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IVT Jahresbericht 2017

Author(s): Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme, ETH Zürich

Publication Date: 2018-04

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ETH Library Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme Jahresbericht 2017 01-rubrik-pagina-rechts | 01-rubrik-pagina-rechtsDas IVT im +Jahr medium 2017

Henrik Becker, MSc Lukas Ambühl, MSc 2014 ETH Zürich (MSc Physik); 2015 Geschwindigkeiten in urbanen Netzen Shared Economy im Verkehrsbereich

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kay W. Axhausen 1984 University of Wisconsin, Madison (MSc); 1988 Universität Karlsruhe (Dr.-Ing.); Seit 1999 ord. Professor für Verkehrsplanung Harald Bollinger an der ETH Zürich Labor

Axel Bomhauer-Beins, MSc Illahi Anugrah, MSc 2014 ETH Zürich (MSc); Energieeffizienz 2011 Gadjah Mada University (BSc); im Eisenbahnwesen; Sicherungstechnik; 2013 Gadjah Mada University (MSc) Angebotsplanung

Milos Balac, MSc Patrick Bösch, MSc 2010 University of Belgrade (BSc); 2011 ETH Zürich (Diplom); 2012 EPFL (MSc); Verkehrsplanung Verkehrsmodellierung

Dipl. Ing. Felix Becker, MSc Ernst Bosina 2016 Freie Universität Berlin (MSc); 2012 University of Natural Resources Nachfragemodellierung für and Life Sciences, Vienna (Diplom); autonome Fahrzeuge Pedestrian Transport

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Das IVT im Jahr 2017

Anda C. Cuauhtemoc, MSc 2011 Mechatronics Engineering (BSc), Dipl. Ing. ITESM CEM; 2015 Computational Patrick Braess ­Intelligence and Robotics (MSc), 2008 RWTH Aachen (Diplom); University of Sheffield; Gleislagestabilität Big Data and Travel Demand Modelling.

Igor Dakic, MSc 2013 Urban and Road Transport and Traffic Engineering; 2014 Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade (MSc); 2016 Civil Engineering, Florida Atlantic Jenny Burri University (MSc); Traffic flow theory and Sekretariat operations, and control

Dipl. Geogr. Ilka Dubernet 2008 Freie Universität Berlin (Diplom); Beda Büchel, MSc Entscheidungsmodellierung,­ Modellierung­ 2016 ETH Zürich (MSc); des Verkehrsverhaltens, Mobilitäts­ Reliability in biographien, Befragungsmethoden

Dr. sc. Dr. sc. Francesco Ciari Thibaut J. P. Dubernet 2003 Università degli studi Firenze (MSc); 2011 Université de Technologie 2012 ETH Zürich (Dr. sc); de Compiêgne (MSc); Mikrosimulation; Modellierung innovative Verkehrsmitteln 2017 ETH Zürich (Dr. sc.)

Raphael Fuhrer, MSc 2009 ETH Zürich Umwelt­natur­wissen­ schaften (BSc); 2012 ETH Zürich, Raum- Prof. Dr.-Ing. entwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme Francesco, Corman (RE & IS) (MSc); Wechselwirkung Verkehr, 2006 Università Roma Tre (MSc); Raum, Ökonomie; Verkehrsgeschichte; 2010 Delft University of Technology (PhD) Umwelt- und Verkehrsplanung

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 01-rubrik-pagina-rechts | 01-rubrik-pagina-rechtsDas IVT im +Jahr medium 20152017

Tobias Fumasoli, PhD 2010 ETH Zürich (MSc RE&IS) Rail Freight Sebastian Hörl, MSc Transport, Urban Logistics, Energy 2016 Chalmers University of ­Consumption in Freight Transport; ­Technology (MSc); Agentenbasierte 2017 ETH Zürich (PhD) Verkehrssimulation

Dr. sc. Pieter Jacobus Fourie-Meng 2006 University of Pretoria (BEng); Martin Huber 2009 (MEng); 2016 ETH Zürich (Dr. sc.) Labor

Dr. sc. Dipl.-Math. Qiao Ge Maxim Janzen 2008 Tsinghua University, Peking (MSc); 2012 Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-­ 2012 Technische Universität München (MSc); Universität Bonn (Diplom); 2016 ETH Zürich (Dr. sc.); Long-Term Target-Based Microsimulations Sensitivity Analysis, Traffic Simulation of Travel Demand

Pooya Khaligh, MSc 2009 Azad University of Tabriz, Iran; Sergio Guidon, MSc ­Architecture (BSc); 2014 Technical 2016 ETH Zürich (MSc); Spatial ­University of Munich; ­Transportation ­Development and Infrastructure Systems; Systems (MSc); Autonomous ­Transport Personal networks and travel tehaviour; Systems and Spatial Planning, Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Freight Transportation

Haitao He, MSc 2010 National University of Singapore Aoyong Li, MSc (BSc Honours); 2012 University of 2014 Institute of Geographic Sciences ­Cambridge (MPhil); Traffic Flow Theory and Natural Resources Research, and Operations, and control; CAS (MSc); Intra-city OD Semantic 2017 ETH Zürich (PhD) ­Enrichment and Analysis

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Das IVT im Jahr 2017

Allister Loder, MSc 2012 Technische Universität Christian Marti, MSc Hamburg-Harburg Mechatronik (BSc); 2012 ETH Zürich (MSc); Raumentwicklung 2015 ETH Energy Science and und Infrastruktursysteme (RE&IS); Inter- Technology (MSc); Choice Modeling, relations between transport systems and Traffic Flow Theory, Macrosco- spatial development; urban and regional pic ­Fundamental Diagram, Pricing, public transport systems; railway market Multimodal­ Transport and regulation

Mark Meeder, MSc 2002 TU Delft (MSc); Pedestrian ­transport, Joerg-Peter Lorch Pedestrian networks, Urban design, Informatik ­Pedestrian and Passenger Dynamics

Dr. sc. Monica Menendez, PhD Albert Mancera Sugrañes 2002 University of Miami (BSc); 2003 2011 Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, ­University of California Berkeley (MSc); Barcelona (Eng. CCP); Freight transport 2006 (PhD); Traffic flow theory and and Logistics; 2017 ETH Zürich (Dr. sc.) ­operations, and control

Joseph Molloy, MSc Alessio Daniele Marra, MSc 2013 University of New South Wales 2015 Università degli studi Roma Tre (BSc); (B.Eng Honours); 2016 Technische 2017 Università degli studi Roma Tre (MSc); ­Universität München (MSc); Urban transport optimization, tracking Verkehrs­modellierung mit Big Daten

Dr.-Ing. Valerio de Martinis 2004 Università degli studi di Napoli ­Federico II (MSc); 2008 Università degli Dr. sc. studi di Napoli Federico II (PhD); Kirill Müller Energy efficiency in railway operation: 2006 Universität Karlsruhe (Diplom); models and methods for simulation and Population­ Synthese; optimization of railway traffic 2017 ETH Zürich (Dr. sc.)

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 01-rubrik-pagina-rechts | 01-rubrik-pagina-rechtsDas IVT im +Jahr medium 2017

Karl Ruzsics, MSc Mohsen Nazemi, MSc 2012 ETH Zürich & Universität Zürich 2013 Tarbiat Modares University (MSc); (MSc Quantitative Finance); Travel Behaviour and Virtual Reality 2016 ETH Zürich (MSc Statistics)

Lekshmi Sasidharan, PhD 2002 University of Kerala, India; Civil ­Engineering (B.Tech); 2004 National ­Institute of Technology, Calicut, India; Leng Nuannuan, MSc ­Traffic and Transportation Planning 2012 Beijing Jiaotong University (BSc); (M. Tech); 2011 The Pennsylvania ­State 2015 (MSc); Traffic and transportation ­University, USA; Civil Engineering ­planning and management (­Transportation with Statistics Minor) (PhD)

Dr. sc. Sergio Arturo Ordóñez Medina 2007 Universidad de Los Andes, Georgios Sarlas, MSc Bogota (BSc); 2009 (MSc); Activity-based 2010 Rural and Surveying Engineer, multi-agent simulation of urban transport National Technical University of Athens for a week time horizon (Agentenbasierte (­Diplom); 2013Transport Systems, Nachfragemodellierung und Simulation, KTH ­Royal Institute of Technology, wöchentliche Aktivitätsketten); Stockholm (MSc); Räumliche Analysen, 2016 ETH Zürich (Dr. sc.) Verkehrsmodelliereung und Planung

Thomas Schatzmann, MA Economics, University of Zürich (2017); Edith Ringer Räumliche Analysen, Entscheidungs­ Sekretariat modellierung, Ökonometrie

Dr. Mireia Roca-Riu 2015 Universitat Politècnica de Patrick Scherer, MSc Catalunya, Barcelona (PhD); 2012 Sheffield Hallam University; Operations Research, urban Logistics 2014; (BSc Computing); University of and collaboration in Transportation ­Teesside; (MSc); Web-Master

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Das IVT im Jahr 2017

Christopher Tchervenkov, MSc Basil Schmid, MA Economics 2013 Polytechnique Montréal (BEng); 2010 Universität Zürich (BA); 2013 (MA); 2017 EPFL (MSc); Agentenbasierte Entscheidungsmodellierung, Ökonometrie ­Verkehrssimulation, Autonome Fahrzeuge

Dr. sc. Dr. sc. Michael A. B. van Eggermond Michael Schwertner 2006 Delft University of Technology (BSc); 2004 TU Dresden (Diplom); 2007 (MSc); Objekt-feine Räumliche Public ­Transport, Electromobility; Entscheidungsmodelle;­ Entscheidungs- 2017 ETH Zürich (Dr. sc.) modellierung; 2017 ETH Zürich (Dr. sc.)

Prof. Dr. sc. Ulrich Weidmann Marc Sinner, MSc 1988 ETH Zürich (Diplom); 1994 (Dr. sc.); 2015 ETH Zürich (MSc); Automatisierung seit 2004 ord. Professor für Verkehrs­ des Personenverkehrs auf Strasse systeme; seit 2015 Vizepräsident und Schiene Personal & Resourcen ETHZ

Martin Sojka, MSc 2010 Tschechische Technische Universität Prag (MSc); railway operations, railway (operation) simulation, ­infrastructure capacity, public transport Valerie Willimann design and organization Sekretariat

Ambra Toletti, MSc. Appl. Math. 2012 ETH Zürich (BSc); 2014 (MSc); Algorithmische Unterstützung des Elisabeth Wolf Eisenbahnbetriebs Sekretariat

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Das IVT im Jahr 2017

Kaidi Yang, MSc Manuel Zimmermann, MSc 2011 Tsinghua University (MSc); 2016 ETH Zürich (MSc); Gleislagestabilität; ­Traffic ­operations and signal control Infrastruktur Monitoring

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 VII

Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme Jahresbericht 2017


1 Bericht des Institutsvorstehers 2 1.1 Vorwort 3 1.2 Das Leitbild des IVT 4

2 Forschungsarbeiten 6 2.1 Four-point bending tests of railway track panels 7 2.2 Future of Urban Transportation 9 2.3 Car space-mean speeds estimation based on the public transport and probe vehicle data 11 2.4 Real-time Railway Traffic management under multiple competing stakeholders 13

3 Lehre 16 3.1 Degree programmes with IVT participation 17 3.2 IVT Courses 18 3.3 Studentische Arbeiten 21

4 Promotionen und Auszeichnungen 24 4.1 Laufende Promotionen 25 4.2 Abgeschlossene Promotionen 31 4.3 Abgeschlossene Promotionen Dritter 34 4.4 Auszeichnungen und Preise 35

5 Projekte am IVT 36 5.1 Abgeschlossene Projekte/Forschungsarbeiten 37 5.2 Laufende Projekte 42

6 Veranstaltungen 44 6.1 Conferences and events 45

7 Mitarbeit in Gremien, Akademien und Fachverbänden 48 7.1 Academic Committees ETH 49 7.2 Contributors in Advisory Committees 49

8 Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge 52 8.1 Reviewed journal papers 53 8.2 Reviewed contributions in books and conference proceedings 55 8.3 Papers in professional magazines 58 8.4 Books, published research reports, norms and official guidelines 58 8.5 Invited contributions in books and proceedings 59 8.6 Dissertations 59 8.7 Working and conference papers 59 8.8 Newspaper contributions, interviews and similar 62 8.9 Public presentations and other invited talks 63

9 Personal, Ausstattung und Finanzen 66 9.1 Eintritte – Austritte – Gesamtzahl Mitarbeiter 67 9.2 Ausstattung 69 9.3 Finances 71

Impressum 72 Bericht des Institutsvorstehers 1 Bericht des Institutsvorstehers

2 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 1.1 Vorwort

Prof. Dr. Kay W. Axhausen

The year was one of major changes and changes to come. At the end of the year Dr. Menendez left us after her very Structurally the biggest change is our tighter involvement successful tenure as the director of our research group on in teaching a new, or better strongly revised BSc course. traffic engineering; the third major change. She is joining The existing “Geomatics and Planning” course will be New York University at its campus in Abu Dhabi as a tenured modernised and renamed “Spatial Engineering”. The new professor. She will build up a group continuing and expand- structure includes more computing, statistics and opera- ing her work in Zürich. We wish her all the best! Happily, tions research, but equally important it allows the students for us she will continue to work with her Zurich-based PhD to specialise from fourth term onwards by choosing three students until they graduate and all her current projects are out of five dedicated modules. Three of those will offered in completed. Still, this is a further change for the institute. We preparation for the MSc in spatial development and infra- hope to replace her as soon as we can, so that the teaching structure systems (RE & IS in German). One of those 15 credit programme is affected as little as possible. Candidates have modules will be transport based: transport planning, traffic been invited and we are optimistic that a suitable person engineering and a public transport courses complemented can be found. with a joint lab class in the 6th term. A joint “Grundzüge” (Basics) course will introduce the essential concepts to all The transport planning group will also rebalance its teaching students. We hope that this course will attract more stu- by removing one of its Master courses to make the space dents and especially those who want to join the planning for the additional BSc teaching from the fall 2018. It will and transport professions. The course will be offered in the restructure its transport planning methods course to inte- fall 2018 for the first time. grate cost-benefit-analysis (CBA) more fully and drop the free-standing CBA course with Prof. Schubert. The second major change was the arrival of Prof. Corman, Prof. Weidmann’s successor, in the summer: he has begun A final change is the full adoption of monetary based budgets building up his teaching and his research since then. Due to in the department. The logic of the “Planstellen” is gone. Prof. Weidmann’s understandable withdrawal from teach- This makes the budgeting much easier for the department ing – his load as an ETH vice-president is just too large – and and more comparable between the institutes. Prof. Corman’s status as an assistant professor the institute has to reduce and rebalance its teaching. He will teach a We are confident that the IVT can develop its strengths and 6 credit-point master course and a 3 credit point bachelor profile in this new configuration. Next year’s report will course required in the BSc Civil Engineering and BSc “spatial highlight the results of the changes to come. engineering” (see above). He will also be involved in a set of joint IVT classes: a new BSc “Grundzüge Verkehr” (from fall 2019), the laboratory class (from fall 2021) and the required MSc transport systems class for the spatial development and infrastructure systems MSc (RE & IS in German). After his expected tenure he will add courses to match his then profile as a full professor. His current teaching load is bigger than is normally expected from an assistant professor, but the joint courses make this necessary.

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 3 Bericht des Institutsvorstehers

1.2 Das Leitbild des IVT

Das IVT leistet international relevante Forschungsbeiträge The IVT advances our understanding of travel behaviour, devel- zu den Grundlagen des Mobilitätsverhaltens und dessen ops new model systems for it, contributes to the research on Modellierung, zu den Transportprozessen in Logistikketten transport processes in logistic chains and addresses the op- sowie zu Aufbau, Betrieb, Sicherheit und Erhaltung von erations, safety and maintenance of land, air and water-based Verkehrssystemen auf dem Lande, zu Wasser und in der transport systems. The interactions with society, economy and Luft. Die Wechselwirkungen mit Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft the biosphere are always considered and integrated. und Biosphäre bilden dabei integrierende Bestandteile. See Figure 1. Siehe Figure 1. The IVT has adopted a systems engineering perspective in its In der Lehre will das IVT die Studierenden zu System­ teaching using transport repeated many times as a prime ex- ingenieuren/­System­ingenieurinnen am Beispiel des kom- ample of such a complex system. The students are enabled to plexen Systems Verkehr ausbilden. Die Absolvierenden deal with all stages of the transport system lifecycle and their sollen zur Beherrschung aller Lebenszyklen von Verkehrs- interactions with its environment. systemen und zum Verständnis der Wechselwirkungen mit ihrem Umfeld befähigt werden. The focus of its lecturing is on the necessary methods and do- main knowledge for the planning, design, operation and safety Das IVT vermittelt dazu die inhaltlichen und methodischen of transport systems. Grundlagen bei der Planung, dem Entwurf, dem Betrieb und der Sicherheit von Verkehrssystemen.

Level 1 Demand Travel and spatial behaviour Transport Planning Demand modelling (Axhausen)

Public transport Individual transport

Level 2 Supply Network design Network design Infrastructure operations Supply design

Transport Systems Traffic engineering Traffic Engineering Production planning (Weidmann) Traffic safety (Menendez) Infrastructure operation Transport Systems Operations/Safety (Corman)

Level 3 Infrastructure Infrastructure design Project management Infrastructure maintenance

Fig. 1: Structure of the IVT

4 IVT Jahresbericht 2017

Forschungsarbeiten 2 Forschungsarbeiten 2 Forschungsarbeiten

6 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 2.1 Four-point bending tests of railway track panels

VS group (Gruppe Verkehrssysteme) buildings. As shown in the present work, this becomes even more important for high stiffness superstructures such as A high track panel stiffness has a beneficial effect on track ZSX ties, where shear deformation accounts for around breathing and buckling. Despite its importance, the empir- 50 % of total deformation. ical knowledge is poor and a general overview is missing in the literature. Direct cross-comparison between different The aim of this work is to give a complete overview of the studies found in the literature is not possible because they stiffness of all the superstructure types currently in use differ significantly in experimental setup and testing meth- in . Therefore, four-point bending tests on ods. Another drawback is that lateral track stiffness was 12 m long, simply supported track panels are performed commonly estimated based on three-point bending tests, as shown in Figure 2. The track panel was lying on the where shear deformation cannot be determined separately. ground for construction and testing, to prevent friction Neglecting shear deformation, as is possible for slender every sleeper was vertically supported by two air cush- beams according to Bernoulli beam model, is not possible ions. Horizontally the support was achieved by a rigid for frame-like structures such as track panels or shear steel structure fixed to the ground and directly acting on the sleepers to ensure evenly distributed forces in both rails. Loading was applied through two hydraulic cylinders fixed to the same rigid structure and to the clamp on the tie. Online measurements of forces (load cells) and dis- placement (linear variable differential transformer) were performed together with discrete position measurements of the whole structure using the tachymeter based optical system QDaedalus developed at the Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry of ETH Zurich.

The measured force-displacement data is evaluated using Timoshenko beam theory. As shown in Figure 3 the track can be divided into two sections: (i) The middle section where pure bending occurs, and (ii) the sections between support and loading point where combined bending and Fig. 2: Experimental setup of four-point bending test.

Fig. 3: Deformation contribution of bending and shear forces in a ­four-point bending test.

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 7 Forschungsarbeiten

shear occurs. This allows for separate estimation of bend- Conventional rod sleeper track performance is mainly in- ing and shear stiffness at every load stage. fluenced by the torsional stiffness of the fastening system. The influence of the rail profile and the sleeper distance The stiffness of every type of superstructure is given by could be revealed too. But only structural measures on the shear and bending stiffness. For graphic representation, sleepers (like ZSX, HDS, SDS or Y-shaped sleepers) lead to a the stiffness is translated into an equivalent displacement, high track panel stiffness. Based on the results stiff super- as shown in Figure 4. A low equivalent displacement means structure types are recommended within particular areas a very stiff superstructure type and vice versa. where buckling or breathing are likely to occur. It guarantees a good track position for every curve radius.

Fig. 4 Track panel stiffness of different superstructure types given as equivalent displacement in [mm] with the same boundary conditions: Rail profile 54E2, force = 2 × 10 kN, a = 3 m and b = 4.2 m.

8 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Forschungsarbeiten

2.2 Future of Urban Transportation

VPL group (Gruppe Verkehrsplanung) growth of traffic. In Mexico City drivers are standing on aver- age 1h in congestion during peak hours, amounting to more Soon when crossing the street we might need to also look than 8 days per year of lost time (TomTom, 2017). This prob- towards the sky! lem could be alleviated with the introduction of the urban aerial transportation. People movement in the uncongested The idea of flying has always fascinated mankind. To quote air space would not only reduce travel times, but will allow Schmitt and Gollnick (1): “Behind the imagination of flying, for less air pollution as the stop and go emissions would be which can be found in all old cultures and civilizations, there eliminated. Expansion of roads would not be necessary and are also the basic emotional elements of mankind about free- any gained space could be used for other purposes. dom and mobility.” On the 1st January 1914 a first commercial airline flight happened and the dream of easily and quickly The introduction of urban commercial piloted and later reaching any part of the world transformed into reality. fully autonomous aerial vehicles and their interaction with already existing transportation modes (both traditional and At the moment the transportation system has already seen modern) in the transportation system brings many new re- the testing and in some areas of the world the introduction search questions that are in need of investigation. of autonomous ground vehicles. Commercial Urban Aerial Vehicles (UAV) have also undergone testing and some were recently used to transport small sized goods. Additionally, encouraged by the fast paced technological development certain entities are already developing aerial vehicles (called Personal Aerial Vehicles –PAVs) and systems that will move people in urban settings (two examples of these vehicles can be seen in Figures 5 and 6). The opportunities and disrup- tive effects that this innovation in the transportation system might bring are vast and they need to be analyzed.

At the moment many countries are faced with the omni- present congestion problems on the roads and the constant Fig. 5: Rotor-based lift-production during cruise. Source:

Fig. 6: Fixed-wing lift-production during cruise. Source:

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 9 Forschungsarbeiten

We have taken a first glimpse at the potential demand for urban air mobility in the region of Zurich, Switzerland us- ing MATSim (Horni et al., 2016). Preliminary results on the demand, with some carefully taken assumptions can be seen in Figure 7. We observed how different technologies (vertical speed, cruising speed) could impact the demand, as at the moment it is not certain what type of vehicles would be offered in this kind of service. In addition, we assume that users will have to move to the vehicle rather than vehicle moving towards them when requested, thus different access times scenarios are investigated. With the high price (5.1chf/ km) the demand is not dramatic and highly dependent on the vertical and cruising speed of vehicles. This tells us that system performance parameters will be crucial for the de- mand estimation and that interaction of different areas of research is germane. Fig. 7: Demand for PAVs in Zurich region.

