearinglici At I SFHD II UP: A women's volleyball player looks to make a play on want to Improve from last sea Norris set a school record in dining the lattei part ol the sea V0ll.lYBAII.IWI 15 ih" ball during a dull at practice lasl week son, get back to the 10 win mark Its time for the MAC to get more respect

BAKER. FROM PAGE 13 tournament and knocking off big Despite the exi itement and round before falling to Duke getting more recognition. There loi game of the year, as the Ivvn teams Cutting to the elite eight in level ol competition in (he i on t icing back to football, there arc are two big name Nil. quarter- teams went down to ihe wire with played a game down to the wire 2002 was no fluke, considering ference tournament, the MAC is several top quarterbai ks in the backs from MAC schools in back and loi tl i action in hunt ol an with Western Michigan, while Kent had knocked oft Indiana the continual!) represented by just MAC this season lush Harris, Ben l rtivvirhaiiilhisloiinei teammate Intense Marshall crowd, Marshall destroying Its non-conference season before in the tournament one team in the brockets Roethlfsbergei; and losh Kribbi fiaOlnl hadPenningtoalf pic vailed in the tinal seconds, .!(>- opponents. let Kent had to lighl in the 2002 U bethel the reasoning is could all be considered as you (iiiini Dante Culpeppet (an 34. 'let Northern Illinois and oilier MAC tounanient just to lie guar- money generated l» big name Hetsman candidates Hut I will be alum ol Central Florida, which this lootball season could lie lop MAC teams have trouble get- anteed a spot in the big dance. If teams or any othei reason, tlic shocked if any of them gel ieriou joined the MAC alter Cutoeppa one of the strongest in recent ting national attention, just like IK I nothing else, it proved die compe- |X)int is ihat the MAC rarely gets consideration. joined Ihe ranks of the Mil, that memory for the MAC, as HCI, before it's undefeated streak tition in the MAC is on par with theresp tl I i es It should be ihe Mid-American Conference three big name quarter- Northern Illinois, Marshal, Iblcdo This is ;ui issue that extends several top national conferences. pointed out thai last season, was founded in 1946, Since that bat ks liom MM' sclwols. and Miiuni will all be vying for the beyond football, In basketball, Of course, it would seem the Central Michigan, the lone MAC time, no lleisinan winners have As a conference, die MAC siill MAI Ude Kent State has continually shocked rest of the nation doesn't see it representative in die tournament, come from a M it school si ■.■ins to struggle lor national I lopelully, die rest of the country the nation by getting to the N( A\ that way. knocked oil Ovightoti in the fust Still, the MAC is on the path to recognition. Iheconferencedldget will notice. As for supporters and to .bun the nation what it was students of the conference, there capable of last Nov., when Miami may be nothing more to do but played at Marshall on ESPN. what we have always done I le game itself was a candidate Back the MAC. you can make all the difference in the life of a new


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OFFENSE. FROM PAGE 13 as on the ground. In 2002 he had only two games in which he did "Scoll Mruczowski is an not record a rushing touchdown. | year in Boise anchor in the offensive line," Fie also had eight games in which Brandon said. "We've got a real he recorded multiple rushing VOLLEYBALL. FROM PAGE 14 we have two weeks to prepan Division I offensive line, finally, touchdowns. and then we leave for Idaho.. .S< 1 so, I'm fired up about that." Playing behind Harris will Ix we can play teams that we'vi Hart returns to the Falcons Omar Jacobs. Jacobs, a redshirt 21st season as head coach at BG, never played before," Norri- is ihe MAI s all lime leader in after two years of battling injuries. freshmen, completed 26 of 44 said, "fin excited to get tha "When you're injured and passes for 164 yards and two victories with 368 and knows the experience done first and thei watching and doing rehab you touchdowns in the spring game competition within ihe confei come home lo show IS(i wha eiK e ( an nnlv contribute to the have so much time to be alone "We're treating Omar like you we got" and do your work and just rehab have to prepare to he the Starting team's growth, (In Sept. 20, Ihe same day thi TheWsst Division is definite- that you think about everything, quarterback,'" Studrawa said football team takes on 6hi< ly the tOUghel side 'Inn look al and 1 just can't wait to play." I Ian "The next play, one play is all State: lit, will play the Buckeye said. everybody is from being out and Western (Michigan), Northern in volleyball for the first timi Illinois and hall Stale...all those Leading the falcons down the we ieali/e thai with everything -ince 1983. teams have won champ! field this season will be quarter- we do and so we have to tell OSII's volleyball team il unships," she said, back losh Harris. Harris, who set Omar and we're treating Omar ranked lHib nationally in tin "Wfedon'i make a big deal of it five school records and two MAC that way that 'you have to prac- USA rodaj YU A Division I pre because we know ur need to records last season, has compiled tice and prepare like your the season poll. compete against ihe best to be a 12-3 record as starting quarter- starling quarterback.' there's no Ihe Falcons kickolf their 16 the best and eventual!) we want back over the past two seasons other way around it." game MA( schedule on Sepl. Z theii mindset to not onh he on while rushing and passing for 28 The receiving coips has a large when Western Michigan come winning the West, bin winning touchdowns apiece during that void to till uith the departure of lo \nderson Arena. the conference and to go on." timespan. I larris also lias a career Robert Redd The falcons have Ihe fourteen home matche Ihe Falcons 2003 Schedule 56.6 passing percentage and has numerous players waiting to step tie a school record for BG. Alsi: Preview fol Ihe first lime in league hisio thrown twice as many touch- up and fill Redds shoes. BenS«*an£et T, '»■ ■.-. downs as interceptions (28/1-11 " ITiose guys arc all fighting lor ihe Falcons star the 2003 i\ all 13 teams will participate it season on Aug. 29 when they over the past two seasons. I larris the 85 or 90 balls that Robert the MAC Tournament travel to Boise. Idaho for ihe will lead the Falcons in their quest Redd caught, they all wain to FOLtOWING THE LEADER: Falcon players run through drills during I think it's going lo be goo< Boise siate Invitational, rhen, to win a MAC championship. fight for those balls now," practice last week. for the conference ii the) navel lo Peoria, III. on Sept. "I think BCi can make a run at Studrawa said. "They're doing have everyoiu !i IO compete in ihe Bradley the MAC championship liecausc good, lames Hawkins is really we have some good competition season, lane averaged <>._' yards competing until the em Invitational. we work that hard." I larris said. having a great camp so lar. there and kids thai have played in per carry and ran loi 156 yards because then' are certaii lit! returns home on Sept. IL' "We train in the offseason to do Charles Sharon's having a great some games and some expert ami scored one touchdown last schools thai know by a certaii and welcomes Iowa State, something like that, we talked camp. Cole Magnet those three enced kids thai have caught halls season date that they are not going arv Murray State and West Virginia about it, we dream about it. we stand out in my mind right now. in some big games lor us so I Ihe Falcons begin their quest further,"Van lie Waile said lor ihe Invitational ihe focus on it and that's what were but Brandon lones and Derrick expect thai to be a strength." to follow up on lasi season's sue- "Now that we know everybody' fnsi lime in three years ihe going to try to do." Lett and Steve Sanders are some Ihe lop returnees at the run- cess on rhursday, Aug.28 when going, I think that will kee| falcons will host an in season I larris poses a double-threat to guys that are in a competition ning hack |Hisition are RJ. Pope they host Eastern Kentuck) at 7 everyone sharp, crisp and look tournament. the opposing defense as he can role now where they are Irving ti I and D.I. Lane. Rope rushed lor p.m. ing forward. "I'm kind of excited because hurt them through the air as well win a spot against those guys. So, 577 yards as a Hue licshnien l.tsi

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DEFENSE. FROM PAGE 13 "He's a guy who hasn't had a lot job right now." of experience," Beckman said. One of the leaders on defense, secondary. "He's the one that is going to have Patton said that he likes what he "Our four freshman DBs to step up and perform." has seen thus far from the defen- THINKYOU CAN DO BETTER? Idefenslve backsl can be as good The defensive line is an area sive line. as the older kids in couple of that is full of youth, with two red "It's a little bit of a change in years, they're that skilled," shirt sophomores, one true that aspect, but I think it's a Brandon said. sophomore and a true freshman change for the best," Patton said. We're human. We make mistakes. But you can help In contrast to the experience in penciled in at the top of the depth "We got a lot more athletic up us strive in our goal to be a mistake-free, quality the secondary, Beckman consid- chart. front." ers the linebacker core to be the Beckman said that while the Patton said he expects the service to the student body and faculty of BGSU. weakest on the defense, due to front four of Mitchell Crossley, defense to perform well this sea- inexperience. With the loss of Mike lhaler, Matt Leininger and son. Chris Haneline, Beckman said Devon Parks are young, he is con- "We have come out every day, Our sports department needs some good help. players such as lovon Burkes and fident that they will thrive. and you can see that we are get- Daniel Sayles will be asked to "We've got a young defensive ting better and better," Patton If you have interest in being a staff member of the carry the load. Burkes will rake front, but they've all played for said. "Just from what I have seen, over for Haneline at middle line- us," Beckman said. "Parks came I can tell that we are going to have BG News sports department, send an e-mail to backer, and Beckman said it's in in January and did a great job a real special defense this year. [email protected] important for Sayles be strong for us, and has earned a starting this season. or contact us at: 419-372-6966.

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By Kevin Shields The senior Falcons this year fielder Sara Moore. SPORTS REPOriTEH will be defender Kasey Freeman Richards commented on how The BGSU women's soccer and forward Carrie Richards. he is eager to get back and start a team is getting ready to kickoff "Our seniors are great leaders new season. "I'm excited to get their 2003 campaign and looking and have plenty of experience back and get going again this forward to what they hope will be year," Richards said, "We are another strong season. "Our seniors are going to have strong competition The Falcons finished third in this year and are looking forward the Mid-American Conference great leaders and to competing for the MAC tide last season and made it all the have plenty of expe- again." way to the MAC tournament final This year's schedule will before losing to Miami. They rience from the years include non-conference oppo- ended their season with a record they have played nents Arizona State, Hawaii, of 12-8-2 and a MAC record of 7- Eastern Illinois, Cincinnati, 4-1. here." Detroit, Wright State, Valparaiso, It was a team that had to go ANDY RICHARDS, COACH Michigan State, and a home through the tragic death of a match against Ohio State on teammate and plenty of hard- Halloween to end the season. ships, but in the end still man- from the years they have played Playing a team from last year's aged to stick together. This season here," Richards said. "They know top 25 in a three-team touma they return 16 letterwinners and that our expectations, as well as ment in Hawaii to begin the sea- 10 starters for fourth year coach standards increase every year and son is a challenge the team is Andy Richards. they will play a big role in pushing looking forward to. Among the returning starters is this team to keep working." "We are looking forward to forward Kristy Coppes, whose 24 The team will welcome in going out there and playing well career goals ranks first in team seven newcomers for this year with hopefully getting a few victo- history. from Ohio and Michigan. These ries out there to start the season," Four out of five point leaders newcomers will be forward Karen Richards said. return for the 2003 season, which Brown, midfielder lindsay Carter, The team begins play on Ben Swinf «r BG News include Coppes, midfielder defender Kristen Grove, goal- August 30th in Hawaii against LOOKING FOR THE GOAL: BG player Samantha Meister advances the ball down the field while Kasey Samantha Meistcr, midfielder keeper lenifer Kernahan, goal- Arizona State with a match the Freeman plays defense in a scrimmage last week. Julie Trundle, and forward liritt keeper Samantha Martinez, for- following day against host Hawaii Anderson. ward lenny Matson, and mid- in the three-team tournament.

