r+ecnra f.teror, July22. 1978 JUST 1 JAH No, , the new bass player samolan..l with Johnny Rotten, is not like . In fact, the complete 1 opposite. ROSALIND RUSSELL talks to the gentle giant L.JAH WOBBLE: 'there's nothing special about being in a bond" LL BE honest "I'm here to set the music. they've done to , nuns and I think that the with you. Í record straight," he said "Some of John's friends tearing down the houses first 10 to 12 years of briskly. ^A lot of people are heavy, so people think and moving either existence has an impor- Jah people on rest of thought are trying to oulld me up I must be violent too. I out of London, or Into high tant bearing the Wobble was going to as a bruiser, with a tough knew there would be a rise flats. The people just your life. My earliest be a head case. I image, aka Sid Vicious. problem coming after went mad living in those memories at the Catholic 4 thought that any McLaren wanted to sign Sid. But I'm solving that flats. school was being hit 4. ID bass player me as a solo artist, but he by being myself." "I know I'm moving because I -was sick and John started to spread it Both Johns appear to Into Clash country here, being smashed across the ..,14 Rotten 1 was a - picked after around that tough, have similar opinion of but whatdo they know face for pissing myself. f- working with Sid so I blew It out. The Rich Malcolm McLaren though, about, high rise living But I still have faith. I (who did have a few Kids did that too. I think anyway? People are still believe in God." a they're all In someklnd óf "He's In it for the living like battery hens, If I'd expected him to be idiosyncrasies, league against me. money:" laid Wobble. It's corny but it's true, I'd different - well, he had a r few at this thing with unorthodox "I've never had a fight "look love to have a garden, so I few funny preconceptions quirks in his charac- In London. I don't like Biggs. Biggs Is a failure, could have cats: I love about me too. Maybe he ter) would have to violence. I'd sooner walk a laughing stock- We cats." thought I'd be one of the have the same away. I'd like to don't compromise, we Although John's in- far-out, stoned -out hip disclaim, right now, that don't go In for bullshit." terest In music has been reporters that hang out amount of shock tough reputation. You The test is going to strong for years, this Is for the glory. Some glory. value. might think I'm being come when Rotten takes the first band he's ever "The only people who paranoid I used to think his new band of unknowns played with. He's under- hold up the working class I thought wrong. And on the road, and when perhaps I have been too that John' (Rotten) was standably enthusiastic banner kre the middle paranoid. But you they release the single about the album they're classes with a guilty cynical as regards Rot- and album they're cur- ten. Perhaps he's not as wouldn't believe the s-" making. But we won't get conscience. The middle ti rently working on The . calculating as I'd sus- that goes down behind my to see.them live for a few classes go to and back. In interviews, that rest of the line-up - Keith months. listen to musak. They pected. "Perhaps he Levine on guitar and Jim doesn't need a gimmlck'o nonsense. Any cheap "We're not in any rush watch TV and get sensationalism like the Walker on drums - Is to play live. we're mainly married- A lot of kids feel attract the attention of the also an unknown quan- national' Press. Perhaps, Pistols had. interested in records. guilty, thinking that's tity. We're building up the how At John "1 don't approve of But they should be, but any -rate, Wobble isn't entire- sound in patterns. We they can't because they Joseph Wardle (Wobble) that. Kids imitate igno- ly relying on the band. Might play Europe first don't have the money, 9 soon sent my pre- rant boot boyd that pump He's got a solo single out wanted to be a lighterman themselves full of . I don't think we'll be I've escaped that, and I'm conceptions skittering soon, called 'Dreadlock playing London, not happy that) into the air. My relief at drugs." Don't Deal With have." on the ri uer. Wed- unless London audiences Wobble's escape into Bringing the his normality warmed The only convictions lock'. wake up. Punk has swept a liking rock music isn't that into wholehearted John says he's ever had, "It's a piss take," away the cobwebs. but In within two minutes of his have been for explained unusual. Punk proved ships in. But the docks are motoring Wobble. "I'm London It's still a case of that much: you don't arrival. He's a big chap, offences, and in fact he's also producing a five - 'sit brick and Impress us'. he could probably pick proud of his reputation for piece have to be specially reggae group called "It's all just a fashion blessed to me up with one hand. But breaking up fights. His The Belistics. I want get yolirselt out finished, there were no jobs, to go here. I've lost all faith in of a rut. more of a gentle giant Jah Wobble alias partly' to Jamaica there's a But still people - humans . . because of hold back. Still than a fighter. Besides, came about because of his possibility I may be going their stupidity, their they're he suffers with an ulcer - peace -making image. In a few months to do happy to moan about so I ended up doing this, an ignorance. They get all I- their lot at the age of 19 - so The other part came album. But all that and watch other ----up with their clothes people climb out of the righting wouldn't be a because of his passionate Rastafarian stuff - that's and coiffure. him., West another COIFFUE. pit. but it's a poor second' healthy pastime for interest in Indian step forward for Humans being what they the bandwagon. I know "There's nothing speci- Are - like sheep they al about it's not hip to say I don't - being Ina band," just followed the people said Wobble. "Just like it, but I don't. " who started be a His up it all and little bit brave It doesn't tie withRotten missed the point. No-one hasn't come entirely out make you a better ever called me a punk. person. No. of the blue. They both "There's One thing that knew each other at no point In makes me sick: since I've being reasonable. I got been in the band college.' fed up with I've been NAME "I hated college, the being invited to parties, places reasonable: I either love I'd never have been atmosphere there. It was a group asked supposed or I hate them." if I was still a labourer. to be for people Wobble apologised I ho can't take school, - he hate all that ego thing. but thought he wasn't most of the people there being "I hope I'm talking the verycoherent - he's been same would have been better át awake In a year. I know school. It was all very for three days that having money might working on the album and change me. childish, everyone in little said Money DATA cliques. No-one would he wasn't,as chatty corrupts. I sold out years as he usually Is. ago . . He and I'm admitting talk to me . the only sounded to one who did was sharp enough to it now." Lydon me. I NEW SINGLE (John Rotten). I left was Impressed by Of course, There's no after his straightforward my O levels and went on way telling Just how rich or the dole. of talking. When we successful the band may OUT NOW spend so "I wanted to much time with become, but going on past be a artists and lighterman on the river. their egos, all performances (and not SLEEVE a bit over the top in one knowing Just how much of COLOUR It runs in the family, my way or father was a another, It makes the success was thanks to lighterman. a pleasant change to I was going to be a pilot, sit McLaren) Rotten han down and talk to a normal done all right. bringing the ships in. But human being. : the docks are finished, "We don't even have a .MC 'l1 know a lot name," there were no of said Wobble. "It jobs, so t- articulate people who ñ==az. ended up doing this, but might be suicidal, but we 'can't communicate," It's a poor second. he want people to accept the said. "I was brought up a music for itself, not "We've been rehears- Catholic and I don't think ing down In Bermondsey. we're very because of the name on it. by the docks- good at 11 we fall flat on our faces, It breaks communicating. I your heart to see what was we don't give a h-, as , brought by v.r..s....n la x,ia .r,.. . , , wl , up priests and long as we do It In style. " .ea .. 2