Relevant articles

Horni, A., K. Nagel and K. W. Axhausen (eds.) (2016) The Multi-Agent Transport Simulation MATSim, Ubiquity, London. Schmitt, D. and V. Gollnick (2016) Historical development of air transport, in D. Schmitt and V. Gollnick, Air Transport System, 19–38, Springer, Berlin. TomTom (2017) Congestion in Mexico City, retrieved from, December 2017

10 IVT Jahresbericht 2016 Forschungsarbeiten

2.3 Car space-mean speeds estimation based on the public transport and probe vehicle data

SVT group (Gruppe Strassenverkehrstechnik) the space-mean speed of cars based on: (i) the automatic vehicle location devices (AVL data) of public transport where Multi-modal urban cities are complex systems, where no FCD is available; and (ii) the fused FCD and AVL data different modes of transport compete for, and share the sources where both are available, but FCD is not complete. limited road infrastructure for serving transport demand. Both methods account for the relevant parameters of the These modes interact with each other creating conflicts at public transport system (i.e. frequency, bus network different road infrastructure levels. While there is a vast configuration, and the location/type of bus stops in mixed- and well-established literature towards understanding and lane links). The first method allows one to derive either mitigating vehicular congestion in single-mode networks, uni-modal or bi-modal macroscopic fundamental relation- the knowledge on multi-modal networks with passenger ships, even in the extreme cases where no LDD nor FCD ex- mobility consideration is in its infancy. ist. The second method does not require a priori knowledge about FCD penetration rates and can significantly improve A promising framework for urban traffic management the estimation accuracy of the macroscopic fundamental and control is the macroscopic fundamental diagram relationships. (MFD), sometimes also called the Network Fundamental Diagram (NFD), relating network vehicle density and the Using empirical data from the city of Zurich, we demonstrate space-mean flow. Recently, the concept has been extended the applicability and validate the accuracy of the proposed to the three-dimensional MFD, used to investigate traffic methods in real-life traffic scenarios, providing a cross-com- dynamics of multi-modal networks. In most cases, the parison with the existing estimation methods. Such empirical macroscopic traffic variables are estimated using either comparison is, to the best of our knowledge, the first of its loop detector data (LDD) or floating car data (FCD). Taking kind. The findings show that the proposed AVL-based estima- into account that none of these data sources might be avail- tion method can provide a good approximation of the average able, in this study we propose novel estimation methods for speed of cars at the network level (Figure 8).

Fig. 8: Empirical validation of the proposed AVL-based method for regions of interest.

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 11 Forschungsarbeiten

Fig. 9: Validation of the proposed fusion algorithm.

On the other hand, by fusing the traffic information from Relevant articles different data sources (i.e. FCD and AVL) where available, especially in case of low FCD network coverage, it is possi- Dakic, I. and M. Menendez. (2017) On the use of Lagrangian ble to obtain a more representative outcome regarding the observations from public transport and probe vehicles performance of multi-modal traffic, in comparison to using to estimate car space-mean speeds in bi-modal urban a single, FCD or AVL, data source (Figure 9). Furthermore, networks, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Tech- the results are relatively consistent under different public nologies (under second review). transport regimes and network configurations, and, in case Dakic, I. and M. Menendez (2018) Estimating car space- of the fusion method, are almost invariant to changes in mean speeds in bi-modal networks using trajectory data the spatial distribution and the penetration rate of probe from public transport, paper presented at 97th Annual vehicles, particularly if the availability of AVL data is rather Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washing- high. In other words, in such cases, the fusion algorithm ton, January 2018. does not depend on the amount of probe vehicles, whose trajectory data is used to derive the spatially-averaged net- work speed of cars, but on the portion of links where probe vehicles are registered. For the rest of the network where no FCD is available, the speed of in a mixed-lane is used to estimate the speed of cars. As the result, the fusion method becomes independent of the distribution of probe vehicles, substantially reducing the error on the estimated speed of cars and outperforming the FCD-based estimation method. This makes the proposed fusion algorithm a very robust and promising framework for assessing the perfor- mance of multi-modal traffic.

12 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Forschungsarbeiten

2.4 Real-time Railway Traffic management with multiple competing stakeholders

TS group (Gruppe Transportsysteme) cancelling services, etc.) action has the risk of system- atically favouring the interest of some stakeholders over The majority of (transport) systems in real life are charac- others. terized by the interaction of many stakeholders. Transport systems are determined by the interaction of stakehold- In the view of the growing trend towards competition and ers such as users (requesting mobility), service providers the effort to reach and improve economic feasibility, any (using transport system capacity to deliver mobility), and discrimination of stakeholders should be avoided (and are infrastructure managers (managing the available transport sanctioned by law, to some extent). For instance, in railway capacity). This scarce resource, capacity, is allocated in networks conflicts exist within train classes (e.g. two high a non–discriminatory manner at the planning stage, and speed companies competing with each other on the same this process is filtered by many political interactions. In re- link), across classes and users (passenger trains against al-time, every deviation from the ideal plan has to re-adjust freight trains: which one should go first?), across usages the available capacity (limited by physical and engineering (traffic against maintenance operations). The issue which constraints) among the variety of stakeholders, and be- fundamentally embraces the final goal of a transport sys- ing moreover quick and effective. In the reduced capacity tem is: who can benefit from it? Who should pay for the available during disturbances, every control (delaying or benefits?

Fig. 10: Two high speed trains, competing for the same origin-destination, leaving at almost the same time, and running on the same infrastructure. What happens if one delays the other one?

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 13 Forschungsarbeiten

Fig. 11: Bi objective representation of solutions for the real-time railway traffic management under multiple competitors

We studied how to deliver non-discriminatory railway traf- Further research has to analyze what is the trade-off be- fic solutions in real-time, under delayed conditions, when tween equity and heterogeneity of original offline plan (no multiple operators are competing in a market; equitable operation can be guaranteed, if bad quality train We also formulated the problem as a Mixed Integer Linear paths, or bad quality plans are provided), assess equity of Problem, and studied the main factors of the inequity of realized traffic operations, as well as understand the prac- railway traffic management. We formalized inequity as the tical political requirements and impact to regulations that maximum deviation of delay cost from the average across such policies might require. all competitors. Tests on a real world dataset assess effi- ciency, effectiveness and applicability of the different models proposed. The key take home message is the quantification Relevant article of the tradeoff between system optimum (optimal solution at system level, but inequitable) and equitable solution (de- Luan X, L. Meng and F. Corman (2017) Non-discriminatory laying multiple trains and operators, in order to spread to train dispatching in a rail transport market with multiple delays equally to everybody). This tradeoff can be explored competing and collaborative train operating companies, effectively by mathematical methods. Figure 11 reports Transportation Research Part C, 80, 148 –174. qualitatively the position of some interesting solution in the delays/equity plane. The set of Pareto solutions found by the optimization methods – represented as a solid line in the figure – are actually improving both delays and equity, compared to current approaches in practice or in academia (like keeping the planned operations also under delay, red diamond; or using the simple FIFO rule giving precedence to the vehicle arriving first, yellow box). Moreover, optimi- zation methods can exploit additional degrees of freedom like rerouting vehicles, and that has a positive effect at once, on both objectives.

14 IVT Jahresbericht 2017

Lehre 3 Lehre 3 Lehre

16 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 3.1 Degree programmes with IVT participation

The IVT contributes to a number of degree programmes or planning. The IVT offers a sequence of three courses of the Department and across the school. We will intro- introducing transport planning, traffic engineering and duce the main commitments below, excluding the BSc in railways infrastructures, of which only transport planning Environmental Science, the MSc in Applied Mathematics or is compulsory for all of the students of this degree. the BSc in Geography of the University of Zürich.

ETH has adopted the BSc/MSc system initiated by the 3.1.3 Master in Civil Engineering Bologna – Treaty. The 6 – semester BSc provides the stu- dent with the foundations to continue his or her education at The MSc in Civil Engineering offers the student the option ETH, where he/she can continue automatically or elsewhere. to choose two from six specialisations: ETH does not consider this degree to be a full professional – Construction management qualification. – Structural engineering – Geotechnics – Transport systems 3.1.1 Bachelor Civil Engineering – Hydraulic engineering – Materials and mechanics The BSc course starts with a Department-wide first year of foundation courses in mathematics, mechanics, geology, A rich set of courses gives the student the possibility to systems engineering, management and surveying. A small define his or her course. A major project in the third term group project gives the student a first idea of the professional trains independent professional work, while the four month questions and the challenges of teamwork. A comprehensive MSc thesis focuses on the scientific aspect of the training. set of exams, which needs to be jointly passed, is scheduled for the summer of the first year. 3.1.4 Master in Spatial Development The second and third year allow the student to add depth to and Infrastructure Systems his understanding and to prepare the student for his or her Master degree. Courses in physics, hydraulics, structural mechanics, materials, computer science are complement- This specialised master is open to students from across the ed with civil engineering courses in structural engineering, engineering and quantitative social sciences and aims to geotechnics, hydraulic engineering and construction man- give them a common language and understanding of these agement. The IVT offers a sequence of three courses intro- two fields through three required courses and the joint pro- ducing transport planning, traffic engineering and railways fessional team project in the third term, which addresses infrastructures. current large-scale planning issues.

The courses are offered in the main by the institute and the 3.1.2 Bachelor Geomatics and Institute of Spatial Development, but the students can and Planning are encouraged to take classes from the wide ranging list of approved electives from architecture, economics, math- This BSc course offers the basis for a career in either geo- ematics and statistics. matics or planning. It was revamped in the academic year 2010/11 to match these demands better. The students can choose to focus on either area, spatial development or transport engineering, or mix them to give It starts with the Department-wide first year of foundation themselves a unique profile. courses, but with fewer courses in mechanics. The second and third year allow the student to add depth to his under- standing and to prepare the student for his or her Master degree. Depending on his or her preferences the student can choose different paths either emphasizing geomatics

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 17 Lehre

3.2 IVT Courses

Dozent/Betreuer Lehrveranstaltung

Kreditpunkte: 3 Agent Based Modeling in Transportation 101-0491-00L Balac/Dubernet T. The objective of this course is to make the students familiar with agent-based models and in particular with the software MATSim. They will learn the pros and cons of this type of approach versus traditional transport models and will learn to use the simulation. They will design a policy study and run simulations to evaluate the impacts of the proposed policies. Kreditpunkte: 3 Agent Based Modeling in Transportation 101-0491-01l Balac/Dubernet T. (Additional Java Exercises)

Kreditpunkte: 3 Bahninfrastrukturen / Verkehr II 101-0415-01L Weidmann/Braess, Grundlagen der Bahntechnik und der Interaktion Fahrweg-Fahrzeug, Netzentwicklung Zimmermann und Infrastrukturplanung, Projektierung von Bahnanlagen, Gestaltung und Projektierung von Bahnhofanlagen, konstruktive Gestaltung und Dimensionierung der Fahrbahn, Ab- nahmen und Inbetriebnahme komplexer Bahnanlagen, spezielle Aspekte der Erhaltung.

Kreditpunkte: 4 Eisenbahnbau und -erhaltung 101-0419-00L Weidmann, Güldenapfel, Die Vorlesung gibt einen vertiefenden Einblick in die geometrische Linienführung, die Kohler, Manhart/Braess Interaktionen Fahrweg –Fahrzeug sowie in Aufbau und Bemessung des Gleises. Metho- den der Zustandserfassung und von dessen Prognose werden behandelt. Zeitgemässe Strategien und Verfahren für Bau, Erhaltung und Unterhalt von Bahnanlagen werden dargestellt. Themen: Gleisgeometrie einschliesslich deren Berechnung und Vermessung sowie zugehörige Datensysteme; Interaktion Fahrweg –Fahrzeug, Fahrzeugdynamik, Ober- baubeanspruchung; Fahrbahnbau einschliesslich spezieller Aspekte des Ingenieurbaus; Zustandsdiagnose und -prognose; Fahrbahnerhaltung und Erhaltungsmethoden.

Kreditpunkte: 6 Fuss- und Veloverkehr (Human-Powered Mobility) 101-0488-01 G Weidmann/Walter, Bosina, Grundlagen der Fussgängerverkehrsplanung sowie der Planung von Anlagen des leich- Meeder ten Zweiradverkehrs, transporttechnische Eigenschaften des Menschen, Entwurf von Fussgänger­ und Radverkehrsnetzen, Anlagen des Fuss ­und Radverkehrs, Mikrosimula- tion des Fussgängerverkehrs, Beurteilung von Leistungsfähigkeit und Verkehrsqualität.

Kreditpunkte: 4 Basics of Air Transport (Aviation I) 101-0499-00L Wild/Khaligh The course explains the main principles of air transport and elaborates on simple in- terdisciplinary topics. Working on broad 14 different topics like aerodynamics, manufacturers, airport opera- tions, business aviation, and business models, etc. the students get a good overview in air transportation. The program is taught in English and 11 different experts and lecturers from industry and academia contribute to the course. The goal is to understand and explain basics, principles and contexts of the broader air transport industry.

Kreditpunkte: 6 Entwurf und Bau von Verkehrsanlagen 101-0428-00L Müller/Albers Kenntnis und Anwendung der Grundlagen und Zusammenhänge des Strassenentwurfs, Entwurfsmodelle und –elemente; Risiken im Erd- und Oberbau, Dimensionierung und Kon- struktion, Entwässerungssysteme, Tragsicherheits- und Gebrauchstauglichkeitsnach- weise. Dimensionierung Trassee, Steilböschungen, Oberbau und Entwässerungsanlagen.

18 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Lehre

Dozent/Betreuer Lehrveranstaltung

Kreditpunkte: 12 Interdisciplinary Project 101-0489-02L Menendez, Adey, Scholl, Working on a concrete interdisciplinary task on spatial development and infrastructure Gret-Regamey, Axhausen, systems. Weidmann/ Roca-Riu, Ambühl

Kreditpunkte: 6 Introduction to Economic Analysis – A Case Study Approach with Cost Benefit Axhausen, Schubert/Sarlas Analysis in Transport 101-0439-00L This course presents cost-benefit analysis and related evaluation methods in transpor- tation and introduces the basic economic principles and survey methods used to derive the monetary values of non-market goods. Through a real case study assignment, the students familiarize with the cost-benefit analysis and its different aspects.

Kreditpunkte: 6 Logistik und Güterverkehr 101-0459-00L Bruckmann, Ruesch, Erkennen und Verstehen der Zusammenhänge zwischen Logistikanforderungen, Markt, Schmid/Sinner, Angeboten, Betriebsprozessen, Infrastrukturen, Transportmitteln und Regulierung im Zimmermann Güterverkehr aller Transportsysteme (Strasse, Bahn, Kombiverkehr, Wasser und Luft).

Kreditpunkte: 4 Management of Air Transportation (Aviation II) 101-0482-00L Wild/Khaligh Providing an overview in management, planning, processes and operations in air trans- port, the lecture shall enable students to operate and lead a unit within that industry. In addition, the modules provide a good understanding for other transport modes and are a sort of “Mini MBA”. After completion of the course, students shall be familiar with tasks, processes and interactions and have the ability to understand implications of developments in the airlines industry and its environment. This shall enable them to work within the air transport industry.

Kreditpunkte: 6 Measurement and Modelling of Travel Behaviour 101-0478-00L Axhausen/Schmid Behavioral model and measurement; travel diary, design process, hypothetical markets, discrete choice model, parameter estimation, pattern of travel behaviour, market seg- ments, simulation, advanced discrete choice models.

Kreditpunkte: 2 Laboratory Transport and Spatial Planning 101-0408-00L Vitins/Loder, H. Becker, This laboratory applies main transport planning methods based on land use types and Guidon patterns. Using a small-scale case study, students implement a four-stage travel demand model based on real-world data and propose scenarios for improvements of transport and land use infrastructure.

Kreditpunkte: 3 Readings in Transport Policy 101-0481-00L Axhausen/Balac This course will explore the issues and constraints of transport policy through the joint readings of a set of relevant papers. The class will meet every three weeks to discuss the texts.

Kreditpunkte: 3 Microscopic Modelling and Simulation of Traffic Operations 101-0492-00L Yang/Dakic The course introduces basics of microscopic modelling and simulation of traffic opera- tion, including model development, calibration, validation, data analysis, identification of strategies for improving traffic performance, and evaluation of such strategies. The modelling software used is VISSIM.

Kreditpunkte: 6 Simulation des Verkehrssystems 101-0438-00 L Sojka, Balmer, Ge/Yang Grundlagen zu den Simulationsmethoden im Verkehrswesen, unter Einbezug von Nach- frageverhalten, Angebotsplanung, Projektierung von Strecken und Knoten, Ressour- cendimensionierung; Anlagenleistungsfähigkeit und Qualitätskontrolle. Erkennen der Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Grenzen zeitgemässer Simulationswerkzeuge.

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 19 Lehre

Dozent/Betreuer Lehrveranstaltung

Kreditpunkte: 6 Public Transport Design and Operations 101-0427-01L Corman/De Martinis The course discusses solutions to decision making problems in public transport systems, addressing service, speed, organization and cost, from planning and operational point of views.

Kreditpunkte: 3 Road Transport Systems 101-0416-00 He/Yang The course covers road transportation technologies, network design, traffic flow theory, operation of private and public transport, management and control of transportation system. This course gives the students an overview of topics involved in road transport systems and provides the background for Master’s degree study.

Kreditpunkte: 3 Simulation of Traffic Operations 101-0492-00L He/Yang The course introduces basics of microscopic modelling and simulation of traffic opera- tion, including model development, calibration, validation, data analysis, identification of strategies for improving traffic performance, and evaluation of such strategies. The modelling software used is VISSIM.

Kreditpunkte: 6 Systemdimensionierung und Kapazität 101-0418-02L Weidmann/Bomhauer-Beins, Verständnis für die Ressourcen auf Verkehrs- und Infrastrukturseite, welche zur Pro- De Martinis duktion marktgerechter öffentlicher Linienverkehrsangebote erforderlich sind. Kennt- nis der wesentlichen Zusammenhänge zwischen diesen Ressourcen und Fähigkeit zur Anwendung der zugehörigen Methoden der Ressourcendimensionierung. Erwerb von Grundkenntnissen zu den Technologien der Zugförderung.

Kreditpunkte: 6 Traffic Engineering 101-0437-00L Menendez/Dakic Introduction to fundamentals of traffic flow theory and operations. Includes understanding of traffic data and processing techniques, as well as data analysis, and traffic modeling.

Kreditpunkte: 6 Transport Planning Methods 101-0417-00L Axhausen/Janzen The course communicates knowledge of methods and algorithms commonly used in transport planning. The students gain ability to independently develop a transport model.

Kreditpunkte: 6 Road Safety 101-0469-00L Schüller, Deublein The collection and the methods of statistical and geographical analysis of road accidents are important fundamentals of this course. Safety Aspects in design of urban roads are discussed and measures for improving the safety situation are presented. Procedures of infrastructure safety management for administrations and police are another topic.

Kreditpunkte: 6 Transport Systems 101-0467-01L Axhausen, Sinner, Ambühl/ Introduction of the basic principles of the design and operation of transport systems Guidon, Zimmermann (individual transport, road and rail-based public transport) and of the essential pathways of their impacts (investment, generalized costs, accessibilities, external effects).

Kreditpunkte: 3 Verkehrsplanung (Verkehr I) 101-0414-00L Axhausen/Bösch, Fuhrer Grundlegende Zusammenhänge zwischen Verkehr, Raum und Wirtschaftsentwicklung, Grundbegriffe, Messung und Beobachtung des Verkehrsverhaltens, die Methoden des Vier-Stufen-Ansatzes, Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse..

Kreditpunkte: 2 Verkehr III (Road Transport Systems) 101-0416-00L He/Yang Transportation impacts and service concepts, maintenance, technical principles and mea- surements, transport operations and control, evaluation and comparison of alternatives.

20 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Lehre

3.3 Studentische Arbeiten

Name, Vorname Titel der Arbeit Dozent/Betreuer

Bachelorarbeiten 6. Semester BSc Bauingenieurwesen

Belser, Gabriel Fleet sizing of shared, self-driving cars with electric propulsion Axhausen/Hörl, F. Becker considering the outside temperature

Hug, Jan Selbstfahrende Fahrzeuge, Business Case Campus Axhausen/Bösch, F. Becker

Hurni, Stefan Die generalisierten Kosten der Verkehrsmittel: Axhausen/I. Dubernet Eine Metaanalyse

Neuenschwander, Der Effekt autonomer Fahrzeuge auf Langdistanzreisen Axhausen/Janzen, Bösch Marco

Trachsel, Dominik Strassenraum im Zeitalter autonomer Fahrzeuge Axhausen/H. Becker, Bätzner

Projektarbeiten MSc Bauingenieurwesen

Aebi, Tobias The influence of slopes on walking activity Weidmann/Meeder

Bressan, Lea A functional form for the 3D-MFD Menendez

Meier, Daria Die generalisierten Kosten der Verkehrsmittel: Omitted Axhausen/I. Dubernet Variables

Gamper, Anica The trade-off between road space and capacity Menendez

Gysin, Katrin Comparison of safety at regular intersections and roundabouts Menendez/Sasidharan

Häller, Pascal Analysis of multimodal interactions in London –Interactions Menendez between cyclists and buses

Holland, Jule Auswertung des Nachholbedarfs von Erneuerungsprojekten bei Weidmann/Braess den SBB

Liang, Hong Providing public transport priority at urban network perimeters Menendez/He

Schuler, Martina Die generalisierten Kosten der Verkehrsmittel: Omitted Axhausen/I. Dubernet Variables

Odermatt, Irene Auswertung des Nachholbedarfs von Erneuerungsprojekten bei Weidmann/Braess den SBB

Sinan, Uzeyr Analysis of congestion in Zurich Menendez/Ambühl/Loder

Stebler, Pascal Reaktivierung der Strecke Solothurn-Subingen im Weidmann/Sinner Regionalverkehr

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 21 Lehre

Name, Vorname Titel der Arbeit Dozent/Betreuer

Ulmke, Cecilia Objectives for real-time freight traffic management Weidmann/Toletti, De Martinis

Uzeyr, Sinan Analysis of congestion in Zurich Menendez

Vlachas, Konstantinos Das 3D-MFD von London: Eine räumliche Analyse Axhausen

Vasic, Nikola Luzern/Graubünden –Zürich Flughafen unter Nutzung der Weidmann/Sinner Durchmesserlinie

Wang, Biyu Autonomous vehicles control algorithm for highway weaving Menendez/He sections

Seminararbeiten MSc RE & IS

Benz, Robert Kapazitätsoptimierung durch Verlagerung des Regionalverkehrs Weidmann/Sinner auf die Strasse

Grigore, Elena A spatial model for neighborhood walkability Weidmann/Meeder

Elvarsson, Arnor Strassenraum im Zeitalter autonomer Fahrzeuge Axhausen/H. Becker, Bätzner

Liang, Hong Bi-modal perimeter control of a bi-modal urban network Menendez/He/Yang

Liu, Jiani Autonomous vehicles for highway weaving sections Menendez/He/Yang

Seminararbeiten BSc Bauingenieur

Ulrich, Julian Eine Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse für den Parkplatz!? Axhausen/Fuhrer

Masterarbeiten MSc Bauingenieurwesen und RE & IS

Binswanger, Marco Personenfluss im Busverkehr Weidmann/Bosina, Meeder

Golfier, Valentine How to incorporate unmanned air vehicles to improve delivery of door-to-door air cargo?