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niiilPltiMMliWlHillT :^.llVtt'&^i&&:<^!&tt*xs&sJ&£-£i '. nmnffiOlMBBHl "■?■;-. ws»«!f- 18 Monday.August 25.2003 N'UKIM WWW.BGNEWS.COM Men's team ready to defend title with difficult schedule ahead

By Chris W*g seniors to lake on leadership "We're going to lie tested right until Sept. 21. when they take on SP0R1S RtPORIER roles on this young team. off the bat. Cincinnati is a high Akron. This away game will be the I hi' iiit'iissocicr team is taking Mahler is entering his I Oth sea- caliber team." Mahler said. first of many tough conference the upcoming season head on, son at BGSU and said he is look- "Then we have to turn right games the falcons will partake in and they are anticipating a diffi- ing forward to the upcoming sea- around and play Green Bay. then over the course of tile season. cult, yot successful season. son. we have two games on the road Other MAC: opponents the The Falcons, who won a share "VVe are excited in regards to against two very gotxl teams. So falcons will play this year include of the Mid-American (^inference havinga fresh start. We had a little by the end of September we'll Northern Illinois. Western regular season championship last bit of a rough g<> last year, but pretty much know what we are Michigan. Marshall and season, were projected to finish when it was all said and done it made of as a team. Buffalo. third in the conference by the was a wonderful learning experi- The I'alcons, however, should licgardless of the schedule dif- \l \( preseason coaches pull. ence about diversity." Mahler look fresh in the season opener ficulty the falcons are optimistic The I'alcons finished with a 6- said. "( )ur approach this year is to against Cincinnati thanks in large about the upcoming season. 13 overall record last season. start fresh and start on a good part to an exhibition game Returning starters and veteran I li iwever, they were 4-1 in confer- note." against Duquesne. leadership combined with great ence play and finished their sea- Mahler said that starting off on The Falcons are hoping to coaching should make what son with a loss to Akron in the a positive note means winning. knock off any cobwebs that may could he a very difficult season a finals of the conference tourna- but he also said that the team have grown during the oil season, great one for the Falcons. ment. must concentrate on what they and the game gave the Falcons a NOTES: The Falcons dropped chance to play as a team for the an exhibition game on Friday, 4-2 The falcons are looking for- do well in order to be successful. Ben Swaneer BG News ward to beginning the new sea- The season opener for the first time this season. to Duquesne in Pittsburgh, liric son and will look to use their past I'alcons will be held at IHI's The preseason game look I )uda and Omari Aklridge scored DOWN THE FIELD: Two BG players practice in preparation for the experiences to their advantage. Mickey Cochrane Field on Aug. place on Friday Mahler said ii for the Falcons in a game that was upcoming season, which starts Saturday against Cincinnati. The team has 13 letter winners 30. The falcons will take on the could serve as a useful learning played in three 30-minute peri- returning to the squad including University of Cincinnati, a tool going into the season ods. eight starters from last year. I lead nationally ranked team last sea The falcons will not get their KEY 2002 STATISTICS FOR RETURNING PLAYERS coach Mel Mahler isexpectinghis son. first chance to play in the MAC The Falcons will return this season having put up some impressive numbers both as a team and individually. Despite losing two seniors, the team still has a number of strong scorers on the roster. Below are some ot the numbers put up in 2002 by some of the returning players. Also listed are the team's records in 2002. - Player Key stats/ BGSU David DeGraff 87 saves Matt Martinka 17 starts Paul Seip 6 assists Cory Stevens 17 starts Paul Dhaliwahl 4 goals UNIVERSITY Eric Duda 15 starts Team Conference Record 4-1 bookstore Overall Record 6-13 Source www bgsulalcons com BGNews @ THE BOWEN-THOMPSON STUDENT STORES THERE IS STILL TIME Fall Semester Hours* YOU CAN FIND AN Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-7:30 p.m. AFFORDABLE APARTMENT Friday, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. FLOORS 751 HIGH STREET - Two BK Furnished. 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Saturday - 8:30 to 5:00. Methods of payment accepted: BiG Charge-Visa^astercard-Discover-Cash-Check

.-'.'..':. WWW.BGNEWS.COM M'UKI> Monday. August 25.2003 1 9 Promising year Former all-star Bonds dead at 57

By Greg Beachem swept outfield for the Giants. developing for BG THE ASSOCIAHO PRESS Bonds' health had been in SAN FRANCISCO — Bobby decline for many months. In After finishing 9-3 last season, the Bonds, one of the first major lea- early lune. he spent lime in the JAYME Falcons will want to show tiiat their guers to blend home-run powef hospital while lighting pneu- RAMSON national ranking was not a mistake. with base-stealing speed and the monia. I le underwent surgery After a frO record at Doyt Ferry fadier of one of baseball's great- on a brain tumor in April and Running on Empty Stadium during 2002, Bowling est sluggers, died Saturday. He also endured many rounds of Green will probably produce anoth- was 57. chemotherapy. Can IV n\ I i 11 n Gram sports top last er electrifying home campaign with Barry Bonds' father had been Bobbv Bonds, a three-time gear's overall athletic pcrfomiance? raimiuig quarterback losh I larris ill for nearly a year with lung can- All-Star'and the MVP of the 11 le football team was ranked taking the snaps and heahhy offen- cer and a brain tumor, but he 1973 game, hit 332 home runs nationally, the metis soccer team sive and defensive lines. never lost his love for baseball. and stole 4(il bases for the vvon the Mid-Anierican Conference Both the metis and womeris soc- He was at Pacific Bell l>ark on Giants, New York Yankees, regular season title and M"i athletes cer teams have Mid-American Wednesday night, watching his California Angels. Chicago rebounded ton injuries, tragedy (jonfetentxttxtrnarnent experience superstar son and the San White Sox, Texas, Cleveland, Si. and losses to improve the universi- after last season, with a number of Francisco Giants Louis and Ihe Cubs. ty's status as a top athletic school in returnees. The metis team will have Bobby Bonds died shortly He began his careet With a die MAC an important match-up with Akron. before 9 a.m. I'DT. a Giants bang, hitting a grand slam in his Tliisyearyiukl be even better. the defending MAC tournament spokesman said. first game on June 25,1968. He's With home games, meets, matches dumps, in the conference opener Barry Bonds, who leads the the only player in Ihe modem and tournaments scheduled for on Sept 26. majors with 39 homers, will be era to accomplish thai feat every varsity spon, the athletic fields fen starters return to the woinens away from the Giants indefinite Bonds hil Ins last home run and arena will never be quiet this soccer team. The Falcons will play ly. I le left the team for five days on Sept. 24, 1981, for the tall. Check out die action, you might four consecutive home games after during a road trip last week to he Chicago Cubs — he connected witness Bowling Green liistory. returning limn a trip to I lawaii to with his father. against lesse Orosco, still play- The Moon football team will play in a I loixilulu toiinianx'nt Aug. "It's a very sad day, but I want ingfor the NewYbrk Yankees. open the season under die lights at 3031. to remember him the way he "This is a great loss for die LXjyt Fterry Stadium c in Thursday The cross country teams will used to be, having a good time Giants family." San I randsco against Eastern Kentucky Hie team compete in two home meets this and making jokes," said 11,ill of owner I'eler Magiiwan said. will play five more Inline games season. In one of the meets, the Famer Orlando Cepeda, Bonds' "We want the Bonds family to HOME RUN: Bobby Bonds is shown hitting a home run at throughout the season. lalconswill go head to head with longtime friend and former know thai they're in our Candlestick Park in 1973 Bonds died Saturday at the age of 57. 1 wo of BGs away games might Toledo and tlieir2003 U.S. National teammate. "I'm happy that he's thoughts and prayers. BooDJ be the most critical games of die steeplechase champion. Briana resting in peace." has meant so much to this orga- season. ()n Sept. 20 the Falcons will Shook. The Giants and their fans nization lor such a long lime. "When I pitched against him, I Bonds hit .268, had 1,024 RBIs travel to (iilumlxis to play the Itxir starters are back from last observed a moment of silence "It will lie strange not to see loved to watch him swing at and won three Gold Glove defending national cliampions Inn year's volleylxill team. Ninelctter- before Saturday's game against him in the clubhouse and walk- those high fastballs," Hall ol awards as an uultielder — and Tressel's team won't looks the winners return to the team that Florida. A sellout crowd rose and ing on the field with Bam and lamei loin Seaver recalled "lie his combination ot powei and game as an easy one after they went 9-21 last season The season stood in near-complete quiet as our other players." used to tease me and say. T Isten, speed was Dealt) unmatched. needed a fourth quarter comeback Includes a home tournament with photographs of Bonds in his San Bobby Bonds was a dazzling when I go to the American I would think in thai era we to defeat last seasons in-state oppo- West Virginia. Murray State and Francisco playing days flashed player who approached every league, you'll lose three strike- were the fastest outfield in base nent. Cincinnati. Iowa State, the first home in-season on the scoreboard. aspect HI the game with aggres- outs a game."' ball." lei ailed ( libs hilling coach Thai on Nov. 4, tlK' Falcons will toumanx'iit for die Falcons in duve Before their exhibition game, sion — for belter and worse I le "He was always smiling, very Gary Matthews, who played play Miami of Ohio in Oxford. Hie years. the San Francisco 49ers also led die majors in strikeouts llmr happy I stole one ol his bats and alongside Bonds and Garry game will be televised on IXPN or The metis ;uid women's golf observed a moment of silence limes in his first six seasons, set- used ii for about three starts I hil Maddox with the Giants in die KSPNZ A good game on national teams and the womens tennis team for Bonds at Candlestick I'ark, ting the single-season record a home run and a double." he early 1970s, lelevision might attract recruits to will also be in action tills fall where he once roamed the wind - with IH!) in 1970. said. tlx' Bowing Green pnignun.

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r ....,.,;...... ,■ ',.,.'-. *U£'^^ife#J>eir^ii**'~»A.-4 -:i-- 20 Monday. August 25.2003 SPORTS WWW.BGNEWS.COM US team prepares for next round

By Chris Shertdin comes, they're going to be as gold medal game. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS good or better as they were last "He really knows (Argentina) SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — A summer." and he's brought it up two or critical look at the U.S. Olympic Coach Larry Brown gave the three times," U.S. forward Elton qualifying team reveals the fol- U.S. team the day off Sunday, Brand said. "He brings it up in lowing statistics: lason Kidd is and the American federation the context that if we're up 30,40 averaging just 2.8 points, the waited to learn what the sched- points, we need to work on our team is shooting only 64 percent ule will be for the second round. game. We can't worry about the from the foul line and commits The U.S. team will face score because when we play a 16.5 turnovers per game. Argentina, Canada, Puerto Rico team like Argentina we're going Why the harsh analysis? and Mexico over four days to have to play our game. We're Because the four teams the beginning Monday, but the going to need to run our sets, so United States will face in the sec- order in which they will play let's get away from all the high- ond round of the Tournament of them had yet to be determined light stuff and throwing bad the Americas are doing exactly by the local organizers. passes because they're a good the same thing, picking out The most important games team and it won't be like that." every tiny flaw. will be next weekend, with three No one has scored 20 points in The level of competition will berths in the Athens Olympics at a game yet for the Americans, rise in the upcoming week, along stake. Two teams will wrap up who are being led offensively by with the level of anticipation for berths in the semifinals Tracy McGrady (14.5 ppg), the first game between the Saturday, and a third will qualify Vince Carter (14.0), Allen Americans and Argentina since in the bronze medal game Iverson (12.0) and Tim Duncan last summer's World Sunday. (12.0). Championships when the U.S. The gold medal game Sunday Mike Bibby has been their team lost 87-80. night could bring a second best 3-point shooter off the Argentina, scheduled to play meeting of Argentina and the bench, and the individual field Puerto Rico on Sunday night, United States. goal percentages — Carter's has defeated Uruguay and Popovich, who coaches .750, Brand's .737, lermaine Canada after losing its opener to Argentina's Manu Ginobili in the O'Neal's .696., McGrady's .657, Mexico. NBA with the San Antonio Spurs, Duncan's .625, Iverson's .621, "In the three games we've has been warning the newcom- Bibby's .611 and Ray Allen's .609 watched them play, they've gone ers to the U.S. team that they — have been outstanding. from a 2 to a 5 to an 8 on a 10- should expect a nail-biter in this McGrady,, Iverson and scale," U.S. assistant coach tournament, backing his argu- Bibby are all shooting above 50 Gregg Popovich said. "They've ment up with references to the percent from the 3-point line, Stephen Chemm AP Plioto got a great coach, they've been in semifinals at the 2000 Sydney and the Americans' opponents JUMP BALL Jermaine O'Neal, left, jumps to get the ball as Vince Carter looks on during the USA bas- these situations before and they Olympics when the Americans have been held below 35 per- know how to get ready for the had to survive a last-second miss cent from the field collectively. ketball team's scrimmage against Puerto Rico on Saturday. final round. By the time that by Lithuania to advance to the ACE Hardware ^kan Lane AICE Welcome BGSU Students! mines Changes Downtown BOWLING GREEN m 419-352-0251 181 South Main Wn &9iiftHV OH &4ume Bowling Green 136 S. Main 20% off Plumbing - Electrical - Hardware Ohio, 43402 20% off - Tools - Paint and Supplies open every evening til 9pm (419)352-4101 any product any service (419)352-2611 FREE House Key with this Ad I w/select stylists, expires 11/30/03 w/select stylists, expires 11/30/03

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Authorized i ampus Reseller J 1■» 1 WWW.BGNEWS.COM SPORTS Monday. August 25.2003 21 Browns fall to Detroit in preseason matchup

ByLarryLase Thursday night at home against completed his first four passes '"£ tSSOCIMCO PRISS Atlanta. during the 12-play, 75-yard DETROIT — Scolty Anderson A week after Cleveland coach drive that set up Hanson's 23- kept Detroit's preseason success Butch Davis selected Kelly yard field goal. in perspective. Holcomb as his starter, ahead of "I like the way loey came Sure, Anderson was excited Tim Couch, it was clear why he back from the mistake he made about catching two touchdown made the decision. early on the interception," passes as the Lions beat the Holcomb was 14-of-21 for 130 Detroit coach Steve Mariucci Cleveland Browns 38-17 Saturday yards and a TD. Couch, who fum- said. "He came back and settled night. bled his first snap, finished 2-of-6 down. It didn't bother him a bit He also realized the Lions have for 25 yards with one TD and one and he played very well." won two of three exhibition interception. Harrington second scoring games after two miserable years Couch said it was frustrating drive was more impressive than followed one-win preseasons. not to start. his first. But he's not ready to start "It was the first time I've ever He completed his first four making bold predictions for done that," said Couch, the No. passes for 15, 14, 16 and 12 the Lions, who are coming off 1 overall pick in 1999. "It was a yards. The drive stalled, but just five wins — none on the tough week, but you need to Mariucci chose to go for it on road — over the past two sea- block out your emotions." fourth-and-3 at Cleveland's 4. sons. Harrington, who was 15-of- Harrington showed poise as he "It's nice, but it's still presea- 20 for 184 yards with a TD and looked at in a few different son," said Anderson, who an interception, was strong directions before finding caught TD passes from loey after a rough start. Anderson open in the back of Harrington and Mike Harrington had time when the end zone. McMahon. "We still have a lot he dropped back on Detroit's "I think this is a big step in of work to do." second play, but when he regards to our confidence level Just as Harrington did in couldn't find an open receiver because we know we can put it Detroit's exhibition win over and he felt pressure, he threw in the end zone," Harrington Pittsburgh, he led the Lions to the ball up for grabs deep and said. a go-ahead score at the end of down the middle of the field Browns defensive backs and Paul Sancyi AP Photos the first half. Jason Hanson's 23- and Earl Little intercepted it. defensive linemen appeared to yard kick as time expired gave "Coach said when I got to the be arguing after the play, but CATCH ME IF YOU CAN: Detroit Lions's wide receiver Scotty Anderson catches a 32-yard pass for a Detroit a 13-10 lead. sideline that the throw was when Davis was asked if there touchdown as Browns' defensive back Ricky Sharpe attempts to defend on Saturday night. In the third quarter, Hanson mortal sin," Harrington said. was anything to it, he paused a the second quarter on Phil Jackson recovered. On Couch's rolled right again and threw back kicked another field goal and The second-year quarter- few seconds before saying, "No." Dawson's 46-yard kick. second drive, he threw a pass to Avon Cobourne to give Detroit backup quarterback Mike back bounced back the next But Davis said his defense With 22 seconds left in the half, behind Quincy Morgan that was a 24-10 lead. McMahon was 10- McMahon threw a 32-yard TD time he had a chance. should have learned a lesson. Harrington connected on three tipped by Detroit's Blue Adams, of-17 for 114 yards with a throw- pass to Anderson and ran for On a third-and-5 from "Having somebody leave cov- passes for 56 yards, including a intercepted by Lamar Campbell ing and rushing TD. another score to give the Lions a Detroit's 25, Harrington eluded erage to chase the quarterback 36-yard picture-perfect throw to and returned 19 yards to Cleveland running back 31-10 lead. a sack and threw a pass over the when he hasn't crossed the line of Anderson to set up Hanson field Cleveland's 28. William Green was given per- The Browns, who have growing middle to rookie Charles scrimmage is a cardinal sin," goal. McMahon rolled right and cut mission to miss the game concerns on defense, will look for Rogers, who slithered up the Davis said. On Tim Couch's first snap, he back on a 1 -yard TD run five plays because he is expecting his their first exhibition win field for 26 yards. Harrington Cleveland tied it at 10 late in fumbled and teammate James later. On a 2-point conversion, he second child any day.

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■raJMfcBfcS3fei£«mlMHifcScgj tTOioWrrrrffffliff TifiT flmifiiiliwiTi Tfffftfioirinnrfiri 22 Monday. August 25. 2003 SPORTS WWW.BGNEWS.COM Bengals lose at home to Tennessee

By Joe Kaye in preseason, we really didn't with two touchdowns I he Stewart let Ion Kitna's perfectly •■-. i SdC »TE0 PRESS find a rhythm on offense," defense has heen their biggest thrown pass glance off his CINCINNATI — SteveMcNali McNair said. "But this year, concern. hands at the Titans' 5-yard line, was something to behold, Hie that's what we've really worked With levon Kearse sidelined the ball deflecting to Andre Tennessee Titans' patchwork on. We're not out there think- by a sprained ankle sustained Dyson for an interception. Neil defense was something else. ing, we're just playing." in practice Tuesday and the Rackers missed a 49-yard field McNaii put on another lot Nedney kicked field goals middle linebacker position goal attempt on the next pos- impressive passing perfor- of 48 and :il yards, and McNair unsettled, the Titans (3-0) went session. mance Saturday night, leading lobbed a I-yard touchdown with a patchwork defense that Finally, Kltnathrewa 15-yard the litans in Mines on all three pass to uncovered light end had problems. touchdown pass to Peter first-half possessions as they Shad Meier with 20 seconds left "We didn't play the run very Warrick to complete an unre- pulled away to a 23-15 victory in thi'half. Me was 7-of-B for 81 well," Fisher said. "We didn't markable first half— 12-o(-17 over tin' Cincinnati Bengals. yards In the drive that showed tackle like I would have liked. for 114 yards and the first Looking sharp for the third the Titans' spread offense at its The biggest disappointment is touchdown by Cincinnati's straight preseason game, best the third downs — we couldn't first-string offense In presea- McNaii was l.l-cit-17 lor 167 "Steve still has some work to get off the field." son. yards while leading the Titans do to gel ready for the season. The Bengals (1-21 had "That's nothing new for us," toa 1.1-7 tialftime lead. He was- but ifanybodj Is close to being chances to score on each of Kitna said of the touchdown. nt sailed as he picked apart ready, he Is," coach left Fisher their three first-half posses- "We know we can do it. But Cincinnati's first-string said. sions, but self-destructed the when you don't get points — »l8elirmmAPPhotc defense, completing four McNair has been the Titans' way they have for most of the that's what we've got to throws of at least 20 yards. brightest spot in preseason, last 12 years. change." TACKLED: The Titans' Eddie George is tackled by Bengals defend- 'The last two or three years going 28-of-39 for 298 yards Backup tight end lorn ers.

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MONDAY August 25, 2003 THEY'RE COMING: The Shantee proves bigger is not necessari- BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY VOLUME 98 ISSUE 2 ly better; PAGE 31 College mm life gets better with age

Byloe BugBee PUlSE AB11ER Way back in the fell of 1999, ,i wide-eyed kid from Toledo entered mis great institution of higher learning. Upon entering this sanctimonious, (and lets face it, windy little* town), the wide eyed kid had hopes, ambitions, and a sud- den love and appreciation for freedom. Mash forward -I and a half years and 25 pounds to the (all of 2003. The wide-eyed kid (me people, me) is a little wiser, a little more cynical, and a little ratter, Howling c Green State University, you have molded me into an adult! Right? Right. I was an e no drtf diet stripped immature, let's be honest CHILD of 18, going of 19, and By Leigh Aim MacKeiuie four-plus-years later. I'm an No pasta, no bread, no Hi til KHUH immature ADULT of 22. It all ItOtted lor me .1 lew months ago. A coworker ol Growing IMins? I lardly not, fruiL..What kind of mine would walk into work every day with her Ziploc more like (Irowing Funs! bagofturkeyand mustard, That was it, meat ami My hometown is only 21) mustard. short miles away north on I- it didn't take much lo figure out what diet my lit and r \* diet is this?*/ 7. >,l)ui years before going to toned li irnd was on. She was one of the inanv follow - college, I made it wry clear to ingtlieAtkinsdici and I wanted to do it too. So I the folks that living at school approached hei about It. asking how king was the only option, and the adhered toll, how strictly she follows the rules and transition to dorni-lile was a what rypeofrestiltKslu'liiidsoen. Theruk«seemed rather easy one. I was never notigh to follow, no lucid, caffeine, pop, hints or really homesick (home was siigai and the results seenn-at seems lo lie the advnc given hv Ihe UGSU Anyway, good luck seniors, Wellllesst Vnlel-as well. juniors, sophomores, and "We recommend students eating weU balanced especially freshmen. You're meals am I exert ising legulaih lalhei dial attempting going to iieed it. U'ellnessl enlel said. iii-nd dletsi ome and go, bui healihv eating habits andexeti iseseeni in lie llu- weighi loss ladles thai lasi 1 ini choosing an appropriate diet depends on the pet son, what works loi oncmaynol lot anoihei. Kt-g.ndli-ss oflhc approach chosen, consistency I'-kev

KEEP YOUR FINGERS ON THE PULSE OF CAMPUS AT WWW.BGNEWS.COM/PULSE 26 Friday. August 25. 2003 TlIK PULSE WWW.BGNEWS.COM You are getting sleepy Still a crowd