Guffanti, Alessio Centralized arterial signal control in a connected vehicle Menendez/Yang environment

Kämpf, Gabriel Performance assessment of a rescheduling routine Weidmann/Toletti

Keller, Lars Long-distance train stops in European metropolitan regions: Weidmann/Khaligh, Influence of geography, urban planning and demand patterns Sinner

22 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Lehre

Name, Vorname Titel der Arbeit Dozent/Betreuer

Küng, Michael Perimeter control as an alternative to dedicated bus lanes: A Menendez/Leclercq/ case study Chiabaut

Manser, Patrick Public transport network design in a world of autonomous Axhausen/H. Becker, vehicles Hörl

Paganini, Francesco Quantifying saturation flow of right turning lanes on Menendez/Ambühl intersections

Schmid, Till Mikrosimulation von Shared Space auf Hauptverkehrsachsen Corman/Bosina, Meeder

Urech, Samuel Parameters of walkability: A meta-analysis Weidmann/Meeder

Weber, Andrea The role of alternative routes in pedestrian transport Corman/Meeder

Externe Masterarbeiten

Disler, Raphael Stadt, Land, Region Fuhrer/Axhausen

Lagou, Charalampia Road safety enhancement investigation based on online user Hurni/Menendez/­ survey and twitter posts Sasidharan [IKG, D-BAUG]

Schatzmann, Thomas Spatial modelling of origin-destination commuting flows with Axhausen, Sarlas/ endogenous weight matrices Crawford­ (UZH)

Torres Palacios, A direct transit ridership model for Zürich Axhausen, Sarlas Fernando

van Rest, Max A decentralized traffic control strategy for various levels of Hoogendoorn, Knoop/ vehicle technology in an urban network Menendez, Yang [TU Delft]

Externe Bachelorarbeiten

Gächter, Joel Autonomous Mobility Operator Arena: Simulating competing Ruch, Hörl, Frazzoli/­ autonomous mobility on demand systems in MATSim Axhausen [IDSC, D-ITET]

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 23 Promotionen und Auszeichnungen 4 Promotionen und Auszeichnungen 4 Promotionen und Auszeichnungen

24 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 4.1 Laufende Promotionen

Ambühl, Lukas accessibility, travel behavior, and transportation policies. This proposed research will hopefully contribute as a policy rec- SPEED: Rethinking speed limits in urban networks ommendation for stakeholders to decide the optimal course for Jakarta and surrounding cities short term and long term. Supervisor: M. Menendez

In the last decades, cities around the world have started to reduce speed limits in both residential areas and city Balac, Milos centers. In Switzerland, for example, more than 700 dis- tricts and municipalities have streets and areas with 30 Integration of car-sharing alternatives into the Swiss km/h regulations, and there have been initiatives to extend transport system and its impacts those to whole cities. These speed limit reductions typically Supervisor: K. W. Axhausen seek improvements in traffic safety, as well as livability and Examiner: F. Ciari; External Examiner: K. Kockelmann sustainability. Many cities implement speed policies based on the experience from others, intuition, or depending on The main goals of this research is to examine the possibili- the political leadership. In most cases, however, they lack ties of extending the car-sharing alternatives in Switzerland a real understanding of the breadth and depth of impacts and to investigate both spatial and temporal impacts, in- from these strategies, especially from a traffic operations tegration with other transportation modes, induced and point of view. What are the fundamental effects of different suppressed demand estimation and supply optimization of speed limits on network-wide traffic operations? Can we car-sharing services. This will be integrated into multi-agent manage urban traffic by regulating the speed limits? These transportation simulation tool (MATSim) for the evaluation challenging questions motivate this doctoral thesis. of different car-sharing schemes. Stated preference surveys and analysis of the already existing car-sharing program in Switzerland will be the empirical basis. Anugrah, Ilahi

Activity based model (ABM) approaches for the Becker, Felix sustainable development of megacities: The case of Jabodetabek Predicting the use of autonomous vehicles Supervisor: K. W. Axhausen Supervisor: K. W. Axhausen

The Jakarta agglomeration (Jabodetabek: Jakarta-Bogor- In order to be able to make meaningful predictions about Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi) has a population of approximately future usage patterns of autonomous vehicles, the project 29 million inhabitants. It is the 2nd biggest agglomeration focuses on the interplay between the traveler’s preferences after the greater Tokyo. Many of the habitants in surrounding and the impacts on the transportation system as a whole. cities travel to their activities (working, studying, shopping, This includes the definition and evaluation of strategic etc.) in the core every day. Consequently, when we try to changes of current transport providers as well as regulatory capture urban transport in Jakarta, we must consider the interventions. surrounding cities. Currently, urban transport policy has not been able to solve the transportation problems in Jakarta. There is a lack of public transportation with current shares Becker, Henrik approximately at 17% in 2010 (Jutpi, 2012). This problem will continue if there is no appropriate policy to shift pri- Analysing the impact of shared mobility vate vehicle to public transportation, and, moreover, various Supervisor: K. W. Axhausen means of transportation could not properly accommodate the Examiner: F. Ciari, S. LeVine passenger demand. Detailed behavioral change intervention is extremely important, but cannot be captured by the con- Shared mobility systems are said to contribute to a more ventional four-step model approach. Thus, this research will efficient and less energy consuming transport system. The be conducted using an Activity Based Model (ABM) to evaluate high expectations contrast with limited knowledge about

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 25 Promotionen und Auszeichnungen

their real impact, especially because they have only existed flow and pedestrian density and thus improves the quality in small market niches so far. To shed more light on the of pedestrian facility design. environmental impact of innovative forms of shared mobility, empirical data is collected which reveals, how they affect individual travel behaviour. In a next step, this knowledge Braess, Hermann Patrick will be used to prepare MATSim, an agent-based modelling framework, to include different forms of shared mobility. Determination of the influence of track panel stiffness MATSim-simulations will then be used to understand the to breathing behavior of CWR tracks behaviour and interactions of such systems at larger scales. Supervisor: U. Weidmann External Examiner: P. Veit (TU Graz)

Bomhauer-Beins, Axel Determination of the influence of track panel stiffness to breathing behavior of continuously welded railway tracks. Energy saving potentials in railway operations under Investigations, tests and real track measurements about systemic perspectives which measures can mitigate uneven track deformation and support a uniform track breathing over the hole length of a Supervisor: U. Weidmann sharp curve due to temperature changes. Coreferent: A. Stephan (TU Dresden)

While energy saving potentials in subsystems of the rail- way system are investigated in many recent studies, ho- Cuauhtemoc, Anda Castro listic approaches are rare. Thus, it is aimed for a holistic, energy-oriented system description, serving for a systemic Activity-based travel demand from multiple data evaluation of energy saving approaches as well as for dis- sources using probabilistic graphical models covering additional ones. Supervisor: K. W. Axhausen

This thesis aims to adopt probabilistic graphical models as Bösch, Patrick a framework to harness new big data sources along with traditional data sources to build more accurate synthetic Autonomous cars – The next revolution in mobility population and plans for large-scale mobility simulations. A comprehensive data fusion framework will aid in the un- Supervisor: K. W. Axhausen derstanding of the predictive boundaries of agent-based Examiner: F. Ciari (ETH Zürich), K. Kockelman (University simulations. of Texas)

Autonomous Cars are expected soon. They promise many benefits but can also disrupt existing transport solutions. Dakic, Igor This thesis investigates the potential and expected conse- quences of these vehicles for the future transport system. Macroscopic approach for the design, monitoring, and Extensive MATSim simulations are used to evaluate different control of bi-modal urban networks scenarios. Supervisor: M. Menendez

To understand the physics of urban mobility, traffic dynamics Bosina, Ernst of bi-modal urban networks need to be analyzed under many different scenarios including various network properties. New generic approach to the pedestrian fundamental To this end, an aggregated model for bi-modal systems, i.e. diagram the three-dimensional bi-modal macroscopic fundamental diagram (3D-MFD), can be used to investigate the effects Supervisor: U. Weidmann of the network topology and configuration, road space allo- The goal of this research is to derive an analytical pedestri- cation, and traffic signal control on bi-modal traffic perfor- an fundamental diagram based on the principles of human mance. Thereby, the aim of this research is to develop novel movement. This allows to study various effects like age or modeling and optimization tools for controlling efficient and gender distribution on the relation between walking speed, sustainable bi-modal transportation systems.

26 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Promotionen und Auszeichnungen

The first part of the research will focus on the development transport system between 1500 and today are modelled. In of novel estimation methods for the 3D-MFD. In the second terms of effect, particular attention is given to economical, part, we will investigate parameters that affect the shape institutional and political processes such as accessibility, and size of the 3D-MFD (i.e. road space allocation among dif- urbanisation, distribution of wealth and nation evolvement. ferent modes of transport, bus frequency and dwelling time, average distance between bus stops, and the average trip length). These findings will be used to propose, in the last Guidon, Sergio part of the project, new perimeter flow control algorithms that integrate the treatment of public transport priority to Social capital, social networks, and mobility behavior: improve the global bi-modal performance. In addition, and Investigating the links and possible implications to realize the network-level control actions, we will also ad- for new mobility services dress the local level to determine where and how to control Supervisor: K. W. Axhausen traffic signals. External Examiner: Thomas Bernauer (ISTP)

Decreasing costs of travel and communication have led to Dubernet, Ilka increased mobility, which enabled a large fraction of society to maintain a geographically wide spread social network. The German value of time and value of reliability study The maintenance of an individual’s social network requires physical travel and is responsible for the largest share of Supervisor: K. W. Axhausen leisure travel. However, social activity travel is still not well External Examiner: St. Hess (University of Leeds) understood. One of the goals of this dissertation is to an- Germany’s Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital swer the question which characteristics of individuals’ social Infrastructure (BMVI) is currently preparing the 2030 Federal networks and their contacts can explain and predict social Transport Investment Plan (BVWP). The new BVWP will activity travel. include an updated general methodology and cost-benefit The second part of the dissertation deals with the concept of analysis (CBA) which is used to evaluate the effects of hun- Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and its potential to mitigate ad- dreds of German infrastructure projects. This thesis builds verse effects of mobility. Attractive MaaS schemes have the up on a project which estimated the first official values of potential to move people away from car-ownership and shift time (VOT) and values of reliability (VOR) for personal and demand away from private vehicles. With the advent of new business travel for the BVWP. The thesis provides an insight mobility options, ICT technologies, and new front-end-ap- into the survey design, reports experience of the field phase plications, the importance of MaaS schemes is likely to rise and analyses the response behaviour of the participants. It in the future. One of the goals is to quantify the potential develops the project work further by implementing advanced impact of MaaS on the passenger transport market. mode and route choice models as well as a detailed analysis of the effects of survey design, small travel time savings, spatial effects and long-term mobility choices on the value He, Haitao of travel time. Management and control of urban multimodal transportation systems – The use of flexible sharing Fuhrer, Raphael strategies Supervisor: M. Menendez Analysing the effects of transport supply improvements on society, nations and the environment using historical This thesis explores a class of innovative strategies, termed time-space data flexible sharing strategies, for the better management and control of urban multimodal transportation systems. These Supervisor: K. W. Axhausen strategies can allocate road space capacity in an efficient External Examiner: Roger Fouquet (London School of manner for a given road element (i.e. a link or a node) while Economics and Political Science) prioritizing the sustainable modes of transport. This thesis examines the influence of changes in transport supply on space, using historical quantitative data. Changes in the structure, speed and capacity of Western Europe’s

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 27 Promotionen und Auszeichnungen

Hörl, Sebastian We will try to evaluate the two considered families of DTMs in a theoretical and practical way with the focus that the Robust modelling of transportation simulation best DTMs can be applied in practice to shift the demand scenarios during peak hours to non-peak hours. Therefore, the traffic situation will be improved and congestion will be minimized Supervisors: K. W. Axhausen by applying these DTMs in real life. We will try to give DTM The main part of the proposed research will be the develop- recommendations based on the effectivity measures, tech- ment of a simulation scenario of Switzerland for the MATSim nologies, costs, infrastructures and network surroundings in transport simulation framework. For that purpose, a vali- the metropolitan area with focus on the daily time-depend- dation procedure will be developed, which will help to auto- ent demand. Then we will apply these DTMs to a simulation mate, validate and maintain the scenario modelling process of the city network of Zurich and evaluate its impacts on the covering the input data, the modelling algorithms and the traffic performance. final simulation. On the methodological side, existing algo- rithms will be tested and new algorithms will be developed to improve the scenario in a number of proposed dimensions Janzen, Maxim and fill gaps that are present today. To specifically contribute to the ongoing discussion in transportation, a study of au- Continuous long-term target based activity planning tomated vehicles and their effects on the traffic system and Supervisor: K. W. Axhausen travel behaviour will accompany the methodological work. External Examiner: Theo Arentze (TU Eindhoven)

The goal of this dissertation is the development of a long-dis- Jakob, Manuel tance travel demand microsimulation. For this reason con- tinuous target-based activity planning is introduced. Based Analysing the influence of dynamic traffic measures on the research a software simulating long-distance travel on time-dependent changes in demand for motorized demand for a long period will be implemented. individual vehicles Supervisors: M. Menendez Khaligh, Pooya This PhD research focuses on the time-dependent demand and traffic flow differences for motorized individual vehicles Interactions of autonomous transportation systems and (MIV). By selecting two groups of dynamic traffic measures spatial planning guidelines (DTMs) –Financial measures/incentives and parking –the Supervisor: U. Weidmann goal is to reorganize and optimize the time-dependent de- mand and traffic flow values for a typical working day in This PhD research aims to construct a platform for the study a metropolitan area. The total demand is assumed to be of interactions of autonomous public and private transpor- fixed, i.e. switches in traffic modes and changes in user tation systems and the guidelines of spatial planning from satisfaction are out of scope bearing in mind that demand the transportation systems point of view. This research will usually re-accommodates in a network. The structure of the identify revised and new guidelines of urban planning that financial and parking-related DTMs will be carried out on an will result from the disruptive changes in transportation analytical level for a local general network and on a simu- systems through their automation and driverless operations. lation level for a more complex general network problem. The significance of this research for science, society and Here the use of the microscopic traffic simulator PTV VISSIM practice can be summarized in its efforts to identify the pol- (PTV, 2012) is obligatory to analyze the differences in traffic icy guidelines of land use and spatial planning which will flow. In these analytical and simulation-based approaches, be relevant for the future of transportation systems with effectivity measures for peak and non-peak times will be automated operation and autonomous vehicles. The new evaluated trying to find an efficient way to move vehicles or revised guidelines will serve as the inputs for further from the morning or evening peak towards non-peak de- development of spatial planning principles from the trans- mand times. In addition, we assume that people will comply portation point of view. Additionally, this PhD research is of with the introduced DTM for the network. We will investigate high significance to the rail transport industry, since it will the sensitivity to user acceptance by varying and using dif- assist railway companies with maintaining their competitive ferent compliance rates. positions by considering the options to build a cooperation

28 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Promotionen und Auszeichnungen

platform with autonomous buses and minibuses as well as agglomeration benefits. Among others, this model answers automated ride sharing and free-floating car sharing. questions on the pricing of car and public transport that maximizes the agglomeration benefits. The core and novel element is that the multimodal transport model collapses Leng, Nuannuan to the three-dimensional macroscopic fundamental dia- gram (3D-MFD). The 3D-MFD links for given infrastructure Passenger oriented timetable rescheduling in railway and traffic control schemes car and public transport travel disruptions demand to average speeds in the city. Thus, the 3D-MFD re- places traditional transport models and reduces complexity Supervisor: U. Weidmann of such economic models. Disruption management is a cutting-edge field in current transport operation research. More precisely, it is mostly studied from operations-centric views, while only few liter- Marti, Christian M. atures exist from passenger-centric views. This research aims at developing timetable rescheduling strategies from Quantitative spatial assessment of public transport and passengers’ viewpoint in case of severe disruptions of rail built environment integration at the neighborhood scale services. It will improve service quality for passengers and Supervisor: U. Weidmann also attach importance to rescheduling efficiency as well as External Examiner: L. Bertolini (University of operational feasibility. Amsterdam) To achieve it, passengers, train operators and infrastructure managers are inevitable to be considered holistically in case The project aims to develop a new approach to measure of railway disruptions. It is of great importance to expound neighborhood-scale public transport and built environment the interactions among these three stakeholders. Taking integration based on the systematic analysis of interactions passengers’ quantities and priorities into consideration, between these two systems. The outcome, a set of spatial train operators design adapted services and infrastructure indicators, will be useful as a decision support tool in inte- managers test operational feasibility from the perspective of grated urban development and mobility projects. the network. The information feedback among three stake- holder links them into an iterative process. By establishing evaluation criteria for passengers’ satis- Meeder, Mark faction, rescheduling efficiency and operational feasibility, respective and overall objectives of three stakeholders will Pedestrian networks on the neighborhood level be identified in case of railway disruptions. An integrated Supervisor: U. Weidmann and flexible model is to describe the whole optimization problem in different disruption patterns. Passenger sim- The goal of this research is to derive rules for pedestrian ulation, adapted services design and operational feasibility network design on a neighborhood scale. This is achieved will be optimized individually. Then, dynamic in-formation by researching existing networks in terms of the qualities, interactions among three stakeholders will be solved by needs and opportunities of pedestrians, in particular vis-à- designing iterative algorithm. Case studies will illustrate vis urban design. The resulting design rules are tested in the passenger-oriented dispatching strategies in different virtual pedestrian networks (either based on existing ones disruption patterns. or generically built) to demonstrate their correctness and applicability.

Loder, Allister Molloy, Joseph Pricing and Investment in a multi-modal metropolis Data driven road pricing Supervisor: K. W. Axhausen Supervisor: K. W. Axhausen This thesis is about a long-term oriented macroscopic eco- nomic model that links urban residents’ choices of home This dissertation aims to utilize sources of mobile data, such location and mobility tool ownership as well as pricing in the as GPS and cell phone data, to explore various aspects of transportation market and investment in infrastructure to road pricing. In particular, the potential for road pricing

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 29 Promotionen und Auszeichnungen

instruments to influence travel behavior in a low-carbon for Cost-Benefit analysis, in order to draw conclusions with future with modern mobility services will be investigated. respect to the predictive accuracy of the developed approach.

Mohsen, Nazemi Schmid, Basil

Cyclists’ Perception of Safety using Virtual Reality Modelling travel behaviour in a (Post-)Car World: Results from a multistage household survey Supervisor: K. W. Axhausen/ Michael van Eggermond Supervisor: K. W. Axhausen The aim of this research is to study cyclists’ behaviour and Examiner: M. Bliemer (The Universtity of Sidney preferences for different infrastructure types under various Business­ School) traffic conditions utilizing virtual reality and physiological sensors in Singapore. The added value of sensors is as- The Post-Car World project aims at exploring how future sessed by critically examining self-reported safety; the trends in transportation may substitute current car usage, added value of VR is assessed by comparing results to a and how these trends may affect travel behaviour of Zurich video-based survey. citizens. The focus lies in modelling and understanding behavioural reactions to changes in generalized transport costs regarding mode choice, daily scheduling and mobility Ruzsics, Karl tool ownership. The inclusion of individual attitudes and perceptions allows to get a better understanding of respond- Modelling social leisure travel ents’ decision processes. Supervisor: K. W. Axhausen

The research goal is the development and application of new Sinner, Marc modelling methods to capture social effects and interactions on leisure travel decisions. An integral part of the thesis is Effects of the autonomous bus on the railway system concerned with the creation of informative data sets in the Supervisor: U. Weidmann form of travel diaries and surveys in Switzerland. External Examiner: Rico Maggi (Università della Svizzera Italiana)

Sarlas, Georgios Autonomous road vehicles constitute one of the big trends of future mobility. The aim of this project is to analyze how Transport models without personal data? The case of the introduction of autonomous buses influences the railway spatial regression models system, by identifying and quantifying both opportunities and risks. Particular attention is paid to the future development Supervisor: K. W. Axhausen of the Swiss railway network in the context of FABI/STEP. The aim of this thesis is twofold. First, to explore an alterna- tive transport model requiring only anonymous or aggregate data. Second, to explore what the practice of public decision Toletti, Ambra making would lose in technical quality in terms of transport modelling, if the public enforces limits on data collection Automated rail traffic dispatching and customer and usage to satisfy other important, but unrelated objec- information tives. The alternative that is tested is the family of spatial Supervisor: U. Weidmann regression models for mean speed and volume predictions External Examiner: A. Schöbel (Universität Göttingen), that constitute the minimum input requirements for project M. Laumanns (IBM), P. Grossenbacher (SBB) appraisal through the cost benefit analysis. The alterna- tive is developed along the lines of accounting both for the This work aims at extending the existing algorithms to sup- spatial autocorrelation and for the interdependence issues port conflict resolution for small disturbances of railway op- that arise due to the nature of the modelled phenomena. erations to cover broader rail network areas. The overarching We employ Switzerland as a test field and employ currently goal is to increase automation of dispatching decisions and discussed transport investments and policies as test cases improve timeliness and consistency of customer information.

30 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Promotionen und Auszeichnungen

Yang, Kaidi Connected vehicle technology makes it possible to track and control each vehicle, and thus attracts increasing attention Real-time traffic signal control using connected and in traffic control. Currently, we have successfully designed autonomous vehicles signal control algorithms for isolated intersections, perim- eter control for traffic network and lane change control at Supervisor: M. Menendez highway segments. We have also looked into traffic state estimation algorithm in a connected vehicle environment. The goal of this research is design traffic monitoring and The ongoing research is to develop a coordinated signal control strategies in a connected vehicle environment. control algorithm for the arterials.