KNIGHl RIDOER gesting that the timing of sleep your workplace, meeting or Mm ning sleepers have an pleaser after might affect daytime function. appointment on time capable advantage over ihelrlaie-nighi The early morning sleep and together. counterparts, according to a group's store on the wakeful- l-xpect more of yourself. Do SLEEPING AND new study by Stanford ness test was significantly bettor what's right, even if it's not easy. LATENESS GO University Medical Center. than the late-night sleep group, HAND-IN-HAND all these years I he ~iiuly on the effects of Indicating that early morning MYITIS ABOUT THE sleep deprivation found thai sleepers i n erall were more tol- CHRONICALLY LATE FACT: TIMING IS EVERY- individual tolerance of sleep THING. GOING TO SLEEP By Bob Condor of dishes, Syrian merchant erant of sleep restriction. And Surprising to most punctual CHICAGO TRIBUNE restriction varies widely l>ui die researchers found that par- people, these common percep- LATER CAN BE BENEFICIAL Ernest Hamwi rolled some of his lhat participants had a belter ticipants in the early morning tions about late people seldom FUN FACTS waffles into a cone shape to help adaptation to early morning sleep group had hotter rates of are true. 1 lore are a few "mix-in" facts to his neighbor still keep serving up FACT: MEN ARE SLACKERS discuss with friends on your next ice cream. sleep sleep efficiency (the percentage They're slackers. Bill Clinton, (OBVIOUSLY) Researchers have long known of time spent sleeping in the actor Robert Rcdford and ice-cream outing: ICE CREAM OR RIBS? that a persistent reduction in four-hour window) and sleep model Naomi Campbell are FACT: ZZZZZZZZ'S ARE Federal statistics estimate the If you're going to indulge, nightly sleep results in latency [the amount of time known for being chronically GREAT FOR THE MIND. BODY typical American eats 22 quarts indulge with understanding. of ice cream per year_about the decreased daytime functioning. spent falling asleep). late. AND SOUL. When you consider that the I he Stanford study was the firsi They have bad morale. While same amount consumed per body can metabolize only 800 in examine the effect thai the BREAKING THE IATENESS sometimes true, it's a false gen- FACT: BEING PROMPT TO person in 1960. One-third of the calories at a given time, some of time of sleeping had on partici- HABIT eral ization. INTERVIEWS AND MEETINGS ice cream is low-fat or non-fat, the more popular ice cream pants, Consciously change your They're looking for attention. BOOSTS YOUR PROFESSION- but there has been a concurrent dishes have meallike propor- The study involved eight ideas about punctuality. The straggler more often feels ALISM AND J0B-WORHTY rise in the consumption of pre- tions. mium or high-butteriat ice Ice cream: Two scoops of men. 18 to 25 years old. Acknowledge that lateness is a uncomfortably conspicuous. APPEAL Researchers monitored the par- It's a control thing. This moti- cream. Baskin-Robbins vanilla ice big deal, The most frequent customers cream. Caloric equivalent 1500 ticipants' sleep and collected Change your thinking about vation is more likely among FACT: PROCRASTINATION IS at the highly popular Cold Stone calories): Two bowls of New base-line data as the) slept lor tt trying to arrive exactly on time. men than women. NEVER A GOOD THING hours for two nights. then Plan to arrive early They don't value others' Creamery stores are females England clam chowder soup men were split: (me group slept Figure out what you're doing time. Slost late people really try- between 24 and 34 years old. Ice cream: Ben & lerry's from 1030 pm to 230 a.m. for that's making you late. Ask to be punctual. I Uglily sensible ice cream eat- Chunky Monkey in a chocolate- seven nights the other group yourself what you can do differ- I hey're had time managers. ing is that an oxymoron? It dipped waffle cone. Caloric means you are ordering sorbet, equivalent 1820 calories): lull from2:15 a.m. to6:15a.m. The ently. I li iwevor, many late people are men's behavior and wakeful- Question your urge to take given to procrastination. sherbet, low-fat ice cream or low- slab of ribs ness were tracked through a on that extra task that appears. fat frozen yogurt (not all frozen Ice cream: Cold Stone series of tests Ask yourself, "Do I need to do Source:".\'« # I M i n\ •Bathroom Accessories Celebration Call For 7:00 p.m. •Bedding: Comforters' Sheets FREE CHEESE BREAD Time •Kitchen Accessories •Curtains WITH ANY TWO 12" SUBS 315 S. College Drive - 3 < v- south of campus •Waste Baskets tm 143* •Fans (419) 353-9305 or 353-6675 E. Hiiinlrr TW ■VfS/M Rev. Dale L. Schaefer • Rev. Chris Young Hours: Mon.-Sat 9am-7pm Sun. 12pm-5pm

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Main St. • 419-373-9888 BLOCKBUSTER n t Oevon and related ma/ka anj trademarks of Blockbuster Inc. 62003 Blockbuster, itv All Rights Reserved Cart and Roy arv iroOemarke ol Bkx*buttec Inc. WWW.BGNEWS.COM HE PULSE Monday. August 25,2003 27 Jeans: High fash- ion, high prices By Alison Kaplan Signature, available exclu- Wash treatment: ()h, the KNIOH' SICOIR sively at Wal-Mart for $25. abuse leans endure to look (KRT)- Let's get one thing Meanwhile, at the Edina good. Some companies straight: If you're spending boutique 1 en Dniskin. Ivpe pound them with rocks, $200 on a pair of jeans, it's 11 evi's, the company's new others douse them in not for durability. fashion tot ward line, start at ammonia to smooth out the Long before stcinewasli- SUM). libers and create a wrinkle- ing and distressing and Most ol what goes into Free finish, I hen there are spandex, basic Levi's were pricing is invisible to con- those thai drench them in the clothing of choice of sumers, from the quantity indigo I he more abuse and coal miners. These days, the manufactured to the ad vet darkei the color, the higher most rigorous job called rising budget In some theprii e upon the average blue jeans cases, more time is spent cm Style: I lie goal with high- is a spin on the dance floor. the design and styling ol end brands like 7 lot All As denim hasmorpned expensive jeans - Mankind istosta) ahead of Ben SwangerBC New from staple into style state- Aside from lit and brand- the trends, which means ment, the prices haw BOLD LEAD IN: Outline goes here fill the space so that the outline fills the space. name influence the most sending designers on climbed to jaw-dropping obvious issues in price dis- expensive trips to Europe to proportions, And they snow parity we've listed some lac- find the most cutting-edge no sign of stopping. liarl tors that determine denim looks. In contrast, the I evi leans, once exclusive at prices. Signature line at Wal Man is Hip clothing comes to SI20. seem almost afford- fabric: Denim is a KM) designed For the value c on able compared with some percent cotton. 14.5-OUnce scions mass consumer." Styles by Diesel that now fabric Anything else is sim- Shortcuts are taken to keep top $200. plj jeans wear, says Claire down the price, like (lie bare city with a bang while denim is more Dupuis, a specialist for back pockets no embroi- popular than ever, a new Cotton Inc. traditional dery, no iconic red tag. By Andrea Wilhelm ng to find a fun outfit for an Although Norman receives study from M'lMlroup. a Levi's 501s were made with Hardware: Rivets the little PBISI -IU10R evening event," Norman said. monthly shipments from Miami market research firm, sug- 14.5-ounce fabric, but most dipper bits MIII find on I in.iiiy somewhere to shop That is what is so diverse and LA., her clothing is reason- gests consumers are grow- modern jeans including main jeans were originally it Bowling Greens Woodland about Diversity Boutique. It is ably priced MOBS range any- ing wary of status-oriented I evi's are 10 12 ounces. in. luilrd loi functionality. Mall, or the "small" as irs com- also important to Norman to where from S17.99 to $65.00. The jeans with triple-digit Stretch: A little bit ol Now, I hipuissays, they re monly referred i". Isnl your ideal bring in a greater range of sizes. I Is lease are approximately $3 to prices. spandex makes the fabric often nothing more than a place forshopping and Ibledo i* "I intend to follow the trends," Sit). The revitalized Levi's is bteak dim n more easily, but Fashion statement. You can just abll too far to drive for that Norman said. In addition to clothing. playing both ends of the it also makes the pants lit tell l>\ placement. If they're perfect part) outfit, then there is The most eye-catching to col- Diversity Boutique also carries spectrum. The original better. Spandex is an expen- at the nip pockets, thej add hope for you, deal shopper. lege girls will be l"s Tease- thrift- jewelry, hats, belts and purses. As denim company has intro- sive fiber, Dupuis says, and durability' in a spot where Diversity Boutique, located at store" and vintage shirts custom the store matures, so will duced Levi Strauss adds to the price. seams lend to up easily. 101 N.Main [where Lotions & leased" and cut-up. Also, for Norman's supply ol accessories. Potions used to be. has the latest only SIS, you can bring in your In lad. she encourages anyone and most fashionable merchan- own Salvation Army or (kiodw ill who makes their own clothing or dise How linn (Ireen has to olfer. find, and Norman will custom accessories in quantity to sell WHERETO Owned In Erin \(>miaii.a BGSU lease" ihe shirt for you. "I want their merchandise at Diversity North Towne Square alum laud i<>i MH-I sports reporter to make women feel special and Boutique. SHOP 21(H) Elida Mall oftheBG News , the Diversity show off their best features," "I opened my store here Lima, OH 45805 343 New Towne Boutique opened on August 14 Norman said. because I've come to appreciate Woodland Mall (419)-331-1130 Square Drive and Its selection Is continuously Most of Diversity Boutiques Es the town of Bowling (ireen and 1234 N.Main loledo, OH 43612 growing. Teases come from thrift stores in noticed the lacking number of Bowline ( ireen Franklin Park (419)476-1771 Women of any age can find Columbus, so you can expect a fun, trendy Stores," Norman said. (419)354-4447 700 Franklin Park the trendies! clothing ranging great selection. What's so differ- "It's my way ol giving back to Mall Southwyck Shopping from business to casual to sporty ent about Diversity Boutique i«;." Springfield Monroe Street and Center "I warn women to ix- able to than any other store is that Hours posted outside store Commons Talmadge 833 Southwyck come in here and find an outfit Norman only carries a few of (419) 333-7259 dtversltybou- 1422S. Holland- loledo, Ohio Shopping Center for an inten lew, and yet, at the each item. "That way.ever)one tiquetf' Sylyannia 43623-3636 UnitCl/i samedmel have women in their isn't walking around B(i wearing Holland, OH 43528 (4191-473-3317 Toledo. Ol 14361 1 '30s and' KK come In here wanti- the same thing," Norman said. 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By Andrew Schart I.IAirape Friday-Saturday 11-12 a.m. a.m. shakes and floats, waffle cones, C tt NIKS 10i I OS 1544 EVtfooster St. (419)353- Sunday SamB's offers students a more sundaes and slushes. Prices for Soona CM later on campus 0937 F-asy Street serves a wide vari- upscale dining experience. shakes range from $2.!>0-$3.r>0. food wUI begin to wear out iis Open Daily 11-10 p.m. ety of food and beverages in a Students can get steaks, seafood, Sundaes cost between S3 and SI. welcome. Mm students choosing 11 Zarape can settle a craving sit- down atmosphere. A large salads and pasta. SamB's prices toeal off campus have manj tor Mexican IIKKI without nm- menu includes appetizers, sand- are slightly higher than the other i .iii of the Canyon dafe choices. ning to the border. I he restau- wiches, burgers, fondue and din- restaurants in town because they 109 N. Main St (419) 353-2255 Besides a countless number ol' featuresnachos,rajitas,bur- ners. The restaurant also features serve more gourmet food. Monday-Thursday 11 -8:30 fasi food and chain restaurants, rims, tacos and quesadillas. healthy selections of beer and SamB's is good place to get a free p.m. Friday 11-9 p.m. Saturday there are several unique restau- vegetarian menu items are also wine. Prices for burgers and meal from a visiting family 11-3 p.m. rants in Bowling Green. I isted available. 11 Zarape features sandwiches range from $5 to $8. member. Gill of the Canyon serves a below are jusi lew ol the city's lunch specials $6and under. I Mnners range from $8.9.r) to wide variety of foods in a small many original eateries, Iwenty-five combination plat- $1735. Myles Pizza l"ub & Sub Shop cafe setting. Customers can ters undei $6 are also on the 516 EWboster St (419)352- 101S. Main St (419) 353-6164 order beans, chili, specially sal- Dihenedelto's Pasta ami Subs menu Campus Pollveyes 1504 Open Daily 11-2:30 a.m. food ads, burrilos, sandwiches and l432EWoostei St. (419) 352 440 E Court St (419) 352-9638 Monday-Wednesday 12-2:30 served until I a.m. liltQ ribs. Sandwiches are priced 1663 I'isanello's (Ipen Daily 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. a.m. Thursday-Saturday 11-3 led's restaurant offers a wide around $5. Chill ranges from S2- Monday-Saturda) 11 -9 pm. 203 N. Main St. (lampus I'ollyeyes is a pi/yeria a.m. Sunday 12-230 am. variety of burgers, chicken, steak S3.50. Itihs are SKI for a half rack I Mbenedettos is a sub shop I'isiinello's provides an alterna- and mote. I'ollyeyes is almost Myles offers students a differ- and sandwiches, led's serves lire- and SI") loi a whole rack. unlike Subway. Rodni, spaghetti tive to Dominos and Papa Johns. known more lor its stuffed ent style of pizza. Myles serves a balls, which arc boneless pieces and Greek salads can be found I he restaurant also offers subs, breadsticks than for its pizza. pizza best eaten with a fork and of chicken dipped in one of 14 ( i ihen and < ookc Inc.World mi the menu alongside sub u ings, salads and breadsticks, t u-ii liners can order breadsticks a knife. Myles Pizza is a unique sauces available. Fireball prices Market & Eatery sandwiches. Subs come in mam I'isanello's opens at -I p.m. on smiled with cheese and pizza staple of Bowling Green. Some range from $&50-$730. Burgers, 109 S. Main St (419) 353-0010 different varieties and price weekdays but is open for lunch toppings including roast beef specialty pizzas include garden, appcti/vcis. and sandwiches all Open 11-6 pm and KM)-II ranges from around S3 foi .i six on the weekends. A large cheese and chicken. A lull order of six Mexican and chicken pizzas, range between $6 and $8. p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays inch Mil) and between SS and Sl> pizza is sin. Pizza puces range breadsticks stuffed with one item Myles also serves subs and sand- Cohen and Cooke offers a for a 12- inch sub, from $2.50 fol a mini cheese a ists $!). Other menu items inches Sub prices range from Beyond 2000 Iruly unique dining experience. pizza to SI t fora large specialty include calzones. subs, salads. $3-5, A large pizza ranges from The restaurant serves a seven Mr. Spots pizza pizza and pastas. S11.80 for a one item pizza to course dinner on Fridays and 125 E Court St. 419 352-7768 SI" for a specialty pizza Saturdays, The dinner menu Monday-Thursday 11-2 a.m. SamB's changes every night Customers I rida\-Saturday 11-230 a.m. I as) Street Cafe 146 N. Main St. (4191 353-2277 Corner drill can alsoiinlei a live course meal Sunday 11-1 a.m. 104 S. Main St 419)353-0980 200 N. Main St (419) 353-3858 or a la carle. Ihcdiiinei menu is Mr. Spot's, located near man) Open 21 hours normally all seafood that is Down of the bars, has become a late Corner drill is a late night into Bowling Green from Ixiih night staple in Bowling Green, diner but breakfast is served any coasts. There is also steak and Spots specializes in Philadelphia lime. Customers can order many vegetarian options for dinner. Style Subs, but also serves deli foods including chili dogs, ham- 133 S. Main St (419) 354-6066 I he meals costs between $54 sandwiches. chef salads, wings burgers, onion rings, grilled Monday-Saturday 12-12 and $60. (iihen and < OOke also and French fries. Sanduic h cheese, pancakes. French toasi Beyond 2000 brings old fash serves soups, salads, and sand- prices range between S 1.25 and and omelets. ioned icecream to downtown wiches for lunch. $&25. Mr. Spot's will also delivei All items on the menu are Bowling Green. Beyond 2000 has beer with a proper ID. Monday-Thursday 11-1130 priced under $5. ovei 30 different flavors of ice Monda) fhursday 11-11 p.m. p.m. Friday-Saturday 11-1230 cream. I fie shop also features