4.2 Abgeschlossene Promotionen

Dubernet, Thibaut Jean Pierre Fumasoli, Tobias

Explicitly Correlating Agent’s Daily Plans in a Multi- Estimations of the Potential and the Impact of Rail agent Transport Simulation: Towards the Consideration Freight in Urban Areas of Social Relationships Supervisor: U. Weidmann Supervisor: K. W. Axhausen Co Examiner: W. Stölzle (LOG-HSG, University St. Gallen), Co Examiner: M. Bierlaire, EPFL B. Scholl (IRL, ETH Zürich), M. Ruesch

Transport planning typically considers individuals in Increasing density is one of the major current challenges of semi-isolation, where inter-individual interactions are most- urban areas in Europe. Urban regions are not only subject to ly mediated through measures of the performance of the increasing passenger traffic but also to growing good flows. transport system. Humans, however, do not only search to The need to include freight transport in urban transport perform activities in isolation. Leisure activities, in particu- planning is increasingly acknowledged by urban planners. lar, seem to be mostly a pretext to meet friends and relatives. In the urban context, the use of alternative modes for freight has so far enjoyed little resonance. Against the background Despite this importance, social motives are rarely acknowl- of concentrated urban development and environmentally edged in forecasting models, and the question of whether friendly transport this seems surprising. considering those processes explicitly could help in practice The capability of rail freight in urban areas is not well un- is still open. derstood. Current freight transport strategies are mostly infrastructure-centred. The underlying assumptions on train The aim of this thesis is to address this question, by actu- operation come from transport concepts no longer existing ally including those motives in a transport simulation. This in urban areas. Areas for freight terminals are a prerequisite thesis contains two main contributions to the literature. The for rail freight, but suitable sites are often under pressure first is the development of a theoretical framework of joint from urban development. Additionally, the performance of decisions. The second is the development of an approach freight terminals determines the efficiency of land use in to generate a realistic synthetic social network efficiently, freight transshipment. to the scale of a country. This network is used as a basis for another set of simulations of leisure location choice. The question of the impact of shared rides on the transport system is also studied.

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 31 Promotionen und Auszeichnungen

Mancera Sugrañes, Albert additionally included in this research: What is the right approach to evaluate a transport chain? Does a transport Measuring Service Quality in Freight Transport chain consist of generic elements? Is it possible to evaluate Networks it holistically or is it better to evaluate each of the exist- ing activities of the transport chain? How to evaluate the Supervisor: U. Weidmann quality of a transport chain? What are the most suitable Co Examiner: Bert Leerkamp, Bergische Universität tools? How to grade and classify the quality of service in Wuppertal; D. Bruckmann, Hochschule Rhein-Waal a transport chain? Is it possible to apply the concept of Freight transportation has been continuously growing since Level-of-Service to freight transport? At which parts of the the disruption of containerization (European Commission, transport chain can the quality of service be measured us- 2014). The implications of this growth on national and inter- ing this methodology? Are all types of goods homogeneous national freight networks are evident. Congestion and bottle insofar as their quality standards? Is it possible to evaluate necks lead to planning of new lines and terminals in times the overall quality of service of an entire intermodal freight of budget restriction. Simultaneously, the EU aims to gain shipment by using this methodology to evaluate the quality competitiveness within the European freight networks to of each of its elements? Until which level of the freight ensure a long-term strategical position on the international network can such a quality measurement approach be market. Unfortunately, up to date there are no standards applied? regarding quality-of-service on freight transportation that First, a standardization of the transport chain was car- provide infrastructure planners, freight operators and ship- ried out, classifying all elements in two groups: logistic pers with clear descriptions for freight performance. In the processes and transport processes. A transport process meanwhile, quality scales as the Level-of-Service are used consists on the movement of goods by a transport mode. in several transport systems such as private mobility, public In this thesis are considered rail, road, IWT and SSS. A transportation, bicycle and pedestrian mobility. logistic process depends on the type of transport product Freight transport is mainly a business-to-business market and take place in a logistic facility. Combining transport and (Bruhn, 2009). In any given geographic area there are a few logistic processes Service providers can arrange transport important customers and a few important suppliers. In this services that fulfill the geographical and market needs of environment losing a single important client has a high neg- shippers. ative impact. Therefore, customer orientation is even more Second, a definition of quality of service for freight trans- relevant for freight transport than for passenger transport portation was developed, using as a reference the EN 13816 (Muchiri, Pintelon, Martin, & De Meyer, 2010). Furthermore, for passenger transportation (CEN, 2002) and adapting the freight markets usually struggle to provide a high level of quality loop to freight transportation. It establishes a set satisfaction to shippers. For instance, 35% of shippers us- of relationships between freight performance and level ing the Canadian rail freight market are dissatisfied with of satisfaction. As a result, it was defined that quality of service and 45% claimed their satisfaction level decreased service for freight transport is the shipper’s perceived over the last years (AARA-MPS, 2011); on the other hand, quality of a transport or a logistic process considering in the European rail freight market, 25% of customers have the transport and logistics performance and the service a low level of satisfaction (CER, 2013). provider customer orientation. Therefore, shipper’s perceived quality on freight transport Third, a customer-oriented measurement system for freight services should be analyzed quantitatively to understand and logistics companies was developed. The measurement the key factors that would enable the development of a system was developed as part of research carried out for measurement metric that quantifies quality of service on SBB Cargo in Switzerland and is based on professional freight transportation. From this research gap the following expertise and data from stakeholders in all parts of the research question was derived: Is it possible to evaluate the logistic chain. The proposed method is an indicator-based quality of a freight transport chain perceived by a shipper in system built on a theoretical foundation, informed with the a way that it takes into account commodity group and logistic help of expert workshops and validated with real world data. network specific needs and to make it comparable to other The method can be used to measure the customer focus of transport chains? logistics service providers over time, thus enabling them to In order to answer this question some standardization of improve, and/or to benchmark a pool of logistics companies. the transport chain is needed as well as detailed analysis The proposed method can also be customized to evaluate of the relationship between service provider, customer, other specific customer needs by adjusting weights and and freight operations. Thus, the following questions were indicators within its computational structure.

32 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Promotionen und Auszeichnungen

Fourth, a quality scale named Level-of-Service for freight planning. This thesis focuses on methods for generating transportation was developed. The metric has been de- synthetic populations of households that satisfy exogenous veloped using shipper inputs on their service preferences constraints at both household and person levels. and it uses transparent indicators that enable evaluation of A novel method, Hierarchical Iterative Proportional Fitting, freight corridors and networks. It also enables transport and two known methods, Iterative Proportional Updating mode performance benchmarking through an intermodal and Entropy Optimization, are presented in an algorithmic quality scale of objective criteria. Method validation is il- framework. The demonstrated equivalence of Entropy lustrated with real test cases on the Swiss freight network Optimization to Generalized Raking, a method from survey (road and rail). statistics, provides access to strong theoretical results and Finally, major contributions of the thesis are: a better un- allows application in a broader scope. In particular, for the derstanding of the quality-of-service concept for freight first time a fast feasibility check for the exogenous con- transportation; a unified qualification method for unimodal straints is available. A generic cross-platform open-source and intermodal systems. Potential real-life applications for implementation is presented. Empirical results suggest the Level-of-Service for freight transportation are diverse. that Generalized Raking outperforms existing methods: the For instance, supporting freight planners when designing synthetic population can be devised with less computational lines, terminals or services; improving freight operator’s effort and better represents the input data. performance; advising shippers when selecting service pro- This method is then applied to generate a synthetic popu- viders. The methods developed in this thesis indicate that lation with activity chains for entire Switzerland for 2030. quality of service evaluation tools for freight transportation The activity chains are reweighted to match the assumed could potentially be implemented. They have been validated frequency of the particular activity types. Generalized Raking as possible approaches to objectively analyze infrastruc- allowed obtaining a suitable set of activity chains with only ture and freight and logistics service providers. Since all little modeling effort. elements are evaluated under the same parameters, the Weighted random sampling without replacement is another outcome of service logistics activities can be compared re- important method for generating synthetic populations. A gardless of their company size, their location, the transport fairly recent efficient algorithm is described, and its open- modes used, etc. Nevertheless, some challenges need to be source implementation with an empirical validation is underlined. Since most of the data necessary to do freight presented. transportation experiments belongs to private parties, such as service providers or shippers, it is important to have some contact with the industry when planning to do some freight Schwertner, Michael transportation research. Energetischer Systemvergleich von Diesel-, Hybrid- und Elektrobussen Müller, Kirill Supervisor: U Weidmann Co Examiner: A. Stephan, Inst. f. Bahnfahrzeuge u. Bahn­ A Generalized Approach to Population Synthesis technik, TU Dresden; St. Schranil, SBB Energie­manage­ Examiner: K. W. Axhausen ment, Zollikofen Co Examiner: P. Toint, Dept. of Mathematics, University Ziel der Arbeit war ein Vergleich von Bus-Antriebssystemen of Namur, Belgium; H. Bar-Gera, Industrial Engineering anhand des Energiebedarfs. Berücksichtigt wurden Diesel- and Management, B. Gurion University of the Negev, Israel bus (Referenzsystem) und Erdgasbus, Dieselhybridbus (se- riell und parallel), Brennstoffzellen-Hybridbus, Batteriebus Agent-based microsimulation model systems for transpor- sowie Trolley- und Trolley-Hybridbus. Der Vergleich basierte tation planning operate at the level of individual agents, and auf einem einheitlichen Berechnungsmodell für die gesam- allow more detailed simulation and analysis than traditional te Energieflusskette (well-to-wheel). Die Bestimmung des four-step models. At the core of any agent-based model is Energiebedarfs erfolgte jeweils auf Basis eines simulierten the synthetic population, a disaggregate representation of Umlaufs, der anhand der vorgegebenen Linienparameter the agents in the study area. While population synthesis of (z. B. Halteabstand, Geschwindigkeiten, Neigungen) im human individuals has been explored broadly, the generation Zeitschrittverfahren berechnet wurde. Das Berechnungs- of household populations for the simulation of entire house- modell wurde in zwei Fallstudien angewendet. Bei den holds has been studied only recently in the field of transport vollelektrischen Antrieben (Trolley- und Batteriebus) waren

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 33 Promotionen und Auszeichnungen

Reduktionen des Energiebedarfs gegenüber dem Dieselbus to desired destinations and does not penalize the abun- um 75 % und der Emissionen um etwa 90 % möglich, sofern dances of opportunities, as usually is the case. der Strom mehrheitlich aus erneuerbarer Primärenergie To evaluate residential location choice in Singapore a stammte. Mit Dieselhybridbussen liessen sich, je nach Ein- survey was conducted. Descriptive analysis reveals that satzgebiet, Energie- und Emissionsreduktionen bis etwa households search in a limited area and in a limited number 35 % erreichen. of markets. Subsequently, a choice set generation algo- rithm is proposed that takes into account self-reported search preferences. van Eggermond, Michael A. B. Residential location choice models were estimated, with individual dwelling units as alternatives. Models including Diversity, accessibility and its impact on vehicle owner- spatial variables describing the social environment, com- ship and residential location choices bined with choice sets only including alternatives within the preferred price range, perform best. Examiner: K. W. Axhausen It is found that diversity and accessibility have an impact Co Examiner: A. L. Erath-Rusterholz on short term decisions such as the choice to walk and External Examiner: H. Miller, Ohio State University own a vehicle in Singapore and Switzerland. For resi- This thesis evaluates diversity, accessibility and its impact dential location choice the activity spaces of households on vehicle ownership and residential location choice. proved to be significant in explaining the choice of resi- The measurement of diversity is critically assessed and a dence instead of variables describing the immediate built new diversity index is proposed, that includes accessibility environment.

4.3 Abgeschlossene Promotionen Dritter

Saeedmanesh, M. van de Weg, G.

Dynamic clustering and control for large scale Efficient algorithms for network-wide road urban networks traffic control Koreferat: Menendez Koreferat: Menendez Referat: Geroliminis (EPFL) Referat: Hegyi/Hoogendoorn (TU Delft)

Smits, E-S. Zhao, X.

Strategic network modelling for road pricing Government vs market insustainable residential ­development? Microdata analysis of car travel, Koreferat: Axhausen CO emission and residence location Referat: B. van Arem (TU Delft) 2 Koreferat: Axhausen Referat: J. Hakansson (Högskolan Darlana, Borlänge)

34 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Promotionen und Auszeichnungen

4.4 Auszeichnungen und Preise

Oliver Schumperlin Patrick Manser

ETH Medal for 2016 MSc Thesis: A macroscopic representa- VSS-Preis for 2017 MSc Thesis: Busnetzplanung mit den tion for a multimodal urban corridor: An analytical approach. Minibussen

Gabriel Tilg

ETH Medal for 2016 MSc Thesis: The effects of auto- mated vehicle technology on the capacity of weaving sections.

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 35 Projekte am IVT 5 Projekte am IVT 5 Projekte am IVT

36 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 5.1 Abgeschlossene Projekte/Forschungsarbeiten

AUTOMATISIERTE BAHNPRODUKTION identifiziert und kurz-und mittelfristige Empfehlungen formuliert. Bearbeiter am IVT, Gruppe VS: M. Sinner Projektverantwortlich: U. Weidmann Auftraggeber: SBB Infrastruktur AUTOMATION ZWISCHEN UNTERWERK UND Laufzeit: 10/2015 bis 02/2017 SCHIENE: ABSCHÄTZUNG VORHANDENEN Im Rahmen des vorliegenden Projektes wurden die funktio- ENERGIESPARPOTENTIALS nalen Anforderungen an eine automatisierte Bahnprodukti- Bearbeiter am IVT, Gruppe VS: A. Bomhauer-Beins on auf Niveau TMS (Train Management System) erarbeitet. Projektverantwortlich: U. Weidmann Die Disposition im Bahnwesen ist ein Regelkreis und kann Project Partner: SBB Forschungsfonds/SBB Hub; in 5 generische Phasen zerlegt werden. Diesen können be- SBB Infrastruktur Energie stimmte erforderliche Teilfunktionen zugeordnet werden. Laufzeit: 05/2016 bis 06/2017 Es lassen sich 3 grosse Phasenblöcke ausmachen: der Informationsrückfluss aus den physischen Systemen, die Motiviert durch gemessene, signifikante Streuungen in Handlungsformulierung und die Umsetzung der gewählten Energie-Fahrzeit-Ebenen wurde der Frage nachgegangen, Lösung. Ferner wird betrachtet, wie die Aufgabenaufteilung wie viel Energiesparpotential durch Automation im Eisen- zwischen zentralem TMS und dezentraler, zugbasierter ATO bahnbetrieb bestehe. ausgestaltet werden kann. Mehrere Varianten wurden ana- Hierzu wurde ein Modell des Bahnsystems entwickelt, lysiert und eine Bestvariante ausgewählt. welches Interaktionen zwischen Teilsystemen erkennbar Im Rahmen einer Bestandsanalyse wurde die heutige Sys- und Einflussfaktoren auf den Energiebedarf identifizierbar temlandschaft der SBB angeschaut und ihre Schwächen im macht. Ein abgeleitetes Programm diente zur Berechnung Hinblick auf TMS identifiziert. Die SBB-Systeme sind heute einzelner Zugfahrten und ihres Energiebedarfs, was die zum grossen Teil nicht auf Automatisierung ausgelegt. Quantifizierung der verschiedenen Faktoren ermöglichte. Daher ist der Dispositionsprozess entsprechend ungenau Anschließend wurden Fallstudien definiert, für welche die und zeitaufwendig im Vergleich zu den im Rahmen von TMS Aufteilung des gemessenen Energiebedarfs auf die ver- gestellten Anforderungen. schiedenen Faktoren – wie Traktionsenergiebedarf, Wind Die funktionalen Anforderungen an ein zukünftiges TMS und Heizung/Lüftung/Klimatisierung (HLK) – ermittelt System wurden definiert, einerseits hinsichtlich der benö- wurde. Für die betrachteten Fallstudien ergab sich ein er- tigten informatischen Teilsysteme (Algorithmen und Daten- reichbares Sparpotential von 5% bis 15...25%, abhängig von banken), andererseits betreffend der zulässigen Eingangs- HLK und Nebenbetrieben. ungenauigkeiten der benötigten Daten, wenn eine gegebene Mittels Einzelfahrtanalysen wurden die identifizierten Prognosegenauigkeit des Zuglaufs erreicht werden soll. Einflussfaktoren verifiziert. Wind und Temperatur sind die Die hergeleiteten Anforderungen wurden anschliessend wichtigsten unbeeinflussbaren; demgegenüber bietet die mit den heute vorhandenen Elementen innerhalb der SBB- Fahrtoptimierung einen guten Ansatzpunkt. Als besonders Systemlandschaft und den Möglichkeiten von ETCS Level 2 wirkungsvoll erwiesen sich das Herabsetzen der Strecken- und Level 3 verglichen. Es zeigte sich, dass viele Teilfunk- geschwindigkeit, das Ausrollenlassen des Fahrzeugs vor tionen bereits in Ansätzen vorhanden sind. ETCS Level 2 einer Bremsung sowie das Ausnutzen der elektrischen liefert eine solide technische Basis, jedoch kann die heu- Bremse. tige Normierung nicht alle Anforderungen erfüllen. Level Zudem zeigte sich in grundlegenden Bereichen weiterer 3 hingegen liefert keinen wesentlichen Mehrwert. Werden Forschungsbedarf. So basieren gewisse fahrdynamische gewisse Abstriche im Bereich der Aufgabenzuscheidung Grundlagen auf Erkenntnissen aus der Mitte des letzten zwischen TMS und ATO in Kauf genommen, kann die heute Jahrhunderts; bzgl. Aerodynamik/Luftwiderstand werden im Lötschbergbasistunnel im Einsatz stehende Automatik- Seitenwindeffekte nur im Kontext der Entgleisungssicher- funktion als Basis für weitere Entwicklungen dienen. heit untersucht, deren Einfluss auf den Energiebedarf aber Schlussendlich wurden Optionen für einer etappierte Um- vernachlässigt. Weiterhin wäre eine detailliertere Forschung setzung des TMS, sowie die drei zukünftigen Handlungsfel- im Bereich HLK wünschenswert. der (Algorithmus des Solvers, Kommunikationskanal zwi- Als Handlungsempfehlung resultierte die Fortführung der schen TMS und ATO sowie zugbasierte Regelungstechnik) Automatisierung mit Hauptfokus Betriebsabwicklung und

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 37 Projekte am IVT

Nebenfokus Energieoptimierung. Fahrerassistenzsyste- to identify approaches to making urban freight logistics more me können auf dem Weg zur Automation einen wichtigen efficient and reducing the associated energy consumption. It Schritt darstellen; ein Einbezug der Umweltbedingungen in is anticipated that the optimisation of urban freight logistics die Optimierungsalgorithmen ist empfehlenswert. Zudem will lead to a substantial reduction of energy consumption bleiben Fragen zu Umfang und Auswertung der Echtzeit- and the increased use of non-renewable energy resources. Fahrtdatenerfassung zu klären.

INNOVATIONEN IM INTERMODALEN VERKEHR ENERGY EFFICIENT AND CO -FREE URBAN FREIGHT 2 Projektverantwortlicher: U. Weidmann LOGISTICS Bearbeiter am IVT, Gruppe VS: P. Khaligh Bearbeiter am IVT, Gruppe VS: T. Fumasoli Projektpartner: Hochschule Rhein-Waal, Projektverantwortlich: U. Weidmann KombiConsult GmbH, Prognos AG Projektpartner: RappTrans, Interface Laufzeit: 2015 bis 2017 Auftraggeber: SNF Laufzeit: 01/2015 bis 11/2017 Intermodal (combined) Transport in Switzerland is consid- ered an important instrument in shifting freight transport Urban freight logistics is dominated by road transport and from road to rail. The prerequisite for shifting is, however, is gaining on importance in terms of environmental impacts the elimination of barriers to its use. Therefore this research and consumption of energy resources. Trends such as project is to investigate innovations in intermodal transport e-commerce (including home delivery), reduction of storage and whether it is possible to shift additional traffic to inter- with smaller consignments and an increasing number of modal transport. deliveries, plus “logistics sprawl” (displacement of logistics In a first step, for the determination of shifting obstacles, facilities out of urban areas) are leading to an increase in potential markets that provide additional shifting potential freight intensity and in energy consumption per tonne kilo- have been identified. The most important obstacles for metre and consignment. shifting were then determined for high-potential markets. The project is focusing on the freight transport segment and These include, among other issues, a lack of overall trans- will encompass the aspects of society, economy and policy. portation coordination from a single entity, the non-mar- It aims to estimate and evaluate the potential of a more ket-driven time constraints of transport and the higher costs efficient use of energy, substitution of non-renewable energy of transportation in intermodal transport compared to truck resources and the reduction of requirements (sufficiency). transport. The main objectives of the project are: A total of 41 innovations in intermodal transport could be – To identify the current status and key characteristics of identified that could potentially provide additional shifting urban freight logistics and energy consumption potentials. An innovations catalog has been developed for – To identify trends and drivers of change in urban freight the innovations that are already in use by default or that have logistics and energy consumption no significant effect on the identified barriers to shifting. – To develop scenarios for 2050 and their impacts on ener- To assess the remaining 11 innovations, their impact on gy consumption, including assessment of problems and transport costs and times have been determined on the ba- challenges and requirements for energy-efficient urban sis of a model transport chain. An innovation was evaluated freight logistics to be appropriate if it was equal to or better than today’s

– To identify and evaluate energy-efficient and CO2-free intermodal transport and pure road transport on both cri- urban freight logistics solutions teria of time and cost.