dining services

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NEIL YOUNG & CRAZY album, Indestructible, Rancid By loe BugBee autumn, something bartender find themselves at a strange and son ol co-owner Wall, lentil HORSE in issn iads in the punk univet si t, Billiards at its best throughout town.almost I errell saidlhat these features will t In one hand, leu artists have every bat and restaurant features bring in even more revenue. Also. GREENDALE been as loyal to the original punk .a least one pool table. \ bar,a instead of opening at 4, like it has A ethos as lim Armstrong and kitchen, maybea jukebox, sure, it been all summer, Heckcit s will Repnse Records/Warner Bios. Records company, whose albums have all might be pan oftheatmos be i ipening up its doors as early often proved that imitation [of phere, but the main locus ol the as 11 .III in the morning during I he Clash i islhesincerest form patrons, the main mokxlsto football season, another move i tailed as "one of the most of flattery, pta) pool. But are there truly any the I enell's hope to bring in a ambitious works of his career" by That being said. Huiuiil is. IKI i "pool halls':' new clientele the Chicago Iribune, Neil Young an established 90S hand trying to I hen1 is now. Its a nice place to hangout and his band Crazy I [orsedefi- stabilize their record sales amidst Beckett's, located at 146 N, during and allet the game.' niirly have a winner on their a barrage of pop-driven, a-politl' Main, might finally quench the I errell said. hands. cal skaiepunk. thirst of those hat -hoppers iii Named allet lush poet and His latest project Greendalei a Flirtations with major labels need ol a nightly, even hourly. Ii\ playwright Samuel Beckett, the I O-song "musical novel" is a and appearances with the likes of billiards. Though Beckett's pool hall features a menu that i yde of fictional lyrical stories ol Pink and Kelly (Isboume may only features three tables two differs completely from Its co- llial have k'd toYc>unj;|H'rtnriii- signify to some fans that Rancid ol which can he used for SB an owned counterpart, SainB's. ing his songs complete with a has done the unthinkable and hour, the other is a quarter-oper- spec ialtiesal the pool hall stage show with actors and sets. elected to "sellout" ated table—co-owner Walt include It icd chicken lingers, Although some refer to lodging by the music alone, I eneii is confident that his pool mo/yarella balls,scallops, wings. Greendale as a concept album, however, Indestructible finds the hall will become just as popular fish and pizza. Young claims the idea was pre- Bay Area punksters staying rela- as his other entei pi ise. Samli's. rheyounget lenelldidnot meditated and that il simply tively true to their influences "What we have here |in hesitate io name the reason for "just happened." while building upon their unique Beckett'sl," said I errell, "isan Becketts success. "Truthfully, it's In addition to the 10songt I >. place in a changing genre, upscale pool hall. It's not hare a lot nicer than other bars in there is alsi i a bonus I )\'l) featur- I his doesn't mean (hat hones, like other hats around town," he said, Dials it." ing "Live at Vicar St," a solo Indestructible is devoid ol poppy, town." I he senior I errell. however, acoustic concen ol' trecndale. radio-friendlj efforts (see the first in addition to the billiards was a little more subtle in his Vbung has experimented with single,"Fall Back Down"), hut the lahles. Becketts also features six beliefs centering on why all genres ol music including lone Is balanced out by songs Ben Swanger BG Item high definition televisions, that Bii ken swill be successful. like the tide track, in which country, blues, electrd, rockabilly, BECKETT'S: New local bar draws in crowd during the summer will broadcast several college and "Basically, it's a casual, comfort- \mistrongclearly aligns himself professional football games this soul and grunge. This album, months. able atmosphere, really" however, is purer) rock with a with punk's roots. twist ofcountry and blues. \ "Keep listening to loe great combination in my mind. Struinnui cuz through music Each song on the CD tells a we can live forever," he snarls in ^ true St rummer style, a n WELCOME BACK BGSU story in continuation. (bmplete with nine characters ranging respectable tribute to the late WH»S ttriPiiti? "one ol the top 200 salons in from Satan, who can dance, ( lash frontman. Stylistically, IndestrucUble cov- 344 S. Mam St. BG ( across from Clark) the counlry "-Sa'on TODAY % dress well and Isseemingh lik '-"<,. able to Jed Green, played on- ers the punk gauntlet, whether il 419-353 6508 +J& be the sound of 1977 WELCOME FRESHMEN stage by a former Pearl lam tour NIC-NACS • IMCEMTS Bring in your Student ID & Indestructible"), 1987 ("Spirit of KSt manager, a man who drives a BIRDHOUSES • CANDLES '87"), or the present da) "fall receive 3 00 oil haircuts. 5 00 Lincoln and is stopped foi SPUN CLASS • CANDLE HOLDERS oH chemical services. & 2.00 speeding, hut has drugs in his Hack Down"). The mood is wide WIND CHIMES • MIRRORS ranging, as well, from ulna off tanning packages car. lust before he's pulled ovei FROSTED CLASS • GARDEN/YARD Freshmen Qnly he sees Satan in his rean ievt aggressive i "Ouiol Control") to GLOW IN THE ACCESSORIES mirror, led ends up shooting and Smooth and melodic Arrested DARK ITEMS • KNIFES killing the officer. in Shanghai"). HOLIDAY SPECIALS • SWORDS AND Sound hi/atteV What maj In the end. ihealhutn essen- WALL CLOCKS MUCH MORE... seem like a crazy concept on tial!) confirms Rancids place as a paper. In actuality makes for hand de erminetl to Stay current THE great listening. while still pa) ing homage to the Young, even at age 57, is still past. Unfortunately, that is not toikin' in the free world." aneas) goal to reach. ■ AndreaWillielm - Aiidreti'CJaymtw RANCID 20% off with HAIR AND BANNING tttnsm-ti£"!:£ Student I.D. • Featuring* INDESTRUCTIBLE David DeWalt: Owner'Stylist & coupon Jessica Messer: Stylist B- • $33 Min tattoo (above the waist) Hellcat Records • $15 Barbells Lisa McCoy. Stylist • $10 Piercings (hoop only) •CUT AND STYLE INCLUDED W/ALL CHEMICAL SERVICES- • Also includes gift shop items •SPECIALIZING IN FOILS- With the release ol thru sixth g -M 419-352-6459 529 Ridge Street Bowling Green

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145 S. Main Street in Downtown Bowling Green Hg£J3* Hours: Mori.-Sat., 6:30am-9:00pr <^fe ft e AJT> Sun., 7:00am-8:00pm (419) 352-7100 BEN FRANKLIN Crafts 'ECORAT/OV DAY. Downtown - Bowling Green DRIVE BY TRUCKER8 BRAND NEW "DECORATION DAY" "Ut.lA tIJICNUU "Old Fashion Bulk CANDIES •Fresh Made FUDGE 'Custom Framing & Supplies START THE SEMESTER WITH 'Posters & Framed Art •Party Supplies & Balloons THE BEST NEW MUSIC FROM 'Art Supplies "Stationary & Cards © Bring in this ad for a 419-532-3389 20% Discount on any one item 154 S. Main St. WAL'MART EVcept Sale Items 1 Open evenings til 9pm WWW.BGNEWS.COM IIIM'I LM*. Monday. August 25 2003 31 Four now... stays short and sweet By Angela L Gorier band bad was what you'd gel Qj What type of crowds do PULSE EDITOR from a hard rock band Oh you prefer to play to? Q: What can a listener expect God A: I like the crowd that is full from this new EP I our Now... Our firsl apprehension then of people that are smiling and than from previous( IIs? melted away when we started having a good time and are A: It's noi a traditional album, getting emails and CD orders open to ihe energy we are with baBads or up-tempo songs from across the country. And it putting out that all Dow together. VVe picked wasn't selling out (either) But, every gig is different the best foul 'songs out of Ihe because we weren't gelling paid Sometimes you have show up, past sixteen we had completed primarily college students or all since our last album, bin play 20 or 30-year-olds. What is really the other twelve songs live. cool is when there is a mixture Vve also are getting better in nl people. I would feel weird the studio and benefited a lot appealing to one demographic from working with an outside ear (producer David Z.). Q&A Q:\buappeal to the college kids, indie rockers, and jam- Q: Who does all the songwrit- WITH THE SHANTEE LEAD band listeners. What about the ing? people who listen to rap and A: I here are 4 writers in the VOCALIST AND GUITAR l!,s. |;, do you have anything lor band: It's a very concerted effort, them? ()ne person usually will write A: We don't want to turn our something and it will be two or MATT MORTON backs tin any body. We pulled oil Photo provided three different song parts, in the some hip-hop thing on "Way A FIVE-PIECE BAND: From left to right; Matt Morton. Randy Browne. Shane Frye. Ward Scott and practice room is where we do all Q: How did ihcSli.inicv Down," (the third track on lour Micheal Perkins ol the extra arrangements. begin? Now,,.), fhere'sa harmonic gui On the EP Mike wrote three A: lason lex-percussion) and I tar and half singing half rapping. THE SHANTEE gets down to the basks, rhis song contains both songs ami I wrote "Way Down." went to high school together (All I can say) is to give us a lair Iheie is no baby, baby or girl extreme jam rills and hoth jazz track 3, and had a band there. We then listen, in this song, just a man singing and new-age alternative met up with Mike at I X'liison FOUR NOW... his praise to the woman in his melodies. A sing-along} Maybe, Q: What are the band's inspi- College. The second night we Q:You have been compared A life, beautifully to a familiar A song that will travel with you rations for songwrilingV were on campus, lason, Mike to DMB and PHiSH. How would Independent Records heal. toi lass and backfot days?Ye& A: There are no set rules for and I made plans to bang out you describe yourselves? "I came up with this ofi the What rhythmic jamming CD songwriting.On the II! and jam in our dorm mom. We A: We've got a lot of depth, ceiling ol my noggin'-with is complete without a drinking "Brontosaurus," isenvironmen- started playing and a crowd more than most lop 111 bands. I lb begin, this is the first time thoughts ol youfeedin'- my song? Four now... would not lally-lbemed. "Kiki." Mike wrote formed around our door. Then, think we are very well versed in I have listened to rheShaniee, imagination joggin' -with a have been true to college fans if for his liance kirra because her our bass player now, and our the history of music and song- and I loved it. A hard to please song about love came so easy "Rooftop," had been left out nickname is kiki. I had music lirsi drummer joined in and we writing. But, DMB is perfect L;.11 myself. I found my fool tap- that time I'm just-aplayin' the Small lyrics thai are leniinis w rilien for "Way Down," in continued from there. because we locus on the song ping and energ) rising as the guitar and you're on mj mind." icnt ol good times with pals lanuary. I tried to write serious primarily. lyrics and musical intelligence Track one. "Brontosaurus," is ami talking about life are ly i ics for the song's serious Q: Do you consider the hand mixed with simplicity mingled lyrical!) charged Uthough, ii Wrapped up in the seriousness sound, and expressed my frus- a "college band?" (J: I heres a hand meiiieber in im ears. you want to actually nuclei of modem life. It makes you tration at a practice and (some- A: No. Any kind ol label has bom each of the Great Lakes Each song on this four-song stand what thej are saying you wanl to kick hack, and ask youi howl ended up with lyrics trappings to it. We definitely states, have you traveled any- EP has its own sound and mes- would have to listen toil more closesi pal foi a beer inspired by the A-leam realize the importance lol a col where other than in Ohio? sage. I lie second track on Four than one time. Which, in this HieShantee found a wel- lege crowd); it's strategic to locus A: We hit the I asl (<>asl every now... ls"Kiki."anodetoa case, could only help increase coming way to incorporate fun, Q: The band has a couple of on college kids because they I, B weeks. Next summer we will then fiancee, now wife, In your heart-rale and move your seriousness and love into one songs on an Ahcrcrnmbic & have a great netw oik of friends. get into theCarolinasand vocalist Mike Perkins, Kiki, is feet to the dance floor (or your shorl and sweet record, BRAVI) filch compilation CD, bow does Alotol people gel lurnedon Missouri. We are on a regional a sexy yet romantic song that linoleum kitchen flooi il you're guvs! Ihe band feel about that? real last by it. commando mission, leaves out ihelluffof love and so inclined). - Angela LGorter A: The first reaction thai the


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iiiimlrTnTiiw^arTfMfcifiTHTi KRXMJ ■ S ■-...:-. •....■•...:. :, I laaffi 32 Monday. August 25. 2003 TIIKITLSK WWW.BGNEWS.COM We are not in Kansas anymore By Sean Corp down (he Yellow Brick Road Next we meet a woman this was a match made in PULS[ WRITER than those politically incor- "In this Lollipop Guild of debauchery, we sorely in need of courage. heaven? Have you noticed Howling rect Munchkins? have seen people shack-up with staged Hillary Clinton's long-await- Now it is time to talk about Green does no) jusi represent Naturally these are the drama, faking tears and awkward relation- ed memoir finally came out a horse of a different color. another small Ohio commu- Muiu'hkins of celebrity also this summer. The most disturbing trend nity; it is more like the land of known as reality TV stars. ships." This was the biggest story throughout the summer has Kansas from "The Wizard of These pseudo-celebrities in the book industry nol been the passing of some of looking lor 15 minutes of involving Harry Potter or col- the most enduring stars of Lately; Bowling Green lias fame not through hard work SEAN CORP ON THE MUNCHKINS OF HOLLYWOOD lectible editions of the Lord of I lollywood. Already this year had tornadoes in the sky, but by eating liquefied pigliv- could have a hard time figur- figure out the last 20 minutes the Rings novels with we have seen the passing of winds of almost 1(H) miles per er on "I ear factor" or being ing out why all the movies of "The Matrix" (and why Orlando Bloom on the cover. Buddy Hacketl, Buddy libsen, hour lay ravage to the area, pimped out by their parents ihis summer have not made exactly they felt 1 needed to The memoirs amounted to a Bob Hope, Gregory Hines, torrential rains Hooding the on "American Juniors." In the billions of dollars expect- see Keanu Reeves' ass) and tepid bestseller that failed to Robert Stack and Barry White Streets and for good measure, fact, Munchkinland seems to ed of them. Almost every- "The Hulk" was so busy being be even as interesting as the just to name a few. Now a was one of the lucky areas be getting bigger with the thing has failed to live up to serious they forgot to lighten Star Report. sick few of us, myself includ- affected by the recent power number ot reality programs expectations from Terminator the mood by adding perhaps Oh well, I'm sure that in ed, can make a couple bucks outage thai stretched from growing exponentially. .1 to I lollywood Ilomicide, a joke or two. This summer 200H this cowardly lioness betting on who gets the Detroit to New York and up In this Lollipop Guild of and ol course (ligli, (I won't has taught our poor scare- will be ready to be queen of longest ovation during the in through Canada. debauchery we have seen rub salt in that wound... crow two things: the forest. memoriam segment during Of course, if Bowling Green people shack up with staged unless of course Ben and I. I.o 1. Sequels: Now we have run into the next year's Oscars. represents Kansas then what drama, faking tears and awk- decide to do another 20/20 Don't mean that much Wicked Witch of the West also On that tasteless note 1 about the mystical land of ward relationships. interview). when the first one is barely known as Liza Minelli and her think it is time we return lo Oz? Our Oz is Hollywood ol On our way to meet the Of course sometimes hav- out on DVD faithful Hying monkey David Bowling (ireen, but Mr. Hope course; a land lull of color Wizard, we run into that lov- ing a brain isn't all it is 2. When you have so many Gest. Fortunately we were I think I'll miss you most of and oddities thai seem nol of able character that only cracked up to be. big movies coming out week able to slip by them while all. Now let's tap our heels our humble world here in the needs a brain a.k.a. the lust look at "The Hulk" and after week everything will suf- they argued over their and go back where there is no Midwest. And heller Hollywood executive. Only "The Matrix: Reloaded." I fer because it is all being lost prenuplial agreement. Am I place like home. people to greet us on our trip someone without a brain almost had a seizure trying to in the crowd. the only person who thought

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BGSU Fraternities and Sororities Weicome New Freshman!

We're glad you chose BGSU for your collegiate experience

One way to enhance your collegiate experience is to consider joining a fraternity or sorority

Fraternities and sororities (known as Greeks) stand for the following values:

1. Scholarship 2. Community Service 3. Leadership 4. Brotherhood/Sisterhood

The BGSU Greek Community is comprised of many diverse fraternities and sororities which include:

i»-17 IFC fraternities >-14 Panhellenic sororities >7 National Pan-Hellenic groups (4 sororities and 3 fraternities) r2 Latino groups (a fraternity and a sorority)

1,700 BGSU students are members of fraternities and sororities, representing 12% of the undergraduate population

For the latest statistics on BG Greeks, check out the Spring 2003 Greek Report at

To begin the process of checking out Greek Life at BG, attend the Greek Carnival, Wednesday, August 27,11-3, Union Oval

All BGSU fraternities and sororities will be in attendance and will gladly talk to you about their organization

To sign up for Panhellenic recruitment, visit the Greek Carnival, look for the Panhellenic Info Table in the Bowen-Thompson Student Union, or go to

For more information, check out the Greek BGSU web site at Greek BGSU WWW.BGNEWS.COM IIKPHLSK Monday August 26.2003 33 O.A.R. finds major label success By Andrea Willtelm By the time founders Marc Now, after four releases that An Interview with a Letterman, to play at the fid I ley Girl' because it's a song PULSC ASSISTANT EDITOR Roberge (vocals/guitar) and made them one of the most Revolutionist Sullivan Theater really made the that has been with us for a vBTJ You may have seen them per- Chris Culos (drums) graduated successful indie bands ever, 1 had a chance to speak with experience - to play where I h is long lime. We chose a song that form live at our own Anderson in 2001 from Ohio State, OAR.'s OAR. has made the transition saxophonist lerry DePizzo dur- and the Beatles were intro- audiences had taken a reaction Arena in the spring ol 2001, or flock of fans had grown so much to a major label wilh their ing a tour stop in San Uiis duced." to and we wanted to Introduce a perhaps you caught them on that they immediately began a Lava/Everfine Records debut, In Obispo, California. AW. - "What's next for OAR.? new audience to il." Oman or Letterman this sum- national touring schedule, play- lieiwivn Now mill Tlien. AW. - "Have you managed to Any future plans?" A.W. - "As a college student mer, but it's hard to ignore the ing to crowds of around 1,500 The band members rejected bring in a more diverse fan base J.D. - "We're going to continue myself, I'm curious how you buzz dial surrounds the five- people everywhere they went. numerous aggressive pursuits after signing with Lava?" to tour this summer, fall and guys managed to do three man band of OAR. The band has built one of the by major labels in the last year, J.D. - "Yeah, it's starting to even into winter 1 lopefully Shows a week while you were The Revolution of OAR. most loyal and successful fan but were intrigued by a low-key develop. We were introduced to within the next year we'll do still in school? That must have OAR., which is an acronym bases by an independently approach from lava President radio around May or so and In another live record and we've been crazy!" for ...Of a Revolution, (a passage released artist with four albums lason I Tom. lava Records is the Ue-by-litde we have reached a been writing new music on the I.I). - "It really was. Some of us taken from a short story written under their belt via their own Atlantic Records-distributed newer and broader fan base." road." managed il a little bit better by Marc Roberge, the lead Lvcrfinc Records label, OAR. label that's home to Kid Rock A.W. - "Do you feel that the A.W. - "What can fans expect than others. I didn't manage it singer and guitar player) is com- has sold an amazing 290,000 in and I Incle Kracker, among oth- fan response to signing with from the new musicyouS e loo well, and I didn't graduate prised of singer/guitarist Marc the U.S. The band's do-it-your- ers. Iav-a has been mostly positive?" been writing?" college because ol it. But Marc Roberge, lead guitarist Richard self success can also be partially OAR. decided to briefly J.D. - "I would definitely say J.D. - "I'm not really sure what and Chris were able to finish on On, bassist Benj Gershman. attributed to technology-savvy return to their roots on In it's mostly positive. Ihe audi- the new music has to oiler, we're time in four years, which is drummer Chris Culos and saxo- fans who are encouraged to Between Now and 77i«i.Thcy ence has been really supportive just in the beginning stages, but amazing. Anyone who can grad- phonist lerry DePizzo. The download, record, swap and chose lo introduce themselves of it." we've got to keep it upbeat and uate from Ohio Slate in four sound of OAR. mixes influ- trade the band's music. lo radio and video with "Hey AW. - "As far as performing on lively. We're growing and matur- years is amazing! ences of reggae, folk and The band consistently sells Girl," one of their first songs. As Conan and Letterman, did you ing." lor lour years we Would play acoustic rock. out 1,000-3.000+ capacity the- an additional introduction, have more of an 'it's been worth AAV. - "Why did you decide to a couple nights a week and it The guys arrived at Ohio State aters and sold over 12H.000 con- OAR. has also included a the wait' or 'it's about time' alti- go with I ley t lid' as your first was a pretty hard task, but we University in Columbus in 1997, cert tickets in 2002 alone. They bonus live DVD with In Between tude?" single and not'(jazv < lame of managed lo accomplish it. At having already gained a modest are also accredited with sold out Now and Then, filmed at a J.D. - "We were just happy to Poker?"' the beginning of each quarter following as high schoolers in shows in advance at New York show at Irving I'laza in New York do it. We're completely excited J.D. -" 'Crazy Came of Poker' Ihe hand would sil down wilh their suburban hometown of City's I lammerstein Ballroom last winter, it captures the infec- to do stuff like that, especially at short - took up nearly seven our syllabuses and say.'()K, we Washington, D.C. Within three without any airplay or radio tious enjoyment of an OAR. with the benefits that come minutes and radio will not play can't tour on these days cause years, they had become a break- adverts. conceit with three songs: con- from being with a major label. It a song that long. To introduce a we have finals.' It took a lot of out regional favorite in the They have sold out two differ- cert staple "That Was a Crazy was really just a fun and exciting band with a single that's seven planning ...studying in the car. Midwest, playing for crowds of ent three-night stands ^il die Game of Poker," "Risen," and opportunity. Conan O'Brien, I minutes long would be shooting It was fun though, il was a cool college fraternities regularly and I louse of Blues in Chic ago and "Revisited." watch all the time and yourself in the font. We chose way lo go through college." venturing into cities such as the HoB in his Angeles. Cleveland, Cincinnati and AMajorTumfora Major Chicago. Hand Planned F&renthoocT JQ foxy Nails of Northwest Ohio, Inc. T>K P na/.iirene a oaring church family t .'lir'IM'iJi'iJiM'l'Hil'H^.^II.'N^Ml come as you are • Emergency Contreccption ■ Sexual!) Irammitted Infections STUDENT DISCOUNTS • Birth Control (Screening