– To develop a vision for 2050 for energy-efficient and CO2- As final step, the potential gain in intermodal transport free urban freight logistics through the application of each innovation has been calcu-

– To develop an action plan for CO2-free and energy-effi- lated and a general concluding statement is made whether cient urban freight logistics solutions the application of innovations are recommended from an – To summarise the main results in a report with key find- experts point of view. ings and recommendations Transport as a whole, and especially freight transport, which has often been neglected compared to passenger transport, has a high potential to contribute to the energy savings targeted in “Energy Strategy 2050”. The project aims

38 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Projekte am IVT

INVESTIGATION OF LATERAL TRACK PANEL STIFFNESS been little evidence that they improve the quality of the public THROUGH FOUR-POINT BENDING TESTS decisions taken. In addition, the reluctance of the practice to adopt such advanced models raises the concern that the gap Bearbeiter am IVT, Gruppe VS: P. Braess, M. Zimmermann between academia and practice has become wider than ever. Projekt im Rahmen der Dissertation: „Einfluss der Driven by this, the purpose of this project was to explore Rahmensteifigkeit des Gleisrosts auf das Bogen­ an alternative travel demand modelling formulation that atmungsverhalten“ Auftraggeber: BAV, VöV requires only aggregate and anonymous data. The family of Laufzeit: 10/2016 bis 12/2017 spatial regression models was utilized to form a coherent direct demand modelling approach capable of providing With the introduction of continuously welded railway tracks mean speed and volume predictions on a link level for a (CWR) around 1950 lateral track stiffness became more nationwide network. The choice of the variables was made important to prevent curve breathing or buckling. The in order to meet the minimum requirements for transport lateral ballast resistance and the track panel stiffness project appraisal, a core task of transport planning. mainly contribute to the track stiffness and to the overall In brief, the developed models have the capability to account track stability. While the former can hardly be controlled, it both for the spatial autocorrelation and for the interdepend- is influenced by many environmental factors and changes ence issues. In the case of the former, a thorough analysis over the whole lifecycle of a track, the latter was found to was conducted to identify the extent and subsequently mit- have a beneficial effect on track breathing and buckling. igate the impact of spatial dependence on the estimated Despite this importance, the empirical knowledge is poor model parameters. In the case of the later, an instrumental and a general overview is missing in the literature. To over- variables estimator was utilized to account for the inherent come this issue, four-point bending tests were performed interdependence aspects. Moreover, concepts from the on 12 m long track samples of all the rail tie combinations graph theory combined with the traditional accessibility currently in use in Switzerland. Four-point bending tests notion were introduced to enhance the predictive accuracy were chosen due to their ability to estimate bending and of such models. The results clearly highlight that failing to shear deformation separately. This is of special importance account for the aforementioned issues can lead to biased for high stiffness types of superstructures such as ZSX ties, and inconsistent model estimates, an aspect normally over- where shear deformation accounts for around 50 % of total looked in the literature. Last, the developed models were deformation. The recorded force-displacement data was evaluated on their ability to provide accurate estimates and evaluated according to Timoshenko beam theory. Different a comparison with the existing prevailing state-of-the-prac- types of superstructures were cross-compared and clus- tice modelling approach (four-step model) revealed that they tered into high and low stiffness superstructure types based can constitute a trustworthy alternative. on the results. It was found that the lateral track stiffness can be increased up to a bending stiffness of 84600 kNm2 and a shear stiffness of 10435 kN in case of coupled concrete MULTIFUNCTIONAL SMALL AND MEDIUM FREIGHT (ZSX) ties compared to a characteristic bending stiffness of TRANSHIPMENT FACILITIES 2440 kNm2 and a shear stiffness of 3773 kN for conventional Projektverantwortlicher: U. Weidmann concrete ties. Based on the results, (1) stiff superstructure Bearbeiter am IVT, Gruppe VS: T. Fumasoli, P. Khaligh types were recommended if buckling or breathing are likely Projektpartner: RappTrans to occur, and (2) possible design improvements to increase Auftraggeber: VSS, ASTRA lateral track stiffness were given. Laufzeit: 05/2015 bis 08/2017

Within the framework of this project, small and medium MODELS WITHOUT (PERSONAL) DATA multifunctional transhipment facilities were analysed in reference to their current state, recent developments and Projektverantwortlicher: K. W. Axhausen practices. Further, a market and user needs analysis was Bearbeiter am IVT, Gruppe VP: G. Sarlas performed to derive the functional and non-functional re- Laufzeit: 10/2013 bis 10/2017 quirements. The guidelines and design were developed for Travel demand models have increased their data demands the facility modules and sample facility layouts were created. massively in scope and scale, and consequently their com- These were applied to three case studies to examine the re- plexity has increased substantially. However, while the gains quirements for standardisation. Thus, the recommendations in policy sensitivity and plausibility are obvious, there has were derived on the basis of these findings.

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 39 Projekte am IVT

Taking into account the federal government’s contributions RENAULT – AVS IMPACT towards transhipment facilities, the cost and profitability Projektverantwortlicher: K. W. Axhausen calculations (for the combined traffic part) show that the Bearbeiter am IVT, Gruppe VPL: F. Ciari, Hörl small and medium-sized transhipment facilities can also Laufzeit: 2016–2017 be economically viable. If the existing track systems and other infrastructure get used, then there is a positive effect This project was developed in two parts. In the first one a on profitability. thorough literature review, which addressed both scientific Small and medium multifunctional transhipment facilities and educational literature, gained insight into the current can contribute positively towards an efficient, environment state-of-the-art regarding autonomous vehicles, the ac- friendly and safe implementation of freight transport. These tual implementation of systems based on this technology facilities build an important part of the rail network access worldwide and its expected future application and impact. system, in particular also in the field operations. The shift in In the second part, a MATSim scenario for the region Ile- domestic and import / export traffic can be supported with de-France, has been built and some simulations were run. the implementation of a network of such facilities. The simulations proved, how autonomous vehicles could be Based on the findings of the research project, recommenda- used in the business area known as “La Defense” and the tions can be derived for VSS, federal government, cantons and impact they could have on modal choices. However, they municipalities as well as rail infrastructure and rail transport were mainly meant as proof-of-concpet and not supposed companies. Multifunctional transhipment facilities should be to deliver results usable for policy. taken into consideration to a greater extent in the transport and spatial planning as well as in the facility design. SIGNBUS – USING ADDITIONAL SIGNALS TO PROVIDE PRIORITY TO BUSES AT SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS NSM ZUG – NETWORK SAFETY MANAGEMENT FOR Projektverantwortlicher: M. Menendez THE CANTON OF ZUG Bearbeiter am IVT, Gruppe VPL: H. He Projektverantwortlicher: M. Menendez Laufzeit: 01/14–11/17 Bearbeiter am IVT, Gruppe VPL: L. Sasidharan In this project, we have investigated the use of additional sig- Laufzeit: 10/16–02/17 nals (pre-signals) to provide priority to buses at signalized Die Verbesserung der Verkehrssicherheit ist ein zentrales intersections. The ideas involve using a pre-signal upstream Anliegen für sowohl Infrastrukturbetreiber als auch für Inf- of the main signal to allow buses to jump the car queues. rastrukturnutzer. Durch gezielte Investitionen in die Verbes- That way, cars can still use all lanes at the main intersec- serung jener sicherheitsdefizitären Abschnitte im Verkehrs- tion to fully utilize the capacity of the signal when buses netz kann der Sicherheitsstandard im Strassenverkehr am are not present. We first mathematically modelled bimodal effizientesten erhöht werden. Solche sicherheitsdefizitären transportation systems. A novel analytical framework was Strassenabschnitte können mithilfe eines Network Safety proposed to model bimodal facilities as multiple-input-mul- Managements (NSM) ermittelt werden. Es handelt sich tiple-output (MIMO) systems and to quantify their perfor- dabei um eines der sechs Infrastruktur Sicherheitsinstru- mance using fixed set theory. The proposed framework can mente (ISSI), welche im Rahmen des Sicherheitsprogramms parsimoniously model different types of bimodal facilities, Via Sicura vom ASTRA lanciert wurde. Dieses Instrument including those with pre-signals. It is computationally sim- klassifiziert Strassenabschnitte aufgrund ihres Infrastruk- ple, and all parameters involved can be estimated analyt- turpotenzials, welches die tatsächlichen Unfallkosten den ically, empirically, or with simulations. Yet, the framework unter optimaler Infrastruktur zu erwartenden Unfallkosten is physically realistic and consistent with existing models. gegenüberstellt. Dieser Bericht konzentriert sich auf vier Most importantly, the framework can be scaled up to larger unterschiedliche Gruppen: Strassenabschnitte und Kno- systems in terms of linked analytic modules. Hence, it makes tenpunkte, jeweils inner- und ausserorts. Die Knoten wer- complex bimodal transport systems analytically tractable, den im Bericht nach vermeidbaren Unfallkosten abgestuft provides powerful tools to generalize the problem, and und in vier Prioritätsklassen zur Sicherheitsverbesserung draws insights to the fundamentals of the systems. eingeteilt. An Knoten mit hoher Priorität werden ebenfalls wesentliche unfallverursachende Faktoren identifiziert. Dies unterstützt die Behörden beim Ergreifen von Massnahmen zur Verbesserung der Verkehrssicherheit.

40 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Projekte am IVT

STATION RENENS, MÉTRO M1 – ANALYSIS OF THE TECHNOLOGISCHE WEITERENTWICKLUNG DES IMPACT OF DIFFERENT BUILDING GEOMETRIES ON BAHNSYSTEMS PEDESTRIANS Bearbeiter am IVT, Gruppe VS: U. Weidmann, M. Sojka, Bearbeiter am IVT, Gruppe VS: U. Weidmann, E. Bosina, V. De Martinis M. Meeder Auftraggeber: Bundesamt für Verkehr (BAV) Project Partner: tl Lausanne Laufzeit: 03/2016 bis 04/2017 Laufzeit: 02/2017–03/2017 Recent perspectives in the field of autonomous cars and the In the next five to ten years, the Renens railway station will increasing productivity pressure forces to speed up the inno- be redesigned. The dynamic growth of its surroundings, vation processes in rail systems. Most of the experts believe combined with the planned increase in train capacity in the that autonomous driving will lead the radical change that the region will make Renens the third largest railway station in transport system will have in the next years. At the same the by 2020. After the redesign, the SBB platform time, there are huge investments in railway infrastructures, next to the m1 tracks will be adapted and therefore not be meaning that the railway system is still considered an opti- useable for m1 passengers any more. There will also be a mal solution and it will still be part of the transport market. new pedestrian overpass spanning across the railway station In railway systems, the introduction of innovations generally which will have stairs and an escalator leading to the m1 takes a longer time when compared with the other transport platform. These changes in addition to the expected demand modes. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the most promising will make it necessary to widen the platform. technical developments in the long-term perspective. The situation of the passenger flows on the m1 platform Main purpose of the study is to collect, cluster and evaluate was already analysed previously at IVT using a pedestrian all promising innovations that will effectively help the railway microsimulation. During the further planning phases, the system to face the challenges of the next decades and the geometry of the staircase and the columns needed for the competition with other transport modes, in a “battlefield” support of the planned building above the m1 platform was completely redefined. To do so, a set of interviews with changed. These changes affect a bottleneck on the platform almost 20 experts, both from industry and academia, has and therefore potentially influence the quality and capacity been organized. of the pedestrian flow in this area. Results show, that within the wide set of innovations proposed, In this study, a microsimulation of the pedestrian flow on more than 50% of the choices have referred to the topics the platform was conducted to study the effects of the “Automation in operation” and “Advances in Maintenance”. planned layout changes. Different layouts were simulated In particular, innovations like ATO systems, automatic traffic to calculate the expected Level of Service. In addition, a management systems, preventive maintenance management qualitative assessment of the staircase area was provided tools and sensors network on the infrastructure are the most to the customer. This study allowed to give recommenda- promising innovation for the future railway system. In con- tions on the layout choice from the perspective of optimal clusion, a road map on the introduction of these innovations pedestrian flow. in the Swiss rail system has been formulated.



IVT Jahresbericht 2017 41 Projekte am IVT

WEAVE: CAPACITY AND LEVEL OF SERVICE FOR to intensive lane changes at the merge area. This is because ­FREEWAY WEAVING AREAS drivers make their lane changes very early in Switzerland. Most weaving lane changes take place within the first 20- Projektverantwortlicher: M. Menendez 30% of the weaving section length. The above driving char- Bearbeiter am IVT, Gruppe VPL: H. He, Rothenfluh acteristic was then modelled in simulation studies for A0 Projektpartner: RK&P and B0 type sections. The different sites were modelled with Laufzeit: 01/13 –11/17 VISSIM using the collected data for calibration and valida- In this project, weaving sections in Switzerland were ana- tion, so they accurately model the Swiss traffic conditions. lyzed empirically and with simulation studies. Measurement Based on the results, methodologies and norms for weaving studies were carried out in 5 weaving sites in Switzerland. sections in Switzerland were suggested. This adds to the set These include 2 A0 type weaving sections, 2 B0 type weaving of norms published by VSS in 1999 to provide the basis for sections, and 1 G0 type weaving section. From observation of the design and evaluation of different traffic systems and the traffic, we concluded that the bottleneck is activated due structures in Switzerland.

5.2 Laufende Projekte

Titel Gruppe Projekt­ver­ Bearbeiter Projekt­ Projekt- antwortlich am IVT start stand

Applicability of mineralized wood for railway sleepers VS Weidmann Braess 08/15 finished

Autonomous Cars – The next revolution in mobility VPL Axhausen Bösch 10/15 ongoing

Big Data transport models VPL Axhausen Dubernet T., ongoing Molloy

Checnet: Coupling human and ecological networks VPL Holderegger, Dubernet I. 06/16 ongoing for sustainable landscape and transport planning Axhausen, Grêt-Regamey, Guisan, van Strien

Consequences of automated shared transport VS Weidmann Khaligh, Sinner 11/16 ongoing systems

Connected and automated technology changing SVT Menendez Menéndez, 03/17 ongoing Urban Logistics (CALog) Roca-Riu, Yang

DIPLOMAT – desIgn, optimization and controL of VS Menendez Dakic 09/16 ongoing urban multimodal systems

Fusswegenetze auf Quartierebene VS Meeder Bosina 06/17 ongoing

Identification of traffic demand on saturated streets SVT Menendez Ambühl, Dakic 03/17 ongoing

Induzierte Verkehr durch Autonome Fahrzeuge VPL Axhausen Ciari, Hörl, 07/16 ongoing ­Becker, Dubernet­ T.

Long distance travel demand simulation VPL Axhausen Janzen 04/16 ongoing

42 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Projekte am IVT

Titel Gruppe Projekt­ver­ Bearbeiter Projekt­ Projekt- antwortlich am IVT start stand

MAXess: Measuring accessibility in policy evaluation VPL Axhausen Dubernet T. 10/14 ongoing

New data for social leisure travel forecasting VPL Axhausen Dubernet T., 01/16 ongoing Ruzsics

NFP 71 – Sharing is saving VPL Axhausen Ciari 10/14 ongoing

Optimizing energy efficiency and infrastructure VS Weidmann De Martinis 01/17 ongoing usage of railway operation –SCCER Mobility II phase

SCCER Mobility VPL Axhausen Dubernet T., ongoing Tchervenkov

SCCER Joint Activity “the evolution of mobility: VPL Axhausen Dubernet T., ongoing a socio-economic analysis” Tchervenkov

SPEED: Rethinking speed limits in urban networks SVT Menendez Menendez, 07/16 ongoing Ambühl

The effect of resource endowments and limited state VP Cederman, Fuhrer 01/12 ongoing capacity on political conflict (ETH48 CP3.2) Axhausen

Unterstützungsmandat Campus Hönggerberg / VS Weidmann Bomhauer- 01/17 ongoing Mobilität Beins

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 43 Veranstaltungen 6 Veranstaltungen 6 Veranstaltungen

44 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 6.1 Conferences and events

Veranstaltung Ort, Datum Organisator(en)

Dissertation Presentation: (T. Dubernet) Collaborative ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 03. 05. 2017 IVT (kwa) ­Behavior in a multi-agent micro-simulation

Dissertation Presentation: (M. van Eggermond) Diversity, ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 02. 06. 2017 IVT (kwa) accessibility and its impact on vehicle ownership and ­residential location choices"

Dissertation Presentation: (A. Mancera) Measuring service ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 04. 06. 2017 IVT (wei) quality in freight transport networks

Dissertation Presentation: (K. Müller) A generalized ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 04. 05. 2017 IVT (kwa) ­approach to population synthesis

Dissertation Presentation: (T. Fumasoli) Estimations of ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 04. 09. 2017 IVT (wei) the potential and impact of rail freight in urban areas

Dissertation Presentation: (M. Schwertner) Energetischer ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 04. 10. 2017 IVT (wei) Systemvergleich von Diesel-, Hybrid- und Elektrobussen

IVT-Gastvortrag: Wagenauslastung und dynamische ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 09. 05. 2017 IVT (kwa) Knotenplanung

IVT-Gastvortrag: Fussgängerdynamik & Dynamische ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 13. 03. 2017 IVT (kwa) ­Gleichgewichte und Strassengebühren

IVT-Gastvortrag: Big Data; Mobile phone data and the ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 01. 06. 2017 IVT (kwa) study of human mobility

IVT-Seminar: Microscopic simulation: Zurich case study ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 16. 03. 2017 IVT (mm)

IVT Seminar: Aktuelle Arbeiten der Forschungsgrupppen ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 26. 06. 2017 IVT (kwa,wei,mm)

IVT-Seminar: Fortschritte mit MACSML, Multinominale ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 03. 07. 2017 IVT (kwa) Probitmodelle

IVT-Seminar: PROJECT COOP: Cooperative freeway ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 11. 07. 2017 IVT (mm) ­driving strategies in a mixed environment – driverless and ­traditional vehicles

IVT-Seminar: Recent advances in TomTom ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 29. 08. 2017 IVT (mm)

IVT-Seminar: Traffic Engineering in practice: Insights from ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 10. 10. 2017 IVT (mm) the City of Zurich

IVT-Seminar: Big Data: Ergebnisse aus Japan; ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 20. 10. 2017 IVT (kwa) ­Fahrtzweck, Routenwahl und Auswirkungen von neuen Hochgeschwindigkeitsbahnverbindungen

IVT-Seminar: Traffic control ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 14. 11. 2017 IVT (mm)

IVT-Seminar: Transportation pricing ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 28. 11. 2017 IVT (mm)

IVT-Seminar: Parking and transportation ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 12. 12. 2017 IVT (mm)

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 45 Veranstaltungen

IVT-Seminar: Städtische Verkehrssteuerung heute ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 07. 12. 2017 IVT (kwa)

IVT-Seminar: Strassenbetrieb als Teil des gesamten ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 22. 11. 2017 IVT (mm) Mobilitätssystems

IVT- Studentische Präsentationen: Bachelor- und ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 31. 05. 2017 IVT (kwa) Seminar­arbeiten am IVT im FS 2017

IVT- Studentische Präsentationen: Masterarbeiten ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 23. 06. 2017 IVT (kwa) am IVT im FS 2017

IVT- Studentische Präsentationen: Bachelor- und ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, 19. 12. 2017 IVT (kwa) Seminar­arbeiten im Herbstsemester 2017

Konferenz: Asiatischer und schweizerischer ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, FCL (­Future Wissenstandsaustausch 20.– 22. 09. 2017 ­Cities Laboratory)

Konferenz (International) über nachhaltige Mobilität, BancaStato Auditorium, Bellinzona, msfi ­Industrie und Innovation. MobLab17 14. –15. 11. 2017

R Anwendergruppentreffen in Zürich: Reproduzierbare Universität Zürich 10. 04. 2017 IVT (kmü) Recherchen in R.

M1 Weiterbildung: DAS Verkehrsingenieurwesen: ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, IVT (kwa) Verkehr und Verkehrsplanung – Theoretische Ansätze 26.– 28. 10. 2017 und Modelle

M2 Weiterbildung: DAS Verkehrsingenieurwesen: ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, IVT (kwa) Verkehrssteuerung 29.– 30. 10. 2017

M3 Weiterbildung: DAS Verkehrsingenieurwesen: ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, IVT (wei,ms) Entwurf und Betrieb des ÖV 08.–10. 02. 2017

M4 Weiterbildung: DAS Verkehrsingenieurwesen: ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, IVT (kwa) Statistik und Entscheidungsmodelle 11.–13. 04. 2017

M5 Weiterbildung: DAS Verkehrsingenieurwesen: ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, IVT (mb) Modelle der Verkehrsnachfrage 12.–14. 10. 2017

M6 Weiterbildung: DAS Verkehrsingenieurwesen: ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, IVT (bs) Bewertungsmethoden 10.–11. 10. 2017

M7 Weiterbildung: DAS Verkehrsingenieurwesen: ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, IVT (mm) Verkehrsfluss und telematik 06.– 08. 02. 2017

M8 Weiterbildung: DAS Verkehrsingenieurwesen: ETHZ, ETH-Hönggerberg, IVT (kwa) Messung des Verkehrsverhaltens 09.–10. 02. 2017

46 IVT Jahresbericht 2017

7 Mitarbeit in Gremien, Akademien 7und Mitarbeit Fachverbänden in Gremien, Akademien und Fachverbänden

48 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 7.1 Academic Committees ETH

Organization Committees Function Lastname

Schulleitung ETH Zürich Personal und Ressourcen Vizepräsident Weidmann

Departement BAUG Msc Raumentwicklung und Infra­struktur­- Director of studies Axhausen entwicklung

Departement BAUG Berufungskommission Professor of Computational Representative Sinner Mechanics of Materials ­mid-level faculty

Departement BAUG Unterrichtskommission Representative Sinner ­mid-level faculty

Departement BAUG Unterrichtskommission Representative Braess ­mid-level faculty

Departement GESS Wahlkommission Soziologie Member Axhausen

ETH Zürich Netzwerk Stadt und Landschaft NSL Member Menendez

ETH Zürich Netzwerk Stadt und Landschaft NSL Member Axhausen

ETH Zürich Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme Head of institute Axhausen

ETH Zürich Risk Center Member Weidmann

ETH Zürich Konjunkturforschungsstelle KOF, Chair Weidmann Lenkungsausschuss

ETH Zürich Center for Security Studies CSS, Member Weidmann Beirat VBS-ETH/CSS

ETH Zürich Center for Security Studies CSS, Member Weidmann Beirat EDA-ETH/CSS

7.2 Contributors in Advisory Committees

Organization Committees Function Lastname

Asian Transport Studies Editorial advisory board Member Axhausen

Auto-AG Schwyz Verwaltungsrat Mitglied Weidmann

Alp Transit Gotthard Streitschlichtung Werkvertrag Bahntechnik Arbitrator Weidmann

Alp Transit Gotthard Streitschlichtung Generibasistunnel, Arbitrator Weidmann Fahrbahn (AMC)

Alp Transit Gotthard Streitschlichtung Generibasistunnel, Arbitrator Weidmann Bahntechnik (CPC)

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 49 Mitarbeit in Gremien, Akademien und Fachverbänden

Organization Committees Function Lastname

ASCE – Amercian Society Management of ASCE Swiss group Member Menendez of Civil Engineers

Collective Dynamics Editorial Board Member Weidmann

Competition and ­Regulation Editorial Board Member Weidmann in Network Industries

disP Editor Axhausen

EPFL Wahlkommission Transport Engineering Member Axhausen

Eisenbahntechnische Fachbeirat Editorial advisory Weidmann Rundschau board member

Greater Zürich Area Stiftungsrat Member Weidmann

Eisenbahntechnische Special issue editor Weidmann Rundschau, Heraus- geber der Fachbeilage ETR SWISS

Huber-Kudlich-Stiftung Stiftungsrat Mitglied Weidmann

International Journal of Editorial Board Member Menendez Transportation Science and Technology

Internationales Editorial advisory board Member Axhausen Verkehrswesen

Journal of Intelligent Associate Editor Menendez and Connected Vehicles

Journal of Transportation Editorial advisory board Member Axhausen and Land Use

LITRA Informationsdienst für den öffentlichen Verkehr, Jury member Weidmann Prix LITRA

POLYBAHN Verwaltungsrat Member Weidmann

Scientific Committee Member Menendez Symposia Management of Future motorway and urban Traffic Systems

Schweiz. Bundesbahnen Forschungsfonds für Verkehrsmanagement Member Axhausen, Weidmann

ITS Swiss – Intelligent Committee member Menendez Transport Systems Switzerland

STRC – Swiss Transport Management Axhausen, Research Conference committee Menendez

Stiftung für behinderten- Stiftungsrat Member Weidmann gerechtes Bauen

50 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Mitarbeit in Gremien, Akademien und Fachverbänden

Organization Committees Function Lastname

Swiss Library Service Verwaltungsrat Mitglied Weidmann Platform SLSP

Transportation Editor Axhausen

Transportation Research Editorial advisory board Member Axhausen Part A

Transportation Research Editorial advisory board Member Menendez Part C

Travel Behaviour Editorial advisory board Member Axhausen and Society

TRB Committee AR030 Railroad Operating Technologies Member Corman

TRB – ­Transportation Committee AHB45 “Traffic flow theory and Member Menendez Research Board characteristics” Sub-committee

Universität Stuttgart Kuratorium des Verkehrswissenschaftlichen Member Weidmann Instituts

Verkehrsbetriebe Glattal Verwaltungsrat Member Weidmann

VSS FNK 1.02 Verkehrsplanerische Grundlagen und Member Axhausen Parkieren

WCTRS – World conference Committee on Urban Transport Operations (SIG-C2) Member Menendez on Transport Research at WCTRS Society

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 51 Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge 8 Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge 8 Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge

52 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 8.1 Reviewed journal papers

Anda, C., P. Fourie and A. Erath (2017) Transport model- mobility in mountain areas, Journal of Sustainable Tour- ling in the age of big data, International Journal of Urban ism, 25 (8) 899–904. Sciences, 21 (S1) 19–42. Chua, V., K. W. Axhausen and T. Tan (2017) Who do you Balac, M., F. Ciari and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Modeling the know, where? Social investments in faraway contacts, impact of parking price policy on free-floating car-shar- Research in Transportation Economics, DOI: 10.1016/j. ing: Case study for Zurich, Switzerland, Transportation retrec.2017.11.003. Research C, 77, 207–225. Corman, F., A. D’Ariano, A.D. Marra, D. Pacciarelli and M. Beck, M. J., S. Hess, M. Ojeda Cabral and I. Dubernet (2017) Samà (2017) Integrating train scheduling and delay Valuing travel time savings: A case of short-term or long management in real-time railway traffic control, Trans- term choices?, Transportation Research E, 100, 133–143. portation Research E, 105, 213–39. Becker, F. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Literature review on Corman, F., F. Viti and R. R. Negenborn (2017) Equilibrium surveys investigating the acceptance of autonomous models in multimodal container transport systems, Flex- vehicles, Transportation, 44 (6) 1293–1306. ible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 29 (1) 125–53. Becker, H., A. Loder, B. Schmid and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Corman, F., S. Kraijema, M. Godjevac and G. Lodewijks (2017) Modeling car-sharing membership as a mobility tool: A Optimizing preventive maintenance policy, Proceedings of multivariate probit approach with latent variables, Travel the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Behaviour and Society, 8, 26–36. Risk and Reliability, 231 (5) 534–545. Becker, H., F. Ciari and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Comparing Erath, A., M. A. B. van Eggermond, S. A. Ordóñez Medina car-sharing schemes in Switzerland: User groups and and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Introducing the pedestrian usage patterns, Transportation Research A, 97, 17–29. accessibility tool: Walkability analysis for a geographic Becker, H., F. Ciari and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Modeling information system, Transportation Research Record, free-floating car-sharing use in Switzerland: A spatial 2661, 51–61. regression and conditional logit approach, Transportation Estrada, M. and M. Roca-Riu (2017) Stakeholder’s profitabil- Research C, 81, 286–299. ity of carrier-led consolidation strategies in urban goods Beige, S. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) The dynamics of com- distribution, Transportation Research E, 104, 165–188. muting over the life course: Swiss experiences, Trans- Fernández, E., M. Roca-Riu and M. G. Speranza (2017) The portation Research A, 104, 179–194. shared customer collaboration vehicle routing prob- Belgiawan, P. F., J.-D. Schmöcker, M. Abou-Zeid, J. Walker lem, European Journal of Operational Research, 265 (3) and S. Fujii (2017) Modelling social norms: Case study of 1078–1093. students’ car purchase intentions, Travel Behaviour and Frischknecht, R., C. Bauer, A. Froemelt, S. Hellweg, Society, 7, 12–25. K. Biemann, T. Buetler, B. Cox, P. de Haan, S. Hoerl, R. ­Itten, Bösch, P. M., F. Becker, H. Becker and K. W. Axhausen (2017) N. Jungbluth, Y. Ligen, N.A. Mathys, S. Schiess, S. Schori, Cost-based analysis of autonomous mobility services, P. van Loon, J. Wang and S. Wettstein (2017) LCA of mo- Transport Policy, DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2017.09.005. bility solutions: Approaches and findings – 66th LCA fo- Bosina, E. and U. Weidmann (2017) Estimating pedestrian rum, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, speed using aggregated literature data, Physica A: Sta- DOI: 10.1007/s11367-017-1429-1. tistical Mechanics and its Applications, 468, 1–29. Ge, Q. and M. Menendez (2017) Extending Morris method Calastri, C., S. Hess, A. Daly, M. Maness, M. Kowald and K. W. for qualitative global sensitivity analysis of models Axhausen (2017) Modelling contact mode and frequen- with dependent inputs, Reliability Engineering & System cy of interactions with social network members using Safety, 162, 28–39. the multiple discrete-continuous extreme value model, Janzen, M., M. Vanhoof, Z. Smoreda and K. W. Axhausen Transportation Research C, 76, 16–34. (2017) Closer to the total? Long distance travel of French Cao, J., M. Menendez and R. Waraich (2017) Impacts of urban mobile phone users, Travel Behaviour and Society, 11, parking system on cruising traffic and policy develop- 31–42. ment: The case of Zurich downtown area, Switzerland, Liu, J., K. M. Kockelman, P. M. Bösch and F. Ciari (2017) Transportation, DOI: 10.1007/s11116-017-9832-9. Tracking a system of shared autonomous vehicles across Cavallaro, F., F. Ciari, S. Nocera, F. Prettenthaler and A. the Austin, Texas network using agent-based simulation, Scuttari (2017) The impacts of climate change on tourist Transportation, 44 (6) 1261–1278.

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 53 Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge

Loder, A., L. Ambühl, M. Menendez and K. W. Axhausen Poletti, F., P. M. Bösch, F. Ciari and K. W. Axhausen (2017) (2017) Empirics of multi-modal traffic networks: Using Public transit route mapping for large-scale multimodal the 3D macroscopic fundamental diagram, Transporta- networks, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, tion Research C, 82, 88–101. 6 (9) 268. Loder, A., R. Tanner and K. W. Axhausen (2017) The impact Roca-Riu, M., J. Cao, I. Dakic and M. Menendez (2017) De- of local work and residential balance on vehicle miles signing dynamic delivery parking spots in urban areas traveled: A new direct approach, Journal of Transport to reduce traffic disruptions, Journal of Advanced Trans- Geography, 64, 139–149. portation, DOI: 10.1155/2017/6296720. Luan, X., F. Corman and L. Meng (2017) Non-discriminatory Saeednia, M. and M. Menendez (2017) A consensus-based train dispatching in a rail transport market with multiple algorithm for truck platooning, IEEE Transactions on In- competing and collaborative train operating companies, telligent Transportation Systems, 18 (2) 404–415. Transportation Research C, 80, 148–74. Samà, M., A. D’Ariano, F. Corman and D. Pacciarelli (2017) A Luan, X., J. Miao, L. Meng, F. Corman and G. Lodewijks variable neighbourhood search for fast train scheduling (2017) Integrated optimization on train scheduling and and routing during disturbed railway traffic situations, preventive maintenance time slots planning, Transpor- Computers & Operations Research, 78, 480–499. tation Research C, 80, 329–59. Samà, M., A. D’Ariano, F. Corman and D. Pacciarelli (2017) Mancera, A., T. Klaas, U. Weidmann and A. Nash (2017) Metaheuristics for efficient aircraft scheduling and Proposed method for measuring customer orientation re-routing at busy terminal control areas, Transportation of companies in freight transport sector, Transportation Research C, 80, 485–511. Research Record, 2610, 19–27. Sasidharan, L. and M. Menendez (2017) Application of partial Marti, C. M., A. Toletti, S. Tresch and U. Weidmann (2017) proportional odds model for analyzing pedestrian crash Infrastructure and operational influences on collisions injury severities in Switzerland, Journal of Transportation between and left-turning cars, Transportation Safety and Security, DOI: 10.1080/19439962.2017.1354238. Research Record, 2648, 10–22. Shakibayifar, M., A. Sheikholeslami and F. Corman (2017) A Meyer de Freitas, L., O. Schuemperlin, M. Balac and F. Ciari simulation-based optimization approach to reschedule (2017) Equity effects of congestion charges: An explor- train traffic in uncertain conditions during disruptions, atory analysis with MATSim, Transportation Research Scientia Iranica, DOI: 10.24200/sci.2017.4186. Record, 2670, 75–82. Shakibayifar, M., A. Sheikholeslami, F. Corman and E. Has- Meyer, J., H. Becker, P. M. Bösch and K. W. Axhausen (2017) sannayebi (2017) An; integrated rescheduling model Autonomous vehicles: The next jump in accessibilities?, for minimizing train delays in the case of line blockage, Research in Transportation Economics, 62, 80–91. Operational Research, DOI: 10.1007/s12351-017-0316-7. Molloy, J. and R. Moeckel (2017) Automated design of gradual Soriguera, F., I. Martinez, M. Sala and M. Menendez (2017) zone systems: An iterative algorithm to design optimally Effects of low speed limits on freeway traffic flow, Trans- sized spatial zones suitable for spatial modeling, while portation Research C, 77, 257–274. respecting municipal boundaries, Open Geospatial Data, Wang, Y., U. Weidmann and H. Wang (2017) Using catastro- Software and Standards, 2 (19). phe theory to describe railway system safety and discuss Molloy, J. and R. Moeckel (2017) Improving destination system risk concept, Safety Science, 91, 269–85. choice modeling using location-based big data, ISPRS Xu, P., F. Corman, Q. Peng and X. Luan (2017) A timetable International Journal of Geo-Information, 6 (9) 291. rescheduling approach and transition phases for high- Negenborn, R. R. and F. Corman (2017) Computational logis- speed railway traffic during disruptions, Transportation tics at work: Coordination and control in transport logis- Research Record, 2607, 82–92. tics, preface for Transportation Research E, 105, 149–151. Xu, P., F. Corman, Q. Peng and X. Luan (2017) A train re- Ordóñez Medina, S. A. (2017) Inferring weekly primary activ- scheduling model integrating speed management during ity patterns using public transport smart card data and disruptions of high-speed traffic under a quasi-moving a household travel survey, Travel Behaviour and Society, block system, Transportation Research B, 104, 638–666. DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2016.11.005. Yang, K., N. Zheng and M. Menendez (2017) Multi-scale Ortigosa, J., V. Gayah and M. Menendez (2017) Analysis perimeter control approach in a connected-vehicle of one-way and two-way street configurations on ur- environment, Transportation Research C, DOI: 10.1016/ ban grid networks, Transportmetrica B, DOI: 10.1080/ j.trc.2017.08.014. 21680566.2017.1337528.

54 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge

8.2 Reviewed contributions in books and conference proceedings

Abe, R. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Impact of major road Belgiawan, P. F., A. Ilahi and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Bali Trans supply on individual travel time expenditure: An explo- Sarbagita: Comparison between utility maximization and ration using a 30-year variation of infrastructure and regret minimization, paper presented at the 12th Interna- travel, paper to be presented at the 97th Annual Meeting tional Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Studies, Ho Chi Minh City, September 2017. January 2018. Belgiawan, P. F., J.-D. Schmöcker, M. Abou-Zeid and S. Fujii Allahviranloo, M. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Estimation of (2017) Analysis of car type preferences among students utility distribution parameters for joint and solo activi- based on seemingly unrelated regression, paper pre- ties, paper presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the sented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Jan- Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2017. uary 2017. Bösch, P. M. and F. Ciari (2017) MacroSim –A macroscopic Ambühl, L., A. Loder, M. Menendez and K. W. Axhausen Mobsim for MATSim, Procedia Computer Science, 109, (2017) Empirical macroscopic fundamental diagrams: 861–868. Insights from loop detector and floating car data, paper Bösch, P. M., F. Ciari and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Transport presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation policy optimization with AVs, paper to be presented at the Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2017. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Ambühl, L., A. Loder, M.C.J. Bliemer, M. Menendez and K. W. Washington, D.C., January 2018. Axhausen (2017) Introducing a re-sampling methodology Cao, J., M. Menendez and R. Waraich (2017) Cruis- for the estimation of empirical macroscopic fundamental ing-for-parking: Macroscopic modelling and insights diagrams, paper to be presented at the 97th Annual Meet- on parking policies based on a case study from the city ing of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, of Zurich, paper presented at the 96th Annual Meeting D.C., January 2018. of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Anda, C. and S. A. Ordoñez Medina (2017) Extending the January 2017. hidden Markov model for activity scheduling, paper pre- Conway, M. V. and M. A. B. van Eggermond (2017) A statisti- sented at the 6th Symposium of the European Association cal approach to comparing public transport accessibility for Research in Transportation, Haifa, September 2017. results, paper presented at the World Symposium on Balac, M. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Activity rescheduling Transport and Land Use Research, Brisbane, July 2017. within a multi-agent transport simulation framework D’Ariano, A., D. Pacciarelli, M. Sama and F. Corman (2017) (MATSim), paper presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of Microscopic delay management: Minimizing train delays the Transportation Research Board and at the 17th Swiss and passenger travel times during real-time railway Transport Research Conference, Washington, D.C. and traffic control, paper presented at the 5th IEEE Interna- Ascona, January and May 2017. tional Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Balac, M., A.R. Vetrella and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Towards Transportation Systems, Naples, June 2017. the integration of aerial transportation in urban settings, de Martinis, V., A. Toletti, U. Weidmann and A. Nash (2017) paper to be presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of the Modeling real time CBTC operation in mixed traffic net- Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Jan- works: A simulation-based approach, paper presented uary 2018. at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Balsa-Barreiro, J., L. Ambühl, M. Menendez and R. C. Lois Board, Washington, D.C., January 2017. (2017) Propuesta de representación del territorio em- Dubernet, I., T. Dubernet and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Com- pleando travel-time maps: Aplicación al caso suizo, XXV paring short- and long-term values of travel time savings Congreso de la AGE, Naturaleza, Territorio y Ciudad en un derived from a joint modelling framework, paper to be Mundo Global, Madrid, October 2017. presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Becker, H., F. Ciari and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Assessing Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2018. the impact of large-scale shared mobility systems us- Dubernet, T. (2017) Using a synthetic social network to im- ing MATsim, paper presented at the 6th Symposium of prove leisure destination choice simulation, paper to be the European Association for Research in Transportation, presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Haifa, September 2017. Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2018.

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 55 Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge

Erath, A., T. Maheshwari, M. Joos, J. Kupferschmid and Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation M.A.B van Eggermond (2017) Visualizing transport Studies, Ho Chi Minh City, September 2017. futures: The potential of integrating procedural 3D Janzen, M. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Holiday destination modelling and traffic micro-simulation in virtual reality choice in a continuous activity-based microsimulation, applications, paper to be presented at the 96th Annual paper presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Trans- Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washing- portation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2017. ton, D.C., January 2017. Janzen, M., K. Müller and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Population Erhardt, G., D. Ory, K. W. Axhausen, G. Circella, S. Gao, S. synthesis for long-distance travel demand simulations Hess, J. Kressner, H. Mahmassani, E. Miller, R. Möckel, using mobile phone data, paper presented at the 6th A. Pozdnoukhov and P. Waddell (2017) Advancing TDM: Symposium of the European Association for Research in Advancing knowledge in a generalizable and testable Transportation, Haifa, September 2017. manner, paper to be presented at the 97th Annual Meeting Janzen, M., M. Vanhoof and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Purpose of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., imputation for long-distance tours without personal in- January 2018. formation, paper presented at the 96th Annual Meeting Fuhrer, R. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Reconstruction of of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Western Europe’s pre-motorway road network back to January 2017. 1500: Data sources, historical information processing, Liang, H., B. Wong and F. Ciari (2017) Dynamic ride sharing and first application, paper to be presented at the 97th implementation in MATSim, paper presented at the 6th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Symposium of the European Association for Research in Washington, D.C., January 2018. Transportation, Haifa, September 2017. Ge, Q. and M. Menendez (2017) An application framework Loder, A. (2017) Mobility tools and use: Accessibility’s role for global sensitivity analysis in calibrating microscopic in Switzerland, paper presented at the World Symposium traffic simulation models, paper presented at the 96th on Transport and Land Use Research, Brisbane, July 2017. Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Loder, A., L. Ambühl, M. Menendez and K. W. Axhausen Washington, D.C., January 2017. (2017) Influence of network features on the parameters Giannopoulos, I., D. Jonietz, M. Raubal, G. Sarlas and L. ­Stähli of the macroscopic fundamental diagram, paper pre- (2017) Timing of pedestrian navigation instructions, sented at the 6th Symposium of the European Association paper presented at the 13th International Conference on for Research in Transportation, Haifa, September 2017. Spatial Information Theory, L’Aquila, September 2017. Loder, A., L. Ambühl, M. Menendez and K. W. Axhausen (2017) He, H., M. Hohenfellner, K. Yang and M. Menendez (2017) The MFD and the built environment: A new perspective Connected vehicle algorithms for highway weaving sec- on traffic problems in towns, paper presented at the 6th tions, paper presented at the Traffic and Granular Flow Symposium of the European Association for Research in Conference, Washington, D.C., July 2017. Transportation, Haifa, September 2017. He, H., M. Menendez and I. Guler (2017) Analytical evaluation Loder, A., L. Ambühl, M. Menendez and K. W. Axhausen of flexible sharing strategies on multi-modal arterials, (2017) Traffic problems in towns –An empirical analysis Transportation Research Procedia, 23, 980–999. with macroscopic fundamental diagrams from cities Hörl, S. (2017) A methodology for observation-based ac- around the world, paper to be presented at the 97th cessibility, paper presented at the 6th Symposium of Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, the European Association for Research in Transportation, Washington, D.C., January 2018. Haifa, September 2017. Maciejewski, M., J. Bischoff, S. Hörl and K. Nagel (2017) To- Hörl, S. (2017) Agent-based simulation of autonomous taxi wards a testbed for dynamic vehicle routing algorithms, services with dynamic demand responses, Procedia Com- paper presented at the International Conference on Practi- puter Science, 109, 899–904. cal Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Porto, Hörl, S., C. Ruch, F. Becker, E. Frazzoli and K. W. Axhausen June 2017. (2017) Fleet control algorithms for automated mobility: A Mancera, A., T. Klaas, U. Weidmann and A. Nash (2017) Pro- simulation assessment for Zurich, paper to be presented posed method for measuring customer orientation of at the 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research companies in freight transport sector, paper presented Board, Washington, D.C., January 2018. at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Ilahi, A., P. F. Belgiawan and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Mode Board, Washington, D.C., January 2017. choice of transit system in Denpasar greater area Manser, P., H. Becker, S. Hörl and K. W. Axhausen (2017) (­Sarbagita), paper presented at the 12th International Evolutionary modeling of large-scale public transport

56 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge

networks, paper to be presented at the 97th Annual Meet- Schmid, B., F. Aschauer, I. Rösel, S. Peer, R. Hössinger, ing of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, R. Gerike, S. Jara-Diaz and K. W. Axhausen (2017) A D.C., January 2018. pooled RP/SP mode, route and destination choice mod- Marti, C. M., A. Toletti, S. Tresch and U. Weidmann (2017) eling approach to capture the heterogeneity of mode Infrastructure and operational influences on collisions and user type effects in Austria, paper presented at between trams and left turning cars, paper presented the 5th International Choice Modeling Conference, Cape- at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research town, April 2017. Board, Washington, D.C., January 2017. Sinner, M., U. Weidmann and A. Nash (2017) What’s a bus? Marti, C. M., L. Bertolini and U. Weidmann (2017) Measuring Defining buses and trains in the age of automation, paper public transport and built environment integration at presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation the neighborhood scale: Towards a quantitative assess- Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2017. ment methodology, paper presented at the World Sym- Toletti, A., V. de Martinis and U. Weidmann (2017) Enhanc- posium on Transport and Land Use Research, Brisbane, ing energy efficiency in railway operation through RCG- July 2017. based rescheduling, paper presented at the 2017 IEEE Meeder, M., T. Aebi and U. Weidmann (2017) The influence of International Conference on Environment and Electrical slope on walking activity and the pedestrian modal share, Engineering, and the 2017 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Transportation Research Procedia, 27, 141–147. Power Systems Europe, Milan, June 2017. Novales, M., C. M. Marti, M. Teixeira, D. Schmitt, F. Monti, Troncoso Parady, G., A. Loder and K. W. Axhausen (2017) R. Morley and L. Fontaine (2017) Use and design of safe Hetereogenous travel activity patterns in Japan: Ac- roundabouts in transit (LRT) networks, paper counting for inter-dependencies in mobility tool use, presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation paper to be presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of the Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2017. Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Jan- Ortigosa, J., N. Zheng, M. Menendez and N. Geroliminis uary 2018. (2017) Traffic performance and road space allocation in van Eggermond, M. A. B. (2017) Destinations, diversity and multimodal urban networks with an MFD representation, the choice to walk in Singapore and Switzerland, paper paper presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Trans- presented at the World Symposium on Transport and Land portation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January Use Research, Brisbane, July 2017. 2017. van Eggermond, M. A. B. (2017) Making cycling a choice Samà, M., A. D’Ariano, D. Pacciarelli and F. Corman (2017) mode in Singapore – Findings of expert interviews, paper Real-time near-optimal train scheduling and routing presented at the 12th International Conference of Eastern in complex railway networks, paper presented at the Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Ho Chi Minh City, ­INFORMS Transportation and Logistics Society: First Tri- September 2017. ennial Conference, Chicago, July 2017. van Eggermond, M. A. B., A. Erath and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Samà, M., A. D’Ariano, F. Corman and D. Pacciarelli (2017) Residential search and location choice in Singapore, Coordination of scheduling decisions in the management paper to be presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of the of airport airspace and taxiway operations, Transportation Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., Jan- Research Procedia, 23, 246–262. uary 2018. Sarlas, G. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Spatial modelling of Wang, B., H. Liang, S. Hörl and F. Ciari (2017) Dynamic ride traffic volumes and mean speed values, paper present- sharing implementation and analysis in MATSim, paper ed at the 6th Symposium of the European Association for presented at the 6th Symposium of the European Asso- Research in Transportation, Haifa, September 2017. ciation for Research in Transportation, Haifa, September Schmid, B. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) A latent variable 2017. exponential family modeling approach to estimate sup- Weidmann, U., D. Bruckmann, T. Dennisen, S. Ghandour, P. pressed demand effects for increasing car travel costs, Khaligh, H.-P. Kienzler, A. Labinsky, R. Mertel, K.-U. Son- paper presented at the 6th Symposium of the European dermann, M. Vetter and C. Wölfert (2017) Innovationen im Association for Research in Transportation, Haifa, Sep- Intermodalen Verkehr, Forschungsprojekt VSS 2011/805, tember 2017. 1617, Schweizerischer Verband der Strassen- und Ver- Schmid, B. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) In-store vs. online kehrsfachleute VSS, Zurich. shopping of search and experience goods: A hybrid Yamaguchi, H., W. Nakanishi, D. Fukuda and K. W. Axhausen choice approach, paper presented at the 5th International (2017) Direct and indirect effects of new high speed rail Choice Modeling Conference, Capetown, April 2017. service: An empirical analysis using Japanese mobile

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 57 Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge

phone location data, paper to be presented at the 97th Yang, K., N. Zheng and M. Menendez (2017) Multi-scale Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, perimeter control approach in a connected-vehicle envi- Washington, D.C., January 2018. ronment, Transportation Research Procedia, 23, 101–120. Yang, K. and M. Menendez (2017) A convex model for queue Yang, K., N. Zheng and M. Menendez (2017) Two-level length estimation in a connected vehicle environment, perimeter control approach in a connected-vehicle paper presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Trans- environment, paper presented at the 22nd International portation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Chicago, 2017. July 2017. Yang, K., N. Zheng and M. Menendez (2017) Integrating pe- Zhang, A., J. E. Kang, K. W. Axhausen and C. Kwon (2017) rimeter control with dedicated express toll lanes, paper Multi-day activity-travel pattern sampling based on sin- presented at the Traffic and Granular Flow Conference, gle-day data, paper to be presented at the 97th Annual Washington D.C., July 2017. Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washing- ton, D.C., January 2018.