ABrAEZHGIKAMNSOnPSTYcDXWQABrAEZHeiKAMNSABrAEZHeiKAMN BGSU's PHOTOGRAPHY HEADQUARTERS' ft On Us Panhellenic Sorority Recruitment 2003 Call in your orders to us and Sign up! we'll pay for the shipping* Saturday. August 23rd 35mm SLRs MINOLTA® "Move in Madness" - Let a Greek student help you move into your residence hall and then join us Digital Cameras ^VIDOALIY U^ NIKON® on fraternity row for an evening block party Darkroom Supplies ', Monday. August 25th OLYMPUS^ Ice Cream Social on the steps of the Photo Accessories Education building llam-3pm IK Wednesday. August 27th Inkjet Supplies CANON® Greek Carnival & Smoosh in a Bug )Aon Film Developing FUJI® Come meet all the Greek chapters at the Union! )KA Thursday. August 28th Digital Printing TAMR0N® Come out to our tent at the stadium before the 1st home football game - FREE FOOD! Lenses EPSON® TOGETHER COMPLETE Thursday September 4th Film Scanners PANHELLENIC RECRUITMENT 2003 Info. Meeting - don't miss it! 9:15 pm in Olscamp 101 LAST CHANCE TO SIGN UP FOR RECRUITMENT! Digital Accessories Friday. September 5th W Campus Fest and the 1st rounds of recruitment FKEUPSsJippingooanyortfrovwSIMadudi^lii Castle Photo Watch for Greek life representatives in the Union and around campus all this week. Daily 9-9 Sunday 12-5 419-882-7077 """ We Treat Youlike Royalty Call 372-2534 with questions! 5829 Monroe St., Sylvania — off U.S. 23 — next to Tony Packer's NwvxieHzavjavENWV^neHZHVjavuAxoAisduoENjAivxieHZHVjav

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::'-.'- ..'.■■,■'•■■■.'•;.■•..-.- ;_,;..•:.■--.■.■ I ■'-■.-'■...•■:.•.■.:•■■■ 34 Monday. August 25.2003 THE PULSE WWW.BGNEWS.COM Local tour schedules Travel Spring Break 2004 w/ STS, Ameri- ca's #1 Student Tour Operator. Hir- THESHANTEE Friday, Sept. 5 Robert Randolph & the ing campus reps. Group discounts1 3:30 p.m. Family Band, Talib Kweli Wednesday, Sept. 24 800-648-4849 or Saturday, August 30 Germain Amphitheater and Slightly Stoopid 8 p.m. WINTER AND SPRING BREAK 9p.m. Columbus, Ohio Intersection Ski & Beach Trips on sale now! Howard's Club 11 $10 Cieneral Admission NEILYOUNG& CRAZY Grand Rapids, MI Cieorgia Avenue opening Sprite Liquid Mix Tour w/ ~~HORSE Tickets $10 or call 1-800-SUNCHASE today! $7 cover N'E'R'D*, The Roots, Robert Randolph & the Wednesday, Sept. 3 RED HOT CHILI Personals Friday, Sept. 5 Family Band. Talib Kweli 7p.m. I'LI'I'I.RS 10 p.m. and Slightly Stoopid win Andel Arena Classified Ads The Robin Hood bin Grand Rapids, Ml Thursday, Sept. 18 CAMPUS TANNING - 352-7889 Kent State University Sunday, Sept. 7 Tickets for main floor and 7 p.m. 372-6977 Pre-School Tanning Special $7/9 cover 3:30p.m. lower level $55, upper level, Palace of Auburn Hills 1 month unlimited $25 Dili Energy Music Center $45 AuburnHills, MI 2 months unlimited....$45 The BG New*, mil no! knowingly Semester unlimited...$65 Saturday, Sept. 6 Clarkston.Mich. Tickets $40 accept ■dveftisementi thai dtoeftan* 425 E Wooster/1 block Irom campus 10 p.m. $10 Cieneral Admission EKOOST1K HOOKAH inalc. or oncounijie discrimination (/nullStreet Taivm Sprite liquid Mix Tour w/ Sunday, Sept. 21 against any individual or group on Learn a skill for life Take PEG 157 the basis of race. sex. color, creed, Western Horsemanship. Check us Dayton, OH N*E*R*D*, The Roots, Friday, August 29 7 p.m. religion, national origin, sexual ori- out al S8 cover Robert Randolph & the 12 p.m. Blossom Music Center entation, disability, status as a vet- Family Band. Talib Kweli I lookaville Cleveland, OH eran, or on the basis of any other Panhellenic Council Announces Thursday, Sept. 18 and Red Wanting Blue Frontier Ranch $38 General Admission legally protected status. SORORITY RECRUITMENT 2003! 10:30 p.m. Come to the Greek Carnival by the Pataskala, OH The BG News reserves the right to Union on Wednesday. Aug. 27 to I lie lime Spider Wednesday, Sept. 10 Tickets $70 Wednesday, Sept. 24 decline, discontinue or revise any sign up. or visit Akron. OH 7 p.m. 3:30 p.m. advertisement such as those found SWM 39 seeks female companion- $7 cover Tower Q7v Amphitheater Friday, September 12 Jack Breslin Arena to be defamatory, lacking in factual ship, possibly more 2andy@toast basis, misleading or false in nature. Cleveland, Ohio 5 p.m. East Lansing, MI net 419-335-6665 Surprise All advertisements .ire subject to OAR- $10 Cieneral Admission Centennial Terrace $45 GeneraTAdrnission editing and approval. Sprite liquid Mix Tour w/ Toledo, Ohio Classifieds continued on N*E*R*D*, The Roots, Tickets $18 page 35.

COME f ATTENTION ART STUDENTS! WORSHIP w c t t t, t 0 t c The Visual Arts Foundation is currently A WELCOME BACK reviewing the work of artists wanting to enter at the ^ ^ ■■■ ■ Hops yau had a araat The Fine Art Print Market Bowling Green iummcfl Artists accepted into the program || I 11 0 8 ^ Be sur* To Stop M ana church of Christ ■BMHM will receive: Wrvr qot n 17317 HASKINS ROAD selection of »« • $5,000 Cash BOWLING GREEN. OH 13102 SUNDAYS PHONE: 119-352-6205 fresh flowers • Signing royalties stuffed animois • The opportunity to work •Bible Class 9:00AM Congregational Singing Only candles full time at your art • Morning Worship 10:00AM plus much more • EveningWorship 6:00PM FREE transportation & yes. we deliver: is available and All subjects and mediums will he considered WEDNESDAY EVERYONE is WELCOME

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HIRING Great Buffet Everyday! LOOKING FOR A JOB? All you can eat! DINING SERVICES IS NOW HIRING Includes Pizza, Soup BGSU STUDENTS TO WORK IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: Salad and Breadsticks (at Pagliai's South location only) Campus Dining Centers Convenience Stores Concession Stands Restaurant Snack Bar Catering ! $1.00 OFF DINING SERVICES HAS I any large v. MANY THINGS TO OFFER OUR STUDENT EMPLOYEES: I order of _J j stuffed breadsticks 440 East Court Street f Flexible hours to fit around class schedules Bowling Green eosu ' expires 9.3003 no other discounts apply One of the highest starting wages for students on campus 352-9638 • IE Opportunities for advancement and longevity pay increases J • Campus Pollyeyes • scats 70 people ■ fcya | - - - .-■;' 'v $1000 scholarships - last year five were awarded to student employees 440 E. Court St. @ The chance to meet people and become a part of the campus community When you can't come n...have it delivered! ■■^■^LVS ■■■■■IWBII^I^H ■■■■■■1 FOR MORE INFORMATION OR $1.00 OFF § TO APPLY FOR A POSITION CONTACT ANY DINING CENTER OR NipalMi tafl APPLYONUNE: HTTP//WWWBGSU EDU/OFFICES/SA/DINING/EMPLOYHTML I any I large Pogtai/s ■■■■■■■^■1 ■JLVBI j pizza PoglioTs ♦ Commons 3722563 udsc<3bgnet bgsu odu ♦ Kroiscner 372 ?8?5 udsk®bgnei bgsu edu ' epses 9<30f03 no other OMOunB apply ♦ Founders 3722781 udsf@bgnel Bgsu edu ♦ Student Unwn 372.2641 945 South Main Stre«t * McDonald 372 2771 udsmWbgnet bgsu edu ♦ Athlete Concessions 372 2597 udsacAbgnet bgsu edu Bowling Green * Q ity 372 2766 urJsgObpwlbgsu edu frCatMfag 372.7505 udsuWbgnei.bgsu edu • Pagliai's • 945 S. Main St. 352-7571 seats (20 people Mastercard and Visa accepted. WWW.BGNEWS.COM Monday. August 25.2003 35