8.3 Papers in professional magazines

Bosina, E. and U. Weidmann (2017) Die Geschichte des Rail Transit (LRT) roundabouts, Ingegneria Ferroviaria, Fußgängers in der Verkehrsplanung, Straßenverkehrs- 72 (2) 87–107. technik, 61 (12) 860–866. Sinner, M., U. Weidmann and S. Brawand (2017) Große Chan- Meyer, J., P. M. Bösch, H. Becker and K. W. Axhausen (2017) cen durch Automatisierung im ÖPNV, Der Nahverkehr, Erreichbarkeitswirkungen autonomer Fahrzeuge, Inter- 35 (10) 30–36. nationales Verkehrswesen, 69 (1) 56–59. Zimmermann, M., H. P. Braess and U. Weidmann (2017) Novales, M., C. M. Marti, M. Teixeira, D. Schmitt, F. Monti, Modellierung der Bogenatmung in engen Bögen, Eisen- R. Morley and L. Fontaine (2017) Design of safe Light bahntechnische Rundschau, 2017 (4) 81–85.

8.4 Books, published research reports, norms and official guidelines

Bomhauer-Beins, A. (2017) Automation zwischen Unterwerk Nationalstrassen, SN 641 825, Schweizerischer Verband und Schiene: Abschätzung vorhandenen Energiesparpo- der Strassen- und Verkehrsfachleute, Zurich. tentials, final report, IVT, ETH Zurich, Zurich. Menendez, M., L. Sasidharan and L. Ambühl (2017) Network Bomhauer-Beins, A. and U. Weidmann (2017) Verifikati- Safety Management (NSM) for the Canton of Zug, tech- on der Sicherungsanlagen ETCS L2 gegenüber den nical report for the Direction of Safety, Canton of Zug, IVT, politisch-strategischen Vorgaben, final report, IVT, ETH ETH Zurich, Zurich. Zurich, Zurich. Ruesch, M., S. Schneider, A. Diolaiuti, K. Sänger, T. Fumasoli, Levinson, D.M., W. Marshall and K. W. Axhausen (eds.) (2017) P. Khaligh and D. Bruckmann (2017) Multifunktionale Elements of Access: Transport Planning for Engineers – kleine und mittlere Umschlaganlagen, Schlussbericht, Transport Engineering for Planners, Network Design Lab, Schriftenreihe, 1612, UVEK . Sydney. Weidmann, U. and M. Sinner (2017) Automatisierte Bahnpro- Lüking J., K. W. Axhausen, F. Bruns, D. Egger, C. Ferres, duktion: Identifikation der funktionalen Anforderungen J. Häberli, H. Nikolaus, C. Lieb, M. Neumeister and an die Datengrundlagen und Datenflüsse im Hinblick auf D. von Wartburg (2017) Kosten-Nutzen-Analysen im TMS, final report, IVT, ETH Zurich, Zurich. Strassenverkehr: Bewertung der Zuverlässigkeit auf Nationalstrassen und Bemessungsempfehlungen für

58 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge

8.5 Invited contributions in books and proceedings

Axhausen, K. W. (2017) Editorial: Contributions – authorship Kato, H., M. Chikaraishi and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Guest and data, Transportation, 44 (4) 641–642. editors’ note: Built environment and transportation in Bopp, B., H. P. Braess and U. Weidmann (2017) Lückenlos Asian megacities, Asian Transport Studies, 4 (3) 478–480. verschweißte Gleise in kleinen Radien der Meterspur, in Marti, C. M., U. Weidmann and M. Finger (2017) Integration T. Mainka (ed.) EIK 2017 – Eisenbahn Ingenieur Kompendi- des Gesamtsystems öffentlicher Verkehr im regulato- um, 241–258, DVV Media Group, Eurailpress, Hamburg. rischen Kontext, in C. Laesser, T. Bieger and R. Maggi Erath, A., T. Maheshwari, P. J. Fourie and M. A. B. van (eds.) Schweizer Jahrbuch für Verkehr 2016, 77–88, IMP- Eggermond (2017) New ways to understand mobility HSG, St. Gallen. in cities, in S. Cairns and D. Tunas (eds.) Future Cities Negenborn, R. R., D.L. Schott and F. Corman (2017) Port Laboratory: Indicia 01, 122–132, Lars Müller Publishers, equipment and technology, in J. Carlton, P. Jukes and Zurich. Y.-S. Choo (eds.) Encyclopedia of Maritime and Offshore Engineering, DOI: 10.1002/9781118476406.emoe546.

8.6 Dissertations

Dubernet, T. (2017) Explicitly Correlating Agent’s Daily Schwertner, M. (2017) Energetischer Systemvergleich von Plans in a Multiagent Transport Simulation: Towards the Diesel-, Hybrid- und Elektrobussen, PhD Dissertation, Consideration of Social Relationships, PhD Dissertation, ETH Zurich, Zurich. ETH Zurich, Zurich. van Eggermond, M. A. B. (2017) Diversity, Accessibility Fourie, P. J. (2017) Data-Driven Transit Simulation, PhD and its Impact on Vehicle Ownership and Residential Dissertation, ETH Zurich, Zurich. ­Location Choices, PhD Dissertation, ETH Zurich, Zurich. Müller, K. (2017) A Generalized Approach to Population Synthesis, PhD Dissertation, ETH Zurich, Zurich.

8.7 Working and conference papers

Ambühl, L., A. Loder, M. Menendez and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Ambühl, L., A. Loder, M. Menendez and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Performance of dynamic urban traffic allocation, paper Performance of dynamic urban traffic allocation, paper presented at the 17th Swiss Transport Research Confer- presented at the 17th Swiss Transport Research Confer- ence, Ascona, May 2017. ence, Ascona, May 2017. Ambühl, L., A. Loder, H. Becker, M. Menendez and K. W. Ax- Anda, C. and S. A. Ordoñez Medina (2017) Extending the hausen (2017) Evaluating London’s congestion charge: hidden Markov architecture for activity scheduling, pres- An approach using the macroscopic fundamental dia- entation at the 6th Symposium of the European Association gram, Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs- und Raumplanung, 1304, for Research in Transportation, Haifa, September 2017. IVT ETH Zurich, Zurich. Balac, M., M. Janzen and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Alternative Ambühl, L., A. Loder, M. Bliemer, M. Menendez and K. W. Ax- approach to scoring in MATSim and how it affects activity hausen (2017) A functional form for the macroscopic fun- rescheduling, Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs- und Raumpla- damental diagram with a physical meaning, Arbeitsberichte nung, 1267, IVT, ETH Zurich, Zurich. Verkehrs- und Raumplanung, 1306, IVT, ETH Zurich, Zurich. Balsa-Barreiro, J., L. Ambühl, M. Menendez and R. C. Lois Ambühl, L., A. Loder, M. Menendez and K. W. Axhausen (2017) (2017) Representation of the degree of territorial cohesion A case study of Zurich’s two-layered perimeter control, by using travel-time maps from transport infrastructure Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs- und Raumplanung, 1305, IVT, networks, paper presented at the 17th Swiss Transport ETH Zurich, Zurich. Research Conference, Ascona, May 2017.

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Becker, F. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Predicting the use of Corman, F., G. Lodewijks and W. Qu (2017) The real time traf- automated vehicles [First results from the pilot survey], fic control with mixed passenger and freight trains, paper paper presented at the 17th Swiss Transport Research presented at the 7th International Conference on Railway Conference, Ascona, May 2017. Operations Modelling and Analysis, Lille, April 2017. Becker, H., F. Ciari and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Assessing Dakic, I. and M. Menendez (2017) Data fusion algorithm for the impact of large-scale shared mobility systems using the 3D-MFD estimation, paper presented at the 17th MATsim, paper presented at the at the 17th Swiss Trans- Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, May 2017. port Research Conference, Ascona, May 2017. de Martinis, V., F. Corman, A. Toletti and U. Weidmann (2017) Becker, H., F. Ciari and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Modeling How to make freight trains more energy-efficient during free-floating car-sharing use in Switzerland: A spatial operation?, presentation at the 17th Swiss Transport Re- regression and conditional logit approach, paper pre- search Conference, Ascona, May 2017. sented at the 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Dubernet, T., S. Guidon and K. W. Axhausen (2017) An inno- Ascona, May 2017. vative survey to study the impact of joint decisions on the Belgiawan, P. F., A. Ilahi and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Influence characteristics of leisure activities, paper presented at of pricing on mode choice decision in Jakarta: A random the 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, regret minimization model, Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs- und May 2017. Raumplanung, 1268, IVT, ETH Zurich, Zurich. Fuhrer, R. (2017) Constructing a transport hGIS: Does in- Belgiawan, P. F., B. Schmid, I. Dubernet and K. W. Axhausen frastructure follow infrastructure?, presentation at the (2017) Comparison between RUM, RRM variants, and 15th T2M Annual Conference, Lancaster, November 2017. RAM: Swiss SP and RP data sets, paper presented at Guidon, S., M. Wicki, K. W. Axhausen and T. Bernauer (2017) the 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Investigating the relationship between individuals’ social May 2017. networks, mobility behaviour, and social capital –Survey Belgiawan, P. F., I. Dubernet, B. Schmid and K. W. Axhaus- method and first results, paper presented at the 17th en (2017) Context-dependent models (CRRM, MuRRM, Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, May 2017. PRRM, RAM) versus a context-free model (MNL): A com- Gysin, K., L. Sasidharan and M. Menendez (2017) Are round- prehensive comparisons for Swiss and German SP and abouts really safer than intersections?, paper presented RP data sets, Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs- und Raumplanung, at the 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, 1281, IVT, ETH Zurich, Zurich. May 2017. Belgiawan, P. F., I. Dubernet, B. Schmid and K. W. Ax­hausen Harmanci, Y. E., U. Gülan, M. Zimmermann, M. Holzner and (2017) Context-dependent models (CRRM, MuRRM, E. Chatzi (2017) High spatial density vibrational meas- PRRM, RAM) versus a context-free model (MNL): A urements via 3D-particle tracking velocimetry, paper comprehensive comparisons for Swiss and German SP presented at the 4th Conference on Smart Monitoring, and RP data sets, Travel Survey Metadata Series, 70, IVT, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, Zurich, ETH Zurich, Zurich. September 2017. Bosina, E., M. Meeder and U. Weidmann (2017) Pedestrian He, H., M. Menendez and K. Yang (2017) Autonomous vehi- flows on railway platforms, paper presented at the 17th cles for weaving sections, paper presented at the 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, May 2017. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, May 2017. Centulio, G., L. Meng, A. D’Ariano and F. Corman (2017) Hörl, S. (2017) A MATSim scenario for autonomous vehicles Robustness and stability of integrated stochastic opti- in La Défense and Île-de-France, Arbeitsberichte Ver- mization approaches for scheduling trains and railway kehrs- und Raumplanung, 1239, IVT, ETH Zurich, Zurich. infrastructure, paper presented at the 2nd European Con- Hörl, S. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) A methodology for obser- ference on Stochastic Optimization, Rome, September 2017. vation-based measurement of accessibility, Arbeitsbe- Ciari, F., M. Janzen and C. Ziemlicki (2017) Preparing to the richte Verkehrs- und Raumplanung, 1288, IVT, ETH Zurich, vehicle automation era: Which modeling tools do we Zurich. need? Current issues, future challenges, and some ideas Ilahi, A. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Measuring accessibility on how to address them, Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs- und using an activity based model approach in Jabodetabek, Raumplanung, 1234, IVT, ETH Zurich, Zurich. paper presented at the 17th Swiss Transport Research Corman, F., A. D’Ariano, M. Samà and D. Pacciarelli (2017) Conference, Ascona, May 2017. Strategic interactions in passenger-oriented railway Jakob, M., M. Menendez and J. Cao (2017) A dynamic macro- traffic control, paper presented at the 17th Swiss Trans- scopic parking pricing and decision model, SVT Working port Research Conference, Ascona, May 2017. Paper, IVT, ETH Zurich, Zurich.

60 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge

Janzen, M. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Destination and mode the 3rd International Workshop and Symposium on Transit choice in an agent-based simulation of long-distance Data: Research and Applications on the Use of Passive Data travel demand, paper presented at the 17th Swiss Trans- from Public Transport, Santiago de Chile, May 2017. port Research Conference, Ascona, May 2017. Molloy, J. (2017) Improving destination choice modeling us- Leng, N. and U. Weidmann (2017) Discussions of the re- ing location-based big data, paper presented at the 17th schedule process of passengers, train operators and Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, May 2017. infrastructure managers in railway disruptions, paper Nishihara, N., P. F. Belgiawan, J. Kim, J.-D. Schmöcker and presented at the 20th EURO Working Group on Transpor- K. W. Axhausen (2017) Identifying the relationship be- tation Meeting, Budapest, September 2017. tween parents’ and child’s car attitudes: For long-term Leng, N. and U. Weidmann (2017) Multi-objectives of the management of car ownership, paper presented at the passenger oriented disruption management problem, 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, May paper presented at the 7th International Conference on 2017. Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Lille, April Ordóñez Medina, S. A. (2017) Scheduling weekly flexible ac- 2017. tivities in a large-scale multi-agent mobility simulator, Loder, A. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Mobility tools and use: paper presented at the 18th International Conference on Accessibility’s role in Switzerland, Arbeitsberichte Ver- Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Sytems, São Paulo, kehrs- und Raumplanung, 1217, IVT, ETH Zurich, Zurich. Brazil, May 2017. Loder, A., L. Ambühl, M. Menendez and K. W. Axhausen Roca-Riu, M., J. Cao, I. Dakic and M. Menendez (2017) Dy- (2017) Network features and MFD parameters, paper namic delivery parking spots in urban areas, paper pre- presented at the 17th Swiss Transport Research Confer- sented at the 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference, ence, Ascona, May 2017. Ascona, May 2017. Loder, A., L. Ambühl, M. Menendez and K. W. Axhausen Sarlas, G. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) A direct demand mod- (2017) Network features and MFD parameters, paper eling framework for traffic volume and speed prediction, presented at the 17th Swiss Transport Research Confer- paper presented at the 17th Swiss Transport Research ence, Ascona, May 2017. Conference, Ascona, May 2017. Loder, A., L. Ambühl, M. Menendez and K. W. Axhausen Sarlas, G. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) A direct demand mod- (2017) Traffic problems in towns – An empirical analysis eling framework for traffic volume and speed prediction, with macroscopic fundamental diagrams from cities presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Asso- around the world, Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs- und Raum- ciation of Geographers, Boston, April 2017. planung, 1272, IVT, ETH Zurich, Zurich. Sarlas, G. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Mean speed prediction Luan, X., F. Corman, Y. Wang, L. Meng and G. Lodewijks with endogenous volume and spatial autocorrelation: A (2017) Integrated optimization of traffic management and Swiss case study, Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs- und Raum- train control for rail networks, paper presented at the 7th planung, 1275, IVT, ETH Zurich, Zurich. International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling Schmid, B. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Investigating sup- and Analysis, Lille, April 2017. pressed demand effects in a post car world: A latent Mancera, A. and U. Weidmann (2017) Measuring service variable random effects Poisson (LVREP) approach, quality in freight transport networks, paper presented paper presented at the 17th Swiss Transport Research at the 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Conference, Ascona, May 2017. May 2017. Schmid, B., F. Aschauer, I. Rösel, S. Peer, R. Hössinger, R. Marti, C. M. (2017) Can the ‘Glattalbahn’ success story be Gerike, S. Jara-Diaz and K. W. Axhausen (2017) A pooled repeated? Expectations towards the ‘Limmattalbahn’ RP/SP mode, route and destination choice modeling ap- LRT project in Zurich, Switzerland, presentation at the proach to capture the heterogeneity of mode and user 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, type effects in Austria, paper presented at the 5th In- Washington, D.C., January 2017. ternational Choice Modeling Conference, Capetown, April Meeder, M., E. Bosina and U. Weidmann (2017) Autonomous 2017. vehicles: Pedestrian heaven or pedestrian hell?, paper Schramka, F., S. Arisona, M. Joos and A. Erath (2017) De- presented at the 17th Swiss Transport Research Confer- velopment of a virtual reality cycling simulator, paper ence, Ascona, May 2017. presented at the 3rd International Conference on Virtual Menendez, M., L. Ambühl, A. Loder and K. W. Axhausen Reality, Hong Kong, May 2017. (2017) Macroscopic estimation of multimodal traffic us- Sinner, M. and U. Weidmann (2017) The physical limits of ing loop detectors and transit data, paper presented at buses and trains in terms of capacity, paper presented

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at the 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Vitins, B.J. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Extraction and eval- May 2017. uation of transportation network grammars for efficient Smith, A. (2017) Updated mobility analysis: Through MZ2015, planning applications, Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs- und Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs- und Raumplanung, 1309, IVT, Raumplanung, 1302, IVT, ETH Zurich, Zurich. ETH Zurich, Zurich. Weis, C., M. Kowald, K. W. Axhausen, M. Balac and N. Mathys Smith, A., K. Ruzsics and K. W. Axhausen (2017) MZ15 Eng- (2017) The Swiss national stated preference study on lish: Pre-processed micro-census 2015 data, Travel Sur- transport 2015, presentation at the European Conference vey Metadata Series, 65, IVT, ETH Zurich, Zurich. on Mobility Management, Maastricht, May 2017. Sojka, M. (2017) Effect of energy efficient train driving meth- Yang, K., I. Tan and M. Menendez (2017) A reinforcement ods on the railway infrastructure capacity in periodic learning based traffic signal control algorithm in a con- timetable networks, paper presented at the 17th Swiss nected vehicle environment, paper presented at the 17th Transport Research Conference, Ascona, May 2017. Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, May 2017. Toletti, A., V. de Martinis, U. Weidmann and M. Laumanns Zhang, L. and M. Menendez (2017) Influence of urban blocks (2017) Multicriteria train rescheduling using efficient on the road traffic: Analysis of the patterns shape and adaptive epsilon-constraint method, paper presented size by using simulation techniques, paper presented at at the 7th International Conference on Railway Operations the 17th Swiss Transport Research Conference, Ascona, Modelling and Analysis, Lille, April 2017. May 2017. van Thielen, S., F. Corman and P. Vansteenwegen (2017) An Zimmermann, M. and H. P. Braess (2017) Modelling of curve efficient heuristic for real-time train rescheduling and breathing in tight curves, paper presented at Railway En- local rerouting, paper presented at the 7th International gineering 2017, Edinburgh, June 2017. Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, Lille, April 2017.

8.8 Newspaper contributions, interviews and similar

Axhausen, K. W. (2017) Es braucht klare Visionen, Migros- Menendez, M. (2017) Bei Rot abbiegen soll auch für Autos Magazin, 12, 7. erlaubt sein, online interview, Tagesanzeiger, May 2017. Axhausen, K. W. (2017) Was bin ich? Stauforscher, Schweizer Menendez, M. (2017) Traffic management and control in the Familie, 7, 7. city of Zurich, video interview for BBC North West Tonight, Ciari, F. (2017) Es werden einige Verleiher auf der Stecke February 2017. bleiben, interview with F. Schoop, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Menendez, M. (2017) Vorbild USA: Rechts-Abbiegen bei Rot August 2017. soll auch in der Schweiz erlaubt sein, online interview, de Almeida Correia, G.H. and M. Menendez (2017) Editorial: Schweiz am Wochenende, April 2017. Automated and connected vehicles –Effects on traffic, Menendez, M. (2017) Wir müssen unser Mobilitätsverhal- mobility and urban design, International Journal of Trans- ten hinterfragen, online interview, Energie 360° Magazin, portation Science and Technology, 6 (1) iii–iv. November 2017. Fourie, P. J. (2017) Autonomous cars and zero marginal cost Sabanovic, K., S. Wahl and J. Ramseier (2017) Doktoranden­ transport economy, Convergence VC Weekly Podcast, 3. prüfungen via Skype-Call, interview with Professor U. Fuhrer, R. (2017) Constructing a transport hGIS: Does in- Weidmann, Polykum, 2017/2018 (2) 14–15. frastructure follow infrastructure?, abstract for the 15th Weidmann, U. (2017) Die Schweiz und ihre ETH Zürich, T2M Annual Conference, Lancaster, November 2017. speech at the 1. August-Feier 2017 der Quartiervereine Marti, C. M. (2017) Was wir bezogen auf autonome Fahrzeuge Zürich-Unterstrass und -Oberstrass, Zurich, August 2017. zuerst fragen müssen –wie sollen unsere Städte, wie soll unser Land aussehen?, LITRA Informationsdienst für den öffentlichen Verkehr, November 2017.

62 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge

8.9 Public presentations and other invited talks

Allahviranloo, M. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) An optimization Systems in Smart Cities of the Future”, Hong Kong, Oc- model to measure utility of joint and solo activities, poster tober 2017. presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Axhausen, K. W. (2017) More thinking about autonomous Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2017. vehicles: Business models and demand growth, pres- Anda, C. (2017) OD MATSim: Aggregated mobile phone data entation at the TRB Workshop Social and Economic Factors transport simulations, presentation at DataSpark, Sin- in Autonomous and Connected Vehicles”, Washington, D.C., gapore, July 2017. January 2017. Anda, C. (2017) Travel demand generation machine, pres- Axhausen, K. W. (2017) Self Driving Cars: Was könnten au- entation at the 2nd Future Cites Conference / Transactions, tonome Fahrzeuge mit den Verkehrsmärkten machen?, ETH Zurich, Zurich, September 2017. presentation at the UBS Innovation Forum, Ermatingen, Axhausen, K. W. (2016) Data collection / Simulation, pres- October 2017. entation at the NSF Workshop “Advancing the Science of Axhausen, K. W. (2017) Towards an AV future: Key issues, Transportation Demand Modelling”, Berkeley, April 2017. presentation at the Future Urban Mobility Symposium Axhausen, K. W. (2016) How to organise a 100% autonomous 2017, Singapore, July 2017. transport system?, presentation at the University of New- Axhausen, K. W. (2017) Was wird anders? Mobilitätsverhalten castle, Newcastle upon Tyne, May 2017. im Zeitalter automatisierter Fahrzeuge, presentation at Axhausen, K. W. (2017) «Heute»: Herausforderungen – Wel- the MKS-Fachworkshop „Automatisiert und vernetzt: grün ches sind die drängendsten Herausforderungen und wie und günstig im Straßenverkehr der Zukunft?“, Berlin, July lösen wir diese?, presentation at the FSU Zentralkonfe- 2017. renz, , November 2017. Axhausen, K. W. (2017) Wirkungen des automatisierten Axhausen, K. W. (2017) Ansätze zur Modellierung des Ver- Fahrens: Erste Annährungen, presentation for Verkehr kehrsverhaltens, presentation at the „Statistische Woche aktuell: Anforderungen des autonomen Fahrens an Ver- 2017“ der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft, Rostock, kehrstechnik und Verkehrsplanung, Munich, July 2017. September 2017. Axhausen, K. W. (2017) Zur Lage des Verkehrs in Zürich, Axhausen, K. W. (2017) Autonomes Fahren: Auswirkungen presentation at the Gewerbeverband Zürich, Zurich, auf Mobilitätsverhalten und Raumentwicklung, presen- March 2017. tation at the SCCER Seminar „Autonomes Fahren: Tech- Axhausen, K. W. and A. Erath (2017) Between abstraction nologiepotentiale und ihre Bedeutung für Wirtschaft und and hyperrealism: Is there a right point?, presentation Gesellschaft“, Zurich, January 2017. at the TRB ABJ40 Workshop “Use of Visualization in Stated Axhausen, K. W. (2017) Chances and impacts of autonomous Preference Surveys”, Washington D.C., January 2017. vehicles, presentation at the CASA Seminar, University Becker, H. (2017) Cost-based analysis of autonomous vehi- College, London, September 2017. cle services, presentation at the KAPSARC Workshop on Axhausen, K. W. (2017) Green Class und seine Wirkung, pre- Drivers of Transportation Fuel Demand, Tysons Corner, sentation at the SBB Pressekonferenz, Berne, June 2017. April 2017. Axhausen, K. W. (2017) How many cars are too many? An Belgiawan, P. F., I. Dubernet, B. Schmid and K. W. Axhausen update, presentation at the 17th COTA International Con- (2017) Context-dependent models comparisons: Swiss ference of Transportation Professionals, Shanghai, July and German SP, RP data sets, presentation at the Work- 2017. shop on Discrete Choice Models, EPFL, Lausanne, June Axhausen, K. W. (2017) How to capture travel? New ideas 2017. and results, presentation at the ITS University of Leeds, Bosina, E. (2017) Grundlagen des Personenflusses und der Leeds, May 2017. Dimensionierung von Fussgängeranlagen, presentation Axhausen, K. W. (2017) Learning from smart cards: Lessons at the SBB Kurs Integrierter öffentlicher Verkehr, Löwen- from Singapore, presentation at the seminar “Bringing berg/Murten, September 2017. New Types of Data Closer into Practice in Transport Plan- Ciari, F. (2017) La mobilité du futur: véhicules autonomes et ning and Modelling”, KTH, Stockholm, October 2017. économie du partage, presentation at the Conférence des Axhausen, K. W. (2017) MATSim, presentation at the Re- responsables des services de la protection contre le bruit, source System Group, White Water Junction, April 2017. Olten, May 2017. Axhausen, K. W. (2017) Mobility in smart cities of the future, Ciari, F. (2017) Sharing as a key to rethink urban mobility: presentation at the Conference for “Mobility and Energy Investigating and modeling innovative transport systems,

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 63 Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge

presentation at the International Forum on Electric Vehicle Meeder, M., T. Aebi and U. Weidmann (2017) The influence Pilot Cities and Industrial Development, Bejing, June 2017. of slopes on walking activity, presentation at the 20th Ciari, F. (2017) Simulating shared automated vehicle fleets: EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, Buda- What can be done with MATSim, current limitations, and pest, September 2017. modeling challenges, presentation at the Workshop on Menendez, M. (2017) Advances in perimeter control: Incor- Smart Mobility: Safe and Connected Automation in Road porating new data sources or different transport modes, Transport, Luxembourg, June 2017. presentation at Advances in Coordinated Traffic Control, Conway, M. V. and M. A. B. van Eggermond (2017) A statistical TRAIL and TU Delft, Delft, October 2017. approach to comparing public transport accessibility re- Menendez, M. (2017) Becoming a smart city: Swiss and sults, presentation at the World Symposium on Transport Turkish approach, invited presentation at the Business and Land Use Research, Brisbane, July 2017. Luncheon, Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Turkey, Istan- de Martinis, V. (2017) Energy efficiency in rail operation: bul, April 2017. From train driving to railway traffic control, presenta- Menendez, M. (2017) Flexible multimodal strategies in urban tion at the Energy Systems in Transition and Sustainable areas, presentation at the invited seminar at IFSTTAR, Mobility, Lausanne and Zurich, June and July 2017. Lyon, November 2017. Erath, A. (2017) Engaging virtual reality for transport planning: Menendez, M. (2017) Improving multimodal operations with Applications in Singapore, presentation at the Institute for the aid of new technologies and information sources, Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds, May 2017. presentation at the Conference on Transportation Systems, Erath, A. and M. A. B. van Eggermond (2017) Engaging virtual EPFL, Lausanne, February 2017. reality for transport planning: Applications in Singapore, Menendez, M. (2017) Local and network control strategies presentation at a seminar at TU Delft, Delft, May 2017. in a connected vehicle environment, presentation at the He, H. (2017) Implementing flexible sharing strategies on Control Seminar Series, ETHZ, Zurich, May 2017. urban network arterials and perimeters, presentation at Menendez, M. (2017) Macroscopic estimation of multimodal the Seminar Series, Pennsylvania State University, State traffic using loop detectors and transit data, presentation College, July 2017. at the 3rd International Workshop and Symposium on Tran- He, H. (2017) Management and control of urban multimod- sit Data: Research and Applications on the Use of Passive al transportation systems – The use of flexible sharing Data from Public Transport, Santiago de Chile, May 2017. strategies, presentation at the Seminar Series, University Menendez, M. (2017) Modeling unimodal and multimodal of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, July 2017. urban networks: A macroscopic perspective, presenta- Hörl, S. (2017) Agent-basierte Simulation selbstfahrender tion at the Workshop on Smart Mobility, Bourglinster, June Fahrzeuge: Eine Fallstudie für Zürich, presentation at 2017. the ASTRA / ETH Tagung 2017, Zurich, November 2017. Menendez, M. (2017) Multimodal strategies at the local, Hörl, S. (2017) The IVT baseline scenario: Current version corridor, and network level: Using connected vehicles and outlook, presentation at the MATSim Special Session, for traffic monitoring and control, presentation at the Haifa, September 2017. invited seminar at the NYUAD and the NYU, Abu Dhabi Janzen, M. (2017) Population synthesis for long-distance and New York, February and March 2017. travel demand simulations, presentation at the 6th Menendez, M. (2017) Multimodal traffic monitoring, mod- Symposium of the European Association for Research in eling, and control in a world with connected and auto- Transportation, Haifa, September 2017. mated vehicles, presentation at the Faculty Candidate Loder, A., L. Ambühl, M. Menendez and K. W. Axhausen Seminar, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, (2017) The MFD and the built environment: A new per- January 2017. spective on traffic problems in towns, presentation at the Menendez, M. (2017) Multimodal transport engineering re- 6th Symposium of the European Association for Research search: What the future holds, presentation at the UNSW, in Transportation, Haifa, September 2017. Sydney, July 2017. Maheshwari, T. (2017) Urban form and automated flows, Menendez, M. (2017) Multimodal transportation in the presentation at the Automated Vehicles Symposium and presence of new technologies and information sources, the 2nd Future Cites Conference / Transactions, San Fran- presentation at the NEC Laboratories Europe, Heidelberg, cisco and Zurich, July and September 2017. August 2017. Meeder, M. (2017) Autonomous vehicles: What about the Menendez, M. (2017) Smart parking: How much more can pedestrians?, presentation at the 2017 Annual Polis Con- we get out of it?, invited presentation at the Roland Müller ference, Brussels, December 2017. Küsnacht AG Dialog-Apéro, Zurich, June 2017.

64 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge

Menendez, M. (2017) Traffic management and control: Re- delivery, presentation at the Annual Workshop of the EURO search and education, presentation at the Swiss Turkish Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimiza- Business Council, Zurich, March 2017. tion, Amsterdam, July 2017. Molloy, J. and K. W. Axhausen (2017) Using high resolution van Eggermond, M. A. B. and P. J. Fourie (2017) Infrastruc- passive mobile positioning data in transport models – ture, presentation at the Urban Spatial Reasoning Course, Aims, challenges and current progress, presentation at Yale-NUS, Singapore, May 2017. the Workshop on Data Processing and Analytics of Smart- Wei, L. and H. He (2017) Unlock the sharing economy for the phone and GPS Data, Tartu, September 2017. parking sector, presentation at the Winners’ Mentoring Nazemi, M. (2017) Cyclists’ perceived safety and its impact Workshop at the 12th ITS European Congress, Strasbourg, on bicycle mode choice, presentation and poster at the June 2017. 2nd Future Cites Conference / Transactions, ETH Zurich, Weidmann, U. (2017) Die Bahn im Spannungsfeld künfti- Zurich, September 2017. ger Mobilitätsangebote: Workshop, presentation at the Nazemi, M. (2017) Engaging virtual reality, presentation at Deutsche Bahn AG, Konzernbevollmächtigter für Baden- the Archifest 2017, FCL, SEC, Singapore, October 2017. Württemberg, Stuttgart, December 2017. Ordóñez Medina, S. A. (2017) Simulating work-leisure cy- Weidmann, U. (2017) ETH Zürich: Ein Motor für Basels glo- cles in large scale scenarios: Models and implemen- bale Vernetzung, presentation at the Rotary Club, Basle, tation, presentation at the 2nd International Workshop November 2017. on Agent-based Modelling of Urban Systems, São Paulo, Weidmann, U. (2017) Flughäfen: ÖV-Knotenpunkte und städ- May 2017. tische Zentren, presentation at the Sessionsveranstaltung Roca-Riu, M., E. Fernandez and M. G. Speranza (2017) Col- LITRA / parlamentarische Gruppe für Luft- und Raumfahrt, laboration through shared-customers in last-mile urban Berne, June 2017.

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 65 Personal, Ausstattung und Finanzen 9 Personal, Ausstattung und Finanzen 9 Personal, Ausstattung und Finanzen

66 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 9.1 Eintritte – Austritte – Gesamtzahl Mitarbeiter

New responsibilities found: In 2017 joined IVT have:

E. Ringer, Dr. L. ­Sasidharan, Dr. F. Ciari, Dr. A. Erath, Prof. Dr. F. Corman, B. Büchel, A. Marra, J. ­Molloy, Dr. T. F­ umasoli, Dr. Q. Ge, Dr. K. Müller, K. Ruzsics, Th. Schatzmann, Ch. Tchervenkov, K. Ruzsics, Dr. A. Mancera S­ ugrañes, Dr. M. Schwertner M. Zimmermann

At the turn of the year 2017 the Institute had 99 Employees, which is an expression of the strength of our research program.

Student assistants 2017

Name Work agreement Name Work agreement

Aktüre Melis spring and fall Räth Yves Marc fall

Alber Simone spring and fall Rehli Valentin spring and fall

Brütsch Silvio Reto spring and fall Riegel Jonas spring

Burchard Pascal Georg fall Robmann Niamh Malin spring and fall

Cemre Balaban spring Said Haji Abukar spring

Duelli Luca spring and fall Scherer Andreas Thomas fall

Egger Cyril fall Schümperlin Oliver spring and fall

Gracki Mateusz spring and fall Senn Pascal Simon spring

Grosjean Juri spring and fall Thonig Max Richard fall

Guggisberg Bicudo Davi spring and fall Tilg Gabriel Johannes spring

Hanimann David spring and fall Trachsel Jan Dominic fall

Hersche Jeannine Monika fall Viguera Andreu Ana-Caterina spring

Hohenfellner Moritz Michael Rudolf spring Wang Biyu spring and fall

Jonusyte Indre fall Weber Andrea Tatjana spring and fall

Liach Daria spring Weber Sarah spring and fall

Liu Jiani fall Wilkes Gabriel Josef Ernesto Leo spring

Meyer de Freitas Lucas spring and fall Winkler Thomas spring and fall

Nève Pierre fall

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 67 Personal, Ausstattung und Finanzen

Visitors and sabbatical stays

Title Name Place of Origin Duration at IVT (from–to)

doctor Balsa Barreiro Jose University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain 01. 08. 16 – 31.08.17

doctor Benarbia Taha University of Oran 2, Algeria 01. 09. 17 – 30.09.18

guest professor Bliemer Michiel Cornelis University of Sydney, Australia 01. 04. 17 – 30.06.17 Johannes

guest professor Garrick Norman Washington University of Connecticut, USA 01. 09. 17 – 31.05.18

doctoral student Gogola Marlan Zilinska University, Slovakia 08. 03. 17 – 15.03.17

doctoral student Huang Yizhe School of Naval Architecture and Civil Engineering, 01. 11. 17 – 30.11.18 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

doctoral student Ilahi Augrah Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia 01. 10. 16 – 01.10.20

exchange student Kaneko Noriko Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan 20. 08. 17 – 31.01.18

doctoral student Kun Gao Tongi University, China 01. 10. 17 – 30.09.18

doctoral student Li Aoyong Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China 01. 09. 17 – 30.09.21

exchange student Lunardi Alice University of Trieste, Italy 01. 10. 17 – 31.01.18

doctor Prawira Belgiawan Fajarindra Kyoto University, Japan 07. 09. 16 – 30.09.17

internship Smith Abigail Joanne University of Texas at Austin, USA 01. 06. 17 – 11.08.17

doctoral student Torres Palacios Fernando Hasselt Universität in Diepenbeek, Belgium 06. 02. 17 – 02.06.17

doctoral student Yamaguchi Hiromichi Tohoku University, Japan 23. 01. 17 – 24.03.17

doctoral student Zhang Lingxuan Southwest Jiaotong University, China 20. 09. 16 – 30.09.17

doctoral student Zhang Mengmeng The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China 13. 09. 17 – 31.01.18

Doktorand Torres Palacios Fernando Hasselt Universität in Diepenbeek, Belgium 06. 02. 17 – 02.06.17

Doktorand Yamaguchi Hiromichi Tohoku University, Japan 23. 01. 17 – 24.03.17

Doktorand Zhang Lingxuan Southwest Jiaotong University, China 20. 09. 16 – 30.09.17

Doktorand Zhang Mengmeng The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China 13. 09. 17 – 31.01.18

68 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Personal, Ausstattung und Finanzen

9.2 Ausstattung

Gruppe Verkehrssysteme

Das Eisenbahnbetriebslabor (EBL) des IVT ist schon seit zwecks ausgewogener Vorbereitung der Studierenden auf 1955, als die ersten Teile der heutigen Anlage im Signal­ die zukünftige Berufslaufbahn, als praxisorientierte Ergän- labor der ETH Zürich – damals noch im Dachgeschoss des zung zur ansonsten theorielastigen Hochschulausbildung. Hauptgebäudes – aufgebaut wurden, ein Kernstück der Die externen Partner nutzen die Anlage zur Ausbildung Aus- und Weiterbildung von Studierenden. Besonders gut und Schulung ihres eigenen Personals, welches später für ist das EBL geeignet, um anschaulich ein Grundverständnis den Zugverkehr in der Schweiz verantwortlich sein (Zug­ für die Zusammenhänge im komplexen System Bahn zu verkehrs­leiter der SBB) oder sich mit der Bahnautoma- vermitteln. tions- und Sicherungstechnik (Siemens) beschäftigen wird.

2011 wurde die letzte umfassende Erweiterung und Moder- Das IVT betreut jedes Jahr hunderte Besucher aus den nisierung der gesamten Anlage einschliesslich Ergänzung Bereichen Studierende (ETH/andere schweizerische Hoch- modernster Stellwerks- und Fahrzeugsteuerungstechnik schulen) und Schulungsteilnehmer; zudem organisiert es abgeschlossen. Seither wird sie in Zusammenarbeit mit diverse Exkursionen für Fach- und andere externe Be- den Schweizerischen Bundesbahnen (SBB) und Siemens sucher (siehe Tabelle 1). Daneben besuchen mit SBB und Schweiz AG betrieben und kontinuierlich auf dem neusten Siemens jährlich zusätzlich weitere rund 700 Personen Stand der (Betriebsleit-)Technik gehalten. Sie ist deswegen das EBL. eine der modernsten und – trotz ihrer geringen Grösse – komplexesten Anlagen in der Schweiz. Die seit 2011 eingesetzte kontinuierliche Instandhaltung der Anlage bringt einen wesentlichen Mehrwert für die In der universitären Ausbildung wird das EBL in verschie- Nutzer, vor allem einen nahezu ideal störungsfreien Be- denen Kursen genutzt, um den Studierenden den Aufbau trieb; die Verfügbarkeit ist seit 2012 beständig auf sehr des Systems Bahn näherzubringen. Gleichzeitig dient es, hohem Niveau (siehe Tabelle 2).

Personenkreis 2014 2015 2016 2017

Fachbesucher und Privatpersonen 666 413 417 422

ETH-Studierende 57 69 48 121

Externe Schulungsteilnehmer 62 72 59 49

Gesamt 785 554 524 590

Tab. 1: Betreute Besucher im EBL.

Betriebsjahr Verfügbarkeit Verfügbarkeit ohne planmässige Wartungstage

2012 73,0 % 91,3 %

2013* 67,9 % 84,9 %

2014 75,3 % 94,1 %

2015 76,3 % 95,4 %

2016 77,9 % 97,4 %

2017 78,6 % 98,2 %

Tab. 2: Verfügbarkeit des EBL; * mehrwöchige Sperrung wegen Umbau der Belüftungsanlage

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 69 Personal, Ausstattung und Finanzen

Um diese hohe Verfügbarkeit der Anlage zu gewährleisten, ist keine wesentliche Reduktion der Nutzung erforderlich; die Anlage wird im Durchschnitt an über 70 % der Arbeits- tage eines Jahres betrieben (vgl. Figure 14).

Fig. 14: Nutzung des EBL.

70 IVT Jahresbericht 2017 Personal, Ausstattung und Finanzen

9.3 Finances

The annual budget of the IVT was 3.5 mio SFr, of which This broad base of ETH and external funds gives the only about 20 % were from third parties. This unusually Institute its stability and academic independence. The low share was to be expected, as Prof. Corman was just third party funding creates a substantial number of further starting to build up his group and Dr. Menendez had stopped posts, which not only conduct research, but benefit the applying for funding given her new appointment elsewhere. teaching of the IVT.

Still, as before the IVT is drawing on a wide range of sponsors: – Swiss National Fund (SNF) – KTI Fund – Transport research of the Federal Road Office (ASTRA) (VSS, SVI) – ETH internal grants – Industry

IVT funds

Source of funds 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 to 2017 average

ETH staff funds 3 015 300 2 990 000 2 453 000 2 521 000 2 745 000

ETH operational funds 172 000 179 000 169 000 156 000 169 000

ETH computing funds 72 000 74 000 73 000 83 200 76 000

Third party funds * 2 323 100 1 593 000 2 620 400 746 400 1 821 000

Total 5 582 400 4 836 000 5 315 400 3 506 600 4 811 000

Share of third party funds 38 %

* Third party funds by group 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 to 2017 average

Transport planning 1 167 702 855 010 1 753 324 505 762 1 071 000

Transport systems 1 038 596 633 325 261 868 74 000 502 000

Traffic engineering 116 800 104 657 605 214 166 650 249 000

Total third party funds 2 323 098 1 592 992 2 620 406 746 412

IVT Jahresbericht 2017 71 Impressum

Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme (IVT) ETH Zürich Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5 CH-8093 Zürich Telefon: +41 44 633 39 43 Telefax: +41 44 633 10 57 [email protected]

März 2018

Kurzfassung Dieser Jahresbericht beschreibt die Aktivitäten des IVT im Jahr 2017

Bildnachweis Mitarbeiterfotos: Günter Bolzern Kapitelillustrationen und Umschlagsbild: © Michael Schwertner Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme Jahresbericht 2017