Personals Personals Help Wanted The Daily Crossword Fix brought to you by

The Biggest "Back To School Poster Pre-School Tanning Special Bass guitarist looking for guitarist or Sale". The biggest and best selec- 1 month unlimited $25 band to jam with. Ask for Dan. (419) 1 Bryn _ tion. Choose from over 2000 differ- 2 months unlimited $45 354-1247. 2 Canal of song ent images FINE ART, MUSIC, Semester unlimited....$65 3 Obtained dishonestly MODELS, MOVIE POSTERS, HU- Campus Tanning - 425 E Wooster NOW HIRING STUDENTS! 4 "The Kiss" sculptor MOR, ANIMALS, BLACK LIGHT, 1 block Irom campus - 352-7889 5 Top of the head Work on campus raising S for BGSU 6 Capekplay SCIENCE FICTION, PERSONALI- while getting paid top dollar. Job has TIES, Landscapes, Kids. Photogra- 7 Head of Hollywood flexible hrs. and is a great resume 8 Black tea phy, Motrvationals Most Images builder Serious applicants only. Call 9 Expressions of con- : ONLY $6. $7. & S8 each! See us at Wanted Ryan at 2 0400 or e-mail tempt Bowen-Thompson Student Union ryan, gal lag her ® ruff alocody com 10 Fulton's Clermont. eg Second Floor - Multi-Purpose Room 11 Small antelope on Mon Sept 15th thru Fri. Sep. Reliable child care wanted in my 12 Intelligence tesi 39 Checked out !9th. 2003 The hours are 9 AM - 6 Subleaser(s) wanted now to May 19, home. Tuesdays & Thursdays pioneer 41 Tugboat sound P.M. The Sale is sponsored by UAO 2004 Cambridge Commons, 724 S. 352-2539 13 Small silvery fish 42 Tryon and Cobb College at Napoleon. 1st door, 2 BR, 47 Lose it all WANTED COLLEGE STUDENTS 18 Air pollution 1 1/2 bath. $470 mo. Contact Thorn 24 Wept 49 Part of FDIC to participate in music ministry. at:[email protected] 25 Little drinks 51 Instruments om (419) 257-2231 ext. 274 Earn book scholarships. 26 Weep noisily 52 Eurasian primrose Call 419-353-9031 27 Feel stiff 53 News services We're looking lor a part time nanny 29 Numerical ending 54 Cloudless /CfEfcCA for an adorable 5 month old in our 32 Along Ihe way 55 Remove a lid Help Wanted Bowling Green home Baby care ex- 34 Collector's French 57 Pumps' bottoms Management Inc. coin 60 Singing brothers perience preferred Hours & pay ne- 61 Faction gotiable. Good references required 35 Stopped slouching Avon Reps needed in your area 37 Beachwear 62 Old English letters 1045 N. Main Street #7b Employment to begin September 2. 65 Mine find Bowling Green, Ohio 434(12 Call (or details Call or email Leigh Ann Wheeler or ACROSS 38 Poet Teasdale 419-837-9347 Don Nieman at 419-353-2179 or [email protected]. Hours: K:(X) - 5:00 M-F BABYSITTER with experience 1 Former P. M ol Israel 45 Grow weary 5 Makes ready, for snort 46 Marts, casually needed to care for 9 mo. old girl in (419) 353-58(10 ZIAS RESTAURANT at the docks in 10 Weeps 48 College Trojans our BG home Flexible daytime Toledo is hiring experienced serv- 14 Singer Gutnne 50 Bonkers hours (3-4 days, 6-12 hours/week). ers. Apply in person 2 to 5. A few I & 2 bdrm apis, 15 "The Double Man" poet 51 Small sip of a Start immediately. Good references 16 Free ol fat vegetable soup9 open for this yen ye. and credentials a must Deborah 17 Lucky guess? 56 CIA forerunner Schocket (419-352-3340; 19 "__ kleine Nachtmusik" 58 Yoked pair ANSWERS [email protected] edu) For Sale 20 Government in power 59 Burger holder BGSU Shuttle services a 21 Sock's end 60 Stimulate '. . ■ S s ! d ■ . ■ V 8 near all complexes. Bartender trainees needed. i 22 Explorer Tasman » 1 . i H V '. i ■ ■ S250 a day potential Local 63 GM make 1 (TMT S500! Cars/trucks from S500 Police 23 John's Yoko 64 Didn't conform? c 3 i • N 0 3 '. a 1 : positions. 1-800-293-3985 ext 541 VIJIN n We will he renting impounds Hondas, Chevys etc. For 24 "Mask" star's glove? 66 20°o of CCLXV 1 0 ': QHN 3 • - ■■ | ■i V for next year Clerical Assistant for Continuing & listing 800-719-3001 9X1 4558. 26 Night flier 67 Type of drum . -'. . Extended Education. Duties include: 28 Eur country 68 Use acid for art -. .'. ' ' ■1 Starting in November. } 'i I aHo setting up record notebooks and Homes from S10.000 30 Bro or sis 69 Squabble ■ . '. - •; V v i v 3 i ■• . N i M ■.' files, word processing, filing and Fore closures & repos. For listings 31 Play opening 70 Uses a keyboard 1 b 6 0 ■ ■■ i I i 1 0 V photocopying. Must be proficient in call 800-719-3001 ext H 584 33 Even scores 71 Mach + jets : ^M ■ ■ ■■ Welcome Buck 36 Sheriff's band 1 a ■ | Word and Excel. Looking for an indi- MATTRESS SET FULL-NEW SET l n \1 I H ■ Students! 40 Theme of this puzzle - '• ■ vidual who is a self-starter, motivat- '■ Still packaged Selling for $240 43 Slowly, in music 1 i ii V 1 0 . .'. 3 H ed, and possesses excellent organi- N i 419-392-7465 44 Obligation Lt i M ■• - -. <: - ,'.' H zational and communication skills ••• V i H ] ■■ n V 0 ' * Prior office experience preferred. Wood futon frame w/ mattress Ex- s A o s S d i d d d 3 .'. S5.90/hour. 10 hours/week. Submit cell, cond. Light colored wood. Tan resume and two tetters of recom- mattress cover $220 419-874-4748 mendation to Mary Hennings, Con- Perrysburg. THINKING ABOUT GRAD SCHOOL? LAW SCHOOL? MED SCHOOL? tinuing & Extended Education, 40 College Park by September 3, 2003. ( Ml Mil WORLD LEADER IN TEST PREP ^^mmm^^ Easy walk from Campus. Work For Rent pt/time or full lime around your college & personal schedule. Work a 1-800-KAP-TIST • WWW.KAPI.AN.tOM min. of 15hrs./wk. Many college 1 and 2 bedroom apts. available in students work here. Standard pay is serene park-like setting. Includes S6 00'hr These are unskilled jobs dishwasher, heat, water & trash pick involving assembling & packaging of up. Call 419-352-6335. small parts Apply in person b/w the 2 bdrm. apt 1 block from campus WELCOME BACK! hrs. of 9am-5pm (M-F) at AD- Off street parking. One year lease • Tutor KiAs from VANCED SPECIALTY PRODUCTS, $600 mo. 419-353-1005 (Kay) UJ®GG3®M^j?, INC., 428 Clough Sr.BG.OH. only 2 ar&Ats Lst-blk blocks from campus near Kmko's & 854 8th St. & Indigo Arms, 1 bed- Dairy Queen next to RR tracks. room, $385 mo plus electric Availa- Trinity United ble now. 419-392-3354. MATINEE • i»n $b nt kov.r I am a student at BGSU who lives in TWO FOR Toledo. I require a ride to BGSU Affordable living-cozy and com- MOVIES ONE Methodist Church • M.V.STM WORK. STRTY each day at 1:30pm for classes I fortable! Why pay rent when you have gone blind so I cannot drive can own'' I bought this 1980 mobile DOLLAR TUESDAYS anymore and/or mat is what my home to get through college at lot dct.nts (.ill i/>-Jiii friends tell me anyway. LOL! I will BGSU 2/3 bed, 1 bath, cathedral RENT 2 or stop by pay 16.60 per hour to pick me up at LR, newer windows, carpet, roof Hot New «,(i Education Muilitmn home & drive me to BGSU. Please coat, paint, shed, fixtures, remod- GALLERY Worship Times call 419-244-5840 or email eled bath/kitchen and porch. Con- 9:/5-Trodirional i -Mall usai Biiiesa*:; bUfikaOfctttBHIfl cum veniently located in BG Bring your Releases TITLES ON jtnrcjds^bRiH't.bRsti.cdti offers! Call Sara or Phil at 354-3009, Servii i- MAKE YOUR OWN SCHEDULE 261-7272 TUESDAY Part-time. Motivated business-mind- 10 SO-Su/klo) School ed individuals, with entrepreneurial Grad student apartment leach FOR 1.49! 11 30-Coniemporary 1 bedroom. $410 month spirit to market NYSE co service I riUtl OMIH be tented by ijo pm Service Business is portable, take it with you (419)206-0535 R*lmn by yio p»n same (Uy. when you graduate or move Com- Large 2 bedroom, basement apt. Ill IIIIIII 200 Nixiit Summit Sued ft.»li.i:C.Twn.<>h».i4MM: 2S21 missions paid daily. Call 800-827- $575 mo. utilities included. Phone 414-19.1 '"Ht 0912 (24/7) lor information. No pets, no smokers 353-4528 I i | I tM-*WI Highland I: nuil iriniiu-i *OICt.or| ^K Praising anil PrivUiiming ( hn\l Management I plait o at lite Heart of Bowtillg (iretn 130 E Washington St. BG 1-2-3 Bedroom Apartments NEVER WORK (419)354-6036 LUNCH 9 AM - 5PM FROM ONLY AGAIN! First United Methodist Church IVficoMe $465! CHI^ BGSU Srvoevrs/ • Ground floor ranch OUTBACK Ministering IWc w/sn vou A style apartment with STE AKH OUSE* with both VILLAGE c 134 W. Wooster successful YCAR! private entrance Campus and 3520528 • Patio Is Now Hiring: h. • Spacious kitchen Cooks, Servers & Community WELCOME Our properties: • Laundry facilities STUDENTS! • Small pets welcome Hosts/Hostesses 1506 East Wooster Street llll ONLi Jay-Mar v7 Top wages at the Southeast corner of the BGSU Campus CHINESE RESTAURANT • Convenient on-site DOWNTOWN1 The Highlands parking V Flexible Hours Worship The Homestead V Paid Vacations August 24 & 31 10:00a.m. tfMTMim V Health/Dental September 7 and following 1• N GREAT FOOD We only have 4 units H T.YPSVIANE Insurance 9:30a.m.Contemporary Service 11:00a.m. Traditional Service » t GREAT remaining - hurry in! 1 Home Depot t V Employee Stock i* ATMOSPHERE Option Plan Come worship with our family this Sunday. Check back with FREE HEAT are just a few of the great •Van shuttle service available. benefits waiting for you! •Contact church office for more details. PICK-UP us as you start = VARSITY Apply in person DELIVERY apartment hunting Mon'. - Fri. 2-4 419-353-0682 [email protected] DINE IN for 2004-2005! SB SQUARE APARTMENTS 401 \X. DusselRoad J Mauuiee, OH 43537 419-353-7715 t=J (Just a few minutes from BGI [email protected] Take 1-475W to Duswl-tum right.) You Mean You Still Sell RecordsPPP 2 Welcome Back! Import LPJ Newlove Rentals wishes you a great New (Used CDs 143 East Wooster 2003-2004 school year! Stickers In Lovely Congratulations KA brothers on winning the Buttons Downtown Marshall award 3 years in a row! CD Repair Bowling Green When it's time to start apartment hunting, let us find Buy, Sell, Trade you a new home. Stop by anytime! 419-353-3555 332 S. Main St. NEWLPVE (419) 352-5620 www. new I Rentals U LMLDEMM BACRTD Pick Up At Kroger %/ Sponges COLLEGE ii j •Buckets // l/Hocisehold Cleaners Wiih / •jobber and Latex Gloves I i/Bleach •Backpacks D-ASS! I •Air Freshener •plastic Hangers KROGER COUPON f|j •Candles •Laundry Basket •Carpet Cleaners •ftcjg Doctor® •faibbermaid® •Brooms •Trash cans with a purchase of •Mops •Extension Cords $50.00 or more •Dust Pans •Light Bulbs of groceries. %/SrnoW Appliances "S50.00 Purchase excluding Beer, Wine, Tobacco, Fuel, and Other items Prohibited by Law. One Coupon Per Household. •Surge Suppressors Coupon Expires September 30, 2003. •Printer Paper •Ink Jet Cartridges •Pen, Pencils hF Kroger ?^„, Card •Highlighters

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